proposed development st paul’s church arcot street ... 1 parking survey! appendix 2 newydd housing...

acstro Proposed Development St Paul’s Church Arcot Street Penarth Parking Appraisal September 2017

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Page 1: Proposed Development St Paul’s Church Arcot Street ... 1 Parking Survey! Appendix 2 Newydd housing Association Developments Parking Survey! St Paul’s Church, Arcot Street, Penarth



Proposed Development St Paul’s Church

Arcot Street Penarth

Parking Appraisal

September 2017

Page 2: Proposed Development St Paul’s Church Arcot Street ... 1 Parking Survey! Appendix 2 Newydd housing Association Developments Parking Survey! St Paul’s Church, Arcot Street, Penarth

St Paul’s Church, Arcot Street, Penarth Parking Appraisal

Revision History 1095 Parking Appraisal.docx This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of our client and unless otherwise agreed in writing by Acstro Limited, no other party may copy, reproduce, distribute, make use of, or rely on the contents of the report. Acstro Limited assumes no responsibility to any other party in respect of or arising out of or in connection with this document and/or its content. © 2016 Acstro Limited Acstro Ltd., Ty Penbryn, Salem, Llandeilo, SA19 7LT T. 01558 824021 E. [email protected]

acstro Highways & Transportation Consultants

Issue 1 28th September 2017 Issue 2 29th September 2017

Table of Contents

1   Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1  2   Policy Context ................................................................................................................................. 1  3   Existing Conditions ........................................................................................................................... 3  4   Proposed Development ................................................................................................................. 5  5   Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... 7  


Appendix 1 Parking Survey  Appendix 2 Newydd housing Association Developments Parking Survey  

Page 3: Proposed Development St Paul’s Church Arcot Street ... 1 Parking Survey! Appendix 2 Newydd housing Association Developments Parking Survey! St Paul’s Church, Arcot Street, Penarth

St Paul’s Church, Arcot Street, Penarth Parking Appraisal

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1   Introduction

1.1   This document has been prepared in support of a planning application, submitted on behalf of Newydd Housing Association, in relation to the proposed redevelopment of St Paul’s Church, Arcot Street, Penarth.

1.2   The existing church provides some 650m2 of floorspace. The proposed redevelopment of the site will deliver mixed uses of some 332m2 of community space and 15 apartments for Housing Association tenants.

1.3   There are currently no off-street parking spaces within the site. However five off-street car parking spaces will be provided as part of the development together with cycle parking spaces for residents and users of the community space.

1.4   This Parking Appraisal considers the likely parking demand that will be generated by the proposed development and whether this can be accommodated by the parking provided within the development and the surrounding residential streets.

2   Policy Context Vale of Glamorgan adopted Local Development Plan (LDP) 2011 - 2026

2.1   Policy MD2 relates to the design of new developments and lists 12 requirements new developments are expected to meet. Of relevance to this Parking Appraisal would be (9) that the development meets the Council’s standards of amenity open space, car parking and servicing.

2.2   Policy MD5 relates to development within settlement limits and requires that the development has no unacceptable impact on, amongst others, traffic congestion and parking.

Vale of Glamorgan Parking Standards Supplementary Planning Guidance 2015

2.3   The Parking Standards SPG sets out the Council’s parking requirements for new developments. Parking requirements differ according to the location and relative accessibility of the development with areas of the Council allocated to one of five zones (zones 2 to 6). The application site is within zone 3.

2.4   For apartment developments 1 car parking space per bedroom is required (up to a maximum of 3 spaces per dwelling) together with 1 visitor parking space per 5 dwellings. The Parking Standards state that ‘for developments where clear evidence has been supplied that car ownership levels will be lower than normal, a more flexible approach to numbers of parking spaces may be taken’.

2.5   There are various uses within the Parking Standards that might apply to the existing permitted use of the church and the proposed community space use of the development. These fall within D1 land use classification (The Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987), which allows for clinics, health centres, crèches, day nurseries, day centres, schools, art galleries (other than for sale or hire), museums, libraries, halls, places of worship, church halls, law court. Non -residential education and training centres. A selection of the parking requirements for uses that fall within the D1 use class that might be suited to the St Paul’s Church site are reproduced below.

