psychic close encounters by albert budden


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Page 1: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden
Page 2: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

Fi4. Fitltub.d il rh. uK 1999 6y ahrdfo.daM4bdof rn orid Plblirhi.g c.op

C4n &C..WcllinStoi Ho@

t25 Su:!drdrbo WC2R @B

Fr*isly tidli.tcd tt BL.dfdd aPsydtic Cle End@u4 - Ih. Eltdmit ldid@

Tdr @Otriern O 1995 a.d 1999 Alb.n Burltd

TIE dght of^lbdr Brddi lo tE iddtificd s tlE .ulta or lhir wct lrsher .*n d by lim

'rdq dE !.ovi3iG of dE UK C.pyrrhr' D.sigs .d

htaB Ac! 1988.

,4J ngnrs lwned. No Fn otdi. b@k my h. E roduccd d rrflmitrcd irdy durcdrl forr', bcl'dir8 dmpi.g rEcdding d srding n ir &t

irf()tflrio nod$ .d ifidrl sys!.o a bt dy .l..roric 'tr,

w|idn rd dd or$i.ndy tr hci& rlly ro 3e dhd e, widsx tppliddo irnilina $Llr to tt lIblidE rd dE s.rmidg of qioo Fnnisi@ ft6

rlE cogtridn boldcr .!d lublishd .r..p. ir radd.G rith lt peisidofrhc uKc!0yn8l4 D6irEs Dd hr.dsAd l98ado&rtn ffiofrliec isud by thc uK Copyright Li*i.g 90 Tdr..n n Cdm

Ro.d, lrtrdo \vlP 9rlE.

Disibdcd ir dE Utriicd s..r6 by $.ning Plbusnilg co., Ia-,187 Pttt Aqc Sqdr N* YdL NY rmr68ar0

A C{rloglidg-ir+Ihli*in D.rr dEy fd thi. tidc is .{iLhlc .!d my b.ohrri'Ed 6m tn Brnid Ub.dy

lsAN G7137-2?99-3

ftit*.dirCE Brit in br Oor & wr.u t 4 Xaditre. Bd*s.



c,| ttE (xThe Electro-staging Hyporhesis -Perspectives and Approachclt PtE tfrtObiectionstotheElectro-stagingHypothesis 43CIIAPIR I}NCEPohergeists, Visions and Close Encounters 'r3

cr{ P'E Fq.|nElectrical Fields ForeverCI'APIB FI'EUnid6ntifi ed AtmosDheric Phenomena(UAPS) and 'Medium Lights'c||attB stxThe Aftered State and the Close-EncounterExperienceCH


Case-StudiesNotesSources of Fufther lnformationIndex







Page 3: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

For Marilyn, my long-suffering wife Adrnowledgffnents

A vcry lirnir.d nunDq of p.ople h.v. b@. involv.d in th. produdion ofthis bot. Ftr r dd fot€nod, I |nrd crfiess my bca.atelr rhanks ro ArNSilt FADO (Ho6), FFDO, FRSA of Grc.t Misscn&r h Bnctingharn-ltirE, UK. At .itB sh€ h6 verEed or b€omil! 6 thor, bc.-.Ne ofber nrc and crudit€ knor,LdCe of .bcrrodc polhtid rnd elete

Tlut3 .l$ to MiclEcl Buhler, ani$ and .rt-l€dr... foi his uniruespecidity ot ill'o.tiry sp.aific ffi with a ufologisit undeBi.rdins ofth€ ofimaS.ry ro tte UFO phcdon nonr and aor his sensitivedlrrinar thai appar in tha!€ p.ge3-

Philip Mantle acFmBly p@i,ed (:& material ftm hk oMirv€saig.tirrE aod ca!e-6les.

Page 4: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden


Tllis b6l is the dlDiration of t2 y.a6 of if,volvement in rhe srudy of rheclrc{Munter exFrien@- It is rhe pres.ntation of a rh@ry rhat is asy.thcsis of svclal arcas of undedanding: a fusion ot apprcaches. ea.hol ehich erplaios sone, but rot all. of rhe .haraci€risriG of rhe UfO€Iperien@ wilb lhe lwo unifyinS ard mutual fa.ro6 of human psychologyaod el€.ttmagnetis.

Bccaw it is an argum€nr lbat progteiss ir stages, each lev€l buildingo. rhe preeding de. there is a situcrure to rhe thery that is comparableb rhe spiral driolum; that is to sy, asp€crs that arc oudined d oncpoinr are r€tumed ro lat€., bur at a higher lewl, makint for a s.nes ofrepca&d visirs with indctuntil rep€rition. This expr€ssive tech.ique isappDpriat€ b€ous of rhe rumb€r of adNcalesory conepts thar nedsupponing explanations to chnl lhem which cannor be iet out all at

Ove' lhe p.n few yeaB. rh€ tuthles surgery of sptidsm has removedmuch ufolo8iel dead r@d. In the pr@cs, ii has elcvated rhe $rbject,smewhat pai.fully, to an ara of srudy rhat contains a $ Such a clearcur of th€ muddlinS juhble of fantasy - largclyba.ed or rhe extrat€,Brrial h)polhesis or other ali€n inrelligence@reprs can orly b€nefit lhe subject and allo* s.rentists ro look upon irwith@t ehbam$merl. Ho*ever. th€!€ redundant lheories ar@ in thefi'sl Dlacc becaus€ it is so difficull lo examin€ the clm{n@untcrcrFri€@ ard rol lxn€ away pith ar ovc$holming teeling, if notoovidion, that therc ir an inr.llig.ncc at *ork.

In irs erihrsidn fd troth, scepticism @n lcav€ th€ subject slrippd without replacing il wilh new qustions and new cnigmas.€rls ror orly the folly of fanrasy, but it tclls us that is no m'5tery.This is.s non*Ni€l 6 the faitFbaled ideas thal it reiects. as it imDlig

Page 5: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

rri(x - tsYcfirc cLo6E ENCOI'NI€IS

th.r cve.ything i. knwn and that lhc.c rrc .o funhc. quetk$ to bcastedi all is mhpecptiof, and illusion- Yer. s*h dtumi$al is tot tpplicdto the chemistry of the c€ll or the narure of mind; therc is a dcpth rnd denigma ir boih of them which is appli@ble to the ill+xplottd, cl@-cnc$untcr €xr€fie@.

Thc tteo.y €xpolnded i. this boot is called ihe eldtrcstryinthypothdis. Rarher than mcrcly cauling th€ phemmeno to 4aporate, tsspticism tcnds ro. n redirets the ntstery ir othcr direcnons, ore ofwhich erplores hos the irteuige@ involvcd in cl('g€ndrtcB - thchuman unon$iou or, more dcsnpir€ly, the u.on$iNs intelliScrc -is abL to deate th€ appearance and convicdoa of an alien irtclligcnce ihatvisits us from thc sta6. Before n dG this. howaer. it hs to cai amv thcufological dcad wmd.

The cases rrcented whcre rcauired, the iderritiA of thcwitress prctcltcd. Most, hoee\€., dc quite willinS to rlloe thcir rcalnah.s lo br u5€d. ln a few cag, their .xFn.tl6 haw alEdy bGGnBade public, and ihey have sir@ Egrcttcd this erposurc. In sEhinsranes, to avoid opcning up old *outds $ ro sFak, tEudontds andinitiak bave bced employed.

Sone of the caes dis*d are illusinted bccausc the languaa€ ofimagery can ey rhinSr that words qnnot. The int€lligeE beltitd thephenomenon knos thc porc! or pidurs dd p.imdily .rp'tss its.lf inimatcry. This intelligenc€, in its qEst to mdipulatc belief and estrblish:n identity for i(!€lf in tbe cial world. @nstantly u56 rhc leg@gc orimae€.y, .nd ac-tully obtaiN thc ra* fratcrial for it ftm similarillBtrations in a type of inrge-€acling pt1)c6. Cryptic a it may sound,inages from $fre cl@<n@unleE have been Eprod@d 6 paintings,drawings and statud wtich havc b.@me sacaed i6ns, ..9. th€ Bl6edVirgh Mary or J66- Such enlines sm to origirarc ftom .rothcrdimcnsion. Th. image is inpondt.

Sonetider. the Deenal €volotior of lgarche6 conclulo'rs c rsfeinating a rhe phe@rcnon its.lf. I usd to bcliqe in alie6. Ovd th€ya6, the who bccrhc falonated by tte UFO pberoNnon typiBlyscnt through a rumbcr of atrirldc chang€s - o. ridrl harc d,onc, if.llcyhad rcally apprceh.d the $bjdr with a truly enquinng outlool. Tl|csevolutionary stag6 @dd be mapped out eith a cen in prediclrbility.Thoy bcg.n with the c derre$rid h',pothesis (ETH), ltwed lhFuthcons?iracy theo.i6, Fycnic me.ipulation, and F on. Fo. errnplc, I vaore .Fpalled to Mlize how dy on clevet dercdion of p'y<licma.ipulation by the Umam€d'w6 ploncd eithtr a so.iologiel study ofufolotisE bclic8 as r sttge of dcrclopmdt that mdy othc6 had shed!

r war e4u.lly dif.yrd by the paiftl dituntlinS of D|)ch oI ihc


evidere for alier aclivity, ev€n thouSh I always feh un@hfonable wirhthe id€ntifi@tion ot aliens frcm .nothcr wodd. They vere not ali€nercugh fq my lilins. Th'.y drd nol s€en to be bothered by our difie.eotgmvily, rtnoipheric pr€ssur€ or its grirx for breathing, altbough a fewwre reponed vith helmets and breathing appaEtus €tc. Als, rhe alierslmked rm muh like us and, wh€n rhey did speat, often used th€lansuage ot rhc witncs. Thrcc fnal nails in the cotfin .ainc in rhe fom ofa gwirg cre of .hu.dity and in reading two tmks.

A3 an iNesliS.tor. a.d of,e eorling in the UK, I had always preferredlo loot into a fee @ss in depth rarher rhan d@um€nring many to l.srext .6. I qme &!6 the Rowlcy Regis car. in lhe Wcsr Midlands whrchptuvi.i.d nndnrenrious didena of elecrmnagnctic erFxure. It wa d$erlreftly ibsurd. Il involved aliens who visited ar unedueted lady andher doa, spoke in 8ruff vd6 of Jesus and Tonmy St ele and ffi in a tiry@ft with sxi-runm6 uEdemeatb, lakiry a nincc pi€ each. I b€came.saE for rhe n€ed of a sl€ ro measure lhe absurditie th.l @ntamir-aled' m.ny orh€. es: ar absurdiry qlotient.

Ther 'Tb€ Pennim UFO Myst ry @ured. Jenny Randles relayedPeEinglls id€6 about rbe or se ball-of-ligltr phetomenon (BOL)risoci.tior *ith .lN-enolnrer and expounded her l)munideriifi€d atmphenc pheronenon concpt. This linked exaclly $llhthc Roeley ReSis €sc, whcrc th. vitnes onfroni.d a hute orargeball{Highl bctore [email protected] three ali€ns'. Could the electcorg.ett 6elds have riggered her exp€ri€@ jusl as Peringe. suggest€d?I loked irto il. and realiz€d th.t it was a prime example or j6t whatPeFin8cr had popo*d. and it providcd an cxc€llenr, dciail.d des.r'pti,onof rb€ €ftet that betorc *€re jusl an idea.

The. I read a publietior produ@d by th€ Sciety for PsychislR*arch (SPR), written by Andr.w MacKenzie and calLd Hauatiag aadAppa.rto.s- I was slrpris€d to leam that appanrions behaved in eracllythe eno eay is UFGElated enfties. The (!|g involvirS ghosts atrdenriti€s at$ hid the same intraslructure d closc+n@untefjFrcm thesebro.d srrckes I f(':wd on ro dctailcd asp.cts.liat overlapFd all the waydown the linc. Frotn then or, rhe bourdari€s b€l*ed lhe two areas ofstudy dislv€d and the lwo tusd wilh an etcitirS eN. The troubl€ ws,lx)wver, what smed obviou 10 he was i8mred by cveryone els. or so

I plunged into *rning a bot on hoe alien irtclligemes wereinflEFing the human mird fffi amrher dimension (after Seting thesieDtifrc okay quartun rh@nsl Paul DavieJs book Oth.t Wo dt)and how lhcy w.r. using the mechanisns by ehich indiv'duals saw ghostserc. ro d,o rhis- | ever Save a l&:rure ro the Bridst' i,,TO R€$arch

l l

Page 6: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden


Asirtion (BUFORA), rltich crpound.d d|e id!6. Nobody toot !blind bit of noth.. Nor ihould thcy havt, ,! tl|e lpccdr ,' tul ofbuzzsor& ftdr sicntific Fi .6.!.dr d vs a ruh of ft rtrp discovcri6.

ThGo €me . quict pe.iod ehcrc I srspcndcd sny r€d tlEoriti.g .nd

iur ab6orbcd th. dsovcris froh l*{rcttcls, for ct,lry|. P.ulDcv€rcur, J.oqtt6 val|'e and Jany Rindl6- Of core, this list is noterhalnive. I alrcady hrd s scicntific badgmtd and E d aroold th€subj.ct of UFOS, cspccirlly in Fydrcloeiel a!s. I @Iccted no.c mdmorc m.t nal on tlE Rowlcy R%is 6s lrd visitcd thc src. Thistas dcfiniacty I tumirtAoirl. DurinS Dy i 6ligatiot6, md ftmrelding oth.r ce rcports, variN f.rru6 ot the hndsF ruh spmdmity to qurries, hils, nin€nls, f{hs, oF. bodi6 of *itff tndridio n6ts h.d be€r linked witb bid{Etrtcn6s c&rcs- Wte. I 8ot toRowlcy Regir, rhere they lll v.rc. I wrs *unn€d. I fetI 6tt I wa clGintin on r 'finrl thory', ellhoogb r hugc pie.€ *a srill mi$ing.

A detailed account of *her h.pp€rcd ow. the next fd yers gfuld

@6titutc a book in it*lf, s Lct me junp to th. point *t|en I rct AtrcSill. AMe is inrclved i. the widc ficld or elecrmmagrctis and she 8!E tle.rurc ro BUFORA, whc.c, to 6y sipri*, slrc bca.. to quorc fiom 3nanii:le I hsd ritten on tbe Rdley ReBis l:e. Hcr vics rercrcfEshinsly dsdd€ of thc UFO study @ltnrc' dd .fter a nPid crchdtof natc.ial ove. th. follovilg fd monrhs, I @litd lhat cle.FodEanctitsw4 the @n||e tbrcad thet linked 3ll my ided s far. It also di.m€d otme that there i. no .hane of undeFta.ditrs th. UFO phetomlM byonly rcading boks about it; it hs to b. relat€d ro $i.tific arcs @tsideof UFO sntdy, such s the epL ELcnotusnaic U@ by C. w. Smirln.

My pr* pGirion embodicd in lhc el€1ro-stagng hyF{hdis.ppet6to Mlisfy all of thc chlraclc.isncs of the cl@+norlcr cxFrieDe thathavc b@n idedrificd d.ucb. and it is oFEnded in is apptoachi thar isto say, rt is a method of pndisl enquiry thar €n b€ dereloped ardt6t€d.I ofie.apieof .dvi6-sa paniDg shor 60r anyote deY€loPintany th@ry sbout d@+nounteB: rcmove the @n@Pt of an dienintcllitcnce; it hd sropp€d de frcn Acttint a.ywlFrc in the post, forunfortunatcly, it d@s nor eist od E!nh-

t The Eleclrcsagingt|ypottesis (ESH) - Percpectivesand Appoac*t

Tbis s.{rion r€pi6ents a Suidcd tdr of the contents of an opning.luptcr m a oll€did of irtenelstirS ide.s. It is s if you bad edtcred .ncrhibition called tbe elecr.o'slaging ht?olhcsis. ard you hwe b€cn hei arthe do. by you! guide. who rher proceeds to ti!€ you sn, foll(red by a Ru! of rh{ exhibirs.

Ar etrEie.t 8uite, eho rish€s to k@p tbe job, will pausc lorser ovcrtcy tspeds and erplain lhem up to a g'inti bur, being awre of th6 sizedd dhplqity of thc cxhibirion. and nor wishing to @ntu* anyone withr@ much, te sn. hc or rh€ dak6 the eli€nr points and pr.s*s oo.Tbis ts the structure of this chaptc., Its tunction is to ommsicatc , wayot loting at a.d making *ns of the dd<n@urte. (CE) exFriene arthe sme timc 6 deribinS it. To a large errerl. it is a prcgramne of

Fro.h lh€ €rt days ol ufology up io and including th€ Waminster e6,resear.hers tihe6' tor restinq {or ercls and fraud w€r€ totalv o9en. Thisleft ulologisls open ro adr@le. Onhodox soentisls hde been lsingclosod ii[e6 ior UFOS H@ryar, it hust be oossble to set {he srze ol thelilter p.opedy, as apprcpBre mesonnq insrruments have b€en tound romdsure whal was o@e regaded as p66mmal. Science rs terefde,d$yi.g irse,l a lot of iofomation by not Meptrng the chatleng€.r

Duint the past {l yeaB o. mo.e, ther€ havc been thoends of repons ofcrF.ienes involving LrFOs. The sheer va.iety of thcae repor$ isst!g8e.in8, and scrutiny of then has r.vealed that 90 pct ent oftheD arc hisperptim of murdane obj€cls, such s phn6, ball@ns,meieoE, fireballs, birds and drorcmi€l bodies. Hosever, in addirior to.€rial sightings, lncre havc als been rcpons of human i.reractior eith

1? 13

Page 7: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

rrFos-PsYct c crr06E ElfcoufTEts

This app|rcnt cont&l ha e@lved over the d€tadd lo b@rcitrcacasiogly @mpler- In the 195&, the.€ clo6e€icoltteB, 4 tlEy clln€to be kmm, rcrc identified Serenlly 6 corrronr.nont Rthertraterdtrials ard thci. lecbmk gy by t6t ot rhce ineolt€d in t FC)sndy at the the- Everlually, . .umb.t of altetnrdve tlteoriB e4 Ftforward, rugS€slin8 rdr ongins s un&r8.ond civiliztiffi. titlc-ravell€B. visitoG from oth.i di!rctrsk os. and @mbin.tim of lh€sc. Ttt€sircn for atr orer.ll erplanation ha [email protected] many in thb Rcld, and it@ntinues, of cours., today.

As m investigatc of UFGEhted cvents (URE), it nd damed on |nethar rh€ ph€nomemn is a zid.z of diff€r€.t (Eoretr61 sme Elateddire.tly &d otheE quite s€pfa!€. Therefore, 6 th€ srinuli responsiblefor UIO repor6 a'. a min!re, il is im?osiblc !o tom'nate a th@ry thatwill .ccount fo. everything rcported; it *ould be lite tryiB lo find a

ftr Eintoss, coffee, st.te .td toff4i it is iust notp6ible. UFO exFriences, ddch nrchde sidtinS rcpo.ts, in lude aveE , of urr€lated identified nying obje4ts (*|vIn a! lFOs), r Eda, ofuntnos or $dely trwn natuEl phenoneta (such 6 ball-li8htnind, akrrrr, of hoars, pls a vuirt, of storiB bed Fnly or e.tiEly onfantaly. Tfterefore, lr,:ri6, b, posibb to @$tnul o tlcott thot eoruaccou,tt fo. .e.ttthiry rcpdkd ia tu UFO nudt f.U. It$€.d, I h.vetaked reprentative enpl6 of c8rrti. tyPes of URE, and I haE@mtructed a htpottesb to rc.der them un&6t!Dd.ble, with thesecoddary Nim of wide. appliGtid.

Such nw data hs beetr aMly*d .nd to sle.tive pre by.rperie@d i.vcstigrto* and re*archeB dq the ys6, and I b€lievethat *e are now able ro idenlify the siSnal aNnB the Ni.e. This .igoMand smewbat spriQl appr@ch h6 rcvealed t range of hall@ts aldp6n€ms xnich lo seln lo be asiatcd wilh mFt rioos ev€nrsthar scier.., if it b to be truly €nquirint, should i €stig c.

In slno6t all 6untri6 of rhe wrld therc are UFO siudy grcup6 of.mat€ur or emi?ofesiond stats. There ar€ al$ srff dIntri6 eithof6cial countcrp.rt!; nohbly Ame.i@, F a@, Ausrali! and, moEcovedy, EtrSlo.d. E&h individual h6 thcit orm idcas aboot drc MtuE ofrh€ UFO pn€ttl)ftmn, and, of course, th@ of sinilar dtlot tMpto8.rher. In the ..rly l90s posnio6 be@rc F Polari4d ddenFenc.h€d that ha ta*en on the f€eli.s of. religioos x€r,wherc i.diaiduls' bcli€b arc s€t againsr othc6 ir uyielding ofpcitio.It is agaiBt .his backdrsp ot a Cold War in ufolou' th.l I wite a bool, solong ov.rdu€. ln broad ietm, its aim is to @dinc add d.vclop tl|€htpoth.tit hat th. UFO cLx.<Mosntu (CE) dpericace conrists oldrat taticaly otc.l.v.'tts ptodvc.d bt th. htu nid in alEEd tLta of



d'.rr6na. In n..y c$cs, lhcs. URF,S hav. phlsicd spccts that rrcdmilar to, dd rrc of the eme or.t . d, th@ disphycd by shat arccornmonly r.fcrrEd to as polteryeistsiThe psychic expldrtion fo. URE ismt a nce onc, b.t it has not bccn adequately fomulatcd- This hly bedIe p!.tly (o the fad of lpeoalirrtioni tnost peoplc outsidc psyciiqlltldy ohd .grc that a.ything p.ychic is tnercly 'all in th€ mind'.*tthoul phyriel aF.ts. Such an Numprio. de rot adequarely .rplain.n 'obdously phFical phcnomenon involving Sround tra6, Edarrcirms, photogaphic cvide.c., military jct chas€s and multipl. witn€$-itr8. TbG in r*ar.h, eith f€* €rceptions, r€bin th.popuhnst viry of UFOS as extniensftial (EI) in n&ture and disisslhcm e5 oltsi& th.i. field of inter6t- This bmk aims to rcdrc$ th*mirdreDrioN.

To be mo.e cxact, my approach $ares lhat it is thc .crivity of rhe humanw@n*i@s i^ conbin4tin with a v.riety of natunl and anificial crcrgie!rhd produces stagcd rcalitics id.ntificd s the CE expoien@. This is stillro sierc my apttbrch bredly. lr i. th. ua@6cio6 - o. more d.tqiplivelt,,h. wonsdo6 at iE E (UI ) that dli2.s its eatut-dehitE abilitits(indudiry psychokin.sis, o/ nind oeo ndt f ) to ptodtc th. .ff..ts of anadvwd, rutical Echnolo|y id h.s. slog..l , [a tutivrtingptrpos. b.uB to Atablsh ond @ia@i^ u .d.mal wial i&ariry. Tt; r arpd-l is rh. ley to this approach.

For lhe mcr pan, ir is our on$ious mird thal 8ovems our behaviour.In ou. rcutinc. d,rily lives, pe a.. p.e@picd with p.obl€m-elvin8,tuctiocbed, suwiv.l{rient cd cons.ioBn s. Mosr of the ti|ne, thecxpKion of th€ un@n$ious is s@ndary, despite having a nunb€. of$blimiul turcti@s to Dlav 6 an undercufteot ro our @rsmus slves-Tbir constrni hiddcn rciivity of thc unconsoous directs ou! thouthts andr.1ioN. The depe. spi.ilual lev€h ate thos€ rhat Jung ref€rred to whe.hc stst d that hunarkind had a Daturat reliSious funci;on.$i.

" p".t or

the mind thar 6U rcliSions hav. lheir own name for. and it is anirtelliSen@ ihar is.*are thai thc iEpJqsions wc hrve of the eorld (thatve 6ll r@lity) is r€ally a stable ill6ion. Ir includes ar€{s of th€ mind thalcortrDlriate with our on*ious slvs through drcams. an, religion ard,of coursc. insstr'tyt L s thc intelhscncc kfind visionary erpcri.nccr andia b.fto thc inl€lligcnce behind UFO CE!,h ii a tundion thar is largcly'ftGlht.d': s a frrlEl stat€ of !ffai6. th€.e is an imbalane b€ thctro '!.|rcs' rhat is quite no al. if not actully d.siEbl.. in o.d.r for us tooopc sdth tifc. TbcF is. thcr€fore. p.ychological 'background pr.ssur. tont,,gar. thc dm$ids irto the consaou!: thc inirusir of visioaary,

Fydic ard {iriru.l ctFrnre ir this inieSration takinS plae spotrtan-coE .'It is cL.u th{ yre p.oplc rrc hore For. to the clFricEs


Page 8: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

t'fG - 'SYCHIC


ths otlm. ard that at rhe otlEr crtErc. thcrc .r€ son|. indh,iftrrLwh@ u6n$io6 @ntdt is e latent aod rcprcsd rh.i it would tatea p€rriBlarly violent'Flrhic etph6ioE to rclredc n ifto dnsciole

Alth@Sh such Fychic erprern{tr e !$illy ihooghl of a'all iD thcrnind', it is clqr rhar this pdn of tbe mird in diurdion eitt alter.dsirles of bddl @n .ctuauy manipul.te physi@l Flity. Un<br crtaiDotrditiN, it vill w this lbility ro produce rcsliti6 *ith . r€mporaty,up€Iad€d ph'4ixl srped, ftct make rho.€ who c thm .holutelyconvince.l rh.r ihey rcdlv &:)n* Mlili: ind!& th. UFo CEerperieE; fi€ phFiat nanifrfalGn is olled Fy.horiEii! (PK)i othcrerasptB of this p|l)l:s at rc.k aE €lled F llrtliesjlt b pEcisdy tl|isodrr ol pc@ptions Oar bnngs r o quGnon rhc rebinxuhip bct*aour ninds aod s'lul sc onventionally 6tl @lity 6 it is cl€r th.t ouft.d prcs e ilvok€d with its productid and D.intenane !l

'me turdfttrtal l€vel.[haE Eferrcd to Mlity s e st btc itlGioni

unLr endr @ndilioB, lhis illusror brcxk! dlm tnd 'i

B nmipuLredby rh€ UI fd it3 om eryb)*thal e.ds' ould llR pcibly b€? Wh.l*sld motivate the hmd uncon$iou lo prodle th€ Elity of a flyinteE and alien ()@p6nrs? As rentioned. thc tll 4rrr erist t|cc and.rprcsion h lhe @t6cios world TEtlE' l'Le a tctue th.r

's coopcd up

wilhin th.6nfi6 of a bottL., there i6 nrctivatinS 'pr*!re' frm withitio erc out rn imponant pi@ of the 'real m.ld' fo. ireff.

The .@lity{tatu of dHro o. qen bllucinations is mr alw.F enoughfor 6e unconsciotrs: it wants ro b€6he end.lizd h a hy thai drcatEdo not stisfy- No. dc ii only sttle fo. the identity of m|Etrial:there is a Ente to elet frcm, imludi.t lhc Blegd virAi. M4ry; spiritsof thc de.d and thc living: nne and inte.dinensional trri€llcq engcls,, demm, ct - ; or jus visitm ftm elswhere'." Why a pani.dlridentity is chNr by the un@nsiou &pends largely on the w Mtc.i.lin th€ 'pidurc library' of thc individu.l. Mcmory-tats e ni{t d by d|cacon$ioo. and material .ol€tred frm a aa.icA ot $ur.6 (sdr a! 6ln,televisiotr, b@ks, pai ings aDd icoc) ir siftly bmught toFdEr loprodue the clo6e+n@unter reliti6 ildividuls F@ive Sonctin€s.rhc job is so fturicd it *ould s.en that the dificrcnt idcntiti€s.rE lnnedry- It is th.n that pitftss.. rcpo.t such at urdilis .s trDls piloltrSspa6hiF, or th€ thct of dEir derd f.the. wppirt up dui.a .confiont tion with .lic6.. Ako, it i5 cvidcnt or ctcc etanin.lion of tlEs€ cntity t'pes .lut thcr|ffiios ha de|vcd inwar& to prod@ rep|entatiG of parb o{ thcc.ntEl rcmc sltem- sodt a *!ates/ prwides d dtity thar.ppa8 robe a co.slstcnt ryF, no mattcr vno Frociv6 ii, a! s .ll h& rL s.fu



Dcu.l .flrcru6- In o!d.. to Gxplrin this, . dilrc.sion into! ofh||!lrn biorog is nqui'rd.

In tt€ .rudy of lbc renota sy$cd, . notional nodcl is constructcd(c.lLd a hmunorls) wb.h is hunan-tit. in fom, to lhow lhe uncvendi.tributior of l|w6 thMghout th. humm body.? It b a figurc whd€proportions !rc didat d by trd. &sityi the frore rcn6 th@ .rc h 3prnicullrfeature, rhe lrrgerhis dcpicr.din thc holnuncllu5. Conslqucntly,rcerd !p with. c€aturc th has hlge hands, f@t, tongu€. g€nitals mdlips, $ Uc$. !r. thc mosi 5..sirivc .gs. (Se th. plat $ctiotr)

Adopair! r d|nilrr qrEdr, i{ rr trt€ t|r. forn oI ft clniry rh.t h|3b..r co.drtcodt rEportcd .ld d.r.rib.d, lrdr $ rh. UFo{$cntcd'!trt', r'd Ftt brct*rr*, itr rppcrnncc, t*hcr tlun b.hg b.r.d on6yt dfiboti(x a ir $. bqmrc1du{ i.qm to corElp@d lo .ngFidlt

"mitar qqil:[Slrt th. cxp.r of r cdu..d n?ccnt]

-ri;-?-d5e"diF;rdiro|r, orft.ror! ird rd . *'tr6. Thic rcn cr thchd rbd |||c do..-cmutcr crpc!i.o.! prEdort|imotly .Jer.r.6 i!.|fvbu.lly, thrr i., throl8r| im.8cry. (se th. pl.te r.ction)

Sociobgic.t ard .albious .ip.cts

Th. CE is 3m.ti|6 e dBmtic thar it rmunts to a religiou €rperi.Gehid 6 fom rhc b6sis for . sDiritEl mov.rcnt. Su.h en@untcBfteq|nlly (ra.sfom thc wihess\ Frson.lity d outlool, c sing them,typiolly, to bc@rc rcre mrivc. oper ro rd ideas. $nsitive, Gren',di.t-conscious (sonEtin€s lcading to vcgctr.ianisn). pBychically Nwar..rd, 6p6cially, .ttiit@li in f&1, .n oltlok wherc thc uncon$ioa plalsr trc...r P8n in d.ily lif. in . morc ovcn my.,It k cvctly this sial..ririty. B a q!.si-!€ltgiorrs rlotvcrcn!, tlft is su*ht aft.r by theulr.orllcious !! it is r chlnnclfor ilto bccotne cLtemali44. To an ertent,I'FO wit|rss e Dodcmdry visiondi.s.

abr].l .adhon

Tbis is. t.t asF.r in the u.d.Ftmding of URES, and it is an irtegralqccr of thc ESH- Thc .Uliry of the un on$ious to n.nipulare thcFcptic dd, th€rcforc, th. re.lity of th. witrK, is facilitatcd by it!inr.rrdion *ith clcctodagn€tk rrdiation. This nay originrie fromnr.urrl sourc6: fo. cr.nplc, frult-linc. in g.ologicsl st atr, where thepty.ii@l |lwm..t of th. raks qot6 pi.zEl@triol cha.g6 that build


Page 9: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden


up ud de by erifHrlm6 q SeEral rcdoot .tnin.!Individuls at rhe l@tionr .r€ subjccrcd ro *isb .l€drki|y, hdiow.s dd otlrcr electromagEric fields whidr, althoud largcly invisibl€,@r irdue ahercd states oI MsftxMd th.r giye .i3c ro tl|c Ct.:penec. The ?e. oI po*e.' ohln Aah a rcpubrior fd ttrengeoccarrclt6 which is rcfl€lEd i. tl|e folkloE of rlE .@. Thc t€m'geopalhic stre$' is yretim6 usd for sch .dnh .oetE/.

Unklcot'6.d .tnospha* tl|.oom.'r. (UAPI

P6iUy rn€ tnosl important asp€.r in rhe u.d€.$iandinS of the UFOphenomend, ard entnl ro the ESH, is the urid€.rificd atno$plEricpl'€noncM, or UAP. This is a geneEt tcm for a variety of phetxnentchdaclerizcd as luninous sphere. (or othcr shal6) o{ Ediatire cl6tcma$eti. €nerg)'. Trc €xamplg of UAPS at€ bal-lithninS ud qnh-liShts. The fomer dc!6fequently, bot not erctGivcly, ir. w.t .lad.D,tluddery o! cha.ged atmcpherc, ard it t6 been rell dcullut€d d€r

The eanhlight, ho*evcr, hs only @lly b€€n idmified ard dmibedsine l%2 by Paul Dee.eur. H. h6 pwnted omlBive €lidenct rhatthey a.. podued. like etunic el€tricity, at fauh-ling in Seologicilstrata. Alrhough the precis g@physi@l Ded.'isn for their produdiois still b€irg investigated, it is evident that p@ettul piczc€te.tri@t eff€lsin sobtemM. arc6 of recronic sFrin @ntribute to ii€ pioductior ofrhis ph€noem.. The mahani$ of t itDluDi|tegne hs ako b€et

The .anhlight vari6 in ils appcatlE, but it is minly ob6crved as spncr€ of mnSe liSht wha.i can in di&t€ witi€g who ger rood@, setimes causirg thema! dd $rt$m cfi€ Thc liniB to Eradiatio types thar eanhlights @ mit arc mt tnog|t, but rhey sm roit€ io zinS 6 rcll a noFionizins ficlds at tins.

Earthlishrs m u importlnr p.n ot rhe ESH b@u{Idimiry |oth.m rot only ca||g systehic, blt altered $ates of @Niosr6sduring *hich th€ uMrsciols prod|l6 halleiMtory pdceptions of theCE erp€riee. It is ale evid.rr thar rhcy 6. alter rh.j phFiology snd.l.clrical emii6ions ftom lhe wittl*t systcm, cauila a bskdl'n of ttsubjectiv./obj.<tive d.sifstkror of Mlity fo. a sho.t Friod.;Irris ir. inr.ct, th. clai$@l cE everr, pn€rc rh€ *isl6 or sirtl6d ;inn

'€eing a

lithl in lh€ sky .nd rh€I p|t)@d ro f apFrenr confiorr.tim with aliers.Thc rrdisl mktale lbd many |warcheG mat(e is ro fail to i&ntify $rdrCE e two (at ledo distinci s.crktN: rhc dfrdhtion wirh



thc UAP aid rhc sbr{enr .rstrt . €xpc.icne. A good examplc ofthis is the following ces€:

The Sto.ehenge incidgntadddd: Oi ihc appruch ffid lo, and at, the Storcb€n8e MoumcntYih.lg: Dome a.d licDdr., On or abod rE Novenb€r 1990

This .e 6r b€ sumnarizd as a dualwitn€$ €f,@unter with anc.nhlidl UAP whicl p@ipihred r@lity distortions, including, for oneof th. witness, $e halllciiation of a hulnsnoid entity.

Both witness€s sere in their mid-r*enties and th€y @uld be de$rib€da young profdiomls - Dom€ b€in8 a graduat. an teachcr at a stat€

They were drivitrg bact to lrndon after visiting friends and th€yd.cided to |ate i. Sloneheng. to nale lheir joumey m.e interesting.Bolh hrd visiled tbe momment a few weeks previously. Or a Bmall.pp@ch cd lo thc sit., they notic€d an orango glov b€hird a copse totheir r*ht. about a hund.ed feet aeay. As they apprcached a r@d

iurdio{, e hugc orange globe of light |@ up frm the tre6 and [email protected] f.ont of th€ eindser, kepiog pae with the w as thcy n.aredSiorebeng€ prcp.r- They then drcve througt a tEtrd of fog. about *aisthith and 3 foot (l m) tbicl. phich spanned th. rcadj aft€. whichcver'.tltirg *rr srangely silent.

Dome md la pa.ked oen to the heelstone. beside rhc fence, and gotot ro l@k at thc oEng€ 8lobe, l€aving the engine rd.ning. For smercaen tre vould not look at it. but gded instead at the full m@f, above$€ Ston6. During this time, th€ globe performed aerial acrobatici in aE8llarpattem whbh enga8ed Dome s att€ntion, whilc k continued hism@n-mrcbin8. At tim6, tt€ bnuiant onnge ball dived behind a smallhill n.aiby or va.ished ard ther .eappeaied.

All of a sldden, ts sqred to Domc ro gct into rh. car b€€au.esrity Srards eerc .pproaching, wtich she did *ithout loking back andth.y s"ed aeay. Thc globe tullowed them as they drcve through anotherbond of ros. They sropped in a lay-by after five minutes a.d lrc@unled what had f.iShtered him e much. Apparcntly. a dart figuretad suddcnly app€arcd bcside the monude rtd app.oached frena.inSlyand noisily by stanping th.ougl thc thict leaws. Whef, ir got ro the fcnce,l-€€ s* that it *6 about ? f@t (2 m) tall and coFcsponditrgly broad, andtotally blact and fcaturels. It was ar rhis point that he $reamed roDorc to 8ei inro tbe car. although ir was behind the s4rity fen@smunding rh. monumenr- As rhey climb€d into thc car, the figure

Page 10: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden



rppearcd mFteriously on thcir sid€ of tbe fe@, lnd at dtc mrcnt tli.trhey nad sped away, ir 9s b.sidc the dnvcls dod.

Sdll in ih€ lay-by .€.oering ftom this gettsay, D()m and k€ mriedrhar a f6h b.nane on the dalbo&d brd tmed to b|@n syruP, $ llEythrew it out. TI|c oEnge Slobc fottoq€d them tunh.., until tlEy rc.dt.dthe motor*ay, where it vedsh€d-

CommentTbis illusrrares ho* d@ prqimity to a Edialirt UAP can gtod@ a CErcaliw. The fi€ld exDcure aho 'tnked th. brmna, it muH secm,ncceleratinS the riFning Ptoces.

Aniicirl l.dation

Anificial elstDhagicti. ,rd/or cletri@l ficlds that en...te froD EdiGwave r6rsBittidg antenore, mi@vc rcpc.i€r and lelevilion tEneninint msrs, hiSh-tension €bl6 nou|ned m pyktts (ot buri:d) atd alari€ry of oth€r .xhhunicarion and eLectri@l syste6 can rlso i.du@ CEexpe.ien@s. It is evideni (hat thes d4ll@agneEc felds rcSister io theh@an bodi: and are then rep|entd try il d halluiM.oiy o..ppdtional phenorcna. irduditlg UFOS dd alieN. The efcct isi.temittent and rcquires a sp€.ift ombinatiotr of EM-6ensitive $bjets(a ondirion &*ibed larer) and frcqrcncy tyF)Trt€ *l'nPo.yintpbysiql etf€ds on the body and thc cnvifdnenl of Mh an imdi.tcd$bject are takeo 6 'proofl or their alieo mturc: but, it facr, shsymptoDs and effccas can b€ found extensively in the hctature ofbiologicr! €lecrrcmagrer!6.'rr'IlElBrt ot the bain d body F affetcd bysuch field €rpcoE dictates the c@r.', of $e hallwiMtory or Yis,on..yerp$ieG. For exanple, if tb€ optic2l rcdq arc atrcdcd, alieni 8iry abriSht Ey of light on lhe eye of the witn6 may bc depicled. Tbk k lwthe uncons.ioui rcpre*nts Mb unnaluEl radiadon iLqe humd sFtem.

Thes 'pla@s of poccl aE referred ro a'hot spots', 4.d psnicdanypotenr oB, in of affecrirg subjets, arc Gat -d by

^ c'rnbirarid

of natu'll and anificial Bdiatim.

Th. Fychktdosa-rnrtr||nt . ov.rLp

Ar oc.iion d aboE, the altcEd states irdued by ndiation froa tteorccs jusr desibed give ns€ to Hlitiq for th€ sitn€.6 tnd, itmrny c$.s, fo. othc6 to. Thee rcalitics €n bc tr.dition l Fychicct.n[. ruch I a.d Surdian gcl5', F G.Spistsa.d@i*iden es.



They are d.o mixcd sd match€d wiih thema of cn.ateftst.iah, whichbrre b€€. added by lhc urc@$ious, to prduc4 t very biaF. nixtlre ofpcrceptiom ind€€d. ScttinS alidc ih€ question of tlte ,rcality-slatu3' orh(nr'r€al .h€s€ Frcetions are, it is clc{ that lhe p.opb who pc.ceiveth€se rhings .re ar idponart are{ of study. This is .ot to imply that theyrre un$table in ary way, bui fof a.yone who inv6tiSrtd uFo cEs at fi^rh.Dd for ary lenglh of timc. it quickly becoh.s .lnost a cliche to teponthat thcic witncss€s have a history of pGychic experierces. Th$c mlyindu& apparitior!, p.ecognition, out{f-body qpriercix (OBES),'qirit contact', a.d drartwating thrcshold expcri€rces, |onetimsE dti.8 bact lo childhood. Their UFO cn@urtcr is just onc moreirnDEe dent in a €r.loguc of Miatcd ard ovcrlappinS expericnccs.

To an i.vesngator faccd with a sitre$ vith jurt such a history, itbccof,6 alm6t a.bitdry d io which €rperieo@ to foos or to daumentin a c* .€pon. One realia how meanif,Bles it would be to take thckUFO en@unter ouI of this @ntcxr ard to igno.e the p6ychic evenrs-Hoedcr. this is pr6i$iy wha. rhose who subs.nb€ to the ETH do.

Such &foss-.ategory exp€rienes c indiotive that lh€ ur@n$ious isr.spoNibl€ for both apparitiors and'ali€ns 6 pereptual roalites. This

Shcvalicn d.rlsp is hiEored in the blufed didindions b€tw@n therirncs s id€nrificntion of dtraterestrial .nounters and nental conractwith dienbodied, spi.irlike ali€n i.telli8e.q. Tte two frequenrlymerA€ and esmples of hybrid 'gh6t{p.ccmen in the c.6e-studies inChaptcr S€ve. is indiqtiv. of a cultural merging a.d th€ unconsiouseterint for rll shades of prop€nsiry to believe.

Why rhe rhe|B of a. adva!@d alien tshnology should groe out of, ormtch, ghctly or spiritual contcts is parily duc to the ery rhat thc sp€cialcfic.t5 in lhe re{li.ies ploduc€d by the unon$ious are d. For€t:mplc: Thc gho$t of the ancient ma.iner fades away to rcjoin his deadrhipmtg in th€ erher of ibe euls'; bul a sprcenan is b€arnod back!o the motheship by .n advanccd tclepomtion devic€. then th€ signalhd.s . . .. Thk ruas€sr! that thcre sre diff€nng interpretitions ofba5|cllly rhe san€ pcreptul cffefl, depcnding on the cultural viclpoint.

Coruider lhe followirt che.rc.isti6 of UFo-rclat.d Bliens', cach of*lich is follded by exahples lak.n from the UFO{tudy literature.

Characte.isiic visibiliq it crfrtic i^ that th.y ar lik lf to app.e ot tlisappeortrdtknly @d in5pli..bly; h.f lad. in o. out aad aft t lfJ&niro6.

| (of rn cntity) 'H. apprcached the figurc, .€ehed our to put his hand on


Page 11: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

t Fos - tffcl c ctosE ENcot NTErs

ttE t€itgt shoul(kr md. wh€n his hdd w6 atout thE inchd away, th€ vadsh€d in frooi of bis ey6 . . .' (rSX, Vol. 27, No. r. p. 6)2 'On Novenber l&h l9t, CFthia Appleton w4 in he. hm€ at Ailonn€er Birnirthu . . . Suddenly thcE .ppcared ih. figurc of a spGlnrnslrdirg on h€r Lft by the fireplae. Ste eid hc appcatld _jui like a TVri.1urc, a bluncd image and then sudd€rly eErythint is clat" . . .'(Opcratioa aaah. BnDsby Ir Per Trcxn) (S€ the plale s-tionb€twen peA6 l12 a.d ll3.)I "Then, as Bob w6 standi.a in th€ gaiden, . hM.Hhap.d fom o{sme sir fer tall harcnalired in front of him and rbis 9s in the tom o{striF of light, horizdral and on. otr to? of the oth€.- Althougb $rnlcd,Bob put his hand th@gh it but fetr nodrirt, sd the faded aeiy.'(Eazrrint, Sprirt t979, p. l8)

Characteristic twoTtuv wv p6s ttu@Eh solid |9rlk ot luk.l d@t

| 'It had a h€ad, teo ar6 ard rw !egs, but th€ ams *emcd to becominS frcm tbe ch6t and nor the shouldes. There kte t*o bc{N oflidr for cy6. I @1 believc I but I $w n wa|k rhs!8h the ferce of ttenufd |.'::grch ptacc.' (The Kei Edwxds.a* id Th2 Wcbh Ttia'Alc,

Characteristic three'Ihr! Ny tie ituo rte air eithou phystol suryo4 .td tuy tlid. i^kad

I fo the boy's emrzementi the lftrle c@tnr fle* orcr rhe hitt to aencer-shaped @ff which *a! aboul fifty f@t in diamcter and hoveriraabour 6w fc€t otr the 8ro!rd. The objccl oFn.d, rhe ftar!ft floatcd i.and the @ft fle* rway.' (Si.mdrim R.tI: Th. UFO St19", L€6ffdStringfield)2 (of €riiiid belw a mimr-lilc tlFO)'Afte.. onr€rlariotr witb himthar ldted ! f€w mMerts they rumed and gtided ay.y appa.cntlysuffefinS no inp€dli.e f|m the Mgh gtN- (Ndth.n UFO N.w,

Chareclorisiic fourm.y ru)t .otuuiet itus \'ithnu td.I' t6tur6 ot oh.r sl,.boh



| (of8tr.rtity) And the eyq werc lik. c88s,.98-shaFd, very round titg. Whcn tou hesrd this voice in your head, whEt did it eundlitc? H. orly said, 'pler!€ donr bc aflaid i N.!d it sound.d v.ry fr.llorv.,td eua'. (7'h. UFontutt, Hans Holze., 1t6)2 'H. wa fl@rcd irto a om and giv€n . m€ erminarion on ! t.bleor bcd. There ms a iall huma.Jike being in a whit€ cloak . . . th€clr|niridg *as done by $n.ller b€ing!. abour 3v: fcet tall with he.ds!h+cd like l.mp6" . . . the rlicn! dso told Alrn by telepathy that thcytrcw him.' Clrte Ald Godfrcy .28 in Abdaclion, l. ny Rudl€r, 1988)I 'D.riDg th€ iritial Ar.blishment of wh.t Gmcd to b€en mentalLLp{hy, B€tty misco@ircd a n.Dral ihprGsion 8en€rared by Quazga.Thc l€rder sF€tched dl his hand, and sh€ alkcd. "Do you wanttomcthinS to et?- They merely nodded. (ft. Aadrcassoa Affai\Rlymnd Fwler, 1979)

Chlraderistic fiveTh.t @ 0116 taualu tud tu.liblt 6 e.A ds visiblt, 44d hefttire Lindt ol p.rcption drc .o6i!t nt pith 0L @oth.L

t 'Th€ ne( thing S.himer .ememb€red was rolling doen the windovr ofhis q.. On of lhe si.an8c6 gnbbed him sd press€d agrinst the side ofhis n *. Schirer 8ot out of the €r. Thc ali.. 4kcd him, 'Arc you thetttchtnatr ovo. this ... Officer Schimcr dkcd whetbcr v.5 for .cal. I. answer he sque.zed hn ihouldcr.' (ft"UFOnala!, H^B Holat, 1976)

Fmm thc abotc, ir do€s sccm thr! th. characlcrisrics giv€n b.for. thcconc.po.ding etanples arc accumrc summary of th€ nature of UFO-rlhtcd cntiri6. Horcvd, th. only r.ouble is that ir is act@lly a lisl ofclrrrictcristiG of apparinoB @mpil.d by ihe Sei.ty for Psychi€ thcir er€ reDorts and Dublish€d ir Andrcw MacKcnnc st.Ek, Hountings @d Appadtin ( | 982). Ore of thc thingr rhat sur?.isedfta whcn I beSan my r€grch irto apparitioB wa the fad thar theydirplry sclcc'tirr phlsiql dbr.d.ristics.r: Witncsr.s havc fclt th€ir touchiatry! obiects, such rs fumiturc; th.y refl€ct in mirro6; thcy are.ccn by grcupf of wirn€s6; rhey n.Sotiitc arcu.d and u*dooslF (ir rdditid to spFarin8 rnns?a.cnt dd .phem.El in othcrc.!6). Th.s trtod.s ot aFrrEnt physicrl subftrnc€ ar. obyiously, fromthii conparnon, sha.€d by UFGr€lalcd cntities. fic poinl is: theurbBioa ba . rcFrtoir€ of efib.r. that .rc rcpc.tcd in both otrrexts.

Nor is this rbility to producc th6€ p€rcepdoas confin.d to €ntitics.

Page 12: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

uFict - rsYcllrc ct-68 ENcorrNTEts

There are reports of flyitrg dis and planes thr dld not haw b@r therein E mundrne sns, bot pla)€d their pen itr the .3taging of a CEerpene@ fo. thc wittt6, as ('s perloorti4d Ealiry. Simitart.phrntoft slate@hcs ald even bus h.E bcsn Eponed, sbi.h$m*hat Etrres rhe 's rits of lhc' interprcratiq of ahGtty

Thc add|lific st|tus ot rh. .Lctro{taging hvpotietai

If a tho.y is ro be rcgarded d $ierrift, it m6t be abt€ to be t€$ed. Th€erpenmenb us€d fo. resrinS h6l be fep€*.bte by ofi€F to 8et ttE saDeresults or otheryise as the casc nay be. The theory m6r atso t€ abt€ lo b€disDroved if it is iMrrcct.

There ilrc wnM inrerrclating asFc'ts of th€ ESH, ore of rt|€ m6tFponant of phich is the infllene of uAps. This is the nane given tocenres of rdiatinS ene.g that tnvel throuSh the arnroaphcE. Ttrcy ftusually lominous (but nor alwaF) and inctude. s stared .bovc, bol-lithtning and €nhlighls. Funheinorc, it witt be arSued ihar rh€E arcanificiauy created UAR (db€it didcnraly), @lle{r .etcc-t.ofom3' rhaten als idadiate thc witfts Howver, enatev€. rhe rype, each radiareselstromaSneric energy.

While *e hry m1 law a UAP to 16r, rhe bdiation rhar lhey give @tcan bc prodlced under controled ondirions, md rhc @mtuions thar echave coft ro .egardinS their effsts on lhe hut|m s'steB haw be.nthrough reports fmm th@ who havc e@un&red th€m. Th€,c hc b@nquit€ a lor of work orned out on tis 6p€.t dd a tood deat of ir wil beptes€trtcd in the rclcvaor chapre6. I. pani@tar, studies pubtished i, $€louaal ol Biel.ct.iciry b) Dr M. A. persitrge., Dr A. Rutta, ardD. Sldl€y Koren &snb€ e4€rimentat findiDgs wti.h .onfm rhe.tfsts of el€ctromaSneric fi€lds on the humaD sFtcm mcntioftd $ f.r.Basi@lly, vhar thcy sy is rhat subj€is do halEinare and devetop atte.€dsrales or @nsioBneis (ASC!) yhcn expo6.d ro s@h fEldr.

The ESH ary!6 that rhe uncon$iou frcquentty nspor& ro rhe*fields alEred states, and ptenB pe@ptiors andor reatiri6 rhatar€ dnmatic reprcentations of iDteraction with alieB and their reh.noro$,, lhe purpo6e of ehich is lo esrauirn ao @flane or theuMmioql in siety. kr c ipli rhis into iG eletEots to ermi.e iEsciertific dFcts. Om of the ky. rI.r drqm ar€ ctPGed is byd.amatialian- Dream sqE@s ponny spcc1s of rhe Fyche thar rcfletinner *tshes and ariictid. It is this erpBivc fom of the ucoisciou,re@grized by psychMallsis, rhar is utiti4d dlnDt c'Es. H@evei, rhe



arcou er rcdius is Ft aleats an inlemal cinema but whar @uld be..llcd extcmal 'ficldboo.ted' realities, which is as good a tem as any atrib 3lage of lhe a.gumenl. The poiot is,

'hat€vor thc realily-st.tus of

rh6. pe@ptions (rhich hare transient pt}sical prop€niet, they .oddlE reDrodu€d under @ntroll€d conditions; ot. ro be more eract, the.otrditios prcpos.d {o. their produdion @!ld b€ reProdued it aconrotled say. Fion the exrminatiotr of numerous reports, th€yobvidsly have be€n rep.odued under 'accidental or unonlrclledaordiliors. The .lwst ro a @nlrolled situation is an autheniic saf,ce,ttcrc undoubledly 6elds are invol!€d.

It sould b€ only t@ e4y io subject individ@ls to anificial 6eldsritholr rhei. knowledge to se if lhey p.odxce srange realities and

F@fliors around ehich th.y *eave a belief s)sl€m, bur would it becthical? Mo.eqer, ju.t *har R?e of erye.iment would it take lo test ifrlE uNns.ious ii actually rrying ro i.t.grate into s@iety under thes€circumsranes? The point madc is that this asp€r of the ESH dozldb. t6led, ard the p@blens or expennenkl design overcome, bqt itrsld involve an infringement of bumar rights. Expenmenrs on peoPle|rc ft@nod upon in official circlg, at l€ast in public.

A fai bcncr way would be to find such condirions and individuah 'iDplx€' and delemine lheir belief st!€ms. A 8md exanpl€ of rhis is

Fovi.tcd by lh€ 'Jane Murphy- (e examined in rho final chapre..H@oc!. in my ineenigarions ir is equauy cl6ar thar not every €ncoutter6rpe*nc. bas this b€lief-inducinS efl€c't, and som€ are more [email protected] othe6, a.d sne are @mplorely unsu@sful- In the 'T€nor in theHd* of DoUs' i5$, ror €nmple, rhe sudden app€ of groups oflinl. and.osynoG ckraked beings in the house of ih€ fanily @n@m€dt ni6ed th€m. Pe.haF this rcaclion is i.cidental and sme of the fafrilymcmbeB do no* re nize the possibility of an alien rae. In sonle cass,thc wit|ls d@s not develop a change of outlook or a belief system until iti! trigFred at a much larer date whon th€y cohe into @nlact withrcrncone who provides an idcnlificatiot' of their €xPerien@, ot puts itinto a dtext ro which rhey can relate. In rhese q$s, th€ skanSe,tnl)mlous event rcnains j$t rhrt, and it cxists in rheir memory d a

Fcptual islddJn.elated to anything lhsr thcy have exPeriencrdb.fore or [email protected]. it rhe phenomenon (this actually meansrnythiog thar is apprehended by the snss) had a/ effe.r on th€irW.kawha@t @r'Nond-view ), then to som€ ettent tbe un@nsicoushs a@onplished $m€thing in thc sial vorlltlt k obviou, ho\rever,lhat not al/ Fy.hic or CE cxperietd lead to a b€lief system. Jusl ashmantind's *x d.ivo is ulnmarely to ensurc th€ suryival of lhe sp€cies, iths many foms and ollllels that do not n.cessarily result ir a binh. In the




Page 13: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

t,lo6 - tsYqficct-osE BNcDoNTals

samc my, . r€ligion or bclicf n .or d*.t! boo or o{ i Fychic or, ..d ir i5 tltc t mElizd Fydb-.ociat ptw3 .!eoci.t dwilh CE crF.icnces that .rc irduc.d by the ur@tlscious. It D.t6 Gc ofth. sirl pressur6 of m.crru! tt|t 'd!kc rcrl' locirl lrrudrB. Thiipllls is kropn rs rciftition in cociologl. Thi! @ bc i vcry vi8mspro6s, s foltlorira6 will t6tify. Thc .Iotktorc .ff.ct, is r falt.pblnomemr proprgitcd, ultimtely, 3lbliniMlly. It is whcrc d idca@tch6 tn€ public imgirati,or 60 srcn8ly th.r cvc. p€oplc in lulhorityt{ill dlpirc i!| r doublc-think wiy ro pmpltatc a bclief in son.thi.a tharreally dc not erisr. This is prcciscly rh. social .ffcd rcfen€d to .rrtiqr€g.rding thc aim of thc u@Kio6 in ptodEitrt thc cE erF.icncc.

Tacirg th. gcBi! of a b.ticf sfltcm, ho*cvc., is a siologi.rtrdivity, dd rociolory is mt d ctad $ic@: ind,c€d, in thc optrlo. ofmod siologists, it i6 not. sience rr rtl. Gcnc6lty spertirg, rhcre arcirhcrcnt prcblcn.ticel a!Fd5 ir tcms of obietivity.r, Thrt ir ro studyint sial md h vcry dift.E t hm man sdying the .rturalworld, In rb. lan.r, mar is p:n of. $p6Er€ systen. ttc is disircl flmn.tuic and hG k 'orlturc-bond'. Thi! mcrn$ that h. brirgs rith hin dinr€md s€r of vahs, .orms, NMprio6, erc., to th. siDdy of anorh€thuDaa group rhi:h rffcd his interpr.r.iion of the d|ta..d thc d6iAn ofth€ cxFriDenrs thelNlB. Ther€ is nothing iDr.insi:rtty rrcng rithlhis rppre.dr, a ldg a! such valFiudgertc.|. rrc [email protected]_ HowEr,siology c.rmt bc rcg.d.d as sicntific io the s.!rE ny s, ey, tGring.rFtal fomation or thc bchaviour of litht mc. It is a tund.Ntrtd reSird sial .calities a havi.g rt|c objetive st ru .s n!tE.!.So, with ih.s resedstions i. mird, it vould b. posibr. to s.t up a siderpcrimcdt to t6t the ft!,pothGir rhrt CFr havc a tcndcrcy ro sFtem., .nd that edr srstcms b€oDe rhc b.sis for sidcohcrcnc. tu tl|. sernc |nuer that religjo. {to6.

Th. S||hrd coonction

Thc.c i. crtcmivc siologi@l lit Etrr€ on thc sid ..atiry of .ctigi6,whce grouF hav. dcveloFd out of ar indivitu l's visiordy dpc.icnc..15A Aood ctarple of this is the d€v€toPtEnt of the Suhrd f.irh, ph..e su.fian crF rcE wrs Eitae..d by whit @ orly bc &scribcd a du.i&ntifi.d atno.phc.ic phcnorncm (UAP). An und.Gt.nding of th.tuEti@ thrt . cle<'ld{rtc. cpc.icne on frrlfil is !n imlo.t nt irsue,.5 it adds to thc cvide@ rcgddinS its DruE.

In thc 195&, Pat Subqd, rlD hid no prniotd rctigious b!.kannd,cMuntcrld s l.rgc sptctE of blioding liglr that 6m <t@tr rnd



.nEloFd bim phile hc yd *alkirS thrcu8h an open mral area. Irl.ansformed him irtowhatJ. G. Bennett, the peen who b.oughr Subudlo E.glad, cslled a 'meditative ectatic state . wherc he felt that he hadconl..led his uiconsious, o. sul'.r6

Affer tht erFriefte. Pak only had to be ir th€ pr€$nce of someonelor lhis state to t€ on to them, and he apf'.arcd actually to.m$.tc lighl. He feh Ihrr he should !N on to orheB rhis p@er whichcEtcd a cha.nel frcm th€ @nsious mind lo the ur@nscious. As t

'.sult, Slbud ne.tings developed. The initiadon of individuah inro

Stbud €n bc v€ry dranalic, and €ven t.aunaric. Ir tak€s plae ar aftherinS of establi.h€d Subud henbcB. They sinply meer i. a r@m andtt. initial€ joins them. Mer ard sonen a.c s8r€8ared into differ€nt

Therc is m fomal d,otma or strucrure vhatso€vcr; neirher is there anyi.6ciira. The inilialio. ccremony for new memters * called lhe litihar,or the 'OFniDB'. When allare asenblcd, smeboly simply saF,'Begin.'Th. s6ion erds with emeone sayirs iFi.ish. This may seem rarh.rChpty, blran er-Subud m€mber relar€s Ihat ehen she waspresnt for herl:tih5n, ir was far from that. At first. roihing happ€ned apan fromPcoplc arcund her chartirg, cryinS ahd prayinS. Eve.rually, fe€, she tnclt doe. atrd imnediarelv found that a force desnd.dqDr tE ald whirlod her arcund e hard thar she wd repcatedly flungtodiD e.6 tb€ rom. This w6 rcpeated or sub6€qucnr mcetings.Nothing els happ€ned, e she lcft Subud.

A linle laler, rbe had a smplete nenlal and physical breakdown mdt 6.6e untEdably snsilive. She dev€loped nultiple altergies and had tor.vie her dier, eating and dnnking only pure, t €sh f@d. She did notn olc or drink, aod she could ror takc suga. without b€oming ill.Elcctical equipmcDt mattunctioned in h€t pres€rc and she develoFd anInaolcmnc€ to fluoreent li8ht. She developed psychic knsirivitid andtESd to €rFri€ne appantions and oth€. enrides at night *hich t@k onI drorg spiritual significance for her. These visiratio.s @ntinue to rhisdry, neqrly 15 yq6 afte. her biihan. Encounre6 with UAPS canItoduce eracrly the saru effect, as will b€ describ€d laler. The Subud.rrnple dedon$.ares a numbe. of aspects of th€ ESH, *hich arc:I la is r good erample from r€larivcly r@nr rimes of a religioustbGmnr ih.t devclopcd directly f rcm.n 6renshly visionaryexp€rience.?hich is irdisnnguislrable from a CE experi,ercc with a UAP - a ryp€lbich hd be.n d\.loited i. thousards of es€s ir rhe UFo-study

I lt shos how the oriSinal experience save ri* .o a '@ntagion €ff@r',tDlh in tetm of social IroupinS and the srimulation of the uncor$ious, to





Page 14: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

uF6 -lsYcttrc CLOSE EN@t NTEIS

produ.. FFhic effecls (i..., the i nd.D.rtli Dd the slD6cqu.rn ettiy

3 Ii &||MstEt6 ho* stimuhtion oI th. urbMidi e. bring abort r

Fmrent ctrqc in outlook, a. well d dte6lios to thc phFiology,pcrc.p.ion rnd i€rritivity ot

^ iidiid@L It it [email protected]! thit ottrof

.A@s. da @, otu 6 o Butt ot a CE apcicw, B a reuI of 'hidr

thceina .ff..tiv.ty lurcIio8 6 d 'rcdi@', r.Lritiv.' or fM-pzm^eodd in . hetttirt ot polErg.itt odrat. Tlpi6lly, likc lhis rmatrafter th. ktih3n. qimc!€€s repon a tuae of rEychic pheD(,mn3 in thepostrltcolntcr pcriod. Th€le irdude polterSeist eff€1s rnd alparitio.s,r'd ibo crt.!-eer$ry lbitilics d a lt$lt of ttci. in6€.scd i€ttirivity dueto rtc oF irg', or stimulatio., of tteir lton*ioa- Duting the CE,their reF@s ryslcn i. eiporcd to EM ndiatio (from $uGs rlrcadyF.ntiomn). The ratihar produc a siDilar effsr by A@p acrivition,and this fi4a6ls that there is ar orcrlap b.twe.n thc icnon involvcd itrboth l::l!c; rtrr, ir rr s/, thca ta6 at bz o'N!.hi,8 aad tuh hw tloup it fwrd @d .L.1@&1ai. fcw, in rclati@tJ th.i, .frcc1t

'por tlE h@ ryJ|.r. This is not, of cou.s., thc only

evidence of thi. thar sh.ll b€ ?twnted, bua it is mentiored hcrc tointrodue lh€ @@ot,I lt is ommn fot dosc+ncount€r eitn€sg lo $ffcr src tyF ofdr$blint o! dcbilitannS effdrs a a sult of their exFric.@, iu* ar thit*mm fourd thal her 8.re81 healtft colliaF€d. $dr eff€rs e u$ally

5 Th! viotcnt effedr und€rlire thc cnrcmely phFical of c€niin

Fychic plrcnoneia, in mtadicrior to the ScneElty bcld a$mpdonthar tt€y @ 'all in the hcad'- mdtd, subjeclive eficds, or i6ub6t rlial

6 Ithrs$rongpuallcbwithtbcinducrimof PKeff@tsbygoupeffoni!tfte'Philip' etFriDerr @.ducl€d hy A. R. G. Oren in Toionlo in rhe19r|{X. This inslved @nentEred SrcuFsiU to p'oduce the cffc.ts ard@nhuricati@ of an itnrgin3ry entity. The blihan dG not r dircd.dgroup*ill as 6uch, bur ar me.tioned, a @.tadon eftet originati.g frotnan ndul cloc€-erdrrd crp.riere, cMr.d by th. Frsond en€rgetk€nisloN ftm th. Demb.E in a trup.7 If r gop of adiv.t.d uncorscious lnin(|'' c.r prod@ FFhic eff.dsin tn indilidu.l (.s we irw vith the titihatr), thd it follo*s that $ tnry bc po6sible 'rrtunlly', eith@l thc cons.iou! orgrtiz.tioo of3!d lrDtrF 3 Subud, and thc lrcpt of s t|ct*ort of u.corucioDs ni.d5prod$ing or otributiq to lhe Feciphnion of a CE crFd.@ tu ainllr6.iry id.!. This ii c.rt inly in adrd eith lpp.ririoml thco.y:



This my l€d us ro won le. *tEther a ghctly p.6$n@ @dd b€ createdu@nsoous,y by 6 pe6on wirh stonq psychic abilrtBs. and whether rhispresence could be perceived by orh€6. The lire ol spsllalion sugrgeslsthar, it polteqeist piEnomeM may b€ created by a living person's

reprcss€d hostilily, appanions may be c€ated by other rcpress€d ne€ds

ot a lMng indeid€l 17

Tha .bility of th€ unconsciorr!

ln rhe prcvious sctiotr it h6 bcen argued that th€ unconsciour pr€sent!

9r,rposetully \teg€d' everts to give th€ appearance of lbe exist€n@ of aEnSe of identilies. Before we even l@k at ary of rhe mechanisms rhat ar€upd to a@mpliih this. il is obvioulhal thr un@n$iou! ii in a ver)advadaS@us pcition for rhis i6k. It is ii touch enh rhe inner $ore ofin.gery. e4enences and b€liefs of the individualt ir has insider't.oeLdSe of the op€.arions of fte p€r@ptual system and, therefore.what sould b€ required !o sarisly a.d @nvincc thal system of the reality

In iddition to this. it can also nanipulate reality in a variety ofcma.table ways Fychotinerir. So. rhe human uncon*ious is in a rer)powcrful pcition to be ablc to crcarc ..alities not only for iis o*ner. bur.[eo, to $mc ext€nr, for orhe* ro.

Inlcn rion sith tbee realities al$ varies in @mplerity, fron a sirpl€bn€f F.eprion to [email protected] erchanSes over an extcnded penod- In anyprnicllar (:s, vhar ments a private hallucination and wbat involvescncnd€d sroup Frcefl'ons d€Fnds not only on fte internal porential ofirdividuals. butalsonthe ambienr conditions that affccr the alrered stareof @Niosnes (ASC). It is lhis ASC. wh€re the unconeious isdotni!.nt, that as traNitory in nature, and has lo be both triggered ard

Thcl'mnsious iranyone individual sans lhe imm€dial.envircnmenraround ir or a mrc or l6s pfmarcnt basis, and when it detecls smh an.ncrttr, ii tffi it ro creat€ an appa.ition. vision or CE exp€netr@. This i5xhy eL.circnic equipment frequently malfunctions during su.h eq€riences(1..., lhere are .edirccled elect.omagoctic e.ergies iivolv€rl).

Individual outtcts for the undnsious varv- ln $me imtanes,

Flaholotkll presre frcm lat€nt tmuma €n intrud€ into con$iousnBsln th€ fom of iEalional behaviour, rightmares, apparilions, visions, orcb..{nounte6. An lhenpy embles individuak 1o externalia theirrcpr.ssd, paiotul feelings in a more @.i.olled manner as graphicrymbols, rhcreby makinS them easi€r to per@ive and, lherefore, to cop.

Page 15: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

t 106 - AiYclIc CLGE ENCO[ tlltats

$ith. A Msid.hbly mtc dtnnric .pp|Drdr i6 tl|€ th.r'p|nk cocp. of'p6ychodma . This rppMh cntrili cndoring drGctr..tor' with dl€ itcntity of th@ i. thc p.tidt's f.rily thit hvc becll tlEoe of, or wc.c i.rt urnentrl h 6.{ting, unrqohEd mflicrs ir thci.d.lic. lif.. This 'let'. prclcnd' :pflo€dr cncour{gcs dlc pmjcdio of tlEidcntity of the 'grilty' Fnilx on to p.oty, *hidr provide asub.tirtrre dnrrontation *ith th@ vho have irjlrcd $c $bjftr. Thc lihis for thc emotior.l imFtur to oyeEi(b thc f&-t of prctqe, end tb€.xp.essio of red conne.r€d'ard dirc{acd cmotions frm . psiody

Sinil|rly, 'alicn lbdudion' qp€riet'6 er frnaiid on rhc tr.umap@re' th.I is harndcd by thc utprsioG d ao erpBirc venicb fori.rcr pain. The 'abductid' scenaiio is a stmbolic'actir8 of ard is,lhetefore. a fom of Fycbodroa. The inplkfiion is, ttcrcfore, thar $tdrcncouters arc itrleBally Feived visim, a.d ir *ill bc shoen that th.physiel aspecrs ,r€ th€ ploduct of an expc!rc to ele.r.onugretic 6cld6,which produB the altered state tlcilitanng the cxperiene i. the


Tlis was d€v.loped by FFhiatrist Dr Anhur Jrnov ir th., shat Jalw sr's is that pcople be@rc neurcric i. adult lifc tEuDatic events tbal happ€ned ro then i! then eely y@B tlEt dt€yhave rcpNd and forSotten. Then they forget ttat th€y have for8onc..The decply buricd tEuhas i. rlE l,,l(rcio6 andcreate inatioal anxictie. Over a Friod of tire, this d*loF irro a slateof {ress which undemins the prfoma..e of rhe ifflividuat\ Erionattunctiots eber any gercralizd anriety GuB- This rop.ssd sE6 initslf @n act a5 a rigger to pereive apparitiors, hallucinadds, etc.. jusrd it gives ris to the vivid ieascry in nightn@s. Ii eill be slen larerhos rhis stleFrclated un@nsioc state is trigtored by tbe additionalsr|K or exesive iound ard lighl, which is hm€sd by tho locon$ioupurpccfrlly, d pan of rhe stage ma.aSement of cEs.

Janov s method alloB th€ pe6on to f@l the oliginal mHynhtizedp:in crcated by tEuma- This painsre.rion' is a pnmal', and it ishalinS i. il$lt During rcurotic str6. the individual dals *irh it bysymbolitnS it, and b@n$ of the impaiE..t of the ntional ftd!.rionsduing rhis, rh. !tr@$iou an b€6ne &)Dinant over tbe @eio6mind dd thro* up (.tr analogy with vmitirg to ct@r the sFtem ofunsanted mareriel) imagery that cnte6 @osioB Fcpnotr. Ju@



lmlett! ao erasple of this as sm.oft who had d€relopcd a pani@lar

Ard then llEy @re. One n'ghl I lay dcwn and ,ell asleep While sleepingI b€cahe aware that I ws tloatirc aboot the house I@m .()m to r@m. Ifle* dto th€ nchen and the€ rhey were. two lads tom lhe sp€ceship.drsed in untom €a€h ons lighlv g6bb€d one ol my arms and esco.ledrn€ $rough the wndow Into olr ba.kyard, and w€ starled as@nding. Iwas aliaid to $y anyrhing to them. bur I heard rhal rumbling sund ag6in,ert of like a hugs dies€l engine lr was the sound oi th6 salcer Inruggled to be tre€ ol rhem, and the next rhing I knew ihat I was awaks,shakng In lear They had madefietr move Nevef have lhad a d@am sevit; nev€' had I ben so awa.e. That was no ordharv dream ft€v hadmade adual conta.l w{h me They had comllete conrol ol rhs antal

Thet€ are a numbcr of relevart isu€s here for the alien rbducrior'

I This'abdude as a palient of Janov sFnbolized cally trauma, as the.rpenene dcsibed.I Thb erp€nen@ is cntircly indislinguishable fiom orher CE4 eryen-.n6, a.d sugSens that rhey too sha.e rhis aspect ofexrcmalied tratrma-ComFnsD silh actual' r€pora reveals !n overlap with cvcn rhe$tlstdraty dctails. such 6 lhe time-laFe-like !.€ne chanse, *he!c lheFrop,ent suddenly finds himslf back at home with no s€ns€ of

I Tbis @Dd'tioo of repressd lraumr builds up in all nable irdividuah?ho u!€ nomal dcfcn@ mecharisms lo cope with thes€ early precipit.-tioB of slEs. or'Pain'. asJanov rcms thcB. Cof,sider this exrract from

I have porled out thal early events reglster rn our systems ev€n whenlhere has b€e. tu @sc'ousnesr ol lh€m Thus oJr srsrems regrster16uma' wh e the mrnd olr consciolsness may be .egisteing'happins . We 6n 'he to ourselves and €n believe we are happy whil6Pain €g€s q{ri€rv wnhin.'zJ

Thi3 imporlarl apec1 of nomalizod'taulna is.xplorcd in relevantt€ctit$ later; bsl it must be emphasized rhar there is no $ggestion that.ll'rMucteet arc mrrally ill in any way. hst€ad, d Janovt workdi5'crcd, we all or board and accumulat€ devolopmental rraumatnd lqm lo @Pe eith ir as pan of gro*ing up; it is jusl that some mre difholl to o ain ir this way rhan orhcn, dd it t sgaimt this




Page 16: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

t t<E -tsrcHrc cr-6E ENcouNrErS

brtground of 'nomal' d.rck prcntrl drc* th the uicorucious uliliz.ssulh life .ituations to propagar. rhe .bdrrction dls. - in ddilbo .oott.r expBive outlets, such a! drcrms, thrt arc also cxPl*ionofth.unconscioN. Itr frci, vivid abduclion' dttss ntE oftcn ini.rscred eith'rMuc'tion' cxp€rienccs preFr'. Al$, . .ignificant con€biior hcre is thcfad thal pohe.geist rctivity qn (xnr s a 6!lt of erre.nalir€d stcss: thisis Jun8 s e e.ioriarion rh€ory.

This th@ry ccrtainly supports thc ESH and it sd6 to litrt th€pollergeist phcnomcnon b the CE exF i€.cc. Dcvclopncrrrl, ormmalized, t auma, rcprcsd arAer dd .iiuationrl strcss cln allund,crmitre mlioral on*iourncs srd Gult ir a dnmtiz€d extcmali.:a-tiotr of Fme tyF; suh coddron to sll of 6.

Retuming to the 'lMuction' eperience of Ja.ovl p{ticnt. rlErc isals, in addition to the 'tine laFc asFcl, another lirtiry f€ature. This isthc @ntusio. tbal eitncls.i display ret&rdinA the reality-st tu! ot theirerFnence (i.c., w6 I asat€ or s.s I drerEi.r?1. TheE arc $ m.ypsychic sp€cirl effects at the of rhe u.crnscioE ard, 6 srated, iris h a powerfll positior to ovinc€ Oe cotr$iou mind of the elity of its'pmducrions . The super-@l d@m o. *ions od tnc mking/sl6pir8thrcshold arc srr{drrd mcthods for p.*rting pmry inrcmal encm.l ewnls and trfe dae when the brain is slbjcctcd toelcctromagnctic fields. It @mpl.tely side-stcF tlrc omdlari<m irbtv.dir Daiatlining ft alt red stat€ shcn the pdcipicnt is tully (rcic.The onpliations relate to rlrc @ntol of ssory nois., .nd important aFcr is erplorcd in later sctioG. In thc ca6c of th.sup.r-rcal d@m, the uMtr*io6 has u[Br.d.d th. d@m sbre to mteir almost indkringuishablc frcm wakirg FEprioi

Th. out of.body-.rp.ridc. (OBEI

Another sup.Gral dre{m ctFnc@ which smctines ocqrrs duriq, orin a$ocialior with, alieo abductons , .nd onfitm thcir intcmd rstuE,is th€ olr-of-body expcn.e (oBE).

I invgtigrtcd . c{!€ involvirg this de.lap slich inrclrcd .horbizspons ctEh, GM. H€ aeokc (rc tright to find two silve.{ited'3pac.ncn' standinS by lb. bcdtoon eidow, re of ehict r'6 holdiB asrll bor-likc devic€ ovcr a pile of boors. Thcy had thcir bocts tobin, and *.nled by thcir presNE, h. be8.. to step out of b.d io cro66thc room [email protected] them- He found th.t he *{s tlotirt lbovethcm. iom€wlierc n@. tlE .ciling. GhncinS dl'm rt his bed, hc coutd chis own body- Hc drrcd at the cpcccmcn fot a fca€d icco.dr uril




tlEy .pp€ared ro carch siSh! of him, when rhey t@ reacted in ar equallynartled tnars€r. Ther $ared up al him with a shocLed and honifi€d l6ko thek fac.s and lh.n prcnplly v.rbh€d. GM fourd him*lf back in bed'asain'.

This'fals€ a*akening 0€16 as pan of a CE4 which this ca!€ couldhle developed irlo had lh. umn*ious wkhed for such en erpr€siveoutler. Thu, il is evidert that th. tyo classifi@tions of exDerien@

An itt€rcsting @nfimation of tbis app€ar€d in an anide in /v.pStir'ttn by Sos€n BlackFore. Consider the rcleva.t €:tact on the@6parien of both th€ OAE ard the CE4 with tals awakening!' yhi.h hrlro wtat both of rhe [email protected] sen to be sinilar lo:

In all the* exp€nences, it seems as thowh rhe perc€ptual wo d bsben rcplaced by another @dd bu,h from the rmagmaiion, a hallucinaroryrepla€. Plt lh6 way,

'r b€comes obvrous that other expede.ces fir in the

sat e €regory. Celia Gren. ol rhe insfiut€ ol Psychophrsiel

'h O od, has @lled them 'merachonc expeiiences. They nclucl€ th€

OBE in which you s€eh to come out ol your body to lloat up to viewthngs lrcm above. Allhough rad.lonally thowht to Involve the separatioor an asrd body or soul. this exDenerce is b€ner lndersi.Dd as ateplacodEnr of the pelceNed wo d by one frcm memory and magina-non. lnterestingt there is plenty ol evidence, including that lrcm Ery ownsuryeys, rh3t the sme peopl€ tat repon havi@ OBES de hrye lucddreams; many ol them sy rhe expehsces feel v€ry similar, il notidstical Jayne G&kenbach, 6 psychobgi t@m rhe Un'w6iry ol Alberlain Canada, relat€s rh€s€ etpenerces 10 neardeath 6xpenences andstories abour abductoB by UFOS. Ahhough the'UFO abduclions' may be0r€ dosr bzatre, rbey t@ hvove the repl@menr oi th€ pGrc€tued worldby a hallucrrBtory replica.'?2

fTi. "rp.a "r r p".*pr'"| r€atny bcios rcplaced by one basd on memory

\Rd iDagination can b€ considered as a stage-managenenr strate8y. Toclphin n ntnher, @nsider the following €xract fiom an urpblkhedboo& thet I kote i. l9E4; DldEtes: Th6 coft€pi was proposed as a method by which$e perc€ptms ot rhe wihess could b€ man'pllal€d Basically. thep.oceis

'nvolv€s replacing genuine pemptions wrh an i.lemal jmage ol

dlm. An amlogy wll maks this cl€ar.The seunty sysrem ol cnam comFnies and govemment esrablish

renrs cdsisrs of a numb€r ot televism €moras situar€d abour thebuilding, nounred high up on the walls. They 6v6r


Page 17: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

t F6 - rliYcrflc cL6E ENCOUNTEXS

coiadors and other acc€6s pdnts, atd tlE inag6 ths/ r€cone aremsitor€d n . central s€curilv room lh's rcom conbins a numb€r ottglevisis modts which ffiFnd to @h s4nty omm. lf anidrud€r ents6 ths boildiru he will be '€n' by one ol the 6tBas, .ndwrll regtsror oo de of ths scre€ds n tho c€ntal surity roorn. How€!€r,it $is intru.le, is able to rake a prdograph of the

'mag€ thar a came€

'ws , srch as a wnh a door at lfie e.d, and rhen quicklv postdsrhe photograph m trcnt of rhe €Fe6, it will appea! as d ft is stjll 'sgng'lhe coridot, whsn n actlial fact n

's really registen.g an nrrgc ot it. The

int ude. can ri€n us€ iho acc€ss dcor to gain €nrry withdJt be'ng s€€nThe sdf,ly mn w'l still bdi* that he is s€€inq rhe acrual conidor'Notioml duplr€tes opeEte h the ere wa{,fhey Ed@ the r€lityrhal an indMdualwould nomally pe@re wrh an rrog€ tEr dupl@iesthe appearance of th Gality wth rhe human percefrtual aprErarqs, rtElmages rhat rcphce r€lity are dodved fro.n a m€d|ory of that Ealityilheun@nsoous is able to r8p rn to thar pa.t ot rhe ne|Ws system dErconrrols per@prions a.d int@du@ anolhef'staged signal instead ot tt@one rterted fem the dtuiionmeni A smilar eftect @ld be Foduc€dwith our hypotheti€l closed ci.d ielevision sysrem il a scr€€n is e.ocredand a prerroduced m@ing fdm is shom. ll lhis lilm had ben ahered toinclude $me special eFecls. so lar as the p@r ednty mn w6s aMre.he worg s6€ appenrons app€anng and d'sappeanrE or aliens mareMlizingthreugh th€walis!Wilh CEs, nis as it rhe norfral' p€r.sflual sqnalis inrerupted and a 'psychic vid@ ptays throuqh rhe pecepiudappararus, gring a shuhted r@lrty, iust as ahehatiw unmsciousimagery is played' dunng sleep as d.€ams

It is cvident that the human @n$iousn6 is vasrly undetBrimrtcd, lndthal the Ul, in coniunction with tb. powertul erergig f.m thc Earth\stnta and artrfictal sourcs itr onc fom or aoother, ir ablc to pr€senrproduclions eith alicn l&.d.r. This is simply evidenr by erdining tte@ntent of what are tem€d 'hi8h{tmngen6'eMmleB in panidla., 6it is clqr that thcre is a mirinS of Elicr thcn6 with iraditional Fychi. oriuFmatural pbenomena. We find fain6 and goblins piloting'sp..eshiF ;gh6ts of rclativ.s duing CEs; and evcr, in on€ enmpl.,'blak shuck , thc dark 8h6tly dot l@tr8ing i. the @mer of a @rFtednyint [email protected] Thcrc is .ot always a vcry slectiE 6tint dirc('or i.thc!. Fychr.elly st4cd perfomanc.i. Ovcnll, inen, ir is only l@obviou th.r @uld only be onc mi8in for all rbe rcalitiA - th.unconrcios, or m.c spccifielly, the UI.


Th. UAP/dos..cncount.r inta tca

Th€ sp3edaf images tbat $€ pidu.e library' conrains are derivedpanly frcm the mN Dedia- Th€y are adapied by the s€l€ctivity rhat th€umon$ious displals ro bc almost unr€egnizabl€ frcm the original.How€v€r, if the sirn€ss has nol b€en €po6€d to such inages for oDer€alon or doth€r Gu.h as a disinter$t in $ience-ficlion), thcn tt'e

'rMNious us d|ffit ary forn to reprcsnt an alien 'craft , a5long as il

is enigmaric. This is why wc gct such a range of shapes, foms and sizesrcported as UFOS. for cranplo, cylind€rs, o!ah, spheres, ciga.{haPes,ru8by-balls ard, of @u6€, discs- These bdi. foms are lhe probr)?e for ape.lonalized alien spaeship wirh ar ertmenr of e mbellishments, sucha aerials, venls, windows and even propellers! As a r.suh, rhis makes anyaMllsis of thcir pcsible srructure and propulsion both irl.iSuinSlymFtcrious and ihpossibly at6urd.

Une'plainod lights hale ale been p.odued as 'psychic effects' du.in8s€anes. wbere lhe medium. who would be coDearabl. to the *itness inan altered statc, indu€s such effocts arou.d hin or her. Similarly, th€'focas ir polt.€eist acdvily, also wirb the CE witness.induces unerpldned aerial lights .round them. If thes phenomona aremixed and maGh€d with the luminosities and.norgctic effects arsociatedwith UAPS, tbere is $opc for quilo spcctacular conbitations whicb catlavc physi@l traces, such as burm on ft€ Sround, s.ched veSetation.eatch maltuncrior, radio st disruprion, water volatization, stopped carcn8ifts, r€tina bums, sunbum,'nausea, black{uts, a6n.sta, petit mil-cpileptifom periods, and hallucinations; ir fact, all of th€ reponed CEefis:ts. Ths 'mcdrum ligh6 are desribed in Chapter Five.

