project beneficiary self-declaration form€¦  · web viewfashion and textiles education and...

Learn to Re-create TM Fashion and Textiles Education and Production FASHION ABC - APPLICATION FORM With the support of the Erasmus+ programme of the

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Page 1: Project Beneficiary Self-Declaration Form€¦  · Web viewFashion and Textiles Education and Production. FASHION ABC-APPLICATION FORM About Learn to Re-create. Aim. Learn to Re-create

Learn to Re-createTM

Fashion and Textiles Education and Production



With the support of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union

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Page 3: Project Beneficiary Self-Declaration Form€¦  · Web viewFashion and Textiles Education and Production. FASHION ABC-APPLICATION FORM About Learn to Re-create. Aim. Learn to Re-create

About Learn to Re-create

AimLearn to Re-create is a social enterprise that designs and produces high quality garment and

fashion accessories for the designer market.

We also provide training in fashion and textiles products manufacture and deliver specialist

services to businesses in the textile and fashion industry.

Our business approach is to create a hub for creative people to utilise ethical business methods to

facilitate enterprise to enrich and empower lives whilst creating sought after products. We have

adopted ethical textile production methods in the creation of our signature style.

MissionTo create beautiful fashion and textiles products for the designer market and provide a platform for

individuals to realise their creative and practical potentials whilst enabling them to create

sustainable livelihoods.

Values1. Ethical - to deliver a sustainable business that positively impacts human lives and the


2. Excellence – to create innovative fashion and textiles products for the designer market using

ethical production methods.

3. Enterprise - to harness the creativity of people from diverse ethnic, cultural and social

backgrounds using highly interactive approaches for the purpose of innovation.

4. Empowerment - to foster self-sufficiency and raise personal aspirations whilst supporting

individuals to engage in entrepreneurial activity and create economic equality.

Equality and Diversity PolicyLearn to Re-create aims to create an environment where everyone is valued for their diversity and

can contribute to their fullest potential. Equality and diversity is at the heart of who we are and

what we do. Through our equality and diversity policy we aim to:

• Ensure opportunities are open equally to all

• Create an environment where staff and service users are treated fairly and with dignity and


• Provide a safe, supportive and welcoming environment where everyone can contribute to their

fullest potential

• Treat all individuals we come into contact with fairly, and with dignity and respect

• Tackle discrimination and promote diversity

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Health and Safety Policy StatementLearn to Re-create are committed to making a difference by promoting equality and fairness for all in

learning. We make particular efforts to encourage applications from people who have not had educational

opportunities in the past. We value the diversity of our staff members and service users and are committed

to ensuring everyone has the chance to participate.

This will be achieved by ensuring equality of opportunity and a pro-active and inclusive approach to

diversity. We seek to create an environment which people from different ethnic, faith and cultural

backgrounds will find welcoming and stimulating.

No one will receive more or less favourable opportunities or treatment on the grounds of:

• Age

• Race

• Sex / Gender

• Sexual Orientation

• Disability

• Religion or Belief

• Marriage or Civil partnership

Learn to Re-create are committed to improving quality of life for individuals with health and well-being

difficulties, or that are socially excluded, so that they can realise their full potential and create sustainable

livelihoods. In delivering our services, no one will receive more or less favourable opportunities or treatment

on the grounds of:

• Carer responsibilities

• Migrant and refugee status

• Mental health

• Speaking English as a second language

• Being an ex-offender

• Being a victim of human or sexual trafficking

Health and Safety PolicyLearn to Re-create has a duty of care to all its staff, volunteers, contractors, customers and learners. We

accept that this is a duty imposed by law on all individuals and organisations to avoid carelessly causing

injury to persons.

We are committed to a safe working environment for all employees, contractors, customers and learners

and will promote good practice in health and safety within the work and learning environment and will

ensure compliance with all relevant statutory provisions.

To help make Learn to Re-create a safe place, be aware of other people and objects or equipment. Don’t

run around the building. Look out for and obey all warning notices and safety signs. Where there are

defined walkways, use them. Report any hazards you see, e.g., a broken chair. Always conduct yourself in

an adult and responsible way. This policy also applies when you are on a learning visit or on any other

premises which is part of a programme organised by Learn to Re-create.

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No Smoking PolicyLearn to Re-create has adopted a zero smoking policy.

We acknowledge that second-hand tobacco smoke is both a public and work place health hazard and has

therefore adopted a zero smoking policy.

Second-hand smoking, breathing in other people’s tobacco smoke, has been shown to cause cancers,

heart and respiratory disease in non-smokers.

Restrictions on Smoking

Smoking is not permitted in any work area of any part of Learn to Re-create premises, entrance or exits, by

any person.

Smoking Breaks

Learn to Re-create does not permit smoking breaks and does not provide smoking shelters or smoking


Anyone found smoking on Learn to Re-create premises or any other premises used by Learn to Re-create

to conduct learning will be subject to disciplinary action.

Punctuality PolicyLearn to Re-create has adopted a punctuality policy which all its learners must adhere to as this is critical to

your success on the programme.

Learning ContractOn acceptance on the training programme you will be asked to sign a learning contract which is an

agreement that includes the rules and policies which you must abide by to remain on the programme.

