prog. mgmt

11/30/13 PMP® Aspire - Score Card 1/36 Close Score Card Total Questions: 200 Questions Attempted: 198 Correct Answers: 96 Result: 48% Knowledge Area-wise Score Communications Management 55% Cost Management 56.25% PM Framework 64.29% Human Resource Management 60% Integration Management 43.75% Procurement Management 36.36% Quality Management 53.33% Risk Management 37.5% Scope Management 35.29% Time Management 38.1% Stakeholder Management 71.43% Process Group-wise Score Closing 40% Executing 59.32% Initiating 40% Monitoring & Controlling 39.53% Planning 41.51% PM Framework 80% You answered this question incorrectly. Q.2: All of the following statements about Quality Function Deployment are true except: A. Helps determine critical characteristics for new product development B. It is also known as collecting the Voice of Customer C. Helps in defining suitable ways of defining quality attributes for the Project D. It is an example of a facilitated workshop technique for collecting requirement Your option: D Correct option: C Justification: Answer A, B, D are characteristics of a Quality Function Deployment. Refer PMBOK - Page 114; section

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Prog. Mgmt


  • 11/30/13 PMP Aspire - Score Card 1/36


    Score Card

    Total Questions: 200

    Questions Attempted: 198

    Correct Answers: 96

    Result: 48%

    Knowledge Area-wise Score

    Communications Management 55%

    Cost Management 56.25%

    PM Framework 64.29%

    Human Resource Management 60%

    Integration Management 43.75%

    Procurement Management 36.36%

    Quality Management 53.33%

    Risk Management 37.5%

    Scope Management 35.29%

    Time Management 38.1%

    Stakeholder Management 71.43%

    Process Group-wise Score

    Closing 40%

    Executing 59.32%


    Monitoring & Controlling 39.53%

    Planning 41.51%

    PM Framework 80%

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.2: All of the following statements about Quality Function Deployment are true except:

    A. Helps determine critical characteristics for new product development

    B. It is also known as collecting the Voice of Customer

    C. Helps in defining suitable ways of defining quality attributes for the Project

    D. It is an example of a facilitated workshop technique for collecting requirement

    Your option: D Correct option: C

    Justification: Answer A, B, D are characteristics of a Quality Function Deployment. ReferPMBOK - Page 114; section

  • 11/30/13 PMP Aspire - Score Card 2/36

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.3: The Requirements Management Plan can be used for all of the following except

    A. How requirements will be planned, tracked and reported

    B. How changes to requirements will be managed

    C. How requirements will be prioritized

    D. Assumptions and Constraints

    Your option: A Correct option: D

    Justification: Assumptions and constraints are included as part of the requirementsdocument. A requirement management plan in no way facilitates identification ofassumptions and constraints. It can facilitate all other things specified in options A, B and C.PMBOK Reading Reference - Page 110; section

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.4: During a progress review, the Project manager recognizes a possible delay inschedules. The Project manager need to update the customer on the status. What is the firstthing the Project manager needs to do?

    A. Analyze the magnitude of problem

    B. Inform Senior management

    C. Do schedule compression

    D. Prepare report and send to customer

    Your option: B Correct option: A

    Justification: Option B and D sugesst reporting to customer/sponsor and option C suggestsa way to address the delay. Before reporting or taking any action the first step would be toanalyze the problem and determine the extent and magnitude of the problem. So that yourreports could be quantified and actions would be more appropriate.

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.5: Which of the following is not a configuration management activity?

    A. Listing of all items subject to configuration management in the project

    B. Status accounting

    C. Performing impact analysis of change requests

    D. Configuration Audits

    Your option: A Correct option: C

    Justification: Configuration Management activities include the following: 1) ConfigurationIdentification (option A relates to this) 2) Configuration Status accounting (option B here) and3) Configuration Verification and Audit (option D) - this activity includes conducting audits tocheck whether neccessary processes are followed or not. Additionally checking for anydescrepancy between actual vs. recorded status of a configuration item. PMBOK ReadingReference - Page 96 (bottom of page) continued on Page 97. Option C 'conducting impactanalysis' of CRs is a part of 'change control' process and not configuration management.Hence option C is the correct answer

  • 11/30/13 PMP Aspire - Score Card 3/36

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.7: Peter is currently in the execution phase of a integrated traffic control system. The Projectis doing well with no known challenges. During one of the status meetings, a Project membersuggests that they verify if all the assumptions made during planning are valid under thecurrent situation. What process will take care of this requirement?

    A. Trigger

    B. Identify Risks

    C. Control Risks

    D. Assumptions Analysis

    Your option: B Correct option: C

    Justification: As a part of 'Control Risks', the Project manager verifies the applicability of allassumptions. Please note they were for the first time validated in the process of 'identify risks'using the technique 'assumption analysis' and are being revalidated now during the course ofthe project. So options B and D are incorrect. Option A is obviously incorrect. PMBOK ReadingReference - Page 350 (first bullet point)

    You did not attempt this question.

    Q.12: A Project manager needs to make a decision on make / buy for a software componentto be used within a Project. What is the opportunity cost, if the Project manager decides tobuild instead of buy?

    A. -750

    B. $1,750

    C. $2,500

    D. $750

    Your option: Correct option: B

    Justification: EV for Build is $5000 * 0.75 - $5000 * 0.25 = $2500 EV for Buy is $ 6000 * 0.5 - $2500 * 0.5 = $ 1750 Opportunity cost when build is decided as against buy is $ 1750.'Opportunity cost' is the cost asociated with the next best alternate that is dropped.

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.14: A leading aerospace company has hired a Tier 1 supplier for developing the NavigationControl System. As a safety requirement the Tier 1 company has subcontracted part of theverification and validation activities to a Tier 2 company. During an onsite visit, the ProjectManager notices that a project member working for Tier 2 company is using an incorrectversion of design document. If the Project Manager asks the person to stop using theincorrect version of document, what must the project member of the Tier 2 company do?

    A. Stop work

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    B. Raise a change request

    C. Cancel the contract

    D. Continue work

    Your option: B Correct option: D

    Justification: Tier 2 company has no legal relationship with the aerospace company. Theaerospace company must inform the Project manager of the Tier 1 supplier to take necessaryaction

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.15: A Project Manager has assembled the Project team, identified over 65 project risks,determined risk triggers, rated them on a risk rating matrix, tested their assumptions andassessed the quality of the data used. The team is continuing to move through the Riskmanagement process. What has the Project manager forgotten to do?

    A. Simulation

    B. Risk mitigation

    C. Overall Risk ranking for the Project

    D. Involvement of other stakeholders

    Your option: B Correct option: D

    Justification: For effective Risk management, Risk identification should involve allstakeholders and not just the Project team. As far as the process is concerned evrything hasbeen perfomed of the 'identify risk' and 'perform qualitative risk analysis' nothing has beenmissed out. The only issue in the approach is that 'stakeholders' were not involved. OptionsB, C and D are the next step to be performed as a part of 'Perform quantitative risk analysis'PMBOK Reading Reference - Page 321 (first paragraph)

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.16: Given below the data on activities:

    Activity Name Duration in weeks PredecessorA 3 --B 4 AC 2 AD 4 B,CE 2 CF 3 D,E

    If you create a network diagram by using the data above, the critical path would be:

    A. ABDF

    B. ACEF

    C. ACDF

    D. ABEF

    Your option: C Correct option: A

    Justification: After drawing the network diagram you will see that: ABDF=3+4+4+3=14,ACDF=3+2+4+3=12, ACEF=3+2+2+3=10, and ABEF is not a possible path. Since the longestpath is the critical path, hence ABDF. PMBOK Reading Reference - Page 176; section

  • 11/30/13 PMP Aspire - Score Card 5/36

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.17: In selected Projects, which of the the following activity is performed in parallel withScope Validation?

    A. Activity Sequencing

    B. Time Management

    C. Perform Quality Assurance

    D. Control Quality

    Your option: B Correct option: D

    Justification: Control Quality' checks for correctness and Scope Validation checks foracceptance. There is some similarity between the two. Ideally, Control Quality should preceed'validate scope' but at times they could overlap also. PMBOK Reading Reference - Page 134(second paragraph)

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.19: What tool should a Project manager use during a progress review meeting or statusreview meeting with the team?

