~q'hi lhio capitan stalemateson...

----- ...... ...-------- ---- -. - - -- - -- - - - ......... ,.. ... .-I '-"1111'.\1'-1 '.lHI;(lI'II:11'-:ll',(,".l , 1\ (1""' (I -l,. :: (H I:: (, I :,.;c'1 \:-. I \ \,111 II IIH!\ I 1I P I"""" \ "lHIO Capitan Stalemates on LCSWA (',I1TI:I 0/<) III f, >rrIl:l 1.Ifl('oln III'a1th ;It at 'J r: :!l1 at (';IITI/(J/(l S('!l,)( II I.f' at its .January ulPeting IS planning to approvt' it lHd to pun'hasp <-l pling tnwk that 'Nill pro- vitiI' :'H'J"Vlcl' to ttl .. ('It)' of Huinos(J I )O"'flS and to ar l'as tn till' <'(lUllty that hav.. rt'qut'stpd th .. spry fic< ' ApI'i! Pu hi J(' fi(·p. ,J IIIH' For additional tion. p11\1Il" County Puhll<' Whitf' Oaks VO!IHllt',-r FIn' IJl'partrrH'llt \\':l!-; anHIllg fOil I' Npv,' 1\1,'xl<'0 fi rp rh'partrflpu L.., t (l galll funding t1Il'OlJRh ttll' last rou Jl d of )o'PI! I'rnl j':r llPI' gt'JH'Y Managf-lrH'J1t AgprH'y (!,'EM/\ I :200:.? As to Fil'l'flglltf-rs grallts Whit\' Onks V()lunlpcl' F'i H' \)ppt, was awar(jpd rorralps Voltnl tppr Fir'p I}ppl wa!; awardf-'d $H! ,9nO, f<'nrt Surllnpr Fin' f)<.>pt., $ 1 and PllPb1 () of Is 'pta VO!llfltPPI- Fin' I)ppt. $47,882 to Jllak,' fOI' a total of $:i! 1,tl;,4 nrqlIl rC'o by Nt"W M('xlcO fln' dppar1 rllPIlL<:; in Ul(' last round of 2002 FEMA firp Rrants, Tht' grant.<:; will bp uSf'd to hC'lp irnprovp hasic fire- sprvicP dphvpry within th(' four dppHrtnH-'lJl_q, includ- inH firp prote-('t1nn, df"liv('ry, vphic}p purchase and prf>venlion progralHs I t('<lIth Clinic Augus l :{t) at (',I1TI/I ,,..., 11.'al t 11 ChlllC, ()l'tob.'I· I fi at (';llTI/tl/U Pu bli<' School N III-Sp' S of tll'l' ·1 )pc'l',llhpr' I (l at ('arn /.,//' Pllblil' SC·!J.H" Nil I'S" ,"Til'<' White Oaks Fire Dept. Gains Grant In ('<In'll<I 1I1111111nl/,1 tlllllS Vv'ill pnl\:idt'd tl> childn'l\ ;,t thl' fllll,,"'illg sitl's I'n1l1l 1<1 ;1 III to 11<>011 thruugh \luI Lh., :"'I'BI' "1) tllf' datto;. I,st.'d .1.11111:11-.\ :l! ('<')"<"1:1 Pllblic Sellool Ntll·,,,···. of !il" ' 1V1 <I n' h IH ;1 t (' 0 n" I" I }' 1 Ii> lic Sellonl Nllrsl"s "fill'" !'vIa,\' at ('"rill/a S"llllll' ( 'I fJ /('11 ( 'Pf\ t. 'r .July at ('01·"";1 Sl'lIlor ('itiZPIl (','ntpr Sppt"r1l1U'I· at Connla 1'lIblJl' SI'hp.,l Nun.;,,·s of fic'l' N(I\.·"llIh"r Ig ,lt ('on '11;1 Public School Nurs .. ·s of fi('(' CARRIZOZO .. NM 88301 Il'lanaRt>r Debra Ingle 'Nho att('ndl'd thl' Inpeting. px- plairwd the grappling truC'k SPrvH'P to bE' offered by I ,C'SW A. Shp said Uw' LCSWA board of director.; not rpquin'd. In ('cHTizozo irnrnurllza tidus will bt' pr'ovid('d at the following sitt's throughout thp ypar froll1 1() a. Il \. ton 00 n () 11 t h .. datt:"s lis tt'd. .JanuaI';,· at ('aITiz<lzo Public Sc!tuol NUI'SI"S of· [icP. FebJ'ual'y 12 at Carrizo7o Public School NUI'sP'S of- Nsw But trusteps ap- provPd the agenda a defined LCSWA discus- sion to includp thp p;rap- piing truck and billing_ M0rE' than an h our after thE' rTIepting startpd trus- tees had worked their way down the agenda to tilE' LCSWA item. Spdpnvall said thp grappling truck service would cost another $1.25 a month to (>ach trash billing. LCSW A operational The /jnco/" ('OUllf\' : .. ;( J/ic! v\!(/Sft' .,l /If//( Jrif' (LeSWA) continues to IN' OCCIISl't! (Jilt! \'('rho/!, {/[({/cked h\' certain illdi\'idlla!s. /111 C\([III!J!e i.\ the Januai-y 2003 ('apitl/" Mo\'Or's R('!)(Jrt !>\. Stel'e Seder\\'o/l, 11/0\ 'Or. rH'O INl,L!('S oj U IJJ1JJIf'!lts and accusatioJls agaiflst 1,( '."lWA. The fOI!OH'illg U'.\I}(J/1.\(' \I'U.\ i.\\oed /1\ {( 'SH'.-t Chainnan 1>011 ('( )/('1/10/1, re!>re \ ('I/fol/ 1/' I( If" fl/(· city of Ruidoso IJOH·Jl.\, (J1/f!\i,L!JI(,tI o/\() /)\ 1,('0 Martine::.., U'IJJY\('I/{util'(' /01 {Iu' ('Ollllt\ (?{ !,i!lcoln. TillS letter IS III response 10 the Cd/1JLIJl 1\1;1\\11'" Repor! that was sent to Ihe CHI/Cll ... 01 rill' \ IILlgL' <ll Capitan 111 their water hills. The (';lprr.lll 1\1;(\\11 sends thIS report every month and mosl \11 tllL'1ll lla\'L' becn IIlfOr1natlon about LlIlcoln ('ount\ S"lld W'a ... tL' AuthOrity, Thc Board of DIrectors 01 I 111L"lll ('OUlll) Solid Wastc Authority requesl Ihal Ihl" IqHH! he responded to, (or all thc cHI/ellS of I 11lL<l111 ('Olllll:V Capnan's cIIIITIlS. It secms that thc Mayor's Report doc" (llll 1-'1\ L' 'IlL' complete truth abuut I CSWA. IlL' Wlslll'" 1\1 hn'll llle pot-shuts and personality tlllllg ... tllred lip 1111111 It stinks, IllS reporl for Jallu;lrv I'" slall(/l'Jtlll" the Board of Directors 01 I ('SWA ;1I1d Illl' ()pcr;l tlollal Supervisor. Mr, Don Colemall, ('hallmall. 1\.-1r. I L'\l I\LII{l11l'/. Secretary, and Mr .... I:rank CUlllllllllS. Rllldo'-.l1 leplL' have IrIed very hard to \,"or\... \\ Itl1 1\.1;1\111 Sederwall on his quesllon ... I( ·S\\.';\ Ip 11\1 avail. Thev now want the publiC to kno\\ the [[\llll. The /Uayor's Report: "1\1y perSllll;lllt\ L'rl\''' \HII that it's \ ....Tong to call the Operatlon.11 SUPL'/VI"OI applicants III for an InterVIew and tell lllL'rl1 'he\' all..' over quallflcd for the Joh. II's wrong (0 {cll thosc applicants the joh would only pay $20.000 per )/L'ar, and tbcll 2\ workIng. days alter Illring tilL' L'halrmall of the board, one of the Insltk, group. til l!