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  • 7/28/2019 Proceed broura


    PROmotion and coordination o environmentalresearch in Central and Eastern Europe or a

    sustainable Development with the support o

    the Enterprise Europe Network

  • 7/28/2019 Proceed broura



    PROCEED ocuses on the communication and dissemination oenvironmental research results and practices originating in Central

    and Eastern European Countries (CEEC) towards industry, policymakers and public and private research centres (including Academ-ia),with the aim to enhance the uptake o research results and osterthe participation o CEEC in EU-unded research projects throughS& cooperation with other European partners.

    Te specifc research sectors on which PROCEED ocuses are:

    Air pollution Chemical pollution

    Environmental echnologies

    Collaboration with Envimpact

    PROCEED and ENVIMPAC are two projects unded under FP7with the common objectives to improve the current communica-tion o environmental research results deriving rom Central-East-ern European (CEE) countries, to enhance the uptake o researchresults and oster the participation o CEEC in EU-unded researchprojects through S& cooperation with other European partners.

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    Te project aims to:

    Collect the innovative

    research practices andresults o Central andEastern Europe re-seachers

    Improve the visibility,eectiveness and up-take o the above re-

    search results in theEuropean ResearchArea

    Broaden the opportunities or S& collaboration between CEEand Western European researchers

    Identiy the strengths and weaknesses in the current commu-

    nication o environmental research results rom CEE countriestowards policy makers, academia and industry on national, re-gional and EU-wide level

    Select and evaluate valuable environmental research practicesand results

    Collect them in a database to disseminate them at national andinternational levels

    Cooperate with other similar initiatives

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    PROCEED project partners created a data base o all innovative en-vironmental research practices and results originating in CEEC and

    made a SWO analysis o the existing channels and tools used tocommunicate environmental research results in Europe with spe-cic ocus to academia, policy makers and industry.

    Research in the Central and Eastern European countriesConclusions o the SWO analysis

    General observation about strengths: Central European countries

    host good and excellent scientist, willing to cooperate with companies.On the other hand, due to the accelerating pace o RD the companiesare willing and sometimes orced into cooperation and open innova-tion models; this is shown in the motives or cooperation in RD themost important motivators are access to complementary resources andskills; networking, and joint creation/promotion o technical stand-ards. Te channels or receiving relevant inormation are attending the

    conerences and other business/RD events with networking, coopera-tion with established national innovation and RD support institutionsand European networks like the Enterprise Europe Network.

    Te increasing role o science in innovation stim-ulates governmental and Europeannancial support mechanism, in-tended or RD and technolo-

    gy transer. echnology trans-er oces in CE countries arebecoming more and moreexperienced and ecient.

    An increasing positive attitudetowards green economy canbe observed in the companies,

    especially in projects, aiming atecient use o resources.

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    Conclusions o the SWO analysis

    General observation about weaknesses: Te mar-

    ket or RD results commercialisation is still un-derdeveloped due to lack o knowledge (bothin companies and RD institutions), lacko unds, motivation and time, neededor planning and executions o applica-tive RD project. Tere are also com-munication barriers between companies

    and researchers, based on dierent cul-tures (i.e. RD culture and industrial cul-ture). Overspecialising the employees andresearchers may lead to the disability to be ableto communicate with experts rom other sectors (lack o interdis-ciplinary translators), where the most o new innovations occur.

    Te companies and RD institutions lack (long-term) strategic ori-

    entation, research and business ocus. Strangely, they even lack theinormation (and knowledge) on line legislation, on current tech-nologies, state o development o a specic sector, lack the inorma-tion on state o the art o IPR, they lack market inormation and in-ormation competitors, potential business / research partners. Teyeven lack the inormation on activities o national RD institutions.

    Companies rom CE region are very rarely EU project coordinators

    and more ofen partners. Especially in SMEs, the lack o nance orRD and inormation dissemination can be a big problem. Most othe companies do not invest their resources into real breakthroughinnovations. Tey tend to invest their resources into small adjust-ments o existing technologies, products or services.

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    Conclusions o the SWO analysis

    General observation about opportunities:

    Te most evident opportunity is the crea-tion o ecient, lean and dynamic inno-vation (RD) support environment; i.e.governmental support instruments orRD and commercialisation o RDresults; support to technology trans-er (instruments, change o inad-

    equate legislation), creatingreward system or research-ers, participating in applica-tive RD projects and project,custom made or companiesneeds; creation o business environ-ment, accepting risks and business ail-

    ure; aordable nancing o RD projects;improvement o awareness o IPR and strategic management oIPR; inclusion o national knowledge centres into European de-velopment programmes; governmental support to high-tech ex-port; insisting on usable science (tech.transer); providing sup-port and unding instruments on all stages o innovation devel-opment; establishing new instruments or supporting innovation,e.g. innovation procurement, demonstration projects, whichcould initiate the absorption o modern technologies; improve-ment o general investment climate.

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    Conclusions o the SWO analysis

    General observation about threats: Te worst threats are: inability

    o governments or strategically and long-term planning, avoidingpolitical programmes and thus implementing country developmentprogrammes; brain drain (capable and talented individuals migrateto western EU or to USA); the governments will not be able to im-plement all the necessary changes (stimulus or collaborating withindustry; change o legislation, currently preventing the establish-ment o RD spin-os and technology transer); nationally accept-

    ed models or exploitation o RD results are non-existing, in bestcases they are just being tested beore establishment; simpliyingadministrational requirements, especially in structural unds; ina-bility o national governments to ght corruption; lack o provisiono RD unds; inability o governments to attract oreign investors.