    A. Gantt Chart

    B. PERT

    C. Milestone Chart

    D. Control Chart

    Your option: C Correct option: A

    Justification: Project status or progress is best depicted by a Bar Chart (or Gantt Chart).PERT is a network diagram and may not be used for progress review. Milestone chart showssummary events and is therefore not adequate for indicating progress, it may be suitable formanagement reporting. Control Chart is meant for analyzing process performance - PMBOKReading Reference - Page 182 (Bar Charts)

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.20: A Project Manager is developing a network diagram. As part of this the Project Managerwants to include activities with waiting time. What is an alternate term used for wait timebetween two activities?

    A. Lag

    B. Lead

    C. Free Float

    D. Slack

    Your option: C Correct option: A

    Justification: Lag directs a delay in the successor activity. Lead is the opposite of 'Lag', i.e,starting an activity a while before the preceeding activity is complete. Float and slack aresynonyms, these refer to the amount of buffer available with an activity. Hence the correctanswer is option A. PMBOK Reading Reference - Page 190; section

  • 11/30/13 PMP Aspire - Score Card 6/36

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.24: During a smooth Project execution, which of the following the Project Manager is leastlikely to spend her time on, as an integrative process?

    A. Team coaching

    B. Documentation and Planning

    C. Project communication

    D. Managing the Tradeoffs amongst time, cost and scope

    Your option: A Correct option: D

    Justification: In a smooth Project, the integrative actions get managed efficiently. The ProjectManger spends time more in coaching of Team members, Planning and communications rather than in integration Management.

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.26: You have just taken over a Project in trouble. The team members are scattered acrossdifferent locations and the communications linkages amongst them and with the Projectstakeholders has been weak. Which of the following is not the right thing for you to do at thisjuncture?

    A. Call for Group meetings

    B. Revamp the Communications systems

    C. Get into the past performance reports of individual team members

    D. Identify areas for improvement for better Project reporting

    Your option: A Correct option: C

    Justification: Whatever has happened in the performance of Team members, this could notbe the right forum to take up this. Also, this could have been because of logistics relatedissues mentioned. Rest of the things are conducive to take up for improvement.

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.28: Which of the following is a more reliable way of estimating costs?

    A. Expert opinions

    B. Historical Information from a similar Project recently concluded

    C. Team members perceptions

    D. Analogous estimating

    Your option: A Correct option: B

    Justification: A similar Project recently concluded can give the best estimate for the Project. Itis a sort of Analogous estimating as well. Analogous estimating could also mean using thehistorical record of a project done far in the past as compared to option B (recentlycompleted), which would tend to be more accurate. Expert opinions can give a good estimate but the option in B is likely to give a better estimate

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.29: You are a PMP certified Project manager, in charge of a research and developmentProject in a plastic bottle manufacturing company. You are approached by an aspiring Project

  • 11/30/13 PMP Aspire - Score Card 7/36

    manager, who asks you to help clarify Performance Reporting. Which of the followingstatements is correct?

    A. Performance Reporting is done during Project monitoring & control and Projectclosure

    B. Performance Reporting is done during Project monitoring & control

    C. Performance reporting is done during Project closure

    D. Performance reporting is done during Project executing and Project monitoring &control

    Your option: B Correct option: A

    Justification: Performance Reports are prepared throughout the project as part of 'monitoringand controlling', also final reports (indicating achievements) are once prepared duringclosure. 'While Option B & C are correct, Option A is a better answer as it includes both theoptions.

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.30: At XYZ Inc., the hourly wage for semi-skilled workers is $14.00. The annual audit showsthat fringe benefits cost 30% of basic wages, and that overhead costs are 60% of wages plusfringe benefits. What is the loaded hourly wage for a semi-skilled worker at XYZ Inc.?

    A. $27.14

    B. $28.96

    C. $29.12

    D. $31.12

    Your option: D Correct option: C

    Justification: The total hourly wage is $ 14 * 1.3* 1.6- as per the data furnished.

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.32: During the middle of the Project, you have been informed that you will be assignedadditional resources. You are yet to understand the capabilities of these resources. Which ofthe following is true?

    A. You can use these resources to decrease the Project duration

    B. The total cost of the Project may decrease

    C. The total cost of the Project may increase

    D. None of the above may be correct

    Your option: A Correct option: D

    Justification: The new Project resources assigned could be better or worse as compared tothe existing team. As such, no inference could be drawn on whether the Project schedule orcosts for the Project will increase or decrease

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.36: Which of the following is likely to pose the greatest risk to the Project progress?

    A. Change of the PMIS in the midst of the Project

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    B. Delay in finalization of vendors for procurement

    C. Postponement of a Steering committee meeting during a Phase exit to review andapprove deliverables for further direction

    D. Change of communications Plan to inform the Project progress

    Your option: A Correct option: C

    Justification: Phase exit reviews enable the Project Manager to go forward to the next Phaseon approval of the deliverables. Any postponement of such a meeting will have adverseimpact on the Project schedules. Options A and B can also pose threats to the Project, butthese are typically at a lesser extent as compared to option C.

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.37: Which one of the following is not an example of direct Integration management?

    A. On closure of the project, enabling smooth production of the Product with which theProject was concerned

    B. Whenever there is a likelihood of schedule overrun, take necessary action andrevise the resource management plan

    C. Whenever you come across a risk, perform the risk analysis to identify the riskresolution strategies

    D. Synergise the Project Scope and the Product Scope

    Your option: A Correct option: C

    Justification: Option C is predominantly a Risk Management process, whereas other choicescut across knowledge areas or Process groups or portray the linkage between Product Scopevs. Project scope. PMBOK Reading Reference - Page 64 (first paragraph)

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.39: Which one of the following is an incorrect statement?

    A. IRR of the Project should be usually more than the cost of capital to receiveapproval of the Finance

    B. Payback period analysis takes into account cashflows beyond breakeven point

    C. Bottom-up estimates usually commence from estimating the costs of workpackages and roll them upwards

    D. Parametric estimates heavily rely on technical and historical information

    Your option: A Correct option: B

    Justification: Payback period analysis takes into account the cash flows only up to thebreakeven point. Statements in A , C and D are correct. Criteria for project selection isIRR>Cost of capital. Bottom-up estimating technique refers to estimating at lower levels andthen rolling up to higher levels. Parametric estimation is based on historical information andcalculated considering technical aspects (using computations).

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.40: A Project is having a rigid milestone date and very little slack. What is the most likelysituation as the Project progresses?

    A. More free float

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    B. Inefficient utilization of resources

    C. Negative flat

    D. Decreased costs

    Your option: A Correct option: C

    Justification: The Project has very tight deadlines and very little float. More likely as the Projectprogresses, the deadlines are apt to be missed, resulting in Negative float. More float (free ortotal float) is not apossibility, it will only reduce. Resource utilization in this context is expectedto be stringent, hence option B is incorrect. We have no clue about cost here, but there is areason to believe costs would increase because of schedule delays.

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.42: The Project Manager has floated bids for procurement of a Service to three vendors andalso has prepared Independent Estimates. However, she finds the quotes given by the threevendors substantially differ from Independent Estimates'. This may not be on account of:

    A. Vendors not understanding the Scope adequately

    B. The SOW was inadequate

    C. The Contract is of FFP type

    D. Independent Estimates were derived from Historical Data

    Your option: B Correct option: C

    Justification: The deviations of the vendor quotations from Independent Estimates' can ariseout of the reasons stated in options A and B. Option C (FFP Contract) gives more reason forthe quotations to be accuate and hence is the right answer. Even option D is a possibility forthis, i.e, the Independent estimates are not so good being based on some unqualifiedhistorical data.

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.43: Which of the following, Marginal cost theory is concerned with?

    A. Costs should be reduced as much as possible

    B. Incremental costs should be equal to incremental benefits

    C. Marginal benefits should not be considered in cost allocations

    D. Project manager should look for ways of maximizing the benefits for a fixed costallocation.

    Your option: C Correct option: B

    Justification: Marginal cost theory is an economic theory which says at the marginalequilibrium point incremental costs equal the incremental benefits. After this break evenpoint, incremental costs typically outweigh the incremental benefits

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.46: Which of the following is concerned with Control Scope?

