prophetic trends: november 2009

NOVEMBER 2009 Volume 1 Issue 1 Prophetic Trends MONITORING WORLD EVENTS THROUGH THE LENS OF SCRIPTURE National Sovereignty At Risk in Copenhagen by Jan Markell TREND: Global Government I think that most of us who have wondered why America is not prominent in the Bible in the last days now have our answer. Of course America did not exist in Bible times for anyone to write about. But surely the most powerful nation ever would have some veiled reference to it in the Bible. The answer is that we have a president trying to make America equal to every banana republic in the world. Galloping globalism, in fact, has almost every world leader acknowl- edging that all nations must be equal and play on a level field. There can be no superpowers. I am conservative when it comes to throwing out conspira- torial words and phrases. I have little patience with those who e-mail me items trying to con- vince me that George W. Bush and his administration looked the other way so that 9/11 could happen. Such nonsense does not need to be cluttering our minds. I even reacted when President George H.W. Bush threw out the term “new world order” years ago. But only those ignorant of God’s prophetic word—and par- ticularly in the book of Revela- tion—would deny that there is coming a new world system: A one-world government, one- world religion, one-world cur- rency, and one-world leader. ... continued on page 2 Stay Up-to-Date ONLINE THIS MONTH AN IMPERIAL STRATEGY FOR A NEW WORLD ORDER In the face of total global economic collapse, the prospects of a mas- sive international war are increasing. Histori- cally, periods of imperial decline and economic crisis are marked by increased international violence and war. The decline of the great European empires was marked by World War I and World War II, with the Great Depression taking place in the inter- mediary period. Read more online at THE RISE OF NUCLEAR IRAN Former Israeli Ambas- sador to the UN Dore Gold discusses his newest book, The Rise of Nuclear Iran. Dr. Gold explains that the West must not remain com- placent and allow Iran to develop the bomb. If Iran is allowed to de- velop nuclear weapons the safety and security of the entire western world is at risk. Watch the video online at ___________ STAY CONNECTED! The world is changing rapidly. Much of the news you watch will not report on the biblical significance of today’s headlines. Subscribe online to prophetic- and stay connected!

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Prophetic Trends is the monthly print publication, a ministry of Grace Church.


Page 1: Prophetic Trends: November 2009

NOVEMBER 2009 Volume 1 Issue 1


National Sovereignty At Risk in Copenhagenby Jan Markell

TREND: Global GovernmentI think that most of us who

have wondered why America is not prominent in the Bible in the last days now have our answer. Of course America did not exist in Bible times for anyone to write about. But surely the most powerful nation ever would have some veiled reference to it in the Bible.

The answer is that we have a president trying to make

America equal to every banana republic in the world. Galloping globalism, in fact, has almost every world leader acknowl-edging that all nations must be equal and play on a level fi eld. There can be no superpowers.

I am conservative when it comes to throwing out conspira-torial words and phrases. I have little patience with those who e-mail me items trying to con-vince me that George W. Bush and his administration looked the other way so that 9/11 could

happen. Such nonsense does not need to be cluttering our minds. I even reacted when President George H.W. Bush threw out the term “new world order” years ago. But only those ignorant of God’s prophetic word—and par-ticularly in the book of Revela-tion—would deny that there is coming a new world system: A one-world government, one-world religion, one-world cur-rency, and one-world leader.

... continued on page 2

Stay Up-to-Date

ONLINE THIS MONTHAN IMPERIAL STRATEGY FOR A NEW WORLD ORDERIn the face of total global economic collapse, the prospects of a mas-sive international war are increasing. Histori-cally, periods of imperial decline and economic crisis are marked by increased international violence and war. The decline of the great European empires was marked by World War I and World War II, with the Great Depression taking place in the inter-mediary period.

Read more online at

THE RISE OF NUCLEAR IRANFormer Israeli Ambas-sador to the UN Dore Gold discusses his newest book, The Rise of Nuclear Iran. Dr. Gold explains that the West must not remain com-placent and allow Iran to develop the bomb. If Iran is allowed to de-velop nuclear weapons the safety and security of the entire western world is at risk.

