purchasing 11i .5.10_jan10


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Title: Author: Reference Updated

Purchasing in Oracle Financials 11i

Susan Robertson Jodi Ekelchik Document OFP January 2010


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Introduction to Oracle Purchasing .......................................................................5

Selecting a Responsibility ......................................................................................7

Autocreation .............................................................................................................10

Finding and Grouping Requisition Lines for Autocreation ................................. 10

Grouping the Search Results by Supplier ............................................................... 12

Autocreating Approved Requisition Lines onto a Purchase Order ..........16

Adding Requisition Lines to a Previously Created Purchase Order.........20

Electronic Orders with VAT zero rating and eligible for a medical exemption. ................................................................................................................22

Submitting the Order for Approval.....................................................................23

Requesting a PO is printed when approved............................................................ 26

Copying Purchase Orders ....................................................................................28

Checking the Status of Purchase Orders .........................................................31

Changing Purchase Order Approver .................................................................36

Approving Purchase Orders ................................................................................38

Approving Purchase Orders over £50K.................................................................... 42

Printing Purchase Orders .....................................................................................45

Printing VAT Certificates ......................................................................................51

Printing Purchase Orders and Accompanying VAT Certificates using the Request Set Option ................................................................................................52

Receiving Goods .....................................................................................................57

Receiving Against Lines with Multiple Distributions ............................................ 59

Returning Goods .....................................................................................................61

Amending Purchase Orders.................................................................................63

Amending an Incomplete Purchase Order............................................................... 63

Amending an “In Process” Purchase Order which has Never been Approved............................................................................................................................................. 63

Amending an “In Process” Purchase Order which has Previously been Approved .......................................................................................................................... 64

Amending Approved Purchase Orders .................................................................... 64

Amending Account Codes on Approved Purchase Orders ................................ 67


Amending the VAT Code on Existing PO Lines ..................................................... 68

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Month End Procedures..........................................................................................69

Checking for Purchase Orders that are Awaiting Approval (i.e., PO status of ‘In Process’) ..................................................................................................................... 70

What are Purchase Order Commitments? ............................................................... 72

How to take a Control Action against a Purchase Order or a Purchase Order Line..................................................................................................................................... 73

Re-query the Purchase Order to check the status of the Purchase Order. Canceling Purchase Orders/Order Lines ................................................................. 74

Canceling Purchase Orders/Order Lines ................................................................. 75

Finally Closing a Purchase Order .............................................................................. 77

Other Control Actions ................................................................................................... 78 Closing Purchase Orders/Order lines ......................................................................................78 Closing Purchase Orders for Receiving ..................................................................................78 Closing Purchase Orders for Invoicing ....................................................................................79 Freezing a Purchase Order .......................................................................................................79 Holding a Purchase Order .........................................................................................................79 Unfreezing or Removing Holds on Purchase Orders ............................................................79 Incomplete Purchase Orders.....................................................................................................79

Viewing Matched Invoices ....................................................................................81

Using Attachments .................................................................................................83

Re-using Existing Attachments .................................................................................. 84

Deleting Attachments .................................................................................................... 85

Appendix I – Getting Help .....................................................................................87

Appendix III – Keyboard Shortcuts ....................................................................89

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Introduction to Oracle Purchasing This User Guide assum es familiarity with navigating within Oracle Financials, either gained through attendance on the Navigation course, or through having read the Introduction to FIS (Navigation) document. In addition, appendices are included at the end of t his guide to provide assistance in g etting help and using the toolbar and keyboard shortcuts. Familiarity with the Microsoft Wind ows environment is also assumed, as well as an understanding of basic Windows terminology, such as clicking and double-clicking. List of Values Feature Certain fields need to be populated by informat ion that is already held in the FIS system and must be e ntered in exactly the same format in which it is held in th e system. To make this easier, Oracle uses a List of Values feature. This feature can be accessed in the following ways:-

1. Hold down CTRL and press L (while the cursor is in the desired field).

2. Entering the beginning part of a name/word and pressing TAB.

3. Clicking on the grey box with 3 dot s in that will appear to the right of the field, when the feature is available (see below example for Suppliers).


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Using functions 1 or 3 will bring up the following screen:-

Simply enter the beginning part of the text (e.g. supplier name) followed by the percentage sign and click Find. Oracle will then search for all entries that start with those letters and bring up a list from which a selection can be made. This is the same list as the one that would appear if you typed in the first few letters of an entry in a LOV field and press Tab (Option 2, on previous page).


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Selecting a Responsibility When you first login you will be presented with the new responsibilities screen.

Click on your Purchasing responsibility (e.g. PO Buyer). You will then be shown the forms that this responsibility has.

Click on the Menu item that you want to use, e.g. UCL Autocreate.


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If you select ‘core forms’ link (e.g. UCL Autocreate or Purchase Order Summary etc) then this will launch a “splash screen” followed by the forms relating to your chosen responsibility:


You can search for requisitions that are available for conversion into a PO by entering specific search criteria or clicking on the “Find” button to find all available lines.


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Remember only approved Requisitions/Requisition lines that have not been placed on an order can be converted into a PO. As needed, close the window(s) to go back to the main navigation screen. If you try to create a PO from scratch you will see the following error message on the screen when you try to save the document, this is intended functionality as you must create POs from approved requisitions.

Close the window and the following screen is displayed.


Click No in response to the “Do you want to save the changes you have made?” message.

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Autocreation The process of converting requisitions, raised in iProcurement, into Purchase Orders (POs) is referred to as “Autocreating”. Requisitions are raised and approved in iProcurement. These lines are then selected and placed onto a PO b y the Departmental buyer(s). All th e information entered on the requisition lines during the iProcurement checkout process, e.g. item information, Grant/GL a ccount(s), q uantity, price etc., is ca rried over to the PO, thus requirin g minimal time and effort on the part of the Buyer to convert requisitions into POs. Once completed the PO is then submitted for approval in the usual way. Only approved requisition lines can be placed on POs.

Finding and Grouping Requisition Lines for Autocreation You must be set up as a Buyer and have selected the PO Buyer responsibility. In the Navigator window select UCL Autocreate by double clicking on it or by selecting it and clicking on Open.


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The Find Requisition Lines window will open, shown below:

The Find Requisition screen allows you to locate the approved requisition lines f or your department using various search crit eria such as Supplier, Requestor or Requisition number. Searching by Supplier will return all the approved requisition lines for a particular supplier currently available for placing on a PO. Enter the search criteria and click on the button. This will return the Autocreate Documents (UCL) window displaying a list of available requisition lines matching your search criteria.


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FOLDER NOTE: IMPORTANT A folder has been set up in the Autocreate Documents (UCL) window so that the returned data appears in a more user friendly format to facilitate the selection of lines for inclusion on a PO. If no search criteria is entered in the Find Requisition Lines window, prior to clicking on the Find button then the lines returned will represent all of the available requisition lines that can be auto-created onto a PO for your department based on the PO hierarchy for your department. For a requisition line to be eligible for autocreation, it must be approved and not have been previously added to a PO. It is possible to cancel a PO line that was created from a requisition line without canceling the associated requisition line in which case this requisition line will be returned to the Autocreate pool so that it is available for Autocreation onto a different PO.

Grouping the Search Results by Supplier A benefit of the Autocreation process is that it enables available requisition lines from the same s upplier to be grouped onto the same PO, e ven if they a re on different requisitions raised by different requestors. It is li kely t hat search ing for avail able requi sition line s by supplier will be the mo st commonly used search criteria used by Buye rs and is particularly useful if you have many available requisition lines for many different suppliers. There are two method s of selecting available requisition lines by supplier both of which are explained below: Method 1 – (To be used if you are not looking for any particular supplier) This metho d assumes that no search crit eria were entered in the Fin d Requisitio n window prior to clicking on the button. In this scen ario it is po ssible to sort the returned data so that it group s requisit ion lines by Supplier by taking the following steps: Click on the Folder menu at the top of the screen and select “Sort Data” see

example below.


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The Sort Data window is displayed (see example below):

Ensure that the Supplier field shows “Descending” (If not select it yourself, using the drop-down menu).

Click .

The requisition lines will then be sorted by the Supplier name, thus ensuring that all the requisition lines for each supplier are grouped together, as shown below.


