prof univ dr gheorghe cristian cv.pdf

1 CURRICULUM VITAE CRISTIAN GHEORGHE Profesor, medic primar medicină internă si gastroenterologie, doctor în medicină, şef secţia I Gastroenterologie, Centrul pentru Boli Digestive si Transplant Hepatic , Institutul Clinic Fundeni i-Hirsch 20 Data naşterii: 31 august 1959 Locul naşterii: Bucuresti Cetăţenie: Română Adresa (spital): Centrul pentru Boli Digestive si Transplant Hepatic Institutul Clinic Fundeni Şoseaua Fundeni nr. 258 72437 Bucureşti, România Telefoane: +4021 3180409(centrala); +4021 3180447(secretariat) Fax: +40213180447(secretariat); +40213180455(secretariat sectie) e-mail: [email protected] Adresa Str. Sf. Niceta nr. 18, sector 2, Bucureşti, România Telefon: +40744534893 În prezent - Profesor, Catedra Gastroenterologie si Hepatologie, Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie “Carol Davila” Bucureşti, România - Şef de secţie, Secţia I Gastroenterologie - Coordonator Laborator Endoscopie Digestivă Diagnostica si Terapeutica Centrul pentru Boli Digestive si Transplant Hepatic Institul Clinic Fundeni DIPLOME, SUPRASPECIALIZARI SI COMPETENTE 1985 Diploma de medic no. 218 / 4 septembrie 1985, Romania Registrul C, no.793 1990 Certificat de Competenta in Endoscopie Digestiva No. 2430 / 14 Aprilie 1990, Seria E, No. 6680, Romania 1991 Promovarea examenului de specialitate in medicina interna si confirmarea ca medic specialist medicina interna; ordinul MS no. 1838 / 5 martie 1992 1992 Promovarea examenului de specialitate in gastroenterologie si confirmarea ca medic specialist gastroenterologie; ordinul MS no. 1418 / 25 februarie 1993 1997 Promovarea examenului de primariat in medicina interna si confirmarea ca medic primar medicina interna; ordinul MS no. 115 / 24 ianuarie 1997 1997 Promovarea examenului de primariat in gastroenterologie si confirmarea ca medic primar gastroenterologie; ordinul MS no. 782 / 10 septembrie 1997 2000 Certificat de Competenta in Managementul Serviciilor de Sanatate; certificat seria C/no. 004568/19 decembrie 2000 ETAPE MEDICALE ŞI UNIVERSITARE 1978-1984 Student al Universitatii de Medicina si Farmacie “Carol Davila” Bucuresti

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Profesor, medic primar medicină internă si gastroenterologie, doctor în medicină, şef

secţia I Gastroenterologie, Centrul pentru Boli Digestive si Transplant Hepatic , Institutul

Clinic Fundeni i-Hirsch 20

Data naşterii: 31 august 1959

Locul naşterii: Bucuresti

Cetăţenie: Română



Centrul pentru Boli Digestive si Transplant Hepatic

Institutul Clinic Fundeni

Şoseaua Fundeni nr. 258

72437 Bucureşti, România

Telefoane: +4021 3180409(centrala); +4021 3180447(secretariat)

Fax: +40213180447(secretariat); +40213180455(secretariat sectie)

e-mail: [email protected]


Str. Sf. Niceta nr. 18, sector 2, Bucureşti, România

Telefon: +40744534893

În prezent - Profesor, Catedra Gastroenterologie si Hepatologie, Universitatea de

Medicină şi Farmacie “Carol Davila” Bucureşti, România

- Şef de secţie, Secţia I Gastroenterologie

- Coordonator Laborator Endoscopie Digestivă Diagnostica si


Centrul pentru Boli Digestive si Transplant Hepatic Institul Clinic Fundeni


1985 Diploma de medic no. 218 / 4 septembrie 1985, Romania

Registrul C, no.793

1990 Certificat de Competenta in Endoscopie Digestiva No. 2430 / 14 Aprilie

1990, Seria E, No. 6680, Romania

1991 Promovarea examenului de specialitate in medicina interna si confirmarea

ca medic specialist medicina interna; ordinul MS no. 1838 / 5 martie 1992

1992 Promovarea examenului de specialitate in gastroenterologie si confirmarea

ca medic specialist gastroenterologie; ordinul MS no. 1418 / 25 februarie


1997 Promovarea examenului de primariat in medicina interna si confirmarea ca

medic primar medicina interna; ordinul MS no. 115 / 24 ianuarie 1997

1997 Promovarea examenului de primariat in gastroenterologie si confirmarea ca

medic primar gastroenterologie; ordinul MS no. 782 / 10 septembrie 1997

2000 Certificat de Competenta in Managementul Serviciilor de Sanatate;

certificat seria C/no. 004568/19 decembrie 2000


1978-1984 Student al Universitatii de Medicina si Farmacie “Carol Davila” Bucuresti

Page 2: Prof univ dr Gheorghe Cristian CV.pdf



Absolvent al Universitatii de Medicina si Farmacie “Carol Davila”


nov 1984-nov


6 stagii clinice de medicină internă, medicina generala, chirurgie generală,

pediatrie, obstetrică-ginecologie si boli infectioase în cadrul Spitalului

Clinic Universitar Bucureşti


Pregătire în specialitatea medicina interna, Clinica Medicala, Institutul

Clinic Fundeni

1990 Curs si stagiu practic de Endoscopie Digestiva

Centrul de Gastroenterologie, Institutul Clinic Fundeni



Promovarea examenului de cercetător ştiinţific în gastroenterologie




Promovarea examenului de medic specialist în medicina interna;

încadrarea ca medic specialist la Centrul de Gastroenterologie şi

Hepatologie Institutul Clinic Fundeni

Pregătire în specialitatea gastroenterologie, Centrul de Gastroenterologie şi

Hepatologie Institutul Clinic Fundeni

1993 Promovarea examenului de medic specialist în gastroenterologie;

încadrarea ca medic specialist la Centrul de Gastroenterologie şi

Hepatologie Institutul Clinic Fundeni

ianuarie 1994 Promovarea examenului de asistent universitar la Catedra

Gastroenterologie, Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie “Carol Davila”,


martie 1996 Promovarea examenului de medic primar gastroenterologie


Doctorand în specialitatea gastroenterologie cu teza “Gastropatia portal-


4 iulie 1996 Obţinerea titlului de doctor în medicină, specialitatea gastroenterologie

2000 Promovarea Examenului de Competenta in Managementul Serviciilor de


2001 Numirea ca şef de secţie Gastroenterologie-Hepatologie, Centrul de

Gastroenterologie şi Hepatologie, Institutul Clinic Fundeni – cu delegaţie

2001 Promovarea examenului de şef de lucrări la Catedra Gastroenterologie,

Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie “Carol Davila”, Bucureşti



Promovarea examenului de şef de secţie – secţia I Gastroenterologie si

Endoscopie Digestiva, Centrul de Gastroenterologie şi Hepatologie,

Institutul Clinic Fundeni

iunie 2005



Promovarea examenului de conferentiar la Catedra de Gastroenterologie si

Hepatologie, Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie Carol Davila,


Ordin de numire dupa promovarea examenului de profesor la Catedra de

Gastroenterologie si Hepatologie , UMF Carol Davila , Bucuresti

28 octombrie


Sustinerea Tezei de abilitare (Habilitation Thesis) pentru dreptul de a

conduce doctorate Perspective in endoscopia digestiva diagnostica si

terapeutica PREGĂTIRE POSTUNIVERSITARĂ (cursuri şi specializări) IN ULTIMII 10


3-4 martie 2006 Impactul clinic al ecoendoscopiei diagnostice si terapeutice – Curs

national cu participare internationala organizat de SRED

Institutul Clinic Fundeni Bucuresti

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24-25 martie 2006 Falk Symposium 151: Emerging Issues in Inflammatory Bowel

Disease, Sydney, Australia

5-8 aprilie 2006 The 8th

Symposium and Postgraduate Course of the Romanian

Chapter of IASG: Advances in hepato-bilio-pancreatic surgery &

liver transplantation, Bucharest, Romania

26-30 aprilie 2006 41st Annual Meeting of the EASL - Postgraduate Course:

“Immunological phenomena in hepatitis C in and outside of the

liver”, Viena, Austria

20-21 mai 2006 AGA Postgraduate Course: “Recognizing and reducing risk in GI

practice”, Digestive Disease Week, Los Angeles, Statele Unite

24-25 mai 2006 ASGE Postgraduate Course: “Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Life: Hear

the Evidence, See the Practice”, Digestive Disease Week, Los

Angeles, Statele Unite

28-30 iunie 2006 EUS 2006: 15th

International Symposium on Endoscopic

Ultrasonography, Amsterdam, Olanda

22 octombrie 2006 OMED/ESGE Endoscopy Directors’Workshop, 14th

UEGW, Berlin,


21-22 octombrie ESGE Postgraduate Course, 14th

UEGW, Berlin, Germania

26 octombrie 2006 “Introduction to ICD 10-AM & DRG Financing, using AR-DRG”

Health Information Managers Association of Australia & Total Care

Integrative Health Systems, Bucuresti, Romania

27 octombrie 2006

AASLD/ASGE Course: “Endoscopy and Hepatology: Challenges

and Future Directions” AASLD Annual Meeting, Boston, Statele


27-28 octombrie


AASLD Postgraduate Course: “Liver Disease: Mechanisms of Liver

Injury and Emerging Therapies”, AASLD Annual Meeting, Boston,

Statele Unite

7-9 decembrie 2006 14th

International IASGO Postgraduate Course: “Advances in

Diagnosis & Management of Abdominal Diseases”, Atena, Grecia

27-30 martie 2007 Interventional Technics in Hepatology; Postgraduate Course of

Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver (APASL),

Kyoto, Japonia 11 aprilie 2007 EASL Postgraduate Course: “The Microscope at the Bedside”,

Barcelona Spain 19-20 mai 2007 AGA Institute 2007 Spring Postgraduate Course “21st Century Tools

for Managing Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease” DDW,

Washington, Statele Unite 22-23 mai 2007 ASGE Postgraduate Course 2007 “Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Best

Practices Today and Tomorrow”, DDW, Washington, Statele Unite 4-5 mai 2007 EuroEUS 2007, Sevilia, Spania 7-8 iunie 2007 10

th Annual Course Endosonography Live in Amsterdam,

Amsterdam, Olanda 25-27 iunie 2007 Curs si stagiu practic de endomicroscopie Mainz, Germania 12-14 septembrie 2007 7th International Meeting on Therapy in Liver Diseases, Barcelona,