(luhk her salary. FAl']': Modesto ('havcs, VICC ('!l;t1II11.111 III lhL' LCSWA Board of Dircctors. at the (111IL'. \\;1'-. III chargc 01 the interviews along. v.nth .I a\... l' I LUll ... ;llld Lloyd Nickerson, Modesto Chaves state". "Ill) appll cant was told that they were over qualified, (llli 01 the five applIcants only Ms. Ingle wa<, qualdled for the pOS It Ion due to the requ iremclH of a{ leaS! (I) year of soltd waste experiencc. FACT: Salary did not double after 2l day... Ms Ingle had worked ovcrscclllg the opcratHlll'" ('!Jail man of lhe Board from May 1 h to JUIlC JO. 200 I, withotll allY pay. from July I to Novcmher 1<), 20(}1 she- was only raid expenses based 011 lhe 'i>20,OO() LCSWA Respo,nds To Mayor's Report January J O. 2003 * ** ** * * ** * * * ¥ * . -------- -- -- Lincoln County Public Health has established a schedule for providing in1munizations in Carri- zozo and Corona to any ch ild from birth to 18 years of age, freE' of charge. Children 01ust be accornpanied by a parent or guardian and have a shot record An appoi n t- ment is rp('ulnnlcnded but Child Immunization Set for C'zozo, Corona (SH PAGE 21 THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 2003 ALL oj County (SEE PAGE 2) New Mpxic-o State Dis- trict 57 RepresentativE' Dan Foley "vill meet with the public at 3:30 p.rn, to- day, Thursday, January 16, at Capitan Village Hall meeting room, District. 57 includes the northern third of Lincoln County, into the north- western quadrant of Chaves County and Tu- larosa-Bent areas of Otero County. Rep. Foley In Capitan Today the mayor to Shparer. "We could also discuss billing," Mayor StevE' Sederv.rall said hf' 'Nas concerned about reading in the IlP'NSpapf"r ho'N Capitan is onp nlonth behind on pay- ing for trash service. "But WE' have no mont"Y to pay it," he added. Shearer said she was un- surf' the village could take action on billing or adding the grappling service due to tht?' way UH> agE'uda 'Nas youth. Amity is a or- ganization that contracts with the statE' departrrlent of corre-ctions to provide a illg agenda. Agenda itE'Ill 12 was listed as "discussion/action on LCSWA." Trustpe Bobbi ShearE'r darifi- catioll of the itenl. She said she 'Nanted to discuss the Lincoln County Solid Waste Authority <LCSWA) grappling truck service for yard and forest wash" be- causE' somE' residpnts had exprpssE'd intprest in hav- ing it. "I don·t care," responded r ------ . '- state policE' officer irnmE'- diately requested assis- tance from the Lincoln County Sheriffs Office to transport six individuals, who 'Nere arrested for pro- bation violations includ- ing assault, to the Lincoln County Detention Center in Carrizozo. One other Amity participant 'Nas transported to Lincoln County Medical Center for treatment and was later arrested and booked into the detention center for parole violation, Bowers said it is protocol that state police rpspond anytin1p thpre is an inci- dent at any of the state corrf"ctions facilities or any operations under the state corrections depart- mpnt such as Amity or Camp SiE'rra Hlanca for VOLUME #: 98, NUMBER 03 fry f )UriS Chen)' Tht' Capit::ln mayor con- tinues to havt' harn ft"pI· iugs about ho'N Capit,an H'sidpnts gpt billpd for thpir tnish sprvtces, but thert' \Nas no rpsQlution to the prob1(>,11l at tht" recent vill;:tgp t!"listpes uleeting. At til.. Capitan villagE' tllPpting 011 Tuesday, January 14 the Ilrst item of businE'ss 'Nas for trus- tees to appI Dve the rueet- A MAP OF OLD FORT STANTON as it was In its Military, TB Hospital Days In the 1930s is shown by Fort Stanton Inc. president Tony Hoffman to students of leadershIp lincoln on January 9. leader- ship lincoln students learned about the tort's history li,e1uding eyewItness remembrances ot when the German merchant marines were detallld at the Fort during World War II, that indicate the relationship between the Germans and the locals were not that good. Leadership Lincoln students also learned about the AmIty program at Fort Stanton and got a report about the newly formlllg com rnuflIty radiO station. The museum is operated by volunteer members of Fort Stanton, Inc. .\ - - - -- ....... - - -- .- fry 1)0 rzs C'hc..Try Ne'N Mexico State Police arrested seven partici- pants of the AMITY at Fort Stan ton program for probation violations stemming from an inci- dent during the late hours of January 1. According to State Po- lice Lt. Bill Bo\1{ers. one state police officer re- sponded to a report from the Afility prograJTI at Fort Stanton at 10:09 p.m, Jan uary 1, that there was a mini riot that occurred "over alcohol either brought in or madE' at the facility." RO'Ner.; said by thp timE' the offi('er arrived at the SCE'np he found that the situation \Nas under con- trol by Amity staff. ThE' Seven Arrested After "Minor-riot" at Amity