Use Parking Requirement Operational Non-operational

Assembly hall 1 commercial vehicle space 1 space per 10m2

Page 4: Proposed Development St Paul’s Church Arcot Street ... 1 Parking Survey! Appendix 2 Newydd housing Association Developments Parking Survey! St Paul’s Church, Arcot Street, Penarth

St Paul’s Church, Arcot Street, Penarth Parking Appraisal

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Health Centre/Surgery 1 space per practitioner 1 space per 3 ancillary staff & 3 spaces per practitioner

Churches & place of worship 1 commercial vehicle space 1 space per 10 seats or 1 space per 8m2 of praying floor space

Library 1 commercial vehicle space 1 space pre 45m2 Day nursery / crèche 1 commercial vehicle space 1 space per 2 full time staff

Table 1 Parking Standards SPG Requirements for Selected D1 Uses

2.6   Parking requirements may be reduced if the development scores a sufficient number of sustainability points. In this case the application site scores 7 points.

Access to more than two local facilities within 400m = 4 points Access to bus stop within 300m = 3 points Total = 7 points

2.7   The 7 sustainability points permits a reduction of 1 parking space per residential unit, albeit a minimum of 1 space per unit must be provided, and a 20% reduction in non-residential parking spaces.

TAN18 Transportation (2007)

2.8   Planning Policy Wales Technical Advice Note 18 (TAN18) details the Welsh Assembly Government’s policies in terms of transportation.

2.9   Paragraph 4.6 advises that maximum car parking standards should be used at regional and local level as form of demand management.

2.10   In paragraph 4.7 TAN18 advises that in determining maximum car parking standards for new development regard should be given to, amongst other things:

•   public transport accessibility •   opportunities for walking and cycling •   the availability in the general area of safe public on street and off-street parking •   the potential for neighbouring or mixed-use developments sharing parking

spaces at different times of the day or week.

2.11   Paragraph 4.13 deals specifically with the implementation of parking within new developments. It states that maximum parking standards should not be applied so rigidly that they become minimum standards and that maximum standards should allow developers the discretion to reduce parking levels. The potential for problems associated with overspill parking is recognised and applicants when undertaking a transport assessment are advised to assess the extent of existing on street parking pressures and the impact of the new development.

Manual for Streets

2.12   Paragraph 5.7 of TAN18 specifies that it is ‘Manual for Streets” (MfS) provides technical guidance on street design ‘and should be referred to by all organizations and professions engaged in designing new development’.

2.13   In 8.1.1 MfS states that accommodating parked vehicles is a key function of most streets particularly in residential areas and in 8.1.4 that parking can be provided on or off the street. The statements demonstrate that it is permissible to consider that the parking demand generated by new development can be catered for by on-street parking.

Page 5: Proposed Development St Paul’s Church Arcot Street ... 1 Parking Survey! Appendix 2 Newydd housing Association Developments Parking Survey! St Paul’s Church, Arcot Street, Penarth

St Paul’s Church, Arcot Street, Penarth Parking Appraisal

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2.14   Paragraph 8.3.6 states that parking provision below parking demand can work successfully where adequate on street parking controls are present and where residents can reach day-to-day destinations such as jobs, schools and shops without the use of a car. The appeal site is located close to the town centre where there is good public transport accessibility and where the services and facilities provided within the town centre can be easily accessed on foot or by bicycle. MfS suggests that for residents who choose not to own a car, living in such an area may be an attractive proposition.

3   Existing Conditions

Location & Accessibility

3.1   St Paul’s Church is located at the junction of Arcot Street and Chapel Lane in a predominantly residential area.

3.2   The site is some 400m / 5 minutes walk from Penarth’s town centre (measured to the junction of Windsor Road and Glebe Street) where a wide selection of services and facilties can be accessed.

3.3   There are a number of bus stops within 400m / 5 minutes walk of the site including one on High Street (60m from the site), Plassey Street (270m from the site) and Windsor Road (400m from the site). These stops provide access to regular and frequent bus services.

Bus Stop Location Bus Services High Street 95A / 95B Plassey Street 89A / 89B / 95A / 95B Windsor Road 92 / 92B / 93 / 94 / 94B / 95B / S51

Table 2 Bus Services Available from Nearby Bus Stops

3.4   Dingle Road railway station is some 750m walk from the application site which provides 4 trains per hour to and from Cardiff.

