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  • 7/31/2019 Qlogic Solaris x86


    Symmetrix Fibre Channel with QlogicQLA2200F-EMC Host Bus Ada pters in theSola ris X86 Environment

    Rev 4, Oc tobe r 2000

  • 7/31/2019 Qlogic Solaris x86


    2 Sym me trix Fibre C ha nne l with QLA2200F-EMC HBAs o n So laris X86 Hosts

    Copyright 2000 EMC Co rporation. All righ ts reserved .

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    The information contained in this document is subject to change withoutnotice. EMC Corporation assu mes n o respon sibility for any errors th at m ayappear.

    All computer software programs, including but not limited to microcode,described in this docum ent are fur nished u nd er a license, and m ay be used orcopied only in a ccorda nce with th e terms of such license. EMC either ow ns or

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    EMC Corporation m akes no warran ties, expressed or im plied, by operation oflaw or otherwise, relating to this document, the p rodu cts or the comp utersoftware p rogram s d escribed herein. EMC CORPORATION DISCLAIMSALL IMPLIED WA RRANTIES OF MERCH AN TIBILITY AN D FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE. In no event shall EMC Corporation be liable for(a) inciden tal, ind irect, special, or consequ ential dam ages or (b) any da mages

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    Trademark Information

    EMC2 (the EMC logo), EMC,M OSAIC:2000, and Symmetr ix are registered trade marks , and EMC Enterp rise

    Storage, EMC Storage Logic, Celerra, Connectr ix, CopyPoint, DataReach, Extend ed-Online, FarPoint,InfoMover, PowerPath , SDMS, SRDF, TimeFind er, The EMC Effect, and The Enterpr ise Storage Comp anyare tradem arks of EMC Corporation.

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    All other trademarks used herein are the properties of their respective owners.

  • 7/31/2019 Qlogic Solaris x86


    3Sym me trix Fibre C ha nne l with QLA2200F-EMC HBAs on So laris X86 Hosts


    IntroductionThis d ocument d escribes the p rocedu res for installing a Qlogic

    QLA2200F-EMC host bus adapter (HBA) into a Solaris X86

    (version 7) host and configuring the host for connection to EMC

    Symmetrix over Fibre Channel arbitrated loop or fabric.

    Check the EMC Host Sup port Matrix for the latest information on

    approved connectivity equipment.

    This d ocu ment inclu des the following sections:

    A rbitrated Loop Configurations on page 4 Contains steps th at are

    requ ired if you are installing a QLA2200F-EMC H BA into a

    Solaris X86 host that w ill connect to Symm etrix over Fibre

    Channel arbitrated loop.

    Fabric Configurations on page 23 Contains steps that are

    requ ired if you are installing a QLA2200F-EMC H BA into a

    Solaris X86 host that w ill connect to Symm etrix over Fibre

    Channel fabric.

  • 7/31/2019 Qlogic Solaris x86


    4 Sym me trix Fibre C ha nne l with QLA2200F-EMC HBAs o n So laris X86 Hosts

    Arbitrated Loop Configurations

    Arbitrated Loop ConfigurationsThis section describes the procedures required to install one or more

    Qlogic QLA2200F-EMC ho st bu s ad ap ters into a Solaris 7 X86 host

    and configure th e host for Symm etrix Fibre Chann el arbitrated loop.

    Setup Checklist The following is a step-by-step checklist of the procedures used tointegrate a Solaris X86 host with the Symmetrix using the Qlogic

    QLA2200F-EMC HBA in an FC-AL environ m ent. Each step in clud esreferences to th e sp ecific proced ures. Follow these steps in order, to

    ensure proper HBA setup.

    This installation should be performed only by personnel having a basic

    know ledge of Solaris X86 system adm inistration.

    Step Done?

    1 Before beginning configur ation to integrate the Solaris 7 X86 with the

    Sym metrix, ensure that all hardw are and patch configurations are

    EMC-qualified. Obtain all EMC-qualified configurations from your EMC

    custom er rep resentative. Verify th e followin g:

    n / a

    a. The host server is EMC-qualified.

    b. The hub (if required) is EMC-qualified.

    c. The patch configuration for the Solaris 7 X86 host is EMC-qualified.

    2 Verify that the QLA2200F-EMC HBA is installed in the Solaris X86 host

    system, and that the Symmetrix is connected to the HBA, either directly or

    through a hub.

    a. For information on installing the HBA, refer to the Qlogic H ardware

    Install Guide QLA 2000/2000F/2100/2100F/ 2200/2200.

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    5Sym me trix Fibre C ha nne l with QLA2200F-EMC HBAs on So laris X86 Hosts

    Arbitrated Loop Configurations

    3 Boot the host and verify the correct HBA BIOS version (1.59) and firm ware

    settings. Up grad e th e H BA BIOS if necessary.

    n/ a

    a. To verify the BIOS version, refer to Verifying the Correct HBA BIOS

    Version on page 6.

    b. To verify the firmw are settings, refer to Sett ing the Firmware Variables

    on page 7.

    c. To u pgrad e the HBA BIOS, refer to Upgrading HBA Firmware/BIOS on

    page 8.

    4 Use th e scan utility function of the HBA firmware utility to verify that the

    HBA "sees" the Symmetrix. (Refer to Scanning for the Symmetrix on an HBA

    BIOS Level on page 9.)

    5 Obtain the latest EMC-app roved disk image driver for the

    QLA2200F-EMC HBA; then create a d river installation d iskette and installthe d river into the h ost:

    n/ a

    a. To obtain the latest disk image driver, refer to Obtaining the QLA 2200

    Driver D isk Im age Driv eron p age 11.

    b. To create a driver diskette, refer to Creatin g the Driver Diskett e on

    page 12.

    c. To install the driver, refer to Installing or Upgrading t he HBA Driver

    from a D iskette on page 12.

    6 C on fig u re t h e d r iv e r file /kernel/drv/qla2200.confby creating an instance

    number for each HBA for all variables, and verifying all settings:

    n/ a

    a. To verify that there is an HBA instance nu mber for every setting in

    qla2200.conf, refer to Driv er Configuration in the qla2200.conf File on

    page 14.

    b. To verify that all settings are configured properly, refer to Variable

    Settings on p age 15.

    Step Done?

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    6 Sym me trix Fibre C ha nne l with QLA2200F-EMC HBAs o n So laris X86 Hosts

    Arbitrated Loop Configurations

    HBA BIOS- Leve lConfigurations

    Setup Checklist step 3

    After installing all QLA2200F-EMC H BAs into the host, follow these

    steps for each QLA2200F-EMC. There are some redundant settings

    between the firmw are utility and the d river configuration file

    (QLA2200.conf). However, the driver configuration variable settings

    sup ersede the correspond ing settings in firmw are utility.

    Verifying the CorrectHBA BIOS Version

    Setup Checklist step 3a

    HBA BIOS version 1.59 is required. You can determine the HBA BIOS

    version at boot time from the QLA2200 banner or from the QLA2200

    Fast!Util Optio ns m e n u .

    To determine the HBA BIOS version from the QLA2200 banner,

    boot the h ost and wa tch for the Q LA2200F banner (show n in

    Figure 1). The b ann er d isapp ears qu ickly, so w atch carefully.

    If the ROM BIOS version is not 1.59, upgrade the HBA BIOS as

    described under Upgrading HBA Firmware/BIOS on page 8.

    If the ROM BIOS version is 1.59, continu e to Setting the

    Firmware V ariables on page 7.

    Figure 1 QLA2200F-EMC Ba nner Exa mp le

    7 Ver ify t ha t th e fo llo win g sy stem files are co nfig ur ed p ro p er ly : n / a

    a. /kernel/drv/sd.conf. Refer to /kernel/drv/sd.confon p age 19.

    b. /etc/system. Refer to /etc/system on page 22.

    After steps 1 through 7 are comp lete and the system h as been rebooted, you w ill be able

    to see all Symmetrix devices in the /dev/rdsk/d irectory. For a list of all targets an d

    LUNs recognized by the host, issue the format command.