Spania 27-28 octombrie 2007 15

th UEGW Postgraduate Teaching Programme, Paris, Franta

2 noiembrie 2007 AASLD/ASGE Endoscopy Course: Endoscopic Management of

End-Stage-Liver-Disease Challenges and Controversies, AASLD

Annual Meeting, Boston, Statele Unite ale Americii 2-3 noiembrie 2007 Postgraduate Course: Pathophysiologic Basis for the Therapy of

Page 4: Prof univ dr Gheorghe Cristian CV.pdf


Liver Disease, AASLD Annual Meeting, Boston, Statele Unite ale

Americii 13-15 decembrie 2007 15

th International Postgraduate Course of IASGO: New Frontiers in

Diagnosis and Management of GI Disease, Atena, Grecia 20.01-02.02.2008 Curs si stagiu practic de ecoendoscopie, MUSC, Charleston, South

Carolina, SUA 23-24 aprilie 2008 EASL Postgraduate Course: “Complications of Portal

Hypertension”, Milano, Italia 17-18 mai 2008 AGA Institute 2008 Spring Postgraduate Course “Gastroenterology

and Hepatology 2008: Challenges and Controversies” DDW, San

Diego, Statele Unite 21-22 mai 2008 ASGE Postgraduate Course 2008 “Endoscopic Practice 2008: At the

Interface of Evidence and Expert Opinion”, DDW, San Diego,

Statele Unite 5-6 iunie 2008 11

st Annual Course Endosonography Live in Amsterdam,

Amsterdam, Olanda 12-13 septembrie 2008 16

th International Symposium on EUS 2008, San Francisco, SUA

18-22 octombrie 2008 16th

UEGW Postgraduate Teaching Programme, Viena, Austria 31 octombrie 2008 AASLD/ASGE Endoscopy Course: The Role of Endoscopy in Liver

Disease, AASLD Annual Meeting, San Francisco, SUA 31 octombrie - 1

noiembrie 2008 Postgraduate Course: “The Changing Face of Hepatology -

Integrating Scientific Concepts Into Patients Care” AASLD Annual

Meeting, San Francisco, SUA 21-22 noiembrie 2008 International Endoscopy Workshop BULENDO 2008,Sofia,

Bulgaria 18-19 decembrie 2008 32nd Annual New York Course NYSGE 2008 Gastrointestinal

Endoscopy, New York SUA 17 decembrie 2008 Advanced Therapeutic Imaging: EMR/ESD, 32nd Annual New York

Course NYSGE 2008 Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, New York SUA 18 decembrie 2008 Technological Advancements in Enteroscopy: A Hands-On Seminar,

32nd Annual New York Course NYSGE 2008 Gastrointestinal

Endoscopy, New York SUA 6-7 februarie 2009 11st Internationales Symposium: Diagnostische und therapeutische

Endoskopie, Dusseldorf, Germany 1-4 aprilie 2009 Al XI-lea Simpozion al Sectiunii Romane IASGO 22-23 aprilie 2009 EASL Postgraduate Course, Copenhaga, Danemarca 30 mai-1 iunie 2009 AGA Institute 2009 Spring Postgraduate Course “Applying New

Evidence to Clinical Practice” DDW, Chicago, Statele Unite 3-4 iunie 2009 ASGE Postgraduate Course 2009 “Endoscopy at Home and Arround

the World, DDW, Chicago, Statele Unite 11-12 iunie 2009 12

st Annual Course Endosonography Live in Amsterdam,

Amsterdam, Olanda

18-20 iunie 2009 Al XXIX-lea Simpozion National de Gastroenterologie, Endoscopie

Digestiva si Hepatologie, Cluj Napoca 22-24 iunie 2009 Gastroenterology and Endotherapy Workshop, Brussels, Belgia 8-9 iulie 2009 Postgraduate Corse of the 15

th Annual International Congress of

International Liver Transplantation Society (ILTS) 11-12 septembrie 2009 Falk Symposium 170: IBD and IBS: Novel Mechanisms and Future

Practice, Glasgow, Marea Britanie 30-31 octombrie 2009 ESGE Live Endoscopy Workshop, Cluj Napoca

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30 octombrie 2009 AASLD/ASGE Endoscopy Course “Endoscopic Management of

Liver and Biliary Tract Disorders”, AASLD Annual Meeting,

Boston, Statele Unite ale Americii 30-31 octombrie 2009 Postgraduate Course “Keeping the Patient with End-stage Cirrhosis

Alive”, AASLD Annual Meeting, Boston, Statele Unite ale Americii 21-22 noiembrie 2009 17

th UEGW Postgraduate Teaching Programme, Londra, Marea

Britanie 29-30 ian 2010 Disectia endoscopica mucosala (Curs practic); Tubingen, Germania 5-6 februarie 2010 12nd Internationales Symposium: Diagnostische und therapeutische

Endoskopie, Dusseldorf, Germany 26-27 martie 2010 Falk Symposium 172: The Keys to IBD 2010: treatment, Diagnosis

and Pathophysiology, Miami Statele Unite 13-14 aprilie 2010 EASL Postgraduate Course, Viena, Austria 1 mai-2 mai 2010 AGA Institute 2010 Spring Postgraduate Course ”Managing

Digestive Diseases in the Next Decade” DDW, New Orleans, Statele

Unite 5 mai 2010

ASGE Postgraduate Course 2010 “Endoscopic Challenges and

Controversies”, DDW, Chicago, Statele Unite 21-22 mai 2010 20

th International Consensus Workshop and Postgraduate Course:

“Curent consensus and future directions in the diagnosis and

treatment of portal hypertension” (BAVENO V), Stresa, Italia

3-4 iunie 2010 13rd Annual Course Endosonography Live in Amsterdam,

Amsterdam, Olanda 9-11 iunie 2010 Al XXX-lea Simpozion National de Gastroenterologie, Endoscopie

Digestiva si Hepatologie, Craiova 22 sept 2010 Anorectal and pelvic floor ultrasound course & Ultrasound “Hands

on Lab” Workshop, Sorrento, Italia 16-17 oct 2010 ACG Postgraduate Course 2010, San Antonio, Statele Unite 15 oct 2010

ASGE Postgraduate Course “Endoscopy in your practice: Prepare

for the Future”, San Antonio, Statele Unite 29 oct 2010

AASLD/ASGE Endoscopy Course “Role of Endoscopy in the

Management of Patients with Hepato-Biliary Diseases”, AASLD

Annual Meeting, Boston, Statele Unite ale Americii 29-30 oct 2010

Postgraduate Course “Viral hepatitis – Five Decades of Progress and

Promises for the Future”, AASLD Annual Meeting, Boston, Statele

Unite ale Americii 31 oct 2010 Hepatology Associated Course, AASLD Annual Meeting, Boston,

Statele Unite ale Americii 15-18 dec 2010 Al 34-lea Curs Anual de Endoscopie Gastrointestinala: “The Basic

refined, the future defined” New York Society for Gastrointestinal

Endoscopy, New York 15-16 ianuarie 2011 4

th Paris Hepatitis Conference, Paris, France

28-30 ianuarie 2011 ACG Western Regional Course “Smart Solutions for Difficult

Problems”, Las Vegas, USA 14-16 februarie 2011 PATH Bologna Meeting, Bologna Italy 24-26 februarie 2011 6

th Congress of ECCO, Dublin, Ireland

30-31 martie 2011 EASL Postgraduate Course “Cholestatic Diseases of the Liver and

Bile Ducts”, Berlin, Germany 7-8 mai 2011 2011 AGA Spring Postgraduate Course ”Emerging Concepts and

their Practical Applications” DDW, Chicago, Statele Unite

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26-27 mai 2011

9-11 iunie 2011

25-26 iunie 2011

EUROEUS Workshop “EUS Meets Oncology”, Marseille, France

14nd Annual Course Endosonography Live in Amsterdam,

Amsterdam, Olanda

Endoswiss Zurich, Elvetia

14-16 septembrie 2011 9th

International Meeting on Therapy in Liver Diseases, Barcelona,

Spania 30 septembrie-1

octombrie 2011 FAlk Symposium 179: Revisiting IBD Management: Dogmas to be

changed, Brussels, Belgium 6-8 octombrie 2011 Quality in Endoscopy : ERCP, Munchen, Germany 22-23 octombrie 2011 Postgraduate Teaching Programme, 19

th UEGW Stockholm, Sweden

4 noiembrie 2011 AASLD/ASGE Course Endocopy Course “Endoscopy and

Hepatobiliary Disorders”; 62nd

AASLD Meeting, San Francisco,

USA 4-5 noiembrie 2011 Postgraduate Course of the AASLD: “Cirrhosis: Current Challanges

and Future Directions”; 62nd

AASLD Meeting, San Francisco, USA 1-3 decembrie 2011 2011 Advances in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, Crohn’s and

Colitis Fundation’s Clinical and Research Conference, Hollywood

Florida, USA 15-17 decembrie 2011 EASL Special Conference on Liver Transplantation, Lisbon,

Portugal 30-31 ianuarie 2012 5

th International Conference on the Management of Patients with

Viral Hepatitis, Paris, France 15 februarie 2012 10

th IBD Intensive Advanced Course for Gastroenterologists, 7


Congress of ECCO, Barcelona, Spania 18-19 aprilie 2012 EASL Postgraduate Course: Parasitic, “Imported” and Alcoholic

Liver Disease, Barcelona, Spania 19-20 mai 2012 2012 AGA Spring Postgraduate Course “Practical Solutions for

Your Everyday Clinical Management Problems”, DDW, San Diego,

Statele Unite 20 septembrie 2012 27th ECCO Educational Workshop: ECCO Guidelines, Sibiu 20

Septembrie 2012 3-6 octombrie 2012 Falk Symposium 185, Interfaces and Controversies in

Gastroenterology & Falk Symposium 186 Challenges of Liver

Cirrhosis and Tumors: Prevent it, Treat it, Manage Consequences,

Mainz, Germany 4-5 octombrie 2012 NBI Expert Training Group, Berlin, Germany 9 noiembrie 2012 ASGE/AASLD Endoscopy Course: Boston, Statele Unite

9-10 noiembrie 2012 AASLD Postgraduate Course: Personalized Medicine and the

Practice of Hepatology, Boston, Statele Unite 21-23 noiembrie 2012 XVI-th Course: “Ultrasonographic Imaging of Pelvic Floor

Disorders”, Treviso, Italy 20-21 decembrie 2012 36

th Annual New York Course – Gastrointestinal endoscopy: New

Advances and Everyday Problems, New York, Statele Unite

New Horizons in Hepatitis Therapy, New York, Statele Unite 28 ianuarie 2012 NBI Expert Training Group, Munchen, Germany 16 februarie 2013 11

th IBD Intensive Advanced Course for Gastroenterologists, 8


Congress of ECCO, Vienna, Austria 24-25 aprilie 2013 EASL Postgraduate Course: “Transplantation and the Liver”,

