project report (transient analysis)

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  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)





    July 05


    , 2011 - Noveme! 05



    LE"#A$A PEN$A#%IAN


  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)





    Pressure transient Analysis project has completed study of

    Area 456, well testing data based on contract number C88008,

    between !embaga Pengabdian "asyara#at $ %ni&ersitas 'slam

    (iau )!P"*%'(+ and P- Che&ron Paci.c 'ndonesia )P- CP'+- he

    wor# was conducted since /uly 6th, 0 until 1o&ember 5th,


    he project team would li#e to than# to P CP', which

    pro&ides an opportunity to carry out this project- his .nal report

    consists of hard copy and soft copy that is presented as part of

    the contract-

    Pe#anbaru, 1o&ember


    #u!h*+u+, SE, ".S

    %!e/to! LP"-UIR

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)





    !' 3 3'%(2-----------------------------------------------------------------------------&

    !' 3 A7!2-----------------------------------------------------------------------------&iii

    22C%'92 %""A(:-------------------------------------------------------------------;


  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    >- "ethodology PA of 3all o est-----------------------------------------

    .2.1 P'T *+ Pet!o4hy/ %*t*..............................................15

    .2.1 6ell Tet+7 %*t*...................................................................16

    .2. o!+e! Plot A+*ly U+7 E/!+ v3.12.08


    .2.3 %*7+ot/ A+*ly...............................................................20

    .2.5 Autom*t/ Ty4e Cu!ve "*t/h+7 (ATC")..................21

    >-> "ethodology PA of Pressure 7uild %p )P7%+ est-------------

    ..1 P'T *+ Pet!o4hy/ %*t*..............................................23

    ..2 6ell Tet+7 %*t*...................................................................23

    ..2 "*+u*l o!+e! Plot A+*ly...........................................25

    .. o!+e! Plot A+*ly U+7 E/!+ v3.12.08


    ..3 %*7+ot/ A+*ly...............................................................28

    ..5 Autom*t/ Ty4e Cu!ve "*t/h+7 (ATC")..................30

    >-4 tatic 7ore -5


    4- 3all* est------------------------------------------------------------------------>5

    4- Pressure 7uild %p est--------------------------------------------------------4

    4-> tatic 7ore

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    3.3.3 Shut + Tme Re/omme+*to+......................................65


  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    3igure 4-4 =irect "easurement Pressure =ata at A*and----------46

    3igure 4-5 =irect "easurement Pressure =ata at 7*and----------46

    3igure 4-6 =irect "easurement Pressure =ata at 7*and----------4@

    3igure 4-@ =irect "easurement Pressure =ata at =*and-----------4@

    3igure 4-8 abulation #in of A*and-----------------------------------------5>

    3igure 4-D abulation #in of A*and-----------------------------------------5>

    3igure 4-0 abulation #in of 7*and---------------------------------------54

    3igure 4- abulation #in of 7*and---------------------------------------54

    3igure 4- abulation #in of =*and-----------------------------------------55

    3igure 4-> abulation #in of *and-----------------------------------------56

    3igure 4-4 abulation #in of All and---------------------------------------56

    3igure 4-5

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)



    able >- the =etails 'n&alid of ?C 3---------------------------------------6

    able >- the =etails 9alid of ?C 3------------------------------------------@

    able >-> the =etails 'n&alid of ?C P7%---------------------------------------@

    able >-4 the =etails 9alid of ?C P7%------------------------------------------@

    able >-5 !ist Eell 'n&alid of ?C P7%-------------------------------------------8

    able >-6 the (esult of ?C 7-@ the (esult of ?C -8 the =etails of 'n&alid -D Petrophysics =ata of >=*6> )area 05+, A*and-----------

    able >-0 P9 =ata of >=*6> )area 05+, =*and------------------------

    able >- /ob !og perator of >=*6> )area 05+, =*and------------4able >- =*6> )area 05+, =*and


    able >-> =*6>

    )area 05+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------@

    able >-4 =iagnostic Analysis (esult of >=*6> )area 05+, =*and


  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    able >-5 elected Analytical "odels in aphir of >=*6> )area

    05+, =*and---------------------------------------------------------------------------D

    able >-6 Automatic ype Cur&e "atching )AC"+ (esult of >=*

    6> )area 05+--------------------------------------------------------------------------D

    able >-@ Petro physics =ata of 4A*6D )Area 06+ 7*and--------->0

    able >-8 Eell est

    able >-0 5

    able >- =iagnostic Analysis (esult of 4A*6D )Area 06+ 7*and


    able >- Automatic ype Cur&e "atching )AC"+ (esult of 4A*

    6D )area 06+-------------------------------------------------------------------------->8

    able >-> !ist well of

    able 4- (esult 3 at A*and-------------------------------------------------44

    able 4-> (esult 3 at 7*and-------------------------------------------------45

    able 4-4 (esult 3 at 7*and-------------------------------------------------46

    able 4-5 (esult 3 at =*and---------------------------------------------------4@

    able 4-6 (esult 3 at *and---------------------------------------------------4@

    able 4-@ (esult P7% at A*and-------------------------------------------------48

    able 4-8 (esult P7% at A*and-------------------------------------------------4D

    able 4-D (esult P7% at 7*and-------------------------------------------------50

    able 4-0 (esult P7% at 7*and-----------------------------------------------5

    able 4- (esult P7% at =*and-------------------------------------------------5

    able 4- =etail of 3 and P7% est----------------------------------------55

    able 4-> =etail Con.dence of 3 and P7% est----------------------5@

    able 4-4 Complete Eell------------------------------------------------------------56