    Step Done?

    Qlogic Corporation

    QLA2200 PCI Fibre Channel ROM BIOS Version 1.59

    Copyright Qlogic Corporation 1993-1999 All rights reserved

    Press for Fast!UTILwww.qlogic.com

  • 7/31/2019 Qlogic Solaris x86


    7Sym me trix Fibre C ha nne l with QLA2200F-EMC HBAs on So laris X86 Hosts

    Arbitrated Loop Configurations

    To determine the HBA BIOS version from the QLA2200 Fast!Util

    Options menu:

    a. Boot the host. As soon as the QLA2200F banner (Figure 1)

    appears, press ALT-Q to display the Fast!Util Op tions m e n u .

    b. Select Configuration Settings from the m enu.

    c. Select Host Adapter Settings from th e Configuration Settings

    m e n u .

    d . U n d e r Host Adapter Settings , note the BIOS Version:> If the version is not 1.59, up grad e th e H BA BIOS as

    described under Upgrading HBA Firmware/BIOS on page 8,

    then go to Setting the Firmw are Variables on page 7.

    > If the version is 1.59, continue to Setting t he Firmware

    Variables on page 7.

    Setting the Firmwa reVariables

    Setup Checklist step 3b

    This procedure assum es that you are already in Fast!Util. If you are

    not, boot the host, and as soon as the QLA2200F banner (see Figure 1

    on page 6) app ears, press ALT-Q to display the Fast!Util Optio ns

    m e n u .

    1. From the Fast!Util Optio ns m enu , select Configuration Settings.

    2. O n t he Configuration Settings menu, select Restore De fault


    3. O n t he Configuration Settings menu, select Advanced Adapter

    Settings .

    4. Change the setting for Execution Throttle to 20.

    5. Change the setting for Luns Per Targe t to 128. (The factory setting

    is 8, but this m ust be changed to u tilize all 128 LUNs available

    from the Symmetrix.)6. P re ss ESC to return to the Configuration Settings m e n u .

    7. O n t he Configuration Settings menu, select Extended Firmware

    Settings .

    8. Change the setting for Connection Options to 0.

    9. P re ss ESC twice and save all changes.

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    8 Sym me trix Fibre C ha nne l with QLA2200F-EMC HBAs o n So laris X86 Hosts

    Arbitrated Loop Configurations

    10. Reboot and use the Fibre Disk utility to verify the disk media, as

    described under Scann ing for the Sy mm etrix on an H BA BIOS Level

    on page 9.

    Upgrading HBAFirmwa re/ BIOS

    Setup Checklist step 3c

    This section conta ins inform ation sp ecific to creating H BA BIOS

    installation d isks and up grad ing the BIOS to a host bu s ad apter. This

    procedure is necessary only if you n eed to upgrad e the

    QLA2200F-EMC BIOS ver sion. (Refer to Verifying t he Correct H BA

    BIOS Version on page 6.)

    Create an Installation Diskette:

    To create a QLA2200 BIOS installation diskette, follow these steps:

    1. Contact your EMC custom er representative to obtain the HBA

    BIOS. The latest version m ight b e available on the Qlogic web site,

    as described in the steps below:

    a. Access this website: http://www/qlogic.com.b. ClickDriver Dow nloads.

    c. Scroll to the bottom of the Qlogic Drivers License Agreement

    and click Use Qlogic D rivers/Software.

    d. ClickEMC Approved Drivers.

    e. ClickEMC A pproved QLA22xx D rive rs.

    f. ClickLink to ROM BIOS in the ROM BIOS v1.59 section.

    g. Save the file as c:\ 22emc03bios159.zip.

    2. The file is a self-extracting ZIP file that m ust b e extracted to a

    bootable diskette drive, as follows:

    a. Open any DOS window.

    b. At the DOS promp t, type cd \ ENTER, to go to the root


    c. Type 22emc03bios159 a: ENTER.

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    9Sym me trix Fibre C ha nne l with QLA2200F-EMC HBAs on So laris X86 Hosts

    Arbitrated Loop Configurations

    Upgrade the BIOS

    After the QLA2200-EMC H BA is in stalled in an EMC-qu alified h ost,

    complete the following steps to upgrade the HBA BIOS:

    1. Insert the BIOS up grade installation d iskette into the d iskette


    2. Reboot the host.

    3. After the host has rebooted, a DOS prom pt ap pears. Typ e

    Ql2xutil /L /F ENTER.

    The HBA BIOS upgrade might take a few minutes.

    4. After the up grad e is comp lete, remove the diskette and reboot the

    host. During boot-up, the QLA2200F banner (see Figu re 1 on

    page 6) should display BIOS Version 1.59.

    Sca nning for theSymme trix on a nHBA BIOS Level

    Setup Checklist step 4

    Before running Solaris 7 X86, it is prudent to verify that Symmetrix

    dev ices are seen on an H BA BIOS level. The QLA2200 has a bu ilt in

    utility to verify connection to the Symmetrix port, and also to verify

    an ind ividual Symmetrix device.

    To v erify that the H BA can "see" the Sym metrix, use the Fibre Disk

    utility to scan and verify d isk med ia.

    1. U n d er t h e Fast!UTIL Optio ns menu, select FIBRE D ISK


    This step assumes that you are already in Fast!Util. If you a re not, boot

    the h ost, and as soon a s the QLA2200F bann er (see Figur e 1) app ears,

    press ALT-Q to display the Fast!Util Options menu.

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    10 Sym me trix Fibre C ha nne l with QLA2200F-EMC HBAs o n So laris X86 Hosts

    Arbitrated Loop Configurations

    2. You should see SYMMETRIX in a Fibre Channel device list of all

    possible 125 targets, as shown below. (Page down if necessary to

    display all targets in the list.)

    IfSYMMETRIX app ears in the list, go to step 3.

    IfSYMMETRIX does n ot ap pear in the list, verify the following,

    then start th is procedu re again at step 1:

    that th e correct Symm etrix p ort is connected to the host that the Sym metrix is on line

    that the cables are not d am aged

    3. Use the arrow keys to highlight SYMMETRIX from the list of

    targets, then press ENTER.

    4. A list of LUNs app ears. Select any LUN from the list.

    5. A Disk Utility Options menu appears. Select VERIFY D ISK



    7. After m edia verification has comp leted:

    If the message Media Verification Complete app ears, press

    ESC repeatedly to exit Fast!Util and reboot the host, then

    continue with Installing the HBA Driveron page 11.

    If the med ia verification fails, verify:

    > that the Hard Loop IDs are un ique between the host bus

    adapter and the Symmetrix.

    > that the cables and connectors are not damaged.


    EMC SYMMETRIX 01000006048___

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    11Sym me trix Fibre C ha nne l with QLA2200F-EMC HBAs on So laris X86 Hosts

    Arbitrated Loop Configurations

    Installing the HBA


    Setup Checklist step 5

    The Solaris X86 operating sy stem interface to th e Symm etrix Fibre

    Chann el director requires H BA driver software. The d river functions

    at a layer below the Solaris SCSI driver to present Fibre Channel

    dev ices to the op erating system as if they w ere stand ard SCSI dev ices.

    Refer to th e release notes provided with the current d river for

    information that ma y be unique to new d river revisions. The dr iver

    is in a d isk im age format an d mu st be copied to a diskette before

    driver installation.

    Ob taining theQLA2200 Driver Disk

    Image Driver

    Setup Checklist step 5a

    The EMC-approved QLA2220 driver can be obtained from the EMC

    release media CD or from the Qlogic Web site. Contact your EMC

    Customer service representative for the Qlogic driver release


    To c opy the EMC -a pproved driver from the relea se m e dia:1. Insert the EMC release med ia into the CD drive, then log in as


    2. Ty p e volcheck ENTER, to ensure that the volume manager

    scans for a n ewly inserted CD.

