procurement of vertical wheel lathe - krl · procurement of vertical wheel lathe pt kai commuter...

BIDDING DOCUMENT Single Stage Two Envelope Bidding Procedure No : 009/LL/SAR/KCJ/RKS/II/2017 February 14 th ,2017 PROCUREMENT OF VERTICAL WHEEL LATHE PT KAI COMMUTER JABODETABEK Stasiun Kereta Api Juanda 1 st Floor Jl. Ir. H. Juanda 1, Jakarta Pusat - 10120 Telepon: (021) 345 3535 / Fax: (021) 348 34084

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BIDDING DOCUMENT Single Stage Two Envelope Bidding Procedure

No : 009/LL/SAR/KCJ/RKS/II/2017

February 14th,2017



Stasiun Kereta Api Juanda 1st Floor

Jl. Ir. H. Juanda 1, Jakarta Pusat - 10120

Telepon: (021) 345 3535 / Fax: (021) 348 34084

Part I. Section I. Instructions to Bidders 1.i PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe


PT KAI Commuter Jabodetabek is conducting an open tender for supply and delivery of the vertical wheel lathe from any

country part of the world. This tender inviting only manufacturers, which had experiences in procuring, packaging,

expediting and importing the vertical wheel lathe machine from the Principal’s country.

This document reflects the structure and the provisions of the General Bidding Document for the Procurement of Goods

and Sevices.

This document has been prepared by the PT KAI Commuter Jabodetabek (KCJ) to facilitate bidding procedure. In the

Single-Stage Two-Envelopes bidding procedure, Bidders shall submit the proposal in two envelopes containing both the

Administrative/Legal Document and Technical Proposal and Price Proposal.

The bidders’ envelopes will be opened in public at the date and time advised in the Bidding Document. The Bids shall be

evaluated and the Contract shall be awarded to the Bidder whose Bid has been determined to be the competitive evaluated

substantially responsive Bid.

To obtain further information on the the procurement, contact:

Procurement Committee

PT KAI Commuter Jabodetabek

Stasiun KA Juanda 1st Floor

Jl. Ir. H. Juanda I

Jakarta Pusat 10120, Indonesia

Phone : (021) 345 3535

Fax : (021) 348 34084

Email : [email protected]

Part I. Section I. Instructions to Bidders 1.ii PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe

Table of Contents

PART 1 – Bidding Procedures

Section I. Instructions to Bidders ............................................................................... 1-1

A. General ...................................................................................................................... 1-1

1. Scope of Bid ........... .............................................................................................1-1 2. Source of Funds ..... .............................................................................................1-1

3. Corrupt Practices .... .............................................................................................1-1 4. Eligible Bidders ....... .............................................................................................1-1 5. Eligible Goods and All related services ......... ..........................................................1-2

B. Contents of Bidding Document .................................................................................... 1-2

6. Sections of the Bidding Document .............. .........................................................1-2

7. Clarification of Bidding Document ... ......................................................................1-3 8. Amendment of Bidding Document .............. ..........................................................1-3

C. Preparation of Bids ..................................................................................................... 1-3

9. Cost of Bidding ....... .............................................................................................1-3 10. Language of Bid ..... .............................................................................................1-3 11. Documents Comprising the Bid ........ .....................................................................1-3

12. Bid Submission Sheets and Price Schedules ............. ..............................................1-4 13. Alternative Bids ...... .............................................................................................1-4 14. Bid Prices and Discounts ..... .................................................................................1-4

15. Currencies of Bid .... .............................................................................................1-5 16. Documents Establishing the Eligibility of the Bidder ............. ..................................1-5 17. Documents Establishing the Eligibility of the Goods and All related services .............. 1-5

18. Documents Establishing the Conformity of the Goods and All related servicesto the Bidding Document ..... ..........................................................1-5

19. Documents Establishing the Qualifications of the Bidder ....... ..................................1-5 20. Period of Validity of Bids ..... .................................................................................1-5 21. Bid Security ............ .............................................................................................1-6

22. Format and Signing of Bid ............... .....................................................................1-6

D. Submission and Opening of Bids .................................................................................. 1-6

23. Sealing and Marking of Bids ............ .....................................................................1-7

24. Deadline for Submission of Bids ...... ......................................................................1-7 25. Late Bids ..... ........................................................................................................1-7 26. Withdrawal of Bids .............. .................................................................................1-7

27. Bid Opening ........... .............................................................................................1-8

E. Evaluation and Comparison of Bids ........................................................................... ...1-8

28. Confidentiality ....... ..............................................................................................1-8 29. Clarification of Bids ............ ..................................................................................1-9 30. Responsiveness of Bids ...... ..................................................................................1-9

31. Nonconformities, Errors, and Omissions ..... ...........................................................1-9 32. Preliminary Examination of Bids ........ ....................................................................1-9 33. Examination of Terms and Conditions; Technical Evaluation ............ ......................1-10

34. Conversion to Single Currency ........ ....................................................................1-10 35. Margin of Preference ......... ................................................................................1-10 36. Evaluation of Bids .............. ................................................................................1-10

37. Comparison of Bids ............ ................................................................................1-11 38. Postqualification of the Bidder ........ ....................................................................1-11 39. Purchaser’s Right to Accept Any Bid, and to Reject Any or All Bids ... ......................1-11

F. Award of Contract..................................................................................................... 1-11

Part I. Section I. Instructions to Bidders 1.iii PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe

40. Award Criteria .......... .........................................................................................1-11

41. Purchaser’s Right to Vary Quantities at Time of Award ........... ...............................1-11 42. Notification of Award ............ .............................................................................1-11 43. Signing of Contract ............... .............................................................................1-12

44. Performance Security ............ .............................................................................1-12

Section II. Bid Data Sheet .......................................................................................... 2-1

Section III.Evaluation and Qualification Criteria ......................................................... 3-1

Section IV. Bidding Forms .......................................................................................... 4-1

A. Technical Proposal Submission Sheet ........................................................................... 4-1

B. Price Proposal Submission Sheet.................................................................................. 4-2

C. Price Schedule For Goods and all related services ......................................................... 4-3

D. Bid Security ................................................................................................................ 4-4

E. Performance Security .................................................................................................. 4-5

F. Power Attorney........................................................................................................... 4-6

G. Integrity Pacts ............................................................................................................ 4-7

Section V.Eligible Countries ........................................................................................ 5-1

PART 2 – Supply Requirements

Section VI. Schedule of Supply ................................................................................... 6-1

A. List of Goods and All related services ........................................................................... 6-1

B. Term ofReference ....................................................................................................... 6-1

C. Technical Specification ................................................................................................ 6-3

D. Delivery and Completion Schedule ............................................................................... 6-6

PART 3 –Contract Form

Section VII. Contract .................................................................................................. 7-1

Part I. Section I. Instructions to Bidders 1.1 PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe


Section I.

Instructions to Bidders

A. General

1. Scope of Bid 1.1 In support of the Invitation for Bids indicated in the Bid Data Sheet (BDS), the Purchaser, as indicated in the BDS, issues this Bidding Document for the supply of Goods and all

related services incidental thereto as specified in Section VI, Schedule of Supply (SS). The name, identification, and number of lots of the International Competitive Bidding (ICB) are provided in the BDS.

1.2 Throughout this Bidding Document :

(i) the term “in writing” means communicated in written form with proof of receipt;

(ii) if the context so requires, singular means plural and vice versa; and

(iii) “day” means calendar day.

2. Source of Funds 2.1 Financed by Investment Fund of PT KAI Commuter Jabodetabek

2.2 Payments by the KCJ will be made only at the request of the Supplier and upon approval by the KCJ in accordance with the terms and conditions of the agreement between the

Supplier and the KCJ, and will be subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of that Agreement.

3. Corrupt Practices 3.1 KCJ’s Anticorruption Policy requires beneficiaries, as well as bidders, suppliers, and contractors under KCJ-financed contracts, observe the highest standard of ethics during the procurement and execution of such contracts. In pursuance of this policy, the KCJ:

(a) defines, for the purposes of this provision, the terms set forth below as follows:

(i) “corrupt practice” means the offering, giving receiving, or soliciting, directly or indirectly, of any thing of value to influence the action of any party in the procurement process or the execution of a contract;

(ii) “fraudulent practice” means a misrepresentation or omission of facts in order to influence a procurement process or the execution of a contract;

(iii) “collutive practices” means a scheme or arrangement between two or more bidders, with or without the knowledge of the Supplier, designed to influence

the action of any party in a procurement process or the execution of a contract;

(iv) “coercive practices” means harming or threatening to harm, directly or indirectly, persons, or their property to influence their participation in a procurement process, or affect the execution of a contract;

(b) will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the bidder recommended for award has, directly or through an agent, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, or coercive practices in competing for the Contract; and

(c) will sanction a party or its successor, including declaring ineligible, either indefinitely

or for a stated period of time, to participate in KCJ-financed activities if it at any time determines that the firm has, directly or through an agent, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, or coercive practices in competing for, or in executing, an KCJ-

financed contract.

3.2 Furthermore, Bidders shall be aware of the provision stated in Sub-Clause 3.2 and Sub-

Clause 35.1(c) of the General Conditions of Contract.

4. Eligible Bidders 4.1 A Bidder is a foreign company, private entity or government-owned entity (subject to ITB Sub-Clause 4.5)

4.2 A Bidder shall be deemed to have the nationality of a country if the Bidder is a citizen or is constituted, or incorporated, and operates in conformity with the provisions of the laws of that country. This criterion shall also apply to the determination of the nationality of

proposed subcontractors or suppliers for any part of the Contract including all related services.

Part I. Section I. Instructions to Bidders 1.2 PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe

4.3 KCJ considers a conflict of interest to be a situation in which a party has interests that

could improperly influence that party’s performance of official duties or responsibilities, contractual obligations, or compliance with applicable laws and regulations, and that such conflict of interest may contribute to or constitute a prohibited practice under KCJ's

Anticorruption Policy. In pursuance of KCJ's Anticorruption Policy’s requirement that Suppliers including KCJ’s employee, as well as bidders, suppliers, and contractors under the contracts, observe the highest standard of ethics. KCJ will take appropriate actions, which include not financing of the contract, if it determines that a conflict of interest has

flawed the integrity of any procurement process. Consequently all Bidders found to have a conflict of interest shall be disqualified. A Bidder may be considered to be in a conflict of interest with one or more parties in this bidding process if, including but not limited to:

(a) have controlling shareholders in common; or

(b) receive or have received any direct or indirect subsidy from any of them; or

(c) have the same legal representative for purposes of this Bid; or

(d) have a relationship with each other, directly or through common third parties, that puts them in a position to have access to information about or influence on the Bid

of another Bidder, or influence the decisions of the Purchaser regarding this bidding process; or

(e) a Bidder participates in more than one bid in this bidding process. Participation by a Bidder in more than one Bid will result in the disqualification of all Bids in which it is

involved. However, this does not limit the inclusion of the same subcontractor, not otherwise participating as a Bidder, in more than one bid; or

(f) a Bidder or any of its affiliates participated as a consultant in the preparation of the design or technical specifications of the goods and services that are the subject of

the bid.

4.4 A firm that is under a declaration of ineligibility by the KCJ in accordance with ITB Clause 3, at the date of the deadline for bid submission or thereafter, shall be disqualified.

4.5 Government-owned enterprises in the Purchaser’s country shall be eligible only if they can establish that they are legally and financially autonomous and operate under commercial law, and that they are not a dependent agency of the Purchaser.

4.6 Bidders shall provide such evidence of their continued eligibility satisfactory to the

Purchaser, as the Purchaser shall reasonably request.

5. Eligible Goods

and All related services

5.1 All goods and all related services to be supplied under the Contract and financed by the

KCJ, shall have as their country of origin.

5.2 For purposes of this Clause, the term “goods” includes commodities, raw material, machinery, equipment, and industrial plants; and “all related services” includes services such as insurance, transportation for deliver the goods, installation, training, and initial


5.3 The term “country of origin” means the country where the goods have been owned, mined, grown, cultivated, produced, manufactured, or processed; or through manufacture, processing, or assembly, another commercially recognized article results

that differs substantially in its basic characteristics from its imported components.

5.4 The nationality of the firm that produces, assembles, distributes, or sells the goods shall

not determine their origin.

5.5 If so required in the BDS, a Bidder that does not manufacture or produce the Goods it

offers to supply shall submit the Manufacturer’s Authorization using the form included in Section V, Bidding Forms to demonstrate that it has been duly authorized by the manufacturer or producer or the owner of the Goods to supply these Goods in the

Purchaser’s country.

B. Contents of Bidding Document

6. Sections of the Bidding Document

6.1 The Bidding Document consist of Parts 1, 2, and 3, which include all the Sections indicated below, and should be read in conjunction with any Addenda issued in accordance with ITB Clause 8.

PART 1 Bidding Procedures Section I. Instructions to Bidders (ITB)

Section II. Bid Data Sheet (BDS) Section III. Evaluation and Qualification Criteria

Part I. Section I. Instructions to Bidders 1.3 PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe

Section IV. Bidding Forms

Section V. Eligible Countries

PART 2 Supply Requirements Section VI. Schedule of Supply

PART 3 Contract

Section VII. Contract Form

6.2 The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms, and specifications in the Bidding Document. Failure to furnish all information or documentation required by the Bidding Document, may result in the rejection of the Bid.

7. Clarification of

Bidding Document

7.1 A prospective Bidder requiring any clarification of the Bidding Document shall attend the

prebid meeting conducted by the Purchaser at the Purchaser’s address indicated in the BDS. The Purchaser will respond in writing to any request for clarification, provided that such request is received no later than Three (3) days prior to the deadline for submission

of Bids as specified in ITB Sub-Clause 24.1. The Purchaser shall forward copies of its response to all Bidders who have acquired the Bidding Document directly from it, including a description of the inquiry but without identifying its source. Should the Purchaser deem

it necessary to amend the Bidding Document as a result of a clarification, it shall do so following the procedure under ITB Clause 8.

8. Amendment of Bidding Document

8.1 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of the Bids, the Purchaser may amend the Bidding Document by issuing addenda.

8.2 Any addendum issued shall be part of the Bidding Document and shall be communicated in writing to all who have obtained the Bidding Document directly from the Purchaser.

8.3 To give prospective Bidders reasonable time in which to take an addendum into account

in preparing their Bids, the Purchaser may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of the Bids.

C. Preparation of Bids

9. Cost of Bidding 9.1 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its Bid,

and the Purchaser shall not be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process.

10. Language of Bid 10.1 The Bid, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the Bid exchanged by the Bidder and the Purchaser, shall be written in the language specified in the BDS.

Supporting documents and printed literature that are part of the Bid may be in another language provided they are accompanied by an accurate translation of the relevant passages in the language specified in the BDS, in which case, for purposes of

interpretation of the Bid, such translation shall govern.

11. Documents

Comprising the Bid

11.1 The Bid shall comprise two envelopes submitted simultaneously, one containing the

Technical Proposal and the other the Price Proposal, enclosed together in an outer single envelope.

11.2 Initially, only the Administrative doument and Technical Proposals are opened at the address, date and time specified in ITB Clause 27. The Price Proposals remain sealed and are held in custody by the Purchaser. The Technical Proposals are evaluated by the

Purchaser. No amendments or changes to the Technical Proposals are permitted. Bids with Technical Proposals which do not conform to the specified requirements will be rejected as deficient Bids.

11.3 Price Proposals of technically compliant Bids are opened in public at a date and time advised by the Purchaser. The Price Proposals are evaluated and the Contract is awarded

to the Bidder whom Bid has been determined to be the lowest evaluated substantially responsive Bid.

11.4 The Administrative Legal document &Technical Proposal shall contain the following :

(a) Technical Proposal Submission Sheet;

(b) Bid Security, in accordance with ITB Clause 21;

(c) alternative Technical Proposal, if permissible, in accordance with ITB Clause 13;

(d) written confirmation authorizing the signatory of the Bid to commit the Bidder, in accordance with ITB Clause 22;

(e) documentary evidence in accordance with ITB Clause 16 establishing the Bidder’s eligibility to bid;

Part I. Section I. Instructions to Bidders 1.4 PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe

(f) documentary evidence in accordance with ITB Clause 17, that the Goods and All related services to be supplied by the Bidder are of eligible origin;

(g) documentary evidence in accordance with ITB Clauses 18 and 30, that the Goods and All related services conform to the Bidding Document;

(h) documentary evidence in accordance with ITB Clause 19 establishing the Bidder’s qualifications to perform the contract if its Bid is accepted; and

(i) any other document required in the BDS

11.5 The Price Proposal shall contain the following :

(a) Price Proposal Submission Sheet and the applicable Price Schedules, in accordance with ITB Clauses 12, 14, and 15;

(b) Alternative Price Proposals corresponding to the alternative Technical Proposals, if permissible, in accordance with ITB Clause 13; and

(c) any other document required in the BDS.

12. Bid Submission Sheets and Price


12.1 The Bidder shall submit the Technical Proposal and the Price Proposal using the appropriate Submission Sheets furnished in Section IV, Bidding Forms. These forms must

be completed without any alterations to their format, and no substitutes shall be accepted. All blank spaces shall be filled in with the information requested.

12.2 The Bidder shall submit, as part of the Price Proposal, the Price Schedules for Goods and All related services, according to their origin as appropriate, using the forms furnished in

Section IV, Bidding Forms.

13. Alternative Bids 13.1 Unless otherwise indicated in the BDS, alternative bids shall not be considered.

14. Bid Prices and


14.1 The prices and discounts quoted by the Bidder in the Price Proposal Submission Sheet

and in the Price Schedules shall conform to the requirements specified below.

14.2 All items in the Schedule of Supply must be listed and priced separately in the Price

Schedules. If a Price Schedule shows items listed but not priced, their prices shall be assumed to be included in the prices of other items. Items not listed in the Price Schedule shall be assumed not to be included in the Bid, and provided that the Bid is substantially

responsive, the corresponding adjustment shall be applied in accordance with ITB Sub-Clause 31.3

14.3 The price to be quoted in the Price Proposal Submission Sheet excluding any discounts offered.

14.4 The Bidder shall quote any unconditional discounts and the methodology for their application in the Price Proposal Submission Sheet.

14.5 The terms EXW, CIF, CIP, and other similar terms shall be governed by the rules prescribed in the current edition of Incoterms, published by The International Chamber

of Commerce, at the date of the Invitation for Bids or as specified in the BDS.

14.6 Prices proposed in the Price Schedule Forms for Goods and All related services, shall be

disaggregated, when appropriate, as indicated in this sub-clause. This disaggregation shall be solely for the purpose of facilitating the comparison of Bids by the Purchaser. This shall not in any way limit the Purchaser’s right to contract on any of the terms offered:

(a) For Goods offered from within the Purchaser’s country:

(b) the price of the goods quoted EXW (ex works, ex factory, ex warehouse, ex showroom, or off-the-shelf, as applicable), including all customs duties and sales and other taxes already paid or payable on the components and raw material used in the

manufacture or assembly of goods quoted ex works or ex factory, or on the previously imported goods of foreign origin quoted ex warehouse, ex showroom, or off-the-shelf;

(c) sales tax and all other taxes applicable in the Purchaser’s country and payable on the Goods if the Contract is awarded to the Bidder;

(d) the total price for the item.

(e) For Goods offered from outside the Purchaser’s country:

(f) the price of the goods quoted CIF (named port of destination), or CIP (border point), or CIP/DAP (named place of destination), in the Purchaser’s country, as specified in

the BDS;

(g) the price of the goods quoted FOB port of shipment (or FCA, as the case may be), if specified in the BDS.

(h) the total price for the item.

