pulpal status of primary teeth

© 2008 The Authors 16 Journal compilation © 2008 BSPD, IAPD and Blackwell Publishing Ltd DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-263X.2008.00963.x Blackwell Publishing Ltd Pulpal status of human primary teeth with physiological root resorption JOANA MONTEIRO 1 , PETER DAY 1 , MONTY DUGGAL 1 , CLAIRE MORGAN 2 & HELEN RODD 3 1 Department of Paediatric Dentistry, Leeds Dental Institute, 2 Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Sheffield, 3 Department of Oral Health and Development, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 2009; 19: 16–25 Objective. The overall aim of this study was to determine whether any changes occur in the pulpal structure of human primary teeth in association with physiological root resorption. Methods. The experimental material comprised 64 sound primary molars, obtained from children requiring routine dental extractions under general anaesthesia. Pulp sections were processed for indirect immunofluorescence using combinations of: (i) protein gene product 9.5 (a general neuronal marker); (ii) leucocyte common antigen CD45 (a general immune cell marker); and (iii) Ulex europaeus I lectin (a marker of vascular endothelium). Image analysis was then used to determine the percentage area of staining for each label within both the pulp horn and mid-coronal region. Following measurement of the greatest degree of root resorption in each sample, teeth were subdivided into three groups: those with physiological resorption involving less than one-third, one-third to two-thirds, and more than two-thirds of their root length. Results. Wide variation was evident between different tooth samples with some resorbed teeth showing marked changes in pulpal histology. Decreased innervation density, increased immune cell accumulation, and increased vascularity were evident in some teeth with advanced root resorption. Analysis of pooled data, however, did not reveal any significant differences in mean percentage area of staining for any of these variables according to the three root resorption subgroups (P > 0.05, analysis of variance on transformed data). Conclusions. This investigation has revealed some changes in pulpal status of human primary teeth with physiological root resorption. These were not, however, as profound as one may have anticipated. It is therefore speculated that teeth could retain the potential for sensation, healing, and repair until advanced stages of root resorption. Introduction Primary teeth have one very distinct feature which sets them apart from the permanent dentition: they undergo physiological resorption leading to shedding. This complex phenomenon is not yet fully understood and remains of considerable biological and clinical interest. It is generally agreed that consistency in the timing and pattern of primary root resorption, and subsequent permanent tooth eruption, are indicative of related and genetically programmed events 1 . Previous studies have identified the dental follicle and stellate reticulum of the permanent successor as having a key role in tooth resorption 2,3 . The dental follicle is thought to be responsible for recruitment of mononuclear cells and providing a favourable environment for their differentiation into osteoclasts 1,4 . These multinuclear giant cells adhere to bone and initiate resorption via acidification of the extra- cellular matrix 5 . The cells actually responsible for dental tissue resorption are odontoclasts, which appear to belong to the same cell line as osteoclasts 5,6 . Cytokine-producing cells, capable of mediating odontoclast activity, have recently been identified within the pulp tissue of primary teeth 7 . This finding supports the role of the primary tooth pulp, as well as that of the developing permanent successor, in the resorption process. The focus of this paper, however, is not to review the mechanisms of physiological resorption, but to consider whether there are any changes in pulp histology concurrent with Correspondence to: Professor Helen Rodd, Department of Oral Health and Development, School of Clinical Dentistry, Claremont Crescent, Sheffield, S10 2TA, UK. E-mail: h.d.rodd@sheffield.ac.uk

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Page 1: Pulpal Status of Primary Teeth

© 2008 The Authors


Journal compilation © 2008 BSPD, IAPD and Blackwell Publishing Ltd

DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-263X.2008.00963.x

Blackwell Publishing Ltd

Pulpal status of human primary teeth with physiological root resorption












Department of Paediatric Dentistry, Leeds Dental Institute,


Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of



Department of Oral Health and Development, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK

International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 2009; 19: 16–25


The overall aim of this study was todetermine whether any changes occur in the pulpalstructure of human primary teeth in associationwith physiological root resorption.


The experimental material comprised64 sound primary molars, obtained from childrenrequiring routine dental extractions under generalanaesthesia. Pulp sections were processed for indirectimmunofluorescence using combinations of: (i)protein gene product 9.5 (a general neuronal marker);(ii) leucocyte common antigen CD45 (a generalimmune cell marker); and (iii)

Ulex europaeus

I lectin(a marker of vascular endothelium). Image analysiswas then used to determine the percentage area ofstaining for each label within both the pulp hornand mid-coronal region. Following measurement ofthe greatest degree of root resorption in each sample,teeth were subdivided into three groups: those with

physiological resorption involving less than one-third,one-third to two-thirds, and more than two-thirdsof their root length.


