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Happy With The Smile of the Poor Bahagia Bersama Senyum Dhuafa

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Happy With The Smile of the Poor

Bahagia Bersama Senyum Dhuafa

Happy With The Smile of the Poor

Bahagia Bersama Senyum Dhuafa

Happy With The Smile of the PoorSenyum Dhuafa

Happy With The Smile of the Poor

Bahagia Bersama Senyum Dhuafa

Bahagia Bersama

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Layanan kesehatan gratis membuat hidup mereka menjadi berharga. Doa mereka akan selalu bergema. Hati mereka tulus menginginkan kemuliaan bagi orang-orang yang berderma.

”Kita tahu, betapa susah dan pedihnya bila kaum miskin jatuh sakit. Seluruh keluarganya menanggung beban yang amat berat. Uluran tangan Anda akan menghadirkan senyum dhuafa. Mari bersama LKC mengusir duka mereka. Anda akan melihat keteguhan mereka tidak sia-sia.” (dr. Yahmin Setiawan, MARS, Direktur LKC)


Free health services make their lives precious. Their prayers will always reverberate. Their sincere hearts always desire good for those who give to charity. ”We know, how difficult and sad it is if the poor people become sick. All their family members will suffer. Your donation will bring smile to the poor people. Let’s expel their sadness with LKC. You will see that their firmness is not futile.” (dr. Yahmin Setiawan, MARS, Direktur LKC)

Ramah Amanah Profesional

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Dengan layanan yang ramah, amanah dan profesional, sepanjang 2001-2010, LKC menjangkau member 15.618 KK atau hampir 75 ribu jiwa. LKC mengobati dan memberi pelayanan kesehatan kepada 446.430 jiwa, terutama bagi kaum dhuafa di Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang dan Bekasi, (Jabodetabek), serta beberapa daerah di luar Jabodetabek. Mereka terjaring dengan sistem kepesertaan yang valid.

Bersinergi dengan mitra, LKC berkiprah di berbagai penjuru Indonesia untuk mengurangi derita sesama akibat bencana alam maupun tragedi sosial.

Selain itu, LKC juga melakukan pemberdayaan masyarakat bidang kesehatan melalui beberapa program di wilayah Jabodetabek, Bojonegoro, dan Aceh Utara.

During 2001-2010, LKC has provided its friendly, trusted and professional services to 15, 618 KK householders or nearly 75 thousand people. LKC has treated and provided health services to 446,430 people, especially poor people who live in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi (Jabodetabek), and a number of areas outside Jabodetabek. They were selected based on a valid membership system.

Synergizing with its partners, LKC has worked in various places throughout Indonesia to reduce the pain of those affected by natural disaster or social tragedy.

In addition, LKC also organizes community empowerment activity in health sector through a number of programs in Jabodetabek, Bojonegoro, and North Aceh areas.


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Layanan Kesehatan Cuma-Cuma (LKC) merupakan alternatif solusi atas permasalahan kaum miskin. Lembaga nirlaba ini bertekad memecahkan masalah tanpa menimbulkan masalah baru. LKC telah menjadi sebuah model yang melibatkan partisipasi aktif seluruh masyarakat.

Di LKC, kaum miskin dapat berobat gratis karena pembiayaan kesehatannya didanai oleh seluruh elemen masyarakat, mulai dari individu sampai perusahaan. Selain dana, masyarakat juga membantu dari berbagai sisi, seperti tenaga dengan menjadi relawan LKC.

LKC adalah bagian dari jejaring Dhompet Dhuafa (DD). DD dikenal sebagai pionir organisasi yang berkhidmat memberdayakan masyarakat miskin melalui pengelolaan dana zakat, infaq, sedekah dan wakaf (ZISWAF) serta dana lain yang halal, baik dari perseorangan, lembaga maupun perusahaan.

Free Healthcare Institution for The Poor or Layanan Kesehatan Cuma-Cuma (LKC) is an alternative solution to the problems of poor people. This non-profit institution has determined to solve problems without causing new problems. LKC has become a model that involve active participation of all the community.

At LKC, poor people are able receive free medical treatment since their health expenses are funded by all the elements of community, from individual to corporate. In addition to fund, the community also provide assistance in various aspects, such as energy contribution by becoming LKC volunteer.

LKC is part of Dompet Dhuafa (DD) network. DD is known as the pioneer organization that serve to empower poor community through the management of zakah (compulsory charity), infaq (charity), sadaqah (donation) and waqf (endowment) (ZISWAF) and other halal funds, from individual, institution or corporate.