    A. Defining the Scope baseline

    B. Influencing the factors causing Scope changes

    C. Ensuring the Deliverables are accepted by the client

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    D. Ensuring the Scope statement is communicated to all as per CommunicationsPlan

    Your option: D Correct option: B

    Justification: Statement A is a part of Scope Definition and WBS preparation. Statement C isa part of Validate Scope process. Statement D is also a part of Scope definition. Only Option Bconcerns what gets done as a part of Control Scope process PMBOK Reading Reference -Page 136 (control scope)

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.47: In which of the following scenarios, resource leveling is not applicable?

    A. When the requisitioning cost of the resource is high and the usage need isintermittent

    B. As a result of initial Project scheduling, the work needs to be performed by aresource A in a day works out to 10 hours, when he is scheduled to work only for 8hours

    C. When the Project Manager wants to keep the Project timelines under control

    D. When a critical resource has to multiplex between multiple Projects

    Your option: B Correct option: C

    Justification: Options A, B and D are direct definitions of Resource leveling. Option C (withthe connotation of a Shared resource getting over allocated which needs to be resolved), mayusually lead to elongation of Project durations after resolving the resource over allocation.Hence C is the right answer

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.49: You are a Project manager for a building construction. You have outsourced themanufacturing and fitting of door and window for the building. Just before delivery due date,the supplier has an unexpected fire that destroys all the doors and windows. What is the bestthing you can do under this situation?

    A. Check if the supplier has an insurance coverage

    B. Stop Payment

    C. Be prepared for date extension

    D. Ask supplier to stop work and outsource the work to an alternate supplier

    Your option: A Correct option: C

    Justification: The clause that will cover this situation will be related to Force Majeure. This isnot a breach of contract and the supplier will not be liable for penalties. So, option C is thecorrect answer.

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.50: You are the Project Manager to develop a 100 MW power transformer. You havecompleted the development. What is the next process the client has to do?

    A. Close Project or Phase

    B. Report Performance

    C. Validate Scope

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    D. Procurement Management Plan

    Your option: B Correct option: C

    Justification: Since the work has been completed (deliverables produced), the ProjectManager needs to offer it for acceptance to the customer (the process dealing with this is'validate scope'). 'Close project or phase' would take place after 'validate scope'. PerformanceReporting can also occur concurrently. Administrative closure follows successful ScopeValidation Process PMBOK Reading Reference - Page 133; section 5.5

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.57: You are managing an internal R&D project. The initial test results are very poor. You areafraid your management might cancel the project, and this could reflect poorly upon you.Verification testing could be done quickly and inexpensively. You should:

    A. Be the first to recommend canceling the project

    B. Inform management about the results and wait for a response

    C. Inform management immediately and recommend retesting for verification

    D. Withhold the information from management until you perform additional tests toverify the initial results.

    Your option: C Correct option: D

    Justification: It is best to be sure of the information before communicating it. This is whyOption D is the right answer. Option A makes sense after verification testing confirms so.

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.59: The company is in the process of submitting a bid for a fiber optic project and seeksyour advice in preparing time & cost estimates. You would provide the following except:

    A. High Level Scope

    B. Order of Magnitude Cost estimate

    C. Project Plan

    D. Order of Magnitude Time estimate

    Your option: A Correct option: C

    Justification: Since the project is in the Initiation phase, it would not be feasible to create aproject plan. Also, a project plan is created only once a Charter (a contract in this case) is inplace. Option B and D, order of magnitude estimates (also termed as ball park estimates) iswhat you can provide at this point of time. Option A, a high level scope (detailed scope will bedeveloped during planning) can also be produced at this point of time. Hence C is the correctanswer. PMBOK Reading Reference - Page 201 (last paragraph - learn about Order ofMagnitude estimates here)

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.62: Project A has a sunk cost of Rs.75,000 and its estimated cost of completion isRs.55,000. Project B has an estimated cost of completion of Rs.85,000. Both projectspromises Rs.90,000 benefit. Which project will you select?

    A. Project A

    B. Project B

    C. Either Project A or Project B

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    D. Cut down the scope of Project B and select it

    Your option: D Correct option: A

    Justification: Project A will be selected as it has a higher BCR. (90,000/55,000) >(90,000/85,000). Sunk costs are not considered while project selection, one should onlyfocus on how much more money needs to be spent on the project vs. how much morebenefits can be realized.

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.65: The previous Project Manager has quit and you have taken over in between. What is thebest way of leadership, which can be exhibited by you to gain the project team members' co-operation?

    A. Referent

    B. Charisma

    C. Formal

    D. Informal

    Your option: B Correct option: C

    Justification: As the project manager is introduced into the project, he first gets formal powerin the project. Personal powers such as Referent, expert and Charishma are achieved after aperiod of time may be, delivering successful projects continuously.

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.66: In a simple, interactive, one-on-one communication process, there are the sender andreceiver of information. The sender is the one who transmits the signals, while the receiver________ the signals

    A. Accepts

    B. Mixes

    C. Rejects

    D. Interprets

    Your option: A Correct option: D

    Justification: In any communication channel there is a sender and a receiver. Sender sendsor transmits the information and receiver interprets it. In between there is encoding, a channelor medium and decoding. Option A 'accepts' is incorrect because the role of receiver isbeyond just accepting it, it has to interpret the information also. Options B and C are simplyabsurd. Hence D is the correct answer PMBOK Reading Reference - Page 293(communication model)

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.68: Which of the following is a legally binding document to initiate the Project?

    A. Project Proposal

    B. Scope of Work

    C. Bidders conference invitations

    D. Purchase Order

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    Your option: A Correct option: D

    Justification: Legal document used to initiate the project is an Agreement (or contract). Apurchase order is used as a synonym of contract in PMBOK. Hence option D is the correctanswer. PMBOK Reading Reference - Page 377 (Agreements)

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.69: A Coil manufacturing organization is implementing an internal Project to increase thethickness of Coils. As a result of the implementation of the Quality management System, theheating process of the Coils is getting changed. This is an example of:

    A. Acting based on the Quality Control Measurements

    B. Performing Benchmarking

    C. Improving the Quality Audit Process

    D. Benchmarking with the Industry standards

    Your option: B Correct option: A

    Justification: Perform Quality Control' is the process of measuring specific projectdeliverables to determine if the quality standards are met and eleminating causes ofunsatisfactory performce. In this scenario the thinckness of bolt has been found unacceptableand therefore an action 'changing the heating process' is being carried out. This is anexample of acting based on quality control measurement. Hence option A is the correctanswer.

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.71: The Project Manager needs resources from the Finance department for the Project, tocomplete the Project. However, he gets a repeated reply that they are too busy. The non-availability of finance team members is causing Project to have time overruns. Which of thefollowing documents, the Project Manager could have used more effectively, in this context?

    A. Project Schedule Management Plan

    B. Project Quality Management Plan

    C. Project Risk Management Plan

    D. Project Charter

    Your option: A Correct option: D

    Justification: The Project Charter is the document that gives authority to the PM to applyorganizational resources to project activity and is signed by a senior manager.

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.72: A Project has just completed a critical milestone. Which one of the following will beuseful for the top management at this time?

    A. Work results measurement

    B. Performance reporting

    C. Team restructuring

    D. Stakeholder management

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    Your option: D Correct option: B

    Justification: Senior management needs to be apprised of significant developments in theproject. Completion of a milestone is considered to be an important event and needs to bereported. Option A 'work result measurement' is not a standard term/PMBOK term. There is noreason to restructure the team at the end of a milestone, so option C is incorrect. Option D'stakeholder management' is a continuos process, it isn't explicitly needed to be performed atthe end of a milestone. Hence Option B is the correct answer PMBOK Reading Reference -Page 301; section (learn about performance reporting here)

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.73: Which is the most common task relationship?

