q6 evaluation

Question 6) What have you learn’t about Question 6) What have you learn’t about technologies from the process of technologies from the process of constructing this product constructing this product

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Page 1: Q6 evaluation

Question 6) What have you learn’t about Question 6) What have you learn’t about technologies from the process of constructing this technologies from the process of constructing this


Question 6) What have you learn’t about Question 6) What have you learn’t about technologies from the process of constructing this technologies from the process of constructing this


Page 2: Q6 evaluation

Pre Production : IMDB and YouTubePre Production : IMDB and YouTube -Over the period of time we were in the stages of pre production , production and post production of our film -Over the period of time we were in the stages of pre production , production and post production of our film we used a significant range of technological programmes and machines. we used a significant range of technological programmes and machines.

-For the development of the idea the use of youtube and such websites as IMDB contributed towards the -For the development of the idea the use of youtube and such websites as IMDB contributed towards the enhancement of our idea , and the general construction of our idea. This allowed my group and myself to dig enhancement of our idea , and the general construction of our idea. This allowed my group and myself to dig up details and elements of other films which is the same genre. up details and elements of other films which is the same genre.

-IMDB provides information into every possible detail into a film , which can strongly could have and has had -IMDB provides information into every possible detail into a film , which can strongly could have and has had a positive impact on a film. Through the use of this website in the pre production stage of our film , we a positive impact on a film. Through the use of this website in the pre production stage of our film , we gained an interpretation towards the impact it has , through the outline of the film and the other details it gained an interpretation towards the impact it has , through the outline of the film and the other details it provides.provides.

-Previously I had some form of knowledge with the likes of YouTube however, I did not acknowledge how -Previously I had some form of knowledge with the likes of YouTube however, I did not acknowledge how much it can provide and in a sense enhance the film, creating an improvement. For instance, when looking much it can provide and in a sense enhance the film, creating an improvement. For instance, when looking into other gangster films, such as ‘The Departed’, we gained an interpretation through clips presented on into other gangster films, such as ‘The Departed’, we gained an interpretation through clips presented on YouTube into such elements of a film as titles. YouTube into such elements of a film as titles.

-Additionally through the construction of the film , YouTube provided us with access to upload videos where -Additionally through the construction of the film , YouTube provided us with access to upload videos where we could gain feedback therefore developing ideas and allowing us to download videos, which could be we could gain feedback therefore developing ideas and allowing us to download videos, which could be modified or analysed for the benefit of the film. I was unaware of both of these accessible options on modified or analysed for the benefit of the film. I was unaware of both of these accessible options on YouTube.YouTube.

-Furthermore Youtube meant by looking at a lot of clips we can in fact generate various ideas through the -Furthermore Youtube meant by looking at a lot of clips we can in fact generate various ideas through the combination of several elements of the film or other services which youtube provide. combination of several elements of the film or other services which youtube provide.

-Overall I would say these were two highly informative and useful websites, which had a useful contribution -Overall I would say these were two highly informative and useful websites, which had a useful contribution towards our final product.towards our final product.

Pre Production : IMDB and YouTubePre Production : IMDB and YouTube -Over the period of time we were in the stages of pre production , production and post production of our film -Over the period of time we were in the stages of pre production , production and post production of our film we used a significant range of technological programmes and machines. we used a significant range of technological programmes and machines.

-For the development of the idea the use of youtube and such websites as IMDB contributed towards the -For the development of the idea the use of youtube and such websites as IMDB contributed towards the enhancement of our idea , and the general construction of our idea. This allowed my group and myself to dig enhancement of our idea , and the general construction of our idea. This allowed my group and myself to dig up details and elements of other films which is the same genre. up details and elements of other films which is the same genre.

-IMDB provides information into every possible detail into a film , which can strongly could have and has had -IMDB provides information into every possible detail into a film , which can strongly could have and has had a positive impact on a film. Through the use of this website in the pre production stage of our film , we a positive impact on a film. Through the use of this website in the pre production stage of our film , we gained an interpretation towards the impact it has , through the outline of the film and the other details it gained an interpretation towards the impact it has , through the outline of the film and the other details it provides.provides.

