project preventing traffic accidents module 7 unit 4

Project reventing traffic accident Module 7 Unit 4

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Page 1: Project Preventing traffic accidents Module 7 Unit 4


Preventing traffic accidents

Module 7 Unit 4

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A truck accident

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A car accident

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Traffic accidents cause many

deaths and injuries every year, so

learning how to protect ourselves

from danger on the roads is very


learning how to protect ourselves

from danger on the roads is very


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Fast Reading:

1.For what purpose is the notice written?

2.What information has the passage given to you?

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1.For what purpose is the notice written?It is aimed at increasing people’s awareness of road safety.

To increase people’s awareness of road safety.

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2.What information has the passage given to you?

The causes of road accidents and how to be safe on the road.

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• In order to prevent accidents, drivers should • ___________________________________ ; ( pay attention to the surrounding traffic)• ___________________________________; (be patient in a traffic jam)• ___________________________________; (not speak on a mobile phone)• ___________________________________; (not drink alcohol)• ___________________________________; (not drive too fast)

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• In order to prevent accidents, cyclists should • _______________________________;

(always obey traffic laws)• _______________________________;

(pay attention to the cars that surround them)• _______________________________;

(not carry a passenger)• _______________________________;

(have a light on the bicycle at night)• _______________________________;

(keep the bicycle in good condition)

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• In order to prevent accidents, pedestrians should

• ______________________________;

(always cross the road on a crossing)• ______________________________;

(never ignore traffic lights)

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Recently, a heated debate arose online in China about the "Chinese style of crossing the road", a term referring to the tendency of large crowds of people to cross roads in disobedience of red lights. Shijiazhuang has begun imposing fines as high as 50 yuan ($8) on jaywalkers as part of a trial campaign meant to stop people from crossing roads at the wrong times and places. The new rules treat pedestrians attempting to move across large and small intersections differently. When groups of pedestrians cross large intersections in defiance of red lights, the first three of their members will be fined; at smaller intersections, all jaywalkers will be punished.

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What do you think of the "Chinese style of crossing the road“? (Try to find out its causes, results and solutions)

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Useful expressions


12. 挤满13. 留意,小心14. 过马路15. 适用于16.避免引起事故17.造成事故18.建议19.保持良好状态20.在十字路口21.有序地22.一切在于

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1. put out a public notice2.arise from/out of L13. aim at\be aimed at aware of L45.potential causes L46.have/take a responsibility to do… L6/L277. in connection with L78. push into other lanes of traffic L149. take sb’s attention from L1910.violate/break the law easily ignored fact L24

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12. 挤满13. 留意,小心14. 过马路15. 适用于16.避免引起事故17.造成事故18.建议


12. be crowded with L2613. watch out for L2714. step into/cross the road L2915. apply to sb L3516. avoid causing any accidents L4017. an invitation to accidents L4318. it is recommended thatsb. (should) do /it is recommended to do… L4519.keep in good condition L4920. at/on a crossing a reasonable way is up to sb. to do… L60

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Understanding sentences with v-ing/ v-ed/ to do

1. The number of road accidents and the deaths arising from those accidents has increased…(L1-2)

2. Recently the number of people fined for speaking on their mobile phones while driving has increased… (L16)

3. Speaking on the phone requires a person to concentrate and takes a driver’s attention from… (L18-19)

4. On the next page are some of the chief causes of road accidents related to … (L31)

5. Pedestrians, cyclists and drivers should all obey traffic lights, stopping when the light is red and waiting for it to turn green to go. (L58-59)

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难句解析 :

1.Below _____ some of the major causes of

road accidents in connection with

vehicles such as cars and lorries and what

drivers should do to prevent them. (L7-8)

A. are B. is C. was D. were




Below some of the major causes

A. are

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Present at the meeting was Professor White.Fastened to the pole was the national flag.

Hanging on the wall was a splendidpainting.

Outside the doctor’s clinic were 20patients.

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2. ________drivers do not pay attention to sur

rounding traffic, they are not ready ______an

other driver does something wrong, like chan

ging lanes without signal(l)ing or giving wron

g signals. (L10-12)




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3. arise vi. 产生;发生;出现

Serious disagreements often arise between the couple. Soon after that, there arose new problems which seemed insoluble (不能解决的) .

vi. 站起来,起身He arose and walked to the door. arise from / out of 根源于;由…产生

The problem arose out of lack of experience.

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4. This notice is aimed at increasing people’s knowledge of the problem (L2)

• aim at sth / doing sth to plan, hope / intend to achieve sth.

The talks are aiming at a compromise (妥协方案) .

The government's campaign is aimed at influencing public opinion.

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5. Many drivers are aggressive and push into other lanes of traffic or pass other cars. (L13)

• aggressive adj. 1) behaving in an angry and violent way towards

another person: 好斗的;咄咄逼人的Men tend to be more aggressive than women.

If I criticize him, he gets aggressive and

starts shouting.2) determined to win or succeed and using forceful action to achieve success: 积极的;进取的 an aggressive election campaign aggressive marketing tactics (战术,策略)

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6. Recently the number of people fined for speaking on their mobile phones while

driving has increased by 30 percent. (L16)

fine n.c. 罚金an amount of money that has to be paid as a punish

ment for not obeying a rule or law:

The driver paid a fine of 1000 yuan.

If found guilty, he faces six months in jail and a heavy (= severe) fine.

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• vt. 罚款,罚金Drivers who exceed the speed limit can expect

to be fined heavily.

They fined him $100 for using threatening


fine sb for sth / doing sth

adj. 美好的;精细的;身体好的

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7. apply 1) 适用于The new rules of safe driving applies to everyone.

2) 运用Scientific discoveries are often applied to industrial production.

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3) 申请

He applied to be transferred to another department.

She has applied for a post in that company.

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根据句子及所给单词的首字母或汉语注释,写出各单词的正确形式 ( 每空限填一词 ) 。

1. The population of the country has i________ from less than half a million in 1965 to over two million.ncreased

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2. They asked me so many questions that they c________ me.3. The heavy storms almost w______ the village away, but fortunately no one was hurt.4. The number of deaths a______ from those accidents has increased in the past ten years.

onfused ashed


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5. The girl’s behavior is difficult to understand. What is she a______ at?6. You are v_______ the traffic regulations and risking your own life as well as the lives of others. 7. The road is under r______, so we shall have to go round.



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8. We cannot guarantee the _________ ( 准时的 ) arrival of the coach in foggy weather.9. We have the possibility to _________ ( 承担 ) this work ourselves.



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