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Cikal bakal LKC adalah Tim Medis Khusus Dhuafa (TMKD) yang dibentuk pada 1994 karena banyaknya permohonan bantuan kesehatan kepada DD. TMKD terdiri dari relawan dokter spesialis yang mengobati dan mengoperasi pasien dhuafa tanpa dibayar di tempat kerjanya.

Untuk optimalisasi bantuan, DD memutuskan mengembangkan TMKD menjadi LKC. Pada 6 November 2001, didampingi Menteri Kesehatan dan Menteri Sosial, Wakil Presiden RI Hamzah Haz meresmikan LKC, yang beralamat di Megamall, Ciputat, Tangerang. Babak baru perbaikan kesehatan dhuafa dimulai.

The history of LKC began with the establishment of Medical Team for Poor People (Tim Medis Khusus Dhuafa/TMKD) in 1994 due to the large request for health assistance to DD. TMKD comprised of volunteer specialist doctor who treat and operate poor patients for free in their offices.

In order to optimize its assistance, DD decided to transform TMKD into LKC. On 6th November 2001, accompanied by the Minister of Health and Minister of Social Affairs, Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Hamzah Haz inaugurated LKC, whose address was in Megamall, Ciputat, Tangerang. The new era of health improvement for poor people has began.

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VISI Menjadi institusi yang mampu mengembangkan program pelayanan kesehatan secara profesional bagi dhuafa di Indonesia pada tahun 2012

MISI 1. Mengembangkan sistem pelayanan kesehatan yang

berbasis ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi (IPTEK)2. Mengembangkan kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia

(SDM)3. Mengembangkan kemitraan dengan sesama jejaring

Dompet Dhuafa (DD) dan di luar jejaring DD, baik nasional maupun internasional

4. Mengembangkan metode pemberdayaan yang berbasis komunitas kesehatan dan menganut pendekatan promotif-kuratif secara holistik

Visi - Misi Vision - Mission

VISION To become an institution that is capable of developing health service programs in a professional manner for poor people in Indonesia by 2012.

MISSION 1. To develop a health service system based on science

and technology 2. To develop the Human Resource (HR) quality3. To develop a partnership with other Dompet Dhuafa

(DD) network and outside DD network, both national and international

4. To develop an empowerment method based on health community and embrace promotive-curative approach in a holistic manner.

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• Direktur Director

• Sekretaris Lembaga Corporate Secretary

• Departemen Pelayanan Medik Medical Service Department •• Bagian Medik Medical Division •• Bagian Perawatan Treatment Division •• Bagan Penunjang Medik Medical Support Division

• Departemen Operasional Operation Department •• Bagian Keuangan Finance Division •• Bagian SDM HR Division •• Bagian Rumah Tangga Administration Division •• Bagian Logistik Logistic Division

• Departemen Pengembangan Program Program Development Department •• Bagian Pengelola Program Program Management Division •• Bagian Penghimpunan Dana Fundraising Division

Struktur OrganisasiOrganizational Structure

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Sumber Daya Manusia

Human Resources

LKC adalah sebuah komitmen moral dengan karya kemanusiaan yang tinggi. Kesungguhan tekad memberdayakan kesehatan kaum dhuafa yang dilandasi sikap profesional.

Lebih dari 90 orang yang terdiri dari tenaga medis dan nonmedis bersinergi menjawab tuntutan profesionalime di LKC. LKC juga didukung oleh para relawan baik medis maupun non medis yang berdedikasi tinggi dalam membantu kaum dhuafa.

Berbagai pelatihan secara berkesinambungan dikem-bangan agar LKC selalu memberikan yang terbaik bagi kaum dhuafa.

LKC is a moral commitment based on noble humanity work. The sincerity of determination to empower the health of poor people based on professional attitude.

More than 90 people consisting of medical and non-medical staffs have synergized to respond the profesionalism demand at LKC. LKC was also supported by medical and non-medical volunteers who have high dedication in helping the poor.