-Previously I had some form of knowledge with the likes of YouTube however, I did not acknowledge how -Previously I had some form of knowledge with the likes of YouTube however, I did not acknowledge how much it can provide and in a sense enhance the film, creating an improvement. For instance, when looking much it can provide and in a sense enhance the film, creating an improvement. For instance, when looking into other gangster films, such as ‘The Departed’, we gained an interpretation through clips presented on into other gangster films, such as ‘The Departed’, we gained an interpretation through clips presented on YouTube into such elements of a film as titles. YouTube into such elements of a film as titles.

-Additionally through the construction of the film , YouTube provided us with access to upload videos where -Additionally through the construction of the film , YouTube provided us with access to upload videos where we could gain feedback therefore developing ideas and allowing us to download videos, which could be we could gain feedback therefore developing ideas and allowing us to download videos, which could be modified or analysed for the benefit of the film. I was unaware of both of these accessible options on modified or analysed for the benefit of the film. I was unaware of both of these accessible options on YouTube.YouTube.

-Furthermore Youtube meant by looking at a lot of clips we can in fact generate various ideas through the -Furthermore Youtube meant by looking at a lot of clips we can in fact generate various ideas through the combination of several elements of the film or other services which youtube provide. combination of several elements of the film or other services which youtube provide.

-Overall I would say these were two highly informative and useful websites, which had a useful contribution -Overall I would say these were two highly informative and useful websites, which had a useful contribution towards our final product.towards our final product.

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Pre Production: CeltxPre Production: Celtx

-IMDB and YouTube were not the only forms of technology in the pre production stage of the film which -IMDB and YouTube were not the only forms of technology in the pre production stage of the film which we were unaware of and how they could have a severe impact and contribution towards the we were unaware of and how they could have a severe impact and contribution towards the construction of our film.construction of our film.- Celtx gave my group an indication towards how not only scripts are laid out but all the small details - Celtx gave my group an indication towards how not only scripts are laid out but all the small details people do not recognise such as the shots , mis en scene of a specific part of the film . For instance people do not recognise such as the shots , mis en scene of a specific part of the film . For instance below are screen grabs I have taken of the homepage of Celtx, you will find there is a large list of below are screen grabs I have taken of the homepage of Celtx, you will find there is a large list of established well known films where there scripts are available for viewing.established well known films where there scripts are available for viewing.

- Despite how irrelevant the genre is we looked at the first film given to us , this being ‘ A Wonderful - Despite how irrelevant the genre is we looked at the first film given to us , this being ‘ A Wonderful Wizard of Oz’ , this provided us with a clear insight towards what the description is necessary over the Wizard of Oz’ , this provided us with a clear insight towards what the description is necessary over the creation of the script. Giving people the opportunity to understand what almost the most essential creation of the script. Giving people the opportunity to understand what almost the most essential elements are to incorporate in a film , through the presentation of successful scripts was something elements are to incorporate in a film , through the presentation of successful scripts was something we were all unaware of. we were all unaware of.

-As you can see Celtx not only contributed to the enhancement of quality and detail of our script , but -As you can see Celtx not only contributed to the enhancement of quality and detail of our script , but also provided access to the likes of Storyboards , which also meant a positive development in other also provided access to the likes of Storyboards , which also meant a positive development in other parts of the film leading to the construction of our final film, as over the course of creating this our parts of the film leading to the construction of our final film, as over the course of creating this our overall ideas were expanded making the film much better. Below is an example of two of my groups overall ideas were expanded making the film much better. Below is an example of two of my groups storyboards.storyboards.

-Along with our storyboards , below are examples of firstly a page from the actual script of ‘Corporate -Along with our storyboards , below are examples of firstly a page from the actual script of ‘Corporate Identity’ and the influence we had from Celtx showing the homepage and the script for ‘The Wonderful Identity’ and the influence we had from Celtx showing the homepage and the script for ‘The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz’.Wizard Of Oz’.

