public speaking - rock creek...

8/11/2016 1 For the good of our country “In a republican nation whose citizens are to be led by reason and persuasion and not by force, the art of reasoning becomes of first importance.” –Thomas Jefferson ''Democracy can't function without somebody holding the power structure accountable.'‘ --Tim Redmond, The San Francisco Bay Guardian. Politi Fact 2015 “Bush was trying to blame ISIS on Obama’s foreign policy,” “It was like somebody crashing their car and blaming the passenger.” Ziedrich told the New York Times. “The enduring appetite for investigative journalism may hold the key. And so, for the good of the democracy (and their own survival) news organizations, whether start-up or legacy, must make it a high priority to keep digging -- with the public's interest at heart.” --Margaret Sullivan, The New York Times Company. Current Issues Water CAFO Politics Global Warming Ocean Trash

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For the good of our


“In a republican nation whose citizens are to be led by reason and persuasion and not by force, the art of reasoning becomes of first importance.” –Thomas Jefferson

''Democracy can't function without somebody holding the power structure accountable.'‘ --Tim Redmond, The San Francisco Bay Guardian.

Politi Fact 2015

“Bush was trying to blame ISIS on Obama’s foreign policy,”

“It was like somebody crashing their car and blaming the passenger.” Ziedrich told the New York Times.

“The enduring appetite for investigative journalism may hold the key. And so, for the good of the democracy (and their own survival) news organizations, whether start-up or legacy, must make it a high priority to keep digging -- with the public's interest at heart.” --Margaret Sullivan, The New York Times Company.

Current Issues Water CAFO

Politics Global Warming

Ocean Trash

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Each person needs 20-50 liters (full tub) of safe freshwater a day to ensure their basic needs for drinking, cooking and cleaning-- 894 million don’t have access to this amount.

By 2050 the world's water will have to support the agricultural systems to feed and create livelihoods for an additional 2.7 billion people.

The average American consumes more than 300 gallons of California water each week by eating food that was produced there. – New York Times, LARRY BUCHANAN, JOSH KELLER, and HAEYOUN PARK, May 22, 2015.


Three Tangerines require 42.5 gallons. 1.75 ounces of beef requires 86 gallons. Four glasses of milk require 143 gallons.

Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation or CAFO

“How such a horror could even be considered, much less used, by agribusiness leaders and schools of agriculture as models of efficiency.” --The Problems of Efficiency by Mary Beth Smith, Edible Louisville,

March-April 2012

“Politics is not about clinging to rigid ideologies instead of building consensus around common-sense ideas.”

--Barack Obama, January 24, 2012

Duty by Robert M. Gates former Secretary of Defense

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The full melting of Greenland’s ice sheet could increase sea levels by about 2 feet.

80% Ice

However, Politicians are still debating the possible impact.

Isaac Cordal

Ocean Gyres where plastic trash collects.

2 million plastic bottles discarded every 5 minutes.

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“To sail on a dream on a crystal clear ocean.”

The art of listening

More than half of our communication time is devoted to listening. Usually we retain 50%. Another 25% will be forgotten within 2 or 3 days.

• Not concentrating.

• Being overwhelmed with details.

• Jumping to conclusions.

• Focusing on delivery.

“So complete is this concentration that at

the end of a court day in which I have only

listened, I find myself wringing wet despite

a calm and casual manner.” ---Louis Nizer

The Listening Process

Hearing is the involuntary, biological process when your ear picks up a sound.

Attending is a psychological process to focus on specific stimuli, especially if we care about another person or if there is a payoff.

The Listening Process

Interpreting depends on the source (your friend), the context of the message (late night party), and to make sense of a message.

Responding means giving observable feedback. This validates that we are in sync with each other.

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Hearing (immediate memory) lasts only seconds. Retaining and retrieving information depends on encoding, to place information into long-term memory and to recall it when needed.

Encoding Repetition

Attach personal experiences.



The “magical” 7 (out of 9)

Remembering depends on the number of times the message is repeated and how it is stored in your memory.

Designed for Driving Pleasure. You’re in good hands. The world on time. The best part of waking up is . . . . Live Más. We Logistics. Mobilizing Your World A global force for good (any new idea?)

Take listening seriously. Resist mental and physical distractions. Suspend judgment. Focus and listen for main points.

Communication Process

Linear communication


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Two-way communication allows only for limited interaction.

We are adding the non-verbal channel with immediate feedback. To create a shared environment will depend on effective encoding-decoding of both channels.

