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Page 2: PROSPECTUS - Aryabhatta College · Aryabhatta College may be in its nascent stage as a morning college yet it has accomplished great feat and taken remarkable strides in ... First

Principal's Message

Dr. Manoj SinhaPrincipal

ि�य िव�ािथ�यो,

नए शै�िणक स� म� िद�ी िव�िव�ालय के �िति�त 'आय�भ� महािव�ालय' म�

आपका हािद�क �ागत हैA आय�भ� महािव�ालय ने ब�त कम समय म�

अकादिमक दुिनया म� खुद को �थािपत िकया है और अपन ेपूण� ल� की �ा�� की

और िनरंतर अ�सर है A

हमारा मानना है िक िकसी भी िश�ण सं�थान की �गित के िलए छा� और अ�ापक

उसकी धुरी होत ेह�, इसीिलए दोनो ंके बीच सामंज� के साथ मू� आधा�रत िश�ा

पर हम बल देते ह� िजसस ेिक िव�ािथ�यो ंके ���� का सम� िवकास हो सकेA हम

इस बात म� िव�ास करत ेह� िक छा�ो ंकी ब�मुखी �ितभा का िवकास और उनके

ल� की �ा�� ही हमारे महािव�ालय की उपल�� हैA िश�ा के सम� और

सव�समावेशी �ि�कोण को िव�ािथ�यो ंके भीतर िवकिसत करने म� हम िव�ास करते

ह�A िव�ािथ�यो ंके अकादिमक पठन-पाठन एव ंपाठे�र गितिविधयो ंम� उ�ृ�ता

�दान करने केिलए हम िनरंतर �यासरत रहत ेह�A सकारा�क �ि� और बौ��क

चेतना के साथ-साथ छा�-छ�ाओ ंको मानिसक एव ंशारी�रक �प स ेउजा�वान

बनाए रखन ेके िलए महािव�ालय �ारा िनरंतर �यास िकए जात ेह�A हम छा�-

छा�ाओ ंको एक ग�रमापूण� शैि�क सं�ृित �दान करत ेह� तािक भिव� म� वह

सं�ा�रत होकर अपनी सं�था को गौरवा��त कर सकेA इस महािव�ालय म� अनेक

शैि�क और सां�ृितक सिमितया ंह� िजसम� शािमल होकर आप अपनी ब�मुखी

�ितभा को ��ुिटत कर सकते ह�A इस महािव�ालय म� नामांकन ल ेरहे िव�ािथ�यो ं

को �ाचाय� होने के नात ेयह आ�� करना चाहता �ँ िक आपकी सम�ाओ ंके

समाधान और समुिचत सलाह के िलए हमारे शै�िणक और गैर-शै�िणक सद�

हमेशा त�र रह�गAे

डॉ. मनोज िस�ा



Dear Students,

It is both an honour and a privilege to welcome you all to this distinguished institution. Aryabhatta College may be in its nascent stage as a morning college yet it has accomplished great feat and taken remarkable strides in the path to success.

The benchmark for any institution is its faculty and students. Aryabhatta realizes the signicance of teacher – taught quotient. I respect the faith reposed by students in the institution. As principal of the college I along with my team of academicians, administrative staffs bear the responsibility of mentoring the students who join the institution. We will strive towards their academic as well as co-curricular excellence. The college’s positive and holistic zeal is garnered towards providing students with an intellectually vibrant, spiritually healthy and physically zealous tenor. The college will provide its students a culture which will make them proud of their alma mater. At the same time I would like to use this as an opportunity to make the students cognizant of their privileges and responsibilities vis-a- vis this college. Students are an asset and through mutual effort/contribution we can take this college to newer heights of achievement.

My best wishes for all your future endeavours.

Page 3: PROSPECTUS - Aryabhatta College · Aryabhatta College may be in its nascent stage as a morning college yet it has accomplished great feat and taken remarkable strides in ... First


1Admission Schedule

2Admission Committee

3Courses Offered

Proposed Number of Seats in 2017-2018 4 

5Admission Requirements

6Admission Procedure

Fee Structure 7


Rules & Regulations 15

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25mifLFkfr ds fu;e

26Nk=&Nk=kvksa ds vuq'kklu gsrq fu;e


38List of teaching and non-teaching staff

30Staff Council Committees for the Academic Session 2017

Page 4: PROSPECTUS - Aryabhatta College · Aryabhatta College may be in its nascent stage as a morning college yet it has accomplished great feat and taken remarkable strides in ... First

Schedule for announcement of Cut-off lists, Verification of Document, Approval of Admission in Colleges and Online Payment of Admission fee

Acitivity Cut-Off

Online Registration

From Monday, 22nd May 2017 (5 PM onwards) to

Monday, 12th June 2017 (till 5 PM)

First Cut-off

Second Cut-off

Third Cut-off

Fourth Cut-off

Fifth Cut-off

Notification of First Cut-off Marks List by the Colleges

Notification of Second Cut-off Marks List by the Colleges

Notification of Third Cut-off Marks List by the Colleges

Notification of Fourth Cut-off Marks List by the Colleges

Notification of Fifth Cut-off Marks List by the Colleges

Document verification and approval of admission

Document verification and approval of admission

Document verification and approval of admission

Document verification and approval of admission

Document verification and approval of admission

Saturday, 24th June 2017

Saturday, 1st June 2017

Friday, 7thJuly 2017

Thursday, 13th July 2017

Tuesday, 18th July 2017

Saturday, 24th June 2017 to Wednesday, 28nd June 2017

Saturday, 1st June 2017 to Tuesday, 4th June 2017

Friday, 7th July 2017 to Monday, 10th July 2017

Thursday, 13th July 2017 to Saturday, 15th July 2017

Tuesday, 18th July 2017 to Wednesday 19th July 2017


Undergraduate Admissions2017-2018 Dates at a Glance

Starting Date for Online Registration

Closing Date for Online Registration

Notification of First Admission List

Commencement of Classes

Closing date of Admission

22nd May 2017

12th June 2017

24th June 2017

20th July 2017

16th August 2017


Page 5: PROSPECTUS - Aryabhatta College · Aryabhatta College may be in its nascent stage as a morning college yet it has accomplished great feat and taken remarkable strides in ... First

Admission Committee (Teachers in -charge)

B. A. Programme & B.Com Admission & Coordination Committee

GE Co-ordination Committee (Hons. & Prog.) [Previous Year Teachers in-charge]

Mr. Harish Dhawan [Temporary] Dr. Monica Aggarwal Ms. Sonal Linda Dr. S. L. Chakravorty Dr. Geeta Budhraja Dr. D. P. Mishra Dr. Reena Ragi : HistoryDr. J.K. Singh [Temporary] Dr. Naveen K. Jain Dr. Shiv Poojan Prasad Pathak Dr. R. K. Dwivedi [Temporary]

: Business Economics: Commerce: Computer Science: Economics: English: Hindi: History: Management Studies: Mathematics : Political Science: Psychology (Convener)

Dr. Rajiv Kumar Ranjan Dr.Krishna Murari

Dr. C. S. Dash (B.Com) Shri Vinay Kumar

: (Convener/B. A.): (B.A.)

: (Convener/ B.Com): (B.Com)

Mr. Harish Dhawan [Temporary] Dr. J. K. Singh Ms. Priti Jagwani Dr. Surajit Deb Dr. B. Mangalam Dr. K. P. Singh

: Business Economics: Commerce (Convener): Computer Science: Economics: English: Hindi

Admission Grievance Committee

Prospectus Committee

Dr. Krishna Murari Dr. J. K. Singh [Temporary] Dr. Yogender Singh Dr.Rajiv Kumar Ranjan Dr. R. K. Dwivedi [Temporary]

: History: Management Studies: Mathematics : Political Science: Psychology

Dr. Surajit Deb Dr. K. P. SinghDr. D. B. SinghDr. Rashmi Rai

: (Convener)

Shri. Harish DhawanDr. Devender SinghDr. Vibhuti Gaur Dr. Promila

: (Convener)


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Welcome to Aryabhatta College COURSES OFFERED

HONOURS COURSES PASS COURSESAs Aryabhatta turns three since its inception, it is a matter of extreme

pride to witness the incremental growth, and more signicantly, to

be a fundamental part of that formative transition that will shape

the future of Aryabhatta College.

Looking back in retrospect, one is thrilled to have witnessed a new

surge of energy that has resulted in noticeable developments in the


The new campus offers state-of-the-art infrastructural facilities.

Mentored by eminent faculties, college also has number of

societies and clubs which play very important role in holistic

development of a student.


B.Com Course


B.A.(H) Economics

B.A.(H) English

B.A.(H) Hindi

B.A.(H) History

B.A.(H) Political Sc.

B.A.(H) Psychology

B.Sc.(H) Computer Sc.

B.Sc.(H) Mathematics

B.A. (Hons)Bachelor of Bus. Eco (BBE)

Bachelor of ManagementStudies (BMS)

Computer Lab

Seminar Room

Double Storey Cafeteria

Conference Hall


Student Societies & Clubs

High-tech New Administrative Block

College Library & Reading Room

Girls Common Room



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SC ST OBC Sports/


PWD Foreign



15% 7.50% 27% 5% 5% 5% 5%

1 B.A.(Programme) 52 26 8 4 14 3 3 3 3

2 B.Com Course 52 26 8 4 14 3 3 3 3

3 B.Com.(Honours) 46 24 7 3 12 2 2 2 2

4 B.A.(H) Economics 46 24 7 3 12 2 2 2 2

5 B.A.(H) English 46 24 7 3 12 2 2 2 2

6 B.A.(H) Hindi 46 24 7 3 12 2 2 2 2

7 B.A.(H) History 46 24 7 3 12 2 2 2 2

8 B.A.(H) Political Sc. 46 24 7 3 12 2 2 2 2

9 B.A.(H) Psychology 46 24 7 3 12 2 2 2 2

10 B.Sc.(H) Computer Sc. 46 24 7 3 12 2 2 2 2

11 B.Sc.(H) Mathematics 46 24 7 3 12 2 2 2 2

12B.A. (Hons)Bachelor of

Bus. Eco (BBE)46 24 7 3 12 2 2 2 2

13Bachelor of Management

Studies (BMS)46 24 7 3 12 2 2 2 2

610 316 93 41 160 28 28 28 28

Course General

MeritSl.No Total


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Admission Requirements

(a) All admissions will be governed by the rules and regulations specied by University of Delhi.

(b) Applying for admission or purchase of application form or acquiring an application form by any means does not confer any right to the candidate for admission in any of the courses in this college.

The selection and admission to a seat in any of the courses running in this college is done as per rules and Regulations framed by the university of Delhi and is subject to fullling the admission criteria, eligibility and such other criteria as may be prescribed by the university.

(c) Applications of candidates submitting false and fabricated information will not be considered and such candidates will be further debarred from applying in future.

(d) Incomplete application or applications not in accordance with instructions will not be considered and are liable to be rejected. The fee deposited for acquiring such application form will not be refunded under any circumstance.

(e) Fee once paid will neither be carried forward nor refunded under any circumstances. Submission of application and remittance of fee would close as per the schedule given and no request shall be

entertained. Applications once submitted cannot be withdrawn otherwise than cases of cancellation as provided under the head cancellation.

(f) One candidate shall submit/ll up only one application online.

(g) Instructions in the Information Bulletin are liable to change based on decisions taken by the university from time to time. There is no equity or any rights that are/or deemed to be arising in favour of candidates in view of such changes, what so ever.

(h) The college reserves the right to withdraw permission, if any, granted inadvertently to any candidate who is not otherwise eligible for admission into any course in this college even though admission ticket/receipt might have been issued by the college.