Various continuous trainings have been developed so that LKC will always provide the best for the poor people


1. Disiplin Discipline2. Profesionalisme Professionalism3. Kejujuran Integrity4. Musyawarah Mutual consultation5. Kerjasama Cooperation

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1. Menyiapkan akreditasi lembaga2. Menyiapkan pendirian rumah sakit terpadu sebagai

pelayanan tingkat lanjutan3. Mengembangkan jaringan cabang LKC di dalam dan

luar Jabodetabek4. Mengembangan pelayanan promotif5. Bermitra dengan Pemerintah dan swasta, NGO

nasio nal dan internasional dalam program kesehatan masyarakat

6. Melakukan program pemberdayaan masyarakat berbasis bidang kesehatan.

7. Meningkatan penghimpunan dana melalui kerjasama program.

8. Membentuk karyawan yang berkarakter social entrepreneur.

1. Preparing institution accreditation2. Preparing the establishment of integrated hospital as

an advanced level service3. Developing LKC branch network in and outside

Jabodetabek4. Developing promotive services5. Partnering with the Government and the private

sectors, national and international NGOs in community health programs

6. Implementing community empowerment program based on health sector

7. Improving fundraising through program cooperation8. Forming an employee with entrepreneur social


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Program Langsung

Direct Program

Program dan aksi yang dilakukan oleh LKC akan dirasakan langsung oleh para penerima manfaat.1. LKC Cabang: Gerai Sehat, TB Center, Aksi Tanggap

Bencana (SigaB)2. Aksi Layanan Sehat (ALS)3. Khitanan Massal (KhitMas)4. Operasi Massal (OpMas)5. Pembiayaan Pasien6. Pos Sehat 7. Penyuluhan Kesehatan8. Medical Check Up9. Bina Rohani Pasien (BRP)10. Pelayanan Ambulance 11. Pos Gizi

LKC’s program and action will be directly felt by the beneficiaries.1. LKC Branch: Gerai Sehat/Health Outlet, TB Center,

Aksi Tanggap Bencana/Disaster Response Action (SigaB)

2. Aksi Layanan Sehat/Health Service Action (ALS)3. Khitanan Massal/Mass Circumcision (KhitMas)4. Operasi Massal/Mass Surgery (OpMas)5. Pembiayaan Pasien/Patient Funding6. Pos Sehat / Health Post7. Penyuluhan Kesehatan/Health Counseling8. Medical Check Up9. Bina Rohani Pasien/Spiritual Counseling for Patient

(BRP)10. Pelayanan Ambulance /Ambulance and Funeral Car 11. Pos Gizi / Nutrition Post

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Program Tidak Langsung

Indirect Program

Pendekatan ini untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanannya kepada para penerima manfaat melalui peningkatan soft skill. Dengan cara ini kualitas dan profesionalisme pelaksana program akan menjadi lebih baik.

1. Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan (Diklat) Kader TB DOTS dan Pusat Informasi TB Masyarakat (PIT Mas),

2. Sosialisasi ASI Ekslusif dan Inisiasi Menyusui Dini (IMD)3. Peningkatan Kinerja Organisasi melalui Pembelajaran

Organisasi (PKOPO) 4. Program Konsultan Pembangunan Sarana Kesehatan5. Program ¬¬Pelatihan Penatalaksanaan Diabetes

Melitus bagi Dokter dan Petugas Medis6. Program Pemulihan Gizi dengan Pendekatan Positive

Deviance7. Pondok Keluarga dan Masyarakat Sehat (PKMS)

This approach aims at improving its service quality to the beneficiaries through soft skill improvement. Through this way, the quality and professionalism of the program implementor will be better.

1. Education and Training Program for TB DOTS and Community TB Information Center/Pusat Informasi TB Masyarakat (PIT Mas),

2. Socialization of Exclusive Breastfeeding and Early Initiation of Breastfeeding (IMD)

3. Improve the Organizational Performance through Organizational Learning (PKOPO)

4. Health Infrastructure Development Consultant Program

5. Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus Training Program for Medical Doctor and Paramedic

6. Recovery Nutrition Program by Deviance Positive Approach

7. Healthy Family and Community Health (PKMS)

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Program Gerai Sehat

Healthy Outlet Program

Gerai Sehat meupakan unit layanan dalam gedung LKC yang menyediakan kesehatan dasar plus, baik layanan 24 jam maupun pagi sampai sore. Gerai sehat diproyeksikan hadir di titik-titik strategis wilayah konsentrasi kaum miskin di Jakarta, Depok, Bogor, Tangerang dan Bekasi.

Jenis layanan meliputi kegawatdaruratan, dokter umum dan kebidanan. Selain itu, ada variasi layanan seperti dokter gigi, dokter spesialis, layanan bedah minor, laboratorium, rawat inap sementara dan rujukan rumah sakit.

Healthy Outlet is a service unit inside the LKC building that provides basic health plus, both 24 hours and office hours services. Healthy outlet is expected to be developed in a number of strategic points within the poor people concentration area in Jakarta, Depok, Bogor, Tangerang and Bekasi.