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NOTE: If a supplier w as not ente red when the requisit ion Line wa s created in iProcurement, these lines will be shown at the top of the list, with no information in the “Supplier” or “Site” column. The supplier name can then be selected when converting the lines into POs.

Method 2 – Viewing Lines from a Specific Supplier

If you only wish to view the approved requisition lines of a specific supplier, enter the Supplier name in the Supplier fie ld in the Find Requisition Lines (UCL) window and

click on the button.

Note: If when searching by a specific Supplier the following message is displayed at the bottom of your screen (see example below), this means that either the supplie r name has been entered incorrectly ( in which case use the L OV to select the correct supplier details) or that there are n o approved requisition lines for that supplier that have not yet been put onto a PO.


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If there are available lines and the supplier name was entered correctly the results will return the available requi sition lines for that supplier, as sho wn in this example using Merck Biosciences Ltd.


The same principle can be used if y ou want to f ind requisitions from a particular Requestor, just enter the requestor’s surname in the Requestor field, click Tab to bring up the full name and then click Find to re turn a list of available re quisition lines created by the requestor.

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Autocreating Approved Requisition Lines onto a Purchase Order The following section will explain the steps required to enable you to autocreate the selected requisition lines into a purchase order.

Using our earlier example where we retrieved all the lines available and grouped them by supplier, we will create a PO to supplier OneCall.

Select the lines to be included in the PO by checking the small box next to the

requisition line (see example on next page). In this example, we will select all lines to add to the PO. You can select all by holding down the Alt key and then

pressing E and then the S key. Alternatively you can select Edit from the menu followed by Select All.

The selected lines will be highlighted in light blue and a tick will appear in the check box.


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Once all the required lines have been selected, click on the button to bring up the following screen.

The Supplier and Supplier Site fields are automatically pop ulated in ou r example a s the requisition lines selected all ha d the same Supplier (OneCall) and same Supplier Site (Canal Rd). NOTE: If yo u select lin es with various differen t supplier s or the same supplier but different supplier addresses and then click “Auto matic” the supplier name or site will not be f illed in. There fore, if you wish to pr oceed, the name must be typed i n manually on this screen or on the PO after creation (you ca n use the list of values t o select it, if required). The same is true if you use requisition lines which had no supplier name entered onto them when they were raised. Click on the button. The header screen of the PO opens.


The following message appears if t here are no more lines to assign to a PO from your current search. For example, if you selecte d ‘Onecall’ as the supplier, and th e there were no further requisition s in the syste m to autocreate into a PO. In effect, the message is saying t hat all available lines h ave now be en, or are being , used in Autocreation. Just click OK to continue, or refine your search.

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The Ship To address will default i f all requ isition lines ha ve the same delivery location. If it is blank then this me ans you ha ve selected requisition lines with different delivery locations. Orders should NOT be created with multiple delivery locations. If the Ship To is blank (see separate exa mple below), you will need to remove the lines from the PO by selectin g the lines and pressin g the red X on th e toolbar; and following the screen prompts.

This will ret urn the requisition lines to the autocreate window where the y can be added to se parate orders. Remember the cust om folder set up for Autocreat e will show the delivery location to aid this process.


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You must change the Bill To lo cation to your department’s Bill To locatio n otherwise the invoice will be sent to the college post room. Enter the PO Description (if required) in the relevant fields on the PO Header. It may be necessary to enter the supplier and/or supplier site if this was not been entered during the requisition creation/autocreate process. The shipments and distribution screens will automatically contain the information entered when the requisition was created. Review the VAT Details of each lin e to ensure that the co rrect code was used. Click on the Shipments button, and scroll to the right until you see the Tax Code field. If you are u nsure about which tax codes should be used please contact UCL’s Tax and Commercial Accounting of fice for guidance before proceeding with the approval of the order. The PO can now be submitted for approval in the usual way (see page 23 for instructions on submitting the order for approval). When this is done , you can close the PO window and return to the autocreate screen to continue.


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Adding Requisition Lines to a Previously Created Purchase Order

It is po ssible to add re quisition lin es to a Purchase Orde r that alrea dy exists, a s opposed to creating a new one.

A requisitio n line can only be ad ded to an existing PO in the following approval states:-

Approved – The PO will then have a “Requires Reapproval” status and will need to be resubmitted for approval. Incomplete – The PO will remain with incomplete status, awaiting su bmission for approval. Rejected – The PO will remain with Reje cted status, awaiting submission for approval.

Any attempt to add a re quisition line to an order that has a status of “In Process” or “Pre-Approved” will result in an error when trying to select the document.

The procedure is as follows:- Navigate to the UCL Au tocreate window and select the line s to be adde d to the

purchase order (click in the box next to the line or lines to place on the PO).

When you have selected the lines you wish to add to the PO, select “Add to” from the “Action” drop down menu (circled below) prior to clicking on the


The Add to Document window will then appear:-


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The PO number can then be entered in the “Document Number” field. Click and the purchase order screen opens with the selected line(s)

added to the PO. Now that the new lines have been added, send for approval if all of the details are correct. Note: If you receive an error message indicating that it is an invalid document number refer to the comments about approval states on the previous page and ensure the PO is in a correct approval state.


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Electronic Orders with VAT zero rating and eligible for a medical exemption. This procedure eliminates the need to fax a separate VAT zero rated certificate for each PO with a VAT zero rating where a medical exemption applies. This procedure was introduced for suppliers setup for electronic ordering, i.e purchase orders submitted via the UCL e-Market Place. Users are also reminded that the correct tax code to use for zero rated orders for which you are claiming medical exemption is '0' (zero) and not 'E.' Please ensure you are using the correct tax code. Please note that from 7th April 2010 the correct tax code to use for zero rated orderswhich you are claiming medical exemption will be 'M'. You must follow this procedure otherwise the supplier may charge VAT on this order

1) Use the correct VAT code which is 0 (zero) not E;(Tax code of M effective from 7th April 2010 for purchases which are zero rated under the medical exemption criteria) 2) Type in the word EXEMPT in the VAT PIN field, on the right side of

the PO header. Note that this is not case sensitive. Do not enter any otherinformation after the word EXEMPT. With effect from 7th April 2010 you willno longer need to type the word EXEMPT Into the vat pin field

3) Approve the order, as per usual procedure (reference section titled

‘Submitting the order for approval.’ This procedure:

Eliminates the need to fax a separate VAT zero rated certificate for each PO with a VAT zero rating where a medical exemption applies. Only applicable for all suppliers submitted electronically through Science Warehouse. Not applicable for Invitrogen and VWR orders, who at this moment have a different procedure for declaring a medical exemption (as of Feb 2009).



FIS Website: 'List of suppliers enabled for electronic ordering'

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Submitting the Order for Approval Once the order is complete and you are satisifie d the information is correct the order can be submitted for approval. REMEMBER TO CHECK IF YOU NEED TO COMPLETE THE VAT PIN FIELD ON THE PO HEADER BEFORE SUBMITTING THE ORDER FOR APPROVAL (Refer to previous section Electronic Orders with VAT zero rating……and also the document on FIS Website: 'List of suppliers enabled for electronic ordering' for details of the VAT PIN procedure for electronic orders) NOTE: You will n ot be able to print out the Purch ase Order until it has been approved.

Click on the [Approve] button to open the Approve Document window.


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You will see that there is now an E-Mail check box and a space to enter an e-mail address, THIS OPTION SHOULD NOT BE SELECTED. If the E-Mail check box is checked and/or the E-Mail address field contains data please unchecked the E-Mail checkbox and delete any email address in the E-Mail address field before submitting document for approval. We may introduce this function at a later date, however, there is some development work to do to enable the emailing of the UCL version of the printed PO and Vat certificate. Electronic Orders: If t he supplier is enabled for electronic ordering the XML check box will be highlighted and all other options will be greyed out. This means once th e order has been approved it will automatically be sent to the supplier. Approval and Forward Section:

If you need to forward the order to an authorised signatory for approval, select

the check box next to Forward. The Forward From , Approval Path and Forward To fields are automatically filled in. However, you must ensure that the correct name is in t he Forward To field. To change the name, either delete the existing name and type in the correct name as it exists in the system, or select it from the List of Values. The List of Values contains only users from within your department and selected members of Finance.


Note: The list may also contain names of users who no longer work in your department. These ca nnot be removed fro m the PO hie rarchy as it would prohibit other users from seeing the POs they have raised. If the FIS team has been advised that the person has left, their user record will be end dated.

