pt a kosher recipe contest -€¦ · the library of north high school in...

|.2 PRESS-HERAID NOVEMBER 28. 19A5 Author to Speak Here On Dec. 2 "Children's Literature To- day" will be the topic of author Eleanor Cameron when she speaks ID mem- bers of the South Bay Council of the International Reading Association on Thursday. December 2 in the library of North High School in Torrance. The meeting, open to all mem- bers of the association, as well as teachers and parents interested in reading, will begin at 3:45 a.m. Mrs. Cameron has been writing since she was 12 years old. Best known for her children's books, most of her writing has the back- ground of the Monterey Peninsula, Berkeley or San Francisco, the areas in which she lived during her youth She is now a resi- dent of Arcadia. Miss Kathleen Bodes, president of the South Bav Council of the International Reading Association, ex- tends an invitation to par- ents as well as teachers to attend the Thursday meet- ing. The program is being planned by Mrs. Goldie Pas- ' co Hawthorne School Dis- trict, and Mrs. Eloise Enger. Torrance Unified School District Refreshments will lerved by Mrs. Claire Ganske. hospitality chair- man. Craft Class Now Open for New Session Women interested in the creative arts may enroll in the afternoon craft class continuing through next year at Lomita Park. 24428 Eahelman Ave. The class is held from 1 to 3 p.m. every Wednesday in the park's gymnasium. Offered are new ioeas in holiday crafts as well as many plastic, glass and cop- per crafts. There Is no charge for registration. Mothers with small chil- dren may register their children in a playtime hour, which is conducted during the class hours. Further information may be obtained by calling the Lomita Park. Calibration Enjoying the oceanfare and nautical atmosphere in the Galley West restaurant t Marineland recently were Mr and Mrs. Robert C. Bran- son of Mtralestc, who gave a party in celebration of their 14th wedding anniver- sary ; Guests were Mr. and Mrs. ' Fred Barman of Torrance. Mrs Charles Crothert of Torrance. Barbara Branson. Tommy Kerr of Redondo Beach and Mr and Mrs Ray- ntond Rranton MRS. RICHARD BUSH Alldis-Bush Vows Read In an afternoon wedding at the United Presbyterian Church in Gardena. Miss Donna Irene Alldis. daugh- ter of Mrs. Henry G. Alldis and the late Mr. Henry All- dis. became the bride of Richard Dee Bush, son of Mr and Mrs. John H. Bush. 4223 W. 179th St. The bride's gown was a Chantilly lace sheath with detachable train. Her bouf- fant silk illusion veil fell from a crown of rosebuds and she carried a crescent of white roses and stephan- otis. Wearing empire gowns in the rainbow colors were Mrs. Darlene Smith, matron of honor; Misses Chris Nel- son. Terry Keldrauk. Char- lene Burns and Ana Taylor, bridesmaids. Dennis Bush served his brother as best man and ushers were Jim Alldis, Ron Burn?, Bill Kehoe and Tom Boost ma Mis: Pat Haffenden was soloist, accompanied by Miss Marlene Semanik. A reception for the 275 guests was held at the church with Misses Karen Alldis, Sharon and Janis Johnson and Lori Koich registering the guests. Both the bride and her husband are graduates of North High School and for- mer students at El Camino College. Eottmons Hosts Gathering friends for a seafood dinner in the Galley West restaurant at Marine- land recently were Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Eastman of Hollywood Riviera, who en- tertained to celebrate Mrs. Eastman's birthday anniver- sary. The party was cli- maxed in the "Lookout Room", where guests en- joyed the music of the Charles Amato Quartet Women's Voter League To Select Study Item GOP Women Convention Wednesday Los Angeles County Fed- eration of Republican Worn- j en will hold its 36th An- ; nual Convention on Weil- i nesday, Dec. 1, at th P Am- bassador Hotel. Approxi- >| mately 750 delegates, alter- nates and guests will con- ' vene at 10 a.m. in the Em- ' bassy Room for the business session of the Convention to be conducted by Mrs. Robert E. Platt of Glendale, County Federation Presi- dent. Reports and resolutions will be presented, also membership awards. Fea- tured guest speaker of the morning session will be Rep. H. Alien Smith, 20th Congressional District, of Glendale. National program recom- mendations for the 1966-68 study item and review of former national study con- clusions, will be spotlighted as the Torrance League of Women Voters meeting Tues- day at 7:45 p.m at Madrona School Cafetorium, 21364 . Madroni Avenue. Opinions of Leagues all over the United States are considered in the final se- lection of a national study Item, according to Mrs Wil- liam Radcliffe, Torrance League president She point- ed out that study items must concern topics which can be approached through lef'sla- tion, must provide oppor- tunities for citizen action, must concern the nation as a whole, and must be time- ly. legislative positions ar- rived at as a result of past national studies will also be outlined. Local League mem- bers will give their recom- mendations as to whether these positions should be continued, altered, or de- leted, Mrs. Radcliffe stated. The League of Women Voters Is a non-partisan or- ganization which studies is- sues on the city, county, and state levels as well as the national level Membership is open to all women of vot- ing age. PT A The Torrance Council Way Kosher Recipe Contest Mrs. G. S. Tonza Hi-Neighbors Plan Annual Yule Party Plans for their seventh annual Christmas party were made by members of the Hi-Neighbor Club at a recent meeting held at the home of Rev. and Mrs Clif- ford L. Tierney. 