programming multi-core systems with openmp · programming multi-core systems with openmp clemens...

Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

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Page 1: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Programming Multi-Core Systemswith OpenMP

Clemens Grelck

University of Amsterdam

UvA / SURFsaraHigh Performance Computing and Big Data

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 2: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Targeted Architectures

OpenMP at a Glance

Loop Parallelization



Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 3: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Target Multi-core Systems

Small-scale general-purpose (x86) multicore processors:

I Intel / AMD commodity processors with 2, 4, 6 or 8 cores

I potentially hyperthreaded

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 4: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Target Multi-core Systems

Medium-scale server systems:

I multiple (2 or 4 in practice) identical processors

I each processor with several cores

I high bandwidth data path between processors

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 5: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Target Multi-core Systems

Large-scale shared address space compute systems:

I large number of slightly simpler cores

I SUN MicroSystems / Oracle Niagara / UltraSparc T series

I up to 512 hardware threads (T3-4 server)

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 6: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Symmetric Multiprocessor Architecture Model

core core corecore corecore corecore core core corecorecore core corecore


L3 cache



Shared Address Space

L3 cache L3 cache L3 cache
































I Shared address space notion of shared memory

I Multiple levels of hardware-coherent caches

I Multiple processors

I Each processor has multiple cores

I Each core has multiple hardware threads

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 7: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Targeted Architectures

OpenMP at a Glance

Loop Parallelization



Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 8: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Design Rationale of OpenMP


I Automatic parallelisation of sequential code.

I No additional parallelisation e↵ort for development,debugging, maintenance, etc.


I Data dependences are di�cult to assess.

I Compilers must be conservative in their assumptions.

Way out:

I Take or write ordinary sequential program.

I Add annotations/pragmas/compiler directives that guideparallelisation.

I Let the compiler generate the corresponding code.

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 9: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Design Rationale of OpenMP


I Automatic parallelisation of sequential code.

I No additional parallelisation e↵ort for development,debugging, maintenance, etc.


I Data dependences are di�cult to assess.

I Compilers must be conservative in their assumptions.

Way out:

I Take or write ordinary sequential program.

I Add annotations/pragmas/compiler directives that guideparallelisation.

I Let the compiler generate the corresponding code.

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 10: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Design Rationale of OpenMP


I Automatic parallelisation of sequential code.

I No additional parallelisation e↵ort for development,debugging, maintenance, etc.


I Data dependences are di�cult to assess.

I Compilers must be conservative in their assumptions.

Way out:

I Take or write ordinary sequential program.

I Add annotations/pragmas/compiler directives that guideparallelisation.

I Let the compiler generate the corresponding code.

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 11: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

OpenMP at a Glance

OpenMP as a programming interface:

I Compiler directivesI Library functionsI Environment variables

C/C++ version:

#pragma omp name [clause]*

structured block

Fortran version:

!$ OMP name [ clause [, clause]*]

code block

!$ OMP END name

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 12: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

OpenMP at a Glance

OpenMP as a programming interface:

I Compiler directivesI Library functionsI Environment variables

C/C++ version:

#pragma omp name [clause]*

structured block

Fortran version:

!$ OMP name [ clause [, clause]*]

code block

!$ OMP END name

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 13: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Hello World with OpenMP

Example program:

#include "omp.h"

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


printf( "Starting execution with %d threads .\n",

omp_get_num_threads ());

printf( "Hello world says thread %d of %d.\n",

omp_get_thread_num (),

omp_get_num_threads ());

printf( "Execution of %d threads terminated .\n",

omp_get_num_threads ());

return 0;


Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 14: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Hello World with OpenMP

#include "omp.h"

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


printf( "Starting execution with %d threads .\n",

omp_get_num_threads ());

printf( "Hello world says thread %d of %d.\n",

omp_get_thread_num (),

omp_get_num_threads ());

printf( "Execution of %d threads terminated .\n",

omp_get_num_threads ());

return 0;


Compiling the code:

gcc -fopenmp hello_world.c

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 15: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Hello World with OpenMP#include "omp.h"

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


printf( "Starting execution with %d threads .\n",

omp_get_num_threads ());

printf( "Hello world says thread %d of %d.\n",

omp_get_thread_num (),

omp_get_num_threads ());

printf( "Execution of %d threads terminated .\n",

omp_get_num_threads ());

return 0;


Running the compiled code:

Starting execution with 1 threads.

Hello world says thread 0 of 1.

Execution of 1 threads terminated.

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 16: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Hello World with OpenMP — now in parallel

#include "omp.h"

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


printf( "Starting execution with %d threads .\n",

omp_get_num_threads ());

#pragma omp parallel


printf( "Hello world says thread %d of %d.\n",

omp_get_thread_num (),

omp_get_num_threads ());


printf( "Execution of %d threads terminated .\n",

omp_get_num_threads ());

return 0;


Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 17: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Hello World with OpenMP — now in parallel

Running the code with 4 threads:

Starting execution with 1 threads.

