proper hand washing


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Proper Hand Washing


Page 1: Proper Hand Washing

Proper Hand washing

Hand washing is important for not only healthcare workers, but the general public. Without proper hand washing technique, germs (pathogens) can spread at an alarming rate. Some germs are non-pathogenic and some are pathogenic. The skin is the first line of defense against germ invasion. Germs can enter through breaks in the skin, therefore infecting the person, or can be spread to another. When there is visible dirt a physical hand washing is necessary. The physical process of removing this dirt, blood or surface organisms is hand washing.

Men and women differ in the bacteria on their hands. Men have a more acidic skin because of a man’s sweat and oil glands, skin thickness and male hormones. Women tend to have a greater assortment of bacteria. Just the same, both need to have proper hand washing.

There are two general types of bacteria. The first is transient bacteria which has limited survival time. This kind originates from things that come into contact with the skin. The second is resident bacteria which has a deeper attachment to the skin. This kind is more resistant to washing, and antimicrobial agents are more effective.

It is necessary to prep for hand washing. Make sure there are clean disposable towels available for dying your hands. Be sure to remove any jewelry since jewelry harbors bacteria. Do not leave chipped nail polish on your fingernails and do not wear artificial nails. This can harbor bacteria and fungus. Avoid touching the sink and faucet handles after hand washing. Hands-off sensors are better for hand hygiene. Use the clean disposable towel to turn off the faucet. Use your elbow to push open a public restroom door if possible. If there is a handle, use your disposable towel as a barrier.

The routine should be: Wetting the hands with warm running water, Soap application, Lather well, For 15-20 seconds rub hands together getting the fingers, between fingers, thumbs, under fingernails and

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the back of the hands (sing “Happy Birthday” slowly once through), Rinse well, Towel off with disposable towel, Turn off the faucet with the towel as a barrier.

If alcohol based sanitizer is used, there must be no visible dirt on hands that would need to be washed off. Use at least a 60% alcohol sanitizer. Rub evenly all over palms, back of hands, on and between fingers, under nails, plus thumbs. Rub until dry.

With any sanitizing or washing, make sure that each hand thoroughly cleans the other. Sometimes one hand is dominant, therefore leaving one hand less clean. The thumb can easily be missed as well. Being careful to thoroughly cover each hand and crevice is important.

Hand washing is the most important factor in preventing the spread of disease. Great times to wash are anytime your hands are soiled, when returning from a public place, and before eating of any kind. Following this rule and raising children with this protocol sets a good example for good health and will keep your healthier.