The provided services include emergency, general practitioner and midwifery. In addition, there are other variety of services such as dentist, specialist doctor, minor surgery service, laboratory, temporary inpatient care and hospital recommendation.

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Program Aksi Layanan Sehat & Sigap Bencana

Disaster Alert & Health Service Action Program

Aksi layanan sehat merupakan salah satu unit layanan luar gedung LKC yang memberikan pelayanan kesehatan dasar dan kesehatan lingkungan. Fokus kegiatan dilakukan di kantong-kantong kemiskinan. Aksi Layanan Sehat didukung oleh barisan relawan medis dan non medis juga mobil medis lengkap dengan peralatannya.

Program Sigap Bencana dijalankan bersama dengan Disaster Management Center Dompet Dhuafa (DMC-DD). Inti program ini adalah memberikan pengobatan umum dan memulihkan trauta konflik atau bencana alam pada kaum dhuafa.

Health service action is a service unit outside the LKC building that provide basic health and environmental health services. Its activity is focused on poor areas. Health Service Action is supported by medical and non-medical volunteers as well as medical vehicles along with its equipments.

Disaster Alert Program was implemented in cooperation with the Disaster Management Center of Dompet Dhuafa (DMC-DD). The core of this program is to provide general medication and heal the trauma due to conflict or natural disaster for the poor people.

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Program Pos Sehat

Healthy Post Program

Partisipasi masyakat diperlukan agar progam pemberdayaan kesehatan bagi dhuafa terwujud. Oleh karena itu LKC membentuk Pos Sehat di kantong-kantong kemiskinan, dengan merangkul elemen lokal setempat seperti masjid, karang taruna dan yayasan sosial.

Melalui Pos Sehat, LKC melakukan pendekatan kuratif dengan pengobatan gratis secara periodik. Sedangkan upaya preventif-promotif dilakukan dengan edukasi kader sehat.

Sebanyak 25 Pos Sehat telah menjadi mitra LKC, tersebar di Jakarta (10 Pos), Bogor (4 Pos), Depok (3 Pos), Tangerang (5 Pos), Karawang (1 Pos), Sukabumi (1 Pos) dan Yogyakarta (1 Pos).

Community participation is needed to realize the health empowerment of the poor people. Therefore LKC establishes Healthy Posts in a number of poor areas, through embracing local elements such as mosques, youth organization, and social foundations.

Through Healthy Post, LKC implements a curative approach through a periodical free medication. While the preventive-promotive efforts were implemented through the education of health cadres.

As much as 25 Healthy Post in Jakarta (10 Post), Bogor (4 Post), Depok (3 Post), Tangerang (5 Post), Karawang (1 Post), Sukabumi (1 Post) and Yogyakarta (1 Post) have become LKC partners.

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Penerima Manfaat

Benefit Receiver


Rawat JalanOur-Patient


Rawat InapIn-Patient


PersalinanNormal Birth

Laboratorium & Radiologi

Laboratory & Radiology

Pendampingan Rujukan

Assistence for Pateint Reference

2001 1.533 11 55 − −

2002 25.055 194 95 − 120

2003 29.743 220 76 − 637

2004 34.795 251 92 3.799 705

2005 33.644 230 70 10.688 1.454

2006 32.862 298 45 12.838 1.236

2007 31.875 300 148 22.060 1.015

2008 39.253 282 127 14.584 1.732

2009 34.666 371 84 25.702 1.610

2010 48.939 754 119 29.065 2.998

Sub Total 312.365 2.911 911 118.736 11.507

TOTAL 446,430 pasien

Data Pelayanan Medis Gerai Sehat LKC Service Information for Healthy Outlet LKC

Tahun Year 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

PasienPatient 9.790 11.208 13.124 12.121 10.721 14.919 11.531 9.600 5.130

TOTAL 98.144 pasien

Data Pelayanan pada Aksi Layanan Sehat & Sigap BencanaService Information for Health Service Action & Disaster Response Action

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TRANSFER BANKBCA 6760302340 a.n Yayasaan Dompet Dhuafa RepublikaBSM 0040040666 a.n LKC DD RepublikaBank Mandiri 1280004734569 a.n Dompet Dhuafa RepublikaBNI Syariah 102999992 a.n LKC-BP Layanan Kesehatan Cuma-cuma

Muliakan Dhuafa dengan Donasi KitaHonor the Poor People with Our Donation

GEDUNG LKCJl. Ir. Juanda No.34 Ciputat Megamal D-01Ciputat Tangerang 15412T: 021-7416262, F: 021-7416171Email: [email protected]