program - · 4cesc19 will take place at the west university of timișoara, in the aula...

1 Partners International Conference on “Communication and Education in Knowledge Society” 4 th Edition: Innovative instruments for community development Web information:; Facebook: CESC UVT PROGRAM Timisoara, Romania, October 17-18, 2019 Venue Information

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Page 1: PROGRAM - · 4CESC19 will take place at the West University of Timișoara, in the Aula A11, Aula A01, Rooms 521,522, 523 Address: Blvd. V. Parvan 4, Timisoara 300223 ()



International Conference on “Communication and Education in Knowledge Society”

4th Edition: Innovative instruments for community development

Web information:; Facebook: CESC UVT


Timisoara, Romania, October 17-18, 2019

Venue Information

Page 2: PROGRAM - · 4CESC19 will take place at the West University of Timișoara, in the Aula A11, Aula A01, Rooms 521,522, 523 Address: Blvd. V. Parvan 4, Timisoara 300223 ()


Address 4CESC19 will take place at the West University of Timișoara, in the Aula A11, Aula A01, Rooms 521,522, 523 Address: Blvd. V. Parvan 4, Timisoara 300223 ( Languages The official language of the conference is English, French Presentations Presentations can be made by using data projector. All authors are kindly requested to take their presentation on USB and upload it on the conference laptop during the break before their session. Internet access Throughout the conference, participants can log into the University free WiFi by connecting to UVT-Guest-HotSpot. No password is required. Insurance The Organizers do not provide insurance and do not take responsibility for any loss, accident or illness that might occur during the Conference or in the course of travel to or from the meeting site. It is, therefore, the responsibility of the participants to check their coverage with their insurance provider. Travel to Timisoara You can reach Timisoara either by train, arriving to Timisoara North Railway Station, or by airplane to "Traian Vuia" Airport. A bus service is available from the airport to the center of town (Route Express No. 4), as well as from the train station to the center of town (Route Express No. 3). You can also take a taxi either from the railway station, or from the airport, to the center of Timisoara. Public transportation in Timisoara Several bus („autobus”), tram („tramvai”) and trolleybus („troilebuz”) routes connect Timisoara's main areas and tourist attractions. The public transportation system runs between 4:45am and 11:15pm. The tickets can be bought from inside the buses, by credit card or by phone via SMSTickets are interchangeable for all three forms of transport with the exception of express buses. Taxi numbers for Timisoara: City Taxi (0040-256-) 949; Dacia Taxi 944; Radio Taxi 940; Tudo Taxi 945; airport: 764084378; 0767-602206

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Day ONE: Thursday, October 17th

8:30 – 10.00. Starting: Conference Registration Location: West University of Timisoara (V. Parvan, 4), Main Hall, first floor, in front of A11 The registration & information desk will be open all throughout the conference 10.00 - 10.30 Plenary session: Opening ceremony Location: first floor, Aula A11 Chair: Simona BADER, PhD Lecturer, West University of Timisoara, DFSC Welcome address: Mădălin BUNOIU, Assoc. prof., Vice-Rector, West University of Timisoara Florin LOBONȚ, Assoc. prof. Dean, Faculty of Political Sciences, Philosophy and Communication Gheorghe CLITAN, Prof. dr., Director Department of Philosophy and Communication Simona SAVA, Prof. dr., Director Department of Educational Sciences Maria MICLE, Lect. dr., 4CESC Coordinator 10.30 - 11.30 Plenary session: Invited keynote speeches Location: first floor, A11 Chair: Florin LOBONȚ, Assoc. prof., Faculty of Political Sciences, Philosophy and Communication Mihaela TUDOR, Assoc. Prof. PhD, Dr. Habil., Paul Valéry University, Media and

Communication Sciences, Montpellier, Littératie médiatique et littératie médiatque religieuse: contributions à la consolidation d’un agenda citoyen et politique

Anna Maria TAMMARO, PhD Prof. University of Parma, Italy, How libraries can be learning hub?