(i) Candidate's eligibility is purely provisional and is subject to fulllment of eligibility criteria as prescribed by the university.

(j) In case of any ambiguity in interpretation of any of the instructions/terms/rules/criteria regarding determination of eligibility/information contained therein, the interpretation of the college shall be nal and binding.



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Admission Procedure

1.Candidates must check the University Website for cut-offs declared by the College.

2.The College provides a relaxation of 1% in cut-offs for girl candidates in different courses.

3.Those candidates who meet the requisite cut-off should log in to t h e u n d e r g r a d u a t e a d m i s s i o n p o r t a l o n t h e D e l h i University website and select the College and the course as per the cut-off criteria.

4.The candidate should take a print-out of the admission form and come to the College for verication of the documents and nal computation of the cut-off for the course to which the candidate seeks admission.

The following documents in original along with two sets of self attested photocopies should be brought while seeking admission to the College:

a) Class X certicate for date of birth b) Class X mark sheetc) Class XII mark sheetd) Class XII provisional /original certicatee) Character certicatef) SC/ ST/ PwD/CW/KM certicate (in the name of the

candidate) issued by the competent authority g) OBC (non-creamy layer) certicate (in the name of the

candidate) issued by the competent authority (latest one)h) Transfer certicate from school/college as well as migration

certicate from Board/ University is required for those students who have passed senior secondary exam from outside Delhi.


I) At least two passport size self attested photographs 5 . T h e U n i v e r s i t y w i l l a c c e p t s e l f a t t e s t e d c o p i e s o f certicates/documents provided by the students. It is made clear that if any false attestation/ falsied records are detected, the student will be debarred from attending any course in the University or its colleges for the next ve years and in addition, a criminal case under relevant sections of IPC (viz. 470, 471, 474, etc. ) will be instituted against him/ her.

6.During the admission procedure, the College will retain the certicates in original to avoid multiple admission and return them once the process is over. However, in case of the student seeking withdrawal/cancellation of his/her admission or appearing elsewhere for counselling (evidence/ proof to be produced) the certicates/documents shall be promptly returned.

7.After this, the College will approve the admission on the UG admission portal and the candidates will be expected to log in to the UG admission portal to pay the fee online through one of the payment options available.

8.Online payment should be made till 12 noon of the next day of the given admission list deadline. It should be noted that the admission is complete only after the payment of admission fee on the UG admission portal within the stipulated period of payment.

9.A candidate can take admission only in one college at a time. In case a student wishes to withdraw/cancel his admission, the student should rst seek cancellation at the college. Once the college cancels the admission, only then should the candidate proceed to seek admission at another college.

10.The admission fee shall be refunded as per College/University norms for cancellation.


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Fee Structure

Admission Fees and other related Information

S.No. Name of the Programme

Details of fees (category-wise) (in INR)


Minority SC ST PwD

1 B.A. (Hons.) Economics 11770 11770 11770 804

2 B.A. (Hons.) English 11770 11770 11770 804

3 B.A. (Hons.) Hindi 11770 11770 11770 804

4 B.A. (Hons.) History 11770 11770 11770 804

5 B.A. (Hons.) Political Science 11770 11770 11770 804

6 B.Sc. (Hons.) Computer Science 27070 27070 27070 804

7 B.Sc. (Hons.) Mathematics 12070 12070 12070 804

8 B.A. (Hons.) Psychology 13770 13770 13770 804

9 B.Com 11770 11770 11770 804

10 B.Com (Hons.) 12070 12070 12070 804

11 B.A. Programme 12170 12170 12170 804

12 B.A. (H)Business Economics 24970 24970 24970 804

13 BMS 21770 21770 21770 804


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1. Securities are refundable within 3 years from the date the

student leaves the College.

2. Special fee equivalent to US $ 100 p.a. shall be charged from

the Foreign Students.

3. College dues are to be paid ONLINE. Cash/Cheques/Pay

Orders/Drafts etc., are not accepted.

4. In case a student fails to pay his / her dues within one month

of the due date as notified, his/ her name will be struck off

from the College rolls. Fine on late payment of fee is Re. 1.00

/ day.

5. Fine on Library books: General Re. 1/- per day & Overnight

Rs. 2/- per day.

6. Membership fee of Rs. 200 for the Alumni Association will be

charged from IInd and IIIrd Yr. Students.

7. A fine of Rs. 100 will be imposed for loss of Identity Card.

Rules for Refund of Fee on account of withdrawal/ cancellation of admission, migration etc.

When a student applies for withdrawal of admission before the last date of admission.

(a)Full fee after deduction of Rs. 250/-.


Full fee after deduction of Rs. 500/-.

When a student applies for withdrawal of admission after 31st July and on or before 16th August of the year of admission.

When a student applies for withdrawal of admission after the last date of admission and on or before 31st July, of the year of admission.

Full fee after deduction of Rs. 1000/-.


When a Student applies for withdrawal of admission after 16th August of the year of admission.

No fee will be refunded.(d)

When cancellation of admission is to concealment / falsification of facts, submission for false/fake certificate(s),providing misleading information by the student or for any error/mistake on the part of the student.

No fee will be refunded.


Reasons for seeking refund Quantum of fee to be refunded


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Syllabus of all the courses shall be as per the CBCS scheme (please refer to courses & syllabus for undergraduate study on the university website


The CBCS provides an opportunity for the students to choose courses from the prescribed courses comprising core, elective/minor or skill based courses. The courses can be evaluated following the grading system, which is considered to be better than the conventional marks system. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce uniform grading system in the entire higher education in India. This will benet the students to move across institutions within India to begin with and across countries. The uniform grading system will also enable potential employers in assessing the performance of the candidates. In order to bring uniformity in evaluation system and computation of the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) based on student's performance in examinations, the UGC has formulated the guidelines to be followed.


1. Core Course: A course, which should compulsorily be studied by a candidate as a core requirement is termed as a Core course.2. Elective Course: Generally a course which can be chosen from a pool of courses and which may be very specic or specialized or advanced or supportive to the discipline/ subject of study or which provides an extended scope or which enables an exposure to some other discipline/subject/domain or nurtures the candidate's prociency/skill is called an Elective Course.


2.1 Discipline Specic Elective (DSE) Course: Elective courses may be offered by the main discipline/subject of study is referred to as Discipline Specic Elective. The University/Institute may also offer discipline related Elective courses of interdisciplinary nature (to be offered by main discipline/subject of study).2.2 Dissertation/Project: An elective course designed to acquire special/advanced knowledge, such as supplement study/support study to a project work, and a candidate studies such a course on his own with an advisory support by a teacher/faculty member is called dissertation/project.2.3 Generic Elective (GE) Course: An elective course chosen generally from an unrelated discipline/subject, with an intention to seek exposure is called a Generic Elective.P.S.: A core course offered in a discipline/subject may be treated as an elective by other discipline/subject and vice versa and such electives may also be referred to as Generic Elective.3. Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)/Competency Improvement Courses/Skill Development Courses/Foundation Course: The Ability Enhancement (AE) Courses may be of two kinds: AE Compulsory Course (AECC) and AE Elective Course (AEEC). “AECC” courses are the courses based upon the content that leads to Knowledge enhancement. They ((i) Environmental Science, (ii) English/MIL Communication) are mandatory for all disciplines. AEEC courses are value-based and/or skill-based and are aimed at providing hands-on-training, competencies, skills, etc.3.1 AE Compulsory Course (AECC): Environmental Science, English Communication/MILCommunication.3.2 AE Elective Course (AEEC): These courses may be chosen from a pool of courses designed to provide value-based and/or skill-based instruction.Project work/Dissertation is considered as a special course involving application of knowledge in solving / analyzing /exploring a real life situation / difcult problem. A Project/Dissertation work would be of 6 credits. A Project/Dissertation work may be given in lieu of a discipline specic elective paper


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Semester I Semester II

Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC-1)- Environmental Science

Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC-2)-MIL/English

Core Course I- Financial Accounting Core Course III-Business Laws

Core Course II-Business Organisation and Management Core Course IV-Business Mathematics and Statistics

English Language Hindi/Modern Indian Language


Semester I Semester II

Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC-1)- Environmental Science

Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC-2)-MIL/English

Core Course I- Financial Accounting Core Course III-Corporate Accounting

Core Course II-Business Laws Core Course IV-Corporate Laws

*Generic Elective (GE-1) Optional *Generic Elective (GE-2) Optional


Semester I Semester II

Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC-1)-MIL/English

Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC-2)- Environmental Science

Core Course I- Indian Classical Literature Core Course III-Indian Writing in English

Core Course II-European Classical Literature Core Course IV-British Poetry and Drama: 14th to 17th Centuries

*Generic Elective (GE-1) Optional *Generic Elective (GE-2) Optional


Semester I Semester II Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC-1) MIL/English

Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC-2) Environmental Science

MIL – Core(Compulsory) HINDI A/B/C English (Core) Compulsory Discipline Course - History Discipline Course with History

Discipline Course - Political Science Discipline Course with Political Science


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Semester I Semester II

Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC-1)- Environmental Science

Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC-2)-MIL/English

Core Course I- Programming Fundamentals using C++

Core Course III-Programming in JAVA

Core Course II- Computer System Architecture Core Course IV-Discrete Structures

*Generic Elective (GE-1) Optional *Generic Elective (GE-2) Optional

Semester I Semester II

Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC-1)- Environmental Science

Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC-2)-MIL/English

Core Course I- Calculus Core Course III-Real Analysis

Core Course II- Algebra Core Course IV-Differential Equations

*Generic Elective (GE-1) Optional *Generic Elective (GE-2) Optional


B.S.C.(Hons.) Computer Science B.A. (Hons.) Psychology

Semester I Semester II

Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course

(AECC-1) Environmental Science

Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course

(AECC-2) MIL/English

Core Course I - Introduction to Psychology Core Course-III - Biopsychology

Core Course II - Statistical Methods for Psychological


Core Course-IV - Psychology of Individual


*Generic Elective (GE-1) *Generic Elective (GE-2)


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Semester I Semester II

Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC-1)-MIL/English

Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC-2)- Environmental Science

Core Course I- Hindi Bhasha aur Uski Lippi ka Itihaas

Core Course III- Hindi Saahitya ka Itihaas(Aadikal avam Madhyakaal)

Core Course II-Hindi Kavita (Aadikal avam Bhaktikalin Kavya)

Core Course IV-Hindi Kavita (Reetikaalin Kavya)

*Generic Elective (GE-1) Optional *Generic Elective (GE-2) Optional

Semester I Semester II

Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC-1)- Environmental Science

Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC-2)-MIL/English

Core Course I- History of India-I Core Course III-History of India-II

Core Course II-Social Formations and Cultural Patterns of the Ancient World

Core Course IV-Social Formations and Cultural Patterns of the Medieval World

*Generic Elective (GE-1) Optional *Generic Elective (GE-2) Optional


Semester I Semester II

Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC-1)-MIL/English

Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC-2)- Environmental Science

Core Course I- Understanding Political Theory Core Course III-Political Theory-Concepts and Debates

Core Course II-:Constitutional Government and Democracy in India

Core Course IV-Political Process in India

*Generic Elective (GE-1) Optional *Generic Elective (GE-2) Optional



Semester I Semester II

Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC-1)-MIL/English

Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC-2)- Environmental Science

Core Course I- Introductory Microeconomics Core Course III-Introductory Macroeconomics

Core Course II-: Mathematical Methods for Economics-I

Core Course IV-Mathematical Methods for Economics-II

*Generic Elective (GE-1) Optional *Generic Elective (GE-2) Optional


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B.A. (Hons) Business Economics (BBE)

Semester I Semester II

Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course

(AECC-1) MIL/English

Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course

(AECC-2) Environmental Science

Core Course I - Microeconomics and Applications- I

Core Discipline

Core Course-III - Microeconomics and Applications -

II Core Discipline

Core Course II - Accounting for Managers Core


Core Course-IV - Mathematics for Business

Economics Core Discipline

*Generic Elective (GE-1) *Generic Elective (GE-2)


Semester I Semester II

Environmental Science & Ability Enhancement -


Business Communication (Language : English / MIL)

& Ability Enhancement -Compulsory

Fundamentals of Management & Organisational

Behaviour Managerial Economics

Statistics for Business Decisions Business Accounting

*Generic Elective (GE-1) *Generic Elective (GE-2)



the following table in Order of Preference.