Amsterdam, Olanda

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18-19 mai 2013 2013 AGA Spring Postgraduate Course “Putting Patients First:

Actionable Evidence for Clinical Practice”, DDW2013, Orlando, FL,

Statele Unite 20 mai 2013 ASGE Postgraduate Course “An International and Multidisciplinary

Approach in Gastrointestinal Diseases in 2013: Patient Care at Its

Best”, Chicago, IL, Statele Unite 27-28 iunie 2013 NBI Expert Training Group, Hamburg, Germany iulie 2013 Master Class Program on Pancreatic Diseases and Pancreatic

Exocrine Insufficiency, Director: Prof. J. Enrique Dominguez-

Munoz, University Hospital of Santiago de Compostela, Spain 2-5 octombrie 2013 Falk Symposium 190, Challenges in the Care of IBD in Patients of

All Ages & Falk Symposium 191; Liver Diseases in 2013: Advances

in Pathogenesis and Treatment, Londra, UK 26-28 septembrie 2013 1

st Annual International Course for Pancreatic Disease, Bucuresti,

Spitalul Militar de Urgenta “Carol Davila 1 noiembrie 2013 AASLD/ASGE Endoscopy Course: Endoscopy in Patients with

Hepatobiliary Disorders: Evolving Concepts, Technologies, and

Techniques, Washington, Statele Unite 1-2 noiembrie 2013 AASLD Postgraduate Course: New Treatments in Liver Disease,

Washington, Statele Unite 15-16 noiembrie 2013 Quality in Endoscopy Symposium IBD & Small Bowel Disease,

Budapest 21-23 noiembrie 2013 1

st Transylvanian Meeting for Liver Interventions & Digestive

Endoscopy Workshop Cluj 2013 12-14 decembrie 2013 2013 Advances in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, Crohn’s and

Colitis Fundation’s Clinical and Research Conference, Hollywood

Florida, USA 13-14 ianuarie 2014 7

th Paris Hepatitis Conference: International Conference on the

Management of Patients with Viral Hepatitis, Paris, France 9-10 aprilie 2014 ILC/EASL Postgraduate Course “Viral Hepatitis” Londra, Marea

Britanie 10-11 aprilie 2014 NBI Expert Training Group, Lyon, France 3-4 mai 2014 2014 AGA Spring Postgraduate Course “Best Practices at the

Bedside Critical Thinking for Common Conditions”, DDW2014,

Chicago, IL, Statele Unite 5 mai 2014 ASGE Postgraduate Course “Integration of Science, Art and

Technology”, Chicago, IL, Sattele Unite 22-23 septembrie 2014 Advanced Therapeutic Endoscopy – Live porcine model Hands-on

EMR, RFA, and ESD workshop, Rotterdam, Netherlands (accredited

by the EACCME) 23-25 octombrie 2014 Cursul National de Ghiduri si protocoale in Anestezie si terapie

Intensiva si Medicina de Urgenta, Timisoara 24-25 octombrie 2014 Postgraduate Teaching Programme, 22

nd UEGW, 24-27

th October,

Vienna Austria 7 noiembrie 2014 AASLD/ASGE Endoscopy Course: Endos opy in the Management

of Patients with Liver Disease, Boston, Statele Unite 7-8 noiembrie 2014 AASLD 2014 Postgraduate Course: Clinical Implications of

Inflammation and Immunity in Acute and Chronic Liver Diseases:

Advances in Diagnosis, Treatment and Clinical Practice Boston,

Statele Unite

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4-6 decembrie 2014 2014 Advances in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, Crohn’s &

Colitis Foundation’s National & Research Conference, Orlando,

Florida 18-19 decembrie 2014 38

th Annual New York Course of the New York Society for

Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 5-7 februarie 2015 17

th International Endoscopy Symposium, Dusseldorf, Germany

19 februarie 2015 4th

S-ECCO Master Class Course: “Novel strategies around IBD

surgery”, Barcelona 10th

Congress of ECCO, 18-21 February 2015 11-13 martie 2015 12

th Annual European Neuroendocrine Tumor Society (ENETS)

Course, Barcelona, 2015 19-20

martie Translational Endoscopic Imaging in Gastroenterology and

Surgery, Craiova, 2015 9-11 aprilie 2015 Baveno VI Consensus Workshop on Portal Hypertension, Baveno,

Italy 22-26 aprilie 2015 50

th International Liver Congress 2015, Viena, Austria

6-8 mai 2015 EndoLive Roma; Roma, Italy 16-17 mai 2015 AGA Postgraduate Course: “Evidence that will change your

practice: new advances for common clinical problems”, DDW

2015, Washington 16-19 May 2015 18 mai 2015 ASGE Annual Postgraduate Course: “Best Endoscopic Practices

in 2015: Understanding the Evidence and Enhancing Your Skills”,

DDW 2015, Washington 16-19 May 2015 28-29 mai 2015 2nd UpDate on Hepatology Course Bucharest 2015: “Portal

Hypertension and Its Complications after Baveno VI & Viral

hepatitis Anno 2015: curing the disease”, Bucharest, Romania 29-30 mai 2015 EASL Monothematic Conference: “Liver Diseases in resource-

limited Settings” Bucharest, Romania 4-5 iunie 2015 EUS in Amsterdam, 18th Annual Course, Amsterdam, Netherland 11 iunie 2015 Curs Pre-congres Gastroenterologie, Hepatologie si Endoscopie;

Al XXXV-lea Congres National de Gastroenterologie,

Hepatologie si Endoscopie Digestiva, Iasi 11-13 iunie 2015 24-26 iunie 47

th Annual Meeting of the European Pancreatic Club, Toledo,

Spain 1-4 iulie 2015 Scoala Nationala de Vara Paltinis, editia a XI-a: Actualitati in

medicina interna si gastroenterologie, Paltinis, Romania 11-12 septembrie 2015 Bucharest PancreaticFest 2015, Bucuresti 24-26 septembrie 2015 7

th Annual Meeting of Romanian Club for Crohn and Colitis,

Cheile Gradistei, Romania 8-10 octombrie 2015 7

th Digestive Endoscopy Course & 3

rd Trannsylvanian Meeting of

Interventional Hepatology




Membru al Comisiei de Gastroenterologie a Colegiului Medicilor

din România

Vicepresedinte al Comisiei de Gastroenterologie a Colegiului

Medicilor din România

1 februarie 2000-

martie 2001

Director adjunct al Institutului Naţional de Perfecţionare

Postuniversitară a Medicilor şi Farmaciştilor

Septembrie 2001- Secretar general al Societăţii Române de Endoscopie Digestivă

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Oct 2004-dec2005 Membru al Consiliului de Administratie al Institului Clinic Fundeni

Mai 2006-iulie 2009 Director medical Institutul Clinic Fundeni

Octombrie 2006 – in


Membru in Conducerea Societatii Europene de Endoscopie

Digestiva (ESGE) 2006-2008 reales 2008-2010

Septembrie 2007 Membru al Comisiei de Gastroenterologie a Colegiului Medicilor

din Romania

Mai 2007-in prezent Membru al Comisiei 3 a Colegiului Consultativ pentru Cercetare,

Dezvoltare si Inovare (CCDI) a Ministerului Educatiei, Cercetarii si


Iunie 2009-iunie


Presedinte al Societatii Romane de Endoscopie Digestiva

August 2009–

decembrie 2010

Manager Institutul Clinic de Boli Digestive si Transplant Hepatic


2009- in prezent Reprezentant al ESGE in conducerea Uniunii Europene a

Specialitatilor Medicale (UEMS) / Federatia de Gastroenterologie

Europeana Unita (UEGF) pentru educatie medicala continua (CME)

iulie 2010-in prezent Presedinte al Comisiei de Gastroenterologie a Colegiului Medicilor

din Romania

octombrie 2014-

iunie 2015

Presedinte al Comisiei de Gastroenterologie a Ministerului Sanatatii


octombrie 1992

Premiul poster la Simpozionul Naţional de Gastroenterologie şi

Endoscopie Digestivă, Iaşi

martie-aprilie 1992

Bursă de participare la “Journees Francophones d’Hepatologie et de

Gastroenterologie”, Paris-Rouen, Franţa

martie-aprilie 1995

Bursă de participare) la “Journees Francophones d’Hepatologie et

de Gastroenterologie”, Nantes-Paris, Franţa

septembrie 1995

Young scientist award al celei de a 4-a “Săptămâni Europene Unite

de Gastroenterologie” (4th

United European Gastroenterology

Week), Berlin, Germania

iunie 1995

Premiu poster al celui de al 7-lea Congres Naţional de

Gastroenterologie şi cel de al doilea Congres Naţional de

Endoscopie Digestivă, Bucureşti

august 1996

Participation bursary (Bursă de participare) la cel de al 31-lea

Meeting European al Asociaţiei Europene pentru Studiul Ficatului


Annual Meeting of European Association for the Study of the

Liver) (EASL), Geneva, Elveţia

octombrie 1997

Travel bursary (Bursă de participare) la cea de a 6-a Săptămână

Europeană Unită de Gastroenterologie (6-th United European

Gastroenterology Week”), Birmingham, Marea Britanie

Citat în Final Programme UEGW, Birmingham 1997, pg. 238

8-12 aprilie 1999 Travel bursary (Bursă de participare) la cel de al 34-lea Annual

Meeting of European Association for the Study of the Liver, Napoli,


1999 Citat în Who’s Who in the World 1999; Marquis Who’s Who pg.


Page 10: Prof univ dr Gheorghe Cristian CV.pdf


iunie 1999 Premiu poster al celui de al 8-lea Congres Naţional de

Gastroenterologie şi cel de al treilea Congres Naţional de

Endoscopie Digestivă, Timişoara

9-10 iunie 2000,



Premiul pentru cel mai bun poster "Cinnarizine - a new drug

inducing cholestasis" Falk Symposium

25-27 septembrie

2003, Craiova,


Premiul I, acordat de Societatea Romana de Endoscopie Digestiva

(SRED) “Epidemiologia bolilor inflamatorii intestinale idiopatice

in randul populatiei adulte ce se adreseaza serviciilor de

gastroenterologie din Romania”

Al 9-lea Congres de Gastroenterologie, Hepatologie &

Endoscopie Digestiva, Craiova, Romania

1-3 septembrie 2004,

Constanta, Romania

Premiul al II-lea pentru lucrarea “Eficienta ligaturii profilactice a

varicelor esofagiene cu risc de sangerare la pacientii cu ciroza

hepatica aflati pe lista de asteptare pentru transplantul hepatic”

Simpozionul National de Gastroenterologie, Hepatologie si

Endoscopie Digestiva

2006 Premiul “Victor Babes” al Academiei Romane pentru tratatul

Chirurgia Ficatului editura universitara Carol Davila Bucuresti 2004

sub redactia Irinel Popescu (coautor)