Watch the video online at


STAY CONNECTED!The world is changing rapidly. Much of the

news you watch will not report on the biblical

signifi cance of today’s headlines. Subscribe online to and stay


Page 2: Prophetic Trends: November 2009

Prophetic Trends | November 2009 Page 2

continued from page 1...

So I was not surprised when a Fox News head-line online stated, “Obama to Usher in New World Order at G-20.” Even ten years ago few thought that within a decade America would be tanking as it is now, due heavily to men and women in Wash-ington who have little regard for our Constitution and who are power-hungry. While we have always had ardent communists and socialists in America, few thought they would rise to some of the highest positions in the country.

The English version of the Russian Daily, Prav-da, wrote on April 27, 2009, “American capitalism gone without a whimper.” Quite shocking, isn’t it, since all of this happened almost overnight? The author, Stanislav Mishin, goes on to say, “It must be like the breaking of a great dam, the American descent into Marxism happening with breathtak-ing speed.”

Many in leadership in America feel the govern-ment must save us from ourselves. We are too foolish to make the right decisions, and govern-ment, which has become god, must make them for us with policies that are just plain evil. Some of our nation’s leaders want to micromanage every-thing we do and buy from cradle to grave. Ameri-ca has become Orwellian in just a few months.

A few months ago Barack Obama said to the U.N. General Assembly, “We have learned to be

citizens of the world, members of the human com-munity.” Let’s clarify that statement as Obama is saying that America is just another country with no moral basis for world leadership. Further, in his America-bashing around the world in just less than a year, he has implied or stated fi rmly that American is fl awed, so inherently sinful, that it cannot be trusted with, and does not merit the pos-session of overarching world power.

Furthering this road map to the one-world system be aware that in mid-December the “2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference will be held in Copenhagen. Many who have read the treaty to be signed at that meeting suggest that the purpose of it is really global government. Global warming and climate change will just be the vehicles used and most every nation, including America represented by Barack Obama will sign it. It advocates transferring the wealth from rich countries to the poor.

As astounding as it may sound, this treaty will trump our Constitution! Because of that, if Amer-ica is really to participate, the U.S. Senate must ratify it. The current Senate is a lackey to every left-wing cause in America and the world.

We do not yet know how this will play out. I can only encourage you to continue to pray with-out ceasing for our great nation. The powers of darkness are trying to consume America. Many on the Left are in favor of this. Only the righteous can turn things around—if there is yet time to do so.

I summarize by saying that up is down today. Down is up. Right is wrong. Evil is good. Truth is a lie and a lie is truth. Financial success is bad. Stealing cash from those who have achieved fi nancial success to redistribute the wealth is good. We’re all equal, but some of us in government are more equal than others.

We do not yet know how all of this—including Copenhagen—will play out. I can only encourage you to continue to pray without ceasing for our great nation. The powers of darkness are trying to consume America. Many on the Left are in favor of this. Only the righteous can turn things around—if there is yet time to do so. We must never give up because without hope, we perish.

Jan Markell is the founder of Olive Tree Ministries. To learn more or sign up for her free print or e-newsletter, visit her Web site,

National Sovereignty At Risk in Copenhagen

“Environmental alarmism is being exploited to chip away at national sovereignty. The latest threat to American liberties may be found in the innocu-ous sounding Copen-hagen Climate Treaty, which will be discussed at the United Nations climate-change confer-ence in mid-December. The alert was sounded on the treaty in a talk given by British com-mentator Lord Chris-topher Monckton at Bethel College in St. Paul, Minn., on Oct. 14. Video of the talk has become an Internet sensation.

The treaty’s text is not yet fi nalized but its principles are aimed at regulating all economic activity in the name of climate security, with a side effect that bil-lions of dollars would be transferred from pro-ductive countries to the unproductive.”

–Washtington Times Editorial“Green world government”

October 27, 2009

Lord Christopher Monckton’s Speech at Bethel College in St. Paul, MN

You will fi nd links to Lord Monckton’s speech by going to and click on the “Newsletter” link.