2007 W. 180th St. Mrs. T. Eno was co-hostess. Mrs. J. B Christy report- ed on club's finances and Mrs. Alton Nigh, president, announced that a decision had been made to send clothing, which the group has collected, to needy In- dian families in Arizona. Mrs. Ralph Madden won the door prize. New Dances Offered at Local YWCA Torrance YWCA is offer- ing a Popular Dance Class for Adults beginning Dec. 3 and continuing every Thursday evening from 8 to 10 p.m. for eight weeks. The class will feature the Jerk. Watusi. Cha Cha and other popular dances giving the individual an oppor- tunity to get ready for the holiday parties. For further information and registration, the Tor- ranee YWCA, 2320 W. Car- son St., may be called. Delta Gammas Will Gather For Cocktails South Bay Alumnae of Delta Gamma and their hus- bands will gather for cock- tails on Saturday. Dec 4th from 6 to 8 p.m. Mrs. George W. Thompson, 2541 Hermosa Ave.. Hermosa Beach will be the hostess as she has been each year since 1959. Refreshments will be pro- vided by Mmes. John Kin- las, John Leth, and Harold Murdock of Palos Verdes Peninsula and Mmes. Rob- ert Athay. Daniel Kings- bury and Donald Meek of Palos Verdes Estate; Mrs Meek is chairman of the annual event. Enttrtoin ot Dinner Party Mr and Mrs. Russell Paxton entertained a num- ber a guests at dinner Sun- day at their home, 1301 Crenshaw Blvd. Enjoying the dinner were Mrs. Pax- ton's cousin, James Ellison of Greely, Colo., who is serving with the United States Marine Corp* at El Toro, and who had just re- turned from six months in Vlet Nam; Mr. and Mrs. Par- ker Jackson of Loveland. Colo., who are on vacation in California; and Mr and Mrs. Howard Cannon of Tor- rance. TORR.VMK COtAtM First of three Town Hall meetings will he sponsored by Torrance Council PTA at the Recreation Center on Dec. 1 at 7:30 p.m. with Earl Dible. Supervisor of Publications. Santa Monica School District, in the guest lecturer spot. Stressing bet- ter understanding of our own interpretation of news and the facts of ordinary daily life being dependent on our environmental back- ground and the present trend of thinking. Mr. Dible promises an interesting and informative evening. All units are encouraged to at- tend and community groups as well as the individu:.! cit- izen are welcomed. ADAMS Adams Elementary PTA convened at 2 p.m. on Nov. 17 in the school cafctorium. Mrs. Phillips Hull. Jr.. pro- gram chairman, presented a Christmas workshop as a special feature. Kindergar- ten and first grade mothers were hostesses. The success- ful paper drive was also announced. HAMILTON Hamilton PTA executive board met on Nov. 12 to dis- cuss plans for the associa- tion meeting which was Fa- thers Night with a space film. "Speed and Heat" nar- rated by G. M. Parlaman. who also conducted a ques- tion and answer period af- ter the meeting. Homemade refreshments were served by the room mothers of 17 and 18. PHILIP MAGRVDER John Ford of the South- ern California Gas Co. was the guest speaker at the No- vember meeting of Philip Magruder PTA association His repetoire included two musical renditions and his topic "Us Uncultured Amer- icans" provided the mem- bership with food for thought as well as humor Mrs. Elroy Whittrock was elected to represent Magru- der PTA on the Torrance Council nominatin-j com- mittee. Mrs. Jack Fulton an- nounced the ratification of three new executive board members: Mrs. Jimmie Cot- ten, auditor; Mrs. Vernon Raper, safety chairman, and Mrs. W A. Wright. h r nor- ary life chairman. The unit will provide a deputy regis- trar of voters at each meet- ing through January. SEPt'LVEDA The theme for the Nov. 17 meeting of Sepulveda PTA held in the school cafetor- ium at 9:30 am. was "Pro- tecting Children's Future." The Fire Department repre- sentative demonstrated life saving techniques. Robert Adams, juvenile protection chairman, was featured. Mrs. Hiro Muranaka. president of the PTA Council was wel- comed at the last board meeting, as was Mrs. Marvin Davison, chairman of the Milk and Lunch Fund of Council. Mrs. Muranaka dis- cussed the reason for con- tinuing the Milk and Lunch Fund. YUKON "Foundations For Patriot- ism" was the theme for Yu- kon PTA's Nov. 18 meeting The Rams Grey-Y carried the flag and did a choral reading "I Am the United States." Guest speaker. Jo- seph Wilcox of the Torrance YMCA presented slides of the High Sierra nature trail appropriately entitled "Walk With God." Featured were the hospitality com- mittee Mrs. Earling Boeck. Mrs. Dominic Didado and Mrs. Tom Fujiware and Magazine and Emblems chairman. Mrs. Fred Brad- ley. Rooms 6 and 9 provided the hostess room mothers. Mrs. Paul Hughes, presi- dent, announced a special Indian Show Dec. 3 at 3 and 4 p.m. in the school cafetor- ium. Thunderbolt Left-hand, a full-blooded Cheyenne and Crow, will lecture on the "American Indian of To- day and the Old Days " He will answer questions and invite members of the audi- ence to join him in an In- dian dance and sign lan- guage demonstration. He will be in colorful and au- thentic costume. Homemakers of more than 100 Southltnd syna- gogues are researching their favorite food formulas this wrek for possible entries in .1 major kosher recipe con- test. Sponsored by the Pacific Southwest Branch of Nation- al Women's league of the United Synagogue of Amer- ica and Southern California Gas Company, the event will continue through Dec. 15, according to contest chairman, Mrs Maurice Gordon "Valuable prizes will be awarded for outstanding ex- amples of kosher cookery." Mrs. Gordon said. Major prize of the contest will be a modern gas clothes dryer Twelve other prizes will be awarded to winning en- trants.