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Page 1: Proceedings iSAIRAS '99 - European Space · Objectives of the Symposium Following the four previous meetings held in
Page 2: Proceedings iSAIRAS '99 - European Space · Objectives of the Symposium Following the four previous meetings held in
Page 3: Proceedings iSAIRAS '99 - European Space · Objectives of the Symposium Following the four previous meetings held in
Page 4: Proceedings iSAIRAS '99 - European Space · Objectives of the Symposium Following the four previous meetings held in
Page 5: Proceedings iSAIRAS '99 - European Space · Objectives of the Symposium Following the four previous meetings held in

Objectives of the Symposium

Following the four previous meetings held in Kobe (Japan 1990), Toulouse (France 1992), Pasadena (USA 1994) and Tokyo (Japan 1997), i-SAIRAS '99 was the fifth in this series of international symposia. It was devoted to the technology of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Automation and Robotics (A&R) and its application in space. The Symposium took place on 1-3 June 1999 at ESTEC, the European Space Agency's Technology Centre located at Noordwi,jk in the Netherlands. The main topics covered by the Symposium were:

Artificial intelligence for space systems

- Spacecraft autonomy: Onboard software for mission planning and execution (resource management, fault protection, science data analysis, guidance, navigation and control), smart sensors, testing and validation, architectures;

Rlis\ion operations automation: Decision support tools (for mission planning and scheduling, anomaly detection and fault analysis), innovative operations concepts, data visualisation;

- Design tools and optimisation methods, electronic documentation;

- Artificial intelligence methods (automated planning and scheduling, agents, model-based reasoning, machine learning and data mining).

Robotics and automation for space systems

Application scenarios (e.g. space base assembly and servicing, external and internal payload tending, satellite inspection and servicing, planetary and cometary exploration, ground processing), prograrnatic and utilisation aspects:

-- Robotics technologies for A&R systems, support equipment, ground segments, mobility, manipulation, end effectors and tools, sensing and robot vision, control, robot-friendly payload design, test and operations;

- Technology for (non-robotic) space laboratory automation, payload control systems, data communications, imaging, user interfaces and telepresence/telescience.

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Sponsoring Organisations

Italian Space Agency, AS1 (Italy) French National Space Agency, CNES (France)

German Aerospace Centre, DLR, (Germany) European Space Agency, ESA

Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, ISAS (Japan) National Aerospace Laboratory, NAL (Japan)

National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA (USA) National Space Development Agency, NASDA (Japan)

Netherlands Agency for Aerospace Programs, NIVR, (Netherlands)

Symposium Chair Panel G. Hirzinger, DLR (Germany) M. Montemerlo, NASA (USA)

K. Tsuchiya, Kyoto University (Japan)

Chairpersons of the Regional Programme Committees R. Doyle, NASA (USA)

P. Putz, ESA Y. Wakabayashi, NASDA (Japan)

European Organisation Committee P. put^, ESA (Chair)

N. Bataille, CNES D. De Hoop, NIVR

S. Di Pippo, AS1 G. Giilz, DLR

M. Maurette, CNES

Page 7: Proceedings iSAIRAS '99 - European Space · Objectives of the Symposium Following the four previous meetings held in


Technology Surveys < e \ \ ~ o n C h a ~ r m a n P Put7, Buropccin Spare Agenc >

tilltonornous Rover Technology for Mars Sample Return, Wcishin C.R., Rodriguer G.. Schcnkcr P.S.. Das H., Hayati S.,Baumgartner E.T., Maimone M..

Nemas I . Volpe R.A.. Jrt Propulsion Laboratory (USA) NASDA'h Activities in Space Rohotics,

Ohkarni Y.. Oda M., Narional Spcicc, L1oi~elopmc~nt Agency (Japan).

i\utonornous Locomotion: CNES Technological Programme

1,arnholcy M.. Maurette M. , Centre Nationnl (1'Etude.s Spariu1c.s (Fmnce)

I)LR\ Robotics Lab - Recent Developments in Spacc Robotics. H i r ~ i n g c r G.. Landzettel K., Brunner B., Schaefer I., Fischer M.. Grebenstein M., Sporer N.. Schott I . , Schedl M.. Dcutrich C.. Gerrtmz Aerospace Centre - DLR (Germany).