Page 3: Prophetic Trends: November 2009

Prophetic Trends | November 2009 Page 3

America is not a Constitutional Theoc-racy. It is not our place to try to advance the Kingdom of Heaven through man-made political systems.

As 21st Century Christians, we must work hard to fi nd a balance between our responsibilities as American citizens, and our higher calling as children of God. Our priority must be on the advancement of the gospel and on mak-ing disciples here in Central Iowa, across the United States, and around the world.

Many of the Christians in doctrinally conservative churches believe political

activism is as simple as working to get the next Republican elected. Maybe that’s the way things were 15 or 20 years ago, but this isn’t your father’s political environment.

American Christians fi nd themselves in a unique period of Church history. As a Constitu-tional Republic, we have no biblical precedence for reference. In the Old Testament, Israel was ruled and led by Judges, Kings and Prophets. In the New Testament, the Roman Empire ruled the known world. As an empire, Rome set the stan-dard for administrative effi cency. The Emporer, or Caesar, was viewed as a god-like person, and the military ruthlessly enforced the political agenda set by Rome.

America was founded as a country free from the trappings of monarchy and empire. The found-ing fathers viewed the European States as clear examples of how not to build a lasting govern-ment, and set out from the beginning to place the power in the hands of the people. Our politi-cal leaders would not be kings or emperors, but representatives elected by the people and for the people.

This places a special burden on the American citizen that has rarely existed in Church history. As Christian citizens, we are responsible to vote and elect representatives who will refl ect our biblical values and worldview. At the same time, America is not a Constitutional Theocracy. It is not our place to try to advance the Kingdom of Heaven through man-made political systems.

Jesus made it clear in His Great Commis-sion that believers are to “go into all the world and make disciples...” (Matthew 28:19-20). The Church in Acts set the example by keeping their focus on gospel outreach and impacting the world through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Perhaps the best illustration for American Christians is the Apostle Paul. As a Roman citizen, Paul held all of the political clout a man could have within the Roman Empire. The argu-ment could have been made (strongly) that Paul’s greatest contribution to the advancement of the gospel and the adoption of a biblical worldview would have been as a Roman citizen and politi-cal activist. Even within the early Church, Paul held strong political credentials. As a highly trained scholar and Pharisee, Paul would have

had a seat at the table within the Sanhedrin, the Jewish ruling council. His infl uence would have been tremendous, and he could have proven to be a strong voice for the gospel had he followed this path. Instead, however, Paul chose the way of the prisoner. As a minister of the gospel, Paul spoke unashamedly to the culture, not as a Roman citizen, or a highly trained Pharisee, but as a bond slave of Christ.

As 21st Century Christians, we must work hard to fi nd a balance between our responsibilities as American citizens, and our higher calling as children of God. Our priority must be on the ad-vancement of the gospel and on making disciples here in Central Iowa, across the United States, and around the world.

Does this mean we should turn our backs on politics and leave all things political to the unbe-lieving world? No! We have a voice, and we need to be heard. But understand two important points: 1) this cannot be our primary purpose in life, and 2) the political environment has become much more complicated than a simple two party system. Don’t assume that just because a certain candidate has a specifi c label behind their name (e.g. Demo-crat or Republican) that this candidate will repre-sent your values and worldview. Do your research and stay informed. Moreover, don’t hesitate to cast your vote for a candidate who truly represents your values, regardless of the party label.

The phrase “What Would Jesus Do” has come to mean a lot of things. Rather than ask “what would Jesus do,” perhaps a better question might be “what did Jesus do?” What did Jesus do when He ministered 2000 years ago? Did Jesus confront the Roman government and challenge their ruth-less authority? No. Did Jesus work to bring about a Jewish rebellion that could militarily challenge Rome? No. Did Jesus seek to bring about change through any political process? No. Jesus came as a lowly servant to heal the sick, minister to the hurt-ing, and save the lost. Most importantly, Jesus did not concern Himself with what impact He could have politically during His short time on earth. Instead, Jesus focused on eternity and on impact-ing the lives of a few ordinary men from Galilee who went out and changed the world.