    A. FS

    B. FF

    C. SS

    D. SF

    Your option: D Correct option: A

    Justification: FS (Finish to Start) is the most commonly used tasks relationships. PMBOKReading Reference - Page 157 (top of page)

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.74: The contractor has performed his work and the Project Manager has since ordered fora procurement Audit. The audit finds a flaw in one of the deliverables of the Contractor. Whichone of the following best represents the situation?

    A. The Contractors payments need to be stopped because of the flaw.

    B. The Project Manager needs to review the vendor Evaluation criteria.

    C. The Project lessons can be transferred appropriately to the Project database.

    D. The Contract Change control systems can be invoked for necessary corrections

    Your option: D Correct option: C

    Justification: Since the seller has performed the work and the PM has already accepted thedeliverable and thereby a procurement audit is being performed. Hence, as per theagreement, the buyer cannot hold payments and can not also invoke a change request for thecontract. PMBOK Reading Reading Reference - Page 388 (Procurement Audit)

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.78: You are a Risk and Compliance Manager. You are asking the Project team to identifyRisk tolerance for the Project. All of the following statements are true about Risk Toleranceexcept:

    A. Organization and Stakeholders accept varying degree of Risk

    B. Project team may use it to estimate for the Project

    C. Team can rank the Risks

    D. Some Risks that are threats to the Project may be accepted if Risk is within aspecified threshold

    Your option: C Correct option: B

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    Justification: Risk tolerance are not used to estimate the Project. The risk tolerance value isperson specific or organization specific, i.e, some people have a tendency of accepting morerisks whereas someothers have a lower risk tolerance. So, option A is true. Risk tolerancecan affect ranking of risk, so option C is true. Risk tolerance is taken into account to decidewhether a risk can be accepted or not. Hence option B is the correct answer. PMBOK ReadingReference - Page 311

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.79: You are an expert in executing Projects that are having globally spread teams. During amilestone review, you notice that the Project is running slow and will have potential impact onsubsequent milestones. You are to present the problem and solution to your reportingmanager. What action will most likely speed up the Project immediately?

    A. Provide technical training

    B. Get all team members in a common location

    C. Have a conference call with all members and ask each member to provide adetailed report

    D. Invite all team members for a meeting to discuss on the Project

    Your option: C Correct option: B

    Justification: Co-location involves placing many or all of the most active team members inthe same physical location to enhance their ability to perform better as a team. Option A couldhelp in some occasions, provided there is a gap in skill set and we have no clue to assumethat. The only limitation we know of in this scenario is 'geographically separated team' -Hence option B which addresses this concern is the best answer. PMBOK ReadingReference - Page 277 (co-location)

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.80: You are a leading outsourcing company in Singapore. You have been involved insubcontracting work to a company in India. You are to select a technique that will give yourcompany a reasonable confidence that the subcontractor will be able to meet your qualityrequirements for the Project. Which of the tools is best recommended by you?

    A. Inspection of deliverables

    B. Fixed price contract

    C. Agreement on Service Levels

    D. Audit

    Your option: A Correct option: D

    Justification: An audit can identify whether quality requirements are being met, whether theprocesses being implemented are capable enough to produce the required level of quality,also are the processes being adhered to by the project team. So conducting an audit canprovide confidence to you on whether the sub-contractor will be able to meet the qualityrequirements. Inspection of deliverables only identifies whether a specific deliverable meetsthe specifications (or doesn't), it doesn't guarantee overall performance or consistency.Options B and C can be used for legally binding the sub-contrator but doesn't help determinewhether or not the sub-contractor can achieve it. PMBOK Reading Reference - Page 247(quality audits)

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.81: You are a Project manager for a major television manufacturing company. Yourfinancial advisor calls you in the morning to give you a shocking news that - the major Project

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    for developing LCD foldable pocket TV, that will be handled by you will not provide desiredlevel of financial benefits to your organization. This investment also significantly influencefuture profitability of the entire corporation. What action must you take immediately?

    A. Check multiple options before taking any decision

    B. Inform the senior management about the issues

    C. Investigate and obtain detailed information before informing senior management

    D. Find a quick solution and implement immediately

    Your option: B Correct option: C

    Justification: As a Project manager, it is necessary to collect adequate data to substantiateany action to be taken. Since, this is related to profitability of a Project, it is necessary to informsenior management about your findings. Hence option C is the best answer

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.84: One of the tools used to identify Risks is Assumptions Analysis. All of the followingstatements are true about Assumptions Analysis except:

    A. Explores the validity of assumptions as they apply to the Project

    B. Identifies Risks to the Project from inaccuracy, instability, inconsistency andincompleteness of assumption

    C. Is developed based on historical information and knowledge from previous Projects

    D. Assumptions are identified during collect requirements process

    Your option: B Correct option: C

    Justification: Answer C is related to Checklist Analysis and used during Risk Identification.Options A and B describe the assumption analysis process. Option D talks about when areassumptions made in the project, however, identification of assumptions are not limited tothe 'collect requirements' process only, they can be identified performing other processesalso. PMBOK Reading Reference - Page 325 (assumption analysis)

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.86: To communicate with stakeholders in the Project you are using the Pushcommunication method. All of the following statements are true about Push communicationmethod except:

    A. Sent to specific recipients who need to know the information

    B. This method ensures information is distributed but does not certify that it is actuallyreached

    C. This method ensures information is distributed but does not certify that it isunderstood by intended audience

    D. Requires the audience to access the communication content at their own discretion

    Your option: A Correct option: D

    Justification: Answer D is a part of Pull Communication Method. The content of thecommunication is expected to be accessed by the recipients immdiately. All others are trueabout push communication. PMBOK Reading Reference - Page 294 (Communicationmethods) continued on page 295

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    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.88: All of the following statements are true about Prototyping except:

    A. It allows stakeholders to experiment with a model of their final product

    B. It supports progressive elaboration

    C. It is a method to obtain early feedback

    D. Prototypes is one of the tools used to define Scope

    Your option: B Correct option: D

    Justification: Prototypes are tools used to collect requirements not in 'define scope' process.All other options are true about prototypes. PMBOK Reading Reference - Page 116(prototypes)

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.89: You are a newly inducted Project manager for a sophisticated executive car designingProject. You have to take an important design decision and you have been contemplatingwhether or not to use Decision tree for the same purpose. The following statements are alltrue about Decision tree except

    A. It is used when some scenarios or outcomes of actions are uncertain

    B. The costs or rewards of each logical path of events and future decisions can becalculated

    C. Helps determine the opportunity cost

    D. Uses a statistical technique that calculates the average outcome of future eventsbased on today's decisions

    Your option: D Correct option: C

    Justification: Decision tree is not used for determining opportunity cost. Applying decisiontree involves calculating Expected monetary value, which is what Option D is about. WhileAnswer A and B are the purposes of decision trees. PMBOK Reading Reference - Page 339(Expected Monetary Value Analysis)

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.92: Requirements Traceability matrix can be used to map requirements to all of thefollowing except

    A. Requirements to Project Objectives

    B. Requirements to Acceptance Criteria

    C. Requirement to Design Objects

    D. Requirements to Test Strategy

    Your option: D Correct option: B

    Justification: Traceability Matrix facilities back-tracking Requirements, and actions taken toenable those Requirements. It does not have any mapping to Acceptance Criteria. It can bemapped to objectives, design component, test cases and many more. PMBOK ReadingReference -Page 118 (requirement traceability matrix) continued on Page 119

    You answered this question incorrectly.

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    Q.93: Requirements can be gathered using the following group creativity techniques except

    A. Affinity Diagram

    B. Brainstorming

    C. Delphi Technique

    D. Interviews

    Your option: A Correct option: D

    Justification: Interviews is not a group creativity technique. Although, it can be used forrequirement gathering. All the rest are group creativity techniques that could be employed forrequirement gathering. PMBOK Reading Reference - Page 115 (group creativity techniques)

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.94: You have been asked to identify the factor that can influence the discretionarydependency the most?