Hello world says thread 2 of 4.

Hello world says thread 3 of 4.

Hello world says thread 1 of 4.

Hello world says thread 0 of 4.

Execution of 1 threads terminated.

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 18: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Hello World with OpenMP — now in parallel

Running the code with 4 threads:

Starting execution with 1 threads.

Hello world says thread 2 of 4.

Hello world says thread 3 of 4.

Hello world says thread 1 of 4.

Hello world says thread 0 of 4.

Execution of 1 threads terminated.

Who determines number of threads ?

I Environment variable: export OMP_NUM_THREADS=4

I Library function: void omp_set_num_threads( int)

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 19: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

OpenMP Execution Model

Classical Fork/Join:

Master and slave threads concurrently

Master thread executes serial code.

Master thread encounters parallel directive.

Implicit barrier, wait for all threads to finish.

Master thread resumes serial execution.

execute parallel block.

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 20: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Targeted Architectures

OpenMP at a Glance

Loop Parallelization



Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 21: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Simple Loop Parallelisation

Example: element-wise vector product:

void elem_prod( double *c, double *a, double *b, int len)


int i;

for (i=0; i<len; i++)


c[i] = a[i] * b[i];



Idea of parallelisation:

I Have each thread compute some disjoint part of the vectors:

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 22: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Simple Loop Parallelisation

Example: element-wise vector product:

void elem_prod( double *c, double *a, double *b, int len)


int i;

for (i=0; i<len; i++)


c[i] = a[i] * b[i];



Idea of parallelisation:

I Have each thread compute some disjoint part of the vectors:

*= = = =




* * *

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 23: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Simple Loop Parallelisation

Example: parallelised element-wise vector product:

void elem_prod( double *c, double *a, double *b, int len)


int i;

#pragma omp parallel for

for (i=0; i<len; i++)


c[i] = a[i] * b[i];




I No data dependence between any two iterations.

I Caution: YOU claim this property !!

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 24: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Simple Loop Parallelisation

Example: parallelised element-wise vector product:

void elem_prod( double *c, double *a, double *b, int len)


int i;

#pragma omp parallel for

for (i=0; i<len; i++)


c[i] = a[i] * b[i];




I No data dependence between any two iterations.

I Caution: YOU claim this property !!

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 25: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Simple Loop Parallelisation

Example: parallelised element-wise vector product:

void elem_prod( double *c, double *a, double *b, int len)


int i;

#pragma omp parallel for

for (i=0; i<len; i++)


c[i] = a[i] * b[i];




I No data dependence between any two iterations.

I Caution: YOU claim this property !!

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 26: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Directive #pragma omp parallel for

What the compiler directive does for you:

I It starts additional worker threads depending onOMP NUM THREADS or omp set num threads().

I It divides the iteration space among all threads.

I It lets all threads execute loop restricted to their mutuallydisjoint subsets.

I It synchronizes all threads at an implicit barrier.

I It terminates the worker threads.


I The directive must directly precede for-loop.

I The for-loop must match a constrained pattern.

I The trip-count of the for-loop must be known in advance.

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 27: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Directive #pragma omp parallel for

What the compiler directive does for you:

I It starts additional worker threads depending onOMP NUM THREADS or omp set num threads().

I It divides the iteration space among all threads.

I It lets all threads execute loop restricted to their mutuallydisjoint subsets.

I It synchronizes all threads at an implicit barrier.

I It terminates the worker threads.


I The directive must directly precede for-loop.

I The for-loop must match a constrained pattern.

I The trip-count of the for-loop must be known in advance.

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 28: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Shared and Private Variables


#pragma omp parallel for

for (i=0; i<len; i++)


c[i] = a[i] * b[i];


Private variables:

I One private instance for each threadI No communication between threads within parallel sectionI No communication between parallel and sequential sections

Shared variables:

I One shared instance for all threadsI Allows communication between threads within parallel sectionI Allows communication between parallel and sequential sections

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 29: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Shared and Private Variables


#pragma omp parallel for

for (i=0; i<len; i++)


c[i] = a[i] * b[i];


Who decides that a, b, c and len are shared variables,whereas i is private ??

Default rules:

I All variables are shared.

I Only loop variables of parallel loops are private.

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 30: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Shared and Private Variables


#pragma omp parallel for

for (i=0; i<len; i++)


c[i] = a[i] * b[i];


Who decides that a, b, c and len are shared variables,whereas i is private ??

Default rules:

I All variables are shared.

I Only loop variables of parallel loops are private.

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 31: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Shared and Private Variables

The default rule is not what you want ?