2. For example, if you are a student of B. A.( Hons) Psychology then you

CANNOT CHOOSE PSY as your Generic Elective, YOU MUST choose

ANY subject other than PSY.



your own Hons.)

(e.g. If your rst preference is Commerce write COM in the 1st Preference

column, if it is Hindi write HIN and so on)

Note: While the college will try its best to allot subjects according to the stated

preference, however, the same is not guaranteed as it would be subject to

availability of the subject and the seats.

S No. Subject Code Paper Name 1





Entrepreneurship Development



Introduc�on to Programming



Insurance and Risk Management



Economic History of India



Introductory Microeconomics



Language, Literature, Culture



Delhi Through the Ages



10 MATH Calculus

11 POL United Na�on and Global Conflicts

12 PSY General Psychology


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1. Candidates must check the University Website for cut-offs declared by the College.

2. The College provides a relaxation of 1% in cut-offs for girl candidates in different courses.

3. Those candidates who meet the requisite cut-off should log in to the undergraduate admission portal on the Delhi University website and select the College and the course as per the cut-off criteria.

4. The candidate should take a print-out of the admission form and come to the Co l lege fo r ver i cat ion of the documents and nal computation of the cut-off for the course to which the candidate seeks admission.

The following documents in original along with two sets of self attested photocopies should be brought while seeking admission to the College:

a) Class X certicate for date of birth b) Class X mark sheetc) Class XII mark sheetd) Class XII provisional /original certicatee) Character certicatef) SC/ ST/ PwD/CW/KM certicate (in the name of the candidate)

issued by the competent authority g) OBC (non-creamy layer) certicate (in the name of the

candidate) issued by the competent authority (latest one)h) Transfer certicate from school/college as well as migration

certicate from Board/ University is required for those students who have passed senior secondary exam from outside Delhi.

I) At least two passport size self attested photographs

5. The University will accept self attested copies of certicates/

documents provided by the students. It is madeclear that if any false attestation/ falsied records are detected, the student will be debarred from attending any course in the University or its colleges for the next ve years and in addition, a criminal case under relevant sections of IPC (viz. 470, 471, 474, etc. ) will be instituted against him/ her.

6. During the admission procedure, the College will retain the certicates in original to avoid multiple admission and return them once the process is over. However, in case of the student seeking withdrawal/cancellation of his/her admission or appearing elsewhere for counselling (evidence/ proof to be produced) the certicates/documents shall be promptly returned.

7. After this, the College will approve the admission on the UG admission portal and the candidates will be expected to log in to the UG admission portal to pay the fee online through one of the payment options available.

8. Online payment should be made till 12 noon of the next day of the given admission list deadline. It should be noted that the admission is complete only after the payment of admission fee on the UG admission portal within the stipulated period of payment.

9. A candidate can take admission only in one college at a time. In case a student wishes to withdraw/cancel his admission, the student should rst seek cancellation at the college. Once the college cancels the admission, only then should the candidate proceed to seek admission at another college.

10. The admission fee shall be refunded as per College/University norms for cancellation.


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(I) That Internal Assessment is applicable to the students from the academic session 2003-04 onwards.

(a) 25% of the maximum marks in each paper in undergraduate courses is assigned for Internal Assessment and the remaining 75% marks for the semester University Examination.

The 25% marks for Internal Assessment will be divided as follows(i) 5% for attendance(ii) 10% for class test / presentation (iii) 10% for assignment

(a) That 5% weightage be given for regularity in attending lectures and tutorials. That the credit regularity in each paper, based on attendance, shall be as follows

Out of 8 Out of 5 Out of 2 More than 67% but less than 70% - 1.6 marks 1 mark 0.4 mark 70% or more but less than 75% - 3.2 marks 2 marks 0.8 mark 75% or more but less than 80% - 4.8 marks 3 marks 1.2 marks 80% or more but less than 85% - 6.4 marks 4 marks 1.6 marks 85% and above - 8.0 marks 5 marks 2.0 marks

(b) Benet of Medical Certicate is NOT given while calculating marks to be awarded for regularity. However, medical certicates shall continue to be taken into account for the purpose of calculating to appear for examinations.

That in case of students who repeat once or more paper(s), or all papers or Part 1, Part II or Part III, the Internal Assessment marks shall be carried forward.

Internal Assessment Scheme University Of Delhi





the inter-university Board or in national or international xtures in games and sports approved by the Vice-Chancellor, or a student who is required to represent the University at the Inter University Youth Festival, or a student who is required to participate in periodical training in the Territorial army, or a student who is deputed by the College to take part in Inter-College sports, xtures, debates, seminars, symposia or social work projects, or a student who is required to represent the College concerned in debates and other extra-curricular activities held in other Universities or such other activities approved by the Vice-Chancellor, the following provisions will apply:

(a) A student participating in activities listed in 5(I) above will also have to fulll the above conditions regarding class test, written assignments, projects, etc.

(b) For students participating in activities listed in 5(I) above while calculating the total no. of lectures delivered in the College, for their course of study in each academic year, the no. of lectures etc., in each subject delivered, during the period of absence for that purpose shal l not be taken into account [Ord,VII.2.(9)(a)(i)]

( c) A student in the categories listed in 5(I) above, will get the benets of attendance for Internal assessment for the classes missed as per the existing provisions of Ordinance VII.2.(9)(a)(1).

Every student is supposed to attend not less than two-thirds of lectures and practicals delivered in the College separately for his course of study in each academic year.

The Principal of a College may consider, on the basis of the Medical Certicates produced, exceptionally hard cases of students who had fallen seriously ill or had met with an accident during the year disabling them from attending classes for a certain period, with a view to determining whether the lectures etc. delivered during the said period, or a part thereof, could be excluded for purposes of calculation of attendance of the year and decide each case on his own merits.

(5) (i) That in the case of a student who is selected as a member of the N.C.C. to participate in the annual N.C.C. Camps or is deputed to undertake Civil Defense work and allied duties, or in the case of a student who is enrolled in the National Service Scheme and is deputed to various public assignments by or with the approval of the Head of the institution concerned, or a student who is selected to participate in sports or other activities organized by


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In the matter of attendance in lectures/ tutorials/ preceptorials and practicals, students of the College are governed by the rules and regulations of the University of Delhi (University Calendar, Vol. II, Page 36, 37). No student is eligible to take a University Examination unless he/she has attended separately at least two thirds of the lectures, tutorials/ preceptorials, practicals held. The parents/ guardians of the students are requested to ensure that their ward(s) fulll the requirement of attendance so as to avoid detention from taking the University Examination at the end of the academic year. The College displays the list of students with shortage of attendance at the end of the rst and second term. The College also sends warning letters to parents/guardians at the end of rst and second term giving attendance position of their respective ward(s).

All application for leave of absence due to illness must be supported by a medical certicate from competent authority and should be submitted within seven days of resumption of class. This rule will be strictly enforced while giving benet of attendance on medical grounds.

Students can check their monthly attendance on the college website




Every student admitted to the College is required to maintain discipline and good conduct in and outside the College during the period of his/ her stay in the College. A student shall be liable to disciplinary action for any act of indiscipline. Disciplinary action may involve warning, ne and/or suspension from classes or even from the College (Ordinance XV(B) and XV(C) of the University).

Students shall conduct themselves in a civil and dignied manner and desist from any offensive behavior towards any section of the College community. Uncivilized behaviour and/ or language shall be strictly dealt with.

Any act of violence, ragging and any form of sexual harassment will invite severe punishment. Complaints regarding the above may be directed to the Principal, Members of the Discipline Committee or Members of the Committee against sexual harassment.

The students are advised not to bring outsiders with them in the College premises. If any outsider is found indulging in activities resulting in indiscipline, he/she shall be invariably handed over to the police and strict disciplinary action shall be taken against the student who brought such outsiders in the College premises.

Students shall maintain silence in classroom and desist from disorderly behaviour. They must not loiter in the corridors or in front of classrooms. During their free periods, students are advised to work in library, or spend time in the common room without causing any disturbance.

Student shall take proper care of the College furniture and xtures. They must not cause any damage to the College property.









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All powers relating to discipline and disciplinary action are vested in the Vice-Chancellor.

The Vice-Chancellor may delegate all or such powers as he/she deems proper to the Proctor and to such other persons as he she may specify in this behalf.

Without prejudice to the generality of power to enforce discipline under the Ordinance, the following shall amount to acts of gross indiscipline:

Physical assault, or threat to use physical force, against any member of the teaching and non-teaching staff of any Institution/ Department and against any student within the University of Delhi.Carrying of, use of, or threat of use of any weapons.Any violation of the provisions of the civil right protection act, 1976Violation of the status, dignity and honour of students belonging to the scheduled castes and tribes.Any Practice-whether verbal or otherwise derogatory to women.Any attempt at bribing or corruption in any manner.Willful destruction of institutional property.Creating ill-will or intolerance on religious or communal grounds.Causing disruption in any manner of the academic functioning of the University system;Prohibition of Ragging as per Ordinance XV-C

Ordinance XV-B





b) c) d)


f ) g)




a) be expelled; orb) any student or students be, for a stated period, rusticated; orc) be not, for a stated period, admitted to a course of study in a College, department or institution of the University; ord) be ned with a sum of rupees that may be specied; ore) be debarred from taking a University or College or Departmental Examination or Examinations for one or more years; orf ) that the result of the student or students concerned in the Examination or Examinations in which he/she or they have appeared be cancelled.

The Principal of the College, Heads of the Halls, Deans of Faculties, Heads of Teaching Departments in the University, the Principal, School of Open Learning and Librarians shall have the authority to exercise all such disciplinary powers over students in their respective Colleges, Institutions, Faculties and Teaching Departments in the University as may be necessary for the proper conduct of the Institutions, Hall and teaching in the concerned Departments. They may exercise their authority through, or delegate authority to, such of the teachers in their Colleges, Institutions or Departments as they may specify for these purposes.

Without prejudice to the power of the Vice Chancellor and the Proctor as aforesaid, detailed rules of discipline and proper conduct shall be framed. These rules may be supplemented, where necessary, by the Principals of Colleges, Heads of Halls, Deans of Faculties and Heads of Teaching Departments in this University. Each student shall be expected to provide himself/herself a copy of these rules.

At the time of admission, every student shall be required to sign a declaration that on admission he/she submits himself/ herself to the disciplinary jurisdiction of the University who may be vested with the authority to exercisediscipline under the Acts, the Statutes, the Ordinances and the rules that have been framed therein by the University.





Without prejudice to the generality of his/ her powers relating to the maintenance of discipline and taking such action in the interest of maintaining discipline as may seem to him/ her appropriate, the Vice Chancellor, may in the exercise of his/her aforesaid order or direct that any student or students:


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Ordinance XV-C


In its strictest measures to curb the menace of ragging, the Supreme Court has set punishment for it. In case of harassment either physically or mentally of freshers by seniors or any other student, such students will be booked by the police (by registering F.I.R.), expelled from the College and denied future admissions.

Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited, within the premises of college/ department or Institutions and any part of Delhi University system as well as on public transport.

