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/((())Psychiatric Medical Diagnosis: Bi-Polar Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder ~ by Sandy L. Crowther CVANote: This (formerly) unpublished analysis was prepared for my presentation at the Global International Astrology Conference in Kuala Lumpur in 2002, and has been revised, updated, and delineated using Vedic methodologies.Short term problems are exposed by the malefic transit influences over significant weak natal planets. Long term mental and emotional instability issues are shown by weakness of and/or affliction to significant natal planets, as listed below. By understanding through case studies, what areas of the natal chart are weak with respect to mental health both natally and in transit, we can then see more clearly the complex but contributing long-term or short term factors leading to the destabilization of mental health. By determining the activations and timing factors through observing the transits, dashas, and bhuktis in effect, that may trigger an alert to upcoming tensions, we can prepare our clients, our friends, and/or ourselves, for possible trying times with respect to mental and/or emotional instability or difficulty. By studying the D-5th, we can further assess planetary strengths and weaknesses.Significators of Psychiatric Problems:1. Significant Planets:Significator of the mind is the Moon.Mercury rules nerves and communication capabilities controlled by the brain.2. Significant Houses: 4th and 5th3. Significant Signs:Cancer and LeoNatal afflictions to the significator planets, houses, and signs can cause the psychiatric difficulties and emotional problems to be active for long durations, where transit afflictions can relate to short-term disturbances.4. Divisional Chart for Depression: Divisional 5th PanchamshaEmotional Health Significators:Depression: 5th HouseEmotional Peace: 5th and MoonMental Peace: 4th and Moon Nervous Control: 6th and MercuryGeneral karaka for 5th: JupiterGeneral karaka for 4th: Moon and VenusPoints to Remember:Mercury, ruling the analytical abilities, when badly placed or under the severe affliction of Saturn, causes unmanageable anxiety leading to depression, nervous breakdowns, hypertension, and insomnia. (Happiness, health, and general disposition in are ruled by the 1st.)The 3rd House and Mercury rule mental growth, the 3rd and Mars rule initiatives, the 4th rules the power of basic comprehension, and the 5th rules intelligence, emotional peace of mind, and depression. (Although beyond the scope of this discussion, severe natal weakness and/or affliction of the planets connected with the 3rd, 4th, and 5th houses, along with both the Moon and Mercury, and without any contact of benefic offsetting influences, can result in severe mental handicaps, such as mental retardation.)The overall natal weakness and/or affliction of the planets connected with the 3rd, 4th, and 5th houses, and/or both the Moon and Mercury, may result in mental deficiencies for the native, inabilities to cope, and consequently bring upon the native anything from anxiety and depression, to full blown manic episodes, depending upon the severity of affliction and weakness, and the contributing nature of any influential contacts. Both the 6th house and Mercury rule nervous control, which also factors into consideration when assessing determinants for anxiety.Female Data:June 8,1980Time: 9:14 AM Zone: 5:00 DST: 1Longitude: 73W15 Latitude: 42N27Lahiri Ayanamsa: 23:35 365.25 Day YearBirth Dasha: Me/Ju/Me (6th lord Bhukti, 3rd lord MD)

In this chart, the female has a few powerful natal weaknesses and nodal afflictions present with respect to the significant mental health planets. From my own personal experience, Ive learned that Rahu/Moon aspects should not be easily dismissed, as emotional volatility and/or instability is often times an issue, with the severity depending on the degree of weakness and the contributing malefic/benefic influences. When both Moon and Mercury have affiliations with Rahu, as is the case below, mental and emotional irrationality is almost always certain.The combined influences below address disturbances in her mental/emotional stability, and are indicative of both frequent bouts of depression and instability, with occurring, often times serious, psychiatric ups and downs, rather than brief, short-term minimal difficulties that are intermittently brought on by afflicting transit influences on weak natal positions. She frequently exhibits