prose passage essay study guide


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Prose Passage Essay Study Guide

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Introduction to Prose Passage Essay

The prose passage essay is a one-page excerpt form either a work of fiction or nonfiction. Usually, it is a novel or short story which are both in the fiction category

Examples of Works of nonfiction that may be on the exam:

-Essays -Biographies -Autobiographies -Articles -Periodicals

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Types of Essay Questions

There are several types of essay questions for the prose passage. However, these questions address similar topics. The most common being:

-Analyze the literary techniques/elements -Characterization -Effects on the reader/Attitude of the speaker -Comparing/Contrasting literary element in two

pages It’s important to remember that the people that will

read your essay are looking for strong analytical skills, an effective writing style, and coherence. As long as your essay demonstrates the elements mentioned above and accurately answers the question, a high range score will be achieved.

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Rating the Prose Passage Essay

To receive a high ranged essay with a score between 7-9 you must effectively and cohesively address the prompt.

Your essay must analyze and discuss the stylistic elements asked for in the question and do so using evidence from the given text.

The essay also demonstrates your ability to manipulate language as well as have an impressive writing style.

The analysis and discussion of the specifics related to the prompt and text must also be impressive.

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Rating the Prose Passage Essay

Indicates a complete understanding of the prompt

Identifies and analyzes many literally techniques such as imagery, diction, point of view, style , and many more

Cites specific references to the passage.Is clear, and well-organized, and coherent.Contains only minor errors or flaws if any.Is aware of syntax (authors arrangement) and

style of the author.

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Time What To Do

1-3 minutes Read and “work the prompt”

5 minutes Read and take notes on the passage.

10 minutes Prepare to write your essay(brainstorm, organize your notes, create an outline, etc.)

20 minutes Write your essay using what you prepared

3 minutes Proofread

40 minutes Total

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Working the Prompt

It is vital that you take your time to break down the prompt and ensure that you fully comprehend it before writing your essay.

Failing to do so could result in writing an essay that doesn’t respond adequately to the prompt.

Some strategies that are helpful to filter out the unimportant information are to: circle, underline , or bracket the relevant information.

Pay close attention to the verb usage in the prompt which usually followed by what you are being asked to write about.

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In the following passage from the short story “ The Dead” James Joyce presents an insight into the character of Gabriel. Write a well organized essay in which you discuss various aspects of Gabriel’s character that Joyce reveals to the reader that to Gabriel himself. Refer to such techniques and devices as imagery, point of view, motif, diction, and syntax.

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Reading and Notating the Prose Passage

There are two ways to go about notating the passage: 1.) -Read quickly to get the gist of the passage. -Reread, using the visual and marginal notes.

2.) -Read slowly, highlighting and making marginal notes.

       -Reread to confirm that you understand the full impact of the passage.

When reading you should always at least highlight or underline key words or quotations that you may use later in your essay

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Writing the Opening Paragraph

The introduction is a crucial part of the prose passage essay. This is because it’s what “sets the tone” of the essay and it’s what creates an impression for the reader.

Allocating more time to the opening than to one of the body paragraphs might be required.

The extra time needs to be spent to add clarity to your topic and establish that you fully understand the prompt.

Finally, it’s important to remember to check that you have included the:

-Author and Title -A response to the prompt -Techniques/elements that you will refer to

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Writing the Body

The body is an essential part of the prose passage essay. This portion of the essay is where you establish your understanding and analysis of the prompt or any other points you wish to come across to the reader.

It is also vital that you include specific references from the passage and it also encouraged to refer to it directly using quotation marks around the phrases that you take from the passage.

Lastly, it’s important to create transitions from one paragraph to another while using “echo words” in order to establish good “connective tissue”.

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Familiarize yourself with the different types of prose prompts.

Highlight the prompt and understand all the required tasks.

Time yourself carefully.Spend sufficient time “working the passage” before you

begin writing.Construct a strong opening paragraph.Use concrete details and quotes to support your ideas.Always stay on topic and avoid plot summary.Include transition words and proofread your essay.Use “Connective tissues” as well as echo words.