    A. Lessons Learnt

    B. Request from members from outside the Project

    C. Need from customer / sponsor

    D. Depending on the nature of work

    Your option: D Correct option: A

    Justification: Discretionary dependencies are established based on knowledge of bestpractices within a particular application area, also from lessons learned in previous projects,like additional reviews, steps in processes are introduced. These contribute to 'discretionarydependencies. Hence A is the correct answer. Options B and C are sources of 'externaldependency' and option D results in 'Mandatory dependencies'. PMBOK Reading Reference -Page 157 (dependency determination) continued on page 158

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.97: Michelle prepares the Risk management plan that includes a list of key Risks, anapproach to mitigate the Risks and presents to her manager. Her manager Florence asksMichelle to redo the plan? What can be the possible reason attached to this?

    A. A list of Project Risks is an output of Risk identification

    B. Michelle must involve the entire team

    C. Risk triggers are also to be included

    D. Risk Management plan must include the approach, tool, roles and responsibilities,Risk triggers, Risk thresholds, reporting format, and tracking approach

    Your option: C Correct option: D

    Justification: Answer A is true, but not the best answer. Answer C is not true because Risktriggers are an output of Risk identification. Answer B may or may not be truewe do not havesufficient information. Hence Answer D is the best answer, as it talks about what all things therisk management plan should contain, not done by Michelle PMBOK Reading Reference -Page 316 (risk management plan)

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.98: Sarah is a six year experienced Project manager and is currently performing activity

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    estimates for her Project. She is using her past experience on similar Projects and as aresult does not want to disturb her team members who will do the actual Project work. CanSarah expect a scheduling problem for the Project?

    A. No problem - as she is an expert in estimating for similar Projects

    B. Sarah should ask her team to prepare or approve the estimates for the schedule towork

    C. Sarah is not considered elapsed time within the Project

    D. Sarah will have team problems

    Your option: D Correct option: B

    Justification: Engaging the people doing the work to help with the estimating will yieldacceptance and the team will help find solutions for any scheduling problem. It's not a goodidea for the PM to perform estimation in isolation. PMBOK Reading Reference - Page 167(first paragraph)

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.99: Bill wants to add few hours of buffer time in his budgeted time towards additionaltesting he may require to do in case of additional bugs being found or delay in delivery fromthe development team. This is an example of ______________

    A. Risk Acceptance

    B. Contingency Planning

    C. Mitigation

    D. Padding

    Your option: C Correct option: B

    Justification: The strategy of adding additional time/cost as a means of reponding to certainrisks is referred to as 'contingency palnning'. Answer D is incorrect because padding has nobasis for an estimate, Answer A is incorrect because adding contingency is not acceptance ofa Risk. Option C 'mitigation' is reducing the probability/impact of a risk by some action, whichis not done here. PMBOK Reading Reference - Page 345 (mitigate and 'accept') and 346(contingent response)

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.101: You are providing a training on important Project Management principles to a group ofstudents. One of the student asks you to give examples of exit criteria. Each of the following isan example of exit criteria except

    A. Customer Sign-off

    B. Meeting Performance Criteria

    C. Meeting Stakeholder expectation

    D. Meeting Quantitative Goals

    Your option: B Correct option: C

    Justification: Meeting stakeholder expectations is the basic premise for any Project. All theother options are example exit criteria

    You answered this question incorrectly.

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    Q.102: You are the Project Manager for a Warehouse Development Software Application thatis nearing completion. You have performed all the activities within the Project to a satisfactorylevel. You have been sending regular status updates to the customer. The recent statusreport indicated that you have still more Project budget available. As a result of this, yourcustomer has approached you to include some optional and good to have requirements soas to use the remaining budget. What should you do?

    A. This is additional work, negotiate a change in the contract

    B. Gain approval from all Project stakeholders for the additional work

    C. Deny the change

    D. Complete the contract.

    Your option: B Correct option: A

    Justification: A contract requires work and only the stated work to be completed. Anyadditional Scope needs to be incorporated in the contract by the 'contract change controlprocedure'. Option B is also correct, but apart from securing approval from stakeholders thecontract should also be updated as it defines the legal relationship. Option C and D suggestthe same thing. It's not a good idea, afterall the goal is to satisfy the needs of customer.

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.105: You have subcontracted the road asphalting contract. There is a clear statement ofwork detailed in the contract. Your subcontractor has completed the road asphalting as perthe statement of work specified. However, the results are not satisfactory. Under such asituation what is the status of the contract?

    A. null and void

    B. incomplete

    C. complete

    D. waived

    Your option: B Correct option: C

    Justification: When the stated work in the statement of work is complete, then all contractualrequirements are met and hence can be treated as complete. Buyer not being pleased withthe results may be a result of any other reasons

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.106: While working on the cosmetic production Project, Joseph finds something missingand requires a research scientist to immediately contribute as a subject matter expert. Whatis the best type of contract in this situation?

    A. Fixed price

    B. Time and Material

    C. Cost plus fixed fee

    D. Fixed price incentive fee

    Your option: C Correct option: B

    Justification: Time and Material is the most appropriate type of contract when something isrequired to be done immediately. Secondly, the need is of a services of a standard resource(subject matter expert). PMBOK Reading Reference - Page 364 (T&M)

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    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.108: After a lot of negotiations, you awarded the contract to a seller for providing serviceson testing a complex application. Midway through the Project, the seller approaches youstating that the internal costs and cost of tools are so high, that the Project does not lookbeneficial to them. As a result the seller is proposing to discontinue. What is the first thing youmust do?

    A. Terminate the contract

    B. Discuss with seller and find a solution

    C. Document the concerns

    D. Remind the seller that they are contractually obliged

    Your option: B Correct option: D

    Justification: A contract is a legal binding and can have adverse implications if not honored.Thereafter, both the parties can sit down and attempt to resolve the issues. Option B is finebut the seller needs to be first reminded of contractual obligations.

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.109: Your research Project involves developing a traffic management system that cancontrol the flow of traffic in all directions during peak hours and non-peak hours. You decide tobuild a prototype of the same and obtain an approval from the customer, prior toimplementation. This is an example of:

    A. Risk mitigation strategy

    B. Risk avoidance strategy

    C. Risk transfer strategy

    D. Risk acceptance strategy

    Your option: B Correct option: A

    Justification: Developing a prototype to ensure the customer gets what was required at theend is an example of mitigation. The probability of the end product not meeting the objective isreduced. PMBOK Reading Reference - Page 345 (mitigate)

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.110: You are a Project manager for a large power generation Project. As part of the regularongoing status meeting, all participants are invited to attend. The Project status meeting isnot going well. Several participants are talking at the same time, there are people who are notparticipating. Some participants are randomly talking of technical issues and some aretalking about how to manage customer expectations. Which of the following rules for effectivemeetings is not being adhered to?

    A. Allow everyone to talk and have their turns

    B. Plan meetings in advance

    C. Define a meeting purpose and invite the right people

    D. Create and publish an agenda and a set of rules for controlling the meeting

    Your option: C Correct option: D

    Justification: Answer C is incorrect as the communication plan considers inclusion of all

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    relevant participants for the meeting. The meeting has been planned in advance, henceoption B is incorrect. Option A is just one of the issues while answer D is a better answer asthe ground rules needs to be set prior to holding the meeting. PMBOK Reading Reference -Page 277 (Ground Rules)

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.113: You are working as a contractor for design and development of a confidential defenseProject to manufacture an innovative and feature rich instrument that will be used during war-times. You have been approached by a competitive company to develop a similar product.What should you do?

    A. You can take up the job. Leveraging knowledge is acceptable

    B. Reject the offer due to confidentiality issues

    C. This offer indicates your expertise in the subject, you must take it

    D. Determine if the new engagement will cause any confidentiality issues

    Your option: D Correct option: B

    Justification: Confidentiality issues may arise when you are to develop some similarproducts. Hence Answer B is the best response. Options A and C suggest taking up the offer,so are incorrect. The question very clearly mentions confidentiality of the project, so option Dis incorrect.

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.118: You are a Project Manager for a two year telecommunication Project. Your project isaround three months behind schedule. This is due to several conflicts that have been withinthe key members in the team. You have used problem solving technique to resolve theconflicts. You are now analyzing the first best option to bring the Project back on schedule.Which of the options will you consider first?