Space Robotics Applications on the ISS (1) \e\\ron C h a r m a n I C P ~ e d b o e t , Ccinarlian Space Ageno (Canada)

Ovcrvicw of the Mohile Servicing System for thc lntcrnational Space Station. 3 7 Sriehcr M.E., Hunter D.G.. Cmadiatz Spacc3 Agc~n(.y (Cmntla).

.Ahramovici A , , M.D. Space and Ar/i~ancet/ Robotics Ltd. (Cunada) Special Purposc Dexterous Manipulator (SPDM) Requirements Verification. 43

Hirsxtt D.. Gintidim Space Agency (Cunadti), Ahrarnovici A, . M.11. Space rrnd Advuncrd Robotics 1,tci. (Crinnrlo).

f lKA: The Flexible Robot Arm. 49 Sctioonejans P., Europeatl Spacc Agency, ESTEC, Oort M.. Fokkrr Space (Netherlands)

tisscrnbly of L x g e Spacecraft: The XEUS Mission. 5 5 Didot F., Bavdaz M. . Schiemann J . , European Space Agcwcy, Knoop U., I1uimler-Chrysler Aerospricc~ (Germany) Pctersen H , Fokkcr Space (Tlzc N(~t11erlunds)

Rover Systems (1) Scssion Chairman: R. Sicgwart. E ( ~ ) l o PoIytcchniq~cc~EEPdbraIe tic, I ~ u s a n r z ~ ( Swit,-~rland)

I h i g n i n g of 1,unar Rovers for High Work Pcrformancc, 63 Aimwa J . . Yoshioka N.. Miyatn M. , Wakahayashi Y. Nc~tiorirll Sptrcr Dr~wlopment Agency (Japan i

Nirnolhotl Microrovcr Heading Towards Mars. 69 Van Winnendacl M., Visentin G.. Euroj~rwrl Spncr Agent,?: Bcrtrand R., Von Hoerner and Sulger GmbH (Gertnany). Kicder R.. Mr1.r-Plrinck Ir~srirur f14r CChmie (Germany)

I,ow l'o~vcr Mobility System for Micro Planetary Rover Micro 5. 77

tiuroda Y.. Kondo K.. Nakamura K., Meiji Univ~rsity (Japan), Kunii Y., Chuo Uniiwrsir)? (Jupan), tiubota 77.. In.rtitutr oJ'Spcice nnd Astronautical Science (Jupun).

t ioppins Rover MINERVA for Astcroid Exploration, 8 3 Yoshimitsu T.. Uni~~c~nsiry of Tokyo (Japan), Kubota T., Nakatani I., Irisiilutc oJ'S/mce mci i\s/r.onriuticui Scienc,e (Jripcinj. Adachi T., Saito H.. Nissan Motor Cotnparzy (Japan).

Planning and Scheduling of Space Operations (1) 4cs\1on Ch,urman K Matwmoto, Nat~onnl Aero~pncc~ Ltrborator L (Japan)

Multi-Apcnt Planning and Scheduling Environment for Enhanced Spacecratt Autonomy. 9 1

IDirs S.K., Gonsalves P.. Clmr1r.r River Analytics h ~ c . (USA). Krikorian R., MIT Media Laboraton 1 USA).

Truszkowski W., National Aeronautics and Spacc. Administration (USA).

Iterative Repair Planning for Spacecraft Operations Using the ASPEN System. 99

Rabideau G . , Knight R.. Chien S. , Fukunaga A , , Govindjec A, , Jet Propul.rion Lahoraroy (USA).

Page 8: Proceedings iSAIRAS '99 - European Space · Objectives of the Symposium Following the four previous meetings held in

Citizen Explorer- A Low-Cost Distributed and Incrementally Automated Mission Operations System, 107 h'ilklow C., Antell J., AuCoin A., Doraisingam S., Faber J., Hansen E., , Colorado Space Grant Consortrum (USA).

The Real-Time Execution Performance Agent - An Approach for Balancing Hard and Soft Real-Time Execution 11 1

for Space Applications,

S~ewcrt S.. Nutt G., Hansen E., , University o f Colorado (USA).