Part I. Section I. Instructions to Bidders 1.5 PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe

(i) For All related services:

(j) the local currency cost component of each item comprising the All related services;


(k) the foreign currency cost component of each item comprising the All related services, inclusive of all custom duties, sales and other similar taxes applicable in the Purchaser’s country, payable on the All related services, if the Contract is awarded to

the Bidder

14.7 Prices quoted by the Bidder shall be fixed during the Bidder’s performance of the Contract

and not subject to variation on any account, unless otherwise specified in the BDS. A Bid submitted with an adjustable price quotation shall be treated as nonresponsive and shall be rejected, pursuant to ITB Clause 30. However, if in accordance with the BDS, prices

quoted by the Bidder shall be subject to adjustment during the performance of the Contract, a Bid submitted with a fixed price quotation shall not be rejected, but the price adjustment shall be treated as zero.

14.8 If so indicated in ITB Sub-Clause 1.1, Bids are being invited for individual contracts (lots) or for any combination of contracts (packages), Bidders wishing to offer any price

reduction for the award of more than one Contract shall specify in their Price Proposals the price reductions applicable to each package, or alternatively, to individual Contracts within the package. Price reductions or discounts shall be submitted in accordance with

ITB Sub-Clause 14.4, provided the Price Proposals for all lots are submitted and opened at the same time.

15. Currencies of Bid Bid prices currencies shall be quoted in the based on the currenciesstated in Schedule of Supply

16. Documents

Establishing the Eligibility of the Bidder

To establish their eligibility in accordance with ITB Clause 4, Bidders shall:

(a) complete the eligibility declarations in the Bid Submission Sheet, included in Section IV, Bidding Forms; and

(b) if the Bidder is an existing or intended JV in accordance with ITB Sub-Clause 4.1, submit a copy of the JV Agreement, or a letter of intent to enter into such an

Agreement. The respective document shall be signed by all legally authorized signatories of all the parties to the existing or intended JV, as appropriate.

17. Documents Establishing the Eligibility of the

Goods and All related services

To establish the eligibility of the Goods and All related services, in accordance with ITB Clause 5, Bidders shall complete the country of origin declarations in the Price Schedule Forms, included in Section IV, Bidding Forms.

18. Documents Establishing the Conformity of

the Goods and All related services to the

Bidding Document

18.1 To establish the conformity of the Goods and All related services to the Bidding Document, the Bidder shall furnish as part of its Technical Proposal and, if required, as part of its Revised Technical Proposal, the documentary evidence specified in Section VI, Schedule

of Supply and any amendment thereof issued in accordance with ITB Clause 8.

18.2 The documentary evidence may be in the form of literature, drawings or data, and shall consist of a detailed description of the essential technical and performance characteristics of the Goods and All related services, demonstrating substantial responsiveness of the Goods and All related services to those requirements, and if applicable, a statement of

deviations and exceptions to the provisions of Section VI, Schedule of Supply.

18.3 Standards for workmanship, process, material, and equipment, as well as references to brand names or catalogue numbers specified by the Purchaser in the Schedule of Supply, are intended to be descriptive only and not restrictive. The Bidder may offer other standards of

quality, brand names, and/or catalogue numbers, provided that it demonstrates, to the Purchaser’s satisfaction, that the substitutions ensure substantial equivalence or are superior to those specified in the Schedule of Supply.

19. Documents Establi-shing the

Qualifica tions of the Bidder

19.1 To establish its qualifications to perform the Contract, the Bidder shall submit as part of its Technical Proposal the evidence indicated for each qualification criteria specified in

Section III, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria.

20. Period of Validity of Bids

20.1 Bids shall remain valid for the period specified in the BDS commencing with the deadline of submission of the Technical Proposals and Price Proposals as prescribed by the Purchaser. A Bid valid for a shorter period shall be rejected by the Purchaser as


Part I. Section I. Instructions to Bidders 1.6 PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe

20.2 In exceptional circumstances, prior to the expiration of the bid validity period, the Purchaser

may request Bidders to extend the period of validity of their Bids. The request and the responses shall be made in writing. If a Bid Security is requested in accordance with ITB Clause 21, it shall also be extended for a corresponding period. A Bidder may refuse the request

without forfeiting its Bid Security. A Bidder granting the request shall not be required or permitted to modify its Bid except in accordance with ITB Sub-Clause 11.3.

21. Bid Security 21.1 Unless otherwise specified in the BDS, the Bidder shall furnish as part of its Technical Proposal, a Bid Security in original form and in the amount and currency specified in the BDS.

21.2 The Bid Security shall be, at the Bidder’s option, in any of the following forms:

(a) a bank guarantee;

(b) an irrevocable letter of credit; or

(c) a cashier’s or certified check.

all from a reputable bank from an eligible country. In case of a a bank guarantee, the Bid Security shall be submitted using the Bid Security Form included in Section IV, Bidding Forms, or another form acceptable to the Purchaser. The form must include the complete

name of the Bidder. The Bid Security shall be valid for twenty-eight days (28) beyond the end of the validity period of the bid. This shall also apply if the period for bid validity is extended.

21.3 If a bid Security is required in accordance with ITB Sub-Clause 21.1, any Technical

Proposal not accompanied by a substantially responsive Bid Security in accordance with ITB Sub-Clause 21.2, shall be rejected by the Purchaser as nonresponsive.

21.4 The Bid Security of an unsuccessful Bidder shall be returned as promptly as possible upon the successful Bidder furnishing the Performance Security pursuant to ITB Clause 44.

21.5 The Bid Security of the successful Bidder shall be returned as promptly as possible once the successful Bidder has signed the Contract and furnished the required Performance Security.

21.6 The Bid Security may be forfeited :

(a) if a Bidder withdraws its Bid during the period of bid validity as specified in ITB Clause 20.1, except as provided in ITB Sub-Clauses 20.2 and 27.7; or

(a) if the successful Bidder fails to :

(b) sign the Contract in accordance with ITB Clause 43;

(c) furnish a Performance Security in accordance with ITB Clause 44; or

(d) accept the correction of its Bid Price pursuant to ITB Sub-Clause 31.5.

21.7 The Bid Security of a JV must be in the name of the JV that submits the bid. If the JV has not been legally constituted at the time of bidding, the Bid Security shall be in the names

of all future partners as named in the letter of intent mentioned in ITB Sub-Clause 16.1.

22. Format and Signing of Bid

22.1 The Bidder shall prepare one original of the Technical Proposal and one original of the Price Proposal as described in ITB Clause 11 and clearly mark each “ORIGINAL - TECHNICAL PROPOSAL” and “ORIGINAL - PRICE PROPOSAL”. In addition, the Bidder

shall submit copies of the Technical Proposal and the Price Proposal, in the number specified in the BDS and clearly mark them “COPY NO… - TECHNICAL PROPOSAL” and “COPY NO…. - PRICE PROPOSAL”. In the event of any discrepancy between the original and the copies, the original shall prevail.

22.2 The original and all copies of the Bid shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be

signed by a person duly authorized to sign on behalf of the Bidder. This authorization shall consist of a written confirmation as specified in the BDS and shall be attached to the Bid. The name and position held by each person signing the authorization must be typed or printed

below the signature. All pages of the Bid, except for unamended printed literature, shall be signed or initialed by the person signing the Bid.

22.3 Any interlineation, erasures, or overwriting shall be valid only if they are signed or initialed by the person signing the Bid.

D. Submission and Opening of Bids

23. Sealing and Marking of Bids

23.1 Proposal, the original of the Price Proposal, and each copy of the Technical Proposal and each copy of the Price Proposal, including alternative bids, if permitted in accordance with

ITB Clause 13, in separate sealed envelopes, duly marking the envelopes as “ORIGINAL - TECHNICAL PROPOSAL”, “ORIGINAL - PRICE PROPOSAL” and “COPY NO… - TECHNICAL

Part I. Section I. Instructions to Bidders 1.7 PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe

PROPOSAL” and “COPY NO…. - PRICE PROPOSAL”, as appropriate. These envelopes

containing the original and the copies shall then be enclosed in one single envelope.

23.2 The inner and outer envelopes shall:

(a) bear the name and address of the Bidder;

(b) be addressed to the Purchaser in accordance with ITB Sub-Clauses 24.1;

(c) bear the specific identification of this bidding process indicated in the BDS

23.3 The outer envelopes and the inner envelopes containing the Technical Proposals shall bear a warning not to open before the time and date for the opening of Technical Proposals, in accordance with ITB Sub-Clause 27.1

23.4 The inner envelopes containing the Price Proposals shall bear a warning not to open until advised by the Purchaser in accordance with ITB Sub-Clause 27.2.

23.5 If all envelopes are not sealed and marked as required, the Purchaser will assume no

responsibility for the misplacement or premature opening of the bid.

23.6 Alternative Bids, if permissible in accordance with ITB Clause 13, shall be prepared,

sealed, marked, and delivered in accordance with the provisions of ITB Clauses 22 and 23, with the inner envelopes marked in addition “ALTERNATIVE NO….” as appropriate

24. Deadline for Submission of Bids

24.1 Bids must be received by the Purchaser at the address and no later than the date and time indicated in the BDS.

24.2 The Purchaser may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of Bids by

amending the Bidding Document in accordance with ITB Clause 8, in which case all rights and obligations of the Purchaser and Bidders previously subject to the deadline shall thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended.

25. Late Bids 25.1 The Purchaser shall not consider any Bid that arrives after the deadline for submission of Bids, in accordance with ITB Clause 24. Any Bid received by the Purchaser after the

deadline for submission of Bids shall be declared late, rejected, and returned unopened to the Bidder.

26. Withdrawal of Bids

26.1 A Bidder may withdraw, substitute, or modify its Bid after it has been submitted by sending a written Notice, duly signed by an authorized representative, and shall include a copy of the authorization in accordance with ITB Sub-Clause 22.2 (except that

withdrawal notices do not require copies). The corresponding substitution or modification of the bid must accompany the respective written notice. All Notices must be:

(a) submitted in accordance with ITB Clauses 22 and 23 (except that Withdrawal Notices do

not require copies), and in addition, the respective inner and outer envelopes shall be clearly marked “Withdrawal,” “Substitution,” “Modification”; and

(b) received by the Purchaser prior to the deadline prescribed for submission of bids, in accordance with ITB Clause 24.

26.2 Bids requested to be withdrawn in accordance with ITB Sub-Clause 26.1 shall be returned unopened to the Bidders.

26.3 No Bid shall be withdrawn, substituted, or modified in the interval between the deadline

for submission of bids and the expiration of the period of bid validity specified in ITB Clause 20.1 or any extension thereof.

27. Bid Opening 27.1 The Purchaser shall conduct the opening of Technical Proposals in the presence of Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend, at the address, date and time specified in the BDS.

27.2 The Price Proposals will remain unopened and will be held in custody of the Purchaser until the time of opening of the Price Proposals. The date, time, and location of the opening of Price Proposals will be advised in writing by the Purchaser.

27.3 First, envelopes marked “WITHDRAWAL” shall be opened, read out, and recorded, and

the envelope containing the corresponding Bid shall not be opened, but returned to the Bidder. No Bid shall be withdrawn unless the corresponding Withdrawal Notice contains a valid authorization to request the withdrawal and is read out and recorded at bid opening.

27.4 Next, outer envelopes marked “SUBSTITUTION” shall be opened. The inner envelopes containing the Substitution Technical Proposal and/or Substitution Price Proposal shall be

exchanged for the corresponding envelopes being substituted, which are to be returned to the Bidder unopened. Only the Substitution Technical Proposal, if any, shall be opened, read out, and recorded. Substitution Price Proposals will remain unopened in accordance

with ITB Sub-Clause 27.2. No envelope shall be substituted unless the corresponding

Part I. Section I. Instructions to Bidders 1.8 PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe

Substitution Notice contains a valid authorization to request the substitution and is read

out and recorded at bid opening.

27.5 Next, outer envelopes marked “MODIFICATION” shall be opened. No Technical Proposal

and/or Price Proposal shall be modified unless the corresponding Modification Notice contains a valid authorization to request the modification and is read out and recorded at the opening of Technical Proposals. Only the Technical Proposals, both Original as well as

Modification, are to be opened, read out, and recorded at the opening. Price Proposals, both Original as well as Modification, will remain unopened in accordance with ITB Sub-Clause 27.2.

27.6 All other envelopes holding the Technical Proposals shall be opened one at a time, and the following read out and recorded:

(a) the name of the Bidder;

(b) whether there is a modification or substitution;

(c) the presence of a Bid Security, if required; and

(d) any other details as the Purchaser may consider appropriate.

Only Technical Proposals and alternative Technical Proposals read out and recorded at

bid opening shall be considered for evaluation. No Bid shall be rejected at the opening of Technical Proposals except for late bids, in accordance with ITB Sub-Clause 25.1.

27.7 The Purchaser shall prepare a record of the opening of Technical Proposals that shall include, as a minimum: the name of the Bidder and whether there is a withdrawal, substitution, modification, or alternative offer; and the presence or absence of a Bid

Security, if one was required. The Bidders’ representatives who are present shall be requested to sign the record. The omission of a Bidder’s signature on the record shall not invalidate the contents and effect of the record. A copy of the record shall be distributed

to all Bidders.

27.8 At the end of the evaluation of the Technical Proposals, the Purchaser will invite bidders

who have submitted substantially responsive Technical Proposals and who have been determined as being qualified for award to attend the opening of the Price Proposals. The date, time, and location of the opening of Price Proposals will be advised in writing by the

Purchaser. Bidders shall be given reasonable notice of the opening of Price Proposals.

27.9 The Purchaser will notify Bidders in writing whom have been rejected on the grounds of being substantially non-responsive to the requirements of the Bidding Document and return their Price Proposals unopened.

27.10 The Purchaser shall conduct the opening of Price Proposals of all Bidders who submitted substantially responsive Technical Proposals, in the presence of Bidders` representatives

who choose to attend at the address, date and time specified by the Purchaser. The Bidder’s representatives who are present shall be requested to sign a register evidencing their attendance.

27.11 All envelopes containing Price Proposals shall be opened one at a time and the following read out and recorded :

(a) the name of the Bidder

(b) whether there is a modification or substitution;

(c) the Bid Prices, including any discounts and alternative offers; and

(d) any other details as the Purchaser may consider appropriate.

Only Price Proposals, discounts, and alternative offers read out and recorded during the

opening of Price Proposals shall be considered for evaluation. No Bid shall be rejected at the opening of Price Proposals.

27.12 The Purchaser shall prepare a record of the opening of Price Proposals that shall include, as a minimum: the name of the Bidder, the Bid Price (per lot if applicable), any discounts, and alternative offers. The Bidders’ representatives who are present shall be requested

to sign the record. The omission of a Bidder’s signature on the record shall not invalidate the contents and effect of the record. A copy of the record shall be distributed to all Bidders.

E. Evaluation and Comparison of Bids

28. Confidentiality 28.1 Information relating to the examination, evaluation, comparison, and postqualification of

Bids, and recommendation of contract award, shall not be disclosed to Bidders or any other persons not officially concerned with such process until information on Contract award is communicated to all Bidders.

Part I. Section I. Instructions to Bidders 1.9 PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe

28.2 Any attempt by a Bidder to influence the Purchaser in the examination, evaluation,

comparison, and postqualification of the Bids or Contract award decisions may result in the rejection of its Bid.

28.3 Notwithstanding ITB Sub-Clause 28.2, from the time of opening the Technical Proposals to the time of Contract award, if any Bidder wishes to contact the Purchaser on any matter related to the bidding process, it should do so in writing.

29. Clarification of Bids

29.1 To assist in the examination, evaluation, comparison and post-qualification of the Bids, the Purchaser may, at its discretion, ask any Bidder for a clarification of its Bid. Any

clarification submitted by a Bidder that is not in response to a request by the Purchaser shall not be considered. The Purchaser’s request for clarification and the response shall be in writing. No change in the prices or substance of the Bid shall be sought, offered, or

permitted, after the opening of Price Proposals, except to confirm the correction of arithmetic errors discovered by the Purchaser in the evaluation of the Bids, in accordance with ITB Clause 31.

30. Responsiveness of Bids

30.1 The Purchaser’s determination of the responsiveness of a Technical Proposal is to be based on the contents of the Technical Proposal itself.

30.2 A substantially responsive Technical Proposal is one that conforms to all the terms,

conditions, and specifications of the Bidding Document without material deviation, reservation, or omission. A material deviation, reservation, or omission is one that:

(a) affects in any substantial way the scope, quality, or performance of the Goods and All related services specified in the Contract; or

(b) limits in any substantial way, inconsistent with the Bidding Document, the Purchaser’s rights or the Bidder’s obligations under the Contract; or

(c) if rectified would unfairly affect the competitive position of other Bidders presenting substantially responsive Technical Proposals.

30.3 If a Technical Proposal is not substantially responsive to the Bidding Document, it shall be rejected by the Purchaser and may not subsequently be made responsive by the Bidder

by correction of the material deviation, reservation, or omission.

31. Nonconformities, Errors, and Omissions

31.1 Provided that a Technical Proposal is substantially responsive, the Purchaser may waive any non-conformity or omission in the Bid that does not constitute a material deviation.

31.2 Provided that a Technical Proposal is substantially responsive, the Purchaser may request that the Bidder submit the necessary information or documentation, within a reasonable

period of time, to rectify nonmaterial, nonconformities or omissions in the Technical Proposal related to documentation requirements. Such omission shall not be related to any aspect of the Price Proposal of the Bid. Failure of the Bidder to comply with the

request may result in the rejection of its Bid.

31.3 Provided that a Technical Proposal is substantially responsive, the Purchaser will rectify

nonmaterial nonconformities or omissions. To this effect, the Bid Price shall be adjusted during evaluation of Price Proposals, for comparison purposes only, to reflect the price of the missing or non-conforming item or component. The adjustment shall be made using

the method indicated in Section III, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria.

31.4 Provided that the Technical Proposal is substantially responsive, the Purchaser will correct arithmetical errors during evaluation of Price Proposals on the following basis:

(a) if there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total price that is obtained by multiplying the unit price and quantity, the unit price shall prevail and the total price shall

be corrected, unless in the opinion of the Purchaser there is an obvious misplacement of the decimal point in the unit price, in which case the total price as quoted shall govern and the unit price shall be corrected;

(b) if there is an error in a total corresponding to the addition or subtraction of subtotals, the subtotals shall prevail and the total shall be corrected; and

(c) if there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words shall prevail, unless the amount expressed in words is related to an arithmetic error, in which case the amount in figures shall prevail subject to (a) and (b) above.

31.5 If the Bidder that submitted the lowest evaluated Bid does not accept the correction of

errors, its Bid shall be disqualified and its Bid Security may be forfeited.

32. Preliminary

Examination of Bids

32.1 The Purchaser shall examine the Technical Proposal to confirm that all documents and

technical documentation requested in ITB Sub-Clause 11.4 have been provided, and to determine the completeness of each document submitted.

Part I. Section I. Instructions to Bidders 1.10 PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe

32.2 The Purchaser shall confirm that the following documents and information have been

provided in the Technical Proposal. If any of these documents or information is missing, the offer shall be rejected.

(a) Technical Proposal Submission Sheet in accordance with ITB Sub-Clause 12.1;

(b) written confirmation of authorization to commit the Bidder;

(c) Bid Security, if applicable; and

(d) Manufacturer’s Authorization, if applicable.

32.3 Likewise, following the opening of Price Proposals, the Purchaser shall examine the Price

Proposals to confirm that all documents and financial documentation requested in ITB Sub-Clause 11.5 have been provided, and to determine the completeness of each document submitted.

32.4 The Purchaser shall confirm that the following documents and information have been provided in the Price Proposal. If any of these documents or information is missing, the

offer shall be rejected

(a) Price Proposal Submission Sheet in accordance with ITB Sub-Clause 12.1; and

(b) Price Schedules, in accordance with ITB Clauses 12, 14, and 15.

