progress of ancillary text one


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Post on 16-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Progress of ancillary text one



Page 2: Progress of ancillary text one


In order to create the magazine advertisement I open Photoshop set the page to the international page setting and oppened the page. I begun editing with adding a photograph i took of the balloons. i oppened that image seperately on photoshop removed the background through using quick select tool and then dragged it accross to the orinal page i'm using. I enlarged the image, i tried the lookof placeing the image on half of the page, which i didn't like so i enlarged the image and placed it full page which looked better. After that i added the name of the artist presenting it very large and located at the center of the page in order to attract the main attention of the page to the name of the artist. i chose a font that kept the house style continuous and ongoing throughout the product. I added stroke in white so that it stood out more but adjusted the width of the stroke to a suitable level. I then added the album name, which i again used the same style in order to continue the house style. I used the same font I did in the video and the other ancillary text also to keep the same theme and house style throughout the products I produced. I then added the release date below that in order to let the audience know when the album is going to be released. I presented the date through large text size, filled it in with white, I also added stroke in red, in order to keep the house style ongoing between the colour theme. In terms of the font style I used a different font compared to previous fonts so that it differed from the other texts and stood out. I also enlarged the text so it differed from the rest and grabbed the attention of the audience. Below that I added the website of the artist so that fans are capable of finding all and other information they want to find through a sing website. So that I grabs the attention of the audience I used the same font as the website, in order to continue the continuity and house style. I filled the text in with red and added stroke in white,

I also added shadow in order to make it stand out as I placed it at the bottom of the page. Carrying on, I added the text ‘NEW ALBUM’ in a similar font to the album name, in order to create relation between this text and the album name. I expressed it through block capitals in order to add more attention and show it urgency also importance. I placed it at the top right hand side of the album name in order to also create the relation between them, which implies that the new album name is the text below. Above the artist name I added text that works like a tag line, working as persuasion and promotion as it praises the artist, as ‘another number 1 by Cavit’. In order to portray the institution I added the institution logos that I put together at the bottom right hand side of the page. I moved the tagline below the artist name and then added 5 stars as part of the audience rating however, and then removed it replacing it with a line and moving the tag line back above the artist name.

Page 3: Progress of ancillary text one


After creating a magazine advert portrait, i decided to create another one portrait. I made a fresh start, so i opened Photoshop, oppened a new page and filled the page into black with the bucket fill tool. I wanted to place the image at the top with all the text below, however, i did not quiet like that version when i tried it. I placed the image onto this page, and then adjusted it in different ways, i removed the rough areas of the image using various tools, rubber, brush, polygonal lasso cut tool, also quick select tool. i inserted the texts that held importance, i used same fonts and colour scheme in order to continue with the house style. I simply placed the artists name just below the center and added a red line, not underlining the full word but as shown,

just avoids a bit off the left and the right. Below that i inserted the tag line 'seni cok cok seviyorum' in the same font and colour but adjusted the size of it in order to make it look appropriate and readable. I did not change anything other than adding the stroke in white which made the text stand out more, be clearer and look neater. Below that i inserted the album name that is '#benimki' which translates to 'my one', i continued to use the same theme in order to keep the house style and the motif ongoing. I increased the text size so that the album name is obvious, considering the text is printed larger it reflects on the importance it carries. I added another text below the album name, 'NEW ALBUM' filled in yellow and in block capitals so that although the text is in smaller text size, it still maintains to catch the attention. I chose the colour yellow as it relates to the genre of the music, which is pop and the genre pop involves bright, live and vivid colours. I increased the size of the text in order to draw the attention to the text that is the release date which is why i i positioned below the text 'NEW ALBUM', as imlies that the the new album is released on the date given. I purposely increased the size and added the stroke effect in red with the fill colour being white which stands out very well, i also added other effects to give it a 3D effect which allows it to stand out more. I also added the logo of the music label as it is a conventional element of music advertisements in magazines, I located it at the bottom center of the page above where the i placed the official website for the artist. I also added icons of social media such as Twitter and Instagram, which i forgot to add Facebook, however, i also considered to include Spotify and iTunes, which are softwares for music downloading and purchasing. Adding these icons makes the artist more promoting and accessible. Most importantly, i went back to the image stage. So that it did not look plain i added a shape, a circle, outlining and creating a frame to the image. I also did many adjustments to the image in order to make it look better. As she was turned to the left, and was a night time, it created a weired effect to the image which meant that i had to make it look realistic. i used many tools to do this. i mainly considered the brush tool to remove the rough areas and make it look more realistic and smooth. In order to get the image inside the circle and remove the unwanted areas i place the image below the shape and using the rubber tool, rubbed the unwanted areas, i also used the polygonal lasso tool to make the removal of the unwanted areas more accurate. i adjusted the image through sharpening the image to a certain level as it looked out focued a little.

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I printed the previous version in colour and the main image looked very sharp so i wanted to smoothen it. Although i had a rough idea of how to do it, i wanted to be sure, so I Googled tutorials and steps of how to soften an image on Photoshop and worked through the steps. The website i used was:

This was the result half way through the process of me following the steps. I continued with the steps, as the image looked very smooth. I didn't like the look of the lips of her as it looks weird and needs improving.

This is the outcome from the process that i followed. I also, adjusted the look of the her face as it looked weird, slanted and in proportionate, so i used the brush tool and clone tool to adjust the face. Now, i believe it looks better.

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• Quick select tool• Polygonal lasso tool• Smart sharpen through filters• Layer styles• Brush tool• Paint bucket tool• Magic select tool• Mask• Text• History

• Shape• Spot healing tool• Eraser tool • Magic wand tool• Brightness and contrast• Levels• Curves• Opacity • Fill• Clone tool

I used various tools such as (within the tools I have mentioned some have different types within the tools which I have used):

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If I was to do this again, I would do the following:• I would add a star rating to make it look realistic when compared to other

music magazine advertisement, as a result because I didn’t add the star rating it means that I have broken one of the conventions of the music magazine advertisement.• I forgot to add the social network ‘Facebook’, so next time I will add that next

to the twitter icon.