project g concept development


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My concept development booklet for my 3D senior thesis film at Savannah College of Art and Design


Page 1: Project G Concept Development
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“Project G”

By: Sheldon French

Copyright 2011

Sheldon French


[email protected]

Page 3: Project G Concept Development

Working Title: “Project G”

Producer&Directior: Sheldon French

Crew: To Be Determined

Theme: Dealing with adversity and finding the will to succeed over hardships

Format: 3D Animation

Objective: Bring to the audience attention the effect adversity has on an individual as not only an outer conflict but its effect as a inner personal conflict. With this film the audience should be able to react in a manner that allows them to relate to the hardship of the main character. In turn they should be able to come away with knowing that they can overpower adversity and make it past their conflicts.

Synopsis: With the coming of the 46th century earth has made great advances in technology to continue the existence of the mankind. Yet with the progress comes conflict, mankind is under constant attack by an alien race known as the Zars. An ace space pilot, Kit Striker, sleeps in his room until an explosion happens on the space station he is on. With-out a moment to spare he goes to figure out the issue only to be side-tracked on the way...........

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The year is 4526 A.D. and Kit sleeps in the quiet of his quarters on the federation space station. A loud explosion shakes the space station waking Kit from his sleep. The protocol alarm sounds and Kit quickly gets off his bed and darts out of his quarters. As he runs down the hallway he is thrown all over the place by the aftershock from explosions outside. Struggling to stay balanced the hallway lights begin to flicker as he heads down the hallway. Halfway down the hall Kit runs into a choke hold.

He is slowly raised off of his feet desperately breathing for air and then looks in surprise to see that he is being strangled by an identical form of himself. Nearing asphyxiation Kit violently kicks the clone in its face with his last bit of energy causing it to release him while being stunned from the blow. While on the ground Kit regains his energy and before the clone gets a chance to strike him he counters with a blow of his own.

The clone is thrown to the hallway window hitting it violently and soon after begins to shift and shimmer as if its mass was a hologram. The clone slowly changes from looking like Kit into its true form, a Zar. Watching this, Kit looks at the entity in disgust as he sees its true form. When the Zar fin-ishes transforming into its true from it begins to advance on Kit as he backs up defensely preparing for it to attack. The Zar goes to strike but Kit ducks away from the blow at the last second causing the Zar to pierce the window. The window cracks sucking the Zar into deep space as Kit drops to the floor using the wall for support as the emergency shutters close off the window. Kit slowly gets up and limps to a door that says docking bay.

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Beats1. Kit sleeps in the quiet of his quarters on the federation space station.

2. A loud explosion shakes the space station waking Kit from his sleep.

3. The protocol alarm sounds

4. Kit quickly gets off his bed

5. Darts out of his quarters.

6. He heads down the hallway

7. Halfway to the entrance of the docking bay Kit runs into a choke hold

8. He is slowly raised off of his feet as he desperately breathes for air

9. He looks in surprise seeing that he is being choked to death by an identical form of himself

10. Nearing asphyxiation Kit violently kicks the clone in its face with his last bit of energy

11. Stunned by the blow the clone releases him.

12. While on the ground Kit regains his energy

13. Without a moment to spare Kit counters the clone before it gets a chance to make its move

14. Kit throws the clone to the hallway window.

15. Hitting the wall violently the clone’s form shimmers as if it is a hologram

16. Slowly, the image of the clone changes from looking like Kit into its true form

17. Kit stares at the clone in disgust once he sees its true form

18. Kit begins to back away defensively as the entity advances

19. The entity goes to strike Kit

20. Kit ducks away from the blow at the last second

21. The entity pierces the window behind Kit.

22. The window cracks sucking the Zar into deep space

23. Kit drops to the floor using the wall for support as the emergency shutters close off the window.

24. Kit slowly gets up

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TreatmentThe choices and outcomes that individuals undergo when they are faced with hardship reflects

mans’ quarrel internally and externally. Kit battling for his life against a superior foe displays the theme’s message that even at your darkest hour you can overcome adversity. Which is seen in the fight sequence as Kit is clearly outmatched by his opponent and yet he is still able to overcome his dilemma. As this struggle occurs the damaged space station violently shudders and the hallway lights cut on and off in relation to the uneasiness that Kit is feeling.

The particular use of lighting not only adds to Kit’s efforts to face adversity but also personifies his inner struggle. As he travels down the hallway to figure what the issue is the lights stay constant to display this notion of focus he has. Yet, when he is in the chokehold the lights begin flickering displaying Kit’s progressing panic and inability to keep his wits against the Zar. Seeing that he is being attack by the Zar who is an identical version of himself further echoes mans’ inner struggle. It creates this notion that we’re not only struggling against the particular disadvantages that life puts us in but we are always in a constant personal turmoil to excel past those instances. Its only when he is able to regain his composure and think clearly again that the flickering ceases and he is able to hurdle over his obstacle by kneeing the Zar in the face to level the playing field. As the situation evolves the sound progresses in the same matter as the use of lighting is manipulated from controlled, to uncontrollable, back to controlled.

