project management for digizaon programs · principles of a good digital collecon • a good...

65 Project Management for Digi1za1on Programs Part Two: Implemen0ng your Project March 30, 2016

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Page 1: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •


Page 2: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •


•  Copyright•  Digi0za0onac0vi0es•  Standards&bestprac0ces• Metadata•  Storage•  ProjectEvalua0on&Documenta0on

Page 3: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •


•  Discovery•  Access•  PermissionsandAMribu0on•  PlaNorms•  Communityengagement•  Crowdsourcing

Page 4: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •


Page 5: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •


• Agooddigitalcollec0oniscreatedaccordingtoanexplicitcollec0ondevelopmentpolicy.

• Agoodcollec0onisinteroperable.

• Agoodcollec0onissustainableover0me.

A Framework of Guidance for Building Good Digital Collections

Page 6: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •




Page 7: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •







Page 8: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •


Networked environment • Metadata • Discovery & Access • Web/User “3.0” • Hosting Evaluate & Refine • Management lifecycle

Collec/onselec/on• Ownership• Copyright&permissionsDigitalconversion• Metadatastandards• Tools&formats• Digitalfileiden0fiers

Page 9: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •


Page 10: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •


•  Determinecopyrightstatus• Publicdomain• Copyright•  Licensed/Contractual• Unknown

•  Whoisthecopyrightowner?

•  Whatisthetermofcopyright?

Page 11: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •
Page 12: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •


•  Ownershipof“object”vs.copyright•  Doyouhavetherighttomaketheobjectavailableonline?(therightto“makeacopy”)Tip:Haveapolicyinplace-beproac/ve,notreac/ve

Page 13: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •


•  In-housetracking(datamanagement)– Trackcopyrightstatus,copyrightowner,donor,permissions,etc.

•  Displaycopyrightstatus/statementaspartoftherecord(userinterface)

Page 14: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •


Page 15: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •



Page 16: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •






Page 17: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •


Page 18: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •


Page 19: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •
Page 20: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •


•  Inventory&subcollec0ons•  Equipment•  Standards&bestprac0ces•  Workflows

Page 21: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •


•  Iden0fy•  Sort•  Priori0ze•  Assess

Page 22: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •

Tools:• Hardware•  Sokware

Treatment:• Digitalobject• Borndigitalvs.converted


Page 23: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •

Equipment•  Hardware:

–  2Dobjects:Flatbedscanner–  3Dobjects:Camera– Audio/video:Conversiondevice

•  Sokware:–  Imageedi0ng—Photoshop,GIMP…– OCR(op0calcharacterrecogni0on)—ABBYYFineReader…

– Audioedi0ng—Audacity,Stomp…– Videoedi0ng—iMovie,MovieMaker…

•  Outsourcing

Page 24: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •






Page 25: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •

DigitalConversion•  Digitalobject

– Highqualityandhighresolu0onMastercopy

– Derivelowerresolu0oncopyforwebdelivery

– Converttoweb-friendlyformatsandsizes

– Captureallcontentforfull-textsearch

E.g.Images•  mastercopy600dpiTIFFfile

•  Upload300dpiJPEG

•  webcopyis72dpiJPEG

Page 26: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •

Recommendedstandards•  Image- Mastercopy400-600dpiTIFFfile- Convertto300dpiJPEG- Webcopyis72dpiJPEG

•  Text- Scanlike“image”fordisplayofpages- Derive300dpigreyscalejpgtoOCR- Provideimageandfulltextfordiscovery

Page 27: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •

•  Video– MasteranduploadMOV,WMVorFLV

•  Audio– MastercopyisWAV,AIFF,orFLACfile– ConvertanduploadaMP4file




Page 28: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •


•  CSVvs.XSL•  TIFF,JPGvs.Photoshop(PSD)•  TXTvs.DOC• MPEG-4vs.Quick0me

Page 29: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •




Page 30: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •

Originalfilenames Revised

Page 31: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •
Page 32: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •
Page 33: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •


•  Inventory•  Choosestandards&bestprac0ces•  Filenaming•  Tracking

Page 34: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •


Page 35: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •


Page 36: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •



Page 37: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •


•  Whocreatedthisphoto?<creator><photographer>

•  Whenwasitcreated?<date>•  Whoisinthephoto?<descrip0on><persname>

•  Whatisthephotoabout?<descrip0on><subjects>

•  Wherewasittaken?<loca0on><geoname>

Page 38: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •
Page 39: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •


•  Descrip0ve:Title,Creator,Dateofobjectyouaredescribing,etc…,languageofdigitalasset

•  Administra0ve:Dateofrecordcreated,edited,rights,languageofrecord

•  Technical:Filename,sokwareusedtodigi0ze

•  Structural:Orderformul0-partobjects

Page 40: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •


•  Whatkindofobjectareyoudescribing?• whichspecificdatafieldstouse?• when?• whataboutstatus?(required,recommended,op0onal)Tip:Documentyourdecisions–thisbecomesyour


Page 41: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •


•  Title•  Physicaldescrip0on–mediatype(audio,images,text,video)

•  Uniqueiden0fier•  UniqueURL

Page 42: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •


•  Title•  Nameofcreator•  Datesofcrea0on•  Physicaldescrip0on–media&itemtype•  Descrip1on•  Subject•  Copyrightstatus•  Permissions/TermsofUse•  Cita0on•  Uniqueiden1fier•  UniqueURL

Page 43: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •

Locally:Metadataapplica0onprofile•  Dataelementstobeincluded•  Statusofeachelement:

-  Mandatory-  Recommended-  Op0onal

•  Defini0onofhoweachelementisusedorcompleted,e.g.MediaType:

Page 44: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •


• Managingthecollec0on(iden0fying)•  Resourcediscovery(findingstuff)•  Aggrega0ngdata(bringing“similar”stufftogether)

•  Face0ngdata(sor0ng)•  Viewingdatainalternateformats•  Sharingdata•  ?

Page 45: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •


•  Datayoucreate/capture(descrip0ve,administra0ve,structural,technical)needstobe“smart”:

– Standard(community,content,etc…)– Shared(exportable)– Extensible(invariousdataformats)

Page 46: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •


•  DublinCore•  MODS•  EncodedArchivalDescrip0on•  ResourceDescrip0onFramework(RDF)•  TermsofGraphicMaterials•  LibraryofCongressSubjectHeadings

Page 47: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •


Page 48: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •


Page 49: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •
Page 50: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •
Page 51: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •
Page 52: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •


Page 53: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •
Page 54: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •
Page 55: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •





Page 56: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •


• Captureasmuchdataasyoucanatthemoment• Adheretostandards• Useatemplateorform• Enrichthemetadatabeingcaptured

Page 57: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •


Page 58: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •


Page 59: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •


• Masterfilevs.web/deriva0ves• Hos0ngdoesnotequalstorage• Storageop0ons

– Servers– Externalharddrives– DVD

• Storagepolicy&materiallife-cycles• LOCKSS

Page 60: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •


Page 61: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •

Evaluate•  Regularinternalreports•  Trackingdocumentshelpmeasureproduc0vityandworkflowprocesses

•  Evaluateandintegrateintonextprojectcycle

Page 62: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •

Document & Evaluation

•  Review&revise•  Standards&bestprac0cespolicies• MetadataApplica0onProfile• What’smissing?

•  Interim&finalreports•  Progressmeasurement•  Changes&decisionpoints•  Achievements

Page 63: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •



Page 64: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •


Page 65: Project Management for Digizaon Programs · Principles of a Good Digital Collecon • A good digital collecon is created according to an explicit collecon development policy. •


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