profit finders booklet - 2011

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  • 1. We discoverhidden costsavings.Energy WaterChemicals Waste Treatment

2. A FEWOF OURCUSTOMERS....natural gas usage decreased 30%cut cleanerconsumption by 17% per year for2 consecutive years 3. United States Department of Energy A typical industrial facility can realize savings of up to25 percent in process heating systems, up to 20 percent in steam systems, and as much as 18 percent in motor systems.US Department of Energy - Energy Savers Web Site 4. TYPICAL MANUFACTURING PROCESSES. Coating and Finishing OperationsWHO Metal Forming Operations & Energy Tracking by ProcessHOW Waste Treatment Optimization WE HELP. Plant Air and UtilitiesINCREASE YOUR BOTTOM LINE. Reduction in Direct Utilities by Process Reduction in Process Chemicals and Other Inputs Lower Scrap, Rework and Rejects Benchmarking and Optimization by Shift Accelerated Line Staff Training and 5. We put a spotlight on a processto ensure waste is eliminated. WHAT GASWE DO. ELECTRICITYWATERCHEMICALS eliminated over WASTE$100,000 of wastetreatment costs We develop a way to measure processperformance enabling continuous improvements. ...27% coolant usereduction 6. STEP 2.Data is captured andSTEP 1. transferred through OURWe provide the latest the Internet.proprietary hardware to PROCESS.measure a process. In God we trust. All others must bring data. W. EDWARDS 7. STEP 4. We analyze the data and identify opportunities for WE DRIVESTEP 3.continuous improvementWe develop meaningfuland significant cost savings. CONTINUOUSreports that are available IMPROVEMENTon-line, real-time. PROJECTS. In the long run, men only hit what they aim at. Therefore, though you should fail imme- diately, you had better aim at something high. HENRY DAVID THOREAU 8. BEFORE PROFIT FINDERS. PHASE 1. OURProcesses typically see wide We catch anomalies in real-time, RESULTS. variations. From this data,identifying opportunities towe develop a benchmark for reduce process variations andprocess improvement. establish a steady state process. Its a funny thing 140140TEMPERATURE FTEMPERATURE F about life; if you refuse to accept 135135 anything but the best, you very130130 often get it. 125125 SOMERSET 9. PHASE 2. PHASE 3. YOURWe provide the reports, dataWe become the 24-hourand recommendations towatchdog of your process PROCESStighten control limits andto ensure your savings areWATCHDOG.reduce target usage.maintained over time. 140 140 How long does itTEMPERATURE F TEMPERATURE F take you, as a boss, 135 135 to achieve world class quality? Less than a 130 130 nanosecond to attain it, a lifetime of passionate 125 125 pursuit to maintain it.TIMETIME TOM PETERS 10. OUR REPORTS. ACTIONABLEOur reporting tools are available on-INFORMATION. line 24/7 through our Data Center...access overviews of cost control to minute-by-minute process detail. Daily summaries and weekly reports detailing process performance and associated cost delivered to yourErrors using in-box.inadequate data On-line access to real-time data.are much lessthan those usingQuarterly program review in which we provideno data at all.recommendations for process improvements.CHARLESBABBAGE We are experts at converting data intousable/actionable 11. DATA CENTER.All reports are generated from our intuitive 12. DATA CENTER - MONTHLY BREAKDOWN. An example of natural gas Click on any day to drill down to minute-by-minute 13. DATA CENTER DAILY BREAKDOWN.An example of minute-by-minute details overlaid with another 14. STATISTICAL ANALYSES. It is easy to liewith statistics, but it is easier to lie without them. CHARLES FREDERICK MOSTELLER 15. LEAN SIX SIGMA TOOLS. Calculating OEE WorksheetFill in the highlighted areas with your production data for a single shift. In some cases, you may haveto convert units to simplify the calculation. For example, 3600 PPH (Pieces per Hour) is 60 PPM(Pieces per Minute).Production DataShift Length 8 Hours = 480 MinutesShort Breaks 2 Breaks @ 10 Minutes Each = 20 Minutes TotalDMAICMeal Break 1 Breaks @ 25 Minutes Each = 25 Minutes TotalDown Time 50 MinutesIdeal Run Rate80 PPM (Pieces Per Minute)Total Pieces19,271 PiecesReject Pieces423 PiecesD: Define: Process Maps, VOC, SIPOC, CTQ Tree, Kano AnalysisSupport VariableCalculationResult M: Measure: VSM, OEE, Run Charts, FMEA, SMED, Takt TimePlannedProduction Time Shift Length - Breaks 435 Minutes A: Analysis: Control Charts, 5 Whys AnalysisOperating TimePlanned Production Time - Down Time 385 MinutesGood Pieces Total Pieces - Reject Pieces 18,848 PiecesI: Improve: Kaizen Event, Setup Reduction, 5-S Program, Error Proofing, TPMC: Control: QC Process Chart, Before & After ChartsOEE FactorCalculation My OEE%AvailabilityOperating Time / Planned Production Time88.51%Performance (Total Pieces / Operation Time) / Ideal Run Rate62.57%Quality Good Pieces / Total Pieces97.80%Overall OEE Availability x Performance x Quality54.16%WorldOEE FactorClass My OEE%Availability90.00%88.51%Performance 95.00%62.57%Quality 99.90%97.80%Overall OEE 16. ALARMS AND LIMITS.Alarm emails allow for remote monitoring.CONTINUOUSIMPROVEMENT. There are two kinds of statistics: the kind you look up and the kind you make up. REX 17. OUR PEOPLE. Experienced chemists, engineersYOURand process managers on one teamRESOURCES. to help you save money.Our IT and installation engineers tailor your system to deliver reliable and informative reporting designed specifically for your process. Science is made upwith facts, as a houseWe dedicate an engineer to review your data weekly is with stones. But acollection of facts is no and lead quarterly program review meetings to identify more a science than easy to implement cost saving ideas. a heap of stones is ahouse.Our entire team is dedicated to ensure you maximizeJULES HENRI your savings and your process never slips back to less POINCAR than optimal 18. OUR PRICING.PRICING.A low cost, low risk way to outsource continuousimprovement projects. Monthly Fee For A Typical Project Is $1,500It is a capitalmistake to NO LONG-TERM COMMITMENT REQUIREDtheorize beforeone has data.Insensibly one We Provide All Hardware, Software & Firmwarebegins to twistfacts to suittheories, instead First Two Months Are Used As Baselineof theories tosuit facts. Cost Savings Tracked To Ensure Program Is 19. WHAT WE NEED FROM YOU.WHAT WENEED FROM On-site assistance installing our system. YOU.Input on appropriate cost benchmarks to be used for future cost saving calculations.Desire to improve and save money!There is nothing souseless as doingefficiently thatwhich should notbe done at all.PETER DRUCKER 20. We add proprietary sensors to measure allmportant process parametersWe collect, organize & report back dataMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyWe review your data to initiate process improvementsWe identify improvements that provide the fastest ROIbeen concerned more about manufacturers have primarilyWe deliver cost savings documentation cycle time than with how much energy price, quality, and their manufacturing processes consume.Study led by Dr. Timothy Gutowski of MIT Funded by the National Science Foundation 21. A FEW MOREOF OURCUSTOMERS. The wise man bridges the gap by laying out the path by means of which he can get from where he is to where he wants to go. JOHN PIERPONT 22. To schedule an online demonstrationof how Profit Finders can help you meetyour continuous improvement and cost reduction goals...Call 440-638-5214 or go to www.profitfinders.net20338ProgressDriveStrongsville,Ohio44149440-638-5214 www.profitfinders.netQuality is free.PHILIP CROSBY