I The shared clause determines shared variables

I The private clause determines private variables

Example with explicit clauses:

#pragma omp parallel for private( i) shared( c, a, b, len)

for (i=0; i<len; i++)


c[i] = a[i] * b[i];


Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 32: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

From Vector Product to Scalar Product

Scalar product:double scalar_prod( double *a, double *b, int len)


int i; double ep , sp=0.0;

for (i=0; i<len; i++)


ep = a[i] * b[i];

sp = sp + ep;


return sp;




* * * *b



= = = =

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 33: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

From Vector Product to Scalar Product



* * * *b



= = = =

Reduction operations:

I Reductions reduce a set of elements to one

I Using some function

I Examples: sum or product of a set of numbers

Can we parallelise reductions ?

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 34: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

From Vector Product to Scalar Product



* * * *b



= = = =

Reduction operations:

I Reductions reduce a set of elements to one

I Using some function

I Examples: sum or product of a set of numbers

Can we parallelise reductions ?

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 35: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Parallel Reduction

Scalar product:double scalar_prod( double *a, double *b, int len)


int i; double ep , sp=0.0;

for (i=0; i<len; i++)


ep = a[i] * b[i];

sp = sp + ep;


return sp;



I Reduction introduces a loop-carried dependence.

I Good news: operation is associativeI Order of reductions irrelevant for final resultI (If we ignore deficiencies of computer arithmetic...)

Private variables ?

Shared variables ?

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 36: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Parallel Reduction

Scalar product:double scalar_prod( double *a, double *b, int len)


int i; double ep , sp=0.0;

for (i=0; i<len; i++)


ep = a[i] * b[i];

sp = sp + ep;


return sp;



I Reduction introduces a loop-carried dependence.I Good news: operation is associative

I Order of reductions irrelevant for final resultI (If we ignore deficiencies of computer arithmetic...)

Private variables ?

Shared variables ?

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 37: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Parallel Reduction

Scalar product:double scalar_prod( double *a, double *b, int len)


int i; double ep , sp=0.0;

for (i=0; i<len; i++)


ep = a[i] * b[i];

sp = sp + ep;


return sp;



I Reduction introduces a loop-carried dependence.I Good news: operation is associativeI Order of reductions irrelevant for final result

I (If we ignore deficiencies of computer arithmetic...)

Private variables ?

Shared variables ?

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 38: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Parallel Reduction

Scalar product:double scalar_prod( double *a, double *b, int len)


int i; double ep , sp=0.0;

for (i=0; i<len; i++)


ep = a[i] * b[i];

sp = sp + ep;


return sp;



I Reduction introduces a loop-carried dependence.I Good news: operation is associativeI Order of reductions irrelevant for final resultI (If we ignore deficiencies of computer arithmetic...)

Private variables ?

Shared variables ?

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 39: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Parallel Reduction

Scalar product:double scalar_prod( double *a, double *b, int len)


int i; double ep , sp=0.0;

for (i=0; i<len; i++)


ep = a[i] * b[i];

sp = sp + ep;


return sp;



I Reduction introduces a loop-carried dependence.I Good news: operation is associativeI Order of reductions irrelevant for final resultI (If we ignore deficiencies of computer arithmetic...)

Private variables ?

Shared variables ?

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 40: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Parallel Reduction

Parallel scalar product:

double scalar_prod( double *a, double *b, int len)


int i; double ep , sp=0.0;

#pragma omp parallel for shared( a, b, len , sp) \

private( i, ep)

for (i=0; i<len; i++)


ep = a[i] * b[i];

sp = sp + ep;


return sp;


Is this really correct ?

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 41: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Parallel Reduction

Parallel scalar product:

double scalar_prod( double *a, double *b, int len)


int i; double ep , sp=0.0;

#pragma omp parallel for shared( a, b, len , sp) \

private( i, ep)

for (i=0; i<len; i++)


ep = a[i] * b[i];

sp = sp + ep;


return sp;


Is this really correct ?

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 42: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

A Look into Assembly

The troublemaker in C:

sp = sp + ep;

The troublemaker in (pseudo) assembly:

load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1 , reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp


I Same code executed by multiple threads simultaneously

I Any interleaving of assembly instructions possible

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 43: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

A Look into Assembly

The troublemaker in C:

sp = sp + ep;

The troublemaker in (pseudo) assembly:

load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1 , reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp


I Same code executed by multiple threads simultaneously

I Any interleaving of assembly instructions possible

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 44: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Interleaved Execution of Threads

Thread 1:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 2:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 1 private Shared Thread 2 privateep reg1 reg2 sp ep reg1 reg28 0 0 29 5 0 0

8 29 0 29 5 0 08 29 8 29 5 0 08 37 8 29 5 0 08 37 8 37 5 0 08 37 8 37 5 37 08 37 8 37 5 37 58 37 8 37 5 42 58 37 8 42 5 42 5

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 45: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Interleaved Execution of Threads

Thread 1:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 2:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 1 private Shared Thread 2 privateep reg1 reg2 sp ep reg1 reg28 0 0 29 5 0 08 29 0 29 5 0 0

8 29 8 29 5 0 08 37 8 29 5 0 08 37 8 37 5 0 08 37 8 37 5 37 08 37 8 37 5 37 58 37 8 37 5 42 58 37 8 42 5 42 5