    3. Ty p e cd /cdrom/solaris/x86/5.7/ ENTER, to go to the

    proper d river directory on the CD.

    4. From the/cd rom/solaris/ x86/5.7/ d irectory, typ e

    cp du2200.Z /tmp ENTER, to copy the d isk im age driver to the

    /tmp directory.

    5. Proceed to Creatin g the Driver Diskett e on page 12.

    To obtain the EMC -a pproved driver from the Qlogic We b site:

    1. Accesshttp://www/qlogic.com

    .2. ClickDriver Down loads.

    3. Scroll to the bottom of the Qlogic Drivers License Agreemen t

    and click Use Qlogic D rivers/Software.

    4. ClickEMC Approved Drivers.

    5. ClickEMC A pproved QLA22xx D rive rs.

    6. Click the link correspond ing to the EMC-app roved Solaris 7X86 driver for QLA2200 version 3.01.

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    12 Sym me trix Fibre C ha nne l with QLA2200F-EMC HBAs o n So laris X86 Hosts

    Arbitrated Loop Configurations

    7. Save the comp ressed d isk image driver file as /tmp/du2200.Z.

    8. Proceed to Creatin g the Driver Diskett e.

    Creating the DriverDiskette

    Setup Checklist step 5b

    1. Copy EMC-approved version 3.01 driver du2200.Z to the /tmp


    2. From the /tmp directory, typ e uncompress du2200.Z ENTER, to

    un com press a d isk image of the d river.

    3. From the /tmp directory, typ e /etc/init.d/volmgt stop ENTER,

    to stop the Volume Manager.

    4. From the /tmp directory, typ e

    dd if=du2200 of=/dev/rdiskette0 ENTER, to transfer the DU

    diskette image file to a diskette.

    5. Proceed to Installing or Upgrading t he HBA Driver from a Diskett e.

    Installing orUpgrading the HBA

    Driver from a Diskette

    Setup Checklist step 5c

    1. Log on to the system as root.

    2. Insert the EMC-qualified d river diskette into the diskette d rive.

    3. If necessary, type /etc/init.d/volmgt start ENTER to start the

    Volume Manager

    4. Ty p e volcheck ENTER, to run th e Volum e Check p rogram.

    5. Start the driver installation p rocess by typing the following

    command from any directory:

    /floppy/floppy0/DU/sol_27/i86pc/Tools/install.sh ENTER

    6. If you are u pgrad ing the driver and have a previously installed

    version of the QLA2200 d river on you r system:

    a. Type n ENTERwh en prom pted to create a new instance of thepackage.

    b. Type y ENTERwh en promp ted to overwrite an installed

    instance of the QLA2200 driver package.

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    13Sym me trix Fibre C ha nne l with QLA2200F-EMC HBAs on So laris X86 Hosts

    Arbitrated Loop Configurations

    7. As the driver is being installed , the following information


    Using as the package base directory.

    ## Processing package information.

    ## Processing system information.

    11 package pathnames are already properly installed

    ## Verifying package dependencies.

    ## Verifying disk space requirements.

    Installing QLogic QLA2200 PCI-SCSI Adapter as

    ## Installing part 1 of 1.




    [ verifying class ]

    [ verifying class ]

    ## Executing postinstall script

    Installation of was successful.

    8. Remove the driver diskette.

    9. Ty p e reboot -- -r ENTER, to reboot the system.

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    14 Sym me trix Fibre C ha nne l with QLA2200F-EMC HBAs o n So laris X86 Hosts

    Arbitrated Loop Configurations

    Driver Configura tion

    in the qla2200.confFile

    Setup Checklist step 6

    The prop er configuration of the /kernel/drv/qla2200.conffile is

    crucial for Symmetrix host integration and driver behavior. The

    dr iver configuration file contains imp ortant information abou t h ow

    the d river should behave. The file is created au tomatically w hen the

    HBA driver is installed.



    Setup Checklist step 6a

    There are 17 Variable settings in th e qla2200.conf file. Each HBAshould be given its own settings for each of the 17 variables. Each

    HBA variable line in QLA2200.confcorrespond s to the instance

    nu m ber of the H BA in the file /var/adm/messages . In th e examp le

    shown un der Example below, hba0 of

    hba0-enable-adapter-hard-loop-ID=1 correspond s to instance #0

    in /var/adm/messages.

    unix: QLogic QLA2200 Fibre Channel Driver v2.20 Instance : 0unix: pcplusmp: pci1077,1 (QLA2200) instance #0unix: vector 0x10 ioapic 0x4 intin 0x23is bound to cpu 1

    unix: PCI-device: pci1077,1@4, QLA22000

    unix: QLA22000 is /pci@2,0/pci1077,1@4

    unix: QLogic QLA2200 Fibre Channel Driver v2.20 Instance : 1

    unix: pcplusmp: pci1077,1 (QLA2200) instance #1

    unix: vector 0 x11 ioapic 0x4 intin 0x1f is bound to cpu 1

    unix: PCI-device: pci1077,1@5, QLA22001

    unix: QLA22001 is /pci@2,0/pci1077,1@5.

    Example: In the follow ing exam ple, a separate var iable line is ded icated t o each

    HBA (hba0, hba1, and hba2).

    # Adapter hard loop ID enable.

    # 0 = disable, 1 = enabled



    # Adapter hard loop ID.# Range: 0 - 126



    Using the sam e hard loop ID for all HBAs is a valid configu ration only in a

    hu bless loop conn ection.

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    15Sym me trix Fibre C ha nne l with QLA2200F-EMC HBAs on So laris X86 Hosts

    Arbitrated Loop Configurations

    Variable Settings Setup Checklist step 6b

    Table 1 lists the required settings for the configuration file variables,and descriptions of the variables follow the table. Verify that all

    variables are set as shown, and change any if necessary.

    Changes to qla2200.conf will not take effect u ntil the h ost is rebooted.

    a. PowerPath is not currently supported in a hu b environment.

    b. Each HBA and each Symmetrix port mu st have a unique hard loop ID.

    Ta ble 1 / kerne l/ drv/ qla2200.conf Se ttings for Solaris X86 Host on Loop

    Variable Default Value

    Required Setting

    If No Hub If Hub(s) If PowerPath a

    hba0-max-frame-length 1024 bytes 1024 bytes 1024 bytes 1024 bytes

    hba0-max-iocb-allocation 256 512 512 512

    hba0-execution-throttle 31 20 20 20

    hba0-login-timeout 4 (sec) 4 (sec) 4 (sec) 4 (sec)

    hba0-login-retry-count 10 10 10 10

    hba0-enable-adapter-hard-loop-ID 0 (disable) 1 (enable) 1 (enable) 1 (enable)

    hba0-adapter-hard-loop-ID 0 see note b see note b see note b

    hba0-enable-64bit-addressing 0 (disable) 0 (disable) 0 (disable) 0 (disable)

    hba0-enable-LIP-reset 0 (disable) 0 (disable) 0 (disable) 0 (disable)

    hba0-enable-LIP-fu ll-login 1 (enable) 1 (enable) 1 (enable) 1 (enable)

    hba0-enable- target-reset 0 (d isable) 0 (disable) 0 (disable) 0 (disable)

    hba0-reset-delay 5 (sec) 5 (sec) 5 (sec) 5 (sec)

    hba0-port-down-retry-count 30 5 5 5

    hba0-link-down-error 1 (disable) 0 (enable) 0 (enable) 1 (disable)

    hba0-loop-down-timeout 60 (sec) 60 (sec) 60 (sec) 60 (sec)

    hba0-connection-options 2 0 0 0

    hba0-device-configuration-mode 0 0 0 0

    hba0-fc-tape 0 0 0 0

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    16 Sym me trix Fibre C ha nne l with QLA2200F-EMC HBAs o n So laris X86 Hosts

    Arbitrated Loop Configurations

    Descriptions of qla2200.co nf Va riables

    hba0-frame-payload-size Configuration flag (512, 1024 or 2048

    bytes) for maximum frame length.