27 mai 2009 Premiul de Excelenta “Viata Medicala” oferit cu ocazia galei

aniversare “Viata Medicala” 2009, 20 de ani de aparitie neintrerupta,

numarul 1000, Ateneul Roman, Bucuresti

20 mai 2010 Ordinul Meritul Sanitar in grad de Cavaler

28 mai 2012 Premiul TopMedici 2012 pentru valoroasa contributie la

prestigiul medicinei romanesti

28 mai 2012 Diploma de Excelenta in semn de Recunostinta, acordata de

Asociatia Nationala pentru Protectia Pacientilor

aprilie2015 Diploma de Excelenta si medalia comemorativa „15 Ani de

Transplant Hepatic in Romania”



1990 - in prezent

1998 - in prezent

Membru al Societatii Romane de Gastroenterologie &

Hepatologie (SRGH)

Membru al Comitetului Editorial al Romanian Journal of


1990 – in prezent

2001 - 2008

Membru al Societatii Romane de Endoscopie Digestiva


Secretar general al Societatii Romane de Endoscopie



1992 – in prezent

2001 - in prezent

Membru al International Association of Surgeons and

Gastroenterologists (IASG)

Membru al Comitetului Editorial al Hepato-Gastroenterology

1996 – in prezent Membru al European Association for Gastroenterology and

Endoscopy (EAGE)

1996 – in prezent Membru al European Association for the Study of the Liver

Page 11: Prof univ dr Gheorghe Cristian CV.pdf



1996 – in prezent Membru al International Ascites Club

1997 – in prezent Membru al Balkan Medical Union (BMU)

Co-editor sef al Archives of the Balkan Medical Union

1998 Membru fondator al GEEMO (Groupe d’Etude Europeen des

Maladies de l’Oesophage)

1999 – in present Membru al Societatii Americane de Endoscopie

Gastrointestinala - American Society for Gastrointestinal

Endoscopy (ASGE)

1999 – in prezent Membru al Fundatiei Romane pentru Chirurgia Ficatului


1999 – in prezent Membru al Societatii Romane de Nutritie Enterala si

Parenterala (ROSPEN)

2000 – in prezent Membru al Comitetului Editorial al revistei Annals of

Fundeni Hospital

2000 - in prezent

2002 - 2010

Membru al American College of Gastroenterology (ACG)

Membru ales al Comitetului International al ACG

2000 – in prezent Membru al Societatii Romane de Chirurgie Endoscopica si

alte Tehnici Interventionale (ARCE)

2000 – in prezent Membru al ROMTRANSPLANT

2001 – in prezent

Membru al European Association for Endoscopic Surgery


2003 - in prezent Membru al Asociatiei Romane pentru Telemedicina &

Aplicatii Spatiale in Medicina (ARTASS)

2003 - in prezent Membru al European Society for Enteral and Parenteral

Nutrition (ESPEN)

2003 – 2007 Membru al Asociatiei Romane pentru Studiul Ficatului


2003 – in prezent Membru al American Gastroenterological Association (AGA)

2005 – in prezent Membru al European Pancreatic Club (Clubul Pancreatic


2005 – in prezent

2005 - in prezent

Membru al Societatii Romane de Neuro-gastroenterologie

Membru al European Society of Neurogastroenterology and


2007- in prezent Membru al Clubului Roman de Crohn si Colita (RCCC)

2009- in prezent Membru al Societatii Europene de Crohn si Colita (European

Crohn’s and Colitis Organization) (ECCO)

mai 2010 Membru fondator al Societatii Romane de Colo-Proctologie

2012 – in prezent Membru a Asociatiei pentru Patologie Pancreatica din

Romania (APPR)

2012 – 2014 Presedintele Asociatiei pentru Patologie Pancreatica din

Romania (APPR)

Arii de interes in cercetare - Hipertensiunea portala: hemodinamica, aspecte endoscopice (Gastropatia si

colopatia portal-hipertensiva)

- Endoscopia terapeutica

- Profilaxia si diagnosticul precoce al cancerelor digestive

- Colangiografia endoscopica retrograda (ERCP)

Page 12: Prof univ dr Gheorghe Cristian CV.pdf


- Rolul ecoendoscopiei in diagnosticul afectiunilor esofagului, stomacului,

pancreasului (EUS)

- Tehnici noi endoscopice

- Afectiuni pancreatice




TITLU (ACRONIM) Perioada Functie



Proiect CNCSIS 184/2001

Aplicatii ale reologiei fluidelor in biologie si medicina

2001-2003 Cercetator



Proiect VIASAN 411/2004

Identificarea de grupe de risc pentru cancerul

rectocolonic prin intelegerea procesului de carcinogeneza

in relatie cu factorii de crestere insulinici

2004-2006 Cercetator



Proiect VIASAN 324/2004

Rolul evidentei computerizate a pacientilor in

identificarea potentialilor candidati pentru transplantul

hepatic si in urmarirea dinamicii listei de asteptare


2004-2006 Executant



Proiect VIASAN 322/2004

Rolul manometriei esofagiene in diagnosticul achalasiei la

pacientii cu disfagie si in evaluarea eficientei

tratamentului endoscopic sau chirurgical al afectiunii


2004-2006 Director de




Proiect VIASAN 428/2004

Evidenta computerizata prospectiva a pacientilor cu risc

pentru dezvoltarea cancerului colorectal la care se

impune screeningul si supravegherea (COLOCANS)

2004-2006 Director de




Proiect CEEX 142/2006

Diagnosticul non-invaziv si markeri de prognostic ai

hepatocarcinomului detectat in leziunile focale nodulare

din ciroza hepatica (PROSONOHEP)

2006-2008 Executant



Proiect CEEX 89/2006

Implicaţii diagnostice şi prognostice ale aspectului

endomicroscopic al microvascularizaţiei leziunilor

premaligne şi maligne ale tubului digestiv superior


2006-2008 Director de




Proiect CEEX 65/2006

Potentialul terapeutic al celulelor stem hematopoetice in

afectiunile hepatice (LIVER STEM) cu partener extern:

Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London

Hammersmith Campus, London

2006-2008 Cercetator



Proiect CEEX 60/2006

Evaluarea fenotipica si genotipica a pacientilor cu boli

inflamatorii intestinale cronice din Romania si generarea

unui registru biregional computerizat de urmarire

prospectiva (IBDPROSPECT)

2006-2008 Responsabil




Page 13: Prof univ dr Gheorghe Cristian CV.pdf






Proiect CEEX 361/2006

Optimizarea diagnosticului precoce si terapiei cancerului

incipient de tub digestiv superior in contextul

cromodiagnosticului si a endoscopiei cu magnificatie


2006-2008 Cercetator in







Proiect PNCID II nr.41023/2007

Suprevietuirea si impactul imunologic dupa

ooforectomia transgastrica endoscopica in comparatie

cu abordul laparoscopic

2007-2010 Responsabil


partenerI UMF

Carol Davila



Proiect PNCID II nr.41073/2007

Acuratetea diagnostica a videocapsulei

endoscopice comparativ cu enteroscopia cu balon in

patologia intestinului subtire – ENTERODIAG

2007-2010 Responsabil








Proiect 42170 ENDONERD (Valoare totala 1521600

RON) Valoarea endomicroscopiei confocale laser si a

endoscopiei cu magnificatie, in banda ingusta (NBI), in

diagnosticul bolii de reflux gastroesofagian nonerozive.

2008-2011 Director




Proiect 42169 GENOWIL (Valoare totala 1963000 RONI)

Valoarea diagnostica si prognostica a analizei genetice si

corelatii genotip-fenotip la pacientii cu boala Wilson

2008-2011 Responsabil

stiintific UMF





Proiect 42162 BAROFAT (Valoare totala 1850000 RONI)

Factori predictivi ai raspunsului serologic, imagistic,

imunohistochimic si histologic hepatic la pacientii cu

obezitate morbida si ficat gras nonalcoolic supusi

chirurgiei bariatrice

2008-2011 Cercetator




Molecular predictors of prognosis following curative

treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma – the signifficance

of liver stem/progenitor cells genes

2011-2016 Cercetator




1. L. Gheorghe, I. Popescu, C. Gheorghe, G. Aposteanu, C. Popescu, Al. Oproiu. Fatal

intestinal hemorrhage complicating ileal lymphoma after Cyclosporine for unresponsive

celiac disease. Hepato-Gastroenterology 1997; 44: 1342-1345

2. M. Manuc, C. Oproiu, M. Ionescu, D. Popovici, R. Dutu, C. Popescu, C. Gheorghe,

Al. Oproiu. Esophageal tumor with an unusual histological appearance: A case report.

Hepato-Gastroenterology 1998; 45: 109-113

3. C. Gheorghe, G. Aposteanu, C. Popescu, L. Gheorghe, A. Oproiu, I. Popescu. Long

esophageal stricture in Crohn’s disease. Case report. Hepato-Gastroenterology 1998; 45:


4. Ionescu M, Tomulescu V, Gheorghe C, Popescu I. Post-caustic esophageal stenosis.

Chirurgia 2000; 95 (1): 23-28

Page 14: Prof univ dr Gheorghe Cristian CV.pdf


5. G. Becheanu, R. Stoia, C. Gheorghe, B. Stamm. Disseminated infection of the

digestive tract caused by cytomegalic virus in a patient with Hodgkin’s disease. J

Cellular and Molecular Medicine 2001; 5: 436-437

6. I. Popescu, D. Tulbure, M. Ionescu, R. Vasile, S. Baila, S. Ciurea, D. Hrehoret, V.

Brasoveanu, D. Pietrareanu, P. Boeti, L. Dumitru, G. Droc, D. Enescu, C. Gheorghe,

M. Boros, V. Herlea, M. Mihaila. Liver transplantation - considerations over 8 cases

operated in the year 2000; Chirurgia 2001; 96 (5): 453-467

7. C. Gheorghe, I. Sporea, G. Becheanu, L. Gheorghe. Endoscopic mucosal resection

for early gastric cancer. Romanian J Gastroenterology 2002; 11: 33-38

8. L. Gheorghe, I. Bancilă, C. Gheorghe, V. Herlea, C. Vasilescu, G. Aposteanu. Antro-

duodenal tuberculosis causing gastric outlet obstruction – a rare presentation of a

protean disease. Romanian J Gastroenterology 2002; 11: 149-152

9. C. Gheorghe, L. Gheorghe, A. Mihalcea, S. Georgescu. TIPS pentru HDS variceale

severe la un pacient cu ciroză hepatică (Quiz). Romanian J Gastroenterology 2002; 11:


10. C. Preda, L. Gheorghe, C. Gheorghe, M. Diculescu, A. Mihalcea, S. Georgescu, I.

Popescu. Pancreatită cronică complicată cu tromboză de venă portă, hipertensiune

portală segmentară şi HDS prin ruptură de varice de fornix gastric (Quiz). Romanian J