Wide variation was evident betweendifferent tooth samples with some resorbed teethshowing marked changes in pulpal histology.Decreased innervation density, increased immunecell accumulation, and increased vascularity wereevident in some teeth with advanced root resorption.Analysis of pooled data, however, did not revealany significant differences in mean percentage areaof staining for any of these variables according to thethree root resorption subgroups (


> 0.05, analysis ofvariance on transformed data).


This investigation has revealed somechanges in pulpal status of human primary teethwith physiological root resorption. These were not,however, as profound as one may have anticipated.It is therefore speculated that teeth could retain thepotential for sensation, healing, and repair untiladvanced stages of root resorption.


Primary teeth have one very distinct featurewhich sets them apart from the permanentdentition: they undergo physiological resorptionleading to shedding. This complex phenomenonis not yet fully understood and remains ofconsiderable biological and clinical interest. Itis generally agreed that consistency in thetiming and pattern of primary root resorption,and subsequent permanent tooth eruption,are indicative of related and geneticallyprogrammed events


.Previous studies have identified the dental

follicle and stellate reticulum of the permanent

successor as having a key role in toothresorption


. The dental follicle is thought tobe responsible for recruitment of mononuclearcells and providing a favourable environmentfor their differentiation into osteoclasts


. Thesemultinuclear giant cells adhere to bone andinitiate resorption via acidification of the extra-cellular matrix


. The cells actually responsiblefor dental tissue resorption are odontoclasts,which appear to belong to the same cell lineas osteoclasts


. Cytokine-producing cells, capableof mediating odontoclast activity, haverecently been identified within the pulp tissueof primary teeth


. This finding supports therole of the primary tooth pulp, as well as thatof the developing permanent successor, in theresorption process.

The focus of this paper, however, is notto review the mechanisms of physiologicalresorption, but to consider whether there areany changes in pulp histology concurrent with

Correspondence to:

Professor Helen Rodd, Department of Oral Health and Development, School of Clinical Dentistry, Claremont Crescent, Sheffield, S10 2TA, UK. E-mail: [email protected]

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Pulpal status with physiological root resorption


© 2008 The Authors Journal compilation © 2008 BSPD, IAPD and Blackwell Publishing Ltd

this unique process. Without this basic scienceinsight, it is difficult for clinicians to makeinformed treatment decisions when managingthe primary dentition. Knowledge of a tooth’spotential to respond to injury, according tothe stage of root resorption, would be invaluablein predicting the likely success of interventionssuch as indirect pulp capping or vital pulpotomy.

In terms of overall histology, it has beenreported that primary teeth maintain a similarpulpal architecture to that seen in young per-manent teeth, at least until very advancedresorption


. Furthermore, there appear to be nogross histological differences between primarypulps at different stages of resorption


. Theanatomical characteristics of odontoblast cellsalso seem unaffected during tooth shedding


.In recent years, investigators have sought a

more detailed assessment of pulp status duringthe resorptive process, particularly in relationto immune cell number and type. There isgeneral consensus that the overall numberof pulpal inflammatory cells increases fromthe beginning of the resorption process untilexfoliation


. With respect to changes inspecific immune cell populations, studies havereported increases in macrophages as wellas T and B lymphocytes with advanced rootresorption


. Interestingly, Simsek andDurutürk’s study of both carious and soundprimary teeth, found that, for non-cariousteeth, only natural killer cells significantlyincreased with resorption


.Knowledge of any resorption-related

changes in other important pulp structures,namely nerves and blood vessels, is morerudimentary. Rapp and coworkers examinedpulpal innervation in 75 human primary teethat different stages of resorption, using a silverimpregnation technique


. A similar pattern ofinnervation was observed in all samples. Withadvanced resorption, however, neural thicken-ing (varicosities), fragmentation, and reducedinnervation density were reported. A furthersubjective observation was decreased densityof the subodontoblastic nerve plexus, withfewer fibres extending into the odontoblastcell layer.