____________ PV Fuchsia Society to Hear Speaker Alice Martin, authority on fuchsias, begonias, ferns and other shade plants, will be the guest speaker at the meeting of the Palos Verdes Fuchsia Society Monday. Dec. 6 at 8 p.m. at the Palos Verdes High School Her topic will be "Christmas Decorations." Guests are always wel- come at the meetings. For further information Mrs. Jimmie Lamb may be called. Chapter Meeting Sam Ixivy Chapter i for- merly Torrance chapter) of the City of Hope will meet Wednesday. Dec. 1 at 10 am. at the home of Mrs. Anna Brown. 1518 W. 112th St.. Gardena. Marymount's Session Scheduled Abroad Recreation Dept. Sponsors Trip to Pasadena Playhouse Pasadena Playhouse is the destination of those adults participating in the Torrance Rec- reation Department^ monthly theater bus trip. This month's theatrical event will be George Bernard Shaw's 'The Devil's Disciple," devilish comedy set in Puritan New England. Performers in the play will of the com- pany of the Pasadena Playhouse. Participants will leave from the City Hall, 3031 Torrance Blvd.. 7 p.m. Friday, Dec. 3. The price w.ll cover Ims transportation, ticket and insurance. Deadline for paying the trip fee u Monday, Nov. 29. Reservations may be made by calling Jos- Iva Recreation Center. Birthday Party Among the recent cele- brants ut the Smith Bros. Indian Village Restaurant was Mrs. Winnie Barnard of Turrarce, who observed her birthday anniversary at a party given in her honor by Mrs. Juliette Johnson of Hermosa Beach. Marymount College's an- nual summer session abroad has been scheduled from July 8 to Sept. 1 on the French Riviera, along with tours to ten cities in Italy. Switzerland and France The session will be con- ducted by Dr. Magda Lem- part and Mr. Guy Jacobsohn of the Marymount faculty, and students participating may earn four fully accedit- ed units in beginning. Inter- mediate and advanced French, or contemporary Eu- ropean history. The 55-day study tour will leave I/>s Angeles for Paris on July 8 via Air France charter flight, and will stop a day each in Paris and Lourdeg before departing for Beavallon. French Rivi- era. Classes will be held each weekday morning from July] 10 through Aug. 10 at Beau-| vallon. near Saint Tropez.j and afternoons will be spentj in study and beach recrea-i tional activities which will! include sailing, water skiing| and skin diving with private, instructors. Weekend tours are planned to various area points of his- torical interest and educa- tional value, with all travel to be done by motor coaches especially engaged for each occasion Following the Beauvallon stay, the group will visit and study in Genoa, Pisa, Rome, Florence, Venice, Lake Como and return to Paris from Aug. 24 until depar ture on Sept. 1. A Papal au- dience has been arranged for the Rome visit. Both Dr. tampart and Mr. Jacobsohn arc widely trav eled on the Continent, and have had previous expert encc in conducting tour* Mr. Jacobsohn, former in structor of French at UCLA, was born and educated in France. The Marymount summer '66 study tour is coeduca tional, for college students and adults interested in aca demlc or cultural advance mcnt. and reservations must be made by Dec. 1. Complete details may be obtained by telephoning or writing Mr. Guy Jacobsohn at Marymount College in Palos Verdes Estates. Ki«1 be T£A floU^e -^ Superb Cantonese Cuisine Family ttyll dinnerl from $1.85 EXOTIC POLYNESIAN COCKTAILS Entertainment Thur. Fri & Sat. Night* in the cocktail lounge PHONE 3?6 54SO FOOD TO OO to TORRANCE Ttk* OKI phont call <«r (oupon allow), idd hoitm mill bisk-li o' £it> *nd intormition ibout fit city, ttir in ftnuir.t hoipilility. ind you'll ht»t i ceiwoui ind d*li|MM Mlcome )uit phont DA 7-9193 Call DORIS STAMM Designed as a project In Jewish Family Living, the recipe contest emphasizes traditional delicacies of Jew- ish holidays as well as kosher adaptations of mod- ern foods in dally meal preparations. The Raj company, as co- sponsor of the contest, will publish a wide selection of the submitted recipes in a Kosher Cookbook. In addi- tion to recipes, the book will contain information about the laws of kashrut and major Jewish holidays. The book will be presented to all contestants and will be available for general dis- tribution in the Southand area. The contest is being co- ordinated by Rabbi Kdward M. Tenenhaum, executive director of Pacific South- west Region, United Syna- gogue of America; Mrs. Marcus Mandell. president of the Pacific Southwest Branch of National Wom- en's League, and Mr. C. C. Westmorland, northwest division manager for the gas company. Sisterhoods of the Ortho- dox and Reform Movements are cooperating in the proj- ect and are being repre- sented by Mrs Mark I. Brenner and Mrs Fredi Magid. respectively Party for Stephen Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Nealin of Torrance gave a birthday dinner party for their son. Stephen, in the Galley West restaurant at Marineland. DISCUSS CONTEST RULES Southland recipe contest sponsored by the Pacific Southwest Branch. Women's League. Is now under way. Discussing the rules are from left, C. C. Westmorland, division manager Southern California Gas Co.; Mmes Marcus Mandell. league president: Maurice Gordon, contest chairman; and Rabbi Kdward Tenenhaum. executive director Pa- cific Southwest Region. United Synagogues of America. _____ T^ ______ 1 1 S«PPOrt 1^ r^TVi-, . ^H Torrent. 1 Y«" IIVT J AT 1 *n ~r ±" Ml lom «•«* If «M i i! \ j AiL fflim?M H ° fb " ci * 1 NATIVITY CATHOLIC CHRIST THE KING t FIRST CHURCH OF CHURCH LUTHERAN CHURCH ' CHRIST, SCIENTIST Phon.i FA t-mt R»y. John P. (."rrm'nt. Putor MASH SCHKUIIL.B Sunday* f, 1. «. (. 