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    able 4-5 Complete est =istribution-----------------------------------------56

    able 4-6 hut in time 3 and P7%------------------------------------------@

    Appendi; "iddle Con.dence of 3----------------------------------------@@

    Appendi; 4 Con.dence f P7%---------------------------------------------------@8


    Pressure ransient Analysis is one of methods to obtain

    reser&oir parameters surrounding wellbore, such asG

    permeability, s#in, coeHcient of wellbore storage, reser&oir

    pressure and reser&oir boundary- 7est e&aluation can be obtained

    if it is supported by complete data- his study includes 3all*

    est )3+, Pressure 7uild up est )P7%+, tatic 7ottom

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    pecially for the analysis of 3 and P7%, the project team

    used 2crin software 4--06 &ersion- Assumptions used in this

    analysis are homogeneous, radial Jow, and in.nite acting

    reser&oir-And the result of 3 and P7% test, the a&erage of

    pressure, s#in, permeability, and wellbore storage can be seen in

    the tables- he permeability and s#in at 7*and is highest and

    *sand is lowest- Project time recommends the a&erage of shut*in

    time is > hours fot 3 and @ hours for P7% test


  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    measuring the pressure change &ersus time in one or more wells

    in the reser&oir-


    'n&estment in Petroleum industry reBuires a high technology,

    high ris# as well as high cost- herefore in order to ha&e right

    decision, it is &ery important to use good planning and supported

    by accurate data- therwise, the in&estment will be useless

    without signi.cant result- 3or e;ample, the accurate data is

    necessary for well stimulation or determine of injection &olume-

    3irst, the project team needs to #now well characteristics such as

    permeability, s#in, Jow eHciency, radius in&estigation, boundary,

    fault presence in around of wellbore and bottom hole pressure-

    7ased on that case, the project team needs a method to get

    mentioned parameters, such as pressure build up, fall o test,

    hall plot and static bottom hole pressure- 2ach method will gi&e

    same parameters such as abo&e, e;cept

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    of science technology- 3inally, this cooperation carried out at the

    ne;t time, and the human resources de&elopment at the

    uni&ersity will be better in the future-


    As an e&aluation of A456 3 and P7% data

    As a reference in the current design of 3 and P7% test for

    the ne;t job

    o optimiIe of 3 and P7% job in area 456 in the future

    o get of update reser&oir pressure database with most recent

    direct measurement points

    o &isualiIe historical trend of each producti&e layer

    )historical chart and contour map+




    2.1 U+ve!t* Il*m R*u (UIR)

    he College is better #nown as %'(, founded by :!P' (iau

    eptember 4th, D6 and inaugurated by "inister of (eligious

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    Aairs as outlined in the charter which was signed on April 8th,


    9ision of the 'slamic %ni&ersity f (iau

    'slamic %ni&ersity f (iau Making a superior Riau Islamic

    University and Leading In Southeast Asia In 2020

    "ission of the 'slamic %ni&ersity f (iau

    a- Pro&ide education and Buality research to support national


    b- Community ser&ice that is consistent with the philosophy of

    the uni&ersity

    c- row and de&elop a healthy academic life and to build

    de&elopment of science, technology, and humanities with an

    insight into the islamitation and the 'ndonesian

    d- Play an acti&e role in creating ci&il campus by optimiIing

    e;isting resources

    he goal of 'slamic %ni&ersity of (iau is to build a human being

    &irtuous and sincere throughout the teachings of 'slam, a capable

    and ha&e the con&iction, is responsible for the welfare of the

    'ndonesian people, especially the world generally in the practice

    of science, technology and art and too# oHce in order to remain

    faithful to Allah and

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    and mission of the %'( as its parent institution that has made %'(

    9ision 00-

    As stated in the statutes of the %'( 9ision 00 isG !eing a

    superior Islamic University and leading in Southeast


    'n connection with the !P" %'( formulate 9''1 00 as followsG

    "L#M $ecomes a$sor$er as relia$le science and

    technology %or rural communities o% Southeast Asia in2020"

    his &ision is e;pressed with the sloganG

    "Science in the service and devolution to science"

    o achie&e that &ision !P" %'( has mission as followsG

    a- =e&elop a more resilient institutional !P"

    b- 7eing a facilitator for the de&elopment of academic %'(

    application of science and technology-

    c- =irecting, implement, coordinate, monitor and access the

    implementation of community ser&ice acti&ities by academics


    d- o de&elop programs for the utiliIation of science and

    technology, religion and socio*cultural for humans and the


    As an element of academic e;ecutor has the tas# of !P"G

    a- upport the &ision and mission in the 00 %'( aspects of

    de&olution to community-

    b- Assist the (ector in planning, implementing and controlling the

    acti&ities of community ser&ice

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)



  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)



    P!eu!e T!*+e+t A+*ly Stuy

    ransient well testing is a reser&oir description and e&aluation

    method used to obtain dynamic reser&oir properties- 't is a

    &aluable tool that, li#e all other indirect determination methods,

    should be used with understanding of the physical concepts

    behind well testing and succeeds non uniBueness of the

    solutions- ransient well testing should be used with complete

    understanding of the geological and operational aspects of the

    .eld- 't is often necessary to run se&eral types of transient tests

    and integrate their result with other characteriIation methods to

    obtain a &alid description of the reser&oir- 'nterpretation of well

    test relies on identifying &arious Jow regimes, calculating initial

    reser&oir system properties from these Jow regimes and history

    matching the entire test using an appropriate reser&oir model,

    the initial estimates and regression analysis- "ost of the models

    currently in use are analytical but the technology is mo&ing

    towards the use of numerical modeling-

    ransient testing is the general case that encompasses

    measurement of Jow rates and pressure under &arious

    conditions- Assume a well is producing oil at a constant rate of B7= for a period of tphours- 'f the well is shut*in, the bottom