manipulative behavior and rapidly changing moods. With both 6th and 8th lords in the 2nd house, her family is often affected by her difficulties and destructive coping mechanisms especially when weak positions are transit afflicted. Looking further into the charts of specific family members will give you more clues of the effects and impact on specific individuals. With her 3rd and 4th lords posited in the house of loss, both her initiatives and mental peace are additionally adversely impacted.Significant Planets and Signs: Moon, Mercury, Cancer, and Leo.Lord of Cancer ascendant, the Moon, is the significator of the mind, and although well-placed, it is weak through old age and afflicted by manipulative Rahu indicating innate emotional and mental disturbances. Being both weak and afflicted certainly impedes the promotion and protection of the significations of the Moon with respect to emotional and mental peace, and brings about a frequency of irrationality. For her, there are no benefic influences to help offset the Moons weakness or affliction. However, being well-placed gives her a degree of support and positional assistance to assist in coping, most specifically when benefically transit impacted, but the Moons good placement is not enough to fully protect her emotional stability on a consistent and/or regular basis, due to both natal weakness, and the Moons natal affliction by Rahu.Mercury, third lord of mental growth and communications, is natally weak (debilitated in Navamsha, while associated with Navamsha Rahu in the 5th) and badly placed in rashi, conjunct the equal bhava madhya (EBM) of the 12th, thereby adversely impacting Mercurys abilities to protect and promote Mercury significations showing losses, along with unregulated delays in her ability to manage and cope with nervous control, while sustaining any measure of confidence and calm communications. There are no offsetting benefic influences to further support Mercury.Leo is ruled by the Sun. The Sun is both strong and well-placed in her chart, protecting and promoting the general and particular significations ruled by the Sun. Because the Sun is strong and well-placed, afflictions from Ketu are less tense at a wider orbital range, as the orb of malefic impact is wider than 1 degree. However Saturns influence, although not intense at all times, is a bit more obvious than Ketus by virtue of its residence in the 2nd house of family, impacting family members. Saturn is associated with both 2nd house and 2nd lord, and therefore exerts a degree of tension by virtue of position, and needless to say, tensions are raised significantly during transit afflictions. Saturn is the most malefic planet for Cancers, and its impact can therefore be significantly noticeable.Significant Houses: 4th and 5th.There are no afflictions to the equal bhava madhya (EBM) of the 4th or 5th house, indicating that her mental and emotional practical and functional ability has not been completely impaired or destabilized. She can function independently and care for her children, however, some days present serious difficulties, depending on transit influences, and rarely is she in a content mental or emotional state. Her 4th MT lord, Venus, is combust, in infancy and badly placed in the 12th, adversely impacting the strength of the significations of both the 4th and Venus, and suggestive of losses and unregulated and extraordinary lengthy delays of both mental peace and domestic happiness. Caring for herself and tending to her own needs is significant work for one with Borderline Personality Disorder, so often times the needs of her children will come after her own needs. While strong Jupiter and Sun have blessed her with both a healthy son and daughter at a young age and without any delay, Rahus affliction to her weak Moon coupled with Mercurys weakness, address the difficulty she is subject to both mentally and emotionally, as far as the responsibility of coping with her childrens needs on a regular basis. Transit afflictions by those slow moving malefics for Cancers often times cause lengthy disturbances, and are alleviated as the malefic influences separate beyond the 5 degree orb of influence. Venus and the Moon are also the general significators for the 4th house, and their combined weakness is not supportive for sustaining consistent peace of mind on a regular basis.There is no MT sign in the 5th. You will fins in your experience that until or unless there is a close malefic influence on the EBM of a house, the