10 It. II Ml. 11; it and t pm At J«**i>h * at (:Sti A M SATURDAY CONPBUMlyNS i ) SO to 11:10 A.M.: 1 10 to I'M 7 '(0 to ( P tl St. Jowph-* M Till" PJI. BAPTISMS •rtry Sundty al 1-4S P.M Rt«. J WUK.r ITOt W Hind Si. Torranct Phont UA»l» I-MJi L Ra*. OA»I* *-(4tt ' f Dlyin* Worthlp 1.00 am i plylnt Worthlp ll~ll am. i Sunday School » It and 10:11 a.m. Nanar* ear* proyldod M both Mnrlcn. n(tb SI tnd Manu.l Ava. Torrane*. OaJIf. Chureb jUriiia*-!! am. W»do**diy aS* MaMini*— ( •.•*. Sunday Bobonl— * It am. and 11:00 am ChUdroc uod*r III raart of act mutt M **• enmiMnitd br parttil or (utrdlaa for K*adln« Koom 140* CMTIBI OMB 10 tm to t p.m. dally ««• Mpl Supdty and flolldty. AJto 7 ta ( Monday and Frldty **•• DEI AMO SOUTHERN ' •'"••" ~""~ i All art wtlcorn* to ttttnd *u» BAPTIST CHURCH 1 »trvle*t and to iua our HtadlM SOUTH BAY i ~7 ""' - - - Room. BAPTIST CHURCH 4H1S Hnarytint Uin*. Torn net. Canf Tutor. 1* J C Brumfttld PKonti.r 4-143J Sunday Bchool ...... l:4t A.U. Diipiini. vorinlp ttrvictt tt 1 M A M. ind 11 00 AM —Junior ind Primary Chureh 11:00 AM. Ranim Training onion |:00 P.M. Kv.nin« Worship .....7:00 P.M W«Mn»«rt«r Prty*r Strxc* .... . ....7:10 P.M Nur*«ry and tnddltr tar* All »*r*ia*t. But •rantporutlon ttrylet. FOURSQUARE GOSFEt CHURCH Corntr Allniton tnd S*pul'*dt T.I DA t-tan R.» tnd Mn Ju. P Lowtn 8UNOAT: (liindty tchool (:M Oroup Stryteat »:(0 p m. IT P Cad«u. jM*B/art> Bvtnttliitll fii P M a.m. Mornln* Worship I0>a M*DWCI!K W*dn**4ay - Blbl* Study tl 7 H) pm. PUBLIC nCVlTBD FIRST LUTHIRAN CHURCH 1736 Plowtr Sir*.! Phon. IXJ 4111 Wlllltm 1 Koltdtr Pailar Phon. PA l-S»4l PMlllp C Ililltr. A*to«. Pailor Phon. <7*-niO Wor.hlp l*rrlc*l 8 mi * ra -I IS « m -I0:4» am. Sunday School 1 00 am * 11 am 10 41 am Nuratrv Mrvlcti from (:ll t m. ind 10 4t t m Holy Communion- Pint Sundty I.uthtr l.tntut— Ind and 4th Biindavt. '•hrtntian ricmvntarv School— Klndtrfantn through (Ih Urtdt S*IJ W l?«th tl O«*n Tom net Simdv Softool-* u A a CENTRAL CHURCH wJ-tef»J?« "^.VAM1?* PM EVANGRICAL W y^S^^.Vi£&: M UNITED BRETHREN O. A A R A. Auilllarla*— Ttaehtrt 7PM Prty.r— 7 4S P M. Choir R.h.irttl-* K P M. Pulor.Danix R W»*y*r Jr. PR 1-7440- PR 1-mt MORM1NO WnRRHIP SBRVICS Marttlln* * Arllniton K*y Walter M BUntm FA (•1010 (•SO. Sunday School It:5u-Momln. Worihlp (•d>-Toiiih Pinowihio f (u— Ov.n<ni Worinip Mldwi.h Wnr.hip n<r>lr*~7:0( WAITERIA W.dnwd.y E«nlm ASSEMBLY GOD IMMANUEI IUTHIRAH 14404 «jj"jh»;»« •'»« CHURCH (Mlnouri Synod) R.T Bdw I. Huihtt. Pin or '' 701 Knoft Hill ATI.. PRentltr J-77M i Rcdonde Boatn Sundty BchM|-(-4t a.m. . "«" «°»t»"'<x^ *•>* Mornm« Wor.nip_tl 00 am. •«"<«•? Bel»oel ........ »:« AM ChiMr.n'. Oiiirrh-n-00 am ' Worthlp 8»rylt« .......I:M AM Rytnicliiil* «»r»ir»—T'00 a.m. ' •»« " AM Ta»* Pr«y« M»»lln»— 7 nn p m. ' Ptilor A, L kfeltutti Thur* Toun* Ptoplt*— 7-00 p m PR 7 IMS *r t-7Ut OREYFRIARS MEMORIAL ST. CATHERINE MESBYTERIAN (Orthodox) LABOURE CHURCH *i'JIhVihi.J!r.fillVi"*.1 ,J°^ ne* •»«• Rtdondo Bt«e« Bi.d. wonnip nourt u *in. ana 7'M Pm E*tnr Rundav Bundtv Brhnni <t 1 SO a m Tmmi Ponpit P«n«vihip 4pm Prartr MMIIRI tttry Wtdnatdty Bvtnlni tl 1 o'tlock R*y. Wlllltm J Bmntr. Pallor FIRST MITHODIST CHURCH Torrinc. Phon. DArlt I-NOO Aundtv MtM*t: 7. 1. 1. 10 It. U Wttkday MUMI «:(0 a.m. Md tt am. Contattlont Salurdajr 4:(0 I* (:H 7 10 t* 100 ST. MARK'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Canon and Bl Prtdo J40J7 Ptnniylyama A»t . Loinlta Phon* PA (-KMl i DA 1-40M Rty Arthur Ntfal. pcttor Sunday Chureb Bebool ( i nv R»i Phont PA KOI cA " •/••• iMludlnf adullt) R... ""haVd H."n 2L,.t. 1 ^SnSa'ptor BUNOATR- Two Worthlp (*rylct< Vouth PtllowahTp ( p m. (•*n and 11 A U Tht Rt» Eldnn Durham. *"" C;nknU .'n VT,UTh M 8Ch"" lt : THIS CHI^lTwCLCUMBB ST. ANDREW'S AH .i^Z'S,"*™.* .d«,u. ! '™™ Sr ALL RACE* e'lSCOPAi CHURCH ! ™— *'• —«•• «-V, PM | n|$T w$|YTEtlAN "S'Anfi K H K«ToV WIKT BAPTIST CHURCH ' CHU" CH W <>A»OBNA 7 JO am rtolv Conununion » t.m Fimlly Wnrthip Son ic* (ollowid by CTiureh School tad C*ff.. Hour U 01 * m Mnrnini Wonhtp lOhoral Hurhirlil in III tnd Irri Hundtyt). (Child tin tnd Njntry pmrldad tl » It and 11 am t*r»iwtl. W,.kr|,y, Hnlr Ommunion al II am Thurtdtyt tnd IK am on All Salnt'a D«vt. ST. LAWRENCE CATHOLIC CHURCH ISOO Pr»iip*cl Ait . Ktdondo Bab. Moimignor Daniel P UolKnt Uaat 7. 1 t. 10, 11 It. 11 It PR t-4oT7 ... _ [ IN7 W R.dond* Baacn Bird at Cirton * Manu.l St pnoa. OA 4.10*, PhontTA 1*030 D' *• Murray Jontt. Mlnlilar R«». Robin Cohurn Ptilor 14M w- i.'*r ? {•{ t Oajr4a»* 8UNt",Vr 1L MT n nlI » 8^""!*i I"""" Wo7t*lp's.r»lca-ll t m. f It A M —10 41 A M (nunerv <• >re orovldndl Sundtv Rfhool » 15 for Nurwry , guudav fhuri-h Bcho" thru Junior* Uollni. ind Adulli 10 4&— Jr Hlth ind Hivh School P*llnw»hip Tramimr— «:lt PM E»«ni, M*iujt»-7 00 p in. WEDNESDAY- rfibl. Study 7 SO P M Niir1i*ry npro.lrt*.d f*r*all 11™'*!*. Itto tound proof mnthtri* room. AM. WKl^TlVf | NARBONNE AVEK'UI 1 SOUTHERN IAFTIST FIRST CHURCH i CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 1MJ1 Carton R Will'. Korntny. Pallor Ph PA S 40(0 (:4a Hunday tkhool i 24730 Nvrbonn. A.e , LomlU Phont DA i-AOM Cbureh ......... 1:10 AM and folo A B Hunday School ........ 14ft AM. Tralnlnc Union .......... ( P Id ""•.'jo'ik'ii'uo'a'ni. tl<n>a> Mi r.llow.hlp tnd Junior Hlth Ptliowihlp Sunday* al 7:00 p m FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF TORRANCI .UiKlpIti of Chrlit) *9Ju £1 Dorado. KA tt-nw R.v H Milton Sippol. MlninUr Hat. fhout PA *-4k*S R.v Robtrt N.ll Jon.l Umiiur of Education R*t Phone im 6596 tnd Uornlnii Worihlp. 1*0 and U 00 tm. NurMry provided tt both taation* Clll RHO rellow.hlp 6 80 p in i Chrlmtn Touth V«llf,wihlt>—

