pustaka cannabis

DAFTAR PUSTAKA 1. Brunton, et al., 2010, Opioid, Analgesia and Pain Management: Introduction in Goodman & Gliman Pharmacological Basis of Theurapeutics 12 th Ed , California: Mc. Graw Hill. 2. Katzung, B, et al., 2009, Opoiod, Analgesics and Antagonists: Introduction in Basic Clinical Pharmacology 11 th Ed , California: Mc. Graw Hill. 3. George, 2007, Speed, Ectasy and Ritalin: the Science of Amphetamines , http://bjp.rcpsch, Oxford University Press. (15 Mei 2013) 4. Smith, 2009, on Speed: the Many Lives of Amphetamines , http://bjp.rcpsch, Oxford University Press. (15 Mei 2013) 5. Heal, et al., 2013,  Amphetamines, Post and Present: a Pharmacological and Clinical  Perspective , http://www.sagepublications.com, UK. (15 Mei 2013) 6. Morgan and Curran, 2008,  Effects of Cannabidiol on Schizophrenia Like Symptoms in  People Who Use Cannabis , The Royal College of P sychiatrics, UK. (15 Mei 2013) 7. Degenhart, et al., 2008, Toward a Global View of Alcohol, Tobacco, Cannabis and Coccaine Use: Finding From the WHO World Mental Health Surveys , http://www.plosmedicine.org. , University of Western Sydney. (15 Mei 2013) 8. Hasin, et al., 2008, Cannabis Withdrawal in US: a General Population Study , Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. http://www.pmcjournal.org. (15 Mei 2013) 9. Guillem, et al., 2008, Sociodemographic Profiles, Addictive and Mental Comorbidity in Cannabis Users in an Outpatient Specific Settings, www.ncbi.org. , USA. (15 Mei 2013) 10. BNN, 2011,  Data Tindak Pidana Narkoba Tahun 2007-2011 , http://bnn.go.id. , Jakarta (15 Mei 2013) 11. Khaliesh, et al., 2012,  Karakteristik Pemukiman Tepian Sungai Kampung Beting di  Pontianak, Prosiding Temu Ilmiah IPLBI 2012 , Bandung. (15 Mei 2013) 12. UNODC, 2012, World Drug Reports, www.undoc.org. , WHO. (15 Mei 2013) 13. Holder, et al., 2007, the Leadership to Keep Children Alcohol Free, http://www.alcoholfreechildren.org. , NIH Publication (no.01-4780). (15 Mei 2013) 14. Sugiono, 2011,  Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif dan Kualitatif dan R & D , Bandung: Alfabeta CV.

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1.  Brunton, et al., 2010, Opioid, Analgesia and Pain Management: Introduction in

Goodman & Gliman Pharmacological Basis of Theurapeutics 12


Ed , California: Mc.Graw Hill.

2.  Katzung, B, et al., 2009, Opoiod, Analgesics and Antagonists: Introduction in Basic

Clinical Pharmacology 11th

Ed , California: Mc. Graw Hill.

3.  George, 2007, Speed, Ectasy and Ritalin: the Science of Amphetamines, http://bjp.rcpsch, 

Oxford University Press. (15 Mei 2013)

4.  Smith, 2009, on Speed: the Many Lives of Amphetamines, http://bjp.rcpsch, Oxford

University Press. (15 Mei 2013)

5.  Heal, et al., 2013,  Amphetamines, Post and Present: a Pharmacological and Clinical 

 Perspective, http://www.sagepublications.com, UK. (15 Mei 2013)

6.  Morgan and Curran, 2008,  Effects of Cannabidiol on Schizophrenia Like Symptoms in

 People Who Use Cannabis, The Royal College of Psychiatrics, UK. (15 Mei 2013)

7.  Degenhart, et al., 2008, Toward a Global View of Alcohol, Tobacco, Cannabis and 

Coccaine Use: Finding From the WHO World Mental Health Surveys,

http://www.plosmedicine.org., University of Western Sydney. (15 Mei 2013)

8.  Hasin, et al., 2008, Cannabis Withdrawal in US: a General Population Study, Journal of 

Clinical Psychiatry. http://www.pmcjournal.org. (15 Mei 2013)

9.  Guillem, et al., 2008, Sociodemographic Profiles, Addictive and Mental Comorbidity in

Cannabis Users in an Outpatient Specific Settings, www.ncbi.org., USA. (15 Mei 2013)

10. BNN, 2011,  Data Tindak Pidana Narkoba Tahun 2007-2011, http://bnn.go.id., Jakarta

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11. Khaliesh, et al., 2012,  Karakteristik Pemukiman Tepian Sungai Kampung Beting di

 Pontianak, Prosiding Temu Ilmiah IPLBI 2012, Bandung. (15 Mei 2013)

12. UNODC, 2012, World Drug Reports, www.undoc.org., WHO. (15 Mei 2013)

13. Holder, et al., 2007, the Leadership to Keep Children Alcohol Free,

http://www.alcoholfreechildren.org., NIH Publication (no.01-4780). (15 Mei 2013)

14. Sugiono, 2011,  Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif dan Kualitatif dan R & D, Bandung:

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17. BNN, 2011, Standar Minimal dan Pedoman Pelayanan dan Rehabilitasi Sosial 

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18. Yurliani. R, 2007, Gambaran Social Support Pecandu Narkoba, http://usu.ac.id., Medan.

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19. Widianti, E., 2007,  Remaja dan Permasalahannya: Bahaya Merokok, Penyimpangan

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