Po.e.tially, th€n, w have quite a @mplcx picturc * the wi$ess'suMNiously d€rived imagery irte.a.1s with, and is irfluened by, th€.atunl €ner8etic effccts of lhc UAP. The Rowl€y Regis evenl (recCt.ptc! Scvcn) is a sod example of this extremc situation wher€personalized inag€.y interacts with UAP cnergies. An example of ah.llwinatory CE exFric.e induced by protinny to a UAP is tbe evettshich t@k plae on Common, euth€ast t ndon, on 17 Julylql6. A eoms who deided to rest on the grN phil€ her husband andchildrcn eenr on ahed v6 suddenly @nfronled with a largo ball oto.a.gc light shich eme hunlil8 doB out of the sly and s€ttled on th€

trurd about 50 yard{ (46 n) away from h€.. Totally bem!*d. she*.nlt€d as t*o entities, *ho changed siz as ihey walked towards h€r,corlronted her in costumes phich wcre a cross trei*een sDace-suits andchauffeuCs ulifoms {lh p€ated €ps. Th€n the figure of her father, whohad ben dead Jor six yeds. app€ared in a suit and sa( on ft€ g.ass beside

3.1 35

Page 18: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

uII)s - lsYclltc ctIr6E ENmirNtErli

hcr. At tbis poidt sh. felt.ll ihc blood d6i. do?||ilrrds in lEr body.rdsh. p..&d out. Stc lost hcr sidt for rboqr th@ mnrh! rnd dxLd up in

En@uhtlr analysisThis URE includes a numb€r of.spcds rlrc.dy me.rion d:I A UAP enitting a rrnt of hdiation ttp6 that imdiatcd rl|c i,ilnc6r.The en€ryics 6'6cd inu6a to hcr cy6 .nd indued rn attcr€d srtc.Effe.t! lo hcr physk losy iddudcd dcmal iritatid similar to thrr @us.dby crtrcc crposuE to llln-viokt srd itrfn-red light.z ThG tN of@n$ioG'l6 wri protEbly @ui.d by crposrE ro an ele.nical6ctd, iuras thc cirulatory symptons dld h.!|c tc.r duc to mt|slar sp6stinduc€d by ne|lMe orcr*tinulatioD. sql|gjng the blood tiom irs [email protected] Thcsc cfic.ts ft by no n€$E uniqE ard h.r€ ocqn€d in !nmber of.n6, in prriklle the Rowl€y R.tis cvent.2 Non-UFGrclatcd cxaFpld of 'black-outs' caupd by ctccrric.t fictd5.rc contnincd in !n study of polr/crtiB @r the Dors.rvillage of fishpord in the lyrG.6 Thir k jun os enmple of frrny &it*ill bc Sivcn of the oyerlap in tems of sFtemic .ffets bet*ee! Mtu.aland anificial ndiatio!. .3 The c.titics themslvG embodi.d a ruDtEr ot id@tiors:(.) Cnauffcu6 - thc who ddve/Dildt vehicl6.(b) Tdinological,lootin8 beinSs wirn associated.body-grdgcFy.(c) 'Little pelple'/fairy folklo.e embodier tbis Tih is rrertnring ttcne in eManrc6 of this tyF, and indtcsrG tbat ri. sarncparts of rbe cNs arc atred€d by fields ftom the uAPs in other l:ag. Ir is a*ay of prestrti.g th€ hMrf, fom 6 'alicr'; tbar is, by r€dEirg it (a animag€) beyond the nomat range or variario. id si4_ This adapration of ttcb6ic humar lon is characteristidlly archeqpal and is a dcsnd.rt of thc'giants and gnomej rhenes of aaditionat f.iry rales. In UFO en@!ote6,hdcve., n has hasi@lly remained rhe samc bDr with a rdhDologi@t ove.,ley- The tem humanoid is usd ro dcsibc a b6i@lty humanrikcbcing.4 The post*Munter efi€rs inctude Fychic ptenonera, (i.e. . a s€ns ofp|ene dd ass@iaied dishbodied voi@). Both of the* Save b€€,reprcduced utrder co.trolled onditions during PeAinger's experim€rBon tfte cff*ts of fiel(ts on the temporal lobe of the brlin SiFitarty,reearch by ophthalmoloSisr An.c Silk into rhe ofto ELF fields revealed the follwint disturbane ro the cye:,(.) nag.ctophG"heses

(.) d.grtnc @meal stainine(d) sudden blured vision


(.) morrc.tlry black{ri

Of, all of rhes€ synptoms *ould bc rclclant when consid€ring ther'itn€ss's Do6t-€ncounifi condition. rnd aho:(t) tcclings of tenor and dread, inlens fer.a Tt€r. too can b€ inducedbt ficld crposu.e. Also noled by Ann. Silk as a Bllt of the sm€ fieldiimulus are thc heanng of voi<s o. insrructirons, which rcsult frcF th.rimulatid of Broca's a.€a ot th. brain.Dt I hav€ found thal much of thc image.y and contcdt of $ch crF.iencesc.n b. related diretly 10 th€ witlr*'s bekg.ound. This en@unr€rtont nl lEcinS @n be applied to all cxp.ricnes involvi.g imag€ry. Thefoloeint ce domonsrBEs this *ell and h k $ eEDple or theuMlcious utilizing imagery derived frcm a tl?ic8lly rbdurd source: the

Dqa dparianca

lo the llle District, England, on th€ niSht of 2l Novmber 1980, theblitary viI'tess, DC, a local dcspitc hi5 ltalian-sundi.g naine, wd our*.lkin8 bya river. lt *as wet and *indy. Vaguely at frAl, he caught sighrd m obj4r a few yards i. front of him. He though it wrs a cov fron a.c.rby ficld and whctr hc tot ma.€r, a shecp{hclte.. ShininS a torch onio it, ne saw an unidentifiablc c.aft hovenng two to th@ fcct ( I m) abovelhc 8turd. Then h€ hedd forst€ps b€hind hin and, s he tumed round,nill shiring his in fronr of him, a thin beam of light si@k it,.lutGnng thc lcns and mcltina pan of thc .im arcund it. The eure of thetEs wa a small p.nlite obj€.t in th€ hand of r female €nity. She wsFnpanied by a male and they both l@ked similar in appearance: very

&odlooking, about 5 feel 6 inches ( | -7 m) tall ald perfectly p.oponioned-Thcy both soro dark. on.-pioce, skin'tight 'wei-suks with an insignia ondlc tro which coBist€d of lercnng ir dark and light shldes. The femalot d a short qr which camc dow. to the middle of he. ams. Both hadhit hait, or s ir appeu€d. but, oddly €nough. DC was not surc if this was. h€lmet or a hair{yle. Neither enfty appeared to b. aftectcd by thelff-leNnt eeathe., nol in rhe least dishevelled or appearing even slightlyxl. Thc fi6r words of thc fcnale ef,tity were to .eNure DC that theyrtt on a mission of peace and that lh.y would not ham him. which was|||tcd before he *6 able to voie hir concern. H€ could not. for somellrsotr, bnf,8 himslf to spsk at thar moment. DC had the imp.esionlhr| she kncw what w6 in his mind bcqus she answered questionsbcforc he ouldask them. He roriced thatthe insigriaon their chcsts was

' l



Page 19: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden


the sahe as th€ on€ on lh. erd of ln€ dafi I a differerl oft Pa o .mrhers.tior of it. Sh€ aked DC to ptmis nder to reveal thc n.tuEof tlElo8o to eyoEr a promi* whii he bs sub6.quendy t€P.. Both €ntid6were fan and ehit€ and only the eonar spor€. Sh€ had m Ncccm dd jnslrpolrc 'Bood Queen's E elish . At on€ poiot dlrirg lh€ erFrier, DCrdred to tun away but found lhal his le8s rere par.lysd. After !h€female etrtity had told hiD rbat their mi$ion v6 one of pec, a in thc mft aDd tEth .atercd, rlF md Thc.e v.s nolhirgunu$al about their gnit; both ealled oormally. Wt€tr th€y rerc,the crift went straight upaards, ort of sidt.

DC suffe.€d ftom a neBN stmch for dars affeFards arddid not slep well. He eould lie awake, thi.tirg of the etrco,un.. ovcrand ovor again. Hc also c'pcne@d a 'sicily fe€ling' for a period of a fwdals- The police were oltac1ed ard rh€y lot his drD.ged rorch aeayfor examination, retumiag it a few days later- Il ed f@rd ro havesuffered from *vere hqting effsis. Slbequently, invqtitaloF sr*cdrhar the sanc cff@r could hc obtained wirh a bl@lahp. t,c reFaredlytried to eork oul why the entities should not war! him to rcvql the raturcof the 10g6 on their ch6rs and mft. He bas nol wn it b€fore or siE.

Encounter content tracingIl is possible to ,nalys€ the elements of the e6u.rer ed to @relateihem with psr evenb i. the sitncs\ tifc, as they sbap€d and d€t€minedthe nature of ihc experiene. Fotloeirg ihr€c yea6 in lhe amy, DCb@m€ a phFiol-lrainin8 instructor and thined in boxi.g and kaEt€.Thc latter di*iplire involves rentd as well d phlsiol conrrol. DC t@*up mcditation, alrhough al rhe rine of thc cMunte., he had rot pracri€dfo. a while. Such infltence3 esrablish rcntal paneffi shichfacilitare habitual occurrenG of altercd state of corsciocK (ASC),which b4itslly is ehat mediiativ. pEctiq ai8 for. It k a Loe, s.Lrorynoisc srate. which is ale conduciye to u ASC. CLearty, DC m!!dreoSnir add the perfel phlsiquB ltat thc ctrtities reredsibed a having. a! his b&kground as a phFi:l,l'airins insrncror,iogethcr with his irvolven€n. in pbysi€l ac'tivities gemnlty, vtuld e.silyprcvidc a stock of imgery of pnFically pcrfct super-humc. Not onlydid the entities biv. perfect bodi6 (DC sid .rh.y rooked vcry fit), theyale displayed them, i.dicating th.t their .ppeaEnc wd an €rp..ssion ofphyrical cultuE{rlenrared id€ats rather rhar rclating ro eD€ tin.l offu.ctional ap€.l of spae{uits. This ..Fci of display is signifi@r ioundcBlandins rhe linl betwn the* backgrcurd i.flu€.ccs aDd th€imagcry of the en@unter. When @.sidenn8 the modem imrgery rhateould a@um for rhe entiti6' peMM and appealan 4, rhe sup€mar o.



lc$ wcll-tnom Ma*elman of cotnic and filln fame com€ to mind. Theirphysiques rre shovn dranati€lly and this appar€ vanity appeab ar snincontruous and out{f-chr.acter asped, but it is. of @uM, €sntial rodisplay tbc enbodinent of pcrtcct physiquc and perfect morah. This.6pect s?s irdeed expresscd in tftc encounrcr. as it was made enphatiellyde. rhar thc cnliti€s' mission *rs one of peace - vague but vinuous. Thelo€os or insiS.ia on their bodies are als reminiserl of th€ sup€rheroesSupen.n himslf is dcpicled as an alien fton the planet Kr)?ton.Crptair Manel. Supem,n, Supetuonan and Batnan alwa)s display anidcntifyir8 logo on then chesrs; the latter, who had acccss io sup€.-Fdgcrry rather than sup€Fpow€n 6 such, al$ rcde in the Batmobile andB planc, both ofwhich al$ caried idcntirying loSc -as did rhe entities'craft in DCt cncounrc. Thc cape is aho a featurc of dres for the whol€Super-fanily, including, significantly, Supe*ohan. All of the Super ardMael folt'hercs and the chanclen derived hon them. .ot onlv havefihlctic physiques. but attradive faces wirh no trace of ruggednes, whi.hDC's €nities als displayed. Only ore ofrhe$ Sup..-hor@s is d.pict.d, hoeeve.. a.d pe.haps the avoidan@ of this charad€ristic stemm€dflw a d6ne on the part oftheir creators to €$hew ary hi.t thai ould beintcrpreied as a dcpiction of Hitlcr's Aryan hdter race' id€als. Thisw@ld fit in histo.ically. as the Superheres fint app€ared soon afterWorld War IL DC repons that both his en$iiesw€r€ fair but that they had3n ambig@us, alm6l disguisd. hak-style thar could have been a h€lmet-Docs the ambiguiry of the naturc of the hair - fai. bur posibly only an.nificial addition ir the fom of a helmet refl€.t an anbiguhy ofanitude? Thar k to sy, $mebody who would appreciate and beifnp.ihetic to rhe ideals of ph)sical pcrfection on the one hand, th. ..cial undenones eiih *hich such an ideal may be rs$ciated!*odd uno.$iously disguis the asp€ct that embodied slch racialism.Altcmatively, and much more straightfosard. as DC bad be.n iD ther.tny, a hclmet would bc an Eppropriatc addition. There is rrequentlyrl.h 'hybridization of foms. as th€re is in dreams. and the entili.s thalDC o.eived were a ombiration of various relat€d ihemes @ntred.round th€ Supe.-hecs of modem post-war Anerica. Of couM. this isror ro 5ug86t that rhc witnes rioughr of thes. elemcnts co.sciously,rrthcr that rhey wer€ s€l€ded in thc ssme w.y that drean mate.i.lGrErg6, @.ding to the stek of imaSe.y that ehbodi.s the expresivctaads of lh€ unonsious. All I hav. dof,e is to tra€ thc oltunl .oots ofItt .. inag6 ard show how such figurcs .nbodicd the monsiouslnlluences of the eitnes-

Hfleve.. having said th , rhe witnes did not onsiously think ofdr€!. imaFs. Even rtrrr..'coun!q w6 d (I ah not sussesrins


Page 20: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

unoa- tsYckc ctGs ErcoglrT€ts

lhi.), tnerc b . good ctarcc th.t .imil& .1cffi8 sDld G|Ft.. Thi!.o.rcix$ coGtnr.lion ot .n inusin ry sro.y ario rtrrri tryon unco||scirainfluM lo em.rtcnt. InbdG in ! CE or{$mry tal. - tlE rin|d 'mk6 mthirg

'rp': it i! ju* thc leyd of

pEcntarioD $tt hs dificring Frs|.l .rd sisl oti€qE||G'AmdEr .sp€.r .or coicrcd tu rh. fi,ndbn ot th. 10g6 ir th. sliry of

tne e'tqDter- Sucn icitnh .rc dsed to identify ncnbcr. of r F.tisirrgoup. ThcEfoE, by rpp..nr8 G d id.otiting 8rq|p{yDbol, theyfirnctioned 15 r dEvice to inply tbat tlF trc cnridcs bclodg.d ro. gqpd far awry f.o!| thc ct|countcr situition. Sudr ltmbols of rcf.srcccrct d .he cxi.te@ of d urlee. aod no'Fe*tcd pogrLrion ot r,ti*lth. tw eodrtig rerc pKnted c repte.rariE rcmbcri Hd ouHthis &vic. atis? Swh Dori6 oI th€ olbctire n turc ad dilir of thceriiti€s can only have b.en intrinnc to tlr. rio|cs's uno|E.jGlyditi@ting im.geiy and rcfl€.ls another nod.! opr@/, rs p6n of d|chydtsbuildif,g sta8e|Im.8e'tBt. It is mt to linplistb to hot into DCsnilittry tcc{gDurd to fird tlE oridMl id€. of strdr labelbna o{ gooFusing irsignia. It b intc.Estins (ud|ind b ndiz. that r iinilstied for srEy a that ctptt sed by $e eraities @dd r&o Dc dcir|bkby a ftilitrrt |tlx'|miss.G grcup- Sudr a scouling porly ,o!rl bedcpicled a. .arying rgponry, lite thc entities re- Abo, $cft@tmal suneillance [email protected] idvov. dis.blina dt illmiErio cpotcrtially dan8eru dcvia xtticn mry be ! thr€.t. Ttc cnti.i.s *.8depicred s doint pcisely dti. by '!lDti4g or th€ lighf . Tbb ddnaticclcrdt turctioned to clininat thc visl esry ni$ lioduc.d tt thelamp, a thb *Eld tnrcrtc. d€ ASC thlt DC 93 uffiindymainuirirA. Thb ..r ws PWen irto thc en@ume. rsr.tivc o pld,iigrific.ndt 6 tte very first &t of the .lldMter erp.rirrcc- Thc be.m'shot' at tbc torh d.pided a high lcrcl of lEkrDBhb, brvira bit ttct r8.r m dE fiBt att€mpt. This do€s not !€.|n to fn h with thc iLals o{pby'icrl otluE in DCs betgmrd. Hd 6uld.rdt ar inci&nt f i ohn .tct of imrgery dcrit€d fiw pd cpcri.tt6? Cruld iB iatBio i.tE c'E*nte. dEm bc due ao rhc int rldirt tad rhaa DC hd gmr*{r(h ed had qulifFtiB in gun n rtmarBhip?

Aore Slt, h hcr |w.rdr iDto the sFtcnic efhrri of clc.fomrgrEti.ird piczo-n.gnetic, 106 li6t pMiEr, th. phtd(t| ryrytolsrcftrfird by DC t tar |'olu rcarlt fron $cn crpGrc (mEr, .titly'

fc€lings). Thb dG c . dE to thc erergetic di|nulu6 rhi.t, I rordddgoc, DC wi. undouD..dly epGd to, pMipitlti[! .n ASC r.d diai.rlsynplomr. Gxnmcniing &nc6uy, Silk mr6:

r$ 4l


El€ct t l 6s!v of spcctfic lEqtfti.! ard wMl6.'9rh! 6n stimul.tofiorElas aclivity, po,c€plids ..d b€haviod rh.ough tha kindling of.|€urcn€s in sp€.ific ars.s of tho b*ai^, $€ temporal and o€ciFibl lobssb€rr€ Dsnrorlariy labb in thrs .osp€ct. The hylDthrhmus contrclsmiabolisrn and tEt poductio., the li.nttc zom dtrcls fllotbB- Thettuit ry mdrtmh sretd is ssiire io mrgneik fielC! lnd

ftun this stald'nc.t, il 6 bc ..en thal such c.n crea& ASC5,

F.lpird rnd m€r.bolic didurbancB- Th€ dGi.g 3t!tcD€!t rhythD! is esp€.ialy rct v.trt to DC's rcport of his disrurb.dlo.p p.nm. Ttc nrcl.tonin prodrrdion in rh. pin.3l d.nd is dloiworvcd in rh. tunh€r ptoduclion of t*o h.lluciartory-a.eoci.t d o.8.nicdcmizls: Dinolim dd ..rotdin.trr Th4 .a involvcd in REMdr!.nirA, hcid d@min! dd othcr natur.lly (Eunir! ASCS, tudr ancdit tire st|t6. Thcrcfm, qpGurc to frUnc.ic ficld6 do€r sccm totr!€ bc€n r lilcly c.ndnb.c tor l'.!ing ioddc.d [)ci dp€ri€ncc.

Thk rlper of contenr treing' b enlnl to th. ESH, and indicard th.trn ny of thc cMntcr F@pdos s bc hccd b..t ro thct oridn - th€

Page 21: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

aO{eaiors to the

-Eectrostaging ttypodt€sis

tho6e who insist that we o.dir€ Ebsolule orml of th€ €nstooc€ of' p6!/.fbknelic phe.nm$s b€lo€ proc€€ding ludher hrc misu.doGtood

tlre Eture ol $i€otlic dqliry. Et€pt in the fiolds of loOic .nd purc.ia$6mrics there is m sudt thiig 6 'abshrts proof, for all lac!$lLwl€dgo is provitonal We h6w to male the .rost €asooaHeeehPiihs llom the data a!"ibbl€ aid go on fmm th€re.1

Tlds scntircnt .ho appliG to the ESH. Thcories propoiing fid thc UFO


b FycNtic h natuE hlve rct wirh a numb€r of lt.rldr(l.biciin, eh*lt fall brc{dly iuto thEe er.toridI P*Fild 6pd6. Psycni. etpt.r.tios do not accoDnt for thc phFic.ll.|ort of tlE phercreM rcported, Thc .t&sification 'close,.n ounte' oftc tc.oid ldnd' (CEZ) rctc6 to ptysical tta6 bn afier a UFO hs!tlp.ncd, imludi.g: Iround broL.n and bumt vegerariotr;

It n dtc p.t!oo?

I Cadrltet. U the phcllt'mnet is visidurt or of the n.ture ss

'rt d3o N cocsideEble rurber of Epo.ts lidinS physiologicrl changoe orI lfte ro *irnes.€s, and

'd..dirl Ddfuretion: d d.m8e: a.d renairing hat.nal t|@s. ThcE

a AtLipL eiot sing- lf rte UFO ph€nomercn is aU in lhe hid. hry Ntttqlr of .ble to s UFo3 ard, more rar€ly, entitier? Or, put

lFaher w!y: lr UFOi rre hallu.inarory. boe @ rhey be co by mre

or narifsted by rh€ Dnld in gne say, how do ,itr$ser all€rsentaly lhc same e$crierc.s, with th€ s* typc of entiry

tiDe and This k ihc global objcctiq, or thc 'FNnts into h@*'iB in B.idtd' objcdio.. Restrt€d, it aits: lf UFOS

pd tieir o.ort€ b6i..lly iDaSirary or thc produ.t of individuak'fatina dte.ns, lF\r, r'€ tte sam qriri.s encourered all ove. the world,d rt Lat. in diffcrenr lnElated caB?


Page 22: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

lrFos- x;YcErc crGE anoouiarExl

Fron tlic ffit riil prcsnt d o far, thc rc.d.r?in brvc.odrc iL. a. ioho* t solLd a'l6*.r the objdrios. .ltluth '@n6tilml' Fydti:crpldaaiors d,o f.I shon. A! r6drch.rJa.qu6 Vilc€ rct6:'A.d*n cit is probablc th.r . mplete dreory of glrcc oould confiE .llcphclli,mE to pemtcs within ttc tuDr! ncworr!.y!rcm, tt $!nc is

Ii is di&nt ir rti. n g. tlLt by frs cnmd|t *'H b. thrr d 4rdldE y b inpciblc hecaulc th€ t I0 ptcnonEnon is mlde up of r?orathtl d6qibc. rttuz of wrchtcd o.orrEnccs- lt *ould b€ ftc rying tofitd . codnor ofuin fq dEe, rnoiun, time ard tenris. No dorlbt.rct pcopk in ine UFO-crdy fcH harc a vE y d€-a. concept d !o ebli!rent3 e part of tlE uFt, prrc|lre@n p.oFr ard *hidr .rc mt. $drs.l€livity sm rbslut€ly iccc.6ary; trut the erd&si@ d 3.,ft ..?6sin favour of orhers. that e mt rcgdded d ccntral to tft. d|cno!l€{to|r, bi rnd inh€r€Idy bied pltEs th.t k €vcn i. fur eiah cadr

'!grdEr, irvBrigator d intcrEst d Fny. Also, r.ports th.t g'E rci.rd

.r 'roguc ca!€s' that do mr 'rcaly' !€fl to b. 'proFi t Fo ph€nor|cM

.r€ id€al c$e matciial .rd aE .Ecrly wtrt thc ph€|x'llHor i! dl rboutlo otlm- Therc i! l|o fited d.trtritior q stad.d that is miEMllye.ptlbb; m cxmplc sil n tc tiis !€rt inpo.r{nt F trr dcar.

lrtE-staldiry Gnbcr of B(,FjORA, Roy Rdlrn6 *6 sdling ottc$lltrM's €veriog trom his d@ of w.l al thc t-idon W6tddTelcvisim buildina m the South Ba!|t of tl|c Ttrrlc, bdon. Ir 18 thcmiddl€ of th. ru|}lsr and a ltc app@tt€d r sccrion of ttF South Bdt.tB complex, cdlcd l-owr GMnd, he b@m .s!rc of i sLrng.flotGnrg dd ]niriing sound j|xt abov. his hc!d. Otr lootin! rp, IE

'3dmtrfaord.d to s . Ery itrrngc so.t of tle.dr &obi.sor @ntr.p.iorflocting a li.!|. .bow him- It looL.d lit . dnun.tion ot inotiL. dutcorrid.d of srul .8ik, Fopcn€r-litc .ppqdaS6, tridgd...nd rccrrn-ttdd pltt.s, wi6, ban& and a conplcr h8r-box, har-crlitdcr.lEF all|no{in3, tumirg rrd spimira in difia!:n dir€ctions. Hc lotcd srourd arthc re{.rion! of prsseFb:r, bot tlE srEd to be ohlivioos to thci'ffii'E obiect- Quftc nighrcn d, !d rin r *E d u'lElit', he bcr.tto ?rlk fdt r trmrds rh. cnt .ncc to W.r..ioo St rih, ldid|r to rhccolnpl.l. A. hc pred .168, he 6ord scc the objc{r otr of ttc corncr ofhi. .yc. It d to ttc follcina hiD. Padcriry, te r.n d|c ld fc*trid! rp ot! to d deEted edl?Ny rl|.l L'rh into thc rari(r .'bqr|E-StofpinS bri€fty b.ldE dtcrirs it, hc tunrd rtrd botcd for dr dirtcdtrrdior, bul ir rs t|orhcE ro bc sn- H@ver, hir.itanim rrrcaBht by wht h. !!6utnd reE bids takina off nm thc to? d.r o{tablod( rc.rby. Hc

'a lh€'c s tir€c snrll rcd lithts *E lina tbc

cr€ri.8 sty ar rn otk.



Wbdctcr n rmrc of thi. .xFri€ncc, 't

doc: nor fit .$ily inl,o'mvctrtitnd' t Fo{ilbiin! Epoir'. [t b rctaling io sk dFlv6. why,Ea? Suh cac s this cryo.e ou. deFly h.ld .$Fptions rbout thc psErFtc6 tnat *c atdibu.c lo dt€ln. For . st n, Roy'tUFO &6 .ot 5ccm to bc .ny type of .dv$.cd tcchrolotic.l dcvicc;ndc€d lhc vcry op0o5i..: it slnacts of loe lcch. Evcr if it is l|.umcd thdlr b no. ary tyPc of vchiclc for tnBportins @psnts and hrs gnc othc!

Fnpoic, wh s ! Emotc-controlled lcconneileance dcvice, it crn hrrdlyb. to lnvc tnet rry 'stc.lrh' spccificatids. Bul relty, th€rc is notlen fd not iicluding it in ou. qtaloAu€ of UFOS: n wa enrinlyaid..tificd dd flyi.g; it r.ted io bc . slectuEd eft of urikmwnd.rign. It is jut th3t th. design dc rot conlorn ro whit h.6 com. to b.qrrd.d 4 acccpt ble in UFO-$.udy tc.nlr. Ii k ab{urd.

Thc dcpicrion of lhc UFO rccms to .tullcnlp Roy's caiegdiation ofUFO. rcnccring bis sphisii..tcd view of th€ phem'lMor - I.aFierc.d iNBriattor. Ii providcd, pcrhaF, ar rsumption-tcstingtctuc-cdc .nd it v{s .s if his u.comciour (for it must hsvc b.o rFnuciration) I,..aying: 'You"€ a UFO inr€stiSrtor - islud. thi! sni' $i.g itr your id6 o. UFOS.' It is nor knom vhst RoyS

liclErFtim rcrc .t tlE tifre, bur, likc drlatns, CEs r!fl€ct th.rihcss's irn r r€.lit ir sori€ say.

. Ncrenlt€lers, thc poirls b€ir! ma& rcg..di.g ov.nll th.o.i6 irc:

I An ovcral th@ry is impodsible beq& ec t.t rcpons ba!€d on a;ftlE of utrrclrtcd Dhcnma.. rhi.i, inctu& IFC,! that rcmain UFOS

tr. to i86cjent idoftrdo',. Also,lh@ cae. ihat i.volvc rh. vitrc

t'.th.r i cr..tion with entitig are no 16 robiguoN, as n is c:lcs

tfd, typr,olly, hde .b$rd, irnlluoG clehe.r. in colnnlon witb'Ff.!ic .nd iortctits foltlor. trditior..t Thii lc.ves the dtc.nariv€ of hrving to.ire which (:es to includc

. t Thb &ledivity is by m mc.ns obvio!!, rnd ir i! subje€tiv€ dd bai.d@rdiry to Fll|cld ...dnpriotu aboul ilG UFO phdmemn.a Tbc ectccrivity irbltrd v..i6 flm troup ro group q from individn l! indiyidrd: th.t ir, thcrc e rc Div.6ruy a...Fcd p.r.tncter!, so wcJE lcft with rhe sitution r.h.rc cach c.!. h.5 ro bc judgEd

thu lly 8roup€d.Wc rE .ko lcft with lh. situtio. of 'fngm.nrcd .on enstis , wh€rc

ii s*rd '.apt'E

('ith lrvays e fci' crccptkxri) or . lcnrircItr!. b{t eior particdir froopA or individllr idcntiting lbeir osnbdy .'!$, oftlr p.lsively by nol rctivcly @llcding tt"ca of drta.&r .t.mpl€, thoe€ erb .lfiE ribc ro lhc ETH *odd not .cccpt Roy'!I'FO a r drnpl€ oI cxtr.t rrtstrid .clivily.


Page 23: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden


a In Fdie, rirt !.€a|5 to nmcn ir th.i lpccitu typ6 of pl|c||otnc@.'l rodid bt lF.ift indivi.h.b, f,ho cl|.E . ficld o{ dttdy bc..rlbcy ftd dtrt by nsdyirt dE c of ttcir cbon (phi.$ rhcy uorltyl.let bc.{.e tt y shcady rd $.r th.y t!n. I c.min lGEl d8n&ii.!ding ot dEltl), : \ridlr apdiatid of tlE explir||doG dEycomp]c dy b. pciblc.

Pwric dplr|.tbrE

Prtdir .tplanew do bt @utt Ior da phrtt ,utw d .lN-d@dt r.tperiaras. Co*n&ntrt the obFdicwhiclt.r€ u$rny ratu ditr oppo6itid to .ny Ftrhic elltlao.rion of UFO pbc,tl'|g., it muLt b..pprsptirtc to @t|skLr V.ll6ct e.rli.r 3iatcn|cnt to thc .ffccr rh.t.lparition.l dEort codd pGlibly be @.tain d *nhin rhc Fr.rcGB ofilE hum.r nefvoos rylacm, but CEs dNld mr, I do, of orrs., rgrc. rithihis, !.d add that sitlbut rhc inflt of UAh m the hltn.|! sysr.m,mmy ot tl|c UR.E3 (sld nor be mdcrirood in Fr6a r.tE. It k tllc frctof lhcn physical. nrtt rrl !d ffift,me*dr€ring firur! rt.l prwidGmny of th€ €ffcds n?or&d, sdr G rlre lirt d €rtier. Thcrc is mo.b3aill to tlc difcoE .d .bdrt th€ UAP, but rhst rc t|rD o.t6 us r!.liz.lh.t ti€y ar. dFmic @trEs ol r.di.ring d€dDrEgEtic oe.S'c,reht d rilh sp.cific Seophy*zl fertuB. It is tieir irtolrcmDt ir rhcUFO ph.txre.o th.t lrgcly Out mt cntiEly) Mtrib a6 rhc ptltrizl

It is bconirg .ridenr to a fcr r6calrtE|! rhet thc chda6 UAP|intuct ir p.oplc's lnh& and bodis mt oly cause rlEs. ir ividu.k topcrEeiv! CE irilitics, but th.t thcy c,r .lr.r sning|y pcnrulEnrFeDlity sh.tuG -

-nt.lly imase rhc range of dFir F .cAturt

rpp6rNtG..d inEodu.c rcdirid irto rh€it lifcoo r F raE.rbsi!-thrrfrciliaitc a &€ply {tritr.l outlook- Th.y my rEpi!!.t|r a 1c*'fom ofcrcrtry, and s.ic@ trc.d! to t kc th.m s.rioEly-

Co|!dotr$..6 rd phtt|6d naafty fl -|[email protected]

If th€ ctrrsr.ristid o{ .Fcririons .r. sinild to tlYF of UFGrcl.r.dcntiti6. il folloirs thrt rtreory Drd appry 3o gdr dritiaWhtt, lhcr, do6 thir thco.y 6ey ab@t dE phFicel o.tur€ of .F.ridoG,and th.Eforc UFO cotiti6? Esnicr, thcrt r& e .ntldo|t ro 6cir dr.ngephyric.l rspats o thrt tiey 'did.y sclccriE phFiczl ch|r!dc.nrti€'.F|m a dn't|oni€ns€ poirt of vi€w, orc roldd bc c.titLd to .rtE th.r



dncr ronclhjr8 i! phFicd or it ir .o.. ind srcly thc.c b no !€l€ctility or&r!gc|l*.holt the iqc. Ho*c!cr, rhis 'physicd|l6' is mt juit Nrd&rc , bot it is lpprchcnded by dre eit..'s s per.eptusl stsdn. Thelrcotrcio{6, by duplic.titre sct subrdtive Fcptidrs, c.n conrinc. theri!E$ of th€ir niturc. TlEp sre rhe proc€!6as a wort in thectcor!$itll8 .rrgird of 'phfsicrl b.iryr' r'd tbeir'sp.ffift'.

Tnis sLtiry, s in the !h..tE, involw3 produci.g ncar copics of the..vim{nrnt, in Frcpllrl te'm, .nd .cpl&i.g thc eitn€..'s r€rlFEcptlms with !ll€6€ clpics. Wher the e|@!rl.r i. anhm.l virior, a redinic drcrs is produccd whbt fullib this rcple".ocrt. In situatio8 wbcr rhe wiErcs6 is adually pcrccivinS thc cnvio-Bt, s@h 6 a rood4d .H surounded by hills for ctarnple, theltroecioui, activated by.l€.lmrg*tic ndiation, $.atca ! pe.ceptionp{ r lpac6ltip' .nd 'aliens wiich litc .ppsrilios 6n b. prc.iv.d by,to.! thrr

're FNn lid ,./sE ir k6 of dtc deituMnt (t6Fdrr|plc, by.p.rerlly chocirg a clc{ing m thc trc6 to lrnd, circling a

crc.). rtap tlrc FNptu.l appmtB of thc *it|lcs6 ac.onpli.hesOi is da.aibed in a later rection (s Noti(ml duplk t6 d Reditylqplc|tmt), but th€ pdrr at 6i6 $.gc is rft.r ir is qi&nr thsr ,r6 drr.&. This is .ppoE.t by l:hp.nrg $ch CE F.leptiorr! with thc versrtility.nd .ppaiently physicil chua.t$isrics of rpporilio! (d€icribed inOrSd Ore). Aiier .ll, apparitions havo *rully appearcd dwint

To ondudc, thcrcfoE, il is dd thal physiel tr.cei in olr nolioinliiro&d .rcc could bc plodued by . UAP, ard .ll th.t r.min .re th€let,rl of thc wih€ss *bici ule pkc! in ,n alrcrsd $ar.. Ir i!t'n nlc bsis of lh* pecptioo. thal CE rcpofls ar€ mrdc. B, | .!ff..mimtior of th6c rcpons, it soon bccom did€.r that, 6ully, thcr.b .oftEthin8 'not qune right' .bout thc autb. icity of th. rcaliti€s!.!tcdGd (for oe thin8, $cy en mlabl€ and arc liabl€ to rsni.hh.ndy). Th. m6t pccP.irc d€siption of tbk dubiou. authenticitl-'t!nc Iton F ctic.l inv6tigator AIdrcw Ma.K@ic- He is tbl. t6i5.ntffy th€ s.ticnt ap6ts of eh ec c.ll .rcal' or 'unrcal . Consider this

Prao had earii€. d'sdrss€d his sugg€rion rhat apparitkFli||B'@lo6*tcrs .. inwhdrhesridrhatwsw€r€iidinedroeyrh.t6hducnatory arity w6 sonEdting pudy meraf. as oprrosd io . E6loti.d wrtdr was ptwltcal. Bur . . . rhe dillrc b€r€n thelEauciBtory and lhe Crysirt .€ol wss ont a diaf.r€.rc! ot d€grce. AhqrciEtory dttry is dnpoGad of s€ns€{al? or app€arr..6s iust as a'.El ot*:ct is WtEt is w6'9 wth it. what amliBs us to cal ii 'unrsl is

Page 24: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

nt6-'sYcl|tc cto6E Eta@t NTErs

ttE facl th6r rtEF b not e|dgh ol n. for arnde. a halliEiEtdy Et 6b€ ses l@m tE front hn not fro.n rt€ bsc*: n is visibb hn mt trrgiuoiit can be p€rc€iv€d W m€ perciri{rt bdt ml by mo.e: n €r'durcs lo. only aminule or e. 8ut sme h6llmiMtions do bette. rha tis. AFaniB. ldeEmde. @ so@ti|l6 plblic to 3ew61Frcbbnti d be sen lEmd'fie61 Fints ol vbw. rd €.duE for coisits€He Fins oa rire -thoogh nol as long 6 rhoy wor,ld if lh3y were rcal h'rman b€h96. ilowsuppo* the@ was e app6nt6 wniJr had mBsrri:tdd Fruidty, a.e. w6dtlc to an infinit€ number of Elints of yir tnd indefhite Nmbq otoh6we6j spF€e tar ttEre ac td|giHe 6 wll as ndbb pani@hEamoig ths app€a€nc€s wh'dr arc G codsrinffrs; suppoGe n 6|dur€sfor ha|f an how ard rtB dsaFpears. We ah@tl mi tioh/ wtEtls lo c€llit an 6us@lv prcb.E€d *d (rnpld h6ll@iEtion. or a wry qllg @lobiat'. {Otig, b€ca@ re should nor k!l@ t|* it gDt imo rlE |tD' 6wt'v n a{nuptly vatish€d into drin an) h pdnr of fact it \ iould besmethiE i.deremimrc betr^/s€i the tm: a comDlcr sFt€m ot'cognita (appeffil but Et qone l:frplex muqh to ount a a

th66€ poinrs . ar€ of 11r€ g€at€st rh€orstrcal into.€st whg| w€ vy toffiiter wtEl an appa.itih mEht be. In fact I will dw tft e)(adpbsin srhch s amdtioNi 6 d vd fo{ han a tb!13

These cohncnls are aho of tt€ g'.at6t th€orcaical i c6t rlE wtry Io cocider whar UFlGrel.lcd rEditi€s night be. MacKcr"n tn.l6thc point th.r when re e ofro.tcd by wthiry sthnAe, as.ries of subcon$iou t6ts that re put ir thrcugh to detemine it it b Mlor not. Thes€ .te pc.ceFlal t sB tlut thc u@Biou wdd be ai|.r€ off|@ the 'iBi(k', a it ftre. If thc

'|'ldFst6 could etist tl|c.e diteda

i.r€m.lly, rithitr the ..rcrs/perptul sFteD of th€ sit!t*, rittoulr€ftr€oce to ttc crtcrtrll etrvironrc , tlE. to.ll irrcnti erd F ipo6a,th.l 'something rtrange' *orld bc phFically r€al. This is pFciscly rhat itdoei io tlE daSe@dtcltMt' of rhe CE €rpcric@.

Phfrric.l tc. fid $a ESH

Thir asFct is (xred in dctail in lat r stioG, .nd it is sfficicnt to staiehcrc ihat mod of dr. €fr€cls n! d|€ produ.t of UAP erion s $entt.leldlrcnagnetic d tnqrEtic vo.tet phenorEn .' A vi.blc .rpment fo.pbsical Rrrcrured obrets k ds prent d, .lthoulh |E:rcI into this is

aa 49


Vrni.hhg w.t .

The UAP ph€mremn, beinS el.monagr€tic in nature, t aitracted toclcyar€d retal prctruiors. such 6 radio ad t€levkior masts. Marimpi.6, if @nslruct€d of *ral, *ould ako be pore.ful @ndutoB for th€crcr8i6 of the UAP, esFoally being c/aterbound. Als, tb.rc have beenc$€s eher€ raler no.ed in mtal tanks q 10r€6 has cr€ated rh€ sm€ma8elic att.aclion etf€ct (rh€ Rosdale ca!€ i. Auslrelia)- There 3r.quite a fry (5s of vanishing eat€. a$o.iated wilh UFO preEre. and itis Elcv..a to rore thar eater volatize at 50 MHz in the UHF nicro*av€nng.. Ar rhis tuquen.y, th€ hydroS€n bonds break down and water.tunge ro a Seous staR. shi(n na' th(n (tlspe6f.'

Thc'bl.ctoutnir|clapaa' rap.c,t

OE again, the UAP phenomenon rs a cenrre of clsiromapetic encrgycm €us. this efiecr, 25 Hz or 40 Hz (cycles per @.d) bcing lhetrcquemid tr$d in el€.-tr|)odvulsiw lh€rspy. whicn, of .fuM, indres

ThG pcydrh c.r. lor th. phylicrl

Corti.uilg rhis iheme of rhe phFiol a.p€cts of th€ ESH. it has b€€nrraucd rhat nost phlncal aspeds a.e c@red by the uAP. It has al5o bc€nnertiored rhar a wit||6 kradiat€d by tbis ener&/ can hallu.inal. a flyinge@.' there draha. Ir ba also be.r inoli.d rhat s@h alier€d stet.s can

Fode PK eff€c'ts, ehich $m€titrs ontin@ after the encounc! iso{cr. The implrcation is rhat the wit||s, durirg rh€ cncounrer, a.d fo.!06€ tme after, is chan8ed inlo what would b€ called a 'nedium' who,lix€ '.Ediums in thc co.tett ol a s€ate. is able (o produce a va.iety ofsratr8c phercrcna. including lighls, $unds. apparcrt physical foms *ir[ 'spirits'. Mediums typically enter a tranc€-lile stat€ and Ihey.ft laraely uraware of what is Soing on around tt€n. This is p.eislywhal ()sB in snc UrO cncoDnten: . peen, who is oftef, alrsdy

Fyct k to sone crt€nl, b t.anspo*d inlo a mediudlikc tran E byelccti..l or elecrrcmaSneti. tields either di.61'y fron str.ta,ar anificials@ (litc a hiqoeav€ r€pener) or f|m a UAP, such s an..trhlidr. Ho*cver, instead of spint of ihe dead, the appcuancc ofviritors tio|n amthe., oth€rwldly realm arc evok€d: that of ali€ns frcmamih€. pldel. Th* 'artiticially' induc.d mediums, lit€ the natural'm6 io sGs, sufi.r bl&k{uts and p€riods of tire for which they

Page 25: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

Un(r- tgfcl|Ic CI-68 EN@UiaTlrs

@not 6unt. fn lrFGstudy rdms, th6e .r. €tbd .liDc-ba6,.aeri€ they de .artificiatly' indEed the medium continE tocrFncn€c Fld c ctre.L aftci thc UFO €ocou cr is oE.. sol|teti|Bbe8inning a .arccr ss .r .ordin.ry. mcdium_ Sittc. th.!c .uFO D.diun6,do not rlways ie|nenbcr cvcrything thst rhcy hlv€ er.IEricnc.d duingtbeir 6ances, uFo inGtigatoB @ hypnocis to netp drcn .rcm4bcr,.Howcve., bc€usc ehat they hrvc .rpcricned ii a ni:rurc of itrt mlimagcs and e cmally produ@d .atieE simila. to spirits o. .ppcritioN,whrt rhcy 'remembe/ is oftcn . uirruz of rcatitiq tresd or thei,reliSior!, or rt l€ast s?irirual, bclic6, in @mbimtion with haltucina&d

However, sometim€. thc Ediitio! that .lreE rhei, corlsidirE$ dBnot irdue a total tme but dr.nt6 thcm irro whar potrcrg.i*lnvsngetoE oll the 'fmi Ftgm,. This .fo.rrs is e. y a re..g.rwtlos body ard Dird ir underSoing a adicit ddt ftm ctitd to.duh_?The radirtion indl|6 si|nite phFotogic.t chDt s i, a, .duh, .nd rbcirrMnsoous, ir.tead of p.odEng a potterscist, prodG a I,FOcn@unrcri or, to t c morc .ocur8rc, offen r mixrlr€ of borh- Th.retdc. itrr conmon to find a uFo, .ticrs.trd appa.itioB appcarirg i. tlE sreer.FrieE. Th6c expc.ietts, tire .pure, pottert i!. outbEls, sPccts involved: nrcrylained footprintsj rci6 th.t mbody 6ni.lcntifyi n6k or thc body of th..frEs'i sF.rge smclts; u,cQt incd toto. mist; exhcfic chegcs in reDpeEture e.d atmo6phercl dd l|| rb o;the ground- In UFO acountcs, ftow.rcr, t.c!e tic rharc of rh€exFncncc is not . l'wtirg spirir bd vi$tine ,ticN, ditrcrEnt physisleffeds ('@i that are rcatty F tnutari@s of lsi.ndard potrcrgcis cvdrs.Onc of th* is the appc|nE of r dncrur.d mft or .sp.e_ihip.. Lodcr to DndcFta.d tbis asF.r. w. n€.d to toot at what (x6rs inpohcrg.isr otbrclks and @mp{rc thcm eirh cle-encou c.s- Co6ide.

n|. ttf, caa.8

Tbis ca!c, wlbh involt€d s @mptcx sri6 of incidcnts, b€8 , in 1962 arthe homc of th. Gould f.mity in South Middlcton, Ma$.dN&tts. . ru'ilconDunity about t5 nit6 (21| tm) mnh of Bdror. Thc dct|ts irdud.dsightirts of t*o didimr .nriry ttp6 (hctn t.d ..p.c.octr) atrd Dappltition of r ltn of ordin.ry-toorirg appc.r|||c (but ,ot ofmovcnent), hbcllcd \rhc Fowtc.' by rhc cfltd!. Scrcrrl dificMr t Ff,ttyFs ecrc als irvolcrd, :rdrdiry dinge BOL snd , rd,r&d slrucrurEd'dft'. Th€ Anprion invcstig.toE e!rc Raytnord E- Foetcr .!d Drvtl


oBt€cfroNs lo trE ELECTIo-STAGTNG xYPoTltEsts

F. Wcbb. Tb€y reported rb.i n sirelc UFO landed on rh. Gouldsproperty arcwd 9 JaM.y 1978 dad MiEd Iot tM doyt belorcdcpinint on th€ notning of 12 January. If rrue, rhi! evert On 9 8nd l0 Jrrlu.ry lhere $rt. two obs.ryerions of ahchEtcd, whit+suired qta cm!n' in tt|. viciniay of the gmund.d UFO.Prcdicrably, rh€re wrc fiEqreot reports of Fyctic pheno'ncna intcriror,6 in rt. UFcrclat€d a@unis, wtich inchd.d apFariiional and

Evenls of 9 JanuarYOi $€ ev.ri.g of 9 Janu.ry, lhe parcnts vde in th€ir sitting{oh- Ar|tul 7.30 pD. rh€y sas, from an castj&ing windw, a very lar8e,yell@-*hite round litht moyinS domqards at ar angl€ just above smelr.€s- Due lo ft€ soddenreis and th€ brevity of th€ sighnng. thet *e.e notffi, but tte BOL sm€d ro hav€ a small€r lighr at one end, or. as MnThe|N GNld thouSht latd, lhree ound liShts. Th€ BOL setued toiave bccn approaching froh rhc nonh-ea$ .!d wa5 in viee for ar least | 53€dsds. Th€ daught€r, Nnfty, *ho sas thc AOL fron a dwr vamage

Firr, deihcd it d a huge orange globe. She ran out of the bact door i!lim to *e it disaFear behind src trees, where it witrked olt. Her lotalobs€.!.tio. rire was .bour 20 s€eDds. Fire minutes later, sh€ tri€d topli* smtu, boi folnd the lift dad; rh's maltuncrion l..ted for 20sinura. It *a laler found rhat an ikomirS call had been €quallyorstl@stul. TtE younSest child. DouSld, uraware of the UFO, *asslairS ftatby ar a rclative s hoq*. There the children had just b6. putro b€d wher on€ of th€m sll.d oul to thc father, eying that he sas a pale'mar'ar the {@t of his bed, wbo had $dd,enly varished. slddenly, thefdhct t@rd a tnaking snd ir an adjoinin8 @m. whicb vasotloc.apicdj On p(tlitra rhc curtairs oped, hc was stanled to $c a white!pc-$ited'figsre vith a dotue-like helmer, about lbiee feet away (s€eF-ra. 1). It must been standing on the ftf of an adjoining porch. TwocF gar€d our ftod thc helmt. The farher droppcd the ortain and nndownstaiE. Tlt. figure was not on lhc !oof, but, aff€r tuming to go b6cllnto thc hous€, fie imm€dint ly saw it slanding just ou8id. the gla3$-

The fol@ing d.y w6 very cold and cloudy, with flurriG of snow in therEa, allhongn $ere *as no overr{ sno* .over. Tttmas Gould spent the.lay sorting out id€ his h('N. At 2.30 pm he b€8an chopping wood in arpot.iul rcrth of it. Suddenly, he sw the 'spaemar' standin8 on the patibedde a tr.t about 90 feel .i/ry froE hin. The figurc *as quile snall,lbout 4% fc6t (1.25 ln) tall, ?earing e squad€h, dom.-lite h€lmet in*hicn r@ et teo d{t eyc-holes- Th€ fitlte bad br@d shouldeB. wilh


Page 26: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

t Fos - lRYclrlc cr468 ENCoIINTAIS

Ft. I Ar 'dr|'6i.t.d fo.D' dr Ulueloo|r.d 1!hd ?.c-!rt' i ahc

Middr.loo cE itict Fd-.d fo. N) tu .. Ttd. dari! .'ri.{r,'rDit d a rl .por'. Thcy tR .F|.' Dd .d..*

Ft ', ,ii} Ciptrdh.rdr .rd |'|di|d... ft.c

3ms th8t hu8 dom Damly, at.hough its .ms €id.d i. sinpL mi6cn-likc hrnd. with th't digjb. O.ty rlc hrnds ed rhc hctnct

"rE batttc_

snip trcy. This wlr orlc of |ndy c.coqnteB with rbb ertity ttrr Thmchad cxpcri.nced &4 stttrcogh it *:. obvio!.ty ik nc, hc oftcn h.d th.rtEngc feliog of anothct prGene ||d tl|€ firsr fig@ rl|aa tE @td aor



FciE for 3re rcason. Or thk o.esion, Thomar and the figu.€ tJotht|||rd .l cell othcr for ffi tihe, Mtil Thona breke the silerce by.patirg in EnSrbh. Th..c *r! no r€spons€. H€ thcl tri€d Frcnch ard forr mm€.i ahough h€ sw th. figur€ nor€ slighly. Aftcr $at he grv. uptnd, a this rd Dot an urdnrcn @ofto.trtio., hc went on eith hitwl lo atoth.t q minul"t AII ihe etile the 'sp*€aan' remaimd, andThone noti@d wh.n hc lootcd uo frcm timc io time thar it oevernovcd. Ir tl|€ prn he had lned chasing the figr,res, bul thef would y\n thbcfore he .ould re..h thcm, only to rcappear turthcr away. Thi6 tim€, h€cvdtully irnped htu rrucl .nd dov€ a shon dbtane and, onlooting bek, th. 'sp*cman' had gone. Th3n, fo. lh€ fiBt riG, Thoma.oticed *hat s€m€d to be, al liEt glall.e, a rne*' boulder on hb land,.bd l50 fc€t (16 m) amy ddn a slope in a panially wood.d a.€a. He

loa oui of rlt€ rftt dd walled ro whft h€ @!ld se th€ obj€.t better. IrP3 siiiirt d the g@nd rnd il was egg-sh.pcd, with one lnd wider thanth. oth.r. It h.d litle 'hoodcd rindo*s' all over it rhicb r.ftinded him oftb€ bnlboa cF of a trog. He drove bet to fetch NaEy, hh dauShter, tokro* at it too, and she d6.rib€d rhe wi.doB as protDdire from th€ iid6ofrhe objdr, regularty sFed and side by sid€. The obi.-.lwas d8rt treyin coloor and .outn in tciturc, lite ihe surf.ce of a bnd. No areas of

idrring or s€am of any lind sere cvidenl. Th€ area where the obj€d hadr6red 94 meaored by the investi8atoF, who €stimared that it wouldhave be€r abori 4{) fet (12 m) long and la f€tt (4.25 m) wide. The,spaemaD' r?5 s! about m fc€t (91 n) to rhe vest of rhe obj€.i.Thona had bcen afEid to apprc&b th€ obj€ct very dmly, and h. latertmt bis eld€r child, Allan, ald Nancy to l@k at it. Ttlis was at dDsl and,dE to.he failtng light, Tlromas claims to have s€en only *ren windos.All.n corld only see rhat loted to hin litc a huge bould€r. Howcvcr,lhe d( day, frcn an window, he saw a dislike objc.l.gnd. Il had a s@th. silrery surfa.c and I *as shaped-like lwo shallo*dishcs prcsd He dsd sse 'legs undemeath, whkh he lot robe hnding 8eat. A shon whilc lar... h€ found ehar he dcsibcd s 'podmrts' itr ih€ gmnd a.d th€ investiSnto6 wcre shNn one that srill

Encoonter contextThee UFGrclated cvents (URE) *e!. itnersFn.d with s ran8. of

Fychic prFtll,NM. including appnritions and polte.gcilt effccts. ThealEs wa! *nit i €stigators wdld c.ll a vindow arq'or'!f@l'- thar is,p.ore to rhe .yF of &tivity des.ib.d- It wi bc sho*n that, ir fa.t, slchet@ @ clcrromagFtic bot spots. Thc €a.liest evcrt wai otened bythc gE ddoihcr. Il *.3 r UFO sightirg follding a lhundcBtortn. She

Page 27: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

t to6- tsvclllc ct 6E EradturarEts

|rv e onnSc BOL whid Arrv in sirc .rd thcn divi.t d into i trMbcr oI.tnrlcr lights. The BO[,s .ppc{r€d r8.i$t r ound of n||fti_olourcd beanls, and ftc *l|otc iidrirg hscd fivc minur6, dric.h ii quit. l6t p.riod fo. $.n acnl|. This dd othcr URE 6ccm ro havc! C|cmmru eirh rct.tcd UAps, iodh.tirc of m €.ciE, potcnirlir thc sunoundira r..{ rssci.tcd eith dt6 dirE dy (rcr f.!h-liG. Thisis bom out by thc onrinul a.dvity whicrt tnry ,ls be.ssi cd rith tte yourgd fimity ||IdtErs. Orher ca!6 harc shoen rhrtUAP/BOL &tivity h stt.a.ted to open drcrdE of estcr in .eindo*ftc{s'dd ir trs no lorpie ro find th.r in 194, pncn AIu rs l?. herar rn odrge BOL phtromcnon j.6t b.hird ttc f.nily poot, phidr .trhri tirc lay 150 feet (46 h) trdth of thc hre, not fd frcm fic ipotwh.rc Thoos @ofrontcd thc 'rpemn' fot orlc r.d . h.r hom ahilcchopping wood. Alld'! lyl4 siShting r@* place at,bott 10.45 prr, wherhe r?s in bcd. The oEnSc light tiom the UAp ws so irter{e rhit ir shdctltFugh th. hevy ortairs_ h wc ciSs-.hap.d, with an intc.scty brithtand indistinct hrzy cdsc. ad ir ws hudr taiger th.n rhe p@t, ehin lsl8 fc.r (5.5 n) in diantete.. Ir y.! 106r frcD vi.s ehen ir lsnd€dvcnicrlly. Arclnd this tinc, AIan had another UFiO sitln.g or. hug.obie.t *trid! onsincd of a d{rk i}qte with tidts tbat oosastty.lremated in .dN fton white io t d a.d bact.

EntitiesTte dtit, that be.eme t!t.M ; th. prowtcr' wa s Merke rb.r ttEMiddteton polie were cdlcd o several ilxsionr- This *s ofter .r nightrd thc sMftr doDths, when the potice rculd drive s.oud the 8M.dsbut find nothing- 'Tft. pwler' ,lways apFarcd d.6€d in a wtirc shi.tand tbusc6. Although ir ap€ared to have ihort dart hair. m!r.s rcrc c!€r str a rcry @mmon f@t!re of alpoririod ..d it kq?ical of hdntiras Aefttatty.

Th€re wc.e other mewhat itrdisrirci.nd fle€rin8 entities p€Eived attin6 and, until the Goulds .siated thtu wirh drck otrE srE.lefi8ures, rhey eould smern6 cdDl.itr 0o a neart y tennis dub rhrl drhembcrs wre rrespssing. .Th€ pro*ter' had odd aDblt.rory d.r!c_&nsti6 whn:h distinguish€d il ftm mmd bom.n mvencnr. It s..nearly alwa's ob6€red in the n.4 distare, j6t as tte .spaceo|n rs.dd it lrged very slowly, *ith the body hctd very e.e.r ad rhc a|m h€tdtitidly by the sid6- The elbd 's or tre€s rcre neyer obceFcd ro b€rd,like a toy $ldier. ad shcn it tumcd, tbe wnob body .olated i. a ctrioufashion. There eere n€ver .try foFritrts sr ftom cirt€, cntiry ryF.ev€n wbcn there *?! smw coveri.S thc trcund- The ghndfrothe, h.don€ enountcr with the p|wler'yhich ws der rh.n thc othe6. Wtq



rltc *as apporching th€ porn, b€r Smdson *d in.rooE iust cohin! outb tEr h€r, b[t .s she got rcar the doo., she sa* {|€ pro*ler aboul only6 tc.t (2 m) rwar. It bad its b€cl to her and it was notimlN. Thirking itras the gm.dso. hirelf, she @llcd o!l- Whetr she 8or a reply frotn insid.lhc hoN. she rurned her bead ro rhe d@Nay and then quklly bacl to'ih€ pro*Le.', bul it had vanished.

The Middleton areaThe town ncr is j4l 3 riles (5 th) from an ar€a t.adilionally k.own forsupemalunl activity, DanveE, lhe old Salcm of witch-trial fme.Rqrrding lbe locll tcopbb,cal @nditions: rhe area is a! €athquate

l! is u$olly a ombimtior of Mlural and artift ial lields which produ@a hot spor, el@l|maSnetically sFating. lt is signilicat to mre that thereis an atomic rerrch facility ir Middleton, @nsistinS of 3 lineara@leralor (L|NAC built by MIT). Th* sulccs, in conbination, could.ertainly pr.i@ Fmanenl ambient has&ric ind.lectnel fi€lds in theG@lds' hoe and tMds. Suc{ anbierr fields prcd@ alrercd srat$ or@n$iosnes (ASC) and ih€ rype of p€@ptims th€ Goolft reponed. Inf&1, it ; ctc.r from my ow. invesrigatios ove. tte p!.r 12 yed or horetlbr dcrs, polterSeist .ff.cis, UFOS. alien enlities. etc., all occur incletmagreric hot spoG, atrd lhey arc the prdu.ts of thcs energres at

L 96 in tbc early half of th€ twenri€th century rhal an ltalian profesr,n.It*d Cazamalli, condld€d experimds ir which he expo{ed h!6u$ Io higlFlr€queNy fields in lhc fon of .adio wav.s up to mrcgacfld-'o He foud th.t thes subiec$ hallucinat€d at a paniculart cqucncl (bcse€n 38O lo 5& mc) and repofed defirite pulsinS' in thcb.ain. (S€e al$ lhe iraE Mlrphy' ce-study, itr the fif,al chapt€r, whcreshe dd.rib€d the f@lin8 of fi.ld exposure.)

Morerer. el..tFnic polution erpen Anr€ Sil& hd liied biological.fidts of fields, *!icn includ,e 'hum or b@ing apparendy e erior to thetE!d'.I' In this Mnecrie, ir is reteEui ro note that a visiting retalive ofrhc Goulds hqrd a eund lik a sam of *hich gree very loud andbmudt him ro rhe vcrgo of collaF€. It k evidc.t that th* witressf.€ erpo6ed to d.bm8Nti. and ele.trcni@lly originatinS fi€lds. TheEsH poF&s that rhe G@lds were afiecr€d by the fields and b€gd to actG 'u!.diurns or pollergei.l foci' to plodu@ th€ €nounter realities.


Page 28: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

vF6- tsYctftc cl.ocE EN@uLTats

An tFb of d. Fv.r*/Flryicd -p.Gr.This .ccou!! rcp|€*nB otrly a .nalt ponion of rnc $ cEtrt th.

Goulds reportcd. Ii indic.tes rhar UAP! (the .crirt tiSllts), ,ppintim,'flyi'lg sEr rnd sp.cemen', poltc.gcist .ffcr! ,nd, app.rcnrly,'aph)sical '@ft' eere involt€d.

Hwevor, ye .r€ primdity coreftd wirh rhis lattcr phmenon _lbe phyidl 'mft' apcct - for rhir itrdi@t6 how unddisbly physic.tobje€ts 6n be pen of. UF]O senario rhrr is equly urdeniabty Fychic ion.t!re. This @se tas chc.n b€ausc rh. .t.trdcd UFO'coutd mtcociv.bly be the dirc.t os€queE of a UAp s . whi.irird o. ,on rof elcmified pa.ticl6, r! $me are: nor mtd it be a iinptc h€aring o,othcr diBt field cffet_ H@, ther, coltd Fydri. prccerecs pGiblyprodue a vcry lalgc, lrded, phFi{rt @ft ehn hdboc porthotcs ard atcxturcd .trrf.c., obscrlcd by s€ver.t witnes.€s, r,hidr, rftc, e fd .hrs.

Tbe answ.r is cnrcrcly imporrrnt, beau€ ir g@td r€!€rt h@phFidl, .truct!rcd ob,ecrs @lltd bc accourt d fo. in CEs gerenlty,Bing a Fycl ic explanition. rhiln thc ESH paniatty is.

Ii b.s dcady ben sratcd rhat phFiot spccts ee co.t iEd i,poltcrgcist tcrivity. So, what is it .n rly about this typ€ of pbcnoncro,tfiit is s relev t ro thc phylical aspers of CEs? lr ha atso b.ttrMnon.d thar poltcrSein phenomera coGr.ndy @urrEd thMthoutrbe h.pFdngs ar Middlcton, inrcBpc.scd with the URFr, .nd *c haE$€n other c.s whc.. rhcy irc a @mmn posrdtuar.r.slmdrornc,. Itis evide.r that what4er 6uss potte€eidts - q m.E t ch.iely,rcdncln spootancous psycholin6is, or RSpK it is intriBirth inrclvEdin mMy URES. I. ordcr ro &l.mine whar thei. DrtEs€. couldontribut to URE gcncratty, and thc Mijdtno! ce ipccifi€ly, ectrccd to loot at rh. everrs rhrt lrnr that is, *.irt is D6ibtcduring polt rycisl r.,tivity, end h@ do€s i! ro URE? And in rhbinstancc, lto* @|d n prodftc r physicd, sFrrdur€d craft?

Ex.mdG of po|la.!.in or RSPtr .a,dyityThe flevs,€nd PhelrE tiv€d in slrdtrold. Con.€crEr .. H€ w6,nt€rst€d an cbrvoyance, ard .tremored to t@t i .€ss6 by m6ans of

On Sunday, Marcn lolh, $e f.ritv rgturrEd t|mcnurch to lind the frcnr doo. wde opsn and th€ ot€c€ in diso.lbr. Theirrrst asumptron wB 6ar rlay h.d tts€n buQi€d; t,Ur inspectih show€dthat nothing had b€€n t ks. . _ TlEt [email protected] d|e tanitv wg|l oft tochur-f' aqain, blt this tm the R6/€rqd Ptt€lps srrr€d b€rind ro k€€o



Mtch. He nray well haw dr2€d; ai all 6v€nrs notii.e distu.b€d hrm Buiwhen de tumiv relutrEd t|m chuEh. lh6 da.e again showed sisns ol a.inlrrt(b. Fomilu.o was scan€r6d, ed in th€ roin b€d.oom, a nighrgdndd chemis ha.l b6on laid out on th€ b€d, with the ams lohed &rossrhe b@sl and a ol siockings phc€d to make n |oot like a coD* laijdt for b!i61. In anotlw ltlm, dorhi.E and cushiois h€d b€€n us€d tornake various duhhi6, which wge ahnged in a tableau. in atmudes olextere .bvono.. so.n€ with th€ir foreheads nearly r@cning the lloor',ard wnh open aibbs

'n |ro.t ol th€n Cl€6dy lhe polte4eist hdd a *nse

F@m ltH m the PtElps pofteE€isl praclis€d ns skin as a d€signer olbbleaut. -IrE aslo.ishiig rbirg Es, that lhe rere done so quickly.ore ob$rver, a Doclor webstst remarked rh.r t weld h6w taken halt a(krzs wmen srehl hou6 to consltucr the 'dummies that thepofte€ejst made within miftrt€s. On€ fig{rr€ was so lilelile that when lhe$r€eFar.ld boy renl nto the rom he thought his molhs wask@liog in pray€t and whispered 8e nill . . .'

That n Ds a Fherg€isr b€came clea. llE next day, wlls obiecisb.{En to w into lhe an. A bmlet fi6, d. rnsbirs, an umb{ella leaptthrcWh the ar, and spoons. bds ol tin and kets were th'oM a@nd u

Frdn ttis ce, .nd Duseou otbeB, ii is clqr thrt F tergeisrs havethe ability ro borh dno.aarr. and rcory@ize physi@l ot jects. How this isasmplish€d is enigmatic, although rber. are stron8 indi@tions thatnagn.tic phemremr arc r6poi.sible. Howcv€r, the poinr is thar thispfiFical nanipulation dar (xnr. Coudl€s ces hav€ .evealed re-.tmgemenls of obj€.r., $netim.! lo demnstEle speific themes- Theyilso sh@ hw D.t€rials .rd obi6l3 suddealy rnd my$eriolsly appea..nd disappear. Thes€ .re rrt,m a appo.ts. Trrere €n ro be no limitrio ils mrtctiilgithc.i.g abilities, alth@gh it is usu.Uy orfin€d to !h€l@l This is th€ rctivalod urcon5ci@s al vork again due to.lE €LcttmaSneiielly stimulat d brain, but instqd of itrlluencins thcrrwou sFcm and perePlio6 of, wiines, it rcorgarizes lhc erternaldvidficnt. Thercforc, in rems of the tst

Se-naraSemenr' of rheGoulds' e@uni€6, it k this organianonal ability, utiliz€d in a morcspeific and dir€ded way, thal produced the stiuctured 'spac€ship'. Itcotid aniv. .nd depart in the sne manrcr 6 all appons, ad n would b€

96nofthcstagcd rcalityoIar el|cqdt r with viri.o6 fmd sroths world.Th€ Middlelor evem! consbtcd of . urrtlr. ot non-physkzl tpcneD'

.rd 'prwl$' ehich, ftvenheles, ould bc se€n by different farnilytr|€nbcE (a ir many €s ot haurfird, aDd th€ addilion of a physicalclcDerr- 6e 'landcd craft'. Itr other encoureB, the mir is differcrt, and


Page 29: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

uFoa- tsnclfic closE ENcouxtEas

phlntoln' 'l'!cornuncd, fo{crmplc,rin phFic.l'.5&mblcd'entiti6. If thc PhclF polt rlcist qrld Flduc! lit -lit fitutB fionclothint rnd houshold ir.d, thcn, birr|rdy, in r crcon.tcr riah I LIFiOrhcttE, RSPK sctivity h- thc potcrti.l to prodw '.sfblcd' €miticsih.t p6 for dicn fts.n spae- It i6 dE ultiorte .nd logiol F r...idfron prcduirg {rr'aritions eilh *letiE phFic.l fc8turls or i.dEir8int€mal ie.aery. Thcrcfdc, it is cai& rhat

'n.u & tu s'gb, tira*

@Etory into whkh CE dp..i.d..s co b. pl@d i, .6 ol ehdq tlc,e aU tudlol ot phtti@l. I:hd @ dF.ic'ccs th.t.r! Frdy irt m.l,but othe6 @nsin of r minut€ of or'rcdity-strtu!6'. TIE tJl ii prod@ th@ strgcd G.liti6 @rdiry ro thc prcv.t itodniotts- Wtat @nditiom *mld rhcse bc? Whrt m.y &t mine rheproponior. of, .!y, hilEiutid to 'PK-ir*sDbly'? Any (m municr

I Thc innate prcpe$ity of tl|c pittr* t@ards peychic crcnb nentd *$itivity tder.lly.2 The rype, depth, duE io. ard degE of ttc ASC th.t derclog6 d ijiri88ered in a witres or the 'fooE Fmn (ehich tnly not bc rlE !'re).3 Tbc tyF ..d d€e of gcophy.n6l, .lcdomSnctic ,!d/or clcctric

a Thc .Dbicnt conditios and circurn tances th.t muld altw for llErndrtcm@ of th€ ASC in tcms of tne ontbt of.cnsory mise (*tirrinterfercs *ith such sr.ter).5 Th. bclich of thc *itns .rd proFnsiry fd fmt sy and via'.liznior5 Tte imn di.te €nvironn.ntrl 6.ditiods.

To talc this Nmbly al|d, by impii@tion, lninlrion, cocpt tuntcr,to G ho* f€lsiblc it b a an crpl!fttio, rc ned ro lot( ra sFcift .*6in .Lt il. Wc ,ho re€d to ollai. infomation .€tuditrg r''dr ii pdni . iotcrn6 of €tr€ds fron . nngc of poltqgci.t orc4tudics. This wuld titrcu in$o.tration d ro thc rcFnoirr that rhc u@n ciour h$ ,, s itwcre; it wo.!d put boundi.i.s .hund *hat it 6n dd whr! it 6nnot do.Wc @uld th€. erllninc CE .xFricoc6 i.d l@k for @.t prtng

Mai ln Urd.

Thcac mystcrious Frccptiots depid vi.iton dr6.€d in d!.k clorhiryusurlly suits - lnd .Fc.r Io .t&nd lo virr$ to . Um siShtiq to ssth.m ror to rcl,rrc thcir dFricnc6 ro uy(m. Fd.t d€{*rirru in rhbcntity atcgory .rc ra!E, but thc folldiry .ocou [email protected] .. .r|nplc ofttoth s4cs. With inc 'a&rctnucd cntity'in mird, ooo,,id.r tlds.rr!-.d:



John mei rne m.n ar tE lssl'iood red&hr .nd brought him homewtth his lrnpdEn, a wom&. Bolh .pFat€d to b€ i. thei mi4rhn,esliheyw d,busv oFtashirEd dothes The wo|lH boked padi€ulalv

odd: her t'.e6sG wR *r v6ry br, and wtEn she st@d up, ( s€€medrhd th€rs was snErting wrong wnh dE way thar hs l69s j{tn€d dtoh€r hips Both stEigs6 w6tk€d wi$ ery stprt sr€ps, l€aning loMd 3sihough td{t{ened of falhig. the/ &epted Co.acoLs. but did not somudr 6 tasl€ them. The st6ng€rs sar a*'kwadiy tooether on a sofawhile th€ ridr 6ked a nuBber oi dslail€d peMMl questons: Dad John.nd Maure€o Mth releisotr mJchl What did thev r6sd? And wtut didrhev tdl aborrt? All ttE whib lhe lt@ was pawng and iondlang his ren€l€@Ftj6nbn, asking John il this ws all ngtn and whelher he was doing n@rectly Jor!. bll ttE n]m lq a mornsnt and lhe ma ried lo p€rsuade

Maur€€n to sn mxi to him on th€ couch. He ale sked n€r 'hci / she wasma&' and wlEthq sh€ had any nude photogrehs o, h€tseli ShonlyatteMrds, the eoman slood op a.d snnounc€d $ar she want€d lole* The n6 d$ stoo.l, bur made no move to go. He ms bdw€en lhewornan and l}€ cloor. ard n s€€med thai lh€ @t way she could get 1o lhedror w6 by watking in a sttaight lioe. dircclly throlgh him. Finalv, lh€w!'|lB turEd to John and 6ked, 'Ple€se iiov€ himi I en t m@e himurysell. Then, sudqv, rhe man letr, tollowed by the woman, bothwalk'ng

'n stE8hr hoes Th€y dd ml ewn sy g@o<,bYe '3

Ii eoold appear that when rhe UI stages UFO encNntc6,th€y de mre succcsstut, beau$ they at€ mre open<nded ir lctns orauthcnticity. The ritnes h6 roding to cmParc a UFO encount. withto d.temire its oFectress', *h€reas everyonc is gonerally aware of th€m|m of sial intcrcours€.

It rculd s€cm. hwever. that th€ uncon$tous is nole deviods [email protected] th.r il mdd apFar from itietpretinS the MIB at fae value, asir x'cre. Halh.i.atioDs are rble to prent such a reality with Inorefirc, and Ihts modc of e.ity production cenainly sms to bc in s€veredifFdlty. It is slSrif|@r thar in th€ d€pktion of thc MIBS in lhis

erample, th€rc *s no real atlelnpt to owr uP rheir obviout iSmrarce oftunan siery. h fact, il c.old tE eid th.t th.y were flaunring it. So,inrtcad ol *eiry thch as failed depictiors of hunan beings, they could b€rcSad.d s src6stul d.Pictions o{ an ' i.d hmarcid tot,ot . cMPlcte?ith nrivc i.d bizaE €muine3 as lo n@ lo funcliot ir th6 human vorld-Ont by iNrpoEting tlEir srtrt.miryt ir a hum.. d€"iction colld thisilrrity srroce€d. The prin.iple at wort bchind swh MIB 'coalructions -if thst is et'al ihk (:e iwolv.d - is: 'lf ihe faults cannot be hidde!, mate, fe.rb.c d thed.' lt lEs be. entioncd ttst rbe u')dm$ious ut€s


Page 30: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

t tos- rstcBrc cIr6E ENCOUT{rE|5

mrtcri.l fom fidion r'd ircycles it, dd ri.rE tr. ptcdton of!.i-fi mhsIl|.t r.E aball humrFtootiqg aliens ,ho dnc ro Erith, bur ,t|o arcuna*aE of it.! h teles ro b. truly hurnrn.

.The.eforc, UFO witre$6 (and odEB) ar! d to viii.i ry

*ho morc d l6s took tikc c, but lrho rc |t! to .Ln it dip, rbrt tb;ff€.qute l.i.d atd not .t dt hM'r. Thi. ii rh. pro!.gatbo of.rodErDert€r or hodeft fotHorc myrh. and rhcir rpFanncc E prop.gid, forthe qistcncc of.alicB amoig rrs'.

Urfdtu.ricly, rh.rc is rc bacttrurd intom.tion .v.itaHc to Mtcany dcfinitiw staretherr about o|c cledricavndiltio co||diri<r.. thatwold sppon .udr . .pK cooen.rioni. It b cnrirct, ,F.cci.t d th.rsldr an id€nlification ir qlitc orhndish, but .ucr prrscnt Dors irl.Plae within vcry Mrm* aid limit d conditions. Orhc. MIBS ftmdouh€dly app.ririoml, bot rc m@ .firi.hcd, io rhcir deoirio._

A esc *hi:b prcviks aiorhcr ermpt. is rh. olE rhat i;vohd rtcRderend Harilor E. Baitey. [t i! dificalr ro drsify 6 cirhc. ati€tr or$piraul ir tfieme, s ir is bott snd yet !Eithe.. It is the' [email protected] th€i,dnmtrrature 6 well d shoeiaa hd.roi,||rcE vrry ac@rdit|g ro rhc wit..s6,sbackgroud aDd FMnal p.coccupationq jur a5 celns erpr6 $chthidSs. In facr, 6s€s tikc rhis, and lrmy ercourteG, are a. cxtenrt andsmet'mer phFic.l cnactnent o, the sme lM@ioB mrtcri.t d

Tha R.ylr.d llrni.on c5€

'rt isnrl rhar Rcvered Harison E. Bailey minds taki.g diclatio., butwhen he was sti..ed at l 30 am to !t@rd th€ vo.ds of tm dimhodiedheads, hc strn€d ro shate. Baiby's irqldjble tale is erougn to share iGtaDout anyoe_ So begins .n ac@uot by sci.@ joumalist Alan vrughn,who brcught tht srr.qe *ri€s of dents inio th€ rrblic &mh in aarticle itr th€ $ierce maguine Ora, in t985. The mmr'te. neoke in tI!.€arly houB of I NovatEr | 9ZE, aff€r a H.Itlm.e. part, at his ioE. Hcwas @rhonied witft two whire, h|lmmit foms i, fro of awindow in ftis nst in ped€.s, Catifomia. Hn fi6t L€mto dasb to the bath.oom to sptah his fa@ *ith @td earer ro disFt anvrelin8s ol uffcrliry. Rer@ing 6utiq$ty ro rhe be<!en. he $s $rrlne enttues sere stitl rhcre ..d, *ith a pr6e@ ot hi.d unu$at foi ewitness in his sitution, h. sMtch.d his potaoid caneE and roor a

The entities smed co@tncd that othea stnutd b€licvc hb stow of



dim vilitrion ,nd po6.d for tull-|.'rglh photognph (ehich .r. toodi.ppointing !o..pioduce hde). Hoedcr. s th€y horcrcd in tbe @m.llci. fet a inch or tm f|m thc fl@r, thcy bcgan to lrc humanoid,.m snd bcc.N eiz.Ed. Eth€r lit. deflarcd sircn{its tnad€ of nuslin.TL ctq$dan t@t fiE Drc plo.ogmphs, whif .pFrcntly shoe lhemh vaiou st!s6 of dcnation. then, suddcnly, to his surp.te, tc loot€d !plo !r. tm H.lld.'er m$ts hom the parE pGilimed @r thc alic.J.nBphM fcs (s€c lh€ plate s.tiot b.tsecn p.g6 ll2 and l1l).litlput wamin& th.y dancd |o*..ds the br,throo$. thcir humlnoidArp6 about foor fc€t tsu. He toot turth€r photoFaptu of them in iheh.I and, on losring h; c.neh, h. e.. ,r6t in time to glimFe th€m'tt@t thrcugh the eilin8 in qhirlirg tlobcs of light -

Analvsis and commentThis intla&d si.en*uii' a.Fct is €speially itrteresting b€su* it is notconhned to thtu ee alo.e- Witnes involved in ccririn UFO cntirycrp€ridG have indepcndc ly reponcd lhat th€ 'alier.r mrc onepiee'boilfi suils *itt no apfdenl seams o. ioim. sminSly manuf&turcd asc single connnuoa oEr-all- This is ofteo @mttEd rith a helmt whichompLiely dres tbe headi ir h6 a da.k vier s that no facial fcaluresc.n be sr. I am sgA€stirg, thctcfor€. ihat there is 'no'lhing i.side suchinflatcd 'suits'- and thar this k d ftthod by lhe u.6n$ious of p.*ntif,gcntiti€s *ith physiel cha.acreristis utilizing pbsi@l poltcrgeist-r.siared m8rctic effe.-rs. Th€ liteEturc otr poltergcist aclivity is tull ofjust sh inflatablG'.

Anoth€r eta$plc of the puipos€fql ma.ipulation of physi@l mate.ill isprovided by ano$er 'PK-irflated e.tity ce. Thc Black Mont or

Jen PntdBd h€d only iusr climb€d inlo bed wlren the d.stulbenesb€gfl ft6 rcadinqhmp rose into the air, $iled erc$ the r@m, and oulthmugn the door. Then they w sethiog moving amund the &Jor adcer look show€d tler t ws lhe ,our snB[ h]lbs that pod&ed thegl@ etfecr on t|e ebcrnc ltro dMstai.s. Two of th6 werc rcw.lancing abund tt€ lop ol ttE doo., and th€ other two n€ar the bonom

TtEn they w the hands For a homefi dr€y wer6 pdnt€d oneemros h€nd app€rd over the top of the .tcor. whle the olh€r wasn€r the boirorl ot rhe .loor- about six inch6 from the floor. A closer lookshd€d lt€t ihey we.e Aunt Maude's fu, gloves Whalev€r or wgnng them hust h!\€ had eio.mus ams. since the€ was asr€rdr ol wel o/er sit fe€l beiwen the top glove and the lower one

Aunt Maude. who was ol an evang€lical disposilion in fact a memb€r


Page 31: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden


of rhe sah.6rid Anny _ pdnted a@rshgiy at th6 gk!\r66 and s*, st6.nty:'G€t aw.y. You'o ovit!, She pi*6d up one of h6r boots and lt E it a thedoor. llE sbv€s wish€d . . .Ih€. dE gtores,EqFar€d _ tbariE i,noa|6 b6droo.n. orte ot th€.n s€€trEd to be bectortrg to fi€rn, d i, ryingro p€Blade rhem to foltor{ n ,t|d|o ot 6 mosd., $i, J€€n pntchrtlrar€r, 'm w€e roo sc.rcd., Th€n ttE gbve dg|dEd iro s fst 6rd shod(ft@t€niEv ir Aunt Maude s d,Erto.r Aunt Maude Bspo.d6d byhr.sthg into .oin6d chdst&m said€€.. ar fib IrrE, rtl€ d@s beg.n tocndEl r€r sindhg. teatng in tre. J€€.r prilctErd adimrts dEr sh€ had romil€. The gb€s lanish€d €dn . . . StE tater t@nd flBr at nE botrqnol a q4to6d . . . Sr€ 6nsd them into ihe ga.(bn wirh tdEs, a.t bomrthem wnh poBftin d rhe tutttsh tr€A.1.

Abo .erorded in rhe $ody i. r (:* *hcre ,, dr66_tite if, a housetotd. Mrde of a papery Bat€ri.t, it ws, mrcsiSnifionuy. rI in d|€ pi@, qid, rc *i,hs q joini of any ti.d. Sudr epolteryetst erref.ct @.retares sirh rftc rcpo.ts of UFO cntities qwintore?ee spac{its', also eirh no saG o, ioiN. CnE a."* *" t_ra tt ea! issiar.d *ith €vir by thc wit €ss.)

Oie .tain, from rlt€ potrc.Fin dc.crip.iotr, n sms lnrr rlEurconsooG can produe a phFkat hudlanlitc fonn, dd it k this ,bititythaa. is dircded pu.to6ctully in ct@_cn@ur|tc6 ,s Fn or a st ged

Nor.bte Bririsb (tls6 etirr .ecmed to have irvohEd this rype of ertiryp.es4rtatio veE iho* which ocolred i. Dyfed, Wrl6, i. l9Z duingm

'nteEe 'flap'. G .oncertrated Fnod of t FO adiviry). BT FORA b;one hsrtatd oFrh€{por, Lionet Ber, wbo spoke with mny ot rh.nrrttr sirr6sc\. Subsequenr invBtigirkrn has made a fes ercnts rtErc@ntrder6iel, bst thcre s€oN to b€ a orc of *irn6es who otrc,!.ch.r3irg tBtinony ro mErhire txicatt Britisb on the t Fo_sedysere - rhc rall, sitve.*uited hmamid.

.Thi. drity ryF_'s sao rlp..r€dty i, rhe Dyfcd a@ by a vad.ty of

wlcr.s... The aurhoc of a bool on il,c .trrp, rho (:!m to rhc cortuioth.l ths€ e itic6 wr. linlc mft thm anim.r.d .q6o.{it3,. Corli{krlh.n, *,1*:h ac. of ooe, .ooplcrcty irrd.Frde iom |ny

a qdous as,bcr of the rrEnommn,s ,tricks, is rn€ prB€ftaro.r ot dEhudr6**js as specerra\€fleG cofidete wnh space5liis and bEa $mapp€Etus. tudEr IneEtur€ *|ol,€d trat ow grardtat€F obGerv€d ;seh €quDm€nt €nd rhar it 6 a modsn f,sauc_ Like rn€ ve|nnkqjrn,scbllwhidr ca! be mad€ to b€he [re a tuig b€hg by thhng its €yesand Friomir'g other tu.Erix6. rhe she is wry ( H(x/



convir'.i.g n is can b€ s€€n by rt€ srt€.r rtr€ bat has b€€n sndowed by!o rE.ty ot tE UFobqical her'li. Th|s h.s l€d th€ w6y to the Von DanrkenslFrdrli ot tlg lite gods sircd by 6n!€ls. lt is E fbtledng JanlEsy buttotallv wirlwr sciantl'ic foundario. 15

tt is dso intriguing that 6cse locrl invcsligitoE carnc to a cenclusion soda6c to the 6mpr of 'PK @nstructed' entiti€s- The invcstig.ror,NrdrllJonFPuSh, is ! $rgeo wiro showed. speial intcresti! |notbcr pGiblc 'PK .$cmbLd'c$c involving a dot. Tho appernncccf 6k cntity x'as vcry bi?rnc indc€d, and it or€rla!6 wirh the Dt{ed cas.sinth!rcpon€dreadio of animsk, $ eell .! th€ 'PK alsehbly' alp€ct. It@rrEd in Datelia, Cypds, in S€pl.nb€r 1961. It is d€sibcd by le.dingufolotist Jdny Rardles:

A NCO in chaq€ of ooe whg of an amy bar.acts at Dakeiia, Cyprus . . .w6s al€n6d al 3 am by tis lie.c€ lu,kish wolrhouid, a l.rye and brdedog. lts lur was staidng up v6ry hEh, and it w€s obvr@sit l€rifi€dF€nng, pedEF, a t€r@sr attack which the dcg had sometlow heardsigns of, tl'€ sold'er lftd to soolh€ ih€ animal, bli n wolld respond ronono ot his homd clmmands ard b6me 6s more up*t b€torec'ar ding un@. his bcd. whimpeMg

Ar ttls poi.r ih6 ofli@r beeoe @are of s hdh-p'lched whine.OFdrg riE d@r to conl@r th6 qigin of th|s sound, he was hodfied tosee a w€id ngure climblng, or 6rher lretirE, up lhe stai6. k wo@ a lqhtbl@ lahHanirg $rt and irs i@ glor€d o6ng€, wth large rcund et€sard. s|rk ol red hair rhd srood wr in all dtr€ctions as il cha.ged withd€ctnciry lo€dlaps n was). Wh€n fte h@d swivelled thrcugh aninY)osHe angle tdar(|s hjm. it is hadly sulprslng rhat rh€ pahickingl|H slamm€d the dd ard attornpr€d ro bck 'n' out

TtE nomaly bold sold'€r sat on his b€d trcmttng w$ t6rcr as thehummng whine

'deasod. The dog ws ,n e den rc6e state b.n€sth

h'm. As a sliling snd app.@lpd the door, the NCO rsach€d out to qEbhF urdejMter sp@tgun and diw.'s knrl€ t,om tho tabl6 besde hm . . .ll€ sr $EE slBking unco.\trcllabt, willin€ to scyth€ d()M the d@r il fteb€hg sid to onre!. tts managed to rcstEin hih-fi (s@€thing he says isio!r, ttE lt$t Flzling fstue ol th€ whol6 exp€ienc€). Presently thesliling and the whire dispp€are.l At a 1 5 am h€ wa touod bY 3 gua.dcomng to wak€n him, n rn a state ot shsk.

lhe adn/ man sum€d. wth rdvns ioints afli musarl pans tor dweer d $ afteiwrd. The dog crms out of lhe encounro. lessfortw.tely To q|/ot6 h's own€r: 'w ck{, Ms tu.ned Nn'ght

'nto 3


Page 32: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

uFo3- x;Yctfic ct 6E EN@t ilaftts

CommcntTh€ rcll-tale ctidot synploc . hslbmrt of rhc efi.crr ofel@tronapetic ficld qpo€u.!. Th.r the wirn6 w{. itr . mitir{ry bc.. i3m. tunipr cidmsr. iatty supporting, as ech €drblEhnents itizcELF wav€s and micao$ave b.ams in a varicty of clcctrodc oornbuiGtion systemr Lr Mre powertut rhan ttE .veE8.. tt pp@B rhat rtrcbcdroon of lhis sotdi€r tEcanE d etecFomgrcric hot spot ard ,{.t fi;ldcffets on nar a.d doa hav€ at$ ben found in pottcryciir ourb@k'Indued feaFstat€s and ele.aricat DJnl|dir6 .rc bodr found sctivity ud ti€y ft ploduced by ttt dir€.r etftct of et€dcmagnctic 6el.b_ Th* effeds are io.o thc nage-nuracnentof emurt F to gftat efl6t ard, inrdGringty, UFtr{bdy vrrem JohDKeel udeFtood th€ onSin of rhis etf6r b€ct in lf5. Hc retars rhatwhe$ he was dnviDS at nitht after iF€digrring UFO a..iviq. b€ prscdhto an cletrorhagreric fictd *her€ .a wav€ of uBpcatabt. f@ safepr(rer a€'. He fourd that he coutd mtt into s.d our of . are.rbal he 6ll€d 'th€ zorc of fcai_ H€ o8trd.d $n .I qs pDbsblyealhnt thrcugh . b€d of uttEsic mv6, and rlolrizcd it s a f.5tmMiat€d vitn Um adiaity and the p|tgne of thc bizrr€ lmthnd'_,7

I! is €vidcD!, thercforc, tltat th€ pr€s€n c of cbctmnag.eaa fi€tds i. a.ommon denominator to rh€i. cipericn es, e they tt'Etlm rertiry fortte witn6, r.d srctits otheB. to induce apparitiomt figur.s orphy.eir! Eprescnt ${rrs of.bem.

Similarly, itr the Cyprus €.c, rhe mujcatar poir *hich pe'silied @ b€ditcdly att ibuted to an ELF fietd produced by rh. differer.. tctrce,two rp€cift fteqwncier riar is tenn€d the .be3i ,reqEncy'.'3 It tu evid€Dtthal thi. Bdirtion €|lg heluinatiors, 6 rell a5 facititatint pcmnalfield eDisio6 which a.c abte to dwtiare pottergei${ike Srchperlonal el@tronagnetic emisiors e a sytnprm of etect ical brper-sffiitivity, ard they take tlte tom of cotkrcot tteam, They e €mitr.d sa whole body eff6r, ald they can bc not oDly neisured o . fcld.nerc,or sFcttum .ulysr, but My .cgistc. a sriric o a taF_@rding trEdeitr the subjer's pr*E. 'nFy also commonty cre ctcctMic eqoipdcrrto dltrrdioo, dr€ ro their interferenc. pirh diricat Diro6coDic dt 6

'r th€ ooostrkri,Do of sucn d.vie3. Abo, tuch pem+origir.dnt

magrcdc b€atns re .bt€ to movc obj€.r., sh s thG. i. a donsticenvironhent, dd lom the tr€di for potrqgcist ac-rivity. Tbe iidiyidurts.o induced to.Dit in this eay arc ir d olteEd itatc of bodv. a ftl s6nsiou3ness. Not all poh4rg.jn h{rc ben idctrtined rc oeciftfield !,henonED yei, bur thcy witti ir is ius a mane, or rG.{; udcorcepr dcvelop.n€Dr. This rnciclrt alter€d sarre en bG c@red bysubj€cli.g specifiqly .t..1rc!€Birirc individuak to fi.ld erDcuie.



irduinS thcm to .d a! 3 'fG$' in . polte.gebt outbr€ak. In fact, it would.cqn rhrr rha plrEs (E4red duriq th. C}?rus cvc . Such p€Gonalficld emisim is (rrercd later.

Abbr.virt d tonna

Amther 4F.l that lints eith th€ idea rhat Fychi. phemmena Guch asspp.riiioN aod '.sscnbled' enlilies like the Men in Black. produccd bytlE field-adivarcd unconscious) are als prcdu.ed tu UFO cncounteF ascliens'or 'spaemen' is their abbreviared.nd liftired form. While there.E a few rcpo.ts of bnghdy coloured cntitier, the majodty rcveal thelihitations ro which the ni.d, ir producinB ihcs p€cptions, isrcstridcd. ApparitioG are @rsistently reported as p.1., gEy or dark *ilhindisrind facial f€atur€s and ertrcmitis. Similarly, many alien entilieshive their fas @nveniently hidde! by dad(cned vilo6 or auevcringh.lrcts. Whcn thcy arc depicled, they have simplitied featurcs - larycblek eyes, no n 6. .rd a simple line-muth. Thcre ate erceptions, butthi is a distincr trcnd.