3.5   The site is in a sustainable and accessible location therefore with access to many services and facilities within easy walking (or cycling) distance and good access to regular and frequent public transport services.


3.6   There is no car parking currently provided within the site and all parking generated by its currently permitted use must be accommodated on the surrounding streets.

3.7   The surrounding streets are predominantly terraced residential homes with few properties having off-street parking. The majority of residents therefore rely on on-street parking. On-street parking is generally unrestricted.

3.8   A parking stress survey was undertaken of the streets surrounding the site on Wednesday 20th September 2017. The survey method was based on the industry standard “Lambeth Methodology” designed to record the maximum on-street parking demand of an area. The survey occurred at 1am, a time when most residents would be home, and covered the streets within some 200m / 2 minutes walk of the application site. The results of the survey are included as Appendix 1 and summarized below.

Appendix 1 Parking Survey

Page 6: Proposed Development St Paul’s Church Arcot Street ... 1 Parking Survey! Appendix 2 Newydd housing Association Developments Parking Survey! St Paul’s Church, Arcot Street, Penarth

St Paul’s Church, Arcot Street, Penarth Parking Appraisal

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3.9   The streets surveyed included the sections of Arcot Street, High Street and Glebe Street that are north of Plassey Street and the sections of Queens Road and Paget Street west of Steep Street. It is estimated that these sections of streets provide a total of 213 on street parking spaces1. A total of 191 cars were recorded parked within the survey area at the time of the survey meaning that there were 22 parking spaces still available.

St Paul’s Church – Existing Parking Demand

3.10   The impact of the proposed development must take account of the likely parking demand from the existing permitted use of St Paul’s Church. The permitted D1 use allows for clinics, health centres, crèches, day nurseries, day centres, schools, art galleries (other than for sale or hire), museums, libraries, halls, places of worship, church halls, law court. Non -residential education and training centres. A selection of the parking requirements for uses that fall within the D1 use class that might be suited to the St Paul’s Church were provided in Table 1.

3.11   The parking requirements for churches relate to the number of seats within. It is not known how many seats St Paul’s Church previously accommodated and for this reason the assessment of parking demand is based on the building’s use being as an assembly hall (as the requirement is simply related to floor area). A parking requirement of 1 space per 10m2 is set out by the Council’s Parking Standards SPG and on this basis the existing 650m2 of floor area would require 65 car parking spaces. A 20% reduction in parking provision is permitted by the Parking Standards due to the site’s surstainability resulting in a total requirement of 52 spaces. There is no off-street parking provided within the site and so the 52 car parking spaces would need to be accommodated on the surrounding streets.

1 Space per 10m2 (Based on Assembly Hall) = 65 spaces With permitted 20% reduction = 52 spaces

1 Based on each parking space being 6m long

Page 7: Proposed Development St Paul’s Church Arcot Street ... 1 Parking Survey! Appendix 2 Newydd housing Association Developments Parking Survey! St Paul’s Church, Arcot Street, Penarth

St Paul’s Church, Arcot Street, Penarth Parking Appraisal

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4   Proposed Development

4.1   The proposed development comprises of the demolition of the rear of the church with 15 apartments built in its place (12 one-bed apartments and 3 two-bed). The apartments will be managed by Newydd Housing Association and will provide affordable housing to local people.

4.2   Five car parking spaces will be provided for the use of the residents.

4.3   The front of the church building will be retained with some 332m2 of floorspace provided for community use.

Parking Standard Requirements

4.4   The Parking Standards SPG requirements for this development are as follows:

Residential 1 space per one-bed units = 12 Spaces 1 space per two-bed units* = 3 spaces * Applying permitted reduction of 1 space per unit 1 visitor space per 5 units = 3 spaces Community Use 1 Space per 10m2 (Based on Assembly Hall) = 33 spaces Applying Permitted 20% Reduction = 26 spaces Total = 44 spaces (5 on-site; 39 on-street)

4.5   Five parking spaces are provided on-site and therefore the on-street parking demand of the development is 39 spaces. This is less than the 52-space parking requirement of the existing permitted use and so the development will result in less pressure on on-street parking places.