Findings from descriptive studies of pulpalvascularity are conflicting. Sari and colleaguesexamined 14 extracted primary canines at

different stages of root resorption usinghaematoxylin and eosin staining, and lightmicroscopy


. They reported normal pulpalvascularity in resorbed samples. In contrast,a more recent study of 19 primary teeth withphysiological root resorption, also usinghaematoxylin and eosin staining and lightmicroscopy, identified hyperaemia and dilatedblood vessels in a small number of teeth


.Overall, there would appear to be a paucity

of literature exploring changes in the pulpalstructure of primary teeth with physiologicalroot resorption. Therefore, the aim of this studywas to undertake a comprehensive quantitativeinvestigation of pulpal innervation density,immune cell accumulation, and vascularity inhuman non-carious primary teeth with variabledegrees of root resorption.

Materials and methods

Experimental material

Maxillary and mandibular first and secondprimary molars comprised the experimentalmaterial for the study. Inclusion criteria dictatedthat tooth samples were: caries free or hadminimal enamel caries only, had a permanentsuccessor, had no enamel defect or excessivetooth tissue loss, and did not sustain a rootfracture during extraction.

Teeth were obtained from fit and healthychildren who required routine dental extr-actions under general anaesthesia (GA) at theday-care unit of Leeds Dental Institute, UK.Treatment plans were prescribed at a pre-GAassessment by a consultant paediatric dentist.Teeth were collected by one investigator(J.M.) during a 4-month period (Septemberto November 2007). Ethical approval wasgranted by the Leeds (West) Research EthicsCommittee, and informed consent was obtainedfrom legal guardians, prior to the GA, to allowthe use of their child’s extracted teeth for thespecific purposes of this research.

Tissue preparation

Immediately following forceps extraction, alongitudinal groove was cut on the buccalaspect of the tooth, using a diamond disc. The

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tooth was then split longitudinally by placingan osteotome in the buccal groove and applyinga blow with a surgical mallet. Tooth halveswere placed in fixative (4% paraformaldehydeand 0.2% picric acid in 0.1


phosphate buffer,pH 7.4) for 24 h at 4


C. The coronal pulp wasthen carefully removed and placed in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). Coronal pulps were leftin PBS for 24 h at 4


C before placing in 0.1


PBS containing 30% sucrose solution forcryoprotection (5 h at 4


C). The pulp tissuewas then embedded in Tissue-Tek OCT com-pound (Bayer Diagnostics, Basingstoke, UK),and 14


m longitudinal sections were cut fromeach tooth pulp and collected on poly


-lysine-coated glass slides (Sigma, Poole, UK). Fifteensections were collected from each tooth pulp.

Immunocytochemistry and lectin histochemistry

Immunostaining was performed using anindirect immunofluorescence method


. Slideswere first washed in PBS containing 0.2%Triton X-100 (PBST) (2


10 min) and thenincubated in PBST containing 10% normalgoat serum (Vector Laboratories, Peterborough,UK) for 30 min at room temperature. Follow-ing this, sections were triple-labelled using amixture of: (i) a monoclonal antibody to proteingene product 9.5 (PGP 9.5) a general neuronalmarker (rabbit antihuman PGP 9.5, dilution1 : 1000, Ultraclone, Isle of White, UK); (ii) amonoclonal antibody to leucocyte commonantigen (LCA) – a universal marker for leuco-cytes (mouse antihuman LCA, dilution 1 : 100,Dako, Bucks, UK); and (iii) biotinylated


agglutinin I lectin (UEIL) – a markerof human vascular endothelium (dilution20


g/mL, Vector).The antisera and UEIL were diluted in PBST

containing 5% normal goat serum, and sectionswere incubated for 24 h at 4


C.Slides were then washed again in PBS



10 min) before incubating, for a further90 min at room temperature, with a mixtureof fluorescent secondary antibodies: goatanti-rabbit IgG conjugated to fluoresceinisothiocyanate (dilution 1 : 20, Vector), horseanti-mouse IgG conjugated to Texas red (dilution1 : 100; Vector), and 7-amino-4-methyl-3-aceticacid-conjugated streptavidin (dilution 1 : 25,

Vector). The fluorescent labels were diluted inPBST containing 2% normal goat serum. Slideswere finally washed again in PBS (2


10 min)before mounting with Vectashield (Vector).

Immunohistochemical controls for PGP 9.5and LCA were performed by incubating sectionswith the antibody diluent alone. The specificityof the lectin reaction was tested by inhibitinglectin binding with the use of 0.2





-fucose(Vector) dissolved in PBS containing 0.2%PBST. No positive labelling was seen in any ofthe controls.