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Page 1: ~q'HI lHIO Capitan Stalemateson LCSWAarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications...2003.'... ",..... ' '.,, ':', ,,,,..,,", ",".. "

-----.........-------- ---- ~ -. - - -- - -- - - - ----_._--~------~-..-...------------------------------.........,......-I

'-"1111'.\1'-1 '.lHI;(lI'II:11'-:ll',(,".l, 1\ (1""' (I -l,. :: (H I:: ~ (, I ~

:,.;c'1 \:-. I \ \,111 I I IIH!\ I1 I P \~l) I"""" ~q'HI \ "lHIO

Capitan Stalemates on LCSWA

(',I1TI:I 0/<)

III f, >rrIl:l

1.Ifl('olnIII'a1th ;It

at'J r:~,)

:!l1 at (';IITI/(J/(l

S('!l,)( II NUI'~"''"' I.f'

at its .January ~H ulPetingIS planning to approvt' it

lHd to pun'hasp <-l ~rap·

pling tnwk that 'Nill pro­vitiI' :'H'J"Vlcl' to ttl .. ('It)' ofHuinos(J I )O"'flS and to arl'as tn till' <'(lUllty thathav.. rt'qut'stpd th .. spry

fic< 'ApI'i!

Pu hi J('

fi(·p.,J IIIH'

For additionaltion. p11\1Il"County Puhll<'(~()~)) ~;,B :{~;}~

Whitf' Oaks VO!IHllt',-rFIn' IJl'partrrH'llt \\':l!-;

anHIllg fOil I' Npv,' 1\1,'xl<'0fi rp rh'partrflpu L.., t (l galllfunding t1Il'OlJRh ttll' lastrou Jl d of )o'PI! I'rnl j':r llPI'gt'JH'Y Managf-lrH'J1tAgprH'y (!,'EM/\ I :200:.? As~istan{,t' to Fil'l'flglltf-rsgrallts

Whit\' Onks V()lunlpcl'F'i H' \)ppt, was awar(jpd$18,25~ rorralps Voltnltppr Fir'p I}ppl wa!;awardf-'d $H! ,9nO, f<'nrtSurllnpr Fin' f)<.>pt.,$ 1fi:~,O:ltl and PllPb1 () of Is'pta VO!llfltPPI- Fin' I)ppt.$47,882 to Jllak,' fOI' a totalof $:i! 1,tl;,4 nrqlIl rC'o byNt"W M('xlcO fln' dppar1rllPIlL<:; in Ul(' last round of2002 FEMA firp fi~htinR

Rrants,Tht' grant.<:; will bp uSf'd

to hC'lp irnprovp hasic fire­sprvicP dphvpry within th('four dppHrtnH-'lJl_q, includ­inH firp prote-('t1nn, }<~MS

df"liv('ry, vphic}p purchaseand prf>venlion progralHs

I t('<lIth ClinicAugus l :{t) at (',I1TI/I ,,...,

11.'al t 11 ChlllC,

()l'tob.'I· I fi at (';llTI/tl/U

Pu bli<' School N III-Sp' S oftll'l'

·1 )pc'l',llhpr' I (l at ('arn/.,//' Pllblil' SC·!J.H"Nil I'S" '~; ,"Til'<'

White OaksFire Dept.Gains Grant

In ('<In'll<I 1I1111111nl/,1tlllllS Vv'ill pnl\:idt'd tl>childn'l\ ;,t thl' fllll,,"'illgsitl's I'n1l1l 1<1 ;1 III to 11<>011

thruugh \luI Lh., :"'I'BI' "1)

tllf' datto;. I,st.'d.1.11111:11-.\ ~I :l! ('<')"<"1:1

Pllblic Sellool Ntll·,,,···. of!il" '

1V1 <I n'h I H ;1 t (' 0 n " I" I }' 1 Ii>

lic Sellonl Nllrsl"s "fill'"!'vIa,\' ~Il at ('"rill/a S"llllll'

( 'I fJ /('11 ( 'Pf\ t. 'r.July ~~ at ('01·"";1 Sl'lIlor

('itiZPIl (','ntprSppt"r1l1U'I· :.?:~ at Connla

1'lIblJl' SI'hp.,l Nun.;,,·s offic'l'

N(I\.·"llIh"r I g ,lt ('on '11;1Public School Nurs.. ·s offi('('


Il'lanaRt>r Debra Ingle 'Nhoatt('ndl'd thl' Inpeting. px­plairwd the grapplingtruC'k SPrvH'P to bE' offeredby I ,C'SWA. Shp said Uw'LCSWA board of director.;

not rpquin'd.In ('cHTizozo irnrnurllza

tidus will bt' pr'ovid('d atthe following sitt'sthroughout thp ypar froll11() a. Il \. ton00n () 11 t h ..datt:"s lis tt'd.

.JanuaI';,· ~:.? at ('aITiz<lzoPublic Sc!tuol NUI'SI"S of·[icP.

FebJ'ual'y 12 at Carrizo7oPublic School NUI'sP'S of-


~ttE'n. But trusteps ap­provPd the agenda ~th adefined LCSWA discus­sion to includp thp p;rap­piing truck and billing_

M0rE' than an h our afterthE' rTIepting startpd trus­tees had worked their waydown the agenda to tilE'LCSWA item. Spdpnvallsaid thp grappling truckservice would cost another$1.25 a month to (>achtrash billing.

LCSWA operational

The /jnco/" ('OUllf\' :..;( J/ic! v\!(/Sft' .,l /If//( Jrif'

(LeSWA) continues to IN' OCCIISl't! (Jilt! \'('rho/!,{/[({/cked h\' certain illdi\'idlla!s. /111 C\([III!J!e i.\the Januai-y 2003 ('apitl/" Mo\'Or's R('!)(Jrt !>\.Stel'e Seder\\'o/l, 11/0\ 'Or. rH'O INl,L!('S oj U IJJ1JJIf'!ltsand accusatioJls agaiflst 1,( '."lWA.

The fOI!OH'illg U'.\I}(J/1.\(' \I'U.\ i.\\oed /1\ {( 'SH'.-tChainnan 1>011 ('( )/('1/10/1, re!>re \ ('I/fol/ 1/' I( If" fl/(·

city of Ruidoso IJOH·Jl.\, (J1/f!\i,L!JI(,tI o/\() /)\ 1,('0

Martine::.., I,('S~VA U'IJJY\('I/{util'(' /01 {Iu' ('Ollllt\

(?{ !,i!lcoln.

TillS letter IS III response 10 the Cd/1JLIJl 1\1;1\\11'"

Repor! that was sent to Ihe CHI/Cll ... 01 rill' \ IILlgL' <llCapitan 111 their water hills. The (';lprr.lll 1\1;(\\11

sends thIS report every month and mosl \11 tllL'1ll lla\'L'becn IIlfOr1natlon about LlIlcoln ('ount\ S"lld W'a ... tL'AuthOrity, Thc Board of DIrectors 01 I 111L"lll ('OUlll)Solid Wastc Authority requesl Ihal Ihl" IqHH! heresponded to, (or all thc cHI/ellS of I 11lL<l111 ('Olllll:Vincludlll~ Capnan's cIIIITIlS.

It secms that thc Mayor's Report doc" (llll 1-'1\ L' 'IlL'complete truth abuut I CSWA. IlL' Wlslll'" 1\1 hn'll lllepot-shuts and personality tlllllg ... tllred lip 1111111 Itstinks, IllS reporl for Jallu;lrv I'" slall(/l'Jtlll" ,1~';J1I1S'

the Board of Directors 01 I ('SWA ;1I1d Illl' ()pcr;l

tlollal Supervisor.Mr, Don Colemall, ('hallmall. 1\.-1r. I L'\l I\LII{l11l'/.

Secretary, and Mr .... I:rank CUlllllllllS. Rllldo'-.l1 leplL'sentatlv~ have IrIed very hard to \,"or\... \\ Itl1 1\.1;1\111

Sederwall on his quesllon ... ~lholl! I( ·S\\.';\ Ip 11\1

avail. Thev now want the publiC to kno\\ the [[\llll.

The /Uayor's Report: "1\1y perSllll;lllt\ L'rl\''' \HII

that it's \ ....Tong to call the Operatlon.11 SUPL'/VI"OIapplicants III for an InterVIew and tell lllL'rl1 'he\' all..'over quallflcd for the Joh. II's wrong (0 {cll thoscapplicants the joh would only pay $20.000 per )/L'ar,and tbcll 2\ workIng. days alter Illring tilL' L'halrmallof the board, one of the Insltk, group. til l!(luhk hersalary.

FAl']': Modesto ('havcs, VICC ('!l;t1II11.111 III lhL'LCSWA Board of Dircctors. at the (111IL'. \\;1'-. IIIchargc 01 the interviews along. v.nth .I a\... l' I LUll ... ;llldLloyd Nickerson, Modesto Chaves state". "Ill) appllcant was told that they were over qualified, (llli 01the five applIcants only Ms. Ingle wa<, qualdled forthe pOS It Ion due to the requ iremclH of a{ leaS! (I)year of soltd waste experiencc.