Th* mrraints rcveal th€ limitcd ability of the uf,otr$ious roprodge @lour and firc detail. This monehomaric asp..r of cntides is af.{ture shared *ith appditims, dd il is anothcr indic.tion of thci. joint

n{ure. Ref..ene hd bccn nade by p.ychical resedch€r AndrewMrKenzie to the fted to undeanand aDDaririons rs 'dr.ams ehileryakc'. This would. of ours.. ref.r to lhe fscr thtt rh. uncon!.io6prwides both appditidal and drcam imig€ry. As UFO ettitiG areid.nlifi.d with apparitions. .hc tctevince of dr€am imagcry ale applias toihen. Th.rcfore, in ordcr lo undcrted why such simplc foms ar€produc€d, wc ne.d io hav. inforatjon or tn|gcry lhrt the uMtsiouproduces io on. of lh* a..go.i6 (i.e.. 'alicns , .pp..itions or drc.ns)ir mE ontrelled co dinons. A. lr.. that provid.s such clues is dtctm

Th. .L.9 Lbo.ltory

Alan Wo$ley and D. Monon schataann €nied out .esearch irto luciddrtam at rhe slep lsbontory in St Thomd s Hospital. kndon, in I9E3.Flm a sri6 ot drem erFrimcnK, it be@fr€ appar.nt thal th€u@nsiou abbrevi.t6 rality in the prcduction of dfeam imagcryt!.causc sFc1fic tnh tutrdions arc ircapablc of producinS a ccrtain lcvel

Co6id.. an.rtrrcr frm . rcFn or their rcrk:


Page 33: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

uatx- ttYcxrc cuxtt toa@(riaftts

gy cfic€rftatinq o.t !,vhat t€ N/*it: to drqn strn! t b.!by nc td|ndrhrt h€ sr ofistr d€r.le ths $!*rci of hi tfltta;irs. 8d dct titg 6,rrtsE quite .rdh€. tnhg. -rE hain n s€€nrs csr a*y p|ovib 5 ilr8throqh sp€c€ q ti.rB, o. s .!.rersatbn witft a dead rctrtiv€: so.n6 Evordhary, €v€.yday rttt!96, l|o.r€v€r, ha/e Fo!€d ro b€ imDo5sbb.

lr,/olsloy tas fdrld, fo. €arnde. rtEt h€ cdsbr sddot hhr 5darton€d room r|6 can tum d a spodight in his dsarts. H€ d tum d abhl h a .oo.n alrcady fill€d wirh dayqlrtt. Hs crt eH fli* his rhgs adp.oduce a tunto from dt€.n as il dEy r.r,o.B a pocr6t c€*eti3 rg.|t€r

But wn€n his imagiM.y roo.n is in da*rpss. dE tbhr slrbto.ntyrslvs€s to dno o.r. The .60.l Wo€toy beJw€s, is dEl tfE bftir buiable to l:@re th€ (bt il€d imqBs n€cosery to ft a ta!€ sp.cehstanta.'€o'rsv - e ir reirsos to @ooe|'te wih rhe tanhr.

But th€ brah it s€ns, .toes not like ro addn srcn tEiUres" dd n carbe dsvils. Bemtly Wb.sley w6 succ€sstut in drc.rnnrg he h.d rrr!€don lh€ radb ro lstei to the sliFiE lor€casr dd th€ .6t'6_ What heh@rd sovd€d a[ dghl in r€rrns of drydn ard into.Etis, birt 6 tFlist€rEd carcfuV to the fdE€st h€ r€€tized ttEt inst66d of tlE usud ssaa.eas Sl'a'!|s, Rocldl. Bdley ard so on - his menloty wB sRirE !D

'm-€!st6.!l das socrr a5 v\loll 4d sota w|eo the i€$rs fotolGd_ n

coitaiftd th€ s€re ldnd or gobbl€desbk That trEy be b€rrs€ ttErn€nuy is too er.aric to p.@ide trre fads. dd so $s b€in hams its waythrough rhe F.fonmnc€. tte a actor who has tdgonen lis tin6.-

This irability of tlE bni. to plovide prG.i: d.rril i! rcfcded b ttclimit€d fom of appariti@ .d .ali€N'. It docs nor Gm jo r.dywidn€t a 'PK d.ruy oi s 'rhod sprc€n.r' ii irvo|.!cd, 6 rhc ciEcior€-firc p.ncm i' *l|€. prG€rniog tnulride . Irthc lrluurgc of thc r€port, the hmin .ham' it3 *ry t||mwh €,just p|oviding tl|e bc.. .s6.ntiah for tlcotnitin'- Jr|n as rhc .tr.rrn'bt€.l.3st' .cpldd |e l latnB rirh r. iltrpftssio, hci.t ftrrltB dEr€?lac€d with dmpliftzri'r. or tl*y arc $/oit d by crelct irrg*m.rgcttr4t, &ddi.g OE c.rity rith a ctoud€d vio. or, ir rhc .a.c ofrppditions, *ith thc fr.c {vc.ted d cot?ercd. The f rous Ctrcftenhmca!. depiclcd ! Wom.n ir BLcl witt a bddterdi.fbcH up pcrlnrtld lyto t€r fa (s€c Fig. 2).

A SPR (,9 rh.a Fovid6 frrthcr cvid.@ of tlc orcd.p b€t*Gcnrpptriti.ft .nd dosc{.couri€rs o@rrEd ir Roxburg6tirc, Scort.rd, iD18y2. Th€ figure of r t n man iirft . Flc conpbxioo, f,€ning drtdothing ard a tW h|t, trs $a r.?.{dty o e mdl cmrry rccd. Hbfe ras irdittirEt, .nd 'blE lights l,€rc sccn der drrt nce dE lpottuqEtr&d by rhc gnGti rn6e rcrc no{ 3ratidr.t, bor ndcd obour h dl






n!. 2 Ar 16" r.F-.5 d u |IF.Xrood '.rth..vM fo.D' tttr

rylr ao at D.?.la hEIy h Ct n frE, E4hrd, b lta4. Ttehc., iot .rd f..a oa aB .l&* drity t .! Fltertly|tE qrld t .' rd tl. .odlc d.loahitg .! h F*d. Itrp?6.d d a ocdnn i! brtft idttt h tb d|rdr. oa tlE hen,rbr aL brdy.f fiE cndrrtcd n by ioili4 hrn&. ll hd.d .nv .! it

tdt a'.at thd. Aa oab tlc it td t a 3..n fo. oE hrltu bour.


Page 34: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden


dirc.liol.'rr If rhis 6. hrd o6rEd ..ccrtty, n,ould no dorbr hrl€ben idcnrfi.d d r .high6tnotdess.

6c eitt .rctt|mlll8hls', !. thc ufotoSicat tcrmirolog pt s it. In f.d, r olnpahblc IJREalro tot ptae o. .r opc, .o.d bot i. a v.ry |nod€m otext.

lxirldrt rt Junctira 30

Jy :ndebt d ro JGcI,r Dorh€,, who iNetitat d rhis crs€, for the

* wi,n*" no*t *€d ,*a" home d 23.:rO and w.s on the 465lurEttr with dE M6 ns C.@k|ad' tt had rain€d rEuV, blt rh€,e frsno vrkd ar a|r The wlrEss was std!.rng besir€ a lOhted sbnpost . _ .sudd€.rv in $e nqlhjodh-€ost h6 b66nte awaE of a whn€ fighr ltbttr€sm 10 tade and isapp€a. h putses . . th€6 ttE tahrs on rh€ !€€d sbnw€nt od and he h€€rd a rust.g snd ad lh€d !o s€e rho busr;shakhg virstiv. s if n a $ wind. Srarding oty, rd,ser tbm himwas a trsure som€ 4 foor t1 .25 nl tdt. borrE rko 6 gobrin with drEtitsaims that atmosr ioudEd rhe gro!,i Felng bnif€d dd a *nsath ol'bsn€ wancn€d', D. oshed btindt on ro fte ,@d ard w6 p-red up by rhepor|ce n a srate of fear

Ao.n rhis.!|d dF Rorb!rytEhi.c 8ho61 rcre trcititat d by eir|Es 6etd€4o$re Aw tl|€ .res and the UAps Th€ sdd.. dEeDe fe& of prE&ice ir rtc .gobtin (,* can tr ind@d by srEdficfroqknocs. Th€ mrltutrriqi.g ot thc @d $8n i! aho an indicatim o, atrelfiriqt-ficld oltse@

_ h ha! t'€er irdic.ied rhat d|G phFic.t asFcrs ol ctcc

Dc produed by rh€ effccE of cnvircnnental etcctrcmrgmtk fiet& dU$.

:{.th{. rhe [email protected] / .ff€cr, in poh.B.i* rctiviry l,qrap

sh $rd d|*tncft €p€rirEs. Hoftv.r, n is clclr rhat rcry phFieFrookiB flyirt e'rc.B which apFar 6 3t u.rurcd @a @ ar*o bc of th€sanc reetiry-.tatu as appditirE, ,hiln en disptay slccrive .!rdiErsE I phy*d chaEcie.isti.s, s.i eff€.rs bci.t d@ ro phFicat

"lT-.jq*" rhc nanipd.rios of rt|c FraPrudsyltcn. Ir is cquly ctc{r rhrr CEs eirh iecningt, strucruld UFOs t!. sEailit h.ttwinfiom. Cosidcr rh. fo|lo*i.t sishtiry.

1spinf $ip'

Thi. re irwtv€d I iotir.ry sit,res to r ipecr!@tar .d.yrgbt d$.. te€trrtm a la! r thc 6?.ing of t992. Lytrn pickner EIarcd in rh. b.ct of a



U*l lrndon eb a it pullcd !p rt rhe k{Iic litbt! H.vcBtck Hill.nonh bndon, As she s.t thcre, rh. bccam€ awar. tbrt th. liahts *€mcdto b€ lalirg a very lorg linc ro chang€- Then, lo h€i ,stonishm€nt, a huSe@al obj€cr Oered slwly irio vicv in lh€ b|!e slry f.amcd by the taxi?irdry. lt smed quite lov and like a mdo st in h&ll, with a flat bae|nd a dmed top. As it prsd mr, it bank.d to s.d an oval{hapedundcFidc ihat hrd r single ld of *titc lithrs ilt th. aiy rourd rhc cdge,fomi.g a bor&r. B.had by lhis si8hi. Lynn leant foNard and .rkedtlrc driver if he ould *e arything up lh€re?' 'Nopc! wd his dn rcply.'AE you sE you 6n'l ee !tr)thing?"No, caf, t $e anything. Thcn thedafnc [ahE changed ud th. t ii rp€d .yay. Thc UFO wri no lor!8.r in.ight, and Lynn felt rhat.he bad b€€n 8iv.n a gift. Prcdicllbly. like smny oiher CE eit'l€sA, Lynn had a lonS hislory of Fychic cxpcrienes,ad dffiibcd heMlf 6 vcry righcbrain.d .

In summary: it would *.m rhat $itlbly itradi.ted€s aro ibl€ toproduce hallucinatioB thrt 3c.m iotaliy re.l ro rl.rr. rpprritiom *ldriv€ and tcmpoEry phtsicl .specls abour them, and physiel'Mstruclions which hate a tramient exist E.


Throudour no6t of the latrd pan of ibis chap&., the obj€.tions toobie.tions'to rhe ESH bave been eplo.ed. W. bcgin by €x4iring thephysiql a?ets, the ihpli@rions of which ale covercd the istuc orndttplc eit||6ins. Tbe third nain objedion to a pstchic thery for rheCE erFriere sd the isue of @trnster.l. To reslat€ the problem: IfUFOS and th€ir purported @upants irc basically inaginrry or theproducl of inditduls saling drcams, bow ar€ thc sarn€ entities€ncdurie.ed alt d€r the wo.ld. or at 1.6t. in different and un.elated

Ttre sinplcsr and nost rcv@lin8 way of answ€nng thir qu€stion is ro askit a8ain, but replac€ the volds UFO 'emity' o. 'clqs€-encounte.' with'drc.m'. That is |o say,lher€ is a dkc.l pdall.l with dr€am .ontcnt thaiEverk thai rhey ec, like dreams, produed by ihc un@n$ious.Thir.pplics, to a l€sr e*enr. ro UFOS too. Thercfore, aliowing forsyntu. the queston eosld roe iead: HN do d.eameN ill rcponciscrti.lly the sarc €peiicn6, with rbe lme t'?c of dream rcponedtimc lnd time Ifd.eac @ bdially imgiMry, how arc the samcdteas cMuntcEd .ll over ihe eorld. or .t l.ast in difierent and

Thi. is r frq.n ersier oucstion to dswer beaue we all kf,ow about


Page 35: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

uao6- rsfcarc cIsE EN@uNTExt

.rreans. Thde is rc nylrcry eh€. r,! sk hd ir b rh.t vari,|B tvr6 ofdEh arc rcponcd att Mr rhe gqH. TtE

'tswr i, simDt.: ctcry;E3n

i! differcnt , bur *c alt hav€ tin6 qlEn q/c (o, otheB) @ --g"i."

*orrcms d I type th.t cEryone td. This ir, of 6rrsc. bc@us. rc .ttshrte the smc rcryas systcm, biotogi@t .€cd!, motionat inputs.s, cr4.Ou dreahr etptK thc topcs and .r*ri6 rha. e D6n of rhe [email protected] The poinr I .m mlinS hcr. is rhis: th. {nsre. rcg.rding tb€consist ncy rith €ntity tyF in UI1O cncount B is $at rtErc .rc Ervwi.d tyFs ol .niiry, eith en in tinds EFrrcd @.. and ovd. s rlp6.Fd erample, thcE arc thc .grc's' as an €rrity tyF; rh€ ralt jihc.,suitcdhumanoid; the hiGutc dwajf: rh. sal f€.tu.eks rcbor; th. btoodathlere; and th. Men in Btet dt tp6 ther EFatcdly .lnr. A[ .t €aGarc orcdk, but rhey 6nfom to rypic.t Fn€rr|s. The srtt€ dtd be sidof entities. Similady, s with dEd srmbots, lher. e a .unbc. of erriry'sp€.ials that drrain rrTiel in disglisd fom, trt ercD rt6.catr b€ tmced b*l to rhe Fydrorodcd ftrndio rt*y syntotiz. dembody, e thc sFtehic ctrc.r of . ficH thcy rcpterr.

This lalt 6pet is rhe .dE sc makes Fu dre.n eff€cr and it is aDindi.ation lhat, frc{uentty, d.e3m @mpty wirh pftFiqt hodjty tui.rionsto a la€e €rrent. which act 4 ar€s fd rhe d|tm conn nt.. A @n[elpr(rc6 can be derNred by @mparinS rhc of en@unrer. * h therelated field-i.duced sysrmic effecrs, 6 fram ttis it is ctea, thar rheur.oaious *ill rqct ro a fi€td .nd rcprEs€nt it i, ercourre, FEptins.Ir ha. ben $arcd rhat fi€td exposE is in.burertrl iD rtE iod|lc.tio ofthe encounter realitiq, inctuding phFiel €fied3. Ar obvior,s ardiepona aspect that co.rihn6 to rhc msistency lrrcr*cden6unte. qs is rhe t4, frer the huttai qsta @t b fuId, in oMtsE4t M,.&lri69 tu the sarne smal d\.r!ib o.qrEing re"err.dtyfrom (:* to i:e- To ill!$rate rhe degE of cottsineEy i.rctved, ir isconpahblc with lh€ rybptonE thlt reocclr with spc.ift aitmcrs thlt rdocior wodd olsery€ ro reach a pa.ticutd diaarosis.

Tbc e iti6 rhar bectr rcported - such 6 rhe tirde ctoaked cntitiGin the Gatesh@d c$c (s UFO Study by Jenny Rardtc6); rtE t blord'Vetruids'; the silv€r-suir€d hmami(b; .hc .g.ey!'; rhc mbcd \,ircmcn'; rhc watches'; dd th€ hairy dwrf eil be famitia, to tio6€ in theUFO-6tudy field. Jusr as *c €n mate a lin of such cniity Eaderds, rGcan do the same with d@m typcs: thc flyint dred; tlE faling drEan; rhcparrnoid o. b.in8 plrlued drcan; rhe eisttutfilmcnt dttd: tlrc ebticdtearn (specidly applicrble ro UFO oturcB): th€ drlan etcrE yoarc beint puBued but enno. e$p€ du€ to por.lysb; thc lnrier, drcsm;the etpo.e(} or rudity-ia?ubtic dr€.n rnd e d. [t is dcd tha. cnriri6/cicoudtd rnd dHn$ sharc tt|c !re pattcms of coistsacyi borh .r€



difi.rcnt blr in@rpor6te a 6.gc of basic .le6ent3 in diffcrent pcmuta-

Thcrcfore, alien emitid dd exotic flying su@E both sha.c th€ sancbroad pattems of l)@ftm, in tems of @nsisicnc_v, with d.ean ryp€s.This is b€arF $ch pe@Ptions, lile dreaos, are p.oduced ultinately bythe 'pidure libnry' in the lncoreou!.

Colh W en nores: 'Poltergeist pheomena alqays wo.l their way utfrom salleff{ts to larSer o.A - . . Thc B€ll Witch pohergeisr $ehedro late plssurc in developing n.w wa's of upr€tting everybody. Straneetights flitted about thc ya.d after dark . . .'r"

Ii is that rhe humrn ndous systcm. whcn irradiated bycLecromaSftric fields, @r plodue pcrceptions or aerial liShts. This.pilegric-like activity is rcfcred to as a visual seizure in rcorolo8y.Hwevcr, such lMinous efiecls can ale be anonalous liSht phemrenaprodDc.d 5 a drect phlsi@l cllecr of such fields on the envi.otrm€nl.Tbis @mbination of subjcctive luminosi$es .nd obje.tively real li8htphenomena i! asr&iation with elect.i€l fields is eplo.ed i. thc nextcnaFer, ehere ee {ind rbal borh are asiated with poltergeist


Page 36: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

3 PoltsgeisG" Vrsbns andCtose Encqrnters

Therc is a %t a'lrur ol didme to sug€Bt th.r wnhin ddr of us thereis a @$is Fird and 3 s€pa6re. $bcoEiN mind .6pabl€ otautoio.nous *tivity lh's 6\,id€dro

's shtr€t ciElm9a.lbl. .o .€ur}

logisls p|!be has d€r *lablshcd thdr exrsrfte. l,l€venhdeis, Wi*rorP€nfdd {dE @roloeist wtD* ophion ds'E 6pe0 mluded €ltlp do6e ot his ss tEl sudr a stc€pt wss €ssential to any s€nst!€ac.out of humn bohaviour.'

hy.noriBb (PK) lit€Elly t|gN '|twcncri by lh. mid .nd refe6 tolhc apont rcoN .Dd anonalu rovcm.nt ot obje.t durir'g pofterSpist.ctivity. lt is tlEn catled rccuntnl spo.ten€o$ Fyd$kir6is, o. RSPK.PK.ho indod.3 thc |txE .mi'olLd potldr tricts, lit. otLe.y bcndiry.dd |rb@tcy qperimrts, swt 6 th. effers th.r p6y.hi.s ha'c or s€cd

tro|*.tn. h ir &a. thrt ntucn nor€ h involv€d rhatr th. srni8htfor"".drnftrn€ot of object!-

Cdt€ry bcrdinS ard rey.iisbnnn hrE hd ro thorcugh t€g.dr intotDc proc.!66 involv€d. t6€d on .raninadon ot tbc aff€ct€d itr.ral.M.trnurgir& have u.€d clccrron nicro6copcs to dctcminc tb€ q?G ofdErg6 tbat b.E tato ple, and they lqve iourd rltcrations atnold r krek at ilE qitielly d.fom€d arci in PKdisrorrcd nickcl-

Nomcrol!3 €rpcrnD.rts ritb ecd, ahere th€ir 8rewth is mniiottd,he Lkc. pl&. Thc 'etpo6€d'ro p6ychic i.tu.rce hav., lond tohiv. ddrcloFd hdcr rnan control s..d ritlrcut 6uch cxpc€ure.lficr66pa .rrini[.tion ltas d.tccied .tutrlcs in th. ell protopla.mdo.t tcd eith the 8r@rh. Orc Ee.rdrcr, ProtM B.nudCmd at Mdiiu Utrii€rsity, @rri.d out ffh t6ts on barlcy s!.ds: 'Whath€ fdrd

'a th.t th. sc.* trcat d by thc hcdl.r 3lEwcd a higher yield

Page 37: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden


The .r. jst t*o letl rt6 of rcse{rch into pK .!td rtEy hsv. here ro rcpi€s€D! r yidc. fictd, rlE 6,lts of which urdoubtedtvindi..!e lh thc huhan sysrm can Mniputar. physicat rcaliry *terivety.The implicarios or this mEt be numc|lM, but the t*o erdpLs dveiprovidc clucs a to rl|c porsibititiG of pK a.rivity in CFr. Stlted flrtty, ifin indjviudrl @r alter elt pro€s6 in ptarts, theD tue!, he/snc cootdalt€r F@sles h bnin ccls? Ttis lB jun a litttc noE imDad thatr ttElcngih of r barlcy ir mpti.s tftrr srncone sirh a prcpens y fo,p.oduirg PK eff6d! @r .hc. th€ con*tGness of dorher individmt.This tak6 pl.c., ir selns, in potre.Seist outbreals. and it is the @.ta!ion.ffer wh.rc invdiSaro6 besio ro c'Fri.E psyct,c effcls U,c|eiv.s.ind."eodcntly f'oe thc .focus'.. Therc are erimpte or lhis lEuFint withUFO itrv€stiFtoFjlro, hrt the mosr inriguint nmifierlB i.votw.r6uit€R phcrQS i.dG another ro e,pencne a Umq$orl In.t B ro ey. mc witn€s act3 d a .rEdium or.foc1ri, ard. brp6ychotinetidclcdMrperic proce$s, indll6 th. orh€r ro cnrs dalt r€d !rl$. dd rhlr Rrr. rhen p@ipit 16 rhe visioMry UFOcrperFnc.-. Jrrh sendio ir adtlly rcRecrcd in CE Eports *h.E rwositnc.s (or m..) rE itrvolved. On. tc€s co'siorEnd due to ttEq'parln p'6cne of I ttFO or dtiry afier shdint th. irid.t stag€s of ttEc6unts, .rd rh. .cnajniDg witlEs rhcn go€s on to cscdc..e acompler st of peeptios, Foi th@ in the U_FO{tud, ficld, rh€Palcag@h cr€nl .ecms to be sn crrmpte of rhis. I.tiis obtiviourtrffist lc i5 the tF of conditio that .mediMs, fal ihio during thc cartysh86 of a s€a{c.. aad ther go on to indue tpi.irs', ctc- .phFicalmcdiuffi', $ rhcy aE kno*n, imp.oic o, this ud prod@ objeds fromrernotc l@tios, ehich are knl,u e appons. Also, s is potrcrycisroutbrcaks, of shich th€ reane sihstion i! a p!ra[et, $ey .corgdize rlFphtnsi6l mrtcrirb around th€e. Th€e nai.ri.b my apporE, andpcrb.p6 al.o ihar could b€ tcrncd .nmbicrt, sdr .s dutpanides, fibrcs ard orl|€t %sre nat ri.b tu the vicinity d brught in er.pporL. Itr src c{s6. thci. wn tody tise rpp..'s ro b. lritiz.d_ Burwhrtcq thc mr.rials, tbey sm to bc .blc to orgaDia rhc|n inroEFcift @lities, sn |s .spirib,', .Feritim, or wh.rcvcl isrelevant ro rhe .sitting'. Thc tcntccrrpl6ni.',h6 becd sdopted to rcfe. to*hat apF{E ro be ! sb6rane prc?riiid fton rrre .nedium.s,o{m bodirytis!€.5 II ir oidcrr tlut the un@sfuc individul B rbtc to do rhis.frrtatk 15 it may sm, virh E yinS d.g.c6 of Ir i. !q8qted,th.Efore, th.t thir tyFE of FMr oc;Irs r.Fircdt, in CE cvcnls ed incxtsrodturry drcrrd stat€s. SsDeti,t|cs d|c Fttn producG UFOr€llitics rhi$, fq. tr.$itrt pcrtud,44rc.r to t.v. suFrficirl phFiot


F()alxtcErsls, vlsroNs aND closE ENCoUNTEIS

Th. impliqtioB of thir d€ very stmtc irded, bur it /ra folndin laboEto.y t6is that mol€.ular rcortarkation tr ptodu€d, On a macrobvel, it has also been found ttat thc 'locus or 'polt.rgeist medium cano.ganize hou!€hold into mnplex structures, tnore or lessiGtantly-6 Whec is this abiliry €rpresd in URES? How far can rhiso.Saniarior.l .bility by PK be later? Somc rccar.heN ue rhe tem

taraphFical', so lcfiap. *c should speat of psycho-€n8in.enng ,.lthoud this is a litde nisladinS, bcause mnpl€xily is not requiredlthat ir to sy, at th€ rer of the CE, 6uld rctal (or any m erial for rhatmttcr) be shaFd ud muldedt ligltts added (thee d.r8i6 @ur inpoltcrgeist &rivity): b.ass chitted: apparitional'sp@ncn' ircluded.etc-? h €lf€.t, could a convircing, phFlnlly stagcd' flyrng sauc€r betemporarily prodo.€d, that dld l.avel lhrough the almcphere in theimranratl€d3 way lhat appons appsr and vanish? Could such a 'psycbo-@rstrclion' be an en@unter reality?

This sc.nano is a pGibility; it h one eipl.ration ehy strudured oafthaw ben ob6efled to hav€ reelvrd olt of an amorphoB atmGphericli8h. ffth€ utl.esiN can produe imaSes of spac6hip6 as foll(s, surely, that il could, Siven the righr @nditions, u$ th€selDenr.l nod€ls as th€ for a $ree-dimensionat r€llity, consisting oforaanized natt r. CouLd su.h a [email protected]' b€ th€ physi€l dafirbat p{rpon.dly cmhed in RlNell. New Me(io. in rhe late 19,|{ls?'Sudr a staged ewnt in rhe cirly yca6 of lhe nodern UFO €ra, in afi.tasy-prcne climat€, eould cenainly kict{ran the belief in physical

W. b.rc mred that PK orSanizrior sn b€ mted at moledle, andpr€sumably atonk, leirh, and this could produce a pbsical objeclalu.d ehi'[ the munt€r d.ama duld b€ supe.impG€d- Such atobjdr mdd ml, of @uM, hav€ to be ftrcdoMl in any nechaniel srsit *ould b€ cohparabl€ ro bekdrop s.€nc.y in a skge plo<luction. Ilsould be pu. torelh€r eith entirely diff€renl prioriries rnyonwntidal erSiee.inS vi.*poinl, and it vorld be produ@d toenAiner belief. This is entircly @nsisrent with oth€r patt ms ir CEs andit .ctf@ts the Dtodt t opaat4i of th. .lectrohagnenc{lly activat€duncorEcioa ir such r€aliti6.

CIo6G Gircounta6 end poltargairt outbreak! - a 3haradcorbrl

There is a bekgrcuod @otext that is inponant in undeBtanding bothCEs and polt€rgch &tivity. rr bas akeady b€en $ared rhar th€

Page 38: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

uFo6- t5Ycttrc d-os! EN@t NtEts

urco*scious, or Do.€ deipaiv€ly, rhc t I, ir {div!r.d o, ,'ws.inic or anilicirl fcldr to €r.itc its ptlgt tiocr itr rhc CE nod.- It is.vidctrr tbrt .itnilrr *ryies e invotv€d in poltcrt in ,ctiviry. As .gcncr.l strtm€nt. whcrc RSPK &tMty i. t titra ph... aDd wicrc t FC)'tt.p8' @t'. dEc @ alwys o^

"t drowpaic or.tani@t fuJLr,

or boh. 'Ile .im of this ctqrter is to shw thar thc t*o trcuF ofpltcnt'Em arc two vcFions of gcertiatly the ffc bGi. p6c.s6; it isto rcvcal tltat, rltbouth they.rc distiftl in nuy e.'s, tlEy.hfic huysuhidi$y a!Fd. ard, me impo.tartty, $c ambienr fietd .rrr.rr.Dffiptiorls of i$hted URE3 oftcn fait to llvc.t thc sou@ of thisgcftElircd cn rylr (d evcn to idcrrit it) ud to dc th€ events i. rhirwid€r EM ficld contcn- Once this is donc. hwaer, .v.nts rhrt.t fi6tsm tot lly inerglicablc b@mc mrc undcBtardablc.

W. havc alMdy n€nriorcd d inporta ov€dry wiih thc B.[ WitcnpolterBeist (nysteriour eerirl tid6), rod s a gcncral siatcnEnt, it is rh..n.rgctic effsrs in t€mi of tidt, heal rd ctdrrical phcnomeffi thats!fl th€ |Gt sftiking simitaritis, alrhough the difieEnt ldcts ofcncrE ri. i.volE|lmt nay dE rhe inpresion of grealtrdiffcrcnc rhd

By conFri.g cas. it bccomg clar rbd N.tialy thc smc crfc.rsare oqr'ning ir cto6e+@mters ard hauntings or poltergcisrs, rhc ontydiff@c b.in8 that of!; (rc st ot eir||.*g fc.t that thcy{e encount€ri.g spirits of thc dcad and thc other s.r, rlicn htcliq.tlc.It bdd sm. rl.,cn. rhrt when ,@@s or 6(itdra8s rE som; cle.ri6l fields, pottc.gei$s ('@.i and wtrcn pidc. es io d|cf a.e .lsi.omagnenqlJ.y tfreqr.d, UFO .wun odaL

Thi. is s general rule oly, for aE (:ag whcre hol,g *hjch rrcobviou elccfomagneti hot spors givc ris ro UFOS ard alies, trt rhey.rc sled down ro fir inro a docdc envircnmcnr. Thk m.y !.€m titc .jolc, so bizr.e h lhe efftd. I @ onty rcfc. thc rea&. to rhc lTcrc. Hou!. of Dollr' ce in thc fin.t cherncr to s ;h{ rh. fmity of rh.rhoe vcrc fsr ftom mu&d ro obdcre a tiny, doarcd flying e!ce,toili.rg sF tlint 'oR€ du.t arund thc lamFh.d! rnib t'ipFd bypardy:int .ldtrical foffi rhat $nr ri.gt6 th@gn dEir bodi€s.

Smdl poctets of incidetrrs ofter (Iff h a targe area aff.dcdclectrcm.gnetiElly. t have nentiord thar porenr bor spors are tlrocc tharohbinc natual ind a.tiliciat fi.tds. A rpocific smal a.e3, tik. a rc.d o. aho@ and tlrc lard .ioud it (or rhe house icn d@r), rhrt is .jrndyaff€r.d by l@l faultline(s) has thes. f@tures .e<rcrgized, rhd !mod.m ele.lronic ap is iuFrihpccd ovcr th€ ratuiel betgbund huD.Thc Middleror c{sc in Ch.ptcr Tm is , good e'mptc of this., irdiviirulls who aE etccrricaly hyFrscnsitirc .epr6.rr d



iFponant s€l of fac'tors in a 'portrait of a zapzon€ . Broadly. they act assn of'reitchinS statioB or lransfomeB', wher€ the field en€r8y is'mad€' irto the hi8h-stE.gen$ pbenomena- The* events. that ar.fift red by the human s)sleh. ofien at its €xp€ns., at. r.nte4 orEaniccffqrs. They are distinct f.oh €ffects caus.d dire.tly by charged 6elds,,hich *dld (tnr wilholt a 'fmt or 'n€dium . A good enmple of suchdtrar effects which then tail off vith an or€rm efiect in the fom of anappantiod/entity comes ftoF lhe Welsh Tnanglc:

The house had been un@cupied lor sii monlhs and the own€r waslMng in a @tby propeny On a number ot @€sDns people had nlomedhrm $ar rh€y had se€n ldhts and heard norses cominq from the hdse bulatter a lhorough s6rch ol lhe bu'ldrng he found no traces ot anyon€ . l

H@evet a lew.lays laler, whilelookng arolnd hrsg6den lasrlhing alnighl, he himsfl heard the mise: a sort oi bumping sound, as olsomorhing soft and heavy being dEgged d@nsid6. He rmmediatelywent ro fte emply propeny, l€r himself in and stood lisr€ning lor a iewminutes befo.e loinq on. The noise reached hm frcm above, so, mvingeretullv

'n the dark, as the eletncity had been swirched otf at the sr6ri oi

rhe building wo(, he made bis w6y upstai6.As he crepl up rhe naiMay rhe nolse b€caho cl6arer, a low huhming

wrth a sltght thrcb b.eakng the lone at mleNals ol aboul five seonds.\/vhen he reacied rhe bnding he w6s unable to detemine lrom whrhdired@n the @s€ was @mng, 6 it seemed to be all arolnd him

Th€n suddenly the mise cesed and he was leh wnh a nnging in his4.s which connnled tora few mrnutes. Eveniuallv as he decded on hisnerr move, a $rap'ng $und reached him Ircm lhe attic abcve Thehumming *aned up ag3in, .erch,ng a much high€r pirch rhan b€Iore and*tting his te€ih on edge

He d€ided lo nvestirare on his own. as whalevef it was had sei up astrcng vib6ti@ m the b{ildhg. As sn as h€ liired the t6pd@r lh€ noiseimensitiod r€mendousv and a oeculiar smell reached hrs nosrrils like thalof buming tubbel bul more sickening. Then, as he lmked about hm, stillstandinq on rhe sreps, he made oLt a tainr silvery sh5pe. withNl waminga beam oi lilhl hn h'm and h€ was unable to see anything mor€ HeremembeB tallirq rlcwtr amonqst the ralie6 and Mng rhe.e in mmpletepanic as all he c@ld see was llashing lights belore rhe eyes. fle lNnd thathe was unable ro iso iiom his tac€ioM posirion, sohe unknowh torce

After a while he €lmed ddn and was able lo get i.lo a sittinq posltion.tholgh when he held his wrist-watch up to his face he was ala.m€d heeuld not se€ ils luminous dial He thinks he mu$ hav€ r€ma'n€d rhereior


Page 39: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

uro6- l:tlrclllc crnsE EN@t NTErS

aboqr li,€ minut€s beto.€ he E6rz€d thrr th6 dss h6d c,6s€d dd dlwas lrfl qui6t agdn. Ho sar sri[. r€rtpoEdty b&rd€d by tho !t r ad@nrus€d. mr able ro meke drr h6 surroun logs . . .

rt wlsn t undt sore sx w€€*s tsl€rtEa he wls inlom€d ty Eaht uB&€r q the n€ht t'6t tE had b€en i. ttE .n c thde was . UFO nEr to themorY hous€_

. . dE ghost had bea no ghost at a|L but wtEr€ve. n lras ir hadcaus€d a hug€ d'agnetic distuoai|cs which had rui.Ed his win{ardrand afteclsd orher dclat in dE prope.ry . . Whar po6sibt€ int€Est tlEUFO could hav€ had in the ana of ihe ernpty popdty aid wtw the situ€Fsurtrd rigu.e wa€ sJbsns arornd in lh6 de6d of niil has is\,e, be€.

Comment tnd analysisTbc houlc ss rhc foqr. fo. a nube, of idenrifiabl€ fictd cfiecrr. Aftagnctic ficld @n cse hoehdd obj@lr to Dde. errint pottcrtcisr_like nois. tt @ atso st up vibralim io ftc itur., d ud i; rhc$ materiats of thc *als, roof. erc.e A. clc.tri.rt fictd 6 cErlizccircartry inremidcnrly, caBing $cm.t cffet, d@ ro shoniit, ;d@atc l@lizcd buminS of th. wirin& etc.'o Ir o ats cr€*. uneanhedpolc.tials in rLE .trho6phd, ard from pager,s degiptio of oo, hlptesswiti*, shold he havc toudled s rater piF, he sutd hdc ofie.ed .rcurc to canh fo. such d aonosphcric ctnrac, hc@ ro diebtint liShr&ting as a mini-tighrira strike.

The hln dd ttDbbing etrecrs irduc.d by fietds ehit eerc eniited bvrhc.UrO_G AOL) *r up rcsonant frquenciG *hkn. by iducii;m€chad<ll vibElid. a.d friciiod, woutd hare eDhalc€d the etEsdyc.DarSed atm.phc.e within rh€ toft spre with static et€dricity.r' .Ihb (4(an 6ily b€ d€noDs:nrcd wiih r omb and bits of prFr) ca, induc.obj€ds io fty across rtE r@m. which ii arcthe. f.aru.c of pottcryein

Very |(alized air io'izrtid €n occur in such . field.', esFctrlt,E{ra body of eater, rhicb in tum cen ft.te blot6 of etelfified partictes(.mlher UAP tL€). In fa.r, t.ogetr, whirr n.l€s upno6r orthe ri.*bMrhc, is elewred to wtBt is kmr,. as a het6t ble srare in r durt.dfi.|d, dd thb prodEs a eft whir. gt@ thar @.ti.c tor some rircafter sEh r blob di$hrryrs in€r. Ihe diebtila .ti8hr_bern, cffe.tEpo.icd w6, it wuld sD, this etectdfi€d doud esnhins o, the tead.nd tc ot rhe eiur.s. A suddcn eterrkat joh in rhii *.y ;dd p.nryscthe i4tncss fo. a sho.r tin.j ir could atso ousc a migtaiDe-titc .ff.{r _ncnce thc clrsic flashing tidts symptm. B This .srit., olron dE bodv ofthe wir'l6 would ako rffer rnc w.rch ro the poirr ot m"ir,,,"t-. r,*


x)LtElcusrli, vrsroNs aND ct,osl ENcouNt€ts

r*rc6 .tc r Sood indi:ator of amu.nt fields, bccae they ar€€drFordy ty them, dpeci.lty a digitd'.!€dric ratch'. ln facr,.l€.rronic&vits 8€Deralt ttlry b. stlbje.t to magnetGtriclive efiects whi.h cau*d|ctn io n.lturnion in rn ek rtomqn€tic ficld. Such €ffets, 6 toucbcdupoo earti€r, caus€ crilkal contacL to b.lod, du€ to lhe delodation oflhc mi.to6copic erginceritr8 in the ci@itry which rctums ro mmd afte!

Tnc snell lik€ blning rubb€r can be ff.atcd by, predictably, €le.ticaldis.iargG in tlrc air. SGh di$bar8B change the energy sral$ of various,!om. and num€rca chemical omDourds sn be fo|@d. It hd beenftrtion d thar drrc8en, m.kir8 up 70 p€r @nt of th. air, chantos to amct st.ble Tlri ercrdzed, or .ioted, nitrogcn i! call€d 'acrieated'bec.u.e ir readily conbinai *ith orher atom, wherea ordinary nilrogendocs mt fd ermple, it en lxnbift *ith hydrogen to fon ammonia,.rd with dy8c. to fim nitric oride. It ale rcacrs with other gas in th€rir to fom nitrcbeme, whi.h is an oily sut6tsnce eilh a strong smelllit biter.lm.ds.r4 Ozone is also by eledn..l di$harges(i.€., tiehtdng)-Is Tbh @ be srch dound el€.1rk l machirery to $medtent and il ii ommnly reponed i. assittion with CE exFrienccs,

TIle pre @dd atxflnr for thc srell 8lotc. blt it could b6n produced a5 a hanu{inanon by fi€ld srimulation of rhe bBin.'6We en G, lhcrforc, 6at su€lt pr.viously mysterious phenomena can beklertifi€d as muhiple field effst! ahar acr diErly upon rhe ervironment,s6iry sEagc smells, Nvcn.nrs of obtec$, appanions, magncticcffccis, .tc- Th€s. are dter field efects a oppos€d to PK, and 8erer.lpoltergeil acliviry is a rturuE of both (i-e-, peMn-mediated and di.etficld pheMena). It docs not apFsr that rhis disrindion has be€n nadeb.foE. 6 anyrhi.g stange in a poltcrgeisl-affecred hous€ is put doen to'!piri. adivity' o. PK. Insl€ad. fiel& fon natuml @d artificial sou.6o. be drE r/ Bposiblc.

In rhe Welsh Triangl€ @s, lhe fiel& produ.€d by ihe nearby eanhlighlo. UAP nusr, to a large crtcnr, b€ lhe .rme as th€ geophy.kd fi€ldsbcld a polrergeist-adive tous€, as both orignrte ftom t€cronic atrdn inth. stata. This f*t alore k d indi.arid that polt€r8cin €ffsts ard UAPeff61s a.c w.y sinil.ri rhal is to sy. pohe€eisls an{t hauntings €n occlrin ho|ls @r hulttinG whicfi emit s.rshic radiatiotr IEM fields).''TII6G r€odrring bu's& of ercrs' ir [email protected] hour€s pEipitareASCS dd d alt rEd physiology in th€, who then 8o on to

Fcfuc appr.itiN ard qFric@ th€ cnvionm.ntal cff.cts rcfercd toar pohcrgeisB. 45 a geolo8;Glty oridnqling UAP (i.c., an carthlightmbodies this elccircmgnctic radiatid and is an ac.ial €xtersion of it,lotic didatd that .ryoe who gas ct@ to ore may als hall@inatc


Page 40: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

uFos- f6Yc8tc ctosE ENcouNrEts

appantioft and apparently ammdou ph)Bictl it th. immcdi eenviro'ment (@ Thc nan snF lives on a fauh in ChaPtct Sir).

The long-tem effects of living in such a hous un6 ftum individul toiodividual- In mosr €ss, io @mbinatiotr with 6eldr f.m pow.rtullyr.aNmitting radio or any othcr sourc€ of anificitl EM fields, Iprcdu.s a hve*.Bniviry n .Lc.,i@t things 8Mally.13 As . n bimagined. lhis is an imponam aspect. @nsidcritrg thar 6any tlFos arcentres of clccincal ene.8y.

Elcctric.l .€mitiyity: .n importrnt Lctor in UFOancountcfs rnd poltargarst3

lndividuals who havc beetr $bicct€d to prolotged cxpGG to d€trnagneric or efecrrical fields eveotually b€4me ove.l@ded and unulbenir ields ol so@ coherdt inttui, thmbs.ti Itb6 he.tionedthrt $isic ac.tiviry b oft of th* EM euts; otheE rrc VDU sds;radio .nd tel€vision tnnsnision; radio him tEDsisions:mimwave rcpeateBr radar installatiors; CB .rdio ard @b tmissions;hcpirrl tcchnolog/; donBric .ppliane of elstronic/eic.ti@lnaturei ad bouse-*irin8. The lis is rot cxhaustive.d

More impodanrly. howcver. the eledndily *citive (ES) pcoplc are.h.oni@lly allergic ro rhese emiisions oM rhe @nditton hrs beenindued. It is as if thev have b€6me etu.atcd sith clc.triciry rnd @.mitak€ any hote. They.d be@me very ill in the pi6ene of evet very losiield{ for instamc. thc ones sven otr by nuo|lfnt lshtrnB rl

Headaches. changes of body tempeErure, chantc in 6'diac rates.paralysis, €tc. occur-t This ranSe of synplohs is di$!*d in lalcrsectio.s. The Fople aE ES or hyFrs.irsitive, aordinS to their deSreeof rea.tion. Whcn rhey re.ct rllergically, n is ftcn that th.y lctlrlly enitfields thcmelvcs. The strength of thee varics, but in emc c{s6 tlEy 6naffect srr€€i-liglrs at a distane. OthcF haye rcndetcd.l! thcir hoEholdelecriical €quip@rt torally &16- Therc I cliri6 to trst thcn, butbeca@ they emit rhcae qute cohe.enl 6elds (which [email protected] .hct efiec{)

.prtienr' havc to bc s€pareted in tems of limc ad place bc..u!€ th.yjtilLindue allerE c staies

'n each other by then mu$rl ele.rnc.l cmNms.'

\ne imoli€iio.s fo! thc CE etoenence, where two ES witnessd tiEinvolved, are far-reaching and e dsibed late! also. In tlts s€ction,witt be cnphasized rhri r/ta d 4 t') 6p... to tt€ undetstandinB of cEs.

Invariably, ES p€ople have othcr aUc.gies asiared wilh theit'efe.lriol allergy - for that is what it anoltls to. This mz! b. 4

"utiplealk ty .ondfuiu'a nd ttr€If mfonunate pcoplc rctct t.8rtircly to a



wbole ran8c of thin$ rhd mct people do rot lhint twice aboul -fdGtu{s, er crh.ust, domestic 8as, perfume and cleaninS products.This is bdarse inen €rp6ur€ to fields has prDan€nlly dkrupted thekbody's abilily lo 6p€ with thei€ environn€fltal dpects. PerhaF this@uld be @lled 'ihe medium's conplainf. or the 'high{tranBenes@mpfainr' d h.t is, in a subslantial n6b.t of ptrchict aad UrO*itt]M (.sp..iatly ia what arc k\o|'d as high4tanrhe$ .6es) a hiqhi^ci.kte of .lecEiral hypc^e6invitt coupL.l with a nultiple4llqgysya.Itutu: furthertuft, this aspe.t b .ko shared bt individulr whocthibit PK abilittet. mis is an indieror rhat bodily syst€n has beenolectrcmagocti@lly and eletdcally disttrrbed, and is an important clue toundeBtardidg rht CE erp€nene and its rolationship to polrer8eisr

Put siDply. ir would sem that the ele.fical or EM fi€ld enin€d by ESpeople ads as a @rier wave' fo. Fychi. effets, including psychokin6is.Ssh emisions froh lhcs sil.esss. psychiG or f@i arc bound up withthe pbemmena rhat@u6 around then, such as PK, visions, appa.itions,

There concs a poirt iD rhe* Fople's lives *hen they are tiggered roproduc€ the$ thitrgs. Thc tritg€E sn be: field etr€cls; radio waves,6p€cially radar; porinity Io lightni.g sfikes: pre-thund€Ntorn @ndi-iions; sismic activity; any d.amatic change in merat'olisn. such aspubfrtr, or cven physi@llrauma (fallin8 off a ladder!).':5 Ofcours, fron. UFO invosiigatois poi.t ofview, an imponantrrigger is th€ UAP, andES p€opl. .an b€ affecled even vhen rhesr a€nal Blobes of ercrgy aresne disrare away. Wh€ther they are affected o. not *ould dep€nd oDth. rtIE of feld ai\turc iavolre.t, its sE ltth, aad he pa i.ular|'ov.lengd$ to *hi.h t witnes i' htpeae6itiv.. Ot @urse, distan@ isarorher factor: but ii des nor seen ro be as imDonanl as rhc othe6.B@ux ES pcoplc ds invariably have sme degree of food and chemicalallergy. th.y arc ofie. characleriz€d as beinS'urwell on a mo.e o.l€spemacnr bsis-t Unfteated altergies can go unr€cogniz€d tor yeaB atrdbe@me proSrsively worc r.til th€ s{ffe6 is put on a specialized

Thes food allcrgies include reactions to Sluten ir dll whelt products,mift. a variery of yegctablcs. cenain m€ars, aI o&lnit6 (of $e,Evaricty) and su8ar, which causcs hpoglycaemia (a low blood-str8arconplairo.a The chemical snsnivity can include j6l about anythinS,brr eolatile sub6tares are the woBt. Needles lo sav. rhis is a [email protected] disase and is acccle.atcd by elstropoltution'.2q However,havirg eid lhis, ifad individualhs for a prolongcd Fnod been €xposedio natural canh-fields. a simila. @ndition can Gclr.a Ttes! factors wilt


Page 41: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

uatx-rstcxrccLo6EExdxnaTGIs didmt in thc 6!c-!hdix. Duir! |n inv.riilrtion, orE,irrc.6cnitted s fi€ld !o s$ootly that rhc t F-r.codc. I r.5 using lnGtig.tors find this .ll tic rinc during rlEir itrtcdic*s s,ithwitnc!6 to UFO .nd Fydic cvcnts. h thc c.!c in qrc'rim, d€ @rdi.!cde out bhnk or on. (Esion rnd a r a sp.!d too hdt on rnortd,,o Ihad ro continu. rh€ intcFia eirh rt|€ taF-rcooiL. mppcd in ki.dEtrfoil lo shield it. which w.s sueestul. T'!FIE'.&B aE.duny uled intcstiq fo. ES-

However, sh cmision. aE sly dc inportat.!pcd invotiEd in rlEmy that thcsc dc rblc to atrel others ond dEir cnvi.orncnr.It do6 gm that anoth.r f.dor, 6uci a .r, is inrctvEd, *hictlmy tc th. 'PK frcroi. Ercnts gd! ,. ttis itrdiztc rh.t PK .n ! ddltic4tfuA: d iatimaEly bouad up wiih tu dnodt r ia ffi oty.3l

In order to confim rllc d€€Efi.gmric conn dio ritt poltcry.i.rpt€nor.ra, wc need to l@l $ 3tudi6 o{ thi. Fyd c acrivfty. lvc hedr..dy mt d thrt the cncrgie. .!d ndiatio of UAk oE t.t€ thiscl€t.idl 6!Ec-t with the UFO phetrorD€@n: |t@ rtterc is a ...d to 6rd .similar onclrtion with poLcrgcist acriviry. Considd ttc fo[orioa,conc.mi't r poltcrgcist fru Frs':

From $ s time on. AngeliqG devetoped lhe ptuer of gMng peodeviolent 6l6ctric sheks sl|e ws in fact aiother 'hurnan st€ctrc et, . . .OLiets laid oi her aprcn ftsw off Voten y, and the pfld was strq|genolJgh to 6e a heavy tub w'rn a man sjning d n. Oddty sollgh. msiatswere .ot affated, indicating rhal this torh ot eleciidv ws not tieusul kind vlhs anqelhue was r€d. ltE clr€nt w@td diminish. tr abodininished wl€. she was d a bot wbs mo6t drertutwh€n shewas on bare €nh she had 10 ste€p m a sr@e cov€,ed wth a co*mat. The phenorena contnued lor ldr monrhs. and rere witet studFdby md ol sci€nce: lhen th6y c€ased.

Mrs Clre makes rhe r€s|able a$umplion thal poltergdst paEnocm may be eiecLical in mrue. and cnos a numbe. of ottEr 6ses.rEludhq a Mlle Emmench . wtD becam a huftan ebcrric baB€ry afrerrec€lwng a s4ere ftight, rlE nature of whbh ts nor sp€citied_ we hav€,l.6ady @ticed how mediums s€€rn to dewbo rhoir DoreB atterrccid6nts. The interesting rhing about M[s Emrerin wEs rt at she dtlgwe p€ople stbcks @n wh€n they rerc not toudng her. Sh€ g6v€ hsb'orhd a sha* wtEn he ms tlxns aMy. Ah. Fi tefi |t Od

MB Crow€ adds the intsresring rmark: Marry smmmbutisL peMs{she actuallv m€fis peMs uider hyrmsis) are @FUe ot gMng anel€ctrc shek: a!!d I haw met on€ p€en, not soinrEmbolisric. wtlo



anfoms rc ttEr he has tequenrlv boen abte to do n by 6tton ot wilCl@rly, rt somoe Ms able to p.odde erectFc drenrs sl wr[. t"e or shemght be in a positis to @us€ polteEebt phenomem D€.haDs ewn ar adisrar@, tike Mlte Emmen.h 7

Froln this, .rd other asp€ct! ro bc desib€d. ir is €videnr that there isa. d€rlap betycen ES people and potrergeist fai in thar both @n aff€crth. e.vircDmcnt .rd oth€r p€ople etecrricatty. Ir is atso ctsr fiompolt€rgeisr repo.r! rhat rhere is a srronS spet of et€crriel sctivity whicha€ies a Nmb€r of effects and is b€hiDd many of lhe phenomena, sch4 apparitions: maltu..tions of .ameras 6d etc.rrcnic €quipment;lumimu ph€@rcna; misr; cotd spots and halucinatory realilig. In is p.opo6€d that hany of th€s€ cverrs can be dehystjfied as fietd cffectswhich emanate the l@tio. ard rhe .fcus,. Wc sw eartier in th€Wekh Tri.ntle ce hoe field eff€crs en produce a whole mnge ofappaE.rly mFterious ph€nomena, ro the exref,t of givjry a hous a

Thcrcfore, if an ES i.dividuat - a @nditior as@iared $irh beinrpsychrCr- enmunren a UAP. he or \he witt reafl a crsioly and wiiiemil thei. oen field3 phich, slrprisingly, @n be extrcmcty cohercnr (i.o.,b€nntile).3r A UAPisonlyone source ofan Ewetectri€r ietd rhai cando this (buried cablcs, g€ophFical $res fron fautrs, aerials. .rc. a.eorhe6) and tbis EM signal' app€an ro a.t as a rcaFier wav€. fo. which a.c o.Banic (i.e., human-originating). There is evidene thatrhis '?K+nhanced induced by lhe UAP.! fi€td .d

^ fe..t b@k to th.

UAP ot o disnnc., ^s

rh. ||itftst Fenat fietd ligtrat', or fi€qucncy.That rhb is p6ibl€ over a distane is evideDr from thc St.eerlilhtInterfercne Prcrect initiared by Hrtary Evrnr,

'n which indivitjuatr rur;d

oft street lamF by their presn@. This human tink with a disranr UAp inrhe s*' can Sive ir apparc.r qu.lirics oi inlelUSene

In fad, ir t!6 been r€poned on manr occasions that UFOS *em to beawarc of th€ eitr€s's prcsetr. This dc, of coue, fuel the id€a rharUFOS @ urde. irtelliFnt @.rrot or are inielligen@s of sore kindthemslv€s. This p€ link ha d$ b€en repond ar thc 'OZ' fador or'bclljar .ft61, rhcre the eitnes and rhe UFO *em to b€ cmtwd intbci. own p.ivare rcrld, or 'bubbl€ of influerce, and are ,belded'together in ishtion.'Therc ar€ numcrous rcpons of this €ffect, of whichthe follwinS is an enmple:

Ov€r i. rhe sourltsw€st . . . she s5w an lnusuattv bnghl obiect . . . Ihelighl hovered lry HalkJm Mdnian ar an etewtbn ot just rm degr€es.Wharev€r 4 w6 ii tooked mosr spectacutar

Baryi'g her Unocul56 on ro it sfE sw rr in irs tu gtory. There was a


Page 42: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

uRo6- liYcHtc ct,o6E ENcot NT&s

lai!€ whit€ cnde of light and inslt€ lhis a sfrlhr od|ge (re. AdB ttEmiddle of $e o.ange c,rcle was a rcd bar stoul (m q@ner $€ cnd€'swinh. Th6 was b.olcn In rhe m(Hb. The whob rtrng rorared slo\ ,lV art1rclockense al an unvaryrnq spe€d

Dln'b$ruck sl€ Dut down the b'noculaE and l@ked at it wthdrt !hm.It was stitl therc. Srre blinksd The image rcriain€d Nev6r in h€. litebefoc had she s€4 anything like this.

Sh€ ostimat€d that ir was o.rly about haff a mile day dd posjtioedder some electncaty Wlons. As she siar€d shs found heef [email protected] i$hted. The mdd was d64p€aring iolnd h€. as sh€ roors€dhsr atrsti@ @ ihis lisilor frcm the unkM. lt was almost as if she wasb€ing hypnot2€d by the light, torcing her eyes to fEte upd it. Timerushed by. Pedaps onttivs minurss, shecould notgErrg€ rhisaccuEtely. . .the obiect began to ll1@. slo{W dd tlendy at an aryle ol about 1.w€ntydegras sidMys ac.o$ the sky. lt stopped. Ouicklv aisiqo dE cams€shepoinr€d narthe object Just 6 she dll e it sr@ked dayw6lwadsin a dur of mton and

'n iusr ihe sdnds had vanish€d @r tlF

In this cnclojed and linked state, the witn* is €specially subjcct to rhcwavelengths ad frequerdg that the UAP is emitting, and rhe ene oftime being slowed dom is rrcther @mn6ly reponed effe.r (dssynchrc.iation). This subjective pe@ption on bc p'!d@d by ..pouu*to a hagretic field - as PeBinSs has stw. in his €rperimdB ardinvolves sF.ific wavelentths.

ln tems of an EM b€mlile signal, the distane betwn the lrFO/UAP aDd the witnes of abour half a nile (0-?5 tm) is nor very r'r at ill.Radio *ave. tmvel for @nsideBble distaB thrcud physi€l ob6tel6.That su.h a p|lEs cuF (i.e., th.r the body emits EM mB) h6 b@nshopn exp€rimentally by eldrropollution' scicnrists, Dr Cldl w- Snnhand Dr RoSer Coghill. The latte. proposes Bdi>eave emisio. ftm thehum.n enrral nenous system. He hs found that tlE human bnin isactoally nrudured to facihale ndio-we!€ transsisions fron s"€cificsrructures (Bee ells) which he d,esibes d a 'ndio Iacnine. offomidable @mprexity: its d if the b.ain had a million or e adiostations in operation simultaneoGly. s

Ir is not surprisin8 that lhee emisioG from rhe humn sysr.m mldlint virh the UAP enisions, for sismic activity, which givs ric to bolhUAPS ard seismic hdirtion, ptodus radio wavs (ir idditio. to otherpons of the EM spqxtun). We hav€ a sitDation, thcrcfore, wherc rbcreare t*o su@s of the eme fre{ue.g (i.e., ndio wav6)i oe is emittedfrom the wir.esi and the other tsom thc UAP. alth@eh botb arc



combined eith o.tE field typ.s- Thal is ro ey, el.clroflagnctic fi€ldmisions flm tb€ wit.s and th. UAP 'lint through the medium of rh..mbient lield bctwln them. a! it s€€ns rhat an elstriel potential buildfup bctq@r th. UAP .nd the pitres. This wqld not happcn with a non-ES wirns - or only in erceprional conditions. I would sugg€st this issrmibi to th€ Dorential differeE that builds ur bct*een cloud atd earthto C@te a lightnin8 strit.- It d,ocs .or n c€s.ily result in a dishargetaking plae, of cou*. but it facilitates a signal lint betwen the two -UAP snd allerglelly rca.ting ES

Anothe. facror thar app€s lo facililale this linL is the hypnoid state inth€ wiltr*. F!@ the extEc-t eadicr tbod lv{|l€ Emmericn, it app€a6rhrt $bjets in s h'?ioric srare @n de emit an el4triql field - .r shownby tbe comftunity of snstion eftet. where th. b?nolisl and the subj€ link.d ro lhe erlenr rhal @ch @n Rgrster the olh€rt rn$rions.y

The.efo.e, th€re is a icrdercy for Fople in this $n of h)?noid state toemit cnc.gios. in addition to their peMnal fields. s a resull of their ES@ndition. This hpnotic state t,@6 naluFlly if, $he p€opl€, and ii d@nor sm to take much to indue then into su€i a disssiated state. Ir6n bc indEd by all ma.ner of nomal or ommon of,ditions, such assrrecdights viewcd from a moving car ehich flick€r as th. qr pa.scs a ro*of trffi.{ ES p€ople slip easil} inro lhis blant, daydreaming stale (orlbey have vivid halluci.alory imaset and extem€ ES @n resulr in@Fplde 'black-oul5 or'blank4uts . Th* p€ople are oft.n Fychic ande Lqown in invBligation circles as \rippc6', for obvioor reasons.

b th€ OZ factor etampte duri.g the Helklm Mountain si8htin8,merrioned above, it sbos how the b.hartalr of the UAP created juslsuch a hypnoid stare in the by ils slow. unrelcnting, lumimusrevohtiors. Tlis ws noted by thc witnc$, as er! the l&k of avarenes ofner suroundirgs, and this islating efiect is prsiely what @us duringhypn6is, It is su8t6ted, thcr€fore, lhat th€ UAP ard thc prcsnce of anarbie!! field indued an €l€ctromaSnctic @trrcction, or\itnal link', withthe witres du.ir8 a hl?Dotic state, Conveely, the UAP was indu@d torcvolve 3nd mesmcrize rh. *nnes by tbis link to her. This is a cycliceficcr. wbcrc one sl.g€ propagates the oth€r, which, in turn, rcacrs back.tbereby nairtaining it (se Fig. 3).

The ctcliel effel is a $lf-rcgdadng pre$, and it is only one exanpl€of rhe son of beb.vior of a UAP thar the un@nsious can indu@ rbrcu8ha sigtlrl lint. Olher l:ag demonstratc an organizing P.@s, it whi.h thesrtudlfe or.ppqrance of rhe UAP is alieredi judSing by the nuhber ofregllar aspects of the Halkyn Mountai. UAP. emc organizarion or the'hare.ial of the UAP @n als take pla@.

This exlBordinan clectromasnetic link between ES witnc$ ard UAP


Page 43: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

/ t.cr6a!.d ssd \


d3!'dttb Es

\ "

r"l*no| \ errbr! rrltdr| \- r€rd

6Esruydst*drsd' \"t IUAP by an d€dqrE{mtc l; I

up.lori€ d 'riFal

rnf e(hg t t; +si.gcnsagdBn ol tb qEunle. , P 3 Es str6

. o tr6 c6€ b d rt?rE|i)ary t-* r€6cr3/ s- als!*:ry lo

t t + oEfd|d

| "un.*-n,t/

I\- .S#F;"ffiF- ;trffi+-/

t to6 - lsrclllc cl<rsE EN@t NtEts

Itr. I Cy.lic .|tu d tt .ctnd liit'.

crn only t6le plac. if both arc in a .cotrEtin8' dbicnt ficld. The UAP la involwd i. d erterdcd s.i6 of €rc.ts in Flinr,Wds, ehich arc dsib€d in tlE nen chaDter. Thtu a@ s{s thc e.trcfo. a numbd of polterSeis ite elecridt pherdrE@, 6 *tl s CEr. Inrems of eletrcnic pollutim, il is $trond.d bt mary pdEirlltEnsmi$ion .ntenre fton thc nearby Mi.istry of Dcf€E qrlsblishmrrat N6ton. Th€tc is little debt that the dtennae ltood.d . .nalt smMth mbie.r ficld. @cr an erterd€d Enod.

Mind thc r.p . . .

Arother mo.e rFct@lar 69 *h.rc rhk cL.toDagrcti. dp.t lintirvolved a build-lp of rr dldgc or por.rfial diffcocsb..En UAP md wit..i6, &rually 6dted in r pd,crtut dis}.rFcficrt. Conider thi6 dcsqiprim by Eob Boyd of rtE nymuth trloR6.srch Gnup in England:

He.e is D€nis€'s stqv:'l was codtig into my hoos€ al appoximaGly 1l_t5 pm, erd a6 |



apo@ch€d lh€ cohs of the bungslow I thoughr I ss som€ lEhtsbehhd the house. As I got to thc back d6 and could see up th€ hrllbehhd our house, I se an enomds UFO heennq abov€ fie housss ootop ot rhs hi'l The objecl ws unlir and a dark retallic ar€y. bur comrngfrcm lndemea$ t'€ obi€ct 6nd shinang down on the @ttops b€n€arh rlreE er d s€q bmd stairs ot light Th6ss wor€ l@ely pastel shadesoi pink and purple and de white- I ew .ll th.s in an dstant and I wasteddied. I hudi€dt eached id rhe door, but d I pli mv hand on rhehandle, Irom the u.h sr(b o{ the shjp, a lhegren poncifthin b€am ofhght €re dl*n a.d hn ita be.k oi my hr.!d. As sm as it h* mV hand I@ld .ot mde I ws stopp€d dead h my tracks. The b66m stayed d myhand for ar leasr rhrfty @nds, F whrch trre I 6Ud only srand and watchrhe UFO. I was @ry iightsned ahilough tiE UFO was . slghr r@. lt was huge and s €nt In lacr ths whole ar€ semed very qu|et.

'Tr'e grce. b€m, $tctr dd not give olt any lumimtbn 6nd w6 6therI*e a rod o, hghr, then sw[ched oti and I conl'^lsd ro open rh€ door. ltwas as it s lim had been stopped ald then sbned agah. | tud sloppsd inmdsrn.te ard wh€n the b€am wqt otf, cmrnu€d the $me mvemeni Iopened ttD door a.d rush€d in rh€ hous€ As I dd so lhe UFO lifted lntolh6 sky slbhiv ard mded flay and out of sqht

'RubttrE hy ha.d I Bn in and told my sFter. We $,ent back outsrds bul$erc was .olhing th€r€ | wat ad et d(M, ad a lw mmutes larer . . .I not|ed spots of bbod a.d after wash'ng |t saw t was € bum.

On Fdday dE I1th. John visned the housos rhat had b€en und€ne3thrhe UFO, ard ahhough Me had leported seng !h€ object o. hav.ngobcrtual inrerie€.c€, rhr€a dd r€porr v6ry stGnge b€haviou b\/ th€kdogs ar tE iare h q@srtr . . On S.rud.y, 12 Sepiomb€r, Oes We€ks,Group S€c.etary. h's darrghlor Patsy, a nuE ard my*1i visited Donis€.we took a numb€r ol ptDt€raphs and interyieed Denis agah . . . Theblm tsell seemed much wo|s6 than { was on Fridav . , tursv ex8mrEdrhe buh . . . she @k mr say a rot abouttt blt sard rhat il was mpoftantrhar D€rts€ s€e a drdor as s<s .s possble as sh6 w6s

'n a staG ot

shod. Indo€d, Oeriss was visibly sbking, though she pd ir dMn ro alacl ol sle@ @r the two pr€vious naht3.

A lry weks after rhe eHt rhe @und ws vsry sor€ and angrrloohng. Wh€h st€ @ne to the Wedresd6y matng the b{m had a fullrtmed sb . . . When she.etumsd tom |s had g@e, l6€vng.@d ma like a pale tirthfrrk.''

D€nisc gishop liv6 only a mile frofr rh€ l5rg6t nuclqr a.d naval barein Engrand, phi.h *orld produc. clccrroDagn.tic hot spors in rhe a.ea.It w@ld sm. therefore, th.t an energctic UAP, possibly prcducld as an


Page 44: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

uFos- IsYclrlc crsa ENcouNTErs

acciderial prcducr of $rct ete.ronic polution, hrd imdht d the .l€aclo.€ to the eir!!es\ ho!c, indsira a charAed ar!a, a.d slE h.d mttedinto it. This is p.eci6€ly d irdicat d ir Fig. 3. Such UAps arc a!6ocir.ed*ith elevated points, litc a hitt, and it is m.oircideme rhat tr.rsinin€radio tBrs rrc s ofien sirurcd on su.h hiSh groud. A! soon e sh€ F;lE hand on tlle oer.l d@r-haldte, .he bceme eaith.d dd th€ terlitedi$hatge t@k phcc. Schunann wac, ehich rrc prod@d by 6.rde.stoms, i€r thc eanh and ido6pl€re .6ona@ tike a st.rr eleclricatbell - s @mpaable elednd eEm |o this.a

Wc qn s fron the Lyntr picknett UFo (des.ribed i, rh€ previoGchapt€r) that thir e6 . h.llucinato.y spac€nff, d.ship' s thc ,itnesEvealinSly puts it, g.fted on to an objetvety rcat UAp. F|ureco$structions of en6hteE, many invAtigarors kn@ dty t@ w€lt rhatthis is a omnon prrr<€ss: rhe witics suFrinpos6 ard subi€.tirtytEnsronrs a mordde obier s@h 6 a sra., the mon o. a Dtane _ intoatr exotic craft-{ Otrviously, , UAp irdeing a, ittered srate i, tb€witncis would bc an dcr dorc porenr basis tor this gnfting, cspeialy a5the witn€ss has a definite lEtief ard erycdatioo .cgardiry .il,en' (i.€..aliert, and s a @ntent t@ins' appr@h rced t@r @ tunher.

The meular paralyG @n b. obraiEd by an ELF freqEncy ot,bour90lo I lO Hz and it is agair indued by $e diffe.ene b.twe.n tso hiefterrrcquefris. tn(M 6 rhe .be'f fEqEncy.o The behaviou. ot rh< Jogsncntioned in the Plymouth l:e is a @mmon fearure cs@iated eirh cFr:it t dw to their heighten.d *nsitivity to ele.rromaSfttk fi€td3.6 Thcprcximity of su.h events ro a Eititary Brabtishcnt hc at*?ys b.en not€dby th@ vto adh€re to atien activitv s d cxptanatid ftr UFrOr, but rhis.3sociationisrcallytodo*irhlhchigft tevctor.ctcctmicsD'produccdby rh€ir powertul @mmrnic.lior sFtems.{ (I. Amria, theE is noGtnctid on which bands of tlrc EM.p€ctrum they c.n e _ inctudioSth€ ionizing levels.")

On@ .8ain the OZ facror sit€... is rcported; rhis to i. irdiBtive of theiradiatiotr of rh. wirn6 s cenrEt rervo6 ryrrem, prDduint thehalhcination of lhe illuninared flyint e@, (vtuual seiaE).4 Thc |6rrelevant asp€cr of this lareFtite rrp is thar it rtcmoBt ar€s rtr siFat linkt'€tweetr p nes! and UAP. Ute advrnc.d air,tcgu.d missitg that ,E$ided back d(M a Edar to irs souE when . military ptsne istr.ckcd, tnc €h.lricel pot ntial that buitt up invilibty *as di$harged 6sn as D€risc bccame ernhed. This Ser Wd orr€soonds cto.€tvsith ftc Seneral idca of ihr en of veaponry emptoyed by ETs. and n@nfEms rhe alrhoriad mlth . Also, lile the HalftF Momtah UAp, astroctured-lDokitr8 obj€ci ws d.picted to corgpord *fih a thip..

TI|€ Pbmouth endnter d€nonsr.arB tlow .he uncon$iG sitl



hmes cldrlmagneri. condirions to presnt such a p.odu.tion . ard.le hq URB, litc poltergeist activity. ar€ a mixtu.e of .lir.ct tield.ffeds ad rt r4s-b6el cff@ts (i,e,, tbc a\ered stare facilitating thehallucination of the sttudur€d and nctallic apacc.hip-), {ith thcphysi@lly .al field efiects of the la*.-like dischargeinolporated into rhis irtemally producd imaS€.y. Ther.fore. we arebeginning ro build up a picture ofa witn6tsUAP connection through aneLd.omagnetic signal ransdission. Tfiis signal li.k is a. important stcpin lnde6ta.ding lhe CE exp€riene, b€.aus it prcvides a mechanisn bywhi.h rhe uo@n$iou inreracts with ae.ial elect.ical pheno':ga. It alsprovidcs a hGhanis by shich th€ unconsious @nte.ts of thc humatmind. with all irs srrang€ imagery and dynamic symbolism, @n enlerthcarena of the ET mythology via the UAP-

Bcfore we return ro rhe ea.lier extrads corcerned wirh polrergeistacrivio, her€ is anothcr sFcta@lar exahple of the signal link betweenvitnes ad UAP.

An .l.ctrird fi.ld d.y . - .

lype: .lo* €nonnier of ihe econd kindDate:27.7.79Iid.: 1.,10 am lcal timePIa..: near waBei. MinnesoiaInv.sti9 tot: Attdn Wendry (CUFOS) and others

Val Johnson 6 the onlv w{ness lo the evenr which occured rn a r!.arareaot thr land wth ie houses and burldhgs The .oads rhe€ are laid on ar*t ngular qnd patiem. wnh an uninteiropred view fiom one ro a.other.As Johnen €s d.Mng w*r ifom a mal town 6lled Slephen he caughtsighl of a hght @ar some tres which he knew to be 2% mii€s (4 km)awav n4r a ro€d Fnction lowards wh€h he was diwng Ar thar junctionhe tumed lettlsouthlon to H€hw6y 220 and hsded tor the lightrhich asta. as he @uld rell had been sratDnary. He @elerated to 65 mph {105kmAri As he dr@ ctos€r he could se€ $ar tho l€hl did nol app€ar to belumimtng rhe surcu^dng ar€. Airer he had dnwn abour a mile {1.5 km)

along Bqhwy 220 $e llght semed lo greatly a@ele6te towards hmh cov€red rhe halt 1o one hii6 m an insta Deputy Johnsonhe.d no sound f6m $le lqht, and rt app€ared as a blnding glar6 H€ lost@n*idsness at thrs pornt but lMJls the sound of br€kng qlass.

Whe. lp rcgdned c@soousn6s lhe p€r@l @r was at righi anglesacross rhe other sde ot rhe ro.d, and tec'ng 6ast. His head was resringag.insr rhe ste.a.g wheel and hls eyes h!.t . . He fts eMmined by a

Page 45: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden


*rctor at 4.0O m. App6rcntv by this !m€ ttE cd bump o his foreh€dw.s rcr @nsdcu@s 6nd ttE dator was nor€d that Joll|Ed hadbeen uicor'scbus; th€.etoE he .rrentBted d $€ 6€ o6in. This SEdoclor co.rclud€d was due ro m|H @ldtrtg b6s ; lho dr€d lighr of thedocrq s nstruMts 6usod cons'deBble dffforr - hunng so mLrdrth6t he did not roke a rfio.drOh 6Iaminari'.. He tr4ted ttE iriatbn ro

Dunng thrs nme tho palrd @r w6 being dwed b€ck ro rt€ b6segE.age. The owirs.larnag€ w6 carrlogued: rn h€adlighl wassm6hed, a smll ci.@lar denr was folrd in the bonnet rhe wind*renwas shattecd, a Gd lbltt on lop ol the d was lu^ctrred and dislodg€dt,m its hd6in9 and rrc radio anlan4 wee b€nr backwds . . s Msfwarch ard the dashbood clock rerc tunning slow €

An indgui.g *q!el to this @ured two .laF later, n@r Vemillior,South Dalota. Strangelt. it involved another DeFty Johns:

Buss John$n (no ,elatd ro Val Johns) u6 ddng abne, aoain on alonev h€hway iH'Shway 5O). iw .lays alter the {n6l} deputy seYEne .e to the lou 4!omi|6{644kmltorh6soulh Aqanlheskywas d€r ard ihe @ther was good. This Johns ale (bscnb€d s€einga light like a h€ just ah6ad of him on the h6hway lor two secordsrhs.

'n llc sFEe ot arctl€r tM sedds rhe liglt rushed ar hjm and

su.!C6lv eigultud rh€ car 'l thowht I was in a lbht-bulb Clo6hg hisey6 aqanst the bliiding lighr, h€ slammed on the brak6 and hoFd torth; best Just like Deputy V. Johns his car skilded to a srclp and sDUnsitewavs ac.oss the road. l&'nq 61. Ho rtl€i opened his ey6 .. . rowarch the light sour@ nrsh slightly w9+ound and ris€ in an alglesl'gfitlv... &d vsish abuptlv..

A third ahosr d€nticsl @se w6 repon€d o.! 20 pdgust 1979.$

The eMunters demonstrate the magreti. link bereccn the widl€sgand lhe uAP, ehich smed to have hapFrcd d@ to ftc movere.t ofrhe oB into the roge o{ the field ttcy emittcd, The huhan body canprcvide just ar potert a conductive 6€dium d a clr body - FrhaF more$ - b€in8 mad,e up of 70 per ent warer with an mb€dd€d ctc.1ri6lq6t€m. thc CNS. The* sm to t€ funher c8s of a R.ld onnecriotbetwen eim*s and UAP @ltirg in an a.thing etr(r.

Another exmd€ is lbe ven-kros cr* (d@ to the film Fi.. ir !i.Sb) inyolving TEvis Wallon, who eent loo close to a hiSbly dBrgcdUAP which eanhed on his body like a tiSht.ins $iite. Th€ depanue ofsuch UAPS f.on a rea.-grouod positto. fre{uently iovolves a rcrter dddgretic effe.r which @ld havc sftpt the ritn6 !p lte d clt fi6ed



mini-iomado, and d.po€it d him some dista.ce away in a battercd andrnm8i&, ehi:h, predicr.bly. is.x&rly ehat lnrspir€d. Th.$bsquenr 'di€n' vision is als a producl of thc UAP''$ne$-ah.nB .ff61, in coniunction with latcr h',pnosis.

lD tbe filst cvcnt, no hagn€tic after+fi€.1e eerc detecled on the carbody, phich des indiole th there wd a siSnal link with thewitaes's body, d it was his vatch and the @r's inrc.ior d6k that were.tfectcd in this say. Hoeever. as timcpi€ces are sensitive to EM fields, nis possible that rhcy *ere fccrcd, whil€ the metal wd nol (a similarsnurdon is ehere light en be brighl enoullr to regkt€r on the reiina butmi on a pholographic film's emulsion).

Onc a8ain. ho*ever, there is an EM link beiwe€n UAP and witnes6/car which w6 insrumenral in the collision. Earlier. the tubsta.e' of aUAP war meniio.ed: interesti.gly. this UAPdid notjust pN lhrouSh [email protected] an ephem.alway: ircaued mehani@ldamagc. e it w6 nade ofsmethanS . O.. ofthc importanr implicatiors of thir ignallink is that lhewitnNs, by theiro*n oh€re field enissions, @n uncon*iously mouldthis sdb6tane'. which undoubtedly includes electrificd particlcs.

In poltelgcist activily, llhinous phcnomcu. cloarly ciecrncal i.charactcr. are @mmon, ad they amount to UAPS in a dom€sticenvironneni. Thek lights, *hich emerimsemil thenoM zoneoffeaf,@n reelve into elt-lumjn@s apparilions (which may be why ghosts havegained a fqr-inducirg rcputarior). Similarly, rhere are nuhetous reponsof lighrs in the sky (LITS in utulogical iargon) as shapeshifting sphe6 ofligh (a UAP ryF) vhich rslv€ into structured craft'. Wit.6*s speakof silenl explGions oflight'rhat clearto rcveal an ovalobjcct eith lightsand ponholes standing on suppons, or hovering; both situations imply asignal link pt1Es in operation.

I. fte Halkvn Mountain @s, m€ntio. Ms made of the OZ factoteffel: the UAP displayed a @rtain ahount of structu.e. Although thiscould bc a ffiturat effect caused by irs intemal fields, it ir indicative ofminimal organiarion which would @.tairly be consistent with many ofthe sra8ing stntegies by the UI: thar is to ey. the un@n$ious, havinginsidcr kmsl€dge of what it would tate to c.eatc b€lief in alienimelligene. as it wish6 to u* rhis iderrity, would know ihar th€@n$ious mind assiatc structure with intelligcm. This is why cropcircles have been identified as alien. Pre{cientific gene.ations artributedall mder of natuml things to rh€ vo.k of the D€vil, God, 'the Uttlepeopl€ . dil'spirits, elc. We laogh at thes things now, but thc sane thirgis when LtFOs arc id.trtified ,. ETs; p€ople who suggest thisse h rheir o$n Dr€<ientific eh. However, there des sem lo bereorganialio. of UAP malenal' via the \ignal link'.

9 l

Page 46: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

uFos - IsYclttc cLo6E EN@rr{Ins

If *e l6X at the sudirs of PK- wc find that s'm ttgrc1rc6 barecofic to rb! (trnluion thlt it affc]ts tie nost fl€nbk, fr.giL or $btlenateriab ir rh. envimftrr:

Rex Stantod has ame up with tw interesling iteies. . . amther ide,abour PK in whi:h he ers rhat P( happens 6iesr wiih things lh.t arcmost flexibl€ The mor€ s.sirive a th'ng, d€ dbre urErable, ard theeas€r lo

The UAP, being an !ffiizbLe Slob€ of elctrmagnett erergy, 90ldcenainly qualify a oe of tte $btle matfrials, and S.anford's thcftlen& srypon ro the organiation of UAPS by the unconscious. In aact. thes€me author il$ Dre*nt3 this idea:

The hyporhesis is riat there is s6e srr ol treway inre@tion rh@ghpsychoknesis b€rwe€n @r mirds and ths erergy feu of rhe UFO. lnR. G Stanlord s cdiomanc€ rh€orv n is D.ooos€d that the mors subrleand sensitive the matenal. rhe 4sie. at ,s ld @r mmds io atf6i it. h ishypothesized thal the €e€y field that re call UFO is a prefoundlv$nsiriw energy fod responste io our sub.oiscious meotal cues 52

This @nept of PK in islation, withour the el4rriol fEld,ai'd th. idea of subtle Denral cu6- aE steF ir the riaht diredlon.Hovcver, the inrrodu.rior of Oe idontifable ard moE r.ngiblc rt€diilcondition of elarriel ht?€tsensirirny .adi6lly 6hifts $i. forrE appror.hfrom ar inter6tin8 ide. into lh€ maa of minstred $ientific Delhod,invoFitrg situtiotrs vhidr €n be m@uEd, t6ted, dete.1€d, rcprcducdand predicted uailiziry established instrurcntation. Relumint to the casof Mllc EmDerich, indiqtin8 the impone of elcct.ical fo.c6 iopoltergeist phenomena. Wilson m.ntids rhar rerd ws mt affecred andconcludes thar th€ elEtiny involred ws '@t the 6ul kind.' This, infact, indiet6 a field p6nem rhat dry attects di€led.ic natensb (i.e.,$ose thai d,o trot @lduct elsrri.ity). This q6 mentiorFd eirlicr inrelation to nondnducrive mateiiats mving away fios the directir of dintene @Snetic field. This Finciple hs an indusEi.l e and it @€d to $paEle particles @nicd by a m{-.onductive liquid: 'PaE-magnetic l€6ion oFrat6 in op?o.sition to gEvity. Sirc€ the lighteiI'anicls respord |nore to pdramaAnelt temile fotG and the h@vietPanicl6 mrc lo gavity, the ligh&r panilcs tctd to .is€ .trd th. h.€vi.tsink- a This len& suppon to the etedromSnetic Rcld basis forpolGrgeisl phcnoftcna, s patmagrric forcing field €ffets. and sraticcharSes e abl€ to m@e objecls in .b€ cntironrcnt, in hdy irsr||[email protected] theD to fl@t thrcud rn€ aii. ln hb srudy ot the polretAcist,Wilson\ cofincnts are Frtire to this d@+Fmte. cmpcris:



WtH Esthg wve sho€s whh glass sol€s{l) the nEnitsstatons slopp€dbut stE d€y€iooed h€adach€s and nos€5e€ds. He. sdsalo. ololdnrcdironrs

's also h'ghv s!€s6nw. Th€€ hee been d@€ns oi v!€lr

authenticatgd l:as ot humn el€ctrc bsnsios .l€6'n, n€.dy allconcomgids or boys st rhe .ge oi puberty. Camlin€ Ch€ of Bo.don, OnLrio . . .dselop€d sucn powedul ol€cltic cungnts drat peod€ who tdch€d herr€c€r€d sd€€ slftks; piss of metal stuck to her as ii she were amagret Jsnie Morqan ot Sed.|., Missi, b€@m€ an elecmc baneryar t@rten; wl€. she rouched m6tal obircls, spadc flsw FBnkMcKinisiry . @uld develop an 6l6crnc cha€e dudqg the nght andslow|y lits€ n dunng rhe dav . lhe Amh€6t mjnister, the RewrendEdwn Clay, ws onvnced that rhe se€t ot Esther's manfest6tions wasel*ucry, and e@ oewe'ed d.ecrJre to rhat pflects

Tlis @dy idcntification of poltergcist acrivity eith €leclri€l phcoomef,aha! bccn ov€rlooted by subs.cuenr res.dhcB. There is, thercfor€. aforrfold sr of @ndnoa for both poltergeist and UFO encount€rs:I The enisior of cohcr.nt clectrchagretic b€3ms a. a ehole body efistftom the electrically h)?eis€nsnive fea or wi(|)s as a syDplom of

2 The pres@ of cle.r.omaSneti. from fruh-lines crerdng ho!

3 The pres.ce of ele.lromagn€dc tields as el€.lrcnic and .|

I El4tromagrpd. lields emirted by such UAPS as emhlights, ball-lightnif,g, and anonalous lighr phemm..a, such as thm crcated by.lcctrcnic aod polhdon fiom rrdio anlenna€ and pylons.6petively. Th* @uld u*tully b€ lem.d c|..l!ofoms which occur notoly in land..ape envirern.rts. but rllo in the t ldrrimal poltcrgeistmtcxq th. donesric setting. Thdc 'domcstic' UAPS, a I hav€ t flnedthem. also sccm td bc ertres of EM crcrgy fields, frcqlently as light$orces rhat flickc. abour the r@ms of poltergeist-afflicl€d bouses. Othe6sm to b. mrc €rcryetic and q!.te thc 'era of fd' by thcir EMemisions, s d.r.nb€d e3rlier. In th€ ce of th. Etrficld pollergeist, amembcr of $c hoEhold rclo.t€d:

'| sd th6 lqht. he said 'h was the equivabnr, I shouid say. of rwslv€inc$es venical. lt looled like a lluo,es@nl lighl b€hrnd iros&d glass,wh€h bohed ne@ly and gEd€lly faded away

'Hd dd tou re&t?' G@ss ask€d'l ws bloody p€Ml€d I d nsver seen anything I'ke it, and rhs l€€ling I

had was on€ of loar, like there Hs somebody stlnding .ight by me 8ndwatchrng IE n*r ktl<)M such a ls€lrrg In mv hte.'$


Page 47: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden


It ha b€er D.ntion.d that this ext|ft fsr reactid tlrd oeurs sonlquently itr UFO rrports, in rsociation rith th. Feiid of alr€s€nce , can bc induced by ELF fi€lds which eill tigS.r th€ temporallobe of the brair. producirg sodr felinSs.s h fa.r. ft€rc h so t|luhsientific lireErure on the effe.t of fi€lds o bi{tl.Bi:l synens rld ir isodd thal il is .a.€ly rcfcred to ir the UFO study q p6nt|<)|ml litenturc.

Light phenoneD havc becr repert€dly rcported h do|Brt @rsts,for eranDle. in th€ E.6eld 6c:

In addition to $e shadM and ligores, lhere rec l*thts, which M6HaDe. sw on a wall one aftemoon. There w€re I@r of rhem. tw roundand lwo shap€d like keys They disappe€Bd aft€r a couple o, minutes.then reappsred a{

This is, of 6ur. another example of 'doffitic UAPS' in a polterg.isr

Ambi.nt fi.ld .fr.cts

Co.6id.. the followinS €rample of i srnnge ircidenl thil i.volved . crrp.ttsl out id,c the Enficld poltergeist hou.e:

A fnend @lled Al€n Williams 6lled rc nigh! and left his 6 partedoutside when he renr b6d to the €L he wls $rDnsed ro fnd thar rtl€windscreen wipers wee wolting This stlould ha€ been an impo6sittlity,dne the er Ms locled and rhe ignirion tumed olt Suspating that tlErcmight be smething wong wih the @/s etectd:al svst€h. Alan WlliaNhad i ch@ked by a garage the nexr day fhey @H land mrhing wlorB e

Crnslting eldtrcpollution er.pen Anne Si!I, I foo.d that this is atypicrl power surgc of mbierl ebct.i@l rhici @ SdeEtpower to *an moto6, put li8hrs 6, slop and start ele.rmic .pparNrts,

Thisisom grupof thelittle-k'll'metralsof 6eld!or.!envircnm .It is a sbcring thoudt that if ambbnt nelds €o do thb, they sill h.w sdranatic effccl oDon the b.!ir. yhict is a dclicite ele.rm.benic.lcmpul€r. h should not be su.prisirg $at individuls affared by shfields should switch in ard out of rlie.ed slat*. Such a,r €wiDnment maynot only activate the uiconscioB directly, it @n, a we ee ir thc etara.tfrm Colin Wilson s study of M|le Emmerich, cau.e thm to end fi€ldslhem*lves that, in tm, alfecr the stsreD ,nd con..iou!6 of ollEB.