    hole pressure of the well will be decrease )draws down+ as

    production begins and will increase )build up+ when the well is


  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    a noisy e;periment that may be run to indirectly determine the

    dynamic reser&oir properties->

    .1 u*lty Co+t!ol %*t*

    =ata from user )P CP'+ must be passed ?C process before it

    can be analyIed- his data is categoriIed based on type of the

    test, i-e- P7% analysis, 3 analysis, 7

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    7h u*lty%*t*

    Re4o!t P!eu!eT!*+e+t A+*ly

    St*!t P!eu!eT!*+e+t A+*ly

    Co+;!m to CPITo 7et /om4lete*t* e to!y P

    ? T 4lot, P!eu!e

    %e!v*tve Ch*!t,



  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    F7u!e .1 u*lty Co+t!ol %*t* Flo= Ch*!t

    T*le .1 the %et*l I+v*l o< C FOT

    3rom the table abo&e, has 84 data, total in&alid >@ data-

    'n&alid or couldnLt analyIe becauseG

    * > case duplicate* @ case *and, dropped by user* @ two layer* >6 cases 1o (ow data, presence dierent data between job log

    and as .le-* 8 case Eellbore =ynamic, if occur change pressure because

    of presence wellbore dynamic, so this is associated with

    wellbore pressure, not reser&oir pressure-* cases 3 too early, if test too early process-* 5 incomplete job or failure 3P7% test- Problem when

    running the test, such as memory gauge canLt go down-

    he ne;t analyIed the project teams found out some of wells in

    two or three areas- 't caused by G* Erong copy data to area )from original data+* 1othing information at job log* Change status sand area ) layer be multi*layer+* After the ne;t analyIed, the project team found if the original

    data has dierent row data, and ne;t learn, the project team

    got if data actually was not &alid or wellbore dynamic- o total

    in&alid data became 4@, and remaining >@ is &alid data- Ee

    will see at the table >- for the &alid data-

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    T*le .2 the %et*l '*l o< C FOT

    .1.2 C P#U

    3or P7% data, the project team recei&ed .rst data as muchas > set data, and the second data as much as 5 set data, so

    total all of them are >@ set data- he project team analyIed, and

    found out 6 in&alid data at st data, two of them is elisa*sand

    and in&alid data at the second data- he project team can see

    at table >->, table >-4, and table >-5 to more details-

    T*le . the %et*l I+v*l o< C P#U

    T*le .3 the %et*l '*l o< C P#U

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    T*le .5 Lt 6ell I+v*l o< C P#U

    .1. C S#P

    ?C 7

    -6- 3rom the table, the project team get information

    total Eell is 4, total set data is 46, which could analyIed is >6

    data and couldnLt AnalyIed is 6 data

    T*le .8 the Reult o< C S#P

    .1.3 C *ll Plot


  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    According to this article, the e;amination of the -8

    T*le .@ the Reult o< C *ll Plot

    T*le . the %et*l o< I+v*l *ll Plot

    .2 "ethoolo7y PTA o< F*ll oB Tet

    A fall o test is meassuring the pressure decline subseBuentto the closure of an injection- 't is conceptually identical to a

    build up test- As with injection test, fall o test interpretation is

    more diHcult if the injected Juid is dierent from the original

    reser&oir Juid-4

    bjecti&e 3all o estG determine Permeability, s#in around

    injection well, Jow eHciency and static reser&oir pressure- 'n the

    operation of a waterJood program, it becomes necessary to

    4"odern Eell est Analysis

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    determine injection capacity through the e&aluation of indi&idual

    injection well performance- Eith the occurrence of a decrease in

    a particular wellLs injection, and need arises for a direct

    calculation of capacity loss or wellbore damaged-

    (eser&oir undergoing water Jooding for a long period of time

    ha&e a larger area around the injection wells at the residual oil

    saturation )i-e-, only water is Jowing+- 3all o test in these wells

    are &ery similar to buildup tests which were discussed earlier

    e;cept that water is the single Jowing phase and we usually

    ha&e a constant pressure outer boundary around these wells

    )since they are usually surrounded by producers+-

    'n the course of normal operations then, a pressure fall*o

    test is usually run on the problem well to determine the e;istence

    and e;tent of damage- hese test are lengthy, time consuming

    and costly- he proposed method of e&aluation can yield

    indications of the e;tent and nature of injection loss without the

    use of fall*o tests- he method presented in&ol&es the

    interpretation of routine monthly injection data for all reBuired

    calculations and eecti&ely eliminates con&entional testing

    procedures in a normal water Jooding program-

    3igure >-> is methodology of P7% and 3- Commonly, the

    project team begin from MstartN and plot data using manual

    calculation with e;cel- hen e&aluate manual result by

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)