FACT: Salary did not double after 2 l day... MsIngle had worked ovcrscclllg the opcratHlll'" .I~ ('!Jail

man of lhe Board from May 1h to JUIlC JO. 200 I,withotll allY pay. from July I to Novcmher 1<), 20(}1she- was only raid expenses based 011 lhe 'i>20,OO()

LCSWA Respo,ndsTo Mayor's Report

January J O. 2003* * * * * * * * * * * ~; * -~: ¥ * .

-------- -- --

Lincoln County PublicHealth has established aschedule for providingin1munizations in Carri­zozo and Corona to anychild from birth to 18years of age, freE' ofcharge. Children 01ust beaccornpanied by a parentor guardian and have ashot record An appoi n t­ment is rp('ulnnlcnded but

Child ImmunizationSet for C'zozo, Corona



".p~ ALL oj .I!~ e~"



New Mpxic-o State Dis­trict 57 RepresentativE'Dan Foley "vill meet withthe public at 3:30 p.rn, to­day, Thursday, January16, at Capitan Village Hallmeeting room,

District. 57 includes thenorthern third of LincolnCounty, into the north­western quadrant ofChaves County and Tu­larosa-Bent areas of OteroCounty.

Rep. Foley InCapitan Today

the mayor to Shparer. "Wecould also discuss billing,"

Mayor StevE' Sederv.rallsaid hf' 'Nas concernedabout reading in theIlP'NSpapf"r ho'N Capitan isonp nlonth behind on pay­ing for trash service. "ButWE' have no mont"Y to payit," he added.

Shearer said she was un­surf' the village could takeaction on billing or addingthe grappling service dueto tht?' way UH> agE'uda 'Nas

youth.Amity is a privat~· or­

ganization that contractswith the statE' departrrlentof corre-ctions to provide a

illg agenda. Agenda itE'Ill12 was listed as"discussion/action onLCSWA." Trustpe BobbiShearE'r rE'quE'sh:~d darifi­catioll of the itenl. Shesaid she 'Nanted to discussthe Lincoln County SolidWaste Authority <LCSWA)grappling truck service foryard and forest wash" be­causE' somE' residpnts hadexprpssE'd intprest in hav­ing it.

"I don·t care," responded

r------ .'-

state policE' officer irnmE'­diately requested assis­tance from the LincolnCounty Sheriffs Office totransport six individuals,who 'Nere arrested for pro­bation violations includ­ing assault, to the LincolnCounty Detention Centerin Carrizozo. One otherAmity participant 'Nastransported to LincolnCounty Medical Center fortreatment and was laterarrested and booked intothe detention center forparole violation,

Bowers said it is protocolthat state police rpspondanytin1p thpre is an inci­dent at any of the statecorrf"ctions facilities orany operations under thestate corrections depart­mpnt such as Amity orCamp SiE'rra Hlanca for


fry f )UriS Chen)'

Tht' Capit::ln mayor con­tinues to havt' harn ft"pI·iugs about ho'N Capit,anH'sidpnts gpt billpd forthpir tnish sprvtces, butthert' \Nas no rpsQlution tothe prob1(>,11l at tht" recentvill;:tgp t!"listpes uleeting.

At til.. Capitan villagE'tllPpting 011 Tuesday,January 14 the Ilrst itemof businE'ss 'Nas for trus­tees to appI Dve the rueet-

A MAP OF OLD FORT STANTON as it was In its Military, TB Hospital Days In the 1930s is shownby Fort Stanton Inc. president Tony Hoffman to students of leadershIp lincoln on January 9. leader­ship lincoln students learned about the tort's history li,e1uding eyewItness remembrances ot whenthe German merchant marines were detallld at the Fort during World War II, that indicate therelationship between the Germans and the locals were not that good. Leadership Lincoln studentsalso learned about the AmIty program at Fort Stanton and got a report about the newly formlllg comrnuflIty radiO station. The museum is operated by volunteer members of Fort Stanton, Inc.


~ - - - ---~---~~--~~.......-~--- - - -- .-

fry 1)0 rzs C'hc..Try

Ne'N Mexico State Policearrested seven partici­pants of the AMITY atFort Stanton program forprobation violationsstemming from an inci­dent during the late hoursof January 1.

According to State Po­lice Lt. Bill Bo\1{ers. onestate police officer re­sponded to a report fromthe Afility prograJTI at FortStanton at 10:09 p.m,Jan uary 1, that there was amini riot that occurred"over alcohol eitherbrought in or madE' at thefacility."

RO'Ner.; said by thp timE'the offi('er arrived at theSCE'np he found that thesituation \Nas under con­trol by Amity staff. ThE'

Seven Arrested After "Minor-riot" at Amity

Page 2: ~q'HI lHIO Capitan Stalemateson LCSWAarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications...2003.'... ",..... ' '.,, ':', ,,,,..,,", ",".. "

- - - - - - -- - -~ ---~-- -~-- ~ ~_.-.__.~.-.~.~.-._-~.~.-.__._----- , - • • 0 2 .

,LINCOLN COUNTY NEWS. . . . . .. . .JANUARY 16, 2003 I PAGE 2

trom trustees. they moved.on to a brief' report aboutCapitan-earrizozo Natural3as wi.tl)out~S actionon the LCSWA situation.

Schearer requests thatany village resident inter­ested in the grapplingtruck service phone Capi­tan City Hall at 354- 2247and leave her a message.

(Continued from Page 1)

that was in the budget and was hired at that same$20,000 till January 1. 2002. When the Board ofDirectors (Modesto Chaves Lincoln County,Trustee John Whitaker - Capitan, LJoyd Nickerson ­Carrizozo. Jake Harris - Ruidoso Downs. and FrankCummins - Ruidoso) did the mid year bUdget revi­sion in December, they discussed the salary for theoperational supervisor. After several comments bythe board members the resolution was approvedu,nanimous, this budget included the increase in payfor the operational supervisor. (This action wouldhCJve taken place had it been any other applicant thatmay have been hired). ,

Mayor's Report: "It's wrong to pay the kind ofmileage payments we pay her without one boardmember checking that mileage and just writing acheck from the people"s checkbook.

FACT: Ms. Ingle's mileage is logged daily andturned in to the Financial Coordinator every twoweeks. The Chairman of the Board signs, the checks

. and verifies the mileage with the Financial Coordina­tor who has been with LCSWA eleven years.

Mayor's RepOerl: The Joint Powers agreement.. the mortar that holds the board together. does notprovide for proxy votes.'''

FACT: On November 16th. 1992 the Board ofDirectors passed, approved and adopted the VOTEBY PROXY.

Mayor's Report: "In November 2002. that theCorona Rep, advised that the Mayor of Corona pul­led his proxy from Ms. [ngle in May of 2001. Yetthe minutes show she was voting his proxy untilNovember 2001". Another issue my personalityscreams in a loud voice, that it is wrong.

FACT.. The proxy from Corona was issued to Ms.Ingle on May 10th 2001, and no longer used afterSeptember 200 I, and how could the Corona rep,advi~e tJ:e Mayor at the November 2002 meeting,consldermg they were not present at th~t meeting.

Mayor's Report: "Your Vlllage does the billingf<?,r L:CSWA each month. Each month your villagedips IOto your coffers to make up the difference aswe come up short. "

FACT.. LCSWA does not have anything to dowith how the municipalities pay their bills. the bil­ling clerks call the LCSWA office and report thenumber of trash bitls that they are billing and theLCSWA. billing clerk generates a bill for the munic­ipalities for payment. The LCSWA office has noway of knowing how much money is collected by themunicipalities.