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The Forward To field must be entered in exactly the sa me format as the name appears in t he FIS database. Sele cting the na me from th e List of Va lues ensures that the correct format is selected.


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If you do n ot enter the name in th e correct format a message will appear at the bottom of the screen as shown below:

Delete the incorrect na me from the Forward To field and re-enter the name in

the correct format, or select from List of Values (recommended).

If the supplier and supplier site on t he order is enabled for electronic o rdering the XML radio button will be checked and you will not be able to select the print option in this window. This means the order w ill automatically be sent to the supplier once the order has been approved Click on [OK]. If other int ernal contr ol mechanisms apply and you are able to create and

approve your own documents with the authorisa tion of the Head of Depa rtment, simply click on [OK]. There is no need to select the Forward check box.

Requesting a PO is printed when approved When submitting orders for approval it is po ssible to request that the or der, or order and VAT Certificate are automatically printed out once the order has been approved. If the supplier and supplier site on t he order is enabled for electronic o rdering the XML radio button will be checked and you will not be able to select the print option in this window. If you need a printed copy of an order that has been sent electronically see the section “Printing purchase orders” in this manual.


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The Approve documents window includes “Print PO” and “Include VAT certificate” check boxes which when checked will automat ically submit a concurre nt request t o print the purchase order /VAT certificate once the order has been approved.

This opt ion requires tha t a valid printer is defin ed in th e pr inter fie ld (if you have a valid printer defined in your profile options this will default i n the printer field). Enter the number of copies required in the Copies field. Note: This print option uses the default print parameter settings e.g. a ccount code information is not printed out; to pri nt a PO that shows the account code information you should follow the p rocedures in the Printing Purchase Orders section of this manual.


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Copying Purchase Orders It is possible to copy a previous Purchase Order, which can be useful if you have repeat orders. The first step is to locate the Purchase Order you wish to copy: Navigate to Purchase Order Summary. Enter the number of the Purchase Order you wish to copy in the “Number” Field.

Click “Find” to open the Purchase order Headers screen.

Click on the “Tools” option at the to p of the scr een and select “Copy Document”

from the drop down menu (see screen shot on the following page).


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The Copy Document window will be displayed (see example below).

Click “OK” Note: If the document you are copying has an attachment and you don’t want to copy the attachment uncheck the “copy attachments” box before clicking “OK”.


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The following Message will appear indicating the purchase order number for the copy PO.

Click “OK”. The PO e ntry window is displayed showing the details fr om the copied PO.

The status of the newly created PO will be INCOMPLETE .


It is possible to change any of the details as n ecessary before submitting it for Approval in the usual way.

Note: If the order that you have copied was created in a previous period then you will need to amend the date in th e distributions as the copied docu ment copies the date fro m the copied PO.

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Checking the Status of Purchase Orders

In the Navigator Wind ow, expand Purchase Orders and open Purchase Order Summary.

It is po ssible to search for Purchase Orders using a variety of criteria, e.g. PO

Number, Buyer, Supplier, Grant Account etc. T o search by order numb er, enter the Purchase Order number in the Number field before clicking on th e [ Find] button in the bottom right of the window.

You can also search by the order created date by clicking t he “Date Ranges” tab

and entering the “from” and “to” dat es in the top two fields (use the LOV to bring up a calendar, if you prefer).

Using the ot her tabs will enable you to search u sing other criteria e.g. status of

purchase or der (status tab), GL Account to wh ich order lin e(s) were charged (Accounting), Grant account to which order lin e(s) were charged (Project Tab) etc.

WARNING: It is not recommended that you click on the [Find] button without entering any search criteria as this w ill return all record s since you started using FIS and consequently it may take a long time to return the query.


By default you will be shown the Header window (Note: the default is dependant upon the search criteria entered).

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The XML send date column is located in the PO headers screen is populated with the date the order was sent to the supplier if the supplier and site used on the order are enabled f or electronic ordering. You will have to scro ll across the screen to view this column.

Check the status of the Purchase Order by scrolling across and looking in the

Approval Status field in the PO Header window. For further information about the order, click on the Lines button, from whe re it is po ssible to display more information about the Distributions for the item(s).

If the Approval Status of the order is Incomplete it has not yet been sent for approval by the person who cre ated it. It is possib le to complete t his Purchase Order by clicking on t he Open button at the bottom right of the window and submitting the order for approval in the usual way. In Process indicate s t hat it ha s been sent f or approval, but has n ot yet been approved. You will not be able to open a Purchase Order if it is “In Process”. If it has been Approved or Rejected the Approval Status will indicate this. If the order is In Process (i.e. it ha s been forwarded to an authorised signatory but has not yet been approved), it is possible to find out the name of the person to whom the order has been forwarded from this window. Select the order by clicking in any of the fields relevant to it, and choose View Action History from the Inquire menu.


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You can also check det ails of the matched invoice(s) from the Inquire menu in the PO Headers screen and then selecting View Invoices.

If you wish to view line details, select the Line s radio butto n toward the bottom

right of the Find Purchase Orders (UCL) screen. To check whether good s have bee n received and/or invoiced (billed), click the

Shipments radio butt on located on the bott om righthand side of the Find Purchase Orders (UCL) screen as shown below.


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Click on [Find]. The Purchase Order Shipments window will open. You can scroll across the screen to identify quantities received and/or billed for each line on the Purchase Order.

Purchase Order Distribution Information If you only wish to view details of the distributions, select the Distributions radio button towards the bottom right of the Find Purchase Orders (UCL) screen. If the Purchase Order line(s) is cha rged to a Grant account then the Distributio n window will only show the General Ledger control account for the grant. It is possible to view details of the Grant number to which the order line(s) is charged by taking the following navigation:

Select Show Field from the Folder menu at the top of the Distributions window.


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Place curso r in the Find field and type P in front of the % sign, the n click on


Select the Project option and then click on [OK]. The Grant account details will

be displayed in the Distributions window.


To display details of th e Task code, repeat above steps but this time type T in the Find field in front of the % sign. Click on Find and select Task from the list and then click on [OK] to display the task details.

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Changing Purchase Order Approver It is possible to retriev e Orders fr om one approver and forward th em either to yourself, if you are an a uthorised signatory, or to another a uthorised signatory within the department. Open the option Forward Docum ents in the Navigator Window by double-

clicking on it or by selecting it and clicking on the [Open] button.

You will th en have th e option of searchi ng for all POs sent t o a particular

approver and not yet approved. This option is useful if the approver has gone off on holiday and you wish to see all the outstan ding POs fo r them. Alternatively you have th e option of entering a p articular PO number, if you know it, and the search will return that PO.

Click on [ OK]. A list of all of the do cuments which have been forwarded to this

person will appear.


Enter the name of the p erson to whom you wish to forward the documents in the New Approver field, or choose their name from the List of Values. It is p ossible

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to forward t he documents to yourself if you are an authorised signator y for your department.

To select w hich documents, click in the check box to the far left of th e window.

You must select ea ch of the docu ments you wish to forw ard individually. Once selected, the line of the item will turn light Blue.

Save your changes by clicking on the Save icon on the Toolbar. The new ap prover will now be pro mpted to re spond to th e documents in their

Notifications window. The Action history will indicate that no action was taken by the original approver

to whom the order was sent.


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Approving Purchase Orders In order to approve a Purchase Order, you must be set up as an Approver. If you have enabled e-mail notifica tions y ou will receive an email wh en you have documents requiring your approval. Please refer to the separate user guide available from the FIS website e ntitled “iProcurement and PO Emai l Notifications User Guide” for details on appproving purchasing documents via the email notificatio ns functionality. If you have not enabled e-mail notif ications you will have to check the Notifications screen to see if you h ave any pu rchasing do cuments awaiting your approval by following steps below From the Navigator Window, open Notification. A window will open displaying a l ist of notifications, including notifications of a ny

POs that require your approval.

The Subject field will inform you of any action required. To take action against a particular document, click on the subject row which will open a summary screen of the document.


