qabbani all

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Qabbani All


Page 1: Qabbani All

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Page 2: Qabbani All

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Every poetic word finally transforms into a ceremony of reverence, revelation, and theophany.Words that fail to ravish us into Nirvana are transformed into a car's loose wheel. All things aretransmuted through poetry into a worship of the divine, and even sex becomes a religion, the bedbecomes the altar and confessional. Strange indeed how I always view my sex poems through ec-clesiastical eyes. Each time I travel in my lover's body, I am purified, I enter theRealm of Goodness, Truth and Light. What after all is mystical poetry if not an attempt to giveGod sexual relevance?

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I have no hope for any revolutionary movement that relegates sex to the margins of its call to ac-tion, no hope for any progressive government that leaves the Arab body expending its vigor ininhibition, copulating in secret with the covers of Playboy magazines.

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Revolution means altering the geography of the Arab in every way, reauthoring it. The Arabmind is in crisis, for it inhibits action and reaction. It has begun resembling a tablet engraved inhard Kufic letters, exhausting itself. It is encumbent upon Arab revolutionaries to write the newwords of a new idiom on new paper, for the old idiom has torn itself asunder from its own sym-bols and significances.

Page 3: Qabbani All

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"Poetry as a social document: The Social position of the Arab woman asreflected in the poetry of Nizar Qabbani", Aria Loya

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Page 4: Qabbani All

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Page 7: Qabbani All

�����Refinement by Reading your Body

The day the conversation endedBetween your breasts awash in waterAnd the tribes that battled over water,That day ended our Golden AgeAnd began the Age of Decay.The rainclouds went on strike and said no rainFor the next five hundred yearsThe spring birds went on strike and stopped all flyingAnd the ears of grain abstained from procreationAnd the fertile crescent moon took on the shapeOf a bottle full of crude oil.

The day they exiled me from the tribeFor leaving a poem and a roseAt the doorflap of your tent,That day ended our Golden AgeAnd began the Age of DecayAn age that knew its grammar and syntaxBut not a thing of womanhood,The generations of degenerationAnd the erasure of all women's namesFrom the memory of the nation.

Oh darlingWhat kind of nation is this,Policing love like a dirty cop,Considering the roseA conspiracy against the regime,Considering the poemA manifesto of the underground?What kind of nation is thisIn the form of a yellow locust

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Crawling out on its gut from the ocean to the GulfFrom the Gulf to the ocean,Talking like a holy man all dayAnd woozy over a woman's navel all night?

What kind of nation is this?Deleting love's material from curricula.Deleting poetry,And women's eyes.What kind of nation is this?Going to war with every raincloud,Opening a classified file for every breastAnd filing a police report for every rose.

Oh darlingWhat are we to do in this nation?This nation that dare not see its body in the mirrorFor fear of craving it?That dare not hear a woman's voice on the phoneFor fear of being too impure to pray?What are we to do in this nationThat knows all there is to knowOf the October revolution,Of the Zanj slaves who rose against their Caliph masterOf the Karmathians who stood against the Caliph's armiesAnd still keeps talking down to women like some Sheikh?What are we to do in this nationBetween the works of Imam Ash-Shafi'i... and the works of LeninBetween Qur'anic exegeses.... and Playboy magazinesBetween Mu'tazilism... and the music of The Beatles?

O darling dumbfounder, youWho amaze me like a child's toy,I feel civilizedFor loving you.I call my poems historical

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Because they have been your contemporaries.All time before your eyes had yet to be,All time after them went to pieces.Do not ask me why I'm with you.I just want an escape from being backwater,To re-enter the time of water,I want to defect from the Republic of Thirst,To leave my backward desert life,To sit beneath the treesAnd bathe in springwaterAnd learn the names of the flowers.

I want you to teach me to read and writeFor writing on your body is the ABCOf entry into civilization.Your body is not counterculture.No, it is culture incarnate.Whoever does not read the notebooks of your bodyWill spend his life illiterate.