4.6   Considering the parking demand generated by the D1 community use the floor area of the proposed community use is roughly half of the existing and consequently the parking demand that will be generated by the community use of the building is halved from 52 spaces to 26 spaces.

4.7   The introduction of the 15 apartments will introduce more demand for residential parking. Applying the parking standards strictly the requirement if for 15 spaces for residents and 3 visitor parking spaces. However, the Parking Standards allow for a more flexible approach where evidence can be supplied that the likely parking demand will be lower than usual (see 2.4). Evidence of lower than usual car parking demand has been gathered by reviewing Census data and by undertaking parking surveys of similar Newydd Housign Association developments.

4.8   The tables below provide information from the 2011 Census on the car ownership per household and by tenure in The Vale of Glamorgan authority area and the St Augustine’s Ward, where the site is located.

4.9   Throughout the county 19% of households have no access to a car. This figure varies considerably according to tenure type with only 11% of owned households having no access to a car. Almost five times as many (54%) of social rented households have no access to a car.

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St Paul’s Church, Arcot Street, Penarth Parking Appraisal

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4.10   The same pattern is evident within the local Ward with 59% of social rented households having no access to a car compared with 15% of owned households.

Cars or Vans All categories: Tenure

Owned or shared ownership (part owned

and part rented)

Social rented

Private rented or living rent free

No. of Households 53,505 38,772 6,354 8,379

No cars or vans in household 10,368 19% 4,266 11% 3,405 54% 2,697 32%

1 car or van in household 22,989 43% 16,393 42% 2,453 39% 4,143 49%

2 or more cars or vans in household 20,148 38% 18,113 47% 496 8% 1,539 18%

Table 3 Car/Van Availability by Tenure – Vale of Glamorgan

Cars or Vans All categories: Tenure

Owned or shared ownership (part owned

and part rented)

Social rented

Private rented or living rent free

No. of Households 3,187 2,063 123 1,001

No cars or vans in household 667 21% 313 15% 73 59% 281 28%

1 car or van in household 1,648 52% 1,058 51% 43 35% 547 55%

2 or more cars or vans in household 872 27% 692 34% 7 6% 173 17%

Table 4 Car/Van Availability by Tenure – St Augustine’s Ward

4.11   The Census figures are reinforced by the findings of a survey of four completed and occupied residential developments by Newydd Housing Association in The Vale of Glamorgan.

4.12   The four sites were visited in the early hours of the 20th September 2017 and the number of occupied parking spaces counted. The results, accompanied by photographs, are included in Appendix 2.

Appendix 2 Newydd housing Association Developments Parking Survey

4.13   The survey found that the average parking demand per unit across the four sites was 0.43 parking spaces per unit. On that basis the proposed 15 apartments will generate demand for 7 parking spaces. Five parking spaces are provided on site and therefore only two parking spaces need to be accommodated on-street. The parking stress survey found that there were some 22 available parking spaces in within 200m of the site and it is concluded that the anticipated overspill of 2 residential parking spaces can be adequately accommodated on the surrounding streets.

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St Paul’s Church, Arcot Street, Penarth Parking Appraisal

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5   Conclusion

5.1   The site is in a sustainable and accessible location. The existing site provides no off-street parking and so the parking generated by its permitted D1 use must be accommodated on the surrounding streets. Based on current parking standards the existing use of the site would generate a requirement for some 52 parking spaces.

5.2   The proposed redevelopment of the site for a mix of residential and community use will generate a parking requirement of 44 spaces if the Council’s Parking Standards are applied strictly. Five spaces will be provided on the site and therefore the on-street parking demand will be for 39 spaces, significantly less than the existing.

5.3   The 39 spaces assumes that the Council’s residential parking standards are applied strictly. However the Parking Standards allow for a more relaxed approach where there is evidence that parking demand will be lower than usual.

5.4   Evidence has been provided that shows that car ownership rates for social rented households in the Vale of Glamorgan and in the St Augustine’s Ward is significantly lower than usual. There is therefore no justification for applying parking standards that apply to open market housing to these social rented apartments.

5.5   Evidence from completed and occupied Newydd Housing Association developments within the Vale of Glamorgan show that parking developments across these sites is 0.43 spaces per unit. On the basis of this evidence the parking demand from the proposed 15 apartments will be for 7 spaces. Five can be accommodated on site and therefore the residential element of the development will take up only 2 on-street parking spaces. These can be accommodated by the surrounding streets.