    hba0-max-iocb-allocation Nu mber of com man ds (1 to 750)

    queu ed internally w ithin the H BA. Exceeding the ad apter s bu ffers

    causes un necessary retries, wh ich imp act p erforman ce. The

    maximu m setting m ight be less, dep end ing on the size of the


    hba0-execution-throttle Maximum nu mber of comman ds (1 to65635) sent to th e LUN b y th e firmw are. Exceed ing a d evices

    capabilities causes u nn ecessary comman d retries, which imp act


    hba0-login-timeout Sets the login timeout (in seconds).

    hba0-login-retry-count Maximum number (0 to 255) of retries to

    attemp t w hen login into a d evice fails. Large valu es can cause long

    delays d uring initialization.

    hba0-enable-adapter-hard-loop-ID Enables/ disables the hard

    loop ID and activates (if enabled) the setting for variable

    hba0-adapter-hard-loop-ID . (See the next item.)

    hba0-adapter-hard-loop-ID Sets (if activated ) the h ard loop ID (in

    the ran ge 1 to 125) for the H BA d u ring th e Loop Initialization Process

    (LIP). This variable becomes crucial in a hub environment, since no

    device (Sym metrix target or h ost bus ad apter) can h ave the sam ehard loop ID. The host HBA is conventionally assigned the highest

    Hard Loop ID, starting from 125 and working down (124, 123, 122,

    etc.). The Symmetrix is conventionally assigned a lowest Hard Loop

    ID for each port, starting with 0 and working up (1, 2, 3, etc.).


    The following example is a configuration for three

    QLA2200F-EMC HBAs with separate Hard Loop IDs:

    # Adapter hard loop ID.

    # Range: 0 - 126




    hba0-enable-64bit-addressing Enables/ d isables the adap ter to

    directly access memory above 4 gigabytes with 64-bit Direct Memory

    Access addressing.

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    17Sym me trix Fibre C ha nne l with QLA2200F-EMC HBAs on So laris X86 Hosts

    Arbitrated Loop Configurations

    hba0-enable-LIP-reset Enables/ disables the adapter to issue a LIP

    reset d u ring Fibre Chan nel reset.

    Only one of the variables hba0-enable-LIP-reset,

    hba0-enable-LIP-full-login , and hba0-enable-target-reset should be enabled

    at the same time.

    hba0-enable-LIP-full-login Enables/ d isables the ad apter to issue

    a LIP full login reset during Fibre Channel reset. (See the note below


    hba0-enable-target-reset Enables/ disables the adap ter to issue a

    LIP target reset during Fibre Channel reset. (See the note below


    hba0-enable-database-storage Enables/ disables the driver to save

    device p osition on the Fibre Chann el bus.

    hba0-reset-delay Delay after a reset before send ing comm and s to

    the d evices on the Fibre Chann el bus.

    hba0-port-down-retry-count Number of command retries to be

    done when devices are not responding on the Fibre Channel bus.

    Large values may cause long delays for fail over software to detect a

    failing device.

    hba0-link-down-error Disables (if set to 0) all link_dow n time ou t

    values. The sd d river will not be n otified of any and error cond itions

    if the QLA2200 driver detects a link_down condition. If theSymm etrix goes off line or the link w ith the h ost is broken for any

    reason, the Q LA2200 driver holds all pend ing I/ Os indefinitely u ntil

    the link is restored or the Symmetrix rejoins the loop. In a Power Path

    environment, set th is variable to 1, so the PowerPath d river will be

    notified of any error conditions.

    hba0-loop-down-timeout Time the driver waits for a Fibre

    Chann el loop to come u p before reporting the failure. Small valuesmay report transient errors that should be ignored.

    hba0-connection_options Is always 0 for host-to-Symmetrix

    arbitrated loop connections. (Other settings are possible, but should

    not be used.)

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    18 Sym me trix Fibre C ha nne l with QLA2200F-EMC HBAs o n So laris X86 Hosts

    Arbitrated Loop Configurations

    hba0-device-configuration-mode Configure loop devices, using

    either port or node name. This field specifies which type of Fibre

    Chann el name w ill be saved in th e driver d atabase for each of theFibre Channel device discovered.

    0 = node name

    1 = port name

    hba0-fc-tape Shou ld alway s have a v alu e of 0.

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    19Sym me trix Fibre C ha nne l with QLA2200F-EMC HBAs on So laris X86 Hosts

    Arbitrated Loop Configurations

    Editing Host Files to


    Setup Checklist step 7

    To insure smooth integration and maximum performance from the

    host and Symm etrix, you m u st edit these files (as described in d etail


    Host driver configuration file sd.conf Refer t o


    System specification file /etc/system Refer to /etc/system on

    page 41.After editing either of these files, type reboot -- -r ENTER to reboot

    the host with the -r (reconfigure) option, which rebuilds the kernel

    and implements the changes.

    / kernel/ drv/ sd.conf Setup Checklist step 7a

    Th e sd.conf file is used to alert the sd driver to scan for LUNs for a

    specific target. There can b e only on e target ID per Sym m etrix port. Atarget ID can have up to 128 LUN s. By defau lt, Solaris X86 searches

    only for target IDs; if LUN add ressing is required, you mu st m odify

    the lower-level driver configuration file /kernel/drv/sd.conf.

    Definition lines must be ad d ed to sd.conf for every LUN of every

    target configu red to the host in the Symm etrix.

    Device d efinition files are av ailable on t he EMC FTP server,

    ftp.emc.com , in /pub/symm3000/solaris . The file sd.conf.fibre is adev ice d efinition file for Fibre Chan nel d evices. You can cop y/ p aste

    the conten ts of the file into the file /kernel/drv/sd.conf in th e Solaris

    X86 host. Use only those lines from sd.conf.fibre that app ly to your

    host's configuration.

    Refer to Sy mm etrix Device Definition Files in the Sym metrix O pen

    Sy stems Environment Product Gu ide for instructions on how to transfer

    these files to your host.

    Changes to sd.confwill not take effect until the h ost is rebooted.

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    20 Sym me trix Fibre C ha nne l with QLA2200F-EMC HBAs o n So laris X86 Hosts

    Arbitrated Loop Configurations

    Exa mp le of sd.c onf for Arbitrated Loop in a Hubless Environme nt

    The following example is for a hubless loop configuration with a

    Target ID (Sym m etrix Ha rd loop ID) of 0:

    Ad d on ly those Target/ Lun d efinitions that are needed . In a

    direct-connect configuration, it is recommended that all Symmetrix

    po rts be given t he sam e Target ID. If different H ard Loop IDs are u sed

    for each port, lines must be ad d ed to sd.conffor each LUN of each

    target. The few er Target/ Lu n d efinitions in sd.conf, the less time it

    takes to boot.

    name=sd class=scsi

    target=0 lun=0;

    name=sd class=scsi

    target=0 lun=1;




    name=sd class=scsitarget=0 lun=126;

    name=sd class=scsi

    target=0 lun=127;

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    21Sym me trix Fibre C ha nne l with QLA2200F-EMC HBAs on So laris X86 Hosts

    Arbitrated Loop Configurations

    Examp le o f sd.c onf for Arbitra ted Loop in a Hub Environment

    The following example is for a hu b loop configuration w ith tw o

    Target IDs of 0 and 1. Each target h as 128 lun s. For every Symm etrixport assigned to a h ost, there mu st be a target and series of LUNs

    configured in sd.conf. Targets are determined from the Symm etrix

    Hard Loop ID.