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 46: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Interleaved Execution of Threads

Thread 1:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 2:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 1 private Shared Thread 2 privateep reg1 reg2 sp ep reg1 reg28 0 0 29 5 0 08 29 0 29 5 0 08 29 8 29 5 0 0

8 37 8 29 5 0 08 37 8 37 5 0 08 37 8 37 5 37 08 37 8 37 5 37 58 37 8 37 5 42 58 37 8 42 5 42 5

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 47: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Interleaved Execution of Threads

Thread 1:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 2:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 1 private Shared Thread 2 privateep reg1 reg2 sp ep reg1 reg28 0 0 29 5 0 08 29 0 29 5 0 08 29 8 29 5 0 08 37 8 29 5 0 0

8 37 8 37 5 0 08 37 8 37 5 37 08 37 8 37 5 37 58 37 8 37 5 42 58 37 8 42 5 42 5

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 48: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Interleaved Execution of Threads

Thread 1:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 2:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 1 private Shared Thread 2 privateep reg1 reg2 sp ep reg1 reg28 0 0 29 5 0 08 29 0 29 5 0 08 29 8 29 5 0 08 37 8 29 5 0 08 37 8 37 5 0 0

8 37 8 37 5 37 08 37 8 37 5 37 58 37 8 37 5 42 58 37 8 42 5 42 5

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 49: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Interleaved Execution of Threads

Thread 1:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 2:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 1 private Shared Thread 2 privateep reg1 reg2 sp ep reg1 reg28 0 0 29 5 0 08 29 0 29 5 0 08 29 8 29 5 0 08 37 8 29 5 0 08 37 8 37 5 0 08 37 8 37 5 37 0

8 37 8 37 5 37 58 37 8 37 5 42 58 37 8 42 5 42 5

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Page 50: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Interleaved Execution of Threads

Thread 1:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 2:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 1 private Shared Thread 2 privateep reg1 reg2 sp ep reg1 reg28 0 0 29 5 0 08 29 0 29 5 0 08 29 8 29 5 0 08 37 8 29 5 0 08 37 8 37 5 0 08 37 8 37 5 37 08 37 8 37 5 37 5

8 37 8 37 5 42 58 37 8 42 5 42 5

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 51: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Interleaved Execution of Threads

Thread 1:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 2:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 1 private Shared Thread 2 privateep reg1 reg2 sp ep reg1 reg28 0 0 29 5 0 08 29 0 29 5 0 08 29 8 29 5 0 08 37 8 29 5 0 08 37 8 37 5 0 08 37 8 37 5 37 08 37 8 37 5 37 58 37 8 37 5 42 5

8 37 8 42 5 42 5

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Page 52: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Interleaved Execution of Threads

Thread 1:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 2:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 1 private Shared Thread 2 privateep reg1 reg2 sp ep reg1 reg28 0 0 29 5 0 08 29 0 29 5 0 08 29 8 29 5 0 08 37 8 29 5 0 08 37 8 37 5 0 08 37 8 37 5 37 08 37 8 37 5 37 58 37 8 37 5 42 58 37 8 42 5 42 5

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Page 53: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Interleaved Execution of Threads

Thread 1:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 2:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 1 private Shared Thread 2 privateep reg1 reg2 sp ep reg1 reg28 0 0 29 5 0 0

8 0 0 29 5 29 08 0 0 29 5 29 58 0 0 29 5 34 58 0 0 34 5 34 58 34 0 34 5 34 58 34 8 34 5 34 58 42 8 34 5 34 58 42 8 42 5 34 5

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Page 54: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Interleaved Execution of Threads

Thread 1:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 2:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 1 private Shared Thread 2 privateep reg1 reg2 sp ep reg1 reg28 0 0 29 5 0 08 0 0 29 5 29 0

8 0 0 29 5 29 58 0 0 29 5 34 58 0 0 34 5 34 58 34 0 34 5 34 58 34 8 34 5 34 58 42 8 34 5 34 58 42 8 42 5 34 5

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 55: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Interleaved Execution of Threads

Thread 1:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 2:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 1 private Shared Thread 2 privateep reg1 reg2 sp ep reg1 reg28 0 0 29 5 0 08 0 0 29 5 29 08 0 0 29 5 29 5

8 0 0 29 5 34 58 0 0 34 5 34 58 34 0 34 5 34 58 34 8 34 5 34 58 42 8 34 5 34 58 42 8 42 5 34 5

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 56: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Interleaved Execution of Threads

Thread 1:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 2:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 1 private Shared Thread 2 privateep reg1 reg2 sp ep reg1 reg28 0 0 29 5 0 08 0 0 29 5 29 08 0 0 29 5 29 58 0 0 29 5 34 5

8 0 0 34 5 34 58 34 0 34 5 34 58 34 8 34 5 34 58 42 8 34 5 34 58 42 8 42 5 34 5

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 57: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Interleaved Execution of Threads