significations of the house containing a non-mooltrikona sign will not bother the person at all. That is to say that the person will not seek an astral consultation or remedies for the significations of the houses containing non-mooltrikona signs. So for purposes of clarity and for further evaluation of the 5th, because there is no MT sign in the 5th house, we look at the karaka (significator) for the 5th, and the planetary influences on the 5th house, while closely monitoring the malefic transit influences. The general karaka for the 5th is Jupiter, who is both strong and well placed in the chart. Both Sun and Mars, the supplementary significators for general health, are natally strong, and therefore both can considerably assist in off-setting the weakness of first lord, Moon, with respect to matters pertaining to her physical health, while Jupiter protects its MT 6th house of general health, enemies, etc. What is often quite interesting to note, is that while mental health and physical health are two different things entirely, it is not at all uncommon for those afflicted with a form of mental illness or depression, to regularly manifest signs of physical illness, often times imagining there is something seriously wrong physically with themselves, on a frequent basis. Given the fact that two fast moving planets are significators for mental health, the frequency for their concerns can be quite often. Although quite alarming for those who live with them and love them, after a while it becomes less disturbing, as family members and friends begin to understand them and their state of mind a bit better.Divisional 5th: Panchamsha

Divisional 5th Analysis: Panchamsha (for depression)For divisional analysis we study: 1. The strength of the lord of the ascendant for the appropriate divisional, 2. The Moon, 3. The significator, (Jupiter for divisional 5th)4. And the lord(s) of the particular significant/relevant houses in the rashi chart.1. Divisional 5th shows divisional lagna lord, Mercury, badly placed in the 8th with MMP Saturn. Ketu aspects the ascendant, 4th lord, significator for D-5th, Jupiter, and the 12th lord, Sun in the divisional 5th. 2. The Moon is afflicted by Rahu and associated with divisional 8th lord, Mars. 3. Jupiter, the karaka for the D-5th is well placed but debilitated, and is afflicted by natal MMP Saturn. 4. The 5th house tenants debilitated Jupiter, 6th Rasi lord, and Rahu afflicts Moon in both D-5th and Rasi. Transits: July 5, 1993 Ve/VeSignificant events generally occur when a slow moving planet aspects the equal bhava madhya of a house.

Event: July 5, 1993. Dashas/Bhuktis/Transits: Ve/Ve Emotional problems began their outward manifestation during the entrance into her Venus mahadasha, Venus bhukti, at the age of 13. (See transit chart above for July 5, 1993.)The event triggered the loss of her innocence, trust, and childhood.This 13 year old female was sexually abused in the early hours of July 5, 1993, by a man she had long trusted her best friends step-father, during a sleep-over at her best friends house. This event triggered the onset of a psychiatric disorder known as Borderline Personality Disorder, along with triggering emotional problems that she continues to cope with in life on a regular basis, in various levels of intensity, depending on transit afflictions. Transits supercede dashas, and the transits that were in effect at the onset of her depression and states of anger, and relevancy to the D-5 placements, are as follows:MD and sub lord Venus is rashi 4th lord and karaka for 12th. In D-5th, Venus is badly placed in the 6th, disposited by debilitated and malefic Saturn, who is badly placed in the 8th malefically conjoining D-5th lagna lord, Mercury.Debilitated troublemaker Rahu was slowly making its approaching decent to conjunct the EBM of the 5th house, creating depression and emotional havoc, and destabilizing her mental and emotional peace. Transit debilitated Rahu was also afflicting her 9th house of good fortune, her 11th house of friends, and her 1st house of happiness. These tensions would increase as time went on and they became tighter nodal afflictions on the EBMs of these houses. Afflictions to the EBMs of houses run with a 5 degree orb on either side, bringing the range from 09 degrees 01 minute through 19 degrees 01 minute.Transit debilitated Ketu was in turn aspecting the EBMs of her 11th, 3rd, and 5th and 7thNote the nodal axis being debilitated on the 5th/11th EBMs. This transit nodal affliction would continue to the end of the year, increasing in severity as the orb tightened. Both Mercury and Moon, significator planets, were weak in transit, and highly malefic Saturn, was transit afflicting 6th lord, Jupiter, from his own 8th while natal malefic Jupiter was mutually afflicting transit Saturn from the 2nd, and transit Jupiter afflicting the EBMs of the natal 3rd, 7th, 9th, and 11th. The 11th house of friends tenanted transit main and sub-lord Venus, and was heavily transit afflicted by Jupiter and the nodal axis.Transits: March 28,1996 Ve/Mo