Gastroenterology 2002; 11: 159-161

11. L. Gheorghe, C. Gheorghe, A. Mihalcea, M. Grasu, S. Georgescu.

Chemoembolization for hepatocellular carcinoma (Quiz). Romanian J Gastroenterology

2002; 11: 255-257

12. L. Gheorghe, A. Croitoru, A. Stoicescu, C. Gheorghe, G. Becheanu. Kruckenberg

tumor secondary to colorectal carcinoma (Quiz). Romanian J Gastroenterology 2002;

11: 255-257

13. L. Gheorghe, C. Gheorghe, M. Badea, R. Vadan, I. Parvulescu, C. Toader, L.

Tugui, O. Papuc, R. Ionescu, C. Preda, I. Calin, M. Diculescu. Infliximab for Crohn’s

disease in clinical practice: the experience of a single center in Romania. Romanian J

Gastroenterology 2003; 12: 7-13

14. C. Gheorghe, L. Gheorghe, R. Iacob, S. Iacob, I. Simionov, I. Bancilă. Argon plama

coagulation for radiation proctitis. Romanian J Gastroenterology 2003; 12: 107-112

15. R. Vadan, L. Gheorghe, G. Becheanu, R. Iacob, S. Iacob, C. Gheorghe. Predictive

factors for the severity of liver fibrosis in patients with chronic hepatitis C and moderate

alcohol consumption. Romanian J Gastroenterology 2003; 12: 183-188

16. I. Popescu, M. Ionescu, S. Ciurea, C. Stănescu, C. Gheorghe, R. Anghel, A.

Croitoru. Neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy for the treatment of epidermoid oesophageal

carcinoma: preliminary results on 15 patients. Chirurgia 2003; 98 (6): 499-508

17. L. Gheorghe, C. Gheorghe, G. Becheanu. Non-alcoholic steato-hepatitis (NASH)

(Quiz). Romanian J Gastroenterology 2003; 12: 65-67

18. L. Gheorghe, R. Vadan, V. Herlea, C. Gheorghe, I. Popescu. Chronic recurrent

hepatitis C after liver transplantations (Quiz). Romanian J Gastroenterology 2003; 12:


19. A. Ionescu, L. Gheorghe, C. Gheorghe, S. Iacob. Budd-Chiari syndrome (Quiz).

Romanian J Gastroententerology 2003; 12: 247-249

20. M. Jinga, C. Gheorghe, M. Dumitrescu, L. Gheorghe, T. Nicolaie. Endoscopic

ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration biopsy in the diagnosis of pancreatic masses.

Rom anian J Gastroenterology 2004; 13: 49-54

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21. L. Gheorghe, S. Iacob, C. Gheorghe, R. Iacob, I. Simionov, R. Vadan, G. Becheanu,

I. Parvulescu, C. Toader. Frequency and predictive factors for overlap syndrome

between autoimmune hepatitis and cholestatic liver disease. European J

Gastroenterology Hepatolgy 2004; 16: 585-592

22. C. Gheorghe, I. Bancila, R. Stoia, L. Gheorghe, G. Becheanu, C. Dobre, R. Brescan.

Regression of gastric MALT-lymphoma under specific therapy may be predicted by

endoscopic ultrasound. Romanian J Gastroenterology 2004; 13: 129-134

23. L. Gheorghe, I. Popescu, S. Iacob, C. Gheorghe, R. Vadan, A. Constantinescu, R.

Iacob, G. Becheanu, C. Angelescu, M. Diculescu. Wilson’s disease: a challenge of

diagnosis. The 5-years experience of a tertiary centre. Romanian J Gastroenterology

2004; 13: 179-185

24. C. Gheorghe, O. Pascu, L. Gheorghe, R. Iacob, E. Dumitru, M. Tantau, R, Vadan,

A. Goldis, G. Balan, S. Iacob, D. Dobru, A. Saftoiu. Epidemiology of inflammatory

bowel disease in adults who refer to gastroenterology care in Romania: a multicentric

study. European J Gastroenterology Hepatology 2004; 16: 1153-1161

25. Balan C, Balut C, Gheorghe L, Gheorghe C, Gheorghiu E, Ursu G. Experimental

determination of blood permittivity and conductivity in simple shear flow. Clinical

Hemorheology Microcirculation 2004; 30 (3-4): 359-364

26. D. Dobru, O. Pascu, M. Tantau, C. Gheorghe, A. Goldis, G. Balan, F. Coman, A.

Fraticiu, E. Dumitru, E. Miutescu, A. Saftoiu, V. Bacarea. An epidemiological study of

gastric cancer in the adult population referred to gastroenterology medical services in

Romania – a multicentric study. Romanian J Gastroenterology 2004; 13:275-280

27. D. Cacovean, C. Gheorghe, D. David, O. Stanciulea, V. Herlea, C. Vasilescu.

Hemoragia digestiva superioara de cauza rara: schwanom benign duodenal. Chirurgia

2004; 99: 571-578

28. R. Vadan, L. Gheorghe, C. Gheorghe, M. Ghinea, S. Georgescu. Chronic

pancreatitis requiring nutritional support (Quiz). Romanian J Gastroenterology 2004;

13: 64-65

29. M. Badea, L. Gheorghe, G. Becheanu, C. Gheorghe, I. Lupescu, S. Georgescu, C.

Stanescu, L. Popescu. Carcinoid syndrome. Bronchic carcinoid with extensive

metastasis involving the liver, lymph nodes, and bones successfully treated with

lanreotid (Quiz). Romanian J Gastroenterology 2004; 13: 147-149

30. C. Gheorghe, L.Gheorghe, G. Becheanu, R. Iacob, S. Iacob. Peptic esophagitis.

Romanian J Gastroenterology2004; 13: 349-350

31. Popescu I, Ionescu M, Tulbure D, Ciurea S, Baila S, Brasoveanu V, Hrehoret D,

Sarbu-Boeti P, Pietrareanu D, Alexandrescu S, Dorobantu B, Gheorghe L, Gheorghe C,

Mihaila M, Boros M, Croitoru M, Herlea V. Transplantul hepatic ortotopic de la

donator cadavru la adult. Experienta Centrului de Chirurgie Generala si Transplant

Hepatic Fundeni. Chirurgia 2005; 100: 13-26

32. L. Gheorghe, I. Popescu, R. Iacob, S. Iacob, C. Gheorghe. Predictors of death on the

waiting list for liver transplantation characterized by a long waiting time. Transplant

International 2005; 18: 572-576

33. C. Gheorghe. Endoscopic clipping focused on “triclip”for bleeding Dieulafoy’s

lesion in the colon. Romanian J Gastroenterology 2005; 14: 79-82

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34. L. Gheorghe, S. Iacob, C. Gheorghe. Liver biopsy under ultrasound control for

diffuse liver disease – toward a faster, safer, cost-effective and easy acceptable

procedure. Romanian J Gastroenterology 2005; 14: 97-98

35. L. Gheorghe, M. Grigorescu, S. Iacob, D. Damian, C. Gheorghe, R. Iacob, I.

Simionov, R. Vadan, I. Parvulescu, I. Bancila. Effectiveness and tolerability of

pegylated interferon -2A and ribavirin combination therapy in Romanian patients with

chronic hepatitis C: from clinical trials to clinical practice. Romanian J

Gastroenterology 2005; 14: 109-115

36. L. Gheorghe, R. Iacob, R. Vadan, S. Iacob, C. Gheorghe. Improvement of hepatic

encephalopathy using a modified high-calorie high-protein diet. Romanian J

Gastroenterology 2005; 14: 231-238

37. L. Gheorghe, S. Iacob, I Simionov, R Vadan, C Gheorghe, R Iacob, I Parvulescu, I

Constantinescu. Natural history of compensated hepatitis B and D viruses cirrhosis.

Romanian J Gastroenterology 2005; 14: 329-336

38. R Iacob, S Iacob, L Gheorghe, C Gheorghe, M Diculescu. The use of IT in the

medical system has economic and research advantages – the experience of Fundeni

Gastroenterology and Hepatology Center. Romanian J Gastroenterology 2005; 14: 426-


39. L.Gheorghe, S. Iacob, C. Gheorghe, G. Becheanu. Antiviral therapy for AgHBe-

negative chronic hepatitis (Quiz). Romanian J Gastroenterology 2005; 13: 90-91

32. R. Vadan, G. Becheanu, C. Gheorghe. Colita pseudomembranoasa (Quiz).

Romanian J Gastroenterology 2005; 14: 190-191

33. L Gheorghe, S Iacob, C Gheorghe. Profilaxia infectiei cu virus hepatitic B (Quiz)

Romanian J Gastroenterology 2005; 14: 308-309

34. L Gheorghe, C Gheorghe, M Fleancu, I Popescu. Rezectia hepatica pentru

carcinomul hepatocelular (Quiz). Romanian J Gastroenterology 2005; 14: 412-414

36. C Gheorghe, L Gheorghe, S Iacob, R Iacob, I Popescu. Primary prophylaxis of

variceal bleeding in cirrhotics awaiting liver transplantation. Hepato-Gastroenterology

2006; 53: 552-557

37. C Gheorghe, C Stanescu, L Gheorghe, I Bancila, V Herlea, G Becheanu, DVoinea, I

Lupescu, R Anghel, A Croitoru, and I Popescu. The preoperative noninvasive EUS

evaluation in patients with esophageal cancer considered for esophagectomy. J

Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases 2006; 15:137-141

38. Vasilescu C, Herlea V, Tudor S, Ivanov B, Stanciulea O, Manuc M, Gheorghe C,

Ionescu M, Diculescu M, Popescu I. Limfadenectomia D2 in chirurgia cancerului

gastric. Rezultate pe termen lung dupa analiza unei experiente de 227 de cazuri.