Any individual or collective act or practice or ragging constitutes gross indiscipline and shall be dealt with under this Ordinance.

Ragging for the purposes of this Ordinance, ordinarily means any act, conduct or practice by which dominant power or status of senior students is brought to bear on students freshly enrolled or students who are in any way considered junior or inferior by other students and includes individual or collective acts or practices whicha) involve physical assault or threat or use or physical force;b) violate the status, dignity and honour of women students;c) violate the status, dignity and honour of students belonging to

the scheduled castes and tribes;d) expose students to ridicule and contempt and affect their self-

esteem;e) Entail verbal abuse and aggression, indecent gestures and

obscene behaviour.

The Principal of a College, the Head of the Department or an Institution, the authorities of College, or University Hostels, of Halls of Residence shall take immediate action on any information of the occurrence of ragging.Notwithstanding anything in Clause (4) above, the Proctor may also enquire into any incident or ragging and make a report to the Vice-Chancellor of the identity of those have engaged and the nature of the incident.






The Proctor may submit an initial report establishing the identity of the perpetrators of ragging and the nature of the ragging incident.

If the Principal of a College or Head of the Department or Institution or the Proctor is satised that for some reason, to be recorded in writing, it is not reasonably practical to hold such an enquiry, he/ she may so advise the Vice- Chancellor accordingly.

When the Vice-Chancellor is satised that it is not expedient to hold such an enquiry, his/ her decision shall be nal.

On the receipt of a report under clause (5) or (6) or a determination by the relevant authority under clause 7 disclosing the occurrence of ragging incidents described in clause 3(a) (b) and (c), the Vice-Chancellor shall direct or order rusticating of a student for a specic number of years.

The Vice-Chancellor may in other cases of ragging order or direct that any students be expelled or be not for a stated period, admitted to a course of study in a college/ departmental examination for one or more years or that the result of the student or students concerned in the examination or examinations in which they appeared be cancelled.

In case where students who have obtained degree or diplomas of Delhi University are found guilty under this ordinance, appropriate action will be taken under Statute 15 for withdrawal of degrees or diploma conferred by the University.

For the purpose of this ordinance abetment to ragging will also amount to ragging.

All institutions within the Delhi University system shall be obligated to carry out instruction/ directions issued under this ordinance, and to give aid and assistance to the Vice-Chancellor to achieve the effective implementation of the Ordinance.

Note: Order of the Vice-Chancellor in pursuance of Ordinance XV-C:










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Where incident(s) of ragging are reported to the Vice-Chancellor by any authority under this Ordinance, the student(s) involved in ragging, shall be expelled for a specied term, designated in the order. Non-students involved in reports of ragging will be proceeded with under the criminal law of India; they will also be rendered ineligible for a period of ve years from seeking enrolment in any of the institutions of the University of Delhi. Students against whom necessary action is taken under this note, will be given post decisional hearing, with strict adherence to the rules of natural justice.

Ordinance 16.6

An Act to provide protection against sexual harassment of women at workplace and for the prevention and redressal of complaints of sexual harassment and for matters connected therewith incidental thereto.

WHEREAS sexual harassment results in violation of the fundamental rights of a woman to equality under articles 14 and 15 of the Constitution of India and her right to life and to live with dignity under article 21 of the Constitution and right to practice any profession or to carry on any occupation, trade or business which includes a right to a safe environment free from sexual harassment;

AND WHEREAS the protection against sexual harassment and the right to work with dignity are universally recognized human rights by international conventions and instruments such as Convention on the Elimination of all forms of discrimination against Women, which has been ratified on the 25th June,1993 by the Government of india.

AND WHEREAS it is expedient to make provisions for giving effect to the said Convention for protection of women against sexual harassment at workplace.

For details see the website http:/

The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013

(Ministry of Law And Justice)



The use of Mobile phones is strictly prohibited in the classroom / Library / Corridors/ Laboratories. Any student found violating this rule will face stringent action and imposition of nes.

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The library remains open on all working days from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM except Sunday(s), and other gazette holidays.


Membership is granted to all the bonade students for one year only. The library card is a smart card which works both as library card as well as I card. Students are required to surrender the card before the end term examination of 1styear, 2rd year & 3rd year. The students are required to get library clearance to get there admission ticket to appear the end ream examination and the validity of the cards expires. Students who are promoted to the second/third year are required to get the fresh membership for the new academic session.


Students belonging to scheduled castes/scheduled tribes/ backward classes and children of political sufferers can apply for scholarships on the prescribed application forms.

Forms for these scholarship can be taken from Directorate of Education, Delhi. Information regarding the payment of scholarships shall be given through a notice on the College Notice Board.

The University holds a competitive examination in Delhi in the month of October each year for the award of All India Entrance Scholarship, 50 number of the value of Rs. 250/- per month tenable for three years for pursuing a course of study for an honors degree in this University.

The competition is open to the students who have passed the senior school certicate Examination from the central board of secondary education, New Delhi. The application form for the competition will be available for the branch vii (1) Main University campus room no. 61 on any working day between 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. after 1st August each year. The application form will be accepted from the eligible candidate along with examination fee of Rs.50/-.


All India Entrance Scholarship

The college has a Fee Concession and Scholarship Committee which aims at providing nancial aid to students in need. Besides, fee concession extended to students who apply for the same and are considered eligible, the Committee has also introduced certain from 2015-16 session certain new scholarships such as :

Vivekananda Medhavi Chattra Yojna- This would be extended to scholars who have distinguished themselves academically.

Major Dhyanchand Yojna - This would be extended to scholars who have distinguished themselves in the area of sports.

Dr.B.R. Ambedkar Yojna - This would be extended to scholars from reserved category in need of nancial assistance.

Fee Concession and Scholarship Committee

Library Mitra - This is an award extended to a student who uses library as a scholastic tool fully and diligently.

The college has proposed to constitute an endowment fund. The funds accrued from this fund would be used to assist students in need of nancial assistance.


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The following documents are required for registration:

- College Fee Receipt which works as Identity card immediately after the admission to 1st/3rd/5th Semester till this card is issued.

- One passport size photograph

Library Registration

The member shall be privileged to borrow specic number of books/documents from the library:

Course No. of Books Period

B.A. (Programme) 4 14 Days

B.Com Course 4 14 Days

All Hons. Courses 4 14 Days

Loss of Library Membership Card

The loss of library membership card should be immediately reported at the circulation counter or the librarian and an FIR should be led with the police station where it was lost for getting fresh card. Any loss that may be incurred on the account of misuse/loss of library membership card will be entire responsibility of the member concern.

Privileges of Members

The loss of book should be immediately reported in writing to the librarian. The member should replace the book/books within 15days of the date of loss of book's report. In case the book/books is/are of the volume of set, the entire set is to be replaced.

Loss of Book

In case of the loss of book, which is out of print, the member shall bring the relevant certicate from the distributors/book seller. If publisher is local, then from the publishers about the non availability of the book.

Overdue charges of RS.2/- per day shall be charged in case the book/books is/are not submitted on the due date. Overdue charges are collected through 'Conscience Box' method and no receipt is issued for it. Before the overdue charges the membership card may be withheld in one week if the book/books is/are not submitted within 30 day from the due date.

Overdue Charges

If a member does not return the book/books after 3 reminders, the matter will be referred to the Principal.

No Dues Certicate

A no due certicate will be signed by the librarian to the members, on the prescribed form obtainable from the library for issuance of admission ticket of university examination.


As the college library is the place for individual studies, it is important to keep an atmosphere of quiet and dignity in the library. Talking and Smoking are strictly prohibited in the library. Any student whose act or behavior is undesirable by the librarian may be refused admission to the library.

Breach of Library Rules


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Library books are costly and often rare. They should be used and handled with care. Member shall not write upon, damage, tear down the leaves or make a mark on any book.

Before leaving the library circulation counter, the member must satisfy themselves whether the book lent to him/her, is in sound condition. If not, then he/ she should immediately bring the

matter to the notice of the librarian or the library staff. Otherwise the member is responsible for any damage noticed/reported later or at the time when returning the book. A member shall be

responsible for any damage or loss to the book or the document belonging to the library while under his/her use and shall be required to replace such book or document. Penalty for book loss damage, mutilated or defaced by marking, shall be xed by the library.

Care of Books/Documents

Any change in residence address of any member may be intimated in writing to the librarian.

Medical Facilities

For student taken suddenly ill and requiring urgent medical attention during college hours, medical facilities are made.

Change of Address


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Ukkekadu izfØ;k

1- egkfo|ky; }kjk tkjh fd, x, dV&vkWQ dh tkudkjh ds fy, vH;FkhZ fo'ofo|ky; dh osclkbV dks ns[ksaA

2- egkfo|ky; Nk=kvksa dks fofHkUu ikB~;Øeksa ds dVvkWQ esa 1 izfr'kr dh NwV nsrk gSA

3- ftl vH;FkhZ dks visf{kr dVvkQ ds vuqlkj vad gSa os fo'ofo|ky; dh osclkbV ij vUMj&xzstqosV ,Mfe'ku iksVZy esa ykWx&bu djds dVvkWQ ds vuqdwy euilan egkfo|ky; ,oa ikB~;Øe ds fy, vkosnu djsaA

4- vH;FkhZ nLrkostksa dh tk¡p rFkk bfPNr ikB~;Øe ds fy, vko';d dVvkWQ dh vafre x.kuk ds fy, vius izos'k&QkWeZ dk fizaV vkmV ysfdj egkfo|ky; esa tk,¡A

egkfo|ky; esa ukekadu ds fy, vH;FkhZ fuEufyf[kr vkWfjftuy izek.k&i=ksa rFkk mldh LolR;kfir izfrfyfi ds nks lsV lkFk j[ksa%

d½ tUe&frfFk ds izek.k ds fy, 10 oha dk izek.k&i= [k½ 10oha d{kk dk vad&i= x½ 12oha d{kk dk vad&i= ?k½ 12oha d{kk dk izksfoftuy@vkWfjftuy izek.k&i= M-½ pfj= izek.k&i= p½ l{ke izkf/kdkjh }kjk vH;FkhZ ds uke ls tkjh ,l-,lh-@,l-Vh-@ih-MCY;q-

Mh-@lh-MCY;q-@ds-,e- izek.k&i= N½ l{ke izkf/kdkjh }kjk vH;FkhZ ds uke ls tkjh uohure vks-ch-lh- ¼ukWu fØeh

ysvj½ izek.k&i= t½ fo|ky;@egkfo|ky; dk VªkalQj lfVZfQdsV ds vfrfjDr fnYyh ds

ckgj ls 12oha ikl djus okys vH;fFkZ;ksa ds fy, cksMZ@fo'ofo|ky; dk ekbxzs'ku lfVZfQdsV

>½ ikliksVZ vkdkj dk de ls de nks uohure Lo&lR;kfir QksVks5- fo'ofo|ky; Nk=&Nk=kvksa }kjk Lo&lR;kfir izek.k&i=@ nLrkost

Lohdkj djsxhA è;krO; gks fd fdlh Hkh Lrj ij ;fn dksbZ >wBk lR;kiu@ QthZ nLrkost ik;k tkrk gS rks Nk=&Nk=k dks vxys 5 lky rd fo'ofo|ky; ;k blds fdlh Hkh egkfo|ky; esa fdlh Hkh ikB~;Øe esa izos'k ls

oafpr dj fn;k tk,xkA blds vfrfjDr Hkkjrh; n.M lafgrk dh mi;qDr /kkjkvksa ¼;kfu 470] 471] 474 bR;kfn½ ds varxZr Nk=@Nk=k ds f[kykQ vkijkf/kd ekeyk ntZ fd;k tk,xkA