33. Examination of Terms and Conditions;

Technical Evaluation

33.1 The Purchaser shall examine the Bids to confirm that all terms and conditions specified in the GCC and the SCC have been accepted by the Bidder without any material deviation or reservation.

33.2 The Purchaser shall evaluate the technical aspects of the Bid submitted in accordance with ITB Clause 18, to confirm that all requirements specified in Section VI, Schedule of Supply of the Bidding Document have been met without any material deviation or


33.3 If, after the examination of the terms and conditions and the technical evaluation, the Purchaser determines that the Technical Proposal is not substantially responsive in accordance with ITB Clause 30, it shall reject the Bid.

34. Conversion to Single Currency

34.1 For evaluation and comparison of Price Proposals and Supplementary Price Proposals, the Purchaser shall convert all prices expressed in the amounts in various currencies into a

single currency, using the selling exchange rates established by the source and on the date specified in the BDS.

35. Margin of Preference

35.1 Unless otherwise specified in the BDS, a margin of preference shall not apply.

36. Evaluation of Bids

36.1 The Purchaser shall evaluate Price Proposals of each Bid for which the Technical Proposal has been determined to be substantially responsive.

36.2 To evaluate a Price Proposal, the Purchaser shall only use all the criteria and methodologies defined in this Clause and in Section III, Evaluation and Qualification

Criteria. No other criteria or methodology shall be permitted.

36.3 To evaluate a Price Proposal, the Purchaser shall consider the following:

(a) the Bid Price;

(b) price adjustment for correction of arithmetic errors in accordance with ITB Sub-Clause 31.4;

(c) price adjustment due to discounts offered in accordance with ITB Sub-Clause 14.4;

(d) application of all the evaluation factors indicated in Section III, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria.

36.4 In the calculation of the evaluated cost of the Bids, the Purchaser shall exclude and not take into account:

(a) in the case of Goods and All related services offered from within the Purchaser’s country, all sales tax and all other taxes, applicable in the Purchaser’s country and

payable on the Goods if the Contract is awarded to the Bidder;

(b) in the case of Goods and All related services offered from outside the Purchaser’s country, all customs duties, sales tax, and other taxes, applicable in the Purchaser’s country and payable on the Goods if the Contract is awarded to the Bidder; and

(c) any allowance for price adjustment during the period of performance of the Contract, if provided in the Bid.

Part I. Section I. Instructions to Bidders 1.11 PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe

36.5 The Purchaser’s cost evaluation of a Bid may require the consideration of other factors,

in addition to the Bid Price quoted in accordance with ITB Clause 14. These factors may be related to the characteristics, performance, and terms and conditions of purchase of the Goods and All related services. The factors selected, if any, shall be expressed in

monetary terms to facilitate comparison of the Bids, unless otherwise specified in Section III, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria. The factors to be used and the methodology of application shall be as indicated in Section III, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria.

36.6 If this Bidding Document allows Bidders to quote separate prices for different lots, and the award to a single Bidder of multiple lots, the methodology of evaluation to determine

the lowest evaluated lot combinations, including any discounts offered in the Bid Submission Sheet, is as specified in Section III, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria.

37. Comparison of Bids

37.1 The Purchaser shall compare all substantially responsive bids to determine the lowest-evaluated bid, in accordance with ITB Clause 36.

38. Postqualification of the Bidder

38.1 The Purchaser shall determine to its satisfaction during the evaluation of Technical Proposals whether Bidders are qualified to perform the Contract satisfactorily.

38.2 The determination shall be based upon an examination of the documentary evidence of the Bidder’s qualifications submitted by the Bidder, pursuant to ITB Clause 19, and in

accordance with the qualification criteria indicated in Section III, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria. Factors not included in Section III, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria shall not be used in the evaluation of the Bidder’s qualification.


38.3 An affirmative determination shall be a prerequisite for further consideration of the Technical Proposal in accordance with ITB Sub-Clause 11.1. A negative determination

shall result into the disqualification of the Bid, in which event the Purchaser shall return the unopened Price Proposal to the Bidder.

39. Purchaser’s Right to Accept Any Bid, and to

Reject Any or All Bids

39.1 The Purchaser reserves the right to accept or reject any Bid, and to annul the bidding process and reject all Bids at any time prior to Contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the Bidders.

F. Award of Contract

40. Award Criteria 40.1 The Purchaser shall award the Contract to the Bidder whose offer has been determined

to be the lowest evaluated Bid and is substantially responsive to the Bidding Document, provided further that the Bidder has remained qualified to perform the Contract satisfactorily.

40.2 A Bid shall be rejected if the qualification criteria as specified in Section III, Evaluation

and Qualification Criteria are no longer met by the Bidder whose offer has been determined to be the lowest evaluated Bid. In this event the Purchaser shall proceed to the next lowest evaluated bid to make a similar reassessment of that Bidder’s capabilities to perform satisfactorily.

41. Purchaser’s

Right to Vary Quantities at Time of Award

41.1 At the time the Contract is awarded, the Purchaser reserves the right to increase or

decrease the quantity of Goods and All related services specified in Section VI, Schedule of Supply provided this does not exceed the percentages indicated in the BDS, and without any change in the unit prices or other terms and conditions of the Bid and the Bidding


42. Notification of

Award or Contract

42.1 Prior to the expiration of the period of bid validity, the Purchaser shall notify the successful

Bidder, in writing, that its Bid has been accepted. At the same time, the Purchaser shall also notify all other Bidders of the results of the bidding.

42.2 Until a formal Contract is prepared and executed, the notification of award shall constitute a binding Contract.

42.3 The Purchaser will publish in well-known freely accessible website the results identifying the bid and lot numbers and the following information: (i) name of each Bidder who

submitted a Bid; (ii) name and evaluated prices of each Bid that was evaluated; (iii) name of bidders whose bids were rejected; and (iv) name of the winning Bidder, and the price it offered, as well as the duration and summary scope of the contract awarded.

42.4 Refutation, unsuccessful bidders may request in writing to the Purchaser for a debriefing seeking explanations on the grounds on which their bids were not selected in 4 (four) days after publication of award. The Purchaser shall promptly respond in writing to any unsuccessful Bidder who, after Publication of contract award, requests a debriefing.

Part I. Section I. Instructions to Bidders 1.12 PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe

Bidders shall provide refutation security/bond minimal 3 (three)% of the bid price together

with the letter of refutation, a refutation security/bond from a reputable bank that have representatives office in Jakarta Indonesia. If the refutation is not correct, the purchaser have right to forfeiturethe refutation security/ bond. If the refutation is

correct, the purchaser must re-evaluate the tender winner.

43. Signing of


43.1 Promptly after notification, the Purchaser shall send to the successful Bidder the

Agreement and the Special Conditions of Contract.

43.2 Within fourteenth (14) days of receipt of the Agreement, the successful Bidder shall sign,

date, and return it to the Purchaser.

44. Performance Security

44.1 Within seven (7) days of the receipt of notification of award from the Purchaser, the successful Bidder shall furnish the Performance Security in accordance with the GCC, using for that purpose the Performance Security Form included in Section IX, Contract Forms,

or another form acceptable to the Purchaser.

44.2 Failure of the successful Bidder to submit the above-mentioned Performance Security or

sign the Contract shall constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the award and forfeiture of the Bid Security. In that event the Purchaser may award the Contract to the next lowest evaluated Bidder whose offer is substantially responsive and is determined by

the Purchaser to be qualified to perform the Contract satisfactorily.

Part 1. Section II. Bid Data Sheet 2.1 PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe

Section II. Bid Data Sheet

A. Introduction

ITB 1.1 The Purchaser is: PT KAI Commuter Jabodetabek


ITB 2.1 Source of fund, financed by RKAP 2017 PT KAI Commuter Jabodetabek and the investment fund.

Purchaser’s right to vary quantities needed due to availability of the fund.

ITB 4.1 Participants shall be a manufactur has it own sales/business office in principal’s


ITB 5.5 he Bidder’s submission shall include its Bid, documentation from the owner of the Goods, that it has

been duly authorized to supply the Goods. Unless the owner will accept all bidders to participate

and to be selected as a winner by KCJ.

B. Bidding Document

ITB 7.1 Pre bid meeting for clarification :

Date : Tuesday, February 21th, 2017

Time : 10:00 WIB

Address : Juanda Railway Station, Jl. IR. H. Juanda I, Jakarta Pusat


Floor/Room number : 1st Floor/ Meeting Room

City : Jakarta Pusat

Country : Indonesia

C. Preparation of Bids

ITB 10.1 The language of the Bid is: English and/or Indonesia

ITB 11.4 (i) The Bidder shall submit the Administrative &Technical document the following conditioning

documents :

a. Cover letter stamped and signed by the authorizer;

b. Copies of contracts stated the bidder experience in handling importing the

production machines with equivalent weight of more than 2000 kg from the

Principal’s Country to Indonesia;

c. Description of transportation method;

d. Letter of reference bank

e. Detailed Project Schedule ref to TOR;

f. Bid Security/Bid bond including Bid Security liquefaction power of attorney ;

g. Statement of “Pakta Integritas”

h. The copies of the biddder’s legal documents (charter, certificate on state

registration or the register extraction) certified by a public notary and all the

related license permits, reflecting the biddder’s legal status and other

permits/certificate such as:

i. a certificate from an appropriate government board in the Principal’s Country

approving that the bidder is a foreign company or a company with

sales/business office in the Principal’s Country;

ii. the financial report on bidder’s activity on 2014 and 2015, endorsed by the


i. Statement from providers of goods / services are stated to be:

a. Submit COO and COM for foreign products upon delivery of the goods.

Part 1. Section II. Bid Data Sheet 2.2 PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe

b. Repair the damaged item / quality defects warranty.

c. Insure goods against all risks during delivery.

d. Provide manual operation, maintenance instruction and spare part list in

English and Indonesian as well as wiring diagrams and piping diagrams each

of the 3 sets.

j. Statement from manufacturing states will:

a. Warranty / guarantee of quality.

b. Submit images of items offered (original stamp 3 copies) and softcopy to PT.

KCJ for Approval.

c. Ensure continuity of operation of the machine for at least two years, starting

from the official machinery is operated (manufacturer’s warranty service).

d. Ensure availability of spare parts / machinery spare parts for at least 15


e. Provide operation and maintenance training before the machine is operated

and submitted formally.

k. Attach a data record of the techniques listed in the brochure Goods offered;

l. Attach a copy of the certificate of ISO / DIN / BS / JIS valid;

m. Attach a Certificate of products offered and the letter of customer satisfaction,

that the product has been used on at least five countries and two continents;

ITB 11.5 (c) The Bidder shall submit with its Price Proposal the following additional documents:

a. Bidding price stamped and signed by the authorizer

b. Description of all Detailed Bidding Price (Section VI) and other quoted Price


ITB 13.1 Alternative Bids is not permitted

ITB 14.5 The Incoterms 2010 and additional certain condition

ITB 14.6 (b) For Goods offered from outside the Purchaser’s country, the Bidder shall quote prices using the

following Incoterms 2010: Delivery At Place (DAP) Balai Yasa Manggarai, Indonesia based

on the contract condition.

ITB 14.7 The prices quoted by the Bidder shall be: Fixed Price

ITB 15.1 (a) The currency of the Bid shall be: Using the currency of the country of manufacturing or IDR Rupiah

ITB 20.1 The bid validity period shall be 60 (sixty) days from the bid opening date.

ITB 21.1

A Bid Security (Bid bond) shall be furnished as a part of its Technical Proposal.

Bid Security shall be attached, the amount and currency of the Bid Security shall be

a bank guarantee from a reputable bank that have representatives office in Jakarta

Indonesia, with amount minimal 3 (three)% of the budget ceiling. If the offer price

exceeds the ceiling value the bid security 3% of the offer price with the validity 90

(ninety) day since the letter of bid submission.

D. Submission and Opening of Bids

ITB 22.1 In addition to the original of the Bid, the number of copies is 1 (one)

ITB 22.2 The written confirmation of Authorization to sign on behalf of the Bidder shall consist of:

Power of Attorney

ITB 23.2 (c) The identification of this bidding process is : PROCUREMENT OF VERTICAL WHEEL LATHE

ITB 24.1 For Bid submission purposes only, the Purchaser’s address is :

Part 1. Section II. Bid Data Sheet 2.3 PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe

Attention : Procurement Committee PT KAI Commuter Jabodetabek

Address : Jl. Ir.H. Juanda I

Floor/Room number : Juanda Railway Station 1st FL

City : Jakarta

ZIP Code : 10120

Country : Indonesia

Telephone : +62 – 21 - 3453535

Facsimile number : +62 – 21 - 34834084

Electronic mail address : [email protected]

ITB 24.1

ITB 27.1

The deadline for bid submission and The bid opening:

Date : Monday, February 27th, 2017

Time : 10:00 WIB

Address : Juanda Railway Station, Jl. IR. H. Juanda I, Jakarta Pusat


Floor/Room number : 1st Floor/ Meeting Room

City : Jakarta Pusat

Country : Indonesia

E. Evaluation, and Comparison of Bids

ITB 34.1 The currency that shall be used for bid evaluation and comparison purposes to convert all bid prices

expressed in various currencies into a single currency is: IDR Rupiah

The source of exchange rate shall be: Bank Indonesia Median Exchange Rate (Kurs Tengah)

The date for the exchange rate shall be: Based on the bid opening date

ITB 35.1 A margin of preference/evaluation shall apply.

If a margin of preference applies, the application methodology shall be as stipulated in Section III,

Evaluation and Qualification Criteria.

ITB 39.1 Purchaser’s Right to Accept Any Bid, and to Reject Any or All Bids

This is untied tender, The Purchaser reserves the right to reschedule or reject or to vary

quantities needed the Bid due to the fund availability. The Contract for the bid winner

will be effective upon approval all of the permits from the authorities in Republic of


The Purchaser reserves the right to accept or reject any Bid, and to annul the bidding process and

reject all Bids at any time prior to Contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the


F. Award of Contract

ITB 41.1 The percentage by which quantities may be increased or decreased is: Based on availability of

the goods supplied by the owner and The Purchaser’s requirement and availability of

the fund

Part 1. Section III. Evaluation Criteria 3.1 PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe

Section III.

Evaluation and Qualification Criteria

Table of Criteria

Evaluation Criteria


1. Completeness of scope of work Proposal based on Section VI.A, Schedule of Supply, List Of Goods and All

related services

2. The available quoted quantity of the goods could be delivered stated on Section VI. Delivery and

Completion Schedule and will be evaluated based on the schedule of KCJ’s requirement plan.

3. The documentary evidence may be in the form of literature, drawings or data, and consist of a detailed

description of the essential technical and performance characteristics of the Goods and All related services,

demonstrating substantial responsiveness of the Goods and All related services to those requirements, and

if applicable, a statement of deviations and exceptions to the provisions

Technical Criteria

1. Responsive and meet the Specification defined on Section VI.C Technical Specification

2. Methodology of transporting the vertical wheel lathe machine

3. Schedule of Delivery

Economic Criteria

1. Economic quoted price based on the KCJ’s owner estimated

2. The lowest of competitive price based on the proposal from bidders and reasonable price

Qualification Criteria

Financial Report

Experience Criteria

1. Experience in trading & handling production machines with equivalent weight of more than 2000 kg from

principal country to Jakarta, Indonesia

2. Copies of Previous Contract

Administration & Legal Document Criteria

Validity of biddder’s legal documents (charter, certificate on state registration or the register extraction)

certified by a notary public, reflecting the biddder’s legal status and other permits/certificate

Part 3. Section IV. Bidding Form 4.1 PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe

Section IV.

Bidding Forms

A. Technical Proposal Submission Sheet


Bidding Doc. No.:

Invitation for Bid No.:

Alternative No.:

To: Procurement Committee

PT KAI Commuter Jabodetabek

We, the undersigned, declare that:

(a) We have examined and have no reservations to the Bidding Document, including Addenda No.:

(b) We offer to supply in conformity with the Bidding Document and in accordance with the delivery schedule specified

in Section VI, Schedule of Supply, the following Goods and All related services:

(c) Our Bid shall be valid for a period of ____ days from the date fixed as deadline for the submission of Technical and

Price Proposals in accordance with the Bidding Document, and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted

at any time before the expiration of that period;

(d) If our Bid is accepted, we commit to obtain a Performance Security in the amount of ____ percent of the Contract

Price for the due performance of the Contract;

(e) Our firm, including any subcontractors or suppliers for any part of the Contract, have nationalities from the following

eligible countries ;

(f) We are not participating, as Bidders, in more than one Bid in this bidding process, other than alternative offers in

accordance with the Bidding Document;

(g) Our firm, its affiliates or subsidiaries, including any subcontractors or suppliers for any part of the Contract, has not

been declared ineligible by the KCJ.

(h) We understand that this Bid, together with your written acceptance thereof included in your notification of award,

shall constitute a binding contract between us, until a formal Contract is prepared and executed.

(i) We understand that the appointed bidder is the lowest evaluated bid and responsive/pass all requirement.


In the capacity of


Duly authorized to sign the Bid for and on behalf of


Part 3. Section IV. Bidding Form 4.2 PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe

Price Proposal Submission Sheet


Bidding Doc. No.:

Invitation for Bid No.:

Alternative No.:

To: Procurement Committee

PT KAI Commuter Jabodetabek

We, the undersigned, declare that:

(a) We have examined and have no reservations to the Bidding Document, including Addenda No.:

(b) We offer to supply in conformity with the Bidding Document and in accordance with the delivery schedule

specified in Section VI, Schedule of Supply, the following Goods and All related services:

(c) The total Price is:

(d) The following commissions, gratuities, or fees have been paid or are to be paid with respect to the bidding

process or execution of the Contract:

Name of Recipient Address Reason Amount

(If none has been paid or is to be paid, indicate “none.”)

(e) We agree to permit the authorities to inspect our accounts and records and other documents relating to the bid

submission and to have them audited by auditors.


In the capacity of


Duly authorized to sign the Bid for and on behalf of


Part 3. Section IV. Bidding Form 4.3 PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe

C. Price Schedule For Goods & All Related Services Procurement Of Vertical Wheel Lathe

Name of Bidder :_____________________

Quotation No. : ______________ Page ___ of ___

1 2 3 4 5 6

Item Description Quantity Unit of

Measurement Unit Price Total Price

1 See List of Goods and All Related

Services Section VI Schedule of Supply











Column 5 and 6 : Incotermin accordance with ITB Clause 14

Currency in accordance with ITB Clause 15


In the capacity of


Duly authorized to sign the Bid for and on behalf of


Part 3. Section IV. Bidding Form 4.4 PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe

D. Bid Security

Date: ________________________

Bidding Doc No.: _____________________

Invitation for Bid No.: __________

To: _____________________________________________________________________

Whereas ___________________________________________________________________


(hereinafter “the Bidder”) has submitted its Bid dated ____________________________ for Bidding No. ___________

for the supply of _______________________________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________________hereinafter called “the Bid.”

KNOW ALL PEOPLE by these presents that WE _________________________________ of

___________________________________________________ having our registered office at

_________________________________________________ (hereinafter “the Guarantor”), are bound unto


_________________________________________________________________ (hereinafter “the Purchaser”) in the

sum of ________________________________________________ for which payment well and truly to be made to the

aforementioned Purchaser, the Guarantor binds itself, its successors, or assignees by these presents. Sealed with

the Common Seal of this Guarantor this ____________________day of _________________________, _____.

