product management roles and missions

Product Management Roles and Missions @thierry_lefort

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Post on 21-Jan-2015




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Page 1: Product management roles and missions

Product Management Roles and Missions


Page 2: Product management roles and missions

The Goal of Product Management is to Avoid this

Thierry Lefort – @thierry_lefort

Page 3: Product management roles and missions


Thierry Lefort – @thierry_lefort

Page 4: Product management roles and missions

Product Development Lifecycle

Building customer oriented solutions

Evangelizing new products

Determining business-cases

Assembling product roadmaps

Defining product requirements

Developing products on schedule

Gathering customers needs

Ensuring products quality

Identifying new product candidates

Conducting market analysis

Thierry Lefort – @thierry_lefort

Page 5: Product management roles and missions

Conducting Market Analysis

• Analyze the competitive landscape

• Define and size market segments

• Conduct technology assessments

• Monitor and incorporate industry innovations

Thierry Lefort – @thierry_lefort

Page 6: Product management roles and missions

Identifying New Product Candidates

• Discover and validate market opportunities (both for existing and future customers)

• Seek new market opportunities by leveraging the company’s distinctive competence

• Determine buying/building/partnership decisions

• Create and maintain the business plan including pricing

Thierry Lefort – @thierry_lefort

Page 7: Product management roles and missions

Gathering Customers Needs

• Define user personas for individual products

• Create a detailed understanding of the customer’s requirements

• Key input for the setting of appropriate design specifications for the new product or service

Thierry Lefort – @thierry_lefort

Page 8: Product management roles and missions

Defining Product Requirements

• Participate in the Marketing requirements document (MRD)

• Write the Product requirements document (PRD)

• Validate the Technical requirements document (TRD)

Thierry Lefort – @thierry_lefort

Page 9: Product management roles and missions

Determining Business-Cases

• Define what the idea, problem or opportunity is about

• Analyze how and who it will impact

• Look at what competitors are doing

• Evaluate the associated impacts, risks costs and benefits of each alternative

• Make recommendations

Thierry Lefort – @thierry_lefort

Page 10: Product management roles and missions

Building Customer Oriented Solutions

• Conduct usability study of existing assets

• Build user stories or scenarios

• Build wireframes (screen blueprints or storyboards)

• Prototypes (for interactive or in-the-mind simulation)

• Design graphic mockups (precise visual of the expected end result)

Thierry Lefort – @thierry_lefort

Page 11: Product management roles and missions

Evangelizing New Products

• Maintain a status dashboard for all portfolio products

• Organize frequent demos of the completed work to the stakeholders

• Be the communication hub on product-related matters

Thierry Lefort – @thierry_lefort

Page 12: Product management roles and missions

Assembling Product Roadmaps

• Populate the product backlog

• Be the clearing house for new ideas

• Conduct risk analysis

• Evaluate the customer value and complexity of each features in the product backlog

• Prioritize features based on best value/complexity ratio for quick wins

Smaller Scope

Faster Iteration

Higher Customer


Thierry Lefort – @thierry_lefort

Page 13: Product management roles and missions

Developing Products on Schedule

• Monitor and control project activities

• Determine how best to allocate resources so the product can be delivered on schedule

• Assess how delays will impact the product release schedule

• Track project progress

Thierry Lefort – @thierry_lefort

Page 14: Product management roles and missions

Ensuring Products Quality

• Create User Acceptance Test (UAT)

• Conduct software testing

• Ensure the product complies with the given design

Thierry Lefort – @thierry_lefort