    Ev*lu*te Tet y

    E/!+ v3.12.08




    Plot %*t* U+7m*+u*l /*l/ul*to+

    =th E/el

    Ev*lu*te "*+u*lReult

    y o!+e! Plot

    I+4ut %*t* to E/!+v3.12.08

    "*9e C*!te*+ PlotReult D &, S, !, C,

    P, et/

    Com4*!e "*+u*lReult *+ E/!+



  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    F7u!e .2 "ethoolo7e o< P#U *+ FOT Flo= Ch*!t

    o clearly, the project team ta#e one case at =ell %-8 (*!e*

    05), %-S*+

    .2.1 P'T *+ Pet!o4hy/ %*t*

    his section discusses basic data pro&ided by CP' that used

    in the well test interpretation- he data was gi&en by CP' and

    used in the well test interpretation- he petrophysics data was

    also pro&ided by CP' where the &alue of the reser&oir thic#ness

    based on the oil net pay of sand- he petrophysics data isshown in table >-D

    T*le . Pet!o4hy/ %*t* o< %-8 (*!e* 05), A1-S*+

    he summary of the P9 data is listed intable >-8

    T*le .10 P'T %*t* o< %-8 (*!e* 05), %-S*+

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    .2.1 6ell Tet+7 %*t*

    he well test operation in >=*6> Area 05 of =*and is

    conducted o&er the and with the perforation inter&al

    >0*>4 ft 9= at @ in (7P Pac#ers hangO00 ft- he total

    length of perforation inter&al was 4 ft in 9=- he fall o

    period lasted for > hours- he details seBuence of e&ents of the

    well testing operation can be seen in able >-- he well test

    history plot and operator job log is shown in the .gure >-4

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    F7u!e . to!y Plot P!eu!e (P), Lu R*te (ST#G%) v Tme


    3igure >-> is recorded pressure data plot- 't is will be used to

    e;amine wellbore dynamic- Eellbore dynamic is anything that

    happened in or near the wellbore that will aect the recorder

    pressure- "any, but not all, o these MwellboreN transients occur

    at &ery early time- heir detection and documentation has been

    facilitated by the ad&ent of electronic pressure recorders- hese

    recorders are so accurate that they will detect these wellbore

    eects &ery clearly, and can easily be misinterpreted as

    Mreser&oirN eect- 'ndeed, the whole thrust of our .eld of

    engineering is to interpret the Mreser&oirN, by using pressures

    recorded in a MwellboreN- his often places the reser&oir and the

    wellbore in a tug*of*war, and the project team .nd that, &ery

    often, MwellboreN transients will distort, or e&en, dominate our

    Mreser&oirN transient- his is not surprising in &iew of the fact that

    in this tug*of*war, the wellbore has a distinct ad&antage o&er the

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    reser&oir because this highly sensiti&e recorder is sitting in the

    wellbore and not in the reser&oir-Eellbore dynamic can be caused by many factor, such as

    !iBuid 'nJu; 2u;, phase (edistribution, Eellbore )and near

    wellbore+ Clean*%p, dierences between drawdown and build up,

    plugging, recorder eects and mysterious eects- he .rst thing

    we should do when analyIe fall o test is e;amining this wellbore

    dynamic phenomena-

    T*le .11 Jo Lo7 O4e!*to! o< %-8 (*!e* 05), %-S*+

    .2.2 "*+u*l o!+e! Plot A+*ly

    3irst of step, determine s#in &alue, permeability, and other

    parameters, using manual -4 and table >-

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    T*le .12 o!+e! Plot A+*ly Reult o< %-8 (*!e* 05), %-S*+

    F7u!e .3 "*+u*l o!+e! Plot A+*ly o< %-8 (*!e* 05), %-S*+

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    .2. o!+e! Plot A+*ly U+7 E/!+ v3.12.08 (S*4h!)

    econd of step, determine s#in &alue, permeability, and

    other parameters, using -5 and able >->

    F7u!e .5 o!+e! Plot A+*ly =th So

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    .2.3 %*7+ot/ A+*ly

    1e;t of step, determine s#in &alue, permeability, and other

    parameters, using =iagnostic Analysis with 2crin &4--06

    )aphir+, it can be seen in 3igure >-6 and table >-4 below

    1E-4 1E-3 0.01 0.1 1,ime QhrR





    F7u!e .8 %*7+ot/ A+*ly o< %-8 (*!e* 05), %-S*+

    T*le .13 %*7+ot/ A+*ly Reult o< %-8 (*!e* 05), %-S*+

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    .2.5 Autom*t/ Ty4e Cu!ve "*t/h+7 (ATC")

    7ased on 3low (egime 'denti.cation analysis, below table is

    Analytical "odel that selected in FAPPA aphir"oftware- !ast of

    step, determine s#in &alue, permeability, and other parameters,

    using Automatic ype Cur&e "atching with 2crin &4--06

    )aphir+, it can be seen in 3igure and able below-

    F7u!e .@ Autom*t/ Ty4e Cu!ve "*t/h+7 (ATC") o< %-8 (*!e* 05)

    T*le .15 Sele/te A+*lyt/*l "oel + S*4h! o< %-8 (*!e* 05), %-


    T*le .18 Autom*t/ Ty4e Cu!ve "*t/h+7 (ATC") Reult o< %-8

    (*!e* 05)

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    . "ethoolo7y PTA o< P!eu!e #ul U4 (P#U) Tet

    'n a build up test, a well which is already Jowing ideally at

    constant rate+ is shut in and the downhole pressure is measured

    as the pressure build up- Analysis of build up test often reBuires

    only slight modi.cation of the techniBues used to interpret

    constant rate drawdown test- he practical ad&antage of a build

    up test is that the constant Jow rate condition is more easily

    achie&ed )since the Jow rate is Iero+- 7uild up test also ha&e


    - 't may be diHcult to achie&e the constant rate production

    prior to the shut in- 'n particular, it may be necessary to close

    the well brieJy to run the pressure tool into the hole

    - Production is lost while the well is shut in

    bjecti&e analysis P7% is to determineG

    Permeability absolute and permeability eecti&e roc#


    #in 3actor

    3low 2Hciency

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    P initial and P a&erage at reser&oir