    A. Crashing the Schedule

    B. Fast Tracking

    C. Resource Leveling

    D. Resource Reassignment

    Your option: A Correct option: B

    Justification: Answer A could help but this involves additional cost. Whereas option B 'fasttracking' can help reducing the timelines without additional costs. Hence this must beattempted first before going for 'crashing'. Answer C and D may be required to performed afterfast tracking has been applied. However, these don't directly address the issue. PMBOKReading Reference - Page 181 (schedule compression)

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.119: You have been managing an online clearing house Project. Your team has sentdeliverables to customers, but have been returned by customer due to several problems. Thishas resulted in the team spending considerable time for correcting the same. As a result, theteam is unable to enhance the system with new features. This has now resulted in the Projectto fall behind schedule and cost. What is the best action to be taken by you at this given time?

    A. Increase the rigor of inspection

    B. Penalize the member, whose modules have been reporting problems

    C. Revise the estimates and obtain approval

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    D. Initiate quality audit

    Your option: A Correct option: D

    Justification: Audit will help in identifying what part of the overall process is failing. This willhelp appropriate defect prevention planning within the Project. Option A will only ensure thatdefective product doesn't get to the hands of the customer but doesn't prevent defects (i.e,eliminate the root cause). Options B and C also do not solve the issue. PMBOK ReadingReference - Page 247 (quality audits)

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.120: You have been assigned as a Project Manager for a six sigma project that has beenunsuccessful in the past several time. Previous Projects were cancelled due to changingbusiness leadership resulting in changing priorities. This is an example of

    A. Risk Identification

    B. Project Charter

    C. Historical information

    D. Project Initiation

    Your option: A Correct option: C

    Justification: Historical Information includes documents and data of past aborted,completed, suspended Projects. A risk in this context would be ' the current project may bekilled midway due to change in priority of the leadership team', which hasn't been idetified orasked here, so option A is incorrect. Options B and D are obviously incorrect. PMBOKReading Reference - Page 23 'organizational process asset')

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.122: You are a Project Manager for a washing machine manufacturing company where youare involved in design and development of a washing machine that has both washing anddrying capabilities. You are midway through the Project, when your senior management hasasked you to forecast likely total cost of the Project based on current performance. All thefollowing statements are false except:

    A. Calculate using EAC which is an output of Control Costs Process

    B. Calculate using ETC which is an output of Control Costs Process

    C. Calculate using EAC which is an output of Managing Communications Process

    D. Calculate using ETC which is an output of Manage Communications Process

    Your option: B Correct option: A

    Justification: The forecast of the likely total costs of the Project is the "estimate at completion"(EAC) formula, which is an output of the Control Costs process. Hence option A is the correctanswer. PMBOK Reading Reference - Page 220 (forecasting)

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.123: You are in charge of a telecommunication Project. There are 4 developers and 3testers working in the Project. Currently, the Project has an SPI of 0.8 and CPI of 0.9. As part ofthe testing activity, the testers need to understand the requirements, develop test data anduse the same for testing. An automated test script is intended to be developed for generatingthe test data. There is a disagreement on the format of test data that need to be used withinthe Project. Who is responsible to resolve the conflict?

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    A. Testers

    B. Project Manager

    C. Both Testers and Project Manager

    D. Senior Management

    Your option: C Correct option: B

    Justification: Project Manager is responsible for resolving any conflicts within the projectteam. Hence option B is the right answer. Although, the testers in conflict will participate in theprocess but the responsibility lies with PM, therefore option C is incorrect. A conflict should beescalated to Senior Management only when PM hasn't been able to address it, so option D isincorrect.

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.125: There are two Projects: Project A has an investment of $2,300,000 and NPV of$125,000; Project B has initial investment of $1,500,000, net discounted cash inflows of$4,320,000 and net discounted cash outflows of $4,195,000. Which Project should beselected?

    A. Either Project A or Project B can be selected

    B. Data provided is insufficient

    C. Project B

    D. Project A

    Your option: B Correct option: C

    Justification: Project A: NPV = $ 125,000. Project B: NPV = $4,320,000 - $4,195,000 =$125,000 (NPV = Discounted cash inflows - Discounted cash outflows). So, both Projectshave same NPV. Therefore, either Project could be selected, However, taking in considerationthe amount of investment that need to put in the Project, Project B is a better answer.

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.127: You are the Project Manager for a large system integration Project that is completedon time and on budget. The customer is pleased with the successful completion of theProject and have awarded a Project end bonus of $15,000 to you. There are fifteen membersin the Project team. Two project team members have been low contributor to the Project; theothers have been above standard. What should you do with the money?

    A. Keep the money yourself as you managed the Project well

    B. Divide the money equally among all the team members.

    C. Ask the team members how they would divide the money.

    D. Divide the money equally among the team members except for the substandardteam members.

    Your option: B Correct option: C

    Justification: Answer A is incorrect as the Project success is due to the entire team. AnswerB is incorrect as giving equal recognition to low performers can demotivate all the performers.Answer D is incorrect as the low performing team members have also contributed towardsthe Project success. Answer C is the best answer as the team decides the best approach fordistributing the money

    You answered this question incorrectly.

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    Q.128: As a practice, you have been preparing and distributing the agenda to all theparticipants well ahead of the meeting. In one such instance, one of the Project memberthinks that possible problems related to test equipment to be received from the customermust be discussed as an agenda item. However, another team member thinks that theProject is not yet ready for this discussion. The team fails to take a decision after spendingconsiderable amount of time on discussion. In order to save time and energy of the team, theProject manager and Project members decide to have a brief discussion (without going intodetails) on the agenda item. What conflict resolution technique is being used?

    A. Smoothing

    B. Compromise

    C. Problem Solving

    D. Forcing

    Your option: D Correct option: B

    Justification: Project Manager is trying to find a solution that will keep the ego of both theteam members. Neither is it completely dropped out nor is it discussed in details. This iscompromising. PMBOK Reading Reference - Page 283 (compromising)

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.129: Your Project is currently underway and your team member had raised a changerequest so as to be able to make an architectural change that will need additional effort, buthas high benefits related to maintainability. The change control board rejected the changeover two weeks ago. Recently, during an audit it was found that team member has alreadyimplemented the necessary change and the team member was not aware of the rejection.Approved Change Requests are inputs to which of the processes?

    A. Develop Schedule

    B. Validate Scope

    C. Direct and Manage Project Work

    D. Manage Communications

    Your option: B Correct option: C

    Justification: This is a straight forward question. As per PMBOK 'Approved change request' isan input to 'direct and manage project work'. Reason being any change request onceapproved by the board needs to be implemented and hence are considered as an input.None of the other options use 'approved change request' as an input. PMBOK ReadingReference - Page 79/Figure 4.6

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.130: Fred is the Project Manager for an bag manufacturing Project. Fred has a problemwith one of the team member's performance. The following is the best communicationmethod for addressing the problem:

    A. Formal written communication

    B. Formal verbal communication

    C. Informal written communication

    D. Informal verbal communication

    Your option: A Correct option: D

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    Justification: The question focuses on communication method between two parties. Firstly,the Project Manager must help the team member improve the performance by understandingthe problems faced by team member and resolve it. Hence, the best answer is informalverbal communication. If this communication method does not address the problem, the nextbest communication method Formal Written.

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.131: You have made a delivery of product to the customer. As per the contract, thecustomer is expected to make part payment against delivery. The customer tells the ProjectManager that it cannot make payment for the agreed amount. What is the FIRST thing theProject manager should do?

    A. Stop Work

    B. Reduce the Scope of work and enter closure

    C. File legal case against the customer

    D. Release part of the Project team

    Your option: C Correct option: A

    Justification: This situation represents a breach of contract. It will be necessary to determinewhy the customer does not want to pay the agreed amount. Hence, take stock of the current"As is" condition to determine reasons and then subsequently follow it up with appropriateactions. Answers B, C, D may be a fall out of the analysis

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.132: One of the phases is ending for the Project. What must be done before moving to thenext phase?

    A. Scope Validation

    B. Management Meeting

    C. Scope Management

    D. Team Meeting

    Your option: D Correct option: A

    Justification: In order to eliminate the risk of delivering something in the next phase that isnot acceptable to the customer, Scope validation must be done at the end of each phase.Options B, C and D are to be carried out throughout the project, not to be specificallyperformed at phase end.