Chirurgia 2006; 101: 375-384

39. C Gheorghe, L Gheorghe, G Becheanu, I Popescu. Tumora stromala gastrica:

diagnostic si tratament (Quiz). J Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases 2006; 15: 83-85

40. C Gheorghe, I Bancila, L Gheorghe, A Pitrop. Optiuni terapeutice in achalasie

(Quiz). J Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases 2006; 15: 195-197

41. L Gheorghe, S Iacob, C Gheorghe, I Lupescu. Upper gastrointestinal bleeding

caused by extrahepatic portal vein obstruction (Quiz). J Gastrointestinal and Liver

Diseases 2006; 15: 280-282

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42. C Angelescu, C Gheorghe, L Gheorghe, I Lupescu, VHerlea, M Ionescu. Pancreatic

neuroendocrine tumor (Quiz). J Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases 2006; 15: 403-405

43. L Gheorghe, S Iacob, I. Sporea, M. Grigorescu, R Sirli, D Damian, C. Gheorghe, R.

Iacob. Efficacy, tolerability and predictive factors for early and sustained virological

response in patients treated with weight-based dosing regimen of PegIFN -2b and

ribavirin in real-life healthcare setting. J Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases 2007; 16:


44. R Vadan, C. Gheorghe (Letter to the Editor). Pattern of relapses in Romanian

patients with ulcerative colitis. JGastrointestinal and Liver Diseases 2007; 16: 121-122

45. I Lupescu, M. Grasu, Mirela Boros, C. Gheorghe, M. Ionescu, I. Popescu, V.

Herlea, S. Georgescu. Gastrointestinal stromal tumors: retrospective analysis of the

computer tomographic aspects. JGastrointestinal and Liver Diseases 2007; 16: 147-152

46. C Gheorghe, R Iacob, I Bancila. Olympus capsule endoscopy for small bowel

examination. J Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases 2007; 16: 309-314

47. L Gheorghe, S Iacob, R Iacob, C Gheorghe, I Popescu. Variation of MELD score as

predictor of death on the waiting list for liver transplantation. J Gastrointestinal and

Liver Diseases 2007; 16: 267-272

48. L Gheorghe, C Gheorghe, B Cotruta, A Carabela Computer Tomographic Aspects

of Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors: Adding EUS and EUS Elastography to the

diagnostic tools. J Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases 2007; 16: 346-347

49. I Lupescu, M. Grasu, G. Goldis, G. Popa, C. Gheorghe, C. Vasilescu. Computer

tomographic evaluation of digestive tract non-Hodgkin lymphoma. J Gastrointestinal

and Liver Diseases 2007; 16: 315-320

50. L Gheorghe, G. Becheanu, C. Gheorghe, A. Carabela, M Vasilica. An unusual

cause of hepatosplenomegaly and malabsorbtion (Quiz). J Gastrointestinal and Liver

Diseases 2007; 16: 75-76

51. C. Gheorghe, R. Iacob, I. Bancila, Doina Hrehoret. Ampullary bleeding diagnosed

using CCD high resolution and real time viewer capsule endoscope system (Quiz). J

Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases 2007; 16: 187

52. C. Gheorghe, B. Cotruta, V. Trifu, M. Grasu, Liana Gheorghe. Perineal abscesses

and fistulas – always a mark of Crohn’s disease? (Quiz). J Gastrointestinal and Liver

Diseases 2007; 16: 307-308

53. S. Bataga, M. Tantau, C. Gheorghe, C. Stanciu, G. Constantinescu, A. Goldis, M.

Strain, E. D, A. Fraticiu, A. Saftoiu, C.J.J. Mulder. ERCP in Romania in 2006: a

National Programme seems mandatory. J Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases 2007; 16:


54. C. Gheorghe, R. Iacob, G. Becheanu, M. Dumbrava. Confocal endomicroscopy for

in vivo microscopic analysis of upper gastrointestinal tract premalignant and malignant

lesions. J Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases 2008; 17:95-100

55. C. Gheorghe, R. Iacob, L. Gheorghe. Projected Dynamics of Colonoscopic

Screening and Surveillance for Colorectal Cancer. Hepato-Gastroenterology 2008; 55:


56. Liana Gheorghe, Bogdan Cotruta, Viorel Trifu, Cristina Cotruta, Gabriel Becheanu,

Cristian Gheorghe. Drug-induced Sweet’s syndrome secondary to hepatitis C antiviral

therapy. International Journal of Dermatology 2008; 47: 957-959

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57. Liana Gheorghe, Speranta Iacob, Cristian Gheorghe. Real-time Sonoelastography –

a New Application in the Field of Liver Disease. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis 2008;


58. A. Tonea, S. Andrei, D. Andronesi, M. Ionescu, C. Gheorghe, V. Herlea, Monica

Hortopan, Adriana Andrei, Andreea Andronesi, C. Popa, I. Popescu. Dificultati de

diagnostic si tratament chirurgical in angiodisplaziile tractului gastrointestinal.

Chirurgia 2008; 103: 513-528

59. S. Iacob, L. Gheorghe, R. Iacob, C. Gheorghe, D. Hrehoret, I. Popescu. Exceptiile

scorului MELD si un nou scor predictiv al decesului pe listele cu perioade lungi de

asteptare pentru transplantul hepatic. Chirurgia 2009; 104: 267-274

60. R. Iacob, P. Sarbu-Boeti, S. Iacob, S. Dima, C. Gheorghe, L. Gheorghe, I. Popescu.

Terapii cu celule stem in bolile hepatice si in afectiunile tubului digestiv. Chirurgia

2009; 104: 131-140

61. V. Tomulescu, O. Stanciulea, I. Balescu, S. Vasile, St. Tudor, C. Gheorghe, C.

Vasilescu, I. Popescu. Experienta primului an de chirurgie robotica – 153 de cazuri intr-

un departament de chirurgie generala: indicatii, tehnica si rezultate. Chirurgia 2009;

104: 141-150

62. R. Vadan, L. Gheorghe, C. Gheorghe. Low prevalence and mild course of

inflammatory bowel diseases in South Eastern Europe. J Gastrointest Liver Dis 2009;

18: 385

63. C. Gheorghe, G. Becheanu, B. Cotruta, S. Suciu. Quiz HQ 49: Endoscopic

esophageal resection for esophageal carcinoma as a complication of achalasia. J

Gastrointest Liver Dis 2009; 18: 83

64. L. Gheorghe, S. Iacob, M. Grigorescu, I. Sporea, R. Sirli, D. Damian, C. Gheorghe,

R. Iacob. Therapy in genotype-1 patients with histologically mild hepatitis C. J

Gastrointest Liver Dis 2009; 18: 51-56

65. C. Gheorghe. Quiz HQ 52: Electroincision of anastomotic stricture after curative

resection for gastric cancer. J Gastrointest Liver Dis 2009; 18: 214

66. B. Cotruta, C. Gheorghe, I. Bancila. Magnifying endoscopy with narrow-band

imaging or confocal laser endomicroscopy for in vivo rapid diagnosis of Barrett’s

esophagus. J Gastrointest Liver Dis 2009; 18: 258

67. L. Gheorghe, S. Iacob, R. Iacob, M. Dumbrava, G. Becheanu, V. Herlea, C.

Gheorghe, I. Lupescu, I. Popescu. Real-time elastography – a non-invasive diagnostic

method of small hepatocellular carcinoma in cirrhosis. J Gastrointest Liver Dis 2009; 18

(4): 439-447

68. D. Andronesi, A. Andronesi, A. Tonea, S. Andrei, V. Herlea, I. Lupescu, C.

Ionescu-Targoviste, M. Coculescu, S. Fica, M. Ionescu, C. Gheorghe, I. Popescu.

Insulinomul pancreatic – analiza unei serii clinice de 30 de cazuri. Chirurgia 2009; 104:


69. G. Smira, L. Gheorghe, S. Iacob, D. Coriu, C. Gheorghe. Budd Chiari syndrome

and V617/JAK 2 mutation linked with mieloproliferative disorders. J Gastrointest Liver

Dis 2010; 19 (1): 108-109

70. G. Smira, L. Gheorghe, C. Gheorghe, G. Becheanu, A. Croitoru (QUIZ HQ 57).

Multicentric carcinomas of the gastrointestinal tract. J Gastrointest Liver Dis 2010; 19

(2): 204

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71. V. Tomulescu, C. Gheorghe, D. Pitigoi, A. Cosa, M. Ciocirlan, D. Pietrareanu, F.

Turcu, C. Copaescu, G. Droc, H. Popescu, B. Grigorescu, O. Stanciulea, V. Herlea, I.

Popescu. Stabilirea modelului experimental de ooforectomie trnasgastrica pe model

suin. Chirurgia 2010; 105: 331-337

72. I. Popescu, M. Ionescu, V. Brasoveanu, D. Hrehoret, E. Matei, B. Dorobantu, R.

Zamfir, S. Alexandrescu, M. Grigorie, D. Tulbure, L. Popa, M. Ungureanu, D.

Tomescu, G. Droc, H. Popescu, A. Cristea, L. Gheorghe, S. Iacob, C. Gheorghe, M.

Boros, I. Lupescu, L. Vlad, V. Herlea, M. Croitoru, P. Platon, A. Alloub. Transplantul

hepatic – indicatii, tehnica, rezultate – analiza unei serii clinice de 200 de cazuri.

Chirurgia 2010; 105: 177-186

73. Liana Gheorghe, Irma Eva Csiki, Speranta Iacob, Cristian Gheorghe, Gabriela

Smira, Loredana Regep. The prevalence and risk factors of hepatitis C virus infection in

adult population in Romania: A nationwide survey 2006-2008. J Gastrointestin Liver

Dis 2010; 19: 373-380

74. Roxana Vadan, Liliana Simona Gheorghe, Alexandra Constantinescu, Cristian

Gheorghe. The prevalence of malnutrition and the evolution of nutritional status in

patients with moderate to severe forms of Crohn’s disease treated with Infliximab.

Clinical Nutrition 2011; 30: 86-91

75. Adrian Saftoiu, Peter Vilmann, Florin Gorunescu, Jan Janssen, Michael Hocke,

Michael Larsen, Julio Iglesias-Garcia, Paolo Arcidiacono, Uwe Will, Marc Giovannini,

Cristoph Dietrich, Roald Havre, Cristian Gheorghe, Colin McKay, Dan Ionut Gheonea,

Tudorel Ciurea, on behalf of the European EUS Elastography Multicentric Study

Group. Accuracy of endoscopic ultrasound elastography used for differential diagnosis

of focal pancreatic masses: a multicentric study. Endoscopy 2011; 43 (7): 596-603

76. Nastase A, Paslaru L, Niculescu AM, Ionescu M, Dumitrascu T, Herlea V, Dima S,

Gheorghe C, Lazar V, Popescu I. Prognostic and predictive potential molecular

biomarkers in colon cancer. Chirurgia 2011; 106 (2): 177-185

77. Adrian Saftoiu, Peter Vilmann, Florin Gorunescu, Jan Janssen, Michael Hocke,

Michael Larsen, Julio Iglesias-Garcia, Paolo Arcidiacono, Uwe Will, Marc Giovannini,

Cristoph Dietrich, Roald Havre, Cristian Gheorghe, Colin McKay, Dan Ionut Gheonea,

Tudorel Ciurea, on behalf of the European EUS Elastography Study Group Efficacy of

an Artificial Neural Network Based Approach to Endoscopic Ultrasound Elastography

in Diagnosis of Focal Pancreatic Masses. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2012; Ian 10(epub

ahead of print)

78. Becheanu G, Gheorghe C, Dumbrava M, Serban-Barbu V, Diculescu M

Inflammatory myoglandular polyps: a series of seven cases and review of literature.

