providing access to clean energy for lighting in rural communities

Providing Access to Clean Energy for Lighting in Rural Communities (A case study of Odighi Community) Presented by Ogbemudia Osamuyi Godfrey (Program Manger) Community Research and Development Centre(CREDC) [email protected] CREDC

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Providing Access to Clean Energy for Lighting in Rural Communities


Page 1: Providing Access to Clean Energy for Lighting in Rural Communities

Providing Access to Clean Energy for Lighting in Rural

Communities(A case study of Odighi Community)

Presented by

Ogbemudia Osamuyi Godfrey(Program Manger)

Community Research and Development Centre(CREDC)[email protected]


Page 2: Providing Access to Clean Energy for Lighting in Rural Communities

CONTENT• Energy Crises in Nigeria

• Nigeria Potentials for Renewable Energy

• Kerosene Lamp Versus Clean Energy Source(Solar Home Systems)

• Odighi Solar Lighting Project

• Conclusion

• Other RE-Projects/Initiatives

Page 3: Providing Access to Clean Energy for Lighting in Rural Communities

Energy Crises in Nigeria

• Nigeria with a population of over 160 Million is still generating less than the 6,000MW installed electricity capacity, thereby leaving majority of the population without electricity access.

• Nigeria’s Electricity Demand is about 15,000MW

• Nigeria’s average electric power consumption per capita is 127 KWh.(The World Bank)

• Nigeria was ranked 70th in the world electricity production chart as at 2008-CIA World Factbook

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Energy Crises in Nigeria

• A total of 23.73 million households, out of the 28.9 million in the country, do not have access to the national electricity grid. This means that 82.1 percent of Nigerian households do not have access to electricity from the national grid.(NERC 2012)

• Nigeria must have the capacity to generate about 40,000 megawatts of electricity if she must attain the goals of vision 2020

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Nigeria Potentials for Renewable Energy

• Solar radiation intensity across Nigeria ranges between 3.5 KW/m2 in the south to 7.0KW/m2 in the North.

• Wind energy is available at an annual average speed ranging from 1.4 m/s to 3m/s in the southern areas and 4.0 m/s to 5.12m/s in the northern areas.

• The projected electricity supply from Renewable Energy into the energy mix by 2015 and 2025 are 701MW(5%) and 3060MW(10.5%) respectively-ECN/UNDP 2005

• From a 1980 survey of about 12 states of the federation, it was established that some 734 MW of Small Hydro Power can be harnessed from 277 sites.

• The Biomass Energy resources of the nation have been estimated to be 144 million tones/year.

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Kerosene Lamp Versus Clean Energy Source

• The world bank estimates that: 780 million women and children breathing kerosene fumes inhale the equivalent of smoke from two packets of cigarettes a day. Two thirds of adult female lung-cancer victims in developing nations are non-smokers.

• 244 million tonnes of carbon dioxide are emitted each year through the use of fuel-run lighting devices like kerosene lamps, oil lamps, gas lamps, and candles.

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Kerosene Lamp Versus Clean Energy Source Cont.

• Deliberate and non-intentional adulteration of kerosene with other more volatile fuels has caused many reported explosions in kerosene lanterns and stoves, resulting in hospitalized patients with burns over large percentages of their bodies and mortality in many cases.

• Three multi-year reviews of admissions to Nigerian hospitals attributed ~30% of all burn cases to kerosene.

• Africans alone spend $10 billion a year on kerosene

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Kerosene Lamp Versus Clean Energy Source Cont.

• Clean energy source eliminates the aforementioned risks of fire hazard.

• Clean Energy sources like a Solar Home System provides better and longer lighting at a lesser cost.

• Clean Energy Source for lighting helps us to enjoy electricity without polluting the surrounding environment. 

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Odighi Solar Lighting Project(Odighi Community at a glance)

• A farming community in Edo state southern Nigeria with an estimated population of about 2,000 persons both men , women

and children.• The community is dominated by the binis.• The community is at present partially connected to the national

grid.• Children in the community read with kerosene lamps and women

cook late meals with bush lamps.

