punks codes and conventions

Analysis on Codes and Conventions of Punks with Screenshots.

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Post on 22-Nov-2014



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Page 1: Punks codes and conventions

Analysis on Codes and Conventions of Punks with Screenshots.

Page 2: Punks codes and conventions

The video starts with the description of the song. The name of the song, the name of the band and another establishing line.

Page 3: Punks codes and conventions

Funky standing hair. The main style of the punks.

Page 4: Punks codes and conventions

Generally small music bands. In this case just three people make a band. Apart from this, all are wearing black.

Main vocalist and guitarist.

Main drummer. The only drummer in the video.

Side vocalist and guitarist.

Page 5: Punks codes and conventions

Black Clothing and funky hairstyles with tattoos and dark makeup is common in most punks.

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Piercings are quite common in punks- two lip piercings in this case.

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Tattoos are a typical punk habit.

Her facial expressions match the colour of clothing and nature of dressing.

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A tattoo of a skeleton face. One that is used on pirate ships and typical boys. But in punks these type of tattoos are common even in girls.

Including her black clothing, she has also worn a black heart necklace that shows that most punks are lovers of black colour.

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The side vocalist and guitarist is a boy. Still he is wearing makeup on his eyes and lips. With the same standing hair, just a little shorter in length.

Page 10: Punks codes and conventions

The side vocalist screaming out the lyrics in a very non musical way. It can be seen from his expressions.

Tattoos on the side vocalists neck just like the main vocalist. It shows the typical punk stereotype.

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A lot of movement is shown in the video. A lot of jumping and moving about. The mail vocalist at this point has just landed from a jump.

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Her expressions show that she is screaming at the top of her voice at this time. It also shows how the whole song would have been sung.