Transactional Communication

External noise

Physiological noise Semantic (meaning of language) noise

Gender Age Culture Feelings (based on experience) influence what you see.

The Innocence Project says eyewitness misidentification is the single greatest cause of wrongful convictions nationwide, playing a role in 72% of convictions overturned through DNA testing. – Andrew Wolfson, Courier-Journal, October 5, 2014.

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Selection by motives. Organization by appearance. Interpretation by assumptions.

Peter Tumley






What do you see?

Topic development

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General purpose is the objective of a speech. To inform, persuade, entertain, or inspire.

Specific purpose states precisely what a speaker hopes to accomplish.

Central idea usually encapsulates the main points to be developed in the body of your speech. It crystallizes in your thinking after your research and choice of main points

General purpose: To inform.

Specific purpose: To inform my audience about the artistic versatility of Pablo Picasso.

Central idea or thesis statement: Picasso was equally versatile as a painter, sculptor, and printmaker.

Main points are the central features of a speech. Phrase them precisely, and arrange them strategically. I. As a painter, Picasso tested the limits of

abstraction. II. As a sculptor, Picasso often incorporated

“found” objects. III. As a printmaker, Picasso gave vent to his


How many main points? How much time is allowed? How much material do you need to cover? Do your main/sub-points are in a logical order? Is the topic relevant to your audience? Do you have all supporting material needed?

I. Hypnosis is used in surgery as an adjunct to

chemical anesthesia.

II. Hypnosis is used to help people stop smoking.

III. Hypnosis is used to help students improve

their academic performance.

III. Hypnosis is used to help students improve

their academic performance.

A. Hypnosis enables people to use their

minds more effectively.

1. The conscious mind uses about 10

percent of a person’s mental ability.



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When the main point can be divided into sub-points.


Chronological order follows a time pattern, or to narrate a series of events in sequence.


Spatial order follows a directional pattern, from top to bottom, left to right, etc.

Gestalt theory

Humans inherently look for order or a relationship between various elements.

A larger, greater image may be very different from the units.

Introduction and Conclusion

Get the attention of your audience: Arouse their curiosity. Begin with a quotation. Tell a personal story or anecdote. State the importance of the topic.

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The topic must be clear to your audience by the end of your introduction.

Preview the main points of your speech. If needed, provide a definition. For example: Narcolepsy, a decathlon, etc.

"In court, as in life, the opening statement is the most powerful few minutes of an attorney's presentation. Rehearse the opening statement aloud, make eye contact." --Lis Wiehl

Summarize or have a memorable ending

Informative presentations

Description: Characteristics and details that appeal to one or more of the senses.

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Gambian pouched rat: 3 ft. long, 2.5 pounds. Used for sniffing explosives & detecting tuberculosis.

Elbert County, Georgia. Six granite slabs. 19.3 ft. tall. Inscription in 6 modern & 4 ancient languages. 1980.

Greater air velocity over the wings creates lower pressure

Lower air velocity under the wings creates higher pressure

Bernoulli’s Principle


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The most imposing and influential figure in country music.

His deep, resonant baritone. His songs His life His lyrics His discography

Colin Powell Secretary of State National Security Advisor Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Four-star General

Tomato Festival in Spain

Día de los Muertos

Theremin Two metal antennas which sense the position of the player's hands to control oscillators for frequency and amplitude.

Pamelia Kurstin plays the Theremin accompanied by piano.


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Primary Research collects data from experiments, case studies, observations, & interviews.

LifeStraw Saves Those Without Access to Clean Drinking Water.

The PeePoo, a Biodegradable Toilet. (2.6 billion people)

Brewing Up Double-Edged Delicacies for Mosquitoes. (guavas and melons mixed with dye and boric acid)

Secondary Research

Online newspapers and magazines.

Wikipedia is an open-source website.

An Encyclopedia, Almanac, or Yearbook.

Quotation books

Government documents

Electronic databases

Google search

Teen pregnancy 147,000

“Teen pregnancy” prevention 46,000

“Teen pregnancy” prevention “female” 22,000

“Teen pregnancy” prevention “male role” 585

EBSCOhost database “Teen pregnancy” prevention 46 In academic journals 28 In magazines 15 In newspapers 3 In academic databases the information will be more focused, evaluated and checked by the source who published it.