In h(1. in Thalbouqt's CiArz.y olTm UEd in Pampsrdologr,|l'isetred is lerEed la|er$f-. wbich la @iied by Fychidl |tgrh piorc.l


tol-TErcHsls, ultrcrs AND cL6a ENCoUNTERS

F. w. H. Mrcr/r rcfes ro th. Bvciotin.tic inflrnce €rcrted on ticunin ana rcnru\sysem ot anorh.r;rsaiin:rTfii. is. ley aspect. nunErour ciFrin nt showing fi;t etdt.iel stimulation ofbnia cenrcs crui6 h.lluciratior. Bnin phlsiologist Wild.r Penfieldfound thal if he ioucn d speihc ar€i in th€ teFponl @rter (rcgarded asbeiog rhc najor memory cntrc) with an clecfical probe, the subjectpald $d.!c!ly tclivc prlt erpericnes in cin€man. detail. Thus, n isevidert thnt the brain is a v6t'b.nk where rhe @n$ious sr fe€lslile a visiro. with only a limited number oi a@s cod€s. However, ifsuchel€drizly visioDs arc possible, rhen similar effecls ould beirduccd by the esi$io.s froF onc ES individral io another. Therefore,tlrt, too. identifia PK d el€.rrcmag.eti. in nature .nd it ,r evidcnt tharaa.y s€eaingly anoDalous polte.Seisn and UFo-rcht.d phenoncna canbe indued by such fields.

lr is to h)pothsizo thaa lhe unconeious @ntrcls theclccfomqnciic freq[eftie3 in sme way, and that lhe 'faus' eFits as€lect.d field Lvelto indue specinc special effccts'. An analogy wouldbe rhe dificrr progEhh6 on a @mpur... Hoseve., wh.1 secms to b€happeniry is that ambienr 6elds are changing and modulating thc humanpltsiology, crosing thc 'fms'to emit shereni electrcdagnenc b€3ns ti

If .n lllcryic rcaction could tF itdu€d in .n ES witnes. h. or sheeoutd besin to emit their om peMal fictd.5e Hamcsd by theu.coo$iou'. this would be ar esntiat step to induc. a signal link wiih aricir su@ of en.By it @uld @, ard there is little dNbt that witneses.rc inducsd slblininaliy to b€ $ or to do smething that wouldte.d to this, such d a hrllucinated voie or'instrudion'-e H6*ever, vh.t$n of levcls arc irvolved in thee pcrsonal enissiom in tems of rclta8eor field{tr€ngth? And, coiverscly, which tield l.vels ar. itrvolv.d top.odue rhis rc.cring. and tftcrcforc chittirg. srate? The following extact

Hw4r, rct only arc tese all€rglc patdrs ext.erely electdcallys€.sitiw, rhey can also, st€n reaclinq .ltergi6lly, emn electrical egnals,arh€.1'ke a. el€crnc t'sh Th€se s|gDls @n b€ larg€ snough to mterlerewth d*trcnrc app€61c, as clfical casehBlores testfy. The el4tdcalsig@ls whEn mako n possibls ro odssdrop on complteB are suflicisndystong ro t4rgs allergic r4tiss in ssitive par€nrs who ar€ then l6blero teed g6lbaqe back into the @mpurer or o$er equiprunt. The subject.r€a in delmics whEh d'esls wiih such problms 6 'Elect.omagnsricCdnpatiulv Ihe prcbLsms which allergry p6ria$ have d€sffib€d areciy witonnging. Ore p6t6t h.d a roboric slstsm in a factory


Page 48: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden


ord€tdy mallufttbn oa.h 1jm6 he stood n€6r ir. Amth€. hd ltE€l€ctdic €nirirn sastem d s{rcc€ssive |Ew ca.s tai 6 sl as anall€ryic G&tion !v6 t,igg€ied by llrus trom a diet rvcr h ftoit . _ . ihet'Gsiltlirirs ld ' ng' €lac-Foiics by ateryc s't*-ls ro m'|y.d

W. @ !€€ froln this enad t|!ar an allergic r!triion in d ES subted*ill indue thci. systcm to cmir el.ctricd ficld!, ard this €n b€ pl6@t'y an eiposuE to sdh ficlds or to dy ctetni@t to which d|c m a[Grti.,a rhey art interdEr8able. L rculd appcr. that th€ $!rEe for st atri8aerira odd tE quite remole l|d src dLraice awy. In UFO{tudyrc!s. a nlnb€r of pGsibiliti.s pt6.nt rhc|rlv6: for cldpt€, if rhF.ron suddenly tnv.lLd into rn dbietn ficH rcrc, rhcn suh ! D€rsnalmision could (x$r. It i5 in thii atlerga stare th.fih€y sigD.]tint*irh a UAP through su.h 6he.ent eDisid; over $rp.isindy tarSe

It pa! hinted qrlie. tlnr sub6re allew .nd ES at€ areaF fond inassiatid atrd that they are i @hdgeablc in Iems of .r al€rgicrcetion and .ub6.CEnt ele.rricd emision_ Thir ortG slarc ise4frin€d in a tu.thc. €x!81 ftn Eh.noMSn tic M@,

AlleBy us€d to be dcsm€d with srins and respiEtbn. br in .€@tyea6 allergic r€spoi*s havs be€n t@rd to occur e witet d|ar al€trgyhay n@ be defi.€d as nE laalure ot a regutardv system. The no{e*vs.€9 allergi. p6tien$ haw a.qurcd attergic [email protected]€s lo mwchffiic€|, €nq,on|rBtal and nuritimt $b6ta@s; t|€s€ may becounted in teis ard €s exc€€d a hurdr€d in otrdne @$s. tt e6aEthar abour 15 per cenr ol a gisn popubrion tuEtirn to gre dtenrbdd rtpt besr Fe.tmance @pattlity .tle ro a deg@ of al€|gy, th.t isone or mrs of thejr regulatory systems fumiins indeq@retv.

It se€rns tlEr a h€w alle.gc resporE€ @n be acquirad. d rmsfercd.lry being epos€d iotr a suatEi€ott krlo tmeto g'm h$6no iNEDUssubstance while rcading sr.ongv to a^ eisrtrlq dterg€n In $.trcrcumsra@

'r seems that o$osure to m elecro.nagnettc trequ€rEy

can sensitire the pari€nt, s ftar $€ir sp€itic pan€n ot atbrga.espons€s |s rritgercd on subsequ4$y eicflnrshg d|at p6.idhrfrequaca ln geneEl ttb pan€h of atteqa rospons is rt€ ffewhett€r rhe filtg€r is demtat, €rwironmdrat, nutirionat d et€cricat. tnpnn.iple, sud' s @rat€ 'memdy' for trequqrca is m dift@r b ttle'abelute pitch' tucility OEt maiy mGicims poss€s.

FroF this enrel ec fitrd . trrcchsrim eh€rcby ES p.opte, in UFOsiSbting situriN, @ .udd.trly fd rh€mstvB i.vot!€d k a cncounrcr. It they aE trigerEd by etcdricrt clnisdG ftdl


eveiyday sot t rs, sscl ar lhe locrl radio haD. or by subslances such as cartutB m sDething th.y hav€ ater, to emir or 'brordosa ficldsthen*lves, a simple UAP siShtinS can b€@re much more signifi.ant.Hwevei, thk is not rhe end of the stoqr. b€@u* it is clear that somewirnelas

'.prd.dl) encourt r UFO phenoheM, atrd UFO if,vestigatdB

haw enainly saied tlk reelins lhat d|€y actudllgglf.{ UFOS in ernewsy For obvious reasns they are calbd q:lFrreEi ind a

"'calrpearer ha5 a hisrcry ot psychic phenomenal Cnuld n rF rhat or EM broadcasrs have a field efr.ct not only upon tbcirenvirorrcnt, bur on UAPS in the a.ea. indlci.g th€m to closerprqimity? Tltis is ertairly a FDsibility, 6 *€ navo alrcady s€n how asi8nal link mtr influene UAPS frcm a consid€rable drstance.

! ll se have 6(ld rm's.'ons inducrd in a witnes by an allerSi. stimulus.coupled *irh tho6e thn oc.ur during a hypnoid state (ale induced by v€ryordinary snraiiont. ptur the induction effet to slip into an ASC by dne.1field irflwrc on the brain, pl6 the etrect or t€lergy (where anolher ESsubjecr in tho @Fpany of rh€ witDess emi$ a field, as an effet of the*itns's €misim on ,rafr), we have a very omplex situation. We alsohavc a very ptenr hix. in terds ofrhe p.oducr'or ofa CE experience, andthc UI coold c.tainly ensire€r such siruations for its own expressive

Tbe "tel€rgy effec1, or just a stnightforard el€ctrical emision ftom one$bj€c! to anothcr, is a real phenomenon ard it is a pDblom rhal allerSyciirid husr ok.@m€ wh€n rearing patients. Dr Cynl Smith memionsthk id his clinisl [email protected]:

T}E @sult'ng r@m, padi@larv d within an unn, should b€bc€ted as lar as lossible lrm the olher oatGnts in tems of the numberol $ld walls and tloo6 *parating them. This is imponant it alleqicrespoiss a€ rcr b be rn€ge.ed in all tho other s€nsilve allergic subjectslhroughour lh€ bvildng dunng fie $sring sessDn Eveh with thesepr@dions w€ have had patients ome into the hospital and sy, 'When I@re into ihe buildlns thb momnlq I teh iusl s I did whd I was beinsrosred el4rrtc€lt. l]'is w8s wirlet b€ing ea€ thar gl€crrical t€$ngws bang @m€d dr

'n ttE bas6mdr ar tnar panrcular r,re.B

Theiefore, it is nol di|rrdlt to piclure a $enario ehere two ES peoplearc i. the enfo@d proximity of a car. So many UFO encolnren involv€piltre$€s in vehiclos lbat ftere nust b€ sohething about this situalion th.tis onducive ro UREs. If the electri. field from the e. engine riggestheD ro both emit rheir peeMl ncHs. ther th€n rdponse andsubs.C@rt enissiors will Frcm sn ele.tdcal fi€ld poitr ol vi€*,lhis is a ricious circle and an es..laling fi€ldlevel colld eventually indu@


Page 49: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden


an ASC or a 'blacksr' in orc c both @pants by irs effc.t upon thebain. Asuming they both @nti.w, aDd aE tEvellira thDud ltmctomus sery at nidt, they my b€.onc subj€cl ro hit}l%y hyptrGis.This ()@6 whcn lfte sme vislal irflmatid ii fed into the bntu .gaiDand agds until ir'sitch6 off: a. effe.l elled tabituation. T||.rc is,th€r, another pot€nt and multiplesB sitution for hallsimtion or nis

Anne Silk h6 invgtiaat d nunerou!, seehi.gly €wles tnf6caccidenB where favourable Mditiom o. clea., open, dry @ds have8i!en ri* to iner{,licable laFes of straidtfoMrd dtiving stilh. Driv.Fhave repo.ted bemu!€nent and disay at 6ei. (M adiom or i.a.lioDs 6lhc @rc may be. MaDy of rlt€s€ incidqrs haE @related diGrly wnn@mbinatiom of Scolosical falltira or disnrrban€, RF traMitter,aerials, derhead power @blq, erc. A blank<ur' €ffecr rur be .r tlEheart of th* did€nts, atrhoogh it is jut 6 likely, @nsi<hdng th€ stittsof the UI, that in ere es dive6 go on automatic during tbcir'l'rnceo!r' and ihe UI cnsu.6 their $nit€l .e$pons. That this is entirclypcible was bmught honc to he m readi4 the folrowing icspaFr

BOY DROVE 27 MILES ASLEEP!A nfie€nt€ar{ld boy daimed yesterday tlEr he dro\€ his tuitE/s 61 27m'les in h,s slep And rhe poli@ bel'*e his mazrE srdy.

The y@ngster h3d g@e to b€d as usual in his home in Pdtsmurh.When he wolo up at 3.30 am ysterday he was alon€ in the family er inSolthamplon weanng pyjafts and a dr6sing{@n. Ihe boy, who hasn€v6r dnven befoe. telephoned his fathel who,

'n tum. abned f€ polie.

AM they 1ook him to Southampron poli@ srarion. I kltw it sndshcredide, but w€ hav€ rc @s ro dasbeti* his $orv_' said Cbi€fInspector Cohn Ldis yesterdry 'As Fliemen re tend to be natt).alts!+ici@s, bul the boy's story che€ls out lr ffis he has a hisrdv olsleepw.lking Astoundihg as n sems m b€lirye dBr this boy gor upf@m h's bed, w€nl ro his fatt€r's er, started it up afd drov€ all rh€ w€yfr@ Portsmouth to Soulhafrpro.r. Th€ €r shod€d no silrns of anydamags. And lhe boy's chim tlEt h€ had nsEr dri@n w6 subsiantiaiedby his lather Ths lDlice say th€t rhey wil not identily the boy, wtD is srill3l $hool. And b€ru* rh€y beliwe his srory rhey will mt cfiargo himwi$ dnving wirhoui a li6@ or insuranc€ His pa@ts. s dr dvi@. aretaking the boy to w a datd for [email protected] lor sle€pMlkir|g. d

Similar stories appcnr€d in Fotu6 T"M i. ezny r9'3 and dg'I/Fstrate this automatic abilit. Such '@nbielite' b€haviou. is liecd aE arES sympton by Dr C. W- Sninn m H.clro@tutu: M@.



Thc morc w l@k i o the E$ehicle{n-th€{oad-at-night situation,(he nore potenr a *nano for CE situations it b€@m.s, Suppos. that, inthb hidry chdSed, hyp.oid srare, our tnvelleB pasj through an area oIrmbi€nt fields .lue io $ismi. aciivity o. an underS.ound eble dnning thelen8h of th€ rcad. lhen th€y would €mil offilantly n a high level and@dd a.t, potertially. d an €lect.omagnetic 'beam.' dealing a maSneticattEction for UAPS. The anival of an eftrgetic UAP or the sene wouldp@ipitare a memomble CE experiere 6 it did earlier for DeputyJohnsoni o.. il hay do tbe reveM and preipitate a @mplet€ly blart

Fnod of r i t r |e, lnoEinufolog)ca t ihe lap{.It k eviden! $at ther€ b an impodant onragior efiecl involved,

whereby wirnos$s b€come subject lo each othe6 fi€ldi and, it poulden, Frceptiongd ll *ould als seon ihal a similar etr€.t ccuB inpollerS€ist odbreats. Consider rhe follo*itrg oxtrad con@rning@DEnts by pollerSeist inv6ligato6:

Potsor Hasted made another very lnteresting observatDn dunng ourtalk. I had mentioned thar eme verys16ngerhings had {arted happenrngto Malri@ Gros*. such as th€ eprsodes oi hrs car engrne and the lostdiad'ond nng Cald this synd.ome be conlagous t asked him.

'Er&dy ihe sme lhing happened 1o me,' he Eplied, 'or at l€si Wthmy wite. He lold me th6r aher his fiBr mering wnh Un Geller in r 974, anunber ol inexDli€ble evenls tdk Dlace in h6 an home. This led him tosuggest rhat there mghr be an 'induction effecr' in psychic phenorenawlEreb^/ thev 'tub ofi lroh one modiuh ro anorhe..6

We $w this effat in the Subud cas (mendo.ed ir Chapler Ore) whichinduced elecrical *nsitivity as a .csull of beinS in the preene of thewho emil this ele.rrieuPK field efrect, *hich certainly was tcl€rgy with aver8earc. Tlpy *ere abl€ to affect the subud initiate by a deliberalecorragiod eff@t which had b€en pasd on to rhem orieinally frcm aUAP! Sntx€quenrly, she und.nenl a y@Flon8 period du.in8 wbi.h herh€alth a.d mental well-b€ing ollap*d, and she dev.loFd a mulripl€.ll€rty syndrcme and ele.t.ical snsilivity.

Tl* initiale als bcgan to experiedce a nlmb€r of slartling appa.itioralpheMena: for exanpl.. one night shortly after the ktihan inductioneremny, she awote io find a b€auiitul, androgynous 'guardian argel ,*hich glowcd with irs own li8hr, lMing over the bed. She becadre

Ffchic lnd genorally ove.-ssitive to all stiduli. The most stanlinSappaiilioral erFnee invotved rho p.rceptioD of an old wodan in aelEelchan, holdin8 a bFDdy glas,s aloft, from vhich spray€d luninous,spa*lins particlcs ir all directions. A rumber of poltergeist €ffects(xnftd, includirg .urious haltunctions of clcdri@l equipdent. It wd

Page 50: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden


clear thar he. p€Mal fi€ld emi$ioN werc dwly associated *iih tI

Anoth€r qe of field exoosure tbat M. Mialed wilh d [email protected] on in healrh, Mmpanied by rlle.8i6 and psydric phenomm.involved 'Karhie Davies .6' She ercriened svere Eismic .adiatioo atrdtremo. wfth Miarcd uAPs, Ilter she undenent s€veral 'ali,enabductiotr eryenences. Her (:e is $ srriki.g lhat it @uld be taken 6 atextbooL eranple 60r rhe EVFychic/CE odelations. Ale, similar h€althprcblems de Miared wirh OBES. md it is a tunher indication thar the'abdudion' phenomcnon and the OBE are closely related: both inrclv€the huhar sldem respondirg to a di$urb.d body image due ro fi€ld

This is an impo.tant rNNh and invesngation area rlnt could lad bnew undeBtaldings of UFO and Fychic ph.l'.rem, or at lest li.k lhetwo h rhe minds of rearcber in eelt field. This 6pct of el@tri6lsnsitility has inpliotions fo. Dry dircctions of i.v6tigatiotr andpr@dures. involvinS wit'csesrccniry s ! rcsult of impledmrin8 lheESH,

Bro.dly speaking, the inpli@rion is rhat rhe ES facror. litc develogmental trauma (oullioed in @nnection with Priml ThdaPy), is i@mmon aspect- Dr C. W. Smilh stated ihat 15 Per cnt of a Sivenpopulation had been found to b€ from allergic synd|l,ffi anda$ociated ES. This d@ not make ir unusual as this is a siu ablc minonty,.nd one aim of tunher rc*arch musl bc to.leteniE if rhis petmlage@rresponds sraisrically to thN or the population who have had CE ard/or Fychic cxpenenc€s in any way, for n enainly .toes * lh€ i.dividulcas'file level of study.

The imDons@ of ES fo. undeElodrtrg anonaloG phcl|meM

Bef,eially @nmt be ove.stat€d, as it Gua in Miador wiih all8rcuFof psychic oc'rs, including OBEq In fa.-t, 6 percipierls and witnss torhes donalid ehit 6elds a part of thcir @ndition, inresrigatoB taEbeef, affeded by th* emisis i! the same way d p@ple i. @pariorswho are erposd to orher field $u.a haw b€€r. Life-lon8, or at 16ldecade-long, erpcure to sitoesg ard l@ti6 during re@ttstrucoonsand int€sies or e.couotersite visits, h6, in a significnnl dinorily ofinvestigaroB, rcsulred in a ch@c1€rislic digraine-lit€ syrdrcme ktentifiedin nedicat lireralure s a rgDore ro elecrri@l fields.o Of, this iian unwelg)me and unexFct d @nta8ior cfftcl, as sell rs a stmgeoccupational h@rd - a l:& of cl6'tri@l conracr nth.t thd .lien cmta..t.

Etidertly, ES is a codnon p6t+t'dsrle. eff4t thrt is, smewitf,ess begin to aff*t €l*lmi. ardor ele.tric equiPtEnt after theirCE cxperenq. lt mdd sm, thcrcfo.e. th.t ,l$oI8h ES is cualy



indu.ed owt a long penod ot erpo6u.e to f€lds, a CE with a UAP caipBiprtate the coddiiion instantarously, This is consistent with the posrencounrer effect, where vitns suddenly begin to have PsychicexFriell6, 6lh€s r@ are Miated wnh ES. It al$ again ties up wilhrlE ESH p@mis rhat thc wibeis is changed into a psychic' or 'ncdium6 a resuh of thcn UAP expocur€. Twical comhents by ES subiects inrctation ro rheir eff6l on €tectri€l applianccs are giv€n by Dr Smith:

The patst's comments on €l€crncal things around the pl&e should beeuqhr; do arry €use discomion? whar about rhundeBtorms?

Typical Mmenrs ar6, I am no g@d with eletri€i things, Ue childrenswrrh them on lo' me 'l need lhem 'The elechc ron qive. me d pain

'.rhe arm : When I swjtch on rhe washnq ma.hine rhe prog6mme goesstBighr to tinish wirhout doing any ol the washi.g, the men $y there rsmrhing wong wth il: 'l cannol wear a quarl2 watch, n makss m€ gosle€oy' : Ar ftrt lhere a.e a lol ol VDUS and | )usr do no1 lk€ them , 'lhe

tlsre$enr li(ihtinq makes me bad , 'Som€ p€oplo cming nto the publrcpan of the ofl@ make he l€el ill as s@n as rhey enter the d@r.

TIE* a.e all 1vo€l fema{s lrom patients wih ol€cmcal

Th* asFcls, alonS pith a rang. of othe6. should b€ pan of anyiDvestigarion of CE errEnences. The alle.Sic ryrproa, which can be@o€rizcd fron CE erFriend ;f lhey arc reponcd ar all, that is are:

bad headaches wth distuba@s ot vision which have persisred forye26, ]jfretimes the legs w not

'9ork, the pattent gets st@k aod

@mI moye; wt'tus the patidr be@mes @mpletely unabte togeal; $en again rhe patenr My just get all 2ombie'tike and cannot dorhe simd6t mental t6rs; ih€ par.enr filay also get pains in ioinrs, limbs,shouldeB, h€ad ard enuses, ears Do€s . . slanding bar*t@t ong€$ or @rcret€ have any efiet?7'

The lasr quesrion rega.ding sntact with the ground *as also m€nrionedby Calin Wilson whcn icfoning lo a polteryehl fms' who altered'charge on doing lhis- The rsp€ct of ES tums up at evely turn or th€comer in anomaly res8b.

The following errracr from thc published diari€s of Robe.( A- Monrce.rhe rcll-Ln(M 'altml-tiavelle. , m6l surcly rep.esnt a final itrdidmentof eledrical fields, regardirg rhe tuldam€nlal rol. that th€y play inanoiElour Dh€nomena:

7tl60. Aftem@n: lhis was an erpenmenr I donl want to try agarn. I wasin the chaqed Fa6day cage (copper scren mesh, above grcund, D.C.


Page 51: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

uFos - Pstdfrc ct o6E ENcouNfEts

charqe: 50 kv' I got out of li€ plr!'saal {body) OX, rh€n I s€€rpd to beentangled in a lary€ bag ma.r6 of tlenHe wie. TtE b69 9e wtEn Ipushed .qF nst ft, bur I @uldn t go threugh it. I struggled like, tEFp€danimal in 6 snac. and fin.lly wenl b€ct into $e ph$j@l. In thinkins n@r, quit€ dij€n$y n was nor th€ wrs itseff, but the €bcrnc fi€id psltoms€l up h lundad€ntalv to same shapo as $e.age. hrt dDr€ nerilt€Maybe rhis @uld be n€ b.sis ior a ghGt€rctEi!

10,€Cy@. At abod thre+fifieen I lay d@n wilh ttE intst of goirg to vsirEW in his hous€ som€ tte hiles distfit Att6r sonte df|iclhy. Imana{€d to move into the vibratbnal srate, $€. oilr imo rhe morn, a\ rayfrcm lhe physi€|. Wlh menbl aim al E.W. I l@k off 4d m@d sl@lyoomparaltetl. I s'dd€nry roo.d mysff ow a blsy stret ttuingstowly abo{i twehtftiv€ feel above d€ site*alk {iust above $s top €dgsof the s€.on+sto.ey windows) I rocognazed rhe nr€3t ro bo lh€ mainstret ol lhe t()M, md rccognized nE blck ard lxner lrcr v/hiJr Ipass€d I dnft€d €ld|g lhe sidwdt for s€wEl F Nr6. 4d rctic€d atilliig staridr on th€ carn€t wh€.e a wftire car had borh rea. wh€ds ofi int.ont of the tffi ooen 9rea6e ra.r dooF. I was disappdnt€d io lhat I hadmt lone to E.W. my d*trMtbn. Seing nothntg el* ol i ercsl. Id€cided lo rctum to the phrt€|, a.d did e wnhoul incidenr. t pon @rumI sar up 6nd rri€d to anats why I h6d not g@e wtEB I intqd€d On aimpulse I got up, we.t do.,n to the g6Ege. and dove rhe fve miles to h6t@n. My thoughr was at leasr !o make the tip prolitable, and dE* mw'Er I sry. lgot to the $me (:mer m Main Steet, and thse Ms thewfiite car in froif of rt|€ tw open d@6. Lrnle adstlEl tte6 like rhalhelpl I l@led !p atrhe apprcrture position I had ben @rlne sd*dk,and got a suari*. At,ust abolt the eEcr height I h.d lbated @i rlEsida^/alk wqe po@r pnmanes @ntainins tai4 hi*l loltase ebcldcilc!trent. Do elec$ical fields atrdcr rhis s€c!.d bodv? ls tfiis 1h3 m€drumrh.ough wfiich il t6rels.2

What are rhe impli@tions of tlle *ots? Dc it imply that thecotriciousness can actually lesve tt bdly and it is qt irEd in

'tr EM

entre, lite a tyPe of UAP, ehich can he irAuerced or guided by €lcclricrlfields? There is al least one re?on i. which ar 'dtnl ttareller' toldob.€ree6 wheE he rould be h his @t-t-body state, .nd atr onn8e Slob€of li8ht wai s€er to flil a.ro6s a rooh. lf,lutever thc compleritis ofOBES, they m d ASC that c16 in a..rdci.tion witt URES, ad th€ytoo are influened by electri..l field{.

lo2 103


Th. lim.-|.pce

We can s€€ from th€ list of syhplons caus€d by ES thar subjccrs canbc@rc mDbie'like and slig into a blank, day'dream-like state, eheretiDe would p6s unnoii@d- If such strt€s mnrinu€, lempor.ry black-outs(xnr, durir8 which ever,lhinS lust slops' and the slbj€ct has a blank-ouf and 'c@cs rci rcpeatcdly, Ir has b.en menaioncd that rhis is a similar

Symptoms ot el€tnel sensrtivily rrclude all the allerqic symptomsmentoned . . . H@wer, rho* D6rticuladv dsoiated wfth elecrric andmagnetc fields itulude mus@lar ach6, nois6In rhe head, pins andneedles. especialv h hands and teet, dainess. nrs and b/a.knrb,di$.ientation, headaches .. Ebcrncal sensitivitv mav also m/inicneurclogi€l disees such as paBlysis. epllepsy and MS. {my iialics)73

It is 4ot ditficult to s€e lhar the caw oftinelap&J or 'mising tine ,ehcre lh€ wih6 realizes rlEl there is . Deriod of tine tor which he@nnot @unt, is due ro ES . I^ fet, au ol tt k srmptow c4, be plotle.l*ithia CE apeneres, aad re@gized B swh. 'lh. Ul vill fill this voideith $aterial ol iB o*,n choosiq, which app€a6 a! dreams or 'flashbacksin order to linl lhe virll* rp ro the b&kgrclrd tunour of ET visitation.A UAP si8brinS is evcative erough, and the UI will capitali4 or this$gt6tivo situariotr to slago an alien theme draFa. or to bc more precis€,to prdide snatchcs of il ar 'p.eviees or 'trailen - Another cas€ of a@uple drivinS at nidt demoNrates rhes ES symptoms even more

Abour s€v€n minut€s larer they had climb€d h€hef inb rhe hills, affordingrhe marelbusuds. . . Dn€lly ahead MB Ol ewa bnllaanl slar, similarto Siius as she purs ii bur it looked unusually prcminenl. She menrionedir 10 hs husband, but he ws int6t on lhe winding .cd and only she@ncentra&d upo. th6 oliect, wh'ch changed inlo a bq oval and movedmrthwards e.o$ the sky. lt rhen dmmed again and was suiiounded bya reddEh arc of lighl. lt lhen shot rowards lhe ground and lumed dep red,betore sr@king upwards again . .

As lhis is happening M$ Dt is d€scnb'ng the compler manoelvres oflhe otli6l to her husband, wlrc sems not l@ con@rned. . MB DLlooted behind and diretly in a $p berwen lwo houses, just abve th€rcofiops, w a rossve obj€cr, tih€d so th3t only the undeBde wasviside. In shape n was like t'/'o Vulcan bombeG stuck roqether with awire csrd *ction and protrusions at eilher sde. There was a dimI'ghtng undetrEth Bui ih€ most instanlt memocble thing was lheomplex piprr|g and lh€ 'srcking our bils' undemearh. h rs impnnrod hro

Page 52: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

ulo6 - t6YcHtc ct 6E EN@tiNTErs

lb. mand like a photagraph. For a ld ltrm€fts she t i€d to tsl i's.husb6nd bqr rhe sh@k p.*nted her talking. Esiudly she doned n dland $il. But I dlv ew it |te minulG asp.' Hwwr, tEr husb6tld isds,slsnt she did nor t€ll him unril rhsy rsad|€d Bal€w€ll, thirly minul€shrer. The ci.ormsrres of this cas€ cerLtnly s€€m to sugg€sl a trms

M6 OL savs, 'l am sure rny hsband wwu hae rEticed had I beenb€amed up olt of rh€ car and was hiss'ng berwea Buxts andgak*ell.' But she has no ans{er for ths confusion. €tceor she musthrye ben in dep shak fd half an hdr. MUFOBA ha\€ erd€al/oored top€rsuade her to undorgo reg6sid hypnosis, blr she ha mt p|rren

One a8ain, lhere is a 'bldk' F iod in the siln€ss! rccolecrior! andher inability to speak after the sidtinS dld have d)ft linidt orr of tnesF rptoris of €fec.tri@l $nsitiviry that Dr smitb lists in EL.1tututBtu:l4d: 'lmetimer tbe paticnt trocqG coopletcly to ip€ak' oi'b.':,fts '2mbie"-like'. M6 DL my nrve had 'no an6a€r for ttteo.tusion , but I havq ele.tri€l ecitivity. Srhc care wittirgty cfo6esh.n shc suggcsrs that sh€ h.y haw be. in sh@t, s this tem ar ldtha electrical conmtrtions! L *ould spp@r that rhe witne3s wreaffeted by th. fields ftm r UAP. Th. 'blanl-ouf

'@H @t b.

noticc.blc sitting p.$ivcly h the d{kns of a ||Wina d rt right. Herh6b!nd, fron the detrils given in the repon. aho smed oddly detehedand mule. This ce cor.espoDds cioscly *itb th€ ddribedslier regardinS lh€ out ome of tyo ES people, wherc orc halluinated astruturedl@kin8 UFO durira a rocrlmal @ jo!fty. As in $ tuycass wh€re d|€ conditioDs of low [email protected] noie ard dedlmagEtic fielderposw ombine $th th€ sightidg of a lighr io $e sty to produce uauerSk trare rtale and halluciratin of a sttuctur€d uFO.

Timc diitoldon

Itr addirior to 'blark{uts', which have rh€ subi.crive effe<r of dislvitrgtine, iherc @ fildin8s which shw that expo$rc ro high mplitde 60Hzelectriol fieldr results ir cardiac chage of bcat, which hd a trusicntefic't q thc sub.iect's ability to judge riDe.- Ame Silk conn€ntr d rlElenporal isolatiotr

It @ld be @s€d bV a ti€ld fi€atnq an sddy{r@t in tle b€in. Ibeetlet is €lled ddynchdtzalion A$. a rm.alike eff{e.t can b€ hduc€dby limtic stlmuhtih €using rhe poduction ot e.doge.ds ottrtes bypepltde r€cepto6

-! fr€ CNS



The pineal gland, d.ep inside lh€ brain, is involved in thc legulatior ofdaylriAbt panemi n is also highly dagneto-ersirive, and exposure tofields @n up$t the subj€ct's biologi@l [email protected]

CE willl€sg frequertly reF)rt iime-dilation eff€cts as well as sudden.hanges of sce.e dunnS lhe expe.ience. Th€s€ r€sult in time-disbnions,whe.e rhey eirher feel rhat they have laken aD inappropnately long tim€ totBvcla ecll-tmwn dislanc€, or only roD.nbcr the begirninSandend ofa journey. Ale rhe phras it felt like tine had {ood still' @u6rep€aredly in wilress' reFDns of UFO sightings - all are indiqtive oflield erpcure. This would al$ indicate thar the UFO thar they pe.c€ived9s hallucinalory- As an erimplc rron an 'abduction'ss, consider th.folldidg, taken from an inteiaiee r.ansipr:

thal exFensnce I had dE olher wek. I toh you I look€d al th€ clock and itweE h3llrasr nim and then wthin minutes, I knM that tme hadn tchang€d, dly lwdly lo r€n. but wh€n I wenl out it lelt as rf, as if theEanh had srood sr l tot about a y@r. I feh nghr sirangg as il I had beenmi$ing fd a y€ar I f€tt s if emebody had rlone somelhinq and (

Itinel had ius! srood strl to. a96 and ases.77

This is dByrcbionizatkro, and ir is clear rhat all ,aMucrees' areelecrically hyPeNrsilive and that their o4erien@s are a synprom oftheir allergic .eacdoos to an exposore io 6elds in the cnviroftmerr.


Page 53: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

4 Electrical Firekls Forever

Ca56 and pLa6

Re*arche6 trcm Kvoro Uhtr€rsiry have d€v€lop€d a mod€l planepowed elet by mic'l)w.€ beamed lrcm the sround. Trt€ microwavesar€ co.v€n€d inlo el4tnciv which Dwe6 a motor atl*hed b rheproperl€. lincs arl polt€r is p'@id€d trcm fte srcund. lhs piane €riesreither luel mr bdtenes-'

'Havint ser oot tl|c signific?rc of th€ backSr@nd ambienr fields .e8ardingUFO atd RSPK aciivily, ss €. trow tu.n to sne examples ofphemDdr yhi.t occrr h both are3s.

We haw dr@dy sn h@ ambient fields @n €nergia ele.tricalsystens of a @r. @sing th. deactivared cimils ro reactivate in Shosrlyf*hior. We nave ako se€n otre €xanpl€ of n 'fear inducing', 'domesticUAP. CoNi{ter amther extncl frcm Colin Wilson's polterg€ist study:

Alan Wlliams oade anorher interesting obsewation rhat night. When helooked bdk at rhe Prnchards house, h€ says it was sudounded by a dimgl@ ol light- This is mnlimed by a reEhbour who lived opposlte; shelooked @t or her wind@ l6te at niqht 6nd obseded the smedt€nomsiron; she rold Jsan about i rh€ ho( day. lt is r€mpring rosDecuhe $ar $e eff*t w6 €nhor €lecrrical- or was @nr€ct6d in son6way wirh Eanh magnetism. Poheqeists . . appear to be able to mnrol€rrain elelrical forc€s 2

This rcofto? glow i3 a.imild effecl lo nolrtair-top disch.rg€ thal hasben reported ir a number of foms, sEh d a Slowing halo or gianr b€amof lidt shininS veni@lly upwards from the Fats of hourlain Enges. Il isind€€d idicative of .c$rnularcd piczo-€ledrical or teornagn€tic ficld!.This r@ftop glw also @sned d dolher hou* in which a highly


Page 54: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

uFos - rsYcHc closE ENconNTErs

stmSe Ft of ercots tulv€d. They involvcd the Code fanity (fourchildren and thek parents) in a ompler eri6 of UFO and |IGUFOvisions, lrFO en@unte6 (inclodi.t CE3s), apFritional qperietrs,pr@gnition, retrocognition (wing into tfte past), phaIoF aliens, ard a shole gmut of otlEr Fychic erFriences. Tftemother and mct of the childM g@ Fychic, and th€ ttFO erperienBwere inroEpeEd with 'rBditional' F}thic eveits, suh d polterSeistactivity. The fnmily. expenences *€rc chrcnicled n! a boot calbd nr.zCortd.l by Jenny Rddles and Paul Whetnall. Tfte Code family lird inWal6, as did anothe. UFO ad poh€rSeist faDily, the Conbs; the latterfar away o. thc qdcil peninsula. Ar the sme t:rc as the evenL inWales, th€ Enneld pohergei.t wa! tomcnting the HarF frhily in nonhLdon. This arq d$ experienced ils os UFO'flap', of shich rheHarpeN were totally u.aware, rhe details of which we.e provid€d for meby a mehber ol BUFORA, Michael kwis.

Various orher cas€s will tte wovc. into the folloeiry @mparisons,itrludirS a chrcnicled [email protected] by a sitn6 sho r@[s how he sufieEdi e$e EM Edi8tton from a s€et Ministry of DefeE (MoD) prcj€.iinvotvillg UFO phcnoD€M that he attempted to photoanph, FlM hisd*riptions, it wolld s€em that both BOk @/ perc€Fions oI stn ctrnedaerial aaft were irvolved. The bed aim of $ese 6npad$G is to siovho* URE and poltergeist phenmem are dillerent w6im ol the srede ptoces.$ - direcl icld eff€ls and PK-

Th* ':es

haw b€€n sleded b€aN lhcy show lxry dt'ientek lnd fi€lds @n prcd@ the en@urter pe@pti6 dsibed bywitnesses. The inplicltion heE is rhat it is m. just a @Fparien ofsretully eleled @g thar jur happ€n to have a onm. asp€cr, butthat this deFomagreric field ortqt is p@rt in all CE mtrts toSreater and le6r€r ertents.

PoltargGid odbilaks and docdncountar cxpariancc

The fer-inducinS liSht dr@red with the Enficld poltcrgeist also hadanother felint cl@ly Essociated *ith it:

the f*linq I had ws me o, f€r. lake there w6 emebody standirg nghtby re and waldtng. l'w n@r k|r)M sodr a leling in rrry lile . lr wasas if there was somethnE therc, hn you colldnl see n, a p€rso.'

h i! agparem thrr the unpl€asrr* of tbb felira of b€io8 m&ched byd invisible eotity @r only be appsiated by eryeri€rc. It wuld $a arfiEt to be a eDewhat introgibb pherorEnon, D{t lhe lc€ling it ewl6 is



far froF abdirrci. The Code family, eho, like the Ha.peB in the Enfield(:e, had b€en told rhar their hous glowed at night, also €xpericnced rhis

h was 24 March, G was baby-sining for some relatives who lNed neady

She oilen dd this and il was somethng she enjoyed .. . she sa1

dNnstd6 warching lelREion. The tme was 930 Suddenly she

b€came uneasa The ielinq began io creep over her, 6y finqers touchlng

her snses Somethhg was there wirhin het insidehersoul. .When

she {he. mothed a.nved G was on edqe she kept qlancing rolnd the

r@m n quick ierky mryenents 6s ii expecting someone lo pop up from

behmd a chan tnen G suddenly leapt up rhere's somelhing here

in rhis r6m. h'swtching me . '3

This i.retrs feeling of presen.e was but one cxpcricnce that intrtrd€d

upon rhe Cods, and it is indi€tive of the presne of ambient

elecrronagreiic tields (probably f.on an MoD establishment in th€

arca).' Eqerirents *i$ subjects €xposd lo mag.etic fields have been

@ried out. and the reports from thes subjects have match€d those of

eitltess like th€ Cod6 and the Harpcs, who both experi€ted a sries

of on8oing eveds. It is wonh reproducing the exact text tro6 rhe Jowaol

oJ BiF/..ti.ity , l.E6t* lt de$nbes . r.nge of effecls thai *itnes*s ro

borh Fychi. and UFoielatcd €venrs hale repo.ied:

The r€suhs of this study sriorut indicate that specinc types of subleclrye

€xp€ €n be enhanced when extremely low irequency magnerr

tietds ol less rhan 1 milkqsuss afe gener6ted through lhe bran at ihe level

of rhe temporal lobes V6tibular l4lings lvbErons, tloathgl, depeEonal-

izarion [i*linq derached, serse ol a prcsene my italicsl and imaginings

Ivivtl rmages chldhoodl were more f.eqldt wrthin rhe iield

exposed grcups than the sham€xposed neB g.oup Qualilanvely, lhe

mosr unusualexpe.iences wee reponed by subjels who we.e exposed

brhe4Hz and 9Bz magner€lield condrtions classesol expenencesand

sDecific examples were spnning objets l' see some$rng mechans

luming round and round . . . and there 6 something brushinq agansl t );depeEonalizat,rn (this is nol .eal I keep sirppng Inro thrngs Isralssl';'I lel therc js smethtng h here e|h me'): genetal vestibuar eliecis ('i

am tlylng n the an': il leels lrke vibralions are gomg lhrough my chesl );usual lM.q imagery ('bals are llying n the ai/: I se a bird flyrng'):prcpadeption and muscle spasms llhgling over ny €nnrs body: my

ey6 a@ je(ing tiom side to sde : 'l telt a wend ripde 9o lhrough my

h€d'I. imhobil%ton ('lleellike l@n t move lj wave motrons (1t sounds

like w&es ); d6w|?red 1h@ghrs {'l feel like I am n a story') andphosptPnes l'l see spakles

'r a €!F r 5


Page 55: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden


Fron exp€rim€nls srdr a lhis, it is cls. that anbienl fields @ @ttc ae@ of pr*n@ ard a Etrte of otlEr sretio6 report d iD closc-en@unte6. We have also sr lhar 6€lds @n eneraiu cbdncal ciffinryof a @!, and it shodd not b€ surprising that a similar ph€nonetot shdHoccur in th€ Cod€s' hoe. Refthbcr. amtnent field allpreded thei. UFO exp€n.n@s, which imlnded e|lcerle6 with 'silver-suited alicns'. They are nendoftd lo blild up a pictuE of @trr.t itwhich the mo€ biare eryerielt6 t@t place, jcn a rt€ Enfieldpoltergeist activity prneeded frcs similar field effe.ts lo tull-blownappritions. The ciruitry ene.gized in the Ce of tte Codes t@t pla€ inlhe bed@n of ore of the children:

The .loor was open and a dim liglt lrom rtl€ landing tilteed d io lhe@lper, casting omin@s shado$,s D bnored them but ould mt shakeott rhe teling rnat somsthing was up. lt was aborc him. H€ norrcsd rhebedroom hght llickerinq. But that was mr possible. Th6r€ w6 m bulb inrhe skel All rh€ same, there @re flastBs ot lbht. PertEru srErks lrcma bo* wire, he ttpught The radio, t6. was mckling a @rd tanr hrssYer h€ knew n was eitched otl- Fighleied, he m@d his ha.d so tErhe could s€e h6 digital @tch. lt Ms gqrlg cra2y, Numbers rerc lhshingon and off and he @uld rcr reid the im€-6

In lhc Welsh Tnangle .e we sw hw ihe watch of rhe *ibess *asev.r€ly distuptcd, md h@ hc ms affectcd persotaly by an ele.lricfore that diebled bih .trd indu€d a ballcimtion of a sih€rsitedfi8u.e. If, that @s an orange globe of liSht wa hovenng jut above the@f of the loft- h suld be @6istent, then, fo. an or.nge glotte and ilictfi8ure to be Miated with Master Code\ erperane als:

He wonder€d whar b do, b{t belore he @ld cEwl out ot bedsome$ing appeared it just MreidEed 6 th€ la.di.g h was a sphercol orange l€hi. abet sev4 or eight fe€r hbh Nij and srtnniltq qunelast . . emething pre@ted hid fom shouling . . thcroh rtp d@ayhe colld s€e a dart patch an the orang€ ard a tigue was srepo.€ dr. ltwas one ot hrs aliens, ghncing @nd ard th€n sriding bokny aIs the

The invstigatoN involved d@ided that a globe of ltht ot rnedimensions de$ribed old not bavc fitted on to ih. larding of the h()@,md a ded@d eani€r, il slns th a D wa etvelop€d in an anbietlfield (.asing the tighleiri.a lo e), he sed a @rE€nlration in rh€field, 'se€ir8' n 6 a d,obe of lidt. Th.t te *a in gnc tyF of alteredstate w6 evident from ttc evenB thar follosd:



He leh srGnge - € peculiar hghtlEadednsss He got out ot bed, bul howas mt sure why. Therc @med no efion in moving. He simplv glidod

clG to meer ihe alien iigure For an nstanr he wish€d he were back inb€d. Th€n, an hcredibl€ thing h3F,pened, he was back in bed l@kngadoss the r()m . was a l€ute slanding beside ihe alien. lt was D

Ann€ Silt @nmenls:

DoFlpelg6nqer: Fa s€.onds duEtbn. More commn amongst thosewnh 66n lesions ard epileptics, @€sondly assraled w*h m€ra'ne.Figure is'wshed out . monch@malic, tihkand head sen, neverteqsOften rcloned as'|(e jelly' h is a minot image Technically known as

Ir is irtere$iq lhal the monch.oDati. aspect ()@rs in rhis pheno_

renon, tEcaus€ we sw earlicr ho$ it *as Pan of th. 'abbr€viated form'of UFO ertiiies and appantions. Alo, in D's 6e thete is an iNtarce of{els awakcrirg'*hicb has already been idenlified with OBES and CE'k.o. alier aHuclion erp€rienes, which incidentally D rtt e4 ||.4t on to have.

Tumiog to th€ E.aEld pollcrgeist .a, il is easy lo s€e thal the evcnlswre Iner€d vilb insranc€s oI el*trical mattundion due to hysterio$s!r8B or dniDa$ of power:

Nor @s th* any reduction in the physi€l activity In iacl it mcreas€d Inrange ahd lrequency One &y, no less than r€n light bulbs. most ot thembrand hq, bl@ out in rhe Hr@m, alrhouqh the wiring was soundru

I plav€d back my tape tor @mpanen, and tound thal mY baftenes, boughlthal day and nomslv good lor al l€sr trc hours of Ecordinq, had chosenihal l]lment lo go llat. I was ak€ady getling used 10 thal kind ot

And a mre bizaFc Gl€ctricst evenl:

On the mohing ol 23 Oecember, rhe rwo little qoldJish werc found de6din then rank. They h€d always b€€n well fed and carcd for, and Janel wasespecially tond ol rhem The Voice claimod .esponsibilrty at onc€

'ldone thar' Grose asked him why, a.d how.'l el€cr.euGd $e lish by accdent, he w6s lold. Grosse 6sked what

kind of erergy was used

'ls ir el€ctncal?' Grosse asked.'l,lo Pow€rlul ' We knew rhal. bll rt was d€r rhal the Voice would not

gte us a bcrure in inbrdimensionalphYsics.!?

I t t

Page 56: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden


One of the fi6t rbi.$ an inve.rigltor tcams abo potrryeisl'infomation is rhar it is Nually fale! So fai. rbcn, w have had euhDtesof elect.i@l maltunctiof, in a UFo-rctated 6e dd .purc' pottergeinactivity. In ihe 1977 'flap is D).fed, htich of rhe srrdge activity enrredaround thc Cembs fa|nily at RipFBror Fam_ It was no coinciderclhar the silveFsuited, giant entity tyF haunred rhis arq, and pautineC@mbs pho purporredly had fiEr-bad exrEriencc of (w at her tivins-room window. and sho had a hisrory of religioG visionary phemmena

was als plaAued by chrctric elecbial maltuNtion:d

When they had been especial,y wored by the @sr ol lhen ebcrnciry.they had made a FDint ot eircning oft erery singt€ app66rus in the hou*as a rest..d chek'ng againsr lhe eled.icity merer The diat @ntinued rorobte at high speed ahd yet ine merer had b€en chanoed for a nry uniraod was ilncrioning nomdv

Not uly had rhey mticed m incredible number of rer @erbadsblackluls ard volrage variations. blr rtE prcbtem had atso @sednullreus tanures. €letdc light butbs popped and bumt dt *n wtHb@ght lhe p,evious day. All tinds of el*rnet equiorrgt @rn@d rogve trcude, imluding r@d playeG and Edio *ls. The |e@rd otlelevsion faults was alamng; in me y€r eighr sers had €xploded .. .sts had jlst tarled aod left bur bumr{ur tlmldlBs andorcutry. wh'le othe6lireBlly e&loded Ihouqh the C@mb6 s@medto be re@Mng fim smehere . irs etlers were mct

From thee ifrag€s of elerri@t (ayhem, I€t us gtarcc b€c* ar the ESH,which statcs that it is rhe acriviry of lbc lrum@mbinariotr witft a variety of and anifriat energies that pioduGstaged realities identified d rhe CE exDeri€ne. F@m this, ir is nordifficult to s ho* thc human slslem rwtd have aeeis to m.e tndenough e n€r8t' lo give a phlsi@l eliry of sorE to its inrem.Ily prcd@dhagery. Ir i6 onc of ihe @mral proposals of rhe ESH that su.h etectridlenergy ind!@s me.lal ima8ery, giving it a tcmr.rit phlsi@t sratu_ Ir ismy feeli.B, when onsiderif,g this pre$, that ambient p4zict6 eeught up in this effet, in thc eme way rhat irotr fitings arc orga.iz4d by amaSn€t to rhow the aG of lhe magretic field around il.

We trw have lbree css fo. omparison: the Enfield pottergeisr; tlteCodes in Flint, Wales, who bad UFO a.d atien rhcrc el|fureF, ard ttECoombs in Dr.fed, Wals, eho als had Da.alet d@€Munten @/poltergeist actiliry. 4ll rr@ rtportcd d.@tic dtts thln @ bc pbatte.Iby @bi.nt el".niel fr.Us.



Th. D.rgL Cottaga caaa

I am indebted to ADtony Vcrney for a founh caF which involved him andhis wif€, eho lir€d at Dargle Cottage (dffiiM itr €state agents'hlFrbole a e HaMl and Cretel cottage'). lt is situatod about I % milcs(2-4 km) slrb{ast ot Biddenden, Kenl, in a nini-ratu.e rese e. M.ver.ey had be€n .n inspector for a reputabl€ @nsumer assiation. Heretired in 19E3 and movcd to thc cottaSc morc or less tulI-tim€.

O, I Ocbber of that year. a visitor ro thc ortragc notied a strangehumminS thar smed to fill lhe an. On in!.stigation, it cxterd.d fromthc ar@ ar lhe r€ar of the @dage into the eoods about 20 yards (18 n)a*ay. tl sundcd as if it were cominS up through the ground. fiisunnenins hlm o.tinued ovc. thc n€xt {our days ard the next four nights.S€ndpit Woods, $ually alive with the sou.d of bnds a.d rabbits runningover lhe fallen lqv6, fell silent- It had baont€ €mpty. (Ir fact, the bilds*tr. nor to reium lo th€ vood. and no nesling loL plae tltere the

Mr and MB Vemey *enr or holiday at this point. On returning o. 25Octob€r, tt!€y disovered . great itureas in the hum, *hich 3ouded as ifit ee.e cominS from all around rhe conage; al rimes even rs if it vereact@lly inside ir, €sFciany in the.arly hou6 of rhe momirS, eher rherew6lhrcbbinS dd vibrating. The couple could not slcep due to the levelof nois. Dunng lhe ni8ht they als obsfled the srangest pheromononfrcm lhe sirdov facint mrth{6r. The w@ds e€r€ li1 up by b.ightyello* and pint lighk *hich care up through the ground- Mr Vemeydescribcd ir as a simila. efiect to a theare cyclomma . Also round aboutthis tim<. thc drains of the hous w€.e mysterio8ly found ro be blo.kedwilb lumps of brolen 6phalt.

The Vemeys eEnr@lly wen( our one righ to look for rhe surce of thevibntion, but this p.@€d difrcuh b€stre, oddlt, the round app€ared tomve aotrnd- Evcnlually. lhe polie b€care involved as a rcsult of a@mplainl madr by lhe Vem€'s, and rhcy pasd the matter on ro theEnvircnmerral Health Departdrent. Mr Verney commcnts: 'On tbeoe€tetrd t 7-18 De@nb€r, therc was a shonfall in the electicity supply tolhe @(|age . . . an ol€cric fire plugaed in srcely glowed. Th€ hou*lidtirS fluclrared ar €radly oFminure intoMh.' So omplaints weremade ro rhe l@l elecriciry boa.d.

Mr Vern€y relatcs tlrc rcn d€v€lopment: li was late-night .hopping inIa.Lor .rd I found an .l€crrical shoo or the Tottenham Court Road withhiAhly $phistieted eqoiphenr. I €xplained to.he tso men in charSe lhenature of my prcblem. They quickly exchanged a l@r, ard quickly snid inunim, 'It $u'ds 6 if you are having trcuble wiih the Minhrry of


Page 57: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden


Defe@. You won'l get anyi|he n *ith tften!" ' It hrd nerrr crtred Mtvemey's mind that ibe MoD @uld bc iovolv€d, It sa a stu.irtrealirrtion. Th. Veme's' driciry had ben aDusd by a nry'hou!€' oorb€ othe. side of the woods from D.rAlc Conage. lt *rs desctibed as afam by lhe l@l couNil's planning deparEnenl but lhc.e v€rc toarihals, bEr $nc be€-hives. It hrd high, double h€dg6 all the way |tMdand it was'of clrious dstruction'. It had tuo storeF but.o windoq,sabove th€ Sround fl@. or at the backj only at cact cnd- Mr V€meyommetrls: 'The Sround-fl@r eindos weie otAdred by rhict, [email protected] net curtains, a tjpc of tertile narufa.rued erclGively fd thePrope.ty Servies Agency of lhe Departnent of lh€ Envimnment, andusd ro ptutect bish surity buildings swh s thc MoD, MI5, Mr6 and therelephone-tapping HQ. At rhe f.ont of tb. building srs son€ tnd ofbunler with r largc n6hr@m{hlped ait-!cnt.'

On BoxinS Day t9E3, the el€dro.t brn dd vibalic rerl o. .r ahigh speed and sboscd no sigrs of abadnS th€ nithl. Mt V.meyrepons: The nois peaked at 4- | 5 am i vibEtio6 snd lold hummi.S witha weird meiallic note mixcd in. At 6rsr light there wa a mw bi".retea1nre. Hut , ho.s$hE-thapcd lighlt tut d ftrB th. sk! lM |'tst to@,, one aft€i the other in sratcly presion, lw, againsl th. b&tgoundof the trees. The objsrs w€re lil up like "flyi.g tiaras": they *€te th@ innlhb€r. They dispp.ared l6ing heighr oler the woods.'

Mr Vemey s entry for the day after spaks fo. icelf: The _Ri.g ti!6"appeared again, ffyin8 ftom *gt to e6t d before. The los-fiequencatta.sisions entering the h()e w€re ppbably aatacting ihc entalnetuus system, and werc also likely |o t€ punping mdialiot into the

The follwing €nrries over the next 9ek rcpcatedly reponed rhe lyio8tiara' and 'pink liAhts 8oitrg up ard dom'. There is a distitclivelydesFEte tone to the biief nnd d@tiw erlries fo. the Nes Ydr:

3.1 a4Appolling nil rc6t sim Chnd.n6- Wnd blo'iig yibrations. Hugehomming and putterirE mi* like an oldjashioned steam lEin- Sbephp6jble. Peaking after 2 30 m. Loud screamang srd td a shon itheat 3 am- Th€n thumprng and vt!"ti.rg spedhg up, supenmpG€d W adeep howling mise for an hour.

5. t .44Sorething nav nahif€sl€d its€f: some kind of eletremag.Ftic beamwas direcred ar $e hou* ar abolt 3 am. No nqs€, sudd€nv anacked bv€xctuciaiing pain in top of head and rempl€s; n was as il head ws t'eingbored by .n electnc ddll Left feeling mmpletev die.ientaled.



t5. t .44All systoms go in €rV momang Worst to dare. Homming and v|branhgwo6t e!er. Zapped at 3.30 am Lightng gping up and down. Gor drossed.w6t dt and parloll€d rh€ area in c€r at 4.30 am. Ov€rall loud hummingtr@ wlDle arel \/vnnessod abelutely spectacular asnal perlormance;ddice sn in sky nyinq uftler cloud ba$, rts lights lhshing on 6nd oitSouM @r stble.@ Ms @ pehevatrng coniDuous note, hke somek'nd ot signal. hlrolled in car ld an hour. No me else about Whole thangal high lewl, $€n hdeasnE wdh thumping, humming and vrbrations atwry high sp€€d Uherlyappalling...

20 1 UAb&r 1 .3o pm, a swcession of lood banqs eme tom tho woods to therc.rh€st ol rh€ conage lhese @ntinued at regular inte^€ls of threemndes al' dE afiern@. to 5.J0 pm, when they sropped.

ln rhe Diddl€ ot the$ loud brngs M. V€mey tel€phoncd theEnvircnherral H.alth Autho.ny and d€mandcd th they enfore th€ltt4 Contrcl ot Pollution Ac!. Allcgedly rhis vas not vell r@ived- Theydid, lE*qcr, h.ntiotr thar meDben of the public had reponed sightingsof UF(16 over the area-

The inhattiants of rhe Raresl hous, over a quartcr of a nil€ (0.5 km)a*ay, in Shons Wood, @mplained of hearing the humminS ooise and@ntinual inrerferen@ sith their television .@ption. As other P€oPle swthe ttFos. it is evidenr that thev vere not hallucinations, Th€ E viton-rcntal Healib Autho.ity even volurte€red infomation of sightingsrpo.t€d by f,emb€S of ihe public ot whai they call€d UFOS. This esbas a very sd 'endins. Mrs Vem€] is nop a smi-invalid, [email protected]!&ted a Ere and dargerous fom of lynphatic lcukaemia. Most ofMr venrey s t€€ih have either fallm out or crunbl€d and h€ sufiers froma ondilin de$.ibed as pollrhcnia, wlich eas d'svered in American*rieren erpced to ele.tromagn.tisn. Mr Ve.ney @ncludes:

Iaring evet$ng into a{:dnr. the Mlure of 1ho exercise must have beento do w;rh fials ol elerf@ic w€pons, which are beng developed as th€w€pons ol the tulure. This d€velopment has been in hand in th€ UnrtedSrates and $E Sovret union en@ the eady sevenli€s h is kn@n as Lowt ssity wariarc.'ls

Thcre rc g@F vho honilor c'ses like this. and this is nol the place toonter into a ciusade agdnst thk practi@ by authonn€s. I have present€drhis ss bc6e it shows ihat. lite the .rnrs in lhe Cod6, C@mbs andHarFr housholds od sunounding areas, UFOS and asiatod strangecadls t.le pl@ in .n el€tncally charged .tIruphere. The* ambient


Page 58: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden


fields, whether natural o. aniftielly prod@d, are lhe cDmn denmin-ato. i. the productim of soch phe@mcna- Th@ fElds @ p'od@altercd stat6. UAPS and a .ange of apparently arcnalous elcclric.l andsysiehk efi€crr coInmorly a.sociated vilh th. CE erF ierc..

The C-oonbs' hoE, in p.ni6lar, s4 .l€.ly slunted ir anele.lmmagftiic atmospherc aod, to eveo the lct 6oal inctigator, itws eq@lly cl€ar that lhis w6 sniftirlly piodu€d by ihe militaryeskblisbments in the atea. Dfed i. lyt es a weird nir o{ nmg€.rperimertal d*i6, p.obably potrered by the fields, and na[Einatoryrealities @mbined with polte.geist phemrcM, all trigaer€d by th€ambient fields that flood€d rhe lcalc- Other phcnomena, which alsooccurled in tbe Code6 casc, includ.d .ppa.enrly larded UFOS of a silE y-metalli. appearan e whicb vanished, 'flyirg sc6' wni.h 'demt€ri.l'ized', silreGsuiled 'spa@m€n' ( i. lhe Dfed area were snetim4pereived a fl@ting der the mftops) and a wriety of other field-indued hallucinatory realili€s. Also in Dyfod, tne silver hunanoidsem€d at iies lo be anmalody light in reight, l@ving rcry stallwf@torints ir the eft mud of famlad. vh€. $dr t|z6 sb@ld h.w beetsubstantially deeper.r6 Orc crylanation tut this, !l@dy men$o..d,woqld be thc 'PK aisenbly' concept, inplying that suclt entitis *.rcmpty suils, shi.h {as the impresion of inv6srtato6 Pu8h and Hotiday.

The Verney sE also shows that th€ asmPtim that t FOs, whict eapparcntly srct devics, but arc adually reieted 6 such!e it islhorghr rhey would nol be r4ted in civilid al6 o. *here they vNldend.nger the civilian populatioo, is eron@ls The.e are a number ofi:es that this last st temrt would apply to: the South Ameri@ 'chop6'as desfib€d by Jacques Valrce i. his tmt Co,rtd".rtda i! one: amfte.@s involves the huge trian$rhr UFOS sidled in Belgium in the arlyl99Os.

The ambient field @nnec-tiotr, 6 it @dd be €lled, is, of cousc, ccnt alro lhe ESH, and *€ ew hw they eerc .r)|!|m. to !b€'src of pte@'phenohenoo spe.ifielly, and poltergeisvcE cxperienes gencrally. This@6don cortea spcct aloE is emuth ro aroE suspicions that tte t*oare differe nenbeB of thc sa$€ fdily of phenoftcna- In the nerlcbapter, it is shoM thal anifEial fields er p.odue lheir l'm types ofUAP and that rhe'elslrcfoft'.4 they haw b€€n labelled, rercpres€nt in all threc ot ihc carei un.ler co'np.rison. Also. the ficld-generaled ene of prene' hd been fell $ stogly .rd .eponed eo.sistetrtly in boih psychic and UFO @nlexts - lhal it is rcga(H 6dislilct a phercn.rcn s cdity sightinF lnd it is d€at that it i5 ,

Ore of th€ mcr @nvincinS a.peds of 'stdclured' UFOS ard th€it

l r6


'aliens'that *irnes*. dphaieuy put across. h lhe vivid .realnes ofsch @nfronrarions- Witness emphdize bN they.ould feel o. jusr

kftw'thar rhe 'aliens th.y etuourt€.€d vere elid. th.e€-dimensiontlb€irg! with nothing ghoslly about them. This adually reveah ih€irDisi.fomation as lo hos 'gh6ts' appear. as €Jr.t, lhe same heartfeltdeclaEtiors of realnesr are reported by vitnesses of apparitions. Itwould *m. therefo.e, rhal rhe unconsious utili4s ihis rens ofpresne in @njunclion with its visual presntations ro consolidate theirreatiry- Pur simply. the *itnd s6 aad fecls the ofentiiiesandapparitions- As nn example of this .rcalncsi, consider an examPle from

As beto.e, .lohn kefl an eye on rhet house lthai is the home ol rhepolrergeist.ati!rcled lamlyl while rhey wee away. On rhis day,' he toldus, l wdked in1o rhe hvrng .@m, paused, looked oul ot the window al thep€opl6 walking past, then lurned td my right, l@k'ng direcllY towards thekirchen. And rh€@ I ew h'm, srtti.g al lhe hvingjoom lable, wirh his t€cktowrds me He had one am on the Gble, j!$ smng there. Dress? Hehad a whne andSlue stnp€d shrrt on, no collar h was the so.t of shirt .old, like n fts wom In lhe thin'es Sl4ves rolled up, black lrous€rs,barher belt, grey nan, rcl roo rhick, sort ot spars . he didnl move . .He had his b-k bwards me, head up4tht, l@king strailht ahead. I closedmy eyes, I'ke a biink, ls a couple ol s€conds gone!

'Did he l@k (xnpl€tely eldl Grose asked.'h l@ked jst like you took .ow,' Burcombe replied wiihour hesiranon

'Like a p€d€ctly nolml per$. snrog ar a lable No harness, nothlng.Cl€zr d a bell. lt had been aboul tive o'cldk on a summer arternoon.

This is a tood e&mple, beaue it demonstrates that if such clear aodauthcntic figurs 6n b€ produced. lh€n atr equally realistic ettity fi8urc iswithin tte ore*nration abiliti€s of the unon$ious als. In fact. we ewpraiely lhis Bix io th€ Middlelon events de*nb€d prcviously. We alsonotcd rhc ove'lap belreen UFGrelaled alicns and .pparitiots in temsoI th€ir cbareterisriG and b.haviour. Randall Jon*Pud, whoinvdtigated the evenrs at Dyfed, conmented:

the phem€na. whatever lh€y are, exist elternally in space We assume,hn @ @not by any means b€ su.e, lnat they also exist h tme as weknm it. Nd do re k.lw whother they objstively acupy space In anym€ning'lul $hs€ of the tem. \ryhen the humano'd b€ings aie percived

as occupyng sp*e, ihey appear to reacr in conlormty to lhe lawsgoveming pe.spelve and optics They gNe the appe.ance ol beng

l t7

Page 59: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

uFr,s - PSvCmC CU)SE EI{@rrNTErS

lhrcenimensioMl obi*ts. 6hhough they are Mifestly mid€r pfry:icalv$lij nor olgEnic io any k ()m s€rEe ot dF wo.ds 13

Th* concluions concem UFGrclat€d ertitie., blr they ould iulr 6eell apply to the appa.ition seen by John Brrusbc at E field, jctdesib€d.

Pr+rvart 3cn6ttiol|i

Anothe! overlapping aspect b€tween poll€rSeisr phemrena ard UTo/alicn-themc crcou e6 is thrl of ptKEnt *nstion. l\rrt|Esg oftenrepon 'feeling sifrdge , 'a @n.i! 6l.lnes', 'a tirylint , 'a wirdheadacty feeling', 'a pain like a tigbt bard arcund ny head' and $ on,beforc polterSeist adivity begi$ or bcf@ a UFO o. 'alien' is€n@unteEd. Consider the follwiaA example:

Suddsnly G f€h strange ard very cdd Sh€ could snse rhat somerhingwa.bout to hapD6. She looked €etully ahed acioss rhe d!an* ofopen tield tomrds tie tres €scadrE l.lleo lere' Somethiog was

It was many yards ofi and rfte sunlilht ws glnthg stroigly ftom irserface. No debil Ms visiue blt il looked like som€ kind ol f'gurcw€ring a silve. $ir . . . Th6. withdt wming, lhe ligurc beg€n to reft3way. blendjns into rh€ colou.ful backs@nd. lr had mt run. h had smdy

Arctber example cones fmm the Enfield polte.geist C4:

Then Mrs HaDer made a very inrerestiiq re.nart, which I took litle noriceo. ar $e rihe, in vie of rhe g€reEr ercitmenl

'Belore all th's happened,' she said. as we picted up @dery rogelhs, 'l6m oulherc and I thought l'd befter wipe up. l'w got a headache Tllefront of rhe head h s nor like a noimal hddach€

'Do lou leel a1 all the time n s he.e. or iust whd il ffies?' I asled. By'it l menr the poltelgeisr.

'Whs it c(res, | €n ld n,' she anw€r€d 'And whei the rhirE6 god@n, the h€ad4h€ son o! g)es, lve got it a ttr nol /, blr it's $n ol

Could she have a builtjn @dywhing systm in h€r hed? | @idor€dit ir had anrhing 1o do wirh the tact tl€r. as shs had alEady rold me. st€had a loog hislory of ertl€psy iD he. yooth, ahhough n wd ts yeds |ldsrce she had suffered a. attact.t

And amther mndc ftom the ffi cese:



I asted Matths {M6nning) il he h6d ever feh heada.hes hks thos€ MrsHarper felr when sorething ws abour io h€ppen

'| gota pdtkli.gsonsationdowhthe backoith€ neck,' he replied'Thai

'€xcu* me!' Gros intertupted, excdedlv. 'Janet said that half an hourbetore \o! eme.' He 6n b*k his tape, and @ heard her say

'| kep genhg a pdin 'n

tho back of my head. She h6d indi€ted theback ot the Mk. just whee Matrhew had feh his srrege sensation 2r

Th* symptoms a.€ a .espons to neU exposur., jusr as D'r 'sranseIignt-hcadcd fcclinS in thc dsriprio. of the field-activated circuirry andsub6€qu€nt olt-of-body and Doppclgangcr crpcricnces w€re. They can befNnd in.elrological srudies, ard identified as pr€€pilcptic andmigninelike sympioms, both of whtch involve an el€ctrical aspect as a

Such slmptoms arc often repor!.d tEtore anomalous expe.i€n@s andsem ro be indicative of an altered cons.iounes that superimposes orintenwines a UFo-vision *ilh n$dar€ reality, or produces the range ofptlsi@l phemnena known as a polt€rSeist outbrcak- It is as if in $m€cag the eIf€.t is tumod ineard and affects thc vay witness 'concet'their om realiry (.nd ro $me errcnt that of oth.F); in otho. ca*s. th€etr@r is sidply €rtemalized and things are thrown about, fires strrt,obiecls are die.ganizcd or r@rSanized, etc. One r€sults in a CE, theoihet in a d6rrucrive baudting.

Anolh€r Sood example of a p.e+ve ensation tollowed by a CEcxpcnencc is the 1978 Church Stowc, Nonhamptonshire, ce. I amiDd.bred ro Jenny Randls for allowing me to ue rhe detailed a@ountfM b6 b<nt Abdutio,:

M6 Oaken*n Ms h€€d of the t€c-he6 @ntre in D3ventry. At lunchtme@ 22 Nowmb€r r97a sh€ leh a st.ang€ tightaing sensaron aound herfdehe€d, like reanng a har wh,ch was tar rco small. lt passed quickly burrc unus@l enough to rerember.

Ar5.l5p m. she Ieft lhe centrc lor the six mile dnve home, noticrnq thata sijelight Ms rcl wod'ng so she had lo t@d with dipped headlighls althe rim In an a6dnt wmten imm€darely afteMards, she sd: 'V\6€n Ircehed the rEfiic lqhts ar weedon, I rumed nght on ro rhe a5 ahead ofme | @kl *e lw wry bnghl l€hls immedi€tely above the r@d. The letto.E Ms rcd and lh€ rbht orE was gr@n. My imm€diate rhouqht was th6trhis wa a very ld llying aircraft which would zoom wer my head.tlow€@r, it @med to be sral@ry and I drove teards l1 wth my nosep.acli@lly pr6sed @ the winderen. She then drM straight ondernslhn and obsetued .. . an htu€hss or egg-tmer shap€ wilh a light under


Page 60: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden


each cidhr end. This rhing was no moc lhan l5O fe€r (46 ml up. Thee

was m sound, and the ot'i4r was di6dy (,w rh€ F nt where M6

Oakssa had ro tL'n off inro Chorch St(re vill6g€.This was about 5 30 p.m. on a ve.y buslj/ main rcad Thousands ot

motorisls should haw s{s thls obj4t Yet, d6qre a story at the rime

and rhe kind ssistane ot the Davehiy weekly Etqes in th6 rcsrch.

not a sngle trdeller has @se loMard Io reporr seing aMh'ng, sn

thal th€ l'ghls were a. arrcrah.Fascinared, Els,e drove up the road towrds Church Srowe. whln |bs

aiop a hill She lqoked back sre6l times don.g rhis hall{ile dle and the

lrghrs were sltll sitrng there over the A5 h was $en that it all happened.M6 Oatensen rumed nght inro the villag€, dntng as 6ud

'n s€c.nd

and changing up to rhid 9€r. 'The next rhing I kn4, my tmi w6 hard d

the &cele6Io. pedal, whic-h ws llat @ the floor ot rhe car Thee was no

souM fmm the engne ar all My l'ghrs w* still tunctaonhg but the

engine was dead The car w6s slowing d@n a.d had almGt @d€d thepohr ot sropp'ng she dd not swtch n b4k o.L but teeling surprisingv6lm. changed b&k ro ti6t and depess€d the a@leraror the €t

laned rc.mally. She drow another huMred yards and the,e w6 a

se@nd, mo.e p@nounced itk in r6lity.Mrs Oaleme. de$nbes what she se: 'The car was sl,rdary

Everyth;ng in @mplete blac*ness My engine had stopFd. My lighls

were @t. SLddenly. piercing bnlia whne circles ot lighr about a ydrd

(1 ml n diarerer.ame trcm nowfiere, m.fl- ()rcfl, srarring at rfie left oI

my ot, round in trcnt of n, b the iighr, back agia'n a.d lhe bn one

disppeared inlo the air . . wtEn rhe lighrs hn $e g@nd lhey lit up rheiarmya.d to my lefi, the road in iront ol me and the parh and garden of rhsholse ro my nght {otheeiel .t was abelulev bhck, I could mt dd

see the hdses at rhe side of the @d Elsrs sooke aloud: 'Good

graciolst Then, agan with@r transnion, she was mdinq aqaio. She

sys: I did @r swirch on my ignition. l diij mi put mV @r oro g@r I did,or depress mv a@elerato. pedal- | dd @r sra( ih€ .ar I tust iound

my&f dnvir€ aloiq rc'mlv.She dDw into her ga6ge just a I€w hurdred yads eay atd rcrEed

the sdelights on rhe 6r were nd wdlhg- lt nrer failed again The

Mllage was also as n mmalv 6, quite well lir {t€€ had not be€. a powr

d0. L@kinq ar fte tire. she was suiprlsed to Mlire it wa ls d nft€€il

mlnltes Iare. rha. n ousht to haw been. Diving ltE rcure ev€ry day, she

had a very good id€a h@ long it tak6, but she checked rhc nen nbht iusl

'n €se. llere was detin&t r psbd ol ime m'ssing trcm het renDry

That was rhe whole @*, ex@pt thar sre night rhe qrhteni.E *nsaton

acuii€d or€ morc rime .. . Despe€te for help to r€rrEre misi.rg



me'wies, rhe BIJFOBA ream a@ng€d for €searcher Graham Phrllps ro@nducr a hyprbsis sessid. This ocured on 18 August 1979. Eleeetived 6e siin.g @ly panialy, although after the session much llwsdinto her mind as il poppmg out ol my subconsci@s'.

Elsie tun rhe tgffening as the €r slowed d{M the lrct iime I go1hoter and hotter . Th€ pfessu.e hun my hsad Th€n a brilliant purewhne hghr, very bighr' hil he. tull @ trom lhe lont. lt throbbed wth0..16 r6danng dl tDm lhe ent@ 'The parn in my head was InlenseI teh no re&tDn h my legs lwas very irighrened Then two shap€sapp€red slhouened againsr the glow Both were grey They were hazyblr lr@ her de'nss coold b€ rak€n as 'people . . Fnsl many ot lhes"ymprms Etsie Oakensen descnbes (l€hrening pain, tlashing lighrs, elc.)a.e suggestive ot m|g6ine. 8ut l6t you sile the @se oft as a migraihoanacl, w{ stwld ,emember rhe UFO ifl the t61 pl€ca, rhe eil,ecrs on lhe€L ard rhe rorally indspendem s€cond s(]htng and the tact that Elsresufle€d troh miqdihe for severai days aftedards and en tell ihed'lte€ne SIE belrdes ilws brcught on by the bnght lghts.

The sMtions of tishtenin8 around th. head are assGiated with anunusual Frcprual eFect tnown as fricrowave hearirS, and a.e @u*d byan crpGuro ro pul$d midowaves in the environment. Thes. als itrducethe FGption of a b.ight light. caued by rhe clectrical stinolation of thevisulonet. Deto6 vho havc hoard.epons ofrhis have dubb€d ir'theexplodinS hcad syndrome, for *a ofa ben€rlem.Itis a symptom ofeletrical hypeRnsitivity.

The sond ce @uired at 7.20 pm on thc same night. It inlolvedfou. younA women driving ro a mc.tins in Nonhampton. They had leftByficld and w€rc travelling near th€ village of Preston Cap€s ar rhe iime.This is four mils $uth-wesr of Church Stowe. Th€y first sar a parallel-sided b€am of lighl sh@r out ot a cloud a.ros thc sky. Tlis *as repeateda few *onds lat€r. Thetr a red and a green light, side by side, appearedand cr(red rho road directly ahead of the qr, whi.h suddcnly bcSan tole porer. Th€ driver had ro chaf,ge down from top to rhird gear tomainrain engine rcwlurions, as the lights paced thc car to the euth. Th€women then drove inro rhc village, and the lighrs merS€d into one and'switched ofi abruptly like a lighl bulb'.

Casa rdiaw

It is iDtcresting tha! the bard of pain around the wihess s head oc.uredb€fore azd after rhe ef,@u^ter experiercc. The signiticance of pre-evenlsrstims dc, of @uN, vary *itness to witnes and evcnt to


Page 61: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden


€verr. It i. th. f?cr thar rhcy oc.!r at an, en€dE. th€y pr@d. a sltBe ofRSPK aciivity or a URE, that ir nnportart. fty @ a sylr.nic,.sDoEto EM fields. h ws mentioned €rtic. h@ long-rem .rposurc b 6etdehision from wit.ess and tocalirB cm ind@ ll|igFiFhtcattacxs .t @pational ha?!d in exFrietred invcstisarors.

It would .ppee, rhetr, rhat MB Oaters€, Day bc eGitir€ to EM6€lds, ard righr lrm thc stan ther€ m iodicatim thar .Dbidt fietd!eeie cauinS elc.riql diiturb.lxs to her dd lt€, E. TIte fac! rhat asideliSht of th€ d *6 .or wortiry at the start of he, [email protected] horc, andthen Buned its mrnal turdioning sportanNty, as sooit d sh€ drw€into her gatagc the e.d of hcr joumey, is suipicios enouAh ro ilen l*to the prcsce of .mbidt fietd eff€(s_

D.v€nFy itslf 16 a fearsorc banery of pha..d amy E mitriraae.ials, which are armted so that a toger mvet€ng.h m be obtaincdwithout m in(ru in poa,er. Mititary bases atwaF cont.ibuie to tb€'eledronic sog of an, and m amy He, Cibrzftar BaFet , is i,

Also, Plesy sehs to have a entrc ir rhc a@, which, 3ignifi@tly, issituated or€r tuutted iroGtore a temus oxid,e ..d iM drtonale-vhich 6 unBuall! d@ ro rbe $rfre, atthough I m nor awe of mactul outmp in the ates. Such tniFnt deposits ar€ i.di@ri!€ ofindigenoui maSnetic acrivity.

Il is ds mt a matter of chan€ lhar rhe eitn6! q, slrw€d E.ldistulbae ro its.lesridl sysrem (i.c . nor r6pondin8 ro rftc rehr.roi)atrd lGl pwe. intemittently ud ele.tivety tEfoc srath.g (]npfetely,jut before he. €rcou.ter etFrien@ wirt the circtg of tiAtit rharpenerEEd d uomatou dartne$, It rcutd ertaidty l!6 rl,,ar MEOaken6en erF.icnced a .btank{ur,: she sid: .Whitc tb€ iftidcnt ws on,nme semed to stdd still. It pr$d unnoriced, tite wh4 ooe is 6lep.,

Wc have s€en ftoD past @se,tfliem hoe a subiecth en$ of tiDe ente disrupted by an EM field (6lled d€syfth.onizarion), ed it h.s tenshown rbat in enain @nditio6 maSnefc fietds dn inpoir tlt€ stpn-termhercry. It was young Mark Wits (wirner of the

'ounA $ierrisl ot rhc

yea. a*ard in 1992 for a concie erpe.imert in cldorM ttsre) whoshowed rhis effec1. This i. not th€ pla@ to go itr o the detaits of hisexp€riment d6i8n (as it dupticated previou s th.r sh(mdthis), but it is worth q@tint his hypoth€.G ro, tlE more sie ificalty

My hlTDthaes was ttEr stprtrem rn€rcry krss nEy tE due ro ttE txrth€lciuh ions (Ca-') being afi€cted tv tl€se rypes or EM feids Cha,ses

'n b.ain calcium morion, eus€d by mqretic and etectdc nd& $ar mer

loi cycll)trm resonance coitdnidE, cdrtd affect shqt tem me'lEN_z



The wilress drid .epon a shon amn siac pe.i(d or limetaprc . thh *$i.srigat d by regresive h}'lDosis and, inst€sd of rn atien lbducrio.nory merging, sbe recaltod: '|I got hone. and ho(er . . . rhe presur. hunmy h.rd'. Then a b.illisnr pure whirc tieht, v€ry briShr,hit he. full onftm tlp fMr. Il rhrotlb€d witb circles radiaiing out from rhe cenr.e: .Thcpain in my head yas iotense . . . I felt no rea.rion in my te8s . . . I waircry frighren.d.' In the tisl of Esrce1in8 alle€y symptoms @mpil.d byDr Snilh, ard giver edlier, re on immediatety pick our: .bad headachesvith disturbanc.s to vision . . _ totutiws the tzgs |9i not wotk . . . thcparrdt may al$ tcr FEim in . , . hqd,_

h a paper based otr a study of etectriel ,rjmutation ro speific braincerlB, th€se cffeds en ale be found. Consid€r

Beed Neuntqical RMtch UCLA. USA lt97q)TemFo€l lo@ srihulatM: Mesial rMpord lobe: 20 calegoies j inctudingSomaesrhelic: Subi€.ts epon€d pulsing, tjngty and v€ry hot sensatons:aho *nsions ot lighi

'n combinarion wift hoadaches. Subj€cts at$ eid

they teft 'odd' or'tun.y disoie.raGd time and ptace/smnesia for thedura&rn ot *ve€l hou.s, bln in one cas€: for a t4 minutes.

Snmu|albn ol Oans ol h,ppocampus rcsutted in visuat radiarion.

Main hiprbcahpus Subiecls €po'red visuat effe.ts. i.e. mtour€d b6ls,

Seh aults aE mt srprising, as rhc brain is,6 mentioned,. detieteeL.crEhemicsl @mpurer. The* effe.ts qere found i, rh€ description ofttE erpc.i.n@s Mrs Oakensn gave. But, then. if high ambietun t&eercinvolved, $is would b€ etpecied. The ovedh€tmin8 feeling of b€ing horand the .adiarinS liShr natch we . A common symptom of rhos€ oxpo*dto field effecrs is thar of being r@ hor or too @td, and the$ extremes cante prod@d by EM disrurbance lo the hypothatamus which rcgulates thetcbp€Eiure ot th€ hud.d body.a

Mor€@er, such @ntrdtted srudies have b€en suDDorted bv theincidrne of chronic eletriet and EM potturion in 6mmunirv en;non-menrs. One of th€ mo6t deraited aratyss of this €me fron the vilaSe offishpond, DoBl, frcn lCl8 onwards. This small rural @nhunitysutrercd th€ ettecls of eledncat fietds from powe. .abtes mourt€d orpylo6 e.61ed on irs lard. fie sFptoms d6.rib€d are very rclevanr, andan erln.t from ar accou by one of rhe u.fortunate residcnrs ofFisbpord is intc!6tin8 eher @nsidering MB Oak€nsen s expe.rcnce.

In the spnng ol 1978, six monrhs b€Jde the Inquiry, at t66sl folr p.opl. nFishpond had erp€tjerced shng€ and distresshg btsck{ur! wdhn ot lm wek - one of rhese rHd€ was s vrsrtor who btrct.d out


Page 62: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden


while ddirlg his Ut€ unds the liE fell ofi aid brok€ his nb6- Anotlprw6 rry son, wtE had Bs qperisrc€d anything bke nb€foG. and ndeed dii .ot tell me uml we had dislreEd that re had atts!ffsr€d in tl€ sare w6y bui wihoui telling €ach orher ar frst be@u* n*emsd so w€id For mrts Mllager |t wa a s€.ios of sFlls 01 diai|ls.fs mt*f, it was ad drct ide$db6ble episode tr u4nt, rlr€ tbl,rvered to go bbck laltdgh I cqrld still G) and | ws lff|prercbdsonentat€d. Jmy italicls

In the light of ME Oakensn's ddkn*, thir fiEt-hard Eport of anappaMtly dohakrus dsrklls due to ele.rriol rndor EM fields, isilluninating . .. Another extrad f.on th€ eme sctioo provild a

As s<n as a. otrject is plaed wthin an etet i fetd, me f€ld beha6rathe, like a cuirin aid d6p€s ils€f h do$ foHs @r the orrec! clear spee undeheth. The field so fou€d @ .eh wl6 up to ahundred times Uat ot rhe ambent, unpenu.bed field ln ordinary worLngor liwg orditions, such an obFct might be a @r wtb* rop is at h€adlevel . - tc possDk hidqial nplcanols ot sudt tuA edaffint4e c@ndenbte lmv irali6l

Duriog th€ irv€$igation iolo the Enfield polte.geilr, ttm€6urcment3 taken wirh a maSnetometer - an iBttumrt lo rF{sure rteprelence or fluctuation of ambient 6elG:

From t1E landing, re cdld teep an €ye @ the dial ol rlE mdire, a.d inthe toll@ing fody minutes Jarefs pill@ was rwie rhltvn &rcs ther@m, just as it had b€€n the praiM eging in my€nce Ad*ch l,me rh€ needle d tho hagcrmeter di, in&ed defectell€d off the sxpe.imt lre w€ wers satisfed that it semed possibtethat lhere was a link betwen polteq€in adtity and al|mdousbehavi@. of the surcunding magEric ,i€id.-

This is rd iDportzni ev.rt h the comparisot! bet@r RSPK ad URE,as th€ field ws adu.lly derected by rn iFirument ddigred fd tt€purpo6€, although th.rc em linle &ubt thar ficlds aE inrclwd in borhare6 - 4 ee ew in rhe disturba@ ro Ms oat<€neo's tu. Th€ EDfi€Hadiviry, ar we have sr, wa .ho able to rffcd oF ad Playf.i. giv€s

As n w4 a 6ld chy, hs switd'ed d tlE qEine ad Let it wm up, ri*ingowr slwly and MnV, which it di.l fo. a fa ml|Ht9 rh€n rhs aglneslddsnt b€g$ to Ece wik ly. as it somehody had pul . l@t <hNvn on d\€



eebBto. h rs€d up .nd d@n as il waiting the sraning tlag at th€

G|Ne mEht mt urdersrand poheEests, but he drd understandeigin*. a.d he immedi.tely looked undd ihe bonret ar ihe @rblretror,after ch*king thar both the choke and lhrcttle were closed. None 01 ilsm4hanical pa.ts was moving. Intigued by lhis odd behryiour, he spent$me rime 4amininq th€ engine.

This did not iake plae al Enfi€ld, but happ€ned to one of the main,lmg-tem investiSato6 ilolved in the l:e, ad il is irdi@tive of the@tagion effect- The C@mbs in Dtfed ds had chronic problems with ast.i.g of ff, a[ of which sqfr€r€d nom el€crriel 'bum-out'. In their(2s, hw€ve., lhe oMrred sm to have €xlremelypowerful, ard like lhe CottaSe exahple, do wm to have beena!.ociated with a s.c.e. mililary plojed. Th€ arca of Dyfed, durin8 thcUFO flap , al$ strfi€r€d fron un€xplaioed erplosions and vibmtion! of

On s€veral occEions a stEng€ gka had been se. n the sky after theboom had Gurrcd, in one 6* raking lhe fom ol a fieb6ll thal hlrtled alhigh sped acro$ the sky before vanishing . . M€nwhile the coincid€nceot UFO erw{v on oates and In lo.ltons.or roo drstanr trcm rhe ar€ oirhe mises onrinued to ecur . . . The patrem that emelod out ol lhenure@s eporls of bolh s@nds 6nd sightings semed ro indicate thalrhe intarcus 'bumps' a.d booms'were delinitoly hanhade Th€rot6 Msiderable disagremenr as to whetfief the sounds origiMled inthe alr. rhe upter stEtosphere or llm underground tremoG 27

This situatio is P3Ellcl to th€ DarSlc Cottage cvents, Mr Verney $wstrang€ LITS (lights in tbc sky) and i. the cady rtaFs he roo eas conftis€da to rh€ di.ection and $u@ of the nois. He found the vibration quit€ovenhelminS, and lhe sme @nditions pr€vailed in D'led:

I mys€ wnresed SE phe|l6eE on nureous @6sions whilsl stayingi. Wd6, and nrdeed the sh@kwwes on oc.asion were very sove€lhee r€mainod rhe ooseltl4v thar the acrual €us ol rhe vibralion wassorne s€cret opebrlon. heie the p@e!s tharbe who did know whatwas Gusing it did mr ti.d themselves in a positon to rsveal all.a

TheE ems wry little doubt, after cxMining thc hightev€l exchangeof corespoodctrcc ber*€€n Mr Vcm€y ard 8ov€mment represntatives,thar the s€re ,pplied to th€ DdgL Conage €e. MB Coombs dsreport d u.u$al vibntio.s:


Page 63: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

uFo6 - ?srclllc crnsE ENcouNtEts

P*line C@bs, in ois of her natemdts relaling rhe sEang€ things shehad obs€fled in Bdtes Bay. made the starding lrmd€nl: 'One dz'y I wrhe s€3 sh6ke.' She wqr o.r ro erplain rhat she wa mr retding toddimry w@s 6 rhs wat€r but tb.a'ton Edining dtw.d€ ttm a pointin the bay simil to whar o.e mrght obGere |rom an unds@at€rexplosio. d seismic shek ww.a

Disturba6 such d tt*, @upled enb UFO phenometa, do sm loconelate with resrricr€d otnci.l arcas a.d cown milit2iy Prcj4ts. A!dly @nd6ion of sft ETtl-iftlir€d ufoloSists rs rlrat UF(X andrh€ir occlparts are sun€yrg ou. l€.hnoloSiol proA!6. This *es laretchanged to the ftyth that the military have cEdEd s@B atd arc lsl-flyin8 or reproducinS [email protected]/- I thi.l bolh are iMrot. hsitldioN whcre field eficctr aE prcpagated @e. civilian ar€rs sithassociat.d UFO events, th€re G iodietions thar there Ntc m4oitgprojecrs involved eirb sophistiBted @mmunicaiion r'5r€m d rclatedmatteF. It would sm that ptutotyF ,€rial devi6 are b€io8 Lst€d @er$ch are.s, which nale w of posefully poj€.lcd ddot ob€nt fieldsro po*er them. (Note the qDtation al the begrnning of lhis chapter.)

