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Post on 06-Apr-2018




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  • 8/3/2019 puran



    Quality can be defined as A pragmatic system of continual improvement, a way to successfully

    ORGANISE men & machines.

    According to ISO 9000:2000 quality means degree to which a set of inherent characterestics

    fulfill requirements.

    The basic aim of quality norms is not only satisfying customers, but delighting them, innovating,


    About 100% or all manufacturing industries uses quality norms.

    By using quality norms companies try to retain their customers by providing them good quality



    A control chart is a line graph, which illustrates the performance of a process with respect to its

    upper & lower control limits,and also provides information on control with respect to specified limits as

    related to time .

    While surveying it is found that more than half of the companies uses control charts.

    Control chart is a useful tool as per as the inspection of quality issues is concerned.


    Quality standerds in general means the means or measure of standerd of quality.

    Many of the todays manufacturing companies uses quality standerds to give a acceptable value

    to quality of their product

    There are many quality standerds available, out of which the famous is ISO.

    While doing survey in manufacturing industries in pune it has been found that about 75%

    manufacturing industries uses quality standerds.


    Quality Circle is also one of the important tool in the Qualty Management System of

    manufacturing industries.

  • 8/3/2019 puran


    Quality is the aspect which determine s the value of the product thus quality circle plays an

    important role.

    While serveying the manufacturing industries in pune, it is found thatmoree than half of the

    companies surveyed uses quality circles.

    Thus tehre are still few manufacturer who dont use quality circle.


    Non conformance Reports are one of the analytical tools available at manufacturing industries,

    which helps to analyse the quality related issues.

    Non conformance report gives a brief idea about the quality of the product, or in short gives

    assuarance related to quality of the product.

    While surveying manufacturing industries in pune, it is found that half of the companies uses

    non conformance report.

    Thus almost 20 companies amongst the 40 which were serveyed takes help of non conformance



    Management representative is not a tool used in manufacturing industries to maintain the

    quality, but he is a management person who keeps eye on quality related issues.

    Almost every big firm or company today is having their management representative for all the


    The work of this management representative is to keep track of all the quality related issues in

    the company.

    However while surveying, notonly big but few small scale industries were also serveyed who

    doesnt have management representative.

    But except those almost all the manufacturing industries have their management representative

    Thus in pune while surveying it is found that 90% industries have management representative.

  • 8/3/2019 puran



    The most significant production management approach of the past 50 years is just-in-time(JIT)

    production the logic of which evolved in japan at Toyota and later extended to other companies in Japan

    &other countries.

    JIT means producing what is needed and when needed and no more.

    It is one of the important quality tools used in manufacturing industries.

    Thus it is found that, in Pune only about 40% companies uses JIT.


    Kanban means sign or instruction card in japanese.

    A kanban control system uses a signaling device to regulate JIT flows

    Like JIT, KANBAN is also an important quality tool.

    Thus during survey it is found that about 80% manufacturing industries do not use KANBAN.

    Thus only 20% companies takes benefit of KANBAN.


    TOC means Theory Of Constraints

    Theory Of Constraints is an overall management phylosophy that aims at continually achieving

    more of the goal of a system.

    TOC is also one of the important quality tools used by manufacturing industries

    About 10% companies taken under survey uses TOC.

    Thus only 4 companies in the survey used TOC


    TPM means Total Production management.

    TPM is also one of the important quality tools.

    About 80% companies do not use TPM.

  • 8/3/2019 puran


    11)SIX SIGMA:

    SIX SIGMA is a business strategy that gives a definite competitive edge if rightly implemented.

    The fundamental objective in Six Sigma methodology is the implementation of a measurement-

    based strategy that focuses on process improvement and variation reduction.

    It is an important quality tool used by manufacturing industries.

    While surveying in pune it is found that, about 40% companies uses SIX SIGMA.