THE CONDITIONS of this obligation are the following:

1. If the Bidder withdraws its Bid during the period of bid validity specified by the Bidder in the Bid Submission

Sheet, except as provided in ITB Sub-Clause 20.2; or

2. If the Bidder, having been notified of the acceptance of its Bid by the Purchaser, during the period of bid validity,

fails or refuses to:

(a) execute the Contract; or

(b) furnish the Performance Security, in accordance with the ITB Clause 44; or

(c) accept the correction of its Bid by the Purchaser, pursuant to ITB Clause 31.

We undertake to pay the Purchaser up to the above amount upon receipt of its first written demand, without the

Purchaser having to substantiate its demand, provided that in its demand the Purchaser states that the amount claimed

by it is due to it, owing to the occurrence of one or more of the above conditions, specifying the occurred conditions.

This security shall remain in force up to and including twenty-eight (28) days after the period of bid validity, and any

demand in respect thereof should be received by the Guarantor no later than the above date.


In the capacity of


Duly authorized to sign the Bid Security for and on behalf of


Part 3. Section IV. Bidding Form 4.5 PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe

E. Performance Security


Contract Name and No. :


WHEREAS _______________________________________ (hereinafter “the Supplier”) has undertaken, pursuant to of

the Purchaser’s Notification of Award Contract decree No. ____________ dated ________________, _______ to supply

__________________________________________ (hereinafter “the Contract”).

AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the aforementioned Contract that the Supplier shall furnish you with a

security ____________________ issued by a reputable guarantor for the sum specified therein as security for compliance

with the Supplier’s performance obligations in accordance with the Contract.

AND WHEREAS the undersigned _____________________________________________ ______________________,

legally domiciled in ________________________________ ____________________________________________,

(hereinafter “the Guarantor”), have agreed to give the Supplier a security:

THEREFORE WE hereby affirm that we are Guarantors and responsible to you, on behalf of the Supplier, up to a total of

____________________________________________________ and we undertake to pay you, upon your first written

demand declaring the Supplier to be in default under the Contract, without cavil or argument, any sum or sums within

the limits of __________ ____________ as aforesaid, without your needing to prove or to show grounds or reasons for

your demand or the sum specified therein.

This security is valid until the ___________________ day of __________________, _____.


In the capacity of


Duly authorized to sign the security for and on behalf of


Part 3. Section IV. Bidding Form 4.6 PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe

F. Power Attorney


Number : ..............................

I, the Undersigned:

Name : ……………………………………………………………………..

Position : President Director/Director ………………………………………

In this matter act on behalf of the company based on Notarial Deed No. ……………. In ……………Number ……………. Dated …………… and its addendum, located in ……………………….…..(Company’s address)

Here and now called as Company

Does hereby constitutes and appoints :

Name : ................................................................. …………………………………………………………………….

Position : ................................................................. …………………………………………………………………….

Appoints according to Notarial Deed_____ In........ Number………… Dated ……………… and its all amendments,

located in ………………. (company’s address).

Here and now called as Attorney

To act For and on behalf of the Company to sign the offering letter of .................and its attachments.

This Power of Attorney given without power of substitution.

…….., ……………….20….

Attorney Company

………………. ………………..

(name and position) (name and position)

Stamp duty, date, signature and

stamp .


Part 3. Section IV. Bidding Form 4.7 PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe

G. Integrity Pacts

Number : ….., ……………….200… Attachment :


Procurement Committee

PT.KAI Commuter Jabodetabek

In Jakarta

Regarding : Administration and Technical Offering


In accordance to the Bid Announcement Number _______ dated______, and after carefully examine the Selection

Documents including the Minutes of explanation and its addendum, hereby we propose the Administration and Technical documents.

This offer shall prevail for 90 (ninety) calendar days since the opening of First Envelope and the time frame for the

completion of the work shall be in accordance to the Working Schedule.

Hereby we declare :

1. Intent and comply with the procurement process that is held in accordance with the Procurement Policy in PT.KAI

Commuter Jabodetabek.

2. Will not commit any Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism practice and will report to the authority if any of such indication occurs in this procurement process.

3. In this procurement process, will perform the work transparently and professional and will give our best effort in any means necessary optimally to give the best working result.

4. If we breach any items of this Integrity Pact, i am willing to be given moral sanction, administration sanction

and will be held liable for any damage incurred and punishment according to the prevailing regulation.

5. Will keep all confidentiality of the documents.

In accordance to the requirements, hereby we enclose 1 (one) original and 2 (two) copies of the documents as per : Section II. Bid Data Sheet, C. Preparation of Bids

Thus, we deliver the Offering, Statement and Company’s Documents in this E-Procurement Website in the utmost truth and responsibility manners.



President Director /

Based on POA


Stamp duty, date,

signature and


Part I. Section V. Eligible Countries 5.1PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe

Section V.

Eligible Countries

All eligible countries that have a Diplomatic relation with the Republic of Indonesia

Part 2. Section VI. Schedule of Supply 6.1PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe

Part 2

Section VI

Schedule of Supply

A. List of Goods and All related services

CURRENCY : Using the currency of the country of manufacturing or IDR Rupiah



1 Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe Covers : Procurement, Instalation, Commisioning and Trainning

Specification Attached

Package 1 Rp. ……………….,- Rp. ……………….,-


PPn 10% Free

Grand Total

As say :

The offer price including cost of shipping goods to the place of delivery of goods/delivery at place (DAP)

Part 2. Section VI. Schedule of Supply 6.1PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe

B. Term Of Reference

I. Background Abnormalities in the wagon wheel is marked with the wear and flat / defect that disrupts the smooth operation of the electric train fleet. Wear and tear / severe disability and can not be

repaired so replacement wheels work needs to be done in order to support the smooth operation of the replacement work in the form of turning wheel axle hole required unit vertical wheel lathe.

Procurement goals lathe is to anticipate in order to avoid delay in turning the wheel to replace the wheel has been damaged for a replacement on the train.

II. Scope of work The scope of the implementation of the procurement work includes: • Submit 1 (one) unit of the vertical wheel lathe appropriate technical specifications;

• Creating a foundation, installation; • Install a lathe;

• Perform Commissioning; • Provide training to first-party operator to be able and skilled in the operation and

maintenance of the machine before operating;

• Submit supplies / equipment fittings for the operation of the lathe; • Submit COO and COM for overseas products;

• Provide warranty / guarantee the quality of manufacturing; • Repairing of damaged goods / quality defects warranty.

III. Work location The machine will be placed and installed in the location of Manggarai Workshop Overhoul unit.

IV. Schedule of Work The long process of procurement work Vertical wheel lathe later than 8 months after signing the

contract and or end of December 2017.

V. Technical Specifications


VI. Other Terms 1. At the time of bidding, the supplier must attach a data record of the techniques listed in the


2. The Supplier shall insure the goods against all risks during delivery (Shipping). 3. The offer price includes the cost of inspection for 3 people and providers of goods will be

paid for accommodation and local transport of the inspections carried out by PT. KCJ to the manufacturer (Manufacturing).

4. Before production begins, the manufacturer must submit an image (original stamp double 3)

along with a soft copy to PT KCJ for approval.

VII. Payment system

Payments will be paid at 100 (one hundred) percent after the goods are delivered and the publication of the handover of goods.

Part 3. Section VII. Contract 7.1 PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe


Condition of Contract and Contract Forms

Section VII.





Number :…………………………..



Jakarta, 10120


………………………………… ………………………………………………





Nomor :……………………………



Jakarta, 10120


…………………………………… ……………………………………………………….


Part 3. Section VII. Contract 7.2 PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe



THIS CONTRACT is made and entered into this day, ......, ..... of Month.... year..... by and between :

PT.KAI Commuter Jabodetabek with its principal place of business at Stasiun Juanda, Jl.Ir.H.Juanda I, Jakarta, 10120, was established based on Notarial Deed No.457 dated 15 September 2009, such deed was notarized by Ilmiawan Dekrit, SH, Notary public in Jakarta. The deed of establishment was approved by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of Republic of Indonesia in his decision letter No. AHU-74707.AH.01.01.Tahun 2008 dated 16 October 2008. The Company’s articles of association have been amanded by Notarial deed No.33 dated 21 December 2013 of R.Ay Poppy Darmawan SH, Notary public in Jakarta. Such amandment was received ratified by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of Republic of Indonesia in his notification letter No. AHU-AH.-01.10-04306 dated 12 February 2014 Hereby represent by M. N. Fadhila as the President Director (hereinafter referred to as “Purchaser”), and ……………….. with its principal place of business at ……………….., a Company registered by the ………………… in ………………… with registration Number ……………… Hereby represent by……………. as the ……………... (hereinafter reffered to as “Supplier”).


In consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, the Supplier agrees to cause supply and deliver to the Purchaser Vertical Wheel Lathe (hereinafter referred to as “Vertical Wheel Lathe”) based on Article 3.1 of the Contract, more fully described in Annex 1 hereof, and the Purchaser agrees to purchase the vertical wheel lathe from the Supplier and to pay for the same as stipulated in Article 4.1, all upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. Moreover to take as consideration as follows :



Kontrak ini dibuat pada hari ini, ...... tanggal ...... Bulan Tahun...... oleh para pihak sebagai berikut: PT. KAI Commuter Jabodetabek yang berkantor pusat Stasiun Juanda, Jl.Ir.H.Juanda I, Jakarta, 10120, dibentuk berdasarkan pada Akta Notaris No. 457 tanggal 15 September 2009, yang disyahkan oleh notaris Ilmiawan Dekrit, SH, notaris umum di Jakarta. Akta ini disetujui oleh Kementrian Hukum dan Hak Azasi Manusia Republik Indonesia berdasarkan surat keputusan No. AHU-74707. AH. 01. 01. Tahun 2008 tertanggal 16 Oktober 2008. Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan telah diamandemen oleh Akta Notaris R.Ay.Poppy Darmawan SH, No. 33 tertanggal 21 December 2013di Jakarta, Akta tersebut diterima dan dicatat oleh Kementrian Hukum dan Hak Azasi Manusia Republik Indonesia di dalam surat penerimaan pemberitahuan No. AHU-AH.-01.10-04306 dated 12 February 2014 Dengan ini diwakili oleh M. N. Fadhila sebagai Direktur Utama. (selanjutnya disebut sebagai "Pembeli"), dan …………………, yang berkantor pusat di ……………….., Perusahaan yang terdaftar di ……………….. pada …………………, dengan nomor pendaftaran ………………. Dengan ini diwakili oleh …………………. selaku ………………... (selanjutnya disebut sebagai “Pemasok”).


Dengan mempertimbangkan kesepakatan dalam perjanjian ini, Pemasok setuju untuk menyediakan dan menyerahkan kepada Pembeli barang berupa mesin bubut roda vertikal (selanjutnya disebut mesin Bubut Roda Vertikal) sebagaimana ditetapkan dalam pasal 3.1 Perjanjian ini, dan sebagaimana dijelaskan secara menyeluruh dalam Lampiran 1, dan pihak Pembeli setuju untuk membeli mesin bubut roda vertikal dari Pemasok dan membayarkan jumlah yang sama sebagaimana ditetapkan dalam Pasal 4.1, atas ketentuan dan persyaratan yang ditetapkan dalam Perjanjian ini dengan mempertimbangkan hal-hal sebagai berikut :

No. Documents/Dokumen Number/Nomor Date/Tanggal




Part 3. Section VII. Contract 7.3 PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe












1. Definitions

1.1. “All related services” means the services

incidental to the supply of the Goods, such

as insurance including but not limited to

Freight Insurance Coverage, Assembling of the

Goods, Test Operation of the Goods up to

obtaining first operation test certificate from

the Ministry of Transportation of the

Republic of Indonesia and other Supplier’s

similar responsibilities based on the

Contract’s condition.

1.2. “Contract” means the Agreement entered into between the Purchaser and the Supplier, together with the Contract Documents referred to therein, including all attachments, Annexes, and all documents incorporated by reference therein.

1. Definisi

1.1. "Semua jasa terkait" berarti jasa yang terkait dengan penyediaan dari Barang, seperti Pemenuhan Asuransi kelautan, Perakitan Barang, Ujicoba Barang sampai dengan mendapatkan sertifikat uji pertama dari Kementerian Perhubungan Republik Indonesia dan kewajiban-kewajiban serupa lain dari Pemasok berdasarkan ketentuan Kontrak.

1.2. “Kontrak” berarti kontrak ini yang dibuat oleh pihak Pembeli dan dan Pemasok, bersama dengan dokumen‐dokumen yang berhubungan dengan perjanjian termasuk seluruh lampiran, dan seluruh dokumen pendukung.

Part 3. Section VII. Contract 7.4 PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe

1.3. “Contract Price” means the price payable to

the Supplier as specified in the Agreement, subject to such additions and adjustments thereto or deductions there from, as may be made pursuant to the Contract.

1.4. “Day” means calendar day.

1.5. “Delivery” means the transfer of the Goods

from the Supplier to the Purchaser in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Contract.

1.6. “Completion” means the fulfillment of the all

related services by the Supplier in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Contract.

1.7. “Goods” means Vertical Wheel Lathe, as

specified in Article 3 of the Contract , as is basis, and all of the commodities, machinery and equipment, and/or other related materials that the Supplier is required to supply to the Purchaser under the Contract.

1.8. “Inspector” means a personnel appointed by Purchaser to inspect the vertical wheel lathe as stipulated in Article 15 of the Contract.

1.9. “Purchaser’s Country” is the Republic of Indonesia.

1.10. “Subcontractor” means any natural

person, private or government entity, or a combination of the above, including its legal successors or permitted assigns, to whom any part of the Goods to be supplied or execution of any part of the All related services is subcontracted by the Supplier.

1.11. “Technical Specifications” means all technical specifications of the Goods, stipulated in Annex 1.

1.12. “The Site,” where applicable, means Balai Yasa

Manggarai or Dipo Depok, Indonesia.

1.3. “Harga Kontrak” berarti harga yang harus

dibayarkan kepada Pemasok sebagaimana ditetapkan dalam Kontrak, yang terikat dengan tambahan dan penyesuaian atau pengurangan sebagaimana dibutuhkan oleh Kontrak tersebut.

1.4. “Hari” berarti hari kalender.

1.5. “Pengiriman” berarti transportasi Barang dari pihak Pemasok kepada Pihak Pembeli sesuai dengan persyaratan dan ketentuan sebagaimana ditetapkan dalam Kontrak.

1.6. “Penyelesaian” berarti pemenuhan semua

layanan/ jasa terkait oleh Pihak Pemasok sesuai dengan persyaratan dan ketentuan sebagaimana ditetapkan di dalam Kontrak.

1.7. “Barang” berarti mesin bubut roda vertikal

sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 3 Perjanjian ini, dengan kondisi sebagaimana adanya, dan semua komoditas, mesin dan peralatan, dan/ atau material terkait lain yang dibutuhkan oleh Pihak Pemasok untuk memasok Barang kepada Pihak Pembeli berdasarkan ketentuan Kontrak.

1.8. “Pengawas” berarti personil yang ditunjuk oleh Pihak Pembeli untuk melakukan pengujian awal (inspeksi) barang sebagai ditetapkan dalam Pasal 15 dari Kontrak.

1.9. “Negara Pembeli” adalah Republik Indonesia.

1.10. “Sub‐kontraktor” berarti setiap orang,

badan swasta atau pemerintahan atau gabungan dari yang tersebut diatas, termasuk penerusnya yang dikontrak secara sah, dimana bagian dari Barang akan dipasok oleh pihak tersebut atau pelaksanaan dari sebagian pekerjaan yang tercantum dalam kontrak ini akan di subkontrakkan oleh Pihak Pemasok.

1.11. “Spesifikasi Teknis” berarti semua Spesifikasi teknis Barang, sebagaimana ditetapkan dalam Lampiran 1.

1.12. “Lokasi”, berarti Balai Yasa Manggarai atau Dipo Depok, Indonesia.

Part 3. Section VII. Contract 7.5 PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe

2. General Conditions

2.1. Subject to the order of precedence set forth in the Contract, all documents forming the Contract (and all parts thereof) are intended to be correlative, complementary, and mutually explanatory.

2.2. Correspondences and documents related to the Contract exchanged by the Supplier and the Purchaser, shall be written in English and/or Indonesia Language.

2.3. In the implementation of Scope of Works, the

Supplier must perform according to the regulations and policies issued by the Purchaser and the prevailing regulation of Republic of Indonesia that related to the performance of this Contract.

2.4. Contract Documents means the Documents

consists of : a. Contract b. Directors’ Decree regarding the

appointment of the supplier c. Notice of Clarification and Confirmation and

Negotiation d. Supplier Bidding Proposal and Bill of

Quantities e. Bidding Documents and the Appendix to the

Bid Thereto

The abovementioned list of documents governs the priority of application and if there is a dispute upon the interpretation of the documents, the provision of the Contrat shall prevail.

2.5. The entire and only agreement between the

parties as to the work specified herein is contained in this Contract (which includes and annexes referred to herein) and all prior negotiations commitments and writing with respect there to supersede hereby.

3. Scope of Works

3.1. The Scope of Works of this Contract to supply

and delivery vertical wheel lathe, and all related services as described in Annex 1 of the Contract.

2. Ketentuan Umum 2.1. Sesuai dengan urutan prioritas sebagaimana

ditetapkan di dalam Kontrak, semua dokumen pembentuk Kontrak (dan semua bagian darinya) bertujuan agar saling berkorelasi dan melengkapi serta saling menjelaskan.

2.2. Semua korespondensi dan dokumen terkait dengan Kontrak antara Pihak Pemasok dan Pihak Pembeli, akan ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris dan/atau bahasa Indonesia.

2.3. Dalam pelaksanaan Lingkup kerja, Pihak Pemasok harus bekerja sesuai dengan peraturan dan kebijakan yang dikeluarkan oleh Pihak Pembeli dan peraturan yang berlaku di Republik Indonesia yang terkait dengan pemenuhan Kontrak ini.

2.4. Dokumen Kontrak berarti Dokumen-dokumen yang terdapat dalam : a. Kontrak b. Surat Penunjukan Rekanan c. Berita Acara Klarifikasi dan Konfirmasi

dan Negosiasi d. Surat Penawaran dari Rekanan dan

Daftar Kuantitas dan Harga e. Dokumen Pengadaan dan Addendum

atas Dokumen Pengadaan.

Daftar dokumen tersebut diatas menjadi prioritas untuk digunakan dan apabila terdapat perbedaan penafsiran antara dokumen tersebut diatas maka ketentuan Kontrak yang akan berlaku.

2.5. Keseluruhan dan satu-satunya kesepakatan

antara para pihak adalah untuk pekerjaan yang ditetapkan dalam Kontrak ini (yang mencakup segala lampiran dalam Kontrak ini) dan semua komitmen negosiasi baik lisan maupun tertulis dengan ini dikesampingkan apabila tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan Kontrak.

3. Lingkup kerja 3.1. Lingkup kerja Kontrak ini adalah memasok,

dan mengirimkan mesin bubut roda vertikal, serta pekerjaan-pekerjaan pendukung lainnya sebagai mana tercantum dalam Lampiran 1 Kontrak.

Part 3. Section VII. Contract 7.6 PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe

3.2. The amount of goods regulated in article 3.1., will be amended in terms of :

3.2.1. is not able to hand over several goods to

the Supplier because of permits in ……. have not obtained

3.2.2. There is change in quantity set forth by JR East

3.2.3. The Goods can not function properly as

per the inspection result in Kawasaki by the Inspectors in the inspection location set forth by JR East (Inspection location).

3.3. In the event of condition described in article

3.2.3. of the Contract, The Supplier will confirm that JR East will repair the Goods and/or replace the Goods.

3.4. The Supplier shall insure the Goods (All Risk insurance terms) at the time Goods transported from hand-over location up to the Location with all costs bearable to the Supplier.