Thread 1:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 2:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 1 private Shared Thread 2 privateep reg1 reg2 sp ep reg1 reg28 0 0 29 5 0 08 0 0 29 5 29 08 0 0 29 5 29 58 0 0 29 5 34 58 0 0 34 5 34 5

8 34 0 34 5 34 58 34 8 34 5 34 58 42 8 34 5 34 58 42 8 42 5 34 5

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Page 58: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Interleaved Execution of Threads

Thread 1:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 2:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 1 private Shared Thread 2 privateep reg1 reg2 sp ep reg1 reg28 0 0 29 5 0 08 0 0 29 5 29 08 0 0 29 5 29 58 0 0 29 5 34 58 0 0 34 5 34 58 34 0 34 5 34 5

8 34 8 34 5 34 58 42 8 34 5 34 58 42 8 42 5 34 5

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Page 59: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Interleaved Execution of Threads

Thread 1:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 2:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 1 private Shared Thread 2 privateep reg1 reg2 sp ep reg1 reg28 0 0 29 5 0 08 0 0 29 5 29 08 0 0 29 5 29 58 0 0 29 5 34 58 0 0 34 5 34 58 34 0 34 5 34 58 34 8 34 5 34 5

8 42 8 34 5 34 58 42 8 42 5 34 5

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Page 60: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Interleaved Execution of Threads

Thread 1:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 2:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 1 private Shared Thread 2 privateep reg1 reg2 sp ep reg1 reg28 0 0 29 5 0 08 0 0 29 5 29 08 0 0 29 5 29 58 0 0 29 5 34 58 0 0 34 5 34 58 34 0 34 5 34 58 34 8 34 5 34 58 42 8 34 5 34 5

8 42 8 42 5 34 5

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Page 61: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Interleaved Execution of Threads

Thread 1:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 2:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 1 private Shared Thread 2 privateep reg1 reg2 sp ep reg1 reg28 0 0 29 5 0 08 0 0 29 5 29 08 0 0 29 5 29 58 0 0 29 5 34 58 0 0 34 5 34 58 34 0 34 5 34 58 34 8 34 5 34 58 42 8 34 5 34 58 42 8 42 5 34 5

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Page 62: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Interleaved Execution of Threads

Thread 1:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 2:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 1 private Shared Thread 2 privateep reg1 reg2 sp ep reg1 reg28 0 0 29 5 0 0

8 29 0 29 5 0 08 29 0 29 5 29 08 29 8 29 5 29 08 29 8 29 5 29 58 37 8 29 5 29 58 37 8 29 5 34 58 37 8 37 5 34 58 37 8 34 5 34 5

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Page 63: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Interleaved Execution of Threads

Thread 1:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 2:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 1 private Shared Thread 2 privateep reg1 reg2 sp ep reg1 reg28 0 0 29 5 0 08 29 0 29 5 0 0

8 29 0 29 5 29 08 29 8 29 5 29 08 29 8 29 5 29 58 37 8 29 5 29 58 37 8 29 5 34 58 37 8 37 5 34 58 37 8 34 5 34 5

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Page 64: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Interleaved Execution of Threads

Thread 1:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 2:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 1 private Shared Thread 2 privateep reg1 reg2 sp ep reg1 reg28 0 0 29 5 0 08 29 0 29 5 0 08 29 0 29 5 29 0

8 29 8 29 5 29 08 29 8 29 5 29 58 37 8 29 5 29 58 37 8 29 5 34 58 37 8 37 5 34 58 37 8 34 5 34 5

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Page 65: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Interleaved Execution of Threads

Thread 1:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 2:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 1 private Shared Thread 2 privateep reg1 reg2 sp ep reg1 reg28 0 0 29 5 0 08 29 0 29 5 0 08 29 0 29 5 29 08 29 8 29 5 29 0

8 29 8 29 5 29 58 37 8 29 5 29 58 37 8 29 5 34 58 37 8 37 5 34 58 37 8 34 5 34 5

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Page 66: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Interleaved Execution of Threads

Thread 1:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 2:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 1 private Shared Thread 2 privateep reg1 reg2 sp ep reg1 reg28 0 0 29 5 0 08 29 0 29 5 0 08 29 0 29 5 29 08 29 8 29 5 29 08 29 8 29 5 29 5

8 37 8 29 5 29 58 37 8 29 5 34 58 37 8 37 5 34 58 37 8 34 5 34 5

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Page 67: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Interleaved Execution of Threads

Thread 1:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 2:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 1 private Shared Thread 2 privateep reg1 reg2 sp ep reg1 reg28 0 0 29 5 0 08 29 0 29 5 0 08 29 0 29 5 29 08 29 8 29 5 29 08 29 8 29 5 29 58 37 8 29 5 29 5

