public library services and related policies 公 共图书馆的服务及相关政策

Public Library Services and Related Policies 公公公 公公公公公公公公公 Lina Ding 公公公 Children’s Specialist May 2011

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Public Library Services and Related Policies 公 共图书馆的服务及相关政策. Lina Ding 丁丽娜 Children’s Specialist. May 2011. A Brooklyn Story 布鲁克林 公 共 图 书 馆. 纽约市的五大区. 5NYCBoroughs. Greenpoint. Leonard. Williamsburgh. Bushwick. Washington Irving. Brooklyn Heights. Walt Whitman. DeKalb. Marcy. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Public Library  Services and Related Policies 公 共图书馆的服务及相关政策

Public Library Services and Related Policies

公共图书馆的服务及相关政策 Lina Ding 丁丽娜Children’s Specialist

May 2011

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A Brooklyn Story布鲁克林公共图书馆

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Washington Irving



Clinton Hill

Bedford MaconSaratoga


Cypress Hills

New LotsStone Avenue


Spring Creek


Jamaica Bay

East Flatbush



CentralBrower Park




Brooklyn Heights

Park Slope

CarrollGardens Pacific

Red Hook

Sunset Park


McKinley Park


Fort Hamilton









Kings Highway

Ulmer ParkHomecrest

Gravesend SheepsheadBay

Kings Bay GerritsenBeach

Flatlands Mill Basin



Bay Ridge

Brooklyn/Queens Border

Existing B

ranches and ½-m

ile Radii

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About Brooklyn 布鲁克林区人口数据 Population: 2.5 million

(2000 census) 150 nations, more than

160 languages 40% foreign-born

residents Larger population than

all but 3 U.S. cities 600,000 residents under

18 years old 72% of residents do not

have a college degree

人口 2 百 50 万 (2000 年人口统计 ) 来自 150 个国家 , 使用 160多种语言 40% 为移民 城市人口列美国第四位 有 60 万 18 岁以下的居民 72 %的居民没有大学学位

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Library Bill of Rights (1)The American Library Association affirms that all libraries are forums for information and ideas, and that the following basic policies should guide their services.

I. Books and other library resources should be provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all people of the community the library serves. Materials should not be excluded because of origin, background or views of those contributing to their creation.

II. Libraries should provide materials and information presenting all

points of view on current and historical issues. Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.

III. Libraries should challenge censorship in the fulfillment of their responsibility to provide information and enlightenment.

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Library Bill of Rights (2)

IV. Libraries should cooperate with all persons and groups concerned with

resisting abridgment of free expression and free access to ideas. V. A person’s right to use a library should not be denied or abridged

because of origin, age, background, or views. VI. Libraries which make exhibit spaces and meeting rooms available to

the public they serve should make such facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.

Adopted June 18, 1948. Amended February 2, 1961, and January 23,

1980, inclusion of "age" reaffirmed January 23, 1996, by the ALA Council.

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美国图书馆维权宣言 美国图书馆协会确认所有的图书馆都是资料讯息及理念的讨论平台。所有的图书馆服务应以下列基本政策为其指导:

I. 图书馆中所有的书籍及非书籍资料皆为满足当地社区的阅读兴趣,资讯求取,才智启蒙而设。不应将不同的种族,背景,或持有不同观点的著作排除在外。

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美国图书馆维权宣言II. 图书馆收藏应涵盖对当今或历史事件的全面观点。不应因党派或教条禁制而取消藏书。III. 图书馆应挑战检审制度,以负起提供资讯启迪民智的责任。 IV. 图书馆应与各方人士合作以抗拒对言论自由及理念自由的限制。V. 人们使用图书馆的权利不应因种族,年纪,背景或观点而被剥夺。

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美国图书馆维权宣言VI. 图书馆的展览空间及会议场所应对公众开放。不论申请使用者的信仰,身份,或其所属的单位组织,皆应一视同仁公平对待。 1948 年 6 月 18 日采行。 1961 年 2月 2 日补充。 1980 年 1 月 23 日增添“年纪”词条 。 1996 年 1 月 23 日美国图书馆协会再度确认。


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USA Patriot ActSection 215

• Information such as library circulation, Internet use and registration records can be the subject of the warrant.