Mayor's ReporLo The mayor also comments on aletter dated October 4. 2002 in regards to the cost forLCSWA to do the bi1ling for the Village of Capitan.

FACT: The mayor fails to tell the people that theJoint Powers Agreement states "there will be noduplication of services" and that the $47,988.05 wasthe total cost to LCSWA and of that amount quotedthe cost to the Village of Capitan would be$15.521.28.

Mayor's Report: The mayor believes that theLincoln County News is hearing one side of analready slanted issue from the supervisor.

FACT: The Lincoln Coun.ty News reports thefacts by doing their research.

Mayor. your personality thing should stop. orhave yourself replaced on this board by another per­son from the ViHage of Capitan. who has been herefor years. knows the facts. and would at least bewilling to do their research before comments aremade to the newspaper. Therefore. your personalitything and pot-shots would stop. at least withLCSWA.

residents.After shuftling papers

and :allowing noisy dis­cussion among the audi­ence, Sederwall f'J.nally re­quested trustees either doa motion about the solidwas~ or to go on to thenext and final agendaitelTl_

With no motion conring

Many thanks to all our wonderfulfriends and neighbors who gave ussupport and encouragement in ourtime of need, for all of the cards,flowers, and the food brought to thegraveside service, and for all of themany gestures of kindness and loveexpressed to us in the loss of ourloved one, Grady Eldridge. .rMargie EldridgeBetsy Eldridge Peralta and familyShelly Tate and' familyRonnie and Take Eldridge and family

Sincerely,D. Coleman,Leo Martinez,Board of DirectorsLincoln County Solid Waste Authority

LCSWA Responds

L _•

Trustee Leroy Montesasked why the grapplingtruck service is not :forfree. "Since we collect thebills :for you (LCSWA). ft beadded.

Ingle said the joint pow.era agreements forLCSWA state the munici­palities will do the billingsf'or LCSWA. And Capitanis paid a fee per customerto do the billing W'itb the:monthly water and sewerbills. (Editor's note: themayor's newsletter is alsosent in the monthly bill­ings.)

~l don't like that if'solYle­one df;>eSn't pay f'or theirtrash, we (the village) haveto cut otT their 'Water,"Montes said.

Sederwa1l said the vil­lage should not be billingforLCSWA.

Resident AnnaGailGrassie asked if LCSWAbills the county to billcounty customers. Inglesaid LCSWA does notcharge the count;y to thecounty billing. However.the coun ty does not getany administrative t'ee forits customers either. Alsocounty residents are bUledon a quarterly basis.

Again Sed.envall said hehad read where Capitanwas a month late on itspayIllents. Shearer askedhow the village can payout more than it takes in.Griff'"m said the solidwaste account was alwaysclose, and in the paSt thevillage had paid the bUl toLCSWA before it had col­lected the payments fromvillage residential cus­toIllers.

"If we pay on tune. wehaven't collected all ourmoney yet, ft Griftln said.

Sederwall reminded thatcurrently it' an entity islate on its payments toLCSWA. it will get a sur­charge.

"That is not right. ft Mon­tes !!laid.

But Ingle said LCSWAbills the village f'or 'theprevious month of" trashcollection service.

"We do not get enough inthe solid waste fund topay on time. ft Grimn re­peated. "And it continuesto get worse."

After Sederwall againsaid he wanted LCSWA tobill the village residentialcustonters, trustee JohnWhitaker said he was tiredof "this dog being kicked."

"Every time I pick up apaper someone is makingus look like Cools," Whi­taker said, ~I'rn tired ofcomplaining about it be­cause it is a real disserv-,ice-. ft

Sederwall said he did"not care to get out of thetrash business" butwanted LCSWA to takeover billing. Shearer saidit could cost the custom­ers lTlore if LCSWA takesover the billing of village

Without It,bow would anybodyknow wllat to ••111

Advertising,use it!!


R"[f!S A.s low As

(COrl'f from P. 1)

transition progrmn thatE"lnphasizes life skills,('ornrnunity service anddrug TE"habilitation :foradult rnales on parolefroITI thr.· state correctionsfac-jljtips.

Amity representativeswpre !lot able to commentabout tht, incident. sinceall suC'h infonnation must('OITte' froITI the New Mex­ic'o DepartInent of Correc­

'tiont->. THl<~ NEWS was un­ahlp to contact the correc­tions dppartment beforedl'adlinc:' time.

trash bills. whether the('ustoInpr uses the serviceor not.

··It's all OT nothing,"Spdpn,vall and Shearersaid about the service

whf'1l trustee C'rl:"orge Tip­pin asked if the serviceand :idditionaJ f("e wouldh(' optional to each cus­tOIlIPT.•

Villagf> clerk. KathrynGriffin ~mid the ,village lost$1.094 in the last sixrnonths for the roll offsprvi('p ('urrently now of­ff'TPd. The village providesan pnlployee after hours toom]) thp roll off. which hasbpPll under-utilized in therpc·(Onl winter lTlonths.

Rpsident AI Barton saidjust recpntly the trashratE"S Wfi>nt down becauseLCSWA TPrnoved its "fuelsUl'charge M of $1 and itwould not be so differentto add the $1,25 for thepjek up service,

The Ne,xt Stage"

Seven Arrested

Home Equity Loan




SUKKPsteu thal old appli­aJl<.'es and other metalitE"nHi ('otdd hI' It·n. at tht>fpnC"fc·rl arp<l for th.. roll off('ontaint"T 111';)1" thf.." villaRfe'InainlenAIH'1' yard.

But rpsidt'llt L.onnipLippUHlltU 'VVhll liveos iu<.tow-nluwll Capitan saidth~ C'harlo(t-' will be on all

113 Central Ave - Carrizozo Beach648 - JOES

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~ Wp'll providt.' the stilTIulus62:0004 (t.'tlfft'l'. It·.l, t.·(lIl\"l'r-~.lti~lI"l,l·tl',)


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Capitan Stalemates

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Funeral service for BOlt­nie Fay Runnels Coe~ 81.of BonJto will be Tburs­da,y:. Dec, 19 at· '1 0 a.m. in_the' Gateway Church' orChrist in;' Ruidoso. .CarlParsons' will om'iriate~Withburial,'couQW:ing at th~ ~-'gus c;em'eter;y:.-· , ,

She died Oec, 14. in Ru~

idoso. She, was bom April20, 1920 'at ,Southfork illLincoUi Counl;Y and had _lived in Liitcolri COuntY all . 'or her_life,' abe 'was: -il­homemaker and' a m&rn-·,.t>er·of Gateway 'Churc" 01':'ChrisL. . " .' ..

She -is .survived by 'tw"p.; .sons. Tfi;!lTY'" a:tld Dariny: :_.Coe of''' Ruid6S0. ',fiv.e" :.

