production of my magazine

Production of my Front Cover

Upload: asmediae12

Post on 27-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Production of my magazine

Production of my Front Cover

Page 2: Production of my magazine

Firstly, I placed my image on Photoshop. I did this by pressing ‘File’ and then ‘Place’ and selecting my image. I then made the image fill the page by holding down ‘shift’ and dragging the corners.

I them added the masthead. I created a rectangle box using the ‘Rectangle Tool’. I changed the colour to my desired shade of red. I then added the text by using the ‘Horizontal Type Tool’. I put a ‘Drop Shadow’ on the text to make it stand out against the red background.

I added the main cover line by also using the ‘Horizontal Type Tool’ I then added a ‘Drop Shadow’ on the text to make it stand out against the dark background.

I created another cover line by doing the same thing as the main cover line.

Page 3: Production of my magazine

I added a banner on the bottom of the page using the ‘Rectangle Tool’ . I then added text on top by using the ‘Horizontal Type Tool’ the same way I had previously. I added a ‘Drop Shadow’ to the text to make it stand out against the background.

I added a barcode, date and website to the corner of the page to make the front cover look professional and like a real magazine.

I made the puff in the top corner of the page to attract people to the magazine. To make this I used the ‘Ellipse Tool’ to create a red circle and then the same tool to create the black circle inside of it. I then added text to the circles using the ‘Horizontal Type Tool’

Page 4: Production of my magazine

Production of my Contents Page

Page 5: Production of my magazine

I added the masthead from the front cover onto my contents page. I did this by saving the masthead as an image on Photoshop. I then drew a box using the ‘Rectangle Frame Tool’ and selecting ‘File’ and Place’ and then choosing the image.

I then drew another box using the ‘Rectangle Frame Tool’ and placing an image into the box. To ensure that the image fit inside the box without distortion I pressed the ‘Fit content proportionally’ tool. This automatically fits the image into the box.

I created the subheadings by using the ‘Rectangle Tool’ and making three small rectangles. I then used the ‘Text Tool’ to add the text into the rectangles.

Page 6: Production of my magazine

I then drew three boxes using the ‘Rectangle Frame Tool’ and placed three images into them. I made them at a slight angle to make them more interesting to look at.

I then added the articles onto the contents page by using the ‘Rectangle Tool’ to create a box and the ‘Text Tool’ to add the text into it.

I then added page numbers and names to the images by using the ‘Rectangle Tool’ to create a box and the ‘Text Tool’ to write in them.

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However I then decided that I didn’t like how the images looked on the contents page because the colours didn’t go very well. I deleted all of the images and replaced the main one.

I added one more new image to the middle of the bottom row. I then added two of the original images each side of the new one.

Finally, I added page numbers and names to the images by using the ‘Rectangle Tool’ to create a box and the ‘Text Tool’ to write in them. This makes the page look more professional.

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Production of my Double Page


Page 9: Production of my magazine

Firstly, I placed my image on InDesign by using the ‘Rectangle Frame Tool’ to create a box and clicking ‘File’ and then ‘Place’ and choosing my image. I did this twice to enable me to have two images on my double page spread. I crossed the images over each other to make them look more effective.

I then added the title of the page by using the ‘ Rectangle Frame Tool’ to make a box and using the ‘Type Tool’ to write in the box. I changed the of the text to match the colour of her tights in the image.

I added a quote and introduction to the double page spread by using the ‘Rectangle Frame Tool’ to create a box and the ‘Type Tool’ to write in it.

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I then added my article onto the page. I made a box using the ‘Rectangle Frame Tool’ and because I had previously written the article using word, I used copy and paste to get it onto my double page spread. I used the ‘Wrap around object shape’ button to make the text wrap around the image.

Finally I added a page number and a small version of the masthead from the front cover. I also added ‘Exclusive’ in the top left hand corner. I did this by creating a box with the ‘Rectangle Tool’ and using the ‘Text Tool’ to write in it.