6- ukekadu izfØ;k ds nkSjku cgqy ukekadu ls cpus ds fy, egkfo|ky; vH;FkhZ dk lHkh vkWfjftuy izek.k&i= vius ikl j[ksxk rFkk ukekadu izfØ;k lekIr gks tkus ds ckn okil djsxkA ysfdu ;fn dksbZ Nk=@Nk=k dgha vU;= dkmfUlfyax esa mifLFkr gksus ds fy, viuk ukekadu jn~n ;k okilh dk vkosnu djrk@djrh gS rks ¼lk{;@izek.k izLrqr djus ds ckn½ izek.k&i=@ nLrkost rRdky ykSVk fn;k tk,xkA

7- blds ckn egkfo|ky; ukekadu dh Lohd`fr dks ;w-th- ,Meh'ku iksVZy ij Mkysxk vkSj vH;fFk±;kas dks ;w-th- ,Meh'ku iksVZy esa ykWx&bu djds Hkqxrku ds miyC/k rjhdksa ls vkWuykbu Qhl tek djuk gksxkA

8- vkWuykbu Hkqxrku dVvkWQ esa ukekadu ds fy, fu/kkZfjr vafre rkjh[k ds nwljs fnu nksigj 12%00 cts rd fd;k tk ldrk gSA bl ckr dk è;ku j[kus dh t:jr gS fd ;w-th- ,Meh'ku iksVZy ij Hkqxrku ds fy, fu/kkZfjr vof/k ds vanj vkWuykbu Qhl tek djus ds ckn gh ukekadu dh izfØ;k iwjh gksrh gSA

9- vH;FkhZ ,d le; esa dsoy ,d egkfo|ky; esa gh ukekadu djok ldrk gSA ;fn dksbZ vH;FkhZ viuk ukekadu okil@jn~n djokuk pkgrk gS rks vH;FkhZ dks igys viuk ukekadu jn~n djokuk gksxkA ,d ckj ukekadu jn~n gks tkus ds ckn gh vH;FkhZ nwljs egkfo|ky; esa ukekadu djok ldrk gSA

10- ukekadu jn~n djokus dh fLFkfr esa ukekadu Qhl egkfo|ky;@fo'ofo|ky; ds ekun.Mksa ds vuqlkj okil ¼fjQaM½ fd;k tk,xkA


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vkrafjd ewY;kadu ;kstuk fnYyh fo'ofo|ky;

(I) ftu Nk=ksa us Lukrd ,oa LukrdksÙkj ikBîØe esa vdknfed l= 2003&04 ds ckn çFke o"kZ esa ukekadu fy;k gS muds fy, vkrafjd ewY;kadu ykxw gksxkA


Lukrd ikBîØe ds çR;sd i= esa vkarfjd ewY;kadu ds fy, vfèkdre 25 izfr'kr vad rFkk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk vk;ksftr lsesLVj ijh{kk ds fy, vfèkdre 75 izfr'kr vad fuèkkZfjr gSaA vkrafjd ewY;kadu ds fy, fuèkkZfjr 25 izfr'kr vadksa dk foHkktu fuEukuqlkj gksxk&¼d½ 5 izfr'kr mifLFkfr ds vk/kkj ij¼[k½ 10 vad Dykl VsLV@iztsUVs'ku ds vk/kkj ij¼x½ 10 vad vlkbuesaV ds vk/kkj ij



fo'ofo|ky; dh ijh{kk esa vxyh d{kk esa inksUufr ekStwnk çkoèkkuksa ds varxZr ¼fdlh fo"k; esa ykxw gksus ij gh½ nh tk,xhA lkFk gh vxj leku ekunaM fo'ofo|ky; ds lHkh ijh{kkvksa rFkk vkrafjd ewY;kadu esa ykxw gksrs gksaA


I- vxj fdlh ,u-lh-lh- ds Nk= dk p;u ,u-lh-lh- ds okf"kZd f'kfoj ds fy, gksrk gS ;k fQj mls ukxfjd lqj{kk vkSj mlls lacafèkr drZO;ksa ds fy, 'kq: fd, x, vfHk;ku ds fy, çfrfu;qä fd;k tkrk gS] ;k fdlh Nk= dks laLFkk ds }kjk jk"Vªh; lsok ;kstuk ds varxZr fofHkUu lkoZtfud dk;ksaZ esa yxk;k tkrk gS] ;k Nk=ksa dk p;u vUrj fo'ofo|ky; lfefr }kjk vk;ksftr [ksy vkSj vU; xfrfofèk;ksa esa 'kkfey gksus ds fy, fd;k tkrk gS] ;k fdlh Nk= dks dqyifr egksn; dh eatwjh ls varjZjk"Vªh; [ksy esa 'kkfey gksus ds fy, Hkstk tkrk gS] ;k fdlh Nk= dks fo'ofo|ky; dh rjQ ls varj fo'ofo|ky; ;qok egksRlo esa 'kkfey gksus ds fy, vfèk—r fd;k tkrk gS] ;k fdlh Nk= dks çknsf'kd lsuk ds fu;rdkyhu çf'k{k.k f'kfoj esa 'kkfey gksus ds fy, Hkstk tkrk gS] ;k fQj fdlh Nk= dks varj egkfo|ky; [ksy çfr;ksfxrk] okn&fookn çfrf;fxrk] lsehukj] laxks"Bh] lkekftd&dk;Z&ifj;kstuk vkfn esa 'kkfey gksus ds fy, egkfo|ky; ç'kklu }kjk vfèk—r fd;k tkrk gS] ;k fQj fdlh Nk= dks dqyifr egksn; ds funsZ'kkuqlkj nwljs fo'ofo|ky;ksa }kjk vk;ksftr okn&fookn çfr;ksfxrk vkSj vU; xfrfofèk;ksa esa fgLlk ysus ds fy, egkfo|ky; ç'kklu }kjk vfèk—r fd;k tkrk gS rks fuEufyf[kr çkoèkku ykxw gksaxs %

¼v½ dksbZ Nk= mifj;qä 5 ¼i½ esa lwphc) xfrfofèk;ksa esa 'kkfey gksrk gS rks mls fyf[kr vlkbuesaV] ifj;kstuk vkSj v)Zokf"kZd ijh{kk ls lacafèkr mijksä 'krksaZ dks iwjk djuk gksxk A

¼c½ dksbZ Nk= mifj;qä 5 ¼i½ esa lwphc) xfrfofèk;ksa esa ftruh vofèk ds fy, 'kkfey gksrk gS rks ml vofèk dks dkyst esa vk;ksftr O;k[;ku vkfn xfrfofèk;ksa dh dqy mifLFkfr esa ugha tksM+k tk,xkA ¼ns[ksa& vfèkfu;e VII 2-¼9½¼a½¼i½

¼l½ dksbZ Nk= mijksä 5 ¼i½ esa lwphc) xfrfofèk;ksa esa 'kkfey gksrk gS rks mls d{kk ls vuqifLFkfr vkSj vkrafjd ewY;kdu dh çfØ;k esa lqfoèkk@Qk;nk fo'ofo|ky; ds vfèkfu;e VII 2-¼9½¼a½¼i½ ds vuqlkj fn;k tk,xkAçR;sd Nk=@Nk=kvksa ls ;g vis{kk dh tkrh gS fd çR;sd vdknfed l= esa egkfo|ky; }kjk fuxZr fd, x, dqy O;k[;ku vkSj çk;ksfxdh d{kkvksa esa ls de ls de nks frgkbZ d{kkvksa esa 'kkfey gksaAvxj dksbZ Nk= xaHkhj :i ls chekj ;k nq?kZVuk dk f'kdkj gksus dk esfMdy ç çLrqr djrk gS rks egkfo|ky; ds çkpk;Z dqN le; ds fy, mls mifLFkfr ls NwV çnku dj ldrs gSa lkFk gh l= esa dqy çsf"kr O;k[;kuksa dh la[;k esa ls ml vofèk dks ?kVkus dh NwV mä ekeys ds xq.k&nks"k ds vkèkkj ij çnku dj ldrs gSaA



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mifLFkfr ds fu;e

dkWyst ds Nk=ksa dh O;k[;ku@VîqVksfj;y@çhlsIVksfj;y@vkSj çSfDVdy esa mifLFkfr dk ekeyk fnYyh fo'ofo|ky; ds dSys.Mj ¼vol-II] ist&36] 37½ ds fu;eku qlkj ykx w gk s ax s A vxj dk sb Z Nk= d qy vk;k s ftr O;k[;ku@VîqVksfj;y@çhlsIVksfj;y@vkSj çSfDVdy d{kkvksa ds nks frgkbZ d{kkvksa esa 'kkfey ugha gqvk gS rks mls fo'ofo|ky; dh ijh{kk esa 'kkfey gksus ds ;ksX; ugha ekuk tk,xkA Nk=ksa ds ekrk&firk vkSj vfHkHkkod ls vuqjksèk gS fd os vius cPpksa dh d{kk esa visf{kr mifLFkfr lqfuf'pr djsa rkfd l= ds var esa vk;ksftr fo'ofo|ky; dh ijh{kk esa gksus okys O;oèkku ls cpk tk ldsA çFke ,oa f}rh; l= ds var esa dkWyst }kjk de mifLFkfr okys Nk=ksa dh lwph çnf'kZr dh tk,xhA lkFk gh ,sls Nk=ksa ds ekrk&firk ,oa vfHkHkkodksa dks muds cPpksa dh vuqifLFkfr dk C;ksjk nsrs gq, psrkouh&i= Hkstk tk,xkA

chekjh ds fy, fn, x, vkosnu ds lkFk l{ke vfèkdkjh }kjk tkjh esfMdy&lfVZfQdsV dk gksuk vko';d gS tks fd d{kk iqu% vkjEHk djus ds lkr fnuksa ds Hkhrj dk;kZy; esa tek djkuk gksxkA LokLF; ds vkèkkj ij mifLFkfr esa NwV ysus dh fLFkfr esa bl çfØ;k dk ikyu dM+kbZ ls fd;k tk,xkA

Nk= viuh ekfld mifLFkfr dkyst osclkbZV

ij ns[k ldrs gSaA




egkfo|ky; esa ukekadu ysus okys gjsd Nk=ksa ls ;g vis{kk j[kh tkrh gS fd os vè;;u ds nkSjku dSEil ds Hkhrj vkSj ckgj vuq'kklu dk ikyu djsaxs vkSj lH; vkpj.k cuk, j[ksaxsA vuq'kklughurk dh fLFkfr esa fu;ekuqlkj vuq'kklukRed dkjZokbZ dh tk,xhA vuq'kklukRed dkjZokbZ ds rgr psrkouh] tqekZuk vkSj d‚yst ls fuyacu fd;k tk ldrk gSA ¼ns[ksa] fnYyh fo'ofo|ky; dk vfèkfu;e XV¼B½ vkSj XV¼C½½

vxj Nk= ukxfjd dh xfjek dk mYya?ku djrs gq, fdlh Hkh çdkj ds vkijkfèkd xfrfofèk;ksa esa 'kkfey ik, tkrs gSa ;k fQj dWkyst ds deZpkjh] vè;kidksa ds lkFk ve;kZfnr O;ogkj vkSj ve;kZfnr Hkk"kk dk ç;ksx djrs gSa rks çkpk;Z }kjk muij] d{kk esa ços'k ls oftZr fd, tkus vkSj egkfo|ky; ls fu"dklu ds dne mBk, tk,axsA

egkfo|ky; esa Nk=ksa dk ços'k muds ifjp;&i=ksa ds vkèkkj ij gksxkA vius lkFk fdlh ckgjh O;fä dks ykuk iw.kZr% oftZr gSA ,sls fdlh O;fä dks tks vuq'kklu ds fy, leL;k iSnk djrk gS] mls rqjar iqfyl ds gokys dj fn;k tk,xk vkSj lacafèkr Nk=ksa ij dM+h vuq'kklukRed dkjZokbZ dh tk,xhA