~ grahdchi1d:ren~,d-"""'_~O-';·;·l'-"""'"":;OO""~O!'.'~~sl.~·~·~·'!i"·~·§F~~~~~~,~.#+'~:;I·great grandchildr<m. .. ." J '.·'aii:~~bo

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Carrizozo VouthArrested Afte,·SChool'lJrawf::··:,·:~Orted by-,I>riya~ ;-rehicle~. ::~~~l ~~l~~'~ }~~~>': .~~·6'.::, ~~~~";~·~~~~'.~·~~ut···:·;~~~,:,~;,\:,~:··.,:

Vesa atated that 1l.iVera .arti:~..:,.of~~~~Jl,idye~~·,·..m"Je'~a~~·: );#4.'>.:::;. . . ....BIB~ ...·a..~ B ",nu' ·O'Le . "....·~·n6_~·" .¢ontacted the district ,at'-·.· '",". -_~",,- ..... " :-.r'.. >..,.-; ~W1~; ..f.:)~Q~~~,,~·'!'Nl,:-.,7~,-,~~::, ... '~'"

tom~y's ofnt::e' that night ,ti~ ..:-Y'e$'8;;' sa,td; -·_9.A~~~ :-.;;~:d:,:,~.t;i2i:epfiJ'.,:.. ,,J;1:.;"ls, ~,~r·,i:'; ',. _.' :.;d h . '. th·· Rivera .gatbeiedenouglj ·tant·tb"t''We:.m .......1<'..", .. ','.'

an c arges we~ au or-,' 'i:nf'Prtn:aljon ;" .to",. ~ ,.,_'_,,, < ':i::'::::."':',"', ":":":;"", ':' -:'_.~,;,:--':':': ,,. ,~." •. ,,:.,ized ,-to ~. tiled· on' .tWo ,..- __ _', - ,-:.. ',.'. : '-'. :." _,>.J~,~~'.'J:~~~~~>~~::~~~.~;l;ii~~~lh:<'._::,:,:,,_.. ;;­counts at aggr.av~ted .~~ . ChlU'g~" ~C;( ,~bff!~l1:_"~ '~-'" y_f;!S~.:, . ~~:ad,4~!,.· ',,<_, "',~9h9Q~,. :,5 :',:; _,,' "

· tery. Magisfrat<i ·Judge· r~tw,,!,,~t.: .. ' ··ie' .' .• ':';~h."'4c:t·1"';\,:a~"'~"'~·::,;::,l:Martha 'P:rocto:r th~n' if,;." " :-,t::,ga s:a:'\~.;.,h~ lfJ.:'Jf'J, ,'~~';:,",_..:a:i:I~ttt,_':·,:~fJ:~~-'<:',,,_~:,,u;:a.~~-,:,<, :,, __,1:.sued ·an._ aiTe:st 'warrant -Cor ~(J c;on.~~f?$.,:, to l;J~ ,-:.~.~_:... ", :Il.~. '-:;.t~) .-.~~~:emph~uf~~,";:'" ..'18 year, .aid Sainuel 0;;' ,~n~ct ~~ ;.",.p~- ',P~~t$ '-; :9bt'!i~"'d.~P:9~~.lt:~,.'::·,<_ -'. ..Green whQ lives-·m the ',~ ,- .......,'.. :.--_ .. ,~,,~ .' ~,,:"\';:">'''''<;';,:';''''-'.t,~.;

coui1..ty. east' of"~o.State- poUce. .'~:tad,GJ:'een.ai. ~is res_i(;i--'ce~,th~'next atternc;»OIl, :Later an....,,other' vi~tlrit c.anie forWai'd·and ,an adC!l~tiohal', .-charge

. of ·as.sault was ad~ed,. . ..'Green. wB,s bookect into

· the Uncoln CoUrity De­t~tion C~nter (i."cl:JC)' ..onthe cl)'arg-es and we' a,r:,~aisned' .befor.e Prt>ctor',who' set' bail ,at -$10,000.~'remQiJls-in: LCDC at1;111s ~e. '. . ._

Vega tQld. THE. NEWs:that. the '.a~saUlt 'UiCiQe;qt._

· allegedly -6ccuiTed .be­cause 'G~en -was··,aCcuseif.of :being invoJyed -,in a .re­cent- . aCtlrin which, oC-,-curted -at ca#iZozo-~"';-'that:: was inVltS~ted by:schoOl offioials. 'Yes&! ,sfdd' ,.the schqol offiCiieJ.s· found ,_'.that'"the .flIlegations oC that· .'incident_ were "unt-ouhd~; ..' ' 'Cert8in factions demon..:susted tbeb- dis.a:at:lsAac~_ ;;­tical :oc_ 'the' (schOQn ttrid-­ings through des:tr:uOttv!!!"-behavior~" ,Vega ~d'ded.. .'

.''The 'student; attai;lk,. OQ;

(Jan.U8l'Y_ ,8Y was 'Wider

BlMOpenHouse In Capitan.To Discuss Fort Stanton ACEC ...

'. - . . .

by Doris CherryAri 18 year old Carrizozo'

area man was $rTested: 'ontwo counts of batterystemrnfng f'rom a fight at aCarrlZ9Z0 high school jun­ior dab .... meeting the even-ing of January 8, 'Carrizo~o police and

&rnL.ulaIJce were called 'O\I,t

to CarrizoZq school at 7:35p.m.. On'8 ,.eport of a 'fight'in P~EP."ess. According to'-

- tnfonnation from CiuTi­zo:r;o Police -DepBrbnent,officer Johnny 'RiVera re­sponded and f'oun,d a 16_year old student. at .thehjgh scboolwho had ('!Icia!cuts and- abrasions as thereswt of -a 'battery by" a·former _studep.t.Accordi~g to Carrizozo

School SuperintendentSergio Castarion, ·th~ vic;.tim w~ attending the'class meeting where stu..den~'. school sponsOrs'and adults were ,in atten­dance. Castanon said ,iE!yewitnesses stated that theVictiIn was. - called, o'Qt ofthe __ .meetimL_t~L~tbe o\Jt-,side. where the battery oc­cUrred. .

Another juvenile hadbeen .allegedly'- ,battered at,a different IQcation by thes~e ,suspect, said Carri~zozo police chj.ef' AngeloVega. .'-

Canizozo ambulanc-e.transported one of' the Vic;.'tUns to i.i.ncoln CpuntyMedical cenier' in . Rui­doso, the other 'Was U!iUlS-


'- ..--

YouthBowlingLeagu_ Begin ,Feb. 1At Zozo Rec Center

Youth bOWling munsand leagues art! now t'Pr:rn- .log at 'CarrizOzo -~rea­

tion Center.Tearn11eague play will be

at 9:30 a.m..each Saturdayfor 14 wee~ beginning.Saturday,' ~l>nJary 1.Youth ages six to 18 are 'invited to join f'or s' n()nl~w'nalcost. '..

Clill Jim.Mack at tbe neeCenter et 646-4220 formo~ information..; -.


Bureau' of .Land ,M~age­

ment (BLM) will ,host_ an"open house" ,in Capitanon Jan. 23 to diseuss pro­tiosed. plans ror roads 'andtrails around Fort Stanton,according to Ed. RobinsOn'­BLM-:ftosw'ell . field officemanager.

The m.e~tin8-- is sched­uled Cor 6 p.m, at the Capi­tan -Senior Citizen 'Center,adJacent to 'Qle ~tartHigh SchooL BLM em-'ployees will present. in­formation and a,nsw~1"

questions about the FortStanton Area of CriticalConcern (ACEC) RouteDesignation :Plan and' En­vironmental ASs'eesment­Draft. The draft dOCUIIlEmtis available online atwww.nm.blm.gov/www/rfolindex.htm,

The dOC1Unent, prepan:!'d'as part of on-going rnan­~agernentplans for the FortStanton ACEC, presents

. suggestions ror mountainbike. equestrian. hikingand otT-highway vehicletrails and which vehicleroutes would remain open.It proposes to· reducetnaintained. roads from 304to 34 tniles and add." 60miles of multi-use trails, in'the ACEC.