Reports are written by experienced journalists, footnoted and professionally fact-checked. Search by date, issue tracker (current issues), and pro/con. Also available: EBSCOhost, Gale, JSTOR, ProQuest, and NewsBank

Supporting material

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For clarification and to add interest:


Hypothetical examples

Figurative or literal


For clarification and proof: Statistics Examples Expert opinion or testimony

Supporting material

Examples are specific illustrations of people, places or objects.

A hypothetical example looks into an unknown future to illustrate what could be.

Statistics add precision to a claim.

Expert (professional); Peer (lay); Personal testimony.

“There's a story behind everything. How a picture got on a wall. How a scar got on your face. Sometimes the stories are simple, and sometimes they are heartbreaking.” ---Mitch Albom, For One More Day

Telling a Story

Character Action Scene

Conflict Climax Resolution

Hamburger Big Mac Dbl QP w/cheese French Fries Mc Nuggets (10) Mc Flurry Fiesta Salad

10 gr. fat 33 47 17 24 23 22

550 mg. sodium 1050 1440 220 1120 210 580

9 in 10 children eat more sodium than recommended. 1 in 6 have raised blood pressure. We consume 3.69 teaspoons daily ---CDPC & Michael Moss

Contrast: To show only how things, people, places, and ideas are different.

Key words: although, but, however, otherwise, nevertheless, on the contrary.

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Comparison: To identify similarities of things, people, places, ideas. Key words: also, like, similarly, compared to, compared with.

Literal comparison or contrast uses words to reveal facts. Comparing the speed and endurance of the big cats of Africa to hoofed mammals.

Figurative language uses imagination.

Comparison exercise

99,000,000,000 sold

32 patties to 1’ stack

3,093,750,000 feet

5,280 feet per mile

585,937 total miles

238,855 miles to the moon

2.45 times to moon & back

First McDonald 1955. Now > 36,000 locations.

How to cite?

Internal citation: I read an article in the July 2009 issue of National Geographic called “Bedlam in the Blood,” and the author named Michael Finkel, notes . . . “

Paraphrase or quote verbatim. Credit the source. Don’t plagiarize.

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Presentational Aids

Presentational aids To increase clarity. Appeal to the emotions. Increase retention. Boost your credibility. PowerPoint presentations (have a back-up plan)

. . and the speaker!

● Must be large enough for everyone to see. ● Talk to your audience, not your visual. ● When finished, keep it out of sight or display a blank screen. ● Practice using your visual aids. Bryozoans*

Hydrocephalic & Mongoloid Gunter Wall

Gunter Wall

Patient in State Psychiatric Hospital Nashville, Tennessee.

Gunter Wall

Gunter Wall

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Population growth in Billions












1950 1975 2000 2025 2050




Medical marijuana

Decrim. & Medical


Full Prohibition















Potential earnings

Why the wage gap persists? 52% of men negotiated starting salary, vs. 12.5% of women > $ 1.5 million lost income over career. Men apply for a job when 60% qualified, women when they feel 100% qualified. -- Joanne Lipman, New York Times, Dec. 12, 2014

What we most look forward to —aside from the game.

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93 million vs. 319 million

Methane: 70-120 kg per year. 23x greater build-up of greenhouse gases than Carbon Dioxide.

Outline map

A satellite image




Red Sea

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Supporting material Rhythm has informed my writing from as early as I can remember. It all began with the beat.

My mother says I played drums prenatally, using the inside of her belly as my bass drum. This is not extraordinary in and of itself, as many mothers will attest, but Mom maintains my kicks came in rock-steady 4/4 time — with a syncopated backbeat.

I went on to play drums with dedicated passion. I took my first lessons in second grade when the sticks were longer than my forearms. I made the New Jersey high school all-state orchestra, captained the Rutgers University marching band drum line, gigged with a jazz trio through college and a blues band after graduation and continue to play with bands to this day as an avocation. As a young reader, I was a sucker for anything that smacked of rhythmic sensibility, which more often than not turned out to be rhyme. Dr. Seuss had me at “hat.” Edgar Allan Poe’s tintinnabulations made me tingle. While English teachers explained that the Three Witches chorus from “Macbeth” — “Double, double, toil and trouble; Fire burn, and caldron bubble” — was a good example of trochaic tetrameter, to me it sounded like the classic paradiddle rudiment: right, left, right, right; left, right, left, left. As far as I was concerned, the Bard had a beat and that put him right up there with Ringo and Ginger and Gene in my book.

Rhythm has informed my writing from as early as I can remember. It all began with the beat.