Kit’s suit, acting as a spot color, separates him from his environment early on establishing his dominance not only over his surroundings but eluding control over himself. That is shortly overshadowed as he diminishes to the contrast of color of the environment and his adversary later on in the film when the light change from the usual white hallway lights to the emergency red lights. This exhibits the themes’ overwhelming affect on individuals, making them feel minuscule in comparison to the supremacy their situation holds over them. Throughout the film the lighting transitions to a light offset version of his suit display his dominance. Then gradually into a more domineering color during his struggle and back to the color reclaiming his dominance.

This overwhelming mood is further enhanced by the uniqueness of the hallway. As big as it seems the hallway creates this closed in, suffocating, mood creating the same effect the chokehold has on Kit when he runs into the Zar. The fact that the hallway is under lit creates this mysterious uncertain feel-ing in which the looming darkness adds to the suffocating mood that the hallway invokes. The use of Don Bluth’s artistic direction on “Space Ace” is also incorporated into the hallway. Much like the game based story the environment is created in a manner in which solid material is transparent enough to see outer space right through the object. In relation to the theme this same artistic niche is implemented in the hallway. So throughout the film the audience will fill a sense of uneasiness due to the fact that they are unsure if the hallway is stable enough to support the characters. In reference to the theme it pulls into perspective that we as individuals see everything in our path yet the paths we take appear uncertain.

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During the fight sequence the camera tilts in favor of the Zar directing the flow of action from right to left displaying the entity’s dominance. It is only when the tables are turned when Kit knees him in the face and throws him to the wall that the camera flattens. Which puts both characters on a level playing field when the Zar begins to make its finally strike on Kit. Then it tilts in favor of Kit and the cam-era’s flow of action reverses to left to right once the hallway window begins to break. The window slowing cracking then breaking apart personifies the Zar slowing losing its hold over Kit also eluding to adversity losing its grip to hold us down. Both characters occupy large portions of the frame bringing the audience into their world keeping intact the intimacy of the struggle within the fight scene. Kit’s balanced, lean frame is no match for the physique of the more organic entity who can disguise itself as its opponent. This difference relates to us as individuals displaying that as balance we a may be life’s hardships are so irregular and so out of proportioned making it difficult to deal with it accordingly.

A piece such as this animated, allows room for fantasy and escapism through the capability of making the implausible plausible, much like the science fiction genre demonstrates. I feel animation is a tool to help draw the audience in by helping them immerse into the character’s world breaking the imagi-nary barrier. Knowing the extent of reality, 3D animation allows us to know what we see is not real, but because it’s not, more attention is emphasized on the characters and story. The audience sees this piece that is evidently not naturalistic but is tailored to look fantasy causes them to subconsciously detach from the artistic aesthetic of the piece and focus more on those elements. By taking them into a new reality in which the characters and situations are shown in a new light and entertains us in ways that tickle the imagination because they are complete beings. They are a reflection of who we are as well as exhibiting our physical and mental evolutionary process in the experiences we encounter.

Adversity is addressed in this film because I feel that it is an experience that is never ending. In turn, it becomes a constant aspect of our lives that we are forced to face, so its effect on us and learning to deal with it should be made aware to people. Kit not allowing the Zar to be the end of him allowed him to focus and free himself from the Zar’s hold and beat him. The notion that the conflict involves a human going against an alien echoes mans’ conflict with adversity in life. The audience can relate to Kit as an individual faced with a hardship going against this irregular organic entity who personifies adversity. This displays that as balance as we may seem as people we will always struggle with adversity because it is un-proportioned and irregular so dealing with it accordingly becomes difficult. It is this theme and 3D’s closeness to reality without omitting the imaginative aspects incorporated in the work is why this film is best suited as an animated film.

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Art Direciton

Kit’s Quarters

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Hallway 1a

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Hallway 1b

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Hallway 1c

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Hallway 1d

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Character Design

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Kit wakes up from explosion and alarm sounds

Kit looks out of his room then heads down the hallway

Kit runs down the hallway

Shots 1-3

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Kit stumbles going down the hallway

Kit continues down the hallway

Kit runs into choke hold Kit is picked up from the floor

Shots 4-6

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Zar is revealed looking like Kit Kit’s reaction

Kit’s reaction cont’d

Kit knees Zar in face

Shots 7-9

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Kit falls to floor and Zar attacks Kit ducks Zar’s punch

Kit injurys Zar

Shots 10-12

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Zar transforms into true formKit throws Zar to the wall

Kit reacts at transformation

Shots 13-15

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Zar advancesKit back up in defense

Zar goes for the death blow

Shots 16-18

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Zar pierces glassKit ducks out of the way

Kit falls and Zar is sucked into space

Shots 19-21

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Emergency doors close Kit recovers and gets up