    In this example, 256 separate Target/ LUN definitions are added to


    Add only those target/ LUN d efinitions that are needed . The fewer

    target/ LUN definitions in sd.conf, the less time it takes to boot.

    name="sd" class="scsi"

    target=0 lun=0;name="sd" class="scsi"

    target=0 lun=1;




    name="sd" class="scsi"

    target=0 lun=126;

    name="sd" class="scsi"

    target=0 lun=127;

    name="sd" class="scsi"

    target=1 lun=0;

    name="sd" class="scsi"

    target=1 lun=1;



    .name="sd" class="scsi"

    target=1 lun=126;

    name="sd" class="scsi"

    target=1 lun=127;

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    22 Sym me trix Fibre C ha nne l with QLA2200F-EMC HBAs o n So laris X86 Hosts

    Arbitrated Loop Configurations

    / etc/ system Setup Checklist step 7b

    To maximize system performance, the following three variablesshou ld be ad d ed as th e last lines in the file /etc/system.

    Changes to /etc/system will not take effect u ntil the h ost is rebooted.

    1. Ad d set sd:sd_max_throttle=20

    2. Ad d set scsi_options = 0x7F8

    The bit meaning for scsi_options is as follow s:

    Since /etc/system can also affect other d isks in the system, consider th e

    effects of imp lementing the scsi_options=0x7f8 mask on the other disks.

    If it is not set, Symm etrix operations w ill not ben efit from these options.

    3. The third variable depend s on whether the host will run


    This setting p revents the host from issuing w arning m essages

    when non-disruptive operations are performed on Symmetrix.

    Bit Mask Meaning

    3 0x8 Disconnect enable

    4 0x10 Link enable

    5 0x20 Sync xfer enable

    6 0x40 Parity support enable

    7 0x80 Tag commands enable

    8 0x100 Fast SCSI enable

    9 0x200 Wide SCSI enable

    10 0x400 Ultra SCSI en able

    If n o, a dd set sd:sd_io_time = 0x78

    If y es , a d d set sd:sd_io_time = 0x3C

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    23Sym me trix Fibre C ha nne l with QLA2200F-EMC HBAs on So laris X86 Hosts

    Fabric Configurations

    Fabric Configurations

    This section describes the procedures required to install one or more

    Qlogic QLA2200F-EMC h ost bu s ad ap ters into a Solaris 7 X86 host

    and configure the host for Symmetrix Fibre Channel fabric.

    Setup Checklist The following is a step-by-step checklist of the procedures used tointegrate a Solaris X86 host with the Symmetrix using the Qlogic

    QLA2200F-EMC H BA in an FC-SW en vironm ent. Each step includesreferences to th e sp ecific procedu res. Follow these steps in order, to

    ensure proper HBA setup.

    This installation should be performed only by personnel having a basic

    know ledge of Solaris X86 system a dm inistration.

    Step Done?

    1 Before beginning configuration to integrate the Solaris 7 X86 with the

    Symm etrix, ensure that all hard ware and patch configu rations are

    EMC-qualified. Obtain all EMC-qualified configurations from your EMC

    custom er represen tative. Verify th e following :

    n/ a

    a. The host server is EMC-qualified.

    b. The switch is EMC-qualified.

    c. The patch configuration for the Solaris 7 X86 host is EMC-qualified.

    2 Verify that the QLA2200F-EMC H BA is installed in the Solaris X86 host

    system, and that the Symm etrix is connected to th e HBA through a switch

    a. For information on installing the HBA, refer to the Qlogic H ardware

    Install Guide Q LA 2000/2000F/2100/2100F/2200/2200

    b. For information regarding qualified hosts, qualified switches, and

    Symm etrix configuration, see you r EMC Custom er Representative

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    24 Sym me trix Fibre C ha nne l with QLA2200F-EMC HBAs o n So laris X86 Hosts

    Fabric Configurations

    3 Boot the host and verify the correct HBA BIOS version (1.59) and firmw aresettings. Up grad e th e H BA BIOS if necessary.

    n / a

    a. To verify the firmw are version, refer to Verifying the Correct HBA BIOS

    Version on page 26.

    b. To verify the firm ware settings, refer to Setting the Firmw are Variables

    on page 28.

    c. To up grade the HBA BIOS, refer to Upgrading HBA Firmware/BIOS on

    page 27.

    4 Use the scan utility function of the HBA firmware utility to verify that the

    HBA "sees" the Symmetrix. Refer to Scann ing for the Sym metrix on an HBA

    BIOS Level on p age 29.

    5 Obtain the latest EMC-app roved disk image driver for the

    QLA2200F-EMC H BA; then create a d river installation d iskette and installthe dr iver into the host:

    n / a

    a. To obtain the latest disk image, refer to Obtaining the QLA2200 Driver

    Disk Image on page 30.

    b. To create a dr iver d iskette, refer to Creating the Driver Diskette on

    page 31.

    c. To install the d river, refer to Installing or Upgrading the HBA Driverfrom a D iskette on page 31.

    Step Done?

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    25Sym me trix Fibre C ha nne l with QLA2200F-EMC HBAs on So laris X86 Hosts

    Fabric Configurations

    6 Configure the settings in driver configuration file/kernel/drv/ql a2200.co nfby configu ring p ersistent bind ing, creating an

    instance number for each HBA for all variables, and configuring all


    n/ a

    a. For conceptual knowledge of persistent binding, read Persistent

    Binding Requisit e Information on page 33.

    b. To obtain persistent bind ing information from the/var/adm /mes sages file, refer to Obtaining Persistent Binding

    Information on page 33.

    c. To configure persistent bind ing in /kernal/drv/qla2200.conf file, refer

    to Configuring Persistent Binding on p age 34.

    d . To create an HBA instance nu mber for every setting in qla2200.conf,

    refer to Configuring qla2200.conf Variables on page 35.

    e. To verify that all settings are configured prop erly, refer to Variable

    Settings on p age 36.

    7 Verify th at the follow ing files are con figu red p rop erly: n/ a

    a. /kernel/drv/sd.conf. Refer t o /kernel/drv/sd.conf on p age 39.

    b. /etc/system. Refer to /etc/system on p age 41.

    After steps 1 throu gh 7 are complete and the system h as been rebooted, you w ill be able

    to see all Symmetrix devices in the /dev/rdsk/d irectory. For a list o f all targets an d

    LUNs recognized by the host, issue the format command.

    Step Done?

    F b i C fi ti

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    26 Sym me trix Fibre C ha nne l with QLA2200F-EMC HBAs o n So laris X86 Hosts

    Fabric Configurations

    HBA BIOS- Leve l


    Setup Checklist step 3

    After installing all QLA2200F-EMC H BAs into the host, follow these

    steps for each QLA2200F-EMC. There are some redundant settings

    between the firmw are utility and the d river configuration file

    (QLA2200.conf). However, the driver configuration variable settings

    sup ersede the correspond ing settings in firmw are utility.

    Verifying the CorrectHBA BIOS Version

    Setup Checklist step 3a

    HBA BIOS version 1.59 is required. You can determine the HBA BIOSversion at boot time from the QLA2200 banner or from the QLA2200

    Fast!Util Optio ns m e n u .

    To determine the HBA BIOS version from the QLA2200 banner,

    boot the h ost and wa tch for the Q LA2200F banner (show n in

    Figure 2). The b ann er d isapp ears qu ickly, so w atch carefully.

    If the ROM BIOS version is not 1.59, upgrade the HBA BIOS as

    described under Upgrading HBA Firmware/BIOS on page 27. If the ROM BIOS version is 1.59, continu e to Setting the

    Firmware V ariables on page 28.

    Figure 2 QLA2200F-EMC Ba nner Exa mp le

    To determine the HBA BIOS version from the QLA2200 Fast!Util

    Options m e n u :

    a. Boot the host. As soon as the QLA2200F banner (Figure 2)

    appears, press ALT-Q to display the Fast!Util Op tions m e n u .

    b. Select Configuration Settings from the m enu.

    c. Select Host AdapterSettings from the Configuration Settingsm e n u .

    d . U n d e r Host Adapter Settings , note the BIOS Version:

    If the version is not 1.59, up grad e th e BIOS as d escribed

    u n d e r Upgrading HBA Firmware/BIOS on page 27, then go

    to Setting the Firmware Variables on page 28.