    9olume radius in&estigation

    pace sector fault from well

    "ethodology P7% already e;plain in .gure >->- for further, the

    project team ta#e one case at=ell3A-8 (*!e* 08) #2-S*+-

    ..1 P'T *+ Pet!o4hy/ %*t*

    his ection discusses basic data pro&ided by P- CP' that

    used in the well test interpretation- he P9 data was gi&en byP- CP' and used in the well test interpretation- he summary of

    the P9 data is listed in table >-0- he petro physics data also

    pro&ided by P- CP', where the &alue of the reser&oir thic#ness is

    based on the oil net pay of >D0 sand- he petro physics data it

    shows by table >-@

    T*le .1@ Pet!o 4hy/ %*t* o< 3A-8 (A!e* 08) #2-S*+

    ..2 6ell Tet+7 %*t*

    he well test operation in 4A*6D Area 06 of 7*and is

    conducted o&er the >D0 and with the perforation inter&al4@*4 ft 9= at @ in (7P Pac#ers hangO>8@-@4 ft- he

    total length of perforation inter&al was 5 ft in 9=- he build

    up is conducted after the cleanup processK the buildup period

    lasted for 6 hours- he details seBuence of e&ents of the well

    testing operation can be seen in .gure >-8 and table >-8

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    T*le .1 6ell Tet to!y Plot o< 3A-8 (A!e* 08) #2-S*+ *t "*!/h

    0, 2011

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    F7u!e . 6ell Tet Seue+/e o< Eve+t

    ..2 "*+u*l o!+e! Plot A+*ly

    3irst of step, determine s#in &alue, permeability, and other

    parameters, using manual -0 and table >-D

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    F7u!e . "*+u*l o!+e! Plot A+*lye

    T*le .1 "*+u*l o!+e! Plot A+*ly Reult o< 3A-8 (A!e* 08) #2-


    .. o!+e! Plot A+*ly U+7 E/!+ v3.12.08 (S*4h!)

    econd of step, determine s#in &alue, permeability, and

    other parameters, using - and table >-0

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    F7u!e .10 o!+e! Plot A+*ly =th So

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    T*le .20 o!+e! Plot A+*ly Reult =th So- and table >-

    F7u!e .11 %*7+ot/ A+*ly

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    he type cur&e at figure abo&e show the log log plot of log )Sp+

    and deri&ati&e &s- log )St+- he deri&ati&e shown is the absolute

    &alue of the slope of the semi log plot, but plotted on the log log

    plot- here are many information that the project team can get

    from this type cur&e that isG

    * Ehen the data is in the straight line with slope , it is wellbore

    storage- he project team #nows nothing about the reser&oir-

    * Ehen the model becomes a straight line in semi log plot, the

    deri&ati&e becomes a horiIontal line- 't show the in.nite acting


    * 3rom this Jow regime, the project team can get permeability of

    the reser&oir

    * he separation between the two cur&es can tell us the &alue of

    damage of reser&oir )s#in+

    * Ehere the Jat ends and ta#e o, it show the boundary of the


    * 'f increasing e;treme end cur&e is boundary dominated Jow

    regime- his Jow regime indicates the shape of the reser&oir

    boundary- 3rom this, the project team can learn about how far

    is the boundary and #now the drainage area of this well-

    T*le .21 %*7+ot/ A+*ly Reult o< 3A-8 (A!e* 08)


  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    ..5 Autom*t/ Ty4e Cu!ve "*t/h+7 (ATC")

    7ased on 3low (egime 'denti.cation analysis, the table

    below is Analytical "odel that selected in FAPPA aphir"


    T*le .22 Sele/te A+*lyt/*l "oel + S*4h! o< 3A-8 (A!e* 08) #2-


    !ast of step, determine s#in &alue, permeability, and other

    parameters, using Automatic ype Cur&e "atching with 2crin

    &4--06 )aphir+, it can be seen in .gure >-> and table >->

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    Figure 3.12 Automatic Types Curve Matching ATCM! o< 3A-8 (A!e* 08) #2-S*+

    T*le .22 Autom*t/ Ty4e Cu!ve "*t/h+7 (ATC") Reult o< 3A-8

    (*!e* 08)

    .3 St*t/ #o!e ole P!eu!e (S#P)

    "ethodology of 7

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    - Collect data 7, hall presented a system of analyIing the

    performance of injection wells using better #nown as

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    recogniIing any formation damage as e&ident by the

    accompanying drop in injecti&ity which is seen to a rise in the


  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    can be used to Bualitati&ely interpret what is happening in the

    reser&oir when changes occur in the slope of the cur&e-

    hat is methodological

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    b- Area 05

    * 3ill up G >0 Eell 1o .ll up G >0 Eell,

    c- Area 06

    * 3ill up G >0 Eell 1o .ll up G Eell,

    o, otal .ll upG 84 and 1o 3ill %p @

    T*le .2 Lt =ell o< *ll Plot



  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    3.1 F*ll-OB Tet

    (esult con.dence of the .nal 3 test is D wells, with >@

    &alid test data- 3 acBuisition location to all data can be seen at

    the .gure 4-

    F7u!e 3.1 FOT A/uto+ Lo/*to+

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    he &alid tests data can di&ide into high con.dence are 50

    tests, middle con.dences are D tests and low con.dence are 68

    tests- Ee can see at appendi;


    T*le 3.1 Reult FOT *t A1-S*+

    7ased on 3 test in A*and, the project teams getG

    F 9alue from 45 m= until @40 m=-

    #in 9alue from *0- until >0- his formation ha&e indication

    damage e;cept 5C*86 )area 04+ "arch >, 008 ha&e &alue

    s#in is *0-

    P reser&oir is heterogenic

    Eellbore storage ha&e a&erage 0-84

    'ndication Eells close by fault is 4=* )area 05+ /uly , 006


  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    T*le 3.2 Reult FOT *t A2-S*+