Analysis of immunolabelling

Sections were viewed using a Zeiss (Oberkochen,Germany) axioplan fluorescent microscope,and all analyses were performed blind. Twodifferent fields were subject to quantitativeanalysis: the mesio-buccal pulp horn, as itreceives the greatest proportion of nerve ter-minals, and the mid-coronal pulp regionwhich contains large blood vessels and nervetrunks (Fig. 1).

The method used to quantify labelling has beendescribed previously


. Essentially, computer-assisted image analysis software (Image-ProPlus v3.0; Media Cybernetics, Silver Spring,MD, USA) was used to create a digital image

Fig. 1. Composite photomicrograph of the overall innervation of the coronal tooth pulp showing the two different areas employed for quantitative analysis: tip of the pulp horn and mid-coronal region. Each area of analysis represents 0.22 mm2 of pulp tissue.

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from the microscopic image. The percentagearea of staining (PAS) for PGP 9.5-, LCA-, andUEIL-labelled tissue was then automaticallydetermined within each field of analysis.

Root measurement

In order to determine the degree of root resorp-tion for each extracted tooth, an establishedprotocol was followed as described by previousauthors


. Firstly, the distance between theenamel–cement junction (CEJ) and the deepestpoint of root resorption was measured by oneinvestigator (J.M.) using an electronic millimetrecalliper (Digimatic Caliper, Mitutoyo, U.K. Ltd,Halifax, West Yorkshire, UK). For each molar,the most resorbed root was selected for thispurpose. The resultant measurement was thendivided by the expected pre-resorption total rootlength for that specific tooth type according toKramer and Ireland’s published norms


. Theoverall percentage of root resorption was thencalculated for each sample as follows:

After determining the percentage root resorp-tion by the method described, teeth weresubdivided into three groups: (i) group 1: teethwith less than one-third root resorption; (ii)group 2: teeth with one-third to two-thirdsroot resorption; and (iii) group 3: teeth withmore than two-thirds root resorption.

Root length was measured blind to thepatient’s age and histological findings. A repeatmeasurement was taken for 20% of the sample2 months after the initial measurement. ABland–Altman plot was then generated toestimate intra-examiner agreement



Statistical analysis

One-way analysis of variance (


) wasemployed to test for statistically significantdifferences for mean PAS PGP 9.5, LCA, andUEIL according to the degree of root resorption

(< 1/3, 1/3–2/3, > 2/3 resorption). Significancelevels were set at


< 0.05. Statistical analysiswas performed on logarithmically transformeddata, but the data are presented graphically intheir raw form.


Study sample

A total of 64 upper and lower primary molarsfrom 33 patients were subject to analysis. Themean age of the children was 6.3 years (range3.0–10.9; SD = 1.8). Thirty-one teeth had lessthan one-third of their root resorbed (group1), 25 teeth demonstrated between one-thirdand two-thirds root resorption (group 2), andonly eight teeth had resorption of greater thantwo-thirds of their original root length (group3). Very good intra-examiner agreement wasfound for root length measurement, with allmeasurements being within the 95% limits ofagreement. The mean difference between theinitial and repeat measurements was 0.15 mm,with a confidence interval ranging from –0.61 mmto +0.31 mm.


Labelling for PGP 9.5 provided excellentvisualization of the overall pulpal innervation,and findings were similar to those reported inprevious anatomical studies


. The pulp hornwas the most densely innervated region, withmultiple free-ending fibres extending towardsthe pulp–dentine junction. A well-definedsub-odontoblastic plexus was observed aroundthe pulp periphery, and small/medium-sizednerve trunks (often in association with a bloodvessel) were present within the mid-coronalregion. A marked variation in innervationpattern, however, was observed in the pulphorn region of some samples with advancedroot resorption. In some specimens, there wasa reduction in overall innervation density,whereas other samples presented with a verydense, varicose but fragmented innervation(Fig. 2). Figure 3a shows pooled data for meanPAS for PGP 9.5 (innervation density) withinthe three root resorption subgroups. Interest-ingly, statistical analysis confirmed that there

% root resorption

distance from CEJ to point of greatest resorption (in mm)

expected pre-resorption root length (Kramer and Ireland’s norms)





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were no significant differences in overallinnervation density according to the degree ofroot resorption in either the pulp horn ormid-coronal region (


= 0.87 and


= 0.15,respectively,



Immune cells

Round LCA-positive cells were seen to bescattered throughout the coronal pulp tissue ofall samples. Generally, findings were similar tothose previously reported for non-carious,non-resorbed primary teeth


. Dense clustersof immune cells, however, were occasionallyobserved in both the pulp horn and mid-coronal region of some samples with advancedroot resorption (Fig. 4).