• FISA courts do not require the demonstration of “probable cause.” Instead law enforcement need only claim a belief that desired records may be related to an ongoing investigation of international terrorism or foreign intelligence activities.

• Law enforcement agents may obtain from a FISA court a search warrant for “any tangible thing,” including books, records, papers, data tapes and computers with hard drives.

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美国爱国者法案 第 215 条

• 执法人员可从外国情报侦搜法案法庭取得搜索票以获取任何实质物品如:书籍,记录,论文,数据磁带电脑硬碟。• 图书馆借书记录,网络使用记录,申请登记记录皆可为搜索票侦搜之对象。 • 执法人员不须向法庭出示“可靠的证据”,只须表明其相信所需调查的记录与正在进行中的国际恐怖主义或外国间谍活动有关联。 张鸿运翻译

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Fifth largest public library system in the United States美国第五大公共图书馆系统

One of three separate library systems in New York City 纽约市三大公共图书馆系统之一

58 neighborhood libraries, plus Central Library, Business Library, Digital Collection, Kidsmobile, and 3 Bookmobiles58 个分馆,再加中央图书馆,商务图书馆,数字馆藏,儿童流动图书馆 ,及三个普通流动图书馆

Major employer in Brooklyn, with 1600 staff in library service and administrative positions布鲁克林区的主要事业单位,共有 1600 名专业人员和行政人员。

Highest program attendance of any library in the United States活动出席率位居全美各类图书馆榜首

About BPL布鲁克林公共图书馆

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Resources资源 4.2 million books, 31,000 music volumes, 123,000 DVDs, 49,000 videos

420 万册书籍 , 31,000 册 音乐典藏 , 123,000 张碟片 , 49,000 录像带 Over a million historical documents in Brooklyn Collection

超过 1 万册的布鲁克林历史文献

1,111 public computers 1,111 台公用电脑

Largest Wi-Fi network in Brooklyn布鲁克林区最大的无线上网网络

46,091 programs sessions – 868,616 program attendance活动次数 46,091 – 参加人次 868,616

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Central Library中央图书馆Busines

s Library商务图书馆

58 Branch Librarie

s58 个分馆

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Brooklyn Public Library Mission布鲁克林图书馆的使命 It is the mission of Brooklyn Public Library

to ensure the preservation and transmission of society’s knowledge, history and culture, and to provide the people of Brooklyn with free and open access to information for education, recreation and reference.


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Our Vision 我们的愿景 Brooklyn Public Library will be a vital

center of knowledge for all, accessible 24 hours a day, and will be a leader in traditional and innovative library services which reflect the diverse and dynamic spirit of the people of Brooklyn.


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Core Values核心价值

• Excellent Customer Service 优质服务 • Innovation and Creativity 改革创新 • Preserving Intellectual Freedom 维护知识自由

• Professionalism 专业化 • Diversity 多元化• Teamwork 团队精神

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Central Library中央图书馆

地标 1897 开业 1941 礼堂 2007 落成 占地 350,000 平方英尺 年访人次超过 1 万 140 台公用电脑 每月 3,000 无线用户 服务内容包括 : Ask a librarian 提问 Book a librarian 预约

馆藏 : 100 万 + 已编目材料 FY09 流通 : 2,458,011 特别馆藏 : Brooklyn Daily Eagle archives,

Hunt Collection of Rare Children’s Books, Civil War Collection

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Central Library Divisions 中央馆部门

• Subject Divisions 藏书分类部 – Art and Music 艺术与音乐– History, Biography and Religion 史传与宗教– Language and Literature 语言与文学– Social Sciences, Sciences and Technology