    If the version is 1.59, go to Setting the Firmw are Variables on

    page 28.

    Qlogic Corporation

    QLA2200 PCI Fibre Channel ROM BIOS Version 1.59

    Copyright Qlogic Corporation 1993-1999 All rights reserved

    Press for Fast!UTILwww.qlogic.com

    Fabric Configurations

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    27Sym me trix Fibre C ha nne l with QLA2200F-EMC HBAs on So laris X86 Hosts

    Fabric Configurations

    Upgrading HBAFirmwa re/ BIOS

    Setup Checklist step 3b

    This section conta ins inform ation specific to creating HBA BIOSinstallation d isks and up grad ing the BIOS to a host bu s ad apter. This

    procedure is necessary only if you need to u pgrad e the

    QLA2200F-EMC BIOS ver sion . (Refer to Verifyin g t he Correct H BA

    BIOS Version on p age 26.)

    Create an Installation Diskette:

    To create a QLA2200 BIOS installation diskette, follow these steps:

    1. Contact your EMC custom er representative to obtain the HBABIOS. The latest version m ight be available on th e Qlogic website,

    as described in the steps below:

    a. Access this w ebsite: http://www/qlogic.com.

    b. Click Driver Dow nloads.

    c. Scroll to the bottom of the Qlogic Drivers License Agreemen t

    and click Use Qlogic D rivers/Software.

    d. Click EMC Approved Drivers.

    e. Click EMC A pproved QLA22xx D rive rs.

    f. ClickLink to ROM BIOS in the ROM BIOS v1.59 section.

    g. Save the file as c:\ 22emc03bios159.zip.

    2. The file is a self-extracting ZIP file that m u st be extracted to a

    bootable diskette drive, as follows:

    a. Open any DOS wind ow.

    b. At the DOS prompt, type cd \ ENTER, to go to th e root


    c. Type 22emc03bios159 a: ENTER.

    Upgrade the BIOS

    After the QLA2200-EMC H BA is in stalled in an EMC-qu alified h ost,

    complete the following steps to upgrade the HBA BIOS:

    1. Insert the BIOS up grade installation d iskette into the d iskette


    2. Reboot the host.

    3. After the host has rebooted, a DOS prom pt ap pears. Typ e

    Ql2xutil /L /F ENTER.

    Fabric Configurations

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    28 Sym me trix Fibre C ha nne l with QLA2200F-EMC HBAs o n So laris X86 Hosts

    Fabric Configurations

    The HBA BIOS upgrade might take a few minutes.

    4. After the up grad e is comp lete, remove the d iskette and reboot the

    host. During boot-up, the QLA2200F banner (see Figure 2 on

    page 26) should display BIOS Version 1.59.

    Setting the Firmwa reVariables

    Setup Checklist step 3c

    This procedure assum es that you are already in Fast!Util. If you are

    not, boot th e host, and as soon a s the QLA2200F bann er (see Figure 2)

    appears, press ALT-Q to display the Fast!Util Op tions m e n u .

    1. From the Fast!Util Optio ns menu , select Configuration Settings.

    2. O n t he Configuration Settings menu, select Restore Defaul t


    3. O n t he Configuration Settings menu, select Advanced Adapter

    Settings .

    4. Change the setting for Execution Throttle to 20.

    5. Change the setting for Max Luns to 128. (The factory setting is 8,

    but this must be changed to utilize all 128 LUNs available from

    the Symmetrix.)

    6. P re ss ESC to return to the Configuration Settings m e n u .

    7. O n t he Configuration Settings menu, select Extended Firmware

    Settings .

    8. Change the setting for Connection Option to 1.

    9. P re ss ESC and save all changes.

    10. Reboot and use the Fibre Disk utility to verify the disk media, as

    described under Scann ing for the Sy mm etrix on an H BA BIOS Level

    on p age 29.

    Fabric Configurations

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    29Sym me trix Fibre C ha nne l with QLA2200F-EMC HBAs on So laris X86 Hosts


    Sca nning for the

    Symme trix on a nHBA BIOS Level

    Setup Checklist step 4

    Before running Solaris 7 X86, it is prudent to verify that Symmetrix

    dev ices are seen on an H BA BIOS level. The QLA2200 has a bu ilt in

    utility to verify connection to the Symmetrix port, and also to verify

    an ind ividual Symmetrix device.

    To v erify that the H BA can "see" the Sym metrix, use the Fibre Disk

    utility to scan and verify d isk med ia.

    1. U n d er t h e Fast!UTIL Optio ns menu, select FIBRE D ISK


    This step assumes that you are already in Fast!Util. If you a re not, boot

    the h ost, and as soon a s the QLA2200F bann er (see Figur e 2) app ears,

    press ALT-Q to display the Fast!Util Options menu.

    2. You should see SYMMETRIX in a Fibre Channel device list of all

    possible 125 targets, as shown below. (Page down if necessary todisplay all targets in the list.)

    IfSYMMETRIX appears in the list, go to step 3.

    IfSYMMETRIX does n ot ap pear in the list, verify th e following,

    then start th is procedu re again at step 1:

    that th e correct Symm etrix p ort is connected to the host that the Symm etrix is on line

    that the cables are not dam aged

    3. Use the arrow keys to highlight SYMMETRIX from the list of

    targets, then press ENTER.

    4. A list of LUNs app ears. Select any LUN from th e list.

    5. A Disk Utility Options men u app ears. Select VERIFY D ISKMEDIA.



    EMC SYMMETRIX 01000006048___

    Fabric Configurations

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    30 Sym me trix Fibre C ha nne l with QLA2200F-EMC HBAs o n So laris X86 Hosts

    7. After m edia verification has comp leted:

    If the message Media Verification Complete app ears, press

    ESC repeatedly to exit Fast!Util and reboot the host, then

    continue with Installing the HBA Driveron p age 30.

    If the med ia verification fails, verify that the cables and

    connectors are not damaged.

    Installing the HBA


    Setup Checklist step 5

    The Solaris X86 operating system interface to th e Sym m etrix Fibre

    Chann el director requires H BA d river software. The d river functions

    at a layer below the Solaris SCSI driver to present Fibre Channel

    devices to th e operating system as if they were stand ard SCSI

    devices. Refer to the release notes provided with th e current d river

    for information that m ay be uniqu e to new d river revisions. The

    dr iver is in a d isk image format an d m ust be copied to a diskette

    before driver installation.

    Obtaining theQLA2200 Driver Disk


    Setup Checklist step 5a

    The EMC-approved QLA2220 driver can be obtained from the EMC

    release media CD or from the Qlogic Web site. Contact your EMC

    Customer service representative for the Qlogic driver release


    To c opy the EMC -a pproved d river from the re lea se m edia:

    1. Insert the EMC release m edia into the CD drive, then log in as


    2. Ty p e volcheck ENTER, to ensu re that the volum e manager

    scans for a n ewly inserted CD.

    3. Ty p e cd /cdrom/solaris/x86/5.7/ ENTER, to go to the

    prop er driver d irectory on th e CD.

    4. From the/cd rom/sol aris/x86/5.7/d irectory, typ e

    cp du2200.Z /tmp ENTER, to copy the d isk image d river to the

    /tmp directory.

    5. Proceed to Creatin g the Driver Diskett e on page 31.

    Fabric Configurations

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    31Sym me trix Fibre C ha nne l with QLA2200F-EMC HBAs on So laris X86 Hosts

    To obtain the EMC -a pproved driver from the Qlogic We b site:

    1. Access http://www/qlogic.com .

    2. ClickDriver Down loads.

    3. Scroll to the bottom of the Qlogic Drivers License Agreemen t

    and click Use Qlogic D rivers/Software.