Space Robotics Applications on the ISS (2) Scssion Chairman: C. Heemskerk, Fokker Space Systems (The Netherlands)

EUROPA - External Use of Robotics for Payloads Automation, Mugnuolo R. , Bracciaferri F., Agenzia Spuziale Italianu (Italy). Didot F., European Space Agency,

Colornbina G., Pozzi E.. Tecnospazio (Italy). Development of the European Technology Exposure Facility,

Borghi G., Carlo Gavazzi Space S.pA. (Italy), Dettmann J . , Visentin G., European Space Agency, . Payload Tutor (PAT): A Relocatable Payload Robot for ISS Internal Automation System,

Di Pippo S. , Mugnuolo R., Bracciaferri F., Agenzia Spaziale ltaliuna (Italy), W'illiams W.B., National Aeronautics and Space Administration (USA), Visentin G., European Space Agencl:,

Cl~lombina G., Pozzi E., Tecnospazio (Italy). Wcarable Exo-Skeletal Robot Skil Mate and its Application to EVA Suits.

l l~netani Y.. Yamada Y., Morizono T., Toyota Technological Institute (Japan), Yoshida T.. Aoki S. , Shimizu Corporation (Japan).

Autonomy in Planetary Exploration Session Chairman: R. Doyle, Jet Propulsion Laboratory (USA)

A Comparison of Three Ground-Based Path Planners for Planetary Rovers, 151

Ti~rokh M.. Sun Diego State University (USA), Shiller Z. , University of California-Los Angeles (USA). I-layati S., .lei Propulsion Laboratory (USA).

Travcrsabilily Index: A New Concept for Planetary Rovers. 159 Scraji H.. Jet Propulsion Laboratory (USA).

Increased Flexibility and Robustness of Mars Rovers, 167

Bresina J.L. Golden K., Smith D.E., Washington R., National Aeronautics and Space Aciministration, (IISA).

Autonomy Technology Challenges of Europa and Titan Exploration Missions, 175

Atkinson D.J.. Jet Propulsion Laboratory (USA).

Automation of Spacecraft Mission Operations S e \ \ ~ o n C'hmrman T Iwata, Nutlonu1 Space Devrlopmenr Agerw ( In l~an)

C'omputcr Intelligence in Integrated Satellite Design Support Infrastructure, N,~kasuka S.. Maeda K., Universit). of 7 X y o (Japan), Sate M.. Kiritani K., Sato K., Koda T., Mitsitbisi Electric Corporc~tion (Japan)

An A1 Approach to Ground Station Autonomy for Deep Space Communications. Fisher F.. Estlin T., Mutz D., Chien S., .lei Propulsion Laboratory (USA).

Intelligent Optical Polarimetry Development for Space Surveillance Missions,

McMackin L., Zetocha P., Sparkman C.. Air Force Research Laboratory (USA) McIntirc H.. Fetrow M., Bishop K.. Applied Technology Associaies (USA)

Dcal~ng with Uncertainty when Managing an Earth Observation Satellite, Bensana E.. Verfaillie G., ONERA-CERT (France). Michelon-Edery C., Bataille N., CNES (France)

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Rohotic Servicing Demonstration Missions Session Chairman: Y. Okhami, National Space Development Agency (Japan)

Demonstration Mission of a Satellite Servicing System, 21 1 Oda M., lnaba N., National Space Development Agency (Japan).

Vision and Interactive Autonomy Bi-Lateral Experiments on the Japanese Satellite ETS-VII, 217 Galardini D., Kapellos K., Maesen E., Trasys Space (Belgium).Visentin G., Didot F., European Space Agency

The Ranger Telerobotic Shuttle Experiment: An On-Orbit Satellite Servicer, 225 Parrish J.C.. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, (USA).

'The ISS Inspector Mission, 233 Wilde D., Briige U , Daimler-Henz Aerospace lnfrastructure (Germany). Sytin O., RSC-Energia (Russia).

Rover Systems (2) Session Chairman: S. Hayati, Jet Propulsion Laboratop (USA)

4utonomous Navigation Field Results of a Planetary Analog Robot in Antarctica, Moorehead S., Simmons R.G., Apostolopolous D., Whittaker W., Carnegie Mellon Universit.y (USA).

