provoking challenges in interracial marriage

Provoking Challenges in Interracial Marriage

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Post on 20-Mar-2017




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Provoking Challenges in Interracial Marriage

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Interracial marriage is the marriage of the two individuals, bride and groom between people who are from ethnic group or differ in race. Though interracial marriages are legal but it creates multiple problem and challenges for the couple to bear, the most difficulty arises about respecting each other’s culture and the background of race. Leaving the love aside but for the family its like boat stuck middle in the storm. So it’s suggestive before heading toward such a relationship make it very clear that you are able to adjust with other race, understand…

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their authenticity, make it clear could you be able to understand different gender role? Are you that open minded or straight forward with family to support and extend views and relation? This content will make you very clear about the dares and challenges you have to face and how to deal with them when you are stick about your decision for an interracial marriage.

Major Areas to Think Before Deciding:

• Biasing in laws: Usually Interracial married…

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couples have to face a clear rejection from their own families. This happens because of biased thinking of traditional and faith of having marriage among family of identical race as at the same time it is duly important to respect the law and order of the belief and tradition of one’s culture.

• Contrast and comparison: The two individuals, bride and groom create multiple differences in the marriage which needs to be cuddled and embraced. Apart from love, make yourself…

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and your partner very clear to contemplate most enriching part of your life, tradition and culture.

• Racial Offences: You need to obey, respect and believe in your spouse culture too. So keep the interrupters away from the marriage who have negative thoughts and thinking about different race and try to stay away from someone who is a racist expresser.

• Clashing and messing with value and culture: When you come across different families of… 

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different race, it is pre- assumed that differences will be created automatically. However in most interracial marriages unless you are quite open minded or straight forward many of these differences and challenges are automatically compromised or accented especially when you family grows by the blessings of children.  

Arena of differences:

Interracial marriages encounter many problems because of negative societal acts and attitude…

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which is the main reason for interracial relationships to be top listed in controversy. An alarming issue is that when these interracial marriages increase in the era, it works to automatically reduce the bunch of concerned people who are one sided and their mentality forces to engage in identical cultural marriages. This also makes them vulnerable to mentally imagine the disappearance of their culture, tradition and clan after they look over the changing tradition of interracial marriage. This also creates fear and frustration in minds…

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of biased followers who want their clan to grow denser. Any view of interracial marriage should be resisted lightly keeping the current scenario in the world of interaction relationship. 

Challenges in Interracial Marriage:

• People within your community reuse to accept the relation and make a distance apart

• Indirect comments are humiliating, it feels weird when people stare at you and shake…

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their heads.

• Disagreements in belief and trust in culture.

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