3.5. In case there is damage on the Goods when

arrived in Location, then any cost incurred for repairing such damage, shall be borne by the Insurance or by the Supplier as stipulated in Article 3.3.

3.6. The scope of this CONTRACT consists of Supply,

Delivery and other supporting works from the Supplier to the Purchaser, upon Goods further explained in the Annex 1 Terms of Reference and Bill of Quantity and Annex 2 about Price. Supply and Delivery of the Goods is not technology transfer that will result in Royalty Payment in any kind.

3.7. The Supplier shall supply all the Goods and All

related services included in the Scope of Works in accordance with the Contract and the Delivery and Completion Schedule as stipulated in Annex 3 of this Contract.

3.2. Jumlah Barang sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 3.1. akan di amandemen dalam hal: 3.2.1. Beberapa unit atas Barang tidak dapat

diserahkan oleh kepada Pemasok yang disebabkan oleh belum dapat diterbitkannya perizinan di ……….

3.2.2. Terjadi perubahan rencana jumlah penyerahan Barang yang ditetapkan oleh JR East

3.2.3. Barang tidak dapat berfungsi berdasarkan hasil inspeksi di tempat inspeksi yang ditentukan oleh JR East (tempat Inspeksi)

3.3. Dalam hal terjadi kondisi sebagaimana

dimaksud pada Pasal 3.2.3 Kontrak, maka Pemasok akan memastikan bahwa pihak JR East akan melakukan perbaikan atas Barang dan/atau mengganti Barang.

3.4. Pemasok berkewajiban untuk mengasuransikan Barang (All Risk) pada saat Barang dibawa dari lokasi penyerahan Barang sampai dengan Lokasi dengan beban biaya Pemasok.

3.5. Dalam hal terjadi kerusakan Barang pada saat barang tiba di Lokasi, maka segala biaya yang timbul untuk perbaikan atas Barang akan ditanggung oleh Asuransi atau menjadi beban pihak Pemasok sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 3.3.

3.6. Ruang lingkup KONTRAK ini terdiri dari penyediaan, Pengiriman dan pekerjaan pendukung lainnya oleh Pihak Pemasok kepada Pihak Pembeli, akan Barang sebagaimana dijelaskan lebih lanjut dalam Lampiran 1 yaitu Kerangka Acuan Kerja dan Daftar Kuantitas dan Lampiran 2 yaitu Harga. Penyediaan dan Pengiriman Barang bukanlah transfer teknologi yang akan menyebabkan pembayaran royalti.

3.7. Pihak Pemasok akan menyediakan semua Barang dan semua layanan terkait yang dicantumkan dalam Lingkup kerja sesuai dengan Kontrak dan Jadwal Pengiriman sebagaimana ditetapkan dalam lampiran 3 Kontrak ini.

Part 3. Section VII. Contract 7.7 PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe

3.8. The Supplier shall arrange to ship and insure the Goods from ………to the Location.

3.9. Goods are delivered to the Site with the cost

and risk of the Supplier except import tax and value added tax that shall be under Purchaser’s cost.

3.10. The Supplier shall obtain from JR East and to

provide the technical data for the Goodswhich are Hystorical Maintenance and manual instruction submit the translation of the technical data to the Purchaser with free of charge

3.11. In the event provide the technical data as

stipulated in Article 3.10. directly to the Purchaser then the Supplier is liable to provide the Purchaser with the translation of the Technical Data. Payment percentage for translation cost and copies is based on the proceedings.

3.12. The Supplier shall ensure the validity of all

documents related to the import of the Goods before the Goods is shipped to the Site. If such condition caused the delivery schedule to be altered, therefore the parties shall amend the Contract accordingly.

3.13. The Purchaser shall made the payment to as

per agreed schedule between and the Purchaser upon the Goods.

3.14. The Supplier is liable to perform all necessary

requirement to import the Goods under the Import License issued by the Government Authority in Republic of Indonesia.

3.15. The Supplier is liable to arrange and obtain the

certification of the Goods from the Ministry of Transportation Republic of Indonesia.

3.16. If there are any Goods or part thereof that is

malfunctioned before the Certification as stipulated in Article 3.14 is issued, then the Supplier shall rectify or replace such function under the Supplier’s cost UNLESS if there is a malfunction in result of re-formation works

3.8. Pihak Pemasok akan mengatur kapal dan memastikan Barang dari ……. dikirim ke Lokasi.

3.9. Barang dikirimkan sampai ke Lokasi dengan

biaya dan resiko ditanggung oleh Pihak Pemasok, kecuali pajak bea masuk dan pajak pertambahan nilai merupakan beban pihak Pembeli.

3.10. Pihak Pemasok harus memperoleh data

teknis berupa Dokumen Riwayat Perawatan dan manual instruksi dari JR East dan menyerahkan data teknis tersebut kepada Pihak Pembeli.

3.11. Dalam hal menyerahkan data teknik sebagaimana dimaksud pada Pasal 3.10. langsung kepada pihak Pembeli maka pihak Pemasok berkewajiban untuk menyerahkan terjemahan Data Teknik tersebut kepada pihak Pembeli. Prosentase pembayaran atas biaya penerjemahan dan penggandaan berdasarkan pelaksanaannya.

3.12. Pihak Pemasok harus memastikan keberlakuan seluruh dokumen terkait dengan impor Barang sebelum Barang dikirim. Apabila hal ini berdampak pada perubahan jadwal pengiriman maka akan dilakukan amandemen atas Kontrak.

3.13. Pihak Pemasok harus melakukan pembayaran kepada sesuai dengan jadwal yang disepakati antara dan Pihak Pemasok atas pembelian Barang.

3.14. Pihak Pemasok berkewajiban untuk memenuhi segala kewajiban dan ketentuan untuk impor Barang berdasarkan izin impor yang dikeluarkan oleh otoritas pemerintah yang berwenang di Republik Indonesia.

3.15. Pihak Pemasok berkewajiban untuk memperoleh sertifikasi atas Barang dari Kementerian Perhubungan Republik Indonesia.

3.16. Apabila Barang atau bagian dari barang tidak berfungsi sebelum sertifikasi sebagaimana dimaksud pada Pasal 3.14. diperoleh maka pihak Pemasok berkewajiban untuk memperbaiki/mengganti kerusakan tersebut dengan biaya Pemasok KECUALI apabila

Part 3. Section VII. Contract 7.8 PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe

from 6 units train-set to 8 units train-set and if such malfunctioned occured after the certification is obtained upon the Goods, the Purchaser will rectify such function under Purchaser’s cost.

4. Contract Price 4.1. The Contract Price including shipment and

freight insurance, as further specified in Annex 2 is …................. All of the Contract price mentioned above are for total …… units of Goods

4.2. The Contract price as stiplulated in Article 4.1

includes the cost of all necessary packing including materials and labor but not including any and all import tax and duties imposed and such import tax and duties shall be paid by Purchaser directly to related tax authorities in Indonesia before the vessel’s arrival at Tanjung Priok and official tariff for first test operation certificate in accordance with the regulation from the Government of the Republic of Indonesia which will be paid directly by the Supplier to the related authorities

4.3. In accordance to Article 4.1. and Article 4.2. above, therefore other than the cost set forth in the Contract, the Purchaser shall not be liable to borne any other cost incurred for the delivery of the Goods.

5. Terms of Payment For the vertical wheel lathe

5.1. The Contract Price in currency of ……………… shall be paid by an irrevocable Letter of Credit (L/C) which is in a form, substance and issued by a first class bank satisfactory to the supplier and is subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Document Credits 2007 revision, ICC Publication No.600 to be opened at the latest 1 (one) month before the first shipment of the Goods and the Contract Price in currency of Indonesian Rupiah shall be paidby Bank Transfer with the detail of Account Number .........., Bank ........., Kantor Cabang ..........., under the name of ............. The transfer cost shall be borne by the Supplier.

terjadi kegagalan fungsi dalam melakukan re-formasi trainset dari 6 unit menjadi 8 unit dan apabila kerusakan atau tidak berfungsinya Barang terjadi setelah sertifikasi diperoleh maka perbaikan atau penggantian akan dilakukan oleh pihak Pembeli dengan biaya Pembeli.

4. Harga kontrak

4.1. Harga Kontrak termasuk Pengiriman Barang dan Asuransi Kelautan, sesuai Lingkup Pekerjaan dalam Lampiran 2, adalah sebesar ….................. Seluruh Harga Kontrak tersebut diatas merupakan total untuk …………. unit Barang

4.2. Harga kontrak sebagaimana dimaksud pada Pasal 4.1. mencakup biaya pengepakan termasuk material dan tenaga kerja tapi tidak termasuk pajak dan bea impor dan pajak serta bea tersebut akan dibayar oleh Pembeli langsung ke otoritas pajak terkait di Indonesia sebelum kapal tiba di Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok serta biaya resmi sertifikasi uji pertama atas Barang sesuai ketentuan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia yang akan dibayar oleh Pembeli langsung ke otoritas terkait.

4.3. Sesuai dengan Pasal 4.1. dan Pasal 4.2. di atas, karenanya, selain dari biaya sebagaimana ditetapkan diatas, Pihak Pembeli tidak bertanggung jawab untuk menanggung biaya lain yang muncul dari Pengiriman Barang.

5. Ketentuan Pembayaran Untuk mesin bubut roda


5.1. Harga Kontrak dalam mata uang ……………… akan dibayarkan dengan irrevocable Letter of Credit, dalam sebuah formulir, substansi dan dikeluarkan oleh Bank terpercaya yang disetujui oleh Pihak Pemasok dan terikat dengan revisi Uniform Customs and Practice for Document Credits 2007, ICC Publication No. 600 untuk dibuka selambatnya 1 (satu) bulan sebelum pengiriman pertama Barang dan Harga Kontrak dalam mata uang Rupiah akan dibayarkan melalui transfer ke No. Rekening ................., Bank ............, Kantor Cabang ............ atas nama ................ Biaya transfer tersebut menjadi beban pihak Pemasok.

Part 3. Section VII. Contract 7.9 PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe

5.2. The terms of L/C opening shall be rendered as follows : 5.2.1. L/C will be open by the Purchaser with

name and address of the L/C recipient Bank that is The Bank of ................ Branch, ..........., with account number ………… ............,, with the validity period of L/C in accordance with the validity period of the Performance Bond submitted by the Supplier to the Purchaser

5.2.2. L/C arrangement costs shall be rendered as follows : L/C opening costs will be at the

Purchaser’s cost In the event of L/C amendment and/or extension, it will be at the Supplier’s cost

5.3. Payment mechanism will be done as follows : 5.3.1. Payment for the Goods will be made

based on amount of each arrival progress unit

5.3.2. 80% of the Contract Price shall be payable against presentation of Delivery Certificate with statement about there is/no penalty for late delivery for every unit’s arrival progress, with format as per Annex 5 issued by the Supplier and signed by the Purchaser for every unit delivery progress. Such certificate will be issued by the Supplier and sign by the Purchaser after completion of the delivery of the Goods to the Site and after submission of the technical data as stipulated in Article 3.10 except in the event as stipulated in Article 3.11 of the Contract.

5.3.3. In the event of severe damage

(unrepairable damaged) of the part or the whole of the Goods occurred that caused such Goods can not be able to be operated normally, based on examination/evaluation issued by the Purchaser, then the COD could not yet issued.

5.2. Mekanisme pembukaan L/C diatur sebagai berikut: 5.2.1. L/C akan dibuka oleh pihak Pembeli

kepada pihak pemasok dengan nama dan alamat Bank penerima L/C adalah The Bank of ................ Branch, ..........., dengan nomor rekening ……….. ............, dengan jangka waktu keberlakuan L/C sesuai dengan masa berlaku Jaminan Pelaksanaan yang diserahkan oleh Pemasok kepada Pembeli.

5.2.2. Biaya pengurusan L/C diatur sebagai berikut : Biaya pembukaan L/C

merupakan beban biaya Pembeli. Dalam hal terjadi perubahan dan/atau perpanjangan masa berlaku L/C maka merupakan beban biaya Pemasok.

5.3. Mekanisme pembayaran akan dilakukan sebagai berikut : 5.3.1. Pembayaran Barang dilakukan

berdasarkan nilai setiap progres kedatangan unit

5.3.2. 80% dari nilai progres kedatangan unit

dibayarkan pada saat diserahkannya Sertifikat Penerimaan Barang yang didalamnya terdapat pernyataan ada/tidaknya denda atas keterlambatan penyerahan Barang dengan format sebagaimana dimaksud pada Lampiran 5 untuk setiap progres kedatangan unit. Sertifikat dimaksud dikeluarkan oleh Pihak Pemasok dan ditandatangani oleh Pihak Pembeli setelah diselesaikannya Pengiriman Barang ke Lokasi dan setelah diserahkannya data teknisnya sebagai mana dimaksud pasal 3.10 kecuali dalam hal terjadi kondisi sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 3.11 Kontrak.

5.3.3. Dalam hal terdapat kerusakan parah

(kerusakan yang tidak dapat diperbaiki) dari bagian Barang yang menyebabkan Barang tersebut tidak dapat dioperasikan secara normal berdasarkan pemeriksaan/ penilaian yang dikeluarkan oleh pihak pembeli, maka COD belum dapat diterbitkan.

Part 3. Section VII. Contract 7.10 PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe

5.3.4. 10% of the Contract Price shall be payable after the Supplier provide the Purchaser with the Minutes of Completion of the Make Up Works of the spare parts with statement about there is/no penalty for late delivery for every unit’s arrival progress.

5.3.5. 10% of the Contract Price shall be

payable after the completion of entire works and issuance of the Minutes of Completion of the Work with the statement there is/no penalty for late completion of work stage signed by the Purchaser.

5.4. The Minutes of Completion of the Works stipulated in Article 5.3.5. will be issued by the Purchaser after completion of the followings: 5.4.1. Minutes of the Completion of the Re-

Assembling of spare parts signed by the parties.

5.4.2. Minutes of Operation Test of the spare parts signed by the Examiners Committee from the Director General of Railways, Ministry of Transporation Republic of Indonesia.

5.4.3. Receipt of hand over of the Translation of all Technical data has been signed by the Purchaser.

5.4.4. Receipt of Operation Test Certificate issued by the Director General of Railways, Ministry of Transporation Republic of Indonesia has been signed by the Purchaser.

5.5. The Purchaser shall give maximum technical support in order for the Supplier to implement and complete the entire obligation under Article 5.3. of the Contract.

5.3.4. 10% dari nilai progress kedatangan unit akan dibayarkan pada saat Pemasok telah menyerahkan Berita Acara Penyelesaian Make Up suku cadang didalamnya terdapat pernyataan ada/tidaknya atas keterlambatan penyerahan dan pernyataan ada/tidaknya denda atas keterlambatan penyelesaian tahapan pekerjaan atau telah dikeluarkannya Berita Acara Pelaksanaan running test oleh Kementerian Perhubungan yang ditandatangani oleh Para Pihak.

5.3.5. 10% dari nilai progres kedatangan unit

akan dibayarkan pada saat telah diselesaikannya seluruh pekerjaan dan dikeluarkannya Berita Acara Serah Terima Pekerjaan dan pernyataan ada/tidaknya denda atas keterlambatan penyelesaian tahapan pekerjaan yang ditandatangani oleh pihak Pembeli.

5.4. Berita Acara Serah terima Pekerjaan

sebagaimana dimaksud pada Pasal 5.3.5. akan dikeluarkan oleh pihak Pembeli setelah dilampiri hal-hal sebagai berikut: 5.4.1. Berita acara Penyelesaian pekerjaan

Perakitan Barang yang ditandatangani oleh pihak Pembeli.

5.4.2. Berita acara Uji Operasional Barang yang ditandatangani oleh Panitia Penguji dari Dirjen Perkeretaapian, Kementerian Perhubungan Republik Indonesia.

5.4.3. Tanda terima penyerahan dokumen Terjemahan seluruh data teknis , yang ditandatangani oleh pihak Pembeli

5.4.4. Tanda terima atas penyerahan

Sertifikat Uji operasional yang dikeluarkan oleh Dirjen Perkeretaapian, Kementerian Perhubungan Republik Indonesia, telah ditandatangani oleh pihak Pembeli

5.5. Pihak Pembeli akan memberikan dukungan teknis secara maksimal untuk mendukung Pihak Pemasok melaksanakan dan

Part 3. Section VII. Contract 7.11 PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe

5.6. If due to the default of the Purchaser that caused the delay for the Test Operation Certificate issued by the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation as stipulated in Article 5.3 to be obtained, such condition shall not caused retention payment of the 10% of the Contract Price as stipulated in Article 5.3.4. from the Purchaser to the Supplier.

5.7. If due to the default of the Supplier in providing one of or all the original technical data as stipulated in Article 3.10., Purchaser is liable to obtain the formal statement from regarding such un availibility and the Supplier shall at its best effort to find the replacement data (unless such data only can be made available by).

6. Taxes , Customs and Import Duties

6.1. For Goods supplied from outside the

Purchaser’s Country, the Supplier shall be entirely responsible for all taxes, stamp duties, license fees, and other such levies imposed outside the Purchaser’s Country.

6.2. For any and all importation Tax and Duties of the Goods to the Purchaser’s Country shall be borne by Purchaser directly to the related authorities in Purchaser’s Country.

6.3. In case of delay of payment of any Duties or Tax

by Purchaser, demurrage or other cost that my incurred due to such delay shall be paid by Purchaser.

6.4. For clearance of customs, taxes and import duties for import within the area of Republic of Indonesia, the Supplier shall submit the documents required as follows : 6.4.1. Commercial Invoice 6.4.2. Clean Bill of Lading 6.4.3. Packing List 6.4.4. Certificate of Origin

menyelesaikan semua kewajiban yang dimaksud pada Pasal 5.3. Kontrak.

5.6. Dalam hal kegagalan dari Pembeli sehingga menyebabkan keterlambatan dalam memperoleh sertifikat uji operasi yang diterbitkan oleh Kementerian Perhubungan Republik Indonesia sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 5.3. maka hal tersebut tidak akan menyebabkan terjadinya retensi pembayaran dari Pembeli kepada Pemasok sebesar 10% dari Nilai Kontrak sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 5.3.4.

5.7. Dalam hal kegagalan Pemasok dalam

menyediakan salah satu data teknis asli, sebagai mana diminta dalam Pasal 3.10, Pemasok wajib mendapatkan keterangan resmi dari pihak JR East tentang ketidaktersediaan dokumen tersebut, dan mengupayakan dokumen penggantinya, (kecuali apabila data teknis tersebut hanya dapat diperoleh dari JR East).

6. Pajak, Bea dan Cukai Impor 6.1. Untuk Barang yang dipasok dari luar negara

Pihak Pembeli, Pihak Pemasok akan bertanggung jawab secara keseluruhan untuk semua pajak, materai, biaya perijinan dan pungutan-pungutan lain yang diterapkan di luar negara Negara Pihak Pembeli.

6.2. Setiap dan seluruh Pajak dan bea Barang ke Negara Pihak Pembeli akan ditanggung oleh Pihak Pembeli secara langsung ke otoritas terkait di negara Pembeli.

6.3. Dalam hal terjadi penundaan pembayaran dari setiap bea atau pajak Pembeli, dan jika penundaan pembayaran tersebut akan menyebabkan timbulnya kerugian, penalti, maka biaya tersebut akan dibayarkan oleh Pihak Pembeli.