My mother says I played drums prenatally, using the inside of her belly as my bass drum. This is not extraordinary in and of itself, as many mothers will attest, but Mom maintains my kicks came in rock-steady 4/4 time — with a syncopated backbeat.

I went on to play drums with dedicated passion. I took my first lessons in second grade when the sticks were longer than my forearms. I made the New Jersey high school all-state orchestra,



Presentational aids

1. Think quantity

2. Think simplicity (KISS)

3. Think color and contrast

4. Think balance & design

5. Think visibility 6. Think font size

7. Use transition effects with discretion.

Audience analysis

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Phoenix Sun Fans: Parents (25-54) with children & income >$ 50,000.

Most targeted age groups on Facebook

Target audience

A particular portion of the whole audience you most want to reach.

Gunter Wall

Demographic questions: Age, gender, Religion, ethnic background, education, group or political affiliation, sexual orientation, income, etc.

30 million female NASCAR fans. “Bad boys with big engines send women’s hearts racing.”

35 million Lady Gaga fans.

Values Instrumental and internal


Belief Accept as true

can’t prove that it is.

Attitude Approval or disapproval

of away of life, etc.

Need An unsatisfied

condition exists.

Psychographics or Attitudinal data

Values (N=587)

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Maslow’s Pyramid of Needs Survey, interviews, or questionnaires to determine a target audience.

Fixed alternative questions for clear, unambiguous “yes” or “no” answers.

Scale questions to measure the strength of an attitude or opinion.

Open-ended questions: Look for key words occurring frequently in responses.

You have heard the expression, "being able to roll with the punches." Describe a time when you had to do that at your current or most recent place of work.


Persuasion attempts to influence your audience to adopt your point of view. Relies most heavily on fair presentation of evidence and appeal to reason.

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Opposed: Seek incremental change. No opinion --uninformed --impartial --apathetic

In favor: Reinforce & strengthen beliefs.

Pillars of Persuasion







Values, Beliefs, Attitudes, Behavior

Peripheral: Relies on simple cues and gut checks.

Central: Listen carefully, think about what is said, mentally elaborate on the message.

The human mind has all sorts of wired-in cognitive shortcuts that can feel like thinking. --The Price of Denialism, Lee McIntyre, New York Times, November 8, 2015

Denialism means we refuse to believe something even in the face of compelling evidence. “Most people just don’t get it.”

Skepticism is when we believe that the evidence does not meet our standards of science.

All or Nothing Sweeping Generalization Ad Hominem Appeal to Authority Hasty Generalization Appeal to Tradition Bandwagon Slippery Slope Non Sequitur Red Herring

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A decision based on various supporting evidence.

All aspects of the product being equal, a feather could tip the scale.

Evidence . . . that which tends to prove or disprove something; ground for belief . . . . . . Statistics, Examples, Expert opinion or Testimony.

“I feel like” halts an argument in its track. It is equivocation or a hedge, an opinion not a fact. Say “I think” or “I believe” to commit yourself.

Javier Jaén

Anecdotal evidence: Passed along by word-of mouth but not documented.

Ethos: A perceived quality of the character, trustworthiness, and competence of the individual.


Tap into listeners’ emotion with images, music, stories and language.

Our emotional lives trigger our thinking about ethical issues.

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Pathos may override logic

“I got to the point where I couldn’t take it any longer. I was weak. Something said to me, you can’t call on daddy now, he’s up in Atlanta a 175 miles away. You can’t even call on mamma now. You got to call on that something, that person that your daddy used to tell you about. That power that can make a way out of no way.”

--- Martin Luther King, Jr.

Amplitude is the size of the vibration, and this determines how loud the sound is. Frequency is the speed of the vibration, and this determines the pitch of the sound.

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Methods of Delivery

Reciting from memory--Speaking from a manuscript

Extemporaneous Delivery Conversationally from a full sentence outline. --Familiar language pattern. --Eye contact and feedback. --Increased credibility. --Adjust to time restrictions.

Elements of delivery

1.The words you choose. 2. Your vocal quality.

3. Your physical appearance.

Verbal &

Nonverbal Delivery

Verbal delivery

• Volume for understanding and emphasis.

• Pitch to give your voice luster, warmth, and


• Average rate of 150 – 180 wpm.

• Vocal variety by varying rate, pitch, and volume.

• Enthusiasm/passion/confidence.

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Pauses for punctuation and emphasis, without

too many dis-fluencies:

“uh” and “um.”

