project vba project guru (1)

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Post on 02-Jun-2018




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  • 8/11/2019 Project VBA Project Guru (1)


    Project VBA: How andWhy it canMake You a Project Guru!

  • 8/11/2019 Project VBA Project Guru (1)


    A Project Guru is not just a power user

    Project Gurus are great at managingand reporting on project inormation

    "ata management and reporting iswhat makes VBA so useu# and


  • 8/11/2019 Project VBA Project Guru (1)


    %od Gi##

    Microsot MVP or Project since &''()Most Va#ua*#e Proessiona#+

    Has o$er ,- years e.perience as a ProjectManager in /onstruction 0otware 1ngineeringand many other industries in *etween

    2rains Project Management and ad$ancedMicrosot Project courses

    Author o the *ook:VBA Programming forMicrosoft Oce Project Versions 98 through2007

  • 8/11/2019 Project VBA Project Guru (1)


    A Project Guru is not just a power user

    Project Gurus are great at managingand reporting on project inormation

    "ata management and reporting iswhat makes VBA so useu# and


  • 8/11/2019 Project VBA Project Guru (1)


    2his 0ession is a*outHow VBA he#ps you:

    Manipu#ate data

    3mport41.port data /reate custom %eports in 1.ce#

    Add unctiona#ity to Project

    Make you stand out as an e.pert

    Make you more money!

    5p ski## you to more jo* security

  • 8/11/2019 Project VBA Project Guru (1)


    You6## 7earn

    How Project VBA wi## he#p e#e$ate you toGuru status

    7essons rom some rea# #ie e.amp#es

    0ome code to get you going

    A road map to success with Project VBA

  • 8/11/2019 Project VBA Project Guru (1)


    How Project VBA wi## he#pe#e$ate you to Guru status

    He#ps you understand and use yourapp#ication *etter

    Makes you and your team more producti$e Adds $a#ue to your inormation

    1#iminates *oring and repetiti$e work

    Makes o##owing processes easier and

    more re#ia*#e Makes you more useu# and $a#ua*#e at work

    Makes you stand out as a Power 5ser4Guru

  • 8/11/2019 Project VBA Project Guru (1)


    VBA 8 More Bene9ts

    3 you know Project VBA 1.ce# VBA is easyto pick up

    7ets you integrate the power o Project and

    1.ce# a#most seam#ess#y Good schedu#ers #ike#y to ha$e the right

    aptitude to program in VBA

    /an *e used or any acti$e project

    Works with or without Project 0er$er

    VBA written or Project ' sti## works inProject ,;&; 8 so great compati*i#ity

  • 8/11/2019 Project VBA Project Guru (1)


    %ea# 7ie 7essons rom2wo Projects

    &< Mu#ti=company mu#ti=country mu#tip#eprograms o projects = outsourcing project

    ,< %e9nery upgrade

  • 8/11/2019 Project VBA Project Guru (1)



    &< When more than one person needs to usethe same 9#e:A Project>?pen e$ent shows the View and

    2a*#e reser$ed or the #ogged in user