6.4. Untuk mendapatkan ijin dari bea cukai, pajak dan bea impor dalam wilayah Republik Indonesia, Pihak Pemasok akan mengirimkan dokumen-dokumen yang dibutuhkan antara lain: 6.4.1. Faktur komersial 6.4.2. Clean Bill of Lading 6.4.3. PackingList 6.4.4. Sertifikat Negara Asal

Part 3. Section VII. Contract 7.12 PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe

6.4.5. Inspection Certificate in accordance to the import regulation from the government authority in Indonesia.

7. Bond/Security 7.1. The Supplier shall provide and submit to the

Purchaser a Performance Bond in maximum 7 (seven)Days after the Agreement is signed by the Parties

7.2. The Proceeds of Performance Bond shall be

payable to the Purchaser as compensation for any loss resulting from the Supplier’s failure to complete its obligations under the Contract.

7.3. The Performance Bond shall be discharged by

the Purchaser and returned to the Supplier no later than 12 (twelve) Days following the date of completion of the Supplier’s performance obligations under the Contract, including any warranty obligations (if any). Under the approval of both parties, the Performance Bond can be revised based on the Certificate of Acceptance of each set of Goods has been issued by the Purchaser.

8. Delivery Schedule

8.1. The Delivery Schedule of the Goods are as

stipulated Annex 3.

8.2. Upon the consideration of hand over schedule provided by JR East, Supplier must be shipped the Goods with minimum of 20 (twenty) units per-shiment to the Purchaser latest by 10 (ten) days after the last hand-over for each shipment.

8.3. After re-formation works from 6 units of Goods per-set to 8 units of Goods per-set or running test by the Ministry of Transportation have been conducted, KCJ will issue Make-Up Work Order. The Supplier must make sure that the make up works for the spare parts have been completed latest by the table below from the issuance of the Make-Up Work Order by the Purchaser :

9. Contract’s Term 9.1. This Contract shall become effective on the

completion of the following :

6.4.5. Sertifikat Inspeksi sesuai dengan ketentuan Ijin Impor dari Instansi yang berwenang di Indonesia.

7. Bond/ Security

7.1. Pihak Pemasok wajib untuk memberikan

Jaminan Pelaksanaan maksimum 7 (tujuh) hari setelah Perjanjian ditandatangani oleh Para Pihak.

7.2. Hasil Jaminan Pelaksanaan akan dibayarkan kepada Pihak Pembeli sebagai kompensasi atas kerugian akibat dari kegagalan Pihak Pemasok untuk memenuhi kewajiban Pemasok sesuai Kontrak.

7.3. Jaminan Pelaksanaanakan dilepaskan oleh Pihak Pembeli dan dikembalikan kepada Pihak Pemasok setelah Pemasok menyelesaikan seluruh kewajiban sesuai Kontrak, termasuk kewajiban garansi atas barang (apabila ada) dan atas persetujuan para pihak, Jaminan Pelaksanaan dapat direvisi sesuai dengan progress pekerjaan yang didasarkan pada Berita Acara Serah Terima untuk setiap set Barang telah dikeluarkan oleh pihak Pembeli.

8. Jadwal Pekerjaan

8.1. Jadwal Pekerjaan adalah sebagaimana ditetapkan dalam Lampiran 3.

8.2. Dengan mempertimbangkan jadwal penyerahan Barang dari, Pemasok harus mengapalkan Barang sekurang kurangnya 20 (dua puluh ) unit kepada Pembeli selambat-lambatnya 10 (sepuluh) hari setelah hand over terakhir untuk setiap shipment

8.3. Setelah dilakukannya re-formasi atas set Barang dari 6 unit Barang per set menjadi 8 unit Barang per set atau bila telah dilakukan running test oleh Kementrian Perhubungan, KCJ mengeluarkan perintah pelaksanaan make up. Pemasok wajib untuk memastikan bahwa KRL telah selesai dilakukan make up selambat lambatnya berdasarkan table dibawah ini sejak dikeluarkannya perintah make up oleh pembeli :

9. Masa Berlaku Kontrak

9.1. Kontrak ini akan berlaku pada saat :

Part 3. Section VII. Contract 7.13 PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe

9.1.1. The Contract has been signed by both parties.

9.1.2. Submission of Performance Bond by the Supplier as referred in Article 7of the Contract.

9.1.3. The Purchaser establish Irrevocable,

Acceptable and Confirm at Sight Letter of Credit.

9.1.4. The Supplier has received an Irrevocable,

Acceptable and Confirm at Sight Letter of Credit.

9.1.5. The Indonesian Government License to

import such Goods has been issued

9.2. This Contract shall end after the fulfillment of all obligations of the both parties under this Contract.

10. Governing Law

The Contract shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Republic of Indonesia

11. Government Authorization

11.1. Whenever the supply of Goods and All related

services requires that the Supplier obtain permits, approvals, and import and other licenses from local public authorities, the Purchaser shall, if so required by the Supplier, make its best effort to assist the Supplier in complying with such requirements in a timely and expeditious manner.

11.2. Purchaser shall not make any disposition, by way of transshipment, re-export, diversion or otherwise, except as said laws and regulations as stipulated in Article 10, may expressly permit, of the Goods purchased from Supplier, other than in and to the ultimate country of destination specified herein and/or declared as the country of ultimate destination on Supplier’s invoices.

9.1.1. Kontrak telah ditandatangani oleh para pihak.

9.1.2. Diserahkannya Jaminan Pelaksanaan oleh Pihak Pemasok sebagaimana tertera dalam Pasal 7 Kontrak.

9.1.3. Pihak Pembeli telah menetapkan L/C Irrevocable, Acceptable, Usance dan Confirm at Sight.

9.1.4. Pihak Pemasok telah menerima L/C Irrevocable, Acceptable, Usance dan Confirm at Sight.

9.1.5. Telah dikeluarkannya izin impor atas Barang oleh Instansi Pemerintah Republik Indonesia.

9.2. Kontrak ini berakhir setelah seluruh hak dan kewajiban Para Pihak telah dipenuhi berdasarkan Kontrak.

10. Hukum yang Berlaku Kontrak akan diatur dan ditafsirkan sesuai dengan perundangan yang berlaku di Republik Indonesia.

11. Wewenang dari Pemerintah 11.1. Jika penyediaan Barang dan semua layanan

terkait mengharuskan agar Pihak Pemasok mendapatkan ijin, persetujuan dan perijinan impor dan perijinan lainnya dari otoritas lokal, maka Pihak Pembeli jika dibutuhkan oleh Pihak Pemasok, akan melakukan usaha maksimal untuk membantu Pihak Pemasok dalam memenuhi ketentuan tersebut secara lancar dan tepat waktu.

11.2. Pembeli tidak akan membuat disposisi apapun, dengan melakukan pemindahan Barang (transhipment), re-ekspor, diversi atau hal-hal lainnya, kecuali diharuskan dalam perundangan dan peraturan sebagaimana ditetapkan dalam Pasal 10 atas Barang yang dibeli dari Pemasok, selain di dan ke negara akhir tujuan sebagaimana ditetapkan dalam kontrak ini dan/ atau dinyatakan sebagai negara tujuan akhir dalam faktur Pemasok.

Part 3. Section VII. Contract 7.14 PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe

12. Indemnities 12.1. Supplier shall defend, indemnify and hold

Purchaser and its employees and officers harmless from and against any and all losses, liabilities, claims, demands and from all suits, actions, administrative proceedings, claims, demands, costs, and expenses of any nature, including attorney’s fees and expenses, which the Purchaser may suffer as result of any infringement or alleged infringement of any patent, trademark, copyright, name, right of use, or any proprietary right or confidential information of any third party arising with respect to the performance of this Contract and All related services furnished by the Supplier.

12.2. Supplier shall defend, indemnify and hold Purchaser and its employees and officers harmless from and against any and all losses, liabilities, claims, demands and from all suits, actions, administrative proceedings, claims, demands, costs, and expenses of any nature, including attorney’s fees and expenses, which the Purchaser may suffer as result of default caused by the Suppliers, its personnel and its subcontractors arising with respect to the performance of this Contract and All related services furnished by the Supplier.

12.3. Purchaser shall defend, indemnify and hold Supplier and its employees and officers harmless from and against any and all losses, liabilities, claims, demands and from all suits, actions, administrative proceedings, claims, demands, costs, and expenses of any nature, including attorney’s fees and expenses, which the Supplier may suffer as result of any infringement or alleged infringement of any patent, trademark, copyright, name, right of use, or any proprietary right or confidential information of any third party arising with respect to the performance of this Contract.

12. Ganti Rugi 12.1. Pemasok membebaskan Pembeli dan

karyawannya serta para pejabatnya dari kerugian, pertanggungjawaban, klaim, tuntutan hukum, permintaan dan dari semua gugatan hukum, tindakan, tindakan administratif, klaim, permintaan, biaya dan pengeluaran apapun, termasuk biaya dan pengeluaran untuk pengacara, yang mungkin dialami Pihak Pembeli sebagai dampak dari pelanggaran Pihak Pemasok atas merek, hak, nama, hak untuk menggunakan atau seluruh hak atau informasi konfidensial dari Pihak Ketiga yang muncul terkait dengan pemenuhan ketentuan Kontrak dan semua layanan terkait yang disediakan oleh Pihak pemasok.

12.2. Pemasok akan membebaskan Pembeli dan karyawannya serta para pejabatnya dari kerugian, pertanggungjawaban, klaim, tuntutan hukum, permintaan dan dari semua gugatan hukum, tindakan, tindakan administratif, klaim, permintaan, biaya dan pengeluaran apapun, termasuk biaya dan pengeluaran untuk pengacara, yang mungkin dialami Pihak Pembeli sebagai dampak dari kesalahan yang disebabkan oleh Pihak Pemasok, karyawan dan sub-kontraktornya yang muncul terkait dengan pemenuhan ketentuan Kontrak dan semua layanan terkait yang disediakan oleh Pihak pemasok.

12.3. Pembeli akan membela, mengganti kerugian dan tidak menyalahkan Pemasok dan karyawannya serta para pejabatnya dari kerugian, pertanggungjawaban, klaim, tuntutan hukum, permintaan dan dari semua gugatan hukum, tindakan, tindakan administratif, klaim, permintaan, biaya dan pengeluaran apapun, termasuk biaya dan pengeluaran untuk pengacara, yang mungkin dialami Pihak Pemasok sebagai dampak dari pelanggaran material atas kewajiban Pihak Pembeli, merek, hak, nama, hak untuk menggunakan atau seluruh hak atau informasi konfidensial dari Pihak Ketiga yang muncul terkait dengan pemenuhan ketentuan Kontrak.

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13. Confidential Information

13.1. The Purchaser and Supplier shall keep confidential and shall not, without the written consent of the other party hereto, divulge to any third party any documents, data, or other information furnished directly or indirectly by the other party hereto in connection with the Contract, whether such information has been furnished prior to, during or following completion or termination of the Contract.

13.2. The Supplier shall not use documents, data, and other information received from the Purchaser for any purpose other than procurement, or other work and services required for the performance of the Contract.

13.3. The Purchaser shall not use such documents,

data, and other information received from the Supplier for any purposes unrelated to the Contract.

13.4. The obligation of a party as stipulated in

clause 13.1, 13.2 and 13.3 above, however, shall not apply in conditon of : 13.4.1. The Purchaser or Supplier need to

share with the institutions participating in the financing of the Contract;

13.4.2. Now or hereafter enters the public domain through no fault of that party;

13.4.3. Can be proven to have been possessed by that party at the time of disclosure and which was not previously obtained, directly or indirectly, from the other party; or

13. Informasi Rahasia 13.1. Pihak Pembeli dan Pemasok akan menjaga

kerahasiaan dan tanpa persetujuan tertulis pihak lain dalam kontrak ini tidak akan memberitahukan kepada pihak ketiga tentang dokumen, data atau informasi lain baik secara langsung atau tidak langsung diterima dari pihak lain terkait dengan Kontrak, baik informasi tersebut diberikan sebelum, selama atau setelah terselesaikannya atau berakhirnya Kontrak.

13.2. Pihak Pemasok tidak akan menggunakan dokumen, data, dan informasi lain yang diterima dari Pihak Pembeli untuk tujuan lain selain penyediaan barang, atau pekerjaan dan layanan lain yang diperlukan untuk pemenuhan Kontrak.

13.3. Pihak Pembeli tidak akan menggunakan dokumen, data, dan informasi lain yang diterima dari Pihak Pemasok untuk tujuan apapun yang tidak terkait dengan dengan Kontrak.

13.4. Kewajiban pihak dalam kontrak ini sebagaimana ditetapkan dalam klausul 13.1, 13.2 dan 13.3 diatas, tidak berlaku untuk apabila:

13.4.1. Pihak Pembeli atau Pemasok

harus berbagi informasi dengan institusi yang berperan serta dalam pembiayaan kontrak;

13.4.2. Sekarang atau di kemudian hari iformasi tersebut tersediapada domain public yang tidak disebabkan karena kesalahan/ kelalaianpihak tersebut.

13.4.3. Bisa dibuktikan bahwa informasi tersebut telah dimiliki oleh pihak tersebut pada saat pengungkapan informasi dan tidak didapatkan sebelumnya baik secara langsung atau tidak langsung dari pihak lain; atau

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13.4.4. Otherwise lawfully becomes available to that party from a third party that has no obligation of confidentiality.

13.5. The abovementioned article 13.1,13.2,13.3, and 13.4 shall not in any way modify any undertaking of confidentiality given by either of the parties hereto prior to the date of the Contract in respect of the Supply or any part thereof.

13.6. The provisions of Clause 13 shall survive

completion or termination, for whatever reason of the Contract.

13.4.4. Secara hukum informasi tersebut tersedia bagi pihak tersebut dari pihak ketiga yang tidak memiliki kewajiban untuk menjaga kerahasiaan.

13.5. Pasal 13.1, 13.2, 13.3, dan 13.4

sebagaimana tersebut di atas dengan cara apapun tidak akan mengubah setiap tindakan kerahasiaan yang diberikan oleh para pihak dalam kontrak ini sebelum tanggal Kontrak terkait dengan penyediaan barang atau bagian dari kontrak tersebut.

13.4. Ketentuan Pasal 13 akan tetap berlaku setelah selesainya atau berakhirnya Kontrak tanpa pengecualian.

14. Subcontracting 14.1. Supplier shall inform the Purchaser upon the

appointment of subcontractors.

14.2. Subcontracting shall in no event relieve the Supplier from any of its obligations, duties, responsibilities, or liability under the Contract.

14. Sub-Kontraktor

14.1. Pemasok akanmemberi informasi tertulis atas penunjukkan sub kontraktor.

14.2. Penunjukkan subkontraktor tidak akan melepaskan Pihak Pemasok dari kewajiban, tugas, tanggung jawab atau pertanggung jawaban berdasarkan ketentuan Kontrak.

15. Inspection and Test 15.1. The inspection upon the Goods shall be held

under these conditions : 15.1.1. Technical and Running Test

Inspection performed in inspection designated place by the representative of the Parties.

15.1.2. Physical Inspection performed by independent inspectors appointed by the Supplier under Supplier’s cost.

15.2. The inspection as stipulated in article 15.1.1. shall be performed by the inspector appointed by the Purchaser and 2 (two) inspector appointed by the Supplier will be performed at the inspection location, in time agreed by the Parties in order to confirm the condition of the Goods purchased by The Purchaser.

15.3. The Inspection will be performed in every hand-over of the Goods with schedule set forth by JR East

15. Inspeksi dan Uji Coba 15.1. Inspeksi atas Barang dilaksanakan dengan

ketentuan sebagai berikut : 15.1.1. Inspeksi Teknis dan tes jalan atas

Barang dilakukan di tempat inspeksi oleh perwakilan yang ditunjuk oleh Para Pihak.

15.1.2. Inspeksi fisik atas Barang yang dilakukan oleh inspektor independen yang ditunjuk oleh Pemasok dengan biaya Pemasok.

15.2. Inspeksi yang dilaksanakan sesuai ketentuan Pasal 15.1.1. dilakukan oleh inspektur yang ditunjuk oleh pihak Pembeli dan inspektur yang ditunjuk oleh pihak Pemasok akan dilaksanakan di tempat inspeksi, dengan waktu yang disepakati oleh para pihak untuk memastikan kondisi Barang yang akan dikirim ke Pembeli.

15.3. Inspeksi akan dilakukan terhadap setiap adanya penyerahan Barang sesuai dengan jadwal yang ditentukan oleh JR East.

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15.4. The Inspector will sign the Inspection certificate prepared by the Supplier for every inspection result.

15.5. The Inspector will examine and decide whether each Goods is passing or not pass according to the technical requirements.

15.6. All accommodation and transport including but not limited to the travel expenses for the inspection purposes shall be borne by Purchaser.

15.7. The Supplier will submit written notice to

the Supplier within the period of :

15.7.1. 14 (Fourteen)days prior to the shipment schedule

15.7.2. 7 (seven) Days prior to the

inspection date.

15.8. At time the goods delivered at Site, the Inspectors shall confirm if the delivered Goods are in order to confirm whether the Goods are in compliance with the Technical Specification and such Goods are the same Goods that has been loaded in ……….. as specified in Article 15.1 and such Inspectors shall sign the Delivery Certificate as attached in Annex 5.

15.9. When the Purchaser is ready to perform the

operational test and inspection, The Supplier will assist in arranging necessary permit or approval for operational test or inspection from the related third party.

15.10. Upon request by the Purchaser, the Supplier may perform test and inspection that is not based on Contract but according to requirement to verify that that characteristics and performance of the Goods is in accordance with the technical specifications in the Contract, with fairly cost and will be put into the Contract price. Furthermore, if test and/or inspection interrupting the assembling progress and/or the Supplier’s performance for other responsibilities in the Contract, compensations will be paid and made in

15.4. Pelaksana Inspeksi akan menandatangani Sertifikat Inspeksi yang akan dipersiapkan oleh Pihak Pemasok atas hasil inspeksi yang telah dilakukan.

15.5. Pelaksana Inspeksi akan memeriksa dan menentukan apakah Barang dinyatakan lulus atau tidak lulus inspeksi sesuai dengan ketentuan teknis.

15.6. Semua akomodasi dan transport termasuk tapi tidak terbatas pada pengeluaran perjalanan untuk Inspeksi akan ditanggung oleh Pembeli.

15.7. Pemasok akan menyampaikan

pemberitahuan tertulis kepada Pembeli dalam jangka waktu: 15.7.1. 14 (empat belas) hari sebelum

Pengiriman Barang yang dijadwalkan.

15.7.2. 7 (tujuh) hari sebelum tanggal pelaksanaan Inspeksi.

15.8. Pada saat Barang tiba di Lokasi, pelaksana Inspeksi akan memastikan bahwa Barang yang dikirimkan sesuai dengan barang yang diperiksa saat inspeksi di ……….. sebagaimana dimaksud pada Pasal 15.1 Kontrak. Pelaksana inspeksi akan menandatangani Sertifikat Penerimaan Barang sebagaimana terlampir dalam Lampiran 5.

15.9. Ketika Pembeli siap untuk melaksanakan Ujicoba operasional dan inspeksi, Pihak Pemasok akan membantu dalam pengurusan ijin atau persetujuan yang dibutuhkan untuk uji coba operasi atau inspeksi dari pihak ketiga yang berkaitan.

15.10. Jika diminta oleh Pembeli, Pihak Pemasok akan melakukan uji coba dan inspeksi tidak berdasarkan Kontrak tetapi sesuai kebutuhan untuk memverifikasi bahwa karakteristik dan kinerja dari Barang sesuai dengan spesifikasi teknis dalam Kontrak, dengan biaya yang wajar dan akan dimasukan kedalam harga Kontrak. Lebih lanjut jika uji coba dan/atau inspeksi menghalangi progress perakitan dan/atau kinerja Pemasok atas kewajiban lain dalam Kontrak, kompensasi akan dibayar dan dibuat dalam kaitannya dengan tanggal

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relation with the delivery date and the completion date or any other responsibility that affected with this inspection works.

15.11. The Supplier must prepare the inspection report to the Purchaser for inspection work mentioned in article 15.1. of the Contract.

