progess on student magizine

By Matthew Scott (Media Studies) CXH Student Magazine

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Post on 07-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Progess on student magizine

By Matthew Scott (Media Studies) CXH Student Magazine

Page 2: Progess on student magizine

• Student Sixth Form Life • Student Sixth Form Life standard

• Sheldon Sixth Form• Student Sixth Form

What I did I shortened the title to make it clearer. Put on a rainbow gradient and underlined I changed.

Why I made the changes I made changes to shorten the title because it will

become simpler. I think I long title will put customers off the magazine and will end up going over two lines having will make things harder and take up more of the page. This will make it harder

for the reader to process what exactly the magazine is about and put them off it.

I decided not to include Sheldon as well because it would make it hard to say the title and it will be to complicated to say. I think Student Sixth Form Is

simple to understand and say. It is easy to read andI decided not to include Sheldon as well because it would make it hard to say the title and it will be to

complicated to say. I decided not to include Sheldon as well because it would

make it hard to say the title and it will be to complicated to say. I think Student Sixth Form Is simple to understand and say. It is

easy to read anddoes not take up to much at the top of the page and it is easy to understand what it is

about. If it takes up a lot of room it will take up a lot of space of what you can see

when it is on the shelve below other magazines and people wont pick up the

magazine because it will look boring because they cant see anything else at the

top when it is not because they cant see the magazine does not have to much text on it.

Page 3: Progess on student magizine

What I did

Why I made the changes

4 slides

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Contents (sell lines, competitions… etc.)