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The summa ry screen will include b rief details of the first 20 lines of the purchase order, as well as the Action History of the document i.e. who sent it to you. It will also show the cost of the order as well as any VAT. Taking Approval Actions: Prior to approving (or rejecting) the d ocument you may wish to view it in more detail. To do this you should click the ico n underneat h “References” as seen on the previous screenshot. This will open the Purchase order entry screen, where you can view the Supplier (in the first scree n) or the GL accounts (or project codes) in the distributions screen. I f you need to make any adjustments you can do so at th is stage as it is st ill un-approved (you cannot change account code information), alternatively you can rej ect the PO and it will b e returned t o the origin ator (see ne xt paragraph). If you have opened the pur chase orde r and have made any adjustments, you can now Save and close the window (ensure you sa ve, if you have made any changes) and locate the “Notifications” window again to approve/reject it . NOTE: you ma y have to locate this window yourself, from the Window s task bar at the bottom of the screen.


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If you are h appy to approve the PO, click on the Approve button. If you want to reject it the n click “Reject”, also in dicated on t he screenshot and type any releva nt reason for the rejection in the “Note” box provided. Very important: If PO is rejected and the order is not going to be processed, please ensure that the PO and associated requisition are cancelled to clear the commitments. If you wish to forward it to someon e else to approve, you can do this by clickin g “Forward” and entering any details in the “Note” box, as ne cessary. Please Note: Please ensure you enter the name o f the person you are forwarding the PO to in the “forward to” field, th is should be se lected by use of the icon next to t he field to ensure that the name is entered in the correct f ormat. Failure to select a “forward to” person or entering th e name incorrectly will mean th e PO remains in your notifications with a message that it was sent to “an invalid forward-to person”. Note: To take action against mult iple notificat ions you ca n check the box next t o each notification in the Notifications screen and then click “Open” (See screenshot below). This will op en the Notif ication Deta ils screen f or the first notification in the list an d after you h ave taken a ction against that notification you will be taken to the ne xt selected n otification d etails scree n. This a voids the need to return to the Notifications list each time.


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Approving Purchase Orders over £50K Purchase Orders over £50,000 require the additional approval of a Director of Finance. Please note this section is concerned with the on-line authorisation process only. The obligation to comply with other UCL tender and quotation requirements still apply. Refer to UCL Procurement and Finance Division for guidance on the tendering and quotation requirements. Option 1: To submit an order to a Director of Finance directly from the PO creation screen: Raise the Purchase Order in the normal way. When submitting the order for approval, take the following steps: In the Purchase Order window, click on the [Approve] button as usual, and then

make sure you check the box marked Forward. The Forward From, Approval Path and Forward To fields are automatically

filled in. To forward the order to the Director of Finance, place the cursor in the Forward To box, delete the name which is there, and type in Arnold (Note: The name should be typed in the same format shown). Press the Tab key. Alternatively you can use the List of Values (Ctrl and L) to select Nicola Arnold from the pick list.

Replace name


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Click on [OK]. The Order will be submitted to Nicola Arnold for approval. VERY IMPORTANT: In the absence of Nicola Arnold, approval of these Orders will be underta ken by Lois Wells. Type in ‘Wells’ and then press TAB to default L ois Wells n ame into the Forward To field. If neither Nicola Arnold or Lois Wells are available, please contact Eleanor Morrissey, Accounts Payable, who will be able to a dvise to whom the order should be sent for approval. Option 2 - To be used if the Head of Department or other departmental authorised signatory wishes to review the Order before it is forwarded to the Director of Finance Raise the Purchase Order and submit it for approval to the Head of Department

or other de partmental authorised signatory who wishes to review the Purchase Order.

The person to whom th e Order wa s sent can now review the Order by opening

the Notification Details screen (as explained in Approving Purchase Orders).

To view the original document, double-click on the icon in the References section

of the window. Having finished reviewing the original document, close the window(s) and return to the Notifications window by locating it from the Windows taskbar along the bottom of your screen. DO NOT try to forward the document by clicking on the Approve button in the original entry window.


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To submit the document to the Director of Finance for approval, enter the surname (Arnold or Wells as appropriate) in the “Forward to” field and click on the torch icon. This will bring up a list of FIS users with that surname (see below with “Wells” being the example).

Select the correct name (this should be Lois Wells) by checking the radio

button and clicking Select, to return the name to the “Forward to” field in the previous screen.

Click the “Approve and Forward” button to send the PO to this user for final



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Printing Purchase Orders In order to print a Purchase Order, you must run a print report on the system. The process for this is similar to runn ing other re ports on th e system, but there a re specific rep orts concer ning the printing of Purchase Orders. You ca nnot print a Purchase Order until the order is approved. Purchase Orders are now printed in a PDF format. Please note that Oracle Financials generally refers to reports as Requests. In order to print Orders, you must be logged in with the responsibility of either PO Buyer. In the Navigator Window, expand Reports and open Run. A window will appear to ask whet her you wa nt to run a single requ est or a pr e-defined set of requests.

Choose the default option of Single Request by clicking on [OK].


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In the Request Name field, type UCL and press TAB to bring up a List of Values. Select the UCL PO for Non-Radioactive Substances option.

Click OK.


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A Parameters window will open wit h criteria fi elds relevant to running t he Purchase Order report.

Enter either New or All in the Print Selection field. New should be entered if this

is the first time you are submitting a request to print this PO. Enter the name of the Buyer if necessary. Enter the number of the first Purchase Order you wish to print. Enter the number of the last Purchase Order you wish to print. VERY IMPORTANT: You CANNOT leave the ‘Purchase Order Numbers ‘From’ and ‘To’ fields blank.

Choose how you wish to sort the Purchase Orders in the Sort By field or leave

blank if preferred. If you do no t wish the Price/Quantit y to appear on the printed Order, type Yes in

the Hide Price Amounts and/or Hide Quantity Amounts fields. You can also choose to print or hide the GL/Project code details on the PO.

If all line s on the order were created from requisition lines created by the same

requestor then the requestor name will be printed out by in the requestor field on the PO.

Note: If different requestors are entered in the PO distributions, the requestor name field on the printed PO header will still show many.


When all required fields are entered, click on [OK].

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The Submit Request window will then re-appear:

It is possible to specify that the Purchase Orders are printed at a particular time. If

you wish to do this, click on the [Schedule] button. By default, the report will be set to be run As Soon as Possible . Thi s will be

applied if no other option is selected. To specify a date/time on which the report is to be run, select the Once radio

button and enter the date required, or choose it from the Calendar (generated by opening the List of Values).


Click on [OK] when complete.

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Click on th e [ Options] button in t he Upon Completion section on t he Submit

Request screen.

Select the name of the printer to which you wi sh the Orde rs to be sent (select

from List of Values or type in), and specify the number of copies to be printed.

NOTE: If you do not do select the printer and the number of copies, the Purchase Order will not be printed. It will only be visible on screen.

Click on [OK] when all of the options have been set. Click on the [Submit] button to display the Request window.


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If the repor t is Pending or Running, the Phase and Status fields will be highlighted in green. Th is page will not automatically updat e itself while it is on your screen. Click on the [Refresh Data] button to update it.

After clicking periodically on the [Refresh Data] button, the phase should turn to

completed and, if a printer was selected, the purchase order will be printed. To view the Purchase Order on screen, click on [View Output]. This will launch a

web browser window to display the Purchase Order. Please note you will need Adobe Acrobat to be able to view the output on screen.

If an error occurs at any point during this process, click on the [View Log] button.

Again, this will launch a web browser to display details about the error.


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Printing VAT Certificates To print a Zero Rated VAT Certificate to accompany your Purchase Order, you will need to submit a Report Request. The process is similar to that for printing Purchase Orders exc ept that you select the report relating to VAT Certificates. You cannot print a VAT certificate unless the order has been approved. In the Navigator Window, expand Reports and open Run. Select the Single Request option and click on [ OK]. The Submit Request

window will now be displayed. In the Request Name field, open the List of Values t o display the possible

reports. Scroll down the list until you come to UCL VAT Certificate for non-radioactive

substances. Enter either New or All in the Print Selection field. New should be entered if this

is the first time you are submitting a request to print this VAT Certificate. Enter the name of the Buyer if necessary. Enter the n umber of th e first Purchase Order that requires a Zero Rated VAT

Certificate. Enter the number of th e last Purchase Order that requires a Zero Rated VAT


IMPORTANT: You cannot leave the ‘Purchase Order Numbers ‘From’ and ‘To’ fields blank.

Complete the other fields as required and submit the request in the same way as

the previous section (printing Purchase Orders).