Ștefan BRATOSIN, Prof. Ph.D, Dr. Habil., Paul Valéry University, Media and Communication Sciences, Montpellier, Participation à la construction de l’opinion publique médiatisée sur la sexualité et la religion. Cas des étudiants français

11.30 – 12.00. Coffee break; Grup photo, individuals Photo (by Panda-Events) Location: first floor, in front of A11

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12.00 – 13.30. Parallel sessions Location: Rooms A01 (S1), A11 (S2), 523 (S3)

13.30 – 15.00. Lunch break 15.00 – 16.30. Parallel sessions Location: Rooms A01 (S4), 522 (S5), 523 (S6)

16.30 – 17.00. Coffee break / 20 SID Cocktail. Location: first floor, in front of A11

17.00 – 18.00. 20 UVT-SID Anniversary (round table): Academic training in the field of info-documentary in Romania: achievements and perspectives Location: A01 Chair: Simona BURSAȘIU, PhD, Politehnica University, Central Library UPT Invited talks: Gheorghe CLITAN, PhD Prof., Dr. Habil. Dir. of Department of Philosophy and Communication

Studies Maria MICLE, Ph.D Lect., PU-BSID Dir., West University of Timisoara, DFSC Vasile ȚÂRA, Ph.D Professor, West University of Timisoara Cristina POPESCU, Associate Professor, vice-dean, Faculty of Letters, University of Bucharest Olimpia CURTA, Ph.D, Dir. Gen. Adj. IT, „Lucian Blaga” Central University Library of Cluj-

Napoca Silviu BORȘ, Ph.D Lecturer, Astra County Library of Sibiu – Manager, ”Lucian Blaga”

University Vasile DEAC, PhD, Bibliothèque departamrntale «Gheorghe Șincai» Bihor, Oradea Ivona OLARU, PhD, ing., „Mihai Eminescu” Central University Library of Iași Manuela ZĂNESCU, PhD Student, Dir. Gen. Adj. „Eugen Todoran” Central University Library

of Timișoara Agneta LOVASZ, PhD, ing., Central Library UPT Manager, Politehnica University, Timișoara Ioan DAVID, Ph.D Professor, AR Library Dir., Romanian Academy. Timiș Branch, Timișoara 17.00 – 19.00. Timişoara Guided Center Tour Meeting point: Ground floor, UVT entrance Responsible Person: Ilie RADOI, PhD, WUT, Department of Geography 20.00-23.00. Conference dinner, Restaurant TRIO, (Strada Semenic Nr 22, Giroc 307220,

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Day TWO, Friday, October 18th

9.00 - 10.30. Parallel sessions Location: Rooms A01 (S7), A11 (S8)

10.30 – 11.30. Plenary session: Keynote speeches Location: A11 Chair: Ekkehard Nuissl, PhD Prof., University of Kaiserslautern, Germany Aleksandra PEJATOVIC, PhD Prof., University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy, Department

for Pedagogy and Andragogy, Belgrade, Education Response to the World of Work in the Knowledge Society

Aleksandar FATIC, Prof. dr., Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade, Serbia, Integrative Psychotherapy: Key methodological features

Cristina IONESCU, Assoc. Prof. PhD, The School of Philosophy, The Catholic University of America, Washington, Persuasion through Dramatic Details: Reflections on Plato’s Account of the Good Life in the Philebus

11.30 – 12.00. Coffee break Location: first floor, in front of A11 12.00 - 13.30. Parallel sessions Location: Rooms A01 (S9), A11 (S10), 523 (S11), 701 (S12)

13.30– 14.00. 4CESC2019. Closing Conference. Panel Discussions Location: Room A11 Chair: Maria MICLE, Lect. dr., 4CESC Coordinator 14.30 – 21.00. Half Day Tour –Regional Tour / by bus Meeting point: Ground floor, UVT entrance Responsible Person: Ilie RADOI, PhD, WUT, Department of Geography

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Parallel sessions

Thursday, October



Parallel sessions

Location: Rooms A01 (S1), A11 (S2), 523 (S3)

Section 1: Philosophical counselling and ethics applied in community or institutions Room: A01 Chairs: Sandu Frunză / Vasile Hațegan

1. Sandu FRUNZĂ, Prof. Ph.D, Dr. Habil., Babes-Bolyai University, FSPAC, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Iulia MEDVESCHI, PhD Student, Babes-Bolyai University, FSPAC, Ovidiu Nicolae GRAD, Ph.D, Assistant Professor, University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Iuliu Hatieganu”, Cluj-Napoca, Theoretical and practical aspects regarding ethical counseling in organizations

2. Florin LOBONȚ, Ph.D Associated Professor, West University of Timisoara, Between truthful language and anti-intellectualist rhetoric: P4C versus post-truth society

3. Marian TĂTARU, Ph.D Student, West University of Timisoara, Is philosophical counseling a way for criminals to discover their moral compass?