Nk= d{kk esa iwjh rjg vuq'kkflr jgsa vkSj dksjhMksj esa vuko';d vkSj bèkj mèkj u HkVdsaA dkWyst dk dSEil iw.kZr% èkweziku oftZr {ks= gSA d{kk ds Hkhrj vkSj ckgj eksckby dk ç;ksx iw.kZr% oftZr gSA ,slk djus ij eksckby tIr djus ds lkFk lkFk vuq'kklukRed dkjokbZ dh tk,xhA

egkfo|ky; ge lcdh lEifr gS bls LoPN vkSj lkQ j[kuk Nk=ksa dk Hkh nkf;Ro gSA Nk= egkfo|ky; dh laifÙk dks uqdlku ugha igqapk,¡A nhokjksa dks xank uk djsaA QuhZpj vkSj vU; lkeku dks uqdlku uk igqapk,¡A ykWu ,oa isM+&ikSèkksa dks uqdlku uk igqapk,aA ,slk djus ij fu;ekuqlkj vuq'kklukRed dkjZokbZ dh tk,xhA

çkpk;Z dh vuqefr ds fcuk Nk= fdlh çdkj dh lfefr dk xBu ugha dj ldrsA çkpk;Z dh vuqefr ds fcuk dksbZ ckgjh O;fä oäk ds :i esa ugha cqyk;k tk ldrkA









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Nk=&Nk=kvksa ds vuq'kklu gsrq fu;e

vuq'kklu vkSj vuq'kklukRed dkjZokbZ lacaèkh lHkh 'kfä;k¡ dqyifr ds ikl gSaA

dqyifr fo'ofo|ky; ifjlj esa vuq'kklu dk;e j[kus ds fy, viuk çfrfufèk fu;qä dj ldrs gSa ;k çksDVj ;k ,U; vfèkdkjh dks lanfHkZr 'kfä çnku dj ldrs gSaA

vfèkfu;e ds rgr vuq'kklu ykxw djus dk vfèkdkj fo'ofo|ky; ds ikl lqjf{kr gSA fuEufyf[kr xfrfofèk;k¡ vuq'kklukRed dkjZokbZ ds vkèkhu ekuh tk,xh %

¼d½ fnYyh fo'ofo|ky; ds fdlh 'kSf{kd ;k xSj&'kSf{kd O;fä ;k foHkkx ds deZpkjh ;k fdlh Nk= ds Åij 'kkjhfjd geyk ;k 'kkjhfjd cy ç;ksx djus dh èkedh nsukA

¼[k½ fdlh gfFk;kj dks lkFk esa j[kuk ;k ç;ksx djuk ;k mls fn[kkdj èkedh nsukA

¼x½ vuqlwfpr tkfr vkSj tutkfr ds Nk=@Nk=ksa ds eku] lEeku vkSj çfr"Bk dks Bksl igq¡pkukA

¼?k½ fdlh efgyk ds fy, ekSf[kd ;k 'kkjhfjd :i ls viekutu O;ogkj ;k 'kCnksa dk ç;ksx djuk] pkgs og etkd gh D;ksa uk gksA

¼³½ fdlh Hkh çdkj ls ?kwl nsuk ;k Hkz"Vkpkj esa fyIr gksukA ¼p½ dkWyst] foHkkx ;k laLFkk dh laifÙk dks tkucw>dj uqdlku igqapkukA¼N½ fdlh Hkh çdkj ds nqHkkZouk ls xzflr gksukA ;k èkkfeZd vkSj lkEçnkf;d vkèkkj

ij vlfg".kqrk mRiUu djukA¼t½ fdlh Hkh dkj.k ls vdknfed dkedkt esa O;oèkku mRiUu djukA¼>½ fo'ofo|ky; ds vfèkfu;e XV- C ds vuqlkj jSfxax iw.kZr% fuf"k) vkSj

naMuh; gSA




dqyifr fo'ofo|ky; ifjlj esa vuq'kklu cuk, j[kus ds fy, fcuk i{kikr ds fdlh Hkh Nk= vkSj Nk=kvksa ds çfr mfpr dkjZokbZ dk vkns'k ns ldrs gSaA bl lUnHkZ esa fuEu dkjZokbZ dh tk ldrh gS %

¼d½ lacafèkr Nk=@Nk=kvksa dks fo'ofo|ky; ls lnk ds fy, fu"dkflr fd;k tk ldrk gS( ¼[k½ lacafèkr Nk=@Nk=kvksa dks fo'ofo|ky; ls ,d fuf'pr vofèk ds fy, fu"dkflr fd;k tk ldrk gS( ¼x½ ,d fuf'pr vofèk ds fy, dkyst] foHkkx ;k fo-fo- ds vU; laLFkkuksa esa ukekadu ysus ij çfrcaèk yxk;k tk ldrk gSS( ¼?k½ vkfFkZd naM Hkjus dk funsZ'k fn;k tk ldrk gSS( ¼³½ fo'ofo|ky; dh ijh{kk esa 'kkfey gksus ls ,d ;k mlls vfèkd l=ksa ds fy, oafpr fd;k tk ldrk gSS( ¼p½ ,sls Nk=@Nk=k vxj fdlh ijh{kk esa 'kkfey gks pqds gSa rks mu ijh{kk@ijh{kkvksa dks fujLr fd;k tk ldrk gSA

dWkyst ds çkpk;Z] laLFkk ds çeq[k] fo-fo- ds 'kSf{kd foHkkxksa ds çeq[k] iqLrdky;kè;{k vkfn ds ikl vuq'kklukRed dkjZokbZ ds vfèkdkj vkSj 'kfä gksaxs vkSj os d‚yst] foHkkx vkSj vdknfed ifjlj esa vuq'kklfud ekgkSy lqfuf'pr djsaxs vkSj mls cuk, j[kus ds fy, çkfèkdkjh] çfrfufèk ;k lfefr fu;qä djsaxsA

dqyifr vkSj çkWDVj fcuk fdlh i{kikr ;k nqHkkZouk ds mijksä vuq'kklu lacaèkh fu;eksa dks vuqç;ksx esa yk,axs] blds fy, mfpr <k¡ps dk fuekZ.k] çcaèku vkSj usr`Ro djsaxsA

;s fu;e iwjd gks ldrs gSa] tgka vko';d gks dkWyst ds çkpk;Z] ladk; ds Mhu] 'kSf{kd foHkkxksa ds çeq[k bls vuqç;ksx esa yk ldrs gSaA çR;sd Nk= ls ;g vis{kk dh tkrh gS fd bl fu;e dh ,d çfr os vius ikl j[ksaxsA

ukekadu ds le; lHkh Nk=ksa@Nk=kvksa dks bl vk'k; dk ?kks"k.kk&i= Lo;a gLrk{kfjr dj nsuk gksxk dh vuq'kklughurk dh fLFkfr esa esjs@Lo;a ds Åij fo'ofo|ky; ds vfèkfu;e ds vuqlkj dkjZokbZ dh tk ldrh gSA






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jSfxax fu"ksèk vkSj ltk

ekuuh; mPp U;k;ky; ds vkns'kkuqlkj rFkk fnYyh fof'o|ky; ds vfèkfu;e XV-C ds fu;ekuqlkj egkfo|ky; esa jsfxax iw.kZr% çfrcafèkr rFkk naMuh; vijkèk gSA ihuy y‚ esa of.kZr ;w-th-lh- jsX;wys'ku&2009 ds vuqlkj dksbZ Hkh Nk= vxj çR;{k ;k ijks{k :i ls jSfxax dk nks"kh ik;k tkrk gS ;k jSfxax dks c<+kok nsrk gS ;k ,sls "kM;a= dk fgLlk gksrk gS rks og n.M dk Hkkxhnkj gksxk rFkk ml ij iqfyl esa çkFkfedh ntZ djkbZ tk,xhA

egkfo|ky; ds Hkhrj] foHkkx esa ;k fo'ofo|ky; ds Hkhrj dgha Hkh ;k cl vkfn txg ij jSfxax iw.kZr% oftZr gSA

Nk=@Nk=kvksa }kjk fd;k x;k dksbZ Hkh fyf[kr] ekSf[kd ;k vU; O;ogkj ftlesa iqjkus Nk=ksa ds }kjk u, Nk=ksa dks fp<kuk] dM+k O;ogkj ;k fdlh çdkj dk ekSf[kd ;k 'kkjhfjd :i ls ijs'kku djuk 'kkfey gks jSfxax ds varxZr vkrk gSA

fdlh u, Nk= dks èkedh nsuk] Nk= dh xfjek vkSj lEeku dks Bsl igqpkuk] vuqlwfpr tkfr vkSj tutkfr Nk= dh xfjek vkSj lEeku dks Bsl igqapkuk jSfxax ds varxZr vkrk gS vkSj vkSj ;g naMuh; vijkèk gSA

fdlh Nk=@Nk=kvksa }kjk vuq'kklughu vkpj.kksa esa 'kkfey gksuk ftlls fd fdlh u, Nk=ksa ;k nwljs Nk=ksa ds çfr Øksèk] dfBukbZ ;k ekufld ijs'kkuh ;k Hk; iSnk gks jSfxax ds rgr vkrk gS vkSj naMuh; gSA

fdlh Nk= dks fn, x, vdknfed dk;Z dks iwjk djus ds fy, fdlh u, ;k nwljs Nk=ksa dh tcju lsok ysdj 'kks"k.k djuk] u, Nk=ksa ls foÙkh; mxkgh djuk ;k [kpZ djus dk nokc Mkyuk naMuh; gSA











fQftdy vC;wt dk dksbZ Hkh dk;Z ftlls fd 'kkjhfjd uqdlku gks] ;k O;fä ds LokLF; ds fy, [krjukd gks tSls fd lsDlqvy vC;wt] gksekslsDlqvy vC;wt] fLVªfiax] v'yhy ;k blls tqM+s dk;Z ds fy, ckè; djuk] b'kkjsckth vkfn jSfxax ds rgr naMuh; gSA

dksbZ Hkh dk;Z ;k xkyh pkgs og ekSf[kd :i esa gks] bZ&esy }kjk gks] çdkf'kr djds gks ;k lkoZtfud :i ls vieku djds gks tks fd çR;{k ;k ijks{k ls fdlh u, ;k vU; Nk=ksa esa vlgtrk iSnk djs] ftldk mís'; lSfMfLVd fFkzy gks] jSfxax ds rgr naMuh; gSA

egkfo|ky; ds çkpk;Z] foHkkx ds çeq[k vkSj fo'ofo|ky; ds ç'kklfud vfèkdkjh jSfxax dh f'kdk;r vkus ij rRdky dkjZokbZ djsaxsA

vxj fnYyh fo'ofo|ky; ds fdlh egkfo|ky; ;k laLFkk esa jSfxax gksus dh ?kVuk dqyifr ds laKku esa ykbZ tkrh gS rks vfèkfu;e XV- C ds vuqlkj tks Nk= ;k Nk=ksa jSfxax esa fyIr ik, tk,axs mUgsa ,d fuf'pr l= ds fy, egkfo|ky; ls fu"dkflr fd;k tk ldrk gSA mä ?kVuk esa ckgjh Nk= ds 'kkfey gksus ij Hkkjrh; naM lafgrk ds vuqlkj dkjZokbZ dh tk,xh lkFk gh mä Nk= ;k Nk=ksa dks ikap o"kksaZ ds fy, fnYyh fo'ofo|ky; ds fdlh Hkh laLFkk esa ukekadu ysus ij ikcanh yxk nh tk,xhA

vk;ZHkê egkfo|ky; ;g lqfuf'pr djrk gS fd egkfo|ky; ds Hkhrj fdlh Hkh u, Nk= dks LoLFk vkSj lkekU; okrkoj.k çnku djsxkA bl mís'; dh çkfIr ds fy, egkfo|ky; }kjk jSfxax fojksèkh lfefr dk xBu fd;k x;k gSA