Thereforc, field effears also induc€ poll€rgeist or polte.Seitflite direcrfield effects h @mbination, dd n is a funher indiolior of theit ovcdap.In fad, the Cmmbs' holshold exFriercd ,oit. This s.s pardy dle totlte Fychic b&kgrcund of Psulire Coonb., eho expetiened MarianphenomeM 6 sh. *is 'activated by prclorged field expcure to cnitpersonal fielab, and panly as a direct @rsq@n€ of O|e fiel& ehichaff€.ted ber enviMhenr. Th*, without doubt, enaMted i.m theNATO bas in the area:

ti came to l€ht that the NATO bae of RAF B6sdy. situaled diretlyoFposite Rippe6ton Farm and Stack Rocks on the ottEr side ol St f,ides8sy, was tar flm being d odanafy installarion.i

Anhough sup€rficiallt a mtural eHi infomato €me to I'ghr wtlrctlcaus€d os ro qBiiod this. Eadier in tl€ winter I had mn@d $at lheBlmests Fam a.d its i,nmediats arsa Ms mMluElV Mm . . . Thear€ a@nd the lam hd a stdq€ sli[ress and 6lm 3'

The wamer, sisc<tih!!€, srnng€ still atDo.phere, UFO si8htin8s.polterFist aclivity, crtity exp€rierlc6 ..d rlDercB eledriel mal-tunction. aft aI iadi@tive of a arc of hitll ambiqt fi€lds. Th't th€seemnat€d f|m tbe NATO be, therc is li..k doutt. In conilrcrid riltRAF BEwq,, it was ihe hoadquarr€r of whrl is k|r'm a SOSUS, or



Soud Sweillane Syst€m, involved wilh urde ater listcninl

Oic srnnge effd:l of the f,clds involv€d Stack R@ks, which is a small.rcty island a short dist.n@ offshore. within the high ambi€ 6eldzote.Both Paulim CeDbs and her daughter, along *ith a l$al holelier,paldEd silveFsuit d fisure moving about on th€ r*ks:

fhere rere tM ol these humanoids .. they seehed io hale movedfu.lh€r wer the @k lrcm where I s3w $em llrst One ot them*med ro be climbing up sreps Wh€n you se someone conrng !psrai6 you s@ rhen hsad, ihen thet shouldeB, then the bodies and e on.It was like thar. Ard lhe othe. w6 walkinq rdnd lhe edge as it lookrng for

This ewnt is an exahplc ol an uncual drrt.t field effect @lledtdro.4ltor. Due to the field, it is posibl€ for objects and people at a@miderabl€ dista@ to appea. displaed, due to nagnetorefradion. ThhmaN tbat thc fi.ld rts 6 a lens which is capable of displacing the nomaltith .cfl€.led in $e interior of edain buildings that employ such a field,such as po*er siations, nuclear plants, dnl SOSUS establishments. Ir is,therefore, funher evide.e of the pre*ne of a field. Olher o€tnplesfrob field w in tle a.ea inctuded tho appeannce of eight'foot (2.4 m)sikeFsuired figures', which a.e rhe workes iaside rhe establishhentsftdirg clothing ro protect ih€m frcm rhc ambient radiation efiects intheir plae of work. Thse figures are ofi€n complete wnh helmets andvie^. Sometioas. th€y scen to b€ holding wardj, qhich are rods ofthemarcnal uled in the powe.prcducirg p.@$- There ar€ many ofthe* 'apparitions': thcy arc simply imag.s of the *orters .€ftactedhagnetielt through tbe *?lk. ln Dyfed, in 1977, they wete also rePoneds floatins above the roftopsi miniaturizd veBions €ven appeared onei.dowsills. Th€s imaSes are emetimes larger or smaller than theave.a8e human, and a srudy of thc las oI rer.action *ill ciarify theseob*n.tions of magnifrcnio., or minilication, as i( is temed.

Tle lacr ahat images of thes figures @uld appear ar remote ldationsard $at lhey a.€ closly as@iated with an ambienr field also lendssuppon ro the @o@pt of imagery beirg'inpnnted' into a field-medium.The location lor such field-bound apparir'ons would amolnt to a hotspof, eler.omaSnetielly speakirg. Such points of fieldjocls could havedevaslatirg effecls upon th. brain and con$ooutnes of those who passrh@sn theh. I' thc case of the Doret village of Fishpond, whichsuffer€d frod chrcnic elecrrical fields, some of the population 'blackeddf; or, ftom r]te Norlh.ft UFO N.rr {:e quorod oarlier. at leaslallerpic 'blant{uts can oc.!r.


Page 64: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden


Therc ws r uatic .ood rc.ide.t ir thc Dyf.d 3t a thlt rs rcpott€dqtensivcly aa tbe tiDe. There is rcason ro b.liew th.t thc lqtion oI thi.fat r .ccidelt ls a lcrl point fot a 6eld @neDt$tioo. CoGider the

O. the Eftemooi ol 23 November there w€s a Welsh Colt ies nigbyq.Fm6tch b€M€en Camadhenshirc and Brc6r wl*:h was daFd arYst.adgyDhis. After rhe match two ca6 *l olf b*l for Camdth€n t(vn-Ore of lh6e wG ddv6.r by - . . a fomer Lla|€lli Fugb'y Foorbdl - . . At abod Ao clock that elqjrE a Calo. giB tankg - - .letttorSwans€a abollt ts minutes later th6 tanker . . . was q an i.dine caledNant r{a\ /s Hill- TlE rc€d w?s d.V. ddving @dili(N !'€.6 qood dtd ld@6 wee using the hrglnvay NMnhdess $e truck 4Ddenrv j&l(_

kniled and orenumed enB rhe rfii€dam eriaqway. Th€ BMwcootainng the rugW suppone6 hit $e ob6tade ar sp€€d and w6s lite.alv

What causcd tllc d.ivd of the t rkq td l@ cmtrcl it a Dyicrt.Horever, th€re m.y be a dle in atc revelatiot:

We wG !€nicllarv sh&ted at lhis dissrsr b€cause re ha.l olylffitv iGng6ted lhe 6e o! anoth€r r'uct{dwr wtb had bes bdvst$ter after €|xnntsing humano(h by olthl at tts Ey qpoa

The repon by this tn cr{riwr revsls his ard his nr.63 perc.paions:

I cam d*n inro a dip . . . ard stried to clnb Lp and rhen lt|€ rgfts iunpbked !p lt|€ lwo I saw tEm and ttn{ht 'h canl bc n mudbe my eyss'. so I we. $id a w.d. John. by ttE sirle or m. si.j: .vvtut

th€ hdl s ihat? l iust saii: 'l'm not hd|ging arud to tu @tStanding s ths righ-hard si(b $'esy wrue wqe 1*o hugF tigu6

about sd6l f€et hish and orespondirqt wd€. It'€y werc a Eddst!oran!€ ii colou. and FEEd lo be w€adng singbti.s eluloil sllts.Then he6ds wre €kngEt€d uF*ards a il €nyirp s rdl h€lmel- Theheads sdn€d to th€ wih€sses to tE abdn a l@t wrd€ and eilt|resindes hillh €ths like tlb* ot sErdsm€n w€diig blst bs. As ttE \$tsnuck tt€ figilres it efls1€d bod

The two mnss@s bdrlF ree slading tog€lh€r, slithdy tutt€dtowads 6ach olh€r. Ths/ ffied to b€ hold.E sorne sd ol iGrrur€ntb€tw€€n them, although wttat dls oti*t was the two witr€6s6 couldr'tmke @t. The liry6 r€mahcd slill as the truct grclrd up lho sbpe p6st

them . - .'l had a wed feling. I w@Hnt call't f rght. h B a $n of a@ld rriglitg as w reE .pp|@hing and possing thm . - .

'l € ws san any$ing so w€rd or sr'€r reh so rcid-


/-4i .lc{n llin8lo $mincc-pics rnr l r l l rnwatcr ' for t [ r Afrnl ' .

t rd l . r r i I t r r (s l i ln l0 ' \ 'phorogrupl' ol rl'f trror J€rn I lnr , j l f r ' \ \n '

ship ' . Ihe htr(k+l t l30 cm hishr i\ lin nl

r !. i - *

f -

i), -

Page 65: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

.lcan Hinglerk hlck-g8dcn fence . orer *hicb tbe trAP musl htre INd.Note the radio mrst in thc middle distance. behind and btlo* $hi.h is rhc

massivr Hlilstode Qua.r! lsho$n bclo$).

..1ror.r Jean Hinglel s fence and ca.-po.t. ore. *hich theLAP was scen hovering. A./Dtr. The 1..t o.dina.) ofJe!n\ house in

Page 66: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

An a.iist's imp.ession of thc 'Tcrror in ihe Eous of Dollj casc inGatesbe.d, f,ngland. (,Ui.nrelrrr.ler)

O/r/,orir.j An arrhfs impression of the Rorle! Regis (,\t. (,rtnrr./

Page 67: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

Righr: An a.lisl\ imprcsion of rheC!nlhi, Appl€lon .asc inBirminghm, England. (.lti.rrr..i

,.lorr UAP ren eme.ging rrom thcground at Bur$ough. t,ancshire(Photo: Sa ! l\a bank)


'D'd you rcri@ $eir less?''l,lo. Thafs rtE lunny FErt I didni John drdnl either''CeB you mte dr the tearuros?''l,lo - and rhat s mrher quer pan The lacs were lhere, bll we

*emed ro s rhrough rhem like. There seemed to be nothing llherelYou @ldn'r make them out . . .'

Man and boy slared at thrs speclacle fo. iive or s* seconds while theh€W rruck tumbled pasl the honsrers and lefl them behrnd in lhe

Al$, aftcr lhcy had pasd th€m, n€ith€r of them spoke, which wasunusral: . . - a ra.rion s€t in.

Thc siran8€ tinSling, feaFlikc feeling, the lact of . . . By nowthe rcadcr will reoSnize lh€$ symptoms as reacdons to ficld crpGurcand possiblc clEtrical $f,sitivity. Did thc other tanker driver iryolved inrhe aaident 'blact{ut ar thar spor? It would ertainly sem s- Tbis doessem to be an example of a ranslftarion-fcus cr€atin8 ar electromagretichor spor. h is not oy intention lo blame any panyi only io point our that itis atr imponanr .lrrclalion bctween field-produed appandons and'black outJ which arc interpretcdas timelapes (i-e. periods of missirgtimc ). On@ again, qe find that the combination oJ $nsitive individualsard an anbicnr ficld can explain th€ certal features of the CEepe.ience. Thc idenrifi@tion of such field contens ha imponaniimplicalions, thcrefore, for borh psychical and UFO sludy.

UFO3 ovcr Enffeld

Ir h6 b€en argued thar polrergeist activity and UFO flaps' take plae inanbicnl field@nditions. Therefore, we @uld prcdict thar areas with orewill have rhe orher, in onjundion wirh probative ficld{xposure ctfsrs-This was in fad the ca* wirh Ih€ Enfield poherseist in 1977. I amindebtcd lo tong-standiry BUFORA investigator Micha€l Lewis fo. the

neports of UFO sightings atthetime of the Enfield poltergeistactivityA minor'flap'was c4ErieDced durinS lhe early autumn of 1977 overnonh ladon and south Honfordshirc. It ms cenrred on HiCh adjoiN E fietd). This atea had not hith€no been .oted io. UFOadivitt. Ncarly 20 repons we.e investigated on b€h.lf of BUFORA.

It can bc a$umcd rhar. as the$ rcpons wcre compil€d by Michael

tl ::.




Page 68: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden


lrwis, an experiened invesliSalor even in ih@ dals, tlrcy at€ not@mpletely unfitte.ed', dd obvios IFOS hive bet .linitarcd.ftobably thc mosr interesring cale occlrr€d on 30 AuaBt lqn at 5.30m in Qne€ns Road, Hi8h Ba@t, a pla@ th.l Michael ktt<M well:

A housewite, rcken by lhe c.yrhg ol her baby, nodc€d lwo gl'rwiigcncbs ol green light in h€r bedr@m They we.e th€ si2e ol rennis b6lls,and made no mor'ement The witBs touched one wirlDur suffering anyill+ftets. The bed.@m wind@ was wide open ar the rime. Dunng rhefollowing ilvo reeks the€ wee fNe el€ctri€l fafurA in rhe house, andthe aheroror on the tamiv car fail€d

By no* readeN *ill have bcone familiar wilh dirccl lield effects, a8dtte Blowing circles sem to have b@n domcstic UAPS'.

1045 ph: Old Fold Vrew Hiqh Bamel adiacent to Ouens Road. A@ude noliced a wlrlte ball lDrenog rery lN n€. rher ho6e 4 rheyretir€d ior the night lt was like a car headlighr, bnghr ard well delined.

- Aft€r ren minurcs, n glided noislessly &ay.

1 1 .4O pm Hadley Wood A dner and his passeiger saw a {uorescenrgre€n ball the si2e ol a cncket ball. dnedv an fmr ol lhet @.. lt dippedeross the palh of the or and disappeared behand sme 1!e4. Irc driwrslopped and qrye cha*!

l1 pm C@pe6 Lane aoad. Potte6 8ar A yourp @uple n a €rMtnessed a. oval, srar|ke obier move slowly trom a neabv c@se lthovered n.tselessty tor a shon while. durinq wlrlf dE bnlimt lithr tomthe objecl we.l out and eme @ agE n twce lt lhen mwd e@t@rvbehind rhe copse again, pulstng and sgn'ng flame from ils left side

7.40 pm: Stagg Hill, souti ot Pone6 8ar a lam.V ot four, ttrelling inthen car along Sragg Hili, noticed a bnght{rang€, lrianguhr light hMringin $€ drccrion ot Enlield. After sropping the €.. they vi4€d rhe |€hrthrough binoculaB; rt had the appearare oI a white light on the cuNededge ot a boome.ang lt th€n ro* slo\ /ly, aid increas€d spe€dconside6bly as n d'sappearcd wnhout a sound. The sme lilrht wa alsos*n by two wrlnesses at Enrield Highway-

9.20 pm: Dan@s Hill, elth ot Porte6 Ba.- A cdple rere drMng in thei



€r along a coomry foad on the edge oi the Wrolham Pa.k estate, wh€nrhey ob*ryed a crcular obiecr hoverino ianly lM near a road junctbn hhad 1@ orange{ed lighls and one gr@n light on the hdeBrde As rhewnnesses car reached rhe juncton, rhe objecl shot aw6y 'ar a ie.rif c

4 45 pm: Chanclonbury Way, Nonh Flnchey Two sch@lboys watcheda. obiect they descnbed as a lqht-grey disc wilh a yellow llqht bolb ontop. which emnred lighras t sp€d norlhwards rowards High Barnet, fasler

The facr rhar rhis flap corrcd inrhe$me area and at the same time as avigoro$ poltergein ou$reak is highly signifiqnt- Like the other qseswhich wft originally pr€*nred as URE. wc havc an overlap between thetso ar€s. and th€ coDmon d€noninato6 are: ihe incrcasod prcscne ofambienr fields i^ combination ritl the presence of physiologically orFychically .or6cr' individuals The$ r*o facto6, I p.edid, will b€foutrd over and ove. again in assciation with URE and @nventional'Fychic phenomera. Whe.€ one is found, the other vill be close by, and ilwill 'ody be a marter of detecrion.

Il is the human unconscious reacting to the pre*ne of transi€ntatdosph€.ic conditions that have tren enhanced ad activated by naturalor tecbnoloSy bome irelds. Ale r}?iolly asGiated will b€ electriqlsnsirivity and allergic @nditions in the individuals inaolved-

Eloclronic pollution: . l6y .sp€ct in the triggering olclosc encouttloas

B€fore I leked inb anificial Edio and wave propaSation, Iwd not rslly aware th.t the huge radio masb s€e. nounlod hish on hilhand buildinSs actually transmit elect.omagnelic raves (i.e., radiofrequenci.s) a woll as reeivc rhcn. When a radio f.equency orent atrhe rransmitling sbtion floes irto a transmiting aerial or antef,na. a radiowave at the same ftequency is Th€ dir€.lion(s) of this dcpend onihe wat rha! thc aerial is st up fo. irs radiarion patten.

This radiated energy will r€ach r@ivin8 acrials by five po$ible mod6ofpropa8alior-r5 ThN that oncem us frost are ca'led surface waves andsPae wav6 (ee Fi8. 4). Th€s interst vith ground,level locations andiradiate rhe hous€s, ca.s, Fopl€, €tc. at those locations.

Surface waves are aplly named, since they are supponed by the surfa@of tbe ..rth and rhey are able ro follow irs cuflalure ,s tbey rravel ftom


Page 69: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden


Flr. 4 Surf.G .td sF'-r.v. F!p4rtio.. Not lt n0cld dtrpocrl

one .enat ro another. Unlik€ light wav6, Edio waves do not alvaysbae€l in stniSh( lines. They a.e.elatively near the $rf@ of the tmu.dand sh@r lhou8h builditrgs, etc. and. of o)ur. people. MGr of th€fime. rhey havc a ninimal effecr. but if people $tuck by lbem a.eeledriolly hypedensniee, a range of efie.ts, s@h s alretcd stat6, qn

c!r. Ir is ar this point that the @rrelarion of clectri@l *6invity nndpsychic dispositioos b€@ms m6t relevant to undestanding rne pan sEhelccrronic pollution plaF in CE erperienes.

The space wak has rso omponents. Ore t.avels almGt tu a stEishrline b€rween rhe €lcvated transmitting and @ivint aenals. Th. oth€r@nporef,t p.ovidcs posibly the m6t potent apecr ol a. el€crrcmagnetichot spot, for it travefs by me^ns or o siaql elbtio^ lm tb @ (wFig. 5). h herally bouncd off rhe Iround, or 8rclndldd l@tions-*hich can be houss and @ds where people would tE in a dircd 'finns

An erample of . porent hol spot *ould be a pla@ where *veEl ofihese refledions corv€rg€ o. to a reladvely small o.l@lizcd aE- suchas a road junction, foresl or a row of ho'|s. A qufiry eould beespecially potent, sin6 it would either reflecr a..yor contain the en€rSrt.ansmitted, or acrually add to n in the fom ot geopatbic st'6. Crnsidct


an area rhat has surfac€ wavcs al differe frequencics zippinAthrcugh on theirway to a receiving srarion. that isover a fallt-line. rhai irrhe l@tion of rhc ground-reflected space-wave. that happens to bc rhef@s for a magnclorefraction effect . , . lligh-tension cables mountcd o.pylons aqosr the a.ea would matc such a spor ofoxtremely high poiencyAn €lectrically hypeNnsidve person *ould certainly .ead liolendy *nhan allcrgic rcaction and add tothe clectromaSnctic and cleclrical mayhemby introducing thlir own pcGonalfield. This would thcn bc part of a muchlarser invisible cloud' of ele.i.omagnetic snog. Thd is ro say, /Elwould b€ sign.llinked to a area of.harged atmosphere. deasuredin volum€rric unns. R€search reeds lo be done into this imponant aspetro diwrn its cffecl on LrAPs- bur ir may be deduccd rhat such a tienallirk snuarion eould .onnecr ihc witness eirh any UAPS straying inio thearea a.d, as a resuh. dnectly influen€ the novenenr and forD of it, $rhat it will p€rfom on electromagnetic strings' controlled by theuncon$ious of rhat pcrsn. This is how UAPS appeot to ha\e aninreffigena of their own, and appzat 1o rea.r to rhe thoushis of rhe$itne$. As Dr C.W. Smith conmenls k noq appeaG likelythat nat!rc is. mor€ rhar previously srspected, using highly coh€rentclecrrcmaencuc \ignah q(hrn and bersccn lilhe .stcm' '^

AlthouSh thcrc is no implication rhat UAPS lre living systems', thisd(f,s indicarc thc f€asibility. in lems of L'oheren.!, of lhc 'signal-linkoncept. Another supponinS indicarior of rhis eleclronagnetic lint

Fig. 5 P6tbL '.ldlr.pou im' dtuio: lhe UAP Bpon& lo ndio-

t|||ls|trhg B.c.n!l aLlrdd

i f - - - - ) - ' - - -

, , - - lsp@ I


- ) - - - ->-:->--->\ spaft ware

l3 l

Page 70: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden


b€twen the bioloAiol s}sten of el€dri@lly hyperensitiw peMs andlight! in lh€ sty can b€ foud i. tbc cas6 of individuals who havc bccnsttuk bt lightninS (laaiD.s. SEh u.l@ty p6ple, itsm, emit a @herent b€m of eldtuagretic erergy a d alLerSiclcaction on [email protected] the alGpheric chdge ot a thundeBom, andofrer an easier .outc to eanh thsd thc elcttomtrctically utrdiffcEtliistcd!i. of the atmdphere. Il is ircnic rhat th.i. fi6t erpene@ of a strile etsthei. body up for the developmenl of el€d.ical hyperemitivity in laterlifc. The$ major electri@l evc s @. de be trigSered by pronmity toball-lightning or UAPS, such a5 eanhlights. In f!ct, this is why $chermGpheric lidl! *fr to pact th€..s ot $ch ES irdiriduars (i.e.,be@us th€y emit a @hemt EM b€am which lhe UAP reacls lo as aroure to earth, Erher likc the uFtrcke of a liShtninS strike).

Anlone who.€ hou!€ becoD6 a hot spot will etPene@ a rante offield €ffedr which, ov€r rine, *ill b€core prog€ssively morc intens.This is due to the developmeot of eletric.l hyFENiriviry or aller$'.They will al$ bcSin to harc srangc anom.lo6 peGptions, d,ependirS 6the g?e of field (so$€ ficlds prodm. physiolotkrl efieds and linlc else).Th* irclud€ OBES, atien ahductions', alien cortacls'or evcn app6r€ntdcmonic p66sio.. TIE fom of the expe.ietre ponly d€pends on thebcli€fs and assiated 'piclurc libEry' of the

One of tte trDst rec€Dr c!6 publishcd, ctNificd 6 ar '.lienabduction', is the Jane Murphy caa i. Yorkrhire, mentioned in the finalchaoter. This (:e @dd be raken d a terlbok model of domaloBe)(p.nen@s du to pFlotrBed field sposure and electriol hypeMBirivity-

Hor ipots are only ginduatly b€iry recogniad by hcalth authontiG-The World H@l$ OrSaoiaiiod h6 @nlly brcndr out a rcpon m this

Tell {19SO) onducted measuremenrs ar'd calcuhrions dr€cr€d to aolications in the VHF and UHf boedc€sting b6.ds, bm rhe conc€pts are alsoappli€ble to sse$ing RF hot spors ne. AM radio static. Hesummaded the prcblGm oa FF hol spors ac sh@n ber@:

An BF hot spot may be den.ed as a point or small are€ in wtll'| lhe localwlus of elelic and/or magnetic lield strcnglhs arc sagnilaandy elMtedabove the tvDi@l ambienr tield levels and ofien aE mtined @r th€surlace o{ a condudive objet FF hot spors usually @mdEte dbpr@ess ol Ml@linq @mpliance wdh exposurc sta.dards, beca* it isoften only at the small ..€ ol rhe hot spots thar rhe l€lds erc€€d the

RF hot spo$ may b€ produced by an idtors€crih ol nanow boams ofRF energv (dir*tional antennas), by the rell*tioo ot f€lds lrcm



RF energy {dnetional antennas), by the retlection ol feds surfaces (standrnq wees), or by induced currents llowrng In@nducive oblets exposed to amb€nt BF lields ke radraron) BF horspols are cha€cterized by very r6prd spacialvaoaton ol ihe feds and.typlcalt, @suh In patual body exposures oi IndMduals oed the hot spots.Unilom exposurc ot fie body rs essenlrally impossible because of thehlgh spalal gGdienl ol the rields assodared wnh BF hot spors 3'

Ir is clear rhe authols own investigations that alien abduction and6nta.{ elpeneNes tate place in such eledromaSrelic horspots and theyare th€ produ.i of tho interacion of thc ph)siological systcm of ESindividuals eith such p.olonged itadiation.

Page 71: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

5 Uniderffied AtmosphericPhenomena (UAPS) and'Medium Ughts'

11 is sitnfica.r that a large ponion of UFO sighiings a.e der iaull-lin€s and obviilst the srate ol rhe eadh s crusl is @using our spac€-visiloB cosiderabie cohcen.'


This gcn€ric tem tefe6 to a range of aerial phenomena whi.h incldeball-li8htnir8, dnhquakelights, eanhliShts, tp@klights','? pldmavortcxB d oth.B. Each of th* bas d,e$nbed itr the UFGstudylit€mture, and it is noa my aim to r€peat all of this marcrjal, but ro expandrheir paaneters ro inctude F.1s not pr€vioudy appreciat€d. Il must bementiored ihat mEh of establish€d $iene $arcely r€@8nizes theauth€nticity of UAh tcnclally.

Baluightning, stich ha! be€n ob!€tved countlcss tines for ccnturies.h.s ben a lopic for @ntrovery re8a.ding the po6sible mechanisms for ittproduction. Ir is clear tbai in the pasr th@ri6 have b€en @nfou.ded dueto thc noFrccotDidon of the fa.t that such otrs€natiors are made up of aniiturc of lighr phercn€r. with diffenng origins and€tem.Atmcpheric ph)si6 ha mt t.lcn into accouit that ther€ are other foinsof s?h.6 ol elednd eerty which behave in differenl ways fim ball-lightnins, a il is propos€d bere for the fi6r tim€ that etedriql andele.lrcnic pollulio. .lso produes its oen ball-lightning-lile UAP. These@r r*tully be elLed el€ctrcfoms.

A |tent prcposal fo. baUjightnin8 producrion ha been outlined byDavid Tumer, a cletnist at Bristol University in EnSland, and leponed inN4 S.t"urier- Ae{ore Tumer's delusions aft d€s.rib€d. it murr aho beobencd rhat theE is an uhBoedative attitude towards balllighrnin8


Page 72: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

by rhe sienrilic establ'ihment, Somc th@rists maintain ftar i do€s nolcvc. cxi$ (which is norsn$) and this h.y reflar rh€ lonS-remfrustration thar they have erperie@d in amunting for ir. This, bowever,may tE due to tbe r€en alrcady mentioned: they are lumping togcthcr*veral differenr ryp€s of light phenomena o. UAPS.

So, while sme sienrisis conriNc wirh their blirkercd [email protected] @trtinuc to log reliable sightins after sEhtitrS of at|cphericBOb and nynad othc. shaFs and foms, that often (but not alwaF)bring EM and eledrical disturbane in thcir wake. The inchde a rdeEof extao.dinary chang€s to the cor!$iocn6 and physiolog/ of lhe*ilnes. includin8 the p.oduction of psychokinetic eff61s usually thou8htor as b€ing the exclusive propcrty of polrergeists. Mct, however, resuh i.simple UFO sightings.

ExamolesI an indebted ro J@ph Domcr of the Flydc UFO lrvgtigatior Smupfor the following rc[on of an evenr in 1979:

I was a Securiry Oliicer dorng a nghr dury on Cent6l Pier, Blackpol I wass.tualed about 50 yards ffom ft€ fronr of rhe pbr, in a sma ro[boorh, m

Ar approrimar€ly haftast tw n lhe momng, I feh a sev6r€ juderingot the pier sttuctore This iuddenng only lll)lmlly hapo* when the riteis comhg i., but on this dasion $e ride was our. The vb€tion oi theprer st@ture @nl.nued !.lemittentv lor app.oximatev half an h&r Arabout thre€ a m I h€rd a very loud r@nnq nnd, sim ar ro a l@Jvingiel arcrahi rhe snd ontv lasted abolt nve s@nds. As the sndslopped, my reacnm was to look rh.ouqh ihe window laing wrh,towads ths drcclon lim where lhe sound had come from

To my amazement rhe.e, berwen cst6l and euth der. abdr 50yards out to sea, and about 3OO teet abow the *a ws a hrqe oEhgeglobe of lighl. lt was about a 6mpa6bb si2e to a full llr{D TIE light dilnol mow and tere was no sound. I B. out of rhe blttorh, and der tothe side ol the Oer in orcler ro ger a betts l@k, mr raking my etes ofi rheobject. I was shaking with exqte@nt, ralizing thar I ws wtltsDgsomelhhg very strange. Aher about 90 seco.ds rhe o6ng€ globe iustd|sa@eared befo,e my ey6. Just at that Ment, the tm niqhidean€rs,who had been wo.king in the Dxiehnd Oio (whin is at the lrcnt of theper) eme running der to he and started to ask me rtEt ws going d.They had leh rhe vbEtions ard h€.d the rcanng eu.d I exphined tothem wl]at I had just witressed and rhey were unedy anaz6d, and asl€dre io 6mo lo lh€ D'x€land Barto se a m46zine - ,Veeldrd ltEi $ey



had iGt ben reading, while on thet &abreak. The a.ncle n qleslLon was@ UFO sighlngs. ft menloned a sghting ol an oGnge ballol ight soenovgl C€mEl Pler Elackpel, ren y€rs b€lore

| .erumed to the .leck ol rhe pier and immediately rcticed 6 strons nshysmell which was nol rhere &fofe aerng very excited at what I had soen, Irleoded to warch the sky for the rest oI lhe n€ht Over ihe nexl four hourslew tour sr'like obiels nse lrom ihe surtaca ol fie s6a, qo vert@ lyupwards a lw rhousand feel and rhen accelerate rn a honzonta posrtonunril th€y di$ppeared 3

Tbe Seophysical ongins of €anhlights and their associadons withrena\. nasts, pylons, powerlines, hilltops. etc. have tEet mentioned,but this objel sems to havc b€€n generated to the strata in a quarry. Co'sider Jeph Domels as@iatcd reporr:

U.fonunately, $ewmess cannot recal even the approxmare d61e ol hissighting. Hdever. rhe time and l@tion ol lhe sqhting,lhe descnption oirhe oLiecl, and n particular the judderng of the pler and the very roud,oanng eund (geosound) leaves ||nb room lor doubl that this was rhesme objoct rhal on 24 February 1979 was n6t spon€d rn a quarry rnB&up beloe rEvellhg eme 40 mrres or so ro $e coast rt was slghledby quite a number oi people who wote ro Jenny Randles who was ab e toplol irs probable fl'ghtpalh . . . The juddenng 01 the pier, probably eanhrremo6, continued ntermrttently tor half an hour, i € , up un lhe orangeglobe was s@n, 6tler which il slopp€d or w6s 1@ iaini to be lelt Thesrtudure of lhe prer and ns deop loundatons may explain why iiregisrered subrer6nean tremorswhen apparenlly nolhing else dd ln any6$. lhia 'juddeing may oftef a clu€ lo the mechanism rnvolved in thebmario. ol this panrcular class oi UAP

This fasinating ()e lhros up a numbcr of i'ter€stins aspects. Fi6tly, ilis Fxitiv€ pr@fotlhc, extc.nal nature ofthe BOLorea.thliShtd opposd to a hallucinaiion, due to the widesp.ead siShtinS oI it byiqdeFtrdent wil.ess. An object reported by many indep.ndenleilnesg over a ranS€ of 40 mil€s (lll tD) is a su.e indicator of its

teling at lhe Blackp(Dlarea. there are a numberofrclevant f.atures.A nlmber of resrches, nokbly Paul D€vereux, have @ftelaredprehislo.ic store circlcs wilh canhlights. Wilh the presnce of this BOI-lhis link is bome o by the ptesne of an und€Nater stone circle noar


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the pier. Ove. the @nturies, rhe sa has crcroached uDon rhe land.cove ng a lillage called Penntsione. Ar a part'@larly l@ tide in 1588, artone circle was spolred on the outskirts of rhe tuiEd village. More.ecently an iron stanchion sricting out of a r@k vas l@r€d.

Local geoelectr'rcity rnd elcctron'lc polkrtion

There is a large fault to the no.rh of Blaclpool. The Bta.rpoot Tower bastransmittinS aenrls and dishes which includc th€ lcal Radio Wavc andthe BBC meteo.ological .adar. The polie ation. eith irs o*n rnnsmitter, is just opFsir. rhe central Picr. The bas starion for .adio ebs isnear the North Picr. although rhe UFO adivity *ens ro bc mcrtybetwccn the C€ntral and Sourh Pies.

What is lhe releva@ of rrltr infomation in rrdr @s? If rhe UAP/'earthlight oriSinared from geoph'si@l acdvity r{l miles away, and if nwas nor a hallucinarion or appantional, shy @mpite this srr ofinformatio.? The answer to this is r*ofotd. Fi6t. a UAP emirs EMradiaiion and evemuallv burns out. We es how thc BOL in $is .:eju$ vannhed. It may have be€n that it just expired in the visibte tiShr$aveband and it nay still have bcen prcenr as an invisibtc fietdclnccntrarior. The adbicnt EM -smog acrs ar a su@ of ere.8y whichcan sustain ir in ihe almcpherc. In rhe Hesdalen itrv€ti8alions, .la*rwas shot at a pulsinS uAP. caBinS thc rate of pulsins to incrca*. Th'swas done *veral rimes. This indicares rtrat UAPS @n be boosred by EMbcams. ofwhi.h the la$r. bcing @hereni. w6 a potenr eurce. The samcIhinS happetrs wiih oherem RF €missiors and the tevet of etar.onicpollution in an arca provides a Saugc of lhe amoum or atnGphericelcct.ical ener$/ rhar could affecr rhe UAP An anatyti€t sysren needs tobe @mpired here, ard ir would bc of grefi rlevlne to invesrigation ifasysrem of EM lcvels for any give. area @uld be ar*!rcd.

Sccond, rhere i5 thc asped of UAP atmcpheric Mvemenr. This isindicatcd in Figure 5 (page tl3) of a potenrial electropotturion snano.The eanhlight is up of a .an8e of field ryFs act6 the EMspedrum. Ii is tnom that *ismic strc$, at faulrs, d@r6 radio eavs..Thc$ have been d€te.lcd and .@rded by sismolo8isrs

^ pan of rhcit

standard investigation pr@dur6- Thcreto.e, d eanhtights are prcdEdby this recronic strcs, rhey are panially made up of adio wavcs andwould be ersnive to thcm- Sudden EM prcsre, 6 a proje.ted radicwave beaD, would r.ansmit thc UAP in rhe dircction ofthe rrammissionard ii *ould bc ca.ried along by n in tle a(mcplEre. Therc woutd be noquestion o{ $ind re.istarcc, and as $e wave is a srrcam of far,hoying,



charged cleclrons, it would be canied alorg by Ihisslream. lloq tlst lhsi, is rbe ph6e velocit, or the wave. This would why wnncs.r.epon hd UFOS shot.qosthe sky lile a raca. bull.t orlikc asldr.from a srapuh or 'depart faster tha. lh€ eye could see . Thcy arc swcDtalont at a vel@ity compaEble vith lhe radio tr.nsmission itsetl (i c.. at

We miEbt eonder if this ea.thliBht was patched through Ba.upby a sul:'Aior of transmisions, or a sinSle transmision. Pr€viously, irwould b€ ar the mercy of mbi€ni 6€lds in a free-floating star€. Tle UAPis a lruly myste.ious pheromenon at our pre$nt staSc of understanding.Perftaps if UAPS we.e produ@d artifi.ially or one was caprurcd$nehow . . . Perhap6 UFO slv-watch teams should br stalkins theYorksbire n@B and quafties with their diniature radietransmittersslung like beam-weapons in hol$€rs around th.i. waists. rcady to zp aUAP into an el€crromaSnetic et . . .

Paul Devereur hasre@ived numercus r€ponsofUAPS hoverirg round.adio o. lebvnion nasts, and prsdictably, trav€lling frcm transmiting rorc@iving aerial- Conside. lh€ following etanples:

ln S€flember 1983, the Emby ry masr was once more th€ focus for a

'iqhidisplay. . Agam in November, 7 13 p m., a witness looking th.ough

hiswindowsea ballol bnlliant orange lighr app@aching itiDm a northnonh'easl dndtiq al a very dw sped. The l€hl passed b€hind rhemasr .orlghly hall w?y up the 85tl@tlall srrucruE and ihen head€dtMrds the Holm Moss TV hafl iurther in the disrance r@ardsMarciesrer... A.orher TV mast, rhis time d Uhstone. . A Cutrhopefarnr€r reponed seeing a stEnqe light danng across lhe sky 'rhepulsting ltghl ffequently chang€d dtecrion and @lour .. it was at onerime as inlense 6 liqhtnmg and then changed to o€nge' . . it semed tob€ very c,ose and oce stopped as if 1o insp€ct the ry masr at Unsrone.On 3 January 1986, a iamily of tive saw a slEnge lght holeing aroundthe TV transmnter mast on M@l Parc the lighr was a hazyied at th€botom and while on top. Aher hovering sbtionarytora lime it slddentnew dn@tv wer the witnesses, dasplayng a roraing ring o, colou.edliqhs on th6 undecide 5

Br@dly slated, it would app€ar that nany UAPS are att.act€d to tbeene a5p€.ts ofthe landsp€ lhat would induce a lightning slnke. Giventh€ir el€.lrical nature. this is not surprisinS. Area of €levatior seem. to bear imponari factor for UAP/eanhlight activity.

Retumiq lo the Blackp@lpier case, anolhervinually idcnticaloranSeBOL va! encounlered in more or l* the eme a.ea in Julv 1969. Il isintriguing lhat another eas re[Drted. a@ordinS to th€'s infom.-

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tior. e:actly te. yq6 Fior lo that! Consider Blackp@l's l6t reponedappoi.tmenr with a huge o.an8e BOL enaitrly a snstioral Frfom-ane on rhis oc.rsior.

Otr Tuesday, 5 July 1989, Andrw BiltinS wd driving d('m G.a5rnc.rRoad loward. the sa-fronr, whcn he loticcd thrcu8h the open eindd ofhis €b. a large rcd{range, bnghtly glowing sphcrc in the sky ovs tbe sin the south-wesr. 1t5 appa.ent siz, he late. Sau8ed, ould be reprodu€dby holding a tso-pence pie@ at ams lergth. He had barely b€€nwatchidg it for more tha. a few seotrds wbc. it m@ed at farhtic .pe€d,faster lhan the eye @uld s' ro ano$er p.n of the sky. Herc it lweredfor a turther few s@nds beforc rep€ating rhe dNnoeure, finallydisappeding our of s'ghr

'n rhe norifi-est.

BillinS, subjected to fi€ld erposure fron thc UAP, tbeD went m rohallucinatc an apparitiooal RAF Tomado finDg an air-to-air misile! Irmay b€ that this earthlight als originared in rhe Aaa4 q@ry,.nd tharthere is a '.oridor', naglcti€lly speakinS, frcm qua.ry ro.orn. A l.rgcfemus struciure like a pie. @uld ac! 6 a huge magnet, perhaps lirkirg opi. linear fdhiof, with the fault to the

The presene of th€ otrshorc ston€ circle and th€ obsenation by KeinCunninShan of lighls .sending frcm the s durinS lhe for hoc afterhis sighting (*hich would have b€en USOS, unidentifted subDdireobjects) leads ne to as!rc the prcbability of ofhhore $isic adivity-Indeed, there have bccD nume.o6 reporis of obieds energi.g froD thesea and rcaring away into the sky.

The picture we a.e giv€n in rhe aitliog (:e of BOL mvement a:lcihe sky id 'instalments' (i.e. , where it hovered, sped aeay, h@ercd, sFdaway and so on) is atain indi@tive of inlemittent ndio rarmissioB,which would @incide wirh th. sweep of thc BBC meteorologi@l .adf:wh€re the transmitting dish is revolvins; rbe beam hits the UAP and isimmediately raken offi only to rcrtrm oa the nert seep ro push it funher

Ther€fore, t}?i@l I'FO b€hayiour, i. t.rc of movemert and l@rionqpes,can be identified-lbar is, iGtalmentmdemenf .Thecha.acrerisiicdepanuie rpfed is anoth€r marker- Devereu hs, of dre, ompiled arypiol faullzone location where qrthliShls are ro be found. Fromprcfiles like this, we en then go or to id€ntiry purported stddured @fta UAPS or some type.

There are onsisreni reports of'dofr.d dis , which dld b€ the shapeproduced by ertrifugal for.€s on a spinni.t spherc. Altematively.dis@id shapes have been so to reslve our of a BOL, *hich nay sggqla spinning co.e that sheds a spneriol and lmitu 'for€.-ficld'.Devercux's @lleclion of r€pons, nary of *hich a.e raken trm Proje{i



Pennine (an or-going study o{ UFOS in Yorkshire). are linered enhsminSly slNtured objecls wiah UAP characteristiG. Co.sidcr a..nmde of the 'dis. froh 3phere' UAP just desribed:

About a mileand a halll2.5 km)no.rh oi this locallon, a larmeiswiie andher son had been in the fields lambing whsn th€y saw a bnllrant puplesphere, very lluo.escenr and movrng 6r a remarkably slw p6ce OverCwm Canoliterploded sowdlessly, producing a showeroi sparks olrofwhch emerqed a white d6c. ThBthen descend€d venrcally and was lost

Eartftlights: onvironmental and systemic offects

Iar N, then, @nsid€r anoth€r ce, not identified wnh seisnic activity orUAPS by the inv$tigator involved. Budd Hopkins- A sries of direclquotation fron his boot /zr'!L'r vill are to set out the evidence:

There was a sudden lLash oulside in the dneclion oi rhe Davrsesbackyard, behrnd rhe fiees that sepaDre lhe rwo houses , ahd then a lowvb@tog sun l, Joyce lelt het house begin to shake. The chandeliet in thediningr@m mved sltghtly, and the noise ncreased, the televBion piclurelumed c@plerely red and all ihe lighis in the house dimmed andlhckered Then ever!^hna rerurned to nomal Thnking rmmedEtelythar ihere had been a smallearthquake . . . Bernre lold me thar when he@me home that nrghl alllhe drgital.ocks n lhe house w€re flashrng andhad ro be res€t Somelhing had dennitely afiected rhetr power slpply. al

By now lhe rcader will recognizc rhe clea. characteristid of sehmiclctivity and anbient fields from the other ca*s d€sibed. The movem€ntof objers and vibration dsdib€d can b€ identified fiom the MercalliS€ismic Inrensily S@le as being between lcvch II and III. It h *orlhreproducinS the relevant sctions oI rhis iable:

Level ll Felt inde6 by few, espeoally on upper tl@rs, or by sensrtve orneruous persons .. someimes hangng oDlec6 may swing,esF€cialt when doli@tet suspended; somenmes trees,dtucrures, lqlids, bodies ol water maysway: d@6 mayswingvery slowly; animals reponed ln€sy; sometrmes dLzzrness ornausea expe.r€nceo

Level lll: Felr ndoors by swral, morion usually rapd vrb€tions. Somelmes not recognized to be an srlhquake at li6t. Ou6ron ablero be r*ognizable in sme cases Vibration iike thal du6 lo passing of lqhdy loaded ftucks, orheavyrrlcks some distance aMy.


Page 75: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden


Hangng obl*ts may swing stigfltty_ Srandinq whictes @r

ReadeB sn draw rheir om conclusions rcgarding rhe malchirg ofcharacteristig froD qch surc. We have ale seer rhe €ffect of ambienrfields or digital watches from othcr (,ss_ Retuming to /rrzdzB:

Kathie Davrs s neishbour rhat lives *oss rhe sveet . . . @s eakened'by a lold r@rinq solnd that made her hou* vibrate ad e renified hetthai she feit sue a iet plare was about ro crsh inro her home_

Tttis distinctive roaring $und 6uned in the 1979 Blaclpool pier ceand n is asiared with ealtbliShts. It is, in fact, a phenmenor cattedg€mund, which is prcdued by subter.anqn elecrnet acrivity aSeomagn€tc storm, and it is indicaive of sisic stlB.r r wondq if BuddHopki.s cheled the *ismotogiol records to eliminare ihe po{sibitity of

I1 is significanr rh rhe eund was mr rcponed in tle t969evcnts. bur insiead a hallucination of a silef,t Tomado. B@w of themagnetic field, ther€ wd an OZ facror silcne and the uMnscious, inproducitrS the imagery or th€ fighte. ptaft. .tosr rhe eusd' koh thedmmaric presntatio. Howeler. the un@nsious of rhe wit|r6 voutdhave registered it, and just as enemal eunds are inco.poEied isrodreans, this geosund roarinS ercd s a @c to a@s the picturelibrary' of tbe witrcs for RAF jet imaSery. of which BillinS had morethan an average anount, due io his pes! cxpcur€ 10 nitirary ptanes_

RetuminS to rhe Budd Hopkins cas€, sc have mw id€ntified $isicacrivity in the a.ea omplerc with geo$und, ard ctcctri@t dtuturbarcwhicb would ds have been due ro *ismic ndiarion. To @mplere rheeanhlight UAP identifi@tion. all rhar woutd be oeed€d is a BOLptr€norcmn rcar an €levatcd Doint, smh as an icrial or t6r of sonekind. Consider the fotlowinE qtor ion frcn IntnaL6:

Now the pumF,t@se was da* and the d@r was clos€d, but rh€ garage.,oor, which had tE€n shut ws open . . A m@ent later, h()wger. asMary stood at the kjrd|en enk, she mred a srrange round batt ot taqhrsurcundrru tlE bidJeeder h rh€ b6ctya.d. Th6 small te€der. sining atopa fdrfool FDle, 6located abdr 12 f€ei f@m tlE knchen w'ndo,Mary's dew|ption: 'lt w6 a pale whire lighr. h wasn t real bnght_ | dkjse th€ lird{eeder $rcugh l! and I tleghr, ce, where is rhat tight(:@i.Ufrcm?.. lt w6 r@nd and abour as bb as a bGkerbatt, blt I cootds€e the bir4leedet throrgh it. Th4 lt eri ot tad€d our, atl at on@.

This a@unl prcvides u with a dsiel description of a UAP oreanhligbr or'eanhquake light'. The see-rhrcud dp€.1 hs b€er reported



rePcatedly (for exanple, th€ Livif,Sston ca$)- Thc cryptic commcntreSa.ding a d@r beinS oPen when it should hdve been shut is further

€videncc of remor. as wc can se th's aspect metlioned in $€ Mercalli

tablc: don may swng . . .W€ now need to Imk for systemic fi€ld effccts. HopkinJ d.soiprion

ontinues: I iust f€lt real slrangc. Something watnl nSht Th€ hair on

my ams was standing up ot end and I felt tingly evcr'ryhere '

h eme as no surpn* to learn that there was also an open body of *ater

nearby a swimming p@l in the backyard. It is also [email protected] lhat the

simheF in this Dool and rhe main witness of lhe case - Kathie t avis(p$udonF) /.ll ra6.o6 and dizzt Preisly these svmptoms arc

mertion€d in the M€Mlli t.ble. althouSh not in lhe emc $ct'onHopkirs states: 'The naNa and dizitcss the three swimmers felr

slSeests thc preence of sne residnal radiarion'like eftect. This is of

@uN, abEolutely and it is not surprisin8 thar the poolwas near towhere the globc of light vas secn.ln fact: Thesc peculiarglobes of light,

$me$har large.rhan baskctbatls, semed ro bc all overthe Darisadea8e

This synptom of nausea *as a comPlaint expressd so definitely that n

is surprising that the connectioo with seismic acnvity *as nol made:

Nausea at ihe Moment of Shdk The curious eflect ol eanhquake shock

upon human berngs s deserving ol more anention rhan il has velre.eved Ihe iact itsel, as respecls hlman brngs, adm sof.odoubl l

have direl tesrimony oi the boys ol a large boarding-school bemg

sudd€nlv awakened al niqht by one ol the Norlh Amercan shocks, andthe greatef number sulfeing froh an immediale sense ol nausea.

amounring to vomrting in many cases. ls lhe nausea an elfeci of the

sudden drslLtua e ol lhe rpdou5 slsler. or dJp ro the roverpn

Su.€l! the other inhabitants of the area musl hale been so nffected.esFcially as $e area also expenenced unusual electrical eflects of thc

ki.d we have een in lbe Enfield poltergeist ca$. in the Coombs and

Codes hou$holds. I cannot analls the full details surroundin8 the marn

witn€ss who. HoDtins insisrs, *as abducted by aliensfrcm anolher plancl

everal times rhroughout her life. From the details givcn it is clcar th.l

Kathie Davis is ES. and it is suft cient to indicate relevanl bactSroundderails mentioned in ltnzdetJ and allow the read€r, in thc lighl of lhc

infomation given s far rcgarditg allergies and ES. i. conjunclion wnh

the s'siemic symptoms induced by field €xposure, to decide what!

is about: or€Neight due to homonat imbalan.e (Vasoprcsin: link

with typi@l netabolic typ€ of'frediumJ)i bensruatcd agcd sclctr vctrrii

t . l \

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slopp€d grcwir8 aged t.n yea6, at 5 fed 34 inches (t.6 m)i nid btoodpKure; galhto.e op€ntio. ag€d 14 yea6i hepatitis ard preumnia:hospitalized virh .ppare anina attact attergic restion ro rcdi€tion;ovanao c]sts: scord child tDm teo mooths Drenature. Alier .abduction':hearr arhyrhmia; hlpogtyeemia; hyperadrcn tisn; a erSic .ea.lions tomedi€tion; Busld snfires; eye pmbte6; han b6s; Senemlly fettunweU for dars afte. abducrion ; loelevel pain i. er; food alergi6. Atrof thew symprons a!€ ejrh elerricat hyFmmitivity atrd hor

Hopkins desib€s a rypiql lowlevel reDor with aisiated eanhlichtUAPS (ahhough h. idenrifies rh* fearues s a visir fon atims fromanother, phich aHucted K.thie Davis in older ro gain ffi rohe. kr elh). There yas ats a heared patch of eit with a tine exrerditrgrron it on the ground. This is simila. io a rn@ in lhe Roetey ReSis @s€.which als involved a landed earthtight whi.h imdiared the taq, jusl dthi! erample in /r'rru&d de$.ibes. The witn6 invotved in rhis cns alehallucinated biare enrnies du€ ro her proximity ro rhe eanhtiShr. Th€rcis no doubt that 'Kathie Davis was subjered ro a sirmic senr andassociated Seclectricity. d oppos€d to bei.g ,bducted by atiens.

Thc atructur. of bdl-lightning

A ncw chemical theory for ball-lighrnin8 hs r@nlty t@n proposed byDavid Turrer, which appeaF ro erplain tpo of the phenomercn scha.aciensdq thar hale p@led siennsts: its stabitiry and its tendercy tostay at grourd l€vel despire an evidenl buoyatrcy.r'

Unli*e earthligh$, it is almdt atways siShred durinS thundery weather.Il shr ro b€ a free-floarif,g Slot€ of tumimus gd. typillly abour thesize or a graFEfruit. It erhib'ts a vdiery of @tou6 and tMinositig, bd ndoos not sem to exude a hi6h degr@ of heat. lt h6 be€n reported amoqng at quite high spceds (up to 33 feevlo m a s.@nd) al abolt I feet(1 m) above the Sround. Sonerimg ir vanishes afte. a minute or e, dexDlodes wirh a loud rem.i.

Turner sugges$ rhar thundery wq$er. th€ air is very humid andions are created by the aclior of et.ct i@t lields on the atmGDhere. This@l,g a lcaliad 'plasma' df ions, ar temperaturg up !o severat thousrddegrees. When this plama egpes into a ceter FEn of th€ atrrGphercinadiared by aDbierr fi€lds, ir i. c@led by successire s?heti6t tayc6@ated by different chemial prcs - an st ucture. ok ofthek layers is laden witb w.ter droplets, whkh @ate a ootirg effect anda surfa@ tensior, rhe.eby BiviDg n shaF and . har-coDt inirs tayer. This



Frg. 6 IT|EslrudoE.f baff )tehtniie. lAfter Dsrid't'oM,Ne* Scientbl,

qtnceniradon of waI€r w.i8hs thc ball down, counbra.Iing the 'lift ofthchot gases within (sc Fig. 6).

The most .clcvant aspect of thb explanation is that the prcsssinvolved depend on th€ p.esence of electrical ficlds. w€ have already senhov UFo'prone areas arc corelated *nh this fador, dnd n is Ukelf thalptdeses sinitot to this ulso o.cut in n if.iaq! ptoduced fi€ltlr; that is rosay, intcrtionat. or 'accidental , elect.onic Aollulion crcaies sinilarondnioN and n d .ord!.ive to ball-lieht|in9-like UAP fotuation, bulottsile o! the prc'Ihuideston coaditiolt d.s.ibe.l. These electroformsa.e just onc group of UAP types d€ated out ofelectromagoeric pollutiot.

As ambie lields form the atmosphcric contextrhar is able to@mbin€in a vari€ry of ways, with coriespondingly vanous *eather conditions.rhere must be a .an8c of.lectroform types. These can (Brr, of *ismic m.diliots. a.d they a.e nol dependent upon them. Allmanner oi hybrids could (and do) form. in 'flap areas, with rheir ownprcperties and con$iousncss-affecting porentials.

Iokia8 back at $De of the UAP r€pons. lhere arc [email protected] fo. thes Consider th€ followins desiptionhom an area that has akeady been mcntioned rh€ Dyfed peninsula or


Page 77: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden


Anothsr stange aDd fnghtening pherDmenon aEnrco c@srgurd rqyDalron at Fshguard in *e pembrckeshre C@sl Narionat p6rk tr adrredon 14 November 1977 a1 cam FawL @r Srrumble Head

. a very hrge. bnfia( yelow.gren rEnsparent tEI with a ,uz2youthne, which des@nded trom the ba* of a twering ctoud @er GamFawr mounrain and app€ared to ft@t dM a hilskls ti mined iorensl€ht lor about thre seco.ds and rhere was sbrjc d rhe 6djo . rh€@a$guard stated rhat rhe objeci stowly robred amun., a hondrdaxisand $emed ro boun.e oft prcjatons on lhe gr@nd catte and stirdsh the vrcrnity b@me€d ard n was rhis rtut fiBt a@sed hisa$ention He rhoughr ir might be a UFO bur a hte. expiamtion wroteI off 6s baluightning'.

A spokesman tor itr€ Meteorctogicat Ofiice decdbed the silrhnng 6 ,aare cas€ among @re cas* appar€nlv barHighhng has nry tEnse€n r'erore ta.ger rhan abolr six iEnes n dinerer, bur . . . n w6 ,6 bioas a bus. St€nge batll€ht]lng imte€d_r'

Whi|e n is impo6sible to .eI the differ€n@ bety@n a! qnnrirhr and del4irofom withour a gErcr t.oet€d8r ot rhe aE dO mdniom. rhisUAP h6 b€en chcn d an cramptc b@N of its @moa6ion wift bal-lightning by sotn one eno, it re€Ds, *@H .e@8nizc it: md ats beewaJthlidts are cha.&ie.izcd by ih€ir canhtourd oriSins _ dd rhisphenomeaon apFared fbn a doud-base- Thi, corctBion is, horever,basd entirely on $6d-hard cimGrartiat did€ne_ Ncvc.theless, thepoint is thar in order to begin to urde$tand lbe UAp a! a Sroup ofphenomqa made up of difierent ry?s, ee have ro lot b€yorxt€anhfights, shile reatinng ttck ifrportanc.. Othcr p6ibt€ €te.rrc{omsare ror luminous dd appear quite Ftid dd meia ic, .trhodr lh.verhibit fietd

Mrs fl cal|ed in. She had the expenenc€ with her ex+l6ban.t {a crrlsg'herj . May 19AO. .at 1400 hou6 o a bight s{rnny ctay wirh!€tchy high cloud . . . They @.e on rcre tp6 by Werhertanb h rheLake D'sricr, b€twen langdate ard Coniston . . thsy rerc tecerhgrhrougf, the l@se rocks whs sh€ h€d ro ,bor up, because of ao o.tdfeeling. Tlis she tiks.r€d to dE sn of hslv p.6srrre @ can ger pno. rorhe @*t ol a thundsEtm: attiough no stom w6 atuid t.Is rnELookhg up the slope a st6rEe oti€t apf€aed tr was tike ,a s@t kerdern @k'ur and shap€d like a batfbearing. wirh slirarirts o ttr€ $de in ms6r patreo as if emeone had g(rc ovsr it wirh stet wod,. a h€at hae o,snrmmer surounded ds sudac€, evs though ft ws nor a partjcuta., tlot@y M.s H

'nssrs rl was.tark btu6hgrev.. wry.bnnite and sdd

l@k'nq'. h was 2-3 f@t wid6



The object proceeded ro move down the slope towrnllr rlidrinon@bv lollowng lhe contours ot the and as rl rose and le lr wd.i i,imore than 3 teel ofi the g.ound and came to an abrupl sioF som.l'0I'n{away Here il ho€red tor rwo mn!1es, rhen shor skylvardsand vanrsl(!lrapdly During its presence there had been a sound Th6 was |kondl x) i'very low almost sutaudrble humm hg'. M rs H says she iell th s mon,than she heard rt, but n was r6a and drsappeared aong wrih th{i ohrlrlShe is convrnced that this noise precipruted the fee|ng of apprehdrsknitusr nored and, I moldn r rell wherher r was physical d psy.holoo .rrbut the noisew6s creatng such a teeing ol "doom that l w€s exr rer('lvglad *nen rtwas gone' Mrs H says dunng chrldhood she rem€mbor,how fiequenrl.y rhrs hillwas struck by ghtnhq donrg storms, possrlty

be€use oi lhe all€crnn oi the buned tron ore r'

The obvious field cffects arc rhc pre rhunde610,n l,ke armo\fhe,r ,'nnthe appar€nt h€ar-haze etfect. An intense magneti. tield can inlcrt r!wirh light wavcs but ir can also crcatc yisual dislortion as an cuhr cffcLlThc syslenic dom eff€.t in the presence of a magneli. field hds h.cnreo.ded by PeBirSer. in his co studies with Rutten (191), r.d thuwirncs sdcscription ota struggle to disrin8uish b.tween a physiol rn(lrmenral state is rypical of a ficld cfiecr upon thc b.ain. ()thcr IJAI'parameteE ar. evident, such as irs occunence i' r lighlning'prone nrLr

The shiny metallic app.arance of this UAP is duc to an occr.dfuloprical phcnomcno. calLd Heiliigeas.h.ia which is causcd by the

difiracrion and rcfracltun df lighr lhrough a laycr oI walcr drcplcts rn rnagnetic tield. h is siBnificanr. therefore, that TDrner has proposcd thrrball-liShtning also contains a chargcd laycro{vatcr as part ot its slnrc((e

The epkode in Poland: . m€dicdl emergency ,nd a UAP

Plz.e: Zulawta-S7tum, south-east of Cdanst. PolandDar.r 5 Seprember 1980

lvi.r6res: MB E. Plura, Dr B. Piaza. G. S*oczynsti. A. ()lcjr .J. Kaninska- G Ludorf

Th€ following dcscription is based on a factual rcport in flyin8.!r{.rRrviev.Ir In rh€ carly hours ofth€ morning. a ydung molhcrk>bc b.Annro erperience labo!. pains and an ambulance was called. 'travcllins trk,n8de*ned @unrry .oads on the way to hospital, she .dd thrcc oth.^ (rdocror. a stretche.-bearer and the .t.ivet encountercd a hug. crimsor

Page 78: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden


globe that qme dom out of ltte sky a.d paced tbe ambuta.e for thrce,quaneB of an hour.

Th. ambulare people werc intent on ensuring rle sfery of the motherard baby and found rh€ UFO s inrusio. a disrradin8 rhreat. h Es rhissingle-mindedness that inhibied rheir emotions, untike trc tevet,ctcinsattendln^ who *cre found shaling Mrh fer in rhcn tur. wtren rtreambulane haltcd arrhec.osi.g.0. this @sion, ited not thc pastcofa train thar bbck€d

'ts paih. bur a din$n tlobe rhtt spanned thc Gd.

ftn rcad i\ la hei *ide md rhc sphe,e overtapFd ,rs cdSes by a .oupteor rer on erther srde

Everyore fi6r e* the gtobe as .a bi8.ed bal in the sly,, ebe distaneavay. h l@ked lar8er rhan thc tu m@n and dart$n in @lou.. h

'mmedialely deseDded to tre,top levet aod hovered abour 5{lJ varG

frcm 'hc

amhulance One (.@nd rr hung,n thertyar ctoud tevct. thenc(l't

was sen hovcring berween r*o rrees eithe. side of the .oad in $cfriddle distance. All rhe wiiDesh rhen snsd the glob€t ominousapproach as n cruised iowards rhem ar ! very tow tevct alons ihe road.Thedfrror latcrcohmcnted . t $a\at*a)sa*a,elhat, , *r ,n*" ."_or"in lhe \t\: ir *d nor tcry h,sh ove, lhe g,ound ar any nnc..

Thc anbutane and rhcoimson Sloh approached rhe tevet<rcsine ona rolli\ion.ourk. and rhen rhe, rcached rhe oosing. cactr soppea. r*globe was a ouple of feer above ih€ surfacc of $e rcad. The .toctor teftthe cab and approached rhc smal hur to speak to the ctBinq-atrenrtan.s.

'Can you *c rh.r t qn?''We've been l@kirg al ir for sme rime..

. Thc detor.etumed to the ambutane. .Th€y cannor hctp B ar a ;

rhey re t.ehbljns with fear.,

_.Al this poini. ihe tabour{onrracrions grew tie@r and nore rrcquenr.

There sa. a feeling of increa$d urgency. bur their path_wd btcked bvthe huge sphcre. WonderinS whrr to do. the dGro. ddicd the mtie_

'Therc s an obstacle in our way. ptee @me imme(natelv.,

'A L'FO_'Itwas4.l0am and the k@n&iicked bv as thev ged uMnprenedd_

inglyatrhc unknown visiror. The.nbotac cre* r@k In thederaitsofirsstange appea.ancc as it ho!€rcd rhcre sitentty. Its surf@ diDtavedcuFed hand, and nripes. s rrh a huttrtude ot bta.t tine.,o,"^_g up

",0down in i(eSular patterns. The dcror reharked abour hry fter ctear_cut Da.kings rcmirded h€r of veins inside rhe human body. The drive.rcplied-by comparinS theh qirh a huge rcr. As they looked on, pans ofthc surfa@ chanSed.otour. There appeared lo be o.angeye|loe pa(ch6on the deep crimson backeround_ Then, the gtob€ dropped to onty a few



F,s. 7 An.disl\ imDKioD of the episade in Poled. (,4n r FryiDg Sauer

inches above rhe road. consrantly changing @lour, pulsadrg, but alwayswirh dull murcd toncs. Strangely- it gavc off a strong white liSht lhatreflecred on the surface of the road.

Oul ot erasperation the ambulance driver flashed the headlights ar ittwice. Ii immcdiately vanishcd . . It was 4.15 am. At 6.10. in hospital.MB Pluta gave binh b a daughle. A caretul examiDation ol ihc wholcarea in daylight rcvealed . . . rothirg.

It vould bc rcvcalin8 to car.yout an in-depth study of allthe wihessesro *e if their pGt-encounlcr livcs are any dificrent. Tt'ere do not seeuto hale been an) on*iousnoss-ahenng €ff€.rs, but it would rot besurprisirS if the doctor. who left the ambulance and was theretore noresubjecr to irradiation by thc clcctromagnetic fields emitted by rhe UAP,developd electrical hpeftnsniviiy in later life, as the unprotectedproximny would constnrre a najor elechical event.

It has bcen found .ep€atedly that witneses exp€rience psych'cDhenomena after iheir UFO encountcr. and it is clear that suchDhemmem are due to the develoDment or enhan.ement of electricalhypeNnsitivity in conjunction with electromagn€tic holspol aciivity;

l5 l

Page 79: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden


rhar is to sy, luch erperie@s are intinsialy tinted eilh suchenvironmentally produ@d itlrcss and they are a slrnptom of ii.

Dom6tic UAPS .nd 'm.dium lkhts.

If lhe sme luminous ph€nomc.a d th@ reponed during potre.Seistactiviry we.e s€en in d ouid@r *ning, they sdd be @ued uFos ddincorponted by the ETH inlo an alien,tehnotogy crarlo. We hawroted rhar the Enfietd pottergei$ oulbrcat ifttuded such .ddn€sticUAPS End it wm€d rhat rhe .f@J q, affecr aDbicnt elec.icat fi€tdsand fray b€ innrumentat ir the inducrion of snch donEiic lunir6iti6.due ro th€ emissiod of rheir peMEt fields. Invgngation of such.ases ofirdoor UFOI hovever, h* shown rhat the t@tions are rtwaF eirhin€ .emely porert elecrromagnctic hot spor3, freqsentty 6u!.d by theInleBectioD ot micrNare be.ns fmfl mutiipte tool anrenntr. Therollowing desiprion wi prcvid€ an etampte, rat.r from rh€ Etrfietdpohe.Seist (je, of th€ tevet of etec1Dsagrcric encrStes that may b€involve{t in hol{pot aclivity:

Ths followed one ot th€ mosr remarkabb and ataming ircijenis of ttEwhole 6se There was a *ddeh votenr shaking s!nd, a.d { wasmmedEtely lollwed bv rolat Mn,c

'Oh Lord! cned M.s HaFer ,That cto€s ir. ,.Jt lhat power! t,m geningoul.' . He Ia researched @s randing in the d6My ot rhe bedroom.wondeing .f he was *eiDg things. The enfte i.on f@e of rh€ gs ti.ehad be€n wr€nched out of th€ wafl add ws srandirB ar an angte o rherl@r, snll attached ro ihe hadrnch d€merer brassrpe $ar con€red it tothe m6rns. The pipe had been be.r rhrcugh an angte of rhi.ty iwo &greesThis @s a hajor deholiti@ job, for the thiig was cememed nto rhebrickwork . . When we nmtt dismeded he h,lroE aDaratus. w6 roundit qutu a iob to den mde ti must have weigh€d at t€sr fifty pouids.,.

If ther€ are any doubrs abour the physi@l natu.c of Frlhic phemren4then this example

'outd c€rtainty ep€ to disp€t them. Wh€n enerlv

leveh ofthir order arr invoteed. in (wbina$on wirh rhe o4anizinS abitir]of the el@irically adivated un@nsio6, it is easy ro see noe sme CEscould appear as Mfrontarions wirh phFiolty rcal machin€s, for

On 31 October 1 963, a UFO, esrrmard as b€ing a m €b tr) in di€relerand shaped lrke a wash basn, ws obserued In b@d datighr by s€walperens at tglap€, $ulh{esi ot Santos, in 86zl The sk*m@ing UFO,wnich was making a roanng noise, .olided wirh a pdm rre befo@ ta ino



Into the nearbv Perooava Rrver. The obsede6 walched a! lrn' r'vrrbubbled and borled at the polnl ot entry oi the obtecl Thrs w.s irrowirlby an eruplDn ot muddy waler, then one oI p!.€ mud The dulho,(rr.usng divers, colld lind nolhing in rhe water. 15 ft deep e.0 tr.o, .searched the area wnh hine det€.tors, but they r@. tound nolhtr'!

This is wha! is m€art by a pu.poscly strged evenr by the UI. uriltnt8 iphysi@l PK constnction . Tle crashed'object would not bc round. isthe Ul, b€ingth€ surce of human imagination, is only too awlre or howthis €vMrive evenr would produce imaginative. fartasy-based constru.lsin alt coDcern€d. that would provide a fa. more @mplex saucer'intcrnnthan irs definite but limited physical apabiliti€s could. Ir would nor lcfound any more thar orher objects are that vanish mystedously durinSRSPK adivity, if th€ srrakgyof the staS€-manaSement' directs othcryiscIt *d apponed away, whateve. that turrs out to tE . . .

Appons. when they arrive so nyst€riously. are often hor. I halc arepon where a sheer ofnetal *asso hot rhar the witness hadto wail allafl€mon for ir to(sldosn before they@uld handle it. The dv6rwalc'was een to bubble and boil eh€n the object enlcr€d ... The ESllDaintains that geophlsi€l felds - including those rhat eanhlights, bydef itior, ehbody ar€ closely @mparible with PK prcess. Was thisobjed a .onbinalion ol Seophysical field and PK a$embly ! Arter rll,ihe r@ring that the object ehitted has been en@unrered in other.ascs wrhavc net involvirg eanhlight! (i.e., geGound).

Reiuming ro rhe dF.1of domestic UAPS'. we sw that durin8 rhrUFO flap' at Enfield, two lumiaous rif,8s in a b€droom wer€ reporrcd

'nassiation qith electrical maltunction. Such effects and phenomena arc,onc€ asarn. indicativ€ of hor-spol activity and are th€ result of the aclionof elstromaSnelic fields on the domestic cnvironment.

During the polrc.goisr acriviry al Enfi€td, th€ imprint of a human bodyitr a bed w6 occarionally di*overed, the o@upants of thc housc bcinSquite frystified by this- Such phcnomena as rhis .rc du( k)automatic behsiou! on lhcir parti that is to say, prolotged nradiation nthot-spoi l@arions prc<tuc€s epileptiform condiriors in the occupanrs, whoepisodically undergo auromatisms wher€ they have no meDory Id rp.riod oftine. ddrirS vhich they e.ry out some.outine lclion (rhis is thc@u* of misinS rime'of UFO lore).

Aftcr regaining a*arenes they are often sta led by alrerations in thcenvironm€rt that they have produed. This behaviour, in combinrrninwith dir€cr field effects. gives a strone inprelsionistic Iecl or an inviriblcirrelligere at work. it does seem possible that an i.tcnaccl.ctroDagnetic 6eld @ support visualfomswhich havc limilcd physi.trl

Page 80: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden


qualiti6 (i.e., they can ob6curc objErs and 6n be ob$u.ed by ftcm).Consider rhe folloejnS biare a@unr:

Sevecl t€ars aqo n the iaboratory ot the Rhodes Elecr@t Company,Lo.don, chiei engner Eastman was wortinq on some nlgh rensbn wresromms a magnenc rietd in a dark room. suddenv he ob*wed a tominousblue sphere lom above a nearby revolving dynamo. As rhe tbhl becahemore rnlense, a fom resembting a human hand app€a.6 In rne centre otrhe sphere Eastman aM his assistan, Harctd wood4, watch€d thephenomenon tor se!€61 minures betore ft taded away. The rw msspent lour days try1ng10 r6reare $e cond,tions, and eentlatty obraineda human head, with indjsrrncl tarures. whire ,n @bur, and rryolengslowjy According ro Vincenr Gaddis_ Eastman photogEphed it.,6

This accounr p.ovide! an indj€riod tbat clernet fictds @r ad 6 amcdiun or ro which imag6 or the u@nsious @n be imprinred, gili.gthem an cnemal form wirh timilcd ph)sical proFnres. rheonsts haveposruhred a psi{ubstine rhar rhc uncon$iou ha.iputares ia .staaedprodudioru', ahhou8h rhe rein .sub6tance,

PerhaF has impti@tids ofoctoplasm' and rakes rhe conePt funhe, rhan the evide..e waftants ThcESH propc€s, iNteid, a .Fi-medium. or an erqttumasneDc nature, ardil eas Jacques Valte who outtin€d the ne€d fo..a medium irIo whict thenMar imagination @trfd b€ impletB"ted, in p@pon b Magqia_

In rhe above a@unt, lhe qregorig of direct and o.8drc fietd effetsare bluned, as thcre secms to hav€ been a drz.a ef{€.1 lpn the o.E6i.nenou systcm of on€ of the .tc(ln d enEnceB. vno s.e6 ta haw uto$io4ty into tte rctz of a .tudian, . This does en to hawtEe. the l:e, be@u* this engireer wenr on ro induce

^ sinilat .elrcc- i^

anothcr riu ihr situatior:

at the Nonhem Srate Power Co,npany in Laccse, Wr$onsjn. a stahdbvboie. had j"sl been put on LnF dt mar4um power, when d ctold beoa;ro ro'r over lhe ru.bhc fed4ns ove, hanns. rhF men.haled;ndround ftar ihe machine was ope,aijng noma y. They then w aprEar inthe cloud, 'as ctearty as could be,. the ihage oi a kman ryng on a couchOne ot hs arhs w6 cNded wnh jseh. and $erc were nnss d he.lingers Att oI the men wtnessed rhis tor ab@t rwenty hrnures b€tore I

Regarding rhe* rwo,@urt\ as poinren @t'. ee shoutd took in rhed'rcctiotr ot phvsist mediuhs sho erhibit *har havc been idenrified aspsychokinetic effects, which. ir woutd sem, are a tind of etetricar fietdemRsion. It may be rhar thesc emisions intemc wirh the oKioBnesof the obs€neB and in sone way .6nvitre, lben *ns rlat ehat (hev



pcrceiv€ is physical. SomethirS like this appears to take place in thcproducrion of apparitions which display ph,vsi@l asPects. But whatevcrprcess are ar wort, th.y repr€*nt an importarr ar€a of study (albcit aEre on€) if wc are ro undentand how some UFO witr€ss€s a.e altered byth. UAP .nissio.s ro p.oduce CE realities with apparendy objective

More precisly. wc need to l@k at thos individuals who havc notonlystood thc test ofprolonged and close $r!liry. utilizing sciertific nethods,but hzve also produ@d the aspects we are int€r€sted in lighl phenomena

We hav€ *en that in matry cascs. lishrs UAPS have bee. as@iatcdwith ihc aprsaance of entnies. The SlonchenSc, Jutction 16 andMiddleton cars are examples ofthis..ndrhcre arc numerousothers thatdedonsftare this UAP/entity link. Most, itwouldseem. lre hallucitatory,bu(,in.redible asit mayappear, smc nayalshave a physical basis for atehpoFry perid, if thc evidene regarding a very fcw excePtionalphysial nediuns is ro b€ believ€d.

Indridi Inddd.son: . physic.l m.dium?

The physi@l medium I have rclocred for examination the IelandicIndndilndrid?-e.. *ho liled hom 1883 to l9l? fuuih all of the ciiienamentioned- The rendkable phenomera produed in the pr€senc€ ofthisman *seqoalled by the remarkable .xt€nr and condirionsofitlestiSationwhich @ntinued fo. fou. years from l9O5 to 1909. At one poitt in thismedium s are€r, a conpletely ne* and detached buildingwas@nsitucledro hoN the activity ard exp€riments which involved the €lite of thesi€rrific €stablishmenl of lceland at lanous times-

Th€ monogFph describing the cas was produ@d by rhe Society forP.ychiol Resar.h and was ccauthored by lrftur R. Gissuraron andErlendu. Haraldsn. It was published in January 1969. ahe inlroduction

Th€$ phenomena. eme oi which occurd n iul light, comprsedmovements and ev(anons ol vanous objecrs of furnrtlre and ol ihemedrum hrmself, kn@ks on walls and clcks in the atr, odour and €htphercmena, matedlnatbns ol human loms, 'invrsble' playrng Insttumenis, apports, dn*t voices ofien singinq forceiully aloud,dematerulrzations, dtr6cl wnting 6s well as automatic w nnq by lhemedum, and i€.ce speech

There is no doubt about the authenticity ofthe ph€nofrena describ€ .part th€ pblsi@l resficriors placed or Indridi, the effecrs that






Page 81: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden


occurr.d could not have been prod$ed even by a l@h of sp€cial effe.r!tehnicians today, ler atone itr the yes of 6c errurv. Corside. rlE

fhe Period of L4lht PheianenaTwo new phenohena started dunng the fourrh seance in f,t@mb€L1905. ClEks we.e h€ard n ihe ajr. as when tngec arc snapped abud, butwith a sharper $und. These clbks were h€rd ewry *efling tor sometime and they were heard to rnove . arourd rhe r@m . Nelssmwntes $ar thev had oblained pecutiar creking eunds in rhe aj,. Thes€sounds moved abund in the r@m .n sdte ot lodrd.e s ,emin,ng quierand In tne same place

Thes auditory efiecrs have b€en inctuded by rhe authoS beaw rhev*ere asuiared wirh rhe tighr This ..ticrin!, has bee;

'eponed rn a number of high.srrangenes cls and ir s-"io t"

" n"U

efi€d (nagnetosiridive a@usrics).'3 MagnetGMctive dimeBioralchanscs resuh trom a flux in a magnetic fietd. when tuatcriats arc eithdnagnet'zcd or dcmagnerizd. Ifrhc chanSc in maSnetizarion is rapid, theresllting mehani@l tansienr SeneEres a euDd wave. The parc Etac.ti5the click hcard \h.n rhis oeun.'" The momgrapft onrinuei.

Th€ other phemmena cmpri*d selt,llmirbls liqtrs, or tlrhr phenamena Tne s'ne6 fiBl s& them mortFted as ftashing t€hrs or lightspots

'n rhe at or on rhe wa s The tqhrs 6rrErcd to be mosttv

'lonSLe shdped Dunng rhe evenngs rhar tdtowed, the f,rashes g@,;erengrn and had drfterenr toms ard @lou.s eme @rc M,re amsme were rcddish . . Ore evenrng the sine6 counted 58 aprE.a.@sof liqhts during a singte se6n@ .

They lrh€ selrtuhircus tillhGl had em4fiat dfterenr cobu6 j smewere very whte; 0$€6 wde mrc reddish. O@ . 5A l6hrs wse@nt6d. The* tights w€c ot va.ious shapes; sohe ot rhe bhts w€rebund, while othe6 rere od@g. They were d,fferenr ezesr sme reresmall, abdrr s imh in diametel hrt others re€ sr.ipes of t|ghr arcu.drwo ro four te€t loog.

This .eport provid.s a good exahple of an optiet effe.t bymuliple witmsscs. Oe atai., rtis effecr, where fliniog lighb are G., isprod@d when rhc b.ain is i.radiatcd by maAretic fictds (no ES sratrsrequired). They m lnlM.s maSnerophGpheffi.

Al$, skh strange lithting cffcts are producd in a magmli. fietd.vhe.e reflat€d lidr becomes pota.izqr, aDd produes rhc eliDsesdescribed. This is rbe Ken nrSneto optic effed.



Dun.g one ewnrng N'elsson counted more than 60 lghls whrolndidason was sitthq in the middle oi a cncb oi s|n66. Tongues ol lrghlwnh different @lours were seen al difierent lo€tions in the r@m lhelight sFrs.leveloped Into laee llashes wilh a stronq reddrsh linge, whrchsp.ed over one wall ot a larga room . . bre. on the whole wall b€hLndlnddla$n had b€come 'a ql@ of light' [i.e., a conti.@us mass ol lqht]

Tnere were a f* nmes when a hght spread on a whole wallbehrnd themedium, (trich was rwelve i€€t (3 7 m) wde and len tet (3 m) highsomelimes il l@ked hke a ert of net ol light, with circular meshes:slightly da.ker clrcles arouM bnghl llashes. Again th6 lght was somehes@ntnuous, similartoa gl@ trom a gr€at tne Those sp.eads ot light weren*r as wh[e as rhe smail lighb were, blt were morc r€ddrsh

Thc aurhors then ofrmenl on two asiated ph€nomena:

Olten pelliar clicks werc h€ard accompanyinq the lights. Th€ clicksfoll@ed €ach orher very fasr (the Page Efteco N'elsson also reports rhatstrcng gusts ol wind *ldom lailed to blow through the mm belore lighisappe'ed. The wind was e $rong lhat the h3n waved on rhe siners'heads 6nd rhe p6g€s ol notebooks, ting opd on thet kn@s, llapp€dvrgorcusly Thr€6 y*6 later Hannesso also obsetusd a slfong wnddo{4ng acoss the hall . . . Indidasn infomed them ihat the qust 'had roadmpany lhe lighr phenomena.

Irter6ringly, ir€xplicable wi.d disturhd the bdhes b€for. lhe 'goblin'eolity apFared in the Junction 36 case desibed eadier. This is asignifiqnt conetatior. This magnetic ph€nomenon, me.lioned eadi€r, isprodu.ed by penmagnetic forcirg fiolds, ehere a non{errcus body ormate.ial rcrates o. is othe*is€ dislorb€d when suddef,ly subjccted to ani.ters magnetic field. Il is knom as a SyromaSneiic phenome.on. The

From our sdrces it s@ms that the puported spi contols we.eattemptinq ro produ@ marerelizations, fie l€hls behg a part ot that

Sucb ontrck sem to b€ *parst.d-off pans of the nediuD\'lronsios, aod appear 6ubjectively, ro be autonomou intclligeoes.

Ihe l€ht phsnomei, continued unril eventually, on 6th and 7th Deombof1905, lt€.e agpeared lor lhe li6t iD6 in tho liqhl, lhe tull lo.m oJ a man,wtDse identily was rcl r€cogni2ed W those present. K€ran describes

'On two evenings de @uld clea4soe a man standing in lhe lisht. He





Page 82: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

uFo6 - Psycltrc closD ENcoUNIEXi

ws slqhlt above ave6g€ heighr, mu$uhr, wsl bud! with brc€dshouldeE. His back was tumed l@ads us..

Now one woutd natu.att thrnk $at I was $e medium $at we saw inthe l€hr. I woutd asse( that I was not. I was enan. at teasl tE orhernme th6 vision was seen, $at the medium was in dp, c,ying ourl@dry, and sfieaming, some otghr ro ten teer frem rhe ptace where wesaw rhe man sranding The hghis, as jn a[ h6 maior pherDmsa. seemedro c6use h'h much pain. H€ tcge to shnet and scr@m when lhe tilrhtswere @mhg, and he @ntnued to do so as long as rhe Lghrs @ntiouedThey came In blrsts, wilh sha| pauses in berws, and dunng $erauses re medum was etm_ aft€. the sences he sid he teh as if hehad been bearen up

Indriclaen eas urcloubtcdly an etedri@l hypcensittve, his @ndirionbei'g irdued by prolonged inadiation by geopathr srr6 rrm fauttsatl€r d eanier major ct€.1.iet crcnt, suct 6 lighrning prcxinity. Hhpatn at sucn searces is a typi@t reaclion to ahbirerr fietds (frm , ural$ures) to which he sutd .rune itr , .eradiate as a wtrole bodv effe(:t ddmagnity. Such Lodrty pain

'sdue ro rhe srimutarion ot rhe pain receprm in

th€ mu*16. However. we arc tefr with llte pereprion of lhe emity.

We arc faced with a numbq of options, which arc bv no mea6

I The cntity was a mas haluciration.:2 The entity was a. a@mplieiI The entity was an objetive iDaSej4 The endy was a phlsicar objecr or objects assenbted bv pK:5 Tl'e aurhon plr n in atrhouSh n dd nor lr@r io,.€ens uDlnown.

B€fore we eranine rh* attematives, ther€ is an asp@t tnat dc noteeh to b€ menrioned in the mooograph ar all morive. If ftepnsomsor @usd rhc .medium, so much pain rnd dis.onfon, why didhe @niinlally subjecr himFlf to siruatioos pbich induced or @nruatedil? Briefly, why w4 Indndaen doing this? This impo.tanr sIE r is notmennoned, but by ieading the bactgrclrd mat€riat on his daitv tife- it$cms rhar rhe* phdnomena (rnred qD,ran@6ty ehcrcve; he waand tbey *cre frequent'y debitilariry and di$riertarirg. .Things hapFncdro him' d opposed ro .he was doing rtle rhings,. The sportaroGoeuftnG tuncrioned as a disblins i n* (tike epitepsy might), aod il!€€ms evjdent that the or8ani2cd s.6, wirh their narginaly s"irirulovenores, were a way of ,''ae8i4a wha! ameDted ro an iltness. In fac1,tne moDograph relarB lorg periods of illtls inte6D€l!€d with s3Esorganized b) rhe fxprrimen|at Sofldy in Rcytiavii, Ietand. Th,s, of6!re, bnelares *irh rhe disblioS effecls oI ESi and generaly spcatinS,



sysremic d)stuN:tion, eh€what undentandably, h assialed with aclie

Fychisn- To r larg€ erl€nt, this de links with Kathie Davis, whomdeflenr alien abdu.rior experien@s. In fad. by o)(amining the eventsthat @uded with this I@latrdic 'mediun . CE4s are undeBtandablewithin a clchic @.text-




Retuming to rhe options presinted above. we can only reasnably

accepr that the entity was an obje.tiv. imagc. like many ca*s of

apparitional si8htin8. There is thc fceling that modem i.strumenlanon

@uld have provided essf,tial insiShts. Ho*ever, il dGs @nainly appear

that sucb ph€Domena wele perei!.d. Th€ ifrplications fo. the UFO CE

expcncne ar€ f6r-reaching, and b€@me more so as the phenomcnain rhe

I@landic ca* are cxamined:

Duihg sititngs n the large r@m, the smaler sdance room started to

b€ome illed wilh ve.y strong whrtish lighr n rhis liqht app€red ahuma. b€rns He n6t appeared between the cunahs lcurtansbeiveen rhe two adjoining roomsl in the small room and shoLled, In agenuire and t}pi@l Cope.hagen Danish accenl, (a De se migT lcan yo!

V€ry qrly in the @urences involving entities, an absurd qualiry, e

typical of high-strangen€ss en@unrers, begins to appear:

Th6n J€nsen b€.ame visible h the l(lhl. In the New Year he showedh'mselt In the iv.g r@m, where we sat He was dr€ss€d In a whrle, very

nre .obe, whlch reahed down ro 1he floor Th€ light radEled trom him

and we saw him In vanous ldations in lhe room. Sometmes he sl@d@ry close ro one of us. On@ he srood on a sota ed b€hrnd his shouldeBwas emethinq like a trnysun onlh€wall Thiswas a very beaunfulsEht

Sometimes he st@d on the charback behind the medilm . . He couldnol stay more $an 6 few momems each tlme, bur he showed himseli

Jensen aDpeared

eleven tlmes in one hour Jensen appeared and stood upnght on a

sota, which was next to lndridason's chatr The ight which rad ated t@m

rhis marsnalized benq seemed qute bright bul somehow it did noipenet.ate far hlo the r@m, with lhe resu I rhat only people s trng c osest

ro the enl[y could be seen n the lLght On one oc€son Jensen stood

b€hind the chatr rn which Indridason was silting. In rhe lghl trom rhe

tuteialized beinq sitte6 could clea y see Indndason in a trance

slate . . . lhis extraordinary visilor .ould not bevrsble tor more than a few

s@nds ea.h time Wh€n he had linished showng himsell he lied to

touch a i€s sine6 wnh hE hand, atn at l@t, and he al'tays allowed us ta

torch his mtqialized bodv belore he detutenali2ed n agah. lmy iralics]'


Page 83: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden


Surprising a it nay Gm, src aparitiois @ touch ard be tdrd|€d ,60r example, the cr:ndfather Bult ce.a Hwqd, the Doinr herc isthat Fychiqlly indued CE erpcrieoces @utd nor onty inrotk tnutriph*ijr6in9_ bu o bcfl. .IiMion ihat cM abo be sh.tud, n ttna thereality indhri.Suishabh fbr a ph'si@t encounter.

