q. where should you keep a copy of your passwords? a. under your keyboard. b. under a magnet on a...

Q. Where should you keep a copy of your passwords? A. Under your keyboard. B. Under a magnet on a filing cabinet. C. In a file on your computer. D. In your head. E. Under your pillow. F. In a password-protected encrypted file on your computer. G. D and F. H. Any of the above.

Post on 21-Dec-2015




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Q. Where should you keep a copy of your passwords?

A. Under your keyboard.B. Under a magnet on a filing cabinet.C. In a file on your computer.D. In your head.E. Under your pillow.F. In a password-protected encrypted file on your computer.G. D and F.H. Any of the above.

Q. Where do you keep copies of your passwords?

A. Under your keyboard.B. Under a magnet on a filing cabinet.C. In a file on your computer.D. In your head.E. Under your pillow.F. In a password-protected encrypted file on your computer.G. D and F.H. Any of the above.

Q. Your social security number is available in your


A. TrueB. False

Q. Look in your billfold at your health insurance card. Is your SSN available in your billfold?

A. YesB. No

Q. Your pet sitter is likely to be able to guess one or more

of your passwords.

A. TrueB. False

Q. You should change your passwords

A. Never. If I do, I have to write them down.B. Monthly. C. Annually.D. When the auditors require it.E. I’m supposed to change them regularly, but I’ve

found a way around the system.F. Passwords? What passwords?

When asked to choose a “secret word” from a list of

choices, I

A. Am confident nobody knows my mother’s maiden name.B. Don’t think anyone from the town where I was born ever

uses the Internet.C. Don’t have any pets with names.D. Make up something different for each site.E. Just pick one from the list. It’s too much trouble to do


Q. After I use my computer to complete my tax forms, I

A. Save all my tax files in one directory so I can find them more easily.

B. Delete all tax-related files immediately.C. Delete all tax-related files after getting confirmation that

my forms have been received.D. I would never use my computer to do my taxes.E. Taxes? I’m supposed to file tax forms?!?

Q. “Iamarobot” is a good password.

A. TrueB. False

Q. To protect myself from viruses, I

A. Update my computer virus software weekly.B. Use automatic updates for my virus software.C. Get flu shots annually.D. Never plug my computer into the network.E. B and CF. A and C

Q. If I wrote something before the Web existed, nobody will find it on the Web.

A. TrueB. False

Q. “Iw2LSHS” is a good password.

A. TrueB. False

Q. When I receive credit card offers in the mail, I

A. Put them into mixed paper recycling.B. Tear them in half.C. Shred them.D. Put them in the trash.E. A and CF. A and B

Q. I have asked for a credit report on myself

A. Within the last 12 months.B. Never.C. When I applied for a mortgage, the bank did it for me.D. I always pay my bills on time; I don’t need a credit check.

Q. “%Hsd$km!” is a good password.

A. TrueB. False

Q. ebay.com’s privacy statement says your buying history is only available with a subpoena.

A. True

B. False

Q. In electronic communications, I am identified by

A. My name.B. My electronic mail address.C. A public and private key.D. The tone and style of my writing.E. A and BF. A, B, and CG. A, B, and D

Q. In person, I can be identified

A. By the sunglasses I wear on top of my head.B. By the way I walk or by my posture on the bicycle.C. By the clothing I wear.D. By first name.E. All of the above.F. All of the above are helpful, but not sufficient.

Q. When someone speaks to me by name and I don’t recognize him or her, I say so.

A. True

B. False

Q. When asked for my social security number, I

A. Never provide it.B. Only provide it if I know the person or business

that’s asking.C. Provide it if I believe I will get a benefit from it.D. Never think twice about providing it.E. Provide it in person, but never by electronic mail.

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