
Front ,back pane and poster I wanted the theme of words and lyricism to carry throughout my video and my digi pack. The idea behind this was to show the significance of the artists thoughts and emotions that is displayed through the video – which then translates over to the digi pack with the use of the text flowing out of his head/mind. The use of text and morphing of words shows how his thoughts are quite fragmented and dis jointed due to his nerves which is portrayed in the video and the digi pack. It also chose to have the digi pack and the video in convergence through the use of the angles used when capturing the artist (i.e not having him lip sync facing the camera) How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary text s? I chose to have the black and white on the di gi pack to reflect the idea of the artist in the video being quite sureal, almost ghost like (is in reality its all in the boys head, as its actually himself nut older) This can also be shown through the lack of interaction between him and the other judges. The ongoing theme of black and moody dark/dim lighting that goes on throughout the digi pack and video reflect the mood that’s being set, that’s quite tense and eary. The colour scheme also reflects the idea of the light on stage washing out the

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Post on 15-Aug-2015




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Front ,back pane and poster

I wanted the theme of words and lyricism to carry throughout my video and my digi pack. The idea behind this was to show the significance of the artists thoughts and emotions that is displayed through the video – which then translates over to the digi pack with the use of the text flowing out of his head/mind. The use of text and morphing of words shows how his thoughts are quite fragmented and dis jointed due to his nerves which is portrayed in the video and the digi pack. It also chose to have the digi pack and the video in convergence through the use of the angles used when capturing the artist (i.e not having him lip sync facing the camera) this gave the video more authenticity and added more voyeuristic feel; the audience focus more on the narrative as apposed to seeing the artists star image shine through (which was intended)

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

I chose to have the black and white on the di gi pack to reflect the idea of the artist in the video being quite sureal, almost ghost like (is in reality its all in the boys head, as its actually himself nut older) This can also be shown through the lack of interaction between him and the other judges. The ongoing theme of black and moody dark/dim lighting that goes on throughout the digi pack and video reflect the mood that’s being set, that’s quite tense and eary. The colour scheme also reflects the idea of the light on stage washing out the young speaker and the illusive darkness that takes over the judges on the lower level.

Inside and disc

On the inside cover I chose to carry on with the ongoing word theme. I chose to have a smaller image of charlie with the text now taking up more of the frame. The reasoning behind this was to symbolise the thoughts in his head at points overwhelming him, enough to make him feel small, and the text coming out is referencing his child self expressing his emotions and feelings on stage.I again followed on with the black and white theme; A lot of shots in my video (the top right on this slide) re enforce the meaning of the child and rapper being the centre of attention (star image) with the using of lighting. The boarder of the frame is darker and then slowly gets lighter towards the centre frame.

Again, linking back to the idea of the the actors eyelines looking off frame and not in the camera; This is an ongoing theme not only with the artist but also the child actor. This is something I wanted to re iterate by putting it in my digi pack aswell because it shows how there is a link between the two on different mediums. I also liked the idea of having sketchy/graffiti style text on my digi pack to hint to the childs mind set, but also to show how theres a link between the text and also the note paper/lyric drafts seen in the video. This child like writing which is adjacent to the older more mature self shows how they are in ways connected and his thoughts from when he was younger are still in his mind to remenice on.