Please note that if all the Purchase Orders which you are printing require Zero Rated VAT Certificates, you ca n use the R equest Set option which submits th e request to print the Pu rchase Ord er and VAT Certificate as a set ( see following sect ion for instructions) i.e avoids the need to submit 2 separate requests.


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Printing Purchase Orders and Accompanying VAT Certificates using the Request Set Option To print a Purchase Order and the accompanying VAT Certificate usin g the Request Set option you must run a print report on the system. You cannot print t he Purchase Order and VAT Certificate unless the order has been approved. Please note that Oracle Financials generally refers to reports as Requests. You must be logged in with the responsibility of either PO Buyer or PO Approver. In the Navigator Window, expand Reports and open Run. A window will appear to ask whether you want to run a Single Request or a Request Set.

Select the Request Set option an d then click on [ OK]. This will brin g up th e

Submit Request Set window.


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Make sure the cursor is in the Request Set field, open the List of Values (Control

L) to display the list of possible reports. Select the UCL PO & VA T Certificate for Non-Radioactive substances.

Click in the Parameters Field and a Parameters window will open with all the

criteria fields relevant to running the Purchase Order report.


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Enter either New or All in the Print Selection field (New should be entered if this is the fir st t ime you are submittin g a request to print bo th the PO and VAT certificate).

Enter the name of the Buyer if necessary. Enter the number of the first Purchase Order you wish to print. Enter the number of the last Purchase Order you wish to print.

VERY IMPORTANT: You CANNOT leave the ‘Purchase Order Numbers From’ and ‘To’ fields blank.

Choose how you wish to sort the Purchase Orders in the Sort By field or leave

blank if preferred. If you do no t wish the price/quantity to appear on the printed Order, typ e Yes in

the Hide Price Amounts and/or Hide Quantity Amounts fields. You can also choose to print or hide the GL/Project code details on the PO.

When all required fields are entered, click on [OK].

You do not have to re-enter the parameters for the VAT Certificate.


If your default printer details are shown in the Print to field (this will be the case if you have your printer set up in your personal profiles). Click on the [Submit Request] button to submit the request for printing. Note: The default number of copies is 1, if you need to change this, click on the Options button and amend

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If your printer details do not appear in the Print to field, click on [Options] to enter printer details.

Select the name of the printer to which you wish the Orders to b e sent, and

specify the number of copies to be printed.

NOTE: If you do not do this, the Purchase Order will not be printed, and will only be visible on screen.

Click on [OK] when all of the options have been set. You will also need to set the printer details for the VAT Certificate by placing the

cursor on the VAT Certificate Line and repeating the above procedure. Click on the [Submit Request] button to display the Request window. If the report is still Pending or Running, the Phase and Status fields will be

highlighted in green. Th is page will not automatically updat e itself while it is on your screen. Click on the [Refresh Data] button to update it.


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To view the Purchase Order on screen, click o n the [ View Output ] button. This

will laun ch a web br owser window to disp lay the Purchase Orde r or VAT certificate.

Please note: This requ est set generates more than one file. If you wish to view th e Purchase Order or VAT Certificate o n screen, you need to select the file that has “R” and the Purchase Order numbers shown in the Paramet ers field of the request window (see above). Please note you will need Ghostscr ipt to be abl e to view the output on screen.

NOTE: The Purchase Order(s) and VAT Certificate(s) each have their own file. If an error occurs at any point during this process, click on the [View Log] button.

Again, this will launch a web browser to display details about the error.


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Receiving Goods In order to receive goods, you must be logged in as PO Receiver and the Purchase Order you wish to re ceive goods against must have been approved . Open Receipts by first expanding Receiving. If prompted, choose ML – College Central from the list of Organizations. For

departments using the I nventory module, refer to the Inve ntory user guide for instructions on the receipt of inventory items.

You will be prompted to search for the relevant Purchase Order for the goods you have received in the following “Find Expected Results” screen.

Enter the Purchase Order number you wish t o receive a gainst in the Purchase

order field. Click on [Find].


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If desired, fill in information in the Receipt Header window and then close the Receipt Header window. You should always enter the packing slip (delivery note number) if known.

Closing the Receipts Header Window will reveal the Receipts Window.

Ensure that the Destination Type is shown as Expense (Non Inventory Items). If there is a blue “+” on the line you wish to receive against the de stination type

will be shown as MULTIPLE. This is because th e line has been charged to more than one account. Please refer to t he section below on Receiving against lines with Multiple Distributions for instructions on how to re ceive goods in this situation.


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(Recording the Receipt of Inventory Items – this is do ne in the I nventory Module. For Inventory Items the destination type will be INVENTORY not EXPENSE – this is for departments who use the Inventory Module. ( Instructions for the receipt of inventory items can be found in the Inventory user guide).

Select the check box to the left of the Quantity field by clicking in it . (Box is marked above with an arrow).

The quantit y quoted on the line will be the total quantit y available to receive

against this line. If only a partial number has been received, over-write this number with the correct amount that was received.

Save your changes by clicking on the Save icon on the Toolbar. Repeat the above steps for any other lines on the Purchase Order that you may wi sh to receive against.

Receiving Against Lines with Multiple Distributions If there is a blue “+” on the line you wish to receive against the destination type wil l be shown as MULTIPLE. This is b ecause the line has be en charged to more tha n one account. See screen shot below (cross is circled):-

Double Click on the blue “+” to exp and the lines so that th ey show a d estination

of Expense. This should be done BEFORE you click on the check box to the left of the Quantity field. The line will then split into as many separate lines as you ha ve entered account codes. (As shown below for 2 separate account codes).


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If you accidentally click on check b ox before d ouble-clicking on the blue “+” the

destination type will change to Receiving and the blue “+” will di sappear. If this happens simply click back in the check box to remo ve the tick and the blue “+” will reappear.

VERY IMPORTANT: DO NOT record a receipt against a line with a Destination Type of Receiving.

Receive goods again st the expanded lines wit h a destinat ion type of Expense

not with a d estination type of MULTIPLE/RECEI VING. This action ensures tha t the receipt is recorded as a receipt and deliver transaction by the system, if you leave the d estination type as RECEIVING/ MULTIPLE then only the receive part of the receiving process is recorded.

Save. Please note that upo n saving re ceipt transa ctions, a concurrent request called Receiving Transaction Processor is automatically generated.


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Returning Goods In order to return goods, you must be logged in as PO Receiver. Open Returns by first expanding Receiving and then selecting Returns. If prompted, choose ML from the list of Organizations. F or departments using

the Inventory module, refer to the Inventory u ser guide f or instructio ns on the return of inventory items.

You will be prompted to search for the relevant Purchase Order for the goods you

have received.


Type in the purchase order number, as shown above, or as much information as you know, and click on the [Find] button. Do n ot click on Find without entering any search criteria.

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Scroll along so the parent Qty column is in vie w and enter the Quantit ies to be returned in the space provided in the Quantity Column on t he left of the screen. You will also need to e nter Supplie r in the “Re turn to” col umn before you can move down to the next line on a multiple line order.

Save your changes by clicking on the Save button on the Toolbar. Please not e that upo n saving r eturn transactions a concurrent r equest ca lled Receiving Transaction Processor is automatically generated.


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Amending Purchase Orders No amendments should be ma de to any Orders where goods have be en recorded as received on FIS or w here inv oices have been matched to the Order. Please note that it is not possible to change the charge account on a PO w hich has been created from a requisition. Always check whether goods hav e been received or in voices matched (billed ) against the Purchase Order before making any amendmen ts. (Refer to the se ction titled ‘Checking the Status of Purch ase Orders’ - of this document for details on ho w to check this information.) The followin g instruct ions are base d on the a ssumption that no goods have been recorded as received against the Order on FIS and/or no invoice has been matched to the Order.

Amending an Incomplete Purchase Order Whilst a Purchase Order has a status of Incomplete it is possible to amend any of the details on the Order except the account information.

Amending an “In Process” Purchase Order which has Never been Approved An In Process order is one that h as been submitted for approval and has not yet been approved. The following inst ructions app ly to orders that have a status of In Process and have NEVER been approved before. Before any changes can be made to an In Process order, the order must be rejected by the person to whom the order was sent to f or approval. Instruction s on rejecting purchase or ders are giv en in se ction headed, Approving Purchase Orders, in th is user guide. Once the order has been rejecte d it can be re-queried via the Pu rchase Order Summary screen by taking the following navigation:

Navigate to the PO Summary screen. Enter the PO number in the Number field. Click on [FIND] to open the Purchase Orders Header window. Click on the [OPEN] button to open the PO.