4. Mihail PRICOP, Philosophy M.A. Student, West University of Timisoara, Romania, Why use philosophical counseling and consultancy in your company? The power of critical thinking unleashed after 2000 years

Section 2: Information professionals ‘competencies for digital inclusion and collaborative learning Room: A11 Chairs: Agnes Baratne/ Elena Tîrziman

1. Elena TÎRZIMAN, Prof. Ph.D, Dr. Habil., University of Bucharest, Romania, Contemporary library and its role in the community

2. Agnes HAJDU BARAT, Prof. Ph.D, Dr. Habil., ELTE University, Budapest, Hungary, 70 years of Hungarian librarianship education at university level

3. Regula FEITKNECHT, M.A. Librarian, Directrice adjointe, Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire, Fribourg, Suisse, La formation professionnelle dans le domaine de l'infodocumentation en Suisse

4. Ioana DÂRJAN, Lecturer PhD, Mihai PREDESCU, Associate Professor PhD West University of Timisoara, Embedding social and civic competences in higher education curricula

5. Victoria FRÂNCU, Ph.D, Romanian Library Association, Bucharest, Digital libraries: their role in building communities

Section 3: Innovative digital communication strategies Room: 523

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Chairs: Ana Maria BENEA / Corina SÎRB

1. Ștefania BEJAN, Ph.D Associate Professor, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University, Iași, Romania, The Persuasive Potential of Storytelling in Professions of Contemporary Communication

2. Ana-Maria DASCĂLU-ROMIȚAN, Ph.D, Assistant Professor, Politehnica University of Timisoara, Faculty of Communication Sciences, The Importance of Translation in our Communities

3. Anamaria FILIMON-BENEA, Lecturer, PhD, West University of Timisoara, La vidéo: un outil de communication incontournable sur les réseaux sociaux

4. Éva FORINTOS, Ph.D, University of Pannonia, Veszprém, Hungary, Ferenc ANDRÁS, Ph.D, University of Pannonia, Veszprém, Hungary, Communication space as a space of community

5. Nicolae HURDUZEU, Ph.D Lecturer, West University of Timisoara, DPPD, Fighting against prejudices an discrimination by using games in history classes

Thursday, October



Parallel sessions

Location: Rooms A01 (S4), 522 (S5), 523 (S6)

Section 4: Education as pillar and dialogic practice for community development towards 2030 Room: A01 Chairs: Simona Sava / Aleksandra Pejatovic

1. Simona SAVA, Ph.D Professor, Laura MALIȚA, Senior Lecturer PhD., West University of Timisoara, The role of the university in the community development

2. Laura MALIȚA, Senior Lecturer PhD., Gabriela GROSSECK , West University of Timisoara, Sacha Gomez, Enriching student’ learning through gamification

3. Claudia BORCA, Lecturer PhD., West University of Timisoara, Gifted education in Romania 4. Tea RADOVIC, Psychologist, SPPA Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia, Superposition of Personality 5. Anca LUȘTREA, Assoc. Professor, Loredana AL GHAZI, Lecturer, PhD, West University of

Timisoara, Supportive practices for students` well-being in universities Section 5: The impact of new media in local brands and culture and regional communities Room: 522 Chairs: Codruța Simionescu / Ioana Vid

1. Ioana VID, Senior Lecturer PhD, West University of Timisoara, DFSC, Brand Image: Senneville and Prospero

2. Iasmina PETROVICI, Ph.D Lecturer, Simona BADER, Ph.D Lecturer, Corina SÎRB, Ph.D, Assistant Professor, West University of Timişoara, DFSC, Urban Subcultures in Romanian Advertising

3. Alexandru PETRESCU, Ph.D Associate Professor, West University of Timisoara, DFSC, Certains aspects de la réflexion du fait religieux dans les médias roumains

4. Mihai MURARIU, PhD Research Assistant, West University of Timisoara, DSP, The Use of Education and Communication Strategies in Totalist Movements. The Case of Islamic State

Section 6: Cultural policies in European Capitals of Culture (in cross-border areas)

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Room: 523 Chairs: Corina Turșie / Ștefania BEJAN

1. Mirela MĂRCUȚ, Ph.D, Assistant Professor, University of Oradea, Romania, Local Community Development through Digital Policies

2. Corina TURȘIE, Ph.D Lecturer, West University of Timișoara, DSP, Assessing the impacts of the European Capital of Culture programme in cross-border regions

3. Ilie RĂDOI, PhD, Faculty of Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Department of Geography, Codruța-Diana SIMIONESCU, PhD, Faculty of Political Sciences, DFSC, West University of Timișoara, Romania, The role of European Capital of Culture Programme for sustainable development in a cross-border region. Case study: Timișoara 2021, Novi Sad 2021

4. Luminița TOMUȚA (POP), Teacher in primary education, Scoala Gimnaziala Nr. 7 "Sfanta Maria", Timișoara, Presentation of the regional project “Beautiful book, it is an honor to read you!”