%1ar Power Expert for Remote Robotic Explorers, Shillcutt K.. Whittaker W., Carnegie Mellon University (USA).

ROAMS: Rover Analysis Modeling and Simulation.

Yen J.. Jain A,, Balaram J., Jet Propulsion Laboratory (USA).

4n Integrated Architecture for Co-operating Rovers,

Estlin T., Yen J., Petras R., Mutz D., CastaAo R.. Rabideau G., Steelc R., Jain A,, Chien S., Mjolsness E., Gray A,, Mann T., Hayati S.. Das H., Jet Propulsion Lciboratory (USA).

Spacecraft Autonomy Se551on Cha~rman: F. Richard, Alcatcl (Prance)

Integrated Planning and Execution for Satellite Tele-Communications,

Rajan K., Plaunt C., Caelum Resc~arch Corporution (USA). Pell B. , Markeiplace.Net (USA),

Muscettola N . , RECOM Technologies (USA).

Satellite Tcle-Communications Scheduling as Dynamic Constraint Satisfaction,

Plaunt C., Prank J . , Caelurn Research Corporation (USA), Jonsson A.K., RIACS, (USA). Adaptive Resourcc Profiling,

Decoste D.. Jot Propulsion Labomlory (USA). Autonomy Architectures for a Constellation of Spacccraft.

Barrctt A,. Jet Propulsion Labomtory (USA).

Rohotic Satellite Servicing Experiments on ETS-7 Se\wm Charman G H~rnnger , German A e r o . ~ ~ p u c ~ Centre (Cermuriv)

Results of the ETS-7 Mission - Rendczvous Docking and Space Robotics Experiments. Kasai T.. Odn M., Suzuki T., Nc~tional Space De~wlopment Agency (Jal~nn) .

Antenna Asscrnbly Experiments Using ETS-VII, Kimura S., Tsuchiya S., Communications Research Lahnrutory (Jcipan).

Telcopcration Control of ETS-7 Robot Arm for On-Orbit Truss Construction, M;~tsumoto K., Wakabayashi S.. Penin. L.F.. Nohmi M., Nrrrional Arrospace Laboratory (Japan), Ueno H.. Yoshida T., Fukase Y.. Shimizu Corp. (Japan).

Perlormancc Evaluatiorl of Advanced Robotic Hand System in Space Experiment.

Mnchida K. , Ministry of T r d e and Industry (Japan). Akita K. , USEF (Japnn).

Ohno K.. Moriya M.. Nishida H., Ohsawa T.. Fujitsu Ltd. (Japan)

Page 10: Proceedings iSAIRAS '99 - European Space · Objectives of the Symposium Following the four previous meetings held in

Rover Control ( I ) : Control of Special Tasks Session Chairman: J.L. Bresina, National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Autor~omous Rock Tracking and Acquisition from a Mars Rover,

M i m o n e M.. Nesnas I., Das H., Jet Propulsion Laboratory (USA).

AuKmunous Sample Acquisition for Planetary and Small Body Explorations, Ghavirni A.R., Serricchio F., Dolgin B., Hadaegh F.Y., Jet Propulsion Lnborator~ (USA).

Evolution of Autonomous Self-Righting Behaviors for Articulated Nanorovers, Tunstel E.. Jet Propulsion Luborutory (USA).

Spacecraft Autonomy: Experiments on Deep Space One Session chairman: P. Zetocha, Air Forc.e Research Luboratory (USA)

Valid;~ting the DS-I Remote Agent Experiment, 349 Nayak P.. Kurien J . , Nutional Aeronautics and Space Administration (USA). Dorais G., Millar W., Raja11 K.. Kanefsky R., Cuelum Research (USA), Bernard D.E., Gamble E.B. Jr., Rouquette N., Smith B.D., Tung Y-W.. Jct Pt-op~tlsion Labomion (USA), Muscoletta N., Taylor W.. Recom Technologies (USA)

Flighl Validation of On-Demand Operations: The Deep Space One Beacon Monitor Operations Experiment. 357 Wyatt I . . Sherwood R., Sue M., Szijjarto J.. Jet Propulsion Laboratory (USA).