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.133: A Project Manager's colleague has secured an unauthorized software license for atool for use within the Project. The Project Manager also is in need of this tool for his ownProject. What should the Project Manager do?

    A. Ask the colleague to stop using the software

    B. Get a copy from the colleague for deployment in his own Project

    C. Report to senior management

    D. Ensure that a licensed version of the software is arranged for deployment in hisProject

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    Your option: D Correct option: C

    Justification: Use of unlicensed software is violation of copyright. Violation of such laws mustbe reported to the supervisor of the person violating the regulations. Option D representswhat the PM should do about his/her need in the project. But the immediate concern of PM inthis scenario is to report of the violation.

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.134: In a matrix organization, identical skills are required for two concurrent Projects. Therequired skills belong to a particular function. Also, there is limited availability of the skill indemand. Who is responsible for resolving this conflict over resources?

    A. Senior Management

    B. Functional Manager

    C. Project Manager

    D. Sponsor

    Your option: B Correct option: A

    Justification: This is a conflict over resource assignments that needs to be addressed basedon Project priorities. Project priorities are decided by the senior management of theperforming organization. Functional managers, Project managers and sponsor do not decideon the priorities. Hence B, C, and D are incorrect answers

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.135: Your Project selection committee is considering two Projects. They are likely to meetthe next week. You are to recommend the Project that will benefit the organization the most.Based on the information you have gathered -

    Project 1 Project 2

    Initial Investment $ 295,000 $ 332,000

    1st Yr Cash Inflow $ 17,000 per month $ 44,000 per Quarter

    2nd Yr Cash Inflow $ 36,000 per Quarter $ 12,000 per month

    Which Project should you recommend to the committee and why?

    A. Project 1, because it has a payback period of 20 months, which is shorter thanProject 2s payback period

    B. Project 1, because it has a payback period of 23 months, while Project 2 has apayback period of 28 months

    C. Project 1, because it has a lower initial investment than Project 2

    D. Project 1, because it has a payback period of 16 months, while Project 2 has apayback period of 21 months

    Your option: C Correct option: A

    Justification: Project 1s payback period is 20 months. Year 1 inflows are $204,000. Year 2inflows for the first 8 months are $96,000, making the payback period 20 months. Project 2spayback period is 25 months. Year 1 inflows are $176,000. Year 2 inflows are 144,000, andan additional month at $12,000 makes the payback period 25 months

    You answered this question incorrectly.

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    Q.138: In a weak matrix organization, the Functional Managers also usually get involved in

    A. Project Charter preparation

    B. Approval for changes to Project Communications Management Plan

    C. Reviewing the Project members performance

    D. Monitoring the Quality Change control procedures

    Your option: A Correct option: C

    Justification: In a Weak matrix, the Team members continue to report to the FunctionalHeads. So, the Functional managers also get involved in monitoring the Project membersperformance from their departments

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.139: Which typically is not a function of the PMO?

    A. Summary tracking of Projects

    B. Project qualification

    C. Delivering Project objectives within specific constraints

    D. Administration of Shared resources across the Organization

    Your option: D Correct option: C

    Justification: PMO does not usually micro manage the Projects which is a function of theProject Manager, which is delivering 'project objectives' in this case. Rest of the functions canbe performed by the PMO on a case-to-case basis. PMBOK Reading Reference - Page 10(project management office)

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.141: A Project Manager says he has become too engrossed with the Project work, leavinghim with little time for keeping track of what is happening in the Profession.

    A. He is justified in this approach, as the Project work takes priority over anything else

    B. He is not justified, as he is not helping fellow Project team members

    C. He is not justified, as he is not advancing his self-knowledge

    D. He is not justified, as he is not giving best for the Project.

    Your option: A Correct option: C

    Justification: As per the Professional Ethics, the Project Manager has to advance his selfknowledge. Even in case of the most demanding projects the PM must provision some timefor personal development, this will lead to managing projects even better, so option A isincorrect. Option B is obviously incorrect, as the concern doesn't relate to helping teammembers. Option D is incorrect, the PM is certainly trying to give the best to the project.

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.143: Which of the following is not normally a subject of procurement negotiations?

    A. Price

    B. Reporting relationships

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    C. Payment terms

    D. Evaluation Criteria

    Your option: B Correct option: D

    Justification: Evaluation criteria are used to evaluate and select Sellers. ProcurementNegotiations is the process of negotiating with the selected seller and entering into anAgreement. During a Procurement Negotiation 'evaluation criteria is of no use, this hasalready been applied prior to this. Hence Option D is the right answer. All other options couldbe agenda in such negotiations. PMBOK Reading Reference - Page 377 (procurementnegotiations)

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.146: What is not true of Assumptions?

    A. They are integral in the progressive elaboration of the Project

    B. Assumptions usually remain static during the Project lifecycle

    C. A degree of risk is always associated with Assumptions

    D. Assumptions can relate to timely availability of resources for the Project

    Your option: A Correct option: B

    Justification: Assumptions do not usually remain static in the Project Lifecycle. This makesoption B the correct answer to this question. All assumptions involve risks (so 'assumptionanalysis' is used as a tool in risk identification) and hence are integral, when the Projectmanager elaborates the Scope. Option D is a good example of assumption and so is not theorrect answer as well.

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.151: The most intense formal communications in the Project environment occur in whichchannel?

    A. Peer to Peer communications

    B. Upward to Top Management

    C. Horizontal to Contractors

    D. Downward to the Project team

    Your option: C Correct option: D

    Justification: In a Project team, typically the most intense formal communication ( in terms ofimportance and urgency etc) happens downwards from the Project Manager to the Projectteam

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.152: Most of the Projects seen to be having S shaped curve for total expenditures. This ison account of:

    A. Inherent cyclicity in cost expenditures

    B. Projects incurring maximum expenditure during the Execution Phase

    C. Most of the expenditures occurring in the Closeout Phase

    D. Expenditures during the initial phases of the Project being high

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    Your option: C Correct option: B

    Justification: The S curve in cost baselines is derived out of Projects typically having slowstart, quick ramp up of resources during the execution Phase and resource tapering off in theend. PMBOK Reading Reference - page 212 (cost performance baseline) continued on page213

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.153: Which one of the following is a critical requirement of the Project Sponsor?

    A. The Project Sponsor should be able to identify the Project team.

    B. The Project Sponsor should support the Project Manager in case of high-levelconflicts

    C. The Project Sponsor should be able to define the Scope unambiguously

    D. The Project Sponsor should be able to identify the risks concerning the Project

    Your option: D Correct option: B

    Justification: A Major requirement of the sponsor is that he should be able to support theProject Manager when high-level intervention is needed for conflict resolution or directionsetting. It is the primary responsibility of the Project Manager to define the scopeunambiguously or select a Project team or facilitate the definition of risks surrounding theProject. PMBOK Reading Reference - Page 32 (sponsor)

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.156: You are towards the close of a project and you discover that the project is likely to beahead of management stipulated deadlines. Which one of the following actions is likely to betaken by the Project Manager?

    A. Fast track few activities.

    B. Crash activities in the critical path selectively.

    C. Return the likely unused funds to management.

    D. Review the Risk Register.

    Your option: D Correct option: C

    Justification: Fast tracking & Crashing is not required as the project is already ahead ofschedule. Risk register need not be reviewed as the project is already near to closure. Themost appropriate thing to do is return the unused funds to management so they can be put touse as needed.

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.158: What is the greatest concern to the functional Manager in a balanced Matrix Projectorganization?

    A. How much costs I am going to incur for the Project tasks?

    B. Who is going to be involved in the Project from my department?

    C. Who is the Project Manager?

    D. What is the justification for a task?

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    Your option: A Correct option: B

    Justification: In a Balanced Matrix, the team members multiplex between Project andfunctional work. The Functional Manager would be concerned how much of the resourceswould need to be deployed for the Project and in which extent, in this situation. Theassignment of Project Manager and finalization of the Project tasks are outside the purview ofthe Functional Manager in this context.

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.160: You are a Project manager of a software development Project and are interested toknow what are the limits under which your Project is working. Which of the followingdocuments should you look into?