5.6   In conclusion it is considered that the proposed development is appropriate in that it will generate less parking demand to the existing permitted use of the site. Parking surveys demonstrate that the parking demand can be accommodated within the streets and for this reason it is considered that the proposal is acceptable in highway terms.

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acstro Ymgynghorwyr Priffyrdd a Thrafnidiaeth Highways & Transportation Consultants




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acstroA First Issue 20-09-17


ON-STREET PARKING SURVEY1am Wednesday 20-09-2017

0021095 A

@ A31:1000Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright 2015. All Rights Reserved. License No. 100022432

Application Site

Queens Road South55m of kerb / 9 Parking SpacesAvailable9 Parked Vehicles Observed(100%)

Queens Road South30m of kerb / 5 Parking Spaces Available5 Parked Vehicles Observed (100%)

Queens Road North99m of kerb / 16 Parking Spaces Available14 Parked Vehicles Observed (88%)

Paget Street South126m of kerb / 21 Parking Spaces Available18 Parked Vehicles Observed (86%)

Paget Street North78m of kerb / 13 Parking Spaces Available

9 Parked Vehicles Observed (69%)

High Street North78m of kerb / 13 Parking Spaces Available

11 Parked Vehicles Observed (85%)

High Street East60m of kerb / 10 Parking Spaces Available

11 Parked Vehicles Observed (110%)

High Street to Arcot Street220m of kerb / 37 Parking Spaces Available

35 Parked Vehicles Observed (95%)

Arcot Street East116m of kerb / 19 ParkingSpaces Available24 Parked Vehicles Observed(126%)

Arcot Street Island67m of kerb / 11 Parking Spaces

Available11 Parked Vehicles Observed (100%)


Available parking spaces assumeseach parking space is 6m long


Parked Vehicle

Glebe Street East175m of kerb / 29 ParkingSpaces Available20 Parked Vehicles Observed(69%)

Glebe Street West180m of kerb / 30 ParkingSpaces Available24 Parked Vehicles Observed(80%)

Page 12: Proposed Development St Paul’s Church Arcot Street ... 1 Parking Survey! Appendix 2 Newydd housing Association Developments Parking Survey! St Paul’s Church, Arcot Street, Penarth

acstro Ymgynghorwyr Priffyrdd a Thrafnidiaeth Highways & Transportation Consultants




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Page 13: Proposed Development St Paul’s Church Arcot Street ... 1 Parking Survey! Appendix 2 Newydd housing Association Developments Parking Survey! St Paul’s Church, Arcot Street, Penarth

Parking Survey 20th September 2017 Observed Parking Levels 12pm – 1am




Site No of Units No of Parking Space No of Occupied Spaces Observed Parking Demand per Unit

Former Magistrates Court 52 50 23 0.46

Main Street, Barry 20 23 8

(2 parked cars visible)* 0.35*

Jacksons Quay, Barry 70 75 39 0.52

Merthyr Street, Barry 12 13 5 0.38

Average 0.43 Parking Spaces per Unit

* Access to car park prevented by locked gates. 17 of 23 parking spaces visible from gateway. Figures assume that the six unsighted spaces are occupied


Page 14: Proposed Development St Paul’s Church Arcot Street ... 1 Parking Survey! Appendix 2 Newydd housing Association Developments Parking Survey! St Paul’s Church, Arcot Street, Penarth

Parking Survey 20th September 2017 Observed Parking Levels 12pm – 1am



Photographs Former Magistrates Court

Main Street

Page 15: Proposed Development St Paul’s Church Arcot Street ... 1 Parking Survey! Appendix 2 Newydd housing Association Developments Parking Survey! St Paul’s Church, Arcot Street, Penarth

Parking Survey 20th September 2017 Observed Parking Levels 12pm – 1am



Jacksons Quay

Merthyr Street

Page 16: Proposed Development St Paul’s Church Arcot Street ... 1 Parking Survey! Appendix 2 Newydd housing Association Developments Parking Survey! St Paul’s Church, Arcot Street, Penarth

acstro Ymgynghorwyr Priffyrdd a Thrafnidiaeth Highways & Transportation Consultants