props describing them


Upload: mattbovill999

Post on 06-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Props describing them


Page 2: Props describing them


We used to the packages to keep the deal a mystery. With the packages obviously containing an object we kept the object inside unknown to keep the audience asking questions. The common theme of a thriller is usually crime based and with the deal containing drugs it shows that it is involving crime within it. With this deal being quite realistic and something that would most probably happen in real life this Is how suspense is built and sustained throughout the film.

Page 3: Props describing them

Bag with money in it

We chose this bag because it was black which has connotations of crime, death, mystery and the unknown which is what we tried to achieve when choosing all of our props. Also, we chose the bag because first of all we had a briefcase but we didn’t think it looked as appropriate to a plain black bag. The bag is more realistic and we want the film to be as realistic as possible to yet again build suspense.

Page 4: Props describing them

Fake money

Obviously, us members of the group haven’t got loads of money to just use in the film. So we had to print of the money off the internet and fill the bag with it all. We thought that having a bag full of money to exchange with that package would look quite realistic and when using the briefcase we didn’t think that looked as good because it looked to formal.

Page 5: Props describing them


We decided to use Bills car in the film because the colour of the car yet again had conations of a gangster, crime, mystery etc. We thought that using a car would look realistic as well instead of just walking up to the consumer. Also, it was quite effective in the film when revving the engine it looked quite good and realistic to what a gangster would do.

Page 6: Props describing them


We used a tracker in the film that the policeman put in the bag of money to add a little plot twist to the film. We thought if we added this into the film it wouldn’t just look very effective it would add a plot twist which will make the film much better. Also, having the policeman place a tracker in a constant crime committer shows initiative of the policeman and is quite realistic.