5. Eugène F.-X. GHERARDI, Prof. PhD, University of Corsica, France, La fête de la nation corse au prisme des réseaux sociaux: discours et médiation patrimoniale

Friday, October 18th


Parallel sessions

Location: Rooms A01 (S7), A11 (S8)

Section 7: Place-based and network-based strategies of community – educational institutions partnerships Room: A01 Chairs: Claudia BORCA / Otilia BERSAN

1. Claudia BORCA, Lecturer PhD., West University from Timisoara, Community development through gifted and talented education

2. Mihai PREDESCU, Ioana DÂRJAN, Lecturer, PhD, Associate Professor, PhD, West University of Timisoara, Using Capability Approach in Assessing the Effects of Disability and Juvenile Delinquency on Well-being

3. Otilia SANDALĂ BERSAN, Lecturer PhD., West University of Timisoara, Partnership between kindergarten - family a basis for early child education

4. Simona ADAM, Ph.D Lecturer, West University of Timisoara, Teacher Training Department, Using Local Memory in Education and Community Development. Case-study: an Oral History Archive

5. Ramona-Elena TUTUNARU, PhD Graduate Teaching Assistant, West University of Timişoara, Department of Education Sciences, Ways of delivering non-formal religious education

Section 8: Ethical counselling for organizations Room: A11 Chairs: Claudiu MESAROȘ / Maria SINACI

1. Maria SINACI, Ph.D Associate Professor, "Vasile Godis" Western University of Arad, Romania, From the Natural Man to the Enhanced Man: possibilities, perils and ethical issues of cognitive enhancement through gene editing

2. Bogdan Mihai DASCĂLU, Associate Professor Dr., Romanian Academy, Timișora, Ethical

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communication in the community 3. Luka JANEŠ, Philosophy PhD Student, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia,

Link Between the Philosophical Counseling and Bioethical Sensibility with The Mental Health of the Youth

4. Claudiu MESAROȘ, Ph.D Associated Professor, West University of Timisoara, 5. Plutarch and philosophy for leaders 6. Marius DRĂGHICI, PhD, Stela Cernea and the sociological side of Montesquieu


October 18th


Parallel sessions

Location: Rooms A01 (S9), A11 (S10), 523 (S11), 701 (S12)

Section 9: Diaspora and Minorities – Communication and New Media Room: A01 Chairs: Alina ROMAȘCU / Antonio MOMOC

1. Ileana ROTARU, Ph.D Associated Professor, West University of Timişoara, DFSC, Social representation of the Roma minority in the online Romanian public space during political campaigns period

2. Alina ROMAȘCU, Ph.D Associate Professor, University of Corsica, Corte, France, Maria MICLE, Ph.D Lecturer, West University of Timisoara, Romania, Le processus d’influence par le biais des réseaux sociaux dans les élections présidentielles roumaines de 2014

3. Antonio MOMOC, Ph.D Associate Professor, University of Bucharest. Faculty of Journalism and Communication Sciences, Bucharest, The Romanian Migrants in the press narative of the alternative media

4. Florentina ONIȘOR, Lecturer, at LIS Program, West University of Timişoara, DFSC, Maria MICLE, Ph.D Lecturer, West University of Timişoara, DFSC, Alina ROMAȘCU, Ph.D Associate Professor, University of Corsica, Corte, France, Library in support of Romanian Diaspora. Case study: United Kingdom

Section 10: Philosophy for all Room: A11 Chairs: Ionel NARIȚA / Armand VOINOV

1. Vasile Petru HAȚEGAN, Ph.D Lecturer, Institute for Social and Political Research, Philosophy for all. Some fields to apply philosophy

2. Armand A. VOINOV, PhD Student, West University of Timisoara, The matter of suicide at Plato 3. Cristian HÎRJOI, PhD Student, West University of Timisoara, Frank speech in the epicurean

philosophical school 4. Florina HARET, M.A. Student, West University of Timişoara, DFSC, Philosophical Counselling as a Secular

