profitability analysis tutorial

Profitability Analysis CO-PA

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Post on 17-Aug-2015




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Pr of i t abi l i t y Anal ysi sCO-PACour se Obj ec t i vesUnderstand the functions in Profitability Analysis.Explain Profitability management in SAP.Understand CO-PA structures and master data.Identify the source of actual values.Understand planning.Use the CO-PA information system.OverviewProfitability ManagementTabl e ofc ont ent sActual data flowMaster DataPlanningInformation SystemPr of i t abi l i t y Anal ysi s atA Gr p Profitability Analysis will enable A Grp to analyze the profitability of market segments according to the following characteristics: Products Customers Sales Districts (i.e. USA West,USA East, Saudi Arabia etc.) OthersFl owofac t ualval ues i n Pr of i t abi l i t y Anal . Actual Postings represent the most important source of information in CO-PA. You can transfer billing documents (used in A Grp) from the Sales and Distribution (SD) application component to CO-PA in real time. You can also transfer costs from cost centers, orders and projects (in next phase), as well as i.e. demurrage costs and revenues from direct postings (G/L account postings in FI, orders received in MM, and so on) or asses costs from CO to profitability segments. In costing-based CO-PA, you can valuate incoming billing documents to automatically determine anticipated sales deductions, costs or even estimated costs, such as Estimated Port Charges. You can also revaluate your data periodically to adjust the initial, real time valuation or add the actual costs of goods manufactured. Profitability ManagementAspec t s ofPr of i t abi l i t y ManagementRevenue 2000Discounts 100COGS 230Contr. Margin 1440Revenue2000Salaries 468Materials 230ProfitTelecom Pharma Ethylene PowerAdvertising250Profitability Analysis By Market segment(Market oriented)Responsibility Accounting(Company oriented)Profit CentersPCAPCAPAPASegmentsExternal MarketProfitability Ter ms used i n Pr of i t abi l i t y Anal ysi s Accounting Methods Period Accounting Cost of Sales Accounting Values Gross Sales Net Sales Variances Ratios Economic Profit Contribution MarginMet hods ofDet er mi ni ng Pr of i t s Period accounting method Cost of Sales methodRevenuesSales deductionsChanges in stockCapitalized internal servicesWork in processRevenuesSales deductionsCost of sales(incl. variances for period)Total activities Gross resultTotal costs:Material costsPersonnel costsOther costsSales and distribution costsAdministrative costsResearch & DevelopmentResult ResultAspec t s ofPr of i t abi l i t y Management Profitability Analysis (CO-PA) calculates profits according to cost-of-sales method of accounting. Profit Center Accounting (EC-PCA), on the other hand, supports both period accounting and cost-of-sales approach. Both of these methods are used at the same time in your organization.Pr of i t abi l i t y Anal ysi s by Mar k etSegment In Profitability Analysis (CO-PA)you can analyze contribution margin (Sales Cost of goods sold) according to market segments. A market segment can comprise of product and customer, customer and region, customer and country, Sales region and material groupMaster Data in CO PAMast erDat a Cur r enc y ofOp. Conc er nProfitability Accounting(costing based)COPACO COPA PAOperating Concern9100CurrencyB0 = EURMast erDat a i n Pr of i t abi l i t y Anal ysi sCost ElementCostElementAccountingProfitability SegmentProfitabilityAnalysisCharacteristicsValue FieldsProduct (SBU)Ethylene GlycolSales DistrictSE AsiaCustomerINDO RAMA SYNTHETISPr of i t abi l i t y Segment sMast erDat a i n Pr of i t abi l i t y Anal ysi sProfitability Segment - object within Profitability Analysis to whichcosts and revenues are assigned. A profitability segmentcorresponds to a market segment. You can calculate the profitability of a profitability segment by setting off its sales revenues against its costs. A profitability segment in an operating concern is defined by a combination of characteristic values. Characteristics can be concepts that already exist in the R/3 System (customer, product, sales organization, and so on).Cat egor i es ofChar ac t er i st i c s (1)Characteristicsdeliveredby SAPFixed CharacteristicsPredefined CharacteristicsCharacteristics are valid in all clientsCharacteristics are available for all Operating ConcernsCat egor i es ofChar ac t er i st i c s (2)Characteristicsdeliveredby SAPCharacteristicscreatedby CustomerFixed CharacteristicsPredefined CharacteristicsCharacteristics copied from SAP Reference TablesCustomCharacteristicsCat egor i es ofVal ue Fi el ds Value Fieldsdeliveredby SAPValue Fields