“euh” in French

“ähm” in German

“eto” in Japanese

Articulation: To form particular speech sounds crisply and distinctly, not “dunno” or “wanna.” Miss-articulation is caused by failure to manipulate lips, tongue, and soft palate, causing mumbling or loosing word endings.

Pronunciation is the accepted standard of sound and rhythm for words in a given language. The pharmaceutical name for Aspirin: Acetylsalicylic acid (əˌsɛtəlˌsælɨˈsɪlɨk) Your face is the

most important source of nonverbal cues.


Appropriateness of clothing is determined by audience expectations. Gestures should appear natural and spontaneous.

Eye contact inspires powerful feelings of connection

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. . . to see possibilities and help the rest of the nation to see them too.

. . . use of language, body language, and tone with helping him lead.

Top five presidential orators of modern times

. . using his warmth, his fatherly reassuring qualities, to calm and comfort a nation.

. . . using rhythm, body language, pauses, punctuation and nuances in voice to ‘sing’ a speech.

. . . his simple, conversational oration helped him to politically connect with 300-million-plus Americans.

---Richard Greene, Christian Science Monitor, January 25, 2011.


Four score and seven years ago our fathers (patriarchs, ancestors) brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition (proposal, plan, intention) that all men (males, citizens, men & women) are created equal.

Denotative or connotative words

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Use language accurately & clearly. Focus on the message and shared environment.

1940’s you look “snappy.” 1950’s you look “swell.” Now “awesome” “Cool” is still o.k.

Go through your entire document just as many times as it takes. Search out and. Annihilate all unnecessary words, and sentences—even entire paragraphs.

I, you, we






Short sentences

Writing for the spoken word

Alliteration: “. . will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

Chiasmus: “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”

Rhythm by arrangement of words Parallelism: “Rich and poor, intelligent and

ignorant, wise and foolish, man and women.”

Repetition: “What you ought to be, what you can be, what you will be.” --General Douglas McArthur

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We actually perceive the world in rhythmic pulses rather than as a continuous flow.

Rhythms in the environment, such as those in music or speech, can draw neural oscillations into their tempo, effectively synchronizing the brain’s rhythms with those of the world around us. -- Gregory Hickok, New York Times May 8, 2015

Without rhythm we would never get past the first note. No motion, no rhythm. No rhythm, no music. -- Wynton Marsalis

From the film Carmen by Carlos Saura

Imagery with figures of speech

Simile: Using “like” or “as” between two unlike things.

“The building site looked like a beehive”

Metaphor implies a comparison between two unlike things.

“The building site was a beehive of activity”

Imagery: The visual cortex cannot tell the difference between what’s real or what’s imagined. Gregory Peck in “To kill a Mockingbird.”

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Public speaking anxiety

Great for: Public Performances, Public Speaking, or Shyness

Dismiss the performance orientation. Make it a public conversation with your audience.

Direct your energies outward, centered on the needs of your audience.

RSVP Relaxation Self-talk “Nerves” to speaker’s energy. Visualization Practice

Self-Talk: Change unproductive thinking by how you respond to an activating event. “I love you.” He is just saying this to manipulate me.”


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Nine years into a doctorate at the University of California at Davis, Melinda Zaragoza quit school.

The University did not support her charges of misconduct among scientists.

Her department chairwoman ordered her to ignore test data that might have contradicted an industry-supported study of HIV drugs.

She’s happier now at McDaniel’s General store, in Central Kentucky. “People here, tend to be a little more honest.” --- The Chronicle of Higher Education,

July 24, 2009.

Pfizer Shuts Off Last Official Source of Drugs for Executions. Solace and Fury as Schools React to Transgender Policy. Fentanyl addiction at all all-time high.

Ethics: The branch of philosophy that deals with issues of right and wrong.

We derive ethical values from parents, religious principles, literature, and personal experience.

No society can operate by laws alone. Layered on top of the law is a thick set of social norms that distinguish between right and wrong.

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Plagiarism: An attempt to pass off another person’s idea as your own.

Civility: To abide by a code of decency, showing respect and tolerance to others.

This does not mean that we must avoid tough and important issues.

Ethical guidelines 1. What are your true motives for speaking?

2. You must consider the consequences of your words and action.

3. Are you fully prepared for each speech and honest in what you say.

4. Would you speak up about topics you consider important?

Don’t whine. No “cry-baby” talk. Don’t follow the herd. Stand up and

be noticed.

The End