    7ased on 3 test in A*and, the project teams getG

    F 9alue from m= until D6@0 m=, which at 57*5 )area 06+

    /anuary 0@, 00@ has &alue F only m=, because lowest rate

    as compared to other wells-

    #in 9alue from *>-@4 until 88-8- his formation has indication

    damage e;cept 57*5 )area 06+ "arch >, 00@ ha&e &alue

    s#in is *>-@4

    P reser&oir is heterogeneous

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    Eellbore storage has a&erage 0-48

    'ndication Eells close by fault are >=*86 )area 05+ "ay 5,

    006 and >=*86)area 05+ /uly D, 00D


    T*le 3. Reult FOT *t #1-S*+

    7ased on 3 test in 7*and, the project team getsG

    F 9alue from >8 m= until @850 m=,

    #in 9alue from *4-05 until *0-08- his formation is not


    P reser&oir is heterogenic

    Eellbore storage has a&erage 0->>

    At >=*@ )area 05+ "arch , 008 ha&e F is bigger than other

    well, that is @580 m=, so that con.dence this well is low


    7ased on 3 test in 7*and, the project teams getG

    F 9alue from 45 m= until 4060 m=,

    #in &alue is from *-6> until >45- his formation has

    indication damage e;cept 47*>> )area 06+ "arch , 006

    with s#in *-6>, 47*>> )area 06+ /anuary 08, 006 with s#in

    *-84, 4C*>D )area 05+ 1o&ember @, 005 with s#in *-6, 47*

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    >> )area 06+ "ay >0, 006 with s#in *-0D and >=*@ )area 05+

    April 0, 00@ with s#in *0-0

    P reser&oir is heterogeneous

    Eellbore storage ha&e a&erage 0-00D

    'ndication Eells close by fault are >=*8> )area 05+ ctober ,

    005K >=*D8 )area 05+ "arch 6, 006K >=*8>)area 05+ "arch

    @, 006K >=*D8 )area 05+ "ay 8, 006K >=*8> )area 05+ /uly

    6, 006K >=*D8 )area 05+ April 0>, 00@K >=*D8 )area 05+ /uly

    , 00@K >=*8> )area 05+ =ecember , 00@K 47*4 )area

    06+ "arch 5, 008K >=*D8 )area 05+ "arch 8, 008K >=*D8

    )area 05+ April 0>, 00D and >=*8> )area 05+ /uly , 00D

    T*le 3.3 Reult FOT *t #2-S*+

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)



    7ased on 3 test in =*and, the project teams getG F 9alue from 554 m= until 4@>0 m=,

    #in 9alue from 4-> until D0- his formation ha&e indication


    P reser&oir is heterogenic

    Eellbore storage ha&e a&erage 0-4

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    T*le 3.5 Reult FOT *t %-S*+


    7ased on 3 test in *and, the project teams getG

    F 9alue from 406 m= until 556 m=,

    #in 9alue from 0-50@ until 5-5- his formation ha&e

    indication damage

    P reser&oir is heterogenic

    Eellbore storage has a&erage 0-4

    T*le 3.8 Reult FOT *t S-S*+

    3.2 P!eu!e #ul U4 Tet

    (esult con.dences of P7% est are 5 wells, with >0 &alid test

    data- 9alid test data can di&ide intoG high con.dences are D tests,

    middle con.dences are 8 tests, and low con.dences are > tests-

    P7% acBuisition location can be seen at .gure 4-

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    F7u!e 3.2 P#U A/uto+ Lo/*to+ 0 m=-

    Eells with &ery good F is 47*D5A, 5C*55, and 6=*-

    #in 9alue from until - his formation tendency has


  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    P reser&oir is homogeneous-

    Eellbore storage has a&erage 0-0D45-'ndication Eells close

    by fault is 47*D5A )area 06+ =ecember 8, 00K 47*4

    )area 06+ "arch , 0 and 3*D4 )area 05+ /une 5,

    0- 'ndication Eells close by injector is 6=* )area 04+

    /une 0, 0


    T*le 3. Reult P#U *t A2-S*+

    7ased on P7% test in A*and, the project teams getG

    F 9alue from 4> m= until >400 m=- Eells with &ery good F is

    47*D5A, 4C*>, and 4=*@82-

    #in 9alue from 0 until 64- his formation has indication


    P reser&oir is homogeneous

    Eellbore storage ha&e a&erage 0-080

    'ndication Eells close by fault is 47*D5A )area 06+ =ecember

    @, 00K 47*4 )area 06+ "arch , 0K 4C*> )area 05+

    3ebruary 0>, 0 and 5C*55 )area 04+ April 0@, 0

    'ndication Eells close by injector is 4=*@82 )area 04+ April 4,


  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)



    T*le 3. Reult P#U *t #1-S*+

    7ased on P7% test in 7*and, the project teams getG F 9alue from 55 m= until 45D0 m=- Eells with &ery good F is

    47*D5A, 5C*55, and 57*DD-

    #in 9alue from D-4 until >5- his formation has indication

    high damage as compared to A*and and A*and-

    P reser&oir is homogeneous

    Eellbore storage ha&e a&erage 0-0D45

    'ndication Eells close by fault is 47*D5A )area 06+ =ecember

    6, 00K 47*4 )area 06+ "arch , 0K 57*DD )area 04+

    April 6, 0 and 5C*55 )area 04+ April 0@, 0

    'ndication Eells close by injector is 5=*D )area 04+ /une D,



    T*le 3.10 Reult P#U *t #2-S*+

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    7ased on P7% test in 7*and, the project teams getG