It can be seen in Fig. 3b that mean PAS forLCA appeared greatest in teeth with one-thirdto two-thirds root resorption in both the pulphorn and the mid-coronal region. These werenot, however, statistically significant differences(


= 0.64 and


= 0.86, respectively,




The overall distribution of blood vessels wassimilar to that described in previous reportswith numerous capillaries aligned around thepulp periphery and larger vessels (arteriolesand venules) within the mid-coronal region


.Quite profound changes in vascular status,however, were noted in some teeth with morethan one-third root resorption. There appeared

Fig. 2. Digital photomicrographs showing pulps labelled for protein gene product 9.5 (PGP 9.5) (green), leucocyte common antigen (LCA) (red), and Ulex europaeus agglutinin I lectin (UEIL) (blue), to demonstrate qualitative differences in the distribution and morphology of PGP 9.5-labelled nerves (green) in the pulp horn and mid-coronal region of primary teeth at different stages of root resorption. (a) Pulp horn region of a tooth with < 1/3 root resorption, showing a normal, well-defined innervation. (b) Pulp horn region of a tooth with > 2/3 root resorption showing a more sparse innervation. (c) Mid-coronal pulp of a tooth with > 2/3 resorption showing a dense innervation. (d) Mid-coronal pulp of a tooth also with advanced root resorption but with varicose and fragmented nerve fibres.

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to be both an increase in large and small vesseldimensions, as well as an increase in capillarynumber (Fig. 5).

Figure 3c shows pooled data for mean UEILwithin the two areas of analysis. Althoughthere was a trend for increased vascularity insamples with more than one-third root resorp-tion, this was not found to be statisticallysignificant (


= 0.30 and


= 0.79, respectively,




This immunocytochemical study has shown thatthere are no statistically significant differencesin overall mean pulpal innervation density,

immune cell accumulation, or vascularity inhuman primary teeth according to the degreeof root resorption. Unfortunately, there are noprevious quantitative data for innervationdensity or vascularity with which our findingsmay be compared. Data have been published,however, for immune cell accumulation withseveral authors reporting a significant increasein immune cell number with advanced rootresorption


. One explanation for thisapparently conflicting finding is the differencein methodological approach taken by variousinvestigators: variation in sampling techniques,visualization of immune cells, and quantificationmay all have a considerable effect on outcomes.Furthermore, with one exception


, previousstudies have employed carious teeth as theexperimental material. There is indisputableevidence that there are significant increases inimmune cell accumulation within the pulpsof carious primary teeth with no physiologicalroot resorption


. Thus, it cannot be concludedthat the resorptive process alone, in the absenceof any other tissue insult, is associated with asignificant inflammatory response.

It is interesting, however, that a smallnumber of teeth in this study did have a denseimmune cell accumulation. These pulps tendedto be from teeth with advanced root resorptionin children aged 9–10 years. The more markedinflammatory response, seen in these specimens,may have coincided with a period of increasedresorptive activity: it is well recognized thatthe resorption process includes periods of activityas well as quiescence


. It is also speculatedthat teeth in older children may have greatertooth tissue loss, from erosion and/or attrition,thus facilitating ingress of oral bacteria andresultant pulpal inflammation. Teeth withextensive tooth tissue loss and exposed dentinewere excluded from the study sample, but itis possible that primary molars in the olderchildren did have a reduced enamel thicknessthan teeth from younger children.

The tooth pulp is one of the most denselyinnervated of all human tissues, receiving apredominantly sensory (nociceptive) innerva-tion. Traditionally, the literature has consideredthe functionality of this dense innervation inrelation to pain perception. Current thinking,however, places pain perception as a secondary

Fig. 3. Bar charts showing the mean (± SEM) percentage area of (a) protein gene product 9.5 (PGP 9.5) labelled tissue (b) leucocyte common antigen (LCA) labelled tissue, and (c) Ulex europaeus I lectin (UEIL)-labelled tissue within the pulp horn and mid-coronal region of pulp according to the degree of root resorption.