Event: March 28, 1996: Ve/Mo - Admitted to the psychiatric facility of the hospital for an 11 day period of evaluation. She was mentally and emotionally distraught, irrational, out of control, and threatening suicide.Transits: Nodal transit stationary influences are afflicting both personal planets, natal Sun and Moon, the MT lords of Leo and Cancer. Transit Rahu is tightly afflicting natal Sun, while transit Ketu malefically conjoins natal weak bhukti lord, Moon, causing complete physical and emotional irrationality, destabilization, and breakdown. Mahadasha lord, Venus is utterly weak natally as well as in extreme infancy in transit. Transit 6th lord, Jupiter, is afflicting and natal Mars and natal Mercury, while Mercury is transit debilitated in Pisces, the natural 12th lord. Bhukti lord Moon is afflicted by Rahu from the 3rd in D-5th.Transits: February 21, 1999: Ve/Ra

Event: February 21, 1999: Ve/Ra Full Blown Manic Episode at 11:00 PM, seriously involving and affecting many family members, and resulting in one arrest. Transits: Nodal transit stationary influences impacting natal nodes 86%. Transit bhukti lord, Rahu is afflicting natal Moon, fully strengthening and triggering the natal Ra/Mo affliction. Natal 6th lord Jupiter from the 2nd is afflicting transit Sun in the 8th, 97%. Transit Sun and Mercury, both disposited by malefic Saturn, are both badly placed in the 8th. Natal 8th lord Saturn from the 2nd is afflicting transit Mercury in the 8th, while transit 8th lord tightly afflicts natal Venus in the 12th, 86%. Natal 6th and main 4th lord are transit conjunct in the 9th house.Can you guess who was arrested? Why? Scroll down for answer..... Borderline Personalities comprise 2% of the general population, 10% of all mental health outpatients, and 20% of psychiatric inpatients. 75% of those diagnosed are women and 75% have been physically or sexually abused. This disorder often accompanies other mental disorders, such as bi-polar disorder.Note: Diagnosing states of Mental Health can be a lengthy process for Professionals in the medical field, such as Psychiatrists and Psychologists, as many aspects of the behavior criteria, background, and motivational aspects of the patient must be thoroughly evaluated for appropriate medical diagnosis. Often times the psychiatric medical diagnosis is followed by lengthy and diversified experimentation in medication, with the physician searching for the appropriate medicinal prescriptive relief for that particular patient, while minimizing side effects. Often times these prescription intentions are met with unsuccessful results when it comes to finding the magic pill for behavior modification or relief, because mental and emotional states of mind are based on so many internal and external personal experiences, many of which remain a mystery to all but the patient. Astrologers encounter similar experiences and investigations in their search, only we base our evaluation on the horoscope. Every individual horoscope is a woven pattern of unique energy at play, and this energy must be thoroughly synthesized and integrated before a conclusion can be drawn, especially with respect to something as delicate as states of mental health. The prescriptions we recommend are remedial measures with propitiation of the malefics. Although beyond the scope of my presentation, I advise all astrologers to become very familiar with remedials, as often times they become the saving grace for those clients experiencing depression, anxiety, etc.Answers to Chart:The natives father was arrested for trying to protect both his daughter and his 9 month old grandson from possible vehicular harm or tragedy. The natives plans were to get behind the wheel of her car with her baby in tow, late at night, while in an agitated, crazed, and psychotic state of mind. Any 911 call to police, must result in the arrest of someone when there is a domestic dispute call made to the police, in some states in the USA.