Chris Eller is pastor of adult ministries for Grace Church in Des Moines, IA and the editor of Prophetic Trends and

Does G.O.P. Equal God’s Own Party?by Chris Eller

Page 4: Prophetic Trends: November 2009

Prophetic Trends | November 2009 Page 4

Prophetic Trends November 2009Volume 1 Issue 1

Editor: Chris Eller

Published byGrace Church4200 E. 25th StreetDes Moines, IA 50317(515) 265-0199

For continuing coverage on news related to biblical prophecy, log onto

Opinions expressed in this pub-lication do not necessary reflect the beliefs or opinions of Grace Church, and are provided for news and information purposes only. For a complete doctrinal statement and more information about Grace Church, visit us on the web at

“I exhort therefore, that, fi rst of all, supplica-tions, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.”–1 Timothy 2:1-2

Before it was recently removed by Face-book’s administrators, at least 730

people had the opportunity to vote in an on-line poll asking, “Should Obama be killed?” The results indicating how many people voted “yes”, “maybe”, “if he cuts my health care”, or “no” are no longer available because the question has been disabled, but the very fact that somebody would post a question of that tenor about the President of the United States is alarming.

Of course, it’s highly likely that a young Face-book user tossed up the question – a person with no appreciation for the seriousness of protect-ing the life of the President of the United States. When Secret Service shows up at this Facebook-er’s door–with no chuckling involved–the gravity of making an implied threat on a president’s life should get pretty clear.

Unfortunately, there are those on the Left who truly believe that conservatives want Barack Obama dead. There are those who consider Obama-protestors to be a vast conspiracy of insane gun-toting bigots. There are those who believe that this Facebook poll-creator who sug-gested Obama should be killed is just one repre-senting millions of homicidal right-wing nut jobs. The truth is that all conservatives in their right minds want Barack Obama to live and to live well throughout his entire presidency. The alternative is terrible to imagine.

Conservatives, and especially conservative Christians, should be praying fervently for Barack Obama. Whether or not he is leading well right now, whether or not Americans agree with his policies, whether or not his decisions themselves are good for America, President Obama desperate-ly needs prayer for protection and guidance. His safety is in America’s best interest, and his harm would tear America up from the inside out.

President Kennedy was assassinated on No-vember 22, 1963. Probably the most controversial

thing about him prior to his assassination was that he was a Roman Catholic. He made some good choices and some bad choices as a president, but for the most part he was liked as a handsome young man with a nice young family. In 1963, the United States was still bound together in a com-mon fear of the Soviets. For the most part, Ameri-cans still lived in solid family structures and had a basic sense of right and wrong. People lived in communities where folks all knew their neighbors and people kept an eye on each other’s children. Yet, even in that era, President Kennedy’s assas-sination tore the country up, stirring controversy and speculation that continues to the present day.

Today’s America is seriously polarized into conservative and liberal camps. The nuclear fam-ily is no longer a given, and many people may not even know the fi rst names of their next-door neighbors. The Cold War is over, Gitmo is to be emptied, and Americans are currently minus a common enemy to keep us all united. If President Obama were to be assassinated, the resulting rage could easily create a very dangerous, violent fi restorm. It wouldn’t even matter which people actually committed the crime, or what their true motivations were, one half the country would still blame the other half.

America needs a President Obama who makes good choices for the United States and leads the country well. We certainly have a duty to express our views to our elected offi cials and hold them accountable for their actions. We have the duty to tell them how we want them to vote on certain is-sues. But, whether we agree with them politically or not, we have a vital duty to hold our representa-tives up in prayer. And whether or not we agree with his policies, we all need to continue to pray for our President, and pray for God’s guidance and direction for him. Not only will his decisions af-fect us all, but he is–more simply–a human being for whom Christ died. After all, the ultimate battle is a spiritual one, and our greatest weapons are found on our knees.

“For we wrestle not against fl esh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiri-tual wickedness in high places.”–Ephesians 6:12

Chuck Missler is the founder of Koinonia House. To learn more or sign up for their free print or e-newsletter, visit their Web site,

God Protect President Obamaby Chuck Missler