Pre Production: CeltxPre Production: Celtx

-IMDB and YouTube were not the only forms of technology in the pre production stage of the film which -IMDB and YouTube were not the only forms of technology in the pre production stage of the film which we were unaware of and how they could have a severe impact and contribution towards the we were unaware of and how they could have a severe impact and contribution towards the construction of our film.construction of our film.- Celtx gave my group an indication towards how not only scripts are laid out but all the small details - Celtx gave my group an indication towards how not only scripts are laid out but all the small details people do not recognise such as the shots , mis en scene of a specific part of the film . For instance people do not recognise such as the shots , mis en scene of a specific part of the film . For instance below are screen grabs I have taken of the homepage of Celtx, you will find there is a large list of below are screen grabs I have taken of the homepage of Celtx, you will find there is a large list of established well known films where there scripts are available for viewing.established well known films where there scripts are available for viewing.

- Despite how irrelevant the genre is we looked at the first film given to us , this being ‘ A Wonderful - Despite how irrelevant the genre is we looked at the first film given to us , this being ‘ A Wonderful Wizard of Oz’ , this provided us with a clear insight towards what the description is necessary over the Wizard of Oz’ , this provided us with a clear insight towards what the description is necessary over the creation of the script. Giving people the opportunity to understand what almost the most essential creation of the script. Giving people the opportunity to understand what almost the most essential elements are to incorporate in a film , through the presentation of successful scripts was something elements are to incorporate in a film , through the presentation of successful scripts was something we were all unaware of. we were all unaware of.

-As you can see Celtx not only contributed to the enhancement of quality and detail of our script , but -As you can see Celtx not only contributed to the enhancement of quality and detail of our script , but also provided access to the likes of Storyboards , which also meant a positive development in other also provided access to the likes of Storyboards , which also meant a positive development in other parts of the film leading to the construction of our final film, as over the course of creating this our parts of the film leading to the construction of our final film, as over the course of creating this our overall ideas were expanded making the film much better. Below is an example of two of my groups overall ideas were expanded making the film much better. Below is an example of two of my groups storyboards.storyboards.

-Along with our storyboards , below are examples of firstly a page from the actual script of ‘Corporate -Along with our storyboards , below are examples of firstly a page from the actual script of ‘Corporate Identity’ and the influence we had from Celtx showing the homepage and the script for ‘The Wonderful Identity’ and the influence we had from Celtx showing the homepage and the script for ‘The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz’.Wizard Of Oz’.

Page 4: Q6 evaluation

Pre Production: BloggerPre Production: Blogger-Blogger was a form of technology which we were all instantly introduced to at the beginning of the year.-Blogger was a form of technology which we were all instantly introduced to at the beginning of the year.Blogger enabled us to post all progress and research we have had made throughout the gradual development of our film, which Blogger enabled us to post all progress and research we have had made throughout the gradual development of our film, which could be researching into films related to our genre, changing certain parts of the film such as the storyline or just simply adapting could be researching into films related to our genre, changing certain parts of the film such as the storyline or just simply adapting on what is a current idea and expressing it through a variety of ways.on what is a current idea and expressing it through a variety of ways.

-Blogger was a website which I had vaguely heard of but had absolutely no acknowledgement of the service it provides and the -Blogger was a website which I had vaguely heard of but had absolutely no acknowledgement of the service it provides and the general effect it can have on our 2 minute opening sequence, as we are able to utilise the fact Blogger saves work no matter the general effect it can have on our 2 minute opening sequence, as we are able to utilise the fact Blogger saves work no matter the scale or size. This allowed us to capitalise on any research we found could be relevant , blogger scale or size. This allowed us to capitalise on any research we found could be relevant , blogger was a simple and informative way of us going back to work to help us on filming sessions and was a simple and informative way of us going back to work to help us on filming sessions and editing.editing.

- For instance a moodboard, is research and a method which can outline all intentional themes and- For instance a moodboard, is research and a method which can outline all intentional themes and aspects of the film. aspects of the film. -However due to the efficiency of our work as a result of having 3 people working in one group the-However due to the efficiency of our work as a result of having 3 people working in one group the our mood board was finished relatively quickly, leaving a big gap between the time period the our mood board was finished relatively quickly, leaving a big gap between the time period the mood board was completed and the time we filmed. As the moodboard mood board was completed and the time we filmed. As the moodboard was quite essential Blogger contributed towards us saving the was quite essential Blogger contributed towards us saving the mood board as a file then referring to it whilst filming , assuring ourselves mood board as a file then referring to it whilst filming , assuring ourselves that we stuck to every aspect we said we would.that we stuck to every aspect we said we would. -Throughout the thorough detailed pre production of our film, Blogger had a fairly big impact to-Throughout the thorough detailed pre production of our film, Blogger had a fairly big impact to assure quality was sustained entirely for everything we did.assure quality was sustained entirely for everything we did.