Chirurgia 2011;106:613-617

79. Gheorghe C, Cotruta B, Iacob R, Becheanu G, Dumbrava M, Gheorghe L,

Endomicroscopy for assessing mucosal healing in patients with ulcerative colitis. J

Gastrointestin Liver Dis 2011; 20:423-426

80. Gologan S, Iacob R, Preda C, Vadan R, Cotruta B, Catuneanu AM, Iacob S,

Constantinescu I, Gheorghe L, Iobagiu S, Gheorghe C, Diculescu M. Higher titer of

anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibodies IgA and IgG are associated with more

aggressive phenotypes in Romanian patients with Crohn’s disease. J Gastrointestin

Liver Dis 2012; 21 (1): 39-44

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81. Gheorghe L, Vadan R, Cerban R, Gheorghe C. Clostridium difficile infection in

gastroenterology settings: more frequent or better diagnosed ? J Gastrointestin Liver Dis

2012; 21 (1): 110-111

82. Iacob R, Iacob S, Nastase A, Vagu C, Ene AM, Constantinescu A, Anghel D,

Banica C, Paslaru L, Coriu D, Dima S, Gheorghe C, Ionica E, Gheorghe L. The

His1069Gln mutation in the ATP7B gene in Romanian patients with Wilson’s disease

referred to a tertiary gastroenterology center. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis 2012; 21 (2):


83. Cerban R, Gheorghe L, Becheanu G, Serban V, Gheorghe C. Primary focal T-cell

lymphoma of the liver: a case report and review of the literature. J Gastrointestin Liver

Dis 2012; 21 (2): 213-216

84. Rugina M, Predescu L, Salagean M, Gheorghe L, Gheorghe C, Tulbure D, Popescu

I. Bubenek-Turconi S. Pre-liver transplantation cardiac assessment. Chirurgia 2012;

107: 283-290

85. Gheorghe C, Borca A, Gheorghe L. The role of EUS for accurate preoperative

differential diagnosis between GIST and pancreatic rest. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis

2012; 21(4): 442-443

86. Pirvulescu I, Gheorghe L, Csiki IE, Becheanu G, Dumbrava M, Fica S, Martin S,

Sarbu A, Gheorghe C, Diculescu M, Copaescu C. Noninvasive clinical model for the

diagnosis of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis in overweight and morbidly obese patients

undergoing bariatric surgery. Chirurgia 2012; 107(6): 772-779

87. Gheorghe C, Bancila I, Iacob R, Tomulescu V. Predictors of short term treatment

outcome in patients with achalasia following endoscopic surgical therapy.

Hepatogastroenterology 2012; 59 (120): 2503-2507

88. Stoiceascu A, Becheanu G, Dumbrava G, Gheorghe C, Diculescu M. Microscopic

colitis – a missed diagnosis in diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel disease. Maedica

(Bucharest) 2012; 7 (1): 3-9

89. Gheorghe L, Csiki IE, Iacob S, Gheorghe C. Epidemiology of hepatitis B virus

infection in general population in Romania: a nationwide survey. Eur J Gastroenterol

Hepatol 2013; 25(1): 56-64. Doi: 10.1097

90. Gheorghe C, Pascu O, Iacob R, Vadan R, Iacob S, Goldis A, Tantau M, Dumitru E,

Dobru D, Miutescu E, Saftoiu A, Fraticiu A & Gheorghe L. Nutritional risk screening

and prevalence of malnutrition on admission to gastroenterology departments: a

multicentric study. Chirurgia 2013; 108: 535-541

91. Gheorghe L, Iacob S, Iacob R, Smira G, Pietrareanu C, Hrehoret D, Brasoveanu V,

Gheorghe C, Popescu I. Dynamics of the Romanian waiting list for liver transplantation

after changing organ allocation policy. J Gastrointest Liver Dis 2013; 22: 299-303

92. Iacob R, Iacob S, Gheorghe L, Gheorghe C, Hrehoret D, Brasoveanu V, Croitoru A,

Herlea V, Popescu I. Outcome of liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma – a

single center experience. Chirurgia 2013; 108: 446-450

93. Gologan S, Iacob R, Iancu D, Iacob S, Cotruta B, Vadan R, Catuneanu AM,

Constantinescu I, Barbarii L, Gheorghe C, Diculescu M. Inflammatory gene expression

profile in Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis: a comparative analysis using a reverse-

transcriptase multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification protocol. J Crohns

Colitis 2013; 7 (8): 622-630

94. Lucian Negreanu, Simona Bataga, Cristina Cijevschi-Prelipcean, Daniela Dobru,

Mircea Diculescu, Eugen Dumitru, Dan Ionut Gheonea, Liana Gheorghe, Cristian

Gheorghe, Adrian Goldis, Bogdan Mateescu, Marcel Tantau, Anca Trifan. Excellence

Page 21: Prof univ dr Gheorghe Cristian CV.pdf


Centers in Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Romania: a Measure of the Quality of Care.

J Gastrointestin Liver Dis 2014; 23 (3): 333-337

95. Dumitrascu D, Chira A, Bataga S, Diculescu M, Drug V, Gheorghe C, Goldis A,

Nedelcu L, Porr PJ, Sporea I for the Romanian Society of Neurogastroenterology. The

use of mebeverine in irritable bowel syndrome. A Position Paper of the Romanian

Society of Neurogastroenterology based on evidence. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis 2014;

23: 431-435

96. Lupu A, Diculescu M, Diaconescu R, Tantau M, Tantau A, Visovan I, Gheorghe C,

Lupei C, Gheorghe L, Cerban R, Vadan R, Goldis A. prevalence of anemia and iron

defficiency in Romanian patients with inflammatory bowel disease: A prospective

multicenter study. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis 2015; 24: 15-20

97. Gheorghe C, Seicean A, Saftoiu A, Tantau M, Dumitru E, Jinga M, Negreanu L,

Mateescu B, Gheorghe L, Ciocirlan M, Cijevschi C, Constantinescu G, Dima S,

Diculescu M. Romanian Guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of exocrine

pancreatic insufficiency. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis 2015; 24: 117-123

98. Gheorghe L, Csiki IE, Iacob S, Gheorghe C, Trifan A, Grigorescu M, et al. Hepatitis

delta virus infection in Romania: Prevalence and risk factors. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis


99. Zaharie R, Tantau A, Zaharie F, Tantau M, Gheorghe L, Gheorghe C, et al, on

behalf of the IBDPROSPECT Study Group.Diadnostic delay in Romanian patients with

inflamatory bowel disease:risk factors and impact on the disease course and need for

surgery. JCC 2016; 10 (3): 306-314. doi: 10.1093/ecco-jcc/jjv215

100. Iacob R, Dimitriu A, Stanciulea O, Herlea V, Popescu I, Gheorghe C.

Enteroscopic tattooing for better intraoperative localization of a bleeding jejunal GIST

facilitates minimally invasive laparoscopically-assisted surgery. J Gastrointestin Liver

Dis 2016; 25(1):105-108

101. Dimitriu A, Iacob R, Nicula S, Cojocaru M, Gheorghe C, Diculescu M, Gheorghe

L. Causes of hospitalization and characteristics of UC in a population-based cohort in

Romania (2014-2015): Are there any differences in comparison with the Hungarian

population? J Gastrointestin Liver Dis 2016; 25 (1): 121-122.


102. Cotruta B, Becheanu G, Iacob R, Gheorghe C. The orientation of the gastric

biopsy specimen for the gastric atrophy assessment is important. J gastrointestin Liver

Dis 2016; 25(1):123-124. Doi:10.15403/jgld2014.1121.251.bsy.

103. Bancila I, Popescu I, Herlea V, Becheanu G, Dumbrava M, Gheorghe C.

Menetrier’s disease: A rare entity which mimics gastric cancer. J Gastrointestin Liver

Dis 2016; 25(2)137. Doi:10.15403/

104. Preda CM, Fulger LE, Gheorghe C, Gheorghe L, Manuc M, Negreanu L, Meianu

C, Slavulete BI, Diculescu MM. Tuberculin skin test and Quantiferon TB Gold Test in

Romanian BCG vaccinated, immunosuppressed patients with moderate-to-severe

Crohn’s disease: A comparison with a Hungarian cohort. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis

2016; 25(2): 260-261: doi:10.15403/jgld.2014.1121.252.tbg.



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1. Vademecum în Gastroenterologie - Afecţiuni ale tubului digestiv (partea I)

L. S. Gheorghe, C. Gheorghe, Editura Nemira, Bucureşti 2002

2. Cancerele digestive: diagnostic, supraveghere si tratament – indrumar practic.

C. Gheorghe, L. Gheorghe, Editura Celsius-All, Bucuresti 2005

3. Actualitati in hepatita C – 2006. Sub redactia Liana Gheorghe, Cristian Gheorghe.

Editura Celsius, Bucuresti 2006

4. 501 întrebări despre patologia digestivă în sarcină. Liana Gheorghe, Cristian

Gheorghe. Editura Celsius, Bucuresti 2008

5. Recomandari Nutritionale in Gastroenterologie si Hepatologie. Liana Gheorghe,

Mircea Diculescu, Cristian Gheorghe, coordonatori. Editura PIM, Bucuresti 2014

(ISBN 978-606-13-1903-9)


1. M. Mănuc, L. S. Gheorghe, C. Gheorghe, G. Aposteanu, V. Spulber, Al. Oproiu .

Enteropatia glutenică asociată cu dermatita Duhring Brocq. În: Interdisciplinaritatea

medicinei interne, sub redacţia G. Gluhovschi, I. Romoşan şi colab. Timişoara, Editura

Helicon, 1993: 393-395

2. L. S. Gheorghe & C. Gheorghe. Hepatitele cronice: propunere pentru o nouă

nomenclatură. Criterii de diagnostic. În: Actualităţi în hepatologie, sub redacţia M.