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Page 1: PT A Kosher Recipe Contest -€¦ · the library of North High School in Torrance. The meeting, open to all mem bers of the association, as well as teachers


Author to

Speak Here

On Dec. 2"Children's Literature To­

day" will be the topic of author Eleanor Cameron when she speaks ID mem­ bers of the South Bay Council of the International Reading Association on Thursday. December 2 in the library of North High School in Torrance. The meeting, open to all mem­ bers of the association, as well as teachers and parents interested in reading, will begin at 3:45 a.m.

Mrs. Cameron has been writing since she was 12 years old. Best known for her children's books, most of her writing has the back­ ground of the Monterey Peninsula, Berkeley or San Francisco, the areas in which she lived during her youth She is now a resi­ dent of Arcadia.

Miss Kathleen Bodes, president of the South Bav Council of the International Reading Association, ex­ tends an invitation to par­ ents as well as teachers to attend the Thursday meet­ ing.

The program is being planned by Mrs. Goldie Pas-

' co Hawthorne School Dis­ trict, and Mrs. Eloise Enger. Torrance Unified School District Refreshments will b« lerved by Mrs. Claire Ganske. hospitality chair­ man.

Craft Class Now Open for New Session

Women interested in the creative arts may enroll in the afternoon craft class continuing through next year at Lomita Park. 24428 Eahelman Ave. The class is held from 1 to 3 p.m. every Wednesday in the park's gymnasium.

Offered are new ioeas in holiday crafts as well as many plastic, glass and cop­ per crafts. There Is no charge for registration.

Mothers with small chil­ dren may register their children in a playtime hour, which is conducted during the class hours.

Further information may be obtained by calling the Lomita Park.

CalibrationEnjoying the oceanfare

and nautical atmosphere in the Galley West restaurant t Marineland recently were Mr and Mrs. Robert C. Bran- son of Mtralestc, who gave a party in celebration of their 14th wedding anniver­ sary

; Guests were Mr. and Mrs.' Fred Barman of Torrance.

Mrs Charles Crothert of Torrance. Barbara Branson. Tommy Kerr of Redondo Beach and Mr and Mrs Ray-

ntond Rranton



Vows ReadIn an afternoon wedding

at the United Presbyterian Church in Gardena. Miss Donna Irene Alldis. daugh­ ter of Mrs. Henry G. Alldis and the late Mr. Henry All­ dis. became the bride of Richard Dee Bush, son of Mr and Mrs. John H. Bush. 4223 W. 179th St.

The bride's gown was a Chantilly lace sheath with detachable train. Her bouf­ fant silk illusion veil fell from a crown of rosebuds and she carried a crescent of white roses and stephan- otis.

Wearing empire gowns in the rainbow colors were Mrs. Darlene Smith, matron of honor; Misses Chris Nel­ son. Terry Keldrauk. Char- lene Burns and Ana Taylor, bridesmaids.

Dennis Bush served his brother as best man and ushers were Jim Alldis, Ron Burn?, Bill Kehoe and Tom Boost ma

Mis: Pat Haffenden was soloist, accompanied by Miss Marlene Semanik.

A reception for the 275 guests was held at the church with Misses Karen Alldis, Sharon and Janis Johnson and Lori Koich registering the guests.

Both the bride and her husband are graduates of North High School and for­ mer students at El Camino College.

Eottmons HostsGathering friends for a

seafood dinner in the Galley West restaurant at Marine- land recently were Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Eastman of Hollywood Riviera, who en­ tertained to celebrate Mrs. Eastman's birthday anniver­ sary. The party was cli­ maxed in the "Lookout Room", where guests en­ joyed the music of the Charles Amato Quartet

Women's Voter League To Select Study Item

GOP WomenConventionWednesday

Los Angeles County Fed­ eration of Republican Worn- j en will hold its 36th An- ; nual Convention on Weil- i nesday, Dec. 1, at thP Am­ bassador Hotel. Approxi- >| mately 750 delegates, alter­ nates and guests will con- ' vene at 10 a.m. in the Em- ' bassy Room for the business session of the Convention to be conducted by Mrs. Robert E. Platt of Glendale, County Federation Presi­ dent.

Reports and resolutions will be presented, also membership awards. Fea­ tured guest speaker of the morning session will be Rep. H. Alien Smith, 20th Congressional District, of Glendale.

National program recom­ mendations for the 1966-68 study item and review of former national study con­ clusions, will be spotlighted as the Torrance League of Women Voters meeting Tues-

day at 7:45 p.m at Madrona School Cafetorium, 21364

. Madroni Avenue.Opinions of Leagues all

over the United States are considered in the final se­ lection of a national study Item, according to Mrs Wil­ liam Radcliffe, Torrance League president She point­ ed out that study items must concern topics which can be approached through lef'sla- tion, must provide oppor­

tunities for citizen action, must concern the nation as a whole, and must be time- ly.

legislative positions ar­ rived at as a result of past national studies will also be outlined. Local League mem­ bers will give their recom­ mendations as to whether these positions should be continued, altered, or de­ leted, Mrs. Radcliffe stated.

The League of Women Voters Is a non-partisan or­ ganization which studies is­ sues on the city, county, and state levels as well as the national level Membership is open to all women of vot­ ing age.


Torrance Council Way

Kosher Recipe Contest

Mrs. G. S. Tonza

Hi-Neighbors Plan Annual Yule Party

Plans for their seventh annual Christmas party were made by members of the Hi-Neighbor Club at a recent meeting held at the home of Rev. and Mrs Clif­ ford L. Tierney. 2007 W. 180th St. Mrs. T. Eno was co-hostess.

Mrs. J. B Christy report­ ed on club's finances and Mrs. Alton Nigh, president, announced that a decision had been made to send clothing, which the group has collected, to needy In­ dian families in Arizona.

Mrs. Ralph Madden won the door prize.

New Dances Offered at Local YWCA

Torrance YWCA is offer­ ing a Popular Dance Class for Adults beginning Dec. 3 and continuing every Thursday evening from 8 to 10 p.m. for eight weeks.

The class will feature the Jerk. Watusi. Cha Cha and other popular dances giving the individual an oppor­ tunity to get ready for the holiday parties.

For further information and registration, the Tor- ranee YWCA, 2320 W. Car- son St., may be called.

Delta Gammas Will Gather For Cocktails

South Bay Alumnae of Delta Gamma and their hus­ bands will gather for cock­ tails on Saturday. Dec 4th from 6 to 8 p.m. Mrs. George W. Thompson, 2541 Hermosa Ave.. Hermosa Beach will be the hostess as she has been each year since 1959.