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dk;Z&{ks= ij efgykvksa ds ;kSu mRihM+u ¼jksdFkke] fu"ksèk vkSj fuokj.k½

vfèkfu;e& 2013 ¼dkuwu ,oa U;k; ea=ky;½

vf/kfu;e 16.6

;g vfèkfu;e dk;Z&{ks= ij gksus okys ;kSu mRihM+u ls efgykvksa dks lqj{kk çnku djus ds lkFk lkFk blds jksdFkke rFkk blls lacafèkr f'kdk;r ds fuokj.k dh lqfoèkk çnku djrk gS] ftlesa

Hkkjrh; lafoèkku ds vuqPNsn 14 vkSj 15 ds varxZr efgykvksa ds ekSfyd vfèkdkjksa dk guu djrs gq, ;kSu 'kks"k.k fd;k tk; ;k lafoèkku ds vuqPNsn 21 ds rgr LokfHkeku ds lkFk thus ds vfèkdkj dk guu djds ;kSu mRihM+u fd;k tk; ;k O;olk;] dk;Z vkSj O;kikj ds vfèkdkj dk guu djds ;kSu 'kks"k.k fd;k tk;A blesa ;kSu mRihM+u ls lqjf{kr ifjos'k dk vfèkdkj Hkh 'kkfey gS(

ftlesa ;kSu mRihM+u ds f[kykQ lqj{kk vkSj lEeku ds lkFk dk;Z djus dk vfèkdkj] ftls varjkZ"Vªh; lEesyuksa }kjk lkoZHkkSfed :i ls ekuokfèkdkjksa ds :i esa igpkuk x;k gS] ¼tSls efgykvksa ds çfr lHkh çdkj ds HksnHkkoksa dh lekfIr ij lEeysu½] ftls Hkkjr ljdkj us Hkh 25 twu 1993 dks blds ekudksa dks Lohdkj dj fy;k gS(

vkSj ftlesa ;g lqfuf'pr fd;k x;k fd dk;Z&LFky ij efgykvksa ds ;kSu mRihM+u ds çfr lqj{kk dks miyCèk djkus ds fy, mi;qZDr lEeysu ds izLrko ds vuqlkj çkoèkku cukuk t:jh gSA

foLr`r tkudkjh ds fy, —i;k fuEu osclkbV ij tk,¡A



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'kqYd ,oa vkfFkZd naM

1- Nk=@Nk=k ds egkfo|ky; NksM+us dh frfFk ls rhu lky rd izfrHkwfr ¼fjQaM½ jkf'k ¼flD;qfjVh½ okil izkIr fd;k tk ldrk gSA

2- fons'kh Nk=&Nk=kvksa ls izfro"kZ 100 vesfjdh MkWyj ds lerqY; fof'k"V 'kqYd fy;k tk,xkA

3- egkfo|ky; dk lkjk Hkqxrku vkWuykbu djuk gSA udn@psd@is&vkWMZj@ Mªk¶V vkfn Lohdkj ugha fd, tk,¡xsA

4- ;fn dksbZ Nk=@Nk=k egkfo|ky; }kjk fu/kkZfjr frfFk ds ckn ,d ekg rd viuk 'kqYd tek ugha djrk@djrh gS] rks mldk uke egkfo|ky; ds jftLVj ls dkV fn;k tk,xkA foyac ls 'kqYd tek djus ij foyac 'kqYd 1@& :i;s izfrfnu gSA

5- iqLrdky dh fdrkc ij foyac 'kqYd lkekU;r% 1@&:i;k izfrfnu rFkk 15 fnu ls T;knk nsjh gksus ij 2@&:i;s izfrfnu gSA

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jkf'k okil ek¡xus dh otg okil fd, tkusokys 'kqYd dh ek=k

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250@& :i;s dkVdj ck¡fd iwjs 'kqYd dh okilh

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500@& :i;s dkVdj ck¡fd iwjs 'kqYd dh okilh

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eksckby Qksu dk mi;ksx


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Staff Council Committees for the Academic Session 2017

Dr. Kartikeya Kohli Dr. Manoj Sinha

Secretary, Staff Council Chairman, Staff Council

Admission Committee (Teachers in -charge)

Mr. Harish Dhawan [Temporary] : Business Economics

Dr. Monica Aggarwal : Commerce

Ms. Sonal Linda : Computer Science

Dr. S. L. Chakravorty : Economics

Dr. Geeta Budhraja : English

Dr. D. P. Mishra : Hindi

Dr. Reena Ragi : History

Dr. J.K. Singh [Temporary] : Management Studies

Dr. Naveen K. Jain : Mathematics

Dr. Shiv Poojan Prasad Pathak : Political Science

Dr. R. K. Dwivedi [Temporary] : Psychology (Convener)

B. A. Programme & B.ComAdmission & Coordination Committee

Dr. Rajiv Kumar Ranjan (B. A.) (Convener/B. A.)

Dr.Krishna Murari (B.A.)

Dr. C. S. Dash (B.Com) (Convener/ B.Com)

Shri Vinay Kumar (B.Com)

GE Co-ordination Committee (Hons. & Prog.)[Previous Year Teachers in-charge]

Mr. Harish Dhawan [Temporary] : Business Economics

Dr. J. K. Singh : Commerce (Convener)

Ms. Priti Jagwani : Computer Science

Dr. Surajit Deb : Economics

Dr. B. Mangalam : English

Dr. K. P. Singh : Hindi

Dr. Krishna Murari : History

Dr. J. K. Singh [Temporary] : Management Studies

Dr. Yogender Singh : Mathematics

Dr.Rajiv Kumar Ranjan : Political Science

Dr. R. K. Dwivedi [Temporary] : Psychology

Admission Grievance Committee

Dr. Surajit Deb (Convener)

Dr. K. P. Singh

Dr. D. B. Singh

Dr. Rashmi Rai

Prospectus Committee

Shri. Harish Dhawan

Dr. Devender Singh

Dr. Vibhuti Gaur (Convener)

Dr. Promila

Shri. Gagandeep Sharma


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Anti-Ragging Committee

Dr. Promila (Convener)

Dr. Shiv Poojan Prasad Pathak

Mrs. Priti Jagwani

Shri Anand Saurabh

Sh. N.M. Singh

Ms. Roshini

Discipline Committee

Dr. Tripurari Sharan

Dr. S. B. N. Tiwari

Shri. N. M. Singh (Convener)

Dr. Shiv Poojan Prasad Pathak

Dr. Promila

Dr. Pawan Kumar

Ms. Sonal Linda

Dr. P.D. Saini

Dr. Aanchal Gupta

Shri Gagandeep Sharma

Shri Chandan Bharti Mishra

Time Table Committee

Dr. Narender Kumar

Dr. S. B. N. Tiwari

Dr. Devender Singh

Dr. Yogender Singh (Convener)

Extra-Curricular Admission Committee

Dr. Pamela Anwar (Convener)Dr. B. Mangalam (Music)Dr. Geeta Budharaja (Culinary)Dr. Narender Kumar (Dance)Dr. Dharam Kumar (Adventure and Nature)Dr. Devender Singh (Theatre)Ms. Priti M Gacche (Debate)Dr Binoy B. Aggarwal (Photography)

Sport Admission Committee

Principal/BursarSports TeacherTwo Members of the Sports CommitteeDr. Rajiv Kumar Ranjan (Convener)Dr. Birendra Kumar

Sports Committee

Dr. Rajiv Kumar Ranjan (Convener)Dr. Birendra KumarShri Devki NandanDr. Pawan KumarMs. Ruchika Agarwal

Foreign Students Advisor CommitteeDr. Dharam Kumar (Convener)Dr. Surajit DebDr. Rajendra DayalSh. Vinay Kumar


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Shri Chandrashekhar NishadDr. P.D. Saini

Function Committee

Dr. Pamela Anwer Dr. Rajesh Kumar Dr. Narender Kumar (Convener)Ms. Aakanksha Singh Shri. Devki NandanDr. Rashmi RaiDr. P.D. Saini Ms. Deepti GoelMs. Cherry AroraMs. Swati KhuranaDr. Ruchi UpadhyayMs. Shivani VijDr. Ruchi Jain

Students Attendance Review Committee

Sh. Yogender Singh (Convener)Dr. Chandrashekhar Nishad )Shri Chandan Bharti Mishra

Academic Planning Committee(Preceding Year's Teachers in Charge)

Dr.Gursharan Rastogi [Temporary]: Business EconomicsDr. J. K. Singh : Commerce Ms. Priti Jagwani : Computer ScienceDr. Surajit Deb : Economics (Convener)Dr. B. Mangalam : English

Media Coordination Committee

Dr. Satish Kumar Jha (Convener)Shri Binoy Bhushan AggarwalShri Anand SaurabhDr. D. B. SinghDr. Preeti GaccheDr.Naveen Kumar jain

Workload Committee: - [Teachers in-charge]

Shri. Harish Dhawan [Temporary] : Business Economics Dr. Monica Aggarwal : Commerce Ms. Sonal Linda : Computer ScienceDr. S. L. Chakravorty : Economics (Convener)Dr. Geeta Budhraja : EnglishDr. D. P. Mishra : HindiDr. Reena Ragi : HistoryDr. J.K. Singh [Temporary] : Management StudiesDr. Naveen K. Jain : Mathematics Dr. Shiv Poojan Prasad Pathak : Political ScienceDr. R. K. Dwivedi [Temporary] : Psychology

Fee Concession Committee

Dr. Rajesh Kumar Dr. Rajendra DayalSh. Harish Dhawan Dr. Birendra KumarMs. Astha AhujaShri Balraj SinghShri Vinay Kumar (Convener)Dr. Kamayani Kumar


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Canteen Committee

Dr. Geeta Budhraja (Convener)Dr. J.K.SinghDr. Rajendra DayalDr. Birendra KumarDr. Devender SinghMs. Sangeeta KumariShri Devki NandanShri Pawan Kumar Shri Ravi Bhushan PrasadMs. Roshini Sh. Dinesh Kumar

Purchase Committee

Dr. Pamela AnwerDr. Geeta BudhrajaSh. Harish Dhawan (Convener)Ms. Deepika Goel Dr. S. L. Chakravorty

Alumni Association

Dr. C.S.DashDr. Rajendra Dayal (Convener)Dr. Kamayani KumarDr. Reena RagiDr. Rashmi RaiDr. Neetu Jai SinghaniMs. Priti JagwaniMs. Pritika Dua

Dr. K.P. Singh : HindiDr. Krishna Murari : HistoryMr. Harish Dhawan [Temporary] : Management StudiesDr. Yogender Singh : Mathematics Dr.Rajiv Kumar Ranjan : Political ScienceDr. R. K. Dwivedi [Temporary] : Psychology

Teachers' Representative on PF Committee

Dr. Kartikeya KohliDr. Yogender Singh

NSS Programme Ofcer

Dr. Birendra Kumar (Programme ofcer)Dr. Chandrashekhar NishadDr. Aanchal Gupta

Magazine CommitteeMs. Neetu Jai Singhani (Convener)Dr. Devender SinghMs. Preeti GaccheDr. Kamayani KumarMs. Sonal LindaDr. Vibhuti GaurMs. Deepti GoelDr. Ram KrishnaShri Ravi Bhushan PrasadMs. Swati KhuranaDr. Ruchi UpadhyayShri. Chandan Bharti MishraDr. J.K. Singh