    F 9alue from D-@@ m= until 4D m=-

    #in 9alue from *0->>6 until 80- his formation ha&e indication

    damage, e;cept 4A*6D )area 06+ "arch 0>, 0 ha&e &alues#in is *0->>6-

    P reser&oir is homogeneous

    Eellbore storage ha&e a&erage 0-00D5

    'ndication Eell close by fault is 4=*5*1P )area 05+ /uly 0@,


    'ndication Eell close by injector is 5=*@> )area 04+ "ay 8,



    T*le 3.11 Reult P#U *t %-S*+

    7ased on P7% test in =*and, the project team getsG

    F 9alue from 6 m= until D85 m=-

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    #in 9alue from *-8 until @- his formation ha&e indication

    damage e;cept 47*D5A )area 06+ =ecember @, 00 ha&e&alue s#in is -8

    P reser&oir is homogeneous

    Eellbore storage ha&e a&erage 0-04D5

    'ndication Eells close by injector is 47*D5A )area 06+

    =ecember @, 00 and 5=*@ )area 04+ /anuary >, 0

    3. St*t/ #o!e ole P!eu!e (S#P)

    3or 7 * 4-@

    F7u!e 3. %!e/t "e*u!eme+t P!eu!e %*t* *t A1-S*+

    3rom the .gure abo&e, we got the &alue a&erage pressure at A*

    and was 555-6@, and the low was 8>-80- we got the &alue

    a&erage pressure at A*and was 5>8-@>, and the low was

    0>-0- we got the &alue a&erage pressure at 7*and was

    54-8@, and the low was 8-86- we got the &alue a&erage

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    pressure at 7*and was 544-4, and the low was 6>-00- we got

    the &alue a&erage pressure at =*and was 6>-0D, and the low

    was 68-8D-

    F7u!e 3.3 %!e/t "e*u!eme+t P!eu!e %*t* *t A2-S*+

    F7u!e 3.5 %!e/t "e*u!eme+t P!eu!e %*t* *t #1-S*+

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    3.3 Summ*!y "+* A358 Reult

    his chapter summariIed the distribution of this e&aluation

    result- 3irstly, the project team will see the distribution of the test

    and the categoriIe for each areas- times- 3rom 65 wells, not all of

    them belong to complete test that the project team can be use

    its reser&oir parameter-

    here are only 44 wells of 6@ tests that the project team

    can be using it data- tests in area 05, and wells of 58 tests in area 06- 't

    is not an enough number to describe reser&oir parameter of the

    whole area- o, the project team can ma#e the distribution of

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    reser&oir parameter from this e&aluation data, (3 data and


  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    he table below is con.dence from the data could be analyIed-

    he total test are 6@, there are 65 high con.dence data, >5

    middle con.dence data and 6D low con.dence data-

    T*le 3.18 %et*l Co+;e+/e o< FOT *+ P#U Tet

    T*le 3.1@ Co+/luo+ FOT *+ P#U


    A&erage of



    A&erage of




    of #in

    3actor )+


    of P


    A 0-86@ 6>@-54 >4-8> @54-

    A 0->@6 85-45 -4 5@6-68

    7 0-048> D6>-@8 64-@4 5D5-44

    7 0-0D>5 00@- 6>-@6 55D

    = 0-08D> @@@-46 4-@> @8>-@@

    0-6@6> 486-5 6-> @80-5>

    rand 0-5 @4-8> 40-> 6>5-48

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)



    able 4-0, is showing 7*and is high s#in and high permeability-

    3.3.1 S9+

    T*le 3.1 S9+ (Ave!*7e)

    3rom this table abo&e, the project team can see which sand

    on which area that the project team needs to test- he project

    team gi&es dierent color for sand- And also the project team can

    see the distribution of s#in &alue- 'n order to ma#e it clearer, here

    is the s#in &alue for each well-

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    T*le 3.1 S9+ y 6ell

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    3rom the table abo&e, the project team ha&e the opportunity

    to increase the &alue of injection Jow rate by reduce this high

    s#in- 3or e;ample, the project team can do wor# o&er, such as

    reperforation, stimulation, etc- 3igure 4-8 $ 4- are tabulation

    s#in of all sand-

    F7u!e 3. T*ul*to+ S9+ o< A1-S*+

    "inimum #in G *0-

    "a;imum #in G

    A&erage #in G >5-4>

    F7u!e 3. T*ul*to+ S9+ o< A2-S*+

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    "inimum #in G *4

    "a;imum#in G 64

    A&erage #in G

    F7u!e 3.10 T*ul*to+ S9+ o< #1-S*+

    "inimum #in G *4

    "a;imum #in G >5

    A&erage #in G 65

    F7u!e 3.11 T*ul*to+ S9+ o< #2-S*+

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    "inimum #in G *>

    "a;imum#in G >45

    A&erage #in G 64

    F7u!e 3.12 T*ul*to+ S9+ o< %-S*+

    "inimum #in G *"a;imum#in G @

    A&erage #in G 4>

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    F7u!e 3.1 T*ul*to+ S9+ o< S-S*+

    "inimum #in G

    "a;imum#in G 6

    A&erage #in G 6

    F7u!e 3.13 T*ul*to+ S9+ o< All S*+

    3rom the graphic abo&e, can see the #in )V+ is 5 data

    and this is gi&e information that the wellbore is damage- here

    are 4 data the &alue of s#in )*+ and Iero- this is gi&e information

    that the wellbore has stimulated or no damage- he minimum

    &alue of s#in is *4-05 and the ma;imum &alue is >45 then the

    s#in a&erage is 40 for all of sands in the area 4, 5 and 6- 3or the

    decreasing s#in )*+ need stimulation job-

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    F7u!e 3.15 to7!*m S9+ o< All S*+