Thcn fotlom, ftob a fietd-thory poirt of vi*, sl,m of the mo6tintrigu'n8 derarrs abour th* entiry apFsEnes

rt aMays appeared a3 a tuminous, beauritut tighrri[ar i6l abd€ theaw6ge he€ht of a home fuure and slighrty btoader Insit€ this lirhr re$w a hlman tom bd it was rcl ctear mugh, for eranpte, tor the faciatexpresso. ro be disinctty sed. This tbht ilh.Ms sw whire but with alnb iinge ot bl!€ tt was wry tumiiws bur did nor fl,cker H@€weL it di{,not .adrate mlcn tbht. We ew ihe medium when rhe k hrr ar srood.ear wher€ he was sitting in a trane atthoirgh oueMi* therc w6da.*ne$Inthe@m. . TIEappeaEr,csotlh6tbhlj'tarhsiedonvErvbnefly €&h the aod ws atways accompanied by a t@ buztm$und . Jensm ohen rouched th€ sfleB wt$ he maleiatued . . IrElighrr larhada@toorverysim{dtomoo. 6hrblrMsrEnsucentatrhcalqe. she.e tolds ejld tE sea s @ ct at6 lrv ataticsl

This eff€.t of bngbt sures radiatinS very linl€ tight is mertio.€dfrcguendy in the UFO{rudy titeature, d is thc aoLqc on€no||monot buing h oquB in assi.rion wnh mgneric and e|(rriet fietds,and its curene with such rcgulanty in asociarion eirh the .materielia-tioB and 'lighGpillai is indicativc of their presrce. It is a pt|emretronc@led bt magnetGbicaive acousriG. Tbe typc of tight decribcd ist'?i@l of ii. ioniaiiod, *hi:h ccuF .atua y abow fadI-ti6.2, Suhalf bn6 may be @lumna., ci@tar or cu.taintike (Iotded s s@n in rh€rumn t'o@li6) @ding to th. tom of the fietd. A. ok€Mriotr by DrC. W. Snith is a further indi6to, rhar ao el6tii@t fietd wrs pres€ni:

As gn as an ot*it is ptac€d wirhin an elecrric fietd, the f€u tEtEws6tlEr I'ke a curtain and d.4es aseft .toe ,tUs Jmy ibticsl wer theobi-t l€awlq a cled sp6e or'denEath. TtE tktd $ totded €n r€odt€16 up ro a hundred rim€s that of rhe amtiat, unlErturb€d tietd_

Th€ momgraph cotrtinug:

Jens se4ed ro be of erag€ heisht hrt .hardt as lhid, e an awr4€han. His lilriie dil mt snn much tight . . . ar dE snc€ fqiy p€opbsmunan€olsly sff Jeosen aptEar a .umber of rirns . . . a titrte tate,dunng th6 ehe s€€rEe am$er being appeaiad. in the ctooway, hJt otyrhe upoer !€rt of lls body Ms visibte_



Thi! i. rhe 'lbbBiared fom' ap61 th (E4r vith appa.irio.s andt FGrcbted .ntiti6.

Tltc identity of these figurcs er6 the tradilion.l ore of spi.i* of thcded, md ihc 9.re61 ontdt of the scrd w4 within a spi.itultutft'a|twdk. How ele dDH th€ witt!.*s or, fd thal Mtter. theln€diun' Dake *rs of thc plEtromena? HovcM. if w strip awry thecldr@l Mrlay, n b eaidert thal urder lndurl @dnions, whichinclude thc ostitutior of the 'rEdium', we are left vilh lhe unerFcredomluio that entiti6 catr bc itrdu€d by th€ UI of this 'hedium', witbi€l.ctive phFical dlarrtcridica, rnd s€cm to b€ ablc to bc induced by thein.ginS funcrions of the bnin within .n cletm.gretic fi.ld that cnabl.swit||Gs6 ao i.retr1 with rhefr. Soch ph€mn€na conld wfDlly tEtem.d erc€e consioustrs effects. It is tbis fact, whareve! thelE.clunistrs irvolv€d, lbat f.cilitat6 the ptopos.l thar UFo{ als prodr€d in ihi! way.

Liglrt ph.oomm/.otity cofi.l.tion

Rdumint to our initial .trquity, we csn s€€ that ttris link b€teen lightphcmna and high{tugeneis entity €vcnt5 is confirmcd by itto6rre@ tu a roD-UFO Fydric mtext. Tbe o@pt of hallucinationc.rrs€d by field ornission has bcen extended lo ircludc PK influenc€s, andahc enremc (as€s of tni iound in tb€ nudy of pbFkrl 'he.!un6 providetunhcr evile@ rhd an unkM, but PK{€lat€d .ange of pmess arei.rclwd. The em to b€ able ro i.fluere a group of witnes. cauinSr corver8coce of F.cepnons *hich result in a 'cons€nsus rcali9 . It naybe rha! @h witn6 is affected by a sphere of influene, and beomeslinked inlo r ertEl frcqueNy, e that they all sharc thc eme or similar

It is relwant to note rhat lhe 'miniature sun is a domestic UAP'ofsoflr€ tyF, md it vould. in an apparitional spaehar' co cxr. beinterprcted 6 an alien r.chnoloaiel dcvice or the effect of such a delie.

ApDddir adr.ct

Thc N@traph abou lndidasn ontain a wealth of rclated phenomenarhrt cannot be d*ribed ir d.tail due ro th€ limited sD@ of this s.cnon.Therctorc, it ir wonh .eproducing an emact fron thc apFndir to acl as asmDrry ot this matcnal:

Fielbsts or rile-balls

l6 l

Page 84: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

uxt - t3ycarc ctada ElllcoutralEls

Strbl lilthts. st rs or'phcprioric b.tb, in tho anLrminous c(nxbSdEll

'r|d Ligs r9hr{.6h6 d th€ mfls

Lhhr-sp.€€&. 6 taQe s l0 ro 12 fstLu.nntosty ol obiocts, cbth€G. t€ners. €tc.Luminciv ot m€dum,s h.6d. hddq otc.Luhinodty of m6t6i6rzalirB

OnV shado4/shape ot {p€@t m€r€.iatizarirB s$nOnt hatd or toot b senComplere .r'at€ri€lir6d human b.ilq b s€ensineE touch m.r€datiz€d fng€rslntt€F tooch mteiistized tiftbslrunk! br do rDr r€c6d6Mo.srstik€ 'animal is len

L i! of th. gtrrcn rcbvan c to norc rtat D.ny of rhc ibor!phenomcra tav. b..n rcporr.d ia tlc litc.iturc on URE. Wttitc nd .lsrltr66.s Flducc 4l of lhdc phcno|ncr., it is 4i,.trt tb.t thcre i! thcpotciti.l within thc bumcn sF&n for pt @cna of rlis ord€r ro beoorDanif€3l. In snc UFo-€ltiry d6criptiorB rc fl|d rhc .trEt obtilrtor,'onc-pica i{n', bur tit rh. ertitiB dcscribed ft.rE, rtF- ;

"k;d..criFirE of oorirg etitc mb6. Thc Sloeiry oluD'' of ligh tlrrtconbir-uEantly bcings $! .tso a r.occuni.! fcnrE, 16 e thc @!c offi€ld-.cla&d luDirors effecb ard the .rd bdef tc6;ddispperlanes. In hcl, tinc d again UFlc s.t of th€ ako .sikhina otr til. . [8hl butb . iud !, rh€ !€aE il|.E

Iha UAP dDLnatior

Thi! chaptcr i! ror, of oo$c, rne.nt to t 'tr

qb.odivc.t lty of UAR;imread, it has tE contited to .xtend rtrc lnntrrcrcrs of t!:nsi€nt lcri.lphcdorn u. Hoe€vs, I o.d overltr€s llw impo.t tn thc shnty of at|;clals of phcro$cn.N is, if UFO. aE to b€ und€Erood.

UAPS .re th. pltFi.l objccts ${ Elirrer otr ,idrr, .tc san by .iriiE4loB-.!d

lhat .pF{ to p@ phna aad cs as .fiytng srucc.,. .ftcy arc

lhc phFic.l sFct thet crcatd g.oud t rc.s, b.ot n br.rl6, *ihc.sburD., vilit"E .rd .!r crncd cr:ft'. Thc ..r@ d ah. crrirbdt'y sD€ of then f..itit tB Dot otrIy or6ciNr€$!-ahcrin! cfic.r, but it i.rblc to cn&8. ttc phFittosi of efticsscs e tt|or tlxt Et.tiolEhiD *ianphyac'l rc€lity i!.lr.r.d for Sood (i..., d|cy &r r!.



dcnti an importanr step twardi et€ctrical b?.rsensitiyiry/muliipl€dLr8y -.h. nEdium's 6nd.r.t. Aho, the nature of their €n€.8)r h suchItat h is able to intcrf@ with the hunan unconsciou (UI) $ that it5.utoiomols furctions arc enha@d ro a d.8ree a.d qualit not met withir .ny other ster. Wh6n this (lnE in specifrc individuds sith sp€cificcorstitriid! (i.e., EslEsg-conduciv€) rhe UAP @r rake on .haracreristicsof .ppcE.t intellitffi. If rhi. i5 coupled with the sbility of theu[dD$rour, so actiEtod, to organiz rot only the energetic narerial andbchrvi{E. of the UAP, but rtnbbnt phFical Baterials, a phemmenon isFodred rbar tu iMrpoEted inro. p|w.tarion of an alien spa@aft- Ira . tet @nept ll|at sud alien th€m6 *€ 3eleded by lbe unco!$iousi.tcligcnce ar dl€y reflecr how the human slslen ryprehends el€ctro-trE8rctic fields which inpingc upon h frob the environrenr, as ertemally

A pt€mtllcmr thal repEsnt a lirl b€t*een mind and realily in this$y mBr, s!rc|y. be of inl€resr ro siene.

Thc potential for th€ p.oducrion ot thk tyF of phenoftaa @xistsri.h a *i& of dr@r 6eld .fl€.t3 rh can b€ identifi€d as such at ?tutuc.d uDder @ntrcllcd orditiom. Therefore, a re-€valuation of'daic' UFO c{5cs is ovcrde h thc litht of the UAP phe.omenon, yhichincludes hllliShtoina, plasma-vonerei, .arthlights, el€ctrcfoms, etc.Tli6 lr.tct typc is u inmvation bas€d on the fomation of balllightning in.mble.t fields (i-€-, a sihilar pr@s musr tak€ phe in artificially


To conclude: it is evid..t ihar UAPS, ep€cially eanhlights, can €t$it aE ge oI ndtution t}.€s, prcdoniMntly, alr}@8h not exclusively, in theto-ionizira bands. They ndu&: lisibl€ lishl, ultn-violel, inftued,radi,o wa6 (ircludin8 mi(:|IMva). As a Serehl guid., an eleciiical fi€ldEfcB lo a chaqc {'lich k ststic and a maSn€ric fi€ld ro ore vhich is inno{idt. Both, horever, en induce not ot y altered srat.s ol oNcirunesin thc hrnd o'tenim, but, mte ro the point, altered bodity stales.


Page 85: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

6 The Altercd State and theCloseEnaounter A<penence

EEd6 erlemrl lo s ae g|g l(m by o.€'s srbcon$jous. I tnight b€walki.g hone o.r€ nighr and pass thrcugfi ah el€.vodtagn€trc fi€ld oi$ds. fld this might regisls to my psrEne as a hitsity wnh grs skindd buboss 016, s. MEely. as 6 r€diant and b@utit'i woman withbuhous €y€s. W€ stbrrldn't und€Gstimale th€ mihd's capacity to, imag€-maling. We lranslale seE€s inlo pictuBs ev€ry tire we dream.(GdEm Flet l'd. ()@lt magidan. B,bhl@. Ensland)

Traaca aLtaa ard d|. cloacancoontar a$altanca

Th€ ligllt phffira dd erlities thar apFarcd dunna.lndridalonbdlcraic t6r sr.rii in lccland arc an indicato. thar *fialever rp€.ialcoidirim6 r€r€ involt€d, ihis .t te n c|6ely !s.oci.r.d wirh them. crDldit b. lh.r 3rmiLr st|t6 @r. du.nts Otc cE .rycrieE, a.d thar th€rtu|6 is rh€ oriitr of similsr erriri6, albeit in sppropri$c guis€? This iithc propcrl rhat hls tccn srgtdtcd, snd *e rcv n€ed to loot al thcb"n itur rid crF b.e o{ eidrcs.3 to c if w. 6! ideotify similrr

R.crU| ng to.lE a@unt of lndrid.lo{t c.!c, th..c i. an inporta.tcftr€ .har indicd€. whid aFGl of CB @dd be id,entifi€d wilh allergict' E star6. Amog the ndabls f|w rhc lel''di. Eslablishh.nt lrhorltcd€d thc s€.!rc6 ila. Hall8rirltur Sv€inslon, dE Ailhop of Leland. Hc.stcd fot s€Nnc6 to bc h€ld ir ht w. Ire, whi.h thcy then eere frcmiibe to tire. As eith DGt 'nEdiuN'. thw rd the @nveltion oftontroh'. Tl|e purporrcd *nnl cntiries inicrprcted ar 'spe.kingrhrou!||' lt!&idrsoi wnib h. l's in . tr rc.. lt ir a$ori.hin8 hd .rpcclt*lt .5 tlHe wcrc (!d rrill ac) re.dily depred !s a way of nrtin3


Page 86: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

uFoc - lttcxrc cl6t EItacQt Nttrs

..rr€ or \r,h!t i. 8oir8 on'. Ttl6€ [email protected] Fr$ratirics, &t.d s

intcrmediarics, or gurdiaB, shib Indridson *a in ! lonr.mbuti.ric

:1|: 11"; ft, yl 1y hi. runclioriu. ud *cE dqr.r€d s 8ridirsdn 8.!r... y. rt ?hrh thcy rcE quit .fficictrr (but s.E parB of hk

o?r rFr.n i. a.lutiry).

..Tis $ry' of Flsdality ad ,ncntal fu,dioninS. d siDit ,

divisions of the $tf, ; e[.d .ri...ocia6on, ,nd ir huld "ppco

rrrat Ct1"T: I** 1:l*tar.d dunns a rit|r-raF€,. ryptrry, ,r* i"etEr€ rte srlld iil bc @t ar ni8ht, ee i tigh in thc sky, t@t rt fore*h c, ard th.r, *irh m 3€ne of rncition, find rhcm*tvcs bnEo6tam a*ay, drivint or *zLin& U$ !. rhey htcr nrd lhat th.rc isr Fnod or time tur shich they 6mr a.cou.t _ a voit gr.duly f ed byapp.rcnt 'Ra.hbacts of.tictr atdw-tion, $mrin6 wilh . .D.dizt.rrnhation. fcrturr. The .flahbsch, are a difieren E.sio, of'betirS rh€ dMm . sheE 3on.rhiq rriviat h.ppcns durint rlE &yu|ar !!dde.ty mals on. recalt ft. d@n

-,,1a1_"1. u

:F.""T i3 erFncnci4 an in0m.r d,ama inrcMnrane$.m r mcdi.d eEDin id duriq rhc .rimc-tap.€..

"nl tt.y r* in

"tnr.e (are, hos outd rhcy m|l safcly .tory rlrc ,oad, avod rrrffic orevctr dnv. their c:r? Such .ltomriss have alrcady tr.En roodEd upon11" :F "*"*,.:f.r"{d.-. rrrins D6n in sances at rhc t*rcpr r,ou*@rnons. 5sa[ d.tait rh indicates rhlt rhis is po6sibtc:

I}|e sinnps wge M in dE bishop s tjbr.ry, and frere the diffeqrpn€na.nm o€ld€d with s!€n grs6t€. €js€. Soryr€tinos thc @rrdpeEonahiss broughr fndritsxn. ldkhg in a tra@ s.ate otd'rl tumrhe s€drcs |om to rhe bshop,s h@e lmy Gticsl

This_i. an irdierion rh.t .n .ahdEt ., courd .pFd ro tunctionnomrlly wftit. in rhc rtleEd stat rhai f&iti|..6 rhci. cxFri.rc6. Wcer ..rlid ho* s .dot6cc.t odd dtiE a e, fo, a coBi.reEbb dLimeh a sotnnarbufFtic at r€ d rhc .sbdu.rion Fa!tc., .Ioes I simitrrd.t@ of n ||dk ninS_ Thb is dc ro dir$deidior, d i, rc toot $ &.Grrcnc. of thi! in |m_trFo or Fythic Mlcrr., ir b ctor rh{ i{tt cto.cty .aocirLd *irh i|r| d.stivc @diri{ru:

'das6seiariD . th€ clintat r6m, b a! 16 oftB rdqaro€d rs somerhit!rhat n€eds ro be cuEd. pqdrisrists r€rd nor ro redize its 6rrr-&dirEryEng€- Pol€ssa.liam Hudson he,|o|ed. .itsinntrcd@rm€nrcry

-rd ou p€rsdBtiies; rtEy .lo not Tp.€ciate |ts ehihship wlb our

drsdns, wltirg tanbsi€s and .irn€gin ttvet coic€rv€d adbns.,,

_-Ty 16 g ry ,"*oyir, o. i,.di,nr dEr ,! io !.y. oEE b rcnru& m E .lrrft.n Gt'canii'r|.rEr. b.r*ccn th. vilirDrr.tra! ud



tl!. lirErional srare, ehere tlF $bjecr will b€ exp€ncncing 'abduction'htcmslly. while in r.:turl racl he or she eiU carry m as normal *ithrootinc lowlevel a.riviti6, slch as ward€.in8 arcurd a park, ddvinS a @ror 3ifting in e chri.. Thar rhis is pcsible is turther supponod by .escarchhro rhe nat!re of epilep6y:

P6t icral automansm 's

the phenomend in which a peen €nunderta*e sme taidy complex acr, such as undress'ng and put1lngthemsetues to bed, ol mEh rhey h3ve no subsequent memory'?

Ir ii c!€''.hat $bjects ca. easily los€ lengthy Friods or time. su.prisins.3 k my s€m. TIE ES state, hweve.. @n prodw a lype of p*udeqtl€F], or 'blankat . without co.vulsion.. thal car be triggered byradio wsv6 q rhe frcqucncies emined from fluor*nr ligit. Consider anincident thal hrpFncd ro an ES m.dilm .

J lived mr rhe campB of Readint UniveFily, Elgland, in the earlyly^b. Orc aftem@n. beforc picking her rcn up riom s.hool, she decidedlo sl.oll aiouod the onp{s's spa.io8 pa.k'like grcunds. Near theprtysiG bto.k, sh€ walked aloDg tbe barks of a small river. PasinS a stonoh{idae to her left, sh€ e6 stopp€d in her trrcks by a strange sall appcarcd in front of her. lr pa5 mnd€ up of pale slrands of aonoolile Ear€rbl. Totally bemu*d, J paned th€ str.rds lile a ortaitud pasd rhu8h. On the orher side was an id.nticrl 'srand-wall .Slipting tb.oud lhis. shc us imre.naiely corfronted by lhree iderticalbeings drcis€d i. o*'piece suirs. She wa both sranled and repul*d byllEir appeamre. as lhey allhad hlman{ized liard heads, @mpl.te withsly. folded sttu aod r€ptilean eys.

Rarltcr tban.ontinue with this abduction' a@sni. it is significanr toMli'! rbat ibe wittrs's @n$ious hemory is quirc diff€.ent from rhisaccourt, a lhis narariw w6 !€alled' unde. hypnosh. All J ..mchbe6isao inte ro'killrim€ in the camp6 gounds before pi.kinS up hcr sn.rhen dlling ar the sh@l only t. fird ir dccd and quicr apan fron theH@d who rold her rhar h€r so eas . frie.d's nother- Sch@l hadfinished iko houB previously and lhe stafi we.e conerned by J's non-

The hryMis w6 stricd out yca6 latc.. afte. J had met an invesrigato.who r@lizd lbc sistritt arcc of he. tihe-lape'. Sucb lenglhy brealis in@nscioullKs are usully ilierp.eted 6 a siSn of malfunction of sonetind, as Inglis poi.ts our. How€ver, the UI .vidently capitalizes on theseloids' and u*s lhem d *osry noi$-ftec areas of c.eativity, and even@at6 th.m. lt may d,o tbb by influencir8 th. wirtress s decisiontsubliniMlly, $ ihar $€ pemn entc6 an arca of .l€ctronagneticelPosurc- The wilNs (o., nore tc.uraI€ly, the percipietl) involvcd in


Page 87: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

r,l|x- xtrcltrc CLGE EX@rrNIEts

tha liz.rd-di€r .abdudion'. ii c .ncdim, ltd, s $ch, ! FoG tospoDt rcou dis.soci.r€d n t6. lt mdd Gln th.t, tikc ltr.lddcor,tlEy 'hr'p.n d 0o hcr, tha bcint idrirt dbyt r. Jon e|.i. sr.r€oconr€d lhih srtc 16.dc.p. or, .t [*!t, i|| a sb€D dtudior.

,14h6$es: CH dd p6nnd Jloc in: G6o|96 Sre€t, n€a.ri.gaa&: 5 Auglst lS5

Tt'at nighl th€ coude 6tir6d to b€d s us@t dx, sr€pt sounfiv unr.lCH, to. sn€ eson. sud(bnv amrs He to(ld UEt a sd! b€I o, [ghrwE6 hoveing n rh€ air ar rlE foot ot his bod. tt $B|e wu a grfl as sfta.ldpoLaastr|€jlrdh, Hehad*rr€,ia@dNrier@[email protected]€E.t night and v'/6 catm and colEt€d He ihen rum€o ro n6ke h6 Fnn€,besi(b him and sh@k he. g€ndy at tu* bul sh€ sem€d to b6 brrryurEo.sod$ 6rner oEn sirrpt ast€ep a^d dd nor respord,

'alnlg b4t

I'rhply. He felt panCky al but rlrcn. to. sone re6o.r, angry, gbbtrr|gai h€r hai ard sh€king her h€ad vitotlMt_ Sri[ g€nhg rD r6paos, h€gra.ed ar rh€ b. of t€frt and shot an aEry rhoughi ar it. lt ihm€datetvgaw otl whd mqhr have b€en d cGs beiws€n rlE whFrb of a tottbwi& 6 lai.t hlm€n cry mxod in, ard €:parded ro abod rh@ or fou feer(1-1.25 m) in diametor. h sfit shot erc6s $s @m dro oLn or lho.loor. .,,espite rhs tud fiat n sBs ctos€d. CH cdtd se ttE gt@ ol n comi Ethroijgh rls &br. ard asuned trar ( had 6m€ ro esl,n fi€ pes3g;oltsite. Tt€.. w?v.€ ot liredrFs hir him and tE was ,comlelt€d to tav

In die mming, J was panic,shcks a rhey ltund thar rhe 4rhr side other rae was red, s@ and swo 4. and dl€ eye on rhar sire wareredur'com.ohbty Lit€r h the day. d€€d stin !,eot€d ot, bul dre sd€lEswas a litue-mor€ bearabl€. The mn &y, 1l was 6 rhough It had i€wr


If lhis Mnt h.d (-drEd in a, ourdG srhnt. ,r s@td be.ncrer'ed s a UFO cmunrer pt in md simpte, and ir i. indiotrve of t|owmt6t i.flw.c.6 or perE€ptio, of tuh cvcnt'- CH,s pecp{or,noweve., $er!|s ro brE b€en halucin.rory.

- J, bcir8 . 'lncdium' ard ES h.e4 rouH nsE r€*tcd lrlongty to a

fictd crpdrc in rhc riy rtlt CH d.i.rib.d. A .diEd hft, Abrn ,trarumittint antmna r a rcfcctcd lmurd wavc $ouH b.v. put tcr in th!ulbn ciria or .zo.nbic

-tit. rtlt. rhd CH fdnd h.r ir. Shc g@ld h.rc



radcd .llergizlly. If thk sG lik€ .. aMption, remehber that shera N 'nediu', ad.b€ d€siptio. of he. sylDp.ons indic{es that sherr' in d hdt ced 'blart-ot'f starc silIilr ro the one that stl€ had be€n it(tliqg her 'liand-alien' €rpencfte or the .iverb t-

The alergic tc&1k{ rNld have prodled preciely the f&ial demalinit ti@ dffib.d. s a rcspon$ ro th. fi€ld erposuE.'CH. beinS indoee arsialion wirh J, $ould have b€.sne 'tun€d' to her 'frequ€ncy'.rd suld have b€orc ES himslf to src deg.e€. (H€ did suddenlydewlop nEdiumisti. abililiG after beomile inwlrcd in a 'spiritntrif€sstior' indued bt J.) His in.ppropriale anSer ard ov.nhelhingrrvc6 of lircdncss (already rffe€1itrt J ro .n a.ute level) ate borh s'$.tnicrtmp{ms of fEld qpcDre which be found in the bioma8reti6[t rrture.5 Th€ facr th.t CH '$w' the BOL borh pN and shine thrcughlh€ clccd door is i.dic.tivc otan elemical or EM field. which.@. ofcour!., pals thtoo€lr solid s.t€rials. Wc nult also b€ apare that the AOLmay bavc heen enrirely hallucimrory, nth€! thatr a hyp€Mnsitive

FncPrion of an eletromagnctic fom. 6 slch hallucinatioN arercponcd by cfilep{ics they are tnom ar visual i€izurer. tlow€ver, such.eurcLogial phermena have b€d due to iradiation by enemal ftelds,beaw the skuu is entircly rans?arcnr to tbeh.

How€r. this went cannor tE taken ,s 'tn.tcly' beint sFptomitic ofclcctrial sersitivity, b€cau!€, a. wilh nany experi€nc.s Iike this, there isa marirgfrl synbolic .orlenl from th€ u'l.osio6: skin{heddinS is agtwth and rebirth synbol, and liards emerye anew ttrcugh this

F om the mcdical literatnre or ES, each subjecr ha th€ir om specificEM fiEquetrcy th.r will @u* thed to 'blark-ouf - thc $n of Feudcepil.Fy notioned q.licr - and th. sF. fraqu.ncy nay have€clon anothcr ES individorl, ttal is, €.ch pe6on's 'blanL-out' frcquencl isrc.y ip€.ift.t Of @us, trot eve.y 'medium' s app€d will prod@extemal liSht phermera: in th€ cN of J, her 'lizrd aliens' sDed lohavc bccn purely iotemal. Also. not all 'blant-ouls' are mediunistict ![ces: they may be simpl€ oblivior. Tltis is a &ey fa61o. in m.kin8 trane6t!te s ondkiv€ lo uMBiou a.livation; thai is to ey, thcy exclud,esrsry noie @npletely.

This important a+cc1 eill b€ €rairined shortly, but before lhen, tateaccourt of lh€ folowins rel{4t rcpon in relation to 'pseud@pilcFy':

ln t970 re wm trwh€d in 6 ca* in forest Hills- Nel^/ Yo*- in \ itich alzileardd qid b€g|a to erp€dence hallilcinosis follow€d by montal bLclouts rd miy of rlb l:m'rn symptoms ot jeksisn *izuEs. Sheurd€lnErt €xt€nsiv€ m€diinl aid os1/ct"auic examinaims and tho


Page 88: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

ui6 -tsrcarc cL6E ENcqrrare6

rtcrxting (bcrds di€co\rdrd sh. otr.n bt*t(€d out wna h lha p.t €i.sol [email protected]€.t ktitlir€. ff,€n 6th€r t rcur co.cnFis tc rhat rn6 grt,soTn $..s 'tuTd ro dl€ $,r'. $/ar€td,gln .s r,rcn hhE ,d rr,Grraofilon dr€cw indtd€d wilh hc, nl. r.t Tno !,rt ,,Equg|dvs.!f. d co.|Ers€d wnh b*rgs wrtom shs d..crih.d

- ,*,;"b,ti

lrldfis. She srw thd. +6ririr. h rh. dnry atbh'l d in scrDolFks€Gcdr tigNring wls used h both phcas. lor€.Elidy da/gh hertr|ori|ar atso lrw tla3o aF..ilirrrs o.r a numbar ot occsixE tlr cbitrEdthoy 14!r. dir*ini/€_ TtE gi.t stid th€y !./s@ of mnta| se€ dr,

'om. TlB

tumrly tbs now iioi€d, convircod dr't otd hotr € w.s .rEut€d.. ffEgirl's s€izlr€s hsE dimintsh.d sinc6 sh€ .xD alo|ds brE wirhihro€scont ilhirl3rbn..

FrcD rhb r.pon, rc car s€. ttur !h. do.loE i'rloh,€d e.E ,oa s d.-Nf is- Kecl !uppo66€tic.tunirg. @ ocolr ?ith.p.cificrcql|.86, Jun a CII b.clnG .tuI.d, by clrisiotr frlrn J.e ttncEr,nrcft'r...tri trStr! dit r anSG of ftGqE,,o6 and nor of,ty lithr. M'ry ESrDj€cts.tet,t|tm,Infortebh with rlEm. Thb c&, rhcrdorc,

"+po* ,triE I'|ar cprt.9tiforh 3lrt s..D bc prodcd by crtmrt clccronr.g,clic

frldiCo6i&dnt rhis, tbcrc i! a lood ch$cc .hat oD tn t r.|di &y i'| rtE

:.:TGjr-urdt eh.n J wa. @r wanin8. ih. .h.r hcr ftqktcy. ar irrcrc. rn6 elsd hc, ro .eirch off or .chd8. ch.rmt, bo||t th.tuir1iro.l oF of r€c.iviq dirEr Frc.ptu.l irforrnnn fiqr hc,

:Dm.o|.r. surrundinli, ro .@ivin8 inGnit brjtEin5rory Dicrirt .rd]14frr,.*

."-". T...y

or hcnumudinrs. Duir! suh Frb&, rh..r]Y-T":'*

bc torrtry d(,minanr; rlEr 6 to sy, ir oco{*s $cr, rid n en crert. 6 outtendilt a $.nxb s ,l eirtB.Ina rEcdom or a.rivity oftc. @ntinu6 ficr CE crFridrcls,.d it is

|il:l.t:*:Sto *"rt vivid suFr_E:t dE B rh.r $Gy ft€l.I!Mner.d eirh rheir .n@unt r. Thi. dtcn io of thc ..ti., vision. irtoqrer8 '...

Indic{or thrt rtE! i! inrch&Iy FriEd, b.ecoft. tbc Inoon dr$ is..livatcd, [email protected]_rutl., inro orncr strB rhsa.l!

:::11.]r.:r:1"*... :*ll'.r nimuri rnd $Bory nol!€. sEi s .rep;rer a ric nypmtia raltc . _ .

Thc hypnotic srs& (or hrpr,oi., sirtc e! it is ako i|xDD.) .rd trE tr.trc.ltrt ov€iLp to! I.r!c d.!rcG. R.Srcrio hypiGi!. ctrptoycd h 6dG, io

:::_y1- *.1* rinc_rap.... i! rro cba.rr.,iz.d a5 b.i4 .

:. Ty']. -* co.drior ihcn tltc u,rcorEoou i! indrEd, ir itrmughr. ro liE rrp it nE ioii... tn thi!, .hG omrbG i mr.tN|ncd to t rc tl. itriri.tir,! .rld epit lbc m dE hrpnoid con,rnbo topMua ft Inr.Bd dnt|Erbrdbn o{ co.rrt ,irh .ti.ft, nri.r tid



qcnl€ Fssiwly a .. aqtsd menory-bank. This is panicularly srtcn $ch 'regcssior'taLcs plae i. ar Frp€.lant sning which in.lud€sl.rFO re€atcheft. dd €+eciaty when th€ hypncis is onied out by aLrFiO inv6tigatd-turmd-h)?nolbl- HypGis rcmals and malchcs th.*rlial dditiffi of tbe 'blarl{ut, .nd cxpcri€n os desrib€d dundtItes€ sii<m will cithd b€ inrlrral vision.ry rnltcrial (lite askingto$e(m to t!@ll rhcir drcaft), or per@ptiom of extemal phenomenailtcy ir the €ledrical field had produed - jwt as Indrida$r glimps€d hh- or a mixture of the two. Aoothcr ootid is for tbc 'abdude.' to oeate .ncIF icrc'on-thc-spot duti.t thc htpio6i6 s€ssio., due to thh naichingof obliviE snsory-mi*-f.e stare.

Ar emplc of thk was aD abdoctio.' by *aened invesrigator andct-.ati.6 6 UFO Tiur (Bt FORA), Mitc wooten. His erp€nencedcno|tslrat6 thc podsibilities that c{n b€ engendered by hypnGis. He washyprctiz.d erd ast€d to vislaliz being o. a d€$.t€d road whe.e a li8ht@mc down @r of the sky a.d hovered a shon distan@ frcm hin. Nothingel6e *as sutg€st€d, Ho wa-s then asted to'late il from the.e'. Th€reeftrged a tull-blou,n aMudion' erp€riene whe.e he vividly relived' aMfionradd wirh aliem in which they m€t him bcside a field where th€ir'@ft' had lard.d. They l@k him on to th€ 'ship', *here thcy plac.d himon a 'labl.'. I. wa! during rbis Friod rhd he .lddenly felt powertul joltsof el@rriciiy vibnrinS thNgh his body, much to the surpris of theinvgriSatos and hypmtkl, mt ro menrion Mike him$lfl Ir b true thattbis'abdwt@' had.n exrcnsivc trowledge of 'abducrion €xp€riences,rnd no doubr it ras this thn prdiiteted tis erp€riene; but the vivid'reliving' of an iDagirary exFrie@, @hplere with stron8 physiql$NtioN, demGtnies @nchsively how such 'abducton rea|nies canb. podDcrd by the uncons.ious durirg bypnGis.

Inevitebly, this thrds irlo q!€stion the us of h)?r6is to retrieve'tinelaFe' l|lcmri.s, aF.ially ir lhe many cas ehere thc irvestigatoE@rry out the hwnGis ssions th.nselves, as ve.y ftrle t.atning isrequirEd to hyprottze $|'Mm. Th6€ people haw ro clini@l exPeri€n@wtatsercr, ard the fiat lime lhey onduct bypGis ssiotrs they try lod,etecl mmori6'of spaeshtps aod alie$. Th€y have not e4enencedany 'nomal' noFUFO control sessiors to fird out the effects ofhypnosis. h is conparablc ro Nfiowing r novic€ pilol to fly an experimental

Sdrao.y noiae artd d|c altaaad atlta in cloaa ancountcr3

lr ha! b€€n sugSe$€d that the CE wilnes world be able to p.oj€ct his orh€r u@.$icly produ@d entities h smo €$s. This brings into play a


Page 89: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

uFr6-Myclflc ct_68 ENCTII NIEM

*j11:P' *+

-l:y inFr vition.ty,rEten r b, FrFul|yr@M oorer cnviEnnrft. W. ,E€d to coBid.r irEgcry th.iir inr.rid;

tE bd suFrimpc.d on thc dvimrE.t, sucl, _ rh. .dr64n cm4 itr dE Mildhbo €!€. H,or.vcr, e., to @n id€,T.T-1-111.,:

itrt,lmaly scEar.d, but ib.polltB iDr6 or rhc.r}uMrncrr into .tr enriry or UFO eroortc.: such 6 rhe 3Drlt r,oodcd.l.a th:r both Dom€ and te F@fucd e rh€y appr.rrclEd Sro.ctEig.

:i^::.T !.. no, ,o qi,r. why sroio m cncounrcr rcquir!.qon| or t'n rtor 3en€ry iictud.d aLDtrt vith u alid or UFO? Thc

"T"-. f T . .b. *rylins to do ri$ @nl,olint !€rrcry mir.._rn

orer to trnd€rsr.nd rhE, ar an lolr 64 rv rcc.Prb; .d I vidcoA:Tr Tn5

rob. .xptorcd. wlEn k Eo abou u d,ity tiv6, *. ar.rarDt rn iniomation frch our immediate snouid,rys, dd *c malclcnseof $c dcraits fmn oo. pcrceprioi6 oI our e.ure.renr: ,c hav.::|lft 1:

*:gT {

*h"t c,e eil prohsbry find in our cnvi,o,Dc,t, inou mmory. Ttk k tite rh. [email protected] of piruB or, . tctcuson sl: ,cs ,oor d a t6t of prclrammB lrd anticipat sht wh{ ir goin! roappan. Hd.ver. if iBr.{d of .cciyiDg rl|G unEt .rnn$ri!.irro.. fton tb€oubide (Efbd.d tifht, iourd siv6, .rc.) tb.ougb tu ey.. d c5s, a.on oJ Fychic vid,.o ,!.ordiB of rhc si8hrs, souods and lnctb o{ ou.

::Ilaj1.: "^1.'". o{r on cio6nca6 ei.hour D, rc.rirra ir, wc

',1 rnB rcorditrt B E.t,iy. Thk idc. hd ,lrcrdy betr ithBrr.rcd

1L:l y" 'h. i*bo 6inr . 3.or4ry systcm v'ur .ry

'tmitori ro

::l::'r-.notimd dlpticates.. ttr ra.r, rhc .pb.Dbrn scco.rr, i!.tr cr.mptcor a -Dorroet Th,s concefl of rbc .Fycni. video, i! b.!.d onuE same principtc and rlk teo idcs ad pd€s overt;.

- -- -

. I o cncnd |hB .Mtoty, 5uppo6. rtEn thc .Fychk vid€o, is plry,ng, rrke€p-8cnin8 p.rrr of rh€ protrdnme3 fron rL T1 onin8 in aDd

:l:1,.1l! o" rb€ pictre. wc wourd s..t ro d|Fd rbi. outsid€

:T-T, : ,h.:.u" rccodcd i,naa.s arc u.,rd,ted by th. .,€rIpiqr.nrk!. W. lniSha notie rhat rhc TV Fan milsiojr. br€.t tnrcughrrro ut€ r..ordi4 clFo.lly whcn rhcy e shoeins s r,nd tiSh, or. tqdno'!. n thc pnttnhrh€, md rhc rd of thc rinc rhc t rtMrtr.d iD{6rm rou.& ar. vcryjri in rlk b_tgroord. jur bchid UG ,e@rdcdrrtrt€' ed $und. Th€s. itrrc.t ri.g TV drlio. rrrnsi..iotr5 .r. rh.

llo::j:.ll ul" **. .ppcritioc od rmrion r drptir.6., .rc

lll- I lTi *.9"9 g, pr.F ubush oo, 3cE6 i'rsr ,. dr.lB do, !oglE a ev|<r i.Bnioo of r€jlity; brr, h ddlr fd rhinimuri rron rrr.ouside. r-#n"; ;;i jL"lil*Tlffi.

wncn rc rrc ..t..p o, h . trdce sta&, $i, i! no p.obhm b.ous. ooricrEdy.ppcn.u6 L rhur do*r. Thb; why rc dEan *rilc r..r!.k D.



Olt ottco6irrt i! donit.nt .nd filh oor 'pcrlcptul $ren'. Th. irmr6io! hrppcii i! s.Nry{cFiEtiotr tmts, wh€r. r.nsort noi* n lhhr.n rilc s"rrlir|s rnd nn€ll, a wll d srd. But *hcn rc are aeolc. thtlcn ory mis€ h3r to be conroll€d iD lonc o.t!€r *ry, fd if ir irtrudca inr.l!h€ rlrer€d thc witr€.s *in 'snaD out of it' ard rcv€n to normal- Ttirb rhy sffi siiuti,ors ofter tavc ro b€ t€ld in darkn.$. Thar is ro soy.dt .lEfl.l fl4a it unttsbh ard @.k to b. ruinraiEd bt $rot.gid thul.tcl!d. s6orr roi:r.. Wt'en th€r€ strategtes fail, and srsry noi* ca!$stbc r!dd.. brBldt'm of rhe altcrcd slat., *imcss find thar apparitiongo. 'slicns &!d rhcir 'oaft' suddcrly vdish b.for. thcir .yes as rhey sirchb€ct to th€ir .oD.l rt t , So oftcn yit'rcs6 star€ that th€ obiccrrrytshed a if a lighi had b.en sitched ofr. Id.ntical condirionr .el.ringlo .ftcred n.t€s apply ro of apparirions:

Arryono who has $rli€d an d€prh &@nts ol appairoEl expe.i€nco3wi'l he nonc6d thar v6ry otr€n lhe acr ot l@ldng May .nappeitkh. eEr td a mrenl €us€s the rb!rc 1o dis€pF€a,. Th€ €asonfor lhis is $a arv suci act resuhs in a change ol @nscioLrsn€ss. h |s nowgffilt accaF€d $at apponbns aG exp€nened in what afe romodalter€d srats ol ms.iousmss 10

Rerumint to the qBtion abour ho* Dome and Leeb phamomcm'y' c..tiibud to rh. co ml of srsry m'$, th. followitr!ctpl.mlion is .6pihd lcco.ding to an rpproach dcv€lop€d ov.r prnc

F.'3 ald appli.d to nuncus ci!.! in analFis. It would scm, fromlhcit d.scriptior of cEnts, th.t rhc UAP €m.r8ed from bchird !hi.lhdtm s.cry' ..d e.s almoil obsred by it ar fiBl. Ar thc UAP.mi.s lidt ir additio. lo orhd n€ld fr.quenci€s, this *ould acr ar i.riolymil. al . cru.ial poitrt rhcr alreEd srat. was i. th. .fily fiiic! ofbecomirg 6trblist.d. Th€ fi.ld thal ir .mi ed would, of cour! , b.itrvisibL, md il would barr acred upon thc concx or t.tnpor.l lotc r! th.y.pp@hed. r rbc BOL w6 fully vbibl€ d rhat early st.8., prrrdoric.lly,lE eavelcnStn - visiblc light - *@ld bave und€rmin.d rhc ihcir ahcrcd st lcs. Th.rc ya! no covcr tor lhis hug. Iight In tbc op.tlrndsF (a wa diw.rcd htc.), ro in ord€r to ac..lcr . rnd cnrurcd|c .n€rrtior| to coMiour.s. a 'phantom' cop.. of trc6 r,.!iiduccd by thcir uncoru.ious by @arint a h.ll8irrtion- uFcfficiou qold bc ffi of th. 6cld .r th.y rpprorchcd ih.UAP, ar ir Rnld hrE b.o acrivarcd by ir, but th. !.n!ory aoi!. in ttl.foru| of lidl nccd.d to b€ @DtDU.d, h.ra rhc .p?| ilion.l tr.6. h ca!.tou ddb. if. h.lucinrtion coold ob.cuE anythirS rr ill, rchcmD.r thcc.t loge of chtrdcriliics ot epparitions includ€d th. rbility to ob|€lrcobi€t.rd D. obr.rEd by dEm:


Page 90: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden


IfEy are s€€n in mmat p€rsp€cliE, both wha s, ard wielmor/rng, llrot 4Ey be .eil€ctod h m,rqs. ftay oh€di€ oth€, oqods de oD€drr6d W oth€r oqocrs. ad h odEr waF t ey |rr bto dc physirlwrcrvnont as dl'sicat oti€crs do.,,

fie imp{iatird of $t erptanarion of lcn$ry nol.. otrd mc{r thar3om. d.ttE or mtrot of, or tint *ftfi, dE UAp by rhe witneG,D.on ciqa end€d, ard the argunc for rti. is cont ircd i, tftc sig at,L". il*4: 1**. -,,*ot

d.vircd to crphin rh. tumtiot' "r

*p._r.deDerb rrttun the en{Dnter erFricr i. rhc .nori.rnat dudie.c,. Ttis6 |ary rno.ncr mqe.p6ift forin of rlE m€r.ddc erFric,rcr, whkh i!r lelm lPplied to pl|. onerr titc rhc ottd_tody cxpericrce, ,tcr€ arcdiry b p@duccd sp'pcedty coBiliing of halucimrory mra6 Drsd onn€mon6. fim rcrdinB the iomrk of R. A. More, n i€cm.! th€OJE i5 mr. a ri.rru of hathrci.Etio ard .Eabtl otEre.rih, lhn it,Bng $€ preuu aD.lo$,, TV traMi$ioB od vd@ rq'rdiDs,. CE w.3 atb n.& op ot rhis nirrurc of i.r.mal.nd ertem.t FrE ptions (ie€ crsc bistoriB in ttle ch,eter).

Reafty re|..cdndrt h doilcrrcofitar cryariancGFrom ph.r.rscs' desqiprioB of ttc cMut r envirooDctrr, tr is ctear rh.rl: "*1TT l* *dircd inar6 or d,€ir $rrcu.dinli dErmerge s$ trreir lErccptrotr! of the .r€€t .hiry.. ta a rEFn by|ov€n1grb./rcs{rhcr Ahmcd JrMtuditr d .abd,rdih, erp.ricncd hc(hcribes fatuB of the FitD€les, Fr.cired envir@m ar dE osl or

rlE $t!:tio.Et coffJilion befde aMucrid rcfe6 to $E ,rormtity orat'r|o.f,ulrty of t€ €ovircnr€nt An *iorrnd lnualbn is wfErc the:*" je9-" ary ot the thre€ toddding Bdoqs SrdrE€ lol,lrr€.rce. F'l6ee or cresn M,s[ an Arhorruth Stra,ght Ro€d.r?

All thie. of th6e corxtitioni .ctnccither vi.uat d audirory. ird tncy &eetrcc6 or rh. cffe.r ot [tbuoconsctoB rn.dnni$s.

to tE mt ol of eorory noi.e,produo.d €irhd by dilld fiatdth€ brlitr, thereby ..rivatint

-. Y]FT?roB G tb.s. are rrcqEndy Rpon d b, ,irne6 d,ivinr

l' 1l1l *.T" ar th€ oft.r d a lfrue evcricnc. i,|!olvi,,s

111111L A T"- "1. .h€ii .csft,. rhey e ond

"_o.p."i"o dt|lelrurcrt erd ctccari..l dkru.bsicG to th€ir c&, ?tin caa tc iOcrtif.drs ryptdr rktd efi.cb. ftcy ofi€n ,!po.r that a f.milif sE rdt of .odrcors drncrerr. wti$ adds ro oE rmd r(mrd. un&rmitrtu! tlE fttioot


tfiE Attf,lil, ll^ll

frr.linof rh€bdin,[email protected] . Iti! olrltadE r oI Nn rlrcr.d slrt alrd th. irfodu€1ion of notiooal duplicrlor Inli!thdr coescirtrrE by tbc uDcorrcirB. Agritr, thi. il lo cor[ol .na!.t.ds by dircd pcrccptid vith d irl.mrl m.f,lal r.plio.

Paraaphral r*tdho ||d '|na.ncry boga' h tlraCaa .|cor|fiar

A EplcEnr Gdity bc!.d on Dcnory inplics thar th. unconsciour.rr.t6 inro iB stoct of'scen€ry at night itnrgca.nd'pL}! then lh.ou8httc pcEptud :ppatu. SEh r@rdings (td thar is prc.iely what oftd bavc tIE 'sutrd lEl' Dising or rlEy arc md. up of th. s.n.rlon blsd scqEtre pl.tcd agdr sId again liL r Ioop of filtn. Thh ir th.Rrndlcs 'OZ ta.tor' eficct rnd th. 'abnorndly straigbt road' th8tt rndrdin retons Hd.v.r. olher'mtional duplisles sEre $ d ard repl@ quir. ldtthy Fnod! of tinc .ndmrdirys ard clcr.c a! atnocph.rc imbu.d *ith a stmrge orh.reorldliD€ls, rs yc sae witi th€ Ston henge €ncounl€r.ftcr the witn€slh.d diivcr lhbuSb lhc b.r& of fog.

Amth.r di*Ep.rcy ir rc.iity that indica&s thar a lcngtby p€riod oftine ard .Nim.rlcrr sas duplialcd gt Sbehcngc ms th€ fet that thchcektor|€ th.t Doft shc touh.d cdld et po.sibly hsve b.cnE ch€d bccaGe of lhc E.l hcidl of th€ fcmirg aNrd tb. mo umcnl.Dd th€ di.raE ot tlr€ sro. frsn rh. fcrl.€. Thlr is sorhe*haa sD€cific andit @not b. i d.plbrbn b.!ed on a'stoct of.€.ordin!r'a il were. Fronthi., d otbe. cxdpls, it is wi&!t thar th. M.or*iour uktirfomrior (vBud .rd taciiL ir this .e) ba!.-d on memon.s olpcn+tbo3 .hr. occMld a f.e s.conds pr€vioully; tbat is lo sy, thclt|conlcio$ h.. a loo&l€m stoct of r.cord.d Ml.ri.l (lon8n€mmDori!) lh.l it dnB upon, and a shon-tcm 'fl@f of perc.p|u.lDt rial built up o. tlE spor .nd @Nt Dtlt rcplcnittcd. Memories of thc€ ironr|. nc.d |lol b. Loretc.m on6, but ltey c.r bc t ter from sh.lthc cy6, ,o. cr|mplc, bsvc bter ir . gond o! two bctolc- This is th.'ftmry l@p'oept, dd n inplid th.t lcrtrby.ncountd erpcncnc.!e . Dir$rc ol dircct F.ctptiotts rh.t .ie thcn r€cyclcd imm€diat ly inthc 'F rl|i: vidco'. Thi. rould mate for . mrc $phisticaied .r!8liry

rcaleamcor' ehi.:h rcutd b. wry ditr dt lo didiquish hom thc l.rlthirt, etr if rllc sitrclsd *..c er,er. of h.

ExtcndinS thi! co.ccpa|ld Do&I, . ih€ory .aD bG presentcd ro crpldntt 'ql.rli{orcitrB' !irt6 h whbh CE ei$.$.s .nd trdiliottl'aFnitiod @rftontrtioni If thi! recyclirg of cxlemil pcrc€pior

l? l

Page 91: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

uFo6 - tsvctfic c(rsE ENcouNrEls

t tca ph.. itl'rat|rrocously, . r! ti.y car bc pre.rcd @r.i6linS ofa hithp.oponbn of intcrnat or .vid€o' mlteri.t, into vhi:h ttc Ut|@...iorBcould intrud€ iMgery E &tyi th|t is ro s.y, b€.aE rDe |n6nal jit|rblo UF .y6 arE drc2dy cDgrged by $e inaging pen of th. bni., turtherTTo orry'"e teraly or myrhic imaas of spoc€shiF nd atic6. dsprnts ofrte d€.d, @utd be fcd itrro thc Frc.prul srsrm |tt@ e6ity-This rould be tw appditions o. ali6 of ,pa.6tiF epped io fit i, willttneir suroundinSs: fo. ermple, they ncgotiate ftmi$r!, fc|lc s ,tjlr..5: th.t i5 to iay, .. e iiy .€cd oot be dcpid.d in isotetir, b|,r ir ob€ ntcSEted w ft thc environftot. Thii odtd, cd oooE, bc aprniarhrly convin inS porr.ryrt .rd it rcp|*.rs a lqhiricatld

Ir ir rclcvarr to no{e at rhir point, lhar tu scninS olr thc FdrclcE fdaflp.rniqs. A.dtc* MrKcDi of the S@iery td b/rhirt Rc€.tdrrot s of rpparitioB:

lhey mate adjGkrbnts to ttEir prry.j6t [email protected] d to prrylicatlYmbo<r€d p€<,pt€. in mudr r,e $me la€ys i. whii physirv rr€6€.rtPeode wDuld dkr.r3

Sdcory Ooodlng rd {|. dc+oarco|rat- dparLoaaTIte gDdilid of totd sitdoc, wterc alt rlE Mbi€nr sounds rr! ,b.a|tetrd a Jccling of tircLss irohtion occu, crn bc rnct d do$ !o frclddpoelrc cffccrs_ Pc6ingcr's €rFritrrcnts wirh magErjc, on dtcl€nporal lobc haac duptiqr.d sn Ozfacioriikc cotrdition in rl|chboratory. Houlcq, rhis €tic sitercc is rbo marrldt Foduccd by rl,c.t dricrl lri|nutttion of ilt€ rcticut.r ponirn o, rhc ftiG .nd fd€_bhin.This ctre.r 6 b. i.dr@d by .lp6rc ao sinnic r.distioD, ,rd it rtErsrt€ time, rha .turo or' ulcoBious adiiiry_ O@uring ar rh.o:se.t of C€ erFi.nes (.'d orh€. Frdrb etcnB), ir, of coorsc,erlnDat s snsory rois.. Tbi, h.ll,Eir..ior dn @ily be shrrld, dlE toth. f*'t thir dificur aE r of ttE bmi. rrc scilitivc .o !p..jfE ftHA€qttcmies, .trd th. irr.di.tio{ of rro or Dor! sbjcds by rhc .&rE 6ctdnidue. drc sarc pcrceDturt cffocB.

Howerrr, ir mary o;cs, ictcad of.n ab6cn.e of lrimuti, th. wii!€s.or at tftat stagc, th. witKro-be, is sddcnty bomba.d€d *irh an inreE€.oo.d or bridi lithr d i'BaFrrie puqcnt .rcI. Thcs stinoti h.t/€ ihcefcct of un&midn8 thc osciousness End .tnating @r, at|c Eti'ttslfadltis

.Domnrrrity: fietd €rposure L rahnS place simdwEooCy.

Th* srinuli aE etr sFcl of rhis crto6e: rhsr ii ro sy, by th.iinult rcoG oGhugltt of I ficld and ,n i .rsc s.d, fo. €rrnple, thc



cdrirE mind is 3addcnly flood.d' dd tatior.l, flnctior-r€lal.dthinti4 is .lilnirrtcd al a strctc. A comFEblc sirlation would bc if youlcrc coiccntltirg or couning rh. numb€r of words on this paSe andritloirt yor k'lding, $mcoic sitch.d otr !h€ d€rco, so that ir$.b.nly btar.d our. If ar ftat poiD! y@ seE subj.cred to a buBl of..irnic cledraity, $ i,ould bc conpl.rc md you sould ertcr anir!rcd st re, and b€ 6mp!.i€ly mv.d, m€nrally speakitrg. from theoriaiml EtioMl t st.

fn rnary ca*s of's.nsory noodint. th. stiBulus is g.o6ourd which ir tn€ eanh's strara. It k cl.ctdcal activity uiderground - thccquival.rr of a thunderclom in lh€ G.Mund can be at.L.tronic-soundint squeal. o! an imear. buzzinS like a s*arm of bees.'"G€o.ound is oft.n ac.lepanied by sulphurous or '!lc.tri@l smelh phich

|nly b. due lo an aertFl efiect frcn tb€ s[ar. itself, or inremallyprodEd stimllatior of the limbic ea of rh. bh'n.'5 Oth.i 8€6oundsa.e li$cd in lh. M.MUi llble. in.ludirg ruslling .oiss, clicks, raps.rootirS $unds lite a dde lakirg otf, soun& lik€ honc€ gallopirg ,n thedi.t E. No doubl, rh* eff€.r3 arc mhtale. lb. experien@s ofEt|IDtnitio (cxpcriemirS evors from th. past, sah 6 banlc $en€trn rt rne iDdividual repolts sounds of a RoBan ErFy Farching. erc. IfrEh Frcipicr.s ate ako aff€ded by sci.mic radiatjon, thes€ erkmalrtindi arc ircrpoEl.d inro the akered stare to r.t as su8g€stions to theuncorsciru.'' Th. Frcipicnt may also 'sce' th€ Roman soldie6. Thishidry suggesnue stat€ is trry similar ro rhe hyp.oic nare wher€ anFhinglh. hypmtisl eys or ir $me ces, dintr b.come. the bdis for anit t€mal reality. This has tE€n alluded to .s th€ omhunity of seretion'etrcct. Ho*ever. RNian experincnls bavc shown thal the h}?nolizedsbje1 @n p|ck up

'ofmation fiom tlE hypnot'q unconsously.''

Aarin, this ihros lhe pndie of reersion hypnosis into doubt-

Tha incorpoLtion ot atimuli iBto d|. clo3r-ancounta.oparianca

Thi! i. an impon n€non that w€ havo .ll €ree.iened at sonet'ne Althdgh it m€d rol iwdE emunr€r exp€n€nces, il ha$ direcrinpli6tio6 for lhen. Wher rc rrc 6lep and dreaminS, thc percprualippsrat&s is insardly dirc.lod and it is oblivious to loe-lerel $irnuli, such|' sotrd .nd li8nl. H(*vcf, it lor €rampl€ thc $und lev.l is raked, ititrnr&s itrto th.

'rciosn.$ as *nsry noi$ and *e Mke up.

llolreriffi if th.$ citemil stimuli are a ncdia! lev€|. they are

FrEeiv€d by th€ ileF. dd in orpohtcd inlo th€ drcam. In dr.!m a


Page 92: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden


rirginS sm clock c.r become , firc_at m; trtighr ptring on the fc€n bc@nc . 6rE i srreer ewds car t .cone cri{s of dist css a.d so dr,r!Tte CE tha! is d intemat visior..y exPerieE _ or rhos€ p€rB of ir rh.aare - .an do thc sr|e with errcmat tLhts .rd ,ouds, and, cvo nbEF{te ly, ficl&. Atr ES i.dividuat erposed ro a v&iery o{ fttds iDdftque||lF t|m I ransini4 anrenna €n Fdspce .udr fictd5 inrop€@Ptions of atien &riviry, for riar is h@ the brah inr.ipreB srchfields. Fietd stimutarion to Bfta's area of the bni. eould induce theappar€nny bkpalhic Froeplion ot eo.ds end m..aning t|m m€,qnrt. In racr, ths is an dncl obtiSaiory arFct or €n ounters, slErcrbe stness repons rhar rhey .bca.d mrds i, ny he!d, f.oD an ati€r'@nnoatint' rhcm. Th;s woutd .tso eptain why s@n .@mmuni:ri@s,ar. arrnGr ahays in the targlrte of the *ittr€6s. otter er.mpt€s n.y bewh€E rhc ES wirnes rea.ts alergica y ro rhe fEtd, *hi.h my indrK! at lotcht ah on thc tae and lect. Th6 may b€ pecilcd a!.a trser besmnom the undeBidc of rhe .'aft srnrct nE in rhe fae,.

Aho, in slch an stare, mundane stimoti, $Eb as airrft tiths.Birpp€3r a hn oral daft sumnded by ,€d, gren 6nd ,hjte tith6tla$nnt In seque@., o. $rncrhingsrm,tar. Retum,ng ro drqns: we myerpeheE inremal snmuti, sh 6 sioheh pain. d I bt@ to rtreamqmn sohcrirD€s skh imet6 3ynbotia $mrh,nt $.t is *oEyinSs and thc phtsicat md emotionat aE fosd into a singte i."g"

".q**ie3peciily a5 erh rhings arc otlen Ffcho.omric myway." Jr"_i*, ir i"a,.o ehdenr rhar rte 3'srenic synploms of fietd erpo6urc c.n b<hoiponred into .abducrit s.enario6. A sp€ilic eEmpte of this .ctat€s!o_a symgom phkh is.aused by fr€qrcnciB roud duinA seismi.

Merallac tasre io molth; u$att associ.tod with mu[O|e meral nflings(@rcury amatg6m) in terfi due to eterf@t acrrriy o rnetat/sdivE

^ Budd Hop*iis d*rib€s a esrsdI hypnci\ *sDn sncrc rqrh,e

urrrs re€fis an rticn itrduclion

N€xt she rwisted in obvious disfon as she dGcno€d two rhn p.obesFessing up inro h6r Gtds _ srE cbaed her Ii@! sfrrbwhgune3sly as she f6h $methi^g .fiip al the b6ck of her rhrwr. h b$ed bnre;a.d m€la ic. she told c tars, tite btood, 2

_ In rfi. Iishr of lhi! 9ltnKr.s 6tie, erpcurc ro ssE lrct|lm, $.n-rEvelat@s rs rhi. rrc morc ttcly ro b€ the rcsdi of a 3boc clErge boitr

W in n€r slivs dd rct l fittitrgs, Ethci thd blood rrm d intemrtwound @u'.d by.tierls inenira I prcbc h odcr b mnrto, ncr in som.



r.],. Such conclusions s.y noE abolt th@ who dras thd thar rh.y do.bout th. sr.te of rh€ wih6 or alicn etivity. E dier, Kathie Daeis hcard

.|n .tupL of g.lMund, whbh Ps th€ Lo{.l localizrd 'roaiing'. lt sa!uotnp.nid by synptons od ob*Mliotr st!.idt out of th€ Mercrllir.blc, ilhich d.sqibc the! ot skmic &tiviry. This witn€cr,@.ding to drc dcscliption giyen bt Hoptins of h.r rcdi@l backSrcund,b a typielly and chrcnk lly Es/allergic itrdividual who has b€€n etpc€dto . radisint UAP ard $ismic radiatiq. Ut. olh.. ES vitrc!.€s, herurconsciols *o.ld sFbolize sFds of h.! phFiel slsreDic ordilion,.rd lhc of alicns ins.niry a probc into h.r upFr nNl €vityhrpFB ro reRect eretly tb prn rhbh cont irr panicles ot mtuEllyocorminS map€lic ircn. Hoplirs, in hyp@tizjng hG., has acesediI|alcs trom lbe uncon$ioc synboliziry her slsleDt re&rions to.rwironmerl.l field. to ehich ,tE is .n Gic.

g|.rrd altarad ltata3 and d|. cloaa-ancorrntara4ariaoca

Thdlhoul ihis chapter se heve the .lo6e parallels tJetween'doli€' UFG, rclated ertitiB a.d .pparilids. E.rli€t it wa a.gued lhat,.lthor€h sme cn@ute6 arc intemlly F @ived visios, rarely sme|!.t be .{emil nDates prodlr@d by th€ uncons.ious imprint d intombi€nt fields. In a multiple viln6s .a* involving lso (or no.e)

FrcipienB, both .re us@lly ir a 3imilar alt€.€d stat€ wilh n€Fousiy*.s'turcd lo a @nyerg€nl poin! ahar is ro ey. alrhoud on. wihessn|ly be rlrc 'rcdfuh who produc€d th€ iha8ery due to ES, both aree$jc.l to Ihc eme fr.ld dd lhci..e.lral n€dGs syrtcms are similarly.tr61ed. Thc imDlistion is that smet* .l* @r3idc rh. li.ld's i.fluenea l cnl|er mi percirc rbe inpint d imlA.ry or perceive it s.rippcd ofdc.ail. Ho*ever, ever mub6l ficld crposore rerulll ir inconsistenlcMr.r pc@pdoN. A *lltnoh, but gmd, cnmpl€ of this tu thcWinchdr.r 1976 c& irvolving MB Joye Bowl6 .nd Edward Pra$. I amin&bt d to Lion.l BcGr tor tllc folloeing account:

Thev left h3r house abo|lt8.45 D.m. an hd Mi.i Clubman . . . After lhr6eq@d* ol a m e, the d@l diEe erds End it was 6bod rhis poi rharMrs Bowles sad, 'l saw two lights, th6 ttsl was hoh€r than th€ s€cond,whitr i. lum disalFared behind lh€ scrub, thus in n€iihor cas€ w6.6$ey high in tho dr. I drcw Mr PBtr's attenlid ro th6m.' Sh6 ako told usth.r auugh ifEy wm oraige lh€y w€ro €dd,er than sodium [gnts . . .Mr Pran . . . d€senb€d $t€m as a bighl o€ngF €d obj€cl . . Ihsy wercs€€o in rh€ gen€fcl dnedion ol rhe lm to chilcomb . . at rh€ bonom ol


Page 93: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

uFrx - t6ycHtc cL6G ENCUI JT|TEIS

tlr€ hill M6 8ov'des l@k lhis tan€ . . . s ll|e Mhi !ri?s g<rng dd\,n rh€stEigt rt@ or tane. n shuddered and 6nbd k6 rhoogh p€rrEp6 rhe'gnition

had sroppod f', and the slenng appearod b k!cl. Both MEBowres drd hd pass€ngs st wgted wfi tE whet, bu ro rc a!€it. ontheir ighi @s a 2g+!6rd+ngrh of 20 3ofeel{@ gr6s leQe . . . MrsB@bs thoughl rhe car w6 lsi€d siteways, tifting ofi dE grolnd on tothe g.ass, paraltel with ttE ,oad . . M. pran .€a€o &e, and saitch€dofi lhe €niro. Whsn rh€y toolcd up. they saw an oqed whf,h shedesnbed ds a far Wnstd Chu.chi oga/ d esrdrared 5_6 y.ds stigfrdylo lt'€ dght in ftont of tlEi whitc Mini _. the orris.:r was abod 12 reilo.g and 5leer high _ . . rdards Or€.lrhr-tErld em or |t were wfEr slEdescnb€d 6 $re bnghdy lir bo*shaped windolrs . . SrE told us rlstMr P6lt sad /,e bad o.,t see' o.€ ddow Aehad th€ wh&v{g $eysaw thr@ t|gurcs pos,tdEd 6 rhdgh fEy wero siftng n a bus, m6Hhd rhe orher wirh dV head .nd shdtd* usiHo The otiecl wBs islabove the grourd w|rn vapou. un&mearh it. Mr p6tr said jr tE ofiectwas ta,fttes above rtE grend 4d supoorled by tour ins U@ing ourqasss. He de sad rhe ogs, was gttung with a .t tused o.arE@edrgnl . . she ed rfiar dunng ttE erxenter slF had hoafd a whsdhgs@nd lar'd invests.roE dso h6ard a clethite wfiis$ng eurd white rhev

I rs posside rhat a isw s€@n.h elaps€d before lh6y sfu a LgurcemeQe olrr or $e da.tEss betws uE cilFi.s righgtand sire ard lt|€ncar a'rhough rc open'ng was s€s h rh€ obFcl. The tEUc. too* abd,rrcur d tE stetE to@rds nE @. watk ng ,n a rcru, tr6E he wsaDou ti rool 6 inclEs r,alt d.d on Eadmg rhe ca, he m,sl hav€ run|eds,Ehlly to rae |he darhboa.d and 0E wr.r6s$s lfioughl he p@babty hadhis lelr hard on rhe er rmf . _ he koked in $b sire windov,/ at dEfslyd

snd rhe erlghe s(,dsv sprd^s ro lre ar rhe s6oe trc. rrEne.drghts wfiich @re d iutt b€am sfiaE so bigl|rty rtEr UEy ele6t€drnem to rrrh our . Tle tguc tdrled Lke a [aI humn bang but hdd nodrscemibte p{,pits d jnses, dty rterci.rg p.nk atbml*e eFs . She wascoNinced rhar rhey had teft soDe rj,!d o, efted d her el€s, tike o.Emrght qFcr fbh too(jig at fts sm . . he had sho.r hatr ar the ,Mtwhidr came down ro rhe shdrtdeG ar rne back and tuh€d up slighdy_ Heh€d sideboads wnich met in a @ughty rdnted b€rd, b{t no [email protected] palish face, tumnabd appaBtt by a fft naibn ot trshtigtn ardrcflared headtights, had a faidy rDnr€d no6€, nornat n@th, and apantrom th€ eyes, appearcd hormt ... Mr pratt ct€sdtod t€ man aswanng what r€*mbt€d a boite, $n, wilh his har bcn€d backlvadsdsr h|s head, reaching d@n ro h6 shoutd€6. M6 Bovdes mqiihed at(re pdnr rhar he had sitvery specks in his han ... ,His cbthim



shimmerd as tt b€hg sharon by a wid' . . . WH ho b.rl ddn to bor

-lro th€ 6r wirxl@, his @e6i b6ll6n€d our liko a cyclisfs cap€. His

dtfi did mt apF6r ro ha/€ b(mon' lxt t'!rc was a s€am ruoningvlrtcalh dcwn tll€ lefi sit€ ot his chest - . . Sh6 de*nb€d th€ @ldr otrh6 ourfir a6 b€trg ular ol bathg tdl. . sn ot dull sivd @krr.

As lh. ensic wa .sins. sh€ pr&bly h;d hd qats ckls€d. andMlualv s*1, 'Look out, t6d, h€ 6 !pi'g ro{nd t,ou sade!' H@6wr, MrPrrn cdrld s€e no s'gn ol th€ bciry beltid the 6r. and by lhe im€ theyborod b€cr. Ue o!F..nd irs @!p6nts had c!6dst€ly disapp€af€dl ih€n slF sta.ied the 6r hers€f aid efiq€g€d li.n gsar, ll was likehitring a b.rier.' Th€ 6r wolld not nrov€. But at lhe s€cond anempl thecar stan€d wirhod any t oubl€, and she ws able to ddw ofi $€ q'.ss

. So lar as I am dce.ncd rheE was m ohvsld ovrd€nc€wt€tsoewr at the sitc - @i wa the Erow tyr€ marts ot a Mini skicldngoft rhe r@d. . . floweg. th4 w€s physicar evidsnca ol . . . a subj&ltemtlre \Mpn w€ inreM€*€d Mts 8owl6 at her tDme, she told usthat $€ nghr sirle d her le had b€<xhe bbtchy th€ lolbwing Mondayo. fBs.lav . . . The Esh h€d clearcd bv the tcr€ w€ arw€d soms sevendays l6iq. . . but w4 conlidn€d by a n€blbour wiro wBs p.esenr. . . she$d OEt her n4k and ngtu $ool(|sr hd blm€d tor n@tly 6 wek. I hdealr€adv monioned thal she rhoughr hs ey€s had be. atl€cr€d in som€w?y. She had be€n faling slightt sck rho whol€

'^€el, and leh un*le todt proper n€h. ln !€ssing sh€ emphasrzed lhal she w6 nolpreg@nt! Sh€ also sait $at she telt as f she weted 1o d@p for a

A turrher pdnt @me to lbhr when Frank Wood asksd he. i, she hadbeen wanng arry m€ral Aslonish€d, ME 8@les sd thal she had takenher el€miv nng ott {wh rext to her weddirg n'!g) shont aate. the€v€r|l Th6 skin ol her linger u.dd th€ nng had b€come Ed andsorc . . . As a thrMway lbe, wt€n we wele d lh6 pont ot deparruro,sie h.d noriced rhar a mtch thar had b.en wirh her h.d gon€ haywire,ddw's no loog€raiy u* tdnmek4p'ng. So far as I tnow M, PBtt has.ot comphnbd ol aiy 6dvee ptlysaa! €fi€cls. bu it anythins, teft mildt

ME B@les had come inro the puua et€ D r@fi ysars as a rosult orpolt€A€ist activiry in her tb!* .. . Sh€ is known bcally as a Fwhjch6le/ dd a'Etunl m€dium . ft€ Lel4and Mhi .. podorhed aswll, f rcr bene. aft€r rn€ i.'cidonl ltEn beforc.z

l8 l

Page 94: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden


Arult ir ol I munbb-wthacs aicosrt .Fror lbii delaited Wirrhcrre. repon. I i! evxtcnr rhal .trlmuSh rhel::::

F.*i'.d *."d.Iy 'e

sam thin8, rhe,e arc ! fcw miM'*^'Nrc6: ior e&Dptc, fte nmter .,' *in tos on th< .Graft.. ft iireEsthg ro norc ?ft.r rhL qp..iene is ch.sifr.d 6 . t FO dcountcr,

:::,fl.::l: !* -* l"-@ft,s€n in ihc ajr. and d asmPtio,, pi.' '.;;,.; w

-oranse aedat lishB .en in rh€ erty nas6 werc rhe .cisar..

,.-"rE ryes Foduad rhes. appeitioi uMKioG|y in d ,te,cd

::1:a5 a r6utr or nctd .xeosure. sh€ .pFaB ro b€ Es, ,udsins f'om h€r

f^:,:":... ^fot" hearinr' ard .u;,r _"oi_. r,i"to,y l,r" s in..*--8. urc r. roo, shc re€ded to the held crpGuE by prodki4 anar.8( rei.1ioD consturing od dermit iniration or nk nAhr si.j. o{ hc,rac3,,jJre F6inint bomint *nerbn o rhe ri8ni srde of tlcr n .t ardsmo|deB al$ indtab rhe direcri@ of tl,e fetd. rn .ddirion, n indi6t6

J'"'. ":' "gt, Dnin r@t rhe min effccB of UE 6cH, &d rhirIter'rphqc is.ctoset, tinted eirh rDginS .td ESp.z ft

"**r."cdwnsrr'tr8-ttur inv6tiraroB h€rd ako;a; havc Dc(n . hetd eff€.|

- ,"yE bw'6 omFEnior ws at$ c{u8hr up,n rhr fietd erpGuft, bulror Ders ES. he ptayed r mo,e p6siv.;b ;n dF €6untr., rtrhoudsime-sFlemr cffeB *ere nored retaring ro an iEpprolriatc cah**4,6,uK encounter, ajremrDtrt wirh i*.,rco_", etatid _ bo{r

il:"1l":_l:_1**" rr*e or a ftcive do6e dr negarivcry du€cd- -+,iquyE,y, an erposuR to a or tO to t5 Hz (cyd6 F,tuidJ nG bcetr io!trd drnaS a ncdic.t r@rmert , crlcd Inrertcd|ti.trfttaPy. lo trimut e Farsynparhetk srv6 ro dDnrrqtty bF. tcvcts

._::.:: t t*:' mltu.t eirn6iIt indierB rhar e,tber .n cnem.r

J1r,:::,:y rhat rhe, boltl pc@i!€d. or a nrcm,r ima$ ws

"--.w q.aE rr.orlsiq6 of Mn Bowks, and h.r .Inparro rs ttntcdI.l.lli

,:-.rn * **_*n ory conveEec. aorh rE viabk qrioi,lrrloot

!. rh. s€ord ","r*

r prcoo rr,.r eoold inbtre.,harcd

::::Tl. rlis ir quire m.brerr eirh u'G orher feruB

'o.ed-"-."-.E .appamba, ard Ma.Kena€ nar6 i. hi. tinint oI rlE;il::den:h6:'rhey

de oftEo sn co[e.rivety by rm or morc FEo||s ,i

::;1F;#: f,?"*#Htl::*":ilTitrtilFr.erved an applrition s.d

"rt.*, t_t ing f;- . difl"rert vi€wpoinr,

lT" T_"lTln.l. I "* _"-rcd rr*r b ;,ccive Ed,E6 or rhk dd.rna). ul, Fft6 nced to b. rithin, ,nd aff.ri€diifr ,T*;":",llJ,i":If ,*l"f; ;,l#fi ;H;*ffi



|nry pcciE a huF ac.ial ca5ft, bur no cotfirming vitn€ss €n b. found

I nysclf b€en inElved ir the percepiion of a shared hsllucination||d @n vMh ld pqiti\€ einenc€. During tb€ early 196&, b.forctlE bsluinatory drug L-sD 2J ea! ilhSal, I followcd ir th€ f6l3t€F ofAfdou. HurLy (or so I imagircd) fiq rcdins 7r. D@a ol Prc.p,io,d fl@ea and H.A, ,id rook 5ql dclogmhs of th€ druS with arother'stptos . Affer sittin8 iD a

'oon together taltinS, I miied tvo sm.ll

luDi.ou skulls atout sit inclEs in dianeler, rhininS down frch a ornerof d|e ceiling. My companion lool€d up rhen I poirtcd and ask€d him.'C.n you s th€D?' H. rcplied thar *hal h. .ould s€€ ri?ae tto ltninous'.t .th'eh@ds', and he nood on ft. bact of a lofa and r€achcd up andtrEd their outline, cye positioc. e1.., wirh his linger- We werc6r@rdcd *hen wc realiz.d lhsl *r .ould both s lh. $n€ ballucination.rnd l.ter rccrll€d lhat I made m omftnts that qould tlre inages

Snaory noiaa In tha Winaha3tat drcountar

Thc preeit tion of rhc encountcr pr<tftded efieliv€ly unlil the bcing16 dcpidcd as lo.ttinS ir ar rhr d.shboard. It was lhen thar atr elecrncalficld en€.8iz€d rhe vebicle s circrilry and lhe endne produced vigoroussnd mB. This @imided with lhc ove.ptodudion of liShl fion theh€adlamps, th.r€by d€stabllizing rhei. alle.ed s(ale by the inlruion ofs€rsory nois. Th€ enounler r@lities eer€ then rcrBinat€d and vanishedftoo the pe@prual lield. Thc field cfecr acrivatinS the .ar and theb€iDtt tlan@ w.s state-managed by lh€ oMnsioN to 6incid€.

lr is ryptcal for clcctrit2l equiprenl (in this ca$, thc car) to b€inacrivatcd at rbe onsr of alrered sratcs and r|t€ encounter d.amarization-h othe. @$s this Day be a radio or Tv st, atd in such ciromstances.the *6ort norc€ lerrl f.lls slddeoly. Thc un@n$ious. how€ver, is.crivatcd, and rhe ab.€@. or Low level. of s€nery noise thcn providcs ab.ctdrop againsl which the alrered $ate accelemtes and thc unco.$ious3F€dily @.nruds a CE or atpantionrl $ Th€ drama lhat unfoldsi5 didaled by an ovemll policy of sn$r) noi{ ud@t u..r.b Thar k ro!.y. apan f'm the sFbolic @tenr ehich, ar in dreams, cxpress.s anirdividBls p6)rhotogical stare, wbat€ve. qpp.a/r to hapFn in rh€eit|,tD'ct. ,hct it alwatt th. uh.tior notiv. ol pt eennnS, ovoidi^8 orditnodiiS ftun. eMry Mis..

Or. sr.ates/ rlat th€ unco.$ious harness€s to €fiect is to matethe cncount€r con&nr 3.) clrious or €ye-€tching rhat exrernal stimuli ff€


Page 95: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

vtG - rsy@rc cr.6E E{Cl'! NIES

S__TI*', o...o rEr ir lrptrE, hy. do l|or.P'xr rod!.,. rtr tlEw,M.s€. erFncn ., rli! ea, rhc .p6.Hing lpperEra ot.hc e ity.r Dl._.ncd i. prcdoc.d by thc irrdiatioD of ttc r.npo'rt k b6. produci;8prcpnen6 s a sperUinS.ffed h rnc uppcr kfr qurdnnt of rhe viMirc|o..lrner c2r€. hrE aptored lrzare co.firrE d.pdion, or od!€r.woadty.aEh€r'?et .proF.,

dr $ | .StDwinS. Tr,ere hoverins .bo,c rh€

lT-.1_". *o,r, ". ,"".i.vinqe.y r.r,en o*uy r,_ riry.o-.f,re,-hrt6 .ometines .loot c_up rrd erprEs iortrclhmt abour rtElMss cune preoclpatios. I. tlG€ i*or,*, l|* *im.o ,il

:::T.."* " -.":* *ordrcss f.rimoon rd rh€.. Eriric.. a5 o'€v3ynDorze srrrldtrs d€.p *t,r,i, ,r.i. p,y"*. ni",

"r "",,,JIJ.I:r. . :o*"*Tf ror dBtr.ctitrr frmr' porenri., sery rce. r havcremq| lhe€ .s.Bory

trr6. or .cognitiv. turt', [email protected] io rheh.&^orrte srie$t Frccf,rion rh€y

"pp."t to _


Atr ot mcr€,ihitrF, tsrcv.r, @ b€ dbti ed dim end.ttiburcd ro d|c::* Tl*

ot '.sory

b.k cetmt- for se.y no|€ r.r s s.r6rDyer or tl|e* umomcioGty P|oduc.d [email protected] nmy e6unieE. rhe wi$r€ss rcpons rhar dky .hard,

or beerEakre ot a voie .ii6ide rh€jr h..d, rhit rotd tn.norr,ar'd,. rbk is m ar.,*;;r,,;;;;T ;m#*gtrc agaD rhis is a snsry noire_mlmlin! (a!n@nsc,o6. rhcrc is noiel,,;;;;;1il :f,y-TSg#IncuEt adrviiy in rl|€ mu!ct6, ?hich k coff o cd by pqnlFk.a B dE cB

_a8o men|{t rnricty rhar is p.n of rhe eErlday. suNihbddrated@^|eoult6 rh,l et$ hs to bc ctihimrcd. T; do rh,s, so rhar ir do6y^.111: "1".1

.mis.. rh@ren tbc rrabirity or rhe arrer€d {arc. atr, erMr.hftu.rion k ha[Eiorted by rh. un@iooB. In a b.mused ardsu€Settrbte skte dEinS a CE, rhr wirncs k gi6 tnr omioni.t ardqrrcd_command no{ ro bc .haid. HttR S <{a;fi6 NId $nmrrizei tfi€*H?-H:_lr ". "*ed darcs duriry tl|e cE e,FrieE.

" rn utTncesro .mouder. rhe inv6tigato6 aitribute rl|e ittuhimrionorllr.rnft ad trirt to r1,,. vchi.t ,r |ie;ti8hts, bur $cy em ro hrE

::y.lo noricc rhar rhe isnnio had becn sen(n.d ofl. (A simih, ficrd

Treno.of . €rt ci@irry occarrcd in o" ennaa

"o.l::._lT:,'*" "F" *E !€etr ro b. worrins daP'te rh. *irched_on

'tnro@, thc drity pd Friyed s rcfl€din;tGhr pnmdity tion th€Eofithr5. || L remprint ro $8Sqt ,h.r rhc tigh I sa5 o;trc .d byk mconsclou by .djuninS ihe 6ctd te!d, ; ihar {n op.rDun tcvet oflf.trlS

*T F1:..d ro .irrrminare rh€ s$8.. .s n scrc, eirrFuro,stlltnS rh€ nabitiry of dE aftcrcd sbr.. Ths rould bE a veiari'I of:T_:{"'1.}. yYe" wrerc rrE umonscions

's .ho rink d ro rhccnet8F. of a uAp rhough m ubiefl 6etd. [email protected], ,t 6 .&o didcm



Activity ol volurtt.y murcL.lmoror mrc3 6nd pror'rlor...pror.lAcaiw of invotuntary mutcl.t

Activity of hormqat ttatn.

Elihinrtion ot ,rr6fr./ enFry uncon$iouin.r; .ll..daOBE; sf,doSenols opi!t..;D.r..yhpathetic n.tua.tlhut.rton,

AIIEFED STATErl.0ud@!ic: app&ili@: P( Gff.ct ; ESP ptG orh.r p.y.hic ottGct .t!m..r. rhn mak|Drt uco dffion


{{ rsfu, mi$: 'Do not bG sh.ld'; u@neiousnd; .r/dlory tra{ta;tlnlB.jn.rhg ight dipLy; p.rc.FniN thn 6o inrisuingj @mtonlnt; a.acaltfiLrdu.ri6 o{.ndog@u. opii6 ard

^ogltive ions tO-15 Hr on parrfnr i

tnu6 c.lmi Inr.f.r.r i.l Th.6py .lt ctrj hypnotic ett ct..

UtnnLd h.r re-ri@l tholghr!hrd.t d b [email protected]; .dierY t&insrn otn .*orldly.d !nl'wr:tl@Up'rbd tith pc$ml

arcr roeratrraet& tbnngt Sn dI. t,6,c, fr'iblttttd ot r.nro.rnuE dttM..l

El|niMtih of dtw.rt -.Bory

mie:litr Lctor; notion.l dur*ic!r.6; r.6liwLoD.; u@@i&rn.r; Gdem.nt

Co't6r' ri@ or .n..nio. on

-Eunrs ..€rni.6: e@ry noodingj

.a.r-,y l!r€; cogniliv. lu.6;urF@id.|i6; hyD@tic dtlcr6

F.j*11o. o$dJnl[

'..rilbj nddiL


Fl. I Affirro|!furt. rotudo. orlt.||r.11

Page 96: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

vto6_ rsYcErc CLGE EN@t'|vrEIsthrt rhc_ sltip. .rd thc Gntity r.! $tf-hmino0. ro so|. cn . To r.p..lMrr(cnzc on thk..p6r ot arpaitioo!:

Thei. visibitity is er,!ic. in lhal rhsy are tite|y to efs or dbappGarsudd€.rlyard,t exdiebly. b b€ i.r!i$bl€ to p6de who!^Eotd s€€ th€m nrhey woe pr,vs@fty eh!.dBd , ro t& n o. oq, and b b sdt tulnr,@s

. As r !! rhc u6n$iou amc

l::n'q':rs sn$ry nois ;; ;;iltrjlffffii.,":v.rrdy or fetd! m.dc up tro.

" *0. ls.* ,+..r-m. r,.r i, ro "ay. ; ;;;|.|;ffi.ffi*:,.ffiffi

n.d lo c6u*..rhe D.Dg.m€nt of ,iout rig,,,.hit .*ri";-i;-onnury inrdi.tior of th. qu,clsc (fom a UAp) ei,t ,t. i,j"iU.porr_ !f . rhc aF.nuD. Hwcvcr. rn rtrc Wincn e.r en6{r|cr, rh.

:@.i$roc coutd prFlcd wiift rhc draDa and h.ratc rne trtnt ftor thc@r n adtrghrs, bur rhe sud&n sEG of a fieto (mremftenrsrfirc cteclncity or a{ fron a Eds ec.p?, caurcd rhe

:.f i- :*'l noir€ hyct ro b€ .,cced.d by ckrsirjtrs rh€ @r!o.curtry. Th€ pmbt€mric .spcd s|ns ro be |f t ct that rhc .t€ctr

ITfo" "p""-'n.i" ."t up or borh inviibt€ atrd vErbtc arEt.ngrh.:ri€ nBl n6t rc4h rh. wirr6 b e*.btiih ind aekrar. thc atrcr.d

:j:y ,t.:j*, nust b. p..EDred nom .lachina thc *irn...lFrccpron ullit rhc atlr. is e.raututt d. Md rhc. ,n a $bducd ray. Ct6€.rount.R r.,Sr// ryp.{ the say llry aE, in att tt.n E EtioB, du. brn<Eu@Eioa\ effo.ts ro jlg8te rhcs rw mutu.Iy .rct6iw dircna.

r-rcrc ee. of.cour!.. rum€m6 orhcr alFcts Rtarrng ro thc cffecr ofn.rerrFsG rhar eed to bchave rhe eay,r (bd, .d €GGdME noer€s-s ritr8 aad watch to b. rfierted. H6rard ran*" or n.u;n cts wi,, ;;-*':;,ff#L"H#'ffi

:5:y"ry_T ,.o"q dtrt! er$ prduc.d r.rk h nrB olEM cxposlE." Beforr *c tcave rh. Winchqrc, t:e. rt mu.r be nor.d:.11 :T "8"1"

se hrv. 3ran€d wi$ a dcr€eum., rtrd<oErcd I *irnes eho is obviou.ty ES, . .rh€dium, eto ; i!6cEt dqrnlFych( phenomena. s'Eh i5 potrcryersr

"uo13. "o. *" *,olw]rcn-@n$antty junp, out ar orc. is r@Gitcd *rth rtr. ETH ir uer lgnan|tsownnrht

.-.1..lu3:"i,t1o;,, . ,h€ asped or ih2r.d encoumcr erFri.n6, or

:ll:lj* *'Tlg|:. a!. i. .n crmpre. ihcrc B rhc conpoEbrcpm,t$.aet|on oI th. ,h*.d .t!@m. Thi. oftcn ocqn Erpccn mmb.B of

:_:_._T*,0 -'i-'T" in pohcrtcin aflrvfty. { tr indic.r6 thar rhc

:fy.T:l,f 1* "..ncdium. on bc riored sirn rhc ri@n$tsor rnorncr individut. Thit occurs .vcr lnorc ...dity with r|nbcE o, th€rt6

THr ^r.It1lltl


$rc family and e$$ls a generic tink_ The wider nnpt(rIrit h tftaumnsoously prod@d inagery, suh as CE .catities. may l{ t*rl.||r{by irdividuals in tbe presenc of th€ Ffson who is* l|||,m, rtht{uDc|)Niously. Equally, it may be thal it is ror even ncc(rMrt l,{ tl|.'n|cdium ro b€ p.enl.