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Dr. J.K. Singh [Temporary] : Management Studies

Dr. Naveen K. Jain : Mathematics

Dr. Shiv Poojan Prasad Pathak : Political Science

Dr. R. K. Dwivedi [Temporary] : Psychology

Dr. Dharam Kumar : Librarian

Students' Council Committee

Proctor (Convener Discipline Committee) Ex-ofcio - (N.M Singh)

Dean Student Welfare: Dr. Pamela Anwer

Environment and Garden Committee

Dr. S.B.N Tiwari

Dr. Monica Agarwal

Dr. Deepika Goel (Convener)

Dr. Neetu Jai Singhani

Dr. Kamayani Kumar

Dr. Vibhuti Gaur

Sh. Gufran Malik

Dr. P.D. Saini

Dr. Ram Krishna

Mrs. Shivani Vij

Sh. Pradeep Singh

Sh. Ravi Bhushan Prasad

Sh. Gagandeep Sharma

Shri Chandan Bharti Mishra

Ms. Shruti Vats

Shri Tungnath Maur

Dr. Ruchi Jain

Website Committee

Sh. Harish DhawanDr.Naveen Kumar Jain (Convener)Ms. Akanksha AggarwalMs. Mona AdlakhaMs. Ruchika AggarwalShri. Gagandeep SharmaShri. Pardeep SinghShri Chandan Bharti MishraShri. Anand SaurabhMs. Priti JagwaniMs. Sonal Linda

Infrastructure Committee

Shri Harish DhawanDr. Dharam Kumar Dr. Pamela Anwer (Convener)Dr. Kartikeya KohliShri Vinay KumarMs. Astha AhujaDr. Birendra Kumar

Library Committee: - (Teachers in-charge)

Shri. Harish Dhawan [Temporary] : Business Economics Dr. Monica Aggarwal : Commerce (Convener)Ms. Sonal Linda : Computer ScienceDr. S. L. Chakravorty : Economics Dr. Geeta Budhraja : EnglishDr. D. P. Mishra : HindiDr. Reena Ragi : History


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A number of student's society function in the college. Purpose of these societies is to give opportunities for self-expression and training. They also help in all round development of the personality of the students. The college also holds seminars, debates, cultural programs etc. to encourage creative activities among the students. Co-curricular societies are run by students under the guidance of staff advisor.

Student's Societies

English Literature AssociationHindi SocietyHistory SocietyPolitical Science SocietyEconomics Society

National Cadet CorpsNational Service Scheme

Commerce SocietyBusiness Economic SocietyMathematics SocietyComputer Science SocietyPsychology Society

SchemesThe college Students Council shall be afliated to the Delhi University Student's Union.

Student's Council

1. Debating Society2. Theater group 3. Adventure and Nature Appreciation Club4. Gandhi Study Circle5. The Music Society 6. Entrepreneur Society7. Enacts8. The Heritage and SPICMACAY Society 9. Finance and Investment Cell10. The Marketing Cell11. Epicure - The Culinary art Cell12. Photography Club

Extra-Curricular Societies

Academic Societies


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Shri. Dinesh Kumar

Ms. Akanksha Aggarwal

Shri Pradeep Singh

Gandhi Study Circle

Dr. Rajendra Dayal (Convener)

Dr. Tripurari Sharan

Dr. R.K. Dwivedi

Ms. Sangeeta Kumari

Dr. Neetu Jai Singhani

Dr. Krishna Murari

Dr. Devki Nandan

Dr. Rashmi Rai

Shri Binoy Bhushan Agarwal

Sh. Anand Saurabh

The Music Society

Dr. B. Mangalam (Convener)

Ms. Ruchika Agarwal

Shri. Pardeep Singh

Ms. Shivani Raheja

Entrepreneur SocietyDr. Monica Aggarwal (Convener)

Dr. Rajesh Kumar

Ms. Shivani Raheja

Dr. Ruchi Upadhyay

College Societies/Clubs

Debating Society

Ms. Peeti Gacche (Convener)Dr.S.L.ChakravortyDr. Promila Ms. RoshniDr.Naveen Kumar JainDr. Ram KrishnaShri. Gagandeep Sharma

Theatre Group

Dr. B. Mangalam (Convener)Ms. Preeti GaccheDr. Devender SinghShri. Pardeep SinghMs. Shivani RahejaDr. Ruchi Jain

Adventure and Nature Society

Dr.S.B.N TiwariDr. Dharam Kumar (Convener)Dr.Tripurari SharanShri.Harish DhawanShri.Balraj SinghShri. Gufran MalikDr. D.B. SinghDr. Naveen Kumar JainMs. RoshniMs. Ruchika Agarwal


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Epicure: The Culinary Art Cell

Dr. Pamela AnwerDr. Geeta Budhraja (Convener)Ms. Aakanksha Singh Dr. Kamayani KumarMs. RoshiniMs. Mona AdlakhaMs. Shivani Raheja

Photography Club

Dr.D.B SinghShri Binoy Bhushan Agarwal (Convener)Shri Dinesh KumarMs. Shivani VijMs. Shruti Vats


Shri Harish Dhawan (Convener)Dr. Rajendra DayalMs. Cherry AroraMs. Priya Chaudhary

The Heritage and SPICMACAY Society

Dr. R.K. DwivediMs. Sangeeta KumariMs. Aakanksha SinghDr. Krishna Murari (Convener)Shri Devki NandanMs. Promila Shri Chandan Bharti Mishra

Finance & Invest CellDr. J.K. Singh (Convener)Ms. Cherry AroraMs. Pritika DuaMs. Priya ChaudharyDr. Ruchi Jain

The Marketing Cell

Dr.C.S.Dash (Convener)Dr. Aanchal GuptaMs. Shivani RahejaDr. Ruchi UpadhyayDr. Ruchi Jain

The college has facilities for a number of outdoor and indoor games.

Games and Sports

TaekwondoGymnasticsWeightlifting/Power Lifting and Body-Building AthleticsCricketTable Tennis

Other committees will be formed and uploaded on the college website in due course of time

Other College Committees


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1. ShriG.C.Sharma AssociateProfessor 2. Dr.C.S.Dash AssociateProfessor 3. Dr.J.K.Singh AssociateProfessor 4. Dr.MonicaAggarwal AssistantProfessor 5. ShriVinayKumar AssistantProfessor


6. ShriRanjanKumar AssistantProfessor 7. Mrs.PritiJagwani AssistantProfessor 8. Ms.SonalLinda AssistantProfessor


9. ShriHarishDhawan AssociateProfessor 10. Dr.KartikeyaKohli AssociateProfessor 11. Dr.SurajitDeb AssociateProfessor 12. Dr.S.L.Chakravorty AssociateProfessor

13. Dr.GursharanRastogi AssociateProfessor 14. Mrs.DeepikaGoel AssociateProfessor 15. ShriN.M.Singh AssistantProfessor 16. Mrs.AsthaAhuja AssistantProfessor


17. Dr.PamelaAnwer AssociateProfessor 18. Dr.R.K.Dwivedi AssociateProfessor 19. Dr.B.Mangalam AssociateProfessor 20. Dr.GeetaBudhiraja AssociateProfessor 21. Dr.DevenderSingh AssistantProfessor 22. Ms.PritiM.Gacche AssistantProfessor 23. Dr.VibhutiGaur AssistantProfessor 24. Dr.KamayaniKumar AssistantProfessor 25. ShriBinoyBhushanAgarwal AssistantProfessor 26. Ms.Roshni AssistantProfessor


27. Dr.RajendraDayal AssociateProfessor28. Dr.TripurariSharan AssociateProfessor29. Dr.SatishKumarJha AssociateProfessor30. Dr.RajivKumarRanjan AssistantProfessor31. Dr.ShivPoojanPrasad


32. ShriDevkiNandan AssistantProfessor33. Dr.RashmiRai AssistantProfessor34. ShriAnandSaurabh AssistantProfessor


35. Dr.R.A.Sharma AssociateProfessor36. Dr.KailashPrakashSingh AssociateProfessor37. Dr.DevPrakashMishra AssociateProfessor38. Dr.BalrajSingh AssociateProfessor39. Dr.S.B.N.Tiwari AssistantProfessor40. Dr.Promila AssistantProfessor41. Dr.DhirendraBahadurSingh AssistantProfessor42. Dr.NeetuJaiSinghani AssistantProfessor43. Dr.BirendraKumar AssistantProfessor

HISTORY44. Dr.RajeshKumar AssociateProfessor45. Dr.ReenaRagi AssistantProfessor46. Dr.PawanKumar AssistantProfessor47. Dr.KrishnaMurari AssistantProfessor48. Ms.SangeetaKumari AssistantProfessor

MATHEMATICS 49. Dr.NarenderKumar AssociateProfessor50. Dr.NaveenKumarJain AssistantProfessor 51. Dr.YogenderSingh AssistantProfessor 52. Ms.AakankshaSingh AssistantProfessor 53. ShriGufranMalik AssistantProfessor 54. Dr.ChandrashekharNishad AssistantProfessor

List of teaching and non-teaching staff


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ACCOUNTSS.No. Name Designation

1 ShriGaneshChandraDas SectionOfficer(A/c)

2 ShriLokesh SeniorAssistant

3 Ms.SubalaGautam Assistant

4 ShriHarjeetSingh JuniorAssistant

5 ShriRajeshJain OfficeAttendant

6 ShriAnilKumarJha OfficeAttendant


S.No. Name Designation

1 Dr.DharamKumar Librarian

2 Mrs.NirmalaBoella ProfessionalAssistant

3 Mrs.PadmaRani SemiProfessionalAssistant

4 Ms.RituRana SemiProfessionalAssistant

5 ShriRaviKumarMudgal LibraryAssistant

6 ShriSinghRamSingh LibraryAttendant

7 ShriMohd.AdnanSiddiqi LibraryAttendant

8 ShriSantoshBisht MTS-LibraryAttendant

9 ShriBedRamDevkota MTS-LibraryAttendant

10 ShriManojKumar MTS-LibraryAttendant

11 ShriRajeev MTS-LibraryAttendant

12 ShriJitendraKumar MTS-LibraryAttendant

13 ShriSanjayKumar MTS-LibraryAttendant

14 Mrs.SabitaKumari MTS-LibraryAttendant

15 ShriNiranjanKumar MTS-LibraryAttendant

ADMINISTRATIONS.No. Name Designation

1 ShriHarishKumarBatra AdministrativeOfficer

2 ShriSunilSinghLingwal SectionOfficer(Admn.)

3 Ms.Anupriya SeniorAssistant

4 ShriSaurabhGarg S.T.A.(Comp.)

5 ShriOmPrakash Assistant

6 ShriT.S.Rana Caretaker-Assistant

7 ShriKishoreKumar Electrician

8 ShriPankajKumar Assistant

9 Mrs.MonikaAhuja JuniorAssistant

10 Ms.ArtiRani JuniorAssistant

11 ShriArvindKrayla JuniorAssistant

12 ShriAshuKumar JuniorAssistant

13 ShriDineshKumar OfficeAttendant

14 ShriParmanand OfficeAttendant

15 ShriJaiRam OfficeAttendant

16 ShriRamShanker Waterman

17 ShriVinayKumar MTS-Comp.LabAttendant

List of teaching and non-teaching staff


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Benito Juarez Road, Anand NiketanSouth Campus, South Moti BaghNew Delhi-110021

011 2411 0490

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Price: 200/-Price: 200/-Price: 200/-