You can now change any of the details on the order except the account information. Remember to save any changes you make and then resub mit the order for approval in the usual way.


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Amending an “In Process” Purchase Order which has Previously been Approved There may be occasion s whereby an order has been approved at lea st once and then changed and resubmitted for approval (hence has a status of IN PROCESS) but it requires further amendment. If you wish to amend an I N PROCESS Purchase Order which has already been approved at least once, please refe r to the FIS Helpdesk or the Purchasing Module leader for g uidance before making any changes, as it will depend on t he individual circumstances of the order.

Amending Approved Purchase Orders To amend a n approved Purchase Order it must first be unreserved. If the change relates to amending account code s, reference the next section titled Amendin g Account Codes on Approved Purchases Orders. It is not po ssible to change the sup plier details on an approved Order. I f the Order has been created using an incorrect supplier , it must be ca ncelled and a new Order created for the correct supplier. Before canceling the Or der for an in correct supplier please ensure that you check to make sure no one has inadvertently recorded a receipt of goods against the Order. If any goods have been recorded as received on an approve d Order for an incorrect supplier then the Order should be finally closed rather than cancelled. To unreserve the Order take the following steps: Navigate to the Purchase Order Summary screen.

Enter the number of the Order that you wish to amend in the Number field.

Click on [FIND]. The Purchase Order Headers window will be displayed.

Click on [OPEN]. The standard Purchase Order entry window opens.

Click on t he [ APPROVE] butto n. The Approve Doc uments window is

displayed. Ensure that the Unreserve button h as been ch ecked (see example). Do NOT

TICK the “Use GL override” or “Use Document GL date to Unreserve” boxes.


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Click [OK]. A message will appear as shown below.

Click [OK]. The standard Purchase Order entry window is displayed and the

Purchase Order status has now changed to Requires Re-approval.


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You must be very careful when amendi ng information on previo usly approved Orders. If it is not done correctly, you are likely t o end up with incorrect commitment figures on your accounts. If you are unsure please check wit h the FIS Helpdesk or the Purcha sing Module Leader for further guidance on this issue . Y ou should also contact the FIS Helpdesk for guidance if the change relates to the account codes. When making any changes, remember to save to commit the changes. Upon saving the Order for the fir st time, after making a change, t he followin g message is displayed:

Click [OK]. The Rev Field next to the Purchase Order number field will populated

with the revision number (e.g. ‘1’ - if this is the f irst time the document has been revised).

Even if you make several change s the Rev field will re main at 1 while the document has the st atus of Requires Reapproval . If the Order was subsequently re-approved and then unreserved again to make a further change then the Rev will be updated to 2 upon saving for the first time.


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Once you h ave made t he necessary changes the Order should be resubmitted for approval as usual.

Amending Account Codes on Approved Purchase Orders The system does not allow you to amend account codes when making a revision to a PO. This is a result of the University using commit ment accounting, and that the approved order has a re corded commitment. However, you are able to re-enter the details of the order line, and enter t he new account codes when makin g a revision to a PO. After approving the revised PO, re-query the PO to cancel the PO line with the incorrect account codes. The following provide steps to take to amend account code details on an approved PO. Navigate to the Purchase Order Summary screen, and find the PO. Identify the l ine where the account code will be changed. At this point, either re-

enter the line details. Alternatively, if only one l ine, press F 6 to copy d own the line details.

Complete all details required on the new line, including entering the new account codes.

Submit the order for ap proval, with the old line and new line with the correct account codes.

Once the or der is appro ved, it is important to re turn to the PO to cancel the o ld line with the incorrect account codes. On the Purchase Order Summary screen, find the PO and select ‘ Lines’ so the system re turns all line s. Identify the order line with the incorrect a ccount codes to be can celled, and cancel the line under Tools>Control>Cancel PO line. Add in a reason, as required. Very I mportant remember to check the cancel re quisition box as w ell to ensure associated requisition commitment is also cancelled.


Reference the section titled ‘Review of Control Functions’ for the procedures to cancel a PO line.

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Amending the VAT Code on Existing PO Lines If you have created a P O but have not yet s ubmitted it for approval (it will have a status of Incomplete), and realise th at the VAT code is incorrect, the following is th e correct procedure for amending the VAT code. This procedure also applies to Orders with a status of Rejected or Requires Re-approval.

Navigate to the Shipments window and change the VAT code as required.

Save the changes. If you do n ot save the changes in the Shipments window the change will not filter through to t he Distributi ons window and you will have diff erent VAT codes in th e Shipments and Distrib utions wind ows, which is incorrect. The VAT code must always be the same in both Shipments and Distributions. If you forget to save yo ur changes in the Shipments screen, go to the Distribution s screen and save the Distributions window to e nsure that t he changes made in th e Shipments window filter through to the Distributions window.


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Month End Procedures At the end of each month it is recommended that checks are made to ensure that any Orders that you have submitted for approv al during the month are approved by t he last working day of the same month. If this is not done when the Approver goes to their Notifications box and tries to approve the order, the order will just move to t he top of their notifications list with a message saying “unable to Reserve Purchase order….”. The PO will stay In Process. When the Ap prover opens this notif ication a message will b e displayed referring to the fact the accounting date is not in an open e ncumbrance period (see example below).

The Approver will not be able to approve the order until the GL date in the distribution window is changed for each distribution line to that of the current open period. In such cases the Approver will have to return the order to the preparer to have the GL date in the Distributions window changed to a date in the current open period. The order will then have to be resubmitted for approval. Where the lines are charged to grant/project accounts, please ensure that the expenditure item date is also amended to the same date. To return th e order to the preparer, the approver will need to click on the “Send

Back too Preparer button at the top of the page. The Order will now have a status of Rejected. Alternatively the Purchase order can be opened by the Ap prover, by clicking on the Grey Icon, underneath “Reference s”, and the approver may go into through t he Purchase order screens and amend the distribution dates themselves to a date in the current period. The ap prover should save any changes bef ore closing the Purchase


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order down and return ing to the window shown above. Clicking o n the “Try Reserving again” button will then approve the order. To Change the GL dates Open the Purchase Order (either by the method stated in th e last parag raph for

approvers or by locatin g the reje cted PO in th e PO summary screen for non-approvers and clicking Open)

Click Shipments, followed by Distributions to take you to the Distributions window

and change the GL date for each distribution line to a date in the current open period.

Save after changing the date and then resubmit the order for approval in the usual way.

NOTE: Ensuring that all Purchase Orders raised in the month are approved in the same month they are raised avoids this. An Order which has been submitted for Approval but has not yet been approved will have a status of In Process.

Checking for Purchase Orders that are Awaiting Approval (i.e., PO status of ‘In Process’) In the Navigator Window , expand Purchase Orders and open Purchase Order Summary. Click on the blue Status tab.


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Place cursor in the Order Approval field and click on the down arrow to the right of this field. Select In Process from the list.

Now click on the blue “Date Ranges” tab.

Enter the start and end date ranges in the Order fields. If you want to search on orders you have created, enter your name in the Buyer

field or choose it from the List of Values. If you want to search on all orders raised in your depart ment for th e selected

period then leave the Buyer field blank. NOTE: Purchasing uses a hier archy system and therefore you can only view Orders created by other people in your department who hold the same position as you or are below you in the hierarchy. There fore if you a re a PO Bu yer you will only be able to see Orders raised by other Buyers in your department. If you are a PO Approver you will be able to s ee Orders raised by other Approvers and also Buyers within your department.

Click on [Find] to bring up a list of orders which match the search criteria. Place the cursor on the line of each order and Select View Action History from

the Inquire menu to bri ng up details of a person to who m the order h as been submitted for Approval.

Contact the Approver to request that the order is approved before month end. If the person to whom t he order was sent is un available to approve the order before the month end then it is possible f or another PO Approver within the de partment to re-direct the order to the mselves so that they can approve the order. (Full details on how to do this can be found in the section Changing Purchase Order Approver). If the order is not requ ired it should be cancelled. Remember to als o check the cancel requisition box when cancelling orders.