    4. ClickEMC Approved Drivers.

    5. ClickEMC A pproved QLA22xx D rive rs.

    6. Click the link correspond ing to the EMC-app roved Solaris 7X86 driver for QLA2200 version 3.01.

    7. Save the com pressed d isk image driver file as /tmp/du2200.Z.

    8. Proceed to Creatin g the Driver Diskett e.

    Creating the DriverDiske tte

    Setup Checklist step 5b

    1. Copy EMC-approved version 3.01 dr iver du2200.Z to the /tmp


    2. From the /tmp d irectory, typ e uncompress du2200.Z ENTER, to

    un comp ress a disk image of the dr iver.

    3. From the /tmp d irectory, typ e /etc/init.d/volmgt stop ENTER,

    to stop the Volume Manager.

    4. From the /tmp d irectory, typ e

    dd if=du2200 of=/dev/rdiskette0 ENTER, to transfer the DUdiskette image file to a diskette.

    5. Proceed to Installing or Upgrading t he HBA Driver from a Diskett e.

    Installing orUpgrading the HBA

    Driver from a Diskette

    Setup Checklist step 5c

    1. Log on to the system as root.

    2. Insert the EMC-qualified d river diskette into the d iskette drive.3. If necessary, type /etc/init.d/volmgt start ENTER to start the

    Volum e M anager

    4. Ty p e volcheck ENTER, to run the Volum e Check p rogram.

    5. Start the driver installation p rocess by typing the following

    command from any directory:


    Fabric Configurations

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    32 Sym me trix Fibre C ha nne l with QLA2200F-EMC HBAs o n So laris X86 Hosts

    6. If you are u pgrad ing the driver and have a previously installed

    version of the QLA2200 d river on you r system:

    a. Type n ENTERwh en prom pted to create a new instance of the


    b. Type y ENTERwh en promp ted to overwrite an installed

    instance of the QLA2200 driver package.

    7. As the driver is being installed, the following information


    Using as the package base directory.## Processing package information.

    ## Processing system information.

    11 package pathnames are already properly installed

    ## Verifying package dependencies.

    ## Verifying disk space requirements.

    Installing QLogic QLA2200 PCI-SCSI Adapter as

    ## Installing part 1 of 1.




    [ verifying class ]

    [ verifying class ]

    ## Executing postinstall script

    Installation of was successful.

    8. Remove the driver d iskette.

    9. Ty p e reboot-- -r ENTER, to reboot the system.

    Fabric Configurations

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    33Sym me trix Fibre C ha nne l with QLA2200F-EMC HBAs on So laris X86 Hosts

    Driver Configura tion

    in the qla2200.confFile

    Setup Checklist step 6

    The proper configuration of the /kernel/drv/qla2200.conffile is

    crucial for Symmetrix host integration and driver behavior. The

    driver configuration file contains imp ortant information ab out h ow

    the d river should behave. The file is created autom atically w hen the

    HBA driver is installed.

    Pe rsistent BindingRequisite Informa tion

    Setup Checklist step 6a

    A requisite know led ge of persistent bind ing concepts is needed toconfigure the qla2200 driver in an FC-SW environnent. Read the

    information in this section for conceptual information regarding

    persistent bind ing and an explanation of configuration steps.

    Persistent binding is a metho d that ensu res consistent d evice

    nu mbering on a target level during a p ower cycle or reboot in an

    FC-SW environmen t. Without persistent binding, th e Fibre Chan nel

    switch assigns the target d evice num bers. The sw itch d eterm ines

    target num bers through the scan order of the switch port. If Fibre

    Chann el targets are add ed to or removed from a switch p ort, the scan

    order and subsequent target numbers could change.

    Example: c2t2d0s0 could change to c2t1d0s0

    The Qlogic implementation of FC-SW persistent binding takes a

    Symm etrix ports Worldwid e Nam e (WWN ) and binds it to an

    established target nu mber. The target num ber is established du ring

    the reboot after the driver is installed. Target numbers and Symmetrix

    port WWNs are output to the /var/adm/messages file during the first

    reboot after the d river is installed. This information mu st be u sed to

    configure the /kernel/drv/qla2200.conf file. After proper persistent

    binding configuration, the target nu mber/ WWN relationship in

    /kerne l/drv/qla2200.co nf file w ill take p reced ence over th e switchs

    target assignm ents.

    Obtaining PersistentBinding Informa tion

    Setup Checklist step 6b

    Persistent bind ing can be configured only if the following steps have

    been completed and a reb oo t -- -rv has been issued:

    1. A prop erly configured Q LA2200 HBA is installed and the host is

    connected to the Symm etrix port th ough an EMC-app roved fabric


    2. The EMC-qu alified QLA2200 3.01 dr iver is installed .

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    After steps 1 and 2 are comp leted, the Symm etrix port WWN s and

    correspond ing target nu mber can be found in the /var/adm/messages

    file in a format similar to the following:

    Configuring PersistentBinding

    Setup Checklist step 6c

    From the above information in the /var/adm/messages file, th e

    following lines wou ld be the last lines add ed to th e

    /kerne l/drv/qla2200.co nf file:

    In the above examp le:

    Th e hba#- is the HBA instance nu mber in the d river.

    Th e adapter-node-name and adapter-port-name correspond to

    the WWNN and the WWPN of the HBA.

    Th e lin e w i th SCSI-target-id binds the HBA instance number

    with a specific target ID and a specific Symmetrix port WWN.

    Th e fibre-channel-name is the target WWPN of the Symm etrix.

    Setup Script

    The following script can be used to assist the persistent binding setup

    of the /kernel/drv/qla2200.conf file.

    tail -1000 /var/adm/messages | /usr/bin/grep qla2200-hba | /usr/bin/sed -e's/.*qla2200-//' >>/kernel/drv/qla2200.conf

    Aug 9 host unix: QLogic qla2200 Fibre Channel Driver v3.01 Instance: 1. Firmware v2.1.16.

    Aug 9 host unix: pcplusmp: pci1077,2200 (qla2200) instance #1 vector 0x1c ioapic 0x4 intin 0x17 is bound to cpu 0

    Aug 9 host unix: qla2200-hba1-adapter-node-name="200000e08b0087ba";

    Aug 9 host unix: qla2200-hba1-adapter-port-name="210000e08b0087ba";

    Aug 9 host unix: qla2200-hba1-SCSI-target-id-0-fibre-channel-name="50060482c031799f";

    Aug 9 host unix: qla2200-hba1-SCSI-target-id-1-fibre-channel-name="50060482c031f998";

    Aug 9 host unix: QLogic qla2200 Fibre Channel Driver v3.01 Instance: 2. Firmware v2.1.16.

    Aug 9 host unix: pcplusmp: pci1077,2200 (qla2200) instance 2 vecto r 0x18 ioapic 0x4 intin 0x1b is bound to cpu 0Aug 9 host unix: qla2200-hba2-adapter-node-name="200000e08b0192bf";

    Aug 9 host unix: qla2200-hba2-adapter-port-name="210000e08b0192bf";

    Aug 9 host unix: qla2200-hba2-SCSI-target-id-0-fibre-channel-name="50060482c031799f";

    Aug 9 host unix: qla2200-hba2-SCSI-target-id-1-fibre-channel-name="50060482c031f998";

    HBA Instance Number

    Symmetrix Port WWN

    Symmetrix Port Target ID

    HBA WWNHBA WW Port Name


    HBA Instance Number

    Symmetrix Port WWN









    Symmetrix Port Target ID

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    Setup Checklist step 6d

    There are 17 Variable settings in the qla2200.conf file. Each HBA

    should be given its own settings for each of the 17 variables. Each

    HBA variable line in QLA2200.confcorrespond s to the instance

    number of the HBA in the file /var/adm/messages .

    Example: In the following example, a separate variable line is dedicated to each

    HBA (hba0 and hba2). The instance num ber 2 comes from the

    /var/adm /mes sag es log. (Refer to the example under Setup Checklist

    step 6c on page 34.)