-To reiterate the usefulness of this technology I have taken a screenshot of one of my blog posts -To reiterate the usefulness of this technology I have taken a screenshot of one of my blog posts which shows one of the many forms of research we undertook as a group before actually filmingwhich shows one of the many forms of research we undertook as a group before actually filming this being the Location Lists.this being the Location Lists.

- As ‘Corporate Identity is both shot outside and inside it is very important that our suburban - As ‘Corporate Identity is both shot outside and inside it is very important that our suburban atmosphere is set through one of the 5 possible locations.Through the use of Blogger here our atmosphere is set through one of the 5 possible locations.Through the use of Blogger here our group were able to lay out the list of locations in a certain way so that they could each individually group were able to lay out the list of locations in a certain way so that they could each individually be analysed so that we were correctly decisive, which I can now say that I believe we were. be analysed so that we were correctly decisive, which I can now say that I believe we were.

Pre Production: BloggerPre Production: Blogger-Blogger was a form of technology which we were all instantly introduced to at the beginning of the year.-Blogger was a form of technology which we were all instantly introduced to at the beginning of the year.Blogger enabled us to post all progress and research we have had made throughout the gradual development of our film, which Blogger enabled us to post all progress and research we have had made throughout the gradual development of our film, which could be researching into films related to our genre, changing certain parts of the film such as the storyline or just simply adapting could be researching into films related to our genre, changing certain parts of the film such as the storyline or just simply adapting on what is a current idea and expressing it through a variety of ways.on what is a current idea and expressing it through a variety of ways.

-Blogger was a website which I had vaguely heard of but had absolutely no acknowledgement of the service it provides and the -Blogger was a website which I had vaguely heard of but had absolutely no acknowledgement of the service it provides and the general effect it can have on our 2 minute opening sequence, as we are able to utilise the fact Blogger saves work no matter the general effect it can have on our 2 minute opening sequence, as we are able to utilise the fact Blogger saves work no matter the scale or size. This allowed us to capitalise on any research we found could be relevant , blogger scale or size. This allowed us to capitalise on any research we found could be relevant , blogger was a simple and informative way of us going back to work to help us on filming sessions and was a simple and informative way of us going back to work to help us on filming sessions and editing.editing.

- For instance a moodboard, is research and a method which can outline all intentional themes and- For instance a moodboard, is research and a method which can outline all intentional themes and aspects of the film. aspects of the film. -However due to the efficiency of our work as a result of having 3 people working in one group the-However due to the efficiency of our work as a result of having 3 people working in one group the our mood board was finished relatively quickly, leaving a big gap between the time period the our mood board was finished relatively quickly, leaving a big gap between the time period the mood board was completed and the time we filmed. As the moodboard mood board was completed and the time we filmed. As the moodboard was quite essential Blogger contributed towards us saving the was quite essential Blogger contributed towards us saving the mood board as a file then referring to it whilst filming , assuring ourselves mood board as a file then referring to it whilst filming , assuring ourselves that we stuck to every aspect we said we would.that we stuck to every aspect we said we would. -Throughout the thorough detailed pre production of our film, Blogger had a fairly big impact to-Throughout the thorough detailed pre production of our film, Blogger had a fairly big impact to assure quality was sustained entirely for everything we did.assure quality was sustained entirely for everything we did.

-To reiterate the usefulness of this technology I have taken a screenshot of one of my blog posts -To reiterate the usefulness of this technology I have taken a screenshot of one of my blog posts which shows one of the many forms of research we undertook as a group before actually filmingwhich shows one of the many forms of research we undertook as a group before actually filming this being the Location Lists.this being the Location Lists.