8 37 8 29 5 34 58 37 8 37 5 34 58 37 8 34 5 34 5

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Page 68: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Interleaved Execution of Threads

Thread 1:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 2:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 1 private Shared Thread 2 privateep reg1 reg2 sp ep reg1 reg28 0 0 29 5 0 08 29 0 29 5 0 08 29 0 29 5 29 08 29 8 29 5 29 08 29 8 29 5 29 58 37 8 29 5 29 58 37 8 29 5 34 5

8 37 8 37 5 34 58 37 8 34 5 34 5

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Page 69: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Interleaved Execution of Threads

Thread 1:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 2:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 1 private Shared Thread 2 privateep reg1 reg2 sp ep reg1 reg28 0 0 29 5 0 08 29 0 29 5 0 08 29 0 29 5 29 08 29 8 29 5 29 08 29 8 29 5 29 58 37 8 29 5 29 58 37 8 29 5 34 58 37 8 37 5 34 5

8 37 8 34 5 34 5

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Page 70: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Interleaved Execution of Threads

Thread 1:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 2:load sp -> reg1

load ep -> reg2

add reg1, reg2 -> reg1

store reg1 -> sp

Thread 1 private Shared Thread 2 privateep reg1 reg2 sp ep reg1 reg28 0 0 29 5 0 08 29 0 29 5 0 08 29 0 29 5 29 08 29 8 29 5 29 08 29 8 29 5 29 58 37 8 29 5 29 58 37 8 29 5 34 58 37 8 37 5 34 58 37 8 34 5 34 5

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Page 71: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Race Condition / Data Race


I A race condition / data race exists if the behaviour (themeaning) of a program depends on the execution order ofprogram parts (threads) whose temporal behaviour is beyondcontrol.

Origin of term:

I Electronics

I Two electric signals race against each other.

I Arrival order of input signals at gate determines output signal.

Big question: how can we avoid data races ?

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 72: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Race Condition / Data Race


I A race condition / data race exists if the behaviour (themeaning) of a program depends on the execution order ofprogram parts (threads) whose temporal behaviour is beyondcontrol.

Origin of term:

I Electronics

I Two electric signals race against each other.

I Arrival order of input signals at gate determines output signal.

Big question: how can we avoid data races ?

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Page 73: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Race Condition / Data Race


I A race condition / data race exists if the behaviour (themeaning) of a program depends on the execution order ofprogram parts (threads) whose temporal behaviour is beyondcontrol.

Origin of term:

I Electronics

I Two electric signals race against each other.

I Arrival order of input signals at gate determines output signal.

Big question: how can we avoid data races ?

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Page 74: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

How can we Avoid Data Races ?

Solution: critical sections

I Once a thread enters a critical section, it must leave it beforeany other thread can enter; no interleaving.

I Critical sections must be made explicit throughout program.

Example:double scalar_prod( double *a, double *b, int len)


int i; double ep , sp=0.0;

#pragma omp parallel for shared( a, b, len , sp) \

private( i, ep)

for (i=0; i<len; i++) {

ep = a[i] * b[i];

#pragma omp critical


sp = sp + ep;

} }

return sp;


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Page 75: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Critical Sections

Parallel scalar product:double scalar_prod( double *a, double *b, int len)


int i; double ep , sp=0.0;

#pragma omp parallel for shared( a, b, len , sp) \

private( i, ep)

for (i=0; i<len; i++) {

ep = a[i] * b[i];

#pragma omp critical


sp = sp + ep;

} }

return sp;


The critical directive:

I Directive must immediately precede new statement block.I Statement block is executed without interleaving.I Directive implements critical section.

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Page 76: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Named Critical Sections


I All critical sections in entire program are synchronised.

I Many might be unrelated.

I Unnecessary synchronisation overhead.

Solution: named critical directive

I Critical sections may be associated with names.

I Critical sections with identical names are synchronised.

I Critical sections with di↵erent names are executedconcurrently.

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 77: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Named Critical Sections


I All critical sections in entire program are synchronised.

I Many might be unrelated.

I Unnecessary synchronisation overhead.

Solution: named critical directive

I Critical sections may be associated with names.

I Critical sections with identical names are synchronised.

I Critical sections with di↵erent names are executedconcurrently.

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 78: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Named Critical Section

Scalar product:

double scalar_prod( double *a, double *b, int len)


int i; double ep , sp=0.0;

#pragma omp parallel for shared( a, b, len , sp) \

private( i, ep)

for (i=0; i<len; i++) {

ep = a[i] * b[i];

#pragma omp critical (scalar_prod)


sp = sp + ep;

} }

return sp;


BUT: Is this really e�cient ?

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Page 79: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Named Critical Section

Scalar product:

double scalar_prod( double *a, double *b, int len)


int i; double ep , sp=0.0;

#pragma omp parallel for shared( a, b, len , sp) \

private( i, ep)

for (i=0; i<len; i++) {

ep = a[i] * b[i];

#pragma omp critical (scalar_prod)


sp = sp + ep;

} }

return sp;


BUT: Is this really e�cient ?