createdby CustomerPredefined Value FieldsCustom Value FieldsSegment sPlanningCO-PA Pl anni ng Obj ec t i ves Plan Integration Plan Versions Creation of a sales plan using planning level and planning packages Plan Data TransferCO-PA Pl anni ng Obj ec t i ves Plan Integration Plan Versions Creation of a sales plan using planning level and planning packages Plan Data TransferPl an I nt egr at i onProduction ProductionLTPProfit planningProfit planning v2ProductProductcostingcostingCost of goods manufacturedActivity priceSalesvolumeActivity quantitiesSales Sales planning PlanningSOPCost centers Cost centersProfit planning Profit planning - V1CO-PA Pl anni ng Obj ec t i ves Plan Integration Plan Versions Creation of a sales plan using planning level and planning packages Plan Data TransferSettings for CO-PA General Version DefinitionVersionPlanActual00 Version LockedCurrency typeExchange RateFiscal year dependentparameters in CO-OMIntegrated PlanningMP Pl an Ver si on 0 A Gr p1. Plan records are posted as line items from respective areas.11. The currency type determines the currency or valuation view in which the amounts are to be displayed or planned.B0 - Operating Concern Currency22. Controls the exchange rate type, i.e. Buying rate, selling rate or P Standard translation for planning.1P B0CO-PA Pl anni ng Obj ec t i ves Plan Integration Plan Versions Creation of a sales plan using planning level and planning packages Plan Data TransferOver vi ewofPl anni ng Fr amew or kOver vi ewofPl anni ng Fr amew or k Maintain Planning Level-Package-Set-Personalization Copy Sales Plan Upload of COPA Plan - Offline Planning Manual Profit Planning Valuation Planning Method Event Planning Method Period Distribution Planning Method Ratio Planning Method Planning Forecast Revaluation Planning MethodCO-PA Pl anni ng Obj ec t i ves Plan Integration Creation of a sales plan using planning level and planning packages Plan Data TransferPl an Dat a Tr ansf erCOPACO COPA PAQuantities /RevenueSOP Ex c elActual data flowAc t ualVal ues Over vi ew Flow of Actuals in Profitability Analysis Overview Flow from the Sales and Distribution (SD) Module Flow from Billing Document Flow from the FI/MM direct postingsGeneral Ledger PostingMM Postings Flow from the Product CostingSettlement of Production Variances to PAAc t ualVal ues Over vi ew Flow of Actuals in Profitability Analysis Overview Flow from the Sales and Distribution (SD) Module Flow from Billing Document Flow from the FI/MM direct postingsGeneral Ledger PostingMM Postings Flow from the Product CostingSettlement of Production Variances to PAQuantityRevenuesSales deductions Cost of Goods Sold Freight costsInventory re-valuation Direct Posting fromDirect Posting from FI FISource TransactionValue FieldBilling Document Billing DocumentSour c es ofval ue f i el dsAc t ualVal ues Over vi ew Flow of Actual values in Profitability Analysis Overview Flow from the Sales and Distribution (SD) ModuleFlow from Billing Document Flow from the FI/MM direct postingsGeneral Ledger PostingMM Postings Flow from the Product CostingSettlement of Production Variances to PABusiness processV VA AL LUU FF L LO OW W4,975.00-Cost of Goods Sold462002Inventory Inventory- Finished Product (FG)1194304,975.00Goods IssueMMMMMMFl owf r om sal es and di st r i but i on (1)EStockChange StockCOPACO COPA PAFI FINO POSTINGFl owf r om sal es and di st r i but i on (2) V VA AL LUU FF L LO OW WSales/BillingSD SDReceivables10,000Sales81000010,000 -ECOPACO COPA PAFI FICost of GoodsSoldStandardPriceProduct Cost Estimate+Ac t ualVal ues Over vi ew Flow of Actuals in Profitability Accounting Overview Flow from the Sales and Distribution (SD) Module Flow from Billing Document Flow from the FI/MM direct postingsGeneral Ledger PostingMM Postings Flow from the Product CostingSettlement of Production Variances to PAFl owf r om FI /MM V VA AL LUU FF L LO OW WECOPACO COPA PAFI FIFl owf r om FI /MM V VA AL LUU FF L LO OW WAccr. GR/IR21991415.00Demurrage &Detention48401315.00 -ECOPACO COPA PAFI FIAc t ualVal ues Over vi ew Flow of Actuals in Profitability Accounting Overview Flow from the Sales and Distribution (SD) Module Flow from Billing Document Flow from the FI/MM direct postingsGeneral Ledger PostingsMM Postings Flow from the Product CostingSettlement of Production Variances to PAFl owf r om CO-PC DeliveryGoods Issuesof materials from stockConfirmations/ activity allocationDelivery to stockWarehouseProduction OrderPlan costs Actual costsProduct CostingCalculate variancesCO COPC PCCO COPC PCMM MM......VariancesFI FICOPACO COPA PA+SettlementFl owf r om CO-PC VarianceCategoryPA Assignmentlines Value Field Cost Element Group+++Information SystemRepor tOut putDrilldown ListDetail List