It.ould be exrenely ditficlh ro dctermine if an encounrfi . I tu t..{rw6 d@ b rhe wirn6 s linl eirh a renore mcdium. Thc nsl{(r thr| trfer morc .€levant to muliiple-wirnesinS is *herher there s any qt. mlevidcM rhar vill suppon rh€ viabitily of the phenome.on; ,r sccnu thilrhei€ is. Therc is an cttreBely rechDi@t Fpe. by a yugostaviatr rf( ftrt ,Dejan Ratoic of B€E.adc Univenily, qho is invotvcd jn ct((trk.dan}ineenngjt Ratovi. ouliaes a ne.hanisa b! whi.h inlomuiu | . ,i@t at.oz b. twl.n..l ria a .anio wv. lnn unc prt\on | 4., trnltts.1d to atuther's on a long{angc basis_ Knowr as rcmotc lice inr', I hhplEndtErcn h6 b@n studied si.ce rhe mid-t97G al rhe Mind tiiin($Fordation at San A.tonid. USA. Tle phcnomenon has aho tr.odevelopcd by Rus$ian $icrtisb ro contey infornarcn ovcr a 0n{ nrnt.lo Frsonncl in opcrarional subma.ines Rakovic shoes thai bccr$r ourrcdors sFtems aE baskally rhe shc in terms of srruclur. {nd ttrbioloaical freq@Nies ihey.adiarc, shorr,ransc inreracrion (such es rh(involved in a CE e4eriene) d@s not even invotvc thc rnrirri, iteL..lroma8netic waves frcm syslen ro sysrem, tucaus rncrc rr mi.duction prlrs thlt creares a couplif,g effecr. This pR'd!(cr rhrt.J

Conndc. an exiract frcn Ralovr.s papcr:

Tlp rbdel predacrs also rhe shonjange lEnspoison.r oi.rtrr{ rrwrthei any waws mrt|ed. due to etecromagnelr nit!.ndt ri tf,ht|berween lwo i€u@l nerwo*s klh embedded ELF wavoi lh|r i lql|t,ris similar b rhar in primary ard secondary corts In olockrdt trmatrlin |,with the @ly dilleren@ bei.g rh.r nor only energl but dl|6 ntorm|ll|nare transferred from ore n€u€l retwort lo anothor lh at a|fl@seble in borh.omal and ahered states ot conscouin..r, erij oogt Llhe t&parysiel b6sis tor rcnwlbal hyFmos6, sogg.3r|on, .nr !l

In this e{ract Rakovic is refcring to Faradic .tstrldtt In dHlOi brlE @upling €ffeci bereccr l*o coils. This is

'ar 'ncrcty m .nalc]|,||t a

E.l etrecr iddrifEd a a mcchanism in shurcd crpartc||(lt| Ltr ntw (o. m.e) individuls. In fa.r, i1 scms rtrrr try rfpllht tb lmof eledrijty ro fte human ne*ous systch. dnd .oeotnldq h I tLelecrrkauEM system that it is, an undcnrandi{t of shrt li h49onl4duing suct phenonena 6 sharcd exFncic.r. err t|. tdnod, Co0dd.rtr nlEr infoadion o the couptinS cffcci lhur Rrtovlc rclon tor


Page 97: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

uact- tltYcxrc CIIEI aNCOUl.n3rS

Flrilc .t6ctraity d.t€3 sty fon tSOl. l|t€o it was.lirco!,rrld byF.rdry tiar t tut,o dis of wiio b€ pi€cld rEr orE

-othd. rt it a

g€h/ll'c cur€.i (L,l€d ro indrc. ,r!cb nim|lt ttir) a srdonty Bls€dt||Er/gh onG or tn€m r.|d {ain stopp€d, a dltrlrn b indlc€d h tho seo.dcdr ar $€ rlorn€ib ot d6ing ,rd ql€oirg a, ft! ftli ciEuir Ttiss{|cor|rbry cud€nt dff€rs ttom rt5 cor|rirudE gBErc cu€it |n rr /oimF.rn'r pgnElbrs: t ) h E dt ,b.nonr.ry in drdro.r; 2) [ hs a mJchhittt. polenti.l d pr63s!r€. and is Ol.,€fo|! rEch noro csFtle ofr.hswsrE poor cdducto.s 116 u€ human bodv.3

Flm thn, y! d 3.. ?hy ktovic h.6 idcntifi.d thr 4 rn udcrlyi,rSm€ch.lirm fo. sh...d pcrccpios or rhc Esp .sc.,ninr, of otl|€B b). th;unconicrcu. to obrain intomutkn_ Th.t is ro say, rh. fictd prodiEcds..Ds cnhcntty suirrbtc for. biotogi:lFur:l @ntcrt. $lch ird€pardentconfmsrirn alirEtl! rds r tuihe, did.t|e fo, rt e hli.tiay of piopoB.b(i.e., RrLovicl) md I s[td e €||d thb by pteiry ir h U.,.ychicsucasrrrclrrt'tor mtcn a, a mcjns by *hidr uE Es

'itn6s oht iE

Inrcnunon uncotucioody tiom invefirroB, *nil:l, n.y bc $b.eq@tt,hcolPora|cd hto frr.ticr dp.rieicls. pcrh.F rhis m.y Ecft y bc c.||cd||E cont miMd)r cftdr..

Rakovt also mcntids rh. inrr-falnity-lrEFbct asFG.:Itis can pbir6 $o bdphysirt tlasis for Faftpersortd inbradi)isj n isdV n.cssry fq prE$s ot !D t2oiirute uttr".diar rlMhc of trcFrsons ro b€ msrch€d, d exchang€d htomalbn ro be .rnolir|atvcoroured by te r€tjcutar ratdc sFr€m of rh€ r€eiwr _ whtn can erq'hinwty lhis ph€iorneno.r 6 drinv recogniz€d b€twan Mns. mrh€. ardchild. or orh€fris. ctos€V rctared poEns 1

Inr.E{in8ty. Raloric m€nrkns $.t durint rhk prEnomcnon oJ ${€dmn|a| rmq.ry, 3!bi.cr5 @ cxp€ri.r ilbjetive ttuirJihti@, s,ii:h irr.qu€ntry rcpon€d 4 pan ot rhc oz h.ror or .b€t!je, cfl61 durinS

16.-c.iqIT:^.xF1E rc6. wirn6..s .xnt|Mly rcpon. rd emprc.

ln.r. hIlC UFO p6int ovcr rhefi .r6t .t6 ro 8cr trm (m point roanotmr - *a a if timc h.d srood ni .. Cocit r tbc Ekvrnr .cdionfro$ R*ovic's pipcr:

Th6 obntn€d dittusbn tne maldEs w€it wirh rne go_l2Gdinutur|r.d|an rhythms ot boih Eking conscixs e,@d€nc! trm noFlat roan6r€d srat6, with oxrrcm€V dital€d suti*riG rirn6 h€s€, d mixiry o,norh6ly consoois a.d u.consora cd dts

D.spic rh€ imFrfet Endi.t, rhb Fpcr i. of gar Ercvrne ro thcmutnp|.-*irrEs. CE, s ir indicar6 lw Frrcty intcrot |n r..irt s b.



th{€d bt ls or moE percipi€nts. Th. UFO*tudy comnuniry h$ hrorFrd€d by cares in sbi.h famili{x have b€er iNolved in quir. ron hlim.nctim ddng i nuhiple-abdlction erpe.ienc€. Probably th. m'ilt.nlou Brnish (* is the Avcley rbdetion, as it is tnown. shKh erine€stigat.d by Andrcy Collins. a. iNdritator of long{randint. 'llile* ha b@n in circulation sin@ *d lirst disvercd in 1977. atrhourhit r.tully tok plae in 1974, .sr Av€ley, E*six. and it ha! hrti*idespread poblicity. Therefor.. ir is nor my inr€ntion ro presnt rh. (ui.firlly, but otrly the onet of rh€ erperiene and tha po.t{nounler eftcchThey rclatc to altercd 3lats, and confim and extend many ot rhc@ElNios I have prcs€ntcd e far. The cal€ providd a Sood €xampb ofa nulri-yit||6 aMucrion &.oario ,

A UAP-indF.d yision - thc AyGlcy rbdudionar0arixrcc

I am indet'rcd to Andrew Collins for rhc followinS accounr:

The txg sra/ s€€m€d to be rravetlhg o a smnat dnecron as that ot tho@r ard apDearod ro b€ 'slopprng and st6.nnq as it moved . . Kar6n andStwrr were still asl€ep K6wn {their s6) w6 srandrng on rh€ tl@rbehind. John cm|l6red on rhe lack ol rBtlic lor a road thar rs lsoattvrery bus.|, tEr rime ol niqht. lne nme was approxmarely 22 I 0 ho!6. . Elaioe (the mrher) se the lght . . . whch was ovafshaped and wssdursh fideshi . . The miles F6sed w(hout any incidenl Th€ $rwas rrryerhg ar arcund 30 mph whch is $nfE€ni to tuh rhe comor Intourtn q€r. Just rhen, as they wre aboul lo rurn the b€nd ihey hsd .temble lelhq ihar something ws wr@g The on V sound rhst colld boh€ard ws lhe radto, neither rhe car nor the enEn€ w€ro aodDl.Thd, as $ey rulned the bend. rhey could see no more lha. rhrnv y.rdtIn lMt of ih€m, covenng lhe wtble r@d, was a thrck'm6r', 'g8s or'loq'li ms dene, gteh. and about 9 10 teet h€h, and was bordoiod on th.left'had sde by thack boshes On rhe right, the qas soom€d to curv.d@n to the gr@nd, iust behnd a thn hne of trees along ths lo!d'! vargaThe top was tbr and rhe ironom was buchrng lhe ground Ju rr thamisr Ms m!c€d, th€ car's €dlo sta.ted craclhng and smotng John lhmplll€d @r its wiB Ths fi€ car lighls w€nl d6.d, lnd tiay r|.|.$gulted W fog srill t@elling at around 30 mph El.|ho r.mombara lha@. ie*tng vrdstlv as the m6t clned around I q|3rrlv drll.r.nt tlorn mythr& tog they had evsr €.couniered belo6

The winclows w€.e up, and Kevrn was snll st6ndng on th. crr lloo,behind th€m, and the othe. rrc chrldren w€r€ slrll ellosp Inlido th6 tog'

,A t89

Page 98: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

uFos-x;YofrccL6E ENCOUNTdIS

h wa v6ly kir and they t€ft v€ry @td. a tnEtrlg s€.sran w! f€h ld irwas d6.d sihnt Ew.yrhnE w6 tEzy and nothi,g ,rore coutd beEm€rnn€rod. Et ev€n it $s c5r was sr t moting. Thay r,€ro in rhe mctfor whar sm€d tits a s€co.d d r.o, !/t{B su(Hsty rh€ro w€s . i't rf€th6 car gdng o!€r 6 h'/mp€d-tack bridg€ and U€ Eist w€3 gd|s_ TIF carnow. aciordi€ to -bhn. was oractv on€ and a halt nit€s atong rhs $trr€6ad. Things at rhis pornt w€c rery contusnlg lo, Jolh, bn h€ 3a!3rs hewa oo his @n in th€ trcnt of lhe 6r . _ Etai.€,s ti6t .o@lecriw b€g€nab@t haf a mit6lurth€r o . . . Borh saij rhat $6 @td.€ss had nw tsr!a.d uE c€r was tuctonrE noruty, b€ lhe Edio rtEl ws sritlunwired. Things w€re unct€a. &ttng hori€, but rney on rohember tstKatn w6 si'tt aMk6 and the othe. rwo child€.r ws.€ si, asls€p_ Ebinevdguely ememb€E rhat the intedor tigln w6 o D r'le @r, sr|€ sd, 1sevdybody her6z John and Etaii€ thiok t€r rn€y dEy haw b&€d abourtns h6l bur dnot Ememb€r 6x4dy. Both t€ft Ery Birorls .rdtdght€hed. ahhough no atf€ltecrs w6,e rmgmber€d.

. . On clching hom€ . . _ both Ka.€n and Sruan !./€re $ilt adep, ardwere 6m€d up to bed_ then Etain€ t@k€d al lh€ ctock. ard b€cane w.vwmed 6 U!€ ctoct whch shdtd he €*, aboin 22.20, inst€ad readaborn 01.CrO... lh€y catiz€d rhat rhre hou6 w€.e mi$ing trcm dEirhles . Ihey had m itsa whar had happened, or ov€n wnar courd haveh8pps€d . Th. onV i|l€tters nored lh€ ldbwing rt y €rc that bo$Joho and €tairs feh ti€d. A[ rhree chiHren w6t ro $hoot 6s cuat.s

s-ao.y noi.. in i|i. AvC.y abduciion a!

The 'bi8 srir'which apFaEd ro pae ihe er trn c .d in thc chara.terisri.'startint ad stoppi.S' norion that ms &scrib.d fi oe of tb€ Bt*iDoolc.$s. This nay irdicate rh. pr€scE of a radicwavc rnnsmisionapplicd intemitt Drty, ,,ultirg il th.ough rhe atno.phcre- Att m..ircty,and judgirt by rh€ rctariv.ty stos sP€.d, ii e.y jut ie bcsn thar lhcca., enittirg a il&tf, bcing Fimr y coBrrudcd of fcmus mtab.rr.d ar a Dagrtcr Md rh. ob6rructioB.nd qyirg dBtaic6 int .rupr.dnc maSnct'c arna.lio cffer. tr is at$ si8nif@ rhar the rajerory ofthis_aerial light coincid.d cracrty eilh a tiF o, py'oc *hid! ru6 par.ltclto th€ r@d ear by. lr my lave ben d ct.crri.t ohna q Sr Etm.,firc rftc.l rratctting rtont rh. high rlBion ebl6 @rhcad, ,unniraroni.6r to suth-w.3t.

Afrer ftis ercnt, rh€ r*o parcnts .nd orc child ,ecaLd a @mrrtcr'abdudior' inro . flytry s@r, *hcE rtEy *crG hcdic.ll, clenircd,rDCy rcpdLd. rry a rutnb.r of differcd ati.n .nin' ryF.


H@€aer, wi.rcver the UAP ttF. i. cohbination wilh a powedullnbimt field, both s!t6 rev€aled lheir presne by a nunb€r ofrccoAnizble elg-trical eff€$ upor rhe car, similar to tho* in themrcll6ter c.!c. Tll€ violclt jcrting is indiqtive of ar interhirtent 16 ofitnitioi, where , 'juddcring effecl creared by ahcmale geaFdrive. andfr.c-wheli.g no{i6 sdd be produced. Throughout the initi.l prerfog'stiges, there is a protrcsive d.cree in srsry noi* due b rhenultunciim of rhc engine, radio and lights. By the time thcy hadmclMrered the fog . all lhree ftre sil€nl. and the '9rc€n misr €!€nruallycliminaied vinrally everlrhing in th€ visual lield- At this strge, s€nsryn<'i* had drcpp€d to an oplimum level for the erablishftnt of thewitnear€s' dtercd.tates. combining ehb the inadiation ol the witness.sby lh€ 6eld pr€sent. Th€ clnscious mind, which thrives on sens{rry input,e6 srared of enemd stimlli and rh€ unonkiols .ould then b€ome

Ir will be notked rher th€ Ireo fo8' eliminated the need for deta'l€d'rotid.l &plicat6 for the vilnc$cs, phich throughod rhe encounrerirrclv€d John. Elaine and Keein thal is. fath.r. molher and en). Theo$cr tpo younSe. childrcn slept rhrcughour the event.

This ?l6t.ical fot' sm to b€ the effect of an intense €lemical field(in this ca* chanating fron thc .ow df pylors which rdn beside rhe road.aldg irs ld$n) on atmGpheri. water. The cha.8e €l€clrically excites theinen gass ir thc ai'Mph€r€ (ned. ar8or, *ryptof, andreron), causingrhem to bqomc fluo|lrenl, 8ivi.g an ovcrall luninous grcc! huc.TherefoE. nicrly sperling. sah rn ' fog is a type of UAP,which in rhis ce eftl@d rhe witnc.s, inadiatinS them severely.

Thc fog' had eiicmal rcality and induccd thc nngung and coldse$srions: both are s,stenic responr€s to ature fi€ld erposuc. Hwe!...these efi€.ls provid€d cn$ry noie. .nd ir is clear that therc are inremalFnss wirhin the body rhat need to bc quictcned' beforc an effeclivc$nsry noie-f@ sratc is Gtablishcd. Thcs neruc ccntrcs a.c calledpmprioreceproB and de t@ted rhrou8hout rhe body.'^ Thcy *nd|rMilding mseSes to lhe brain about the posture of rhe body.orienlatlon of rhe lihbs, tedion and tones of thc Fusl€sand soon. Thisconsrant intemal busy r.arto of snsory sisnals needs to be clininatedalso- Sohe encounkr erperiene irvolle . fance'induced inactivity(which involvdlhe habiiuation effect vhere the eme lisualmcssgcs arefed into lhc b.air over and ovcr. ald is the basis or'high*ay hypnosis ).This paralysis crelt6 an internat stillness- In rhe Aleley ca5€, ho*ever,rlte wittus€s blanked{ui azd srfiered elecfically indu@d paralysis.

A lable @mpiled by Dr Ma.k Paya. indicatcs lhc conditio! calledelectmslecp which can be induced by a frequency b€tweer lm and


Page 99: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

ulo6 - ttrYcmtc cl-ocE ENcDt NTETS

I5(D Hz, *hich is G.d mcdicaly by . l'ai*d pretitiom, io iduc.uaon$iorr$6. For the witn ss ro be€tr oblivi8 fo, rhr.c hoB,thr phcnomenq &norn as etcctm.adlh€sia, in (xDbit|ario yftticlo6cly .elated srlt s, hav€ to be irdurd_ tr r.t6 plac. itr th€ !.mfreq@rcy rarge as etectrct€.p. ard it rutd hav€ quieten€d rhc itr&mal*M.s D.nrion.d_ Il muu rcdrEd or removed psi. irdued bynuslar stiffi|cs duc to inactiviry. In fac!. it w@td etptai, t|ow alt rhr.ewitn€ss N.cre .frcrc.' itrio peman€ postuB to. rl|e eeriod of ti€iruncoEbostls. tor this is ehar appesF ro h.w h.pFi<d.

Andrc* ColliB meDbored rhar one ajpei rh.r pqztcd hiD inpinmlar {ap€n frcd rh. enigrna of rhe cE4 ten€rr y!) ; rhal fhcnparcnts and child 4.1, rcsained @rsio6.cs6, rhey ecic dI in cred, rtg$mc

_ posroons d posturcs as rncy w.rc jun b€forc th€y a[ lo6t

cons@sn€s5. Qtr dowr ro xcvin 3landiry up tEhind th. fronr *.8srh borh his hands on rhe sr+act s. The Fcprion rhar John had ofDe'ng alonc most h8vc becr a negatire ha ucirai@ (as his eife @td joined a mvi.S @4 whictr er.ludcs Fople and $ar a.cpresnr, ..rher rhar crcarinS lhc Frcptid of somerning ,or thcre. It is

rh.reforc. rhar rhey defl s soudty afte, rhe cv.nt,o.€use oe'nt frc4. in rh€ sam posirion for rhE hou6 *o!td haEb€$ ertrem€ty eediry on rhe sydem.

This noao' anitld. is mord paEtFir q a&i68. ard ir oeuB *h€rmlor rcuroG in tbe n@h. .periene etecficrl iotcrferene vhichcau$. th€m ro DalfuEtion; attcrnativetr, rhc $m. ; E*ned whenrne relrot.ansmifiers reeiv. s(ft constanr etecricat stnnuhrion thrllney are [email protected] and ouse rlE eBt6 to siE !p. Thc eff€l can bccrcaled by i differcnr amphude ro the rrcquencbs u$d i, elecfcorvulsive rh€npy (ECT), *hich is at rhe 25 Hz o. 1{) Hz hc{uerci.s ddcre.!.s a bl&k{rf etre.r. Atso, nnirebiliatid (xsrrld in th€ $bjetsof PellrrSer and Ru[.r's erFdmnts. FEtd erposur. caidenrty 6,,s€drn. unconsousms aod aliB,a of rh. Aretey vimc*s.

Ardrcs cott'ns motiotu rhe d@ p@ri;,ty ot hish_l.6ion titr.3ro In gr*n fog t@r,on. Therc 3.ems to b€ tinte &ub| rhar rh€yconrnbuEd glearty to th. ambient ct€ctriet fidG , *ith ah.'fot . CoNider rb€ fott@int f'a.ege by Tom cEver, a .6€arcne, irto

Basrcally, pykrn tines spln the €netlyttM. alowng p€n or ,t ro conrinuem

'ls way, bur s€nding rhe r€rnairder cbw'r the pvbn nset, lE

propodons slolsn, by lhe wt@s vary emmdsr, fo, no kn(,m 6asdAt each bend n rhe the ot 6bts ot rhe energy that o.rgnna{y ranc(vn ihe dsQ.@nd ,sFiN oft,, efletvety tdmiog a n4 [email protected]



@.gdnd. Il€ r€suh is rh.r in eme a.€as . . . the web ot pylon lin6s,lt!€ dd sma'I,€s large nu6be6 of umlfCial overqrounds,all@ing er€rgy ol the song kind to arye sr rhe w.o.q de ar thewbng dme and probauy lhe wrcng dnestion. -rh€ rcsft. in orher mr tust a msss,

't's absoluie chms. In som€ cases and .€as ir may be

possible to diren the iiaior overg@nds upwads so that tiey ar6 ebovethe po'ed'n4 . . . rhe onv srElacrory sorulion wdtd be ro plr atl thedetMl porer @bls u.dsqrdnd. Evon gv€n the mmous @st oJdoing $ .. n wouH still be worthwlrile . b€€use ot th€ Dvlon'shid'Jen eflels m rt€ hgalth and feni[ry ol rhe hnd,3?

Il would atpear ihar ihis 'loit' e@ld b€ i.srrumental thc enreme slstemic.ff€crs h tbe Avclcy witnesr.s.

A.othcr Dore potenr suc of elect.dic Dollurion is rhe eff€.1 of.ttenuation, phich h.s sD€cific relevde fo. this cas€, Att€nurtion is aGm which .efeB lo the lois of sitnal b€tween rhrsmittine ard .*iving

Alte.uatm 6 rh3t whr.n cr€aes a loss ol sigml power in a fiansmssionparh or el€ctnBl mtworL k is sol€ly due 1o th€ ,eesr.w mmponent ollhe po& or circun ampedane lor only in resElan@ @n power tEqpended and lo$ as heat Thrs applies also 1o radio channels In which th€signal is aftenuated by comacr wft $€ grNnd {as we saw wnh the$ac€.wav€Jg,oudjetlected propagalon) or by ils passage through theatmsph€r€ In a tBn$issrm channel anenuaton is usualty unwanred4ld has to be derco.he W amplifi€tio.; i.e., an inc€as€ in power F

Or, a elecarcni. pollulion @nsshdr Anne Silt pu(s ir:

Anen@rb. ot 6dio sigEls - rhis is whd rhe signal srrengihs€nr, say 1@ .bdbels, drops to ey, 60 d*ib€ls at the re@ivingdish l/Vtpc has the miss'ng 40 .lec'b€ls g(re? Inb rhin aa,l Or EtherMterhdsn ar rhere to produce odd ellecrs

TI|e'odd effe.ts ircluded rhe creatio. of e|4tn@fiy cha.8ed warerdroplets $al appeared as lh. gt€en fog , wtich produed, in @mbinationwith lhe lylon .ff€cr'. the tin8litr8 &nsrio8. rh. sha.ed altered star.,the abdDclim s.€.rrio, *hictr s6 a m€laphor for the srdden sFtemictate{yer orq the ne|ds, and oth.r inom.lss rrd freat' conditions.

AHGni is . @rios eff6r reponed Liny fr€qu€ntly in UAPprcxiDity, sri rs thc Travis rflaton l:e. Thc Plymurh/D€ms€ Bishop('* @tlin.d c.rlid, wh€rc a youry w@ar rG zpp€d by a UAP as shcput hcr h.rd on a metal door har'dle, shded how ir csn o.cur

'|('llgtarily tas ia sorllclN bad nolped a filn'. The Bolry Andrcasson


Page 100: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

t tr6- tsYc|frc cuEB Elrcogirlls

'$dr.titd' c.!!,cd *Ent rnattDcE ot . hnily eho *crc c' b,Bctq to bc 'tre.n' lit€

'|rtu.., rhih 5he hc|!.tf .r@lLd, u!d.r

btFcib 3 vii{rru.y crF i€rE ri$ . |tlarirytut, mtthb.Fboticon|Cnt of r rcliAiolr mrw. Thc nortcy R.tis cMte, rho invotvedLr{ilty penlFir-

Tha Arday ra aab: a to|nnlaayTo round or tlE AEI€y cncounr.r incid.rr iBclf: rc a leEiorhcr! r fmily i! dnvirE lbnE otr . t.rc .otonn.vcni|E, rnd tlEy ar.rrlF olrer cdt6, .rd rh.n mikccrion. of . DoqErtut snbicrr ch.t ic.lficld. Duir€ rtb F|itd llEy g.rdudty Cip i,no . cb.rged nodc ofFrEcFirn. ehich, h dntinitio with .h. dirdr eff..ts of rhc fiGtd dIhGk imnFdi.t ii.nin tbc car, brirli otr .tr .cccter.t dd.crcr!€ in €ncBl sai|nuli. Thir d..E& h.d be., ,lorird d|icr, rdrtt|€ inp|6ior of an.b.en c of rnffic. Thi! m.y iddi..rc the i rcd,Erionor thc notid.l dqtic.r.' p.oc6s Gurira in rhc crfty st !6, hr G it isrtE a&.*.6 aproehinA t..tfic th.r rs so norisbtc, .mrhcr, rloEoninoG f.caor sStc$ ia.lf: drilEB ap.oachir! non E otlErdircclion had drcd-v rEv.llcd inro th€ ourq ce6 of thc 6€!d zI* erdmy lrvc .lrcady b..n .frcct€d and had lod 6Gci('l|*s .Iic, ttEi, oBbrd stalLd dE to crc.rriBl mattuxrion. fltcy rcre having thci. lirc-l.F.s' alrc.dy. If you tltint lh.r this i. mt pcriuc bcc.l,s. eryorcmuld tnoe .boor ir. rcm€mb.r Johr .nd Etairc tcpr th€i, crFricr .orftcmi€lv€s for lhrec y!d, dd it onty caft ro thc aficmbn of din!.€stiFtor by cidcln. Ats, ror cErlonc r.ali6 tlur.t|ey hrd.rire-los6. If thcy (b. whal & rhcy do aboot it? Wlb do ficv t [?

Th€ a.tul .timc-LFe' pcriod erot6 atr inrg. of &iv!E andt cs€trac'l 'ftecn' h rhir (a. Thii is ar Gcric sMiio incrc sr.rioErylre6c cith.r on th. 3it of rhc Avclcy .o.d or o rt* red irlctt.cmb.dd.d in thid tE.

.tot, cmiains tEvctbrs insi& c{ch Ehicteepp.E dy sL€p. P..flrF th.y rcwr 8ot to this ir.G., m.t fccling odd..d lnicll tiey .bandon€d thcir jourcF .d runcd off_ Or FrnrFthcir vchi.l6 trd j6t maltulrdiorcd ind d.wi.e of uE rH routdtt E d!o*r! .brotcr dorn' @r! do.t d ebo!. rhc 4pret r@d.,lncblc evcn .o & rhcir hrz.d lidrs.

Our eil.cs6, howlcr, [email protected] tm UAps - th. ov€rt ?d iflhtmd $c cl.dri.rl fo! - found th.r thcir c.rt cbct i:t q,s&t|| frftGEd,qilh &c 1016 of miE from ih. cDiE, lirht fto|r rhc hc3drrnF end ioudfrm rhc adio. llorevc., rhc fo.,ncr fiB i.rcrmitrerrt , .nd 4 rrtbthcy .crci rh. cot! of rhc 6€H. Th.r rh. c., sLlb conplcrct .td rctb ro



I n{h. Ttey los. con$i('ffi .nd b.oft iftnobilir€d . . . for thr.c

I! mur be rsmcmbcrcd thar $€ situaiion ?!s extraordinary in rhelilcnl !€.sc oI tne *ord, and @uld enainly be called 'freaL conditions'.I. fer. . Bcr..h.. nantcd William Corlis hs olLecied a wid€ rang€ ofrcports of 'fre.t ph€mmm" such as slow lidtnin8 sttiks; €l€ctricallpclrs tlat stict into tbe trcund for a fe* secorG t€fotc vanishinS;ictand of'solid litht vh€re tuminous sphe6 prcj€d a b€an of lighlrith a flat, dl-ofi €ndi tnd all types of e€Ld foms andtEhayior. Thd€ arc all UAk ol difteut ttpes and hav€ @nespondin8aeird cffEts ro to with th.m. Oft *as a mini-lighrniq srrikc rhat enrered. rum ard brore . pilc of plates. It w.s fo!f,d thar each aftemate platc*a @tly brotc. inro rso cvcn hahes in rbe pile. Comparable oddities|lo doubl €xi( in Elation lo the effodr of cl€tri@l oh€nomena on th€

A toFgnphh.l liCd m.p

Tte Avcby c8 prcvidG a mod€l situarion whe.. we could plot an.bclri$yelcdronagnetic lield on ro a maD and dism a enre and anoorcr ed3€. We Nld thcn plot rhc diffcrenr effects and sysremicrespons @rdin8 to UAP pr*ne/p.oxinity, and zonal arcas.itrdtrting lield @n.€nlration, This is, of .ouBe, a simplificalion, for anmbe. of re6o6s. For cranple, in t ms of rhe effect upon th€ car@pants, the sro8lh of lh€ fr€ld is .ot so ihpona as the frcqwrcyrnd the dct@ ot @hercne- We have alrady onsidercd witrelss'm€€ting thci. frequercy'. and rhar diffcreoi individuab are riSgered inroa'rc.lity srild'c alt$€d stale by difiercnt specifE freque.ciesi thar is rosay, 2|,6 of i|[email protected] @n entration, according !o ho* n€ar the enrrcof tl|c 6cld tlt y are. are mt ,!€!:€g.ily more able to indKe an aheredstata. Sdlre *iiness6 would't'ip at a vcry low srrcngih of field .r ir3cdte, but othea sold have to lravel funher into a more @n€ntrated:Dnc beforc it .ffeted them. See Fig!re 9, a topographical map of th€

I Tbe @d on *hi.'fi thc *itncys scr. tavclling:2 Th. f.ld aEa divided irto mes;3 TtE ob.ervcd t'ajs:toty of the overh€.d UAP;a lmnobilirrd vchicLr on loads leadinS to thc elatriql fo8;5 The lin@r positios of ihe pylors i. relation to lhe road and theob.€w.d lnjsrory of lh€ UAP, shox,ing how rh. two coincid€.


Page 101: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

uF6 -I| tCtftc cL6E Ei{colrNTExl

E.t A |b!rd i t d-dtbAtEl tat . f r .



TIE mrp b p.odlced 6 . usllrl h.lM of vi$al aralFi!. d toirdk t gft of rhc nain v.riabrcs that nay b€ plon.d on mapilclt.rally.

Before tnc Avcley an.lFis is mtinEd. thc .e should b€ put intoconten. h is part of a eider, di*t rc, !.hicl. sr nilhr' syndrome. Ther€is ckarly a reoc.arirS .!€oci.rion o, rh. clo..{D.ounter vith thcnoctumtl car joumey. To eplain lh€ rcEer for lttk asociatio., we necdto rc.lizc ttat il is significant thar th€ er .a. b€ reSard,ed as an .xremionof our own body and s.nsesi rti.t is ro sy, therc is more than jusr an.naloaou Frall€l betwen headignb and c,€!i rheels atld lcgsi ergincmd nctatolisni n.F6 and el..1'izl eitin8; iSnition ,nd coneiousreis-Thc 6D6.iin8 lirk bet*lcn rhe t*o in tlr€ clo6.<E@nter situarion isthe en$ry mi* facto., a the sarE alf!€cl acts upon theD both, causinSth.m ro mltumtio, ebich d€at.a a slddcn fall ir s€nsorv noke lcv€ls.That colnDor aF.t is, of 6uM, iEld expGure.

Tha ancoont- cora

Tie Avcley enco.nlcr functio.Ed s a cathanic PsychG3trilual ovqhaul for th. eitn€s€s, *iich t@l place at a d€eplevel. Ir v6 €ried oll by rhe unonsious uiilizing a .ohplexhdl*inatory construct, *hcrc 'aliens of tvo de$riptions peBonifi€dlhcsc $corsciou! proc.iscs. John was espe.ially atrecled, s we shalls.cfrm lhe pcl-€lllsrter analFis. Il i.slved shared visionary matcrialrhcr. borh witn$s rere '€nmined' by t*o entiry ryp6 depicr€d asusing adE@d rechricayncdkal cquipB.rt. Thcy tcll lhat they had beenlevitat€d insd€ a pillar of lighr rhat aic€nd€d irto a spac€ship . lnnially.tlicy *crc slandirA on a babnylite platform at the bas€ of th€ ship', bur.t the top of the pillar of lidt. wb€r. it *6 perceiv€d as €mergirg fiom

Wilh m pespe.iive ot th€ dr it tbis poinr, ar rh€ stan of theepe.ienc., they rcportcd undcr bypGis that rhey could se themsclvesslddiog by it. Sscn hailucinatioN of DoppclSanges are @mmonlyrcpon d by ihN sofferinS lron eilcptifon condirions and ar.indic..iE of aNDalN el€ctrical a.livity in th€ brai. of the witn€ss€s.Srrh pe.ccptions rerc €videdly shsEd d rhis point, indicstiDg mutualitndirtio bt.pccific frcqucrcici Hoveyer, as would bc cxFct.d, nor.I of rhcir hdlucinarory Pe.ctflions eerc so shar.d. Andr.w Colling.Lt s thal 'Th. similaritiB b.twe.n her lElaitre'sl aeount and John'i rr.vcty dthough lhctc (b app€ar to b€ sm. mrrkcd'

Tbis minurc of sh*d and dhprratc perc€ptions ii typical of 3uch


Page 102: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden



erFrle6. and il i. indicltir€ of an inpcrfcc-t 'shar.d visior' prtr*.This is to be eryec-tcd. @cide.in8 rhc intcmlly produ..d nsrurc oI ilr.eexper&n 6. A grcat de.l of apparcnt inter.crio. with alicB wapeeived and it muld be tnluble material fq .o iov6tiSator odpilin83 Ini4t tr.cir8' profile of tne erFrienc6. Howwr, s &tailedt.owkdgc of the pcMnal and Fydlorogical ba.lgronnd *ould bc.eded. M.dr of thc that *6 rcftmber€d @me 3 sponlan.fu'n6hbaks' irdtrc€d by the htpnota statcs @ried @l by qualifieddeto6, rather than s!@sfrl rcgBion - This is tte hypcis/ttue-natching dcsnbed.

Th. full d€tal! arc not prcvid€d hcrc 6 this Grion is ex.mining@Nlive pllrcs ralh€i onterI adlFis. (Thcy €n b. fdnd in . .&-rcpon fom the now detuncr Indepe.&nt UFO Networt.)

Po3t-ancouirtar ltfact$

Irvesiigaror Andrcw C4llins sars:

5@n aher rhe ncjdent ,lol'n $ttered a Nrcus b@tdffo lor maooaBt reas. He 6 not surc ot $e tacr dare bur |t rc beld€Chrismlas. fthe {@unter toot ple m 27 Ocrob€r t97,l.l Due ro thebrdkd()M. Joh. had to giw up his iob and dit noi wort again unrilS€ptembs 1975. In September a tob 'f6ll into t s lap', a Fb which he hadwanred to do to. many yem, lhjs behg wrting wnh tE matalttundrcapp€d lPr€uousty he h€d Mrted in the co.tstuctin ind,sw'l Henw tell much more cor{'deni of h'rns[. bul thE @H quite ren haob€€n due to ham ra:rMnng lrcm the m.vous b.€a*down . . tle 6 n@wo*ing for himself and is hopi.E to hu.Eh a €rs in reaching ans anddafts. S'@ iloMbe. John has wdtts may poem abdn his lite al ofwhi$ w@ wdlten d<M d rhe splr ot rhe morEnt.

Ela'no has also beore moe *fonfdst atd snlc€ S€ptember h6atten.led college K€vin, wtD Es b€dwad in his reedang ar sctrool,suddenly began to ger better a.d no , is way ahead ol his e.ding 6qe. Alabout tt€ time of the e|lq{ntd, John, €lairE K€vin and l(4a atr ge upeattrE meal and now €nnot ds st nd tfie smll of ir Jd. atd Ebirelel @ry stMgv abod rhis, Fiinting @t that aniEEls slnld nor b€ lill€dso peo{rli? @ €t They { John) do th€ir bed to pr*nr othspeopLe afound rt'em fr@ eating m@t . . . both frcely dm't rhat rhe tasrerukes thm fo€l ill Tb€y are ale wry mscnxs ol wtEl they sar flofoods with any preeNaltves. colouriigE, fl€@dng or dythinq 6is€{rMaturd are 4r bq4hl l!@ bolh l€d wry stqE about@n*Mlbn ol olr eNi.onilgr . . . WtEj€d bolh John ard Eaii€ liked



'. sood dinl' betoE rh€ ircidar, rh€y hadly rMh 6lcohol Er all now. . . John wtlo hd untl Usn smord W b @ 70 €(taGn€s a day.

lrd(brv ga/e up ynoting contd€tev. Sinca th€n h. has nor€d acitaBti. and lld hat6s lh6 sh6ll ot lhcm . . . 5*66' smalls changos6n bG 5€g in Joln. ffi ot whii I bdkrc b a stdr{er peBdalily and 6mo." pelsuosiv€ an'htd€. also. John Es€nrs raising hb voics ro his

AnrlyrisObviously. all thrce ritncas.s havc un&rgonc a carb.nic noryanizanonof th€ir mcrral rd physk5l John, in panicular. had re-int grated in t rns ot bckf and mctabolkn, lh. fonncr being iduenc€dby chd86 ro thc latt r to a .

The pnnciple b.biad elcctro-conrrlsivc rherapy is ro scnd a jolr of.l€ctricity through tlte s)rn m in order lo rcorganize its eledncal andchmiGl turcriorirS. fi. eiit|..c apFar to have und.rgone a paBll.lpttxs of eia.e ilolvitrt atincsia or p.nlFis as a res.h of iheilcrposurc to d|€ ficl&. Also, a! se bav. frorn othcr €n ounre.. with aUAP and/or feld!. dre .l.cirical h}?€kaitivity vas induccdd.morsntcd by suldcn esiriiiry to f@d addiliv6. alohol,totdcto, and n@t. We haw nor.d that such nultipl€ allergi.s (which DrC. W. Snith d€fines ai a failur. of on or norE regllalory sysr€ms in thebody) are invaiiably a3siatcd vith h'?creBiriviiy ro €l€dn@l andor.l.c{t1,Mgnctic fEl&. field .tpqurc. lh€reforc, rcarangcd thcirbody chenin.y, low.nng th.i. .bili.y Io cop€ witl' a rang€ of environ-ncnlal A mDarablc .* {as thc en@lnter wiih the SubudI2rih (rcntioned in ChapGr On.), wh.r€ th€ percipienr d.velopcd.ncdy rh. sanc itpe of lnenral and phtsk l brcaldown. aho for a ycar,*nici eas dso resolvcd bl eliminadnS c€nrh food lyp€s from h€r dicl,.rd a @requcnt reorgdiarion of bcr lif.{ryle, whi.h ale includ.d an.widae ot $grr, caficinc. tob.c.o. rlcohol af,d. €specially, food.ddiriws of the E vdi.ty. CH, ifier a dG aseci.ion vift a ficld-cmirring .lnedium' ad th. .tpe.i€ne eith a BOL and fi.ld, ako €rclud.droba@, al@hol and Dear. vhicb he scs 6 pan of a spiritual misiioninvolving an ali€n intelligc'rc€.

This elimimtid of whal bcem€ body pollulanl3' for lh.$ pcoplc, aswll6 rh. Av€ley wittresg. is (snlial for th€ir Betaboli. eclfb.inS; inf.ct, ir now cnible.r thcm lo tunclion morc efficiently, phfioloSically

Sc.iing. This n bec:u!€. beforc th€ neH clposure {inally undcmimdlhcit sFms, they rcre alteady @pint to 8rc51.r or viththc thin!' thar thcy clibinatcd aft.r th. cncount.r: as is th. c.r. so oftcn,thci lllcr8ies *€re !I lcacl-


Page 103: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

uf106 - tsYclnc ck)sE EN@t NrErs

Eyeryore e3ts, &i.l(l ot tatr! in somthirS that rcak6 then.'3roto sd* dcgrce, but tlEy dp. with ir. Thcy Dy notic. th.r thcy f@lslightly ill for a shon pctnrd, o. a bil dom', eh€o dEy coin€ irio conrictsith melnirg to *hich lhcy arc a[c.gic, su]dinl6lty. This do b€anything flm a peMal cornpute. to cofiee. lky.t€ quite uu9e thetthen stst m is fi8htitra agairs its ctr .1s. Wtile thc rllergertc subsr..ce iiin thei. slstem, ficld elPcurc will triA8er. frrllblom .lleqic condirior.Did John and Elai'le al n€n, (|liok alcolbl, smte a.d Iake in foodaddilivcs jusl beforc rh€ir faretul joufty? The cironsta|l6 eta6t rhatth€' did, o. ar 16r that rhe cheDir5b rhat constihrt€ thes rhirys rcrc$ill in their sysren. Allce.rively, rheir mtabolim jct could not coFvith th* thinSs after rheir indistion.

Therefo.e, the artitudes that de found so repearedly itr wit|rNs aftertlEir €ncountcr erpedcne, that a.e prffipicd *ith a punty of food ddeNiffinenr. @ o si,tpk ptuj..tiM of dt i. on tuied n taholX @dt,l6hid..l into 6 U.ologt. Thcir pcMnal menl.t .dd physical reger€r.-tion is oticn clPrcsd in qudiipiiitu.l @nterts. and it is rcfle:ted ir rheadoplior of a c-l@n-living life-sryle, vilc tud idqls @@mirg rlEenvirc.rcnt. Thcir conceh for envirctrMtal pol|lIin cones aboutbe6u5. of a ed sodder cnange in thcir ()o Ftsmrl !€isitivityto pollutins $bstrtls. As Ka.l Mad iaA: 'PereNl d@ni1an6 giwds to iddlogy; not ideolot,' thcs pcMnal cirumlran 6.'

As an ex-I*h.., I wodd rlso ycnture s @ldlated gues rhar Kcvin sd,evelopmental prcblems were paitly du€ to a subdi.ical .llcrgic rcactidto the dict he sh!rcd with bis family. This ea. cvidcndy ||gt of ffikind, bul mre porcnrly, anificial food additi6, h€ca'6. dildr.n meiF.ially s6itive lo th6€. Tbcy can caB crcti@al dd betwiilmlp.oblens rh.t utdc.mine p€rfoma@ itr nmy arer!. Anorhei ttsn fo.Kevin's impMed pc.fomane is .elat d to rh€ loeer lerels of famitystrc$. If his parcnt! see noe mctaboli@lly rcll .djcrcd, $ey eorld bccnltrcr and more stablc, dd rney would be ebl. to @pe mm efhcicntly,.ot havirg to cohbat a weakeninS and mood-alre.ir8 facror of *hirdr theyw@ld have been rotally ommE.

Eira-aanaoay pecaptioo in dola drco$nb€ rdinvr.lttrtion

In the ligh of tb€ proatsirc mnnaliz-ation of shat had pBiGly [email protected] 6 p.rammal, *c must [email protected] hbcllinA any plE olrtcnon .sertra-scMry with @ ior:



Io be 6bb ro discuss'6€nso.V p€rc{plir n is fi6t n€cossory loenai. hd t dr sffi @ld D6iuv rake us belo.6 rhotuid6hst l ljmiLiDns s6r by our pEsern unders|.ndng ol pht€ics ar6rerhed. Anythng b€Wnd $6 must suEly only b€ lab€lleds(r..s€nsory unl€ss, or untl, it c€n b€ shown otheMis€.a

Fd thc lMt p6n, the lat FMn eill Dorc rcadily lab.l a Fffi para-m d thatr tbe $ieniist. b6.w he or she is rct tully awarc of lheop.iorB ivailable that are 'norn.l crplanations, or ciplanatio.s rBingconvcnnonal science. !i is cmnon s€n3e thal ps..romalphcmreM arc 'mtmlizd' by a(van6 h tnowlcdtc. There is a

t E..lly h€ld asumprion thar rbe pannornal i{ claliifild as 3uchbcciuse no tndn sicntific erphnntions €rhr. lmtcad, st .sumprionsrctLct th€ uRen dieribulion of sci.riific knoel€dge, and uriil atiDdividlzl elcher uD with @rEnt $ienrific bound.ries. he or shc [email protected]@ to rctard smething 6 ultimat€ly fi'sterious o! paranornnl,This is 6p€.ially th€ ce amonS mary UTO erlh$iasts, who do nolsoi their 'diswri.s to be s$pped of lhen appaEDt mFtery.

M()t!d.r, to ey thal o. is crPlairirt onc unknoen in renns ofamth.r unk'.)m Dsully indi@t€s thrt thc individual h.i not iaken thctrouble to tct to looe r€Lerant infomariror: thlt is to say, sm.ihing willr€mir unllldn until oE gers ro l'|d ir. ir is ft€ diff.rene b€teeen'uidertifEd' dd 'unidentfiable'. Many do not $eb ro r€slik that theyhav€ ro *irch .diyoly tur $c si€ntific options that vould crplair aphenonemn; the fa.r thar $merhirg k .pparently mysterious d@s notm@n rhar rhis should f,or be done. Thk is esp@ially lrue with cxrra-

RaldiCs thesis prdid.s a $i€nrif€ bastu for extra&nery p.replion;it @rlin6 the m$hdims and prcs qbcrcby information Gn h€tween teo EuEl s)sleDs. This irfonation is fiequ.ntly infic to.m ot uncorscious imascry, as l'e have noled from th€ iDp€rfcctly3l|a ed visior.rt maroial in rh€ Aveley cas. Rakovic de mcnrions thar.r star. is not al*ays rcquircd fc lhis information transfer.

The lirt bctwn ES ildividuals and p.ychic or m€diunistic abiliti.soc.u^ rcF.rdly in cr* after .e of .j*+nounter exp€ri.Ei irpoirls to th€ in*apablc @mluion thar, r]?iqlly, thes sitncss erhibirESP. 6 oait of thes abilitiG. This coElusion ha! tlc.n amv€d at rroD a6!.-fi!c appto..h, Bhkh is . sirdrcgt, that tacklB rh. study of UFo cEsby cranini4 a limild numbc. of €ca ir deplh. ralhcr than many ca$ H('94r, thct has been a lon&rerm $udy (An.rnndisProjlct) cuicd out by Dr Alex K€ul and Kcnn€th Phillip! i o the

FM.ality prefi16 of CE eir'les.. Thts studt b .stift, .onpatibb wirt


Page 104: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

ut(F - xtYclflc cI-6E B{cDt NTEls

,[. EStl. .nd it ffi to thc em coFlusi.xt: 1116. ritncss.. cthith,fir8t and forutnGt, ei.*cersory FrE p.ioo abriIi6. Cdlidcr l(.nEdrPtilliF s dffiip.;o. ol thc prcj..r:

The Ammneis is E wnresi6s€d iN€Grisori\€ lool wrtir' colnFis€6 alimeiMrianl. criturefr€e ororocol *h'ch embl€6 soft4o€nc€ res€a..tteG to studt tfE Hepmfil6 of dGe€|rdntd UFO FEbirts/dIElHls, the pnncite @mF.srts of {|e* lifepFtil6 b.iog:I The sti6t's dsnosratic wtErc€bouts wiihin tis oin socisty2 Hjst!€. b€lisf qst€ms.3 Hietsr dr€di:l histo.V.a Has4w tdmd ffikr6 o<pe.bn6 (if atd.5 Hidhs d€tiw atilitiG.C Hi9he. €ducationai b6ctgrodd,&

This .tudy, like thc ESH apprmdr, dftlud6 rhat rlE* [email protected][nter witnM/percipients have . high ESP prcfi|.. CocidcrPhillips's con l6ioN:

Frcm the pdn! of visw of Wostem Eu.ope rhe AMmBis studbs@tiM to p@file. wibes wtb is. in oRl€r of stsrg(h of 6pois:.l A sdl{eports ot ESP pr|qgna|a.Dl A UFHr€am |@ller.d S6i1v in(rsbtst

Th€ ESH adds thc import4nt asFcr of thc elec,r.ical s€Gilivity ({rdthereforE field<ntssion) lint. Fes inv€stigaioE or re.€,'cl|c6 havc a.Ldupon thc Armftsi. to dhw eny dnclcioG ahoor the n.tuc ofthe ttFO phcnomemn, or @lizd th. inpli,6tio6 invohEd- Th. mo6lstunnint itnplication sur€ly nult bc that s thc *it|l€ss hr! a highprop€trsilt to et..ct irfomatio{ fron the unconicioB o{ oth€r., it i3pGiibl€ for rlEi. |,tpNiM to d,o this du.in8 the instiaatkm Friod;that is to $y, th€y lsld pick op na&nd pertatuirS to other|l6thri dte inveitigatoB tno{/, a , u!€ it in the clnslrrctior of su@t'erreryetierc. Theefoe, thc ei'i6 tu b.'@htMtnat d by h. ine.ttit-a!or(r- Co.sid€r the follwing ertnct ftom C. W. Smith dd S. B6t'sEkcttutuEnaic M6 on this inte@ption of ESP iofomatid:

t6 ar:lmt ol RGian and E st Europ6.r wt o ExtreneryFrceprid {ESPI has ben sis bv Ost€(br ad SdE€der {1970). Theynot€ a Fussia^ €,e€im€it whd, stigo€sts that ESP ca b€'bt4q€d-WH dte sltixt Kamsky, w?s attempling lo $rd tctu6 l€lepothlzly t|m L€nirErad to nolh€r eblrr. Nikolair. in Mosd.mlr|ol m ro rh€m w6 an intsrc€ptor. Milo&n. in a dftersrt building h



Moslw. Nikol€i.ry sor sood inE!€€ on ihreo out or tive rmag6s. Milodan.ho gor 9@d intonnalion on lwo ot rh€m- Thas rais6 rhe quesuor as towhodBr ono pel$ on, $rclgh the nterlm ot ihe body s eloclrorEgnoli: tbtl o mlts p€rs, G3d rEgEn. sigmls lrom thatpe|sd s b.ain @'Bl5; d mE impon6mly, i3 n po$ible lor onsperen s tieb to a€€ss 3nd s@ Enorller's fiEnE y locations? Ih€magrEra field s€.rsiwrbs ol the hur|an can b€ s{rch lhai th€ mgnetrcfol(b.le to the bBin s cunonrs arc signif$t thrcugtbut the body, andrhc srrdp 6msgh lor pe,epiis by . peen do$ by.

In tlE UK. phFicist Micbel Shallis. ar Oifold Univ.Bily, h6 @riedout suc.6!tu1 ESP erpcrinerls wilh bme of Dr Jcen Monrok allergypatierrs, who, rA.a iu a iiEltll ..@tiv. staE, appeat u; .tttibir .ahatc.dEsP aDitt [Dy itsli6].'r

The f&1 rhat Evallcrgi. cthibil ESP while cmilling fi€lds is at.rli€n€ly signifi@t finding. h confirhs thc propoial that the uncoNciousof .n ES witra ould sn the ftural sys(.m, inohdirg th€ brair, ofirvsriS.toB fd in{omation, as. after.ll, ir ir the uncon$iou tun.tionsl}.t arc ilohEd in ESP. This, ot mu*, corclarcs well wirh fted;eowry .har CE eitnese.s arc 'Fychic' g.n.raly, a6 ee hslr tuund in

It aho suppons tbe srly propcal rhal fEld exposure rrigseB lh$.

96ychtc abilities io corstod CE realitig: that is ro sy. rhc fieH tn8t.BllEir allergies, thict ir tum produc.s thc highty r€!.liv€ statc'mrrioned abov.t a.d thh p.oduc R.ld €nision from rhe wilncss- Th€ficld emisions e1 6 'erier saves to be usd in the encount.rcorslnr.rk n in oder of rangibility:I by induong a ihar€d €tpericnce by irfloercir8 the oth€r individualswilb lh€m duing the erculer period;2 orSanizing fi.ld p€nicles lo corBpond wirh Dental imagcry ioprodw, fot erample, an app.titior or a UFojelared enliry: a ph',sical

3 otanizing ambienl matcrials by PK, jBt 6 wc e* in th. PnclF

Of coun , tbi! ls. citegory would only apply if PK ser€ p3n of th.ESP procese. ls thc'e r'y evidene for thtu? For $n€ ycE6 lc.dint

Fychologists Ham J. Eys.Ek ad Carl $rgenr have b€.n canyin! oulirs.irch inb rhc pstr.orDal. Herc arc rheir conn.nts on tbcir studi6a||d how rhey viq ESP.rd PKi

In d€.ding hoi / ro go aboul studying ihe pEranormal sciontiticalt, w€mbtn @tuly r3ke a st6regn: d6cisbn: w€ should concontrslo oursttonr frst, on ph€.brnena which can be sludi€d ers/, and s€cnnd o.r


Page 105: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

t F(t- i3YcHrc c[GE BNC(X,|.IGIS

rho6€ wnin mit ha€ gne 6hu|o r ti*ng p.iNib. OiV ll a@'|l|lM un&iyi.g teto. can b€dgreEd wdlw be oulr€d to.rtrEeo{. rhnrhg a sci€ntists.

Ttlre 4pa€nly FEm|ml hlman .tiitas slrd out 6 being tlE b€slcandibtas for irvasthltim. the fist is extr}s€rsory p€.c€plih IESP).This cat€go.y iocrrdes ttE +FHt atiw of humar bshgs io dereainfom6tbn ahout poople {.€@&t', a t miliar rcd}. d e'/3nl5/obi€cts{da^JoyarE, a less famiriaf oos) d dslant pl€c€6. by unkM m€s.ts.The oth€. is ftind@frttd. pq/6oki.ets or PK, rh€ appa@t ab{iy othul'm b€ings to lh,ftrd@ othd p6ple, d o\€ntyotiecls, by an effo.r olwill aldle. aithod invo&ing any kll(en parr6i;d torce ESP ad PK h6v€t'€€n with us, as rcFned e!€nts, since a huity, and surveys sho., rhermany p€opl€ beli* rhat nEV haw had sxpeie@ ol oE a rt€othe. . rh€s6 toir. pbffieE p.ecognnioo, l€l€patry. dtinq/€.Etld P( - ae the core of fte paEmrml - . . They should not i€c€s$rilybe s€s 6 fou. differenl lttngr aUtor4h peopb ofta dtnk ol U€m assoch- v€ry ofis it is dillicllr to s€oa.ate iisra es of EsP fim hstdEes

Fro'n tl|c $di€s died Nt t'y tlEs le.di.a Rl|l6 io c.trblfthrc.tpsFtoloty, E find an iletrtification oI ESP with PK. TheEforc, E csnstlte, yitn a rcrior.blc &AE ot ertrinty. thrt if CE cibcss prod@ESP cff€t3 ir li€it cxFrictE6, thcr they alo tmduce PK. HorcEr,dier r.grcheB has aho cofi€ to rhis ESP/PK il€ntific.tiro:

De€des of e|T|eflrFnt th wfth PX led Rhine, if rDr to an und€.strrdi!ol rhe ptrysis bdi.d PX, ar l€ar to. @Nidih dlat ir dd erist.. . The\ro* of nhim.rd his many rssocialG l€d to sne s4nti:nlspecuhlions and obsMtic. Fo€rnost w6 dE a p,i, dedocrir fEtESP t

'd PX !'€r€ actuaNy iud diffMt phas€s ol a single |rgld F@s,

or at l€6st operarirp rhrq4h the sne *rgy medium.€

Thi. is an €rtEwly import rt @ftl.ti,on fron D.insteu FEF dDlort, io. it leds support to rhe prqGd thrt UF1O rc3litics .'t, inro|l|e cag, @mpletely phyl*d 'PK comtt!rcred' asdblis_ It i. clsrthlr E,sP is prodwed by tlE wiheie€s, .nd tl|cEfoE $ hur PK bc. Iterr.idy occu6 qrt . their cmutcB d polr€.gcist cfie{rs, .rd rhis is dimpoiaot irdi6tor thd it nus b. produed &rnra dEn hd ckc hlri. thc pro<tllctin of Mbled' alier|s rt'd +cchiF d pcn of th€ drrmatizalion?

John, of thc Areley 'abdudion' casc, tn.& s srnrye sEt roinE3rigalor Philip MartL abor. bb exp€ri€ncc. H€ $id rhat elEn h€drront d the ?lids', de.yrhirg s.ctoed rcrt amatorirh dd .t g.d, s



it rhcy rcE FrttirE m . dtof, fo. ii. bllcfi!. Alro, Tcd Blcch.r. mAncri.|n i[Y.3itrtor, st t &

F.lirlg b6d 6 dry o\ /i oq|€ri€r|cs ol etr€€n y€sB as an etor, I thnlltnl a kt ot tlE* do(G+ncounisrs, €s!€.iary Uos6 involving occupantsha\i€ rhe st6gi6r q6liti6 abou! dl€m l'w sv€r s€€.. \ryhar ft€ wirn€ss63arc d€scribiB may bo rru€ and rhay aE rellirE rh6 rtuth, bur d do€sn rren |[email protected] lhat wt'al lh€y ato d€scdttng is &!dly wh6t is gong

Relumit|g to rh€ evi{bnc for EsfiaFbic witnc!.6 obtaini4 UFO-cl.tcd ima.ry f|M inv6.ig.toE in .tr o-!oi.g ..d dBen{urintrritrfih, it 93H !.cn rhr! tiis c.n ako occur ir poltc.g.isrooibrc.k. In thc inv6.itrtid of rh€ Enlield polt Beist, corclrrin! rhc cinDir.ncc! of th. ..cid.ntal dcarhd thc &ulhtci of onc ot .h. inwsiE roF rs obteirEd Aom th..dolcsrr 'l.Fu', Thc arthor oI . bool on tnc c.i! ard on. of th.i!v6!tt.ror! cortlBnt.d on hb inwstit.rotsll€igtE's &u!hrcr, and blrpathunFus irNohuncnt:

lf he bdir€d his Jaiet had stjoiv€d r,hvsji:al deglh and was somehdinvon/€d in @r l:&, nFn tb mBr h.vo wry good r6€so.s ro t6€l rh€r

I tried to 9n mysot in Janer Gross€'s hh6 d@as€d daugt'i6r1 Fosnion.She had tri:d io 'ger thBugh jusl atter hs d6a$. and sh6 h.dslccesstully shercd hs tarhd to Enli€H . . . Ho./ €ls€ corJld I accounr lotItts exlraodinary invot€m€ th6l M.urice had l.h

'n th€ Entisld

i:e nght tdn tE n6r day he w6r $€rsl H€ had corr.inly t k6n hold ofn as il th€G tEd b€en srre dep peMal Eason lor hG b€ing th€@'5

Ur€rphincd injectitns of intoni.tion irio rh€ insrilFtion lituationth.t @ly rhc ircti!.td sould tnos, .Id hk *r of FMnali6rlolEBr., rE $rcly i.diedrc of rhc ln..fcrcncc of th.t informationiom iw.rrig.tor to'focas'. Ir mad. the inEstilrrd rei.tcrprct his rolc inrhc € ad to cl''lil€r i€rior|lly.hc distcnct ot lifc .ftcr d.3rh. Wirhoutrbhidg to hrn the f..hoF oI rlE inv..tiS.ror coltctin d, this b an.ttrcndy cbl.ndng hyporlHis. A mrc likcly a|llecr h thar thciriornltion w|s otd.incd fron thc ilwstit ror by ESP by th€ Gtremcly

This'fooB'wE, aftq all, producitrg PX .ff!.i conrt.ntly. As PK iti&rtifcd wirh ESP, ir fofid! loaizllt thir ESP murt h!!c b€.n rl.oocdri.g, pGibly 6 ftlqucntly .i rhc poher!.i.r plcmhem h! wrtil|trii!.ti.& Wc h.w G. th. id€rdfication of PK p|lEss wnh CA.xFrictE6, tqu.rrit to rhc .n.rt of trlin! pl.c. atr. the .n.oont.r h


Page 106: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

uxG -xtYcglc clrxtE ENcot NTExt

.Nr, 15 poltc.Scisa phc!ll'|H.. Or {rin,, * *0H crpcdthc (xsftE of ESP duiint th. po*+|EMter i.v€rriadoo. Ir how obviNly'UFO nrl_ve witiesg tqali 3udr imagery toinvestiSrlors and it rould rho he con i.tcnt ri& tb. 'tEEl.rho' ofprint irfotmition in polterFilt irv6rig.tim. fi€ 'Jd. Muphy' CE4'tbdu.tion' ce ir r Sood er.mptc of * ESP. dd b.lesibcd in dctsil in thc es .tudi6 in rhc En chaF.r.

It .!,@m tm iesoncd, well-re.d figures in Bdrisl lfolos|, *hoine€.ngatcd a 'UFO r.r-r€' eitIes h W6t Yortshire. Shc r.kphdEd allFlo 'hotlinc' to rcport that rh€ trd betr irrerftrcd with by .ticc mr aFriod of 12 yars. Borh inv6ti!.ton .€9.!d lEr c4cricn es 5 i .rEIyprodu@d a.d F.ceivEd, trt ihct wE Frdcrcd (ju* s thc Ertretdpoltertcisl itrctigatoB y€r€) tty the irfmedron rhit 6hc gaE duilathcir 6ve intcrvis Firh hcr- lt co.nsoondad virh rhe tbductior' 6gtlEy h.d rejd abour h America, in boot! by .rrid Budd HoptitEAlthough lhcy fclt th{t lE. experiencd wer€ imc.nintlcd eith dr..$. (apotcnt sou@ of ESP) rhcy had m ida rnr4 the irform*ion c'!E lioo,MorE gdlible, fant sy-pltft ard Lss rig(ru inBtigato's eoord nsEatlribrled ir to uat sbdwtiG by rra, alieN, Brr thc @ r€vo[EdlMnd the qocstion a. to i'tcc inc ohriocd the infomalih- It 6ddonly hlve b€en ftom the iN6titatoE thenslv6, rhttough it may hav€tE. in combination with amrher oDtion.

Tha dtity .re..i.nca

The alte.natire dtr€s on rl|e .onsisr.d d.n rcristica of dt ctrrity g'Fs:basicalty put, it stat6 th{ aI of tttc difcrcnt cntiry ttp€. - wlrcd|€r they.t€ 'abdu{rion dic6', turdirn angcl., hceirbL.t, ircnbi

''|dstt@bi, Bl€sscd Vi.gin Marts, dcvils, it€frn6, gobliN dd s d .Ihr!€ thcir wD F lir ff dsr1eri$i6, rhi:h rdxrin|6 ov€r|ry.

r,{en-ii|{lrct are @icLd a5 irrcad|u '!|d

bch.virg i. r p.ni6 .r *.y:Blc!.€d Vi.8in Marys b6tw flirh+e&d rcliS;oos nwt6 rd hrvc !c.rtah |€ogririble app.araG; or-t-bodrrcl.t d cntirix .rd co-tui.s are Friv€d during tl|6 cxFriffi, .rd l@t d trcll.v! itrponird{r *aF. md s m. All of tl|6 ar! Ghbodimts or|rifi.r-tiois, ehich obo .olou ow d,@A, of th€ .tr!ss6, fcs. ob6.3dorrs.r.o|nas, gro*rh .od rEbiilh &wtop@trt , fccliogr oI .!l.ty .dstrbility, etc. th.t w all. d ttfntinS nrd felirA hu!tr.l bcioSr, p6.!..Wc arc mt u$Irly rre of tbir inrE [fc, rld ir G p.rt of on*!y of lootirA d rhc *orld.

Ftrthcr|||@, the, bcbg .&rtr{y ctlrriE, aitt t tc



rn teiial ror orlt froh th. outsi& world .rd reafrnge it for i$ o*rlcrpr.siv. rE &. n eill b. aw!r. of thc illttcr *ortings of ou! ncwousiFrcn, F il d prodE im.a6 th.t cmbody un!$nl cleclrical acivityor d8misl ihb€laEs or thar erpt* a n€wly acqlired metabolic.q|rilibrium that c.uH havc beer a.quired by the irttBion of eledncal6cld!. 'JalE Mt'pbt', trotn timc ro dn€, s€€rns to h|e b€cn pcrceivinSi raery puh.d up by hcr unor$ioB exprcsing rn inner compler thatrcvolvc. around s and childbinh that othcr woGr .vid.nlly sh €. Nodoubt I ns . FFhoanalttic label, and . qu$lioD rbar should b€ ask€d k:What wold th€s experiencs 3ay about tbc *itncss if they rerc dr€ams?What would rhey r*eal aboui th€ slare of h.r prych. andor bodilyfurcrioning? lD r.ct. thcy at cl@ly irierrwined with her dream-life and,5 ft eill sc€ fron th. ca!€ ddrils. sh. is not.lM's l@ surc which ar.

Also. another impotiant qesio. thar should bc 6ked about 'aHuc-!iors', is shrt fi'cdon exelly des rh€ erFriene frlfil for rhe witness?A s.i6 of 'aHucriffi uually mears rhat the pirnss is beirS constartlycipo.ed to ficlds fton somcvhere, ard lh.y could t€ *en ar sporraneoulyoc.aring rhehFltic'da.€3 of Fychodrana phid ac! as a r€lcase valvefo. inmr conflid. As a dnmaiic prd€rbrion, eilh th€ aliens rymbolizin!disasxiatcd parts of thc elf irdwd by rhe €ffecr of the ii€ld, rhe'abducrior' erFnen(E cerlainly , to b€ an cnactnetrt ol a monitodntot mindbody fundions. Thc aliens arc rcponed d capruring. e\anining,talinS emples of *x clls to p.odu.e a. alier.&uman hybrid (vhich kbioloSi@lly iEpossiblc). TIis *ems to be rhe *lf in the prces ofneranorpho6is. Or the funcional level. the aliens a.e depicred asin*nir8 prcbes in th€ re, *hi.h app€aa ro LE a reference to theinonitonnS of atmGphcnc pollurar|s, becaus il is rhe nasal mehtlraf,.sth.t are th€ firsl to der.ct' allcrSenic anbo|nc chenicals. eic. So,mclhinS of the alien' realily h l€ft behin.l (none have ever beenrc@vered)G when rhe rliem are 8om, and it is reasurinSty orthreate.iryiy thcrc, acco'dirg to th. rone of the ovcrall e,eericnce. lt hlhi! of que$ior lnal ee sholld be asting to make sensc of thc'.bducrio.' erp€rien@: ryhar tuftrion dcs it fulfil for the percipicnr?

Swh cnquinB aboul thc Denral $arc of thcs vilnesss docs not. ofcool! . ihply Fych6is. bur 'norm.l levcls of n€!ro{is. which l{e all copcrith ro sm€ .l€8r€. Devcloprcnral tauma cxists within all of us, day-tGday functioning- Thc un@nsious acts as rhc iniclliS.nceof tli. ncrrcus syn.D', a5 it r,ere, and *c hav. bcen aear. of lh€crilr€ic. oI the uftoBioG in prc'Freudian tim€s, but we called iloNlhiry else. In fact, erery religion tus ils oen ramc for lhrt dFcr oftlr iunan o.ganism. such a soul or'spirit'.


Page 107: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

uF6 -!6YCtnC C[(XE Elf@tnmts

Thcr.forc, a. I rrfDcd !t rhc bcgimirg of rhis boor, thc un o'||{ios isuiitt th. Fcprul rppsn u to ptert drrftrs d.Fictira alift ddlh€ir rp.cesttiF. dd ftom sociolodcal ard Fldrologi:Nt rcspoIs roth€m, tlHc drnnrs crn be icg.rded 6 se.ds of tutlre rdilions.pot ntially !trywcyj ahat is to sy, 3eh UFGrclncd m.y Sivcri5c lo GligiG lldencntc, suci s $txd, tlE Aetheiic Scjcty 6 rhcPad.lgon Rcscsrch mdcncnr 6.dnish.d by Roh€n Fnicc. So, s wll6 psychological qu€{bs, re .hould bc alki€ th€ological or€s. Ttr6oilly Eouue with lhi! appro6dr is thar it i! rdlty orEciqrific .td frith-bo!€{t, and tlErc is al.Eady a $ of it ir UFO-!.udt cjrd6.

Thr .lEmiatry ot fha dt rtd .t ta in doaa Fcount rs

For son€ tirc, 6p€.red res€ardrcF hav. repearedly nri..rird .hattherc is no cvidencc rirr the .lrercd srate erins. I lPy hne srar€d tltar weiths hare lo mrkc rssumptim ftm rh€ t€havi@r of tltGc lhar eelhink ffe ir dtered st t6, or tale thcir rord rh.r thci Frc€ivc thintsdif{e6tly. 'lh.y clain that thcrc is no &tedable obie.rivc c.ircria toidentify the alrercd !.arc.

Yet, thcre arc nus€rc.s 3.iqtific FFs ard srrdies o. lhe chdietyof the altered state, which idertify speific altercd Freflurl tunctiat.twilh spedfi. Focere€s ad oiaanic bnin cfternicrk that .rc rGpoosibleror 6uclt st t6. R*rh inro the nilir.ry .nd tlErapcutic us ot uD 25h the 196ft rs a panidlarly potcDl eue of srch scieirifc mteri.t.ObvioGly, th€ tyo.pp|14h6 are inconprtible, and pe.traF rtte fotmrassumptio. wa ba!€d on the imbiliry of rea.chG to @relate sreciftelerrtal b.h.iviour h rh€ brain with the hypnotic o. hypndrt *arc.Hw€wr, den rhis limitlti@ is duttou., b@au* speift brair IiECGFcics hM bee. long identified pith sFcific noods. thoudi pattehs.ndItabituatioa trans, a.d thcy havc ben l.tclcd [email protected]. Thisimporta 6pet of bain cheDist y in rclatio to 6e ,ftcFd st rc i. CEhs b..r .ovcr.d fairly @ntly in rlrc toots of S€re.a Roocy-Doutrt.Her ngmus n.t€ri.l will mt b€ duplic$ed heE, +o.t &on thcfoll@ing rele%.t extracis.

The gMagnelic a|rnat ais..iar€d wirh t|e d4 in wfii'| UFOS aremosr c!.n|lMv ro{rd. aftects @r dn€l dad wirlh prodrl6 norebeta caftoliE whdr tak6 us r|lo s Fiod{ir€ dEatn srate ofssces.r€ss wtEe re ae bom Ds./chic ard 'think' ar ltle col€cliwu|rs$ils l€{€l of qr marld. in d.9am im{s, hattixiEtirs, ardach€rypal pdm.ry prcc€6s tipugfn_ lt is at this la€l of 4r mirkts nlrn wsare most in toudr with. d at o.€ with, ttE wo.b rtud, whi$ is



r€rit€sliig as UFO form Thus rhe UFO e{e€y will €spond a@oding tottE plMiling cdlditlrc. such as hw clo$ (re is, timo ot day, amb€nt€bclrdrEgBri: @dddss, ps}!fic abilry ol lh€ p€rop€nt. and $ on.{7

Frcm rhis, il @tr b. s€on thaa field expo6!.e prodrces an imbalance inthc chmistry of the brain thal is dir€ctly relaled io af, un@n$ious-dominared state. W€ no* hav€ an undcEtanding about hoe field-.rdiating UAPS affecl sFcilic arc$ of the brain (i.€., lhe pineal gland).This sall Fanur-sired nodule d€€p insidc the @nrrc of ihe brain stmispherB can b€ rcgarded as its .hemi@l faclory. It is extretrr€lylcnririve to freld elpo$re and, 6 we @n w trm th. folloq,i.g ottrad, itis d@ly @nne.led vlh pcychic tuNrions. Roncy-Dougrl continues:

The lh* berw€en psychic s€nsnMry and geophysGl Gmt@, 6 a verydear srmng lint berwe.lhe Eadh and our ps\rcl'rc spritual ssnsitrsly Ihave mr*rd in my treBiure suN6y ol resrch @ rh€ pinoal glaid thatrhe pn€l

's de €sponsive to rhe EMF {Earth's Magmtc F@ld). The

poducrioo ot melalo.tir m the pln€l gl6rd. wltch is almcl certainly th€p.ecl.$ for rhe Fsbly psron.lucre p.ohn€, is attscted nor only bylight, but ds by the EMF. The ter thar the EMF all6c6 rha llncio.hg oltlE pinslgland sugg€sts a .€urcmechan'sm bv which ow psr ability rs5lt€ded by tE EMF

This sh(M thar botb invisibl€ and visible sctions of rhe electromagnelicrpe.:trum (th€ EMF and visible lido car .ffect lhe pineal Sland to prcduedE chemi@l climate conducive ro ahc.ed srares- This @resDonds withthe two caiidia rhat have lo bc ma.aFd dunng thc CE €xperienc€ inrclatio. ro eMry roise. Ir is ds evidcnt that nagretic anofralies canc@te on$iousns atronalics. includiflg. of ouN, CEs, but ale av&iety of stmngc perceFions. Th€ following ca* provides an cxamplc.

Tha man wlro lilrai oo a tault

Eric H(Mrd is r no-ronsens€, towh-rird€d Yorkshirenaf, vho liv€3 inOserr, W6t Yortshk . He has a la.te fanily and he has *ork.d an av.rixy cf .hall,enSint lEtpations, including coal minin8. Hc is quit€awE rhal his hl)@ b buih over a fau[line, and a pylon carryinS hith-letuim c?bLs looG oE. his bsk grtd€n. H€ rcpons that his 8atd.n3h.d h b€lw tlt* @bl6 and if he k in there for . whil. hc devcloDshe.dahs. He d.o rel.t6 a ei& ranse of psychic phcnom€n. and

F.ceflions in hi hoB, including appa.ilions- Th. m6i sbnlinthrllucinalory erd .l'Mr Eliglo6 experience was als psnially eilne$.d


Page 108: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

uf(B-xiYcxlcctrltE ENcoimTEts

Or|c rintcr's ctqitrt Eri. *e!rr @r irb hi! conscrrraory to g.t a*ayfros th. hustlc .nd trotlc ot a la$c lioBhold. Th.rc nc sr . huteonItl. tull mmr quire b* dom. with r fe* st €t-gEy ctoudi alound ir.Aftcr a f€* hinur€s evcrJrbiru w sttugely sile - mrhinS wo! hcsdfrom rne n€arby pi8-fam o. busy motoMy. To hb Gtmishncrn, rhcd@ds around llF |!@r qlidly tomed thmslvca e of ahute antel wilh Frfedly de4dt fanur.3 rnd hut€ wirgs. lr had a sd, eiptKio. on ir. face. ad ir 9s !o c+.. thar E ic mld s€€ thclincs or ih! fcttt6 on thc eings. As Eric puts ir 'This rs rct a "colrtdharc b€en" or just gne cLood tormatio th.t had a rcs.mbt.rc to .nantel, but abehr€ly.ruly th€ 6om oI a. an8ct. I ea!.stounded!'

H€ thcn elled ro his fanily ad his yora so. joircd him, bd b€roc hcdid thir th€ rngci had dbmantlcd' ibetf a.d the ctouds trFvEd d.nn to the'be' of lh€ nroon s shaPc to rorm a sr!ge', d Ela Fr6 it, Fhi.h ea!crcatcd by a lin€ of clouds otdra oJ, . c{rord rt the borom o, rhc [email protected] r€lls s that thc clouds did .ot jst bto* .ray, but n€nt in rereoder brt into thc stagc'. Thctr, ro Eric and nis son's Gtonishn€ thestcchrcy .lou& ro!€ up again and foftEd . 'cldic nuln.oon ddd thatrolkDs a nucl@r €tDl6ioo'.

Arrcntr&, rhc .lo{& sei.lcd up aAain into the fdn of a hugc calcifr,stardin8 tallcr rhan rhe m6i. Eric El.r6: 'Ir *rs Dr a wispy, bor.tyd,enrlcd crucifir, but w6 well-d€fin d eith ourlincs .nd .dt6 ssharp . . . its ahol€ apFar.rc 9s $ solid. This t@ di$s€nbt€d ard abattcred catlc r@l it! place: 'It l@k d s if i had a .at god hidirg, s ifsme Srar for ot dot had wonicd it. ThinSi retudrcd to m|mt dd tietuther and sr ecre lcft pith a grear *N o{ are

Nobody c|r ew thes€ forns: if they had ben objedivcly reat, rn ywould hav€ cr6.d a tumrc in rbc popularid of Osen. Tt|e Frc4ltionswrc a 8ood erahpte of a sharcd h.llwiMtio ad . non-ttFG.rctatedOZ factor sil€ne. Both rere @u€d by . magnetk field andor *isicekcrncity ftom rhe faulr b.low th. ho|l! rctint upor rh. Anbientcle€:rriel fi€lds flom the pylons contibor.d to ttrc EM @nditions. Thcs'lrbolic orent *as.p@llptic in th€rc dd it ra. en anchpt by 6euncon$ious ro ird'rc. r.ligiE b.lict

Il h6 beer mentioEed th.t ES pcopl. rrc aU€ to cinit fid& themictvGard s€fte the p.clcnce o, otbcr .ledrart fictds h th€ cnvironrcnt. Ir w.spFpced rhar rhis abili9 ws in.rnftntal in thcir FFhic F r.p.krnsand asseiat d phenoncr.. It was.lso arau€d $.r rt|6 Foptc crn.s.€,optully iNisibl€ UAPS or rFeritioird fo'G imprinted into a fictd byth. unconscioB, and ficld. *r 6 a mcdiun into ehich thc uico!*irEctn implcncrr irs ima8ery. Eri. dc! pcn ivc rppadtic ir trb t|olxefeirly rc8ularly, and ilho h. p.. a*cd about a oo.libt cotrdirin of



cl€triel hyDc*mitivity, h. Bually rcntioned tbat wher he was in tfriend s hous€ hc *alled pa$ a meral box nounred otr rhc wall in thchdleay and i'nnedi.tcly telt a s.ront ficld presencc. Hc ncntioned riis tohis friend. who revealed lhal i was a trrAsfom€r fo. the various powertmls he u$d. Thjs enE sns€ rhal ES peopl€ hav€ is very cl(Ely linkedwith then p6Fhi. abililis and p€@flionq ard it @n be det€cted.mea5u.€d and g€nerally inlesnga&d by convenlional scientific/tchnical||'fus This al6e should r€blulionize rhe irv*tigation prGdure! rhatt FlO ..d psychi. reearcheB employ.

Tha wo* ot Mk$aal Pc.rtngar

No dis.6io. of altered srates in the d@-enouoler etp€ri€n@ would b€cnplete with@l referenc to the fitrdings and work of MichaelPc.sintcr. Hc is a profeier of Fychology and resrch $iene. and h€adot lhe Neureiene Labontory Laurertian Uf,ivenily in Sudblry,Ontario. He specialias i. buman b€haviour and tbe ph)sical mecharismsof thc natlEl sienes. He h6 addrcs*d thc CE experi€nce specilically,c E luve already sen fFh oxtracts from his *ork, and his fi.dirgr arecntirely ohpadble *ilh rfte naior premiss of the ESH.

Fo. erdote- he t@ has mrc ro the @nclusion that rhe *nse ofptene is a @mpoRnt ol'ali,en visiiation , alrhough hc des nor, oflsr, ph@ it i! thc <ontc of purposrtully staged cncounrerdmmatizations- Hc ale se€ds ro limil its currence ro bedromvisitatioN ralher than cx.miniig th€ broade. conrext of the ran8c ofcmuntc sitDations that arc touod, Considc. an cxtract from onc ol his

rhe v'siior' exp€neme rs a rcre ntsse variant of the 'sense oip.*n@'; a pheMenon l@q@lly reporled by nomal people (app.ox-m.terv 30 @. @nr oi 5O0 mmd adults wlp haE been assessBl m thoN€rrosci€nc€ taboraiory ovsr the bst 15 years have r€poned lh|se&e.ience ) fte prseme B leh rcsl lrequently in the $ y momingh@6. lf lhe pelw is asleep, he d she will suddenly aw6ken, ott6nfeeling some I€r o. ev€. imhcbihy

such expeimes arc th@ght to be coBelated wirh mesobasal (amwdaloi.lllipFcampal) portkhs ol rhe iemporal lobes. These a.eas ol thob.6in arc assiated ,6relalia with lhe erpeime ol meanrnglulness, thos€ns€ ol selt and ils rqhtionship to spacerifre {wrrn |rs roligious ot'co5mic ass@iarions), tear, drcam., experiences ot mov6m€nts (likesttnning or lklarhg), smell. and memory srorage and €riev.l Conseauemly, rhere should b€ {and lh€re arel refercnces to rh€ s6nse of


Page 109: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden


p6rc. tehgs ot strn'ing or fkEtjng, or of vbrarjdE; d@[res€qljm6; a.d t@. or idibttliry B€@@ & imponer Den ot rh6t6m0oral blr€ €cery6 ued inlr'lmrl(n fro.n the edq6 ol fe visuallield. tlaksnng s€nsaions @n adr in ihe l!!€r p€ritE6lvdm.a

Interc$ingly. rhe rcfereE to irritautity' dcscrib.s CH's $meharinappropnate r6poe durinS thc bcdrcom BOL erpc.idEe d.scribcd@lier. Il b thes€ s€eningly lrivial, but highly sp.ci6c, @rclario;s th.trcpeat€dly ()dr *h€n e&bnry .Kunter crperienc6 that tc.d roconfim the validity of rne ficld exposure 'diagno6is. Rclatively lewufologisls actully absorbed PeFingels hiShly impon nt work intothek vies of UFo-rclared phemoene, and this is partly due ro the.ntrenched pcnions of lhe ETH fEt.miry. Ir is also due to r!€ .bsne ofPe6inSer's wort in a popda. fomar in Brirain, as nGt of hh pubti@timappcar ro be eirber sientific paFls or lsked aray in rlrc speci.linioumalr ro! c.sily acB{ble to rh€ Senc.rl publi..

R.rumirg to ftc .nr&t frcm the visiroa erF.ieE. re @ idcndfynurcrcu systemic .ffecrs rh.r arc rcpeatedly reponcd in .MuntqexFncnce3 ou.side th€ b.dmm viaro. ervin.rcnt'. Also. in rdditioto this s€n* of Fesrc'otilized to mal(e an etrtiry halhrcimtion norcrcal , inmbility (ehich (xoE to ar enhatrd dcgrc. snh ES witnes6es)is an espccially welL.eponed symptom. Eleftnts such s this aremanipulaied by the uM$iors ro esrablish atrd Dai.rain a snlort nok -f@ state. Th€t€torc, in the ESH, PcBingei3 *ort b6 been drcndEd. inrh.t tl|e systemic eflets ie d*.ibes are @8"d by the I[ ro l:Mte andmaintain. orrc nrc.c, an altcrcd srare.

Anoth.r inportanr extension relales ro rh. lield $u@ rhal pr.cipiratesthe effects PeBinaer fourd. Co.sid€r his srar.nrnts on this:

The sp€olic tngg€r td rhe esnor' qperc. p.nd/b.t $e rype $€r isdsociat€d wth UFO phenori€m, has beq| l\porheszed ro iNoive dn4r*posure ro letonc sl6h tiel(,s. People wrxe h@s .E b{ih owrsuscepttle a@s 1€-9, tuuh-lires) my be opos€d l€quet*t to thedisplays ol rhes fields. wnich, wh'l€ ttplght to tE wry focls€d and oftrief durarbn, arc very intss€. B€cause of the nlde €tecticat hbiliry olrhe lemF.a, lobes, rhetr stimulatid would g€n€6te the electtuh€.nicalchanges rhat @ld prcmole ttE 'esnd e&etu@. Shon Bjss ofenerg€tc srrrul rculd be oflirial lor Jaihrathg rne nodnat borsr tidngpattem of rh€ hudBn ahygclala _ . . ws hav€ lourd rhar o@sur€ ro bw.i.t€Bty. etlbmot low-frequdt-y b€in fiaq6l.r ti,lds eke rrnidam.Eea eserbate v€s!tuh m396, and ah€r sugqesrttlrry.4

Pan of rhe ESH'S $ppo.ti.g sttuchft errcaG th. id.nriticarion of rtE



lcismicltectoric fi.ld sEs ro include .nificially prcduc€d fiolds. TharPecinger has nd d(r lhis k $ncohai p@lir8, .s it was anificial fi.ldrthat L used in hi! expe.ircnrs in the laboEtory. This abs€acc of thcconclation of natrEl and anificial fcld surcer is probably due lo ageneral tscl of irformation abod the off€.ts of eledronic connunication3ystens on lte hunan o.ganism and €nvirormcnti that is ro say, an.b6cE ot public inlmalion and public awaren€s on elect.oricpolluti@. Wirh@t bcitrg conspirabnal about this a$€ct. olganizationssltich oFrnte nulti-t'illion-pound/dolar comm.nications sy6tens ar?reludanr to irtumalion rbod rh€ir equipn€ntk possibl€ sid€-effeclr and sfeiy leveb. Public aeareres .@1d limii ihe sFlems' ue8e,tiercby jeopardiziq cltrent invcsh.nt and tuturc profits.

Retuming sD€cificatly to the infonnation in the lart extracr. n is evidenilhel p€rirft of annBia dr b€ idued by field eryo.ur€. Thh is, ofoNM, highly.elevanl lo the limeiaF€ or'missing lime'of UFO lore-Ir facr, thc Av€ley B* is a 8ood eraFple of this. In other pap€6 byPe6inge. produced subsequ€ntly, he .otes that the symplons produedar tie tift of th€ prls€d'lield expcur$ can reccur sev€ral daysaftesa.ds- Swh pcl€n@unre. effects have bcen found and interpreledby the tavouring alien inreFcotion, as turthcr pr@f of such alieninwlverenr- Noedles to say. this is a misinterpretation.

In rhe O3sEfi ce. two wil.ess verc subiected to fault-lire r.dialionand hallwinat€d. which rculled in a shared exEri€ne. Ir was derailedhow.hc fault-line clFricB clwly paEllels the CE experience in flany*ays, sd this pbvi&s mu.h needed practical onfimation. fom aspontm@6 cas, for lhe * implied by Pe6ingels findinSs.

P€Finger der to o!, howevcr, to ide ity oth€r lriggers to rhe visalor'crpcnence th' he idennfi€rwith enountes. Predictably. thes relate todevelopmental trarma (desribed by Janov), in additior to stressMiated with lifesiss: rhar is to ey. thc who havc a high l.v.l ofstrs/trauma woold be nore likcly to b€ rigAcrcd into producint thelisitor' erFnene. This dds-refen.rrclly with lhe onditions found inpolte.g€i3r-active hosholds. where ar unhappy or disrufted individualb€om6 lhe faus for PK efiects. This is, of @ur*, JunS s oftrior-izltion' tlrc$r, that *a| earlier coi.elated with ercou.ter reality-

In tems of invcsrigatioD, th€s asFcis highlight thc n€ed for in-dcpthelplomtion of witnes curent life pattems and preocrupations. Thi.'statu rcpon is comparable *ith a quasi-psychoan.lytic approach thatsold be undenaken lo deremire ihe reens for. and significance of,sFcifE dsm @ntents. Howeve., havin8 statcd the approEch wirhrefcrcne to dreatns. it is evident that ofter sourc€s, such a3 the


Page 110: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

lrflx - x;Ycnc cuxtE ELcEt NTtts

phFiofogial @rditioG eirhir lhc mMtt! syicm ard orhc. s).nsnicr.d, c:n Dc 5ymbolicdly rcp|enrcd ir ercolltt.E: tor crndc.physiologi@l .eaction ro fcld dpcur.. As a Fncrat rulc, rh. irtrui,otrnd c6@t of fFlds are sFboli@lly reptcscnted s .ticn. for dur is hotthe ncrvoB systm 4?ictEnds them. A3 the hunar Emus sylrcDrcacls more or Lss @rsi.rc||d] to fields ftm Fr.oo to pcM, a similfflyco.sisr€nr *t of d.amatiz.tios, rn€r6, symbol.. phy*et eff.ds .nd€rtitt typcs will occur. Tihis

t , a?61 in rhc un&Brandira of.abdllc-tbne4.ticnces. for erample, e$ louclEd upor in tl|€ sccrion m rhe i.suc of@nsistcnry, in Cbapter Two. Tb€rc{orc, it en tE said thar emutermat rial derives froD p.Ellel bur dbtirc{y differe }.Ets ir tlFunconscio$ - frcm drcam o.itins. Thar i. ro sry, thc slnbolkn of demsElal6 to the life-flow of lhc indivi.lurl, wner€s e||tsrtc. imrg.ry@cisrs of scenanG which uraenr systcmic infom.tion abort thes&t of the hody in relatio to .ll€rgens in th€ Pe6intercontinB hi. cmh€rls on FMMI rrallt|a s a rrigt r for rhc .visitor.

A d!o.e comtr$ bd more mund:re l(m ol rh6 erF€de@ associaredwilh graef is tte .pFririo.| totlowing be@m€n! wttdr a0p66 ro bepr@ted by suden ircEses in g€orisgnelb *ttiry.

P.Einger i. referi't to the cl* 6&sir of the cisis apperirion whidlIt'€ SPR havc .ls docamcnted @rtlcas dn6, which need mr bc.sociated sith, bui &ngcr. sttK and/or isolation. Thcrc havebeer .cpo.8 of 6gu6 of frien& or rclrtis who have rppered .itr rh€nick of titrt€ in d€speEte situtids and giv€. th€ witness somein{omation that $lv6 lb€ir prcdi.arenr in .onE *ay. Uncte BitlaE€{ing bn rcly Dispt..€d on rlF F.dside with a chccrfut .tet|lc.lur,*hilc the witr€ss is @l d.iving in drnAeDc snw-bound ald icycondittoh, ro dired rhc €r ro efcry or a shonqr, er.., t rh€ 3orr oftiiris .ppa.itio' that rh€ un@Bio6 tu produce. I! ffh a cas, ir isclar tbat lhc un@Ei@s of th. rEwller h6 obtained pe-ti€linfomatim by dairoyrne ard pr.senred ir !o rhc o$iou. Dind in lhcfoin of cbertul ard hclDtul Uncle Bill.