Refreshments will be pro­ vided by Mmes. John Kin- las, John Leth, and Harold Murdock of Palos Verdes Peninsula and Mmes. Rob­ ert Athay. Daniel Kings- bury and Donald Meek of Palos Verdes Estate; Mrs Meek is chairman of the annual event.

Enttrtoin ot Dinner Party

Mr and Mrs. Russell Paxton entertained a num­ ber a guests at dinner Sun­ day at their home, 1301 Crenshaw Blvd. Enjoying the dinner were Mrs. Pax- ton's cousin, James Ellison of Greely, Colo., who is serving with the United States Marine Corp* at El Toro, and who had just re­ turned from six months in Vlet Nam; Mr. and Mrs. Par­ ker Jackson of Loveland. Colo., who are on vacation in California; and Mr and Mrs. Howard Cannon of Tor­ rance.

TORR.VMK COtAtMFirst of three Town Hall

meetings will he sponsored by Torrance Council PTA at the Recreation Center on Dec. 1 at 7:30 p.m. with Earl Dible. Supervisor of Publications. Santa Monica School District, in the guest lecturer spot. Stressing bet­ ter understanding of our own interpretation of news and the facts of ordinary daily life being dependent on our environmental back­ ground and the present trend of thinking. Mr. Dible promises an interesting and informative evening. All units are encouraged to at­ tend and community groups as well as the individu:.! cit­ izen are welcomed.

ADAMSAdams Elementary PTA

convened at 2 p.m. on Nov. 17 in the school cafctorium. Mrs. Phillips Hull. Jr.. pro­ gram chairman, presented a Christmas workshop as a special feature. Kindergar­ ten and first grade mothers were hostesses. The success­ ful paper drive was also announced.

HAMILTONHamilton PTA executive

board met on Nov. 12 to dis­ cuss plans for the associa­ tion meeting which was Fa­ thers Night with a space film. "Speed and Heat" nar­ rated by G. M. Parlaman. who also conducted a ques­ tion and answer period af­ ter the meeting. Homemade refreshments were served by the room mothers of 17 and 18.

PHILIP MAGRVDERJohn Ford of the South­

ern California Gas Co. was the guest speaker at the No­ vember meeting of Philip Magruder PTA association His repetoire included two musical renditions and his topic "Us Uncultured Amer­ icans" provided the mem­ bership with food for thought as well as humor Mrs. Elroy Whittrock was elected to represent Magru­ der PTA on the Torrance Council nominatin-j com­ mittee. Mrs. Jack Fulton an­ nounced the ratification of

three new executive board members: Mrs. Jimmie Cot- ten, auditor; Mrs. Vernon Raper, safety chairman, and Mrs. W A. Wright. h r nor- ary life chairman. The unit will provide a deputy regis­ trar of voters at each meet­ ing through January.

SEPt'LVEDAThe theme for the Nov. 17

meeting of Sepulveda PTA held in the school cafetor- ium at 9:30 am. was "Pro­ tecting Children's Future." The Fire Department repre­ sentative demonstrated life saving techniques. Robert Adams, juvenile protection chairman, was featured. Mrs. Hiro Muranaka. president of the PTA Council was wel­ comed at the last board meeting, as was Mrs. Marvin Davison, chairman of the Milk and Lunch Fund of Council. Mrs. Muranaka dis­ cussed the reason for con­ tinuing the Milk and Lunch Fund.

YUKON"Foundations For Patriot­

ism" was the theme for Yu­ kon PTA's Nov. 18 meeting The Rams Grey-Y carried the flag and did a choral reading "I Am the United States." Guest speaker. Jo­ seph Wilcox of the Torrance YMCA presented slides of the High Sierra nature trail appropriately entitled "Walk With God." Featured were the hospitality com­ mittee Mrs. Earling Boeck. Mrs. Dominic Didado and Mrs. Tom Fujiware and Magazine and Emblems chairman. Mrs. Fred Brad­ ley. Rooms 6 and 9 provided the hostess room mothers.

Mrs. Paul Hughes, presi­ dent, announced a special Indian Show Dec. 3 at 3 and 4 p.m. in the school cafetor- ium. Thunderbolt Left-hand, a full-blooded Cheyenne and Crow, will lecture on the "American Indian of To­ day and the Old Days " He will answer questions and invite members of the audi­ ence to join him in an In­ dian dance and sign lan­ guage demonstration. He will be in colorful and au­ thentic costume.

Homemakers of more than 100 Southltnd syna­ gogues are researching their favorite food formulas this wrek for possible entries in .1 major kosher recipe con­ test.

Sponsored by the Pacific Southwest Branch of Nation­ al Women's league of the United Synagogue of Amer­ ica and Southern California Gas Company, the event will continue through Dec. 15, according to contest chairman, Mrs Maurice Gordon

"Valuable prizes will be awarded for outstanding ex­ amples of kosher cookery." Mrs. Gordon said. Major prize of the contest will be a modern gas clothes dryer Twelve other prizes will be awarded to winning en­ trants.____________

PV Fuchsia Society to Hear Speaker

Alice Martin, authority on fuchsias, begonias, ferns and other shade plants, will be the guest speaker at the meeting of the Palos Verdes Fuchsia Society Monday. Dec. 6 at 8 p.m. at the Palos Verdes High School Her topic will be "Christmas Decorations."

Guests are always wel­ come at the meetings. For further information Mrs. Jimmie Lamb may be called.

Chapter MeetingSam Ixivy Chapter i for­

merly Torrance chapter) of the City of Hope will meet Wednesday. Dec. 1 at 10 am. at the home of Mrs. Anna Brown. 1518 W. 112th St.. Gardena.

Marymount's Session

Scheduled Abroad

Recreation Dept. Sponsors

Trip to Pasadena PlayhousePasadena Playhouse is the destination of

those adults participating in the Torrance Rec­ reation Department^ monthly theater bus trip.

This month's theatrical event will be George Bernard Shaw's 'The Devil's Disciple," devilish comedy set in Puritan New England.

Performers in the play will h« of the com­ pany of the Pasadena Playhouse.

Participants will leave from the City Hall, 3031 Torrance Blvd.. 7 p.m. Friday, Dec. 3.

The price w.ll cover Ims transportation, ticket and insurance. Deadline for paying the trip fee u Monday, Nov. 29.

Reservations may be made by calling Jos- Iva Recreation Center.

Birthday PartyAmong the recent cele­

brants ut the Smith Bros. Indian Village Restaurant was Mrs. Winnie Barnard of Turrarce, who observed her birthday anniversary at a party given in her honor by Mrs. Juliette Johnson of Hermosa Beach.

