qbe insurance group flooding information. 2 flooding it is the inevitable disaster and one of...

QBE Insurance Group Flooding Information

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Page 1: QBE Insurance Group Flooding Information. 2 Flooding It is the inevitable disaster and one of nature’s worst. Each year flood waters rise and properties

QBE Insurance GroupFlooding Information

Page 2: QBE Insurance Group Flooding Information. 2 Flooding It is the inevitable disaster and one of nature’s worst. Each year flood waters rise and properties



It is the inevitable disaster

and one of nature’s worst. • Each year flood waters rise and properties

are damaged.• Flooding can occur at anytime and in any state,

and other than fire, it is the most common and widespread disaster.

• “All Risk” insurance policies do not cover flooding.

Page 3: QBE Insurance Group Flooding Information. 2 Flooding It is the inevitable disaster and one of nature’s worst. Each year flood waters rise and properties

Flooding1. A general and temporary condition of

partial or complete inundation of two or more properties (at least one of which is your property) from:

a. Overflow of inland or tidal waters; b. The unusual and rapid accumulation or runoff of surface

waters from any source, such as heavy rainfall; c. Mudflow;


Page 4: QBE Insurance Group Flooding Information. 2 Flooding It is the inevitable disaster and one of nature’s worst. Each year flood waters rise and properties


2. Flood, as used in this insurance policy, means: Collapse or subsidence of land along the shore of a lake or similar body of water as a result of erosion or undermining caused by waves or currents of water exceeding anticipated cyclical levels that result in a flood as defined in 1.a. above.


Page 5: QBE Insurance Group Flooding Information. 2 Flooding It is the inevitable disaster and one of nature’s worst. Each year flood waters rise and properties

Types of FloodsFlood Insurance covers direct physical loss by “Flood”.

The cause has to be direct physical for coverage

to apply.


Page 6: QBE Insurance Group Flooding Information. 2 Flooding It is the inevitable disaster and one of nature’s worst. Each year flood waters rise and properties

Types of Floods• River Flooding• Coastal Flooding• Urban Flooding• Flash Flooding• Spring Thaw• Oversaturated Soil


• Tropical Systems• Levee or Dam Failures• Rainstorms• Tsunami• Mudflow

Page 7: QBE Insurance Group Flooding Information. 2 Flooding It is the inevitable disaster and one of nature’s worst. Each year flood waters rise and properties

Types of Floods

River flooding: • Overflow of stream, creek or river, contributing causes:

• Heavy Rainfall• Spring Thaw


• Run-off from Saturated Soil• Weakening Tropical Systems

Page 8: QBE Insurance Group Flooding Information. 2 Flooding It is the inevitable disaster and one of nature’s worst. Each year flood waters rise and properties

Types of Floods

Coastal Flooding: Storm surges associated with Tropical Systems

and Nor’easters.


Page 9: QBE Insurance Group Flooding Information. 2 Flooding It is the inevitable disaster and one of nature’s worst. Each year flood waters rise and properties

Types of Floods

Urban Flooding: Accumulation of rainfall or snowmelt due to

new development and construction.


Page 10: QBE Insurance Group Flooding Information. 2 Flooding It is the inevitable disaster and one of nature’s worst. Each year flood waters rise and properties

Types of Floods

Dam or Levee Failures:Decayed or un-maintained levees and dams, failing or

being overtopped during large floods, heavy rains,

or tropical systems.


Page 11: QBE Insurance Group Flooding Information. 2 Flooding It is the inevitable disaster and one of nature’s worst. Each year flood waters rise and properties

Types of Floods

Flash Flooding:• High rate of rainfall and how long it lasts in one

area can cause flash flooding. • Flash floods can roll boulders, tear our trees,

destroy buildings and bridges, and scour out new channels. Rapidly rising water can reach heights of 30 feet or more.

• Can produce catastrophic mud slides. • Most flood deaths are due to Flash Floods.


Page 12: QBE Insurance Group Flooding Information. 2 Flooding It is the inevitable disaster and one of nature’s worst. Each year flood waters rise and properties

Types of Floods

Is it Flooding?• Water Hydrant Bust• Water Line Bust Inside a Home


• Surface Water• Tidal Wave

Page 13: QBE Insurance Group Flooding Information. 2 Flooding It is the inevitable disaster and one of nature’s worst. Each year flood waters rise and properties

Types of Floods

NOT Flooding:• Surface water

(unless 2 or more properties, one is insured)

• Water line bust inside a home• Overflow of pool in rear yard

(unless 2 or more properties)

• No water line on exterior of home? How did it flood?