- As ‘Corporate Identity is both shot outside and inside it is very important that our suburban - As ‘Corporate Identity is both shot outside and inside it is very important that our suburban atmosphere is set through one of the 5 possible locations.Through the use of Blogger here our atmosphere is set through one of the 5 possible locations.Through the use of Blogger here our group were able to lay out the list of locations in a certain way so that they could each individually group were able to lay out the list of locations in a certain way so that they could each individually be analysed so that we were correctly decisive, which I can now say that I believe we were. be analysed so that we were correctly decisive, which I can now say that I believe we were.

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Production: Sony HD CameraProduction: Sony HD Camera

-For the production stage of our film there was not an entirely wide range of technologies we used but however the one’s -For the production stage of our film there was not an entirely wide range of technologies we used but however the one’s which we which we did use we discovered that not only did it have several additional features to them which we became conscious of. But we did use we discovered that not only did it have several additional features to them which we became conscious of. But we were were aware of the general importance of the equipment. aware of the general importance of the equipment. - Specifically the Sony HD Camera which we used as this was the device whereby all our footage would be captured and what - Specifically the Sony HD Camera which we used as this was the device whereby all our footage would be captured and what it it would look like was both dependent upon the angle is was held which you can see from the images in the middle of the would look like was both dependent upon the angle is was held which you can see from the images in the middle of the image, image, and the quality it provides.and the quality it provides.

-One negative out of what is many positives with this camera, which we discovered and is also a problem we revisited -One negative out of what is many positives with this camera, which we discovered and is also a problem we revisited constantly constantly is that the battery power on the camera is poor. Over the course of around 30 minutes the camera would have significantly is that the battery power on the camera is poor. Over the course of around 30 minutes the camera would have significantly low low battery forgetting that it had been charged for over 24 hours. This problems caused a disruption in our filming which caused battery forgetting that it had been charged for over 24 hours. This problems caused a disruption in our filming which caused inin time, making us unable to record everything we intended to in a total of four filming shoots.time, making us unable to record everything we intended to in a total of four filming shoots. -On the other hand it is questionable that the quality we gained from this camera made up for its one fault. This is shown -On the other hand it is questionable that the quality we gained from this camera made up for its one fault. This is shown throughthrough the footage we gained in the screenshots on the right. the footage we gained in the screenshots on the right. - After becoming more adjusted with this camera , how it - After becoming more adjusted with this camera , how it works and what it provides , we are all relatively happy with works and what it provides , we are all relatively happy with the footage we gained from a form of technology which the footage we gained from a form of technology which partially determines how the film comes out. partially determines how the film comes out.

Production: Sony HD CameraProduction: Sony HD Camera

-For the production stage of our film there was not an entirely wide range of technologies we used but however the one’s -For the production stage of our film there was not an entirely wide range of technologies we used but however the one’s which we which we did use we discovered that not only did it have several additional features to them which we became conscious of. But we did use we discovered that not only did it have several additional features to them which we became conscious of. But we were were aware of the general importance of the equipment. aware of the general importance of the equipment. - Specifically the Sony HD Camera which we used as this was the device whereby all our footage would be captured and what - Specifically the Sony HD Camera which we used as this was the device whereby all our footage would be captured and what it it would look like was both dependent upon the angle is was held which you can see from the images in the middle of the would look like was both dependent upon the angle is was held which you can see from the images in the middle of the image, image, and the quality it provides.and the quality it provides.

-One negative out of what is many positives with this camera, which we discovered and is also a problem we revisited -One negative out of what is many positives with this camera, which we discovered and is also a problem we revisited constantly constantly is that the battery power on the camera is poor. Over the course of around 30 minutes the camera would have significantly is that the battery power on the camera is poor. Over the course of around 30 minutes the camera would have significantly low low battery forgetting that it had been charged for over 24 hours. This problems caused a disruption in our filming which caused battery forgetting that it had been charged for over 24 hours. This problems caused a disruption in our filming which caused inin time, making us unable to record everything we intended to in a total of four filming shoots.time, making us unable to record everything we intended to in a total of four filming shoots. -On the other hand it is questionable that the quality we gained from this camera made up for its one fault. This is shown -On the other hand it is questionable that the quality we gained from this camera made up for its one fault. This is shown throughthrough the footage we gained in the screenshots on the right. the footage we gained in the screenshots on the right. - After becoming more adjusted with this camera , how it - After becoming more adjusted with this camera , how it works and what it provides , we are all relatively happy with works and what it provides , we are all relatively happy with the footage we gained from a form of technology which the footage we gained from a form of technology which partially determines how the film comes out. partially determines how the film comes out.