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function, with intradental nerves playing amore important role in defence and healing


.Experimental studies in animal models haveshown that a favourable response to toothinjury is dependant on an intact sensoryinnervation


. Thus, the innervation status ofresorbing primary teeth has clinical relevance,not only in relation to pain processing, butalso in terms of the potential to heal and repairfollowing injury such as caries or restorativeinterventions.

This study did not identify any appreciabledecreases in mean innervation density in teethwith root resorption, thus it would appear thatthey retain the ability to mount a defenceresponse following an insult. This, however, isa tentative proposal as anatomical findings

may not directly equate to function. Support-ing studies would be necessary to establish thephysiological responses of pulpal nerves to var-ious stimuli. Furthermore, it is acknowledgedthat individual tooth samples did demonstrateabnormal nerve morphology. Within the pulphorn region, nerve terminals were seen todemonstrate a more beaded and fragmentedappearance with some decrease in overall inner-vation density. These findings may be suggestiveof neural degeneration as similar observationshave been made in the adult ageing dentitionwhere nerve fibre varicosities, vacuolations,fragmentation, and a sparser innervation havebeen reported


. The reason for the wide inter-sample variation in innervation status seen inteeth with similar degrees of root resorption is

Fig. 4. Digital photomicrographs showing pulps labelled for protein gene product 9.5 (PGP 9.5) (green), leucocyte common antigen (LCA) (red), and Ulex europaeus agglutinin I lectin (UEIL) (blue), to demonstrate qualitative differences in the distribution and morphology of LCA-labelled immune cells (red) in the pulp horn and mid-coronal region of primary teeth at different stages of root resorption. (a) Pulp horn region of a tooth with < 1/3 root resorption, showing a moderate number of immune cells. (b) Pulp horn region of a tooth with > 2/3 root resorption showing a dense accumulation of immune cells. (c) Mid-coronal pulp of a tooth with 1/3–2/3 root resorption showing minimal scattered immune cells. (d) Mid-coronal pulp area of a tooth with > 2/3 root resorption showing a dense accumulation of immune cells.

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not clear and warrants further investigation.One explanation may be that the categorizationof root resorption in this study (< 1/3, 1/3–2/3,> 1/3) was too broad, thus possible correlationsbetween the exact percentage of root resorptionand pulpal status were masked.

General dental practitioners are sometimesreluctant to give local anaesthetic for restora-tive procedures in primary teeth for a varietyof reasons, including the commonly held beliefthat resorbing teeth are less sensitive to pain.On the basis of this anatomical study, there isno conclusive evidence for a universal degen-eration of intrapulpal nerves with advancedphysiological root resorption. Thus, in theabsence of any contrary functional evidence,the need for appropriate analgesia when

restoring resorbing primary teeth would seemto be upheld.

Although not statistically proven, this studyidentified a trend for an increased vascularitywith progressive root resorption, particularlywithin the pulp horn region. This may reflectthe higher metabolic demands of odontoblasticcells during active phases of resorption. Thepresence of a good blood supply may have con-siderable biological importance in provision ofnutrients and removal of metabolic waste pro-ducts. Alternatively, as previous investigatorshave suggested, this finding may be a reflex ofthe resorption process itself, as a consequence ofthe widening of the apical area

9. Enlarged bloodvessels, some with a lymphatic morphology,were observed in late stages of root resorption

Fig. 5. Digital photomicrographs showing pulps labelled for protein gene product 9.5 (PGP 9.5) (green), leucocyte common antigen (LCA) (red), and Ulex europaeus agglutinin I lectin (UEIL) (blue), to demonstrate qualitative differences in the distribution and morphology of UEIL-labelled blood vessels (blue) in the pulp horn and mid-coronal region of primary teeth at different stages of root resorption. (a) Pulp horn region of a tooth with < 1/3 root resorption showing normal distribution of blood vessels. (b) Pulp horn region of a tooth with > 2/3 root resorption and a small increase in blood vessel number. (c) Mid-coronal pulp region of a tooth with < 1/3 root resorption showing normal vascularity. (d) Mid-coronal pulp region of a tooth with > 2/3 root resorption showing enlarged blood vessels.

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in some samples. These findings concur withthose of Bolan and Rocha who reportedhyperaemia and dilated blood vessels in theirqualitative study of resorbing primary teeth14.