The ACEC inc~uded ap­proxiJnateiY 24,000 acresof publicly owned land.surrounding the state­managed 2,OOO-acre his..torie· Fort Stanton site ~Lincoln: COunty. The are$


WEDNESDAYS--Alcoholics Anonymous, 7 p.Ol. Capitan Senior Citizens


FIRST AND THIRD TUESDAVS,--Jalayne Spivey of lhe Districi II Office of the S'tate Engineer

is al- Ruidoso Village Hall from 9 a.m. to 12 noon.

MONI)AVS--Kairos Outside and EmtuaUlS <"'ommumty meeting, 6:30 p.m;

Trinity United Methodist Parsonage on E. Ave. ,Carrizozo. '



MONDAY~ JANUARY 20~ 'Martin Luther King O.y--All ft..'<.lc,.at, slate, count} and IIllUlk'ipul offices, banks closed

for MLK day. CarriT.OZO school wlll disriUs$ early a1 t2: to p.m.for the boliday.

--Lincoln CouDty-Ruidolto El'I.tralcrrilori_aI ~I'.oning Commission,6 p,m. Ruidoso village h8l1.

$3,000,000 available

TUESDAYS-~FibromyaJgiDSyndrome Support Group. every bthcr Tuesday,

6 p.m, K-Bob's in Ruido~o;

--Alcoholics Anonymous. 6-7 p.m. Carri~_07.0 Zia SeniorCitizens Cenfer.

THURSDAVS-.Capilan Public Library preschool reading bOUl", , p.lI\.--Lincoln County Adull Singles Group 6:30 p.m. Call 3.$4-2635

or 258-3201 for ill.fonl1ation and location.

THURSOAy~'JANUARV23--BLM Open Bouse on Fort Slanlon area roads and trails. {,

p,m, Capitan Senior Citizcns Cenler Ol"! Tiger Drive.--Ruidoso Community Concert performance 7:30 p.m. Fil1'Jl

Christian Church in Ruidoso, call 336-40J5 for information.

Nrw (.rrr/i' It} A,I{ Nrrl' ""1'\(<"0, F( .:'1, ACAlI.lmu'(luN /".1>" $_'0.000 (HI

2% ..,. $IJJ()O.O(J ...,,,,·k RI"I"I>'"l"'U'Ht. wl"l'J1t'r'l'" is It'si1'.-,,,,,,,,,,,,, ..Xpl .... "" "'. i,,,t"" /fUJl20f/.1



Interest Rat<-' ()pl iOIl~:

_~-year, 4.ycar, ur ')-y...·at hx...·d RatC" Luans


TUESDAY, JANUARY 2t--Lincoln CowlIy Commissiollcl'"S IDecr n.t 8 a.m, in their·

chambers in the Lincoln COlmly Courthouse in Carrizozo. Threepublic hearing.'! al 9 a.m. .

--Immunizations givcn 10 children unde,. agc 18 from 10 a.m. 10

noon at Corona Public Schools DUI'SCS office. Parcnt/guardianmust accompany child and bring "Ihol records.

--Ruidoso Planwlig and Zoning Conlmisllion 2 p.m. Ruidosovillage hall. .

--Carri.i£OZO Boanl of Education 7 p.m. administrai.ion bui:ldiog.


--lInmunizations givcn to children \ll1dc,. age 18 fronl 10 a.m. tonoon at Cani ...'07'O_ Schools nurses office. Parcnts!_~ansmustaccompany child and bring shot records.

Ag /VflU M,riro. n:.:'i:. ArJl_C'-U Offirr-

OU-t lWirWRy l'IT..;" NoTlhC,7..vis, N,w Mmn. B8JOJ

('505) 76.z-31:128/-800-.1"7--1'54'5

.Albuqu.1rtJ1U O!Ifiu._I~/S CnrU.I, N.£. .

AJlnrI/H'rqur. N.,w Mmn> R7107(S(I5J BR.J-S600

, 1-IWO-72~,.j769

TODAY. THUJlSDAY.JAN-lJARV 16--Cwrizoz.o l'amily and Consumer l-'.duearjon (FeE) club Rleets

at J p,m. at Otero Coun~y Electric Coopcrati.vc office on 12thStreet.

-·NM Disl. 57 R,cp. ll'an Fol,cy Will meet with thc public at 3:30p.m. at Capitan Village 1-1011.

·-US Highway 70 Task Force meeting, 7 p,m, Hondo VWlcySchools.


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Resident Don BrothEtt9'asked whY then do th~

streets haVe to be chan.ed '

By Doris Cherry

Capitan village trusteesdon't want to give up themore than 100 year oldstreet names that are du­plicated elsewhere in Lin­coln County.

Especially not to remedythe 911 emergency systemprbbleOls that are actuallyoriginating with the Valortelephone company.

During the Capitan trus­tees meeting January 14,Connie Stone. county 91 tcoordinator Jliid countY·plQIlnmg officer PatsySanchez requested the viI.lage change the names of'White Oaks and ~08'aJ

Streets. Stone again saidthe changes were neces­sary because there is aWhite Oaks street in -am-'doso also, and the En­hanced 911 enJergenCyphOtlle system can not ac­conunodate duplicatenames. She also said an..'other problem is RuidOSonow baa direct hm;nemail .delivery on its White Oaksstreet.


changing any of Ute his­torical nBJnes of streets inthe downtown core area.

TrustEtes and the lTl&yorquestioned why in otherplaces county-wide 911systentS are able to ac­commodate duplicatestreet names. Stone saidthat :many of the problemswith' duplicate streetnames in the 9.11 systemoriginate with th~ loealtelephone companies.There ~ four cOt:J1paniesthat provide land ·basedphone se.-vice· to Lincoln'County. .

When asked about whythe E-~l~ system Win notshOW the towns where th~

911 calls origiiJate. Stone''said that ~hen 1;I1e E-U11 .system work~ right street".addresses in the 'Correcttowns will come ~p on the .011 system maps_ :Sut: cUr­rently Ule :more sopbist;\-"catec! E-911 1Jysten'J: is notup and rUnning ....ywhere

,'in the CdUDW. S&Jlcb~z


Ii'ees -fo,", the 91-1- systenh-­are added to au phone

But trustees and many. bills. And Stone said tJ;:i:eaudience ~embers oJ>... phbne compani~s get $12jected to.hoVillg to change .eVt!tI'Y t:iI'(le. a change is~e street names that are ¥Pade to the phone listingsmore thtlJJ. a e;entury old. and, 911 mdp locdtions.Trustee Bobbie Shearer "But I waste a lot ot time ...was also con~~ 8~ut said Stone~ "on disc~':the l.eJIal rarni.f1e~tioris of neCted. phone' numbersqlumging ,the WhIte Oaks trorn Valor,' ,name because of oldeasement agreements ~tween the Brewer Ranehand the vWage.

Shearer aaJd all the tru.­tees have objeeted to

" '

Capitan Won't Oiv¢ UpHistorical Street 'Names; Trust~esSicMayo.. After Valor ToR~medy 911 P ..oblems

<_.~,- _ .. - ... ~-- ,.' ••.

LINCOLN COUNTY NEWS, : , " ,,' , ' , JANUARY 16.~3 I ~GR !l

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Trusl;ee John Whitak~r

sugg~tE~d . thE:"" streetnames ~ changed only inthe .911 system. such asadding "aka" or WhiteOaks/Capitan. . withouthaving to change tho ac­tual . street signs. ButStone said ·that could con­fuse emergency responseteaIns. .