Marymount College's an­ nual summer session abroad has been scheduled from July 8 to Sept. 1 on the French Riviera, along with tours to ten cities in Italy. Switzerland and France

The session will be con­ ducted by Dr. Magda Lem- part and Mr. Guy Jacobsohn of the Marymount faculty, and students participating may earn four fully accedit- ed units in beginning. Inter­ mediate and advanced French, or contemporary Eu­ ropean history.

The 55-day study tour will leave I/>s Angeles for Paris on July 8 via Air France charter flight, and will stop a day each in Paris and Lourdeg before departing for Beavallon. French Rivi­ era.

Classes will be held each weekday morning from July] 10 through Aug. 10 at Beau-| vallon. near Saint Tropez.j and afternoons will be spentj in study and beach recrea-i tional activities which will! include sailing, water skiing| and skin diving with private, instructors.

Weekend tours are planned to various area points of his­ torical interest and educa­ tional value, with all travel to be done by motor coaches especially engaged for each occasion

Following the Beauvallon stay, the group will visit and study in Genoa, Pisa, Rome, Florence, Venice, Lake

Como and return to Paris from Aug. 24 until depar ture on Sept. 1. A Papal au­ dience has been arranged for the Rome visit.

Both Dr. tampart and Mr. Jacobsohn arc widely trav eled on the Continent, and have had previous expert encc in conducting tour* Mr. Jacobsohn, former in structor of French at UCLA, was born and educated in France.

The Marymount summer '66 study tour is coeduca tional, for college students and adults interested in aca demlc or cultural advance mcnt. and reservations must be made by Dec. 1.

Complete details may be obtained by telephoning or writing Mr. Guy Jacobsohn at Marymount College in Palos Verdes Estates.


be T£A floU^e-^ Superb Cantonese Cuisine

Family ttyll dinnerl from $1.85

EXOTIC POLYNESIAN COCKTAILS Entertainment Thur. Fri & Sat. Night* in the cocktail lounge


to TORRANCETtk* OKI phont call <«r (oupon allow), idd hoitm mill bisk-li o' £it> *nd intormition ibout fit city, ttir in ftnuir.t hoipilility. ind you'll ht»t i ceiwoui ind d*li|MM Mlcome )uit phont

DA 7-9193Call


Designed as a project In Jewish Family Living, the recipe contest emphasizes traditional delicacies of Jew­ ish holidays as well as kosher adaptations of mod­ ern foods in dally meal preparations.

The Raj company, as co- sponsor of the contest, will publish a wide selection of the submitted recipes in a Kosher Cookbook. In addi­ tion to recipes, the book will contain information about the laws of kashrut and major Jewish holidays. The book will be presented to all contestants and will be available for general dis­ tribution in the Southand area.

The contest is being co­ ordinated by Rabbi Kdward M. Tenenhaum, executive director of Pacific South­ west Region, United Syna­ gogue of America; Mrs. Marcus Mandell. president of the Pacific Southwest Branch of National Wom­ en's League, and Mr. C. C. Westmorland, northwest division manager for the gas company.

Sisterhoods of the Ortho­ dox and Reform Movements are cooperating in the proj­ ect and are being repre­ sented by Mrs Mark I. Brenner and Mrs Fredi Magid. respectively

Party for StephenMr. and Mrs. Frederick

S. Nealin of Torrance gave a birthday dinner party for their son. Stephen, in the Galley West restaurant at Marineland.

DISCUSS CONTEST RULESSouthland recipe contest sponsored by the Pacific Southwest Branch. Women's League. Is now under way. Discussing the rules are from left, C. C. Westmorland, division manager Southern California Gas Co.; Mmes Marcus Mandell. league president: Maurice Gordon, contest chairman; and Rabbi Kdward Tenenhaum. executive director Pa­ cific Southwest Region. United Synagogues of America.

_____ T^ ______ 11 S«PPOrt 1^ r^TVi-, . ^H Torrent. 1Y«" IIVT J AT 1 *n ~r ±" Ml lom"°«•«* If «M i i! \ • j AiL fflim?M H °fb" ci* 1


Phon.i FA t-mt R»y. John P. (."rrm'nt. Putor

MASH SCHKUIIL.B Sunday* f, 1. «. (. 10 It. II Ml.

11; it and t pm At J«**i>h * at (:Sti A M

SATURDAY CONPBUMlyNS i ) SO to 11:10 A.M.: 1 10 to I'M

7 '(0 to ( P tl St. Jowph-* M Till" PJI.

BAPTISMS•rtry Sundty al 1-4S P.M

Rt«. J WUK.r ITOt W Hind Si. Torranct

Phont UA»l» I-MJi L Ra*. OA»I* *-(4tt '

f Dlyin* Worthlp 1.00 am i plylnt Worthlp ll~ll am. i Sunday School

» It and 10:11 a.m.Nanar* ear* proyldod M

both Mnrlcn.

n(tb SI tnd Manu.l Ava. Torrane*. OaJIf.

Chureb jUriiia*-!! am. W»do**diy aS* MaMini*— ( •.•*.

Sunday Bobonl— * It am. and 11:00 am ChUdroc uod*r III raart of act mutt M **• enmiMnitd br parttil or (utrdlaa for

K*adln« Koom — 140* CMTIBI OMB 10 tm to t p.m. dally ««• Mpl Supdty and flolldty. AJto 7 ta ( Monday and Frldty **••

DEI AMO SOUTHERN ' •'"••" ~""~i All art wtlcorn* to ttttnd *u»

BAPTIST CHURCH 1 »trvle*t and to iua our HtadlMSOUTH BAY i ~7 ""' - - - Room.

BAPTIST CHURCH4H1S Hnarytint Uin*.

Torn net. Canf Tutor. 1* J C Brumfttld

PKonti.r 4-143JSunday Bchool ...... l:4t A.U. Diipiini. vorinlp ttrvictt tt 1 M A M. ind 11 00 AM —Junior ind Primary Chureh

11:00 AM. Ranim Training onion |:00 P.M. Kv.nin« Worship .....7:00 P.M W«Mn»«rt«r Prty*r

Strxc* .... . ....7:10 P.MNur*«ry and tnddltr tar* — All »*r*ia*t. But •rantporutlonttrylet.