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Production: Zoom RecordingProduction: Zoom Recording

--The second of the two pieces of technology which we became The second of the two pieces of technology which we became more aware of after creating more aware of after creating our 2 minute opening sequence is Zoom Recording.our 2 minute opening sequence is Zoom Recording.

- We discovered that zoom recording would provide the group with - We discovered that zoom recording would provide the group with the access of close ups the access of close ups being done at a far more convenient fashionbeing done at a far more convenient fashion

-This was achieved when we filmed in the sink, for the purpose of -This was achieved when we filmed in the sink, for the purpose of the blood being visible the blood being visible when coming of the knife.when coming of the knife.

Production: Zoom RecordingProduction: Zoom Recording

--The second of the two pieces of technology which we became The second of the two pieces of technology which we became more aware of after creating more aware of after creating our 2 minute opening sequence is Zoom Recording.our 2 minute opening sequence is Zoom Recording.

- We discovered that zoom recording would provide the group with - We discovered that zoom recording would provide the group with the access of close ups the access of close ups being done at a far more convenient fashionbeing done at a far more convenient fashion

-This was achieved when we filmed in the sink, for the purpose of -This was achieved when we filmed in the sink, for the purpose of the blood being visible the blood being visible when coming of the knife.when coming of the knife.

Zoom Recording was Zoom Recording was instrumental in instrumental in what is our final clip of what is our final clip of ‘Corporate ‘Corporate Identity’, where the audience Identity’, where the audience are given a slightly clearer are given a slightly clearer insight towards the personality insight towards the personality of our main character. The of our main character. The shot starts off zoomed in shot starts off zoomed in behind the head of the main behind the head of the main character.character.

After turning around his environmentAfter turning around his environmentis slowly becoming established along is slowly becoming established along with his facial features and emotions ofwith his facial features and emotions of‘‘Vincent Smith’. Zoom Recording meant Vincent Smith’. Zoom Recording meant we were able to perform this shot at a steadywe were able to perform this shot at a steadypace, making the atmosphere slightly more pace, making the atmosphere slightly more intense and therefore adding to the conventions intense and therefore adding to the conventions of this genre.of this genre.

Finally the zoom recording’s Finally the zoom recording’s use is maximised to a very use is maximised to a very beneficial extent as his overall beneficial extent as his overall environment is finally set. This environment is finally set. This is also the only shot whereby is also the only shot whereby Vincent is sitting still, as it is Vincent is sitting still, as it is very easy to say that the film is very easy to say that the film is shot at a fast pace. This shot at a fast pace. This sequence justifies both the sequence justifies both the enhancement of the group’s enhancement of the group’s knowledge/confidence in knowledge/confidence in technology and how useful the technology and how useful the like’s of zoom recording is.like’s of zoom recording is.

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Post Production: Final Cut ProPost Production: Final Cut Pro

-In the post production stage of our film Final Cut Pro is a further application we became familiar with, -In the post production stage of our film Final Cut Pro is a further application we became familiar with, as this was our choose of software to edit on. It is important to choose the correct editing software as as this was our choose of software to edit on. It is important to choose the correct editing software as it dictates the outcome of ‘Corporate Identity’. Initially Final Cut came across as daunting to use, but it dictates the outcome of ‘Corporate Identity’. Initially Final Cut came across as daunting to use, but we managed to overcome the complexity of it and gained a vast understanding of it.we managed to overcome the complexity of it and gained a vast understanding of it.

Post Production: Final Cut ProPost Production: Final Cut Pro

-In the post production stage of our film Final Cut Pro is a further application we became familiar with, -In the post production stage of our film Final Cut Pro is a further application we became familiar with, as this was our choose of software to edit on. It is important to choose the correct editing software as as this was our choose of software to edit on. It is important to choose the correct editing software as it dictates the outcome of ‘Corporate Identity’. Initially Final Cut came across as daunting to use, but it dictates the outcome of ‘Corporate Identity’. Initially Final Cut came across as daunting to use, but we managed to overcome the complexity of it and gained a vast understanding of it.we managed to overcome the complexity of it and gained a vast understanding of it.