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Page 80: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Reduction Clause

Scalar product:

double scalar_prod( double *a, double *b, int len)


int i; double ep , sp=0.0;

#pragma omp parallel for shared( a, b, len) \

private( i, ep) \

reduction( +: sp)

for (i=0; i<len; i++) {

ep = a[i] * b[i];

sp = sp + ep;


return sp;


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Page 81: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Reduction Clause

Scalar product:

double scalar_prod( double *a, double *b, int len)


int i; double ep , sp=0.0;

#pragma omp parallel for shared( a, b, len) \

private( i, ep) \

reduction( +: sp)

for (i=0; i<len; i++) {

ep = a[i] * b[i];

sp = sp + ep;


return sp;



* * * *b


= = = =

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Page 82: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Reduction Clause

Scalar product:double scalar_prod( double *a, double *b, int len)


int i; double ep , sp=0.0;

#pragma omp parallel for shared( a, b, len) \

private( i, ep) \

reduction( +: sp)

for (i=0; i<len; i++) {

ep = a[i] * b[i];

sp = sp + ep;


return sp;



I Reduction clause only supports built-in reduction operations:+, *, ^, &, |, &&, ||, min, max.

I Bit accuracy not guaranteed.

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Page 83: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Conditional Parallelisation


I Parallel execution of aloop incurs overhead:

I creation of workerthreads

I schedulingI synchronisation barrier

I This overhead must beoutweighed by su�cientworkload.

I Workload depends onI loop body,I trip count.

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Page 84: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Conditional Parallelisation


I Parallel execution of aloop incurs overhead:

I creation of workerthreads

I schedulingI synchronisation barrier

I This overhead must beoutweighed by su�cientworkload.

I Workload depends onI loop body,I trip count.


if (len < 1000) {

for (i=0; i<len; i++)


res[i] = a[i] * b[i];



else {

#pragma omp parallel for

for (i=0; i<len; i++)


res[i] = a[i] * b[i];



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Page 85: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Conditional Parallelisation

Introducing the if-clause:

if (len < 1000) {

for (i=0; i<len; i++) {

res[i] = a[i] * b[i];



else {

#pragma omp parallel for

for (i=0; i<len; i++) {

res[i] = a[i] * b[i];



#pragma omp parallel for if (len >= 1000)

for (i=0; i<len; i++) {

res[i] = a[i] * b[i];


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Page 86: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Conditional Parallelisation


#pragma omp parallel for if (len >= 1000)

for (i=0; i<len; i++) {

res[i] = a[i] * b[i];


Some facts:

I If-clause can contain any kind of C expression

I C expression may refer to all identifiers in scopeI C expression is evaluated first:

I false: sequential executionI true: parallel execution

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Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Targeted Architectures

OpenMP at a Glance

Loop Parallelization



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Page 88: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Loop Scheduling


I Loop scheduling determines which iterations are executed bywhich thread.


I Equal workload distribution


task 4

task 3

task 2

task 1










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Page 89: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Loop Scheduling


I Di↵erent situations require di↵erent techniques

The schedule clause:

#pragma omp parallel for schedule( <type > [, <chunk >])

for (...)





I Clause selects one out of a set of scheduling techniques.

I Optionally, a chunk size can be specified.

I Default chunk size depends on scheduling technique.

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Page 90: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Loop Scheduling

Static scheduling:

#pragma omp parallel for schedule( static)

I Loop is subdivided into as many chunks as threads exist.

I Often called block scheduling.


Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 91: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Loop Scheduling

Static scheduling with chunk size 1:

#pragma omp parallel for schedule( static , 1)

I Iterations are assigned to threads in a round-robin fashion.

I Also called cyclic scheduling.


Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 92: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Loop Scheduling

Static scheduling with chunk size ¡n¿:

#pragma omp parallel for schedule( static , <n>)

I Loop is subdivided into chunks of n iterations.

I Chunks are assigned to threads in a round-robin fashion.

I Also called block-cyclic scheduling.


Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 93: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Loop Scheduling

Dynamic scheduling:

#pragma omp parallel for schedule( dynamic , <n>)

I Loop is subdivided into chunks of n iterations.

I Chunks are dynamically assigned to threads on their demand.

I Also called self scheduling.

I Default chunk size: 1 iteration.

Properties to keep in mind:

I Allows for dynamic load distribution and adjustment.

I Requires additional synchronization.

I Generates more overhead than static scheduling.

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 94: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Loop Scheduling

Dynamic scheduling:

#pragma omp parallel for schedule( dynamic , <n>)

I Loop is subdivided into chunks of n iterations.

I Chunks are dynamically assigned to threads on their demand.

I Also called self scheduling.

I Default chunk size: 1 iteration.

Properties to keep in mind:

I Allows for dynamic load distribution and adjustment.

I Requires additional synchronization.