Kit walks to door that says Docking Bay

Shots 22-24

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Production Schedule"Project G" Senior 1 Monday TuesdayWeek 1


Week 3- Review week

Week 4

Week 5- Review week

Week 6

Week 7- Review week

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10- Final Due

"Project G" Senior 2 Monday TuesdayWeek 1


Week 3- Review week

Week 4

Week 5- Review week

Week 6

Week 7- Review week

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10- Final Due

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Work Day-


Review Week-

Final Turn In-

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In Process-




In Process-




In Process-




In Process-



Assets Est. Duration (hrs.) Act. Time Spent Drawn Modeled Uv'd Textured Rigged Hours total

Kit Striker 27 0

Zar 30 0

Space station hallway 12 0

Senior 1


Week 1


Week 3


Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10

Senior 2


Week 1


Week 3


Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10

Final edit with sound

Turn in burned, labeled DVD in case with sound license and press kit.

Begin Rendering of shots 1-24

Finish Rendering and begin Compositing of shots 1-24



Light Key Shot and begin Blocking 1 of scenes 1-24

Finish Blocking 1 and beginning Blocking 2 of shots 3-6, 8, 11, 13-14, 16-17, 19-20, 23

Finish Blocking 2 of shots 3-6, 8, 11, 13-14, 16-17, 19-20, 23/ Start Blocking 2 of shots 10, 12, 15, 18, 21

Finish Blocking 2 of shots 10, 12, 15, 18, 21 and 1, 6-7, 9, 22, 24

In Betweening and Polish of Shots 1-24

Light Shots 1-24

AutoRig characters/ Begin facial rigging

Finalize rigging and skinning characters/ Do story poses for both characters

Model Enviroment

UV Enviroment

Texture Environment

Show professor 3D animatic from concept and film video reference for film

Begin modeling Kit and Zar

Continue modeling of Kit and Zar

Finalize modeling of Kit and Zar/ Begin UV'ing characters

Finish UV'ing characters

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"Project G" Senior 2: Shots Blocking 1 Blocking2 Tweening Final Polish Difficulty Est. Duration (hrs) Act. Time Spent

Shot 1- Kit wakes up 0.5

Shot2- Kit looks out room 1.5

Shot 3- Hallway run (low shot) 1.5

Shot 4- Hallway run (full shot) 2.5

Shot 5- Hallway run (mid shot) 2

Shot 6- Pick up off ground 0.5

Shot 7- Reveal of Zar (low to high shot) 2

Shot 8- Kit reacts to Zar (close-up) 3.5

Shot 9-Knee to face 1.5

Shot 10- Recovery/Zar attacks 6

Shot 11- Kit ducks punch 3

Shot 12- Kit puts Zar in chokehold 4

Shot 13- Kit throws Zar to wall 6

Shot 14- Zar gets up (transformation) 2

Shot 15- Kit reacts to Zar true form 2.5

Shot 16- Zar advances 3

Shot 17- Zar attacks 4.5

Shot 18- Zar goes for death blow 3.5

Shot 19- Kit ducks blow (slow-mo) 2

Shot 20- window cracks and breaks 0.5

Shot 21- Zar gets sucked into space 4

Shot 22- Emergency window shuts 0.5

Shot 23- Kit recovers on floor 4.5

Shot 24- Kit walks to door 3

Shots Lighting Still Render On Farm Off Farm Composite In Edit Difficulty Est. Duration (hrs) Act. Time Spent

Shot 1- Kit wakes up 3.5

Shot2- Kit looks out room 4

Shot 3- Hallway run (low shot) 3

Shot 4- Hallway run (full shot) 3

Shot 5- Hallway run (mid shot) 3.5

Shot 6- Pick up off ground 5

Shot 7- Reveal of Zar (low to high shot) 3

Shot 8- Kit reacts to Zar (close-up) 2.5

Shot 9- Knee to face 2.5

Shot 10- Recovery/Zar attacks 4.5

Shot 11- Kit ducks punch 1.5

Shot 12- Kit puts Zar in chokehold 1.5

Shot 13- Kit throws Zar to wall 4

Shot 14- Zar gets up (transformation) 6.5

Shot 15- Kit reacts to Zar true form 2.5

Shot 16- Zar advances 2.5

Shot 17- Zar attacks 2.5

Shot 18- Zar goes for death blow 2.5

Shot 19- Kit ducks blow (slow-mo) 4.5

Shot 20- window cracks and breaks 4.5

Shot 21- Zar gets sucked into space 5

Shot 22- Emergency window shuts 3.5

Shot 23- Kit recovers on floor 2.5

Shot 24- Kit walks to door 2.5


In Process-



Difficulty- Easy



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Appendix Reference Images

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Kit Striker Iterations

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Zar Iterations

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Kit Iterations by: Alex Miller

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Kit Iterations by: Robert Paul Jr.

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Hallway Layout

Kit Quarters Layout

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Room Pre-Sketch

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Hallway Pre-Sketch

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