pulmonary embolism and aortic dissection

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Pulmonary Embolism

Pulmonary Embolism

Pulmonary embolism Usually arise from a venous thrombosis in the pelvic or legs. (DVT comprised of 79% of PE cases)

Rare causes include : right ventricular thrombus (post MI)septic emboli (right sided IE)fat, air or amniotic embolismneoplastic cellsCommon symptoms : Dyspnea (73%) Pleuritic chest pain (66%)Cough (37%)Hemoptysis (13 %)

Signs : pyrexia, cyanosis, tachypnea, tachycardia, hypotension, raised JVP, pleural rub, pleural effusion.

The diagnosis of acute pulmonary embolism often requires a high index of suspicion, especially since it is an uncommon cause of chest pain in the primary care setting.

Virchows triad

5Investigations Chest X ray : wedge shape shadow, elevated diaphragm, pleural effusion and diminished vasculature.

ECG Sinus tachycardia, anterior T wave inversion (V1 to V4), RAD, RBBB, ST depression in right sided leads, S1Q3T3 may be present but rare. 6

Hampton Hump

Westermark sign

ABG : hypoxaemia, hypocarbia seen.

Pulmonary angiography : the gold standard for localisation of primary site of clot.

D dimer : high negative predictive value.

Color doppler ultrasound of the leg veins if suspect DVT. 11Echocardiography : acute dilatation of the right ventricle in massive pulmonary embolism. 12

Management Treatment is s/c heparin.

Oxygen is given to maintain SpO2 above 90%.

Opiates can be given to relieve pain but used in caution in hypotensive patients.

External cardiac massage may break up embolus.

14Pulmonary angiography followed by pulmonary embolectomy is the definitive treatment.

Consider placement of a vena caval filter in patient who develop emboli despite adequate anticoagulation.

IVC filter

Prevention Give heparin to all immobile patients.

Prescribe compression stockings and encourage early mobilization.

Stop HRT

If past of family history of thromboembolism, consider investigation for thrombophilia. Aortic dissection

Aortic dissection A breach in the intergrity of the aortic wall allows arterial blood to enter the media, which then splits into two layers, creating a false lumen.

2 primary classifications (1) DeBakey system : Type I, II and III (2) Stanford system : Type A and Type B


Clinical features Sudden, severe, tearing chest pain/ abdominal pain radiating to the back.

Chest pain associated with neurological symptoms (syncope, TIA, stroke or paraplegia)

Asymmetry of brachial, carotid or femoral pulses (Pulse deficits or difference) or BP in lower limbs lower than upper limbs.

Signs of Aortic regurgitation (new onset) and inferior MI can develop if dissection moves proximally.

23May present with : MI (coronary artery)Stroke (carotid artery)Paraplegia (anterior spinal artery)Mesenteric infarction with an acute abdomen (coeliac and superior mesenteric artery)Renal failure (renal artery)Acute limb ischemia (femoral artery)

Neurological symptoms may occur because of occlusion of supplying vessels or general hypotension24

Investigation Chest X ray widened upper mediastinumDistortion of aortic knuckle (Absent in 10%)Extension of aortic shadow >5mm beyond its calcified wall (Eggshell or calcium sign) Aortic enlargementLoss of space between aorta and pulmonary arteryNew pleural effusion (free haemothorax)

26ECG left ventricular hypertrophy in patient with hypertension.

Doppler echography aortic regurgitation, dilated aortic root.

Wide aortic knob 30

Treatment Goal of treatment is to prevent death and irreversible end-organ damage.

Monitor vital signs

Cross match 10u blood.

Give high-flow supplemental oxygen

Give pain relief with IV morphine.

Aim to reduce systolic BP to 100-120mmHg. (1) IV nitroprusside infusion plus IV propranolol (2) IV labetolol infusion. Indications for surgical repair of aortic dissection All Stanford type A dissection

Type B dissection with complications (rupture, severe distal ischemia, intractable pain, uncontrolled hypertension).

Uncontrolled hypertension

Progression of dissection Thank you