Next Generation Remote Agent Planner. 363 Jonswn A.K., Nutinrial Aeronautics urzd Space Adminisiration, (USA). Muscettola N., Kecom Technolo,yir.s (USA)

M:mis P.H.. Rajan K., Caelum Research Corporation (USA)

Demonstrations Se \ \~on Ch,urrnan M Van W~nnendael. European S p u ~ Ageno

Micro Planetary Rover Micro 5, Kuhota T . Nakatani I.. Institute of Space and A.strvnuuticr11 Science (Japan). Kr~roda Y., Meiji University (Jupan), Kunii Y., Chuo University (Japan).

Activc Surface Imaging System ASIS, FI rtschcr R., Uornier (Germmy), Ulbrich G-J.. European Space Agency.

I;lrich A, . KiegI Lasc~r M(asurement Systems (Austria). Paar G.. Joanneum Reseurclz (Austriu).

Dcrnonstration of the Planetary Utilisation Testhed.

V;,n Winncndael M., European Space Agency.

Control Experiments on ETS-7 Se \ s~on (-h,r~rman K Tsuch~ya, Kyoto Unl~~crsltv (Itrptm)

ETS-7 Space Robot Telcoperation Through Virtual Force Reflection. 389 Penin L.E. Matsumoto K., Wakabayashi S., National Aerospace Lnboratorv (Japan).

A Wire Handling Experiment using a Teleoperated Advanced Robotic Hand on ETS-VII. 197 Matsuhira N., Asakura M., Shinomiya Y., Toshiba Corporution (J(~panj. Machida K.,Tanie K. Ministr\. of

Ttatlc untl Industry (Japcm), Nishida H . , Fujitsu Lid. (Jnpun), Bamba H . , Aohcr Sangyo Co.

Akita K.. IIJSEF (Japan). Generaliaed Visual Aid for Direct Teleoperation Applied to ETS-7 Truss Manipulation Experiment. 403

Wakahaynshi S., Matsumoto K., Nuiional Aerospace Laboraton (Jc~pan). Vision-Based Robotics Control Experiment on ETS-VII. 409

Vvrgauwcn M.. Koch R.. Tuytelaars T., Van Gool L., Catholic Utiiversitv ofLeuven (Relgiun~). Reac~ionlcss Manipulations and Proposal to ETS-VII On-Board Experiments, 41 5

Yoshida K.. Tohoku Univc~rsity (Jupnn), Nenchev D.N . , Hirosnki Uni~~ervity (Jupan).

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Rover Control (2): Navigation and Piloting Session Chairman: I . Nakatani. ISAS (Japan)

Cornmmd Generation for Planetary Rovers using Virtual Reality, 423 Blackmon T.T., Smith D., National Aeronautics and Space Administration, (USA). Neveu C. , Allport C., Anderson C, Gupta V., Caelum Research Corp. (USA), Nguyen L., Kline A. Recorn Technologies (USA).

Rover Self Localization in Planetary-Like Environments, 433 Lacroix S., Mallet A , , Chatila R., LAAS-CNRS (Frcince). Gallo L., Aerospatiale (France).

3-11 1,ocali~ation for a Mars Rover Prototype. 44 1 Koumeliotis S.I.. Bekey A,, Universit). of Sou/hr.rn Culfirniu (USA).

Stored Image-Based Map Building and Navigation for Planetary Rovers, 449 Nakasuka S.. Yamamoto H., Tanaka A , , University of Tokyo (Japan).

Ixng Range Navigation lor Mars Rovers Using Sensor-Based Path Planning and Visual Localisation. 455 Lauhnch S.L.. Olson C.F., Burdick J.W.. Hayati S., J(,t Propulsion L c i b o m t o ~ (USA).

Intelligent Planning and Control of Spacecraft Operations Se \ \~on Charman N Battd~lle, Frcwch Space Agenr \ (fircince)

Efficiency and Fairness when Sharing the Use of a Satellite, 465 Balaille N., CNES (Francc~), Lemaitre M . , Verfaillie G.. ONERA-CEKT (France).