SCI 1"()lIlld~lliOIlf:lUO l!,' ') F)') • \/,/',\\N C; JlclllCllll FUll lc1dIIOI"1 nrq


for the gil systeJn.Sanchez said so thecounty can get Ute E-9l1sy~ten1 working. ''Whenyou get it up and runningand we need to changestreet nam.es, then comeback to us," the mayo,,"said.

Capitan Won) Oiv~~-(Continued From Page 4)

LINCOLN COUNTY NEW!! ...'.... _·IANlJAI.tY 16.2003 I ~CiE 6, ,

- , ,

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PLEASE TAKE NOTICE thaa:- the above-entitledCliun. having appoinied me. ()f n,y dl;signce l'8.SJ?C"dati Ma~ter in thiN matter with dlt: puwet to Nell, hasurdered me to Kell the real prop.t:rty sinultell in,Lin­enln County. New Mex.ico, commonly known as 2'16Main Road. Capitan. New Mex.ico. and mute parti­cularly described as fulluws:


Tllgedlcr with t 982 Ways-Woud Mobile 'Home!Vin NK8TXSN2801480. .The sale is Cll begiu at 10:00 a.m. on February 4.2003.' out...ide die fnmt entrance of Lincoln CountyCourthouse, City of CarrizOZ()o County of Li.ncoln..Sblt~ uf New MeJCico. aC which time I will sell to.thehi~hes.t and beSt bidder for cash in lawful 'cu~rehC)'uf the United Slatcn of America. Ule Propc.rtY l(! pa)'expcWiCS of sale. and to saUdy w.e Judgment lu favurof Bank of New York. as TrUstee. "

Bank of New York., as Trostee, was awardedJudgment (10 September 13.• 2001. in the sum of$33,632.sd. plus oUlStanding lntercsl duc- on ~1C ..Not~ dlroUgh Seplember S. 2001. in the amount of$5 288.45. and accruiam thereafter al the rDte of14:3S000% per annwn t$13.4J per diem), plus tate .chaTges in the a"mounl of $327.44. pius escrowadvances in dIe amounl of $95.S1. plus fees Ilnd

LINCOLN COUNTY NBWS ' .. , , . , , , JANUARY 16,2993 /MCE Ii1~~2---2---+~+~2~+~~+;~~~~1~

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:.\.rA-t~·&.'ben·tral.1:'G·A.~·~I~OZO~,··NIYI,,··Z·Ph'.I.·64,8~,~125~_.. , .We··Ptdc~pt·W·~lliC·'~ .¢~ecks·:-':""VV~·-'I:i.~nbr .eB~· Card~:fo.f.·F.o~:(:fand ,.l?'sf';··: .

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. . '.J.UMBO. PA~~ " .DRUMSTICKS· or THIGHS,· .


o C # s.c., .... t


16 oz. BTL "••• I t .•••••••


Salad :Qr~ssitt:g .

•~,~. ~:~_"l"t ,;j; - : t lii'h••' Ilillillillllin_IIIIiI·lllt lli·IIIil· IllliIlllllIllil.IIIl IIlI..i11I1Ii1 .

Dorltos~· ", -.•.. ,Chios '9ii!D.J'!~Assorte~ . .'.9- 13.5 oz. ..J>..I,J?_A.R~g. 53,29 f -j~~if...l!z.:.·$ .' ".~.·5 .

_JiBa--nq·uet-I-'----~~H-~Pot Pies

_ Assorted

'V~ 7 OL. pkg.

~ .#~ '1!M2$1·,.d' for


~;;;iI Star-KistTuna.

(, hun\<. I 11(11\tn Waten or {)tI

60L 'tiln


P~ICES EFFECTIVE: Jan~ 1'6 ,to. Jan.22L .HOURS: Mon. thru Sat. 8:30 inrl... 7pm .



Kid Cuisine }796·1060Z







J{.anch Style~::!::-~~~~Beans!\...o.,'>rll'd1~ 0/ \.. c.ll\


Sa tIneCrackers5hu.liIH'i\....1I1Il·d1.1; 'h 0.1

--Approval of consent (tabled from Dec. 19 meet.:. .agenda of finance; treas.- . ing) and· request to openurer's l'C'porl of December for couIit)r mainten'ance3 t; manager's reporl on remaining portion of 'Ra-'sale communitY provider. ven Drive in Cedar Creek'and indig'ent health care Subdivision from the Ce­claims; state highway dar Creek' ~abin O\Vr1E:~rsclassification 'recoffiInen-' Board of Directors.dation; pxtension of an- ~-Water/foresthealth dis~nual vaeation hours. for: cussioI) with notice of wa-one employee. . tel' rights transfers. .

:-Board of l''inance Ineet- --Update on cOnu'p~ica-.

ing, r('vlpw of treasurer's t~ons ifnprovemerits in ·the _fin~ulCial re'port and' in- Hondo Valley.' .vestnwnt policy. --Renewal of legal serv-

--Mallagpr's projects. re- ices agreement with .attor-port. ney Alan' P. MoreL ..

--Lincoln County Medi- --Resolution. for. I'Qid-'.cal Centpr and clinics op- year budget a.djustment.erations report. including for. fiscal year ?002-:2003...hospital strategic plail, --Farewell. presentationhospital coolparisons, so1.e . for William ZinnocomnuU1ity provider pay-.. --Prochlmation for Con·-·.ment for fiscal year 2003- gressman Joe Skeen.'2004 and discuss. draft of ,-11 a:m. time for visitorsPresbyt.prian Healthcare who did not request fo beServic(>s '. EMS on the agenda..' .

. (amhularw(') agrf'empnt. --BLM activitY presenta--·Di~:H·l1ssion about tion by Jay Walley'.

hpalth outrpach and pro- --Board app.oi.ntn:'1ents tp.visions for' outJying the New Mexi~o Associa-'county. ai'pas by Martha .bo.n o(Counties exect1tive---,-'.-~--,-'-'---~Ordorica.· board' representative'

--Annual audit report for (m1:1st be eiect~d'offiCial);fisc~l ypaF ~OO1-2002 from . Emergency. . ~rogramauditor Dan Austin. rJranager~' Extraterritorial

·-Djscussion of potential Zoning Authority with Vil­refinallcin-g of New Mex- lage of Ruidoso (two posi.-.ieo I'lnance Authority tions); EXtraterritorialloans for the fire' depart- Zoning Commis~ion .withments. Village of RtIid'oso (thr~e

--Preliminary' road ac- positions)~ Lincoln 'His­ceptanc(> of ,Janet D.rive, toric Pre~ervation boardand bpgiJ\ning.of two year (three appointments); In'"test wear period. te'rstate St.ream Commis-

--Road rpview committee sian StibcommitteeoIi thereeornmendations on re- Pecos (one apPQintInent); ~quest to vac.ate Qr update Joint MuniCipal:-County'"license to use and oc- 'ZoI)ing Authority withcupy" a portion 'of the right City of -;Ruidoso DoWnsof way on La Canada. in (two appointmentS); Prop- .Agua Fria Subdivision erty Tax Protest Board

COdn ty Commlsc~i·()n~::=:::::;:=;:~~~~~~·. . '(Contlnue~ From Fiage 6) . .


- 1. 2. 1. Qi S. L. 1 4S. 4C. S. 0. S. a. 0. t. e. J. s. e. :. " 5. 0; •• ':'.1. ;. S. S.