It is important to reflect on accepted clinicalpractice for the management of the cariousprimary dentition in the light of these findings.The presence of a ‘normal’ or minimallyinflamed tooth pulp is considered a prerequisitefor the success of procedures such as indirectpulp capping or vital pulptomy28,29. As thisstudy has found that (non-carious) teeth withadvanced root resorption retain their normalpulpal status, these procedures would notappear to be contraindicated. It would, however,be necessary to develop this research furtherto actually compare caries-induced pulpal res-ponses in non-resorbed versus resorbingprimary teeth. Furthermore, an acknowledgedlimitation of this study was the comparativelysmall number of samples in the greater thantwo-thirds root resorption subgroup comparedto the other two groups, and future researchshould aim to include more teeth in theadvanced stages of resorption.

Finally, it is interesting to note that TheBritish Society of Paediatric Dentistry clinicalguidelines for pulp treatment of the primarydentition cite that pulp therapy is contraindi-cated in teeth with more than two-thirds rootresorption30. Although the rationale for thisstatement is not given, it may be inferredthat extensive treatment is not indicated for atooth close to exfoliation, due to its limited lifeexpectancy within the mouth, rather thanconcerns about the tooth’s biological potentialfor healing and repair.


This is the first study to quantify changes inpulpal innervation density, immune cell accu-mulation, and vascularity in caries-free teethduring physiological resorption. Althoughconsiderable intersample variation was observed,there were no statistically significant meanchanges in these variables overall. Within theobvious limitations of a purely anatomical study,it would appear that resorbing teeth do retainthe structures necessary for pain perception,healing, and repair.


1 Wise GE, Frazier-Bowers S, D’Souza RN. Cellular,molecular, and genetic determinants of tooth eruption.Crit Rev Oral Biol Med 2002; 13: 323–334.

2 Cahill DR, Marks SC Jr. Tooth eruption: evidence forthe central role of the dental follicle. J Oral Pathol1980; 9: 189–200.

3 Marks SC Jr, Cahill DR. Experimental study in thedog of the non-active role of the tooth in the eruptiveprocess. Arch Oral Biol 1984; 29: 311–322.

4 Wise GE, King GJ. Mechanisms of tooth eruption andorthodontic tooth movement. J Dent Res 2008; 87:414–434.

5 Harokopakis-Hajishengallis E. Physiologic root resorp-tion in primary teeth: molecular and histologicalevents. J Oral Sci 2007; 49: 1–12.

6 Sahara N, Okafuji N, Toyoki A, Suzuki I, Deguchi T,Suzuki K. Odontoclastic resorption at the pulpalsurface of coronal dentine prior to the shedding ofhuman deciduous teeth. Arch Histol Cytol 1992; 55:273–285.

7 Yildirim S, Yapar M, Sermet U, Sener K, Kubar A.The role of dental pulp cells in resorption of deciduousteeth. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod2008; 105: 113–120.

8 Sahara N, Okafuji N, Toyoki A, Ashizawa Y, YagasakiH, Deguchi T, Suzuki K. A histological study of theexfoliation of human deciduous teeth. J Dent Res1993; 72: 634–640.

9 Sari S, Aras S, Gunham O. The effect of physiologicalroot resorption on the histological structure ofprimary tooth pulp. J Clin Pediatr Dent 1999; 23: 221–225.

10 Hobson P. Pulp treatment of deciduous teeth. Br DentJ 1970; 128: 232–238.

11 Rölling I. Histomorphometric analysis of primaryteeth during the process of resorption and shedding.Scand J Dent Res 1981; 89: 132–142.

12 Sasaki T, Shimizu T, Watanabe C, Hiyoshi Y. Cellularroles in physiological root resorption of deciduousteeth in the cat. J Dent Res 1990; 69: 67–74.

13 Eronat C, Eronat N, Aktug M. Histological investiga-tion of physiologically resorbing primary teeth using

What this paper adds• This study has provided a comprehensive insight into

the effect of physiological root resorption on pulpalstatus.

• It has shown that mean pulpal innervation, immunecell accumulation, and vascularity remain remarkablyunaffected during tooth exfoliation.

Why this paper is important to paediatric dentists• Paediatric dentists routinely provide pulp therapies for

primary teeth at different stages of dental development.It is important that clinicians have an understanding ofpulp biology and how this may affect their treatmentdecisions

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