    A. Project Requirements

    B. Project Deliverables

    C. Project Boundaries

    D. Project Acceptance Criteria

    Your option: D Correct option: C

    Justification: A Project boundary provides more clarity on Project limits by clearly telling thatwhat is included and excluded in the Project. This helps to avoid any misunderstanding.Options A and B convey what the project needs to deliver, whereas option D states the criteriabased on which the project outcome (the deliverables) would be accepted. Hence choice A, Band D are incorrect

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.161: Due to hurricane, many construction project contracts had to be canceled or closedout quickly due to the damage caused by the high winds and rain. Which of the following doesthe PMBOK state is a special case of contract closeout?

    A. Early termination of a contract

    B. A lost contract

    C. A & B

    D. None of the above

    Your option: D Correct option: A

    Justification: The PMBOK specifically states that early termination of a contract is a specialcase of contract closeout PMBOK Reading Reference - page 387 (last paragraph)

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.164: You attend a seminar related to best practices in Project management. During a teabreak, you get into a discussion related to benefits of PMI certification with some of theparticipants. A non PMI member challenges the benefit of the certification, especially that heknows people who got the certification by providing PMI wrong information about theirexperiences. What must you do in this case?

    A. Change the subject as it involves discussion of illegal activities

    B. Ask him for the names of the people who lied on their application and investigatethe allegations

    C. Tell him that if you have clear evidence of such violations that it is your duty to reportthem

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    D. Report the person who told you this to PMI

    Your option: A Correct option: C

    Justification: Answer A is not an assertive response as required by a Project manager.Answer D is incorrect as the person is not directly at fault. Answer B is incorrect as you maynot be authorized to investigate. The best answer is B

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.165: Which of the following is described as, a category or rank given to entities having thesame functional use but different technical characteristics?

    A. Grade

    B. Quality

    C. Flow Design

    D. Benchmark

    Your option: C Correct option: A

    Justification: Grade has the said definition. PMBOK Reading Reference - Page 228(paragraph - quality & Grade)

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.166: A Team member is adding additional features of the product over and above thescope requirements. What is the best approach you as a Project Manager can take in thissituation?

    A. Inform the client management of the additionalities to keep them happy

    B. Inform the team member to submit a change request for every functionality added

    C. Ask the team member to share his discoveries with other team members

    D. Ask the team member to work out impacts on all dimensions and inform the ProjectManager before incorporating any change

    Your option: B Correct option: D

    Justification: This is an instance of Gold plating when the Team member is addingfunctionalities which were not required by the client. Although, they may be delighting thecustomer, the original Project Management Plan did not envisage all these and this Goldplating would be impacting other dimensions, such as schedule and cost of the Project,which need to be analyzed before incorporating any change. Change requests follow afteranalyzing the impacts. Therefore, option D is the best answer.

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.171: Project schedule networks are produced during the ______ and the Schedules aredeveloped during ____________.

    A. Define Activities / Schedule Activities

    B. Sequence Activities / Develop Schedule

    C. Sequence Activities / Control Schedule

    D. Plan Activities / Develop Schedule

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    Your option: D Correct option: B

    Justification: Project schedule networks are produced during the Sequence ActivitiesProcess. Thus Options A and D are incorrect. Schedules are developed during DevelopSchedule process leaving B as the only right choice PMBOK Reading Reference - Page153/Figure 6.7 (sequence activities: outputs) and Page 173/Figure 6.16 (developschedule:outputs)

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.173: Workaround is:

    A. Completing an activity in a different way

    B. Doing extra work

    C. Unplanned response to an unidentified risk event

    D. Carrying out work when adequate resources are not available

    Your option: D Correct option: C

    Justification: A workaround is the solution or response to a Risk event which was notidentified during the Risk planning. PMBOK Reading Reference - Page 353 (recommendedcorrective action)

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.174: Which of the following is the most important skill for a project manager?

    A. Delegating

    B. Controlling

    C. Communicating

    D. Supervising

    Your option: B Correct option: C

    Justification: Communication skills are most important as 90% of the project manager's timeis spent communicating.

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.177: Eric is a research analyst and has to frequently search for information in the Internet toidentify new development methodologies that can be adopted by Project teams for improvingproductivity and reducing defects. As he surfs the Web, he comes across certain sites that areof personal interest. Eric notes down the website URL for use at home. The company policyprevents Eric to use internet for personal use. How would you describe Eric's action?

    A. Eric has not violated the PMI code of ethics. As Eric is a research analyst, he maycome across several sites. He is not spending time reviewing the contents, but justnoting the sites for later use

    B. Eric has violated the PMI code of ethics

    C. Eric can prevent access to these sites, if search is performed properly.

    D. Eric has violated the company policy

    Your option: C Correct option: A

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    Justification: Answer C is incorrect, as the results cannot be controlled. Answer D is incorrectas Eric has accidently encountered the sites and made note of the URL and not misuseorganization time. Answer B is incorrect because behaving honestly and followingorganizational policies is part of the PMI Code of Ethics. Answer A is the best answer

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.182: You are the Project manager for a Project that involves setting up a new business foryour company in a country where law stipulates that women cannot be employed in theworkplace. What should you advice your company to do?

    A. Convince the local government to release the restriction

    B. Do not do business in the country

    C. As the law does not permit, do not hire women

    D. Subcontract part of work that is expected to be performed by women

    Your option: C Correct option: B

    Justification: PMI Code of Ethics says that do not discriminate against gender, race, religion,age, nationality etc. This question is about doing business with any country where there isviolation of fundamental rights. Hence answers A, C, and D are incorrect

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.184: Jane, the project manager, is reviewing the project artifacts for his project and isamazed about the volume of good information the team has developed throughout the project,including the lessons learned. The PMBOK states that lessons learned are

    A. An input to project closure

    B. An output of project or phase closure

    C. Only necessary on large projects

    D. None of the above

    Your option: A Correct option: B

    Justification: Lessons learned are an output of 'close project or phase', and are necessaryno matter how large or small the project is. PMBOK Reading Reference - Page 104 (lastparagraph)

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.185: How would you define a project process?

    A. A series of actions that bring about a result

    B. The division of a project into smaller manageable parts

    C. Activities done by a project manager

    D. Continuous addition of information to an activity

    Your option: B Correct option: A

    Justification: A process is defined as a series of tasks or activities performed to bring abouta result. Hence option A is the correct answer. Option B is known as Phases. Options C andD are obviously incorrect. PMBOK Reading Reference - Page 551 (part of glossary - last line)

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    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.188: Which is a major tool used to Manage Stakeholder Engagement?

    A. EVMS Analysis

    B. Status review meetings

    C. Interpersonal Skills

    D. Communications Technology

    Your option: D Correct option: C

    Justification: This is a straight forward question, 'Interpersonal skill' is a listed tool andtechnique to this process. PM uses interpersonal skills such as building trust, resolvingconflict, active listening etc. to manage stakeholder expectations. None of the other options islisted as a 'tool and technique' of this process PMBOK Reading Reference - Page 404 (table -inputs, tools and techniques, outputs)

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.191: Colocation means:

    A. Asking the Project manager to sit along with the team.

    B. Placing Project team members at the same physical location

    C. Having a common meeting room.

    D. Having video conferencing facilities for your Project team.

    Your option: A Correct option: B

    Justification: Projects are generally performed over virtual teams. For team development it isrequired that they should be brought together once in a while. This is called Colocation and isa pre-requisite for team development. Hence option B is the right answer. PMBOK ReadingReference - Page 277 (colocation)

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.193: You are the Project manager for records digitalization project. A very high accuracy isrequired in the produced work. You, therefore plan to send all team members for appropriatetraining. The cost of training could be best considered as:

    A. Cost of Quality Control

    B. Appraisal cost

    C. Cost of Non Quality

    D. Prevention Cost

    Your option: A Correct option: D

    Justification: Training costs are cost of conformance to quality and is the prevention cost.PMBOK Reading Reference - Page 235 (cost of quality - figure 8.5)

    You answered this question incorrectly.

    Q.194: You have just completed the preparation of cost baseline. You have all o