社会科学、自然科学与技术• Service Divisions 信息服务部

– Brooklyn Collection 布鲁克林区历史资料库– Education & Job Information Center

教育与就业信息中心– Multilingual Center 多种语言中心– Telephone / Email / Chat Reference

电话 / 电子邮件 / 网上咨询• Youth Wing 儿童与青少年部

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Brooklyn Collection 布鲁克林区收藏

BPL’s Local History Division布鲁克林地方史科 Collections and services include:

- Brooklyn Eagle Archives 布鲁克林鹰报档案- Brooklyn Eagle Online 1841-1902布鲁克林鹰报在线 - 40,000 web visits / month- Digitization Collections 数字化收藏 - Brooklyn Connections布鲁克林连接 - “Brooklynology” Blog 布鲁克林博客 / 部落格

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Central Library中央图书馆

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Central Library中央图书馆

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Business Library商务馆 Serves the information needs of the business community, with a

particular emphasis on small businesses and entrepreneurs, as well as support for students and individuals.

满足商业界,特别是小企业和企业家的信息需求, 同时对学生和个人也提供信息支持。

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Business Library 商务館

Opened in 1943 to support business owners, entrepreneurs and investors1943 年开馆 , 为支持新兴企业 , 实业家和投资者

Housed at Brooklyn Heights Library位于布鲁克林高地图书分馆一楼

First public library of its kind to open in United States 全美第一家商务公共图书馆

Business and workforce development initiatives include: 商务和劳动力发展包括: – Power Up! Business Plan Competition

创业计划大赛 – SCORE counseling 积分辅导 – FINRA: Smart Investing @ Your Library

明智的投资 @ 您的图书馆

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Branch Libraries 分馆

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Yearly Circulation 全年借阅量

FY 2010 VisitsCirculation 19,542,812

FY 2009 Visits 13,225,122Circulation 17,272,770

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FY2010 Operating Budget 预算 支出 1.018 亿美元

Programming & Promotion,

$1.9, 2%Building

Maintenance, $1.3, 1%

Furniture & Technology,

$5.4, 5%

Library Bks & Mtls, $9.4, 9%

Staff Development & Training, $1.2,


All Other Expenses, $6.6, 6%

Salaries & Benefits, $76.0,






员工发展与培训 其他

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Public Services 公共服务

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Service for Children 儿童服务Under 12 from Newborn to Grade 6 12 岁以下新生儿到六年级 Children’s area - Central Library + 58 branch libraries

all have the children’s area 从总馆到 58 个分馆全都有儿童区 Children’s collection - by type, age level, content,

format and language 儿童书籍分为种类 , 年龄 , 内容 , 版式 ,和语种等 Children’s programs - developmental games for kids

to play, learn, and grow 儿童活动主要是益趣益智快乐成长

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Service for Children 儿童服务How to make children’s area inviting and appealing?怎样使儿童区引人入胜? Surrounding - neat, comfortable and safe环境要整洁舒适和安全 Furniture - kid-friendly, colorful and mobile家具要适合儿童特点易搬并多彩 Decoration – fun, practical and flexible布置要有雅俗共赏多样化 Staff - passionate, professional and dynamic工作人员要有爱心专业化和充满活力

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Service for Children 儿童服务How to classify children/juvenile collection?怎样分类编排儿童 / 少年读物? Basic classification - fiction, non-fiction, biography

and reference 基本分类法 : 小说 , 非小说 , 人物传记 , 工具书 Age level – board, picture, easy reader, bridge and

chapter books 按年龄分 : 卡纸书 , 图画书 , 初级读物 , 过渡读物 , 章回小说 Content - historical, science fantasy, mystery, short

stories, award winner, black interest, Asian interest, holidays, folk/fairy tale, science project, comics and series 按内容分 : 历史小说 , 科幻小说 , 推理小说 , 短篇小说 , 获奖小说 , 民族题材小说 , 民间神化故事 , 以及当今最火爆的连环漫画系列小说等