• Women of the community travel several kilometers to the city to get kerosene.

• Small business close shops before night falls due to poor lighting.

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Odighi Solar Lighting Project(Project Objectives)

The objectives of the project were;

• To increase access to electricity for lighting in Odighi Community using Photovoltaic systems for 40 households.

• To build the capacity of 50 youths in the community to be able to install and maintain photovoltaic system.

• To create awareness on the potential for renewable energy technologies (RETs) to address the energy crisis in Nigeria and at the same time mitigate the emission of greenhouse gases.

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Odighi Solar Lighting Project Solar Home System Features-(In-Diya


• A 4.5watts 90 LED lamp which can illuminate a room of 12ftx12ft uniformly

• A 12V , 5Ah backup battery which can last for 8hours minimum

• A 10watts Solar Panel

• Solar panel has a lifespan of

over 20years

• The battery’s lifespan is


• The LED lamp, more than


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Odighi Solar Lighting Project(Installation Activities)

• Installation activity was divided into two phases and in each phase, 20 Solar Home Systems were installed for the first 20 beneficiaries.

• The trained youths were also shared into two groups with each group handling an installation phase.

• The 40 beneficiaries were trained on how to use the home systems so as to enjoy its services.

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Odighi Solar Lighting Project(Installation Activities Cont.)

• The Solar panels were all oriented due south and tilted at angle 15 degrees in order to ensure maximum year round energy production form the panel.

• Some of the panels were mounted on roof tops while for houses with weak roofs, the solar panels were mounted on vertically erected solid wooden poles.

• The Backup battery and the LED lamps were mounted inside the house in the beneficiary best choice of room and location.

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Odighi Solar Lighting Project(Project Results)

• 40 households in Odighi Community now have access to clean energy source for lighting

• 50 youths of Odighi Community in Edo State are now empowered as Solar Technicians.

• Over 2,000 persons in Odighi Community and neighboring communities are now aware of the use of Renewable Energy Technology in providing clean energy source for lighting.

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Odighi Solar Lighting Project(Project Results Cont.)

• Boost in Economic Activities in the Community due to increase access to energy for lighting.

• Increase in Household income as a result of savings made on money spent in the purchase of kerosene for lighting

• School Children in the community no more read with dull light at night but with a brighter light devoured of the usual smoke and smell

• About 320 Persons in the Community are no more exposed to smokes from Kerosene Lamp

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Conclusion • 1 Liter of Kerosene produces approximately 2.5Kg of Co2 when burnt in

a kerosene lantern.

• Assuming a household use only 1liter of kerosene per week, then for a year which is 52 weeks, it will emit =( 2.5kg x 52) which is equal to 130Kg of Co2 every year.

• For the 40 beneficiaries of this Project it will be;

40 x 130Kg = 5,200Kg =5.2tonnes of Co2

• This implies that the Project is abating annually at least 5.2tonnes of Carbon(IV)Oxide by replacing a kerosene lantern with an In-Diya Lamp in Odighi Community thereby contributing to the Global Climate Change Mitigation efforts.

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Conclusion cont.• One liter of Kerosene in Odighi Community cost 180 Naira• Assuming that a household in the community use a minimum of 1

liter a week• For a month, a household in the community will spend this on

kerosene;4weeks X 180 naira = 720 naira

• For a year, they will be spending;180 Naira X52 Weeks = 9,360 Naira

• For the 40 households, they will be spending this per year;40 households X 9,360 naira = 374,400 Naira.

This implies that as small as the Project, it is saving 374,400 Naira annually in the community from the use of Clean Energy source for lighting.

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Other RE-Projects/Initiatives

• A 360Watts Central Solar Charging Station completed in Uniarho Community of Edo state.

• CREDC has just received a grant from the ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency(ECREEE) to implement an off-grid 4KW solar project in a community also in Edo state.

• CREDC has also just this month, signed an MOU with SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC to distribute 3 million of their Solar Home Systems to replace 3million Kerosene Lamps in the Niger-Delta Region of Nigeria.

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