    Other threats, related to the management o RD institutions andcompanies, are: incompetent managers,

    oblivious o the importance o collab-oration and innovation; manag-ers, prohibiting the research-ers and employees to gainthe necessary addition-al knowledge; man-agers, oblivious o

    the importanceo IPR protec-tion.

  • 7/28/2019 Proceed broura



    Join the Research Social Network

    he Research Social Network serves researchers romall over Europe to promote their practices and results,

    get in contact with potential partners,clients and inancers.

  • 7/28/2019 Proceed broura



  • 7/28/2019 Proceed broura



    Good proceed practice rom Croatia

    ERA EHNOPOLIS Ltd Osijek is Croatian national partner in in-

    ternational consortium o the project PROCEED - Promoting andcoordinating research in the eld o environmental protection orsustainable development in Central and Eastern Europe with thesupport o the Enterprise Europe Network EEN.

    Strong promotion and positive outcome in Croatia were resultso successul implementation o the project, which is visible romnomination o the project as example o success story where thekey role held research projects in Central and Eastern Europe in theeld o environmental protection and which were presented as ex-amples o good practice.

    Afer mapping and evaluation othe results o research projects inthe eld o environmental protec-

    tion in Central and Eastern Eu-rope, 18 Croatian research pro-jects were selected on the crite-ria o content and the types o re-search and also were presented onthe PROCEED website.

    Tree Croatian research projects

    have proved to be nominated asexample o good practice with re-gard to the urther commerciali-

    zation o the results, their implementation in practice and positiveimpact on the economy. It is solely about technological innovationsin the eld o saety in tunnels, construction and chemistry. Inno-vation will also be presented as part o the Enterprise Europe Net-work, as echnology oers and become available on the interna-tional market, in order to implement technology transer.

  • 7/28/2019 Proceed broura



    Good proceed practice rom Latvia

    While the project de-

    scription says: organi-sation o national work-shops to gather new pro-ject ideas in reality we allknow: people, especiallyresearch people and en-trepreneurs, do not come

    together to chat on po-tential project ideas. SoLatvian echnology cen-tre (LC) took the creative approach to tempt the participants to ar-rive or the workshop in Riga, Latvia.

    In the rames o the project directions on environmental aspects oair pollution, chemical pollution and environmental technology a

    great attraction was to be ound. Te LC sta skimmed throug thehottest topics in environmental sector and chose eco design and liecycle approach in production. We knew that audience will denite-ly want to hear this as we knew the topic had been urgent in Latvianenvironmental sector already or a while. In addition we secured thearrival o participants by promising certicates to all o those stay-ing till the end o the workshop. And it worked.

    Creating green environment: eco-design and liecycle approach

    in production

    During the rst part o the workshop the organizers introducedPROCEED project, Enterprise Europe Network and other envi-ronmental initiatives as well. Te ormal beginning was ollowedby cycle o lectures on eco design and lie cycle approach in pro-


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    Te lectures were supplemented with practical tasks and activities.Te lectors were attractive and the audience was quite enthusias-

    tic. Tereore during the third part o the workshop the participantswere divided in groups and invited to develop new project ideas.When the list o ideas was ready the groups had to select the bestidea and analyze it according to the lie cycle approach in produc-tion. In addition the group members were invited to select potentialpartners or the implementation o the project idea and do a shortSWO anaysis on the topic.

    In conclusion the organizers were proud to announce that each oneo the participants has earned a certicate signed by the certiedlecturers and the director o LC as well. Even the LC sta them-sevles were surprised to recognize that all o the participants hadstayed till the end o the workshop. Te certicates were issued andthe workshop was successully concluded.

    Nowadays there are hundreds o workshops every day and peo-

    ple are mostly too busy to attend any o them not even thinkingo spending a whole day in one place being away rom their work.While thinking on the best ways to attract the audience and to keepit in the room till the end o the workshop we had to be creative. Sowe did two things: rstly we divided the workshop in blocks whichcould be attended separately, secondly, we promised certicates toall the attendants staying till the end o the event. We were surprised

    how easy it can be to keep the audience when there is someting theycan actually benet rom the workshop, says Ints Viksna, managero Enterprise Europe Network Latvia.

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  • 7/28/2019 Proceed broura



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    PROCEED - Environmental Researchers Network

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    Check our database o reaserch results

  • 7/28/2019 Proceed broura



    Arad Chamber o Commerce, Industry and Agriculture


    National Institute or Environmental Research and

    Development Bucharest (ICIM)

    Veneto Union o Chambers o Commerce-Veneto

    Euroinocenter (EEN UCV)

    Sogesca SRL (SOG)

    Bulgarian Chamber o Commerce and Industry (BCCI)

    Plovdiv Chamber o Commerce and Industry (PCCI)

    Chamber o Commerce and Industry o Slovenia (SCCI)

    echnology Development Center Osijek Ltd. (ERA OSIJEC)

    Foundation or Management and Industrial Research Skopje


    Institute Mihailo Pupin - Belgrade (PUPIN)

    Heraklion Chamber o Commerce and Industry (HCCI)

    Latvian echnological Center (LC)

    Lithuanian Innovation Center (LIC)

    University o Warsaw (UW)

    Agro Business Park AS (AGP)