
4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

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Post on 06-Aug-2015




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4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

Giulia Mauro

• This is Giulia, she is 17 years old and lives in Kent. Her choice of clothing is often very dark, with colours such as black and red often being worn, leather is a common material for her outfits. She often wears band t-shirts as they express her musical passion, e.g. Nirvana t-shirts which are very popular for people of her age interested in the metal genre. She also wears dresses, mainly black however she isn’t conventional, she rarely wears heels and it is usually leather converse or doctor martens. These offer a more edgy look and present the idea of a boyish tone, this then follows the stereotype of metal fans being unusual. She would enjoy the style presented in my music magazine as it is similar to what she wears, potentially offering her ideas of what to wear to stay in fashion as a metal fan.

• Following that her make-up is usually quite full-on. It is often black winged eyeliner, that frames her face and makes her eyes dominant, followed by red or purple lipstick. These are statement choices which reflect her personality well. She has quite a few piercings and plans to get tattoos, majority of metal fans or metal musicians have a lot of tattoos or piercing so once again she follows that stereotype meaning the people included in my magazine would appeal to her directly. In addition to this she often wears clashing patterns which asserts her careless attitude to what is stereotypically in fashion. Metal music is about expressing what you feel and she positively supports this by wearing things others wouldn’t dare.

• Personality wise she is very outgoing, loves attending gigs and scouting for new musicians online. Her favourite time of year is summer when she gets to attend festivals to see her favourite musicians, for instance reading festival. Her favourite place to shop is London's Camden Market, she can buy rare ear stretchers, a range of unusual shoes, and t-shirts that most people wouldn’t own.

• Her favourite type of film is horror as she enjoys feeling scared, her favourite films are ‘saw’ ‘the house at the end of the street’ and ‘paranormal activity’. Although majority of her time is spent listening to music although she doesn’t enjoy the conventional ‘UK hit top 40 chart’ as it is generic pop music instead she enjoys downloading metal songs from different time periods and putting them into her own playlist on her iPod.

• I think that my magazine would appeal to Giulia as metal music is a dominant part of her life and she enjoys finding new artists and being unusual in her choices. My magazine is obscure in its design and what is included, we often include new artists to ensure they can get recognition, she could then read this and find a new artist she is interested in. She would enjoy the types of articles we include and her general style choices match that of my magazine, making her part of my intended audience