15.12. The Purchaser may reject any Goods or any part thereof that fail to pass any test and/or inspection or do not conform to the specifications. The Supplier shall coordinate with JR East either to rectify or to do all necessary action to replace such rejected Goods or parts thereof or make alterations necessary to meet the specifications at no cost to the Purchaser.

15.13. The Supplier agrees that neither the

execution of a test and/or inspection of the Goods or any part thereof, nor the attendance by the Purchaser or its representative, nor the issue of any report pursuant to Article 15.11.

15.14. If there is an alteration of inspection

schedule agreed by the Parties and the alteration causing additional cost to the Purchaser, the Supplier must shoulder the additional cost. Unless the alteration cause by negligence/requested by the Purchaser or cause by alteration by JR East.

pengiriman dan tanggal kelengkapan ataupun kewajiban lain yang terpengaruh atas pelaksanaan Inspeksi ini.

15.11. Pemasok harus menyiapkan laporan hasil inspeksi kepada Pembeli atas pelaksanaan Inspeksi sebagaimana dimaksud pada Pasal 15.1. Kontrak

15.12. Pembeli dapat menolak Barang atau bagian apapun dari Barang yang gagal test apapun dan/atau inspeksi atau tidak sesuai dengan spesifikasi. Pemasok harus berkoordinasi dengan JR East untuk memperbaiki atau berupaya untuk mengganti Barang atau bagian-bagian dari Barang tersebut atau membuat perubahan/perbaikan yang diperlukan sehingga barang atau bagian-bagian dari Barang tersebut dapat memenuhi spesifikasi tanpa biaya yang dibebankan kepada Pembeli.

15.13. Pemasok setuju bahwa tidak satupun pelaksanaan tes dan/atau inspeksi atas Barang atau bagian apapun daripadanya tanpa mengikutsertakan Pembeli atau Perwakilannya, maupun penerbitan laporan apapun sesuai ketentuan pasal 15.11.

15.14. Apabila terdapat perubahan atas jadwal

inspeksi yang telah disepakati oleh para pihak dan perubahan tersebut menyebabkan penambahan biaya bagi Pembeli, maka Pemasok wajib untuk menanggung penambahan biaya tersebut. Kecuali apabila perubahan tersebut disebabkan karena kelalaian/kebutuhan pihak Pembeli atau disebabkan oleh perubahan yang dilakukan oleh JR East.

16. Interpretation

16.1. If the context so requires it, singular means

plural and vice versa.

16.2. The meaning of any trade term and the rights and obligations of parties there under shall be as prescribed by the Contract.

16.3. The Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the Purchaser and the

16. Penafsiran 16.1. Jika dibutuhkan menurut konteksnya, maka

kata tunggal bisa berarti jamak dan juga sebaliknya.

16.2. Makna dari istilah dagang dan hak-hak dan tanggung jawab para pihak adalah sebagaimana dijelaskan pada ketentuan Kontrak ini.

16.3. Kontrak mencakup keseluruhan perjanjian antara Pihak Pembeli dan Pihak Pemasok melampaui semua komunikasi, negosiasi

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Supplier supersedes all communications, negotiations and agreements (whether written or oral) of parties with respect thereto made prior to the date of Contract.

17. Responsibilities

17.1. Supplier’s Responsibilities

The Supplier shall supply all the Goods and All related services in accordance with the Contract and any annexes thereto.

17.2. Purchaser’s Responsibilities

The Purchaser shall pay import tax involved in the performance of this Contract by the Supplier in accordance to Article 4 of the Contract and to assist coordination with the related parties in PT.Kereta APi Indonesia (Persero) and related Government Institution.

18. Specifications and Standards

18.1. The Supplier shall ensure that the Goods and

All related services comply with the Technical Specifications and other provisions of the Contract.

18.2. The Goods and All related services supplied under this Contract shall conform to the standards mentioned in Annex 1 and, when no applicable standard is mentioned, the standard shall be equivalent or superior to the official standards whose application is appropriate to the country of origin of the Goods.

18.3. During Contract execution, any changes in any such codes and standards shall be applied only after approval by the Purchaser and shall be treated in accordance with Article 27(of the Contract.

19. Packing and Documents

19.1. The Goods shall be shipped as far as possible

bellow deck. Whole and readily detachable part may be removed and packed separately. Separate cases containing those parts must be packed in such a way that they might be available for assembly and dispatch as they are unloaded in the port destination.

dan perjanjian (baik tertulis atau secara lisan) dari para pihak yang dilakukan sebelum tanggal dibuatnya kontrak.

17. Tanggung Jawab 17.1. Tanggung jawab Pemasok

Pihak Pemasok akan menyediakan semua Barang dan Semua layanan terkait sesuai dengan ketentuan Kontrak.

17.1. Tanggung jawab Pembeli

Pihak Pembeli akan membayar bea dan pajak impor yang sesuai dengan ketentuan Pasal 4 Kontrak dan, membantu melakukan koordinasi dengan pihak-pihak terkait di lingkugan PT.Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) dan lembaga pemerintahan terkait

18. Spesifikasi dan Standard

18.1. Pihak Pemasok akan memastikan bahwa

Barang dan Semua layanan terkait memenuhi Spesifikasi teknis dan ketentuan-ketentuan lain dalam Kontrak.

18.2. Barang dan semua layanan terkait sesuai Kontrak harus sesuai dengan standar seperti yang disebutkan dalam Lampiran 1 dan apabila tidak terdapat standar yang diterapkan, maka standar yang akan diterapkan adalah standar yang sama atau lebih baik dari standar resmi negara asal barang.

18.3. Selama pelaksanaan Kontrak, perubahan

apapun mengenai kode dan standar akan diterapkan setelah disetujui Pihak Pembeli serta akan diperlakukan sesuai dengan pasal 27 Kontrak ini.

19. Pengepakan dan Dokumen 19.1. Barang akan dikirimkan dan diposisikan

pada saat pengiriman di bawah dek. Bagian keseluruhan dan bagian yang mudah dibongkar bisa dilepas dan dikemas secara terpisah. Wadah terpisah yang berisi bagian ini harus dikemas dengan sedemikian rupa sehingga mudah di rakit

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19.2. The Supplier shall provide, if necessary, such packing of the Goods as is required to prevent their damage or deterioration during transit to their final destination, as indicated in the Contract.

19.3. During transit, the packing shall be sufficient to withstand, without limitation, exposure to extreme temperatures, salt and precipitation, and open storage. Packing case size and weights shall take into consideration, where appropriate, the remoteness of the final destination of the Goods and the absence of heavy handling facilities at all points in transit.

19.4. The packing, marking and documentation

within and outside the packages shall be provided by Supplier to avoid damaged.

19.5. The packing, marking, and documentation

within and outside the packages shall comply strictly with such special requirements as shall be expressly provided for in the Contract, including additional requirements (if any), and in any other instructions ordered by the Purchaser.

19.6. The Supplier will be held responsible for each Goods or any part thereto being packed as to ensure in transit to the said port of destination.

19.7. Every equipment/case shall be marked with

large clear characters with black marking as follows:

dan dilepas ketika bongkar pasang di pelabuhan tujuan.

19.2. Jika diperlukan, Pihak Pemasok akan

menyediakan kemasan Barang sedemikian rupa untuk menghindari kerusakan atau memburuknya kondisi Barang selama transit ke tujuan akhirnya, sebagaimanya dinyatakan di dalam Kontrak.

19.3. Selama proses pemindahan, pengepakan akan tahan terhadap segala kondisi dan tidak terbatas pada eksposur terhadap temperatur ekstrim, garam dan curah hujan, dan penumpukan dilapangan. Ukuran Peti pengemasan dan berat/beban harus dipertimbangkan dengan seksama, dimana sesuai dengan letak tujuan akhir dari Barang dan tidak adanya fasilitas penanganan berat dalam proses pemindahan.

19.4. Pengepakan, penandaan dan dokumentasi di dalam dan diluar kemasan akan disiapkan oleh Pemasok untuk menghindari kerusakan.

19.5. Pengepakan, penandaan dan dokumentasi di dalam dan di luar kemasan akan memenuhi ketentuan khusus secara ketat sebagaimanya dinyatakan dengan jelas dalam Kontrak, termasuk ketentuan tambahan (jika ada), dan dalam instruksi lain yang diperintahkan oleh Pihak Pembeli.

19.6. Pihak Pemasok akan bertanggung jawab

untuk setiap Barang/bagian dari Barang yang dikemas untuk memastikan dalam transit sampai ke pelabuhan tujuan.

19.7. Setiap peralatan/ wadah akan ditandai dengan huruf besar dan jelas dengan tinta hitam sebagai berikut:




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20. Shipment and Insurance

20.1. Supplier shall appoint an appropriate International Freight Forwarder and International Insurance Company and the Supplier shall give prompt notification of such Freight Forwarder and Insurance Company to the Purchaser.

20.2. The Goods must be insured against all risk on 110% of the total Contract Price as stipulated in Article 4 and shall be borne by the Supplier.

20.3. The Supplier shall be the beneficiary for

Freight Insurance Claim of Goods

20.4. The Goods supplied under the Contract shall

be fully insured, in a freely convertible currency from an eligible country, against all lost or damage caused by any means, incidental to manufacture or acquisition, transportation, storage, and delivery, in accordance with the applicable Incoterms.

20.5. The insurance coverange shall be in the ammount value of the Goods that shall be shipped until the Goods arrived at Site in accordance to the Contract.

21. Transportation

The Obligations of transporting the Goods shall be sole responsibility of the Supplier until the Goods arrive at Site.

22. Liquidated Damages

22.1. Except as provided in Article 26 and

Article 22.2 of the Contract, if the Supplier fails to deliver any or all of the Goods or perform the All related services within the period specified in the Contract upon the schedule as stipulated on Article 8.2., Article 8.3 and Article 8.4.of the Contract, the Purchaser may

20. Pengiriman Barang dan Asuransi 20.1. Pemasok akan menunjuk Perusahaan

Pengiriman Barang Internasional dan Perusahaan Asuransi Internasional dan Pemasok akan memberikan pemberitahuan dengan segera atas kedua perusahaan tersebut kepada Pihak Pembeli.

20.2. Barang harus diasuransikan all risk 110% dari total Harga Kontrak sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 4, dan akan ditanggung oleh Pemasok.

20.3. Pihak Pemasokakan menjadi beneficiary dari Klaim Asuransi untuk Pengiriman Barang.

20.4. Barang dipasok berdasarkan ketentuan Kontrak dan diasuransikan secara penuh, dalam sebuah mata uang negara yang memenuhi syarat untuk bebas dikonversi, terhadap semua kerugian atau kerusakan yang disebabkan oleh apapun, baik terkait dengan produksi atau penerimaan, transportasi, penyimpanan Pengiriman, sesuai dengan the Incoterms yang berlaku.

20.5. Cakupan perlindungan asuransi adalah sebesar nilai Barang yang akan dilakukan pengiriman sampai Barang tiba di Lokasi sesuai dengan ketentuan dalam Kontrak.

21. Transportasi Tanggung jawab transportasi Barang adalah menjadi tanggung jawab Pemasok sampai Barang tiba di Lokasi.

22. Denda

22.1. Kecuali dalam kondisi sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 26 dan Pasal 22.2 Kontrak, jika Pihak Pemasok gagal mengirimkan sebagian atau seluruh Barang atau gagal melakukan semua layanan terkait dalam jangka waktu yang ditentukan untuk Barang sehubungan dengan Pasal 8.2.,Pasal

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without prejudice to all its other remedies under the Contract, deduct from the proportional Contract Price, as liquidated damages, a sum of 0,2% (zero point two percent) per day from the schedule set forth in article 8.2., article 8.3., and article 8.4. times the percentage of the Contract price per-train set delivered from the terms of payment set forth in article 5.3.2., article 5.3.5. and 5.3.6. of the Contract, as stipulated in the Annex 9 of the Contract. If the maximum of the liquidated damages of 5% (five percent) reach, then the Purchaser have the rights to end the Contract.

22.2. Liquidated damages as provided in Article

22.1 of the Contract shall not prevail under these conditions :

22.2.1. Written confirmation from JR East that the Goods are not ready to hand-over according to the schedule agreed by the parties and such condition affecting the schedule for the readiness of the Goods for certification by Ministry of Transportation of Republic of Indonesia.

22.2.2. Delay caused by the Purchaser or due to the policies of Government of Republic of Indonesia that has direct implication on the delivery schedule of the Goods and such condition shall affect the schedule for the readiness of the Goods to be certified by Ministry of Transportation of Republic of Indonesia.

22.2.3. Purchaser carry out a Change of Shipping schedule of the Goods that has direct implication on the delivery schedule of the Goods and such condition shall affect the schedule for the readiness of the Goods to be certified by Ministry of Transportation of Republic of Indonesia under written confirmation to the Supplier and the Supplier gives written approval upon such change.

8.3. dan Pasal 8.4 Kontrak, maka Pihak Pembeli berdasarkan ketentuan Kontrak, bisa mengurangi dari Harga kontrak, sebagai denda, senilai 0,2% (nol koma dua persen) per hari keterlambatan dari jadwal yang ditentukan dalam Pasal 8.2., Pasal 8.3., dan Pasal 8.4 dikalikan prosentase harga Kontrak per train set Barang yang dikirim dari termin pembayaran yang diatur dalam Pasal 5.3.2, Pasal 5.3.5 dan Pasal 5.3.6 Kontrak, sebagaimana diatur dalam contoh perhitungan pada Lampiran 9 Kontrak. Bila denda sudah mencapai 5%, maka pembeli mempunyai hak untuk melakukan pemutusan Kontrak.

22.2. Denda seperti disebutkan dalam pasal 22.1 kontrak ini, tidak berlaku apabila : 22.2.1. Terdapat konfirmasi tertulis dari JR

East bahwa Barang tidak siap untuk diserahterimakan sesuai jadwal yang telah disepakati para pihak dan berpengaruh pada tanggal Barang harus siap untuk dilakukan sertifikasi oleh Kementerian Perhubungan Republik Indonesia.

22.2.2. Terjadi penundaan yang

disebabkan oleh perubahan ketentuan Pemerintah Repubilk Indonesia, sehingga menyebabkan Perubahan Jadwal pekerjaan dan berpengaruh pada tanggal Barang harus siap untuk dilakukan sertifikasi oleh Kementerian Perhubungan Republik Indonesia.

22.2.3. Pembeli mengubah jadwal pengapalan Barang sehingga menyebabkan Perubahan Jadwal pekerjaan dan berpengaruh pada tanggal Barang harus siap untuk dilakukan sertifikasi oleh Kementerian Perhubungan Republik Indonesia dengan sebelumnya disampaikan surat pemberitahuan kepada Pemasok dan pihak Pembeli memberikan persetujuan tertulis atas perubahan tersebut.

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22.3. The Payment of such Liquidated Damages as specified in Article 22.1 shall be sole and exclusive remedy to the Purchaser.

22.4. If Liquidated Damages shall occur, the Parties shall stipulated the details of delay under the Minutes of Liquidated Damages Confirmation”

22.5. In the event that the Supplier is not performing the Good’s hand-over stage from JR East in the set time and resulting in costs arise from such conditions, the additional costs shall be borne by the Supplier

23. Warranty

23.1. The Supplier shall warrant that the Goods

shall be normally operated after re-assembling at the Site, in accordance with the pre-handover inspection performed in ……….as stipulated in Article 15.

23.2. The Supplier warrants that the Goods shall be free from defects arising from an act of omission of the Supplier.

23.3. The Purchaser shall give Notice to the Supplier stating the nature of any such defects together with all available evidence thereof, promptly following the discovery thereof.

23.4. Upon receipt such Notice, the Supplier shall correct any defects covered by the Warranty within 30 (thirty) Days of being notified by the Purchaser of the occurrence of such defects.

23.5. If the defects can not be corrected within the period as specified in Article 23.4 due to reasonable caused, the supplier shall give written notice of such condition and the expected time for correction to the Purchaser.

22.3. Pembayaran denda sebagaimana dijelaskan dalam Pasal 22.1 akan menjadi satu-satunya dan secara ekslusif merupakan hak Pihak Pembeli.

22.4. Dalam hal terjadi kondisi pengenaan Denda, Para Pihak harus menuangkan perincian pengenaan denda dalam Minuta Konfirmasi Pengenaan Denda

22.5. Dalam hal Pemasok tidak melaksanakan tahapan serah terima Barang dari JR East pada waktu yang telah ditentukan dan mengakibatkan timbulnya biaya akibat keterlambatan tersebut maka seluruh beban biaya tersebut merupakan beban biaya Pemasok.

23. Jaminan

23.1. Pihak Pemasok menjamin bahwa Barang

akan dioperasikan normal setelah perakitan ulang di Lokasi, sesuai dengan hasil inspeksi yang dilakukan di ………..sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 15 Kontrak.

23.2. Pemasok menjamin bahwa barang terbebas dari kekurangan yang diakibatkan tindakan kelalaian yang disebabkan oleh Pemasok.

23.3. Pembeli harus memberikan notifikasi kepada Pemasok untuk menyatakan kerusakan atau cacat apapun bersamaan dengan semua bukti yang tersedia, segera setelah ditemukannya kerusakan atau cacat tersebut.

23.4. Setelah diterimanya notifikasi tersebut oleh pihak Pembeli, Pemasok harus mmelakukan perbaikan atas Barang dalam jangka waktu selambatnya 30 (tiga puluh) Hari terhitung sejak notifikasi diterima oleh pihak Pembeli.

23.5. Jika kerusakan atau cacat tidak dapat diperbaiki dalam jangka waktu sebagaimana ditetapkan dalam pasal 23.4 yang disebabkan karena sesuatu yang wajar, maka Pemasok harus memberikan pemberitahuan tertulis atas hal tersebut kepada pihak Pembeli danmengajukan permohonan untuk dilakukan

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23.6. If having been notified, the Supplier fails to

remedy the defect within the period specified in Article 23.4. in the exception of Article 23.5, the Purchaser may proceed to take within a reasonable period such remedial action as may be necessary, at the Supplier’s risk and expense.

24. Limitation of Liability

Except in cases of gross negligence or willful misconduct:

24.1. Neither party shall be liable to the other party for any indirect or consequential loss or damage, loss of use, loss of production, or loss of profits or interest cost, provided that this exclusion shall not apply to any obligation of the Supplier to pay liquidated damages to the Purchaser; and

24.2. The aggregate liability of the Supplier to the Purchaser, whether under the Contract, in tort, or otherwise, shall not exceed the amount of 120% (one hundred and twenty percent) of quoted Goods only.

24.2.1. In the event of lost of the Goods of the whole caused by the shipment of the Goods, the Supplier is liable to provide the Purchaser 120% (one hundred and twenty percent) from the price of the Goods in total.

24.2.2. In the event of lost of the parts of the Goods, the aggregate liability shall be calculated pro rate upon the ammount of price of the parts of such Goods.

25. Settlement of Disputes

25.1. The Purchaser and the Supplier shall make

every effort to resolve amicably by direct informal negotiation any disagreement or

perpanjangan waktu perbaikankepada pihak Pembeli.

23.6. Jika Pemasok gagal untuk memperbaiki cacat atau kerusakan di dalam masa yang ditetapkan dalam Pasal 23.4. dengan pengecualian sebagaimana dimaksud pada Pasal 23.5, Pembeli dapat melakukan perbaikan yang mungkin diperlukan, dengan biaya yang ditanggung oleh Pemasok.