I Generates more overhead than static scheduling.

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Page 95: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Loop Scheduling

Dilemma of chunk size selection:

I Small chunk sizes mean good load balancing, but highsynchronisation overhead.

I Large chunk sizes reduce synchronisation overhead, but resultin poor load balancing.

Rationale of guided scheduling:

I In the beginning, large chunks keep synchronisation overheadsmall.

I When approaching the final barrier, small chunks balanceworkload.

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 96: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Loop Scheduling

Dilemma of chunk size selection:

I Small chunk sizes mean good load balancing, but highsynchronisation overhead.

I Large chunk sizes reduce synchronisation overhead, but resultin poor load balancing.

Rationale of guided scheduling:

I In the beginning, large chunks keep synchronisation overheadsmall.

I When approaching the final barrier, small chunks balanceworkload.

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 97: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Loop Scheduling

Guided scheduling:#pragma omp parallel for schedule( guided , <n>)

I Chunks are dynamically assigned to threads on their demand.I Initial chunk size is implementation dependent.I Chunk size decreases exponentially with every assignment.I Also called guided self scheduling.I Minimum chunk size: n (default: 1)


I Total number of iterations: 250I Initial / minimal chunk size: 50 / 5I Current chunk size: 80% of last chunk size:

50 – 40 – 32 – 26 – 21 – 17 – 14 – 12 – 10 – 8 – 6 – 5 – 5 – 4I All properties are implementation-dependent !

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 98: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Loop Scheduling

Guided scheduling:#pragma omp parallel for schedule( guided , <n>)

I Chunks are dynamically assigned to threads on their demand.I Initial chunk size is implementation dependent.I Chunk size decreases exponentially with every assignment.I Also called guided self scheduling.I Minimum chunk size: n (default: 1)


I Total number of iterations: 250I Initial / minimal chunk size: 50 / 5I Current chunk size: 80% of last chunk size:

50 – 40 – 32 – 26 – 21 – 17 – 14 – 12 – 10 – 8 – 6 – 5 – 5 – 4I All properties are implementation-dependent !

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Page 99: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Choice of Scheduling Technique

Which scheduling to choose when ?

I Depends on your code !I Crucial question: is the amount of computational work per

iteration (roughly) the same for each iteration or not?

Static scheduling techniques:

I Preferable for uniform workload distributionsI Minimal overheadI (Block-)Cyclic schedulings may be useful for regular uneven

workload distributionsI (Block-)Cyclic schedulings may run into cache issues

Dynamic scheduling techniques:

I Preferable for irregular workload distributionsI Additional synchronisation overhead needs compensationI Guided self-scheduling usually superior

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 100: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Choice of Scheduling Technique

Which scheduling to choose when ?

I Depends on your code !I Crucial question: is the amount of computational work per

iteration (roughly) the same for each iteration or not?

Static scheduling techniques:

I Preferable for uniform workload distributionsI Minimal overheadI (Block-)Cyclic schedulings may be useful for regular uneven

workload distributionsI (Block-)Cyclic schedulings may run into cache issues

Dynamic scheduling techniques:

I Preferable for irregular workload distributionsI Additional synchronisation overhead needs compensationI Guided self-scheduling usually superior

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 101: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

Choice of Scheduling Technique

Which scheduling to choose when ?

I Depends on your code !I Crucial question: is the amount of computational work per

iteration (roughly) the same for each iteration or not?

Static scheduling techniques:

I Preferable for uniform workload distributionsI Minimal overheadI (Block-)Cyclic schedulings may be useful for regular uneven

workload distributionsI (Block-)Cyclic schedulings may run into cache issues

Dynamic scheduling techniques:

I Preferable for irregular workload distributionsI Additional synchronisation overhead needs compensationI Guided self-scheduling usually superior

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

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Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Targeted Architectures

OpenMP at a Glance

Loop Parallelization



Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP

Page 103: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

What’s More ?

More in OpenMP-2:

I Decouple parallel regions from work sharing

I Control synchronisation barriers

I Task parallel sections

I Low-level locks and condition variables

I ...

More in OpenMP-3:

I Nested parallel regions

I Spawning and synchronisation of tasks

I ...

More information:


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Page 104: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

What’s More ?

More in OpenMP-2:

I Decouple parallel regions from work sharing

I Control synchronisation barriers

I Task parallel sections

I Low-level locks and condition variables

I ...

More in OpenMP-3:

I Nested parallel regions

I Spawning and synchronisation of tasks

I ...

More information:


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Page 105: Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP · Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam UvA / SURFsara High Performance Computing and Big Data

What’s More ?

More in OpenMP-2:

I Decouple parallel regions from work sharing

I Control synchronisation barriers

I Task parallel sections

I Low-level locks and condition variables

I ...

More in OpenMP-3:

I Nested parallel regions

I Spawning and synchronisation of tasks

I ...

More information:


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The End: Questions ?

Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam Programming Multi-Core Systems with OpenMP