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Review of Control Functions Control actions in the Purchasing module are most commonly used to enable t he cancellation of order(s) or order lines or to clear unwanted commitments on Purchase Orders or Purchase Order lines.

What are Purchase Order Commitments? When a Pur chase Orde r has be en approved a commitment is created against the relevant account(s) to which the order line(s) were charged. In most cases the com mitment will be cleared when an invoice has b een matched to the Purchase Order o r Purchase Order line in the Accounts Payable module. However, there may be situations where the commitment has not cleared and it may be necessa ry to clear t he commit ment via th e Purchasing Module, e .g. if an ord er was approved and all the goods have been received and the invoice has been paid in full WITHOUT matching ANY orde r lines; or if an invoice was part matched [a part match is one where some but not all of the goods on the Purchase Order line(s) have been billed] and the part matched invoice was not a final match and no more goods or invoices are expected against the part matched line. NOTE: The Purcha sing module leader re gularly sen ds out a list of out standing commitments by Purchase Order line to departments together with instructions on how to revi ew the commitments an d what needs to be done if departments identify commitments that need to be cleared. If you wish to know more about Purchase Order commitments please contact the Purchasing module leader. The following is a brief explanation of the various contro l actions an d their mai n purposes. If you are unsure whether you should take a control action against an order or order line, you should always check with the FIS helpdesk before taking action as some of the control actions cannot be reversed.


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How to take a Control Action against a Purchase Order or a Purchase Order Line Before takin g any contr ol action ag ainst a Pur chase Order or Purchase Order line you must review the Purchase Order to see if any goods have been received and/or billed against the Purchase Order. This will assist in deci ding whether to take the control action against the whole ord er or ju st specific line s on the order. It is very important you check t his information before taking an y control actions. This information can be r eviewed in the shipm ents scre en by taking the following navigation:

In the Navig ator window, expand Purchase Orders and o pen Purchase Order Summary.

Enter the Purchase Order number in the Number field.

Select the Shipments radio button which is located in the Results section which is in bottom right hand side of the window above the Find button.

Click on Find. The Purchase Order Shipments window will be displaye d and you can scroll across the screen to see the quantity received and/or billed against the line(s) on the order.

Close the Shipments window.

The procedure for taking the various control options is very similar:

Enter the number of th e Purchase Order that you wish to take the con trol action against in the Number field in the Purchase Order summary screen.

NOTE: If you wish to take a control action against a p articular Purchase Order line(s) rather than the whole Purcha se Order, you need to be in the lin es region. (Select the Lines radio button rather than the Headers radio button in the Results section of the PO Summary screen).

By default the Header radio button will be selected.


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Click on [Find] to bring up the Purchase Order(s) matching the search criteria.

If you are i n the lines region ensu re your cursor is on the correct lin e before

proceeding further. From the menu at the top of the window, select Tools > Control to display the list

of control o ptions. The list of availa ble options will depend on the statu s of the order and also whether you are in the Headers or Lines window.

Place the cursor on th e option req uired. Put a reason for taking the control action in the Reasons Field. Press [OK].

Follow the screen prompts to invoke the required control action.


Re-query t he Purchase Order to check the status of the Purchase Order .

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Canceling Purchase Orders/Order Lines Cancelling a Purchase Order or Purchase Order line(s) is appropriate in situatio ns where the supplier is un able to supply the goods or where the order has a status of rejected (e. g. the order was submitted for app roval and the approver rejected the order and it is no longer required). You may ne ed to inform your supplier of the cancellation. You can print cance lled documents, and purchasing marks these with a cancellation notice. You can cancel a Purchase Order at header level (which effectively cancels the whole order) or line level (which will cancel the selected line(s) on the order). You cannot:

cancel a Purchase Order with a status of Incomplete. cancel a Purchase Order or Purchase Order li ne where you have rec orded

the receipt of goods against the lin e or order and/or have matched (billed) an invoice against the order/order line(s).

receive or pay for cancelled items. And, you cannot undo a cancel action.

If you are cancelling a specific Purchase Order line make sure the control actio n states “Cancel PO Lin e”. This option will onl y be available if you are in the Line s region of the order. (To navigate to the lines you should have selected the Lines radio button before clicking on Find in the Purchase Order Summary window). Commitments: If you cancel a Purchase Order or Purchase Order line(s), purchasing will reverse the Purchase Order commitment created when the order was approved. Remember to also tick the “Cancel Requisition” check box when cancelling POs created from requisitions. If you do not, the requisition commitment will remain and you will then have to cancel the requisition as a separate task; additionally the requisition will re-appear in the Autocreate windows until you cancel it. If you select the option “Cancel PO or Cancel PO line” and the supplier on the order is one of the suppliers which is enabled for electronic ordering the XML radio button will be activated – please note this will NOT notify the supplier of the cancellation. You will have to notify the supplier by phone that the order is cancelled. In such cases you will receive a notification advising you that XML could not be sent (see example screen shot below) – this is correct as we are not using this functionality at this time.


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The above example of the notification was taken from the Notifications screen in the core purchasing module.

The following fields and checkbox should remain blank and/or do not contain any values when cancelling a PO. We are not using this functionality at present. The following are not in use: “Use Document GL Date to Unreserve” (do not check this box); “E-Mail” check box (do not check this box) “E-Mail address” field (should be blank) “Fax” checkbox (do not check this box) “Fax Number” field (should be blank) The checkbox may be ticked and/or a value may default depending on the supplier set up and the checkbox should be unchecked and data deleted before proceeding with the cancellation process.


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Finally Closing a Purchase Order Finally closing a Purchase Order or Purchase Order line is most commonly used to clear unwanted commitments on Purchase Orders or Purch ase Order lines. You ca n only finally close a Purchase Order or Purchase Order line if the order has a status of Approved. Check whether you need to Finally Close the whole order o r whether you only need to close a specific line(s) on the order. Generally speaking, you would finally clos e the whole order if you have received all the goods on the orde r and the invoice(s) has already been paid in full witho ut matching any of the PO line(s) to the invoice(s). You would usually finally close individual Purchase Order lines if the goods have been received in full a nd the invoice was a part match [a part match is one where some but n ot all of the goods on the Purchase Order line(s) have been matched t o an invoice] and the invoice being p art matched was not entered as a final match in the Accounts Payable module. Once a Purchase Ord er or Purch ase Order Line(s) is F inally Close d no furthe r modification actions may be taken. You can Finally Close at header and line levels. Finally closing a Purchase Order or Pu rchase Order line reverses the Purchase Order commitment created when the Purchase Order was approved. You cannot undo a Finally Close action. Note: When undertaking control actions e.g. Cancelling or Finally Close for POs/PO lines the following screen is displayed.

You will note that the latest version of Oracle now includes a checkbox entitled “Use Document GL Date to Unreserve”, please DO NOT check this box.


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Other Control Actions The followin g is a brief description of the other control act ions available within th e Purchasing module but it should be noted that t he Cancel and Finally Close option s will usually meet the n eeds of most users an d therefore this sect ion is provided mainly for information purposes.

Closing Purchase Orders/Order lines The FIS system will automatically record a closure status of CLOSED at header level on the Purchase Order when all t he lines on the order have a closure status of CLOSED. The FIS system will automatically record a closure status of CLOSED at line level for a Purchase Order line when all th e items (ba sed on the item quantit y) on the line have been recorded as received on the system and all the goods have been invoiced (invoice must have been matched in full to the line). It is possible to manua lly close a Purchase Order or Purchase Order line via the control options. Refer to the Purchasing Module Leader for details of when manually closing a Purchase Order is appropriate. A Purchase Order can be closed at header, line and shipment levels. Closing a Purchase Order does not reverse the Purchase Order commitment created when the Purchase Order was originally raised.

Closing Purchase Orders for Receiving The Closed for Receiving status is recorded a t the Purch ase Order shipment line level. The FIS system will automatically record a closure status of CLOSED FOR RECEIVING at the shipment line level for a Purchase Order line when all the items (b ased on the item quantity) on the line have been recorded as received on the system. It is possible to manually close a Purchase Order/order line for receiving by selecting the control option of Close for Receiving. You can close a Purchase Order for receiving at header, line and shipment line level. This option is appropriate if you wish to pre vent the receipt of an y more goo ds against the Purchase Order or Purchase Order line. Invoice s can still be matched in respect of goods already received.