Voiculescu. Bucureşti, Editura Infomedica 1996: 101-121

3. C. Gheorghe. Sindromul de hipertensiune portala. În: Actualităţi în hepatologie, sub

redacţia M. Voiculescu. Bucureşti, Editura Infomedica 1996: 123-164

4. L. Gheorghe şi C. Gheorghe. Tuberculoza peritoneală. În: I. Popescu, C. Vasilescu,

eds. Peritonitele: Bucureşti, Celsius 1998: 77-83

5. L. Gheorghe şi C. Gheorghe. Infecţia spontană a lichidului de ascită la pacienţii cu

ciroză hepatică. În: I. Popescu, C. Vasilescu, eds. Peritonitele: Bucureşti, Celsius 1998:


6. C. Gheorghe, Al. Oproiu. Tumori gastrice maligne. In: L. Gherasim, ed. Internal

Medicine: diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and pancreas. Bucharest: Medical

Publishing 1999: 232-255

7. C. Gheorghe, Al. Oproiu. Gastrite si gastropatii. In: L. Gherasim, ed. Internal

Medicine: diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and pancreas. Bucharest: Medical

Publishing 1999: 115-136

8. C. Gheorghe, L. Gheorghe. Cancerul colorectal: diagnostic, screening şi

supraveghere. În: C. Chira, N. Calomfirescu, eds. Patologia medico-chirurgicală a

adultului tânăr, Bucureşti, Editura Ministerului de Interne 2001: 125-146

9. L. Gheorghe, C. Gheorghe. Diagnosticul şi tratamentul hepatitei cronice B. În: C.

Chira, N. Calomfirescu, eds. Patologia medico-chirurgicală a adultului tânăr, Bucureşti,

Editura Ministerului de Interne 2001: 147-156

10. L. Gheorghe, C. Gheorghe. Diagnosticul şi tratamentul hepatitei cronice C. În: C.

Chira, N. Calomfirescu, eds. Patologia medico-chirurgicală a adultului tânăr, Bucureşti,

Editura Ministerului de Interne 2001: 157-165

11. L. Gheorghe, C. Gheorghe. Bolile inflamatorii intestinale. În: M. Grigorescu, ed.

Tratat de Gastroenterologie, Bucureşti, Editura Medicală Naţională 2001, Vol. 2: 21-44

12. L. Gheorghe, C. Gheorghe. Polipii rectocolonici. În: M. Grigorescu, ed. Tratat de

Gastroenterologie, Bucureşti, Editura Medicală Naţională 2001, Vol. 2: 111-124

13. L. S. Gheorghe, C. Gheorghe. Sindroame de polipoză gastrointestinală. În: M.

Grigorescu, ed. Tratat de Gastroenterologie, Bucureşti, Editura Medicală Naţională

2001, Vol. 2: 125-138

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14. L. S. Gheorghe, C. Gheorghe, M. Cazacu. Cancerul colorectal. În: M. Grigorescu,

ed. Tratat de Gastroenterologie, Bucureşti, Editura Medicală Naţională 2001, Vol. 2:


15. L. Gheorghe, C. Gheorghe. Bolile inflamatorii intestinale idiopatice. În: T. Ciurea,

O. Pascu, C. Stanciu, eds. Actualităţi în Gastroenterologie şi Hepatologie 2003.

Bucureşti: Editura Medicală 2003: 201-234

16. L. Gheorghe, C. Gheorghe. Principii de terapie nutriţională în gastroenterologie şi

hepatologie. În: T. Ciurea, O. Pascu, C. Stanciu, eds. Actualităţi în Gastroenterologie şi

Hepatologie 2003. Bucureşti: Editura Medicală 2003: 943-967

17. C. Gheorghe. Upper gastrointestinal bleeding in patients with liver cirrhosis. In: T.

Ciurea, O. Pascu, C. Stanciu, eds. Update in Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2003.

Bucuresti: Medical Publishing 2003: 664-673

18. C. Gheorghe. Endoscopia digestiva. In: I. Popescu, ed. Chirurgia ficatului.

Bucuresti: Editura Universitara Carol Davila 2004: 199-210

19. C. Gheorghe, L. Gheorghe. Hipertensiunea portala. In: I. Popescu, ed. Chirurgia

ficatului. Bucuresti: Editura Universitara Carol Davila 2004: 743-764

20. L. Gheorghe, C. Gheorghe. Teste functionale hepatice. In: I. Popescu, ed. Chirurgia

ficatului. Bucuresti: Editura Universitara Carol Davila 2004: 175-184

21. C. Gheorghe, L. Gheorghe. Ascita si peritonita bacteriana spontana. In: I. Popescu,

ed. Chirurgia ficatului. Bucuresti: Editura “Carol Davila” 2004: 841-852

22. L. Gheorghe, C. Gheorghe. Punctia bioptica hepatica. In: I. Popescu, ed. Chirurgia

ficatului. Bucuresti: Editura Universitara Carol Davila 2004: 185-198

23. C. Gheorghe, L. Gheorghe. Ciroza hepatica. In: I. Popescu, ed. Chirurgia ficatului.

Bucuresti: Editura Universitara Carol Davila 2004: 829-840

24. L. Gheorghe, C. Gheorghe. Encefalopatia hepatica. In: I. Popescu, ed. Chirurgia

ficatului. Bucuresti: Editura Universitara Carol Davila 2004: 853-862

25. L. Gheorghe, C. Gheorghe. Sindromul hepato-renal. In: I. Popescu, ed. Chirurgia

ficatului. Bucuresti: Editura Universitara Carol Davila 2004: 863-872

26. L. Gheorghe, C. Gheorghe. Hepatitele autoimune. În: M. Grigorescu, ed. Tratat de

Hepatologie . Bucureşti, Ed. Medicala Naţional 2004 : 539-553

27. L. Gheorghe, C. Gheorghe. Sindromul de overlap autoimun. În: M. Grigorescu, ed.

Tratat de Hepatologie . Bucureşti, Ed. Medicala Naţional 2004: 554-561

28. Ion Bancila, Radu Tutuian, Elena Savulescu, Cristian Gheorghe, Liana Gheorghe,

Donald O. Castell. Differences in baseline esophageal intraluminal impedance between

achalasia patients and patients with normal esophageal peristalsis – A case-control

study. In: D.L. Dumitrascu, L. Nedelcu, eds. Neurogastroenterology – from basic

knowledge to clinical practice. Editura MedicalaUniversitara “Iuliu Hatieganu”, Cluj

Napoca 2005: 88-92

29. C. Vasilescu, V. Tomulescu, S. Tudor, M. Manuc, C. Gheorghe, M. Diculescu.

Laparoscopy in the therapy of achalasia. In: D.L. Dumitrascu, L. Nedelcu, eds.

Neurogastroenterology – from basic knowledge to clinical practice. Editura Medicala

Universitara “Iuliu Hatieganu”, Cluj Napoca 2005: 165-169

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30. C. Gheorghe. Scopul si tintele terapeutice in infectia virala B. Definitia

raspunsurilor. In: M. Grigorescu, C. Stanciu, eds. Actualitati in diagnosticul si

tratamentul hepatitelor cornice virale. Editura Teognost, Cluj Napoca 2006: 90-93

31. C. Gheorghe, O. Pascu. Cancerul esofagian. In: Carol Stanciu, ed. Ghiduri si

protocoale de practica medicala in gastroenterologie, vol. I: Cancerele digestive. Editura

Junimea, Iasi 2007: 9-27

32. C. Gheorghe, Liana Gheorghe. Epidemiologia şi istoria naturală a infecţiei virale C.

In: M. Grigorescu, C. Stanciu, eds. Actualitati in diagnosticul si tratamentul hepatitelor

cornice virale. Editura Medicala Universitara “Iuliu Hatieganu” Cluj Napoca 2008: 11

33. A. Goldis, C. Gheorghe. Hemoragia digestiva non-variceala in ciroza hepatica. In:

Carol Stanciu, ed. Ghiduri si protocoale de practica medicala vol. II: Boli cronice

hepatice. Editura Junimea, Iasi 2008: 224-245

34. Cristian Gheorghe. Stadializare si principii de tratament in cancerul esofagian. In:

Dan Olteanu, Miora Rizescu, eds. Caiete de Gastroenterologie si Hepatologie. Editura

Semne, Bucuresti 2008: 478-483

35. Cristian Gheorghe. Fiziologia gastrica. In: Irinel Popescu, ed. Tratat de Chirurgie,

volumul VIII, partea IB, Chirurgie Generala. Editura Academiei Romane, Bucuresti

2008: 1299-1306

36. Cristian Gheorghe. Endoscopia digestiva diagnostica. In: Irinel Popescu, ed. Tratat

de Chirurgie, volumul VIII, partea IA, Chirurgie Generala. Editura Academiei Romane,

Bucuresti 2008: 166-181

37. Liana Gheorghe, Irma Eva Csiki, Speranta Iacob, Cristian Gheorghe, Loredana

Regep. Prevalenta infectiei virale C in Romania: Proiectii de viitor. In: M. Grigorescu,

C. Stanciu, eds. Actualitati in diagnosticul si tratamentul hepatitelor cornice virale.

Editura Medicala Universitara “Iuliu Hatieganu” Cluj Napoca 2009: 11-24

38. Cristian Gheorghe, Liana Gheorghe, Speranta Iacob. Evaluarea pre-terapeutica a

pacientilor cu hepatita cronica C: de la diagnostic la factori de esec. In: M. Grigorescu,

C. Stanciu, eds. Actualitati in diagnosticul si tratamentul hepatitelor cornice virale.

Editura Medicala Universitara “Iuliu Hatieganu” Cluj Napoca 2009: 25-36

39. Cristian Gheorghe, Liana Gheorghe. Cand, de ce si prin ce teste se evalueaza

pacientul cu infectie virala C. In: M. Grigorescu, C. Stanciu, eds. Actualitati in

diagnosticul si tratamentul hepatitelor cronice virale 2010. Editura Medicala

Universitara “Iuliu Hatieganu” Cluj Napoca 2010: 30-45

40. Cristian Gheorghe, Liana Gheorghe. Se pot introduce noi reguli de individualizare

a tratamentului antiviral in infectia cronica virala C genotip 1 in functie de cinetica

virala ? In: M. Grigorescu, C. Stanciu, eds. Actualitati in diagnosticul si tratamentul

hepatitelor cronice virale 2011. Editura Medicala Universitara “Iuliu Hatieganu” Cluj

Napoca 2011: 38-48

41. Cristian Gheorghe. Endoscopia digestiva in cadrul programului de transplant

hepatic. In: Transplantul Hepatic, Sub redactia: Irinel Popescu. Editura Academiei

Romane, Bucuresti 2011: 143-156

42. Cristian Gheorghe, Ion Bancila. Pneumatic balloon dilatation in the treatment of

achalasia. In: Dan Dumitrascu, Vasile Drug, eds. Functional and motility disorders of

the gastrointestinal tract. Editura Medicala Universitara Iuliu Hatieganu, Cluj-Napoca

2011: 59-64

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43. Catalin Vasilescu, Victor Tomulescu, Stefan Tudor, Mircea Manuc, Cristian

Gheorghe, Mircea Diculescu. Robotic surgery of achalasia. In: Dan Dumitrascu, Vasile

Drug, eds. Functional and motility disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Editura

Medicala Universitara Iuliu Hatieganu, Cluj-Napoca 2011: 65-71

44. Ion Bancila, Razvan Iacob, Bogdan Cotruta, Cristian Gheorghe. The value of

esophageal impedance-pH testing in association with new endoscopic techniques in the

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22 octombrie 2015