24. Batasan Pertanggungjawaban

Kecuali dalam kasus kelalaian (gross negligence) atau kelalaian yang disengaja (willful misconduct): 24.1. Para Pihak tidak bertanggung jawab

terhadap pihak lainnya untuk setiap kerugian atau kerusakan tidak langsung, kerugian penggunaan, kerugian produksi, atau kehilangan keuntungan atau biaya bunga; dan

24.2. Pertanggungjawaban agregat Pihak Pemasok ke Pihak Pembeli, baik berdasarkan ketentuan Kontrak, in tort, atau selain itu, tidak akan melampaui jumlah 120% (seratus persen) dari harga Barang.

24.2.1. Bila terjadi kehilangan atas

keseluruhan Barang dikarenakan oleh pengiriman Barang maka pihak Pemasok wajib membayar ganti rugi kepada Pembeli sebesar 120% (seratus dua puluh persen) dari harga Barang Keseluruhan.

24.2.2. Bila terjadi kehilangan sebagian Barang maka besaran ganti rugi akan dihitung prorata dari nilai harga Barang yang hilang tersebut.

25. Penyelesaian Perselisihan

25.1. Pihak Pembeli dan Pihak Pemasok akan

melakukan usaha maksimal untuk menyelesaikan secara damai melalui

Part 3. Section VII. Contract 7.25 PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe

dispute arising between them under or in connection with the Contract.

25.2. If the parties fail to resolve such a dispute or

difference by mutual consultation within 28 Days from the commencement of such consultation, either party may require that the dispute referred for resolution to District Court of Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia.

26. Force Majeure

26.1. The Supplier shall not be liable for forfeiture

of its Performance Bond, liquidated damages, or termination for default if and to the extent that it’s delay in performance or other failure to perform its obligations under the Contract is the result of any event of Force Majeure.

26.2. For purposes of this Clause, Force Majeure

means an event of situation beyond the control of the either Party that is foreseeable, is unavoidable, and its origin is not due to negligence or lack of care on the part of such Party. Such events may include, but not limited to, wars, or revolutions, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, change of Government Policy and freight embargoes.

26.3. Such event as described in Article 26.2 shall have direct impact to the fulfillment of the obligation by either Party according to the Contract.

26.4. If a Force Majeure situation arises, such Party whose directly batter by the event shall notify the other Party in writing of such condition and the cause thereof within the period of 7 (seven) Days at the latest after the first day of performance of the obligation are delayed and with the formal confirmation from the related authority.

26.5. Unless otherwise directed by the Purchaser in

writing, if the Supplier batter by the event as stipulated in Article 26.2., the Supplier shall

negosiasi atas setiap perselisihan yang muncul terkait dengan Kontrak.

25.2. Jika para pihak gagal dalam

menyelesaikan perselisihan atau perbedaan tersebut melalui musyawarah, maka dalam waktu 28 hari dari dimulainya musyawarah tersebut, Para Pihak dapat mengajukan penyelesaian ke Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat.

26. Keadaan Kahar

26.1. Pihak Pemasok tidak bertanggungjawab

dan Pihak Pembeli tidak berhak untuk melakukan pencairan Jaminan Pelaksanaan apabila tidak dapat dipenuhinya kewajiban atas Kontrak atau pengakhiran Kontrak yang disebabkan oleh Keadaan Kahar.

26.2. Keadaan Kahar berarti kejadian atau situasi diluar kendali Para Pihak yang tidak dapat diprediksi, tidak dapat dihindari, dan bukan disebabkan dari kelalaian atau kurangnya perhatian dari para pihak. Kejadian semacam ini mencakup tapi tidak terbatas padatindakan perang atau revolusi, kebakaran, banjir, epidemi, pembatasan karantina, perubahan kebijakan Pemerintah dan embargo penerbangan.

26.3. Kejadian sebagaimana dinyatakan dalam

Pasal 26.2 memiliki dampak langsung terhadap pemenuhan kewajiban oleh masing-masing pihak berdasarkan ketentuan Kontrak.

26.4. Jika terjadi Keadaan Kahar, Pihak yang

secara langsung mengalami kerugian karena kejadian tersebut akan memberikan pemberitahuan secara tertulis kepada pihak lain tentang kondisi yang terjadi dan penyebabnya dalam jangka waktu maksimal 7 (tujuh) hari sejak hari pertama pemenuhan kewajiban mengalami penundaan dengan disertai surat keterangan dari Instansi terkait.

26.5. Kecuali jika dinyatakan lain secara tertulis oleh Pihak Pembeli, jika Pihak Pemasok mengalami kerugian karena kejadian

Part 3. Section VII. Contract 7.26 PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe

continue to perform its obligations under the Contract as far as is reasonably practical, and shall seek all reasonable alternative means for performance not prevented by the Force Majeure event.

27. Change Orders ad Contract Amendments 27.1. Both Parties has the right to propose the

amendments of the Contract.

27.2. The Amendments of the Contract shall prevail as long as agreed by both Parties.

27.3. No amendment or other variation of the

Contractt shall be valid unless it is in writing, is dated, expressly refers to the Contract, and is signed by a duly authorized representative of each party thereto.

28. Extensions of Time

28.1. If at any time during performance of the

Contract, the Supplier or its Subcontractors should encounter conditions impending part or whole delivery schedule as per article 8 of the Contract, the Supplier shall promptly notify the Purchaser in writing of the delay, its likely duration, and the Supllier shall provide the Purchaser with the proposal of the change schedule and its cause. As soon as practicable after receipt of the Supplier’s notice, the Purchaser shall evaluate the situation and may at its discretion extended the Supplier’s time for performance, in which case the extension shall be ratified by the Parties and such ratification shall be conform in Amendment of the Contract and the Minutes of Completion of the Work.

28.2. Except in case of Force Majeure as provided under Article 26 and the provision as provided in Article 22.2 of the Contract, a delay by the Supplier in the performance of its Delivery and Completion obligations shall render the Supplier liable to the imposition of

tersebut sebagaimana dinyatakan dalam Pasal 26.2., Pihak Pemasok akan tetap memenuhi kewajibannya berdasarkan ketentuan Kontrak sepraktis mungkin, dan akan berusaha mencari cara alternatif untuk menyelesaikan kewajiban sesuai Kontrak.

27. Perubahan Perintah dan Amandemen Kontrak

27.1. Para Pihak mempunyai hak untuk

melakukan permohonan perubahan Kontrak.

27.2. Perubahan Kontrak dapat berlaku

sepanjang disetujui oleh Para Pihak yang dituangkan dalam Amandemen Kontrak.

27.3. Amandemen atau perubahan Kontrak akan

berlaku jika dinyatakan secara tertulis, diberi tanggal dan merujuk secara jelas kepada Kontrak dan ditandatangani oleh perwakilan resmi Para Pihak.

28. Perpanjangan Waktu

28.1. Jika dalam pemenuhan Kontrak, Pihak

Pemasok atau Sub-kontraktornya menghadapi kondisi yang mengakibatkan berubahnya sebagian atau seluruh waktu Pelaksanaan Pekerjaan sesuai dengan ketentuan Pasal 8 Kontrak ini, maka Pihak Pemasok akan dengan segera memberikan pemberitahuan kepada Pihak Pembeli secara tertulis terkait dengan perubahan waktu tersebut, dengan melampirkan pengajuan perubahan jadwal, dan penyebabnya. Segera setelah diterimanya pemberitahuan dari Pihak Pemasok, Pihak Pembeli akan melakukan evaluasidan Pembeli berdasarkan pertimbangannya dapat mengubah jadwal pekerjaan untuk dilaksanakan oleh Pemasok dan disepakati bersama.Kesepakatan bersama perubahan jadwal pekerjaan ini akan dituangkan dalam Amandemen Kontrak dan Berita Acara Serah Terima Pekerjaan.

28.2. Kecuali dalam hal terjadinya Keadaan Kahar

sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 26 dan keadaan sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 22.2 Kontrak, penundaan yang dilakukan oleh Pihak Pemasok dalam melaksanakan kewajiban penyelesaian pekerjaan akan

Part 3. Section VII. Contract 7.27 PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe

liquidated damages pursuant to Article 22.1 of the Contract and the Purchaser has the right to liquified the Performance Bond pursuant to Article 7 of the Contract, unless an extension of time is agreed upon by the Purchaser, pursuant to Article 28.1 of the Contract

29. Government Authorization

29.1. The Supplier shall be responsible for the

timely obtaining of any required authorization required including but not limited to the Importation licenses and other Government Authorization in Republic of Indonesia that required under the Contract.

29.2. The Purchaser shall, if so required by the

Supplier, make its best effort to assist the Supplier in complying with such requirements in a timely and expeditious manner.

30. Termination

30.1. Termination of Contract due to the Default

Caused By Supplier 30.1.1. The Purchaser, without prejudice to

any other remedy for breach of Contract, by Notice of Default sent to the Supplier, may terminate the Contract in whole:

a. If the Supplier fails to perform any other obligation under the Contract.

b. After the total delay days stipulated in Article 22 of the Contract is already over 30 (thirty) days.

c. The Supplier fails to perform any other other obligation under the Contract between the Supplier and JR East that shall caused The Supplier is unable to perform the obligation under the Contract.

30.1.2. In the event Purchaser terminates

the Contract caused by the default

menyebabkan Pihak Pemasok dikenakan Denda sesuai dengan ketentuan Pasal 22.1 Kontrak dan Pembeli dapat melakukan pencairan atas Jaminan Pelaksanaan sesuai dengan ketentuan Pasal 7 Kontrak, kecuali penundaan tersebut disetujui oleh pihak Pembeli sesuai dengan ketentuan Pasal 28.1. Kontrak.

29. Perizinan dari Pemerintah

29.1. Pihak Pemasok bertanggung jawab

untuk memperoleh setiap perizinan yang diwajibkan termasuk tapi tidak terbatas pada surat ijin impor dan pengesahan lainnya yang dikeluarkan oleh Pemerintah Republik Indonesia.

29.2. Pihak Pembeli akan, jika diminta oleh

Pemasok, memberikan usaha terbaik untuk membantu Pemasok di melengkapi seluruh persyaratan tepat pada waktunya dan dengan cara cepat dan efisien.

30. Pengakhiran Kontrak

30.1. Pengakhiran karena pelanggaran kontrak oleh Pemasok 30.1.1. Pihak Pembeli dapat

melakukan pengakhiran Kontrak dengan pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu kepada Pihak Pemasok dalam hal : a. Pihak Pemasok gagal memenuhi

kewajibannya berdasarkan ketentuan Kontrak.

b. Setelah jumlah hari keterlambatan sebagaimana ditetapkan dalam Pasal 22 Kontrak ini telah mencapai lebih dari 30 (tiga puluh) hari

c. Pihak Pemasok gagal memenuhi kewajibannya berdasarkan ketentuan Kontrak antara Pihak Pemasok dan JR East sehingga menyebabkan kewajiban didalam Kontrak ini tidak dapat dipenuhi oleh pihak Pemasok.

30.1.2. Jika Pembeli mengakhiri Kontrak

yang disebabkan kelalaian yang

Part 3. Section VII. Contract 7.28 PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe

of Supplier, the Purchaser has the right to perform the same procurement as the scope of work under this Contract with other party, and the Supplier is liable for additional cost incurred due to such procurement.

30.1.3. For such termination incurred as specified in Article 30.1, the Purchaser shall not obliged to pay to the Supplier the Contract Price or any other cost and compensation as specified in the Contract.

30.1.4. For such termination as stipulated in

Article 30.1.1.the Purchaser shall have sole right for the Performance Bond as stipulated in Article 7of the Contract.

30.2. Termination for Insolvency

30.2.1. The Purchaser may at any time

terminate the Contract by giving Notice to the Supplier if the Supplier becomes bankrupt or otherwise insolvent. In such event, termination will be without the obligation of the Purchaser, any compensation and cost to the Supplier, provided that such termination will not prejudice or affect any right of action or remedy that has accrued or will accrue thereafter to the Purchaser.

30.2.2. For such termination as stipulated in

Article 30.3.1.the Purchaser shall have sole right for the Performance Bond as stipulated in Article 7of the Contract.

dilakukan oleh Pemasok, maka pihak Pembeli berhak untuk melakukan pengadaan yang serupa dengan ruang lingkup Kontrak ini dengan pihak lain, dan pihak Pemasok bertanggung jawab untuk biaya tambahan yang timbul yang diakibatkan oleh pengadaan tersebut.

30.1.3. Untuk pengakhiran kontrak

sebagaimana ditetapkan dalam Pasal 30.1, Pihak Pembeli tidak berkewajiban untuk melakukan pembayaran kepada Pihak Pemasok atas Harga kontrak atau biaya dan kompensasi apapun sebagaimana ditetapkan dalam Kontrak ini.

30.1.4. Atas pengakhiran Kontrak

sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 30.1.1. Pembeli berhak untuk melakukan pencairan atas Jaminan Pelaksanaan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 7 Kontrak.

30.2. Pengakhiran karena Kepailitan.

30.2.1. Pihak Pembeli bisa setiap saat mengakhiri kontrak dengan memberikan pemberitahuan kepada Pihak Pemasok jika Pihak Pemasok menjadi pailit. Dalam kondisi ini, pengakhiran kontrak tidak menyebabkan kewajiban Pihak Pembeli untuk memberikan kompensasi dan biaya apapun kepada Pihak Pemasok, dengan ketentuan bahwa pengakhiran kontrak tersbut tidak merugikan atau berpengaruh terhadap hak tindakan atau perbaikan yang muncul atau akan muncul setelahnya kepada Pihak Pembeli.

30.2.2. Atas pengakhiran Kontrak sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 30.3.1. Pembeli berhak untuk melakukan pencairan atas Jaminan Pelaksanaan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 7 Kontrak.

Part 3. Section VII. Contract 7.29 PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe

31. Assignment

Neither the Purchaser nor the Supplier shall assign, in whole or in part, their obligations under this Contract, except with prior written consent of the other party.

32. Notices

32.1. All Notices, statements or other

communications pertaining to this Contract shall be in writing, and shall be properly given if delivered in person to an authorized representative of the party to whom in was directed, or if delivered by telex it shall be deemed to have been delivered upon receipt of answerback by sender. All such notices, statements or other communication shall be addressed as follows :

31. Pengalihan

Pihak Pembeli ataupun Pihak Pemasok tidak diperbolehkan untuk mengalihkan baik secara keseluruhan atau sebagian kewajiban para pihak berdasarkan Kontrak ini kecuali pengalihan tersebut disepakati secara tertulis oleh para pihak.

32. Pemberitahuan

32.1. Semua pemberitahuan, pernyataan atau

komunikasi lainnya terkait dengan Kontrak ini akan dilakukan secara tertulis dan akan dikirimkan secara resmi ke perwakilan resmi dari para pihak. Jika dikirimkan melalui fax maka akan dianggap telah dikirimkan dengan diterimanya jawaban dari penerima. Jika dikirimkan melalui surat elektronik maka akan dianggap telah dikirimkan setelah mendapat surat elektronik balasan dari penerima. Perwakilan resmi dari para pihak adalah sebagai berikut:


Attention/ UP : Muhammad Nurul Fadhila, President Director Address/ Alamat : Stasiun Juanda, Jl.Ir.H.Juanda I, Jakarta, 10120. Telephone/ Telepone : +62-21-3453535 Facsimile/Fax : +62-21-34834084 E-mail : [email protected]


Attention/ UP : Koichi Takemura Address/ Alamat : Palais Royal Sanno, 3‐31‐10 Sanno, Oota‐ku, Tokyo 143‐0023, Japan Telephone/ Telepone : +813-64299361 Facsimile/Fax : +813-64299361 E-mail : [email protected] Representative in Indonesia/Perwakilan di Indonesia : Attention/ UP : Nova Jusung Address/ Alamat : Jl. Margasatwa Raya No. 88, Pondok Labu, Jakarta Selatan 12450 Telephone/ Telepone : +6221-75917905 Facsimile/Fax : +6221-75917904 E-mail : [email protected]

32.2. A Notice shall be effective when delivered or on the Notice’s effective date, whichever is later.

33. Language

This Contract has been prepared in both Indonesian and English languages and both texts are valid. In

32.2. Pemberitahuan akan berlaku sejak dikirimkan atau berdasarkan tanggal pemberitahuan, diambil berdasarkan tanggal yang paling akhir.

33. Bahasa

Kontrak ini dibuat dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris dan kedua text tersebut adalah

Part 3. Section VII. Contract 7.30 PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe

the case of any difference in the interpretation of the two texts, the Indonesian text shall prevail and shall be considered the official text.

34. List of Annexes

Annex 1 : Term of References Annex 2 : Bill of Quantity Annex 3 : Baseline schedule Annex 4 : Inspection Certificate Annex 5 : Delivery Certificate Annex 6 : Minutes of Completion of Work Annex 7 : Inspection Sheet Annex 9 : Details of Liquidated Damages

Calculation Annex 10 : Minutes of Running Test

sah. Jika terdapat perbedaan penafsiran kedua text tersebut, maka text dalam Bahasa Indonesia yang berlaku dan dianggap sebagai text resmi.

34. Daftar Lampiran

Lampiran 1 : Kerangka Acuan kegiatan Lampiran 2 : Daftar Quantitas Lampiran 3 : Jadwal Pekerjaan (baseline schedule) Lampiran 4 : Sertifikat inspeksi Lampiran 5 : Sertifikat Penerimaan Barang Lampiran6 : Berita Acara Serah Terima Pekerjaan Lampiran 7 : Check List Inspeksi

Lampiran 9 : Perincian Perhitungan Denda Lampiran 10 : Berita Acara Pelaksanaan running test

35. Waiver of Article 1266 Indonesian Civil Code The Parties agree that for any Contract termination (on the whole or in part) under this Contract, the provisions of Article 1266 of the Indonesian Civil Code are hereby waived and set aside.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties hereto have caused this Contract to be executed in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Indonesia, the day, month, and year first above written.

35. Pernyataan Pembebasan dari Pasal 1266 KUHPerdata.

Para pihak sepakat untuk mengesampingkan ketentuan Pasal 1266 KUH Perdata dalam hal dilakukan pengakhiran Kontrak (baik sebagian atau seluruhnya).

DEMIKIAN PERJANJIAN ini dibuat, agar dapat dilaksanakan sebagaimana mestinya dan dilaksanakan sesuai dengan hukum yang berlaku di Republik Indonesia pada tanggal, bulan dan tahun sebagaimana tertera di awal perjanjian.

For and on Behalf of Untuk dan atas nama



President Director

For and on Behalf of Untuk dan atas nama



President Director

Validation of the procurement Documents 7 . 1 PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. PT. KCJ - Bidding Doc. Procurement of Vertical Wheel Lathe


In accordance with the provisions of guidelines on procurement of goods/services the Government and attachments.

Committee for the procurement of goods / services the PT. KAI Commuter Jabodetabek has prepared the procurement

documents of goods / services which includes:

As a legal bond in the implementation of this provision will be made a binding Letter of Agreement between the PT. KAI

Commuter Jabodetabek with Partners which includes:

I. Instructions to Bidders II. Bid Data Sheet

III. Evaluation and Qualification Criteria IV. Bidding Forms V. Eligible Countries VI. Schedule of Supply

VII. Contract

PT KCJ can eliminate the contract at any time based on an assessment of performance / conditions that may occur

disturbance of the operation.

All costs required for the administration of this Contract Agreement are fully charged onto the relevant partners.

This document was prepared for use as a basic guideline for the bidders in preparing the bid and as a guide for the Committee in carrying out the bid evaluation.

Jakarta, February 14th ,2017

PT KAI Commuter Jabodetabek

Prepared by : Approved by :

(Dodi Heryadi) (Hery Yuliansyah) (Agung Suranto) (Wismarus Adam)

Manager Of Rolling Stock


Manager Of Planning &

Maintenance Evaluation of Rolling


VP. Of Planning & Maintenance

Evaluation of Rolling Stock

VP. Of Logistics