Fully Logic for Spacecraft Control: A European Approach. 47 1

Ortega G., Europmn Space Agency, Mulder J.A., Verbruggen H., Techniccil Uniwrsity oj'Delft (NL). INI'ELMOD: Artificial Intelligence in Support of Mission Operation Tasks. 477

Donati A,, Gtrop~urz Spac.c Agency Romani E., Dataspazio (Italy), Aynsley M., Science Systems Lttl. ( U K ) . Anomaly Detective Ground Support System for Mars Probe NOZOMI. 483

Hashimoto M.. lnstitiit~ of Space and A~tronautical Science (Japan), Nishigori N.. Systems Engineering Group (.lnp(in ). Mizutani M . , Fu~itsu Social Sy.stems Enginwring Ltd. (Japan).

A New Design Approach of Software Architecture for an Autonomous Observation Satellite, 49 1

(;out . I . . Flcury S.. LAAS-CNRS (France), Schindler H., Matra Marconi Spucc (France)..

Robot Operations Preparation and Commanding Scssiorl Chairman: S . Nakasuka, Univc,r.sity of Tokyo (Japan)

Mission Preparation and Training Facility for the European Robotic Arm (ERA). 501

PI-onk Z.. Schoonmade M., National A~rospacc, Lcihorcirop - NLR (Nc~th~~rlanrls), Baig W. , Sl)trc.c~bc~l Infi~rm~itiyuc (Brlgium).

A I!ni\e~-snl Task-Level Ground Control and Programming System for Space Robot Applications, 507 U~-unncr B., 1,andrcttel K. , Schreiber G., Stcinmctz B.M., Hirzinger G..

Gor111(111 A~rospacc~ Centre - DLR (Germany).

Projective Virtual Reality: A Novel Paradigm for the Commanding and Supervision of Robots and Automation 515 Components in Space.

I:reund E., Rossmann J . , Institutc~ of'Koborics Research, IRF (Germany). A System Integrating High and Low Level Planning of Complex Tasks with a 3-D Visualiser,

Fiwi A. , Pirri F.. Schaerf M., Univc,rsi/y oJ'Rome 'Lu Sapien,-o ' (Italy).

Systems Aspects of Space Manipulation Sehsion Chairman: K. Yoshida, Tokoku Uniwrsity (Jtipcin)

Salcty Approach of Japanese Space Manipulation System, firsuo M., Satoh. N.. Satoh T., Hisatome Y., Doi S., National Space Drvelo~pm~nt Agencv (.lapan), Kuw;lo F.. Ti~shibn (Japan).

Krrowlcdpc Rcprcscntation and Reasoning for Fault Identification in a Spacc Robot Arm, Portinale L., Uniijersitri ciel Piemonfc, Orientale (Italy). Torasso P . Correndo G.. l1nii~~r.sity of' Turin (Ittily).

Page 12: Proceedings iSAIRAS '99 - European Space · Objectives of the Symposium Following the four previous meetings held in

Research and Development of Reconfigurable Brachiating Space Robots, Ohkami Y., Hayashi R., Yamamoto H., Matunaga S., Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan).

Tele-Science by Planetary Rover Micro 5, Kunii Y., Otsuka M., Chuo University (Japan), Suhara M., Kuroda Y., Meiji University (Japan),

Kubota T., Institute of Space and Astronomical Science (Japan).

Planning and Scheduling of Space Operations (2) Session Chairman: K. Rajan, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (USA)

Organisational Learning Agents for Task Scheduling in Space Crew and Robot Operations, Takadama K., Watabe M., Shimohara K., ATR Human Information Processing Research Laboratories (Japan), Kasahara, H., Nara Institute of Science and Technology (Japan)

Huang L., Japan Institute of Science and Technology (Japan)

li H.. Nakasuka S., University of Tokyo (Japan).

0-OSCAR: A Flexible Object-Oriented Architecture for Schedule Management in Space Applications, Cesta A,, Oddi A,, Susi A,, National Research Council CNR (Italy)

Distributed Planning in Constellations of Autonomous Spacecraft, GI ant T.J., Broeils A., Origin Nederland b.v. (Netherlands).

Space Robot System Verification Session Chairman: Y. Wakabayashi, National Space Development Agency (Japan)

Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation, of Robots Performing Contact Tasks Aghili F., Dupuis E., Piedboeuf J.-C., Carufel J. de, Canadian Space Agency (Canada).

