
Q2. how does your media product represent particular social groups. As a magazine I think that my magazine represents 16 – 25 year old females, because the magazine talks about pop music but also looks at what the latest fashion is it talks about the hottest festival, so I think that its got a bit of everything in there but I defiantly think that the magazines is aimed more towards girls then boys because its quite girly in its appearance as well as its contents.

Upload: caveyard

Post on 12-Aug-2015




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Q2. how does your media product represent particular social groups.

As a magazine I think that my magazine represents 16 – 25 year old females, because the magazine talks about pop music but also looks at what the latest fashion is it talks about the hottest festival, so I think that its got a bit of everything in there but I defiantly think that the magazines is aimed more towards girls then boys because its quite girly in its appearance as well as its contents.

Q3. what kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

I think that the media institution that may distribute my magazine would be InterMedia partners, who also distributes the magazine Vibe.The reason that I think InterMedia partners would possibly distribute my magazine is because not only do I follow almost the same style and codes and conventions as vibe but also I think that my magazine would fit in with the look that InterMedia partners goes for, which is simple yet stylish, that’s why I think my magazine would be published by InterMedia Partners.