public health survey for tennessee

Public Health Survey Team A HCS/535 Debbie Fernando June 24, 2013 Maureen Alfonso Dr. Michelle Clemons Tammey Cummings Visal Srey

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Page 1: Public Health Survey for Tennessee

Public Health Survey

Team A HCS/535Debbie Fernando June 24, 2013Maureen Alfonso Dr. Michelle ClemonsTammey CummingsVisal Srey

Page 2: Public Health Survey for Tennessee

IntroductionO Background Information on Johnson CityOData the community uses to assess targeted health determinants

OData collection standards

OData sources used to determine focus of health care

OAccurate data sources that support the health issue

Page 3: Public Health Survey for Tennessee

Geographic InformationOOngoing health activities

O Developed initiatives combating specific ages and health problems

O Targeting childrenO Targeting adolescentsO Engaging adults with better health habitsO LIFEPATH

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Sources of Data Used o Visits to emergency departmentso Local health departmentso Hospital admissionso Heart Society of Americao Various Community agencies

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Data CollectionOCenters for Disease Control and

PreventionOAgency for Research and QualityOEpidemiologic Surveillance

SystemsOEvidenced Based Research

Page 6: Public Health Survey for Tennessee

Population Health Concerns

ODiseaseOIllnessOAccess to Health Care and


Page 7: Public Health Survey for Tennessee

Specified Population OWho is at a Greater Risk for Heart

Disease?O Male GenderO ElderlyO Family HistoryO Certain Races

O African AmericanO American IndiansO Mexican Americans


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Specified Population (Continued)

O Poor Health BehaviorsO Those who are obeseO Lack of physical activityO Defined time period

(how long these behaviors continued)

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How Data is UtilizedO Data can be sorted by

O Geographical areasO AgeO GenderO RaceO Diagnosis

O Data can be obtained fromO HospitalsO Local Health DepartmentsO Vital StatisticsO Disease Registries

Page 10: Public Health Survey for Tennessee

Data SourcesO Local

O Individual state and county databases for verification and supplementation for USA data

O The Health and Wellness Development Group for the Johnson City/Washington County Economic Development Council

O Healthy Eating, Active Living (HEAL) Appalachia

O The coordinated School Health Programs in Carter, Unicoi, and Washington counties

O Team Up for Healthy Living

Page 11: Public Health Survey for Tennessee

Data Sources (continued)O Tennessee State Fact Sheet

O Tennessee Department of Health

O HIT (Health Information of Tennessee)

O State Weekly Surveillance Report

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Data SourcesO Nationally or InternationallyO WHO




O World Bank

Page 13: Public Health Survey for Tennessee

ConclusionO Heart Disease is number one killer in

Tennessee and nationO Local agencies work together

O Gather and share data and analysisO Provide education and encouragement to

populationO Need to increase

O Public work force trainingO Education to youth and adults

Page 14: Public Health Survey for Tennessee

ReferencesBehavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) for Exposure Tracking: Experiences from Washington State. Environmental Health Perspectives, 112(14), 1428 -1433.

CDC-Heart disease. (2013). Retrieved from

Hayslett, M. (2007, Spring). Got data? The census bureau's state data center network reaches out to local communities. Reference & User Services Quarterly, 46(3), 20-22. content/uploads/2011/09/RoadMaps-to- Health-Prize-Essay.pdf

National strategy for quality improvement in health care. (2011). Retrieved from to health prize essay. (2011). Retrieved from http://