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Service for Children 儿童服务 Format - hard cover, paperback, collective edition,

large print, Braille writing, oversize and pocket edition 按版式分 : 精装版 , 平装版 , 收藏版 , 大号字体版 , 盲人版 , 超大尺寸版 , 袖珍版 及“玩具版”

Language - Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, English, Korean, French, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Urdu and so on按语种分 : 阿拉伯语 , 孟加拉语 , 汉语 , 英语 , 朝鲜语 , 法语 , 希伯莱语 , 意大利语 , 日语 , 波兰语 , 俄语 , 西班牙语 , 乌尔都语等

Labels - all children materials labeled with “J” labels. Some have an extra label as a content indicator. 所有儿童读物标签上均有儿童字样的缩写 , 有些还有附加标签指明此书的内容类别

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Service for Children 儿童服务How to plan and arrange children’s programs?怎样策划和安排儿童活动? Standard programs – such as story time, class visit,

computer class, pen pal, homework help, arts & crafts, games, movies, and RIF (Reading Is Fundamental) 标准节目 : 讲故事 , 学童班造访 , 家庭作业帮助 , 手工艺术 , 棋类游戏 , 放电影 , 笔友 , 及阅读是基础活动

Non-BPL programs – such as yoga, beautiful nail, and PED programs (public programs are suggested and approved by the Programs & Exhibition Department.) 非图书馆自行执导节目 : 例如瑜伽 , 美甲 , 美发 , 变魔术 , 木偶戏 , 串珠 , 剪纸 , 制陶 , 科普 , 滑稽戏 , 舞台剧 , 与作者画家见面等

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Service for Children 儿童服务 First Five Years story time人生第一个五年故事会

- 0 to 18 month 0-18 个月- 18 to 36 month 18-36 个月- 36 to pre-school 36 个月 - 学前班

After school programs for different occasions and holidays 课外活动和节假日活动- holidays themes 以节日为主题- memorial themes 以名人为主题- seasonal themes 以季节为主题- literature themes 以文学为主题-

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Service for Teenagers青少年服务 13 and up from grade 7 to grade 12 13 岁以上七到十二年级

Teen area - depends on the library’s size and staffing青少年区的设置视图书馆的面积和馆员情况而定 Collection - age related, school assignment /classical

literature, career and education include GED, SAT, TOEFL, resume, interview, collage guide, and so on.青少年的读物以本年龄段兴趣为考量 , 再加上学校课程规定必读作品古典文学 , 以及自身发展求职教育包括升学指南试题汇总等

Labels - Fiction and Non-fiction books are labeled with “YA” labels. Some have an extra label as a content indicator 小说和非小说类读物标签上均有青少年字样的缩写 , 有些还有附加标签指明此书的内容类别

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Service for Teens青少年服务 13 and up from grade 7 to grade 12

13 岁以上七到十二年级 Programs include: Class visits 班级造访 Creative writing 创意写作 Computer class 电脑课 Collage application 大学指南 Pre-GED (General Equivalency Diploma) Internship and job opportunities实习和职业咨询 Movies, music, gaming and cartoons电影,音乐,电子游戏,卡通 Reading is Fundamental 阅读是根本 Summer Reading and grant projects暑期阅读及外界资助专项活动等

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Service for Adults成年人服务 17 and up to seniors 17 岁以上至老年 Area - main space at the Central library and all branch libraries 从总馆到各分馆的主要区域 Collection - stacks, featuring of new book section and full range

reference books 特点为新书展示和齐全的工具书 Programs - such as book club, computer class, knitting and

crochet, language learning, ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages), workshops of parenting, finance, resume writing, retirement preparation, author talk, movies, dancing, ask a librarian, and Dweck Center show. 活动有读书会 , 电脑课 , 学英语 , 织毛线 , 幼儿养育 , 理财 , 写简历 , 退休准备 , 与名作家会面 , 看电影 , 学跳舞 , 及周末音乐会等

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Service for Seniors老年人服务 “Service to the Aging” Department serving seniors 62 and older 服务对象六十二岁或以上