Su.ely then, it UFOS ot sithrings ot 'alier craff arc sotnerih€ ec should find crampl€s of cnsis ali.r cEft'or .crisis UFOS*hth tulfil lhe sne suwiv.l tuncrio? If rhi. {€rc th€ (ze, the vitncaspould hav€ to be s.,,tgrc wirt sEt imScry i. thcir lic'tlE tibriry' forlhc uDconrciou. ro w. CoNktd an cirDplc of ?Etury rhis:

ll happen€d slre yels €o in $e Molre Desen of Catirdria. a helt onearth whore l€mp€r.tucs can soar ro such l€v€rs thar loo cannot surviEror k,|E unpretectod.



ft ws 13C F s lhe sun bear do\ n rel€ntlossly. He had dddei our on amoro,qde ak B wilh tdr fnerds, and they were n the middle otrwircrc, ar rhe rerc.y ol rh€ ererents. Sropprng lor respite and a v€ry|r@sry dinl ol wte.. he let his lri€nds ide on inro the distanc€ Thsrmadic aliited in the su. s ttEy vash€d m. the .oadl€ss hoizon.

Wrth his thirst q@dd€d he d€.ijed it $/as lme 1o carch ihem up. Hsheart m6s€d a bear when he realized that rhe mto.cycle enqin€ was nolturtng der. lr ws rotalt dead - as he would be himssl, il he drd nor nhda way out ol this mss Ery sn 86 hop€d rhat his fnends woLild return,but rhey prcbably knw bettsr tha. ro g€1 rhemselves losl by tornhgback Besrdes rhey had no rmmediate reas lo lhnk he was in danger

Afts mny truslErrg minutes ot tDlng ro tix the machin6, dunngwlich his 6ren ol warer srn disappeered, h€ k.€w that h€ had rosra.r

'rmhg. He pushsd rhe hea!"y drororcvcl€, blindly rrustng ro llck ihar

h€ was h€ding ro*ards civilizario. rather than away it, but the hearand e*Eostio. sn qot the bener ol him. Stro.g as he was, lhis was juslt@ mu.h, and he @ihps€d o ro the ground, with concen lapidly tum'ng

Then somerhing llak€red in the sky above. h was sireamlined andmade of shiny metal h loked lor all lhe wodd lke a UFO.

As n nl@d day, h€ telr an urge n his nnd thal he should set oflwalking in a dfierenr dtoclron What was happening? lt was as f em6knd ot rsbpalhic voice was relinq hm softly inside his head andendr4ing hm ro kep gctnq and to lake a cenain palh. Psfiaps, heth@gt!t, f@lisht, this was eme alien int6lligenc€ ohnected with theUFO, ard ir was rry'ng1o rescue hm

. . then after a w.hile, to his inrdse reliei, a petrol staton loomod upahe€d . . . he ctumed home wtth@l ill€ff€cr $

The wit|l6 i. thc above encounrcr erp€riene was William Shainer,Capa'n ol rhe Srdhip Enreryns of Srar rf.4 . . .


Page 111: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

7 GseStudaes

Trslc€ rirdin€6 sdn sl|ps.t nd lot l ecFs€,In tE €v€iiE, afrd da.t,Oiirsrt bndiE in thc p€*.

TB.c. mad*t€s aid stint srt!6,Innersoe d hrertP6.

Th. folorina d.-s.ud6 have been dtoscn lo illutrate lhe c.ntr.l

prirciplB of thc EsH, raDely thrt lhc hllnat lnffis.iour ' in r€sPons€ to

spe.ific tud erpcuE that pitdtls .ltcrEd states of consiousne{s canplwnt &.frti@lly 'st gFd' Frcepaions of int€mclion with 'aliem .nd

tl*ir lpc.f,ft , .nd lhat th6! Fcp.ions ov€rllp s.h $tch FychiccrFri€.c6 rl spparitions, rFbs and viskhs

Ti6. ffipt6 FesEnt thr c.!$ of en ounteE wirh an 'eanhliShtUAP, ehidt Fovidcd ihe, and folr whcre such radi.ion

eDan.lcd from .nifici.l soo.oes.

Eidna[oo c.t|.L Brnhgh.m, E||gLad

Icdtd: By ttE twpltt of inc Esd.Sto Ctrtl, near th€ disu3e/ ba5ir, bcr*ccr BLopi.|| rrd Sl|on HerthWira$: Mr A. M. lMnA * WrlsallhB496or: Steplcn B''rsDaet n t trt,trt 19{33

TIE itrtrrigiror ddcribes rhe .idting d: 'A light sidtinS of ! dgrr-shpcd objcci of gre li4 and dtitud€, atin to a mirror it cfi.ct, plu!rs6q|nt coitrct rrin aleScd bci.8s of huDrnoid! irrr.nctypdl co6turn€. Brief MEetkn and distppc.rtn@.'


Page 112: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden


Ot|c wirter'3 evcoing, thc wit|Es (bdcd ro wll to . fi-rd3 iols€.lorAsllc a dirced rctwort of can.L. lt eas cold rnd the ro*prth ra.wei urderfoot, ritft occiiional nu$hy arcas. The jorfty i@k thewilt|N along thc L.glh of thc Esington Aftc. hc had bensl\ir8 fd about 20 minuLs, his .ncntion w5 qu!|ir by an .lo!|tatcd|nirmr-litc objcct in fic sty above hin, *lich Uinlcd oot dno6rimrcdi,.tcly. P@led, bc @oii.ucd fo. a shon disr.@ lrril he mticedr*o litu6 standing in a tlasy.M to his rtht (qnalto his l€ff). Th€yspokc ro him 'in tt! €ducated rorc .bovc hb lcv€l of speerir, bot vith .sn of rehanicd sund aleoci.rcd eirn bbols - . . The sD.lch eds itEnglish and they u$d thek ams 6 if to dp|6 thcmstv6.' They asrdhin if he sould go on a jo|,rey wilh thcm .d he replied he vDld mt.Thcn- afte. AM had crDlained thct h€ wanted to see his *ifc .rd, they 6ured hin on lhis poi.t ..d sid thar h€ rould get atward if h€ did agrce to so. He still rclisd and re6ed hirer fo. the u!€of fo@. It did mt @rc a.d rhc fi8urEs tum.d and silcntly diicd .nytogethcr overthe louth g|s likc ie-sterc6'..nd eher th€yrcrc.bortcn Frds ayay, frd€d froh viey.

AM relares rhar thcy were d€finirely eriaing to. bim, af,d rh.t h. wasnorc stuMed by rh€ eicountcr than disrurbcd- Hc rcrurn€d hom nth.rthan codinuc on his wall rnd tc desibed hi. encoudcr to hisdisbelieving *ifc. Thc rrau6 w€r not l.ll. at about fryc fer 3ir incl'es,and ecre g@dlooling, *ith da.t drty tEir- Thcy had a omtsirc offaturcs of many tuial tyF: ori.ntalsh.ped clEk bon6, btE .y6, EdliF, Egoid llcc but with a veu rhite conple or. Thcy *crc i&rti@land had p€rfectly proponioned mus.ular bodi6 wfth rl€cl eaisrs, alldcttd wilh a tiaht, grey oirc-pi@ body sn. They spotc ir unisthrowh a pem.ncntly oF., gapira nourb whbh did mr novc. ThcEw4 a logo or rhe lop come. .@ of thci. .h6l! and rh.r bolh .clf-

Post-encounter ef f ectaAM h.d a scncs of ' dHG .bout . tintlilc .u.lloriry fitresrbr hc asocirted witn his ciDcrieic..

AM rar lont-t m uncmploy€d, *ith . hisrory of F dft dpcri..c6rhich iicludcd siShtinSs of apF iriorls. His bclicl! irclu& witctcr.i .dth.y arc an .milgrm of spirir!.I Vo. Danit.n ir.s ard pcmr.lprribsophy of a lcft-ein8 natuE. H. i! ES fld ebcrdcal cquipmrrmltunctiods in his Dre@.



\ / i\ \






* uFo






n!, l0 A rlirtr|d6.aic r!?rtald.. d lt Eiilllon qld lftld.n!


Page 113: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden


The en@unter 3itaThc EssinSlon Canal tuns pirallel with th. M6 rorosiy. Thc eirtrs*al|(ed und.r the motomay and alont the l€rtt! of the crnrl on rhelowrErh. High-tension @bl6 muntd on pyloB werc jul @€r $e canalon lh€ morotr?y side (se fig. lO); $ey run rbc cntirc lerslh of ih€sction of the €nal Ihat AM walked. A st@n rum ju.t to th. ridr of th€to*pelh. als parallel with it, and €n& iD a remir near by-

The ES witne$ *a. subjeclcd to prclorSed loq+n$ry noise @ndirloGand an anbient el.ctriol fi€kl sear.d by the pr*n e of rhe hid-tersioncables. Thc* @ndilions indlced an altcrcd srare dorini *hich hehallucinared fte encountc! r€alities-

Ston.hcng.. Engl.nd

Laorion. On the approach ro, ard al. rh€ StonehenSe mon!ftnl in

Witr.s.r: Dorne and la/ne.rdaab^: Clivc Potter. Rob€fl Fnrce, Albcn BuddenD4te: On or about lE Novemb€r l99O

The nain outlire of this cloie-eno.rer exFrierc h6 atrcady beenSiven a.d can b€ suhmarizd a a duel-witncs eMunrer pirh a UAP/'eanh liShl which precipitated rqlir-v dinonions. includirS, fo. on€ ofthe $tn.s*s. the perception of. humanoid enr'rv.

Additioh8l details and analysisAftcr thc wilness had plNd thrcu8h the firt band of fo8 they fehstrangcly ielared, 6 if we sere th€ only two p€opte i! the eortd'_ Thi.typically sile isolation is indicarive ot th. prcsnce of a nasnetic fietd,*hich was prcbably iostrumnlal in rhe o.gartntion ofrhe fog b.rd.. TheoFe ftoh ehich the huge oEage globe of lighr eherged w6 tater foundnot lo erist in reality, j6r a the small hill that the UAP dieppearedbehind during iis spectacular molernert w.s mr rheE eithet. The penodof the li8ht s aenal han@uvrcs which $ engagcd Dohe's anemion (.nw€rt up vcry hith aod th€n hunlcd down a8aio and zipped atong jLrstabov€ 8rcmd l€v.l then straidr up Ntain l@inA out a huge re.r.ntieshape ir the sky') is indicative of a siSnl linL eirh Doft: urcons.iouVphysjolodel system (bcirt ES).

Thc halluination of rhe trces ad hill were b conr@t smry nois,that is to say. hcr sysrlh wuld dc.cct€d the invisibh pafl of thc fi.ld



dission fom th. UAP a thcy [email protected], bur tbe visiblc liSht thaicnanetcd frol|l thc glob€ *ould havo a s.nsory nois€ ler€l rharmuld have undemined lhe maint nance of lhe ah.r€d slate. so ir had tob€ @ntmllcd. Thb ed aomplishcd by inducing an appanrional' rn€ ofhaluination of rhe oF€ a.d the bill to obdcure the li8hr when itthrcatcn.d the stabilit of rh. altcred srate. We have sen that appariiionscan act lite phFical objeds i. rhar lhcy can otxcure a liDe ol vision oroth.. objer3.' The un@r$ioB ucd th€s€ apparitional obj€d5 as a cur'out mecbanbm to.onrrcl tbe visible lidr emissions when requir€d, as itmnitorcd ihe altered sr8re thai Dorre wd subject to. Ii was srated earlierrhat *@ry nois @nircl wd a. intrcSal arped of the stage manageme.t'of €n@unren- Th€ npid mov€nenl of the glob€ also seped ro r€duce thcanourl of €xpGore ro rh€ ligh upon th€ r.rina, ar a nationary lighrwould hav€ exeeded this a.d acred as a source of int€rferin! s.sorynois- sbich would havc urdemined the altered stare.

Oddly, Ire refu$d lo l@t al the luminous globe. and actually stoodyith his back ro il. facir8 lhe monumerr. h may be that this in-appropriale beha\iou! w6 subliminally induced and .elated to a higherlcvcl ot instabiliiy of his aher.d state (i.e., he had a lower sensory noi*iol€rance). Hoeever. borh were iBadiated. as evidenced by lho 'coo*ed'barana i. the car. Also. tre\ p€replion oI the huge dark entity. eh,chlefl€ctcd his arxi€ty regarding rhe scurity guards. was arorh€r product ofthis srate. The 'sragiry' depicted il as Beanacing as he hallucinatcd itsnoisy 'leaf-rlampirg approach. despire th€ fac-t that th..e *ere fe* leav€sarou.d lhe ein&*eDt monumerr. This deriction m{d€ the witn.sss fl€ethesre. This\tage mana8ement'srrategy, utili@d byLeersunconscious,rcflccts the llansied natDrc ol this apparinon, wnh a liBir.d visual life.

At one poinr, Dorft touched the he€lsrone and received . tirglingshct frcm il, or s sh€ believed. lt wa.r later found that $is would havebecn impossible due to the so.ity fe@. This was evidertly a sFl€micfield cffecr i@rporated into thc enmunter drana which lctr a lasringcirculalory symFon a Fnodic 'pirs and ne€dlei- Dome and tre hadvisired rh€ monument a fee we€ks previously. Therefore, rhey had a faklyfch 'sr6k' ol StorehenSe ihagery in their 'picture library' rhar theunconsciou wo8ld have t€cn able to drav upon in the consrudion of rhiserFrience; rhar is to sy, Dome\ experience consGted ol a largeprcportion ol intemal Demry-b4d p.@prions into which her uncon-scious @uld irlrodue 'reality rcpl@h€nls and m.Fory loops .

The witness€s and th€ post-encounter efiectsDom., pEdi.rably, has a history of dramatic psychic exFrie.c.s.includint UFOS that she rc&rd.d as illusory. Sh. is an inr€lligent and


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arti.lhtc young woma. who tat6 s balan€d vi.r of h€r ctpcrieroes sldreject sutgBtions of socl| rhi.8. c lpiriB and slicrs- Shc i. ES, a|ldrclatd: I firn nodced i wbcn I w6 16. I rt ught it 16 @ircidcE; irpartiolar, ele.rric k€(16 @min8 on by $€ns€1v6. Ats, Iaionetimg Bls I sm to gi!€ oft soncttinS that Dat6 hift f.elunomfonable. I get miSEin€s fron fluotescem liAhi h ihoF, but dteonly allerSy I have noriccd is hay fever.'

r-€. suddenly d€rclop€d snong Fychic abilitid afier rh. encou.rcr,which i! the 'ovcr-run' effeci of a field-acrival€d uffiioB tun iion_However, h€ has blocked th€ Dcmry of th. .@untq, a.d tpan fioln&tnowledginS it6 eristene, he will mt sFsk aboul ir. Uni(cd spoer€srids ommert on nnmerous other .sDects of thi! ca.c that sre roonfih the ESH'S involrcnent in rh. undcstandir! of ca!€s tit. ihb,

C€rnrd Promcord., Bt d(pool, Et|ghnd

a@atrbrr GEsftre Road. rc{t the sa-frcn!Dd.: 6 tsly 19A9Witr6r: An&ce B'ltingI^vestigatorc: J. .ph Dotmcr rd Jrne Rcynolds

Thi! ce is @mparable, in sorc rcsF.1s, with the siddns of a UAP/'srthlitht. by Kevin Cunninghan ftoln the Pie.. Wc haec snin i:e aiier cas€ how wilness invol$d in d@<@unte. erperiencesalmct al*als bave a history of Fychic pbenoncu and ES, dd thiswitre.6 cotrfoms to this panem.

This 6e prcvides .I|othcr eramplc of ar idividu.l aff€ded br alleanhli8ht UAP io the cxtent of unde.goirg a 'Hlity replaemert'erperience. I an indebt€d lo J@pn of tlrc Fylde tFOInvaligalion Group for the folldinS mtqi.l raken f'on tfte @s€-!tudycntitled 'Glowing Objed with Tomado in PuBuit'-

The encounter exDerience'At tl.lo ptu Mr Billirg wa! dtivitrg dow C|zmere lload, toe.r&Centml Driv. (or thc *a-frcnr), when he r|otied, th@d d opcnwindoe of his cab (he is a @Hriver), r otantercd, brithrlyglowing, Dund{haped objcct 'abour the siz of a picce held atam'r length". He had watchirg it Sor tinle ttl@ dE a drpr€ ofs€rnds when it Foved "at fantastic specd", 'falter rhatr the cye @dds" to dolh€r Fn ot tfte sky ftnher away. Here it hovercd fo. a turthetcouple of eoods b€fore r€F{ting thc mn@uE, finally disapF3rirydl of sight in thc ronh-w6t.



Within no more rhan fivc sor&.ft.r rhe obje.r wenrour of sighr, anRA.F fithter plane. fliDg very lop, 40 500 6eet Gomcwhatloecr than $€ Blackpool Tower al5l9 te.t) and v.ry fast, with ns win8ssrePl righl back 3hol ac.o.s rhe sky ftom ovcr the *a, in rhe dtecion ofthe UFO,6 if i. pr6lit of ir. "Ir had no lightson at all." $id Mr Billing,'which was unusual b€6u$ ir ers duk, rhough not conplelely dark. Asil cde ac.o$ I sa* shoke in fronl of lhe aircratt .nd al$ b€hitrd- wirh adrll tl6h in rh€ niddle.' This, ihe wihes t'elieves. @uld orly have b€enan an-6air misile bei.g 6red ar rhe object.

The idea of a mililary plane fi.ir8 a ntsile at az)rrirs. let alone aUFO. in a popula. *aside resn at the h€ighr of rhe holiday s€ason, n.idiculoB. Nevenh€lesr. the slim po$'bilily that this r@k place waschek€d by the inv6ngaro*. They fouDd that therc was nothi.E in thatair*pae ar all ar rhat rime. The ndrr was nor ssitched on ar Blrckp@lairpon- blr Eritish Aecpace ale confimed ihe negative findings.

Thc wirne$ repons rhar there was no noi$ *hau@ver from lhcTomado, and the abs€nc. of any liShls and ihc dlll flash of theprponed misile firing is irdicaive of rlte lo*-s.nsry noise condirionsiDpo$d by the unons.ious hamesirg ambient field effecrs, in itshallucinalor_y p.oduction of this Eanh vs Flying Sauce6 ih€me drama.Not surp.isingly. robody else cano fosard ro repo.t the Tohado. whichis tunh€r €videne of the p€Mnalird realny of rhc encounter. A fast-moving orange lighl over lhe sa may hav€ been misd, bur ajet.irclinSit€ Blacloool Tower . . .

Th€ pirnes has a long history of psychic experienes. includingappantions ard, lite Jean HirSley, the rairy bcing shaken from aChii.inas t.c. Yea6.anier he had exftrierced a similar $enario wh.rea Lightning ighrcr hr.t chas.d a black cylindeFlike UFO. causing th€lanq to b.ome irvisible'. This 1989 veNion is obviously ._morcdnmatic rcmake of this recure.l svmbolish, just as drcans reflect anitrrcr oDpler. h rcms of th€ functid of the symbolism, n is ditficuh norlo notic. that lh. nancs ot both types of plan. corespond with powe.fuland emrgclic natural plEnomc.a - a tomado andlightnin8. Thechoicc ofth* daB fton his 'pictu.c libmry' rcllects a thcoatic responsc by hisuncon$ious. Ir is as if th. uFo is reSard€d as an alien elemeni which h.5to be dBroycd by powcrtul Eatth{riginalinS forces. Thk is arch.typ.lonflicl iynbolis rhd asFcts of the witncss s psyche andinnc lif. lbal pcthaF only h€ colld id€rtify.

The movement ot the earthlight UAPThc b.baviou! of the eanhlighl va overed in Chapt.r Fiv€, .nd il is


Page 115: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden


prcpo6cd thai its movemeni in 'inrtalnt€nts' rcht6 to a Edar sep fronthe BBC wathe. surcy .adar dist o. Blactpool Twcr, puliry itthold rhe rt'rrsphcrc 'f6td thar the eye dld sec'and rlEo rcl@siryir d it revolrcd a*.y. The aM is evidertly ernblight prone, qirhnuhercu sightingr over th. y.r6. wlEther they re p.odt ced byoffshore submrine 8@los' or ebe*he.E (..s.. a Bdp qurry) and erber a r.ded to the a.@ p@nts rwo oprions thar are rct nNrilyexclusive. The .rea of Fyld. is faulred with deep s8line @vcmihrcughout, and lhere is evidene fr6 Kevir ClMirghm 3 otEerv.rionsrhat eanhligbts emerge j6t offihorc hoF the st thrr is to ey,6ar[ iutbe ontins for the hith imidee of rhe UAFS.

'J.n. Murph!,r .lian ahdudi.rfl .xF.i.occ

Dat at: The €4enenes tESan in 1975 when the eitns 16 sineenyea6 old and lh€y have o.a'ired spoEdi@lly throud@t a rklve-yearpcriod to the prcsnr day.Wi,t6: 'Janc MurphyIrv6t8aro r Philip Mutlc and A.dre* Robens

I am ihdebted to Philip Mantle of the hdcpendent UFO N€tworl for rhefollowin8 infonatioo on this case, trken froF intediee intMipts and .os-file cohpiled by hin and And.e* Rob€n , edito. of th€ rell-kn()mUFO study periodi@l UFO ani@,i" (no* detunct). Tlis exte.ded (5e@nsists of nurcrou events, be8i.niog i. 1975. h orrairls hat€rtal whtbor.e.pon& wnh ehat has come to be rega.ded 6 'alien abdrcrid'erFri€rces. Much of the harcrial is undared and usqucnced wirSpartly lo lhe educational t€slrictions of ttE wirra, but ilso ro a di*itrctbluninS of memory d her p6n. The witK's bizade erF.iences areevents which have a *e of tcnpor.l isolatio about rhem. They are@unie{l with a tanralizitrE vagueK ar rifes, ad ar otheF $eh toans spontanslsly dun.t the inieniews she 8ate, dr trhe metno.i6 hadjcr 'popped inlo h€r had': for cndplc, duriog the fifth imerice (th€rc*erE over a doao) Martl. states ' '.tarc" immediately told I she h.drememb€red rhe enct date of h€r "abdu.tid ' e!pe.i€@ . . . mmy ofrhe thin$ raisd by 'Jane_ have @rred ir this eay - suddenlytemehb.rcd. ever though rhe sam€ topic had b.rn @wrcd i. previou

The trigger and $e responscWhen 'JMc' ws 16 ard livirS at home (in ltc sme arca of the r('m



rlcrc the crpcricncG tlppcrcd), shc ea awoken or€ Di8hl by a r.dlidt ttoodi.g thrcu8h th. onains of h.r tEdroom, accompanied by !'s9inrir8' sund. F|m h.r hothcr's r.sdmny, this sas not th€ fi6t tim.that d sftrplain.d litht circl.d th€ housc and a field at thc re3r. For th.En fiw F 6. 'Jane rcSllarly had sranSe vivid dream ehich chanS.dinto'Eality' aft€r she noved inlo a hds wilh h.r .w'|m.|3s tabandlo harc. child. On. ven real drcaD amou €d to whal is tno*n as atr'abd!.tior by ali€ft'.

Aft.r toint ro b€d onc ni8ht, sh€ 'awoke to tind hers€lf in a ticld at thcback of her ho@. In this field there w$ an €nomoB 'spa.shiD' thar shecould not d€s.rib€, r.d smc alieB werc l€adin8 her lowards it. Th€y putmethinS dcr hcr molrh to mak. hcr slc.p and she pr.terd€d ro b€|lll.m$iN, bu rh.y wcr. a*are of this and gave her an inj4lion.H@ever, JaD. did nor s€e the ncedle- She'aeok€ a.d found h€elfprcsuhably insid€ $e'c'aft ard r€{liad that lhe alieB wanred her rowash i. a batb shap€d j6l like lhe huDaD body. Here sh€ was so'rieho*[email protected] rithour watcr ard tt.n lcd to a lable on which she lay dosn.Aft.r an alLn cornlruricaled wilh h€r icl€, sh. pas examin.d iolh€ Fniral are.. Th€ ali.n $.n had sx with h€r and during this shenoticed th.r he had a b3d ffill'-

After irrer@rc. Jare' sl down 5t the tabl€ and ew sme colouredpills, oE of *hich shc ale. lt had no rrst€. Shonly aft€r this, sh€ suddenlyfoutrd bersclt tack i. bcd at home. She l@k€d al h€r am and saw a marlthrr koked lit. an injeclion sile. Ovcr the follo*ing v.€k. shedcEloFd a v.einal infeclion which trcatnenr frod the ddtor could notclcar up, ad she had ro sp€nd some rim€ as an out-paiient of a h6pital,which evemually did endi6t. rh€ infection.

CommenlThis is a typical'aMucnon .rFri€nce, althouSh th€ sx with an alicn'asFcr is u.conmn, although rct uniqu€. Like $ many of th$cadunrs, many 6F.ts have been left out (rhar the astut€ investiSalor3in.lud€d i. thcir rcpon, incide ally) to nate the $ory flow and app.atfartastic but f6iblc. Such 'nanativ. p.ckaginS' is a media requirchelt.rhere delail ard shad€. of grey de stnpped .My. thcr€by rounding ofiilE dounr. Like all @unts ol rhis narure, once a b.lanced pictlrc i3sdt, rh. crcdibility of nuch delail collapd€sr that which remdns wa3o!..d by ptolong€d field erpGur€ aft€r a major elecincal €vcrl ir com-bintion rirh 'coriaDir.tior' fron UFO liierarur€ of frcm thoi. atoundrhc *itnc.s who had read Dorc widcly than sh€ had. There is ds rh.pocribility rhar 6€ wirl|4 obtained infomarion about abductions byele.riom.grelielly enring the investigaloc. trr us lool at th. €vidc&e


Page 116: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden


for !i€N. rr!&.rent . lt car bc annmdiz.d 6 iollow!:I Thc UAP crpcurc at rI e.rt .ge, rhich lE rirr€.rcd by hd brodErrd sin€. sho .ko r€te aff€cr.d to somc qtcat, trigFr€d tErurcosiorr! into ar .divat€d nrr. oI i||@ircd itn Airy, rdr'y iibr.s6lit€ 'rsrc' n|vc hrd an crFricr witb lotn tind of ctcctri:dpltcnoGls cidy in lif.. Thi. ircrs!.n inrdrS toot rte f(m of vivit

2 The dca in which she tiv€d .l her life i. ovcrtooted by r lnrtor BBCand NTL tEn!.|niaring di.nrr mout d d I hitt - a iirution shth isoorp.frblc ro Je$ Hintley's (d€rcribcd in tt. mn 6c-itudy).I Wh.o shc md€d to h.. pt*nt addrc6, dE pheions! incrEs.dmti@bly. A twof pyldi run a!:re $e ficl& at thc had( o, b.. t tdcn.Ftom t s it i. pGible to orsnrrd a ddft of €.dy U^ fEtdEnsitivity cnbin€d wirh prclongcd rrdicmv€ cxpo$E, to qdidt rsfnallt ddcd clcdrical ficld crposrr€ ftom pytoo-mount d, hiltFrcn io.,

4 TtE vaginal infedion b th€ first fi€ld-indcd sFr€nic ro..d.Thcrc is or6iderable $idrific [trcEturE oo rhc .dvcrEe ctfets of fiatderpofirc on tne lmtnu|e

')$em, rnd rhe iErErrcd ttwth of trodcri! d

frr8.1 infc€tios in animls ard hun|e rhen erpccd ro lp..ifE (hotonttm) 'freqE cy *indoqs'. This €ffccr vs inco.DoEred iflo pcrc€ircd rbdu.tion' visim .s .ali€n irdu6ion'. Thii blrBi$.nr with rhir proGs in dh...|ror.r erFri€|E.5 Acqriftd allcw Janc s e@tral clecFirtty hyFt*sitir'c coditioois coafimcd bt h.r d€sciiptio of a puztirdy $rrllld ..d violen.rruscorE .€a.rion to 6{f€ *fiidr she hcsetf mr6 appc*E paniolerly'after lonrtbing h!5l'apP€ned', iierrin8 a fietd-irdEd h.nucirrrin.5 The wirnes dcsib€i rh. exFrie{c. of et€cEic.t fietd €rD6rEprecisly, albcit u!*itriogly:

Ule I sy, sodr€tim€s my mind Uanks. tt s as it I w *aned hi/ing rheseinrngs ho.e as well wirhin the tast rh@ Mrns w'|@ t.w@ke MIhusba.dl

'rp. hawl l? l'w been rhat ldshren€d I ve had rhis thing.

like er. a iorce pulling me from my hrin and my body. tud t car teet, itslike a ight lood ndse though my head dd in rny body. tr,s tike ir's$m€body's dwing lpullinsi mv body ard rv bcjn. and rhafs qkstaned hapf€ning within rlB tasr f4 mohths.

Tbc wit'l6 .rorcd to hc. pr6.nt hore a fd nortu b.foc thjs.rport_7 k d girnplq -The wnr€ss @ttcd in th. invcsig.ron ro s lre dthe 'iriccrkrn m.rt!' *hidr appsftd $ddot. nFy borb i.ler.ifiGd it sr Fmpl€ eith thc .tir s.rrch€d off the top.€rti6 orBc d.rlnrl


a Eyp.,crhait - Mimln. amoorls of domdtic gs make 'Jan.' fecl ill.ES d ..seiarcd allergy sutrercn arc hyp€rs€trlitiv. ro Fany stimuli thatrold nor bolhcr orhcB-9 Ratta. h.ariat -'Jan ..poned thal sh€ c.uld h€ar a MoM-codelikc'sitnallint at d|c. fi's phenomeon k Tad.r h€.ring.: lt can b.eproducen n sFcific freque.ciG in ES subj€.rs and it is @us€d byelecrrcmagneric wav6 strinS up vibratiors in rhe tiny bon6 ir the inners., which .snatc and snd sound the tympanicnenbBnc {car{rue).lO Awlo6 taual f.cEags The* have been de$ribcd by Blakcmore(r9€E) and Runan (190). They found tbat *nal f@lings qn b€ inducedif lhe sptal .egion of the brain (bcl@ the corpus callosrn which joins thctrc hemispheB) is clccldcally stimulared. Th€ ndinum snsadonswerc found lo harc tlcen induced belw@n 2O-lOHz.

This is atr abbrcvined .atd,ogue of lare's' clearly rc@gnizable ondrep.oduciblc phenomeM and sydptoms, which have b€en id€ntifi€d asalien acrivity by lhe ETH

''at mity.Ir is ctearthat they are unquestionably

and Dndcniably Mong in lheir asunflions.

lnvestigalor'scanning'As a Dosr€MuDt.r effect. many refrons iftlode d incidence ot what canonly tE descrit'ed as infomarion .rchange betwccn the sitness andtho6. around h€r/him: a twcway floe @n bc idc.tified. *here rhe witnessbe@m6 awe of the onvate irfornadon of othe6. and oth€6 find rharthc pe.ePlions of the wnnaas inhde inb rheir lives. Ratovi. s wort htsshown rh.r tbis is *ithin scientifi. bouf,daries and Dr C. W. Smilh\comment aho slppon the existctrc. ot this cfiect. Il in thcRoslcy R€atu 6e wilh thc invesngalor and aho in th€ Stof,eh€n8€ cvcntb€eeen rhc witn€scs and othcrs. In the E fi€ld polterBcist ca$, n was@DDor aDd rhc inv€stig.rm ofi€n found rheir privarc dcraih Guch as af.&ity denh .nd a o. mallunclion due to a racing engine) spokcn lhrouShlhe adolecrr 'fmJ. The Jane Murphy @s could be boiled down lorh€ quesrioD: Whcrc did th€ wiirKs get the detaik of lhe aMuction'phcmrclo! from? I would sugaest panly frcm lhe invBriSalo6rhehelvs, althoDsh the hunar sFr€m rcacis io fields @nsisrcnlly

Concluding commentsIn ordcr to idcntit rhe speific cp€.ls of this cas., a let$hy .nalysis*ould b€ reededl 3pe allos s only to consider the following:r The hlman3haped batb retl€ds atr unconsious respon* ro thewitJlK s p€cption of a d&tu.b.d boay-ituee. Monroc s oatlicr com-Bnts indicarc rh.r rhis 6r b€ atreled by ficld erposurc.


Page 117: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

uio6 -rtYcFrc c[68 E{oour{TBtS

FL, ll ry*{ @rL!d ti'lnE dE!.&'n4.tuia fc. lll, lll

2 Th€ field prcscre that th. wnres b erpoe€d to is F|smifEd s dalier ptEge, and. dcpending m the pan of rhe hodt o. bEitr that isaffcted by it, the alier activity wil b. depided a@rdirely: fi€l4indu@ds€tu.l felitrSs wee d.matizd .! in.ercouE with ar alb..

Elec{.onic pollution profi leFrgurc I I !ho! ! a tyli:al ov€ns.d mi@mve oo|nmul|icatidn ci.odt forAM, FM or Tv freq@ncies. Ft@ s'rrt di.glms, whin s bc fqrd iratry referene book on el€{rtonics .d/or rEdiGwve prcpagarin, tnlocation of thc 'hoi spot', rt rvl*ii on-going anmalc pecptiors oft€.ocq,r. can bc d.tcmined by sinple gcon€try. tnsl!{d ofwitint to. ceto be rqDned, inv6titato6 €. aduatly calorlatc rvhor€ tlEy slFuldixdr, and go out ard l@t for thm thcrc. Tffi mutd be c.!€-

Ft. 12 n- oa e. td !r.a J.- tf|tl.rt hi |.a !rla.(atutctdA*ac.&dt


t . . f l . ' i

B.iE!o.. q/.try ard rrir RF*.d o. Rori.y rib: 5a5!d {500n)



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Page 118: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

uFos PsYcttrcct 6E ENcornafEx;

Rowlcy Rrgt , W.5t ttidbnd.. Enghnd

Ldrior: Bluestore Walk. Rorlq RegisDat : 4 ,^ntat'- 1979ri.n4 Beteen 6.30 and 7.30 amwirr€$: Jear Hingley (deccNd)/av.r,iaarorr: Stephen Banks, Manin K€at@n, Andree Collitrs. M.rtPrnchard. Richard TolleyC6e re-investigat d by the attl$l

This €* involved a niddlc-aged houswif€ vho tived *ith hcr bGband(and dog) on a small fts.€nl-shrpcd hoBine Btate, @lled Bludton€Wall- Thefe was snow on tlE sbund c .rcan waved her bBband ofi rovork, vith the Alsatiar dot at he. side. After he had left, she notied dorange 8lN in rhe erpon a.s at rh€ end of the gardcn and slE thouhrrhe light had been left on. On walkinS dwn ro swirch n otr Jeatr msastonished ro *e a hu8e, onnge glowing spherc hoveri.g over ir .titc abi8 oranSe . Mating her way quickly bdr b the hous she srdtd in thedeNay wnh rhe dog ard warched the spheie Rdar ovc. the smatt tam,nd rud white. Sudd€nly rh€ dog smed ro rhrw a 6t, writhirg andstiffening inio a statuc with alt ic tur sranding up on end in spily poinB. Ir.igidly keled over sidcways and lay on the fl@r, irs etq sisring. Nosmner had Jqn r*en this in tha. th@ beings ru{Ed past he. into th€houe. As th€y did this, she feh heRlf fl@t away f|m rlE tt@r, hovenDs

Hcaring a onmoiion frcm rbe livin8,.('h. Jen drifted d(l$ thehallway to it. On enrering thc r@m, she sv rwo biarel@kin8 entitieshakin8 rhe Christm6 rrce- Eyes eide aod gapirS, she ew thefairy on top of the rree sh@t off o. ro rhe drDer- Thc e.riri6 veE abour&ree fet iall, yirh narmw l'pcrinS limb6 dlooi€d r sitvery-gr@n ddsnow'ehjte faes summded by a clw-fittioe hood. A goldfish-bowlhelmer. which had a shaU lighr on lop like a Direr's lanp, covercd e&hhead, Ea.h *ore a silver waist@t eith bunons down rbe fMr_ Thinsilv.ry slreaftB hung dlM from then shouldeB- Thcir cy6 Atittercdwnh a black lustre af,d thei. mourhs werc a simple |n|€. They bad nohands or feet and thcn fimb6 ended in rryenng points. J@. no* foundrhar she was parabsd itr the gapinS Frc she had saruck ard e6 €vennore shocked shen th€y rum€d lo lt . and in urisn sid, .Nice|

Jean ould nol speat< a.d sw that thcy had ldae oval wings on rheitbacks @vered eith bnght Slittering poinrs of light of mdy difiercntcolouF. Eventually she fouod her voie, $ sh. *as abte ro @nvere wirhthem abou such topi6 as JB6, b.bies, thc pl@ of the Eman ir th€home a.d Tonmy Steele, At one poinr. lhe entitiB flew aoud rhe.@n



H.ilsb.E qr.rry ard rE or BF a.|€n@

'mnLd d Fdi.y Hile 545yd (500m)

wh6r€ gou.d bqp.d bE


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nh!kr'. td.., ![d.n t'd 6. .c6 dd.lcNtar d Atott C',d'6)


Z3n4i. l l .1

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Page 119: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden


.n€r i third tr hrd joiftd th€ri, r.d pictcd up mrl objc.ts sudr sCh.btma. c:rds dd tap.-castt6 rrd ttlq qrt .€d th€n. At tim.s rheyrould touclt thc tDttoB on raisrcoaB phir:h !r!€ our a btcepingtone. At otlEr tirnes they wdld sh@t . t&r{ite b.rm n J@ ftm drligh6 on thcir h.lnet6,

-hi.n n.u.t her o $. for.rE d, i!.,bow thc

bndae oI thc rc. It had the €fi€cr of both dazting hs ro rtte point ofblindn6 and paElFi.e bc.. t lelt veiy hor wher slE .@iEd sEh

rr8. r4 Id -

* c.n,^'", r J- f,l{hr',..d.a.E, olaL r.l|.r. d. sr b b b.r !.r!t n o aJrE,ItD. trE c.6 ltm ahc rE rb.tor d $c hdac

rts. 15 |4k l Dp rd ! oa rt toc.da ,br ft. ro'|c,R.gir[..r E:r*t .lcoorEr Grrrat. ih. crr.riE to.d A!filrmc .a dt rb Fo&do d ct[!u. ord a &ta G.ehr!.rtuaet, Tat'r',,t n?'d: WAt g b, C. N- W,tt. t n




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Page 120: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden


. At onc poi.r, aft.t.lting th.m what rhcy f,outd titc ro drint. dEy .tl

tirE. Eplicd 'Warc., mtet, Er.r' in mtuon. Jeln found hretf Ooari,Udo*n to thc tirchcn, *hdc stE pur som mnre-pi6 on a ptnc *ith f;.mll ttrs! of l,arff ard nortcd brcl to thc tourg.. They toot a de.s o,?.r.r and . mincc-pic c*h ar if rhcir arln_tiF ecrc magEtic. and *tlcnJcrn lit . cia.rcn. ttcy dt .oitcd. A bud, ct.dronie.oording rrumFrnotue cin. Aom th. bo.:t 8rrdetr :nd otr looting @r, Jqdowiry 'spae.hip on $e ta$. Wnhour mhht. rhe cnritiB fles fro;tne |txn and our to rhis cEfr, stil wirh a hir.e_pi. mrgn€riad ro rhei,limb-tipx. The stranF vehich t6ted tike .. iDvened DLsh|lxn wirh aalovir't stalk nnd d *riat slkting our of one side that cnd.d in eharloot d likc a rinl6 bicycte whet (s Fig. l4)_ Thi! b€a.. ro |tbtve andlit up wirh a brigtit bluc tLhr. Th. .cnft'tifr.d vc.tielty upy.rG. derib.d. arr, dd shot off to th€ .orth.

Soor affcr. Jsn cottaFed in a heap and fctt aI rtE btood nrshinSupwar& thrcugh her Hy, *hicb ecnt cotd. Thb *s an apnizin;exF teE ..d 3hc writhcd i. pair. EEn.ualty. she h.nated to flop into. .hair ad rhcn snc $e a |a[ *tilembed figuE appca. rEsrd. th€televtuion s! for a min.te or r*o, beforc fadiB aEr.

Poat-encountor efi6ct6Likc tlE Avcby aDd Sutrd wiuress, Jcu sufieEd a neM6 b.skdlrhfier lhc cveot- This was p6nty €used by lh€ rididt she r€ocit€d frmG'gtbou6 rd *ort-Dares (3he tcft hc. job in a car.gting pt.m bcc{eof il).'Howevcr, hcr snsitivity to rii.F dccFid and a distirdchadgc in her phFiologicat statc ats .cred to undemin! h€, be.tth., tm cloch (folnd ro be Dagncrt) at|d $m. cscnc taD6rcre |6t d aDd [email protected]€d ro haE h€€, afie.Ld by . F*crtulc&.rmftagreric ficld.

Th. dog recovcrcd codpt€rc,y bsr stepr eordly fo, mmy dat/s affcr lhccvc . Th€rc was. srnng.*h.pcd mart otr thc tam ehich rs pmbabtytte outlirc of a fill€Gh gardcn pond rcvcatcd by th. hcat fron thc UAp.It thc litht of thc 8eothFicat 6F.r. lDd etedoric po[ution prcftb, itw.. ahost ertainty d ..arthlidr,. Je€n f,?r rho abt€ ro ..c:n, orh€Ba.d obtain private infm.tio ar ti|B. lncrcdibte s this n.v ,ecD- it€n bc t&ilitat d by imrc.!€d rEr.onat ct .triet 6ctd m,sio. .nd cmrnor !'t|ons ES slbj€cr 0a, in rrc Stoochcng. rc, ss .blclo do thB). Thc irvGrigators ?ere rnE4d eh€. Jcan sudd€nt, told rhcDtn. ccntral dctiil. of an urret.l€d ca.c rtEy e.rc wortiry on.

Th€rc rd a fiv.-irch cird. s€enirgt scErchcd m thc tts of$€ ,ront.loor .loq eith a nunber of Erdo|tt srrtcts, Thi5 he! tEe,doqnrrr.d as an .ffccr erociarcd *irh ficl& $!r tighrning prodlcts. A



lnmihr cr..r *a thc $tritenir8 of Jert gold weddingiinS after iheorcounter.r smld iEisd circlcs have o.cared on th€ human dy ilswhich beco i.terpreled as 'alien !is$empli.g', bur they ar€undoubt€dly dorh.r field €ffecl.

Jer. abo b€8.r havirS blactdis', *tich @n b€ indued 6 a respon*to field exposre. hdaing frcm the hith elecrroDic pollutior profile. thhsqs r response to or-8oirg €rpo.ll.e lh.r slr€ hd previously op€d with ata subdini@l lev€|. b which now altsled h€r |ll@ ove.tlv.

The witn€ssJcan w6 quit€ a lart lady wilh fonhnght viees and a lot or dosn-to'eanh llj'mon srs, d4pile her Frr education. Sh€ sas deply r€ligiousdd had p.ychic experi€a tbroughoul her life which were enhaned

The area ot Rowley Regis {see Figures 15 and 16)'E3nhlighr*' hav€ b.€r orelared wirh the positid of faulGlines and thea@ is liv. mihs from thc major Bifrirtham fault Tvo larSc faul|-s,Hodren rod Church Streltor, run direaly through rhe area. Th€ aerGmagnctic map shos a major ddge of boried magn€lic cks. The*irclud€ lhe natuElly m.Sreiic tod€stone , or nagn€tilc, and anabondane of iFnstone, plu a wid€spread srratum of basli, whichb€o)nes natnelic when ntuck by lightning.' The exlension of theBirmingham Can.l, tud by a r*doir, isd@ to the RiverStour, nc.r roJ@n's ar€a. Th€ hu8e Ha stoF qurry is about a quaner of a mile fromJ@r's rear Sarden, atrd it h6 been excavated from the highly mitcrdiEdRoeley Hilb *nidr l6m over rhe area at the back of the car Fln whcrcJ€u fi6t se the hoE.iry 'eanhlight' {*e th€ plat€ sction bcl*ccn plt.tI 12 and I l3). In ,[, tho area is a nodel geophFical typc dtrducieo to lhcprod*lion of erthlighls-

El6ctronic pollution profi leSired m the top of tlE Rdley Hills ar€ two larg€ tranniltin8 rdlo m$tt(s th€ photogBpht) us€d by th. minicab $nices in th. rrcr. ()n6 ruchnalt in 6is'id€al' loc.tion 6uld enainly have crcarcd Jcrn'r hlthly Eg'Fychic' @trdition, but two, in corjunction with thc unuturlly. r.| .

Sematn€ti. sp.c!3, eoutd ptrlh tnh cordition lo ! .hmnlc hvol,

The UAP/eadhlighl''E nhlidrs have been @Nislently asso.islcd

' th q|l|nlh bt hv. lt

atc, and it is a stc d.drEtion to idcntify thc nc$by ll.ll&|n! q|l|??y u$c ongin of the one that J€an er.ount.rcd. Onc ol lh. tdhl mltr rosld


Page 121: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

umlt - ttlclnc cuxlE ENCOUI|IES

\g(bi (Zra m)

IE 16 G.oF d.|l ltFr-rrdo. d$. n RF. erE, &a rrt,}::: t-!- * rdio .rh. .!d .r. rrrltrc, d .! adrrhU P lD J..r Etr[br'. ic h 8h...* W.f,L

hw€ act d 3l a cotrducror frofi tmud, ano. traM66io eooHhrvc proFlled $o!gt rh€ aho4phcrc. It b stnng. to 0ri* ri.tso@r€ od€nrg !n €riy_mming cab rcdd ha€ u.tnowirrty bccnin.tru,m€nr.l in {trdint rhe hugc ttobe of .hdnxn.trdc emr$, InroJer Hi.8l€y\ 'hp' . . .

The encounleaUnit d spqe do6 mr . d fo, rn crh.Gtivc .r.lFt of wh.r .!.dryh.ppe..d in Jo's hoo.c and gridcn. Thc UAp .vi.t rtty ,t O lottcrE m.iy powcrtu[y. irduciDt tt|c hrlEir.rory .trootrrc. rhat ov.rt.Fs|n $ m.ry othcr .cla$k cG



Trtor in lha Houla ol DoL'

let'@r : Gatdhcad, stBth.lydeDar.: Evcnts b€gan in Augu{ tqr9lyitr.rr6: Stevc', 'Carol' and ii€ir fmily,rv6ri8rrd John WalM

Thb extrcncly biarrc c$e b.g!n in Augusl 1979 and continued forrllnGt a r€at. A family of four wa! by chrcnic field.xpos!.€,rlthough rlle morhcr, 'Circl', eas afieded most evercly dse to h€. home-c.nted lifestyL (a6 e.a ibe i:e witb 'Jde Murphy' and Jean HinSley).A numb.r ot standlrd rdullirg from fi.ld cxposure @n bcidennfied, b con und,on *iur appant onal imagcry of dwarf€d and a riny'flying saucer' ro mat h. Lit€ th€ 'Jane Mu.phy' cas,the fi€ld k lE spo6€d inlo .li€n' image.y, which is smewha! b tulrunded by svenl poryerful rFnsittins art.nn@, ddshould be an aEa of bianc undiscorrr€d .rs€s. Thc reason for th€sud.ten ors.t of phenoncna t probably .siated with a dmulativeefiecl. This .e rep.€srts a multiple .xpcu.e situation.

The eventsIn thc early hours of 16 Augrlsl, |rF husband, 'Stev€ , vas on a nightshift,and Carel'couLd mt sleep b€oos she was $ffering frcm r@thache. glm offee ard, rhilc.hc wa drinking it, she sw a red lightfloodinS rhrut! ihe @nsis. ldting out. she sw a dome-shaped objeclwith rcd md eltiie lithts hovenng o\.r rh. hous opposire. It sudd€nlyspinlled upeatds d vankhed. 'Carol' went b&k to b€d and sh. wsastonished to e a mall, flanered bcltshaF hoveritrg at the rop ot thedrrains, simil.r !o the onc she had sr @$id€. This one, howev€r, wasqrly I E inchca *-ro6s .nd lil by a pale{r€y light. Behind rh€ euef was a'3gEm' of ti.y Slilteriry particles, vhich moved lo the liShnshadc in rheni.ldle ot rhe eilinS.nd hovered ihere. Th€n, th. sam desetrd€d on'Caol'. She {elt a tiqlint s..sation acconpani€d by r h€avy feclin8 s,hi.hs€emcd to pNt her dom. St!€ felt suHued by thk 6 if her s.s hadbcc. dullcd, md she 6!ld b€e a l@d buzirg and droning flois..Sudderly rhe wam retuNd to rhc di$ and she sloely rcturned tot!l,m.l. Lit. 'Jrrc'. shc could h@r a loud 'signalling efic.l. Shc couldako hcar . srmg€ 'la*Flrxn€r' nois thal ccoed to circle th. houF,Thi. we.i on all night.

Thre hdB lai.r, 'Carcl' ms awo*en by thc irtcns inSlinS s€n$taon.whi.b shc trid to shatc ofi. when 'Steee'cane home fron vork. heflmd h€r ..ying .rd in a staie of shck. Shc fcll hot std flulhodand 94 la snniry @t of b.r €.rs. During th€ ncxt fcw drys she

Page 122: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

ulo6 - tsYclflc cl-6t ENcolrNTEIi

f.h a pain ir hcr lcft ch..k dd ja* ard lhc dcv.lop.d a sh m hc. n€ct.Ako, her younS daughtc., 'Ni.olr', would run into rhci. roon at ligl .wl'i.h wa! atypi@j, Sbe apFarcd frightcrcd oi apprchetEive.

Th. Ml incidcnt (xoned rwo re.k latcr. oE agair in rh .adyhouE of the noming. 'Ni.ota' wok. lter mthcr up in a natc of fc.t ard'Carol' had to go into her rt)m ro sed€ her. She 3uddenly f.h the tirg,i.taod $* rh€ s@r' tilt d ovcr o. its siic, t@king brighter rh.. b.foc- lrsuddenly rlNnished, dd '' P5 going to $|ca whcn ir apFarcdagain ad shc rvas m@mc by lh€ tinSling. h vanishcd ard rcapFedn€ar $c lLhcfitring ad then 0€w $Nth lhe clc.d windoe. 'Carct,$Hh.d and 'Srev.' crre in dd saw . n6h oltside the wiodw. Theltrcet ligha rerc t@.

'Carol w€ to hcr dcroi. *ho presibed rr.nquiuizm. Thal tdght sh€and 'Stcve h€atd the 'mwirg nois circling the hoN ir alt dir.ctions'.Th€ rcit nidt, te fri8hrened to suy ar home, .Criot and.Ni@tt $ayedat her motlrer's ho@. which wd orly a hundrld F ds apry. Ar 4 m .h.felt lh€ tingling v.ty sronSly in bed. Sh€ ea. csDplctety palrlysrd ddould only tum her hed slighrly. GEn eilh rh€ grt3l6r of cfion- TI|c'eaei apFared wirh a tubelike projection omirg frcm iij t.p. TI|€tidglirS abruptly stopFd and was rephc€d

'ith a fl@dng and rclding

r€lin8, altbolgb 'C..ol' *?s srill poEly.ed. Turnira n€r witbdiffcadty, sh€ s* a group of salt right teside the bed.

SoDe perc srandinS and orhe6 kreetin& with mrc apptlehir8 frotntb. bedroom dooway. They all @he !p ro th. b€d ehcrc .Camt. e.5tying, utrril thde rs a gorp ot about a d@n or mrc dound ne.. Hergldses $rrc or the floor r shc coutd mr s them crc{rty, They pe.catout 30 inch6 in heiSht and rhek h€rd smcd rm laryc for th.irbodi€s, like babies. Th€y all had tatt forchcads, t.ryc patc cyai ,rd fltlliF. Thci! faG werc b€autitut and fmininc, ard shc cqrtd notdeteminc thek ex- fid. skin was pale and rh€y worc {hite dorhing.One wa eearing a ehite cloat. 'C.rc|' descibed hair 6 ctoa€-oorp.d and anificial. like a doll's hai.,

The cloaked being r€rch€d over ro her a.d rochcd her €l,es, but'Carol' felt nothing- It r€€ned inteGred in her €y€s .rd h.r Stass on ttEfl@r. b fec!, it s.m.d ro be ersioing rhen. This cloated individml|€n 'eid , Sh€\ just likc my orhcr E nhting. But .Cet, wes not sE if

lh. wards rere ir h€. h€ad o. if rhc adualty hetd tbcm. Th€re e.3 rorcvemenr on the being's facc. Suddenly, alter rumira hc. hcad away foia rnoreri,'Carol l@ked bacl ad all th€ bcirEs had v.ni6h.d, dogwith .hc 'sed'. ,usr b€fore this, shc had hcail! the b.in8s natiDgfr.que clicking mires a.d the no*i4 noie all around her. Sb. foondtltal she *ai not pa.allsed but totatty bemu!€d. She yeni ro rh€ wiDdd,:



@tside the st@r-lidrs were fliclcring . . .In rlF early hou6 of ihe following mornin8, 'Carolh' father feli lh€

tinSlinS *mtion slidtly, and her brcrher f€lt it strcngly. He also h.ardthc nwirg noie ai a dcafcning pitcb- Hc b€gan saeatirg and shalinga fclt $ lhouSh h€ was 'buming up . He too dev.lop.d a msfi on hisneck. Then 'Caml heard the mding .ois. very loudly. but her mother@!ld h€.. it ve.y faintly as if it wer€ fa. away. Therc wcrc many similar ro rhe*, includiog snothcr sighting of a being. TheinvcsriSaror, Johr Waten. rcponed: 'The fanily is now on the verg. ofcollap* and only wishcs thc bizane scries of€v€rts sosld stop. ln fact,over rne ftxt lce months, they Sradually tailed ofl

'Staging' and field effectsThe alier-th€me perceptions .rcatcd urcon$iously by C.rol l@k on allof lhc emtically 'obiccliv. charactcristiG orapparitions, and rhey couldbc F c€ived by oth€B ir hei {amily. The €nounrer drahatizations were .sled{own veNion of outd@r' encounters. @mplete. absurdlyenough.with tiny spaeship. This demonstrates the hallucinatory naru.e of'structured claft . although emc bavc morc physical characteristics due ro$.t UAP b.sis. (h nak€s one realize how e6ily such perception wouldb@ft official if lhey wer€ experienced by military peBonnel, especiallyif th€y we.e hi8h{an}ing offiaN.)

Ma.y of rh. s'stcnic cffccts in rhis I:s havc already becn covered ardby @v r@dc6 should b€ able to mak€ their own identifi€dons. ForernmDk- thc s€cretion of wd from lhe ear of the main witns isindi@tive of a diathcmal rcadion of the tisue wiihir the inner ear lo theficld p|sna causing lhc rada. hcaring effeci; the rashes, hot flush€sdue & hypotlalamus stihulation. tingling and floatn8 scnsations(dis.over€d by Penirge4 are all sysiemic reactions to field exposu.c lhar€n b€ fourd ir $€ m€dical litc.atu.e. Thc dowins noise has blenMialed wirh .adar hcaring. The clictinS de occured in rhc Ro*lcyRegjs (K lhe plrte s.ction bet*eer pages 112 and 113) and Avclcy crerard n *n! .o dolbt the Page Effe.t of magnerostricrive scou icpheroft ra, d€s.ibed eanier.

Cynthi. Apgl.ton

In 1957 a Bimineham houswife w6 astonishcd to s. n sprccmrn'materializin8 i. her front.oom. She reh a pr.'rhun{lcnlorn.lltoatmosphcrc. th$'he appeared just like a ry pictlr. on I r4rccn, Iblured imase and lhen suddenly everylhing At thc momcrl otbis apperraE, a whislle exactly likc thc old wnclcs rlr ord l.t mrl.wh€n tuninS into a statior could b€ heard.


Page 123: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

t Fo6- liYCfitC Cr_6E ENCOUNTETS

The mn eas lalt and f.ir_ He w4 ec.riDt a tighGfining gr.nent titc asilvery pladc n*int6h. He made a srccpiry tatent m,ftnt *irh his!ar<b, and thc.c apFed trrwen his outstretched tingcE whar CFthiacould only d*ribe as a TV icture. Shc @td ct.a.ty s€ a spaBlip. Ir$ias cr@lar rith thc rop h.lf litc . trarspa.cnl dorc_ Teo sm. e, shi6app€arcd. Eventully CFthia blrcted oul.

24 tl


I Johr Spener, vic€'Chairman of BUFORA.

2 Mod and Hit Slnbolt.

3 H.zvda an.l H. , Altlols Hal.y.

4 Th. lnt Biv. louttol, ka Prcgoff (Diak,8u. tti,uf,. l.thr.rv, ll.?Yort, lql5).

5 Oth.t wo ds. Pa!1D^vies (Abacus/Sphcrc. 1082)

6 Yiti6s, Appant@s. Alicr y6ito.r, Hil.ry |]vnnr (l.,MJ

8 SpK. nnc T,a8ieha @.1 Un6uol Eveats. M A PltrttL.r tndG. F. t2fteniare (Nelsn HaI, Chicago, 1977).

9 Eolhlightt Rev.latia. Paul Deve.€ux (Blandfdd, l'r{9)

ro ibid.

l1 EL.lwtlcti. Maa,C. W. Smirh.rd S. Bcst (t)rtrr, l{i0}

12 Hduntings ond Apporirit>6. A. MacKc.zic (llcincmnn, l$t)

13 ,ivitation to Sdiology,Pctcr Bc.ger (1970).

14 Th. Ndtunlisnc Fdlay, K^tl Pop.€t.

15 Th. 56ial R.otil! ol Rel&ioa, Peler AerScr { 197 | )

16 Wrh?it, J. G. BerNtt (1955).

17 Hat uings ad Appontio8, op. .it.

1E Explairi^t dt UMpt itud, Ca.l Sargcni and I J liywl ( lBl,

19 Th. Prinnl R.'ohaiq, Anhur Jamv (Abrcui, l9?ll

Page 124: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

ut6 - tsYcarc cus8 ENcot Ntarl

2D ibid.

2l ibid.

22 'D.!rms Th.t Do d Thcy'ie Told , t{a Sdi. is (6 Jdoery l9{).

23 Thz tir. UFO NrtErf. Jcn.y R2rdl6 (cr.r.da, 1943).

Z'Nonloiring Padi.tion Ptotectio.', World Hcaltl Ortaniz.rid(wHO), Gei.v, (1989).

25 ibid; TtE ELcrorirgrF.ic SFctrun: Influeic. m th. Pircd:M€lat@ir Prcd$tion and Porcntial Hehh EficcB'. R. J. R€iGr-Syinpo6ium: llan ed ENironnent, Tcrd (191).

26 Eatrhlitha R.r.latioa, q. .it-

27 'GI6a, Ootg$sitrg.!d S.inic EE s|', Am Silt, AUFORA tc.r!!!(5 Scp..nb.r 1992).

23 Otfud Cod4aiu to h. Mind, R- C'cgo.y (ffod Utrivcr.ityPr66, 1969).

29 ibid: 'An|llsis of Mi'wac fd Baricr Wa.fe', K. Oset, USAmy R&D Ccnter, Fon Bclvoir; deldifcd 1991 (19/2).

3) R. J. R€itc! (199r). op. cil.

31 Wh.ft kie M4 Llad.Itdr, S. Roney,Douasl (E|.rc.t, l99l).

I PqdrotiMb, JolD Rrndrl (SoMnir Pt6, r9@).

2 Papod b Napni..lryB V.ll6€ (Ncvillc, l9tq.

3 EMtings aad Appoiri*, op. cir-

a UFO X@lrt), Jeony Randhs (Halc. lK).

5 ti8lrriq, Nrtional Mct@loti@l Ubnty (1990).

6 supaheotth, M^tk* (1921.

7 Thit Hoe is H.unt .l, cq Lyon Ptryhir (SplFrc, 1981).

E nyiry Sab.r R.ri.v.yoL Z7, No. I (Jun€ l9&}).

9 Gcological surcy, USA.

l0 'ExFrittHl3, Disol.6ioB .rd ProblcDs of Biopttsi.s of th.C.rcbtrh' , Qudan Di Pti.hiottb (Y,9r.

ll'Th€ Microrav€ Arditory PlEnoncron', J. Ur, I.ditution ofEbcfical E siffi (IEE) confcE rc. (19E0): wHO (l*9), oe. ci..



l2 Po&r'!"tu l, colin wilson (N* Etrglish Library, 1982).

13 Alia wo,td, Hiit^ J Elms (fris Publilhin8, 1983).

14 ibkl.

r5 Th. Dtl.d En*n , k. l- Pugh a.d F. w. Holiday (Faber & Fab.r,ryr9).16 UfO Refu,j, op- .ir.

11 Th. MothmM, J. K@l (nhminel Prcss, USA. l99l).

1a Ekrtoh.di.e,?. Cognil firDtsds. l9S2)-

19 Pok ry.nt!- oe- dt.

m Th. [email protected] Tircs (2t August l98l).

21 Eadhlithts R.velotio", op- cir-

22 Dt M oid D..Mirc,Noman MacKetzie (Aldus Books, 1%5).

23 ibid.

U PoltuEeiel, oP. cir.

'| Ctb.r-Aiologi..l Studi.s ol th. Imtinal Comp6. in th. UrOCo al E p.ti.n@ , .dired by Denris Stillings, anicle by Hilary Evans(ArdFexs ttojdr. 1989).

2 Pstchokidit, op. .ir.

3 Miid Ov.t Mdat. Klr Pedl€r (Tbam€s Methoen, l98l).

4 mis Htu it HME.I, op. et.

5 Pstchial RMrch. L Gfrtton{uinc$ (Aquarian Prcs. l9E2).

6 Polt rg.itt!. op. .ir.

'I Th. Ros*tl, C. Bcditz and W. Moore (G.anada, 1980).

a Th. Ttiangi', Pel€r Pagel (Grand.. 199).

9 Hddb@k of MotEti. Ph@.^a, A-E. Burke (Va. NGlra.dS.iertifi., l9E6).

lO EL.iona4tunr MM, op. cir.

ll Re@.., No. 24 (Mry 1992).

n Th. mtht ol th. Th6d.tbolrt, sir Balil Schonlatd (cla.endon, 196{)-

13 'Erhremetrt of Tempoal t-b€-Related Exp€nenes DurinS Brief


Page 125: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

uFa -tsYcxlc ct 6E Ex@uNtEts

Erpdur!3 to Millitlll. Irco.iry ELF r&trri. Frcldr', M. /L Ed|ir!.r,L A.lunr! .n S. r\or.a Jouet ol BiaLctri.i r, vol. 9, No. I, pp.33-a5 (1990).

14 E rrcbpcdia ol sciere @d L.liaroS' (Mccr{r-l$n, l9aD.

l5 Tt mStu ol thc Thud.r$aia,

16 Oiord Conpanid to h. Itiid, q. cit.

17 Eatthl4ha R.fllation, q- cit-

'18 Elato"t4t 4ic tlu, op. cit-

19 ibid.

20 ib.d.

2t ibid,

n i6d.

23 ibid.

24 ibid.

25!, q. .ir-

26 ELtl.MFaX Mu, q. .it.

n i6i4.

2a Aodt, Mind aad Sutq, Abnhms rrd PeEl (lgrD.

A Ek Eopolt tion, R- CoEhiI Cnlorsol|s, 190).

{ Eb.l,oMgutt Lle, op- or-


32 ibid.

33 EkctMt@ti. M@.

3 ibd.

15 iud.

36 Ati.. Conta.l.Ienn! Radl6 dd Prul Whetnrl (SpcatMn, 196l).

37 ibid.

3A Ek 1rcpouui6, q. .it.

39 E plainiaS th. Un [email protected]..^-

40 'Flick.r a a HeliDptcr Pilot Protrbm , L. JohtEm, iaarfc.Ncdi4i@ (r963t.

11 Uft)s O'.r Plytlot dt, B& Boyd, Ply|tnth UFO R*.rch croopo98r).z4


12. EL.norutdtt |ta\ <tp. citr.

43 UFO $!dr, J.ntry R.ndlc! (Roben HaL, l98l).

4 ELF Ek t owgdX F.ldt: Th. Qettioa oJ C@et ( PeincNw bboratori€s, 190).

45 UFO R.oUt, W. .it.

6 El&nMgt tic M@, W. 6r,.

1t7 ibi.l.

.A Progs in Ptyclu>giologt, ThomFon (Frc€man, 196).

S a thr UFOS, Jcnnt R.n.lles and Pcter Waningbn(Bl..lftll, l98s),

50 ittd.

5l Wh.d Jni.m tud Motk MeI.op. c1r.

t ibd.

53 HatuIffi ol Mrya.tic Ph.nM.N, oP. clr.

51 PoltqA.ita!, op. cit-

55 ThX EM is H@nktl, oP. .ir.

56 PeBingcr, Runan ad Koren (l9r$), op. ol.

57 Thit Ho@ is HMt d, oP. c.r.

5E ittd.

59 Ek rwvaic Mon, op. cii.

60 J. Ur (19fl)), op. cir.; &p.ditdJ, Joht Taytor (Macnillan, 1975)

6l EL.t@En ti. Mu, op. .ir.

62 UFO Study, 09. 6t.

63 EkctMgai. M@, op. cit.

6a Dailr Mbmt ((\!olE 1 3).

65 ELdtututMtk Mol, W. Cit.

6 ThiJ Hout is Hottttc.l, q. 61t.

67 trt!d6. Brdd Hoptits (Sph€rc, l98E).

I Pst hic.l R.tcorth, op. .it.

I Supahalth, w. dt.

m Eb.1tutupdic Man,.'p. <ir.

7t ittd.

Page 126: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

utrtx-P! cmcct-sE ttaooruNlEls

7z tNE r on of th. Mr, Robe.t A. Mdro. (Soqr6|ir, rry).

n Supc*zlh, q. cji.

T Nallen UfO Ndt, tu J.ary Radh. No. t(b.

15 SiotoSt l Efi.6 ol F4yimdMt4t Elttdrqrralld, H. Konitctal.(Sprinr.r verlis. Berlir, l98l).

76 Wh.E Schn . otd Nqi. lLa, W- .ir-

7, The 'Jen€ Murphy'@ i.c.!€{tudiei in tte fiDl dtap.€r; ini.$ig.r.dby Philip Mantlc rld Andrer Rote.ts.

I Tbe Ors.rur tn.suirc (19190).

2 PoIt a.itt!. op. .ir.

3 AIi.. Cottet, W- cit-

,l 'Medi@l D€ri.e EleFo.r.getic Inrc.f.tlnc. Probl.c',, C€oter for Dcvirs .rd R.dioloSirl Hcaln, Roctvilb,Maryland (IEEE cdferce, Paris, N(,vmber 1992).

5 Pc6inter, Ruttan ard Kom, op- cit-

6 AIk Caat&t, op. cit.

7 iud.

6 ibid.

9 'Gtcts, Outgsi.t rod Seisic Ener$/, Are $tt, BIIFORAl.cfuE (5 Sep(cnh€r l9Y2).

lO Thit Ho@ k H..0tE.t. op. cirt.

It ibid.

,2 ibid.

13 Lioncl 5e.., AUFORA IouttI (rW).

14 Th. Tria gh,

15'R6ona!!c.',BicLdnmaSncti6SFcirlInrcrcstcd'p(Ury l9D).

16 Th. Wcbh 7'ti@8b, W. .1.

17 This Ho@ it Hauld, op- c;t.

18 Th. rycd EnSinu, op. dt-

19 Ali.s Co!da1. q- cir-



T Thb HorP h fl4uttd, op- c,r.

2l ibid.

2. E/trnotu IirA, RoA.I c,tgn'll (Thorions. ly)2)

23 'Mcntd PlEmrlcna Evor€d by Elcctkrt Stinutailion of th. Human

Hir?@mpol rorm.dron .td Amy$hla'. E. Haltrcn €t al., At in. No.l0l, pp. E 17 (198).

24 Th. N4o6 Stttcm, P.r.r Nathan (Oxford Univ.Fny, 1988)

25 EL.ttuMa .lX M@.

Thit Ho@ it Haunt d. op. .ir.

n Th. hio,8L, W. .it.

28 ibid,

29 ibid.

30 iud.

3l iud.

t ibid.

33 ibd.

34 ibd-

35 Radio Stst ^

T..hrcLttf. P. C. Grecn (Pitman, 1979)

36 ELL-tm"@tNti. Mu. op. .ir.

3? He.lth€ria ll7: Elcctohagn€dc Fiel& (300 Hz

io 3{[ Ghz) , Wotld Hcahh O4dir.iion (193).


I Op.dt't E@{',wi'''icy l, Pocr TrcDcb (Ndill€ Spc|' 196r).

2 Plrte@, M W t sFnc.t .trd H. Ev.tB, drPtct !ry Dwidw- Ort (Ftu4lgEE).

3 xdin Clnrinahm, S..rnig Otur, AhdPod Pict (Fcb.urv l9t9)

1t 'C'codtd .t t NrEddrlukc', Zt!.t ZbilEr, Adv. in CcoPhysic.lrs. vol. 2. P.rtrrr6 Pclr 1991.

5 Eltthltthtt Rd.btion, oP. .ir.

6 ibid.

7 GloM S.nwk p, BnriBh c.ological SrFcy (t9E5)-

8 Mcnalli $ble.

Page 127: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

t l{x -tsYcEc ct 6E Ex@t NTBS

9 'On thc F ds .nd lt€ory oa Srrrnqqalc Phct|onED', R. M.Ictt,ReFrt of tltc BritisD Ass6irtio, p. 133 (185E)-

l0 lvd s.ian&i (Mrrdr lgYi).

rl TL Wdrt T.i.ttL, W- cir-

12 Ndrkn UFO Nd, E,'. tmy &.rd|. (April l99O).

13 Yol. 126, No.5 (1981).

11 This HouE b H.utud.

15 UFOj Th. Fi,td Soh.tiqZ, dr.pter by K. Philli!. (Blrndford, l9ty3).

16 f.r. (April l95l).

l7 Mttetia of T'w aad Spec, B. St jtcr (Plt tice HaI, lCl4).

1a Hondb@k of Magr.tic HEW@,

19 ibd.

m EMti^gs zrd Ap,Fritiw, q. .ar-

2l btthlithE R.EAiM. np- .lr-

eraF Slt

I Ir@, Bn.n Inglii (cErton, l9q))-

2 Epibps, - The Fcts, A. Hoptis (ffdd Univenlity PrEis, 196l).

3 CdriBy of P.lritEts! rffin, robcn Fmcr, R.Jing, UK.

4 Artificial Eldr'onagn ric FElds ard I|1|B', S. Paty, Royal ColktG.wnl Pru.titio6 R.l.t@ Book (1<t9or-

5 iHd.

6 N6d d His Sydl|'It, q. .in.

7 EatdrlighR R.t ldid. W- .ia-

8 Amrr, Johr K€.1 (UsA, lclo).

9 E rdlithx n, q..L.

lO H@tiags oid App@itioB, .tp- .ir-

r r ibd.l2 BT FORA tdr.rir (Augct 19a{).13 HMdrys @d App,nio6. q. cit-

14 Mcrcalli t!bl.; [email protected] &porrr, W- Corris (sdrcboo&ftojed, MD, USA, l9$).



15 M. A. Pcrin!.r, rdtet olBi& (r$r'

16 Dr..tnt ad Dt 4min8,oP. .it

r7 Sup.nind', l.Taltot (Mactninin, 19s)

B Eonhutha Rcr.lotion, q. cn.

19 G.At (1912),.ry. .it.', O$otd ConPaiN b rt. Mird. oP. o.

U Eanhlqha Ro.Ltion, op. clr.

2r PcBinScr, Rutt r and K@r, op. cil.

23'The Wishe*r.rEncour€B', Li6.t Re'. BUFORA BulLttn (19?4r'

21 Supcnids. W. .ir.

25 Sup.rh4hh, op. dr.

2n E p/diiiaE tle Un xpraitud, oP. cit.

n ibtd.

A HNn itgt s4d APqntioLi, <tP. tir'

D Sapcnid^, W. .ir.

{ Thit HM it Htu t .l. oP crr.

3t R.tovic (1992). op. ol.

t2 ib4d.

33 Bt.k\ M..lkal Dictiotury. edited by C. W. H Havard (Bl..k.


3a R.rovic (192), op. cir.

35 Andrce Colli6, tndcpendett UFO Neleott JFOIN (1991)

36 Sup.mnndt, o9. dr.

37 Nedhr oJ St6.,T. G.e\6 (Tumsrore, lvrE).

g A R6.E^e Gi k ro BBi. rttdtdg l.ffi r- A Wilst (Babrni


f,9 Sapcnindr, W. dt.

40 UfO rm, BUTORA (JulY l9{).

1r ELdronegai. MM, s?. .it.

a Etpbitiry dc Unetpbined, oP. dt.

43 Pf, Miruel H. Blo*n (Sr.ircr Aoors' 196)

rA T,t UtMtE,H.lrol,.t (Gnllrda, lYrg).

Page 128: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden

t i{x-xiYclna ct 6E ENoorJNtaIs

45 Thit HM. tt Houed, op. .it-

16 F.tdlights R.v.lattM, op- ctr-

47 Wh.E Sci.a.. ard M.tic

18'The'Visitor"ExperienceandthePcrgndiry:TtcT.rrpontFsdd,Ad.ew 5 (1wr.49 iud.:n PhantM of Soap Opcrc, Jdtry Randl6 (, l9Ep).

I Haurtiags a"d Appeitttu. q. d.

2 J. Lir (19&), op. cit.j Sr?.rr:rd!, op. cit.

3 Litldniat Ptun*t, W - Conirs (SouElool Pioie.t, MD, USA, 1988).

1 ELcrtutuEi4t Mq.

Sources of Furfter ffiomtation

Bntish UFO [t*3lEn Asdociatid (BUFOIIA), Suit 1, The L!ts, 2cl-e)'ton Road, Harpe.d.n, Hcrdordjhirc A1'5 2TL, Enthd

AlLrti.t o d AticB: Th. vititati& E e..i.@: At E"'tm.Det Het,rrk, Alh.n Buildro, Dilday Imci 2?O S$dy.o6b. R6d, rc*,slrrty TW9 3NP, Frtl'nd



rbbrancl t.fu. UFO dt!6 r'd4p.ntrB 65, tll, r6t

.lxldin. rlin f,31. rL

.tord Um too a5,2,ffir.lot.rF iffi 2l

.t t id.lttE 9, 10, 11. 12

.Ld. dd& Ep|gr.ri6 oa 24

.ll6!i :diE 95. 96, la6

rlr.r.d na, .j.f,idt of ,lB.b..d d* or qE iaffi (aSC) la, l3

.t rsl nft, obi.diE sictir zfi

@il irhad bt 6.ld .lrdra 213

Atu!. tD*r 2or-2

.!dLc Dl,|l plEM. 9l

d.dr !6yDl.tffib of B. {5's'i|id+Gtir'16lADtl.h, Ct{lii 22, 23.{o

dndi-d myrh (ETH) 33

AEky .bxtor .:p.rknc l9a_2o!d'cd6 cfi66 139-20

D.ibt, Rd. Hrrti..D 4 Gltr{ lidhi.! 18.93, 137, l4G7

b.|tu (s@lEns. @) 221

b.Gri6, $r|aw di$hr.!. ol I I t

Billin!, Andftv (UTo li!nd.t) 1.2r,

anhop, D.n!E (VFO .fdnr.r) 36-9

'tL'lor' 35, 104, )22, lr, 16?bli.l.r.d 4?r@h, ol s:.mi*. l3A

body itrEF, diditb.rl 227

.ldi.l dinuLtid of 95

Btiti'h UIo Rer.h Aearion(BUFORA) tl, 12, 44, 62, 16. 1r, 171

oii.iE, .sid.E of 199

shrl ru t}no 16

Cin6 Slre .* ll9-23

Page 129: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden


dtilidid, udcrlNnd ,4

.li.irl Flcdm {.d Es) e7

.hd.<'!de .:Fic, dtrr tu 53

C.llift, AndB r39,192, m'6mnirt ots'gio 17,

c^rMin lv'lk't tt6.d-nrio of dei|fud t9a

dsm ad da.. @rE o-7r,rGpocs .f h|,m qrd b hildi 70

6hir.1in. ot ri.6 2{2osninlhm, kvin (uFo *ndqs) I$r2.

Dakcrir, CtpB €* 63-aDlrlie Ctu8q Bildi'Bb, Kdt lt] 15,

115,txDrqlr/, Nonhrngrm!||iE, UK t22'D.vi6, (.d|i€ le, l,13-6, 173, lt9

D.prnad of ENintrnr rr,r

dcmd irihriofl. a pd.'MG .fid 16.169, r7A, t3l , 134 226

dq^tnmiario. 34. 1or., Prul 12. 13. 139. l4l. lr2, l,t3 .hDugnb lD&2i'6, ei...d riIn r@ r43

'd.i|di: UAFtr 9, In. ltz, 16lDaB b le.4k', n (llrn r't raJ

Do'rltr, r@ph 63. 133, 139,2dr.diztin or.'@h ,I5

rtrfflutira tn.6hold 2rd|tmi6, rnd po!.r!dc dieit tDyr.d, w.Ls. UK 62, 116. | 17.125, lA. 1,|a

..r{'i4 .lt .t, h.|E| UA! .!d rt6 {

.rrthltlhrs 13. 19,93, 137. t]9, eirh |'n&.-F fooG l3'r.

annqur. filhL tt, la5cddy @.6, in rt bnir l(x

.fd, tlm.Lbibtrr la

.4riE. .r UFO ll9

.rdier @ra ffjd t3. l5l

.ldft.I *cirtvirt O. 3t , 92. 93. 95, 99,tm, rca, r2r. t22, tr, Bt. rJa Ba,tD,21r

m||t n.h tolr.r!.id bo. 33

crd'ffibE rh..+y t99.tdsnEtdi anFr.litry 95

f.ld., hrP6niriYi9 .o t99Elddrtdt! Ls (C w. Sdidr in 86r)

.kMqrcric Eddo r?dddi. po||lrid 35, t]l 5. tt, lrt(,ddM- ronfii F!6b 21a, 2]5

'd.doportuim 3r. tiocrd|rbliiE i.dhilt B 6,1

dd!d.!i.! nyporicis (Esro rc. t2. t3,

saditr d6 of 2!r, al4.radr ffiiK.fidr t6lf,6.rd yJ, 9a. I(f,, I I t, I r7. | 13.

oYnnc.rd p.lhrin. m ftr 2mmimft.d h;rn ity 5a

cF.|Fifm dtrift t53, ltt, t9,Edn4m o..t c 2r7 lidid.rc. rrdorEPhk t5Elt ri'ldd $xirr, tatr l59'.rdodi.t h€:d syndw t2I.nn*@ry F aFi'. i. dc .tEnn6

ibmifidid *nn PK 2G{tudti.t dMrr a5

r.ulr, Chrrtr v'tM 235

f.'dr{.) od EM 6.14 B. r3rd, a irdred tt fi.ll t,64.63,9a, tB

ddorldi t3, r,2& lt9


Fsrl diind of 5-7

Fii.rd, trx :6, 123. lzr{tp. IIlh B.d, tJx lt-r

6ffit liah.i!3, hititiy b e. 167,17o'22

Ftd., Um l|ldi! din c]dp 133,222F i.c s.E R.tE (FsR) 22, r.e-so

6d.d.ddti6. no.d .tci.! 20

Fd6rfl\ MYd 169-10

{rtt'FEt@ 45

c.tdni. 3|'6 13, lt. 153

GqF Se!d. Illdtt,IJX, a l60agdt''d 19, 14, ln, 1n

'dd +.@n' 21,6, 172Gi@. Ijaru R. l5J

!o&, rtu bt fr.ll 215Ctr4f f io.Edrd7l

Srudndbr E Ir* 160

,t6, rfittot 17a. r39, 191, 19J

.trodadnDh@o tt

tLllF tldrEi. .|Bltd &:l-{a.9r

h.hidi!. ..rrin 19


Iimit.!' .rd AtFn 6 (Mr(d;) 11,

tLtr, ttFO , .!d H.I (tlulcy) 133

Hilh B.nI Uto alnnn!! 130-1titi {6q.'6 12, 34, 63hilhidE |B *,.b.ud quinid of 159H''!l.!, !@ 22j.nn,23,-4

flotlin, Brdd 113, l,ra. ll3. 179, zbhd rpo$, .ldlmrlD.bc 20. 55, 6a, ?6

nyb{idi4id, ot 6rny 9F 39

lDTorhdrE. .rd hFnruE Eld:rid

id.mif.d flyirt objd! (IFCh) a5

i!9ri'..d i'ro rEldr l?,

ftdrid.s. hdndi 155-{2

'i.n.EhL. (!olErri!t) 6l'i6ldrnr .ecrir' lot UFo)'.2.

ietdi||EDkr.l h*ll6 16

t rud.n (Ho?Lia) 1,r3, ,,t., ,,16

lN'td ol 1B

Page 130: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden


btc Di.rrid mlt r t-3'LqLd orr',

- rpFd t

td*, i{id*l rC, U9-Slid LEtr,..d pd.r s46 rll

lidt in tlE dy (l-rD) r8. 9r. t(x, 13

Ir haart w'frE ll5

IJD 25, 2tB

MrKdi, AndB |i.23. .7,,|a. 176,ltrmtdj. rrkB, 6tiE i.{bad bt lO9dtdjc [nr, b.r@ UAP rd ri|]B

og'E!l)|@r. w d!ri4 roli.r$i< dirity

rlaanoEh.dim !r, l3u!4l6rriric edi: l!{i, 160, z4

diEnd6.l ddr6 156

6t rilidbn, oa h'|'tr r(rm 155

@or&iili-l @tu*n l.eMaslli s.isi Inhiry Sal. 1415,!i. b.a., 6 fr-ld Gt@

'-tdbric crFra.|E 33, I?a


RilniFlirc stnd@ lq)Mid S.i.E Fs.Arir Ir,

'drd! rie' lB, lr, r53

Llo.c, R.6.n A. r0r, 174,2t1

rur.iFro? .r-b.4. t('

'Itirptr. Je' rL,26 2Or

trryrh, 'uk

6dt|c O

Na. y-c'$ tsn, w.16, tx lu

@, Exinirrti.m la3

ru !tra, e.rri 16, l?

bnrlidir, of .h. F rum.l !|) lNcrtdr se Yo* C.Frt e 15.,knla, UFO N* n, lzlmridd dtrkr6 l'3-,1. a?. t72, lt5, r9l

o.t.ei, Era. (uFo ri!h.i.d lr9-23

oFdir Frrr} 0- ftj.rrErd) 22

dal.. |ih, dE or 13, lrgq!-; c!I.d! of fi.Lt tdraiodr G4.ri:|B (OBE) 21, t-3.

oz frdr 45, $, tl, I,ra, l?5. li6, l3a, 210

p.r.lrr5, mht aa, l0l, r9l

F.4t 'el.

coq..a ?5

Pd'i* UFO Mtn!, fh. lRt'd'dt llF.nnt9t*. BLdFol, tJx r,{)Fn tli@ h:lqid!.y l3

P...p.n Riq UFO G I5ff.niqft. It Mi:H ll,24,35. al, l?6,' po6L. d rar 20r


HIF,lGrEri 201-t@

ttyi:l r.!Fn o,URE 43,l5


tatil|oGr rr Eihlin 26!idr! e3y (of tErdou) 16, :r5, t3a, Elilioo i5

'Pl( .rts'rtir' (,.66. 116, 153,2OaPX, da.nii da nit.!'il*r 73

i&.ritrarid rin EM p|@ 7a

?try6n, Gqtltu lLPldrad Cdm ddDr.r 3JPoH, UAPmF l,AY),orE!.il|t t5, 16. 20,2E!:t5r $,59

ddbl idE i. t 13, r3cLdm.lrrno'|did 3?-{3

Pd.rrd, TL Bbd Mo oa 6l

F4 .Fn iFPbr n9, l2lFr.dfl g{iB lla, I 19

trdyDc. did&*a I25

Fldi .|'di:E, iiky oa 21FFri .rrbrri(E, or rrRE a6Frdic tt m, pati:ql IFCG 23. It

ddilF@26Fdc4irirEl ry! 19,

ptb m, t23, l!3, ln_ tD, D,26

qatt dd! dd.Lcti-l s!-nry |0l

,Nif.D.i6 ,al,bl,Zn

RrIo W.E (ELAt6l) l/Otrri6, r.or tl,12,63, rB. trq r9nabl UriBtr a 167-16A

R...1lYar.lo!i.l Rard. UCLA, t S 123Eftdn . ltwd rl2, l6aryr*r, rryFn (doit6 ELd'. b)


R!Ed6 Eldi6r ConFny .* l5a

RitFtu Fm, ttd.t di:l uttudio112

tuir! $nd, ei.r.d rith (rFO l3a, l,{4

n*t-Dai!n. S.E.r trOJ

Rort !d., n , (UFo dFritu) ..-5ndty R.l- ll, 12. 35,36. l4t. l9a

'sdnJ ESP l8A, tS, 227sffiy,mtusSd.r4m, Dr Mrtotr 6i

sE .a FE|s 36, 6a, 94, 109. I 10, I 16,2tl

s,ryy Dir ao, 16?, Irt. 209

i. dE AEl.y .4 lq) 4

*furl f4linar, .m.lou 22?

irEd rll@d sB l?9, l9l

cMer'g ,8rt. ?11

lhcli.m eno.y, inhiblra. ot i23'sisd $* 45-{6,91, Il3. l7,lstl, Ane 12.36-!7.,o, 55, 9,1. 94, l0a. t I l.

ihd-$ir.d dnB ll0, l,

&'.ay la nydri.:l Rafth (3PR) ll,23.

r.d.L!', FobLmliql 26w'brlbi. rlre.r.r. l6a

Page 131: Psychic Close Encounters by Albert Budden


soctts t,

qiriB of rh dad 16, 24, ,t9. l?6qtritd.n io..ndmEr 19

d.!. m..t |ed, of .|Bl|*d ,or.d.r6, in uFo rDdr a4

st. B.id6 B.y, Dyt d, t x 125

Sr*ndt 19, l?a, 136, 2l}.212*ri!h nd, tu.'drly r71

{tud by lidbing, indivinDr' r3a{bLr|m ffi 139Slhd 26, 2a,99. 199, ?As.F rd r|.*hu fdr hd6 39

,rF. t.l dffi 32, tfl

!}dai. dyrfrdid .nd Fldtin 159i.f|nIid ir .,wb im.&..t 214strprft itupor.r.d itu .tddin'

r|E 140'ELrn 9,l

6Fd i{&rton .ffs lotliPor.r r.r,6 94, 1(D, rz, raaTff ir $. tlde ot Dolk * 75, 2Y-4

lilibina *Ftie, rend hGJd r19-,tiB t.F !1. t. €. 90, 16, 129. 165

lindi.C. bodly @rim of l2a-r, 1.|5,191,t1

rob.@. sirivily 10 199

to?olnph-.I fi.ld rEp rrj

lrerhond, Ulo|mr l.o

llrtm. <t EkFrdd 31-2. 213

rtullLr uIol E llior tt6

Ttu, Dwd lrt. t6-ta7

uaP ||, t3, t9, r,26, r,16. .|9,q},9t, t3

- 'g tm .f' a6

t Fo .rd (uRE) r.. 15, t7E| r.d .lin. d.,&riri6 0f 2r

mi(u lO, 15, 16, 17,10,2r,?/..2a, A)

i&Iia.c (Ur) 10, 15. 16,,r

midar.itr d ob|uiE ob,4 (Uso.)

v{i.d i.fdirh,.frd.||dfu 225vrl., J..qE 12,44.46. tI5

!.n r. a nidr' iyxllm t9rV.nillic, S.df, D*..: a qlvcrE . A.l[dry tl:|. l25

|idor.r.rFi.'E 15,,riia..Ldidt dinul{.il tS

ria6. llm dh. dMntu |.

nrin!/brc.'iE rdord 32


wclr! Tn.Cb, Tb. 22.71-$, &, lr0

*iln. Coli. 71.9r, l0l, lo,

rit,B, in EliL unh [email protected],.4diri6d6wofu. Mir. (tu trcd rbddio

Wodd rlcd.! l3a

ro. ia-[r. h.tuviu s, tot, toa,