    # Amount of time to wait for loop to come up after it has gone down

    # before reporting I/O errors.

    # Range: 0 - 240 seconds



    # Connection options

    # 0 = loop only

    # 1 = poin t-to-point only

    # 2 = loop preferred, otherwise point-to-point# 3 = point-to-point preferred, otherwise loop



    In the above example, hba1 is set for FC-SW and hba2 is set for

    FC-AL. The loop down timeout values for both HBAs are set to 60


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    36 Sym me trix Fibre C ha nne l with QLA2200F-EMC HBAs o n So laris X86 Hosts

    Varia ble Se ttings Setup Checklist step 6e

    Table 2 lists the required settings for the configuration file variables,

    and descriptions of the variables follow the table. Verify that all

    variables are set as shown, and change any if necessary.

    Changes to QLA2200.conf w ill not take effect u ntil the h ost is rebooted.

    Ta ble 2 / kernel/ drv/ qla2200.conf Se ttings for Solaris X86 Host on Fa bric

    Variable Default Value

    Required Setting

    If No PowerPath If PowerPath

    hba0-max-frame-length 1024 bytes 2048 bytes 2048 byte s

    hba0-max-iocb-allocation 256 512 512

    hba0-execution-throttle 31 20 20

    hba0-login-timeout 4 (seconds) 4 (seconds) 4 (seconds)

    hba0-login-retry-count 10 10 10

    hba0-enable-adapter-hard-loop-ID 0 (disable) 0 (disable) 0 (disable)

    hba0-adapter-hard-loop-ID 0 0 0

    hba0-enable-64bit-addressing 0 (disable) 0 (disable) 0 (disable)

    hba0-enable-LIP-reset 0 (disable) 0 (disable) 0 (disable)

    hba0-enable-LIP-full- login 1 (enable) 1 (enable) 1 (enable)

    hba0-enable-target- reset 0 (disable) 0 (disable) 0 (disable)

    hba0-reset-delay 5 (seconds) 5 (seconds) 5 (seconds)

    hba0-port-down-retry-count 30 30 30

    hba0-link-down-error 1 (enable) 0 (disable) 1 (enable)

    hba0-loop-down-timeout 60 (sec) 60 (sec) 60 (sec)

    hba0-connection-options 2 1 1

    hba0-device-configuration-mode 0 0 0

    hba0-fc-tape 0 0 0

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    Descriptions of qla2200.co nf Va riables

    hba0-frame-payload-size Configuration flag (512, 1024 or 2048

    bytes) for "maximum frame length."

    hba0-max-iocb-allocation Nu mber of comm and s (1 to 750)

    queu ed internally w ithin the H BA. Exceeding th e ad apter s bu ffers

    causes unnecessary retries, which impact performance. The

    maximu m setting m ight be less, depend ing on the size of the


    hba0-execution-throttle Maximum nu mber of comm and s (1 to

    65635) sent t o th e LUN b y th e firmw are. Exceed ing a dev ices

    capabilities causes u nn ecessary comma nd retries, which imp act


    hba0-login-retry-count Maximum number (0 to 255) of retries to

    attempt when login into a device fails. Large values can cause long

    delays d uring initialization.

    hba0-enable-adapter-hard-loop-ID Shou ld be set to 0. Althou gh

    this variable is n ot ap plicable to a fabric environm ent, it mu st remain

    in the qla2200.conf file. (It will be ignored if set to 0.)

    hba0-adapter-hard-loop-ID Should be set to 0. Althou gh this

    variable is not ap plicable to a fabric environm ent, it m ust remain in

    th e qla2200.conf file. (It will be ignored if set to 0.)

    hba0-login-timeout Sets the login timeout (in seconds).

    hba0-enable-64bit-addressing Enables/ d isables the adap ter todirectly access memory above 4 gigabytes with 64-bit Direct Memory

    Access addressing.

    hba0-enable-LIP-reset Enables/ disables the adapter to issue a LIP

    reset d u ring Fibre Chan nel reset.

    Only one of variables hba0-enable-LIP-reset, hba0-enable-LIP-full-login ,

    an d hba0-enable-target-reset should be enabled at the same time.

    hba0-enable-LIP-full-login Enables/ d isables the ad apter to issue

    a LIP full login reset during Fibre Channel reset. (See the note below


    hba0-enable-target-reset Enables/ disables the adap ter to issue a

    LIP target reset during Fibre Channel reset. (See the note below


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    38 Sym me trix Fibre C ha nne l with QLA2200F-EMC HBAs o n So laris X86 Hosts

    hba0-enable-database-storage Enables/ disables the driver to save

    device position on the Fibre Chann el bus.

    hba0-reset-delay Delay after a reset before send ing comm and s to

    the d evices on the Fibre Chann el bus.

    hba0-link-down-error Disables all link_down time out values.

    The sd d river will not be n otified of any and error cond itions if the

    Qlogic driver d etects a link_dow n cond ition. If the Sym metrix goes

    off line or the link with the host is broken for any reason, the Qlogic

    dr iver h olds all pend ing I/ Os ind efinitely u ntil the link is restored or

    the Symmetrix rejoins the loop. In a Power Path or Veritas DMPenvironment, this variable should be enabled (1) so the PowerPath or

    Veritas DMP driver will be notified of any error conditions.

    hba0-port-down-retry-count Number of command retries to be

    done when devices are not responding on the Fibre Channel bus.

    Large values m ight cause long d elays for fail over software to d etect a

    failing device.

    hba0-loop-down-timeout Time the driver waits for a FibreChann el loop to come u p before reporting the failure. Small values

    might report transient errors that should be ignored.

    hba0-connection-options Connection mode the driver firmware

    will use:

    0 = loop only

    1 = p oint-to-point only

    2 = loop preferred, otherw ise point-to-point3 = point-to-point preferred, otherw ise loop

    hba0-device-configuration-mode Configure loop devices, using

    either port or node name. This field specifies which type of Fibre

    Chann el name w ill be saved in th e driver d atabase for each of the

    Fibre Channel device discovered.

    0 = node name

    1 = port name

    hba0-fc-tape Shou ld alway s have a v alu e of 0.

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    Sa mp le sd.conf file:

    The following examp le is for an FC-SW configurat ion w ith target IDs

    0 and 1 configured in qla2200.conf. With th is sd.conf configuration,the driver will scan for 128 LUNs for target 0 and 32 LUNs for

    target 1.

    name=sd class=scsi

    target=0 lun=0;

    name=sd class=scsi

    target=0 lun=1;




    name=sd class=scsi

    target=0 lun=126;

    name=sd class=scsi

    target=0 lun=127;

    name=sd class=scsi

    target=1 lun=0;

    name=sd class=scsi

    target=1 lun=1;.



    name=sd class=scsi

    target=1 lun=31;

    name=sd class=scsi

    target=1 lun=32;

    Ad d on ly those target/ LUN definitions that are needed . The fewertarget/ LUN definitions in sd.conf, the less time it takes to boot.

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    / etc/ system Setup Checklist step 7b

    To maximize system performance, the following three variables

    should be add ed as th e last lines in the file /etc/system.

    Changes to /etc/system will not take effect u ntil the host is rebooted.

    1. Ad d set sd:sd_max_throttle=20

    2. Ad d set scsi_options = 0x7F8

    The bit meaning for scsi_options is as follows:

    Since /etc/system can also affect other d isks in th e system, consider the

    effects of imp lementing t he scsi_options=0x7f8 mask on the other disks.

    If it is not set, Sym metrix operations will not benefit from these op tions.

    3. The third variable depend s on whether the host will run


    This setting p revents the host from issuing w arning m essages

    when non-disruptive operations are performed on Symmetrix.

    Bit Mask Meaning

    3 0x8 Disconnect enable

    4 0x10 Link enable

    5 0x20 Sync xfer enable

    6 0x40 Parity support enable

    7 0x80 Tag commands enable

    8 0x100 Fast SCSI enable

    9 0x200 Wide SCSI enable

    10 0x400 Ultra SCSI enable

    If n o, a dd set sd:sd_io_time = 0x78

    If y es , a d d set sd:sd_io_time = 0x3C