    3rom the graphic abo&e, the largest distribution of s#in is 0 $

    D-DD with 44 data freBuency then W 0 with > data freBuency

    and 50 $ DD-DD with @ data freBuency-

    3.3.2 Pe!me*lty

    3rom this analysis, the project team found that there is

    dierence between permeability from F analysis )from P7% and

    3 ests+ and F actual )3rom permeability log+-

    T*le 3.20 & *+*ly (Ave!*7e)

    T*le 3.21 & */tu*l (Ave!*7e)

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    3igure 4-6 $ 4- are tabulation permeability of all sand

    F7u!e 3.18 T*ul*to+ Pe!me*lty o< A1-S*+

    "inimum Permeability G 56 m=

    "a;imum Permeability G @4>0 m=

    A&erage Permeability G 65D m=

    F7u!e 3.1@ T*ul*to+ Pe!me*lty o< A2-S*+

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    "inimum Permeability G 0 m=

    "a;imum Permeability G 4060 m=

    A&erage Permeability G 00@ m=

    F7u!e 3.20 T*ul*to+ Pe!me*lty o< %-S*+

    "inimum Permeability G 6 m=

    "a;imum Permeability G 4@>0 m=

    A&erage Permeability G @@@ m=

    F7u!e 3.21 T*ul*to+ Pe!me*lty o< S-S*+

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    "inimum Permeability G 406 m=

    "a;imum Permeability G 556 m=

    A&erage Permeability G 48@ m=

    F7u!e 3.22 T*ul*to+ Pe!me*lty o< All-S*+

    3rom the graphic abo&e, can see the permeability minimum

    is D-@ m=, the ma;imum permeability is D6@0 m=, then the

    a&erage permeability is @6 for all of sands in the area 4,5 and

    6-'n the 3igure below can see the data distribution based


  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    F7u!e 3.2 to7!*m Peeme*lty

    3rom the picture abo&e, the largest distribution of

    permeability is 500 $ DDD-DD with >D data freBuency then 000 $

    4DD-DD with 5 data freBuency and 0 $ 500 with 8 data


  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    F7u!e 3.23 to7!*m o< $oo Pe!me*lty

    =istribution 1ormal and Permeability ood CategoryG

    3reBuencyG )0 $ 500+, )500 $ DDD,DD+, )000 $ 4DD,DD+,

    )500 * DDD,DD+

    )000 $ 4DD, DD+

    F7u!e 3.28 The 7oo Pe!me*lty to7!*m + *ll S*+

    3.3. P!eu!e

    he table below is distribution reser&oir pressure- 3rom this

    distribution, we can see which sand on which area that the

    project team needs to test-

    T*le 3.22 Ree!vo! P!eu!e (Ave!*7e)

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    F7u!e 3.2@ %!e/t "e*u!eme+t P!eu!e %*t* y Tet Ty4e

    F7u!e 3.2 %!e/t "e*u!eme+t P!eu!e %*t* y S*+

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    3.3.3 Shut + Tme Re/omme+*to+

    he project team has to optimiIe the shut*in time, to

    economical- 7ecause of that, the project team recommends using

    > hours of shut*in time for fall o test and @ hours of shut in time

    for pressure build up- !etLs see table 4->

    T*le 3.2 Shut + tme FOT *+ P#U


    hut in

    time 3


    hut in

    time P7%


    A >-6 6-@

    A -8 @-

    7 -5 6-D

    7 -D 6-@

    = >-5 @-

    -5 X


    e> @



    5.1 Co+/luo+

    - "odel in analysis PA is homogeneous, radial Jow, in.nite

    acting reser&oir and constant wellbore storage-

    - he project team has to optimiIe the shut*in time, for

    economical cost- 7ecause of that, the project team

    recommends using > hours of shut*in time for fall o test and

    @ hours of shut in time for pressure build up-

    >- A&erage highest permeability at D6>-@8 m= )7*and+,

    a&erage lowest permeability at 486-50 m= )*and+-

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    4- A&erage highest s#in factor at 64-@4 )7*and+, A&erage

    lowest s#in 3actor at 6->0 )*and+-

    5- 'ndication closed by fault at 47*D5A A*and, A*and, 7*

    andK 47*4 A*and, A*and )P7% >+, 7*andK 3*D4, 4C*

    >, 5C*55 A*and, 7*andK 57*DD, 4=*5*1P, 4=* A*

    and, >=*86 A*and, >=*8> 7*and, >=*D8 7*=*and and

    47*4 7*and-

    6- A&erage highest pressure )PX+ at =*and- he &alue is @8>-8

    psi and lowest pressure at A**and, that is 5@6-@ psi

    @- 7ased on deri&ati&e cur&e at P7% test, presence high

    pressure at well 6=* A*and, 4=*@82 A*and, 5=*D 7*

    and, 5=*@> 7*and, 47*D5A =*and, and 5=*@ =*and-

    8- 7

    psi , area

    05 at 488-> psi, and area 06 at 5D-0

    5.2 Re/omme+*to+

    - 3or decrease wellbore dynamic eect, operator should follow

    appropriate P, because wellbore dynamic can cause

    analysis failure or canLt do it

    - At PA, input data test between job log and supporting data

    must be consistent-

    >- 1eed support data li#e geologic, well history, and etc- to get

    accurate results

    4- o analysis accurate

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    5- Ad&isable

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    A44e+ 2 Lo= Co+;e+/e o< FOT

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    A44e+ "le Co+;e+/e o< FOT

    A44e+ 3 Co+;e+/e O< P#U

  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)



  • 8/11/2019 Project Report (Transient Analysis)


    - "atthews C- and (ussell =-- G M Pressure Build-Up and Flow

    Test in WellsN ,