public health workforce assessment – how to respond to the results? our mission: to protect and...

Public Health Workforce Assessment – How to respond to the results? Our Mission: To protect and improve the health and environment of all Kansans.

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Page 1: Public Health Workforce Assessment – How to respond to the results? Our Mission: To protect and improve the health and environment of all Kansans

Public Health Workforce Assessment – How to

respond to the results?

Our Mission: To protect and improve the health and environment of all Kansans.

Page 2: Public Health Workforce Assessment – How to respond to the results? Our Mission: To protect and improve the health and environment of all Kansans

Domains with Highest Proficiency 


Communication Skills (highest across tiers)

Cultural Competency (Tier 1)

Community Dimensions of Practice Skills (Tiers 1 and 2)

Leadership and Systems Thinking Skills (Tiers 2 and 3)

Financial Planning and Management Skills (Tier 3 only)

Communication Skills

Analytical and Assessment Skills 

Leadership and Systems Thinking Skills (Tiers 2 and 3)


Source: Kansas Public Health Workforce Assessment 2014-15 

Page 3: Public Health Workforce Assessment – How to respond to the results? Our Mission: To protect and improve the health and environment of all Kansans

Domains with Lowest Proficiency 


Public Health Sciences Skills (lowest across tiers)

Financial Planning and Management Skills (Tiers 1 and 2)

Analytical and Assessment Skills (Tiers 2 and 3) 

Policy Development/Program Planning (Tiers 1 and 2)

Cultural competency (Tier 3)

Public Health Sciences Skills

Financial Planning and Management Skills

Cultural Competency

Leadership and Systems Thinking Skills (Tier 1 only)


Source: Kansas Public Health Workforce Assessment 2014-15

Public Health Sciences – • #1 Describe and advise on laws, regulations, policies and procedures for 

the ethical conduct of research• Apply 10 Essential Services• Identify basic PH sciences, epidemiology, environmental, biostatistics• Review scientific evidence• Contribute to building the scientific base for PH

Page 4: Public Health Workforce Assessment – How to respond to the results? Our Mission: To protect and improve the health and environment of all Kansans

Domains with Lowest Proficiency 


Public Health Sciences Skills (lowest across tiers)

Financial Planning and Management Skills (Tiers 1 and 2)

Analytical and Assessment Skills (Tiers 2 and 3) 

Policy Development/Program Planning (Tiers 1 and 2)

Cultural competency (Tier 3)

Public Health Sciences Skills

Financial Planning and Management Skills

Cultural Competency

Leadership and Systems Thinking Skills (Tier 1 only)


Source: Kansas Public Health Workforce Assessment 2014-15

Financial Planning and Management– • #1 Describe the organizational structures, functions,and authorities of local, state, and federal public health agencies• PH Informatics• Contribute to funding proposals, contracts and give input on program 

budgets• Evaluate program performance

Page 5: Public Health Workforce Assessment – How to respond to the results? Our Mission: To protect and improve the health and environment of all Kansans

Policy Development/Program Planning – • #1 Explain the expected outcomes of policy optionsAnalytical and Assessment Skills• #1 Describe the public health applications of quantitative and qualitative 

dataPH Sciences Sills• #1 Contribute to building the scientific base of public health

Domains with High Percentages Who Don’t Think It Applies 


Financial Planning and Management Skills (Tiers 1 and 2)

Policy Development/Program Planning (Tier 1)

Analytical  and Assessment Skills  (Tiers 1 and 2) 

Public  Health  Sciences  Skills  (Tiers  2 and 3)

Cultural Competency

Public Health Sciences Skills

Community Dimensions of Practice Skills

Financial Planning and Management Skills (Tier 1 only)


Source: Kansas Public Health Workforce Assessment 2014-15

Page 6: Public Health Workforce Assessment – How to respond to the results? Our Mission: To protect and improve the health and environment of all Kansans

Our Mission: To protect and improve the health and environment of all Kansans.

Major findings:• Public health sciences skills was the domain with lowest proficiency rating 

across all tiers for both local health departments and KDHE (with the exception of KDHE Tier 3)

• Significant percentages of LHD and KDHE staff reported that the competencies in the “Financial Planning and Management Skills” domain do not apply to their job (64% for LHD-Tier 1; 51% of KDHE- Tier 1). 

• Age stratification of the workforce: There is a significant percentage close to retirement age and there is not a high percentage of new, young staff coming in to the workforce (see graphs p.3)

Page 7: Public Health Workforce Assessment – How to respond to the results? Our Mission: To protect and improve the health and environment of all Kansans

Our Mission: To protect and improve the health and environment of all Kansans.

With  the  exception  of  some  specific  communities,  the  race  and  ethnicity demographics do not match those of the state, especially for KDHE (see graphs p.3)

There  is  interest  in  a  public  health  certificate  program  specifically  with  local health  department  staff  with  38%  percent  reporting  they  are  definitely interested and 31% unsure

Tier A—The question with the lowest percentage of employees responding with agree/strongly  agree  was  “Employees  are  continually  developed  through training,  education,  and  opportunities  for  promotion”  KDHE--51.52%,  LHDs—66.67%  (lowest  overall  for  both).  Additionally,  KDHE  and  LHDs  had  a  low percentage of  agree/strongly  agree  for  “Training  is  implemented as part of  an overall system of employee development” KDHE—66.67%, LHDs—68.14%


14%LHD Staff

White All others


6%3% 3%


White Hispanic/Latino Black

Asian Other

Page 8: Public Health Workforce Assessment – How to respond to the results? Our Mission: To protect and improve the health and environment of all Kansans

Our Mission: To protect and improve the health and environment of all Kansans.

Workforce Development Coordinating Council – Janice PowersNick BaldettiCharlotte Marthaler

How else do you want to give feedback about this data and the initiatives to respond to it?

– Other Council attendees?– Courses, events, TA, surveys?

What are we going to do about this?

Page 9: Public Health Workforce Assessment – How to respond to the results? Our Mission: To protect and improve the health and environment of all Kansans

Our Mission: To protect and improve the health and environment of all Kansans.