Experimental Validation of Contact Dynamics Simulation of Constrained Robotic Tasks, Van Vliet J., Sharf I., University of Hcforia (Canada), Ma 0.. McDonlad Dettwiler Space and Advance Robotics Ltd. (Canada).

An End-to-End Solution for Robot Workcell Calibration and Performance Assessment, D~dot F., European Space Agency, ESTEC, Galardini D., Trasys (Belgium), Gcuens P., Krypton (Belgium).

Experiments of a Space Robot in the Free-Fall Environment. Watanabe Y., National Space Development Agency (Japan),

N,ikamura Y., University of Tokyo (Japan).

Robotics for Small Body Exploration Session Chairman: S. Hayati, Jet Propulsion Laboratory (USA)

Autonomous Landing and Smart Anchoring for In-Situ Exploration of Small Bodies, Chavimi A.R., Serricchio F, Dolgin B., Hadaegh F.Y., Jet Propulsion Laboratory (USA).

Autonomous Landing System for MUSES-C Sample Return Mission. Kubota T.. Sawai S., Misu T., Hashimoto T., Kawaguchi J., Fujiwara A., Itistitutr ~ J ' S p a c e and Astronautical Science (Japan).

Design of Contact Compliance and Simulation of Touch-Down Sequence of MUSES-C Satellite for Asteroid Sampling.

Yoshida K. , Tohoku University (Japan). Precise Image-Based Motion Estimation for Autonomous Small Body Exploration,

Johnson A.E., Mathies L.H., Jet Propulsion Laboratory (USA).

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Advanced Space Robot Technologies Session Chairman: S. Matsunaga, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan)

A Dexterous Gripper for Space Robotics, 637 Bonivento C., Melchiorri C., Vassura G., University of Bologna (Italy), Ferretti G., Maffezoni C., Magnani G., Polytechnic of Milan (Italy), G. Beccari., Caselli S., Zanichelli F., University of Parma (Italy).

On-Board Perception Processing for Space Robots, 643 Wakabayashi Y., Miyata M., National Space Development Agency (Japan), Nishimaki K . , AES Corporation (Japan).

A Buyer's Guide to Forward Intersection for Binocular Robot Vision, 649 Gruenfelder S., Austrian Aerospace GmbH (Austria)., Krickl R., Vienna University of Technology (Austria).

A Trajectory and Force Control of a Manipulator with Elastic Links, 655 Tsujita K., Tsuchiya K., Kawano Y., Kyoto University (Japan).

Spacecraft 3-Axis Attitude Control by Space Robot Motion, 663 Tsuda S-I., Aoki H., Tokai University (Japan).


Genetic Algorithms used to Determine WSB Trajectories for the Lunarsat Mission, 67 1

Ockels W.J., European Space Agency, ESTEC and Delft University of Technology (Netherlands), Biesbroek R.,GA Consultant (Netherlands).

Force Simulation in Telerobotic System with Large Time Delay, 675 Zhuang Jun., Sun Zenqi., Cheng Peng., Tsinghua University (PR . China).

Limitations of Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulations of Space Robotics Dynamics using Industrial Robots, 68 1 Krenn R., Schaefer B., German Aerospace Centre, DLR (Germany).

JERRY: A System for the Automatic Generation and Execution of Plans for Robotic Devices: 687 The Case Study of the SPIDER Arm,

Cesta A,, Riccucci P., National Research Council, CNR. (Italy), Daniele M., Traverso P., IRST (lluly), Giunchiglia E., Piaggio M., University of Genoa (Italy), Schaerf M. University of Rome 'La Sapienza' (Italy).

An Artificial High-Level Vision Agent for the Interpretation of the Operations of a Robotic Arm, 693

Chella A,, Gaglio S., Guarino D., Infantino I., University of Palermo (Italy).

The Jumping Tortoise: A Robot Design for Locomotion on Micro-Gravity Surface, 699 Yoshida K., Tohoku University (Japan).

Smart, Simple and Low-Cost Control of Planetary Exploration Rovers 705 Biesbroek R.G.J., Matthyssen A.Y.J., JAQUAR Space Engineering (Netherlands)

SYMOFROS: A flexible Dynamics Modelling Software 709 Piedboef J.C.. Doyon M., Langlois P., L3Archev&que R. Canadian Space Agency (Canada)

List of Participants 719