Books To Go, Books by Mail 书籍上门服务 ( 服务 173 中心和 211残疾居家老人 ) Book Club 读书会 Down Memory Lane 往事回忆 Volunteering and Job Information 义工(志愿者)和再就业信息 Pairing children/teens with seniors for homework tutoring or

social interactions 与青少年搭配给予课后补习或社交互动 Others – such as exercise, health, arts & crafts, creative writing,

computer, tax help, finance, insurance, and performance. 其他如运动 , 保健 , 手工 , 写作 , 电脑 , 免费报税 , 理财 , 医保 , 才艺表演等

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Service for Special Group特殊群体服务 Concept includes: autistic kids, disabilities, ex-offenders, homeless, homeschoolers, language barriers, mental illness, and mixed-age group 这一概念包括自闭证患者 , 残疾人 , 流浪汉 , 劳教刑满释放人员 , 语言障碍者 , 精神病患者 , 以及在家上学儿童 , 和混合年龄组访问

Area - regular room plus meeting room, yard and gardens, visible signs, wheel chair access, and elevator entrance 除了普通阅览场所根据特殊需求可提供会议室花园后院 , 而且所有图书馆入口处必须标明有无残疾人通道或电梯

Collection - regular and recommend with audio books, large print, foreign language, special needs and requested books普通读物 , 推荐读物 , 有声读物 , 大字版 , 外语书 , 预约读物等

Programs - library tour, requested short speech, activities with special needs (Appointment in advance.) 参观图书馆 , 专题介绍 , 特别邀请 , 通常需要提前预约

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Summer Reading暑期阅读 Reading initiative for children, teens and adults

儿童 , 青少年 , 以及成年人自愿报名 Yearlong planning and delivery process for BPL规划准备近一年才出台 Collaborative efforts between BPL, Queens Borough Public

Library and New York Public Library 纽约三大公共图书馆合作项目 2011 theme: “One World, Many Stories”

2011 年主题 : “ 一个世界 , 许多故事” Registered over 100,000 youth and adult readers in 2008,

yielding the highest registration in New York State2008 年有 10 多万青少年和成人读者报名参加 , 为纽约州最高注册率

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Summer Reading Activities

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Outreach Services 外展服务 Bookmobile 流动图书馆 School visits 学校探访 Hospital visits 医院探访 Senior center visits 老人中心探访 Nursing home visits 疗养院探访 Community meetings 社区会议 Community activities 社区活动 Street fairs 街坊节 Prison service 监狱服务

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Volunteers and Internships

义工和实习机会 In FY09, 1,500 volunteers contributed more than 72,000 hours of service2009 财政年度共有 1500 名义工奉献服务超过 72,000 个小时 Volunteer supported programs include:

- Adult Literacy Tutors 成人扫盲班老师- After School Homework Helpers 家庭作业好帮手- Central Library Welcome Ambassadors 中央图书馆欢迎大使- Community and Corporate Team Projects 社区和企业团队项目- Computer Coaches 电脑教练- English Conversation Group Leaders 英语会话小组组长- First Five Year Volunteers 第一个五年活动义工- Multicultural Internship Program 多元文化实习计划- Reading Troubadours 阅读帮助- Resume Writing 简历帮助- RIF and Program Assistant 阅读是基础活动助理- Shelf Organizers 书籍上架帮助- Teen Book Buddies 青少年图书之友- Today’s Teens, Tomorrow’s Techies 今天的青少年明天的技术员

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Related Policies 相关政策

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Policy for Library Cards有关图书证的规定 Regular library cards:

adult card, teen card, children card, and senior card 普通卡包括 : 成人卡 , 青少年卡 , 儿童卡 , 老年卡

Limited edition card – cartoon “Elmo” for kids限量版卡 ,如卡通片芝麻街 主角“艾蒙” 纪念卡 Teacher card 教师卡 Non-resident card 非纽约居民卡 Branch card 分馆卡 Staff card 本系统员工卡 Guest card 宾客卡