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Learn to Re-createTM

Fashion and Textiles Education and Production

Fashion Design Training Application Form – Fashion ABC

This application form is for people who are applying to enrol on an employment based training programme run by Learn to Re-create which involves a work placement in Portugal. You need to meet certain eligibility criteria to qualify for the programme (please see the Fashion ABC project page on our website).

The deadline for receipt of all application forms is 6pm on the 31st of October 2017. Please complete the form below.

COMPLETING THE APPLICATIONPlease read the application in full before completing. Please fill in all sections relevant to the programme you are applying for (as stated above). If you do not complete the information required we will return the form to you and this will delay your application process. This form will be photocopied, so please type or write in black ink. If you word process your application, please do not change the format.

Please make sure the application form is fully completed.


No less than 150 words and not more than 200words

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APPLICANT DETAILSTitle: First name(s): Last name:



County: Postcode:

Email address: (Learn to Re-create will use this address as its primary method of communication with you, so please ensure it is current and accurate)

Telephone ( daytime): Telephone (evening): Mobile:

Date of birth: Age:

Gender Male Female

How many days sick leave have you taken in the last 12 months?

Please state reasons for absence


We will need evidence of who you are; where you live and how long you have lived in the UK/EU. You will need to provide evidence to support this. To be eligible for funding you need to be ordinarily resident in the UK/EU.

Evidence of this must be provided during interview - please indicate the documents you are providing by ticking below.

Passport Birth or Adoption Certificate Driving Licence ID Card Bank or Utility Letters Other (please specify below)

__________________________________ Passport


Please bring the original of your Identity documents to the interview.

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What is the highest level qualification (NVQ equivalent) you hold?

Please inform us of all relevant qualifications including your highest level of Numeracy, Literacy and ICT. No qualifications NVQ Level 1 or equivalent NVQ Level 2 or equivalent NVQ Level 3 or equivalent NVQ Level 4 or equivalent NVQ Level 5 or equivalent Other Not knownPlease bring your original certificates to the interview.


Do you have any previous work experience? Yes / No

If Yes, please provide:

Name of employer:____________________________________________________________

Employer address: ___________________________________________________________

Employer Postcode: ______________

Date of employment: ______________

We will require a reference from your current/previous employer. Please provide a name for a contact person at your current/previous employment.

If employed, please let us know on a separate sheet how you intend to attend the programme and manage your work commitments.

Sector of employment (please select ONE from the following):Audio Visual Furniture/Product DesignConstruction Health and Social CareCultural Tourism HospitalityDesign JewelleryElectronics MusicFashion Print and PublishingFinancial/Professional Services Other

If No, what is your current status?

Unemployed Student Incapacitated Long-Term Sick Retired

Apprentice Other

If ‘Other’ please explain______________________________________________

If you are unemployed, for how long has this been?

0 - 6 months 7 - 12 months 13 – 23 months 24 months+

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In Confidence*

Learn to Re-create is committed to ensuring that the initiatives we fund are run in ways that follow high standards of organisational equality and inclusion.

The information on this page is used for:

1. The monitoring of achievement of these targets only and will be kept strictly in confidence. 2. Ensuring that planning takes into account the variety of skills and needs across Learn to Re-create.3. Ensuring that we comply with legislation

Any data collected will be treated as confidential and protected under the Data Protection Act (1998) and will not identify individuals. The information you provide will be shared with other partner organisations for purposes relating to education or training.

By completing this form, you are consenting to the use of this information for monitoring purposes.

* Please also refer to the guidance note attached SECTION 2ETHNIC GROUP - Please tick as appropriateWhite – British Asian/Asian British – BangladeshiWhite – Irish Any other Asian/Asian British backgroundAny other White background Black/Black British – Caribbean Mixed – White & Black Caribbean Black/Black British – AfricanMixed – White & Black African Any other Black/Black British backgroundMixed – White & Asian ChineseAny other Mixed background Any other Ethnic Group (please state below)Asian/Asian British – Indian Asian/Asian British – Pakistani Prefer not to say


The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 defines disability as a ‘physical or mental impairment, which has a substantial and long term adverse effect on the ability to carry out normal day to day activities’. Based on this definition, do you consider yourself to have a disability?Yes / No

If yes, what is the nature of your disability? - please tick as appropriate

Moderate Learning Difficulty Mental HealthSevere Learning Difficulty Physical HealthDyscalculia DependencyDyslexia Multiple Learning DifficultiesPhysical Disability Multiple Physical DisabilitiesHearing Disability Other (please state below)Visual DisabilitySpeech Disability Prefer not to say

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Do you think you belong to any of the following groups?

Ex-offender Homeless Person

Refugee/Asylum Seeker Drug and/or alcohol misuser

Labour Market Returner Lone Parent


By signing this form I agree that to the best of my knowledge, the information in this form is true and accurate account.

Print Name:


Signature: ___________________

Before submission check:Are all the questions answered?

Please post or email the application form by the deadline to:

Learn to Re-create, The Workstation, 15 Paternoster Row, Sheffield S1 2BX or [email protected]

If you need any further information, please email [email protected]