Corntr Allniton tnd S*pul'*dtT.I DA t-tan

R.» tnd Mn Ju. P Lowtn8UNOAT: (liindty tchool (:M

Oroup Stryteat »:(0 p m. IT P Cad«u. jM*B/art> Bvtnttliitll fii P M

a.m. Mornln* Worship I0>a

M*DWCI!K W*dn**4ay - Blbl* Study tl 7 H) pm.PUBLIC nCVlTBD


Phon. IXJ 4111 Wlllltm 1 Koltdtr Pailar

Phon. PA l-S»4lPMlllp C Ililltr. A*to«. Pailor

Phon. <7*-niO Wor.hlp l*rrlc*l

8 mi * ra -I IS « m -I0:4» am.Sunday School

1 00 am * 11 am 10 41 am Nuratrv Mrvlcti from (:ll t m.

ind 10 4t t mHoly Communion- Pint Sundty

I.uthtr l.tntut— Ind and 4th Biindavt.

'•hrtntian ricmvntarv School— Klndtrfantn through (Ih Urtdt

S*IJ W l?«th tl O«*n Tom net


O. A A R A. Auilllarla*— Ttaehtrt 7PM

Prty.r— 7 4S P M. Choir R.h.irttl-* K P M.

Pulor.Danix R W»*y*r Jr. PR 1-7440- PR 1-mt


Marttlln* * Arllniton K*y Walter M BUntm

FA (•1010 (•SO. Sunday School

It:5u-Momln. Worihlp (•d>-Toiiih Pinowihio f (u— Ov.n<ni Worinip

Mldwi.h Wnr.hip n<r>lr*~7:0(WAITERIA W.dnwd.y E«nlm

ASSEMBLY O» GOD IMMANUEI IUTHIRAH14404 «jj"jh»;»« •'»« CHURCH (Mlnouri Synod)

R.T Bdw I. Huihtt. Pin or '' 701 Knoft Hill ATI.. PRentltr J-77M i Rcdonde Boatn

Sundty BchM|-(-4t a.m. . "«" «°»t»"'<x^ *•>*Mornm« Wor.nip_tl 00 am. •«"<«•? Bel»oel ........ »:« AMChiMr.n'. Oiiirrh-n-00 am ' Worthlp 8»rylt« .......I:M AMRytnicliiil* «»r»ir»—T'00 a.m. ' •»« " AM

Ta»* Pr«y« M»»lln»— 7 nn p m. ' Ptilor A, L kfeltutti Thur* Toun* Ptoplt*— 7-00 p m PR 7 IMS *r t-7Ut

OREYFRIARS MEMORIAL ST. CATHERINE MESBYTERIAN (Orthodox) LABOURE CHURCH*i'JIhVihi.J!r.fillVi"*.1 ,J° n̂e* •»«• Rtdondo Bt«e« Bi.d.

wonnip nourt u *in. ana 7'M Pm E*tnr Rundav

Bundtv Brhnni <t 1 SO a m Tmmi Ponpit • P«n«vihip 4pmPrartr MMIIRI tttry Wtdnatdty

Bvtnlni tl 1 o'tlock R*y. Wlllltm J Bmntr. Pallor


Torrinc. Phon. DArlt I-NOO

Aundtv MtM*t: 7. 1. 1. 10 It. UWttkday MUMI «:(0 a.m. Md

• tt am.Contattlont Salurdajr 4:(0 I* (:H

7 10 t* 100


Canon and Bl Prtdo J40J7 Ptnniylyama A»t . Loinlta Phon* PA (-KMl i DA 1-40M

Rty Arthur Ntfal. pcttor Sunday Chureb Bebool ( i nvR»i Phont PA KOI cA" •/••• iMludlnf adullt)

R... ""haVd H."n 2L,.t. 1 ^SnSa'ptorBUNOATR- Two Worthlp (*rylct< Vouth PtllowahTp ( p m.

(•*n and 11 A U Tht Rt» Eldnn Durham.*"" C;nknU.'nVT,UThM 8Ch""lt : THIS CHI^lTwCLCUMBB

ST. ANDREW'S AH .i^Z'S,"*™.* .d«,u. ! '™™ Sr ALL RACE*e'lSCOPAi CHURCH ! ™— *'• —«•• «-V, PM | n|$T w$|YTEtlAN

"S'AnfiKH K«ToV WIKT BAPTIST CHURCH ' CHU"CH W <>A»OBNA7 JO am rtolv Conununion» 1» t.m Fimlly Wnrthip Son­

ic* (ollowid by CTiureh School tad C*ff.. Hour

U 01 * m Mnrnini WonhtplOhoral Hurhirlil in III tndIrri Hundtyt).

(Child tin tnd Njntry pmrldadtl » It and 11 am t*r»iwtl. W,.kr|,y, Hnlr Ommunion al II am Thurtdtyt tnd IK am on All Salnt'a D«vt.


ISOO Pr»iip*cl Ait . Ktdondo Bab. Moimignor Daniel P UolKnt Uaat 7. 1 t. 10, 11 It. 11 It

PR t-4oT7

... _ [ IN7 W R.dond* Baacn Birdat Cirton * Manu.l St pnoa. OA 4.10*,

PhontTA 1*030 D' *• Murray Jontt. MlnlilarR«». Robin Cohurn Ptilor 14M w - i.'*r? {•{ t Oajr4a»*

8UNt",Vr 1L MTnnlr«I »8^""!*i I"""" Wo7t*lp's.r»lca-ll t m.f It A M —10 41 A M (nunerv <• >re orovldndl

Sundtv Rfhool » 15 for Nurwry , guudav fhuri-h Bcho"thru Junior* Uollni. ind Adulli 10 4&— Jr Hlth ind Hivh School P*llnw»hip Tramimr— «:lt PM E»«ni, M*iujt»-7 00 p in.

WEDNESDAY- rfibl. Study7 SO P M

Niir1i*ry npro.lrt*.d f*r*all 11™'*!*.Itto tound proof mnthtri* room.

AM. WKl^TlVf



1MJ1 Carton R Will'. Korntny. Pallor

Ph PA S 40(0(:4a Hunday tkhool

i 24730 Nvrbonn. A.e , LomlU Phont DA i-AOM

Cbureh ......... 1:10 AM and folo A B

Hunday School ........ 14ft AM.Tralnlnc Union .......... ( P Id


tl<n>a> Mi r.llow.hlp tnd Junior Hlth Ptliowihlp Sunday* al 7:00 p m


.UiKlpIti of Chrlit) *9Ju £1 Dorado. KA tt-nw

R.v H Milton Sippol. MlninUr Hat. fhout PA *-4k*S R.v Robtrt N.ll Jon.lUmiiur of EducationR*t Phone im 6596

tnd Uornlnii Worihlp. 1*0 and U 00 tm.

NurMry provided tt both taation*

Clll RHO rellow.hlp6 80 p in

i Chrlmtn Touth V«llf,wihlt>—