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Closing Purchase Orders for Invoicing The FIS system will automatically record a closure status of CLOSED FOR INVOICING at shipment line level for a Purchase Order line when all the items (based on the item quantity) on the line have been recorded as billed (invoice has been matched). It is possible to manually close a shipment line for invoicin g by selecting the contr ol option of Close for Receiving when you are in the shipments window. This option is appropriat e if you wis h to indicate that you do not want to accept any more invoices in respect of a Purchase Order or Purchase Order line. You can close for invoicing at header, line and shipment line level. Refer to the Purchasing Module Leader for full details of when it is appropriate to use this Control Action.

Freezing a Purchase Order Purchasing lets you freeze a Purchase Order so that you can prevent changes o r additions to the order, but still receive and pay for the goods already ordered. You can only freeze at the header level.

Holding a Purchase Order Placing a P urchase Order on hold effectively un-approves the Purcha se Order and prevents printing, receiving, invoicing and future approval until the hold is removed. You can only place a hold at header level. We do not recommend use of this action.

Unfreezing or Removing Holds on Purchase Orders If you subsequently wish to make changes then you can unfreeze or remove the hold as appropriate. Remember to re-approve a Purchase Order that has been released from hold. You can only unfreeze/release a hold on a Purchase Order at header level.

Incomplete Purchase Orders You cannot cancel orders with a status of Incomplete. Please refe r to module leader abo ut the valid actions tha t can be ta ken against Incomplete orders.


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Viewing Matched Invoices Navigate to the Purchase Order Summary window.

Enter a Purchase Order number in the Number field or use the selection

criteria to find the required Purchase Order. Click on the [Find] button.

Select Inquire from the menu at the top of the window.

Select View Invoice from the drop down menu options.


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Information about the invoice that was matched to the Purchase Ord er will be displayed.

The Invoices window will provide d etails of the invoice(s) matched to the Purchase Order whic h will inclu de the invoice number, batch name, amount, the date the invoice was paid and the cheque number. The screen will automatically displa y the in voice details for the first invoice listed i n the invoice details section. To view the st atus of the other invoices, please click o n the relevant invoice line and the details relating to the invoice will be displayed. In cases w here the Purchase Order has be en matched to multiple invoices th e Invoices window will display the first five invoices matched to the Purchase Order. If the Purchase Order has been matched to more than five invoices, scr oll down th e page using the scroll ba r on the left hand side of the invoice details se ction to view the details of the other invoices. This inform ation can also be accessed from the Lines, Shipments and Distributions windows.


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Using Attachments Using an attachment enables text messages to be added to Purchases Orders that will then be printed out on the Purchase Order. Attachments can only be added when you are actually in the Purchase Order Entry window.

Put the cursor in Description field on the lines of the Purchase Order. You must have saved the order first before creating the attachment.

Click on the Paperclip icon on the toolbar, indicated above.

If you have not saved the order you will get a re minder message asking whether you want to save record.

Click on the Category field and select the List of Values. Select To Supplier from

the List of Values. In the Description field, type in a meaningful description that will then enable you

to locate the attachment should you wish to use the attachment on another Purchase Order.

In the Data Type field, select Long Text from the List of Values. Move the cursor to the b lank area (this is a free text area) and type the message


Click on the Save - - icon, when your text entry is complete.


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If you re query the Purchase Order after filli ng in the remaining Ship ments and

Distribution screens the Paper clip icon will now indicate there is an attachment, when putting your cursor on the line, (see below).

Re-using Existing Attachments Navigate to the attachments window from the Purchase Order entry window by

putting your cursor in the Description field on the lines of the Purchase Order and clicking on the Paper clip icon.

Click on the [Document Catalogue] button on the bottom right hand side of the

window this will bring up the Find Attachments window.


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Enter the se arch criteria information, e.g. Short Text in the Data Type field, To Supplier in the Category field or enter description of at tachment (if known). Click on [FIND] to display all attachments which match the search criteria.

If you are n ot sure whe ther the att achment you wish to re use is the correct one, select [Preview…] to view the attachment before attaching it to the Purchase Order. Click on [OK] to return to the Find window. To attach the attachment select [Attach 1]. You may edit the attachment. Make sure you amend the name in the Description field if you edit the text to

ensure the attachment is saved with the revisions under a different name. Save – the attachment is now attached to the new Purchase Order.

Deleting Attachments Navigate to the Purchase Order Summary window.

Enter the relevant Purchase Order number in Number field and click on [Find].

Click on the [Open] button to open the Standard Purchase Order Entry window. Place the cursor on the Description field in the Lines region of the order and

open up th e attachments window by clicking on the Paperclip icon on the toolbar.

The attachments window will open. Click on Edit and select the option Delete , the following message appears:


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To delete t he attachment, click o n the [ Attachment] button. DO NOT sele ct

[Document and Attachment] otherwise the whole PO will be deleted. Save. Close the Attachments window to return to t he Purchase Order Lines entry



If you re-query the order you notice will that the attachment has disappeared.

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Appendix I – Getting Help At any point during your work, it is possible to a ccess Help pages related to the work you are doing. Click on the Help menu and select Window Help. Your web browser will open a nd display t he Help pages which are related to the Wind ow which was open. If this page does not answer the queries you have, try clicking t hrough the Folders on the left hand side or typing in the search tips box in the top left hand corner.

If you are confused by any of the ja rgon used by Oracle, eit her on the Help pages or in the Oracle Financia ls applicat ion itself, try lo oking for th e word in t he Glossary (Type Glossary into the Search box and select the top option of the results) . Note: This Glossary does not provide details o f the differe nces between American and English Accountancy terms, and is not a fully comprehensive list. Appendix II - The Toolbar Close Form Translations Clear Edit Folder Find Next Step Print Copy Record Field Tools

New Show Save Switch Cut Paste Delete Zoom Attachment Help Navigator Responsibility


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Show Navigator... --open the

Navigator window. Zoom --invoke a custom-defined

Zoom. Save --save any pending changes in

the current form. Print... --print the current screen or in

special cases, display a list of reports to print.

Clear Record –Erases the current

record from the window. Find... –opens the Find window to

retrieve records. New--creates a new record in the

current form. Cut, Copy & Paste—performs in the

same way as the Windows options of the same name.

Next Step--Updates the Process

workflow in the Navigator by advancing to the next step in the process.

Delete - delete the current record from the database.

Folder Tools --open the Folder tool

palette. Translations... --open the

Translations window. Attachments... --open the

Attachments window to update or view the current attachment or add a new attachment.

Or No Attachments --open the

Attachments window to create a new attachment.

Edit Field... --open the Editor window

for the current field. Window Help--open help for the

current window. Switch Responsibility... --display the

Responsibilities window – only displayed when the Navigator window is active.

Close Form — Closes all windows of

the current form.

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Appendix III – Keyboard Shortcuts To get a list of Keyboard Shortcuts while using Oracle Applications, click on the Help menu and choose Keyboard Help… Block Menu Ctrl & B Function 5 Shift & Ctrl & F5 Clear Block F7 Function 6 Shift & Ctrl & F6 Clear Field F5 Function 7 Shift & Ctrl & F7 Clear Form F8 Function 8 Shift & Ctrl & F8 Clear Record F6 Function 9 Shift & Ctrl & F9 Commit Ctrl & S Insert Record Ctrl & Down Copy Ctrl & C List of Values (Pick

List) Ctrl & L

Count Query F12 Next Block Shift &

PageDown Cut Ctrl & X Next Field Tab Delete Record Ctrl & Up Next Primary Key Shift & F7 Display Error Shift & Ctrl & E Next record Down Down Down Next Set of Records Shift & F8 Duplicate Field Shift & F5 Paste Ctrl & V Duplicate

Record Shift & F6 Previous Block Shift & PageUp

Edit Ctrl & E Previous Field Shift & Tab Enter Query F11 Previous Record Up Execute Query Ctrl & F11 Print Ctrl & P Exit F4 Return Return Function 0 Shift & Ctrl & F10 Scroll Down PageDown Function 1 Shift & Ctrl & F1 Scroll Up PageUp Function 2 Shift & Ctrl & F2 Show Keyboard

Shortcuts Ctrl & K

Function 3 Shift & Ctrl & F3 Up Up Function 4 Shift & Ctrl & F4 Update Record Ctrl & U