Approach to the Problem of Evil 5. Ionel NARIȚA, Ph.D Professor, West University of Timişoara, DFSC, Semiotics of Numbers

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Section 11: Digital library perspectives on community building Room: 523 Chairs: Agneta Lovasz / Oana Velcotă

1. Agneta-Elisabeta LOVASZ, Ph.D, Central Library UPT Manager, Politehnica University, Central Library UPT, Simona BURSAȘIU, Ph.D, Politehnica University, Central Library UPT, Institutional Digital Depository - experiences of the UPT Central Library

2. Oana VELCOTĂ, Lecturer, at LIS Program, West University of Timisoara, IT&C Dep., Maria MICLE, Ph.D Lecturer, West University of Timişoara, DFSC, WUT Digital Repository and the Academic Community. Division: works bachelor / master dissertation

3. Silviu BORȘ, Ph.D Lecturer, ”Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu, România, Bibliothèque publique „Astra” de Sibiu. Préoccupations et réalisations dans le domaine électronique

4. Vasile DEAC, PhD, conservateur, CS III, Bibliothèque departamentale «Gheorghe Șincai» Bihor, Oradea, Romania, Ionela BURZ, PhD, bibliothécaire, Bibliothèque de l'Université d'Oradea, Alexandru DEAC, ing., ingénierie des systèmes biotechniques, L'évaluation et la préservation des collections de bibliothèque à valeur patrimoniale. L’établissement des mesures d'intervention pré-numérisation et post-numérisation.

Section 12: Identity architectures and new categories of patrimony: mechanisms of identity construction in relation to cultural heritage (PN III-P1-1.2-PCCDA-2017-0686, 52PCCDI/2018, funded by UEFISCDI) (virtual participation) Room: 701 Chairs: Gheorghe CLITAN / Oana BARBU

1. Gheorghe CLITAN, Prof. Ph.D, Dr. Habil., West University of Timisoara, Oana BARBU, Lecturer, PhD, Mechanisms of institutionalization and creation of individual and collective identities: mental filters used in manipulating the vote through electoral posters containing religious symbols

2. Paula TOMI, University of Bucharest, Logic and manipulation: Does logic have a role in the structure of manipulation?

3. Andrea MENNA, University of Bucharest, The crisis of the national state and the multicultural society

4. Costel MATEI, University of Bucharest, National Patrimony and European Identity: A Conceptual Approach

5. Andreea POPESCU, University of Bucharest, A study-case on academic ethics inspired by BA students

6. Oana SERBAN, University of Bucharest, National State Hospitals as Tangible and Intangible Forms of Cultural Heritage

7. Stefan IONESCU, University of Bucharest, Constitutive Factors of Common Identity

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Panorama of parallel sessions

Section 1: Philosophical counselling and ethics applied in community or institutions Room: A01 Chairs: Sandu Frunză / Vasile Hațegan

Section 2: Information professionals ‘competencies for digital inclusion and collaborative learning Room: A11 Chairs: Agnes Baratne/ Elena Tîrziman

Section 3: Innovative digital communication strategies Room: 523 Chairs: Corina Sîrb / Ana Maria BENEA

Section 4: Education as pillar and dialogic practice for community development towards 2030 Room: A01 Chairs: Simona Sava / Aleksandra Pejatovic Section 5: The impact of new media in local brands and culture and regional communities Room: 522 Chairs: Codruța Simionescu / Ioana BID

Section 6: Cultural policies in European Capitals of Culture (in cross-border areas) Room: 523 Chairs: Corina Turșie / Ștefania BEJAN

Section 7: Place-based and network-based strategies of community – educational institutions partnerships Room: A01 Chairs: Claudia BORCA / Otilia BERSAN

Section 8: Ethical counselling for organizations Room: A11 Chairs: Claudiu MESAROȘ / Maria SINACI

Section 9: Diaspora and Minorities – Communication and New Media Room: A01 Chairs: Alina ROMAȘCU / Antonio MOMOC

Section 10: Philosophy for all Room: A11

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Chairs: Ionel NARIȚA / A. VOINOV

Section 11: Digital library perspectives on community building Room: 523 Chairs: Agneta Lovasz / Oana Velcotă

Section 12: Identity architectures and new categories of patrimony: mechanisms of identity construction in relation to cultural heritage (PN III-P1-1.2-PCCDA-2017-0686, 52PCCDI/2018, funded by UEFISCDI) (virtual participation) Room: 701 Chairs: Gheorghe Clitan / Oana BARBU