This section of Final Cut This section of Final Cut shows all footage we have,shows all footage we have,making it easier to making it easier to choose all the footage we choose all the footage we acquire when actually editingacquire when actually editingand giving us a clearer and giving us a clearer perspective on what footage perspective on what footage to use.to use.

The screen on the The screen on the left shows the left shows the film, giving us a film, giving us a direct view in direct view in what the film what the film looks like over looks like over the period of time the period of time it is being edited. it is being edited. Final Cut Pro Final Cut Pro provides us with provides us with the novelty of the novelty of rewinding, fast rewinding, fast forwarding,playinforwarding,playing and pausing all g and pausing all the footage the footage whenever, whenever, making it simpler making it simpler to spot any to spot any possible faults.possible faults.

What fundamentally takes up majority of the Final Cut Software is the editing panel where the film What fundamentally takes up majority of the Final Cut Software is the editing panel where the film is created and formattedis created and formatted

to the way in which one intends too. Here is a screenshot of the film, shown in their clips to the way in which one intends too. Here is a screenshot of the film, shown in their clips differentiated by the size and differentiated by the size and placement. The layout of the film can be altered through the bar at the very bottom of the screen placement. The layout of the film can be altered through the bar at the very bottom of the screen as it can be maximised or as it can be maximised or minimised. By editing Final Cut Pro became more familiar as time went on allowing it to be minimised. By editing Final Cut Pro became more familiar as time went on allowing it to be maximised to its full potential.maximised to its full potential.


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Post Production: SoundTrack ProPost Production: SoundTrack Pro

The final form of technology which became very useful and has lead to a drastic alteration of the The final form of technology which became very useful and has lead to a drastic alteration of the quality of sound is SoundTrack Pro. Previously we were unaware of this software but since we had quality of sound is SoundTrack Pro. Previously we were unaware of this software but since we had been informed on what it provides, which we found we could alienate the film for the better, we did not been informed on what it provides, which we found we could alienate the film for the better, we did not have second thoughts on using it.have second thoughts on using it.

Post Production: SoundTrack ProPost Production: SoundTrack Pro

The final form of technology which became very useful and has lead to a drastic alteration of the The final form of technology which became very useful and has lead to a drastic alteration of the quality of sound is SoundTrack Pro. Previously we were unaware of this software but since we had quality of sound is SoundTrack Pro. Previously we were unaware of this software but since we had been informed on what it provides, which we found we could alienate the film for the better, we did not been informed on what it provides, which we found we could alienate the film for the better, we did not have second thoughts on using it.have second thoughts on using it. This is the main feature of This is the main feature of

Soundtrack Pro and probably most Soundtrack Pro and probably most important aspect as just like Final important aspect as just like Final Cut Pro this is where the Cut Pro this is where the placement and modification of placement and modification of sound takes place. Sounds can be sound takes place. Sounds can be placed in around 5 different placed in around 5 different columns making a long process columns making a long process but creating a positive but creating a positive contribution.contribution.

This is a very effective and main part of This is a very effective and main part of SoundTrack SoundTrack Pro as it provides all sounds which can be Pro as it provides all sounds which can be placed inplaced inthe film creating an improvement. Though the film creating an improvement. Though we did we did know to a certain extent what sounds are know to a certain extent what sounds are provided we had no clue into the variety. provided we had no clue into the variety. For instance as our film is partially set in a For instance as our film is partially set in a suburb there are sounds available in a suburb there are sounds available in a normal suburb.normal suburb.

When deciding on where to place the When deciding on where to place the sound insound inSoundtrack Pro, a video of the film is Soundtrack Pro, a video of the film is provided provided which enables us to perfectly match on the which enables us to perfectly match on the sound sound edited in with the film, making sure edited in with the film, making sure mistakes willmistakes willbe at its minimal. It is really important in be at its minimal. It is really important in also trialling sounds over certain areas of also trialling sounds over certain areas of the film.This is something we discovered the film.This is something we discovered from Soundtrack Pro to be very useful.from Soundtrack Pro to be very useful.