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Policy for Borrow Materials 有关借书的规定 Number of items: up to 100 items in which 10 items

limited for audio and video 借阅本数可达 100, 其中音像制品限量为 10套

Cycle: 3 weeks for books and 1 week for audio and video 借阅期为 3 周 , 但音像制品只有 1 周

Renew: no limitation until someone put on “HOLD” to requested 续借没有次数限制 , 但某本书有人预订则不能续借

Borrow books without library card 借书忘带图书卡 Interlibrary loan 馆际互借 Borrowing restriction 借阅限制

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Policy for Fees 有关罚款及减免的规定 Late return fee: overdue one day change 15c for

each book and $1 for each CD, DVD, and VHS逾期归还费 : 每本书一角五分 , CD, DVD 和 VHS 每套一元 Replacement fee: refer to materials’ original price如所借物丢失须按原价赔偿

Unpaid fine limit each library card $15 每张图书卡欠款最高限额为 15 美元 Waived fine: based on patron’s special

circumstances and proved documentation根据欠款读者的特殊情况和有效证明文件可酌情减免罚款

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Policy for Computer Use 有关使用电脑的规定 Computers for adults 成人电脑 Computers for children 儿童电脑 Computers for babies 幼儿电脑 Catalog research computers 检索电脑 Express computers 快传电脑 Project computers 专用电脑 Reference computers 咨询电脑 Staff computers 员工电脑

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Policy for Emergency Close 有关紧急情况下关门的规定 Temperature too high or too low室内温度太高或太低

Weather circumstances自然因素 , 如暴风雪发大水等

Staff issues员工因素 , 如人手不足无法排班

Other cases 其他原因 , 如施工装修不慎或不当所造成的事故

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Librarian’s Professional Development

And Performance Evaluation 图书馆员的专业发展和绩效评定

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Librarian’s Professional Development图书馆员的专业发展 Librarian ranks - Librarian Associate, Librarian Trainee,

Librarian, Senior Librarian, Supervising Librarian, Principal Librarian 图书馆员的级别可分为 : 助理图书馆员 ,实习图书馆员 , 图书馆员 , 资深图书馆员 , 主管图书馆员 , 部门主管图书馆员

Specialist titles - Age Specialists (Adults librarian, YA librarian, J librarian), Catalog Librarian, Collection Selective Librarian, Government Documents Librarian, Correctional Services Librarian 图书馆员的专业职称有 : 成人图书馆员 , 青少年图书馆员 , 儿童图书馆员编目图书馆员 ,采购图书馆员 , 政府文件图书馆员 ,惩教服务图书馆员等

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Librarian’s Professional Development图书馆员的专业发展 Learning opportunities - BPL online resource “Train

Station”, workshops, webinars, continuing education, and free courses provided by labor union 学习机会有 :系统内网上课程 , 各类讲座 , 网络研讨 , 回校进修 ,攻读学位 , 以及工会提供的各类免费课程

Associations and Conference - local(Metropolitan NY Library Council), regional(CALA, PLA), national (ALA) and international(IFLA World Council) 专业协会和年会有 : 本市的 ,省际的 , 全国的 ,乃至国际间的大型学术交流

Project Committees - web content design, new book presentation, FFY story time, and so on项目委员会有 : 网页内容设计 , 新书介绍 , 第一个五年故事会等

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Librarian’s Performance Evaluation图书馆员的绩效评定 Service Rating Manual - responsibility for ratings,

general principles to be followed in rating, the service rating form, the service rating conference, uses of service ratings 绩效评定手册包括 : 职责范围 ,基本原则 ,评审表格 ,评审会议等

Job performance inventory - amount of work performed, accuracy, organization of work, judgment, communication(oral and written), meeting and handling the public, initiative, adaptability and so on, for a total of 14 items 评定内容有工作进度工作质量判断能力沟通能力组织能力主动性适应性等共十四项内容

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Questions 问题Comments 点评Feedback 反馈

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Contact Information

Lina Ding [email protected]

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